anoto solution overview

Integrated solution Advanced digital writing solution for realtime document handling. Custom solution integration. Innovative productivity tool to simplify workflow. © 2014 Anoto AB. Anoto Live™ and Live Pen™ are trademarks owned by Anoto AB. Patented technology. Find out more about Anoto Live™ enterprise online. Search for “anoto” on: Anoto Live enterprise Advanced realtime document handling.

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Anoto Solution Overview






Advanced digital writing solution for realtime document handling.Custom solution integration. Innovative productivity tool to simplify workflow.

© 2014 Anoto AB. Anoto Live™ and Live Pen™ are trademarks owned by Anoto AB. Patented technology.

Find out more about Anoto Live™ enterprise online. Search for “anoto” on:

Anoto Live™ enterprise

Advanced realtimedocument handling.

Page 2: Anoto Solution Overview

Bluetooth transceiver/USBBatteryMemoryProcessorInk cartridge/SensorCamera

Advanced digital data capture.Powerful integration capability.

Write live, right now.

Deploy, manage and scale from 10 to 1000’s of users

Simply,Works Smarter.Our Vision

In day-to-day operations for any size company, the ability to process data has become ever more critical. Businesses worldwide depend on technology that offers issue-free data processing and optimises workflows.

Anoto has pioneered digital writing to bridge the gap between analogue information collection and the digital world. The benefit to companies and individuals alike is that they can continue to use the media most familiar to them, while harnessing the power of moving data in real time and increasing efficiencies that the automation from digital writing brings.

Anoto enables writing to computer in real time that automates workflow and enables a seamless combination between frontend and backend tasks in areas where there has been a wake of modernisation among industries such as healthcare, pharmaceutical, bank and financial services, transportation and logistics, government and education.

In line with our vision—“digitising all handwriting” — Anoto is the global leader of digital writing and is at the forefront of delivering an advanced integrated solution that simply works smarter.

Advanced TechnologyMade Easy.The Technology

Anoto has taken the pen and refactored it into a proven productivity tool, called Live Pen™. By embedding a miniature camera capable of recording your handwriting strokes through the tip of this ballpoint pen, information written on any Anoto Live™ enabled paper surface can be made instantly available to any back-office system via a Bluetooth-enabled smart phone or USB equipped PC.

Capable of securely storing upwards of 60 pages of A4 text, Live Pen is no bigger than a fountain pen and will last several days on standby and several hours in use—more than enough for a typical working day. Live Pen is not a stand-alone device, but part of an end-to-end business solution, called Anoto Live™.

Anoto Live™ enterprise




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Automate digital data collection.Receive handwriting to computer

…in realtime…or TRANSFER w/USB



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WRITE & TRANSFER wirelessly














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Anoto Live enables business professionals to digitise data while writing.

Page 3: Anoto Solution Overview

Local AdministrationForm Design / Data Validation

Pen Data Transfervia USB/PC Docking

Mobile UserOperator Network

Digital WritingPlatform



Forms Printing

Web ServicesSQL, FTP, etc.




BES Channel

via BlackBerry

via other Smart Device

Optional Operator Closed User Group VPN


Tough Tasks,Handled.Anoto Live™ enterprise

Anoto Live™ is an umbrella for a set of software and systems designed to support the digital writing technology in respect to form creation, printing, deployment, administration and integration with other back-office systems. Anoto Live enterprise is the enterprise-grade system capable of being integrated into any back-office infrastructure.

Based on Windows Server technology, Anoto Live enterprise consists of several components including:

• Microsoft Message Queuing Architecture• MS SQL Database

(from Express through to Enterprise)• IIS Communications Hub• Forms development platform

Windows / Linux / Mac• PC and Mobile phone pen routing

Win32/64, Windows Phone, Android, BlackBerry• Microsoft.NET development API’s

The Simple Facts:Saves time. Cuts Costs.Scalability

One of the most important features of any product designated ‘enterprise’ should be its ability to gracefully grow as your requirements increase without the need to lose previous investments. By basing the underlying architecture on Microsoft’s Message Queuing service, Anoto Live enterprise platform can be extended both in terms of performance and redundancy through the addition of supplementary processing nodes. This allows the system to be designed around meeting a specific operational target in respect of required forms processing performance.

InteroperabilityAnoto Live enterprise is built on Windows Server technology thereby allowing it to be seamlessly integrated into any Windows environment. By using a widely understood and practiced server platform, supporting Live Enterprise is straightforward and can be incorporated into most infrastructure management systems. Because Anoto Live enterprise directly supports Active Directory, management of both the platform and users within the system does not require a separate database of people to be created. Your existing AD environment can simply be extended to include the security profile Anoto Live enterprise offers which the platform will then integrate with to allow users a single sign-on experience.

Digit ises informat ion

while you writ e.

Find out more about Anoto Live™ enterprise online. Search for “anoto” on:

Automates handwriting to digital devices. Compatible* with computers, smartphones and tablets.

Page 4: Anoto Solution Overview

PerformanceAs well as being highly scalable, Anoto Live enterprise is unique in the industry in being able to deliver a quality of service guarantee (QoS) for forms data processing. This enables the system to be configured to provide either real-time or near real-time processing of forms on a case-by-case basis depending on the needs of the application, thereby maximising the investment in hardware by selectively using only the required amount of processing capability where necessary.

ReliabilityBy being based on tried and tested Microsoft server and database products, Anoto Live enterprise can be configured to be highly fault-tolerant in respect of both communications, data management and processing ability. By using the clustered ability of Microsoft SQL Enterprise, the Anoto Live enterprise platform provides data security and reliability that businesses have become dependent upon, or can simply integrate directly with a business’ existing database system. Microsoft’s Message Queuing Architecture also allows the system to provide multiple redundant paths for data, so in the unlikely event of a system outage, redundant hot/passive systems can be incorporated into the design to create a highly reliable architecture.

DevelopmentAnoto Live enteprise incorporates a complete Microsoft.NET development environment for forms processing customisation and back-office systems integration. Along with a set of pre-built API’s that allow anything from Web Services integration through to data pre-population on printed forms, the .net based extensibility of the platform will immediately make any developer feel at home.

SecurityDue to the extensive use of encrypted protocols and Microsoft AD integration, Anoto Live enterprise is the most secure digital pen operating environment available. From the tip of the pen to the data output, your sensitive information can be encrypted and transported using Government approved encryption technologies, with access to the same data being controlled using your existing security policies enforced through domain policy management. So no matter what type of data is being written, you can rest assured that it is being securely handled to known standards of encryption and enforced through central policy control.

Data TransferAs well as including a Windows standalone application that allows users to dock a digital pen with their PC or laptop or print digital paper based forms when necessary, Anoto Live enterprise also provides support

for truly mobile users by including native Android, Symbian and BlackBerry for smart devices that support Bluetooth. For secure transmission, the Android and Symbian clients support HTTPS or can be configured to use an Operator Private VPN service in order to deliver the data behind the corporate firewall. When using BlackBerry devices, the BlackBerry Enterprise Service (BES) system is fully utilised in terms of secure data delivery using Government approved mechanisms, as well as providing a centralised management system for device software deployment.

*System RequirementsHardware Min.2 CPU cores running at 1Ghz, 2Gb RAM and 500Gb HDD

Servers Windows Server 2003+ Standard or Enterprise edition including:• Internet Information Services (IIS) using IIS6

management compatibility• Microsoft message Queuing (MMSQ)• ASP.NET• Microsoft.NET Framework 4.0• Optional JRE v6 if running Pen Encryption

Operating system Microsoft SQL 2005+ Standard, Enterprise or Express

LaptopsWindows XP / Vista / 7/8 required for standalone PC based Pen Router and printing software

DevicesBlackBerry OS4.2+Android 2.1+Symbian Series 60 devices running OS9.0+

PrintersAdobe Postscript colour laser printer 600x600dpi or higher.

Find out more about Anoto Live™ enterprise online. Search for “anoto” on:

Anoto Live™ enterprise