tiimiakatemia coaching path brochure 2014

Post on 30-Nov-2014






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FOUR INSPIRING PROGRAMS FOR TEAM COACHING CHALLENGES Tiimiakatemia® Team Coach's Development Path is a development track for team coaches. Its aim is to support the professional development of a team coach and provide him or her the opportunity to make his or her competency as a team coach explicit. The Path consists of four levels. Each level has its own inspiring program and the possibility to attain a international Tiimiakatemia® team coaching certificate.


The Team CoaCh’s DevelopmenT paTh


ContentsWorld-Class Results in Entrepreneurship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Take a Grip on Tiimiakatemia® Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Tiimiakatemia® Team Coach Certification System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Tiimiakatemia® Junior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Tiimiakatemia® Team Mastery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Tiimiakatemia® Wonder Team Coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Tiimiakatemia® Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Focused Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Programs for Entrepreneurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

For Builders of Tiimiakatemias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Your Partner in Team Coaching Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


World-Class Results in entrepreneurshipTiimiakatemia® Methods have been deve-loped for over 20 years. Over 10 000 people from all over the world use them in all walks of life.

Universities that use the methods have been able to multiply their graduates’ rate of becoming entrepreneurs when results are compared to traditional business edu-cation programs. Vocational schools ha-ve successfully applied them to their ent-repreneurship education courses aimed at handicraft students, for whom ent-repreneurship is the only way to get employed after graduation.

By using the methods and participa-ting in Tiimiakatemia programs, many experienced entrepreneurs and ma-nagers from working life have found the joy of learning and got their company’s development running on higher gear.

Overall, the positive virus of Tii-miakatemia has spread to over ten countries in and outside of Europe.


Take a Grip on Tiimiakatemia® methods

Our training approach is relaxed and non-formal, alt-

hough we take your work challenges very seriously.

Loosen your tie. Forget classrooms and dull


Partus Ltd is a company that specialises in training professionals from all walks of life to use Tiimiakatemia team coaching methods and build Tiimiakatemia -type units.

In our coaching programs, you will practise the basic and advanced skills of team coaching and team leadership . At the core of the con-tact days are discussions with other program participants. Together you will bring forth your ideas about team coaching. However, the con-tact days are just a means to an end: during the program you will develop your working environment and get results that have an impact on your everyday work.

Our training approach is relaxed and non-formal, although we take your work challenges very se-riously. In our programs, you will have plenty of “free time” to focus on matters and themes that you are interested in and that you care about. Loosen your tie. Forget classrooms and dull sli-deshows. Our programs are not memorize-and-forget-all-the-next-day -type intensive training.

Our programs allow you to network with peop-le who are facing similar problems as you are. You are bound to make new friends from diffe-rent countries and organizations. All of our clients are bound together by the challenge of team coaching. The world is open. There are people from over ten countries in our network.


Finland: Jyväskylä, Tampere, Turku, Lappeenranta, Salo, Kemi-Tornio

Spain: Barcelona, Bilba, Irun, Madrid, Onati

Netherlands: Amsterdam

Hungary: Debrecen, Budapest

France: Strasbourg

Argentina: Buenos Aires

Brazil: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro

Chile: Porto

United Kingdom: London, Bristol, Newcastle

China: Shanghai

Australia: Melbourne

Over 10 000 users of Tiim






in O

ver 1

1 Countries!


Tiimiakatemia® Team Coach Certification systemThe Tiimiakatemia Team Coach Certification System is a path that allows you to demonstrate and certify your competence in team coaching. Its purpose is to sup-port your professional development as a team coach and give others solid proof of your expertise.

The Certification System consists of four levels. Each level includes an inspiring program and the possibili-ty to get an international Tiimiakatemia Team Coach certificate.


Tiimiakatemia® Junior Team Coach Certificate

A certificate aimed at active Teampreneurs from the Tiimiakatemias and Tiimiakatemia-type envi-ronments. A Teampreneur® on this level has trainee-level competency to work in team coaching tasks as an “assistant team coach” and as a team leader in his or her own team.

To attain the certificate, one must have completed the Juniors –program (or similar program) . Also, one must have at least 1.5 years of experience of being a Teampre-neur in a Tiimiakatemia-type environment.

Tiimiakatemia® senior Team Coach Certificate

The Tiimiakatemia Senior Team Coach -level is the heavy-weight level of team coaching. A person who has attained this level has plenty of experience in team coaching and in using Tiimiakatemia Methods both in his or her own everyday operating environment as well as in international settings . The person has the skills to coach the “next generation” of team coaches as a “coach of co-aches” .

To attain the certificate, you must have completed The Wonder Team Coach program (or similar program) . You must also have at least 3 years of experience in team coa-ching in a variety of environments.

Tiimiakatemia® Team Coach Certificate

The Tiimiakatemia Team Coach -level is for tho-se who are taking their first professional steps in team coaching. A person on this level has elementary know-ledge and skills in team coaching and in using Tiimiaka-temia Methods .

To attain the certificate, you must have completed the Team Mastery (or similar) program. You must also have at least 1.5 years of experience in team coaching.

Tiimiakatemia® master Team Coach Certificate

The Tiimiakatemia Master Team Coach -level is, as its name implies, a master -level. A person who has attained this level is a veteran who has been through thick and thin and has plenty of stories to tell. Master -level team coaches can establish and develop new Tiimiakatemias, create new networks and develop Tiimiakatemia Methods to new levels.

To attain the level, you must have completed The Mas-ter Coach –program (or similar program) . You must also have at least 10 years of experience in team coaching, leading Tiimiakatemia-type organizations and commu-nities and working as a major developer of its methods.







Junior- Trainee program for Teampreneurs®

Tiimiakatemia Junior is trainee program aimed at young Teampreneurs and leaders . Its purpose is to strengthen the Teampreneur’s team coaching and leadership com-petencies. The program gives a boost for running your own team company and leading peers in projects.

Junior is an opening shot for a life-long marathon in the world of team co-aching . The program is raising a new generation of team coa-ches and team leaders .

The program is based on the experiences of Johannes Par-tanen, the inventor of the Tiimiakatemia Methods , in educating young people in leadership. The best practices

and pieces have been picked out from leadership pro-grams run by Partanen and applied to Junior.

The program provides the opportunity to acquire the Tiimiakatemia® Junior Team Coach certificate.

Who is Junior suitable For?Tiimiakatemia Junior is suitable for all young

Teampreneurs and students intrested in entrep-reneurship. Each participant needs to have a challenging leadership task (e.g., a project) and the will and motivation to be an entrepreneur.

Junior gives elementary understanding on how team coaching is done in Tiimiakatemia-type

settings. For this reason, it is extremely suitable for those who want to be entrepreneurs in their

own companies or team leaders in team-organi-zed companies.

”Junior gi-ves elementary

understanding on how team coaching

is done in Tiimia-katemia-type



program structureTiimiakatemia® Junior is a six-month long program . It in-cludes an orientation day, three two-day coaching modu-les and practical training .

● Orientation Day (1 day)

● Module 1: Team Learning and Team Culture (2 days; overnight)

● Module 2: Leaders as Team Coaches (2 days; overnight)

● Module 3: The Team Coach’s Task, Development and Work (2 days; overnight)

The program also includes field assignments, practical training and a personal reading programme .

“ “I’m a team leader at Tiimiakatemia Jyväskylä. This position inspired me to learn more about coaching

and leadership. That’s why I participated in the Junior pro-gram. The program gave me an idea of what kind of lea-dership style fits me best. Junior gave me huge amount of self-confidence and I learned to use my persona-lity in team coaching situations. I also got to know the other participants. The most rewarding thing in the program was helping other people to suc-ceed and develop.”

Tommi Sironen Certified Tiimiakatemia® Junior Team Coach, Ideaosuuskunta Made (Co-Operative Made), Tii-miakatemia Jyväskylä, Finland

Diploma and CertificateAll participants who complete the program will be gi-ven a diploma validated by Partus Ltd for completing the program .

All participants who complete the program are eli-gible to be certified as a Tiimiakatemia® Junior Team Coach .



Team mastery- A Start for a Team Coaching Journey

Over 800 team coaches from over 10 countries have been coached in Team Mastery to use Tiimiakatemia Methods.

Tiimiakatemia Team Mastery is the first step on the team coach’s development path. It provides knowledge, expe-rience and contacts in team coaching the Tiimiakatemia way. It also offers the possibility to be certified as a Tiimia-katemia Team Coach .

Who is Team mastery suitable For?Tiimiakatemia Team Mastery is suitable for professio-nals from any industry who are interested in teamwork and team coaching .

The program gives teachers tools and knowledge to re-new their education and learning practices in universi-ties or upper secondary schools. Team Mastery focuses on entrepreneurship and gives teachers fresh ideas on entrepreneurship education .

Managers and entrepreneurs from the business world will develop their leadership skills and learn to apply Tiimiakatemia’s team coaching practices to their wor-king environment by working as team coaches.

All in all, Team Mastery gives an elementary understan-ding of Tiimiakatemia Methods. It is especially useful for those who wish to build Tiimiakatemia-type learning en-vironments.

program structureTiimiakatemia® Team Mastery is an 18-month program. It includes an orientation day and six three-day contact modules .

● Orientation (1 day)

● Learning and Team Coaching (3 days)

● Leadership and Leading Thoughts (3 days)

● Customers and Marketing (3 days)

● Innovation and Knowledge Management (3 days)

● Brand and Offering (3 days)

● Creating the Team Coach’s Character (3 days)

The program also includes a personal reading program-me, special assignments and practical work as a team co-ach .


Diploma and CertificateAll participants who complete the program will be gi-ven a diploma validated by Partus Ltd for completing the program .

All participants who complete the program are eligible for certification as a Tiimiakatemia® Team Coach.

“ Team mastery is a knowledge creating team lab. It has the perfect conditions to enable and foster thoughtful leaders,

that will build values and principles before they decide on how to contribute. My passion is to empower teams, and Team Mastery is where I can test my own methodology to build conditions on my own environment that will enable teams to succeed. The program takes participants on the journey about coaching, leadership and knowledge creation, using dialogue and ac-tion orientated testing. The program is always evolving, em-bracing and growing from the experience of those who em-bark on the journey.

The world is embracing a new mindset. We are evolving from having the right answers to having the right questions. To be able to thrive in this transforming world, new knowled-ge has to be created, together.”

Marina ParonettoTiimiakatemia® Team Mastery, Australia


Tiimiakatemia® Wonder Team Coach- An Advanced Coach-a-Coach Program for Tiimiakatemia Team Coaches

Tiimiakatemia Wonder Team Coach is a program for gra-duates from Team Mastery who have a Tiimiakatemia Team Coach certificate. It starts from where Team Mas-tery ended.

The Wonder Team Coach – like Team Mastery – is a truly unique program. This 1.5 – 2 year program is a powerful package that consists of team coaching situations, ben-chmarking trips, practical training sessions, a reading program, working in small groups, personal coaching, a Major Paper and a demonstration of competency. There are lots of optional activities to choose from.

By completing the Wonder Team Coach program, you are eligible for certification as a Tiimiakatemia® Senior Team Coach .

Each Wonder Team Coach participant has his or her own personal coach through the whole program. This perso-nal coach will be an experienced Tiimiakatemia Senior Team Coach . Participants can use the program as a plat-form to solve any team coaching problems and challen-ges – the personal coach will provide personalized advi-ce and tips throughout the program .

At the core of the Wonder Team Coach is Tiimiakatemia’s international network, the Tiimiakatemia Learning Net-work (TALN). It consists of over a thousand users of Tii-miakatemia Methods .

The program allows the participants to create contacts with a huge number of TALN members and participate in program activities all over Europe (and possibly out-side it as well). All Tiimiakatemias are within your reach. Forget empty speeches and hollow theories, see Tiimia-katemias first hand!

program structureTiimiakatemia® Wonder Team Coach consists of six modules. You can start from any one and complete it in any order. The program flexes and streches to suit everyone’s personal needs. The modules are:

● Creating Teampreneurship (150 points)

● Team Learning (150)

● Coaching Team Leaders (150)

● Team Coaching (150)

● Co-creation (150)

● Personal Growth (150)

Each participant can build their own program curricu-lum by choosing different kinds of coaching activities. By


completing these activities, you gain ”points”. The objective of the program is to gather 1000 points.

When you have completed enough coaching ac-tivities, you can sum them up into a Major Paper (100 points) and present it in both oral and writ-ten form .

”Both the Tiimiakatemia Senior Team Coach cer-tificate and the program linked to it were oppor-

tunities for me to take my team coaching competency to a new level. The majority of the people I coach are teach-ers from vocational schools. Thus my ‘senior challenge’ was about developing team coaching practices and models for them. On the ‘senior level’, you get to have discussions with experienced team coaches who have done and seen a lot. I was looking for new ideas that would help me overcome my challenges – and I got a lot!”

Minna ErkkoTeam Coach and Project Manager, Sastamala Municipal Education and Training Consortium, Certified Tiimiakatemia® Senior Team Coach

Diploma and CertificateAll program participants who complete The Wonder Coach (1000 points) will be given a diploma validated by Partus Ltd.Participants who have completed the program are eligible to be certified as a Tiimiakatemia® Senior Team Coach.


Tiimiakatemia Master is a master-level program for cer-tified Tiimiakatemia® Senior Team Coaches.

The program focuses on major projects and coaching tasks. The broad mission of the program is to develop new Senior Team Coaches and help the whole Tiimiaka-temia learning network to develop. The masters nurture the whole ecosystem of Tiimiakatemias.

The Master Coach program does not have a predeter-

mined program structure . All of the contents and tasks will be determined individually and carried out with a master-apprentice approach .

The program’s coach is Mr . Johannes Partanen, the in-ventor of the Tiimiakatemia methods.

The Master Coach -program offers an opportunity to be certified as a Tiimiakatemia® Master Team Coach.


master- Program for Truly Experienced Team Coaches

The Thesis of personal mastery by Johannes partanen

1. Mastery is a life-long journey and path. You will ne-ver reach the end of it. At the age of 84 you have

reached your best. After that you have the opportunity to be a wise man for a short moment.

2. Wise men face four challenges during their jour-ney: facing fear again and again; defeating the

illusion of clarity; controlling one’s power wisely and humbly; and overcoming the weariness that comes with old age.

3. Without a personal vision you cannot conti-nue on your path. You have to know what

you want and set that as your most important goal .

4. Mastery is not about one-shot performan-ces. It is about the ability to do great perfor-

mances time after time .

5. Masters radiate tranquillity and peace, while beginners are restless and troubled. Masters

have reached a state of accord with themselves and their environments.

6. Masters can make mistakes. They use them to de-velop their eagerness to learn new things.

7. You can only become a master with help of others. Masters need role models and mentors to help them deve-

lop to their full potential. Masters can also develop themselves by transfer-ring their wisdom to others.

8. Masters raise their bar all the time. The performance criteria for mas-ters rise higher and higher after every performance.

9. Masters face life humbly. True masters do not need to assert them-selves because deeds and modesty speak louder than words. They

give praise to those who deserve it and do not steal credits from others.

10 . Human life is short. Everyone must choose their own personal mission and follow the course it sets for each individual. Mastery

is about a calling. Without it cannot become a master. The best masters are masters in how they use their time.

Johannes PartanenCertified Tiimiakatemia® Master Team Coach, Inventor of Tiimiakate-mia® Methods, Opetusneuvos (“Honorary Counselor of Education”)



Focused programsTiimiakatemia® Methods can be used in a wide variety of environments: in uni-versities, secondary schools, companies, small business clusters and third-sec-tor communities. We offer focused and tailor-made programs to specific target groups with industry or organization-related challenges.

“I was inspired by the coaching program even before participating in it as it emphasised leadership by coaching. I found the joy of learning

through the program, and it became a part of my life. I meet all kinds of people from all walks of life in my job. I was able to apply ideas that I got from the pro-gram to these meetings. Before the program I felt more like an expert than a leader. The program helped me to become more aware of my role as a lea-der. Leadership where coaching is at the centre is about providing opportuni-ties for people to reach higher levels of performance in their work and lives.”

Anne PönniDeputy CEO, Community Relationships, World Vision Finland Mestarivalmentaja, Team Mastery program for Christian organizations

Examples of our focused programs:

In the vocational school sector we have coached over 140 teachers to work as entrepreneurship educators .

In the sector of Christian organizations, we have coached 50 leaders and teach-ers in team coaching and team leadership .

In the business organization sector we have run programs that address the challenges of retail chain management .

programs for entrepreneursIn addition to team coaches, we train entrepreneurs and managers.We offer the Igniting Hearts program for beginning entrepreneurs and the Blazing Torch program for more experi-enced entrepreneurs. Both of the programs lead to formal degrees (for Finnish citizens only).

The Innovator’s Workshop program is a specialist program for people in charge of product, service or process deve-lopment. During the program, the participants implement a development project using Tiimiakatemia® Methods.



For Builders of TiimiakatemiasNew Tiimiakatemias are established every year. Partus Ltd supports the establishment of new Tiimiakatemias all around the globe. We do this by finding our custo-mers the expertise they need from our network. We also offer planning and start-up phase consulting for organiza-tions that are taking their first Tiimiakatemia steps.


Your partner in Team Coaching TrainingPartus Ltd’s spearhead program, Team Mastery, provides elementary know-how in the use of Tiimiakatemia® Methods. If you have already participated in this program, you might be interested in working as a team coach or running similar programs in your own client network.

If team coaching is your thing, we can support you. We can help you run our programs – or variations of them – for your own clients or within your organization. We will pro-vide you an experienced team coach to work with you, program concepts with mate-rials, and TiimiakatemiaTeampreneur references . Other kinds of partnerships are al-so possible.

Bring us your idea and vision. Let’s make a plan to implement it together as partners.

”Teachers and managers of WinNova have been coached to use Tiimiakatemia Methods in Team Mastery program. We have de-

veloped WinNova’s own leadership program and have taken influences from Tiimiakatemia’s practices. As our staff members have participated to Team Mastery, we know that the Methods work. That is why WinNova is a collaboration partner of Partus. We also offer Team Mastery to our clients and use our own staff members as team coaches in these pro-grams. WinNova has been able to reach new market areas in the field of teampreneurship thanks to collaboration.”

Juha HarikkalaTeacher, Adult Education, Business Management and Trade & Security Sector, WinNova Certified Tiimiakatemia® Team Coach


Tiimiakatemia Global service

CentrePartus Ltd

Schaumanin puistotie 140100 Jyväskylä

FINLANDinfo@tiimiakatemia .com

p. 040 591 2033

More information on Tiimiakatemia® Team Coaching System and Coach-a-Coach programs


See what Tiimiakatemia® is all aboutwww.tiimiakatemia.com

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