user guide for i-think sim mentors v3

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    Self-Instructional Module (SIM)

    for the

    i-THINK Programme

    (User Guide for Mentors)

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    Minimum System Requirements


    1. Personal ComputerDesktop or Laptop

    2. Operating SystemWindows XP / Mac OS X (10.6) or later

    3. Processor & Memory1.5 GHz and 1 GB RAM

    4. Web BrowserIE 8.0, Chrome 25.0, Firefox 20.0 & Safari 5.0

    5. Internet ConnectionAt least 512 kbps

    6. FlashAt least version 9

    7. Javascript - Enabled in the web browser

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    Table of Contents

    1 Login

    2 Profile

    3 Newsfeed

    4 Course Map

    5 Bulletin Board

    6Users Directory & Messages


    7 Help & Support

    8 Role of Mentors

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    How do I access the SIM?


    Please follow the below mentioned steps to login into the SIM.

    1. Open a web browser (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox or Safari)

    2. Go to

    3. Choose your preferred language from the drop-down (English or BahasaMalaysia)

    4. Enter your or

    5. Enter as ithink123

    6. Click on button
  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    How do I set a new password?


    Once you have logged into the SIM for the first time, follow the below mentioned

    steps to set a new password for your account.

    1. Click on your namelink in the top navigation bar, you will see your Profile


    2. Click on link on the top right hand side

    3. Enter password ithink123 in box

    4. Enter your new password in box, enter again your new password

    in box

    5. Click on button

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    What if I forget my password?


    Please follow the below mentioned steps if you forget your password.

    1. Go to

    2. Click on the link

    3. Enter your and click on button

    4. You will get an email with a one time login link in your inbox. Click on that link

    and it will take you to your profile page.

    5. Enter your new password in

    6. Enter your new password in

    7. Click on button
  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3


    Table of Contents

    1 Login

    2 Profile

    3 Newsfeed

    4 Course Map

    5 Bulletin Board

    6Users Directory & Messages


    7 Help & Support

    8 Role of Mentors

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3


    How do I change my Profile?


    Your Profile page is the summary about you and your learning status on the SIM.

    You can edit information in your profile by following the below mentioned steps.

    1. Click on your namelink in the top navigation bar

    2. Click on link on the top right hand side

    3. Check / Edit your NRIC No. and upload a picture of yours (less than 1 MB)

    4. Change your personal particulars like Email address, Full Name, Contact

    Number, Gender or Date of Birth or School related information like Subject,

    School, State or Level

    5. Choose your preferred language (English / Bahasa Malaysia)

    6. Click on button

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3


    What is Learning Journey?


    Learning Journey is the summary of your learning status on the SIM.

    1. Click on the tab under your profile

    2. It updates automatically as you progress through the modules in the Course

    Map (to be covered later)

    3. It shows Name of Module, Progress %, Status & Time Spent

    4. To view the list of pages that you have viewed inside the content, click on

    the Status link

    5. To download the e-certificate (upon course completion), click on the


  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3


    What are Goals?


    Goals are to help you plan your learning activities and manage your schedule better.

    1. To creategoals for yourself on the SIM, click on button

    a) Enter Name of the Goal

    b) Choose Start Date

    c) Choose End Date

    d) Choose Status (Not Started for a new goal)

    e) Click on button

    2. To starta goal, click on link and change the Status to In progress and click on

    Save button

    3. To completea goal, click on link and change the Status to Completed and

    click on button

    4. To deletea goal, click on link and then click on button and then click

    on button again

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    What are Points & Leaderboard?


    Points are to reward and encourage your participation on the SIM.

    1. You earn points for your actions on the SIM e.g. when you complete a

    module or make a post on the newsfeed

    2. You will get 100 for completing a module, 10 for a post, 5 for a comment, 5 if

    your post or comment is liked, 2 if you like someone elses post or comment,20 if you give a good answer and 5 if you mark a good answer

    3. Points are deducted when an action is undone e.g. deleting a post from


    4. You can look at the history of points earned by you under

    tab under your profile

    5. Your ranking is shown on the SIM in the form of Leaderboardblock on the

    home page. Top 250 names by points will be displayed on the Leaderboard.

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    How are Badges awarded?


    Badges are to encourage you to attempt more learning modules on the SIM.

    1. You are awarded a badge when you complete a learning module

    2. Your badges are visible on your profile

    3. Your badges are visible to other users as well

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    What can other users view on my Profile?


    Other users can only view following fields on your Profile page:

    1. Your Name2. Subject(s) that you teach

    3. Your Role

    4. Level(s) that you teach

    5. School that you teach at

    6. State that your school is in7. Points that you have earned

    8. Badges that you have been awarded

    9. Posts made by you on the Newsfeed

    So other users cannot view data like your learning journey, goals and points


  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    Table of Contents

    1 Login

    2 Profile

    3 Newsfeed

    4 Course Map

    5 Bulletin Board

    6 Users Directory & Messages


    7 Help & Support

    8 Role of Mentors

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    What is Newsfeed?


    Newsfeed is the area to collaborate, share experiences and learn with your peers.

    1. Click on the link in the top navigation bar and type your post in

    box. You can also tag other users by typing the

    symbol @ followed by the name of the other user in this box.

    2. Attach documents, images, link, audio or video

    3. Enter Labels like Circle Map and click on button

    4. To edit a post, click on the cogwheel icon on your post and choose edit

    option, make changes and then click on the button

    5. To delete a post, click on the cogwheel icon on your post and choose delete

    option and then click on the button

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    What is Newsfeed? (cont.)


    1. To viewthe attachments, click on them (inline)

    2. To downloadthe attachments, click on the link

    3. To annotatedocuments, click on the document and then on the

    4. To lookfor specific posts, choose like Name, Labels, Roles, States,Schools, Levels, Subjectswith the option to sort by date

    5. To Comment or Likeon other users posts, click on the icons below the posts

    6. To choosethe most appropriate answer to a post by another user, click on

    the link

    7. To reportinappropriate posts, click on the link below the post

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    Table of Contents

    1 Login

    2 Profile

    3 Newsfeed

    4 Course Map

    5 Bulletin Board

    6 Users Directory & Messages


    7 Help & Support

    8 Role of Mentors

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    What is Course Map?


    Course Map is the layout of the learning modules on the SIM.

    1. Click on the in the top navigation bar

    2. Course Map is made up of seven sectionsOverview, Setting the Context, Thinking

    Processes, Practice Tools, Thinking and Questioning Skills, Resources and Assessment

    3. Each section has different number of modules. There are 25 modules in total.

    4. All modules are Mandatory. You need to complete all the mandatory modules for the

    modules in theAssessmentsection to be enabled.

    5. You need to score minimum of 60% in all the modules in the Assessment section to

    download the certificate.

    6. Restricted Navigation and other visual cues like percentage completion will help you

    navigate easily through the course map

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    What is Restricted Navigation?


    Restricted Navigation (grey boxes) in the course map helps you go through the learning

    modules in a logical flow. As you will complete a module, another module in the samesection and / or another section will be unlocked for you to attempt.

    Course Map - Restricted Navigation Flow

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    Why is there a % below the name of a module?


    You can view the status of your module completion as a percentage below the

    name of each module. The three possible stages are:1) 0% - You have not started this module

    2) 1% to 99% - You are attempting this module

    3) 100% - You have completed this module

    * Thinking Maps Wizard & modules in Resources section are not tracked forcompletion

    Once you complete a module (100%):

    a) You will receive 100 points,

    b) You will be awarded the badge for that module, and

    c) The next module(s) as per the restricted navigation flow will be unlocked

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    Structure of a module


    Each module has one or more topics which are laid out in the form of tiles and ladders will

    guide you on how to navigate through a module. However you have the choice to attemptany topic in any order.

    Topic Tile

    Module Layout Screen

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    Attempting a ModuleSIM Overview


    1. Click on the module in the course map, you will see the module

    landing page with topics

    2. Click on the Topic, you will see more information about the Topic

    3. Click on the button

    4. You will see the content being loaded in a content player

    5. Click on the (Help) icon to view the functionalities of different buttons

    6. Click on the (next) icon to move to the next screen

    7. Once your have completed a topic you will be brought back on the module layoutscreen and you will notice an orange border around the topic tile.

    8. Once you have completed all the topics in a module. go to your and notice

    the update in your Learning Journey, Points and Badges.

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    Topics in other modules


    Most of the other modules in the course map have following topics:

    1. Learning OutcomesStart your journey

    2. IntroduceAttempting activities & Checkpoints

    3. UnderstandConstructing Maps, Guided Practices and Examples

    4. ApplyActivity, Applications Examples & Reflection

    5. Self CheckAttempting quizzes

    6. IntegrateCollaborating on the Newsfeed

    Note: Pay attention to the tips given by the mascots in the modules

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    Other Tools


    There are some very useful tools that you can make use of in your learning

    journey on the SIM.

    1. NotepadYou can take notes while you are inside a module and you can also

    refer to the notes taken in other modules by clicking on the Home icon

    2. Thinking Maps WizardYou can create different types of maps using thiswizard. There are three types of templates available for each map typefew

    fields, lots of fields and free form. In the free form template you can click

    anywhere on the map to create and field and then click on it again to enter

    the text. You can either save your maps in draft mode or send them to Maps

    Diary when they are finalised. You can also export these maps by clicking on

    the link on the top right hand side of the player view.

    3. Thinking Maps DiaryIs the collection (view mode) of all the maps that are

    either created using the Thinking Maps Wizard or maps created within

    different modules.

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    Other Tools (cont.)


    4. ReportsYou can view reports like Quiz Attempts Summary or All Quiz

    Attempts to check the number of your quiz attempts and the associated results.

    5. GlossaryIs a collection of all the keywords used in the SIM. You can either

    look for words in an alphabetical order or use the Search feature to look for

    specific words.

    6. Reference MaterialsIs a collection of map templates (ppt and pdf), videos

    and other links that will complement your learning about the thinking skills.

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    Table of Contents

    1 Login

    2 Profile

    3 Newsfeed

    4 Course Map

    5 Bulletin Board

    6 Users Directory & Messages


    7 Help & Support

    8 Role of Mentors

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    What is Bulletin Board?


    Bulletin Board is the view for announcements (sent by administrator) and

    notifications (system generated).

    1. Click on link in the top navigation bar

    2. You will see your notifications on the page

    3. Click on link

    4. You will see announcements on the page

    Note: A red flag next to the in the top navigation bar means

    you have new announcements or notifications to view.

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    Table of Contents

    1 Login

    2 Profile

    3 Newsfeed

    4 Course Map

    5 Bulletin Board

    6 Users Directory & Messages


    7 Help & Support

    8 Role of Mentors

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3


  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    What is a Message?


    Messages are meant for one-on-one (or one-to-many) communication on the SIM

    1. To senda message, click on the link in the top navigation bar and

    click on button

    2. Start typing the name of the user whom you want to send the message in the

    To field, system will show you the list of names, choose the recipient

    3. Enter purpose of the message in the box and your message in the

    box, attach files and then click on button

    4. Toreplyto messages, enter your reply in the box and click on button

    5. To deletemessages, click on the checkbox of the message and click on


  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    Table of Contents

    1 Login

    2 Profile

    3 Newsfeed

    4 Course Map

    5 Bulletin Board

    6 Users Directory & Messages


    7 Help & Support

    8 Role of Mentors

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    How do I seek Help & Support?


    You can reach out to us for us any help or support that you may need through the

    following channels.

    1. Click on the link at the bottom of the SIM

    2. You can search for help or click on the topics, or

    3. Click on the link in the footer of the SIM

    4. Fill in your question and details and click the button

    5. You will get an email along with the support ticket number, or

    6. You can also send an email at

    7. Download guides and manuals from
  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3



    Table of Contents

    1 Login

    2 Profile

    3 Newsfeed

    4 Course Map

    5 Bulletin Board

    6 Users Directory & Messages


    7 Help & Support

    8 Role of Mentors

  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3


  • 8/11/2019 User Guide for I-THINK SIM Mentors v3


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