topic 1 (muzamil,norazlan,shahrul,putri,siti aisyah)

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  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    TOPIC 1








  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Language and communication

    Descriptive/typological linguists are thusinterested in the structure of language, aconventionalized system of signs which is

    used to encode messages. They are not interested in sign systems more

    generally, nor how information is exchanged

    using language, nor how language is used. Language is important in the discipline; but

    communication is not.

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Definition of language

    Language may refer either to the specificallyhuman capacity for acquiring and usingcomplex systems of communication, or to a

    specific instance of such a system of complexcommunication. The scientific study oflanguage in any of its senses is calledlinguistics.

    Any means of conveying or communicatingideas; specifically, human speech; theexpression of ideas by the voice; sounds,

    expressive of thought, articulated by the organs

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Language and culture

    At the turn of the century, many Asian countriesare faced with tensions arising from the linguisticshift in language policies stemming frompressures of globalization.

    Very often, these pressures arise as a result of theshift in domain use from that of the nationallanguage to the establishment of English asmedium of instruction at varying levels of theeducation system, ranging from the primary to

    higher education. This increasing hegemony of English elicits

    reactions of varying degrees of anxiety over itsimpact on national cultural identities.

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Functions of language One of the main goals of language teachers is to provide

    students with the tools to be effective communicators inthe TL. Often when students are assigned projects andassignments (like the weather report in Annas case

    study) their lack of practical tools to produce the actual

    language becomes evident. In these cases, students might very well have the

    necessary resources to accomplish the task, butteachers might need to consider a communicative

    approach to teaching the language, focusing on thefunctions of language, to properly equip students tocomplete assigned tasks.

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Properties of Language

    1. GeneralDescription

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Properties of Language

    Basic Concepts

    Language The use of an organized means of combining words in

    order to communicate Makes it possible for us to communicate with those

    around us and to think about things and processes wecurrently cannot see, hear, feel, touch, smell

    Communication Exchange of thoughts and feelings

    Not all communication is through language (gestures,glances, touches, pictures)

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Properties of Language

    Basic Concepts Psycholinguistics

    The psychology of our language as it interacts with thehuman mind

    Related areas of study


    The study of language structure and change

    NeurolinguisticsStudies the relationship among the brain, cognition, and



    Studies the relationship between social behavior and language

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Properties of Language

    1. General Description

    Six properties that are distinctive of language


    Language permits us to communicate with one or more peoplewho share our language

    Arbitrarily symbolic

    Language creates an arbitrary relationship between a symboland its referent: an idea, a process, a relationship, or adescription

    Arbitrary relationship - lack of any reason for choosing aparticular symbol to refer to a particular thing

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Properties of Language

    1. General Description

    Six properties that are distinctive of language(cont.)

    Regularly structured Language has a structure; only particularly patterned

    arrangements of symbols have meaning, and different

    arrangements yield different meanings

    Structured at multiple levels The structure of language can be analyzed at more

    than one level ( e.g., in sounds, in meaning units, in

    words, in phrases)

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Properties of Language

    1. General Description

    Six properties that are distinctive of language(cont.)

    Generative, productive

    Within the limits of a linguistic structure, languageusers can produce novel utterances, and thepossibilities for creating new utterances are virtually

    limitless Dynamic

    Languages constantly evolve and change

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Properties of Language

    2. Fundamental Aspects of Language

    Two fundamental aspects of language

    Comprehension of language

    Receptive comprehension and decoding of languageinput (deriving meaning from what you hear or read)

    Production of language

    Expressive encoding and production of language input

    (transforming our thoughts into a form that can beexpressed as linguistic output speech or writing)

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Properties of Language

    2. Fundamental Aspects of Language

    Levels of analysis of language

    1. Phonology system of speech sounds Phoneme the smallest unit of speech sound that can

    be used to distinguish one utterance in a givenlanguage from another

    Different languages use different numbers andcombinations of phonemes

    Phonemics the study of the particular phonemes of alanguage

    Phonetics the study of to produce or combine speech


  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Properties of Language

    2. Fundamental Aspects of Language

    Levels of analysis of language

    2. MorphologyMorpheme the smallest unit that denotes meaning

    within a particular language

    Content morphemes the words that convey the bulk ofthe meaning (e.g. charge in recharge)

    Functional morphemes the morphemes that add detailand nuance to the meaning of the content morphemesor that help the content morphemes to fit thegrammatical context (e.g. re in recharge)

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Properties of Language

    2. Fundamental Aspects of Language

    Levels of analysis of language

    3. Mental LexiconMental Lexicon the entire set of morphemes in a given

    language or in a given persons linguistic repertoire;

    contains the information about meaning, phonologicalform, orthographic form and syntactic properties of a

    particular word Vocabulary the repertoire of words created by

    combining morphemes

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Properties of Language

    2. Fundamental Aspects of Language

    Levels of analysis of language

    4. Syntax The way in which users of a particular language put

    words together to form sentences

    It is the structure of our utterances

    A sentence comprises at least two parts

    Noun phrase which contains at least one noun

    Verb phrase which contains at least one verb and whateverthe verb acts on

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Properties of Language

    2. Fundamental Aspects of Language

    Levels of analysis of language

    5. Semantics The study of meaning in languageHow words express meaning

    How language interacts with conceptual structure

    6. Discourse Encompasses language use at the level beyond the

    sentence, such as in conversation, paragraphs, stories

    Studies the interactions between the context andlanguage

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Non-verbal communication

    Nonverbal communication is usuallyunderstood as the process of communicationthrough sending and receiving

    wordless,(mostly visual) messages betweenpeople. Messages can be communicatedthrough gestures and touch, by body languageor posture, by facial expression and eye


  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Non-verbal communication

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Speech and writing

    For ESL/EFL teachers, the differencesbetween the language of speech and thelanguage of writing are of fundamental

    importance. We know that our students need to learn to

    handle various versions of English. Forexample to chat with their friends, givepresentations in class, watch tv, write andread email messages, read the newspaper,read textbooks, write tests, and more.

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    English Language in Malaysian

    The Cabinet Committee Report on the Review of theImplementation of the Education Policy 1979 statesthat the teaching of English is to enable all school-leavers to use English in certain everyday situationsand work situations. It is also to allow students topursue higher education in the medium of English.

    At present, English is still taught for further studies and

    for work. However, English is becoming increasinglyimportant in Information and CommunicationsTechnology (ICT) and as a global language. Therefore,the use of English for ICT has been included in thecurriculum. English for ICT will enable learners to

    access knowledge on the Internet and to network with

  • 7/31/2019 Topic 1 (Muzamil,Norazlan,Shahrul,Putri,Siti Aisyah)


    Thank you

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