annual report - aiesec in bandung 2014

Annual Report | AIESEC in Bandung 2013-2014

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The story of Bandung's Youth, by AIESEC in Bandung. The youth leadership organization.


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Annual Report | AIESEC in Bandung 2013-2014

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Alifa Shabrina

VP Business Development

Business Mgt ITB 2010

Dina Sonyah

VP Expansion & QM

Nursing UNPAD 2010

Dwinoor Bestiyani

VP Incoming GCDP

French Education UPI 2009

Maria Karienova

VP External Relation

Public Relations UNPAD 2011

Afifa Urfani

VP Marketing Communication

Marcomm UNPAD 2010

Christopher Gary

Director ITB

Chemical Eng ITB 2011 Gratia Sidabutar

VP Outgoing Exchange

Int’l Relations UNPAR 2011


VP Finance & Governance

Accounting MCU 2009

Andrea Franken

Director UNPAR

Int’l Relations UNPAR 2009

Agung Bimo


Geophysical Eng ITB 2009

Sarah Anindita

Director UNPAD

Int’l Relations UNPAD 2011

Satrio Wiavianto

VP Incoming GIP

Geological Eng ITB 2010

Rizka Fatiari

Director MCU

Psychology MCU 2010

Nindya Paisan

VP Talent Management

Business Entrep ITHB 2011

Rafelly Jhon

Director Tel-U

Telecommunication Eng Tel-U 2011 Aninditha Byantara

VP Outgoing GIP

Law UNPAD 2010

Anisa Silmi

Director UPI


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TMP TLP GCDP GCDP GIP GIP Outgoing Incoming Outgoing Incoming

Delivered Experiences Leadership

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“Seeing problems as challenges?” what’s that supposed to be mean? how to see a problem as challenge if it is actually a problem?

Perhaps some of you see that every kind of obstacle as something big and cannot be resolved, you tend to just put it away and focus at another

else. But to be honest, have you ever considered that you must see problems as the challenges? Challenges that I mean here is when you start seeing

something impossible to become possible. Sounds cheesy? :) I will say yes, for those who never believe and own the belief of something impossible can be


Let me share you a story,

I would like to share you my story of my AIESEC experience, it is not about AIESEC journey but more to value that I got throughout the journey, to be honest I am a type of person who is overthinking, I always try to think about every kind of situation that I will face in the future if i decided to take something. But I realized if i kept being someone like that I won’t be developed and won’t experience something more valuable and something that cannot be traded by anything in this world. And, yes, I am talking about my journey in AIESEC and the motivation behind myself that making me wanting more to take leadership role. Perhaps If I am able to tell the old me, I would be very thankful to the old me who considered to take everything and stop overthinking.

If I am allowed to flashback,

If i didn’t submit my application form at AIESEC open stand, perhaps I won’t get to know with OGX GCDP,

If I didn’t apply for UCVP OGX GCDP and decided to re-apply because i was rejected once, perhaps I won’t meet my beloved OGX GCDP team and will not get the development and get to know the real me

If i didn’t apply for LCVP OGX GCDP and always think that I must focus on my study and becoming LCVP OGX GCDP will just be the barrier of my life, perhaps I won’t meet my inspiring EB team and also won’t able to discover the true leadership is about creating and developing your team member, won’t realize that human skill is really that matters and leadership is about engaging and developing others, not just yourself. And last but not least, I don’t know what will happen, if i kept listening to others that I won’t make it to be VP operation and decided to not apply, i don’t know what kind of surprise that I saw as problems will become something that will surprise and inspire me a lot.

AIESEC has became the platform for me to know myself and to discover my leadership. But again, AIESEC is only a platform, it is my choice i want to take it or not. Also, every single opportunity that AIESEC has given, of course, it will consume your time, consume your life, and will become a challenge for you but if you believe that AIESEC will give you a great surprise in the future. You’ll understand the power of seeing problems as challenges will bring you sweet surprise is actually true.

Also, I always have this quote with me and always be the motivation in my life: “I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.” - Estee Lauder

Success cannot be got easily or something will be right in front of you, but success will you get if you chase it no matter how hard the path, but if you dream, believe, and work for it, just wait and see :)

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Leadership for me…

The leadership needed for Indonesia…

Anies Baswedan Minister of Culture and Primary & Secondary Education 2014-2019

Republic of Indonesia

Ridwan Kamil The 24th Mayor of Bandung City

Republic of Indonesia

If this is a printed copy, you can access through AIESEC in Bandung Youtube Channel.

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Member Clusters in AIESEC Bandung

Competencies (based on 360

Assessment Feedback)

High 6. High talented people 3. Talent Pool 1. Stars

Mid 8. Regular Development 4. Talent Pool 2. Talent Pool

Low 9 - Low Performing 7. Regular Development 5. High committed people

Alignment Between Individual and Organizational Goals

Low Mid High

Performance (based on Key Performance Indicator)







July - September 2014 Total Active Member: 79







October - December 2014 Total Active Member: 118




2% 10%


January - March 2014 Total Active Member: 197







April - June 2014 Total Active Member: 90

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Balantrax Artshop | Bandung Alliance Int School | Bandung Berkebun | Bina Bangsa School |

B'Joy Cafe | | Cushy Pancake | Dwaya Manikam | Greeneration | Happy Teacher |

Hebat | Highscope Preschool and Kindergarten | HIMA Informatika UNPAD | Hima PR

UNISBA | Indo Runner | JNC Cookies | Kecamatan Jatinangor | Kejar Aurora | Kerajinan Tas

| KSR Unpad | LPTT | Maxi Production | Milkyooo | Mts Maarif | Mutiara Bunda | Mutiara

Nusantara Int School | Ngopi Doeloe | Panti Asuhan Al Falah | Panti Asuhan Wisma Putra |

Panti Kuncup Harapan | Pasir Putih | Pensil Kertas | PT Kyroza (Janati Park) | Rumah Solusi

| Save Street Child | School of Equal Bright | SD Ciawi | SD Cikeruh 1 | SD Cikeruh 2 | SD

Coblong | SD Haurpancuh | SD Negeri Geger Kalong Girang 1 & 2 | SD Sekeloa | Sekolah Bina

Persada | Senapan Angin | Sequoia kindergarten | SMA 1 Jatinangor | SMA PGII 2 Bandung |

SMAN 14 Bandung | SMAN 20 Bandung | SMAN PGRI | SMK Pasundan | SMKN 2 Bandung |

SMKN 5 Bandung | SMPN PGRI | Sukarsa Nusa Project | Taman Harapan | Temasek Int

School | UKSK (Unit Kegiatan Sosial Kemasyarakatan) | Volunteer Doctor | Yahya

Kindergarten | Yayasan Alfa Centauri Bandung | Yayasan Pendidikan Almasoem | Yayasan

Pendidikan Salman Al Farisi | Yayasan Riyadul Jannah

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