traveller world alphav1.03

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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traveller world


To create your Navy character, choose name, look, homeworld, stats, service history, moves, gear and Hx.

NamePerandor, Jan, Rex, Malik, Reina, Prins, Contessa, Baro, Marc, Eric, Ivan, Janis, Elen, Lelja, Ruby, Aurora.Ritter, van Embden, de Montforte, der Meer, ffrench, O'Neil, von Needleberg, Waldeck, Rey, da Maia, Alvar.

LookHaughty, boney, sharp, overweight, greasy, disciplined, urbane, unscrupulous, elegant, fair, sickly, opulent.

HomeworldName: Nanct, Garavert, Cathator, Hagen, Isowaros, Calihon, Manidus, Tenvet, Zoduce, Zenset, Isores.

World tag: Rich, Lawless, High Tech, Extreme Tech, Crowded, Superb Starport, Industrialised, Navy Base, Fair Govt, Agricultural, Balkanised, Inhospitable, Low Pop, No Starport, Repressive, Low Tech, Primitive, Desert World, Water World, Arctic World, Poor, Non-Industrial, Non-Agricultural, Scout Base, Remote Govt

StatsChoose 1 set:o Cool -1 Hard +0 Sharp +0 Soc +2 Space +2 Tech -2o Cool +1 Hard +1 Sharp -2 Soc +0 Space +2 Tech +0o Cool -1 Hard +0 Sharp -1 Soc +2 Space +1 Tech +1o Cool +1 Hard +0 Sharp -1 Soc +1 Space +1 Tech +1

Service HistoryPick a branch: Line, Engineering, Flight, GunneryChoose length of service: o Rookie (1-2 terms): no pension, (+psi potential)o Vet (3-4 terms): no pension, +1 moveo Old timer (5+ terms): +1 move, pension (+credits every 2nd month), mark disabilityFinal rank: Spacehand, Chief Petty Officer, Ensign, Lieutenant, Lt Commander, Captain, Admiral** must be an old timerPick an event:o Black-balled by noble order or other organisationo Court-martialed for circumstances, insubordination, beliefs or incompetenceo Decorated for valour, service, connections or lucko Still trusted by an admiral or archduke

Moves:You get all the basic moves. Pick two navy moves.

HxBy default you have Hx +0 with everyone.On your turn, make 1-3 of the statements below about other characters to set your Hx vallue with them:* Say you served together on a ship for a while, Hx +1 * Say you were on a mission together, Hx +1* Tell someone that they saved your life, Hx +2* Say you don't trust them, Hx +1* Say you think they're unstable and they've been having nightmares, Hx +2 * Say you think they're acting above their station in life, Hx +1

2. Name

4. Noble Title

1. Date of Preparation

3. Look

5. Homeworld Tag 6. Homeworld Name

7. Cool

O Highlight

8. Hard

O Highlight

9. Sharp

O Highlight

10. Soc

O Highlight

11. Space

O Highlight

12. Tech

O Highlight

16. Service 17. Branch 18. Dischargeworld

19. Terms Served 20. Final Rank 21a. Retired? 21b. Pension

O Yes O No

22. Special Assignments, events or awards and decorations

23. Navy Moves

O Ace gunner - when you target an enemy ship's weapons, drives, fuel tanks or hull: inflict ship harm and roll + Space. On a 10+ hit! It's knocked out (for now anyway), on a 7-9 it's a near miss, the enemy system is slowed or crippled but not knocked out

O Crack engineer - when you temporarily squeeze more from the powerplant or drives: roll + Space. On a 10+ hold 4, on a 7-9 hold 2. Spend your hold from the following list (the same option can be picked multiple times):- an energy weapon may fire again before the enemy gets a chance to react- you may temporarily add 1 to your ship's effective maneuver-drive number- your jump drives are charged, without having to wait - the effect does not fade away quickly- the system is not overloaded and require emergency repairs

O Hotshot shuttle or fighter pilot. Add +1 to all basic moves in a small craft

O Knight of the realm: get +1 Soc (max+3) and a dueling weapon - either a foil (1 harm, ap, fast), a sword (2 harm, ap) or a cutlass (3 harm, ap, slow)

O Cut red tape: use Soc instead of Sharp to Read a Person, especially a clerk

O Ship-to-ship tactician: when you read a charged sitch in space, roll+space instead of +sharp.

24. Other Moves

You also have all the basic moves

13. Hx

14. Harm

03:00 06:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00

O Stable O Shattered (-1 Cool) O Crippled (-1 Hard) O Broken (-1 Sharp)

15. Armour or Vacc Suit

25. Credits available

26. Personal Equipment and Vehicles

O get +1 Cool (max cool +2)O get +1 Tech (max tech +2)O get +1 Space (max +3)O get +1 Hard (max hard+2)O get a new navy moveO get a new navy moveO get 2 gigs (detail) and moonlightingO get a move from another playbookO get a move from another playbook

O get +1 to any stat (max +3)O retire your character O create a second characterO change playbookO advance 3 basic moves O advance the other basic moves

O O O O O ->improve

1 High Passage ticket for a luxury starship journeyClothes appropriate to your look.Possessions worth 2 bundles of credits, detail if you wish or keep as cash.1 Blade (2 harm, ap)

Choose 1 shipboard weapon:o Snub pistol (4 harm, ap, tranq, close, low recoil, loud, hi-tech, reload), o Accelerator rifle (3 harm, long, low recoil, loud, hi-tech)o Shotgun (4 harm, close, messy, loud)

Pick your armour or a vacc suit: o Mesh or Jack (1 armour)o Ballistic cloth (2 armour)o Vacc suit (2 armour, tailored or endurance)

Take 1 edge:o A bank account with 4 bundles of credits in ito Pick both a personal vacc suit and armouro Member of the Travellers Aid Society


To create your Marine character, choose name, look, homeworld, stats, service history, moves, gear and Hx.

NameDuke, Maximilian, Zac, Guy, Victor, Ira, Carlos, Vernice, Nadia, Malk, Roni, Yua, Lars, Leon, Aleksandar, Igor.Bolt, Henderson, Lejune, Ortiz, Peace, Hudson, Silva, Falcon, Gruber, Schmit, Petrov, Santana, Alvarez, Fox.

Lookbulky, toned, athletic, sagging, huge, energetic, furtive, uptight, angry, distant, provincial, happy go lucky.

HomeworldName: Vepia, Subvor, Deoze, Gycale, Cloudon, Anabis, Technoproca, Gaspan, Medilypse, Scriptite.

World tag: Rich, Lawless, High Tech, Extreme Tech, Crowded, Superb Starport, Industrialised, Navy Base, Fair Govt, Agricultural, Balkanised, Inhospitable, Low Pop, No Starport, Repressive, Low Tech, Primitive, Desert World, Water World, Arctic World, Poor, Non-Industrial, Non-Agricultural, Scout Base, Remote Govt

StatsChoose 1 set:o Cool +0 Hard +2 Sharp -1 Soc +0 Space +2 Tech -2o Cool +1 Hard +2 Sharp -2 Soc -1 Space +1 Tech +1o Cool +0 Hard +2 Sharp -2 Soc +1 Space +1 Tech +0o Cool +2 Hard +1 Sharp -1 Soc +1 Space +1 Tech -2

Service HistoryBranch: MarinesChoose length of service: o Rookie (1-2 terms): no pension, (+psi potential)o Vet (3-4 terms): no pension, +1 moveo Old timer (5+ terms): +1 move, pension (+credits every 2nd month), mark disabilityFinal rank: Private, Corporal, Gunnery Sergeant, Second Lieutenant or Force CommanderPick an event:o Draftee - why?o Saw strange things on special assignments - detail.o Decorated multiple times for heroism, duty, luck, kills.o Deserter, running from what?

Moves:You get all basic moves. Pick cutlass +1 marine move.

HxBy default you have Hx +0 with everyone.On your turn, make 1-3 of the statements below about other characters to set your Hx vallue with them:* Say you were on a joint operation together, Hx +1 * Say you're blood brothers, Hx +3* Tell someone that they once stood up to you, Hx +2* Say you think they're a bullshitter and their rank and service history is inflated, Hx +1* Say they're ordering you around too much, you're no longer in the service and about the last guy that pushed you too hard, Hx +1* Tell someone that you think they're raw enough to be put in charge, Hx +1

2. Name

4. Noble Title

1. Date of Preparation

3. Look

5. Homeworld Tag 6. Homeworld Name

7. Cool

O Highlight

8. Hard

O Highlight

9. Sharp

O Highlight

10. Soc

O Highlight

11. Space

O Highlight

12. Tech

O Highlight

16. Service 17. Branch 18. Dischargeworld

19. Terms Served 20. Final Rank 21a. Retired? 21b. Pension

O Yes O No

22. Special Assignments, events or awards and decorations

23. Marine Moves

O Cutlass: you are trained in this weapon and inflict +1 harm with it. Name your weapon.

O Combat Rifleman: +1 Hard (max +3).

O Tactics: whenever you read a sitch in a violent or potentially violent situation, roll + Hard instead of + Sharp.

O Forward Observer: whenever you call down fire from starship weapons, roll + Hard:On a 10+ they land where you want them. On a 7-9: pick one:- the arrival is delayed- fire is inaccurate and also targets someone/something else

O Zero-G-Combat training: Whenever you tussle with someone in zero g, roll + Space:On a 10+ you have them immobilised or spinning off into space. On a 7-9 you get the drop on them as above but not before they act against you.

O ToughMF: you have +1 armour.

O Psycho: you inflict +1 harm in combat.

24. Other Moves

You also have all the basic moves

13. Hx

14. Harm

03:00 06:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00

O Stable O Shattered (-1 Cool) O Crippled (-1 Hard) O Broken (-1 Sharp)

15. Armour or Vacc Suit

25. Credits available

26. Personal Equipment and Vehicles

O get +1 Cool (max cool +2)O get +1 Soc (max tech +2)O get +1 Space (max space +2)O get +1 Sharp (max sharp +2)O get a new marine moveO get a new marine moveO get 2 gigs (detail) and moonlightingO get a move from another playbookO get a move from another playbook

O get +1 to any stat (max +3)O retire your character O create a second characterO change playbookO advance 3 basic moves O advance the other basic moves

O O O O O ->improve

1 cutlass (3 harm, close, slow)1 Low passage ticket, a frozen sleep starship trip.Clothes appropriate to your look.Possessions worth 1 bundle of credits, detail if you wish.

Take 1 longarm:o Gauss Rifle (4-harm, ap, far, area, burst, hi-tech)o ACR (4-harm, ap, long, area, loud, hi-tech)o Laser Rifle (5-harm, ap, far, heavy, hi-tech)o Autorifle (3-harm, long, area, loud)

Choose 2 backup weapons:o Snub pistol (4 harm, ap, tranq, close, low recoil, loud, reload, hi-tech)o Blade or Dagger (2 harm)o Revolver (3 harm, close, reload, loud)o SMG (3 harm, close, area, loud)o Shotgun (4 harm, close, messy, loud)

Armour or a vacc suit:o Mesh, Jack or a flack jacket (1 armour)o Ballistic cloth or a combat environment suit (2 armour) plus reflec (4 armour vs lasers) if desiredo Vacc suit (2 armour, hi-g thrusters or re-entry kit)

Pick 1 edge:o Some doses of Combat drug (+1 armour for a combat and +1 harm after it)o RAM grenades (4 harm, ap or area, long, reload, messy)o Member of the Travellers Aid society


To create your Army character, choose name, look, homeworld, stats, service history, moves, gear and Hx.

NameJock, Enri, Cletus, Zack, Otto, Julius, Freda, Brand, Davina, Bentley, Dawson, Harriet, Kim, Paula, Titan.Smythe, Burns, Grahame, deCastries, Hegsley, Holtz, McCauley, McGavin, deFranco, Coleman, Whitney.

Lookmuscular, wiry, stocky, nervous, shabby, wrinkled, tight.

HomeworldName: Sublimic, Karmague, Xerotox, Maninse, Catcer, Atomuns, Zeropant, Plexage, Zodiwoss.

World tag: Rich, Lawless, High Tech, Extreme Tech, Crowded, Superb Starport, Industrialised, Navy Base, Fair Govt, Agricultural, Balkanised, Inhospitable, Low Pop, No Starport, Repressive, Low Tech, Primitive, Desert World, Water World, Arctic World, Poor, Non-Industrial, Non-Agricultural, Scout Base, Remote Govt

StatsChoose 1 set:o Cool +1 Hard +2 Sharp -1 Soc -1 Space -2 Tech +2o Cool +0 Hard +2 Sharp +0 Soc +1 Space -2 Tech +1o Cool +2 Hard +2 Sharp -1 Soc +0 Space -2 Tech +0o Cool +0 Hard +1 Sharp +1 Soc +0 Space -2 Tech +2

Service HistoryBranch: Infantry, Armour, Artillery, Support.Pick length of service: o Rookie (1-2 terms): no pension, (+psi potential)o Vet (3-4 terms): no pension, +1 moveo Old timer (5+ terms): +1 move, pension (+credits every 2nd month), mark disabilityFinal rank: Lance Corporal, Lead Sergeant, Captain, Major, Colonel, Brigadier General*, General** Must be an old timerPick an event:o Promoted rapidly for service, competence or events.o Still owes the service a lot of money, why?o War hero in police action, raid or counter-insurgency.o Left in disgrace while on training, garrison or mission.

Moves:You get all the basic moves. Pick two army moves.

HxBy default you have Hx +0 with everyone.On your turn, make 1-3 of the statements below about other characters to set your Hx vallue with them:* Say they disobeyed your order when it mattered,Hx+2* Say they messed up a joint mission, Hx +1.* Say you advised them once, before they found their feet, Hx +1.* Say you've seen them drinking too much and they'll destroy themselves if they keep it up, Hx+2.* Say you think they're wrapped too tight for civilian life, Hx +1.* Say you think they're arrogant, Hx +1.

2. Name

4. Noble Title

1. Date of Preparation

3. Look

5. Homeworld Tag 6. Homeworld Name

7. Cool

O Highlight

8. Hard

O Highlight

9. Sharp

O Highlight

10. Soc

O Highlight

11. Space

O Highlight

12. Tech

O Highlight

16. Service 17. Branch 18. Dischargeworld

19. Terms Served 20. Final Rank 21a. Retired? 21b. Pension

O Yes O No

22. Special Assignments, events or awards and decorations

24. Other Moves

13. Hx

14. Harm

03:00 06:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00

O Stable O Shattered (-1 Cool) O Crippled (-1 Hard) O Broken (-1 Sharp)

15. Armour or Vacc Suit

25. Credits available

26. Personal Equipment and Vehicles

O get +1 Cool (max cool +2)O get +1 Tech (max tech +2)O get +1 Hard (max hard +3)O get +1 Sharp (max sharp +2)O get a new army moveO get a new army moveO get 2 gigs (detail) and moonlightingO get a move from another playbookO get a move from another playbook

O get +1 to any stat (max +3)O retire your character O create a second characterO change playbookO advance 3 basic moves O advance the other basic moves

O O O O O ->improve

1 Low passage ticket, a frozen sleep starship trip.Clothes appropriate to your look.Possessions worth 1 bundle of credits, detail if you wish.1 Blade or Dagger (2 harm, ap)

1 longarm:o Gauss Rifle (4-harm, ap, far, area, burst, hi-tech)o ACR (4-harm, ap, long, area, loud, hi-tech)o Laser Rifle (5-harm, ap, far, heavy, hi-tech)o Autorifle (3-harm, long, area, loud)o Silenced Sniper Rifle (3-harm, far)

1 backup weapon:o Auto pistol (3 harm, close, loud)o SMG (3 harm, close, area, loud)

Armour:o Mesh, Jack or a flack jacket (1 armour)o Ballistic cloth or a combat environment suit (2 armour) plus reflec (4 armour vs lasers) if desiredo Combat armour (4 armour, sealed, illegal)

Pick 1 edge:o You have a vehicle, see serious driver move o You have a few reliable grunts, perhaps Zeke, Triv, Brains and Bonkers (tiny unit, 4 harm, 2 armour, mid-tech). If they cost you a bundle of credits a month they can be upgraded to hi-tech.o Medikit + 3 doses of medical slow drug (healing)

23. Army Moves

O Leadership, when your unit fights for you, roll+hard. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. Over the course of the fight, spend your hold 1 for 1 to make your unit:make a hard advance; stand strong against a hard advance; make an organized retreat; show mercy to their defeated enemies; fight and die to the last.On a miss, your unit panics, deserts or surrenders.

O Combat medic: When you use a medikit, to stabilize and heal someone at 9:00 or past: roll+tech. On a hit, they will stabilize and heal to 6:00, but the ref will choose 1 (on a 10+) or 2 (on a 7-9): (any of these can be avoided through the use of 1 dose of medical slow drug)they need to be physically stabilized before you can move them; even narcostabbed, they fight you - you're acting under fire; they'll be in and out of consciousness for 24 hours; stabilizing them eats up your stock - the medikit is empty; they'll be bedridden, out of action, for at least a week; they'll need constant monitoring and care for 36 hours;On a miss, they take 1-harm instead.

O Serious driver. +1 to all basic moves when in your vehicle. Pick from - air/raft (grav, open top),gcarrier (grav, big, armoured), gravbelt (grav, personal), wheeled ATV (slow, armoured), tracked AFV (slow, armoured, weapons), speeder (grav, small, fast), ground car.

O Tech specialist. +1 tech (max +3).

O Can build anything: get a toolkit (a workspace with 6-spares).

O Special forces training: +1 Cool (max +3)

You also have all the basic moves


To create your Scout character, choose name, look, homeworld, stats, service history, moves, gear and Hx.

NameBuzz, Henryk, Henrich, Willem, Vasco, Vittorio, Leif,Xu, Francisco, Romolo, Thor, Marco, Abel, Zheng.

Alvares, Armstrong, Black, ibn Batta, Burckhardt, Cook, Dias, Drake, Gagarin, Hartog, Kagel, Kozlov, Stanley.

Lookskinny, fit, dishevelled, distracted, lost, courageous.

HomeworldName: Gecope, Hypeduce, Pettest, Kineres, Ramaliga, Homoves, Perime, Abradom, Apollerth.

World tag: Rich, Lawless, High Tech, Extreme Tech, Crowded, Superb Starport, Industrialised, Navy Base, Fair Govt, Agricultural, Balkanised, Inhospitable, Low Pop, No Starport, Repressive, Low Tech, Primitive, Desert World, Water World, Arctic World, Poor, Non-Industrial, Non-Agricultural, Scout Base, Remote Govt

StatsChoose 1 set:o Cool +1 Hard +0 Sharp -1 Soc -1 Space +2 Tech +1o Cool +1 Hard +1 Sharp -1 Soc -2 Space +1 Tech +2o Cool +0 Hard -1 Sharp +1 Soc +0 Space +1 Tech +1o Cool +2 Hard +0 Sharp -2 Soc -1 Space +2 Tech +0

Service HistoryPick a branch: Exploration, Communications, SurveyChoose length of service: o Rookie (1-2 terms): no pension, (+psi potential)o Vet (3-4 terms): no pension, +1 moveo Old timer (5+ terms): +1 move, pension (+credits every 2nd month), mark disabilityFinal rank: the scout service has no ranks. Pick an event:o Still banned from scout bases, what happened?o Caused an accident on ship, planet, station, asteroid.o Discovered something - science, archaeology, cultureo Quit in disgust due to a person, events, regulations

Moves:You get all the basic moves. Pick scoutship operations and a scoutship or two scout moves.

HxBy default you have Hx +0 with everyone.On your turn, make 1-3 of the statements below about other characters to set your Hx vallue with them:* Say they saved you from a serious threat, Hx+2* Say you looked after them, when in need, Hx+2* Say they let you down in a tricky situation, Hx+1* Say they need to lighten up, or they'll get punched out, Hx+1* Tell someone that in the field their rules and regulations don't mean squat, Hx+2* Tell someone that they lead their unit to destruction and you won't be following them blind, Hx+1

2. Name

4. Noble Title

1. Date of Preparation

3. Look

5. Homeworld Tag 6. Homeworld Name

7. Cool

O Highlight

8. Hard

O Highlight

9. Sharp

O Highlight

10. Soc

O Highlight

11. Space

O Highlight

12. Tech

O Highlight

16. Service 17. Branch 18. Dischargeworld

19. Terms Served 20. Final Rank 21a. Retired? 21b. Pension

O Yes O No

22. Special Assignments, events or awards and decorations

23. Scout Moves

O Scoutship Operations: when you use your ship for travel, especially between sessions, spend a bundle of credits (unless you start at a scout base) and roll +space. On a 10+ if you had secured minor cargos or passengers you get the bundle of credits back, you may see a benefit from your origin/destination world. On a 7-9 you make it but pick one of the ship's consequences to be triggered. On a 6- nothing goes well and the ref will chose more than 1 consequence triggered by both your ship and your origin/destination worlds.

O Seen it all before: use Space for Cool when acting under fire.

O Jack of all Trades: you can turn your hand to anything, whenever you make a move you can roll +cool instead but the maximum result you can get is a 7-9.

O Hotshot Pilot: when in a starship you can add +1 to all basic moves.

O First-rate Navigator: when travelling and there is a need to get there first, given any sort of chance, roll +space:On a 10+ pick two, on a 7-9 pick one:- you beat them to the finish line- you don't suffer a malfunction or overload on arrival- they aren't close to or aware of you

O Crusty: +1 space (max +3).

24. Other Moves

You also have all the basic moves

13. Hx

14. Harm

03:00 06:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00

O Stable O Shattered (-1 Cool) O Crippled (-1 Hard) O Broken (-1 Sharp)

15. Armour or Vacc Suit

25. Credits available

26. Personal Equipment and Vehicles

O get +1 Cool (max cool +2)O get +1 Tech (max tech +2)O get +1 Space (max space +2)O get +1 Sharp (max sharp+2)O get a new scout moveO get a new scout moveO get 2 gigs (detail) and moonlightingO get a move from another playbookO get a move from another playbook

O get +1 to any stat (max +3)O retire your character O create a second characterO change playbookO advance 3 basic moves O advance the other basic moves

O O O O O ->improve

1 Middle Passage ticket for a starship journeyClothes appropriate to your look.Possessions worth 2 bundles of credits, detail if you wish or keep as cash.

Choose 2 handy weapons:o Snub pistol (4 harm, ap, tranq, close, low recoil, loud, hi-tech, reload), o Blade or Dagger (2 harm, ap)o Autopistol (3 harm, close, loud)o SMG (3 harm, close, area, loud)o Carbine (3 harm, long, loud)o Shotgun (4 harm, close, messy, loud)

Pick your armour or a vacc suit: o Mesh or Jack (1 armour)o Ballistic cloth (2 armour)o Vacc suit (2 armour, tailored or milspec sensors) or a hostile environment suit (3 armour, heavy)Take 1 edge:o Make vacc suit high tech (+duration -weight)o Get both a vacc suit and armouro Image intensifiers (+1 sharp when useful)


Scoutship and crewDetail the ship as follows:

Ship name: ________________________________________

It is 100 tons with jump 2, 2g acceleration, a computer 1bis, a double turret with one beam laser fitted, there are four cabins with a maximum (non-commercial) occupancy of 8. It has 3 tons of cargo space and an air/raft for getting around.

It has these advantages:o Streamlined for landing in atmospheres or skimming fuel from gas giantso Ship's locker with vacc suits, protective clothing, survival kits, shelters & shotgun or carbine.o Scout service high quality drives that are less prone to misjumpso Equipped with fuel purification plant for wilderness refuelling (oceans, ice-caps or gas-giants)o Will be refuelled for free at any scout baseo Normal crew is 3: pilot, engineer and gunner, but can be operated by one pilot/engineer (consequence+accidents)

Pick 1 additional advantage from:o Advanced sensor packageo High tech stealth hullo Armed with a triple turret - sandcaster, missile, beam lasero Upgrade computer to Model 3o Ship is famous, has served with distinction, has a good rep with ___________________ (service, world or organisation)

It automatically has the disadvantage:o May be recalled to active duty by the Scout service at any moment (consequence+recall)

Pick 2 more from:o Appears to be a smelly deathtrap (consequence-passengers).o Has a dodgy sensor package (consequence+accidents).o Drive uses more fuel than it should (consequence+refueling)o Computer sometimes goes on the fritz (consequence+delays)o Ships papers are not up to date (consequence+paperwork)o Has some parts used for repairs that aren't really compatible (consequence+malfunctions).o Has a faulty air filter design that make long trips unpleasant (consequence+sickness)o Dreadful paint job (peeling, lurid pink, kill stickers, etc) (consequence+inspections).o Is way past its annual maintenance date (consequence+misjumps).

Detail the crew with your ref (perhaps Dee and Smith - or some, all or none of the other PCs), they should be competent at their jobs.

To create your Merchant character, choose name, look, homeworld, stats, service history, moves, gear and Hx.

NameAaron, Adin, Aldo, Arden, Astrid, Bev, Dorian, Erik, VikiElias, Elizabeth, Gloria, Lascelles, Kitty, Nils, Raj, Talia,

DeVries, Jamison, Harvy, Hawkins, Ishan, Silver, VegaHampton, Garibaldi, Morgan, Pollux, Wallace, Vargos.

Lookslimy, charming, professional, interested, trustworthy, homely, agitated, fun-loving, rotund, charismatic.

HomeworldName: Dynant, Xenode, Hareres, Preval, Meng, Maxiduct, Goethor, Innollic, Indegyn, Portatent.

World tag: Rich, Lawless, High Tech, Extreme Tech, Crowded, Superb Starport, Industrialised, Navy Base, Fair Govt, Agricultural, Balkanised, Inhospitable, Low Pop, No Starport, Repressive, Low Tech, Primitive, Desert World, Water World, Arctic World, Poor, Non-Industrial, Non-Agricultural, Scout Base, Remote Govt

StatsChoose 1 set:o Cool +0 Hard +0 Sharp +2 Soc -2 Space +2 Tech -1o Cool +1 Hard -2 Sharp +2 Soc -1 Space +1 Tech +1o Cool -1 Hard +1 Sharp +1 Soc -1 Space +2 Tech +0o Cool -1 Hard -1 Sharp +1 Soc +0 Space +1 Tech +2

Service HistoryLine (branch): Independent, Corporate, Merchant Navy

Choose a length of service: o Rookie (1-2 terms): no pension, (+psi potential)o Vet (3-4 terms): no pension, +1 moveo Old timer (5+ terms): +1 move, pension (+credits every 2nd month), mark disabilityFinal rank: Spacehand, 4th Officer, 1st Officer, Captain.

Pick an event:o Made enemies with ___________(line/world/service)o You once struck it lucky on ______________(world)o Was denied command by ___________(line/person)o Made a fortune, lost a fortune - how?

Moves:You get all the basic moves. Pick commercial operations and a merchant ship & crew (see reverse) or two merchant moves.

HxBy default you have Hx +0 with everyone.1. On your turn, make 1-3 of the statements below about other characters to set your Hx vallue with them:* Say you come from the same homeworld, Hx +1* Say you were in a tight spot together once, Hx +2* Say you were in basic training with them but moved on to the merchant service, Hx +1* Tell someone that you think they're crazy, Hx +1* Tell someone that you think they're bitter about their time in service, Hx +2* Tell someone that you like them, Hx +1

2. Name

4. Noble Title

1. Date of Preparation

3. Look

5. Homeworld Tag 6. Homeworld Name

7. Cool

O Highlight

8. Hard

O Highlight

9. Sharp

O Highlight

10. Soc

O Highlight

11. Space

O Highlight

12. Tech

O Highlight

16. Service 17. Branch 18. Dischargeworld

19. Terms Served 20. Final Rank 21a. Retired? 21b. Pension

O Yes O No

22. Special Assignments, events or awards and decorations

23. Merchant Moves

O Commercial Operations: When you unload your starship, sell speculative cargos, search for cargos and passengers and decide on a new destination, roll +sharp, on 10+ you have broken even (profit = 0) and have only 1 want for a new load. On a 7-9 lose 2 bundles of credits and you have 2 wants and/or catastrophies, on a miss the referee will pick many wants/catastrophes. A world with markets always adds +1 profit, world tags may cancel some wants.

O Smooth talker: use Sharp instead of Soc when you manipulate someone.

O Fantastic host: when you seek to pamper or entertain a group, roll +sharp on a 10+ hold 3, on a 7-9 hold 1. Spend your hold 1 for 1 to make the guests:- be happy and forget about a specific care that you name- go quietly to their beds or homes- reveal to you what they know about a topic of your choice- bring forth an item they possesson a miss you are betrayed, attacked or compromised by them.

O Ship's doctor: when you have access to a ship's sick bay or equivalent, and have time to work on a person, decide what you're trying for and tell the ref. (see the sickbay on the reverse)

O Contacts in every port: +1 Sharp (max +3)

O Computer expert: +1 to basic moves when you have access to a computer and the ref agrees it could make a difference.

24. Other Moves

You also have all the basic moves

13. Hx

14. Harm

03:00 06:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00

O Stable O Shattered (-1 Cool) O Crippled (-1 Hard) O Broken (-1 Sharp)

15. Armour or Vacc Suit

25. Credits available

26. Personal Equipment and Vehicles

O get +1 Sharp (max sharp +2)O get +1 Tech (max tech +2)O get +1 Space (max space +2)O get +1 Soc (max soc +2)O get a new merchant moveO get a new merchant moveO get 2 gigs (detail) and moonlightingO get a move from another playbookO get a move from another playbook

O get +1 to any stat (max +3)O retire your character (to safety)O create a second characterO change playbookO advance 3 basic moves O advance the other basic moves

O O O O O ->improve

1 Middle Passage ticket for a starship journeyClothes appropriate to your look.Possessions worth 1 bundle of credits, detail if you wish or keep as cash.Blade or Dagger (2 harm, ap)

Choose 1 practical weapon:o Autopistol (3 harm, close, loud)o Carbine (3 harm, long, loud)o Shotgun (4 harm, close, messy, loud)

Pick your armour or a vacc suit: o Mesh or Jack (1 armour)o Ballistic cloth (2 armour)o Vacc suit (2 armour, decorated or self-sealing)

Take 1 edge:o A contact you can rely on for hard to find goods or information, detail with refo A bent law enforcement, navy or starport employee who will do nearly anything for a bundle of credits, detail with refo Hand computer (roll+tech to get +1 forward to a specific task)


Merchant ship and crewDetail the ship as follows:

Name ____________________________________________It is 200 ton Free Trader with jump 1, 1g acceleration, a computer 1, two hardpoints for turrets but no weapons fitted, there are 10 cabins, normally 3 are used for the crew at double occupancy. Normal crew is 4: pilot, engineer, medic and steward, but if weapons are fitted it also needs gunners. There are twenty low berths for frozen passengers and 7 cabins for high/middle passengers (want:need high passengers). It has 82 tons of cargospace (want:need cargo).

It has these advantages:o May increase profits by +2 credits per journey if you take illegal or contraband goods (want: customs problem)o May increase profits by +1 credits per journey if you engage in speculative trade (want: -4 credits)o Streamlined for landing in atmospheres or skimming fuel from gas giantso Ship's locker with vacc suits, protective clothing, survival kits,emergency shelters & shotgun or carbine.

Pick 2 additional advantages from:o Upgrade to a Far Trader (Jump-2, model 1bis computer, only 51 tons of cargo, only 10 low berths (want: -credits)o Armed with a double turret (+sandcaster, pulse laser) add a gunner to your crew (Zeke)o Hidden compartmentso Nearly paid off, only 10 years left on mortgageo Have a mail contract (profit +1credits want:contract in dispute)o Have an air/raft (takes 4 tons cargo space)o Has dismountable tanks in cargo hold (20 tons), to allow a second jump (taking a second week) to extend range (+1jump, want: -credits when fitted), otherwise they can be stored after a week of reconfiguration work.

By default you have these financial obligations each trip:o Make ship mortgage payment (want:they come after you)o Pay crew salaries (want:confrontation, mutiny or strike)o Pay into ship maintenance fund (want:misjumps)o Refuel and restock life support (want: stranded)

Pick 2 disadvantages from:o Subsidised mortgage (profit +1credits) but may be called to auxillary duty by the Navy at any time (want:recall).o Deep in hock to a nasty and powerful individual, detail with the ref (want: obligation).o Is a flying junk heap (want:malfunctions).o Has been black-listed by some lucrative port or organisation, detail with ref (want:banned)o Has a dodgy past, that sometimes shows up on customs or port checks (want:red tape)o Dreadful appearance (peeling, rusty, obvious repairs, etc) (want:passengers).o Is way past its annual maintenance date (want: misjumps)o Is poorly stocked with spares or consumables (want: scarcity)o Has recently lost a key crew member so one role requires double-jobbing (want: accidents)o Is already behind with mortgage payments (want: pursuers)o Stolen, cannot return to system _________ and must keep running from the Navy (want: warrants)

Merchant CrewDetail the crew with your ref (perhaps Deek, Filler and Burgoyne - or some, all or none of the other PCs), they should be competent at their jobs.

SickbayWhen a ship's doctor has access to a ship's sick bay or equivalent, and have time to work on a person, decide what you're trying for and tell the ref. The ref will tell you "sure, no problem, but..." and then 1 to 4 of the following:- it's going to take hours/days/weeks/months of work;- first you'll have to get/build/fix/figure out ___;- you're going to need ___ to help you with it;- it's going to cost you bundles of credits;- the best you'll be able to do is a crap version, weak and unreliable;- it's going to mean exposing yourself (plus colleagues & patient) to serious danger;- you're going to have to add ___ to your sick bay first;- it's going to take several/dozens/hundreds of tries;o you're going to have to take ___ apart to do it.The ref might connect them all with "and," or might throw in a merciful "or."

To create your Other character, choose name, look, homeworld, stats, service history, moves, gear and Hx.

NameBoris, Bob, Luther, Cate, Sam, Chuck, Darrius, Dirk, Elle, Kelly, Napoleon, Tara, Emma, Ethan, Hans, Jane.Black, Wong, Widow, Gale, Hood, Flint, Garak, Kloss, Temple, Stone, Steed, Caution, Gambit, Fury, Scorpion.

Looksleazy, rough, tatooed, icy, able, agile, coarse, thin, wily, corrupt, distant, friendly, charming, scheming.

HomeworldName: Wetrod, Monamous, Origix, Caribet, Canollic,Ladox, Metaver, Delerax, Kitcherth, Glypheus.

World tag: Rich, Lawless, High Tech, Extreme Tech, Crowded, Superb Starport, Industrialised, Navy Base, Fair Govt, Agricultural, Balkanised, Inhospitable, Low Pop, No Starport, Repressive, Low Tech, Primitive, Desert World, Water World, Arctic World, Poor, Non-Industrial, Non-Agricultural, Scout Base, Remote Govt

StatsChoose 1 set:o Cool +2 Hard +1 Sharp +0 Soc -2 Space -2 Tech +2o Cool +2 Hard +1 Sharp +1 Soc -1 Space -2 Tech +1o Cool +2 Hard +0 Sharp +2 Soc -2 Space -2 Tech +1o Cool +1 Hard +0 Sharp +1 Soc +0 Space -2 Tech +2

Service HistoryPick a branch: Unspecified, Corporate, Military, Govmt.Final rank: not applicable. Choose length of service: o Rookie (1-2 terms): no pension, (+psi potential)o Vet (3-4 terms): no pension, +1 moveo Old timer (5+ terms): +1 move, pension (+credits every 2nd month), mark disabilityPick an event:o Involved in the background of a famous incident, ...o Has bounty on head by ________ (world/service/org)o Injured spying, stealing or fighting __________o Much older than you seem and dependent on supply of expensive, extreme tech anagathic (anti-aging) drugs each month or you risk having an aging crisis.

Moves:You get all the basic moves. Pick two other moves.

HxBy default you have Hx +0 with everyone.On your turn, make 1-3 of the statements below about other characters to set your Hx vallue with them:* Say you've only just met but you've hit it off, Hx +1* Say they owe you a bundle of credits, tell them Hx +1* Tell someone that you go way back, tell them Hx +2* Say you've been watching them, Hx+2* Tell someone that you think they're incompetent, but you like them anyway, Hx+1* Tell someone that you you've been close to them before, but they didn't know it, Hx+2

2. Name

4. Noble Title

1. Date of Preparation

3. Look

5. Homeworld Tag 6. Homeworld Name

7. Cool

O Highlight

8. Hard

O Highlight

9. Sharp

O Highlight

10. Soc

O Highlight

11. Space

O Highlight

12. Tech

O Highlight

16. Service 17. Branch 18. Dischargeworld

19. Terms Served 20. Final Rank 21a. Retired? 21b. Pension

O Yes O No

22. Special Assignments, events or awards and decorations

23. Other Moves

O Talented forger: you can create forged documents or credentials with a toolkit (starts with 3-supplies). Whenever the documents are checked by officials, roll +tech: on a 10+ they pass without notice, on a 7-9 they take some time to check and record your name, but let you through.O Backstreet brawler: use Cool for Hard in a melee only.

O Streetwise: given some time, you can gather information or find illegal or hard to get supplies from fringe elements of society. Roll +cool: on a 10+ you have a name, location and time to get what you want, on a 7-9 you get a lead to someone who knows someone and pick 1:- it doesn't cost a bundle of credits; - no-one else is interested in your inquiriesO Intense stare: use Cool for Soc, when you manipulate anyone but the nobility.O Lubrication: when you put down some cash to get an official to look the other way, roll +sharpOn a 10+ pick 3 (4 on high law world, 2 on a low law one), on 7-9 pick 2 (1 on a low law world, 3 on a high law one):- it doesn't cost you a bundle of credits- they don't mention the incident to anyone- you get what you want- it won't take much time or preparation on your or their part

o Pro Gambler: when you sit down with some rubes to play, roll +cool: on 10+ get a bundle of credits and ask the ref for something interesting you hear during the game. On a 7-9 pick one:- you win a bundle of credits; - nobody wants to get even with you

24. Other Moves

You also have all the basic moves

13. Hx

14. Harm

03:00 06:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00

O Stable O Shattered (-1 Cool) O Crippled (-1 Hard) O Broken (-1 Sharp)

15. Armour or Vacc Suit

25. Credits available

26. Personal Equipment and Vehicles

O get +1 Cool (max cool +3)O get +1 Tech (max tech +2)O get +1 Sharp (max sharp +2)O get +1 Hard (max hard+2)O get a new other moveO get a new other moveO get 2 gigs (detail) and moonlightingO get a move from another playbookO get a move from another playbook

O get +1 to any stat (max +3)O retire your character O create a second characterO change playbookO advance 3 basic moves O advance the other basic moves

O O O O O ->improve

1 each of High, Middle and Low Passage tickets for a starship journey.Clothes appropriate to your look.Possessions worth 2 bundles of credits, detail if you wish or keep as cash.

Choose 1 or 2 concealed weapons:o Body pistol (2 harm, close, loud, hi-tech, non- metallic)o Blade (2 harm, ap)o Dagger (2 harm, ap)o Silenced auto pistol (3 harm, close)o SMG (3 harm, close, area, loud)o Silenced sniper rifle in carrying case (3 harm, far)

Concealed armour that appears as normal clothes: o Mesh or Jack (1 armour)o Ballistic cloth (2 armour)

Take 1 edge:o 6 bundles of credits in bank, cash or hiddeno A discrete and secure location. It has 2 of these: alarm system, spare parts, weapons, bomb-proof armour, law enforcement protection, remote surveillance, self-destruct system.o A small gang of local thugs (2 harm, armour 1) that you use for protection, to run numbers, etc. By default they are savage. You can remove that or increase their weaponry (harm) or armour by 1.


Traveller World - Moves

Basic MovesWhen you act under pressure - as per AW act under fire +cool

When you go aggro (except with spacecraft) - as per AW +hard

When you seize by force (except spacecraft) - as per AW +hard

When you read a sitch - as per AW +sharp

When you read a person - as per AW +sharp

When you aid or interfere - as per AW +Hx

Pull Rank to Manipulate SomeoneWhen you pull rank to manipulate someone roll+soc (but sometimes when dealing with unsavoury characters the ref maysay minus soc instead). On a 10+, hold 4; on a 7-9, hold 2. When your hold runs out, they may not trust you anymore. Lose 1 hold anytime one of the following happens:

- You do something threatening, bizarre, or otherwise straining credibility.- You ask them to do something they wouldn't normally do.- They do something for you that they wouldn't normally do.- Time passes.

Jury-Rig or Repair EquipmentWhen you jury-rig or make emergency repairs to equipment (except spacecraft drives or powerplants) roll +tech and optionally expend a unit of appropriate spares: On a 10+: the item works, for the moment. Pick 1 from the list or 0 if you expended spares. On a7-9: the item works, for the moment. Pick 2 from the list or 1 if you expended spares.- it operates at drastically reduced efficiency, maybe 50%- it needs your ongoing attention and care to continue to work- it will fail again soon- you must spend additional spares and time to complete the job

Do Some ResearchWhen you do some research, roll +tech:On a hit the ref will tell you something new about the current situation and may ask you some questions, answer them.On a 10+ it will be really useful, such as the fact that there is nomore left to know, on a 7-9 it may be useful.

Make a Hazardous JourneyWhen you make a hazardous journey (all space travel is hazardous) roll +space or +tech (for non-spaceship travel):

On a 10+ you reach your destination in the expected time without delay or mishap, although the referee may tell you something interesting that happens along the way.On a 7-9 you get there eventually but the referee will choose one or more of these:- Your pilot or driver needs to avoid a hazard with little warning- There is a sub-system malfunction of some type, perhaps the computer, sensors, lifesupport, drives or powerplant- You are delayed unless your navigator can help- You meet trouble along the way- Your fuel, battery, life-support or supplies are depleted- There is a medical emergency, especially for low passengers

Basic Moves

Jury-Rig or Repair Spacecraft DrivesUse the jury-rig or repair equipment move above, but roll +space.

Attack or Intimidate with a SpacecraftUse the go aggro move above, but roll +space +difference in computer ratings between the craft.

Engage in an Armed Spacecraft DuelUse the seize by force move above, but roll +space +difference in computer ratings between the craft

Peripheral Moves

Looking for a Lucrative OpportunityWhen you spend some time looking for a lucrative opportunity, roll +weeks spent, +soc for a patron, else +sharp

On a hit, choose patron, passengers or cargo below, on a miss or a 7-9 you find trouble with the law, the locals or in the starport.

Patron: You are introduced to someone who wishes to make use of your services (and possibly those of your companions). On a 7-9, the referee chooses one of the following. On a 10+, the referee chooses three.- The job is not particularly dangerous.- The job will not involve interstellar entanglements.- The job pays very well.- The patron is not withholding information about the job.

Passengers: You persuade one or more high passengers to take passage aboard your ship (+credits to next starship operations move). On a 7-9, the referee chooses one of the following. On a 10+, the referee chooses three.- There will be no-one awkward awaiting their arrival.- They will make no extraordinary demands upon the crew.- They have no potential contraband or dangerous materials..- They are not being pursued by personal enemies or the law.

Cargo: You can purchase a potentially valuable cargo for interstellar shipment. Take +1 forward for your next starship operations move for each bundle of credits you spend. On a 10+ it is salable on many worlds, on a 7-9 you must name the specific target world that the bonus applies to.

Upkeep MoveWhen there´s been some down-time and you´ve been living off your savings, luck and small-time jobs, spend bundles of credits equal to your Soc for an automatic miss or roll +soc:

On a 10+ the referee can pick one, on a 7-9 pick 2:- Take -1 Soc forward until you get some well paid work- You're being pursued for your debts- You lose a business, organisation, precious item or opportunity- Without well paid work you must make this move again in a week- You're acting under fire if you refuse well paid work- You've become devoted to an ideology, regime, religion or drugOn a miss, you're OK for now but the referee can still choose to make you spend one bundle of credits.

Peripheral Moves

Consult Library Data About a WorldWhen you consult library data about a world or scan it for the first time, roll + 0: on a 10+ choose 3 from list A below or take 4 from A and two from B, on a 7-9 choose 1 from list A and one from list B. On a 6-, pick 1-3 from list B, if you take 3 then also pick one from list A:

List A- Rich: it is a garden world with plenty for all- Lawless: there is great personal freedom and little bureaucracy- High Tech: high tech gear is freely available- Extreme Tech: is a centre of extreme high tech (uses 2 picks)- Crowded: it is teeming with billions of people- Superb Starport: excellent starport facilities- Industrial: local industry is booming- Navy Base: there is an Imperial navy base here- Fair Govt: the government is representative and/or open-minded- Agricultural: food and other crops thrive here- Balkanised: the world is split into many independent states

List B- Inhospitable: the atmosphere is unfit for humans, pick: vacuum, trace, tainted, corrosive or exotic- Low Pop: there are few people, if any, on the planet- No Starport: the starport facilities are primitive or non-existant- Repressive: individual action is repressed, red tape everywhere- Early Tech: no high tech is found on this planet- Primitive: the locals are primitives, living in a preindustrial society- Extreme environment, pick from: desert, water or arctic world- Poor: the local economy is depressed- Non-Industrial:there is little local industry- Non-Agricultural: all foodstuffs must be imported- Scout Base: there's a local scout base- Harsh Govt: the government is elitist and/or regressive- No Gas Giants:the outer system doesn't support wilderness refueling

Then choose other details like world size (remember asteroid belts are possible) to suit your picks. Contradictory picks are available, either don't pick these or do and rationalise them!By default a world can support humans, has less than a couple of million inhabitants and has low interstellar technology, an adequate startport and police harassment of the PCs on every 2nd day.

To Escape in a SpacecraftWhen you try to escape or avoid contact by acceleration: roll +space + difference in the G ratings of the craft, on a 10+ you are safely outside weapons range and if the ref decides it you have escaped entirely. On a 7-9: either:- you avoid fire, hazards or enemy maneuvers but the range remains about the same, or- you increase the range but you either need to avoid incoming fire or make emergency repairs on a malfunction to complete the maneuver.


Traveller World Ref Sheet

Names: Alia Amidala Ayala Bail Bria Cade Dash Davin Deanna Dejah Deliah Diva Elihu Galen Holden Joelle Jubal Kaidan Kaylee Keyan Kira Korben Lazarus Leia Lorelei Mal Moya Pallas River Rune Samara Sela Selim Serenity Serra Tali Talon Talyn Tasha Thane Tyrell Winter Zhora Ardesia Aria Auretta Aurora Baia Balia Balzo Bellezza Bennato Bianco Brio Cadenza Cala Calia

Alizé Alouette Aléa Amande Ambrette Amérique Anneau Atlantique Aérien Bechette Bichette Bijou Bleu Bonté Cadeau Chaton Deja Delà Dimanche Doré Délice Elle Fabrique Flambeau Fleur Fleurette Fraise Galette Janvier Jeton Jolie Jumelle Lexique Lumière Lune Mai Maison Mardi Margay Marée Mauve Mirabelle Musique Neige Callaia Canna Carezza Cielo Marena Massimo Matita Mattolina Mira Mirando Morgana Nero Nevata

Nichée Parc Plaire Pomme Reine Rivage Roux Ruban Saison Samedi Satiné Savarin Soleil Terre Tulipe Velouté Victoire Vrai Vrille Aio Alba Alea Allegro Alzata Annata Aquila Ardesia Olanda Ombra Onda Ora Pasqua Patria Perla Prima Riva Rivo Roano Sabbia Salita Scala Serenella Stellina Tamia Terra Trina Valentia Valletta Ventura Vero Via Violetta Vita Zana Zia Gelso Zio

Basic Cycle of Play1. Select travel destination (move: look up in library data)2. Move ship by jump/m-drives (move: make hazardous journey)3. Spend a week on planet looking for work/cargos (moves: starship operations, living off your savings and small-time jobs, looking for a lucrative opportunity, starship gigs) 4. Generate patron + mission or starship gigs5. Execute mission/gig: can roll to see where play starts6. Travel to another world (got to 1) or stay here (go to 3)

Generating a Patron Mission1. Pick a mission type.2. Pick a target (threat type or mcguffin) 3. Pick a threat type to be the opposition4. Optionally pick another threat type to be a complication

Patron Mission TypesRoll +appropriate stat: 10+ major advantage/7-9 complication/6- disasterFor a complication you can always substitute a world, vehicle, gang, unit or organisation consequence/benefit instead of the one listed below.Base reward = 1 bundle of credits for each character on sucessful completion, * = 2 bundles, ** = 3 bundles.

Name (major advantage/complication/disaster)Transport (near destination/breakdown/ambushed)Pick up (receiver located/awkward cargo/used as mules)Crew (end of duty/power struggle/trapped)Capture* (target sighting/high security/got wrong person)Rescue* (located/imperials involved/they ve dissapeared)Salvage (artefact/target changed location/impoverished)Guard (bored/alert/embattled or inflitrated)Find (lead/mystery deepens/shut out)Monitor (information/unusual movement/deceived)Infiltrate* (inside/additional threat/discovered)Destroy/Kill** (in sights/many guards/left planet)Investigate (revelation/mystery deepens/shut out)Explore (discovery/malfunction/beaten there)Smuggle* (favour/inspection/exposed)Steal* (insider/patrols/embattled) Coerce (secrets/reprisals/exposed)Frame* (leverage/target protected/exposed)Repair (test-run/need more parts/shut out)Manage (recognition/strike/impoverished)Guide (trailblazer/medical emergency/lost)Mercenary Tickets: - Security (intelligence/alert/infiltrated)- Striker (morale boost/ambush/imperial intervention)- Cadre (media credit/battle/overthrown)- Commando (extraction/bad insertion/imprisoned)

Ship or Base Names:Klethra, Iapetus, Hymera, Thetis, Electra, Perdix, Urania, Clotho, Hylas, Latona, Aeetes, Marathon, Juno, Oresteia, Amalthea, Notus, Sunion, Zephyr, Peleus, Fortuna, Nape, Alecto, Laius, Minerva, Zetes, Erato, Vesta, Phorcys, Hecuba, Demeter, Neleus, Alder, Diomedes, Stag, Antea, Egeria, Leda, Arcas, Dorceus, Ino, Lukeion, Ajax, Haemon, Phaedra, Creon, Arcadia, Melampus, Euryalo, Orestes, Mysia, Acrisius, Mentor, Rhodope, Elysian, Delphia, Stentor, Iris, Ceto, Leto, Arion, Irene, Teucer, Geryon, Aeson, Scamander, Hesperia, Cadmon, Selene, Aurora, Absyrtus, Poplar, Agenor, Coronis, Avernus, Serpent, Deianira, Boreas, Tagus, Evadne, Hesperia, Jocasta

City, World or Subsector Names:Unicima, Nigevige, Loungice, Xaspan, Retrotonet, Karmarior, Maesonox, Bascan, Fibyte, Parage, Scorpica, Unisim, Ratioros, Scorpong, Yucasio, Caducet, Specone, Dethrola, Escalum, Dane, Mutiscan, Metapex, Expezed, Ageirer, Norgel, Dascan, Scieture, Fountage, Calival, Portalogy, Quadrokism, Dacity, Nitrophys, Expegegue, Cathong, Habis, Beatace, Demoph, Biscepe, Ergoreth, Canozapa, Done, Tunet, Generable, Geolood, Isorth, Lyt, Macrocoble, Mystre, Mogen, Subtos, Ascendede, Ramapeus, Thegen, Nithant, Probiz, Antehism, Hypene, Polybert, Toptest, Mysize, Canonute, Locahare, Misder

World Tag (Benefits/Consequences)List A tags:Rich (pleasures, markets/underclass, cargos)Lawless (weapons/violence)High Tech (tech/arrogance)Extreme Tech (super-tech/alienation)Hi Population (passengers, cargos, recruits, psi/hostility)Hi-quality Starport (repairs/travellers)Industrialised (goods/pollution)Navy base (no piracy/checks)Fair Govt (freedom/inaction)Agricultural (flora, fauna, foodstuffs/predators)Balkanised (adventure/conflict)

List B tags:Inhospitable (solidarity/death)Low Population (friendly/no secrets)No starport (isolation/unprocessed fuel)High Law (monitoring/harassment, weapons illegal)Low Tech (cheap/dangerous healthcare)Preindustrial Tech (artifacts/taboos)Desert World (minerals/survival)Water World (free unrefined fuel, cargos/survival)Arctic World (free unrefined fuel/survival)Poor (markets/no cargos)Non-Industrial (resources/imports)Non-Agricultural (cargos/cost of living)Scout base (scoutship refuel/interference)Harsh government (hierarchy/repression)No gas giants exist (less piracy/no system refueling)

Starship Gigs:These address both specific ship wants from starship operations and more general activities.Roll +sharpLocate passengers (ready to sign/complicated passengers/no-one around)Find standard cargo (broker has something/ complicated cargo/nothing for that destination)Find speculative cargo (multiple options/specific destination/ripped off)Find illegal/contraband cargo (make contact/police or custom checks/framed)Deal with red tape (you zoom through/extra fees/ ship impounded)Refuel and restock life support (all ready to go/find a malfunction)Go sight-seeing (learn a fact/cornered by hostile locals/marooned)Blow off steam in starport bars - crew get +1 forward (entertained/mugged/press ganged)Deal with medical emergency (no-one dies/low passenger dies/legal action)Seek personal deliveries (meeting arranged/different destination/followed)Get clearance for landing (you get a choice location/put in a holding pattern/patrol ship sent)Secure the ship (no trouble/stowaway/bridge occupied)Deliver personal messages (get a job offer/the local authorities want to talk to you/ambushed)Recruit new crew (find someone qualified/you poached someone/no applications)Perform routine maintenance (ready for take- off/need to re-run checks/system malfunction)Get clearance for takeoff (you re next/delays/ grounded)


Threat Types

StarshipsPirates (impulse: to conceal identity, attack the weak, do dodgy deals, avoid the strong)Small craft (impulse: to buzz busilly, forwarn of events)Non-starships (impulse: to service the system)Free traders (impulse: to exchange gossip)Mercenaries (impulse: to herald trouble)Liners (impulse: to glide imperiously)Merchants (impulse: to scorn independents)Patrol Cruisers (impulse: to hail and search)Yachts (impulse: to pull rank)Scouts (impulse: to bring news)System defense boats (impulse: to lurk silently)Navy squadrons (impulse: to strike fear)Moves:- Leave the system, hastily or with leisure- Follow a standard course to a starport, settlement, base or body- Match vectors with something- Hail someone with news, a job or an offer- Arrive with a shower of radiation- Change course to an intersecting vector with something- Make an active sensor sweep- Train weapon systems on something- Vent gas, perhaps to decompress the ship in readiness for combat- Start jamming communications and/or missiles- Launch a sudden attack- Make evasive maneuvers or launch defensive sand- Move out-system, towards a gas giant, outpost or unknown destination- Disappear in a sensor shadow behind a moon, satellite or ship- Power up or down, accelerate or decelerate- Charge the jump drives- Issue a challenge or warning- Launch a craft or object- Make a distress call- Dock with another ship or object- Conduct repairs on itself or something else

TravellersAdventurers (impulse: to boldy plan and execute daring schemes)Hunters and guides (impulse: to bite off more than they can chew)Tourists (impulse: to blunder into danger)Pilgrims (impulse: to suffer hardship)Merchant and employees (impulse: to find a rube)Moves:* Attempt to secure the same goal as the characters* Seek passage or transport for themselves, goods or others* Reveal adventure, mystery, truth or lies* Offer service, in return for reward* Betray those close to them* Bring their past actions into focus

Megacorporationsimpulses: to own, control and dominate.Moves:* Make a show of power* Take something using money, the law and red tape* Take something/someone by force* Act in conflict with itself* Send agents and goons* Reach across space* Block using money, the law and red tape

PatronsCriminal (impulse: to bring on the wrath of the law) e.g arsonist, cutthroat, assassin, hijacker, smuggler.Ordinary Joe (impulse: to cross the rich and powerful) e.g. crewperson, peasant, clerk, soldier, shopkeeper, policeOff-worlder (impulse: to break local customs) e.g. shipowner, tourist, merchant, crewperson, scout.Official (impulse: to expose a secret) e.g. diplomat, courier, spy, scholar, governor, administratorMilitary (impulse: to apply inappropriate force) e.g. mercenary, naval, marine, scout, armyElite (impulse: to squander wealth and power) e.g. noble, playboy, avenger, emigre, speculatorMoves:* Offer job* Withhold job* Add a complication* Reveal information* Deploy goons to coerce someone* Use competent lieutenant* Follow someone* To double-cross someone* Offer resources, with or without strings

Low-lifesRowdies (impulse: seek violent confrontation)Thugs (impulse: victimise the weak)Riotous mob (impulse: burn, slash, destroy)Bandits (impulse: seize valuables)Ambushing Brigands (impulse: stealthy attack)Vigilantes (impulse: victimise the different)Moves:* Burst out in uncontrolled violence* Demand consideration* Capture someone or something* Ransom someone or something* Reveal truth, lies

Psionic InstitutesImpulses: remain secret, train psions, control psi knowledgeMoves:* Offer training, at a cost* Offer scholarship to talented individuals, with or without strings* Strike covertly and without warning* Control another threat, through hidden means* Sway public opinion* Offer sanctuary, with or without strings* Generate a psion, fake or real* Reveal themselves to seekers, before or after a test* Disappear without a trace

Law EnforcersBent cops (impulse: extract cash)Rookies (impulse: apply the letter of the law)Cynical vets (impulse: let it slide)Ambitious detectives (impulse: close high profile cases)Moves:* Arrest someone on suspicion* Examine permits* Harass someone* Delay or obstruct progress* Escort someone* Accuse someone* Create extra paperwork* Damage something* Send patrol* Send heavily armed backup* Deploy a vehicle

Starport LocationsStarport Authority (impulse: to gather landing fees)Cargo brokerage firms (impulse: charge commission)Startown bars (impulse: provide drinks with no questions and not much trouble)Startown hotels (impulse: to charge an hourly room rate)Startown commercial district (impulse: to charge exorbitant fees)Travellers Aid Society (impulse: pamper members)Naval base (impulse: fly the imperial starburst)Scout base (impulse: collect exotic junk/lifeforms)Moves:* Provide a rumour about local or interstellar events, facts or personalities* Give a lead for work* Enable contact with an old friend or acquaintance* Provide evidence of an old enemy or rival* Generate new threat* Offer cargo, with or without strings* Offer passengers, with or without strings* Generate potential hirelings or employees* Offer access to higher tech or illicit goods/equipment/services

Planetary CitizensBureaucrats (impulse: cause delay)Researchers (impulse: to find trouble)Peasants (impulse: rise against masters)Workers (impulse: ignore trouble)Traders (impulse: make a profit)Beggars (impulse: solicit money)Religious group (impulse: convert and assimilate)Fugitives (impulse: generate trouble based on their past)Moves:* Display cultural quirk* Bury in red tape* Reveal secret, truth or lies* Trap, isolate or imprison someone* Display hostility to off-worlders* Summon law enforcers* Steal or request an item or resource* Provide planetary resources* Use violence for impulse

Armed ForcesSoldiers (impulse: control and dominate)Marines (impulse: humiliate army)Naval security troops (impulse: protect naval interests)Soldiers on patrol (impulse: capture troublemakers)Guards (impulse: deny access)Moves:* React with overwhelming force* Display pomp and ceremony* Use restrained force* Demand consideration* Interdict an area* Start brawls* Invade somewhere* Harass someone* Victimise the weak* Set curfew* Deploy a vehicle

Noblesimpulses: demean others, amass wealth and powerMoves:* Issue challenge for a duel* Display retinue* Use lackeys* Employ competent hirelings* Consume resources* Provide resources * Influence local policy through connections, money or status* Bypass laws to achieve aims* Summon Imperial forces

Landscapes (in addition to AW ones)Vacuum (impulse: deprive of air)Ancient ruins (impulse: reveal dangerous artifacts)

Imperial ForcesThe Imperium (impulses: to localise trouble, empower nobility, protect trade, suppress psionics)Navy (impulse: suppress piracy, destroy enemy of imperium)Scouts (impulse: interdict world, control knowledge)Army (impulse: occupy territory)Marines (impulse: win glory)Moves* Send an agent* Capture someone/something, using overwhelming force* Capture someone/something, using organisation and subtle force* Requisition ship/goods/people* Interdict place* Harass someone/someplace* Reveal secrets, truth, lies* Display a show of force* Send a fleet* Declare an outlaw

Converting Traveller Worlds (UPP/UWPs)Basically TW tags are Traveller and MegaTraveller trade classifications with a few things directly from the UPP or world generation sequence:TW TagRich

LawlessLow TechHigh Tech Extreme TechCrowdedSuperb StarportIndustrialisedNavy BaseFair GovtAgriculturalBalkanisedInhospitable

Low PopulationNo StarportRepressiveLow TechPrimitive Desert WorldWater WorldArctic WorldPoor


Scout baseHarsh governmentNo gas giants

Some world characteristics are shown by the lack of a tag:

No tech tagNo population tagNo law tagNo water tagNot inhospitable

Incompatible World TagsIf you want to retain more compatibility with Traveller then some TW tags are incompatible. E.g. in Traveller it is impossible to have a Crowded, Rich world. In practice I don t think this is necessary.

How Much is a Bundle of Credits?Whatever feels appropriate or interesting is the real answer but I think it must be something like Cr25,000.

Converting Traveller WeaponsPersonal weapons in TW inflict harm equal to the number of dice of damage they do in Traveller. This is simple and makes TW more deadly than AW. Any melee weapon, laser weapon or slug thrower with AP or HEAP rounds in Traveller is taged as ap in TW.

Traveller World - Conversion Notes

CreditsDesign and layout: Rob BrennanContributors: Bill White, NoofyPlaytesters: Eric Nolan, Terry Daly, Padraig Bracken, Derek Gray,

Tony Walsh.

Inspiration: Marc Miller, Vincent Baker, Caesar_X, John Harper,

J. Walton and all at Story Games

Apocalypse World from lumpley games: © 2010 D. Vincent Baker, buy it now at You need it to play this hack.

Classic Traveller rules scans and reprints are available from I strongly recommend either Starter Traveller, the Books 0-3 reprint, the Traveller Book, Books 0-5 or the whole Classic Traveller Cannon CD. You need them for inspiration, equipment lists, spacecraft (+design sequences), etc.

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright 1977 - 2008 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises's copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Converting Traveller CharactersI m not sure why you want to do this since AW/TW NPCs don t have any skills or stats, but here goes anyway:

Cool = +1 if military, if other +2, else -1Hard = highest skill from (Gun Combat, Blade, Tactics, Leader, Brawling, Forward Observer) and subtract 1Sharp = highest skill from (Steward, Admin, Leader, Bribery, Streetwise, Gambling) and subtract 1Tech = highest skill from (Medical, Computer, Electronics, Mechanical, Air/raft, Vehicle) and subtract 1Space = highest skill from (JOT, Engineering, Navigation, Pilot, Ships Boat, Vacc Suit, Gunnery) and subtract 1

Moves should be obvious (otherwise they have nothing beyond the basic moves).

Converting Traveller SpacecraftBasically you don t need to. The raw numbers specified by the standard ship designs are fine (jump-number, maneuver number, number of staterooms and so on). The scout and mercant character playbooks should give a good list of example starship wants and the generic starship operations move in the non-commercial and commercial flavours. Use your imagination to come up with new benefits and wants/consequences for starships. Recommended References: Book 2 Starships, Book 5 High Guard

Spacecraft HarmSpaceships are vehicles and use that harm track but only starship-quality weapons can inflict harm on them. Maybe it is x10 normal harm? These weapons are as follows:Beam laser 2 space-harm, short, Pulse laser 1 space-harm, short, areaMissile 1d6 space-harm, long, reloadSandcaster adds 1 space-armour, reload

Functional damage to spaceships is as follows:- Maneuver drives hit, reduce rating by 1, if now 0 it is disabled- Jump drives are hit, reduce rating by 1, if now 0 it is disabled- Power plant is hit, Ref holds 1 brown-out that they may use to delay or cancel future actions- a Turret is hit, disabling all weapons there- Hull penetrated in one compartment or zone, explosive decompression if not already decompressed. Everyone in that area must don a vacc suit in a hurry or die horribly.- Hold/cargo hit and partially destroyed - Fuel tank hit, now leaking fuel into space, unless a special design it is unlikely that the ship has sufficient fuel left to jump- Computer hit, hold one malfunction that the Ref may use to delay or cancel future actions- Bridge or crew hit, one or more characters there are down, they need to make the Harm move with 1d6 harm AP- Your defensive sand screen is evaporated or dispersed- Defence takes all your concentration and you miss your next chance to target the enemy

A ship with a destroyed computer or power plant is completely disabled and may be boarded. Other ships with no weapons or working maneuver drives (eg due to lack of fuel) may be boarded.

Traveller Trade ClassificationRich (government 4-9, atmosphere 6 or 8 and population 6 to 8)Law level 0-3Industrial and Prestellar (TL4-8)Average Stellar (TL11-13)High Stellar (TL14-16)High Pop (population code 9 or 10) Starport Class A or BIndustrialised (atmosphere 2-4,7,9, pop 9+)Navy base presentGovernment codes 0, 2, 4, 8, A, CAgricultural (atmo 4-9, hydro 4-8, pop 5-7)Government code 7Vaccum, very thin, tainted, corrosive or exotic atmospherePopulation code 0-3Starport class E or XLaw level 8+Tech level 4-8Tech level 0-3Hydographics code 0-1Hydrographics code 10 (A)Hydrographics code 3+Poor (atmosphere 2-5 and hydrographics 0-3)Non-Industrial (Population 0-6)Non-Agricultural (atmosphere 0-3, hydrographics 0-3 and population 6+)Scout base presentGovernment codes 1, 3, 5-6, 9, B, D, E, FNo gas giants exist in the system

Early Stellar technology (TL9-10)Moderate population (4-8)Moderate law (LL4-7)Water present (Hydrographics 2-9)Breathable atmosphere (5,6, 8)

Version 1.03 (Alpha)

AW NotesThe idea is to play AW as written, but there are a few changes:- The MC is called the ref or referee as per Traveller

- Replace the MC principal "Barf forth apocalyptica" with: "Fill the universe with science and wonder"

- Weapon and armour values have generally been increased while retaining the same harm count-down, this makes armour more necessary and combat more deadly. There are also only three disabilities available.

- Always make the Harm move, even with negative harm. This means that even low-powered attacks on armoured characters can knock them over, etc. However the ref may not choose something from the 7-9 list on a miss when the attack started with negative harm. Also change the 10+ result of +1 harm to inflict at least 1 harm, even on a negative harm attack, representing blunt trauma, bruising, etc.

- To represent tech level advantage for units, gangs, etc. you can add to the effective size of the unit based on the relative tech level e.g a small high-tech unit counts as a medium unit vs a mid-tech one. It is recommended that you use the force advantage table from the Regiment by Paul Riddle and John Harper if it is available.

- Character stat lines sum to +2 instead of +3 as in AW to reduce the power level slightly. However the two extra stats increases the availability of "dump stats" to keep the characters powerful at their chosen areas of expertiese. This also means that the characters are less good as all-rounders than AW characters - they will generally have some areas in which they are very weak.

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