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Tree-Structured NonlinearSignal Modeling and Prediction

Olivier J. J. Michel,Member, IEEE, Alfred O. Hero, III, Fellow, IEEE, and Anne Emmanuelle Badel,Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, we develop a regression tree approachto identification and prediction of signals that evolve accordingto an unknown nonlinear state space model. In this approach, atree is recursively constructed that partitions thep-dimensionalstate space into a collection of piecewise homogeneous regionsutilizing a 2

p-ary splitting rule with an entropy-based nodeimpurity criterion. On this partition, the joint density of thestate is approximately piecewise constant, leading to a nonlinearpredictor that nearly attains minimum mean square error. Thisprocess decomposition is closely related to a generalized version ofthe thresholded AR signal model (ART), which we call piecewiseconstant AR (PCAR). We illustrate the method for two caseswhere classical linear prediction is ineffective: a chaotic “double-scroll” signal measured at the output of a Chua-type electroniccircuit and a second-order ART model. We show that the predic-tion errors are comparable with the nearest neighbor approachto nonlinear prediction but with greatly reduced complexity.

Index Terms—Chaotic signal analysis, nonlinear and nonpara-metric modeling and prediction, piecewise constant AR models,recursive partitioning, regression trees.


NONLINEAR signal prediction is an interesting and chal-lenging problem, especially in applications where the

signal exhibits unstable or chaotic behavior [30], [35], [61].A variety of approaches to modeling nonlinear dynamicalsystems and predicting nonlinear signals from a sequenceof time samples have been proposed [12], [64] includinghidden Markov models (HMM’s) [24], [25], nearest neighborprediction [20], [21], spline interpolation [39], [62], radialbasis functions [10], and neural networks [32], [33]. This paperpresents a stable low-complexity tree-structured approach tononlinear modeling and prediction of signals arising fromnonlinear dynamical systems.

Tree-based regression models were first introduced as anonparametric exploratory data analysis technique for non-additive statistical models by Sondquist and Morgan [58].The regression-tree model represents the data in a hierarchicalstructure where the leaves of the tree induce a nonuniform par-tition of the data space over which a piecewise homogeneousstatistical model can be defined. Each leaf can be labeled by

Manuscript received August 21, 1997; revised April 2, 1999. The associateeditor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publicationwas Prof. Peter C. Doerschuk.

O. J. J. Michel and A. E. Badel are with the Laboratoire de Physique,EcoleNormale Superieure de Lyon, Lyon, France.

A. O. Hero, III is with the Department of Electrical Engineering andComputer Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA (e-mail:

Publisher Item Identifier S 1053-587X(99)08311-7.

a scalar or vector-valued nonlinear response variable. Once acost-complexity metric known as a deviance criterion in thebook by Breimanet al. on classification and regression trees(CART) [9] is specified, the tree can be recursively grown toperform particular tasks such as nonlinear regression, nonlinearprediction, and clustering [9], [13], [55], [66]. The tree-based approach has several attractive features in the contextof nonlinear signal prediction. Unlike maximum likelihoodapproaches, no parametric model is required; however, if oneis available, it can easily be incorporated into the tree structureas a constraint. Unlike approaches based on moments, sincethe tree-based model is based entirely on joint histograms, allcomputed statistics are bounded and stable, even in the caseof heavy-tailed densities. Unlike most methods, e.g., nearestneighbor, maximum likelihood, kernel density estimation, andspline interpolation, since the tree is constructed from rankorder statistics, its performance is invariant to monotonic non-linear transformations of the predictor variables. Furthermore,as different branches of the tree are grown independently, thetree can easily be updated as new data becomes available.

Our tree-based prediction algorithm has been implementedin Matlab1 using a k-d tree growing procedure that is similar,but not identical, to that of the S-plus function , asdescribed by Clarke and Pregibon [13]. Important features andcontributions of this work are the following:

1) The Takens [19] time delay embedding method is usedto construct a discrete-time phase trajectory, i.e., atemporally evolving vector state, for the signal. Thistrajectory is then input to the tree-growing procedurethat attempts to partition the phase space into piecewisehomogeneous regions.

2) The partitioning is accomplished by adding or deletingbranches (nodes) of the tree according to a maximumentropy homogenization principle. We test that the jointprobability density function (j.p.d.f.) is approximatelyuniform within any node (parent cell) by comparing theconditional entropy of the data points in the candidatepartition of the node (children cells) to the maximumachievable conditional entropy in that partition. Cross-entropy criteria for node splitting have been used in thepast, e.g., the Kullback–Liebler (KL) “node impurity”measure goes back to Breimanet al. [9] and has beenproposed as a splitting criterion for tree-structured vectorquantization (TSVQ) in Perlmutteret al. [47]. Morerecently, Zhang [66] proposed an entropy criterion for

1The Matlab code is available by request.

1053–587X/99$10.00 1999 IEEE


multivariate binomial classification trees that is closer inspirit to the method in this paper. Zhang found that theuse of the entropy criterion produces regression treesthat are more structurally stable, i.e., they exhibit lessvariability as a function of , than those produced usingthe standard squared prediction error criterion. For thenonlinear prediction application, which is the subject ofthis paper, we have observed similar advantages usingthe Pearson Chi-square test of region homogeneity inplace of the maximum entropy criterion of Zhang.

3) Similarly to Clarke and Pregibon [13], a median-basedsplitting rule is used to create splits of a parent cell alongorthogonal hyperplanes, which is referred to as a medianperpendicular splitting tree in the book by Devroyeet al.[17]. However, unlike previous methods that split onlyalong the coordinate exhibiting the most spread, here, themedian splitting rule is applied simultaneously to eachof the coordinates of the phase space vector producing

subcells. This has the advantage of producing denserpartitions per node of the tree, and, as the-arysplit is balanced only in the case of uniform data, thecell probabilities in the split can be used directly forhomogeneity testing of the parent cell.

4) In order to reduce the complexity of the tree, a localsingular value decomposition (SVD) orthogonalizationof the phase space data is performed prior to splittingeach node. This procedure, which can be viewed asapplying a sequence of local coordinate transformations,produces a partition of the phase space into polygonswhose edges are defined by nonorthogonal hyperplanes.This is similar to the principal component splittingmethod that has been proposed for vector quantizationof color images by Orchard and Bouman [46] and othernonorthogonal splitting rules for binary classificationtrees [17]. However, for phase space dimension ,our method utilizes all components of the SVD ascontrasted with the principal component alone.

5) When applied to nonlinear signal prediction in phasespace, the SVD-based splitting rule yields a hierarchicalsignal model, which we call piecewise constant AR(PCAR), which is a generalization of the nonlinearautoregressive threshold (ART) model called SETARby Tong [61]. This thresholded AR model has beenproposed for many physical signals exhibiting stochas-tic resonance or bistable/multistable trajectories suchas ECG cardiac signals, EEG brain signals, turbulentflow, economic time series, and the output of chaoticdynamical systems (see [31] and [61] for examples). Aset of coefficients of the ART model can be extractedfrom a matrix obtained as the product of the local SVDcoordinate transformation matrices. A causal and stablemodel can then be obtained by Cholesky factorizationof this matrix.

6) We give a simple upper bound on the difference betweenthe mean squared error of a fixed regression tree predic-tor and the minimum attainable mean squared predictionerror. The bound establishes that a fixed regression treepredictor attains the optimal MSE when the j.p.d.f. is

piecewise constant over the generated partition. Thisbound can be interpreted as an asymptotic bound on theactual MSE of our regression tree under the assumptionthat as the training set increases, the generated partitionconverges a.s. to a nonrandom limiting partition. Manyauthors have obtained conditions for asymptotic con-vergence of tree-based classifiers and vector quantizers[17], [45], [43], [44]. However, as this theory requiresstrong conditions on the input data, e.g., independence,strong mixing, or stationarity, we do not pursue issuesof asymptotic convergence in this paper.

7) It is shown by both simulations and experiments withreal data that the nonlinear prediction error performanceof our regression tree is comparable with that of thepopular but more computationally intensive nonparamet-ric nearest neighbor prediction method introduced byFarmer [20], [21]. A similar performance/computationadvantage of our regression tree method has been estab-lished by Badelet al. [10] relative to predictors basedon radial basis functions (RBF’s).

The outline of the paper is as follows. In Section II, somebackground on nonlinear dynamical models and their phasespace representation is given. Section III continues with back-ground on regression tree prediction, and the basic tree grow-ing algorithm is described. In Section IV, the local SVDorthogonalization method is described, and the equivalenceof our SVD-based predictor to ART is established. Finally, inSection V, experiments and simulations are presented.


It will be implicitly assumed that all random processes areergodic so that ensemble averages associated with the signalcan be consistently estimated from time averages over a singlerealization.

A. Nonlinear Modeling Context

A very general class of nonlinear signal models can beobtained by making nonlinear modifications to the celebratedlinear ARMA model


where is a white Gaussian driving noise with variance,and the coefficients andare constants independent of or Let


be vectors constructed from and past values of and ,respectively. Nonlinear ARMA models can be obtainedby letting the coefficients (1) be functions of the ARMA statevariables


where and are functions of into and ,respectively.

This formulation has been used by Tong [61] and othersto generate a wide class of nonlinear stochastic models. Forexample, we easily obtain second-order Volterra models or bi-linear models by choosing

and as the endomorphism

where is a constant matrix with rows and columns.Similarly, by exchanging the definitions for and in

the preceding equations, we obtain models for which thevariance of the driving noise is a function of past values ofThese latter models are called heteroscedastic models and arecommon in econometrics and other fields (see [18] and [31]).

Moreover, we are not restricted to linear operators forand Piecewise constant state-dependent values for the

matrix ( being kept constant) lead to a class of nonlinearmodel that is known as “piecewise ARMA” and referred toas a generalized threshold autoregressive (TAR) or a TARMAmodel [60]. As TARMA model coefficients depend on theprevious states , they belong to the general class ofstate-dependant models developed by Priestley [51]. TARMAmodels arise in areas of time series analysis including biology,oceanography, and hydrology. For more detailed discussionof nonlinear models and their range of application, see [30],[52], and [61].

In what follows, the observed data will be represented bythe sampled dynamical equation


where stands for the state vector at time, and andare (in general) unknown continuous functions fromintoand , respectively. is an i.i.d. state noise, and is ani.i.d. observation noise. For , the observed quantityis a multichannel measurement. We focus on here. Notethat the well-known linear scalar AR process of ordermaybe represented within this framework by identifying

where is a matrix in companion form,


B. State-Space Reconstruction Method

Any process obeying the pair of dynamical equations(2) is specified by its state vector , which is known as thestate trajectory, evolving over , which is known as thestatespace. The process of reconstruction of the state trajectoryfrom real measurements is called state-space embedding. Forcontinuous time measurements , the reconstructed statetrajectory is


where by we mean , where

sampling period;

positive integer known as the (estimated) embed-ding dimension;positive real numbers known as the embeddingdelays.

State-space reconstruction was first proposed by Whitney[65], who stated conditions for identifiability of the continuoustime state trajectory in the absence of observation noise.These conditions were formally proved and extended byTakens for the case of nonlinear dynamical systems exhibitingchaotic behavior [11], [19], [59]. In practice, only a finitenumber of (generally) equispaced samples are available, andthe embedding delay is set to , where isan integer value. In this finite case, the value used foris veryimportant. Insufficiently large values lead to strong correlationor apparent linear dependences between the coordinates. Onthe other hand, overly large delaysexcessively decorrelatethe components of so that the dynamical structure is lost[2, ch. 3], [22], [23], [35, ch. 9], [40].

Numerous authors have addressed the problem of findingthe best embedding parametersand (see, e.g., [22], [23],and [40] for detailed discussion). Selection of the dimensionrequires investigation of the effective dimension of the spacespanned by the estimated residuals. Overestimation ofcreatesstate reconstructions with excessive variance, whereas under-estimation creates overly smooth (biased) reconstructions. Awidely used method (see [2] or [35] for a discussion on thistopic) we will use for estimating is the following: If isthe true state dimension, then the estimated trajectories will lieon a lower dimensional manifold in This occurrence canbe detected by testing a trajectory-dependent dimensionalitycriterion, e.g., the behavior of the algebraic dimension of thestate trajectory vectors, asis increased [38]. We will adopthere the method of Fraser [22] for selection of: equalsthe time at which the first zero of the autocorrelation functionoccurs, i.e., , where


In this section, we discuss the construction of the tree-structured predictor and give a bound on the mean squaredprediction error of any fixed tree for the case thatAs above, let be a statevector of dimension A th-order tree-structured predictorimplements a regression function , which ispiecewise constant as ranges over cells in a partition

of [13]. The most common tree-growing procedure[9], [13], [66] for regression and classification tries to find thepartition of the phase space such that the predictive density

is approximately constant asthe predictor variables vary over anyof the partition cells. As is shown below, if the tree-growingprocedure does this sucessfully, the tree-based predictorcan attain mean squared error that is virtually identical to thatof the optimal predictor


A. Regression Tree as a Quantized Predictor

Let be the indicator of the partition cell anddefine the vector quantizer function

where is an arbitrary point inTypically, is taken as the centroid of region , but thisis immaterial in the following. Since the predictor function

is piecewise constant, it is obvious that, i.e., the tree-structured predictor can

be implemented using only the quantized predictor variablesTherefore, given the partition , the optimal

tree-based predictor can be constructed from the multidi-mensional histogram (the partition cell probabilities) as theconditional mean of , given the vector

B. A Bound on MSE of Tree-Structured Predictor

It follows from Theorem 1 in the Appendix that if theconditional density is (Lipschitz) continuousof order within all partition cells of the partition of

, the mean squared errorof the tree-structured predictor satisfies the bound



minimum mean squared error quantizer on;

upper bound on the mean squared valued ofgiven ;

Lipschitz constant characterizing the modulusof continuity within

The upper bound in (4) is decreasing in the minimumthpower quantization error associ-ated with optimal vector quantization of the predictor vari-ables. Bounds and asymptotic expressions exist for this quan-tity [29], [42], which can be used to render the upper bound(21) more explicit; however, this will not be explored here.

Note that the upper bound in (4) is decreasing inand equals zero when is piecewise constantin , i.e., ,where are arbitrary. Thus, in the case of a piecewiseuniform conditional density, the optimal predictor ofgiven quantized data is identical to the optimalnonlinear predictor given unquantized data , i.e., the tree-structured predictor attains the minimum possible predictionMSE. Note that for a general conditional density, both

and the total variations decrease as thesizes of the partition cells decrease. Hence, the meansquare prediction error can be seen from (4) to improve mono-tonically as the conditional density becomeswell approximated by the staircase functionover This forms the basis for tree-based nonlinearprediction, as explained in more detail below.

Fig. 1. Graphical depiction of the tree growing algorithm using separable2p-ary splitting rule. For ap = 2 dimensional state space embedding, the

tree is a quadtree. The root-node is split into four subcells, and the sampledistribution of points is found to be nonuniform. Among the derived subsets,only the one depicted by the lower left corner square is found to be nonuniformand is split further.

C. Branch Splitting and Stopping Rules

Here, we describe the generic recursive procedure used forgrowing the tree from training data. Let be an estimate ofthe phase space dimensionof the signal. Assume that atiteration of the tree growing procedure, we have created apartition and consider the partition cells , which we callthe th parent nodes at depthWe refine the partition byrecursively splitting each partition cell into smaller cells,which are called children nodes of theth parent.

To control the number of nodes of the tree, we test theresiduals in each partition element of against a uniformdistribution. If the test for uniformity fails in a particular cell,that cell is split, and parent nodes at depth are created.Otherwise, the cell is not split and is declared a terminal node.The set of terminal nodes are called the leaves of the tree. SeeFig. 1 for a graphical illustration of the generic tree-growingprocedure. The final tree specifies a set of leaves

partitioning the state-space together with the empiricalhistogram (cell occupancy rate) ,where is the number of samples that fall intoleaf

1) Cell Uniformity Test: Here, we discuss the selection ofthe goodness-of-split criterion that is used to test uniformity.As above, let denote the -dimensional vector sampled attime , where the reconstruction dimensionis fixed. Manydiscriminants are available for testing uniformity, includingKolmogorov–Smirnov tests [37], rank-order statistical tests[16], and scatter matrix tests [26]. Following Breimanet al.and Zhang [9], [66], we adopt an entropy-like criterion. How-ever, as contrasted to previous implementations [9], [66], thiscriterion is implemented using simple Chi-square goodness-of-fit test of significance over the distribution of child cellprobabilities.

For a partition of a cell , let be thenumber of vectors found in Weassume that the vectors falling into the cells are approximatelyi.i.d. and that are approximately multino-mial distributed random variables with class probabilities

These are reasonableassumptions when the volume of cell is small andsatisfies a long range decorrelation property (weak mixing), butwe do not pursue a proof of this here. The test of uniformityis implemented by using the empirical cell probabilities

to test the uniform hypothesis


against the composite alternative hypothesisDefine the Kullback–Liebler (KL)

distance between and the uniform distribution


It is easy to show that the generalized likelihood ratio test ofversus decides if , where the threshold

selected to ensure that the probability of false rejection ofis equal to a prescribed false alarm rate (see, e.g., [7, ch. 8]).

However, since the distribution of is intractableunder , the decision threshold cannot easily be chosen tosatisfy a prespecified false alarm level. We instead proposePearson’s Chi square goodness-of-fit test statistic, whichhas a central Chi square distribution under In particular,it can be shown [6], [7] that Pearson’s Chi square statistic isa local approximation to the KL distance statistic (5) in thesense that

where is distributed as a centralChi square with degrees of freedom undr

2) Separable Splitting Rule:Another component of theprocedure for growing a tree is the method of splittingparent cells into children cells. The standard cell splitting ruleattempts to create a pair of rectangular subcells for which allmarginal probabilities are identical regardless of the underlyingdistribution. The median-based binary splitting method forconstructing k-d trees [5], [15], [13], [17] is commonly usedfor this purpose. As the median is a rank-order statistic, thisgives the property that the predictor is invariant to monotonetransformations of the predictor variables: a property notshared by most other nonlinear predictors. Here, we presenta variant of the standard median splitting rule that generates

rectangular children cells that only have equal probabilitieswhen the data is uniform over the parent cell. A version ofthis -ary splitting rule that generates nonrectangular cells isdiscussed in Section IV.

Let denote the hyper-rectangle constructedfrom the Cartesian product of intervals , e.g.,

is a right parallelepipedin We start with a partition elementLet this partition element contain of the reconstructedstate vectors Define the -element vector

as the projection of theinscribed reconstruction vectors onto theth coordinate axis.That is, is the set of th coordinates of those fallinginto Denote by the sample median ofthe th coordinate axis projections


where, for a scalar sequence , the sample median is athreshold such that half fall to the left and half to the right


and denotes the rank ordered sequence.Note that when the points are truly uniform overthe parent cell, the medians will tend to be near themidpoints of the edges of the parent cell.

The standard median tree implements a binary split of parentcell about a hyperplane perpendicular to that coordinateaxis having the largest spread of points , where thehyperplane intersects this coordinate axis at the medianThis produces a pair of children cells that contain an identicalnumber of points. In contrast, we split into rectangularchildren cells whose edges are defined by allperpendicularhyperplanes of the formThis produces a tree with a denser partition than the standardmedian tree having the same number of nodes. Unlike thestandard median splitting rule tree, thesechildren cells willnot have identical numbers of points unless the points are trulyuniform over This allows the cell occupancies in the-arysplit to be used directly for uniformity testing as described inthe previous section.

3) Stopping Rule:The last component of the tree-growingprocedure is a stopping rule to avoid overfitting. As above,define as theth coordinates of the vectors falling into the hyper-

rectangle Thus, each of the elements oflies in the interval Under the assumption that theseelements are i.i.d. with continuous marginal probability densityfunction , the sample median is an asymptoticallyunbiased and consistent estimator of the theoretical median

, which is the half mass point of the marginal cumulativedistribution function. Conditioned on , the sample medianhas an asymptotic normal distribution [41]


The stopping rule is constructed under the assumption thatis a uniform density over

Under this assumption, isthe midpoint, and the sample mediansare statistically independent. A natural stopping criterion isto require that the number of data points within besufficiently large so that the Gaussian approximation to thedensity of has negligible mass outside of the interval

When this is the case, it can be expected thatwill be a reliable estimate of the interval midpoint. Moreconcretely, we will require that satisfies


where is a suitable (small) prespecified constant.


Fig. 2. Family of curves describing cell subdivision stopping rule in termsof minimum number of pointsN� falling into a rectangular cell� and theprobability criterion� 2 [0; 1]: The vertical axis is the minimum number ofpoints that will be assigned to a subdivided cell, and the horizontal axis isthe log of �:

Since the are independent, (7) is equivalent to

which, under the Gaussian approximation (6), gives

where is a standard normal random variable (zero meanand unit variance). Thus, we obtain the following stoppingcriterion: Continue subdividing the cell as long as

erf (8)

where erf Use of the asymptoticrepresentation 1 erf erfc[3, 26.2.12] gives the log-linear smallversion of (8)


The right-hand side of (8) is plotted as a function offorseveral values of in Fig. 2. Note that as predicted by theasymptotic (small ) bound (9), the curves are very close tolog linear in As a concrete example, the criterion(99% of Gaussian probability mass is inside) gives for

and for as the minimum numberof data points for which a cell will be further subdivided.These numbers are of the same order as those obtained fromthe volume estimation criterion used by Badelet al. [6].

D. Computational Cost

The steps outlined in the preceding subsections may besummarized by the following tree growing algorithm:

1) sampled time series and embeddingparameters, Pearson’s test threshold

2) set of all state vectors3) nonempty nonterminal leaves exist,

at current depth4) each cell5) contains vectors6) compute the splitting thresholds

7) estimate empirical probabilities at depthfor the children of

8) Compute Pearson’s statistic from theprobabilites

9) is less than threshold10) is stored as a terminal leaf11)12) are stored13) are stored14)15) is stored as an ’empty’ terminal leaf16)17)18)19) line 3.

The computational cost associated with this tree estimationalgorithm is signal dependent. For example, in the case of astate space containing realizations of a -dimensional whitenoise, the trivial partition will generally pass theuniformity test, and the algorithm will stop at the root node.In this case, only a very few computations are needed. In thefollowing, we give an estimate of the worst-case cost occurringwhen the terminal nodes all occur at the same depth.

At depth of the tree, under the assumption that all obtainedcells were stored as nonempty, nonterminal leaves, the treehas cells. The average number of-dimensional vectorsin each leaf is

The most computation consuming step in the algorithm is thesplitting threshold determination procedure that requires rankordering each of the coordinates of the inscribed state vectors.Using an optimized method (e.g., the heap-sort algorithm [50])leads to a cost proportional to

By adding the computational costs obtained for each depth inthe range , we obtain the expression ofthe total cost

Note that the expression of corresponds to the worst casewhere no cells pass the uniformity test until the minimal


cell residency stopping criterion is reached. This computationalcost is well below that of the well-known nearest neighbor one-step prediction method:


The number of leaves in the final tree, i.e., the number ofcells in the partition of state space, is a reasonable measureof model complexity. However, without additional prepro-cessing of the data, the separable splitting rule described inthe previous section can produce trees of greatly varyingcomplexity for state space trajectories which are identicalup to a rotation in This is an undesirable feature sincea simple transformation of coordinates in the state space,such as translation, scale, and rotation, does not change theintrinsic complexity of the process, e.g., as measured byprocess entropy or Lyapunov exponent.

As a particularly simple example, consider the case wherethe state trajectory evolves about line segment in two dimen-sions , where is a white noisewith variance Under the separable -ary partitioning rulewhen or , a very complex tree will result.This is because the Chi-square splitting criteria will lead toa tree with cell sizes on the order of magnitude ofThisis troublesome, as a simple rotation of the axis coordinatesby an angle of will lead the partitioning algorithm tostop at the root node. Here, we perform a local recursiveorthogonalization of the state vector prior to node splittingin order to produce trees with fewer leaves. This producesa new orthogonalized sequence of node variables thatare used in place of to perform separable splitting andgoodness-of-split tests discussed in the previous section. Thelocal recursive orthogonalization described below differs froma similar principal component orthogonalization for binarypartitioning, first described by Orchard and Bouman [46], inthat all the components of the SVD are utilized for the-arypartition used in this paper.

A. Local Recursive Orthogonalization

We recursively define a set of orthogonalized node variablesas follows. Let be a matrix of samples

of the -dimensional state trajectory. Let thecovariance of be denoted , and let it have the SVD(eigendecomposition) diag Define theroot node Next, define the orthogonalized set ofvectors

The matrix is now used in place of to determine thesplit of the root node into children according tothe same separable splitting and stopping criteria as before.In practice, the empirical mean and empiricalcovariance are used in placeof and

Now, assume a split occurs at the root node and defineas the matrix of columns of that lie inside

The (empirical) mean and covariance matrix of are

computed. Next, the unitary matrix of the eigenvectors

of is extracted via SVD. This unitary matrix is applied to

to produce an equivalent but uncorrelated set of vectors

where stands for the transpose of the vector containing

ones. Application of this local orthogonalization pro-

cedure over all hyper-rectangles producesa set of local coordinate rotations that results in changingthe shape of the hyper-rectangles into hyper-parallelepipeds.When this process is repeated, these hyper-parallelepipeds arefurther subdivided, producing, at termination of the algorithm,a partition of the state space into general polytopes

The general recursion from depthto depth can bewritten as



B. Relation to Piecewise Constant AR (PCAR) Models

Once the tree growing procedure terminates, the partitionscan be mapped back to the original state space by a

sequence of backward recursions that backprojects thenode variables into the parent cell via the relation


Iteration of (11) over yields an equation for backprojectionof to the root node. By induction on, the forwardrecursion (10) gives the relation


where denotes the subset of columns of that aremapped to terminal node at depth via the sequence ofbijective maps (10), and and are matrices formedfrom the telescoping series



where is defined as the-dimensional identity matrix.

For any parent node , the covariance matrix of therotated data is diagonal, which means that the componentsof are separable (in the mean squared sense) but notnecessarily uniform. On this rotated data, the Chi-square testfor uniformity can easily be implemented on a coordinate-by-coordinate basis. When the tree-growing procedure terminates,we will have found a set of partition cellssuch that each contains points that are (ap-proximately) uniformly distributed over Thus, (12) gives


an autoregressive AR model whose coefficients arepiecewise constant over regions of state space

This can be made more transparent by writing thethcomponent of relation (12) as


where denotesthe element of , andis a white noise.

Note that the coefficients for the PCAR representation (15)may not be stable. There is an alternative approach to or-thogonalizing the node variables which uses Gramm–Schmidtrecursions and guarantees that all PCAR coefficients arestable. This method is equivalent to constructing the Schurcomplement by adding one coordinate to each vector in thenode, amounting to recursively synthesizing a local stableAR model over 1, 2, 3, This is tantamountto performing Cholesky (LDU) factorization of the localcovariance matrices [56], as contrasted with the SVD

factorization described above. In the sequel, the former methodwill lead to what will be called a Schur-tree, whereas the latterwill lead to a tree called the SVD-tree.

The PCAR model (12) is a generalization of the AR-threshold (ART) model called SETAR in Tong [61]. Similarlyto the PCAR model (12), SETAR is an AR model whosecoefficients are piecewise constant over regions of state space;however, unlike the PCAR model, these regions are restrictedto half planes. In particular, a two-level single coordinate

th-order SETAR model is



where As far as we know, filtering, prediction,and identification of SETAR models have only been studied forthe case where the switching of the AR coefficients dependson a single coordinate and where the switchingthreshold is known. The PCAR generalization of SETARmodels allows transition thresholds to be applied to linearcombinations of past values. As will be illustrated below, theorthogonalized version of the tree based partitioning algorithmis well adapted to filtering, prediction and identification overthese models.


In this section, the tree-structured predictors are applied tovarious real and simulated data examples.

A. Illustrative Examples

To illustrate the parsimony of the local recursive orthogo-nalization method, we first consider a rather artificial randomprocess that follows a piecewise linear trajectory through state



Fig. 3. Tree-structured predictor for separable splitting rule applied to apiecewise linear phase space trajectory in two dimensions. (a) Simulated statespace trajectory in two dimensions with superimposed rectangular partitionproduced by recursive tree (RT) growing algorithm. (b) Representation of thequadtree associated with the state-space trajectory depicted in (a).

space (see Fig. 3). A trajectory made of three linear segmentsin a two-dimensional (2-D) state space was simulated. Thesegments have slopes 1.25,0.25, and 2.5, respectively.

Each segment contains 128 realization of the 2-D statevector. White Gaussian i.i.d. noise of variancewas added to the trajectory. We first applied the recursivetree (RT) method in state dimensions without SVDorthogonalization. Both the rectangular partition of the statespace [Fig. 3(a)] and the tree partitioning algorithm [Fig. 3(b)]exhibit high complexity. The number of terminal leaves ofthe resulting quadtree is driven exclusively by the varianceof the additive noise. We next grew a quadtree using thelocal recursive SVD orthogonalization procedure, which willbe called SVD-tree here, described in Section IV. The orthog-onalization procedure re-expresses the state vectors in theirlocal eigenbases at each splitting iteration and, as seen from


(a) (b)


Fig. 4. (a) Same simulated state-space trajectory as in Fig. 3 but with recursive SVD-tree partitioning. (b) Representation of the SVD-tree associated withthe state-space trajectory depicted in (a). (c) The pairs of estimated (normalized) AR coefficients governing the dynamics in each cell are plotted withlengths proportional to the occupancy rate (number of points) of the cell.

Fig. 4, produces a tree partitioning of lower complexity withmany fewer leaves. As explained in Section IV, applying therecursive SVD orthogonalization on a cell synthesizes thelocal AR(1) model [recall (15)]

We denote by the unit-length vector

of the AR model synthesized in the cell Fig. 4(c) plots theset of unit-length vectors for all cells resulting from theSVD-tree partition.

The length of each segment is plotted proportionally to thenumber of points falling into the corresponding cell. Note that

this graphical representation clearly reveals the existence ofthree distinct linear segments governing the state trajectories.

B. Chua Circuit Experiments

We ran experiments on a physical chaotic voltage waveform,measured at the output of a “double-scroll” Chua electroniccircuit (see [40], [49], and [63]).

The nonlinear differential equations governing the Chuacircuit are



We built the circuit from “off the shelf” components chosento get the following set of parameter values

and The voltage signal at the output ofthe electronic circuit was digitized. The sampling frequencywas 14.4 kHz. We chose an embedding dimension togenerate the state trajectory

We used a stopping threshold of datapoints, which corresponds to (for ) via (8).The reconstruction delay was chosen in such a way as tominimize the mutual information between the coordinates (see[23] and [19]): In this case, sampling periods. A trainingset of points was used to grow the Schur-tree andobtain the empirical histogram on the leaves ofthe tree. A nonlinear predictor of given

was implemented by approximating the conditionalmean using thetree-induced vector quantizer function and the empiricalhistogram. Specifically, with


where are centroids of the partition cells at the leavesof the tree, denotes the first element of the vector

are the second throughth elements of the vectorand

is the empirical histogram indexed byFig. 5(a) and (b) show time segments of actual measured

and predicted output Chua circuit voltages using the Schur-treepredictor and the popular but costlier nearest neighbor (NN)prediction method, respectively. The NN prediction method isbriefly summarized below.

The NN prediction method consists of finding in a learningsequence the point

in the state space that is the closest (in some metric)to the current observation and defining the predictoras As is shown in Devroyeet al.[17], under certain technical conditions, the mean squaredprediction error of the NN predictor decreases to zero inThe NN predictor was implemented in a manner identical tothe one proposed by Farmer [21]. While more sophisticatedimplementations of NN predictors are available, see, e.g., [1],[20], and [54], they require higher implementation complexitythan Farmer’s implementation for only a small improvementin prediction error performance. We performed benchmarks inMatlab 4.2c on a Sun Ultra-1 workstation for 512 one-steppredictions of the SETAR model described above. The CPUrun times were 33.2 s for SVD-tree versus 115.3 s for the NNprediction algorithm, respectively, with comparable predictionerror performance.



Fig. 5. One step forward predictor for the sampled output of the Chuaelectronic circuit. (a) SVD-Tree algorithm. (b) the nearest neighbor algorithm.

C. SETAR Time Series Simulations

Fig. 6 presents results for the simulated SETAR model

The time series was embedded in a three-dimensional (3-D) reconstructed state space withunit delay The 8-ary Schur-tree was grown according tothe methods described in Section IV. Fig. 6(a) shows timesegments of the actual and predicted SETAR time series andthe associated prediction error. Fig. 6(b) gives a graphicaldepiction of the 8-ary tree. Fig. 6(c) shows the the estimatesof the AR vectors governing the SETAR model in each cellobtained from the recursive local orthogonalization. Note thatthese estimated AR vectors cluster in two directions that


(a) (b)


Fig. 6. SETAR time series from (5.3). (a) One step forward predictor trajectory and prediction errors obtained from Schur–Tree algorithm. (b) Eight-arytree constructed from a 3-D state phase space using Schur–Tree algorithm. (c) Unit-length AR direction vectors.

closely correspond to the two AR(2) regimes of the actualSETAR model (5.3).

D. Rossler Simulations

The discrete-time Rossler system generates a chaotic mea-surement generated by the nonlinear set of differentialequations


where and are components of the 3-D state vector ofthe Rossler system.

We simulated (19) using the following set of parametervalues: and The set of nonlinearcoupled ordinary differential equations were numerically inte-grated, using an order 3 Runge–Kutta approach. The recorded

time series correspond to the first coordinate of thesystem sampled at a period .2

The reconstruction dimension was varied from 2–5, but thereconstruction delay is maintained to a constant valueThe prediction error variance is estimated frompredictedvalues by

The Schur-tree was grown from phase space time seriesof duration , and the training set consisted of 8192phase space state vectors. Fig. 7 shows the one-step forwardprediction and errors for NN and Schur-tree methods appliedto the Rossler time series. Note that both NN and Schur-treepredictors have similar trajectories, although the more complex

2To simulate this chaotic system by numerically integrating this set ofordinary differential equations,h must be set to a much smaller value thanthe sampling step of the recorded time series in order to avoid numericalinstabilities. The integration was performed with a time incrementh0

= h=64:




Fig. 7. Simulated time series, one step forward predicted values, and pre-diction errors for the first coordinate of the R¨ossler system(p = 3) using (a)the NN algorithm and (b) the Schur–tree algorithm.

NN implementation achieves somewhat smaller prediction er-ror. The spikes observed in the Schur-tree prediction residualsare due to transitions between the local models in phase space.

E. Algorithm Comparisons

A comparison of the performance of the four different one-step forward prediction methods discussed in this paper isillustrated in Fig. 8 for the Chua circuit measurements andthe Rossler simulation. The four methods studied are

• the tree-structured predictor of Section III-C (RT);• the SVD-tree discussed in Section IV;• the Schur-tree discussed in Section IV;• the nearest neighbor (NN) algorithm.

Note the relative performance advantage of the recursiveSchur-tree as compared with the SVD-tree. We believe thatthis is due to the instability of the AR model obtained from



Fig. 8. Normalized prediction error variance as a function of the reconstruc-tion dimension for (a) the voltage output of a Chua electronic circuit and (b)the simulated Rossler time series.

SVD-tree; the Schur-tree is guaranteed to give a stable model.In all the cases, the NN algorithm slightly outperforms the tree-based methods, but the improvement is obtained at a significantincrease in computational burden.


We have presented a low-complexity algorithm based onrecursive state space partitioning for performing near-optimalnonlinear prediction and identification of nonlinear signals.We have also derived local SVD and Schur decompositionversions that are naturally suited to piecewise constant ARmodels (SETAR). These algorithms were numerically illus-trated for simulated SETAR measurements, simulated chaoticmeasurements, and voltage measurements obtained from aChua electronic circuit.


The tree based prediction approach presented here is relatedto the classification and regression tree (CART) technique [9]and adaptive tree-structured vector quantization (TSVQ) [14].The main difference is our use of a locally defined recur-sive SVD orthogonalization and its intrinsic applicability topiecewise linear generalizations of thresholded AR (SETAR)models [61]. Our tree structure with SVD orthogonalizationis also related to (unitary) transform coding [27], where thedifference is that the orthogonalization is applied locally andrecursively to each splitting node. Future work will includedetection of the local linearized dynamics and regularizationfor smoothing out model discontinuity between partition cells.A related issue for future study is how to deal with largervalues of the imbedding dimensionThe -ary splitting ruleproposed here produces subcells of equal volume but gives amodel with complexity, i.e., the number of free parameters,exponential in Therefore, to avoid the need for unreasonablylarge amounts of training data, must be held as small aspossible without sacrificing quantization error performance. Areasonable alternative would be to use the standard binarysplitting rule for growing the model: restricting the splittingrule to implementation of the subcell uniformity tests.


Let and be real vector and scalar valued randomvariables, respectively. Let the joint distribution of havethe Lebesgue density Define the marginalsand and, for any satisfying , the conditionaldensity Given a set , the conditional densityfunction is said to be Lipschitz continuous of order

almost everywhere in (in the Hellinger metric) ifthere exists a finite constant , called a Lipschitz constant,such that for any for which 0


Lipschitz continuity of the above form is a common explicitsmoothness condition assumed for probability measures anddensities [34], [36]. Lipschitz continuity implies pointwisecontinuity of for almost all [34].

For an arbitrary vector and a discrete set ofvectors in let bea vector function (a vector quantizer) operating onTheset of quantization cells are defined as theinverse images of elements ofThe following theorem provides a bound on the increase in theminimum mean square prediction error due to quantization ofthe predictor variables

Theorem 1: Let be a partition of Assume thatfor each the density is Lipschitz continuous oforder almost everywhere in , and let be theassociated Lipschitz constant. Assume also that

(a.s.). Then


where and are the quantiza-tion vectors defined in Lemma 2.

The upper bound in (21) is decreasing in andequals zero when is piecewise constant in, i.e.,

, where are arbitrary. Thus, inthis case, use of quantized predictor variables do not degradeoptimal prediction MSE. In addition, note that the upper boundin (21) is decreasing in the mean square quantization errorassociated with quantizing the predictor variables

Bounds and asymptotic expressions exist for thisquantity [29], [42] which can be used to make the bound (21)more explicit.

The following lemmas will be useful in the proof ofTheorem 1.

Lemma 1: Define the optimal predictorbased on the predictor variables Assume that

for some subset of , the density is Lipschitzcontinuous of order almost everywhere in and that

(a.s.). Then, is pointwisecontinuous almost everywhere over

Proof of Lemma 1:First, observe that for any two functionsand , we have by the triangle inequality


Therefore, by definition of the conditional mean, for arbitrary


Applying the Cauchy–Schwartz inequality to the two integralsin the expression at bottom of (23)

and similarly for the second integral. Hence, Lipschitz conti-nuity of over gives the bound


where is the associated Lipschitz constant. Thisestablishes the lemma.

Lemma 2: Define the optimal predictorbased on quantized predictor variables

Assume that is Lipschitz continuous of orderalmost everywhere in and that(a.s.). Then, for any quantization cell , there exists


a point such that

Furthermore, the point satisfies the equation

whereProof of Lemma 2:By definition of conditional expecta-

tion, , where

is the conditional density of given InvokingFubini’s theorem [53] to permute the order of integration, weobtain the Lebesgque–Steiltjes integral representation

where By Lemma 1, iscontinuous, and therefore, by the mean value theorem forLebesgue–Steiltjes integrals [53], there exists a pointsuch that

This establishes the Lemma.Proof of Theorem 1:Define

That follows directly from the fact that the condi-tional mean estimator minimizes mean square pre-diction error. Next, we deal with the right-hand side of(21). It is easily verified by iterated expectation that

0, and0 (orthogonality principle of nonlinear estimation). There-


Thus, by Fubini [8], we have the integral representation


where the quantities are defined as in Lemmas 1 and 2.Invoking the latter lemma, there exists a point suchthat , and

0. Therefore, from (25)

Application of the bound (24) onobtained in the course of proving Lemma 1 yields



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Olivier J. J. Michel (S’84–M’85) was born inMont Saint Martin, France, in 1963. He received theAgregation de Physique degree from the Departmentof Applied Physics, Ecole Normale Superieure deCachan, Cachan, France, in 1986. He received thePh.D degree from University Paris-XI, Orsay, insignal processing in 1991.

In 1991, he joined the Physics Department,EcoleNormale Superieure, Lyon, France, as an assistantprofessor. His research interest include nonstation-nary spectral analysis, array processing, nonlinear

time series problems, information theory, and dynamical systems studies,in close relationship with physical experiments in the field of chaos andhydrodynamical turbulence.

Alfred O. Hero, III (S’79–M’84–SM’96–F’97) wasborn in Boston, MA, in 1955. He received the B.S.(summa cum laude) from Boston University in 1980and the Ph.D. from Princeton University, Princeton,NJ, in 1984, both in electrical engineering.

Since 1984, he has been with the Departmentof Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where he iscurrently Professor and Director of the Communica-tions and Signal Processing Laboratory. He has heldpositions of Visiting Scientist at Lincoln Laboratory,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington, from 1987 to 1989; VisitingProfessor at l’Ecole Nationale de Techniques Avancees (ENSTA), Paris,France, in 1991; and William Clay Ford Fellow at the Ford Motor Company,Dearborn, MI, in 1993. He has served as a consultant for U.S. governmentagencies and private industry. His present research interests are in the areasof detection and estimation theory, statistical signal and image processing,statistical pattern recognition, signal processing for communications, channelequalization and interference mitigation, spatio-temporal sonar and radarprocessing, and biomedical signal and image analysis.

Dr. Hero is a member of Tau Beta Pi, the American Statistical Association,the New York Academy of Science, and Commission C of the InternationalUnion of Radio Science (URSI). He held the G.V.N. Lothrop Fellowshipin Engineering at Princeton University. In 1995, he received a ResearchExcellence Award from the College of Engineering at the University ofMichigan. In 1999, he received a Best Paper Award from the IEEE SignalProcessing Society. He was Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON

INFORMATION THEORY from 1994 to 1997; Chair of the IEEE SPS StatisticalSignal and Array Processing Technical Committee from 1996 to 1998; andTreasurer of the IEEE SPS Conference Board from 1997 to 2000. He wasco-chair for the 1999 IEEE Information Theory Workshop and the 1999 IEEEWorkshop on Higher Order Statistics. He served as Publicity Chair for the1986 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory and was GeneralChair of the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, andSignal Processing. He received the 1999 Meritorious Service Award from theIEEE Signal Processing Society.

Anne Emmanuelle Badel(S’92–M’93) was born inLyon, France, in 1971. She received the Agr´egationde Physique degree in 1994 from the the Physics De-partment,Ecole Normale Sup´erieure (ENS), Lyon,France. She received the Ph.D. degree in physicsfrom ENS in 1998.

Her research interests are in nonlinear time seriesanalysis.

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