weekly bulletin 050309

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2238 W. Rice Street Chicago, IL 60622

CATHEDRAL BULLETIN Volume 45 No. 18 Sunday, May 3, 2009

 Неділя  Розслабленого 

Душу  мою, Господи, у  гріхах  всіляких  і  безглуздими  діянями  тяжко розслаблену, * воздвигни  божественним  твоїм  заступництвом, * як  і розслабленого воздвигнув ти древпьо, * щоб я кликав до тебе, спасаючись:*

Слава, Христе, владі твоїй. (Кондак)

As you healed the paralytic of old, 0 Lord, * by your divine intervention, now heal

my soul so dreadfully paralyzed by all kinds of sin and senseless deeds* that I

might find salvation and cry out to you: * Compassionate Christ, glory to your 

might. (Kontakion)


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В Єрусалимі була купелева саджавка, що по 

єврейському називалася Ветезда. Сюди, як  каже 

Євангеліє, час-до-часу приходив ангел Господній 

і  зрушував  воду. В  чотирьох притворах Ветезди 

лежало  множество  калік, сліпих, паралітиків  та 

недужих на  різні хвороби і дожидали порушення 

води. Хто першим міг скочити у воду, той ставав 


Христос  прийшов  до  Єрусалиму  з  нагоди 

свята  і  відвідав  Ветезду. Його  зір  спочив  на 

паралітикові, що  лежав  недужим  на  параліч 

впродовж тридцять вісім  років. Перші слова Ісуса 

були: ,,Чи бажаєш бути  здоровим?” У відповідь 

паралітик промовив: ,, Не  маю нікого ,  хто б   мене 

спустив   у  воду”. Ісус  одним  актом  Своєї   волі 

сказав  до  паралітика:  ,, Візьми  твоє   ложе  й  іди додому , але вже більше не гріши!” Це не вперше 

в  Христовій  Євангелії   ми  зустрічаємось  з паралічом  людини, яка  занедужала  в  наслідок 

своєї  гріховности. Про перший такий випадок ми 

довідалися  з опису  видужання, що мало місце  в 


 Як  стверджує  сучасна  медицина, часто 

недуги  паралічу, язва  жолудка, тисненя  крови,

серцеві  недуги  є  спричинені  неспокоєм  совісти,

чи  нервозним  станом  пацієнта. Сьогодні  лікарі  рівнож стверджують, що люди, які живуть згідно 

з   релігійними  засадами, ходять  до  церкви,

приймають св. Тайни і жертвують на харитативні цілі менше хворіють, довше живуть.

На  жаль, як  стверджує  Святіший  Отець, ми 

живемо в культурі смерти, в якій попри стихійні випадки смерти, (як, напр., наслідки  Чорнобиля),

люди  самі  скорочують  собі  життя, (парлямент 

Голляндії  ухвалив недавно леґалізацію евтаназії ).Наша  християнська  богословія - це  богословія 

життя, бо Христос сказав:  ,, Я   є  дорога , правда  і 

 життя , без  Мене  ви  нічого  не   можете творити”. Тільки  Він  є  володарем  життя  і смерти  і людина не може його безкарно забрати.

Це  доказує  сьогоднішнє  св. Євангеліє. Нашим 

завданням  є  молитвою  і  ділами  милосердя 

вимолювати  продовження  свого  життя,

 рівночасно піддавшись цілковито Божій волі.


In Jerusalem by the Sheep Pool there was a place with the Hebrew name Bathesda. As the Gos-

  pel tells us, from time to time, an angel of God

would come to this place to stir up the water in the  pool. The porticos of Bathesda were crowded with

sick people — the blind, lame, disabled or sufferingfrom other illnesses, waiting for the water to stir up.The first person to jump into the water at that time

would be cured.

Christ came to Jerusalem during a feast day and

went to Bathesda. He saw a paralytic who had been

suffering from the paralysis for 38 years. Jesus’ firstwords were: “Do you want to be healed?” The para-

lytic answered: “I do not have anyone to plunge me

into the pool once the water has been stirred up.”

With one act of His will, Jesus said to the paralytic:“Pick up your mat and walk! Go and sin no more.”

This is not the first instance in Christ’s Gospel of Hishealing a paralyzed person, who was afflicted be-

cause of his sinfulness. The first healing took place

in Capernaum.

Medicine today affirms that often infirmities are

symptomatic of an uneasy conscience or of the nerv-ous condition of the patient. Today, doctors also af-

firm that people who live in accordance to religious

laws, go to church, receive Holy Communion andgive to charities are less likely to be sick and to livelonger.

Unfortunately, as the Holy Father emphasizes,

we live in a culture of death, in which people are re-sponsible for creating their own death, as in the nu-

clear disaster in Chernobyl and the legalization of 

euthanasia in Holland. Our Christian doctrine is adoctrine of life, for Christ said: “I am the Way, the

Truth and the Light. Without Me nothing is possi-

 ble.” Only He controls life and death. A personcannot take life without punishment. This is shown

in the Holy Gospel reading for today. Our task is to prolong our life through prayer and acts of charity, at

the same time, giving up ourselves to God’s will.

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У середу після неділі Розслабленого, коли буде  половина  П'ятдесятниці, а  саме  між Пасхою  і празником  Зіслання Святого Духа,Східна   Церква   святкує   празник 

Переполовення, або  Переділення. Синаксар цього  дня  так  пояснює  появу  празника: "У середу  Розслабленого  празнуємо  празник Переполовення  П'ятдесятниці  задля  почести двох  великих  празничних  днів - Пасхи  і П'ятдесятниці. Переполовення  обидва  ці празники  з'єднює  і  сполучує". Празник Переділення має восьмиденне попразденство до середи після неділі Самарянки.

Основу  цього  празника  Церква  взяла  зі святого  Євангелія, де  сказано, що  Ісус 

Христос  в  половині  свята  Кучок "увійшов  у храм і почав навчати" (  Йо. 7, 14). Він говорив про  Своє  Боже  післанництво  та  про таїнственну воду: "Моя наука не моя, - казав Христос, - а  того, хто  послав  мене ... Коли спраглий  хтось, нехай  прийде  до  мене  і  п'є!Хто  вірує  в  мене, як  Писання  каже, то  ріки води живої  з нутра його потечуть!". "Так Він про Духа казав, що його мали прийняти ті, які увірували в Нього" (  Йо. 7, 16 і 37-39).

Цей празник уже був у практиці за часів святого  Йоана  Золотоустого (+407).Укладення  служби  празника  Переполовення приписують  Анатолію, царгородському патріярхові (+458), святому  Андрієві Критському (+740), святому  Йоану Дамаскину (+ к.749) і  святому  Теофану Ісповіднику (+ 817).

Празник  Переполовення  має  на  меті скріпити  нашу  віру  воскреслого  Христа,

заохотити  до  виконання  Божих  заповідей  та приготувати  до  Господнього  Вознесення  і Зіслання  Святого  Духа; На  хвалитних 

стихирах  утрені  цього  дня  співаємо:

"Просвітившись, брати, Воскресенням Спаса 

Христа, і   досягши  переполовення Господнього  празника, щиросердечно 

зберігаймо  Божі  заповіді, щоб  ми  стали 

достойні і Вознесення празнувати й одержати 

прихід Святого Духа".

On Wednesday after the Sunday of the Paralytic,

which falls exactly in the middle of the Pentecostseason, that period between Pascha (the

Resurrection) and the feast of the Pentecost or 

Descent of the Holy Spirit, the Eastern Church

celebrates the feast of Mid-Pentecost which may

mean "Half Way" because it is the half-way mark 

  between the feast of Pascha and the feast of the

Pentecost, or' 'Middle Wednesday" since it falls on

the Wednesday in the middle of the Pentecostal

season. In Church Slavonic this Wednesday or feast

is called "Prepolovynennya"; in English "Half 

Way" (midway) (or Mid-Pentecost). The Synaxary

of that day explains the reason for the institution of

this feast: "On the Wednesday of the Paralytic we

celebrate the feast of Mid-Pentecost for the sake of 

honoring the two great feastdays -Pascha and the

Pentecost. The feast of Mid-Pentecost unites and

  joins these two feasts." The feast of Mid-Pentecosthas an eight day post-feast which lasts to the

Wednesday after the Sunday of the Samaritan


The reason for this feast is based on the Gospel of 

St. John in which it is written: "When, however, the

feast (i.e., the feast of Tabernacles) was already half 

over, Jesus went up into the temple and began to

teach." (John 7,14) There he spoke of his divine

mission and of miraculous water: "My teaching is

not my own, but his who sent me ... If anyone thirst,

let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in

me, as Scripture says, 'from within him there shallflow rivers of living waters.' He said this, however,

of the Spirit whom they, who believed in him, were

to receive." (John 7,16; 37-39) 

This feast was already observed at the time of St.

John Chrysostom (+407). The liturgy or service for 

the feast of Mid-Pentecost was composed by

Anatolius, Patriarch of Constan-tinople (+458), St.

Andrew of Crete, (+740), St. John Damascene

(+749) and St. Theophane the Confessor (+817). 

The feast of the Mid-Pentecost aims to strengthen

our faith in the risen Christ, to inspire us to observe

the commandments of God and to predispose us for the feast of the Ascension of our Lord and the

Descent of the Holy Spirit. In the Matins service of

that day at the Sticheras of Praises we sing: 

"Brethren, having been enlightened by the

resurrection of the Saviour Jesus Christ, and having

reached the half-way mark of the feast of the Lord,

let us sincerely observe the com-mandments of God,

so that we may become worthy to celebrate the

Ascension and receive the coming of the Holy

Spirit. " 


П' ЯТДЕСЯТНИЦІ The Mid Pentecost

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The Community of

St Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral

Web site: stnicholascathedralukrcath.org Email: stnicholascathedral@yahoo.com 

The parish office is open Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.The parish office in the cathedral hall is open the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. 

Divine LiturgiesSunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 in Ukrainian

11:30 a.m. in English

Weekdays: 6:45 & 8:00 a.m. in UkrainianMajor Holy Day: 6:45, 8:00, 10:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

Vespers & Litia - Eve of a Major Holy Day 6:00 p.m. 

Saturday Vespers: 5:00 p.m.

  New Parishioner Registration:  We welcome

all new parishioners and are thankful God has sent

you to St. Nicholas Cathedral. Please register byobtaining a registration form from the parish officeor emailing your request to:


Confessions are heard on Sundays during each

Liturgy or by appointment.

 Baptisms should be arranged through a priest at

least one month prior to the date of baptism. Parents

and sponsors must attend instruction prior to the

 baptism of their child.

 Marriage:  Couples planning to marry are

requested to make their arrangements early, but noless than six (6) months in advance of the proposed

date. Pre-marital conferences must be arranged six(6) months prior to the ceremony. At least one of the

couple, or their parents should be registered

 participating members of St. Nicholas Cathedral foreligibility to be married in the cathedral.

  Sick & Homebound: If you or a family member 

are confined to home and are unable to attend

Liturgy either temporarily or on a continuing basis,and wish to receive communion, please notify the

 parish office.

  Hospital Stay:  If you or a family member are

admitted to a hospital for any reason and wish to

have a priest come to visit, please notify the parish

office. Recent federal privacy laws do not allowhospitals to notify the parish if you are admitted. It is

the responsibility of the patient or family to notifythe parish office.

Святі   Літургії :Неділя: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 українською;

11:30 англійською;

Будні: 6:45. 8:00 українською;

Вечірня і Литія –  навечір’я свят о 6:00 увечері;Суботня Вечірня 5:00

 Запис нових  парафіян:Ми  вітаємо  і  запрошуємо  усіх  нових  парафіян 

вписуватися в нашу парафію і ми вдячні Богу, що 

скерував  Вас  до  катедри  св. Миколая. Просимо  реєструватися, виповнюючи   анкету  в 

парафіяльному офісі, або висилати через Інтернет 

на адресу:


Сповідь: Скористати  з  Тайни  Сповіді  можна 

кожної  неділі в часі Служби Божої .

 Хрещення:  Слід усталити дату з священником 

не  менш  як  за  місяць  до  запланованого  дня 

хрестин. Батьки  і  хресні  мають  виконати необхідне  приготування, про  яке  довідаються  в 


 Шлюб :  Наречені  мають  вписатися  в  книгу  на 

вінчання заздалегідь, але не менш як за 6 місяців 

до  церемонії . За  шість  місяців  наречені  мають 

відбути  підготовчі  бесіди  із  священиком.

Принаймні  один  з  наречених, або  їх  батьки 

мають  бути  зареєстрованими  практикуючими 

парафіянами  катедри, щоби  вінчання  могло 

відбутися саме в катедрі св. Миколая.

 Перебування  в  лікарні :  Якщо Ви, або хтось з Вашоі  родини, з будь яких причин, є на лікуванні в  лікарні  й  бажає  щоб  священик  його  відвідав 

просимо  повідомити  про  це  парафіяльну 

канцелярію. Федеральний  уряд  законом  про 

втримання  таємниці (privacy law) , не  дозволяє лікарній адміністрації  давати знати парафії . Це є 

відповідальністю  паціента або його  родини.

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Readings for the day

Acts 9:32-42

Gospel: Jn 5:1-15Saints of the Day

Death of our venerable father, Theodosius of the

Cave, Hegumen-Abbot, died A.D. 1078, in the reign

of Michael VII Ducas, Emperor.

SS. Timothy and Maurus, Martyrs

НЕДІЛЯ РОЗСЛАБЛЕНОГО Sunday of the Paralytic Man Голос  Празник - Festal Tone

ПОХІДНА ІКОНА перебуватиме від 3 - 31 травня 

в домі п. Люби Ціхун 

Pray for ...Please Pray for the following

Parishioners who are not well,their family and friends of 


Darrell Shepley Fr. John Lazar 

Bohdan Lesiuk Volodymyr Podolyanuk 

Orest Danyluk Katherine Milam

Peter Derdak Veronica Bihun

Jeanne Shyan Jaroslawa Panchuk 

Fr. Vendelin Spendov OSF

Fr. Wayne Ruchgy Justyna Wojtiuk 

James Christofidis Michael LaGrangeFr. Tom Glynn Tyrsa Dutko

“O holy Father, Physician of souls and bodies, You sentYour only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to healevery infirmity and to deliver us from death. Heal Yourservant of every spiritual and bodily ill which afflicts him/her. Restore him/her by the grace of Your Christ throughthe prayers of our most holy Lady, the Mother of God andever-Virgin Mary, and of all Your Saints. For You, our God, are the Fountain of healing, and we glorify Youtogether with Your only-begotten Son +, and YourConsubstantial Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.” 

  If you know of any parish member, family member or friends

who are home bound and in need of our prayer and would like

it published, please let the rectory know.

 Вічная  Пам’  ять + Eternal Memory

+Olga Turkewycz

+Kateryna Kuszynsky

+ Jean Zagurski

 Прийняли тайну  Хрещення ,Миропомазання 

чи Святого  Причастя 

 Initiated into the Church

through the Mysteries of 

 Baptism, Chrismation and Holy Eucharist.Kalyna Olivia

daughter of George & Tamara (Danyluk) Raczkiewicz 

The water at the cemetery has been turned

on. When cleaning around the grave of your 

loved ones,  please use the dumpster next to

the office to dispose of the trash.



Congratulations!! The Arnold Damen Chapter of the National

Honor Society of St. Ignatius College Prep

has inducted into their society:

Solomiya Britska & Solomiya Grushchak   both of who graduated from St. Nicholas

Cathedral School. Our sincerest

congratulations on your achievement!

We also thank the faculty of St. Nicholas

School for their part in the education of thesetwo fine students. Thank you for a job well


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Liturgy intentions for the week ofMay 4th

Monday, May 4th / Acts 10:1-16 * Jn 6:56-696:45 +

8:00 + Mychajlo Leseiko (40th Day) -

Mychalina Leseiko & Family (P) 

+ Anna Iwaniuk - Mary Acevedo (P)6:00PM Moleben to the Mother of God

Tuesday, May 5th / Acts 10:21-33 * Jn 7:1-13

6:45 + Petro Wolaniuk - Family

Health & Blessings for Jurij Myskiw - I Horodyskyj8:00 + Olga & Mike Turkewycz & Mike Bernacki -

Olga Turkewycz

+ Lozyk, Harhaj, Hryniw, Melnyk & Dilendorf 

Families - Korb Family6:00PM Moleben to the Mother of God

Wednesday, May 6th / Acts 14:6-18 * Jn 7:14-30

Mid-Pentecost6:45 + Rev Jurij & Wolodymyra - A Borodayko

8:00 + Antonina Strutynsky - I GorchynskyHealth & Blessings for Jurij, Iwan & Natalia -

Tetianna Horodczuk 

6:00PM Moleben to the Mother of God

Thursday, May 7th / Acts 10:34-43 * Jn 8:12-20

6:45 Health & Blessings for Vilma Semkowicz -

Cheryln Pilch8:00 + Maria Mashtal - Muryn Family

+ Marta & Wasyl - K Stachiw

6:00PM Moleben to the Mother of God

Friday, May 8th /Acts 1 John 1:1-7*Jn 19:25-27 & 21:24-25

John Apostle and Evangelist

6:45 + Deceased Member of the Mykluz Family - Estate8:00 + Zenovia Boruch & Nivia Ramirez -

Cain & Anna Pena

+ Iwan Mencinskyj - Daria Mencinskyj

+ Irene Iwaniuk - Michael Iwaniuk 6:00PM Moleben to the Mother of God

Saturday, May 9th / Acts 12:1-11 * Jn 8:31-42

Translation of the Relics of Nicholas of Myra, Bishop

6:45 + Alyce Gilewski - Cheryln Pilch

+ Julia & Anna Takoy - Theodore Takoy+ Pelagia Matwyshyn -

Children, Grandchildren & Great Grandson (P) 

8:00 + Anastasia Jac - Maria Jac (P) 

+ Petro Mak (40th Day) -Marusia Wirszczuk & Family (P) 

+ Bohdan Bilous - Natalia Bilous+ Iwan Mencinskyj (4th Ann) - Daria Mencinskyj

+ Deceased Members and Families of Members of 

Blahovischennia - Blahovischennia

5:00PM Vespers

followed by Moleben to the Mother of God

Sunday, May 10th - Sunday of the Samaritan Woman 

7:00 Special Intention - N N8:30 Health & Blessings for Natalia Bilous -

Helen Karachewsky

Candle Intentions for the month ofMay

Trinity Icon - Sanctuary

+ Pelagia Matwyshyn - Children, Grandchildren &

Great Grandson

Trinity Icon - SanctuaryHealth & Blessings for Laura Slipkewych -

Parents: Roman & Natalia Slipkewych

Our Lord in Gethsemane - Sanctuary+ Julia Takoy - Children , Grandchildren & Great Grandson

Our Lord in Gethsemane - SanctuaryHealth & Blessings Maria Plecki -

Parents: Roman & Natalia Slipkevych

St. Josaphat - Iconostas

+ Christine Danyluk - Maria Jurewycz

St. Nicholas - IconostasHealth & Blessings for Paul & Melissa Matwyshyn -

George & Lidia Matwyshyn

Mother of God - Iconostas

In Memoriam + Bishop Jaroslav, John & Katherine Gabro -

Stephanie Gabro

Jesus Lover of Mankind - Iconostas

Health & Blessings Ola Albano -Parents: Roman & Natalia Slipkevych

Mother of God - Side Altar Anna Takoy - Grandchildren Great Grandchildren &

Great Great Grandson

Mother of God - Side Altar Health & Blessings for Children, Grandchilden &

Great Grandchildren - Maria Jurewycz

Jesus Lover of Mankind - Side Altar 

Health & Blessings for Laura, Donald & Singeli -Harry & Irene Muryn

Jesus Lover of Mankind - Side Altar 

Health & Blessings for Heather Slipkewych -Grandparents: Roman & Natalia Slipkevych

Sister’s Chapel -

Health & Blessings for Orest Danyluk - Maria Jurewycz

Mother of God - Rectory Chapel - available

Jesus Lover of Mankind - Rectory Chapel - available

8:30 Health & Blessings for Oksana Kornij &Maria Czorniak - Maria Czorniak 

In Thanksgiving for a Wonderful Mother - Natalka

10:00 For ParishionersHealth & Blessings for Amelia Bernacki & Family -

Olga Turkewycz

Health & Blessings for Tamara Kuropas - Children11:30 In Thanksgiving for a Wonderful Mother &

Grandmother - Natalka Acevedo & Grandson Julian

4:00 Akafist to the Mother of God

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