year 4 curriculum · year 3 - maths our...

Post on 28-Jul-2020






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Year 4 Curriculum Evening

Inspiring wonder and intellectual curiosity.

Welcome Back!

Our Pupils have impeccable conduct and this reflects our effective

strategies to promote high standards of behaviour.

Welcome Back!

Our Pupils have impeccable conduct and this reflects our effective

strategies to promote high standards of behaviour.

Welcome Back!

Our Pupils have impeccable conduct and this reflects our effective

strategies to promote high standards of behaviour.

Year % Reaching GLD

Avonwood Local National

2017 Result 72% N/A 70.7%

2018 Result 80% 75.8% 70.9%

Welcome Back!

Our Pupils have impeccable conduct and this reflects our effective

strategies to promote high standards of behaviour.

% Passing Phonics by the end of KS1 in 2018

Avonwood Local National

97.8% 92.1% 91.8%

Welcome Back!

Our Pupils have impeccable conduct and this reflects our effective

strategies to promote high standards of behaviour.

2017 – 18 2018 - 19

Grade Avonwood National Avonwood National

Maths 67% 75% 83.3% 76.1%

Maths Gap -8% 7.2%

Writing 62% 68% 64.4% 70%

Writing Gap -6% -5.6%

Reading 70% 76% 74.4% 75.5%

Reading Gap -6% -1.1%

Year 3 - SPAG

Our Pupils have impeccable conduct and this reflects our effective

strategies to promote high standards of behaviour.

At the end of the year 88% of the year group were working at age related expectation or above.

Year 3 - Reading

Our Pupils have impeccable conduct and this reflects our effective

strategies to promote high standards of behaviour.

At the end of the year 76% of the year group were woring at age related expectation or above.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60



Spring predictions


2017-2018 Reading

Exceeding Expected Working Towards PKS

Year 3 - Writing

At the end of the year 72% of the year group were working at age related expectation or above.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60



Spring predictions


2017-2018 Writing

Exceeding Expected Working Towards PKS

Year 3 - Maths

Our Pupils have impeccable conduct and this reflects our effective

strategies to promote high standards of behaviour.

At the end of the year 74% of the year group were working at age related expectation or above in arithmetic and 74% in Reasoning.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60



Spring predictions


2017-2018 Arithmetic

Exceeding Expected Working Towards PKS

Welcome Back!

Times of the day

Our Pupils have impeccable conduct and this reflects our effective

strategies to promote high standards of behaviour.

• School Gates Open at 08:30am.

• School Day starts at 08:50am, registration at 9am.

• Lunch Hour is 12:30 – 13:30.

• School day ends at 15:15.


Our Pupils have impeccable conduct and this reflects our effective

strategies to promote high standards of behaviour.

• Always refer to our official website

• Weekly newsletter

• Marvellous Me

• Twitter Feed - @AvonwoodHead

• Please refrain from emailing staff directly.

Please always speak to us before expressing concerns on social media.


Our Pupils have impeccable conduct and this reflects our effective

strategies to promote high standards of behaviour.

• Healthy

• Must be booked online in advance.

• Talk to your child in advance.

• No Nuts School

• Morning Snack (Only required for Years 3 & 4)

• Water bottle


Our Pupils have impeccable conduct and this reflects our effective

strategies to promote high standards of behaviour.

• Key to inspiring wonder and intellectual curiosity.

• Always linked to the curriculum.

• Voluntary contribution.

Travel Expectations

• Please only park in designated parking spaces.

• Encourage walking, cycling, scooting to school.

• Plan your travel to arrive on site ready to send your child into class at 08:50am.

Term Time Holidays

Thank you to the vast majority of parents that support us by not taking term time holidays.

We can only permit term time holidays in exceptional circumstances. These do not include:

• Cheaper Flights / Holiday• Parent work commitments• Family events (e.g. Nan’s birthday)

Please be aware that taking unauthorised holidays during term time may result in the issuing of penalty notice fines.

The Year Three Team

Teachers: Miss Davies (Ospreys)

Miss Baxter (Eagles)

Mr Evans (Eagles)

TAs: Miss Barnes (Ospreys AM)

Miss Dennett (Ospreys PM)

Mrs Peckham (Year 4)

Morning Arrangements

• Please bring children to the classroom door

• Leave any messages with the TA

• Appointments can be made to see teachers after school

• Please ensure that your child is equipped for the day:

Book bag

Water bottle

PE kit (to include indoor and outdoor clothes)

All items of clothing clearly named

• Please bring children to the classroom door

• The doors will be opened at 8:50

• Leave any messages with the TA or teacher

• Appointments can be made to see teachers after school

• Please ensure that your child is equipped for the day:

Book bag, reading book, reading journal, water bottle,

PE kit (to include indoor and outdoor clothes)

with all items of clothing clearly named.


• Please bring children to the classroom door

• Leave any messages with the TA

• Appointments can be made to see teachers after school

• Please ensure that your child is equipped for the day:

Book bag

Water bottle

PE kit (to include indoor and outdoor clothes)

All items of clothing clearly named

• English, Maths and Spelling will be taught daily

• Non-core subjects (Art, Humanities, Music) will be linked to our exciting projects throughout the year

• The children will receive two PE sessions per week – Outdoor Wednesday PM, Indoor Friday PM.

• Weekly PSHE and Computing lessons

Specialist teaching

• Please bring children to the classroom door

• Leave any messages with the TA

• Appointments can be made to see teachers after school

• Please ensure that your child is equipped for the day:

Book bag

Water bottle

PE kit (to include indoor and outdoor clothes)

All items of clothing clearly named

• Music – Mrs Apperley

• Science – Mrs Byatt

• Computing – Mrs Juddery

• French – Madame Carr


• Please bring children to the classroom door

• Leave any messages with the TA

• Appointments can be made to see teachers after school

• Please ensure that your child is equipped for the day:

Book bag

Water bottle

PE kit (to include indoor and outdoor clothes)

All items of clothing clearly named

• Autumn 1 – The Adventure Begins…

• Autumn 2 – Bright Sparks

• Spring 1 – Raiders or Traders?

• Spring 2 – What a load of junk!

• Summer 1 – Living Planet

• Summer 2 – Lost and Found


Our Pupils have impeccable conduct and this reflects our effective

strategies to promote high standards of behaviour.

• Please bring children to the classroom door

• Leave any messages with the TA

• Appointments can be made to see teachers after school

• Please ensure that your child is equipped for the day:

Book bag

Water bottle

PE kit (to include indoor and outdoor clothes)

All items of clothing clearly named

• Reading is hugely important for our children. We do expect all children to be reading every day.

• We shall also be teaching them about other reading skills, such as, skimming and scanning the text to find clues to answer questions. So when they read to you, try asking them questions about what they have read.

• We will give them the opportunity to make predictions or deductions about a text and also find the inferred meanings behind the text.

• We will be reading our shared text every day and using this as a stimulus for writing and grammar.


Each week there will be a spelling lesson

introducing and exploring key spelling rules or


Word lists will be sent home via ‘Marvellous Me’

and information about spelling tasks can be found

in their Spelling Journals.

As a school, we will be using ‘Spelling Shed’ and

this is something children will be encouraged to

continue using at home.

Spelling progress assessed regularly (based on

learnt spelling rules).


• Daily Reading

• Timestable Rockstars

• Spelling

• ½ Termly Research Project

Reading Journals

• Please bring children to the classroom door

• Leave any messages with the TA

• Appointments can be made to see teachers after school

• Please ensure that your child is equipped for the day:

Book bag

Water bottle

PE kit (to include indoor and outdoor clothes)g clearly named

• The children will be given a reading journal. This must go home everyday and come back into school each day.

• They will record all their reading and reading related tasks within this journal – including independent reading, peer reading, guided reading, reading with an adult and any reading journal tasks.

• They will be shown how to set their journal out and it is important that they keep this book as neat as they would their other school books. Please encourage them to only use pencil in it at the moment.

• We expect them to have 3 pieces of signed reading homework logged in this journal each week. The journals will be collected and monitored regularly. Remember, little and often is the most productive.

Reading Journals


• At school the children are encouraged to use joined up cursive script.

• Please encourage them to use this in any work they do at home too.

• KS2 English requires the children to work in different ways but most importantly there is an emphasis on drafting, editing, improving and then producing a neat copy.


Maths Mastery

Certain principles and features characterise this approach:

• Teachers reinforce an expectation that all pupils are capable of achieving high standards in mathematics.

• All children do the same task. Differentiation is achieved through emphasising deeper knowledge and individual support or use of concrete resources.

• The intention of these approaches is to provide all children with full access to the curriculum, enabling them to achieve confidence and competence –‘mastery’ – in mathematics


• To make the editing and marking process really visual we use highlighters.

• Pink = Perfect (accurate use of given task)

• Blue = Better (How can you make this better?)

• We don’t want the children to see making an error as a bad thing. It is part of their learning and therefore it is important that they have the chance to improve

• Purple = Progress (This is my improvement)

• Staff will write comments in green

Educational Visits

The Swanage Centre 8th -10th October 2018

We are planning a range of other exciting opportunities for learning outside of the classroom…. More details to

follow throughout the year!


We hope your child will have a fabulous time

in Year 4!

Please see your child’s class teacher if you

have any further questions.

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