v o c a b u l a r y ch

Post on 12-May-2015






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VOCABULARY Ch. 1 part b

WriteIn your Cornell Notes

WHY? Do I have to write it?

1. research has shown that writing vocabulary helps you remember it

2. the more times you write it, the more you become familiar with the word and its meaning

3. writing it on paper…sort of writes it on your brain too!

CELL, noun The basic unit of all

organisms; all living things are composed of cells.

UNICELLULAR, adjective UNI=ONE One celled, having

one cell

MULTICELLULAR, adjective MULTI=MANY Many celled,

having many cells.

TISSUE, noun Groups of cells that

work together to perform a specific function.

ORGAN, noun A group of two or

more tissues organized to perform complex activities within an organism.

ORGANELLES, noun Membrane-bound

structures within eukaryotic cells.

METABOLISM, noun All of the chemical

reactions that occur within an organism.

CELL DIVISION The process by

which cells reproduce.

DEVELOPMENT, noun All of the stages

that take place during the life of an organism; a characteristic of all living things.

REPRODUCTION, noun Production of

offspring by an organism; a characteristic of all living things.

GENE, noun A segment of DNA

that controls the protein production and the cell cycle.

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