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UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI Curriculum Vitae 2009

Date 7/28/2011 PERSONAL Name: William Anthony Sheremata Office Phone: 305-243-6732 Current Academic Rank: Professor Emeritus of Clinical Neurology Primary Department: Neurology Citizenship: American HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONAL: University of Alberta, Canada M.D. 1959 University of Alberta, Canada B.Sc. (Zoology) 1955 NON-INSTITUTIONAL: None CERTIFICATION, LICENSURE (DESCRIPTION; BOARD OR AGENCY; DATES): Licentiate, Medical Council of Canada (LMCC) 1960 Certified-American Board of Internal Medicine 1969 Certified (Neurology)-Royal College of Physicians Can. 1970 Certified (Neurology)-College of Physicians (Quebec) 1972 Florida State Board License to Practice Medicine 1978 EXPERIENCE ACADEMIC: Professor 1995-Present Associate Professor of Neurology, University of Miami 1977-94 Assistant Professor, McGill University 1974-77


Director of Neurology, St. Mary's Hospital, Montreal 1971-77 Research Associate, Montreal Neurological Institute 1971-77 Lecturer in Neurology, McGill University 1971-74 MILITARY: Medical Officer-Canadian Base Medical Unit NW Europe1962-66 (NATO) PUBLICATIONS BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS PUBLISHED: 1. Sheremata WA. 100 Questions and Answers about Multiple Sclerosis. Jones and Bartlett

Sudbury MA, December 2005 2. Sheremata WA. Multiple Sclerosis: Clinical Features, Immunopathogenesis, and Clinical

Management. Chapter 6. Inflammatory Disorders of the Nervous System Pathogenesis, Immunology, and Clinical Management Eds. A. Minagar, J.S. Alexander. Humana Press Totowa, NJ. Pp103-124, 2005.

3. Minagar A, Sheremata WA. Multiple Sclerosis and Other Disease. I Multiple Sclerosis. In

Saunders Manual of Neurologic Practice, Ed. R.W. Evans. Saunders Philadelphia. Pp234-240, 2003.

4. Minagar A., Sheremata WA Multiple Sclerosis and Other Diseases. II Acute Disseminated

Encephalomyelitis. In Saunders Manual of Neurologic Practice, Ed R.W. Evans. Saunders, Philadelphia. pp241-243, 2003.

5. Lowis, G.W., Van Tiejlingen,, E., Sheremata, W.A., AIDS in developing countries. An

epidemiological analysis. In Population Problems. in J. Rose (editor) Population Problems, Topical Issues Amsterdam , The Netherlands: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 2000, pp. 133-161.

6. Sheremata, W.A., Honig, L.S., Bowen, B. Multiple Sclerosis: In Neurology for the

Non-Neurologist. Ed., Weiner, W.J., Goetz, C.G., J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. 4th Ed,) pp111-128, 1999.

7. Sheremata, W.A., Lowis, G., Epidemiology of Tropical Spastic Paraparesis and

Associated HTLV-1 Infection in the United States. HTLV-1 Truths and Questions Colciencias, Ed. Vladimir Zaninovic, 1996 pp 171-186.

8. Sheremata, W.A., Honig, L.S., Multiple Sclerosis: In Neurology for the Non-Neurologist.


Ed., Weiner, W.J., Goetz, C.G., J.B. Lippincott Company, 3rd Ed, pp108-115, 1994. 9. Sheremata, W.A., Honig, L.S., HTLV-I Myelopathy: In Current Diagnosis in Neurology,

Ed., Feldman E., Mosby-Year Book, Inc., Philadelphia, pp96-101, 1993. 10. Sheremata, W.A., Montes, J., Esquinasi, V.: Cuban multiple sclerosis: association of

disease expression with histocompatibility antigens. In: Human Retrovirology, Ed. Blattner W., Raven Press, New York, pp 327-332, 1990.

11. Defreitas, A., Wrobleski, S., Maul, G., Woodward, J., Sheremata W.A., Pleasure, P.,

Grossman, R., Koprowski, H.: Expression of a retrovirus partially related to HTLV-1 in T-cells from an American patient with multiple sclerosis. In HTLV-1 and The Nervous System, Eds. Roman, G.C., Vernant, J.C., Osame M., Neurology and Neurobiology, vol. 51, 407-420,1989 Alan R. Liss Inc., New York.

12. Sheremata, W.A., Defreitas, E., Sazant, A., and Tropic spastic paraparesis in the United

States: case findings of Florida cases. In: HTLV-1 and The Nervous System, Eds. Roman, G.C., Vernant, J.C., Osame M., Neurology and Neurobiology, vol. 51,175-184, 1989 Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York.

13. Tarras Seth, Sheremata W.A., Snodgrass S., Ayyar, D.R. Polymyositis and chronic

myelopathy associated with presence of serum and cerebrospinal fluid antibody to HTLV-1: a case report In: HTLV-1 and the Nervous System, Eds. Roman, G.C., Vernant, J.C., Osame M., Neurology and Neurobiology, vol.51, 435-441, 1989 Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York.

14. Sheremata W.A., Berger J.R.: Multiple sclerosis like Illness in association with human

immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) infection: clinical features. In: HTLV-1 and the Nervous System, Eds. Roman, G.C., Vernant, J.C., Osame M., Neurology and Neurobiology, vol. 51, pp421-431 1989, Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York.

15. Sheremata W.A., Honig L. Multiple sclerosis. In: Neurology for Non Neurologists Eds.

Weiner, W.J., Goetz, C.L., Harper and Row 1989, Philadelphia, 2nd Ed. pp. 110-117. 16. Sheremata, W.A.: The role of viruses of the pathogenesis of demyelinative disorders. In:

Myelination and Demyelination. Ed. J. Palo, Plenum Publishing Co., New York, 1978, pp. 696-697.

17. Sheremata, W.A., Woods, D.D. and Moscarello, M.A.: Cellular and humoral responses

to myelin basic protein in multiple sclerosis: a dichotomy. In: Myelination and Demyelination. Ed. J. Palao, Plenum Publishing Co., New York, 1978, pp.501-511.



1. Phillips, J.T., Weinstock-Guttman, B., Felton, W., English, J., Rossman, H., Edwards, K., Honeycutt, W., Sheremata, W. A multicenter, open-label, crossover study of safety, tolerability and patient preference for a single-use autoinjector versus manual injection of intramuscular interferon beta-1a in patients with multiple sclerosis. Int. J MS Care (in press)

2. Delgado, S., Baez, S., Singer, C., Sengun, C., Sheremata, W.A. Parkinsonism/dystonia syndrome secondary to multiple sclerosis with anti-basal ganglia antibodies. Move Dis 2008; (Oct 24 Epub)

3. Sheremata W, Jy, W., Horstman, L.L., Ahn, Y., Alexander, J.S., Minagar A., Evidence of platelet activation in multiple sclerosis. J. Neuroinflammation 2008;5:27

4. Sharma, K.R., Saadia, D., Facca A,G., Bhatia, R., Ayyar, D.R., Sheremata, W.A. Chronic Inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy associated with multiple sclerosis. J Clinical Neuromuscular Disease 2008;9:385-396.

5. Miller, D. H., Soon, D., Fernando, K. T., MacManus, D. G., Barker, G. J., Yousry, T. A., Fisher, E., O'Connor, P. W., Phillips, J. T., Polman, C. H., Kappos, L., Hutchinson, M., Havrdova, E., Lublin, F. D., Giovannoni, G., Wajgt, A., Rudick, R., Lynn, F., Panzara, M. A., Sandrock, A. W., and Sheremata W.A. for the AFFIRM Investigators, (2007). MRI outcomes in a placebo-controlled trial of natalizumab in relapsing MS. Neurology 68: 1390-1401.

6. Balcer, L. J., Galetta, S. L., Calabresi, P. A., Confavreux, C., Giovannoni, G., Havrdova, E., Hutchinson, M., Kappos, L., Lublin, F. D., Miller, D. H., O'Connor, P. W., Phillips, J. T., Polman, C. H., Radue, E. -W., Rudick, R. A., Stuart, W. H., Wajgt, A., Weinstock-Guttman, B., Wynn, D. R., Lynn, F., Panzara, M. A., and Sheremata WA for the AFFIRM and SENTINEL Investigators. Natalizumab reduces visual loss in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis. Neurology 2007; 68: 1299-1304.

7. Wolinsky J.S., Narayana P.A., O’Connor P., Coyle P.K., Ford C., Johnson K., Miller A., Pardo L., Kadosh S., Ladkani D., and Sheremata W.A for the PROMISE Trial Group Glatiramer acetate in primary progressive multiple sclerosis: results of multinational multicenter, double blind, placebo-controlled trial. Ann Neurol 2007;61:14-24.

8. Sheremata W.A., Jy W., Delgado S., Minagar A., McLarty J., Ahn Y. Interferon-beta-1a reduces plasma CD31+ Endothelial microparticles (CD31+EMP) in MS. J. Neuroinflammation 2006:3:3-23.

9. Delgado S., Sheremata W. The role of CD4+ T cells in the development of multiple sclerosis Neurol. Res. 2006;28:245-249.

10. Polman, C.H., O'Connor P.W., Havrdova E., Hutchinson M., Kappos L., Miller D.H., Phillips J.T., Lublin F.D., Giovannoni G., Wajgt A., Toal M., Lynn F., Panzara M.A., Sandrock A.W.


and Sheremata WA for the AFFIRM Investigators. A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of natalizumab for relapsing multiple sclerosis. New Engl J Med 2006;354:899-910.

11. Rudick, R.A., et al. Natalizumab plus interferon beta-1a for relapsing multiple sclerosis. New Engl J Med. 2006; 354:911-923.

12. Sheremata W., Minagar A., Alexander J., Vollmer T. The role of alpha-4 Integrin in the aetiology of multiple sclerosis: current knowledge and therapeutic implications. CNS Drugs 2005;19:909-922.

13. O’Connor P., Miller D., Riester K., Yang M., Panzara M., Dalton C., Miszakiel K., Khan O., Rice G., Sheremata W. for the International Natalizumab Trial Group. Relapse rates and enhancing lesions in a phase II trial of natalizumab in multiple sclerosis. Mult. Scler. 2005;11:565-572.

14. Jy W., Minagar A., Jimenez J.J., Sheremata W.A., Mauro L.M., Horstman L.L., Bidot C., Ahn Y.S. Endothelial microparticles (EMP) bind and activate monocytes: elevated EMP-monocyte conjugates in multiple sclerosis. Front in Biosci 2004;9:3137-3144.

15. O’Connor P., Goodman A., Willmer-Hulme A.J., Libonati M.A., Metz L., Murray R.S., Sheremata W.A., Vollmer T.L., Stone L.A. Randomized multicenter trial of natalizumab in acute MS relapses: clinical and MRI effects. Neurology 2004;62:2038-2043.

16. Miller D.M., Khan O.A., Sheremata W.A., Blumhardt L.D., Rice G.P.A., Libonati M.A., et al. A controlled trial of natalizumab for relapsing multiple sclerosis. N Engl. J Med. 2003:348:15-23.

17. Minagar A., Sheremata W.A., Weiner W.J. Transient movement disorders and multiple sclerosis. J Parkinsonism Relat. Disord. 2002;9:111-113.

18. Lowis G.W., Sheremata W.A., Minagar A. Epidemiologic features of HTLV-II. Serologic and molecular evidence. Ann. Epidemiol. 2002;12:46-66.

19. Poiesz B.J., Papsidero L.D., Ehrlich G., Sherman M., Dube S., Poiesz M., Dillon K., Ruscetti F.W., Slamon D., Fang C., Williams A., Duggan D., Glaser J., Gottlieb A., Goldberg J., Ratner L., Phillips P., Han T., Friedman-Kien., Siegal F., Rai K., Sawitsky A., Sheremata W., Dosik H., Cunningham C., Montagna R.. Prevalence of HTLV-I associated T-cell lymphoma. Am. J. Hematol. 2001;66:32-38.

20. Minagar A., Sheremata W.A., Tusa R.J. Perverted head-shaking nystagmus in MS. A possible mechanism Neurology 2001;57:887-888.

21. Minagar A., Jy W., Jimenez J.J., Mauro L.M., Horstman L., Sheremata W.A., Ahn Y.S., Elevated plasma endothelial microparticles in multiple sclerosis. Neurology 2001;56:1319-1324.

22. Minagar A., Sheremata W.A. Treatment of Devic's Disease with methotrexate and prednisone. Int J MS Care [Serial on-line]. Dec 2000;2(4).

23. Minagar A. Sheremata W.A., Hume A., Koller M., Vollmer T. Reduction of relapses in

multiple sclerosis after Natalizumab (Antegren) treatment. Int. J. MS Care [Serial on-line] Mar 2000:2(1).


24. Minagar A., Sheremata W.A. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia and MS. Neurology 2000;54:1368-1370.

25. Sheremata W.A., Vollmer T.M., Stone L., Willmer-Hulme, A., Koller, M. A safety and pharmacological study of natalizumab (Antegren) in MS. Neurology 1999;52:1072-1074.

26. Lowis G.W., Sheremata W.A. HTLV-II risk factors in Native Americans in Florida. Neuroepidemiology 1999;18:27-47.

27. Elgart G.W., Sheremata, W.A., Ahn, Y.S. Cutaneous reactions to recombinant interferon-beta-1b: the clinical and histologic spectrum. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 1997:37:553-558.

28. Nance, P.W., Sheremata, W.A., Lynch, S.W., Vollmer, T., et al, Relationship of the antispasticity effect of tizanidine to plasma concentration in patients with multiple sclerosis. Arch Neurol 1997; 54:731-740.

29. Squillacote D., Martinez M., Sheremata W. Natural alpha interferon in multiple sclerosis results

of three preliminary series. J. Int. Med. Res. 1996;24:246-257. 30. Sheremata, W.A., Taylor, A., Elgart, G.W.: More on interferon. New. Eng. J. Med., 1995:333:

1222-1224. 31. Sheremata, W.A., Taylor, A., Elgart, G.W.: Severe necrotizing cutaneous lesions complicating

interferon-beta-1b" Clinical features and biopsy results". New Eng. J. Med, 1995; 332;23, 32. Harrington W.Jr., Ucar A., Gill P., Snodgrass S., Sheremata W., Cabral L. Clinical spectrum of

HTLV-I in south Florida. J. AIDS Human Retrovirology, 1995;8:466-473. 33. Nance, P.W., Burgaresti, J., Shellenberger, K., Sheremata, W.A.,Martinez-Arizala, A., North

American Tizanidine Study Group.: Efficacy and safety of tizanidine in the treatment of spasticity in patients with spinal cord injury. Neurology, 1994; 44:11(Supp 9):S44-51.

34. Harrington, W.J., Sheremata, W.A., Hjelle, B., Dube, D.K., Bradshaw, P., Foung, S.K.H.,

Snodgrass S., Toedter, G., Cabral, L., Poiesz, B.: Spastic ataxia associated with human T-cell lymphotropic virus type II infection. Ann. Neurol. 1993;33:411-414.

35. Sheremata, W.A., Benedict, B.S., Squillacote, D.C., Sazant, A., Defreitas, E.: High-dose

zidovudine induction in HTLV-I associated myelopathy: safety and possible efficacy. Neurology 1993;43: 2125-2129.

36. Sheremata, W.A., Harrington, J.Jr., Bradshaw, P.A., Foung, S.K.H, Raffanti, S.P., Berger, J.R.,

Snodgrass, S., Resnick, L., Poiesz, B.J.: Association of (tropical) ataxic neuropathy with HTLV-II. Virus Research 1993;16:40:27.17.

37. Sheremata, W.A., Harrington, J.Jr., Bradshaw, P.A., Foung, S.K.H, Raffanti, S.P., Berger, J.R.,


Snodgrass, S., Resnick, L., Poiesz, B.J.: Association of (tropical) ataxic neuropathy with HTLV-II. Virus Research 1993;16:40:27.17.

38. Sheremata, W.A., Berger, J.R., Harrington, J.Jr., Ayyar, R., Stafford, J.M., Defreitas, E.: Human

lymphotropic (HTLV-1) associated myelopathy: a report of ten cases born in the United States. Arch. Neurol.. 1992;49:1113-1118.

39. Berger, J.R., Tornatore, C., Major, E.O., Bruce, J., Shapshak, P., Yoshioka, M., Houff, S.,

Sheremata, W.A., Horton, J.F., Landy, H.: Relapsing and Remitting Human Immunodeficiency Virus Associated Leukoencephalomyelopathy. Ann. Neurol. 1992; 31:34-38.

40. Honig, L.S., Ramsey, R.E., Sheremata, W.A.: Event-related potential P300 in multiple sclerosis:

relation to MRI and cognitive impairment. Arch. Neurol. 1992;49:44-50. 41. Harrington, W.J. Jr., Sheremata, W.A., Cabral, L.: Danazol for urinary incontinence in tropical

spastic paraparesis. Lancet 1992;339:368. 42. Brown, P., Goldfarb, L.G., McCombie, W.R., Nieto, A., Trapp, S., Squillacote, D.C.,

Sheremata, W.A., Godec, M.S., Gibbs, C.J., Gajdusek, C.: Atypical Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease in an American family with an insert mutation in the PRNP amyloid precursor gene. Neurology 1992;42:422-427.

43. Harrington, W.J. Jr., Sheremata, W.A., Snodgrass, S.R., Emerson S., Phillips, S., Berger, J.R.:

Tropical spastic paraparesis/HTLV-1 associated myelopathy (TSP/HAM): treatment with an anabolic steroid danazol. AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses 1991;7:1031-1034

44. Telischi, F.A., Grobman, L., Sheremata, W.A., Ayyar, R., Hemifacial spasm: occurrence in

multiple sclerosis. Arch. Otolaryn. Head. Neck Surg. 1991;117:5,554.556. 45. Doolittle, T.H., Myers, R.H., Lehrich, J.R., Birnbaum, G., Sheremata, W.A., Franklin, G.M.,

Nelson, L.M., Hauser. S.L.: Multiple sclerosis sibling pairs: clustered onset and familial predisposition. Neurology 1990;40:1546-52.

46. Honig, L., Sheremata, W.A.: Magnetic resonance imaging of spinal cord in multiple sclerosis.

J. Neurol., Neurosurg. Psychiatr. 1989;52:459-460. 47. Berger, J.R., Sheremata, W.A., Resnick, Fletcher M.A., Norenberg, M.: Multiple sclerosis like

illness associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Neurology 1989;39: 324-329. 48. Parks, R.W., Loewenstein, D.A., Dodrill, K.L., Barker, W.W., Yoshii, Fumihito, Chang, J.Y.,

Emran, A., Apricella, A., Sheremata, W.A., Duara, Ranja R.: Cerebral metabolic effects of a verbal fluency test: a pet scan study. J. Clin. Exp. Neuropsch. 1988;10:5,565-575.


49. Post, M.J., Tate, L.G., Quencer, R.M., Hensley, G.T., Berger, J.R., Sheremata, W.A.: HIV encephalitis and meningitis. Am. J. Neuroradiol. 1988;9:469-476.

50. Jacobson, S., Zaninovic, V., Mora, C., Rodgers-Johnson, P. Sheremata, W.A., Gibbs, C.J., Jr.,

Gadjusek, D.C., McFarlin, D.E.: Immunological findings in neurological disease associated with antibodies to HTLV-l: activated lymphocytes in progressive spastic paraparesis. Ann. Neurol. 1988; 23(Suppl):186-200.

51. Honig, L.S., Siddarthan, R., Sheremata, W.A., Sheldon J.J., Sazant, A. Multiple sclerosis:

correlation of magnetic resonance imaging with cerebrospinal fluid findings. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psych. 1988;51:277-280.

52. Roman, G., Sheremata, W.A. Multiple sclerosis (not tropical spastic paraparesis) on Key West,

Florida. Lancet 1987;1: 1199. 53. Defreitas, E.C., Wroblewska, Z., Maul, G., Sheremata, W.A., Ferrant, S., Lavi, E., Reddi, H.,

Veronese, F., Koprowski, H. HTLV-l infection of cerebrospinal fluid T-cells from patients with chronic neurological disease. AIDS Hum. Retroviruses 1987;1:32-37.

54. Koprowski, H., Defreitas, E.C., Harper, M.E., Sandberg-Wollheim, M., Sheremata, W.A.,

Robert-Gutoff, M., Saxinger, C.W., Wong-Staal, F., Gallo, R.C.: Lack of evidence for involvement of known retroviruses in multiple sclerosis. Reply. Nature 1986;322: 177-178.

55. Fisher, G.H., Garcia, N.M., Payan, I.L., Cadilla-Perezrios, R., Sheremata, W.A., Man, E.H.:

D-aspartic acid in purified myelin and myelin basic protein. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 1985;135:683-687.

56. Koprowski, H., Defreitas, E.C., Harper, M.D., Sandberg-Wollheim, M., Sheremata, W.A.,

Robert-Guroff, M., Saxinger, C.W., Feinberg, M.B., WongStaal, F., Gallo, R.C.: Multiple sclerosis and human T-cell lymphotrophic retroviruses. Nature 1985; 318:154-160.

57. Berger, J.R., Sheremata, W.A.: The hot bath test in multiple sclerosis. J.A.M.A.. 1985;253: 263. 58. Sheremata, W.A., Poskanzer, D.C., Withum, D.G., Macleod, C.L., Whiteside, M.E.: Unusual

occurrence on a tropical island of multiple sclerosis. Lancet 1985;2:618. 59. Sheldon, J.J., Siddarthan, R., Tobias, J., Sheremata, W.A., Soila, K., Viamonte, M. Jr.: MR

Imaging of Multiple Sclerosis: comparison with clinical, paraclinical, laboratory, and CT examinations. Am. J. Neuroradiol. 1985;6:663-669.

60. Berger, J.R., Sheremata, W.A. and Melmed E.: Paroxysmal dystonia as the initial manifestation

of multiple sclerosis. Arch. Neurol. 1984;41:747-750.


61. Berger, J.R. and Sheremata, W.A.: Persistent neurological deficit in multiple sclerosis precipitated by hot bath test. J.A.M.A. 1983;249:1751-1753.

62. Sheremata, W.A. Eylar, E.H., Symanska 1.: Peripheral nerve myelin protein in influenza

vaccine. Trans. Amer. Neurol. Assoc. 1982;107:1-3. 63. Berger, J.R., Rosenthal, W., Sheremata, W.A., Lyn, E., Ayyar, D.R., Melo, J.: Chronic

inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy complicated by factor Vlll antibody. Neurology, 1981;33:1224-1226.

64. Lockhart, J.L., Webster, G.D., Sheremata, W.A., Camuzzi, F.A. and Carrion, H.C.: Neurogenic

bladder dysfunctions in the Shy-Dragger syndrome. J. Urol. 1981;126:119-121. 65. Berger, J.R., Ayyar, D.R. and Sheremata, W.A.: Guillain-Barre syndrome complicating acute

hepatitis B: A case with detailed electrophysiological and immunological studies. Arch. Neurol. 1981;38:366-369.

66. Kelley, R.E., Daroff, R.B., Sheremata, W.A. and McCormick, J.R.: Unusual effects of

metrizamide lumbar myelography: constellation of aseptic meningitis, arachnoiditis, communicating hydrocephalus and Guillain-Barre syndrome. Arch. Neurol. 1980;37:588-589.

67. Heffez, D. and Sheremata, W.A.: Experimental embolic stroke in the guinea pig (cuvis cobaya).

J. Neuropath. Exp. Neurol. 1980;39:82-87. 68. Sheremata, W.A. and Sazant, A.: Multiple sclerosis in Latin Americans. Proceedings V Pan-

American Congress of Neurology, 1980. 69. Sheremata, W.A., Lopez, D. and Moscarello, M.A.: Responses of purified T cells to mitogens

and myelin basic protein in multiple sclerosis. Trans. Amer. Neurol. Assoc. 1979;104:1-3. 70. Sheremata, W.A., Wood, D.D., Moscarello, M.A. and Cosgrove, J.B.R.: Sensitization to myelin

basic protein in attacks of multiple sclerosis. J. Neurol. Sci. 1978;36:165-170. 71. Sheremata, W.A.: The role of viruses of the pathogenesis of demyelinative disorders. Adv.

Exp. Biol.1978;100:625-626. 72. Sheremata, W.A., Woods, D.D. and Moscarello, M.A.: Cellular and humoral responses to

myelin basic protein in multiple sclerosis: a dichotomy. Adv. Exp. Biol. 1978;100:501-511. 73. Sheremata, W.A., Sazant, A. and Watters, G.: Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis and multiple

sclerosis: in vitro measles immunity and sensitization to myelin basic protein. Can. Med. Assoc. J. 1978;118:509-513.


74. Sheremata, W.A., Colby, S.P., Bain, B. and Eylar, E.H.: Studies of cellular sensitization to myelin antigens in multiple sclerosis: disassociation of MIF and LBT production in response to a peptide encephalitogenic in rhesus monkeys. J. Neurol. Sci. 1977;38:111-129.

75. Sheremata, W.A., Eylar, E.H. and Cosgrove, J.B.R.: Multiple sclerosis: Sensitization to a myelin

basic protein fragment peptide encephalitogenic to primates. J. Neurol. Sci. 1977; 32:255- 263. 76. Sheremata, W.A., Younge, B. and Cosgrove, J.B.R.: Retrobulbar neuritis: In vitro evidence of

sensitization to myelin basic protein in patients without multiple sclerosis. Neurology 1977; 27:557-560.

77. Sheremata W., Eylar E.H., Cosgrove J.B. Multiple sclerosis: sensitization to a myelin basic

protein fragment (peptide T) encephalitic to primates. A preliminary report. J. Neurol. Sci. 1977;32:255-263.

78. Sheremata, W.A., Triller, H., Cosgrove, J.B.R. and Eylar, E.H.: Direct leukocyte migration

inhibition by myelin basic protein in exacerbations of multiple sclerosis. Can. Med. Assoc. J. 1977;116:985-988.

79. Colby, S., Sheremata, W.A. and Bain, B.: Cellular hypersensitivity in attacks of multiple

sclerosis: A comparative study of MIF production and lymphoblastic transformation. Neurology 1977;27:132-139.

80. Sheremata, W.A., Allen, J., Sazant, A., Cosgrove, J.B.R. and Osterland, K.: Cerebrospinal fluid

T and B lymphocyte responses in exacerbations of multiple sclerosis. Trans. Amer. Neurol. Assoc. 1976;101:40-44.

81. Sheremata, W.A., Wood, D.D. and Moscarello, M.A.: Anti-myelin basic protein antibodies and

cellular hypersensitivity in multiple sclerosis. Trans. Amer. Neurol. Assoc. 1976;101:291- 293. 82. Allen, J., Sheremata, W.A., Cosgrove, J.B.R. and Osterland, K.: CSF T and B lymphocyte

kinetics related to exacerbations of multiple sclerosis. Neurology. 1976;26:579-583. 83. Sheremata, W.A., Cosgrove, J.B.R. and Eylar, E.H.: Cell-mediated hypersensitivity to myelin

(A1) protein in multiple sclerosis. J. Neurol. Sci. 1976;27:413-425. 84. Sheremata, W.A., Colby, S., Lusky, C. and Cosgrove, J.B.R.: Delayed hypersensitivity to

peripheral nervous system antigens in the Guillain-Barre syndrome. Neurology 1975;25:833 -839.

85. Sheremata, W.A., Colby, S., Karkhanis, Y. and Eylar, E.H.: Delayed hypersensitivity to P2

protein in the Guillain-Barre syndrome. Can. J. Neurol. Sci. 1975;87-90.


86. Sheremata, W.A., Cosgrove, J.B.R. and Eylar, E.H.: Cellular hypersensitivity to basic myelin (A1) protein and clinical multiple sclerosis. New Eng. J. Med. 1974;291:14-17.

87. Sheremata W.A., Andrews B., Pandya D.S. Conduction aphasia from a frontal lobe lesion. Trans.

Am. Neurol. Assoc. 1974;99:249-252. 88. Sheremata, W.A., Cosgrove, J.B.R. and Eylar, E.H.: Hypersensitivity to myelin protein preceding

attacks of multiple sclerosis. Trans. Amer. Neurol. Assoc. 1974;99:49-54. 89. Sheremata, W.A., Rocklin, R. and David, J.R.: Cellular hypersensitivity in Guillain-Barre

syndrome. Can. Med. Assoc. J. 1974;110:1245-1247. 90. Benson, F., Sheremata, W.A., Bouchard, R.A., Segarra, J., Price, D. and Geschwind, N.:

Conduction aphasia: a clinical-pathological study. Arch. Neurol. 1973;28:339-346. 91. Sheremata, W.A. and Behan, P.O.: Experimental allergic neuritis. J. Neurol. Neurosurg.

Psychiatr. 1973;36:139-145. 92. O'Behan, P.O., Kies, M.W., Lisak, R.P., Sheremata, W.A. and Lamarche, J.: In vitro studies:

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93. Sheremata, W.A. and Sherwin, I.: Alcoholic myelopathy. J. Neurol. 1972;33:136-139. 94. Rocklin, R.E., Sheremata, W.A., Feldman, R.G., Kies, M.W and David, J.R.: The Guillain-Barre

syndrome and multiple sclerosis: in vitro cellular responses. New Eng. J. Med. 1971;284:803-808.

95. Sheremata, W.A., Kott, H.S. and Cyr, D.P.: Chediak-Higashi-Steinbrinke syndrome: a report of

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Syndrome. Lancet 1970;1:421. 98. Sheremata, W.A.: Reiter's disease. A case with severe and unusual complications. Med. Serv. J.

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1. Delgado, S.R., Sheremata, Brown, A.D., McCarthy, M. Human T-Lymphotropic virus

type I/II associated with recurrent longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis resembling neuromyelitis optica. Two case reports. J. Neurovirology. 2009 (in press)

2. Sheremata, W., Brown, A., Bedi, G., Delgado, S. Neuromyelitis (MNO) with destructive brain lesions in 3 cases. Neurology 2009;72(Suppl. 3):190.189

3. Bedi, G., Brown, A., Delgado, S.R., Usmani, N., Sheremata, W.A. Effect of rituximab on

relapse rate and disability in neuromyelitis optica (NMO). Neurology 2009;72(Suppl3) 4. Bedi, G., Sheremata, W., Brown, A., Usmani, N., Delgado, S.R., Association of serum

NMO-Ig with brain lesions in neuromyelitis optica. Keystone Symposium on molecular and cellular biology; Multiple Sclerosis Scientific Program Jan 21, 2009.Abstr #137.

5. Rivera, V., Al-Sabbaugh, A., Bennett R., Coyle, P., Elias, S., Mikol, D., Panitch, H.,

Rolak, L.A., Sheremata, W., Weinstock-Guttman, Fox, F., for the RENEW Study Group. RENEW study update XVIII: ongoing evaluation of the safety and tolerability of mitoxantrone in worsening multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis 2008; 14(Suppl 1):S175,

6. Phillips, J., Weinstock-Guttman, B., Felton, W., English, W., Rossman, H., Edwards, K.,

Honeycutt, W., Sheremata W. Safety and tolerability of the first single-use fully integrated autoinjector for IM interferon beta-1a. Neurology 2008;71(Suppl 1):86.

7. Sheremata, W., Brown, A.D., Lowis, G.W. HAM/TSP is important in the differential

diagnosis of MS. Multiple Sclerosis 2007;13(Suppl 1):S240. 8. Sharma K, Ayyar R, Sheremata WA. Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating

Polyradiculoneuropathy Associated with Multiple Sclerosis Ann Neurol 2007; Abstract #211

9. Brown AD, Delgado S, Sheremata WA. Treatment of neuromyelitis optica with

rituximab. Multiple Sclerosis 2007;13: 10. Rivera V, Al-Sabbough A, Bennett R, Coyle P, Mikol D, Panitch H, Fox E, Rolak L,

Sheremata WA, Elias S. Ongoing evaluation of the safety and tolerability of mitoxantrone in worsening multiple sclerosis: the RENEW study. Neurology 2007;68(Suppl 1):S275.

11. Sheremata, W.A., Jy W, Delgado S, Ahn Y. Measurement of plasma CD31+ endothelial

micro particles during mitoxantrone treatment of progressive multiple sclerosis. Mult.


Scler. 2006;12:S218. 12. Fox, E, Al-Sabbagh A, Bennet R, Coyle D, Mikol A, Panitch H, Rivera V, Rolak L,

Sheremata WA, Elias SR, and the RENEW Study Group. Continuing evaluation of the safety and tolerability of mitoxantrone worsening multiple sclerosis: the RENEW study. Mult. Scler. 2006;12:S219.

13. Dalton CM, Miszkiel KA, O’Connor PW, Plant GT, Khan OA, Sheremata WA,

Willmer-Hulme AJ, Rice GP, Miller DH. Ventricular enlargement n multiple sclerosis: the analysis of change over one year at various stages of disease. Neurology 2005;64(Suppl 1):S280.

14. Sheremata WA, Delgado S. Immunomodulatory drugs for MS. Hospital Pharmacy

Europe. 2004 September/October pp84-85. 15. Jy W, Delgado S. Minagar A, Ahn Y, Sheremata W.A. Interferon-β1a reduces plasma

CD31+ Endothelial microparticles in MS. Ann Neurol 2003;54(Suppl 7):S60. 16. Dalton CM, Miszkiel KA, Barker GJ, Pepple TI, MacManus DG, Khan OA, Sheremata

WA, et al. The effect of Natalizumab on conversion of T1 Gadolinium Enhancing lesions to T2 hypointense lesions. Neurology 2003;60 (Suppl 1): On-line: Abstract P06/115).

17. Dalton C, O’Connor P, Rice G, Khan O, Philips JT, MacManus D, Mitchel K, Miller D.

and the International Natalizumab MS Trial Group. Natalizumab treatment for relapsing MS: further results of a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial. Neurology 2002;58 (Suppl):S167.

18. Onufer J, Whiteman M, Quencer R, Minagar A, Sheremata WA. Response of magnetic

resonance T2 lesion load in patients with multiple sclerosis brains: blinded study of treatment with interferon β1b (Betaseron) versus interferon-αn3 (Alferon N), versus untreated patients. Ann Neurol 2001:50(Suppl 1):S28.

19. Minagar A, Wenche J, Jiminez JJ, Sheremata WA, Mauro LM, Horstman LL, Ahn YS.

Elevated Blood Monocytes-Endothelial Microparticle Complexes in Multiple Sclerosis. Ann Neurol 2001;50(Suppl 1):S27.

20. Minagar A, Jy W, Jimenez JJ, Mauro LM, Horstman L, Sheremata WA, Ahn YS, Plasma

from MS patients in exacerbation induce release of PECAM – 1 positive endothelial microparticles ( EMP) from cultured microvascular endothelial cells, Programme Soc Neuroscience 2000.

21. Tusa RJ, Minagar A, Sheremata WA, Perverted vestibular nystagmus and multiple

Sclerosis. Ann Neurol 2000.


22. Minagar A. Sheremata WA. Betaseron and cerebral infarctions. Programme, Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis centers 1999

23. Minagar A, Sheremata WA. Multiple Sclerosis and brain tumors. Consortium of Multiple

Sclerosis center 1999. 24. Sheremata W.A., Vollmer T.L., Stone L.A., Willmer-Hulme A.J., Koller M. A placebo-

controlled, safety, tolerability, dose escalation, PK study of various doses of intravenous antegren in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Neurology 1999;50:Suppl4;63.

25. Sheremata W.A., Vollmer T.L., Willmer-Hulme A.J., Koller M. Reduction of relapses

in multiple sclerosis after natalizumab (Antegren) treatment. Ann. Neurol. 1999;44:507. 26. Bever C.T., Koller M., Hulme A., Walicke P., Vollmer T., Sheremata W., Johnson K.

Interrater variability in the scoring of the Scripps Neurological Rating Scale and the Expanded Disability Status Scale: Improvement with training. Ann. Neurol. 1999;44:484.

27. Sheremata, W.A., Nance P., Shellenberger, K., and the North American Tizanidine Study

Group. Correlation of Ashworth score with automated Wartenberg pendulum measurement of quadriceps spasticity in multiple sclerosis. Ann Neurol 1997;47:466.

28. Shellenberger K., Sheremata, W.A., Nance, P., Mass, M.K. , and the North American

Tizanidine Study Group. Plasma concentrations of tizanidine following single doses of Zanaflex: tizanidine hydrochloride association with decreased muscle tone and adverse events. Ann. Neurol. 1997;47:466.

29. Kolodny, L., Ahn, Y.S., Sheremata, W.A., Evidence of platelet activation in multiple

sclerosis (MS). Ann Neurol 1996;40:520. 30. Sheremata, W.A., Kolodny L., Ahn, Y.S., Absence of platelet activation in multiple

sclerosis with interferon-1b treatment. Brain Pathology 1996;6:357. 31. Sheremata, W.A., Marion F.M., Elgart, G., Cutaneous ulceration complicating interferon

b-1b in multiple sclerosis. Brain Pathology 1995;5:329. 32. Sheremata, W.A., Squillacote, D.C., Sazant, A.: Stabilization of relapsing/remitting

(R/R) and progressive MS (PMS) with natural A-interferon (N a-IFN): a preliminary trial. Ann. Neurol. 1994;36;:32.

33. Sheremata, W.A., Harrington, W.J., Snodgrass, S.R., Berger, J.R.,Poiesz, B.J.:

Association of HTLV-II with neurological disease. Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Human Retrovirology HTLV, New Jersey, 1994.

34. Sheremata, W.A., Page, L., Norenberg, B.M., Astrocytoma Versus Multiple Sclerosis: 3


Cases in Adolescent Females. Brain Pathology 1994;4:114. 35. Sheremata, W.A., Harrington, W.J. Jr., Berger, J.R., Hall, D., Foung, S.K.H., Poiesz,

B.J.: Ataxic Neuropathy: Association with HTLV-II. Programme, (CDC) Second International Symposium Immunobiology and Pathogenesis of Persistent Virus Infections Georgia, 1992.

36. Sheremata, W.A., Harrington, W. Jr., Snodgrass, S., Berger, J.R.: TSP/HAM in Florida.

Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Human Retrovirology: HTLV Kumamoto, Japan. 1992

37. Harrington, W. Jr., Sheremata, W.A., Cabral L., Toussaint, M.R.: Treatment of HTLV-I

associated myelopathy (HAM) with danazol. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Human Retrovirology: HTLV Kumamoto, Japan. 1992,

38. Harrington, W. Jr., Cabral, L., Sheremata, W.A.: Tropical spastic paraparesis:

improvement with anabolic steroid treatment: Neurology 1992;42:147. 39. Sheremata, W.A.: Characteristique des gens de 1'isle de Hispanola avec le syndrome

spastique tropicales. Caraibes Medical, 1991. 40. Sheremata, W.A., Squillacote, D.C., Defreitas, E.: A safety study of high dose retrovir

(AZT) in HTLV-I associated myelopathy (HAM): evidence for safety and possible efficacy. Neurology 1991;41(Suppl 1):142.

41. Sheremata, W.A., Squillacote, D.C.: Onset of Devic's disease with appearance of

distinctive cervical spinal cord lesions by MRI. Ann. Neurol. 1991;30:320. 42. Sheremata, W.A., Stafford, J.M., Sazant, A., Levine, C.S., Sanchez-Ramos, J., Weiner,

W.J.,: Increased serum and cerebrospinal fluid interferon-gamma in early untreated Parkinson's disease. Ann. Neurol.. 1990;28:296.

43. Sheremata, W.A., Sazant, A., McFarlin, D.: Cerebrospinal fluid interferon-gamma is

increased in tropical spastic paraparesis. Society for Neuroscience 1990. 44. Stafford, J.M., Sheremata, W.A., Sazant, A., Defreitas, E.: Spastic paraparesis

native-born Americans associated with type I human retrovirus (HTLV-1): Neurol. 1990; 40(Suppl):455.

45. Sheremata, W.A., Stafford, J.M., Sazant, A., Defreitas, E.: Tropical Spastic Paraparesis

(TSP): Accelerated Courses in Natives of a Caribbean island (Hispanola) residing in Florida. Neuroepidemiology, 1990.

46. Stafford, J.M., Sheremata, W.A., Defreitas, E., Berger, J.: Spastic paraparesis in


native-born Americans associated with type I human retroviruses (HTLV-1). Neurology 1990; Suppl. 1:455.

47. Rey, G.J., Levin, B.E., DiDona, T., Sheremata, W.A.: Neuropsychological deterioration

in multiple sclerosis. Neurology 1990;40 (Suppl 1):455. 48. Squillacote, D.C., Sheremata, W.A., Sazant, A.: Major relapse of mutliple sclerosis

following high dose cytoxan (CTX) associated with use of ampicillin: a report of 2 cases. Ann. Neurol. 1989;26:119.

49. Sheremata, W.A., Montes, J., Esquenazi, V., Bonis, M., Sazant, A.: Multiple sclerosis in

Cubans: association of HLA antigens, coloring and type of clinical disease. Ann. Neurol. 1989; 26:118.

50. Sheremata, W.A., Sazant, A.: Clinical Features of MS in Cuban Born patients: Increased

frequency of Myelopathy. Consort: Program Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers meeting, 1989.

51. Sheremata, W.A., Bohn, N., Shebert, R., Bonis, M., Sazant, A.: Decreased CNS IgG

synthesis during natural interferon alpha (IFN) treatment of multiple sclerosis. Ann. Neurol. 1989;26:299.

52. Sheremata, W.A., Bohn, N., Berger, J., Tourtellotte W., Sanchez-Ramos, J., Weiner,

W.J.: Increased serum and lowered CSF gamma interferon (IFN-g) in Parkinson’s disease. Ann. Neurol. 1989; 26:305.

53. Roman G, Sheremata, W.A.: High prevalence of multiple sclerosis on a tropical island.

Report of 12 cases in natives born inhabitants of Key West. J. Neuroepidemiology 1988;1.

54. Sheremata, W.A., Bohn N, Resnick L, Berger J, Sazant A. Gamma-interferon (G-IFN)

may mediate central nervous system (CNS) disease in HIV-l infection. Society for Neuroscience 17th annual meeting, 1987; (Pt. 2) 13:1252.

55. Sheremata, W.A., Bohn, R.N., Resnick, L., Berger, J.R., Sazant, A. Cerebrospinal fluid

(CSF) gamma interferon is increased in active multiple sclerosis (MS). Ann. Neurol. 1987;22:109.

56. Bohn, Nicholas R., B.S., Sheremata, W.A., M.D., and Sazant, A., B.S., M.B.A.-H.A.,

macrophage activation by interferon-gamma in the central nervous system in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Arch AIDS Res. 1987;1:189.

57. Katz, D.A., M.D., Berger, J.R., and Sheremata, W.A. Acquired immunodeficiency

syndrome (AIDS) in patients with acute neurosyphilis in a large community hospital:


1984-1986. Arch AIDS Res. 1987;1:190. 58. Sheremata W.A., Quencer, R., Gatti ,E., Defreitas, E., Harper, M., Magnetic resonance

imaging (MRl) of tropic spastic paraplegia. Neurology 1987;37 (Suppl):322. 59. Sheremata, W.A., Coincidence of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and multiple

sclerosis in Key West, Florida. Arch. AIDS Res. 1987;1:188. 60. Honig, L.S. Ramsay, E, Sheremata, W.A.: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRl), cognitive,

impairment and the P300 event-related potential (ERP) in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Neurology 1986;36 (Suppl 1):157.

61. Defreitas, E.C., Abnormal interleukin-2 receptor expression in T Cells from the cerebral

spinal fluid (CSF) of patients with multiple sclerosis. Clinical Research 1986;34:669A. 62. Honig L.S., Ramsay E, Sheremata, WA. Topographically mapped EEG and event related

potentials (ERP) correlate with cerebral involvement in patients with multiple sclerosis. EEG Clin. Neurophy. 1986;64:75.

63. Honig L.S., Sheremata, W.A., Shapiro L., Spinal cord abnormalities without cerebral

lesions: A magnetic resonance imaging study. Ann. Neurol. 1986;20:152. 64. Sheremata, W.A., Siddarthen, R., Duara, R., Heilman, K.M.: Activation of frontal cortex

by the verbal fluency task: a positron emission tomographic (PET) study. Neurology 35 (Suppl 1): 1985;97.

65. Siddharthan, R., Sheremata W.A., Defortuna, S., Sazant, A., and Sheldon, J.: Multiple

sclerosis (MS): correlation of magnetic resonance imaging with cerebrospinal fluid findings. Neurology 35 (Suppl 1) 1985;104-105.

66. Greene, W.C., Svetlik, P.B., Peffer, N.J., Sandberg-Wollheim, M., Sheremata, W.A. and

Roa, S., Sheremata, W.A., et al.: Symposium on cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis. Program International Neuropsychology Society; Int. J. Neuropsych. 1985.

67. Sheremata, W.A., Rosenthal, D.L., Siddharthan, R., Sazant A., and Berger, J.R.:

Paroxysmal falling: an unrecognized sign in multiple sclerosis. Ann. Neurol. 1985;18:130.

68. Sheremata, W.A., Poskanzer, D., Koprowski, A., Macleod, L.L., Whiteside, E.: Multiple

sclerosis and AIDS in Key West. Program Am Soc Trop Med & Hygiene, 1985. 69. Sheremata, W.A., Sevush, S.: Altered cerebral glucose metabolism in multiple sclerosis.

Neurology 1984;34(Suppl 1):118.


70. Sheremata, W.A., Knight, D., Ziajka, P., Sevush, S.: Brain metabolic derangements in multiple sclerosis. Programme, Am Society Neurochem. 1984;15:11-16.

71. Sheremata, W.A., Sazant, A., Norenberg, M.: Chronic EAE in the goat. J. Neuropath.

Exp. Neurol.. 1984;43:344. 72. Ziajka, P.E., Sheremata, W.A., Block, R., Hashim, G., Fisher, G., Man, E.:

Conformational changes in an oligopeptide following amino acid racemization. J. Neuropath. Exp. Neurol.. 1984;43:313.

73. Siddharthan, R., Sheremata, W.A., Sazant, A.: An enzyme linked imunosorbent assay for

human leukocyte interferon. Society for Neuroscience 14th Annual Meeting. 1984;10 (Pt 2) 1063.

74. Sheremata, W.A., Siddharthan, R., Ziajka, P., Sevush, S.: Altered frontal and temporal

lobe metabolism in multiple sclerosis. Society for Neuroscience 14th Annual Meeting; 1984;10 (Pt 1) 524.

75. Sheremata, W.A., Siddharthan, R., Ziajka, P., Sevush, S., Finn, R.: Frontal cortical

activation and cerebral metabolism: effects of 4 neuropsychological tasks. International Neuropsychology Society; Int. Neuropsych Bulletin. 1984;11:38.

EDITORIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Ad hoc reviewer, Archives of Neurology, Archives of Ophthalmology, European Neurology,

Journal of Neurological Sciences, Journal of Neurology, Neuroimmunology, Neurology New England Journal of Medicine,

OTHER WORKS ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATIONS: Sheremata, W.A.: Brain Metabolism in Multiple Sclerosis Neuroscience Reviews, August, 1984. VI. PROFESIONAL 21. Funded Research Performed (include all grants received, identifying the Principal

Investigator and amounts and dates of the awards): On-going Research: Co-Principal Investigator: A 24-month double-blind, randomized, multicenter, placebo-

controlled, parallel-group study comparing the efficacy and safety of


0.5 mg and 1.25 mg fingolimod (FTY720) administered orally once daily versus placebo in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Protocol # CFTY720D2309.

Sponsor: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation. $1,527,888.25 (8/25/2006-3/8/2010) Co-Principal Investigator: A 12-month double-blind, randomized, multicenter, active-controlled,

parallel-group study comparing the efficacy and safety of 0.5 mg and 1.25 mg fingolimod (FTY720) administered orally once daily versus interferon β- 1a (Avonex) administered i.m. once weekly in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis with optional Extension Phase. Protocol # CFTY720D2302.

Sponsor: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation. $528,808.75 (12/15/2006-12/31/2008) Principal Investigator: A Multi-Center, Double-blind, randomized study comparing the

combined use of interferon beta-1a and glatiramer acetate to either agent alone in patients with relapsing remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Protocol Combi Rx Phase III: (NIH).

$75,875.00 (4/1/2006-11/30/2008--in extension phase) Principal Investigator: A Double blind, Placebo Controlled Multi-center Study to Evaluate the

Efficacy and Safety of MBP8298 in Subjects with Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. Protocol #: MBP8298-SP-03

Sponsor: BioMS Technology Corp. $323,976.00 (10/9/2007-12/31/2010) Principal Investigator: A Randomized, Multicenter, Placebo-Controlled and Active Reference

(Glatiramer Acetate) Comparison Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of BG00012 in Subjects With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Protocol #: 109MS302 Sponsor: Biogen Idec.

$94,145.00 (12/01/2006-ongoing) Completed Research:


Principal Investigator: International, Randomized, Multicenter, Phase III Study in Patients

with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Comparing Over a Treatment Period of 104 Weeks: 1. Double-Blind the Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Betaseron/Betaferon 250 ug (8MIU) and Betaseron/Betaferon 500 ug (16MIU), Both Given Subcutaneously Every Other Day, 2. Rater-Blinded the Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Betaseron/Betaferon S.C. QO. with Copaxone 20 mg S.C. once daily. BEYOND Protocol # 306440: (Berlex and Chiron Laboratories).

$76,743.75 (9/23/2004- 9/22/2008) Principal Investigator: International, multicenter, Phase IIIb study of subcutaneous every-

other-day treatment of patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis with (Phase A) double-blind Betaseron/Betaseron 250 µg or 500 µg or open-label Betaseron/Betaseron 250 µg and (Phase B) open-label Betaseron/Betaseron 500 µg BEYOND Follow-up study. Protocol #: 309363

Sponsor: Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc. $16,013.16 (6/01/2007-5/31/2010) Principal Investigator : An Open-Label, Multicenter, Extension Study to Evaluate the Safety

and Tolerability of Natalizumab following re-initiation of dosing in Multiple Sclerosis subjects who have completed study C-1801, C-1802, or C- 1803 and a dosing suspension safety evaluation. STRATA Protocol # 101-MS-322. Biogen Idec.

$78,150.00 (4/30/2006-4/29/2008) Principal Investigator: A Multicenter, Open-label Immunogenicity and Safety Study of

Natalizumab High Titer Material (BG00002-E) in subjects with relapsing forms of Multiple Sclerosis. Protocol # 101-MS-201. Biogen Idec.

$ 94,145.00 (12/01/2006-12/31/2008) Principal Investigator: A 24-Week, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-

controlled, dose finding, safety, tolerability and efficacy study of the human anti-IL-12 Antibody ABT-874 in subjects with Multiple Sclerosis with a 24-Week, Double-blind, Active Extension Phase. Protocol M03-654. Abbott Laboratories.

$139,791.00 (4/01/2004-3/01/2007)


Principal Investigator: An Open-Label, Multicenter Extension Study to Evaluate the Safety

and Tolerability of Natalizumab in Subjects with Multiple Sclerosis Who Have Completed Studies C-1801, C-1802, or C-1803 .Protocol C-1808.

Biogen Idec.

$ 111,610.00 (5/19/2004-5/03/2006) Co-investigator: Determination of soluble Fas Ligand (FasL) concentrations in sera from

different subpopulations of MS patients by ELISA. Protocol 03/432A. MS Center at UMSM. Supported by an unrestricted research grant from Berlex.

$ 3,000.00 (8/12/2003-7/25/ 2005). Principal Investigator: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group,

Multicenter Study to Determine the Safety and Efficacy of Natalizumab in Subjects with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Protocol C-1801. (AFFIRM)


$ 347,763.00 (11/15/2001-10/31/2005)

Principal Investigator: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group, Multicenter Study to Determine the Safety and Efficacy of Natalizumab, When Added to Avonex (Interferon beta-1a), in Subjects with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Protocol C-1802. (SENTINEL)

Biogen. $ 99,835.00 (11/01/2002-11/07/2005)

Principal Investigator: Measurement of Endothelial Microparticles in MS PatientsTreated with Interferon beta- 1a (Avonex). Biogen.

$ 76,400.00 (7/01/2001-6/25/2007)

Principal Investigator:

A Multi-National, Multi-Center, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Tolerability and Safety of Glatiramer Acetate for


Injection in Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Patients.

Protocol 9008. TEVA Neuroscience, Inc.

$ 97,190.00 (4/01/1999-4/30/2004) Principal Investigator: A Multicenter, Open-Label Immunogenicity and Safety Study of a

Serum-Free Pre-Formulated Solution of AVONEX (Interferon beta-1a) Administered Intramuscularly to Patients with Relapsing/ Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Protocol C-867. Biogen. $ 57,700.00 (12/01/2002-10/17/2005)

Clinical Co-Investigator: A Phase III, Double-Blind, Multicenter, Randomized, Cross-over Study to Compare 0.10 mmol/kg of MultiHance® with 0.10 mmol/kg of Magnevist® in MRI of the Central Nervous System. Protocol MH-109. Bracco Diagnostics. Principal Investigator: Brian Bowen, M.D.

Principal Investigator: A Randomized, Rater-Blinded, Multicenter, Parallel-Group Study Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Betaseron® 250 μg Subcutaneously Every Other Day with Avonex® 30 μg Intramuscularly Once per Week in Relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients Previously Treated with AVONEX® . Protocol No. 307245. Berlex. $ 6,175.01 (10/06/2003-6/30/2005)

Principal Investigator:

Prospective, Open-Label Tolerability and Safety Monitoring Study of Novantrone in a Selected Cohort of Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Protocol 031.0007. Immunex Corporation.

PROFESSIONAL AND HONORARY ORGANIZATIONS: SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS Royal Society of Medicine (Fellow) Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Fellow) American Academy of Neurology (Fellow) Society for Neuroscience American Association for the Advancement of Science New York Academy of Science


American Association of Neuropathology International Society of Neurochemistry Sigma Phi Myasthenia Gravis Foundation, Medical Advisory Board Founders Society University of Miami Society for Experimental Neurology American College of Physicians (Fellow) STUDY SECTION AND COUNCIL MEMBERSHIPS Ad hoc reviewer : NINCDS AIBS Ontario Foundation Veterans Administration HONORS AND AWARDS: National Research Council Summer Fellowship 1956,1958 Alberta Government Bursary 1957 ROTP Scholarship 1958-60 Medical Research Council-Establishment Award 1972 a) VISITING PROFESSORSHIPS (PARTIAL LIST) 1) Dept. of Neurology, Lausanne 1979, 1985 2) Neurovirology Unit, Dept. of Neurology 1977 Turku, Finland 3) St. Lucia & French government & the University in Martinique: The problem of TSP and potential for treatment 1990 4) University of Paris (Salpetrier) 1994 5) Neurological Society of Southern Brazil 1995 POST DOCTORAL TRAINING a) Internship (rotating) 1959-60 St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, B.C. b)Residency (Medicine) Naden Naval Hospital, Victoria, B.C. 1960-61 Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto 1961-62 Queens University, Kingston 1966-67 Lahey Clinic/Peter Bent Brigham, 1967-68 Robert B. Brigham, N.E. Deaconess,


N.E. Baptist Hospitals c) Fellowships (Neurology/Neuroimmunology) Jamaica Plain VAH/Boston City Hosp 1968-71 Teaching Fellow-Boston University 1968-70 Boston City Hospital Neurological Unit 1969-70 Clinical Fellow Boston City Hospital, Neurological Unit 1970-71 Harvard Medical School-Research Fellow OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS AT NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS. 1. Brain metabolic derangement in multiple sclerosis American Society of Neurochemistry, Kansas City, March, 1984. 2. Chronic EAE in the goat, Am Neuropath Association; San Diego, March, 1984. 3. An enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assay for human leukocyte interferon. International Neuropsychology Society; Int. Neuropsych Bulletin. May, 1984. 4. Conformation changes in an oligopeptide following amino acid racemization. Society for Neuroscience, June, 1984. 5. Frontal cortical Activation and Cerebral Metabolism. International Neuropsychological Society, San Diego, July, 1984. 6. Symposium on cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis Int Neuropsychology, San Diego, July, 1984. 7. Activation of Frontal Cortex by the Verbal Fluency Task: A Positron Emission

Tomographic (PET) Study. American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, April, 1985. 8. Correlation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Cerebrospinal Fluid Findings. American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, April, 1985. 9. An Unrecognized Sign in Multiple Sclerosis, American Neurological Association, April, 1985.


10. Multiple Sclerosis and Aids in Key West. Am Soc Trop Med & Hygiene, Miami, May, 1985. 11. Abnormal Interleukin-2 Receptor expression in T Cells from the cerebral spinal fluid of patients with multiple sclerosis. Federation Board Sciences, April, 1986. 12. Magnetic Resonance imaging, cognitive, impairment and the P300 event-related potential

in patients with multiple sclerosis. American Academy of Neurology, San Francisco, April-May,1986.

13. Topographically mapped EEG and event-related potentials correlated with cerebral involvement in patients with multiple sclerosis, am EEG Society, San Francisco, May, 1986. 14 Spinal cord abnormalities without cerebral lesions. American Neurological Association. October, 1986. 15. Cerebrospinal fluid gamma interferon is increased in active multiple sclerosis. American Neurological Association. March, 1987. 16. High Prevalence of Multiple Sclerosis on a Tropical Island. World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Neuroepidemiology, New York, April 1987. 17. Magnetic resonance imaging of tropic spastic paraplegia. American Academy of Neurology, New York, May 1987. 18. Macrophage Activation by Interferon-Gamma in the central nervous system in the acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, May, 1987. 19. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in patients with acute neurosyphilis in a large community hospital. Aids Awareness, Charleston, S.C., May, 1987. 20. Gamma-Interferon (G-IFN) may mediate central nervous system disease in HIV-1 infection. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. May 1987. 21. Coincidence of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis in Key West. Aids Awareness, Charleston, S.C., December, 1987. 22. Neurologic Manifestations of HTLV-1 Infections. Neurological Update. February 10, 1989. 23. Increased frequency of Myelopathy. Consort Program. Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Center Meeting, Los Angeles, May, 1989.


24. Association of HLA Antigens Coloring and type of clinical disease. American Neurological Association. New Orleans, September, 1989. 25. Decreased CNS IgG Synthesis during natural interferon alpha (IFN) treatment of multiple

sclerosis. Second Annual Meeting of the Society of Experimental Neuropathology. New Orleans,September,1989.

26. Increased serum and lowered CSF gamma interferon (IGN-g) in Parkinson’s disease. Second Annual Meeting of the Society of Experimental Neuropathology. September, 1989.

27. Major relapse of multiple sclerosis following high dose cytoxan associated with use of ampicillin. 114th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association September, 1989. 28. Spastic paraparesis in native-born American associated with type I human retrovirus (HTLV-1). American Academy Meeting, Miami, April, 1990. 29. Neuropsychological deterioration in multiple sclerosis. American Academy Meeting, Miami, April, 1990. 30. Characteristics of TSP in Hispanics living in Miami. American Academy of Neurology. Miami, May 1990. 31. Epidemiological features of TSP in Natives of Hispaniola and American Born Patients. World Federation of Neurology Workshop in Neuroepidemiology, Miami, April, 1990. 32. Clinical features of TSP in different populations residing in Miami, potential for treatment of TSP. St. Lucia, April, 1990. 33. TSP/HAM in Florida. Fifth International Conference in Human Retrovirology: HTLV Kumamoto, Japan, May, 1992. 34. Treatment of HTLV-I associated myelopathy with danazol. American Academy of Neurology , San Diego, May 92. 35. Tropical spastic paraparesis (TSP/HAM) in Americans: risk associated with transfusions. October, 1992. 36. HTLV-I associated ATLL and neurological disease in south Florida: increasing Prevalence in Americans. World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Neuroepidemiology, December, 1993. Not complete.


INVITED OUTSIDE LECTURESHIPS 1. Retroviruses and Multiple Sclerosis. Wistar Institute. January, 1987. 2. Cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. University of South Florida, Jan. 31, 1987. 3. New developments in multiple sclerosis. Palmetto Genera Hospital, April, 1987. 4. Brain Death. Critical Care Conference. University of South Florida, April 24 (1987). 5. Management of acute paralysis in the ICU. Critical Care Conference. University of South Florida, April 24, (1987). 6. Multiple sclerosis - evaluation and management, an update. Mount Sinai Hospital, June 6, 1987. 7. Multiple sclerosis in Key West. Symposium on Retroviruses and chronic neurological diseases. Wistar Institute, Philadelphia. July 27-28. 8. Multiple Sclerosis, AIDS and Retroviruses in Key West. Oncology Conference on Retroviruses and AIDS, Children's Hospital, University of Pennsylvania, July 29. 9. Advance in Multiple Sclerosis (Medical Update Course) Palmetto General Hospital (Feb. 27, 1988). 10. Multiple Sclerosis and retroviruses. (April 1-3, 1988) Marieux Foundation, Annecy, France (Invited participant) 11. TSP in the U.S.A. HTLV-1 and Neurological Disease. Hospital Meynard, Martinique (Invited participant) April 15-18, 1988. 12. Disability. Friends for Life Meeting, Miami, March 17, 1989. 13. Multiple Sclerosis in Cubans: Evidence of genetic factor NIH Conference: HTLV-1 (Porto Spain, Trinidad). (Invited participant) 14. National Parkinson Foundation: Annual meeting, The cause of Parkinson’s Disease. June,1989. 15. A Zuvidine Therapy HTLV-1 Associated Myelopathy. NIH Conference, Maui, February, 1990. 16. American and Haitian TSP. HTLV-1 Conference. Gov. St. Lucia, May 1990.


17. TSP/HAM in Florida. Fifth International Conference on Human Retrovirology: HTLV, Kumamoto, Japan, May, 1992. 18. Ataxic Neuropathy: Association with HTLV-II, Immunobiology and Pathogenesis of Persistent Virus Infections, Second International Symposium, October, 1992. 19. New Directions in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis New Wuesthoff Hospital, Rockledge, FL, November 1993. 20. Multiple Sclerosis: Diagnosis and Management, Neurology for Non-Neurologist, University of Miami, Miami, FL, January 1996. 21. Management of Multiple Sclerosis - Recent Advances, Neurological Update 1996, University of Miami, Miami, FL, February 1996. 22. Recent Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis, Neurological Update, University of Miami, Miami, FL, February 1997. 23. Multiple Sclerosis Advances in Treatment, Neurology for Non-Neurologist, University of Miami, Miami, FL, March 1997. 24. Management of Spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis, University of North Carolina, Grand Rounds, North Carolina, June, 1997 25. Systematic Management of Multiple Sclerosis, Seminar for University Faculty and Community Neurologist, University of Birmingham, Alabama, July 1997. 26. Recent Advances in Multiple Sclerosis , Puerto Rico Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, Puerto Rico, October 1997. Not complete TEACHING: CURRENT AND PAST TEACHING RESPONSIBILITIES: Mechanism of Diseases (Sophomore Class) Clinical Instruction (Junior and Senior Students) Clinical Resources M.D. - PhD. Program Neuroscience Lectures (Faculty Neurology) Neurology Update 1984-2009


THESIS AND DISSERTATION ADVISING: Predoctoral Advising Susan P. Colby Germinario B.Sc.-M.S. 1974-77 (Neuroscience) McGill University Alexander Rezepelia (Microbiology-M.S.-Ph.D.) 1979-82 University of Miami Martha Corvea (Psychology-B.A.-M.S.-Ph.D.) 1980-82 Florida State - Tallahassee Susan Ross M.S.-Ph.D. (Psychology) 1984-85 Duke University/University of Miami Alan Sazant MBA-HA-DBA 1984-90 Nova University Post Doctoral (Preceptorship) Zuhair Latif, Ph.D. 1978-79 Stella Defortuna, M.D. 1981-85 Renuka Siddharthan, M.D. 1983-85 Lawrence Honig, Ph.D. M.D. 1984-85 David C. Squillacote, M.D. 1990-91 SERVICE UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE AND ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES: Multiple Sclerosis Clinic Director 1978 - Present Ad Hoc Assignments 1977 - Present Admissions Committee 1983 - 84 Library Committee 1993 - 97 EXTRA-DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES Patient Services Committee 1986 - Present Staff Privileges Committee 1988 - Present Problem Solving Committee PhD., M.D. Program 1989 - 1991 Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee 1989 - Present COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: National M.S. Society: Board of Trustees 1979 - 1986 (South Florida) Greater Miami Youth Symphony


Executive Committee Member - Vice President 1990 - 1991 Board of Trustees 1992 - Present

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