the ultimate big brother quiz. company information with over 12 years experience in the industry,...

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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The Ultimate Big Brother Quiz

Company Information

With over 12 years experience in the industry, T-Enterprise is the UK's leading flash games and software development company.

All of our games are of the highest possible standard and designed by our own expert team.

We have a proven history of success in numerous areas, including viral games. Our viral games have reached millions of people.

Our Ultimate Big Brother QuizWith Big Brother reaching its final season, T-Enterprise are developing the

ultimate Quiz for all the die-hard fans to determine the ultimate fan.

The Quiz has been created with the following key creative's in mind:

There will be a new quiz released every Friday Players will need to register their email addresses and only get one

chance to play the quiz for that week Each quiz will be a mix of current and previous big brother questions

plus one mini-game The player at the top of the leaderboard at the end of the 13th Quiz will

be crowned the Ultimate Big Brother Winner (of our Quiz)

Players will be able to pick up the quiz at any point during the 13 week period by playing past quizzes and catching up.

We will be featuring a “sarcastic” clown (continuing with the carnival theme) that will follow your progress. He will be rooting for you to do badly and his voice will be acted by renowned T-Enterprise voice artist Rich Germaine.

The game will require the user to register his email and a unique username.

The user will be able to upload an image to their profile. However there will also be a Facebook Connect option which will allow the user to import their image from there and

also write to their wall about their progress.

The “Sarcastic” clown will react to how you progress. We have recorded 10 various sound bites including a maniacal laugh for when you progress badly.

Each week’s quiz will feature a unique mini-game. This will allow the user to gain more valuable points and also give the game an extra twist to engage them.

In-Game Sponsorship

Now for the best bit…

Sponsors will be able to Wrap their branding around the game Add their logo (sponsored by) in various parts of the game. On three separate weeks one of the questions will be to find the answer within YOUR website. This means that all users will HAVE to explore your site on three occasions. You can add an offer to all registered users in the emails sent to them on each Friday. Best of all – your sponsorship will be actively promoted by us for 13 weeks!

You will be able to wrap a complete banner around the game – using your own colors and images. T-Enterprise can provide the design for your branding free of charge.


T-Enterprise are offering you the chance to take full advantage of the next viral FAB game.

We are looking for ONE sponsor to work with us on this project. As such, you will not be competing with any other company for association and advertising purposes.

In return, we are offering a number of benefits.

The Benefits For You

Your logo (sponsored by) will appear on the loader screen and splash screens all of which will have your link to your website.Your branding wrapped around the gameYour logo (sponsored by) will appear on our mailing listAll registered users will have to explore your website on three separate weeksYou will be able to add a three line (including a hyperlink) advert on the end of each Fridays email sent to all registered users.


As you can see by the previous graphs, the projected exposure and demographic profiles of users is exciting.

The figures have been taken from extensive research and have been proven correct by previous viral ventures.

T-Enterprise are hoping to reach over 100,000 users during the 13 week period.

What Is The Goal?

To generate maximum interest in the game via social networking sites

To generate maximum interest in the game by encouraging friends to pass on the link.

Ultimately maximise the uptake of the game and the click through rate to sponsor’s website.

Reaching The Public

We have secured positive media interest from Endemol / Channel 4.

Our games are closely monitored by major media outlets due to our past achievements.

Users will be targeted via social networking sites but also via the press.

A press release will be sent out during the 13 week period.

An email shot will also be sent out to our 75,000 mailing list.

Previous Viral Success

In keeping with most other viral games out there that are released for public enjoyment or self promotion, the T-Enterprise FAB games are based on topical news events. As a result, they achieve huge numbers of hits within a very short space of time. In fact some of the figures for hits on the games defy belief. Take a look at some of the statistics below for proof of this fact:

• Bush Boot Camp was based on the news story about President George W. Bush being hit by an Iraqi journalist’s shoes and attracted more than 10 million hits within the first 7 days of it going live.

• Silvio’s Inferno, which was based on the philandering ways of the Italian Premier, attracted 750,000 hits in the first 2 days of going live.

• Mucka Chucka, based on Heather Mills, generated more than 7.5 million hits during the divorce alone!

• Polar Palin, featuring Sarah Palin, and Boyle’s Breakdown, featuring singer Susan Boyle, both generated over a million hits each.

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