unit 1 revision quiz

Post on 11-May-2015






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Biology Exam Revision

“Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is ...

never try”

- Homer Simpson

Yeast is a unicellular fungus with a cell

wall. This feature is:

A. both a plant and animal characteristicB. an animal characteristicC. a plant characteristicD. exclusive to yeast as they are unique C

A lamprey is a fish that sucks the blood of

other fishes for food. It's digestive tube is:

A. long, because blood is thick and hard to digest.B. short and simple, because blood is easily digestedC. non-existent, because blood is already an internal

fluidD. complex to separate the various components of



Which terrestrial environment would

cause the fastest rate of water loss?

A. cold, humid and windyB. hot, humid and windyC. hot, dry and windyD. hot, dry and no wind


A balanced diet is one that:

A. provides enough energy for minimum daily needs

B. contains only one type foodC. contains as great a number of different foods

as possibleD. consists of three meals a day C

Refer to the image - the right atrium is represented by:

A. 2B. 5C. 7D. 8


The correct sequence for blood from it's

return to the heart from the lower body would


A. 6-5-8-4-1-2-7-3 B. 1-2-7-3-6-5-8-4 C. 4-7-2-1-6-5-8-3 D. 1-2-7-4-6-5-8-3


Insects have open circulatory

systems, which means that:

A. there is no heart B. there is no liquid C. there are no blood vessels D. there are no capillaries


Fresh water fish need to excrete large

amounts of dilute urine because the

A. concentration of solutes is high in water and low in fish

B. Cells of the fish tend to gain water from the environment

C. Cells of the fish lose water as urineD. Freshwater fish drink lots of fresh water that

needs to be excreted


Hydra, a simple aquatic animal, does not require a specialised transport

system because:

A. it does not need the same nutrients as more complex animals

B. all the cells of the hydra can obtain nutrients by diffusion

C. all the cells can obtain their nutrients by osmosis D. the cells do not live long enough to require



Untreated kidney failure in humans

results in death due to:

A. inability to excrete urea B. inability to produce urea C. inability to reabsorb glucose from the kidney

tubule D. inability to reabsorb proteins from the kidney



The function of the area labelled

Y is

A. filtrationB. secretionC. absorptionD. collection


In flowering plants the process of

pollination occurs when:

A. pollen is formed in the anther B. pollen undergoes meiosis C. pollen is transferred from the anther to the

stigma D. pollen grows a pollen tube down the style


In human reproduction, eggs are released from the ovary at an average

rate of:

A. one every 14 days B. one every 28 days C. one every 9 months (40 weeks) D. as a reflex action of sexual intercourse


The correct sequence for

mitosis is:

A. Interphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, prophaseB. Anaphase, telophase, interphase, prophase, metaphaseC. Metaphase, anaphase, telophase, interphase, prophaseD. Interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophaseD

Gestation is the term for:

A. the process whereby unspecialised cells develop

B. the production of milk in mammals C. the contraction of the uterus during birth D. the development time from fertilization to



What effect do cholesterol molecules

have on a plasma membrane?

A. Provides channels through which water molecules and small ions can pass

B. Provides stabilityC. Act as a reserve energy source for the cellD. Insulates the cell


Which two forms of trans-membrane transport require


A. Osmosis & facilitated diffusionB. Active transport & osmosisC. Facilitated diffusion & active transportD. Bulk transport & active transport


Plant cells with high internal fluid

pressures are said to be ...

A. hypertonicB. permeableC. turgidD. hypotonic


A heterotroph is ...

A. A type of fungiB. An organism capable of existing in more than

one type of habitatC. An organism that does not make its own foodD. A biological catalyst C

Osmosis is ...

C. Movement of water molecules from an area of low to high water concentration

D. Movement of solute from an area of high water concentration to high water concentration

A. Movement of water from an area of low solute concentration to high solute concentration

B. Movement of water from a hypertonic solution


Which phase of meiosis is shown in

this diagram?

A. Metaphase IB. Anaphase IC. Metaphase IID. Anaphase II


The cellular components of

a prokaryote include ...

A. Ribosomes, DNA & chloroplastsB. Nucleus, mitochondria & plasma membrane C. Capsule, flagella & mitochondriaD. Plasma membrane, ribosomes & cell wall


Which of the following

statements on active transport is


A. It requires energyB. It moves substances from high to low

concentrationC. It involves passage through a trans-membrane

proteinD. It is capable of transporting polar ions


Which of the following statements about

biomacromolecules is incorrect?

A. Monosaccharides are the building blocks of carbohydrates

B. Fatty acids and glycerol are the building blocks of lipids

C. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteinsD. Nucleic acids are the building blocks of nucleotidesD

The featured graph could represent ...

A. Enzyme reactions rate vs temperatureB. Enzyme reactions rate vs pHC. Enzyme reactions rate vs enzyme

concentrationD. Enzyme reactions rate vs substrate



The featured graph could represent ...

A. Enzyme reactions rate vs enzyme concentration

B. Enzyme reactions rate vs substrate concentration

C. Yield vs enzyme concentrationD. Yield vs substrate concentration


Which of the following is not

an element found in nucleic acids

A. CarbonB. SulphurC. OxygenD. Phosphorus B

Which of the following is a correct representation of the levels of organisation

(small to large)

A. Cells, biomacromolecules, tissue, organs, systemsB. Biomacromolecules, cells, tissue, systems, organsC. Biomacromolecules, cells, tissue, organs, systemsD. Biomacromolecules, cells, organs, tissue, systems


Which of the following is not

required for photosynthesis to

occur?A. WaterB. Carbon dioxideC. ChlorophyllD. Oxygen


Plants need water for use in photosynthesis as well as for the overall function and maintenance of the

plant. To reduce water loss on a windy day plants will:

A. Take up more water from the soilB. Open their stomataC. Close their stomataD. Use less water in photosynthesis


Chlorophyll would be

found in ...

A. B. C. D.


The compound which contains the

immediate source of energy for cellular

processes is ...

A. the sunB. carbohydratesC. GlucoseD. ATP


The cell cycle includes ...

A. a synthesis period when genetic material is replicatedB. three gap periods during which cell growth occursC. the production of two new cells at the end of anaphaseD. an interphase stage during which the cell is metabolically

inactive A

Enzymes are chemicals that play an important role in

many reactions in the body. Which of the following is not true about enzymes?

A. They are temperature and pH specificB. They are made of proteinC. They speed up the rate of reactionD. They cannot be reused once they take part in a



The concentration of some ions and molecules within a cell may be different from the

concentration of these ions and molecules in the external environment of the cell. This difference in concentration is maintained

directly by the activities of the

A. MitochondriaB. NucleusC. Cell membraneD. Ribosomes


An individual with type B- blood would be able to

donate blood to individuals with which of the following

blood types?

A. B+

B. A-

C. O+

D. O-A

The difference between a

germline cell and a somatic cell is

that:A. germline cells give rise to gametes and somatic cells make up the body

B. germline cells are diploid and somatic cells are haploidC. somatic cells include sense receptors and germline

cells are found in the nervous systemD. somatic cells reproduce by meiosis and germline cells

undergo mitosis


Peristalsis is:

A. the chewing of food in the mouth B. the contraction and relaxation of muscles that moves

food through the alimentary canal C. the absorption of broken down food into the bloodstreamD. the clumping together of faeces in the large intestine


Are you going to rock this

exam or what?

A. I am the king of the world, kneel at my feet!B. My knowledge of animé and planks is acceptableC. I’m so nervous, I hope I don’t wet myselfD. That dissected rat doesn’t know the meaning of dead

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