tile new orleans crescent. - chronicling...

Post on 15-Jan-2020






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-.I ml lmm.lddress



Suffllerings Have Been Protracted


Whose Cases Reira Prompt Treatment ct



If yes are snfferng or have s~Tered from in votntary dls-

cdarges, what effect does it produce spon your general heatil?

Do you feel weak, deb litated, uesi-y tied ? D•s a !ttle ex-

tr eertoln produac papeitsaton/f the heart ? Does your b

liver, or urinary organs, or e J r kidneys, frequently get outof order ? Is your urine om.times thick, milky, or Im•cky, or

Isit ropy on setl . Or d,es a thick scum rise to the top I

Or Is a oedl t at the bottom after it has stoeed awhile Do

you ha spells of short breathing er dyspepsia? Are your

t4 constipated? Do you have spells of fainting or rashes

Sof blood tothe head? Is your memory impaired Is your 1

mind co stant'y dwelling upon this sulject? D) you feel

dull, listless. moping, tired of company, of life? Do you wish P

to be left alone, to get away trom everybody ? Does any little n

thing make you start or jsmp? Is your sleep broken or

restless? Is the luster of your eye as brilliant TThe n

bloom on your cheek as bright f Do you enjoy yourself in

society as well? Do you pursue your busnless with the same T

energy t Do you feel as much cofidence in yourself ? Are

your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melan- C

choly ? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyJspepsla Ilave you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees

weak, and have you but little appetite, and you atttribute tLilbodyspepoia or liver complaint P


badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of pro

durcng a weakness of the generative eorprs. The organs of

generation, when in perfect heath, make the man. Did yoe

ever think that those bold, defiant, energeti, persevering,

mereesful bot oees men are always those whoM generative

organs are In terfect health? You neer heir seach men iI

complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation oh

of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in Li

business; they don't become sad and diseeoraged; they are

always polite and pleasant In the company of ladies, and look of

?r u and thonm ril.t In the face-none of your downcast looksl

or asy other mranerres at out them. I do not mean thlooe fa

wto keep the oryare Inflamed by ranning to excess. These

will not only ru n their eonstbtutions, but also those 1tey do Lt'i

business with or for. i

Now many noen frum badly-cared d.seuses, rom tl.e

efects of selhabuse and excesses, have brought hboal that 0I

state of weakt.eas in those organs that has reduced the gen-

oral system so muh, as to Induce almot evrery other disease- -

Idiocy, Innacy, paralysis, spinal affections, su cide and almost

evrry other form of disease wh clh bumaulty is heir to, and Cithe real canse of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and

lthave doctired for all buh the right one.

Diseases of these organs require the use of a Disretie.

Hlelmbold's Fluid Extract BuchuIti


Ci(1 I. LT • J ' ItUl ETIC,A:





thi-scD- 11i



Whether Fxisting in Male or Female,



illLiN(i 1--lIANI 1Nit

If no trea•tlet 0 *':'hml ted to C'ieumpt',n or Ine in:' y

may eoooe. Iur "-h , . I ,d use .o rted - -.e ,e

Fources, sn ilte heltl I, o- InC.n4, and th i: o!l.l It..

d.eand upo u pr .:pt use o roia~!e re.:e .frf





--rsarlnuD r-

H. T. BELMBOLD, Darooatsr,

5ti Broadway, New York, and

1l South l10th streeat, Phh.delo hla, P. A

PRICE-41 25 per bonSu, or 6 bottles fee hi, delvered rto eny address.

fld by all druggids everywherer d



u uarltagmse's Sltualoa-Prseeoedtae of Coa-gress-The President to the ialtlmonr.Comnmell--Orant Cnsilderlng Hancmek's Ie.Ieoals--itev en opposed to Speeial Legelae-tIps In the Case of Alabama-The Canalround the Loelsvlrle Falls-lntesnal Rev-eme Reeelpo-Oolmmeader of the DlstrletofAlabame-Sen Lee aud hie COnsee Re-

ed erred to is Co. .o".-srrt.'s Trl--d Mdlcal Ceonsels Dilided-Dlseharged Vo-ters-The Rladleal Defeat Ia Alabama Ae-knew ledged.W-F~ ttNTro,. Feb. 19.-Burlingame's Chinese

appointment is for life, salary $55,000 in gold persnr5uiiim.

>enate-The secret-ry of the interior asks anlap lro,riation for the rem.oval of certain disaffecte:

Cherokee Indiana on Red River.'lbhe judiciary committee reporteI in favor of

tle ir.dttinte postponement of 8umner's andDrake's sipplemental reconstruction bills.

The judiciary committee has amended theHouse supplemental bill making a majority ofvoters ratify Constitutions.

A re'olutiin was introduced restoring soldiers'1t clothing destroyed to irasent contagion.Wilson iutre•C-'TTa bill to restore Alabama to

the ULion. After tb, usual preamble it isJ.d,oirr I, 'i hat the Counsttu:ion of Alabama is

hereby declared to be in couformity with the pro-visionsof the "art to provide for the more efficientgo', elnmet of the rebel States." pasoed March 2,Is:,7, and whenever the legislature elected under

E. said Constitution shall ratify the 14'h article of theCortitution of the United States, proposed bythe :3;th Con~resas, the said State shall be admittedto representation in Congress in accordance withthe laws of the United States.

A bill was introduced removing Governor Iol-Iii dtn's polilcal disabiiliies.

S'lhe case of Senator Thomas, of Maryland, wasrci.re•od. Ile was rcjected by 21 to 2J.A. jiurned.

ar ll ,r--The judiciary committee reported abill treating a law department; also surrenderingln pelrsets guilty and cinvictel of murder, piracy,a'-ascination, arson and forgery abroad. It au- 1Sths: izes the I resai~Zlent to return such parties and tI- to plevent their coniung into the United States. 4

l'assi d.Do The appropriation amn-dment, continuing

or twetty per cent. extra pay to department :nm-plh ,} , pas.-sd--S'- to It. The an:iendn ut striking S

S out Ii.- pay of the pr-aiient'ss clerks was rejected.ur ihe bill was read the third time and passed.

Ihe Hlouse then went into colui.ittee of thieel el.,!e oni tie army apppi pristion bill. It appro-

h priates •Cl.t)00O,0(,O. The fre'ltent ritroduction oftrant's name, as favoring or opposing certain

tio nriasures. provoked ibj.oction with considerableor ieel:Lg. ;oitler said that the fathersof the repub-

lic only allowed the prcaident to make recom-he mendations. c

in The committee rose, after which the president vwas called on for the Sherman correspondenceme relative to the new department and brevet rank.

4i'jcurned.lThe president's reply to the Baltimore municipal h

. committee is conservative and determined. It develops nothimg new, but conciudes: " I repeat tis that th.e encoullragment given me on this on: ,'stln, :s very acceptable. The stoutest heart, whensurrounded by doubts and menaced with perils,Ls needs countenance and support. Tue kind ex-pri'siins of approval of the City Counuil ofbaltitire, airncerely appreciated, will be remnem- Ihbreed with gratitude as long as life shall last."

,, Ilancock's recent remiovals is still under con.sideration at (rant's headquarters.

The cunt ittee on foreign relations consideredIthe Samana Bay acquisition to-day without action. h

Seward advises citizens visiting Great Britaine. to secure passports.e Stevens o lpores special legislation regarding I

Alabania's admisesio. If anything is necessary, I:en it might as well be wholesale, letting all in at itonce.

It is estimated that the canal around the falls at ait I.ouisville ion the Indiana 'ide wi:l cost f3.Ou,u00. i

Internal revenue receipts to-day $253,00o.Norton, congressman elect, and the chairman

,k of the Alabama Republican committee, were onthe tilor ol the Hu.e to-day nruing her admission. di

Gen . L. . Sh•epr ar . cthonel of the 11it in-fantry, has been ordered to take command of the fsvl-distiit t of Alab-mnla.

e luring the discussion of the Thomas case Gen. aiL,re was made the topic. Cameron said he wasunformed by a gentleman, in whom he had conti-

,ience, that (;eneral Lee, hasing received an inti- cimattl n that he might have command of the Vtederal army, had assured him of his entire loyaltyi and It notion to the country. Cameron then conSnated (;Ge. Scott, who approved of placing Lee at si

thebead of the army, and the place was oflered to cl-hm (Lee) officially, with the approbation of Gen.'e -'ott, hut Lee went to Virginia, on the false pre- ai'~I Ie of seeing his family, and never came back.(s Cameron added that he would have arrested Leeis lie he d had the chahge; buthe never suspected

that Le wouill act ilerliciouly. 4.Johnson doubted the truth of this very much.'

Laughter.)Ssnitron continued-G;entlemen might laugh 11

I.ut he would Au.futn the grutieiman who indulgediu rerrinment ('innes,) that lie was as hiouiable lia man as any man to be found in California. leU tSrtatt's trial has been postponed to the next I'

te rut of court. C,TLe radical cooun I: regartiug Alabarna are I

ad'l'y dividet .. G((l. ITHoward has telegraplhed tothe I ureau functionaries to do the best they can cefor discharged voters.

'ile elpuBlican cingressional executive corn- L.:t. e un,it tile def at of the Constitution of

Alabama by (1000 to 'ol)'.


Featnnn--Arrest ega Prousan Jew-PnptullrTammlis In Pru-nl r -C'oscersptl,.nin I1ra.I rll-Henre, of Hllnover and Prussla.tO 'i Ns Feb. 1,.-The Fenisa, Ahen, has been

- .ed froit mplli'ity in the Clerkenweil p- xpln'ii'n, bnt was rearrested on the charge of hi

ort•icr.In tie Pitssian Diit the government has been

a•ki-d to exil-ul: 1' arrtit of a )'russian Jew, etainn•d blartku*. ty the .\Anericanu consul at .1ru- aahlem, aid the ref,,al tl the l'ru•lnin consil lh

tir re ti ,gi e hiiri l'rott ,•'1 n. The iiaunce I1iiiiis-tir iep;heu that tihe ajlplcaton toust 'e ini' le totihe chancellor f tlC Nu;r i German ('ontedera-tii', as the Gterinan consul at Jerusalct was a tli,.ioiral alpcintee.

i, a nlar ttmoul ts continue in 1', rtulral.A 'temcrlriitihn has been 'rderet In Blrazil.Ft Kiilg ;e' rlge. rlf lan:over, at a f.', .v medt-

ic, Vi rn'ia, cuh hI, woun, soi r -eiic LhAthrone in l ite c-I Pr-via.


a c*ar l Is t |'•htV se• t''tiq of tie i-w I in--ltl'uti '. It ii tiholi lhl i' Iiay concluic Its work

V ! -. [•im Alt-i' mi iuning a news an

li, ,;!t, d tax orlinoner and orderoin tt 1tw.,) ,e -

aits bie ai,'ji'; ted to Irec•,nt the Sa: m to it ri.

ll' w ti1' ,, e -I the Hull' the Per, ,'rat: e i-t r e, vet':,, in. liih' latter hidv is lae• v a't-n'e - :Itnort o tlhe ccunties cl the c-tate being represeo-tcid.

A'] I nA', A. l-'i . 1, -A resolutico it..tra t'i. t Li

A r . ' i'-u, i ir' it thile lPyeilature from ea "(

TI.- c-u ni;r'- i•ar .ii was ren-ated by Isre-+!ut;On to protect 'he ;people fromt the oPi)Prea- II

'in ' I . I tl ey i; i !,icave expiresedthiir will in regard toi'he ( ns,,itution.

-ivo ,.t', -rh 1 ae .veiini cn r lxi.tn ta.. ,1 toe cot'sider-t,' ,if the ir i i 'a m li-It iit ti • reprll t.o-uay ; the !'Si t c:: tm, ooit .i it . try I: de iitizen aged twenty-uone, et.,,iuP - te. let c 0: -P-r oto1 m91oti. .

t.,i t.s,'it. F h. 1',.--The conventina y ,•t-r,,sy i

aueli 1 the bl: of rights. It embodies soJma ut- efusual features.

I) e replrt ( the maj -ity of the comnittee on t-i:'tage. with two toilrity appendages, was the tIeIect of dii•usr-i yeste: Jday anl t.)-day. The hinior'ty report is I:heral, extending eufragetoS': n.n'es 21 years -f ace and upwards. Tie on:in rity reports inasist on dle'ranchising whtes toSonie OXtilt.

teveral applicatif;n for dir~vre were considend today against the remonstraonces of the fsprei:Jm it :i:J others, but were not detr:i.tsed.

A string mivement is t oing inau iratead toreconsider the sectiln of the bil of richts which wirecogntzes the valdity of the public debt. vs

TIt LA:a•-~i:. Feb. Ii.--'lLe convention to ' kcday, by a soie of 2 to i5, de:lared Dildhags, San-

der, Pearce and Richardson ineligible, and theirSo seats vacant. Billings, by permission, defende,3

his eligibility in a violent speech. The exciteIent ran high, and Billings declared his ability tot introl the negro vote.

TLe minority report. defending the legal eligi-lility of the members in question, was presented,. but not adopted. Adjourned.

tea RIVER NEWI.la.

Lorts s-.LE, Feb. 19.-River falling slowly.et seven feet three inches in the canal. WeatherCe clear. Thermometer 52.

PnTrsaeo. Feb. 19.--iver four feet in thechannel and falling. Weather spring like.'* uKsres, Feb. 19.-Passed down: Mississippi' at 8 r. M. River falling.

er 1 -- IC LANOU.

an NEw YORz. Feb. 19.-The ship Artesia, from Iea Boston for New Orleans, put into Bermuda on

the 11th inst. leaking badly.of ATLANTA. Feb. 19.-An affair of honor between IId Drs. H estmoreland and Panell, at Atlanta, was

cut short yesterday by the arrest of the former. Ibe TALAnassES, Feb. 19.-After the adjournment tof of the convention a colored delegate was attackedl

by outside negroes, supporters of Billings's party,'' and struck for voting against the expelled men-

bers. One of the assailants was shot through theto hip by the delegate, when the difficulty was tbrought to a summary close by the prompt ac-

Is tion of the police who arrested the whole party. 3o lGen. Meade and staff left for Atlanta this morn-nt ing.2. is now probable that the work for which theer Convention was called will be consummated. f

re Ri(cunon, Feb. 19.-The Supreme Court to- .)y day decided the stay Jaw unconstitutional and.d void as regards deeds of trust, which was toeth only question before it.

it- t


FSI- THWE.T I'ASe, Feb. 1J.-Weather calm: ba. Itioeter 30:10. No arrivals. Saited : steamship

a Oriental.ig rt'llrFSTr Pass. Feb. 19-6 r. t.-Barometerf, 20:40. Wind S. E. light. Arrived: st-amship a1- Kensington, Hedge, master, from Boston, 11 days, a

d Imerchandize and passengers, to Creevy, Nicker- a.son ('o. : schooner Adv( 1turer, Colona, master,frinm l'uatsn, 12 days, fruit to Lecraft & Co. ; (ig schooner Flnny Keating, Daniels, master, from p1- Galveston. 7 days. in baliast, to Jos. Kelly. p

g Sailed: steamship Clinton, ship Armstrong. n

e RLARKETS.if iin LivEaroir-., Feb. 1.t.-Noon.--Cotton hbuoyant; he sales 20,oio bales. Middling uplands a Ivanced to

" ,!.1 . i the pit, and '., to arrive: middling Or- ileans t,6 lO. hhnipmenta from lhimbay, for lie-ci nit.er, 1 ,00;i0,o00 pounds. Breadatulth and pro- Lit viilons steady.

e i.•osoN, Fcb 19.-Noon.-- onds, 71'. S1amsis, Feb. 19.-llentes strong. PI.snri, . l bl,. 19.-Afternoon.-Consols 92'.

i1 Bonds unchanged.LlIBz riOtL., Feb. 13.-Afternoon.-The ship. A

t ments iof cotton from Bombay to the 1 lih insta•t,n were 15,000 bales. Breadstuffs quiet. Sugar 24s. t1

l.or•IN, Feb. 19.-Evening.-Bonds 72'. aLi t I:,OOL, Feb. 19 -Evening.--'2tton closed c

firm-p uplads , ,i. in port; to arrive 'i.l ; Orleans tli. 1d. Sales to-day 20 O•0 bales. b

il ANNAu, Feb. l.-- C('otton opened quiet but tfirm, closing strong. Middlings, nimi ally l:c.

Nsaw Yoii, re-b. 13.-Cotton firmer but scarcelyso active. Sales to-day 5o0 bhales: middlings 24. ii

. Flour dull; bouthern $1)0(l5. Wheat lc. lower. cn torn heavy: Southerr white $1 2i@l 27. ()ats t

Ern;er, R4c. Mess pork, new, $21 0(, old $23: 12. ig .ard 14,15c. Sugar easier; Muscovado 121-i@ Vr, 12•o., other groceries quiet. Turpentine 65c. 1

It Rin i f7c. Freights steady. CMmi;sL, Feb. 19.-Cotton market closed quiet h'

t and firm-mlddlings 23.@240. Sales to-day 2'000 in.bales. RIeceipts 1293. bxports 2710.

NEw Yo•K, Feb. 19.-5-20's of 1e62 with eou inS ons, 1014; of 1864, 103; of 185, 109j ; of 1867,

a Ps. 10-40's, 1051. 7-30's, li7A. Money easy ; tdemand moderate; rates unchanged. Stocks h"1, live on I feverish. hub treasury bal ince, W

e $1(;,,0h000. Gold closed dull at 140i. sterling tldtll ahsd unchantiged. (overnment: closed lluet Ftand steady. Virginia Sixes, 4i; North Carolina a

i eiXes.. ; for old, and new 0. i. T. l.outs. Feb. 19.-Tobacco steady and un- gi

changed. Flour mnire animated but unchanged. tie Wheat quiet at $2 10,,.2 I5. .orn ,,4t•sl. Oats e ,y w'(i2c. Mess pork $2,3e2l3 25. Bacon-clear I

aides 13I,13:c.; clear rib 12Al013c.: shoulders 10.;,t sugar cured hams 13;~loc. Lard 14!tlc. Weather O1 o clear ald nlld.

('ticsnATi, Feb. 19.-Flour and wh'at steadyvand quiet: family $1ll(ll 25. ('Corn dull at 7t9"tc. Ouats o;5i . Ir•- I,,rkl $2::: ,0. 1;-Ilk meatse LeId firmly at lc.. Ilc. and 12•c. Bact-"- 'tell atSlhic., 12(l(l3c. and Il. c. Lard .14t-. Butler 3",t I

42c. Sugar and cotlee quiet and firm. inS CHi•Ia.EsTo., Feb. 19 -- C(tton opened easier, ye

but closed more active and firmer. Sales to-day th11it, hales. hMildllings 23c.

S LoI-VIi.Ls:, Feb. Ii,--Tobacco firm. Sales 131 1ie bLds. It.?s 853 ,,oi7 ., Common to medium fo

leaf $-@lJ 75. Hart county $20 50. Flour-so. tot Ferfine i-./.- 25, taucy $12 :l;l. Wheat $2 50. or

Corn 7.OLtOce. Oats 66, G'c. Mess pork $24. ellard 1l-.,l14c. at onu--shoull, r 1("',l1.-.,t clear sides 1tc. Bulk meats-shoulders 10.., In

clear sides 13c. CU:ttn 21 (,2c. 2t

Lists of MeeIstesreos Voters to be Publlted.

'T!e following o;:crs were yesterday isnsued tflomi niuitar) headquarters :

1li~triTi iti F"IFT MStITAhr Di TTCT, RI

Olhce oI seretary fr ivil Alttair. ,New t)rlehaus. La., lF'b. ili, 1 J. .

'ct, ar No 5 itThe lists of tLe last revi-cd registty of each

par:h in the Stlate of Louisjana, not having been ihheretofore made public, will be publisheid onoe in inthe newspaper having the greatest circulation in hleach Iarc"h. Filty hand l'il, of said lists willais-o be printed b) the same paper, and posted in ththe ninot c(rnsiicutus plaes in the parish, under siit.e diretci-n of the shbrif. itt

In parishes a lere no newllsapers are published,the printed lists wil! be fuirnished fron thi otlle 'eto i.e shEruflth f such jarilies, 'whi will post totheni as, ahbce ,lirect d. I aThe li-st for it lti,.aion in tlie tewe.papers will

Sol~ o f.rted f-r rom nthis t'i. -e.Pr per expenses for Ijut!iuihnirg and posting tle tr

re iitry I -t nhi ie ic , ,t t ...- C 21 .u% pre-

Bl ciamnand of Major u;cr. liancock.

-',nt, n. A -sltant S0---r- I ,r , ti l . tslir.

ye' -t the r •t I. " it or , r ,' 'i- b' e iii ,.-- ---- =-o -. .- . . ..

S -h I" , ,, t- l, lrt thi, i. , .1 a l

-int-i-t e, t I..ll cl,'-s ;i, ant st:r,. No. 1 -.r ni e iiTi ] ..•1 . L MA l t ,,,,. -- l, is We', kl Wwn

-nu- tie iric-,mery Adtertle, r of ilA'. i tit i'

hit tis ti itiv ?esterlay titrniiig fr Waslthintlo. 11

Ii at. (lld "(IraLny lPbck 'iiia ,le th.ie an] letla been trvih z ? ( r c'.cue tiat tht law -si-r r--quired a mior:'y f votes ii carry the C.na•tlit .tt,,n. It is runn,rtd that ite ass - far satti.fid ite a.ctel•t itrse '. as to give ,utiat at he wi l i-sue ta(.e.rt'i tee (,f eClrl ,rn in Rt o cklo at-l i,thor Sr- -Iptt-bagg-rs as Contressilen ; and to Ely, BI.rbr anand ,tler incendiaries as cultiy uiL ers. \Wr• ::te newly elected " so-called presentthems,-lve, tiv ltLt Peck's certificate, in advan-e of actiLa i y iy(I ntresp even, we sdvis every -tTl-er n-w in.i ex'refitse delivery of the -flee. kieys or reco,-d. I.' tthem be forced out by the mniilitary at ths ptint ,tf ntle -c tao net. Ft.;il Gtn. Haiden re-'eves ortt,.rsto, that .tcici., wi ds n-r believe that ht wtv; u-- athi'd old Peck in his determination to force in' i see

m uce a set of irresuloniihle rvagrants who are t -day seudject to the tstae law for being witout 1sisible means of auppirt.

A Quaker gentleniai. ruling in a carrlage with a iatfashionable lady decked wrih a prOfu-ian of jew- letIy, beard hel cot:5 lihi of the c,,;d. thiverlg tI!it. F-er slace bcnet and shawl, as lihiht as a c.ii nweb, •e exclaimed : " What 'st I I do to rt ottwarn. i' "I reauy don't kuw.i' repited the Q i- elekter, P.: renly, "dteSer ther rhuold l.t oa ui-'u:r 1twbrasti-t, :', of

local BnteIligence.REPORTnRItL BRsvlTsIE.-Joaephine Ray. anotorious colored woman living on Bienville

i. street, was sent before the criminal court by Re-d corder (;astinel yesterday, to answer a charge of

carrying a pistol concealed on her person, whichabhe drew on police officer Madden.By the omission of the word "no," an entirely c

erroneous construction was given the paragraph Iin yesterday's CaESCE.vr, alluding to the fact of a si, gold ring having been found in the collection t

r basket at Trinity Church on Sunday evening. It Ishould have read "a gold ring bearing no marks 6

e whereby to identify the giver."The temperature, yesterday. as shown by the,i thermometer at C. Duhamel's. corner Bienville

and Chartres streets. was as follows: At 6 A.H., 5: degrees; at 12 x., 66; at rP. n., 69;at 6 r. X., (,. ii

Some burglars, by picking the locks of the nhouse, effected an entrance into the mansion of Fn the Hon. Pierre Sou'e, on Tuesday night, and were itn in the act of plundering every portable thing of c

value in the bed room of Mr. Sounl, who was Itn sleeping. unconscious of any intrusion, when ag, old colored servant of the family, named Will!

made his appearance, revolver in hand, and thet thieves made their exit. Mr. Soulb first realized o

the invasion when his faithful servant fired upon Cthe retreating burglars and the discharge of the

l-tol awl lie him. The robbers escaped, seem- We ingly without any of them being wounded, as no 'trace of blood was found.

United States commissioner Shannon, who, a cyear ago. had such a multiplicity of cases beforehint. prosecuted under the civil rights bill, andwho, for many months, was the terror of magis-a

trates and police, fearing arraignment

before him

for violating that statute of Congress, has, aftera long season of dull business, taken RcorderNeville into his ha: de. and has sent papers to theUnited States Dietli;t Court, requiring the recor-der to answer a charge of enfurcing penal law Atoo strictly.

The gentlemen appointed by the Democratic StateCentral ('lormittee to organize ward clu!bs are vig.orously at work, and not many days will elapse he- il fore the whole conservative pipbulation of the city will ie thorotiughly ortganized, in detail, and

prepared to meet the " impending crisis." atr 1'e eighty go!d and diamond rings reported byI a c(nt(upurary as having been found in the po- t

session ol an individual charged with robbery, areall iade o brases.1 he ,c,'od annual ball of the Pry Goods anl B

(;eneral Mercantile Clerk'a As•sciation takesl;p ae this eveolLg at thll( National Thleaer, and ntpromises to be as delightful as bright eyes and ofni,•ic cai malke it.

'1 he oti(,ter L'.es len titfied that the dead htbody of a female tild is lying at No. 253; Juliatreet.

'1Ie receipts of the internal revenue department 01in this city now average about twenty-ftive thou-sand dollars daily.

One ,d tlhe patent leve billing mathines which ci, to le ted on the (Grand Levee, in Point Cotp,' e, Bin now lng at the Stock Lauding in the FourthDistrict. l

We are truly pained to hear that Mr. Nelvil ItSouWi, son of our distinguished fellow citizen,Pierre Soitl,, is seriously ill. We wish him a arspeedy ret overy. u

The roulette table at the Hebrew EducationAssociation Fair, it is aftirmed, is not s ,t/n't, I.

The Sixth Ward leadsthe van in complying withthe resolutions adopted at the grand meeting held nat the .t. ('harlts Theater on Saturday, under theauspices of the Dem cratic Central ExecutiveConlitittee. The vot,ers ut toe Sil.tr are reqtu,'cedto nieet at the schoolhouse on Hospital at eet. 'abetween Dauphin atd Burgundy street., in order p'to organize into a club. Le

Tie GA; WELL.-Casting aside one or two inlingerit g suspiuions that the recent excitement leconcerning the discovery of a jet of gas emana. toting from the bowels of the earth might be what reis in popular to rme called " a sell," we yesterday thvisited the premises of Messrs. Knight & Co., No. he1;2 G;ravier street. between St. Charles and atCarondelet, and found that, far from being a nehotax, the story had originated in a most interest.ing and curious reality. fa

Passing through the main building, and enter- siting a small paved court-yard, some fifteen feet dasquare, one sees an iron pipe an inch and a quar-ter in diameter, standing some five or six feet in atheight, surnionnted by a gas burner. connectedwilh a meter cloie iv. and iarking into the earth onthrough atretvice between the flag satones. A steadystream flows from the pipe through the burners, poand, upon the alpilcation of a lighted mat:h, ongives a flame about one-half that of an ordinary oflgaslight turned on at its full force. Upon ex Catiwgu:-hing the flame and allowing the gas toescape, a strange, earthy odor. not an on- wipeuasant one, is perceptible to the olfactories. le:'The beat generated by the flame is a powerfulone. at

The circumstances under which the discovery cawas made are rather curious and interesting. da

On Saturday morning Mr. Knight commencedsinking the tubhe in question, with a view, he inkstates, to obtain a constant supply of pare water prupon his premises. In the first place an iron borer,in the shape of a blunt cone, was driven into the o'soil, point downward, of course. Upward from thithe base of the cone extends a tube of the diam. wi, ter abcve stated; perforated in numerous places.Inside of this tube is another one similarly per- letforated, but surrounded by a fine copper gauze mifor filtering purposes. To the upper end of thecuter tube, a pressure is applied by blows from a letsledge sinking the borer to the required depth, lIeearryirg after it as it goes successive lengths of ofltbe which are screwed and soldered on fromtime to time, as each preceding one reaches the tielevel of the surface. hr

Mr. Emiil.t, ao-isted hv a colored man, worked loso aes.duuusly all day on Saturd ty that by night- diefall the btier had attained a depth of lorty-onetret. BD ing interested in the progress of his hiewvrk, Le I r,,pored to co.itinue his abors to a later torhaur, aLd wS goiting on with another length of watite, when soddenly the colored man spoke, say- tiing that he i:,i,',d a i-trios odor escaping from ontie tol lc. Mr. Knight apjlied a lighted candle,ard to lhis surprse, a flame was ignited. Unwil nit'ig that the strstge occurrence should be thiscreditcd ticr la k ( t wtneses, lie hurried off tothe rnts of two friends, who lived in the sadjoin-img buildig, ov, r Cas;lys, Ibut tolundil that they terhad gone to the mass meetig at the St. ChIrle iTheater. Upon his return, he fournd that quite ar utiber of person, hal already been niotried tdthe singular dOlcovery, and were present upon the atscens. Mice that time a connstlnt streatl of vis-ittse has 'a8-od tU rouch the stre into the yard.

Protessor Mllitt. of the Melieal D)epartment,Utlnversty It Louisiana, is ensaged in a chenicatanalysis ri the gas. andi pronuiiiies in a day or twoto be able to itaikhe putuic the re-nult. A emtialrIsai t i• that on Trl'unday Mr i.ttr(|ht sank a tatl.irw-ll lpion his tre!tises at Bil!:gty, to a depth ofit:y I- tt, stiiking watei .: thlrty feet, and therian.e ti- r:p 'on (of gas at the 'eith of olurty feet,itr tlere.ihouts.

TIe i tii- wil await with i-terest fitrftler i a- tit,rlat..n recarirtng thesea r l:ar•able geological

T7tu ui: i,-irt t . C.t' Tcul.a..-A most re- li

thn,tr t '! e - .l.hi ,(ai , at t!e NaUional Tei- it-r,I n Tuesrday evetroig. To speak : itididly, we haveL. vii - r tit•t ral, ol oh gati e arid acnuityIi an ui. , th:- ,,< ,,i ,i, and to all apearan ,. Igai ty aint C .Jt, itti Iui•mnt.I s-itre-til. As t it, t:..t itneei. to ii" , otl -ln ttin blw , t o- ("

t o tl a ry tO d! o k H e to ) th e it\ -0 1 .i 'y , w e fo r " : 10, urrt!i r r malrli k.• u 'pn t H]e s• '.'.., k o . agfunl iseltl t . tilit l y it) a; eakif it at t c i, rvtes. ISlte ,tfk-pteant s 1ave ,tir c:in•cru• tutiuns fir tr5

tthle'r secess. e n i-h thln and their arends I t-a y itore u-f tb, sat: h ,it., (ii1

AD t . ::,. -fli Tue-d iy night, ato it ve:1 (huhk, a knit-k was mad' at the stab-n tt tt ,hl Mr. IWe-' 5v. K•op.enberg, No. 1-7

l arvy -fr-it. ir ' The i' ls-trrt, whoi is ex-tetlsfivet engitgei in htur I ff i Sit atting ragi.,

in,: rin. etc. I e p r -le kn o.king ake d if t ei t ii ii] e premiser s hail a rat .ler ah d the ptr l-ste ws'cl ran ole tnid the di,,r. He was ie 1.etatily seized fy ftur tuen, whi put a " btck " satI tl me m th- '. p. " tI w it-I eF ht inchtes long trnd aen in h and a haltf ,tiare. which was wrapped at It. a handkerblt, t Itand ti - about the neck with JtI ine. daving thus itapa- itatel him from gir- perig any alarm they btlw )pen the safe withi some del

explslve andto tok il the money in it, amounting cro'- -ix hurdre rid and tity dllars, with whic they itn ade their escape. The watchman does not know Le-t the h n w- ie, F- i.t ,-ritea them as tall atd

athL•t , and he thaski he can identify them if he Jtees theet again. saI

To r-tE grtt, p- O+net Pit r -- t is otatef, t. '',t n ext-elint ait,,uthry, that the neighb-trhod ea,t E sanade street, in the t-econd District, ishaunt+ d nialbiy ,py individuals of sutpiius at- hulIearatc es, disguised in the U. 8. uanform, arid atI at r vc-ral perso ns have bhen stopped by then a yrio truin~rg pretexts A gentleman resiting at the asscorner ,f Biurb,,n and Espanade streets, de- intlates that within tIe pas.t week he has been Lot

twice stopped in that h,'ality and a-ked the time b, of the uight, un der circumstances that leave no Jas

doubt in his mind that the individuals had no goolintentions in doing so. and that his cantiousnessalone prevented him from being robbed. LleuteSnnt Madden will do well to cause his men to beon the alert.

of THE ALTO-DA.FE OF CrrT Novas YESThRDAY.-ch The mayor and finance committee of the council

were engaged all day yesterday in counting thefly city notes, which Treasurer Howell has been pre-ph paring for several weeks, for the purpose of con-

a signing to the flames. The operation was a veryon tedious one, as every bill had to be counted. Be-It lw we give the certificate of the mayor and

ka finance committees. The auto da-f6 took placeyesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the City Gashe Works:


A. City Hall, 19th day of February, Is-,i.9; Tn accordance with resolutions authorizing the

issue and destruction of the same, the treasurerhe of the city of New Orleans has this 19th day of

of February, 1868. canceled and destroyed by fire,re in presence ef the mayor, the controller, and theof chairmen and members of the finance committees,as the following city notes, viz:

Fraetienal ... . . . . .... 3s3 et,1t. 52 ane $3 et a.............................. 5 ott ILIe Id i ue ............................ .......... . 6,1 )ad old tax issue ............ .. . ....... 150)[1 1

)n Cut f i es ..................... .... . .. . 7 . .o Wt

Totl ...... . . . . . 7 15 6s5 N.

sew tax- $=) n, e, ...................... 279 7 s7! )

a Cuotoliuatea } nuot........................... .1.W Wod Total destroyed .............................. . 43.18 5

E. IEATH, Mar,,r.m D. . MNlOEtI. , Controllt.joutI 1&1 ,'HE.

4r E. W RtRs'K,Cr . tC. AAOI'd)5

r- Chairman sad Memboers Frnan, (Cnmnmisittl8. ')OWELL, Treasurer.

Attest: C. P. ('AnR.Secretary Fiaaes Committsa.

r MEETING OF TinR ROtRDI OF Po•rTCE OYottitslot',..-T-his board me: in regular weekly ses-sion last evening. Present: Mayor Heath in thechair, and Mlessrs. McCarthy, Cuurcelles, Earhartand bhelley.Iv J. B. Dixon, offi'rr No. 22?, charged with hold-Sing unnecessary conversati-,n on his beat on onere ccasion, and upon another. (the night of theRosal street bnrelary.) of failingto walk his be.t.Iloilt charges dismiesed.

C. Erchard, No. 2L', charged with holding un-necessary conversati n with the above namedoficcer while on duty, was suspended for five days.Chief 's aid, Lane., appeared to show cause whyhe had failed to appear when snmm ined beforethe board to testify in the case of Erchard, on twodflerent oceasions. This ofli-er plead sickness onitone occasion and special duty on another. The tplea was accepted.

Puliceman John HIughes and M. Murray,Sc arged with receiving twenty dollars each fronmNeil:e Otis, the keeper of a house of il!-fame onBasin street, to release her from arrest, appearedfor trial. Nellie Otis stated that no offer to re-lease her was made by the officers, but fearing to (leave her house alone she gave each officer $20,

a and they let her remain. Witness stated that shenever would have appeared against the officers ifn -he had not been intiiidated by LieutenantShreiber and special officer Mark, who told her

h that she must state whether she had paid anymonety to the voffieers. else they would arrest her. bI he 'flicvers were both duamisaed from the force.

e 'Ine case of Sergeant Douglas, Second DistrictIpolic, accused of six dlfY reut offenses, was

called, but owing to the absence of several im-r lIrtant witnesses, was continued until Saturday 7

text. at 5 o'clock in the evening.Corporal Mazet, of the Second District, charged, Io in co:nection with Sergeant liu iglas, with neg-it lect of duty by remaining away from his rounds

-for two hours, was examined, and the decision tit reserved until after the trial of Douglas. Dl)ringy the trial of Mazet. Lieutenant Madden stated that fh. he did not thic:k the accused's mind was sound, or

d at least that he could not think so from his man-a ner of acting.

t. James Casey, policeman No. 464, charged withfailing to answer a call of his superior officer, and gsitting down on his beat, was suspended for ten

t days.W. P. Emerson, No. 141, found drunk on hl beat

n at 124 o'clock at night. The case was palliated byI i-iikess. TIe oflicer was suspended for five

y R. Gaillard, Wm. Mayfield and J. O'Connor,

police officers of the Second Dhstrict, arraignedon the charge of failing to obey their sunerioroffice:, who had erde red them to make an arrest. eCase continued until Saturday. ti

J. O'rOnnorr, the same officer mentioned above,i1 was also tried and acquitted of the charge of re-

l. easing a prisouner without authority. d1 P'olice officer A. Farrar, No. 2';3, charged with T

absent ng himself three successive days from rolly call, plead sickness, but was suspended for tihtaendbs.

d Police officer Wim. S. Hamlet, No. 260, for fail- ae ing to appear before the recorder and prosecutear iprsoner, was suspended for five days. n

Police oficer It. Dwyer, found drunk at 11 fta o'clock at night on his beat, and charged witha threatening and assaulting his superior officer

" with his club, was suspended for five days.Policeman T. Ryan, No. 231. charged with re- ft

leasing a prisoner without authority; case die.missed.

e W. Harrington, policeman No. 172. charged withleaving his beat, getting drunk, disturbing the upeace, giving a false alarm and abusing a brother

f officer; was suspended for fifteen days.W Wm. Siers, policeman No. 217, charged with Oe neglecting to give his attention to parties he saw

prowling around the corner of Royal and Custom-I Louse streets on the night of the rubi•ery ; case ri

dismissed. ina (ificer G. Riley, No. 212, charge,

with leavinga his ,cat and en'erng a c )lleehouse, was -uspen ledr frtive days. tOthcer terry, who made the charge,f was iiu-pended for live days also, for admitting ritlat he went into a coffeehouse with Riley, while ci

'Ihe board then adjourned until 8aturdayeve-Linig next, at 5 o'clock.FlusT D)I•'i'rctT C('c'r;r--.lJuda; lieure--I, i,. 19.-

It ass inadvertently omrtted tL be reporrced yes-terday that (;. W. Irwin, accused of forging anodt-r purporting to have been signed by Mrs. oLet :; E:. Wiiter, for three trunks belonginig to wli r :. the possession of Mrs. Ludwialg, was trieda d quitted. toTo .ay John Smith was out on trial for burg-

.ily, ali gcd to have tecenII coU;•.ttced an bretkiug hiio:u the house of Mrs. Cuuveut:ote, c St. Peter cs iet, between Il.ampart and Iturganly streets, mb tIsween the ihoIts of eleven and twelve, on the! hti ol tihe 2ith ult., w li iitent to sieal. It was,,-ed that he had ,.. ~e.l his way into the house,

St he wan lartilaiily ixrxica•Je. maide i,, attempti •tcalpe wten dl-ci,vered, andi it was ,-awn that 0its•ead r-f nimving etiial'!,i!, throggh the premisesLe oade so mnuch noise that the il.ruates werearoused by it. In view of these c--rlnrtances P

ind (, the fnct. that thi pi isoer was a iar-i work- tug han, a -rni.nin ii it t.0n'1ngp, islrti pre- to

Ii us to( );Is arItrst b 'Le tI. ch•crCter of anh, neiet nani it was ergti.I fir th dIfetnse- that he goi.:0 erto re t'.i i u.se u.,,r the Tri t•k*n i-lea

:.t t waa (te •hudle of w&elln of i;.falue, and ttte epr) as qu:t:,.d hi n.Mtda .Me)r, trid for enter;ing the piremnies of

(lnrstlian kni;op, at the (ir:nrit Vict,-ry and Man-v ilc s'ri ts,. ii, the I th May It, y at , sta ing h

li, pase .i w'lian (cri(tn t-' w! boy yLnirued sI'h til n-.rc-er ,,f I-.aa~ f.t 'ff, a s

ree'o, In Agi-s, w:as ti tiave ib ci tr1id ta day,Itit material witnesses being ausent It was con- en

ii tha ca-e of ElwIard MuKity, charged withtei, iui g j.pine 5ttru t,:n dars, thye lroperty of. Ve ui au. noS!e priaseqiu was a~t,-red. cOILe L,- citi,,h s. at-t 'aye!,, Y STvre, for

,al,-.' g ilit cIty r t i. i , , '. k- to. we q h .'us ed. da

12 .r 1 .I'Fi Nun :I r- 4'" "r.--Mliii P rker, 0iIl argv d with bllire .- r-l l sdy e:arerlng the ' ,tt-i- eu1 -oue i f .t-hn FauIr in the nihi of the 9,th i't., dwas exaniiDt.d vestetdiay IiTorung, and sent fi)rtrl,.,I I fcr ie F•east Di:str;.t Court. EaLls flxad rrat "( ). II

Jil,n Willisms, sio-ed, charg-l thy Mr. Pros- thper Lesy withi break ng iunto his lire:.i;ee andetealnig a It c-f kirtlves, f-,rks, spons andcro, kery, valued at $2", a silver watch valmed atIOi, -hi-tP. etc., will he examined on the 27th inst.

Luonds '25. Ci•,e. W. u•nler, denpty cnnstihle if the Second

Jn-'ice's CuIrt, has i n,tered a very serious charge wisuainst Mr. and Mr.. J-,Seph Westermeir, in whichI e ccuses them wi'h ob-!tri-ting, resisting and On.-aultir.g tim :n thE discharge of his duty, whileesre~ting a wri of hi. fa.liH!en Mevers. 1.oiniea Raymond, and Rosa t11Sii-icer. all c li-red, were arraigned to bary their

-- r-s fixed fr the 2tth. They are charged with inpirjury by Mrs. Mary Mainville. in tii that theyease false eidein-e, to the prejudice rcf deponent,in the recirnd Justice's Curt, in the case of MiLeosa R•a), mond vs Mary IDenieg. Bnd 8220. es

Geo. Posidezter, fur stea'ing a chicken, and ieiJae, Norris, accosed of havmng stolen cotton in we

n I his possession, were each sent to the Workhouseea for ainety days.It Bridget Behan, a drunkard, was sent to the

be Pariah Prison for thirty day. Ally and s.McKay, juvenile vagrants, were sent to the Houseof Refuge.

Alice Doggan, for stealing, was sent to theParish Prison for thirty days.

e Jas. Williams stole a ham and went to there- Parish Prison for five days, and J. Wilson, forn pilfering on the levee, was required to furnishvouchers or go to the Workhouse for ninety days.

od Tax FAIR, vaT BarTFIrrL "FAra."-Again didce this writer visit the fair last eve, and again did;as the "fair" take his youthful. graceful and ele-

gant (') form to their hearts. One laJy, at the fairof the 'Hebrew Education Society," who charged12 for the exquisite privilege of one dance with her,

he danced her best with me for "the dangers that Ier had passed." Madame Gutheim Introduced meof to some champagne, and chicken salad, and-sev.re, eral pretty ladies,-and appeared as the brighthe particular star on the occasion. She sent us some

as, delicious punch yesterday, which was drank byall the editorial staff of the CnazseCar with due

on appreciation and delight. 8he gives a "lunch" atI her table to-day. at 12 M., and all are invited with-" out distinction of sex or religion. This fair most11 be seen to be loved-location corner Exchangeuo Alley and Bienville street.

I he fair in Blaffer's building, on Canal street,fir the benefit of the German Protestant o-phanas

,s is another success. Every evening there ia bevyof beauties vieing with each other to make the

u time pass pleasantly for vipltors, and those who-eo are sure to he pleased. A silver trumpet forthe firemen is offered as a prize at this fair. Whobids ?

Edisessrt Pranarepas, Ete.

The Clerks' ball to-night at the NationalMudd will probably get clear.-[Ex.Douglas Jerrold wrote a hand like copper plate.The ninety-fifth asteroid, at last.

. Cape Cod has a superfliuty of foxes.he "Coolie labor"-fanning yourself.-[Er.6rt Crand sacred music Monday night at Christ

Church.ae The " Barber of Sevil e" at the Opera House

e to-night.The wonderful violinist, Filomeno, tomorrow

night, at the National Theat-r.I John R. Thompson writes for the New Yorka. Mail.iy Ten thouesnd sleighs were out in Boston and

ve vicinity last Thursday.in Tennyson wearies of incense, hot he don't in-19 tend to get incensed about it.-[Ex.

The armed peace of Europe costs $1,500,000,000Y, a year.

"enator Sprague has also had a brick in his hatSin public.e- The Cincinnati Commercial says Ohio Is for

So Grant.

Secretary McCulloch is not going to London as1 financial agent of Jay Cooke Cu.--[Ex.

,t The most dangerous of devils are those thattr look most like angels.-[l:x.

,y Why is it that no man ever keeps a boarding

r. house ?-[Mail.e. Sophia, the mother of Maximilian, sat by hisCt cdmn all night.

S Brick Pomeroy says George Francis is spillingy Train oil over the original blarney-stone.

Does it pay to smoke? is answered afflrmatively, by xample of Pittsburg.-[Mail.

I Unctuous talk at the butter and cheese convea-n tion in Belvidere, Ill.

g Havana is said to be strongly in favor of Grantat for the presidency.-[Ex.r The editor of the Boston Herald writes a letter

from Rome.h Corporal punishment-reducing a sergeant oneid grade.

in The best way to make persons love you--loveat them---[Ex.

Sometimes it produces a contrary result.re Ole Bull played at Louisville on Friday. The

Journal pronounces him greater than when her played in this country years ago.

"r " Hair straightened here" is the announcementt. on a door of a barber's shop in a section of the

town where capillary kinkinese prevails.Andrew Johnson is the choice for the presi-

dency of the Democratic central committee ofh Tennessee.1I Outdoor concerts on the Fair Grounds are pro-p posed. The drive to that pleasant resort is now1. al the 'way beautiful.a The world may owe every man a living, but be

must dun it energetically and persistently be-1 fore it will make payment.-[N. . Mail.h The editor of a down East paper, writing fromir ome, says no man can visit that oity " without

feeling a peculiar sensation."i. The Picayune hears rumors to the effect that

h there are many well-known professional thievese upon the New Orleans police force.r Conway informs the world by telegraph, from

Washington, that he will soon burst upon Newh Orleans.

Mr. Thompson, formerly the New Orleans cor-e respondent of the New York Herald,is nowacting

in that capacity for the New York rimes.R The New York Times suggests to the Tribune

that a small outlay for common sense in its edito-rial columns, now and then, would prove a judi-Scious expenditure.

Question for the Academy of Sciences--lathe discovery of spontaneous gas, on Gravierstreet, any connection with Cassidy's gasatronomi-c.di establishment in the vicinity ?

Mr. Calhoun's library was lately sold, with someother property, to satisfy debts, at about $2,0.W hole shelves of books were sold for from fourto six dollars a shelf.

A party of English tourists found the saltedbody of ILot's wife near the Dead ~4a, andrrasoned their lunch with her. A story whichmust be taken crm ,"iwu .~I!/~.-[Ex.

The thiud presentation of the l"Prophet" Tte.day

night was witnessed by one of the large-t andSl-,st brilliant audiences ev-r assembled in thet Opera Hloue.

The Trf talkes the part of rotin redbreastagainst the charge of a Massachusetts horticul-turist that he is an " ico'rrigible tllf a:,1 at un-nit igated nuisance."

When I see the twardy fashions, til costly vol-psrity and the wicked extravacsrnce of thie timfl3,I lrtel sre that thoiusada of Arht r.. an wo•i,,t 1 arI -trar gers to the first law of reliremeut--Slmpuicity

in imauners and attire.-[ Iaoiop C;oxe.The following card appears in the Vicksburg

HeIlrald of the 1-th: " TLe ir,on who put tou pen.t.z.e on ny dog yesterday evc:,ilg taa a ,,raldl a ,liundrel. John I gtrien, Wsaoingtoanstri et, four doors from pr sto!tl e."r'

I he rumor that Mr. Ilckeis weuld not go Westen his reading tour, eli its from the Chicago preu.a running 'ire of personal a, use not espeesalycreditable to jourtalism in that section of theLcunritry.Mr. Calhoon left at his death flve souns and two

daughters, all grown tip. (Of ti,:e ortly the eltestdaughlter is now living. Fo'ur sone died of con-Funption within a short p rinod of each other, onedaughlter of fever, and the ebdeast son, then an -adle-aged man) ~ ed during the war of ape-1!exy. The family residence at Fort lHill is nowthe home of his widow and chlildrnu.

Sies s tens.

El Nino Eddie is nour with the New YorkCire us.

Miss Luire Western is playing in Clevelandwith narke d suecesa.

Mr. Eddy is drawing immense audience. tJ theOld Bowery. hew York, with "•,l'hard iII,"' Police Spy," etc.

Mr. Lharres P'ope assumes the management ofthe Metropolitan Theater, Inl,•iap ,i., ao, to ,g

ud ably sustained by the l.te Mr. Wm. Itley,)i-n the 2d of March.

Brigham Young, in one of hi. Ilts serrmons toMormon dnsciples, said: " Work less, wear Iso,eat less, and we shall be a great deal wiser, health-I ier and wealthier people than by taking the ourtrsewe now dO."

top related