answer to mr. hartono's email 201009

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  • 8/8/2019 Answer to Mr. Hartono's email 201009


    Head : 95 rue de Javel F 75015 PARIS-

    Europe Office : rue du Luxembourg 19,21 B 1000 -Bruxelles- Tel :+32 2 506 88

    Paris, september 24 th 2010

    Letter to all the destinaries of Mr Hartonos emails.

    Dear Sirs,

    We refer to the message called Techno-terrorismcurrently more dangerous and damaging

    than JI or Al-Qaeda and Malaysian evidence indisputable, government must act to

    protect the nation dated June 23, 2010 , and August 22, 2010 sent by email to the Malaysian

    government Authorities by Mr Hartono Zainal Abidin .

    Mr Hartono has been involved for many years in an unsuccessful lobbying action to deprive

    Malaysia of an existing worldwide technology: ESE lightning protection. But this time he has

    apparently lost his self-control acting beyond the right of expression. His messages areobviously extremists and defamatory for European industrial companies, and European

    national standardization organizations.

    For your information, it is attached a Memorandum which has been prepared by expert

    members of ILPA in order to provide technical information and precise arguments to the

    Malaysian Government further the slanderous and misleading information included in Mr

    Hartono messages

    Furthermore, this document gives an overview of the industry active in the ESE lightning

    conductors and provides major references that demonstrate the large deployment of this

    technique worldwide and the high degree of security of the installations.

    This Memorandum is focused on the issues raised by Mr Hartono such as it would exist

    some ambiguity about the safety of E.S.E lightning conductors which would leave some doubt

    about the effectiveness and the safety of these products.

    It will be demonstrated that the level of safety provided by ESE standards in force in

    Europe is the same as for the EN 62 305 techniques , supported also by the large

    worldwide field experience especially in areas with high density of lightning.

  • 8/8/2019 Answer to Mr. Hartono's email 201009


    Head : 95 rue de Javel F 75015 PARIS-

    Europe Office : rue du Luxembourg 19,21 B 1000 -Bruxelles- Tel :+32 2 506 88

    Mr Hartonos messages and articles are misleading and seems inspired by a deliberate will to

    harm. They are seriously detrimental to the ILPA, its members as well as many companies

    and could lead to legal follow up and actions.

    Yours sincerely

    Arnaud Lefort


    Copy to:

    H.E. Ambassador of Malaysia in France

    H.E. Ambassador of Malaysia in Spain

    H.E. Ambassador of France in Malaysia

  • 8/8/2019 Answer to Mr. Hartono's email 201009


    Head : 95 rue de Javel F 75015 PARIS-

    Europe Office : rue du Luxembourg 19,21 B 1000 -Bruxelles- Tel :+32 2 506 88



    This issue must be considered taking into account two main aspects:

    - The effectiveness of the ESE lightning protection

    - The Safety measures in lightning protection standards


    lightning protection installations.


    The protection against lightning of a wide range of buildings and open areas is achieved by

    ESE in Europe and all over the world (annex 2) :

    Public and administrative buildings including the European Parliament in Strasbourg

    Industrial plants including high risk facilities in France and abroad

    High rise office and residential buildings

    Open areas : golf courses, outdoor swimming pools, stadiums, leisure parks

    Historical and Cultural buildings

    Religious buildings (churches, mosques)

    Telecommunication installations

    Defense and army buildings


    ESE systems are used all over the world. They represent even the most important lightning

    protection systems used in more than 50 countries (Annex 3)

    In Europe: France, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria,

    Croatia, Greece, Great Britain, Belgium.

    In Middle East: Turkey, Iran, Kuwait, Emirates, Lebanon.

    In Australasia: India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Greater China, Indonesia, Malaysia,

    Thailand, , Australia, South Korea, Vietnam, Brunei, Cambodia

  • 8/8/2019 Answer to Mr. Hartono's email 201009


    Head : 95 rue de Javel F 75015 PARIS-

    Europe Office : rue du Luxembourg 19,21 B 1000 -Bruxelles- Tel :+32 2 506 88

    In North and South America: Mexico, Caribbean, Equator, Peru, Bolivia, Chile,

    Argentina, Paraguay, Venezuela, Costa Rica.

    In Africa: all the countries of northern and western Africa.

    In a majority of these countries, more than 50 % of the LPS installed are based on ESE


    It should be noted than some of these countries belong to severe thunderstorms density areas

    (Asia, Central America) where extreme lightning strikes may occur nearly every day during

    the storm season. The ESE are then very often struck by lightning and any lack of efficiency

    (as defined in Standards) would have been highlighted in a very short time.


    According to the available statistics the figures of ESE manufactured in Europe and installed

    worldwide are the following:

    - In 1986, first year of available statistics, the number of ESE installed was 4088.

    - In 2009, the cumulated number of installed units is 550 000.

    - These figures show that the experience of ESE is important and very long.

    This represents a cumulated experience (number of units x number of years installed) of more

    than 4.650.000 years for these terminals.


    Since 1993 French legislation has required that industrial facilities classified as presenting a

    risk to the environment include lightning protection.

    Considering the accidents which have occurred over the past ten years, the French Ministry of

    Ecology & Sustainable Development (MEDD, avenue de Sgur, 75000 Paris France)

    assessed in 2002 the effectiveness of the current legislation. GIMELEC1

    & INERIS2


    part to the project.

    1 GIMELEC: Groupement des industries de lequipement electrique, du contrle-commande et des services

    associs2 INERIS: Institute national de lEnvironnemet et des risques

  • 8/8/2019 Answer to Mr. Hartono's email 201009


    Head : 95 rue de Javel F 75015 PARIS-

    Europe Office : rue du Luxembourg 19,21 B 1000 -Bruxelles- Tel :+32 2 506 88

    One way of measuring the effectiveness of the measures imposed by the legislation is to

    assess levels of satisfaction among the people in charge of industrial facilities at risk with

    regard to lightning protection.

    The survey company IPSOS, was commissioned to report on customer satisfaction. 483

    sample surveys were carried out from a database of 1581 sites. All industries located across

    France were questioned. To collect as many answers as possible, a telephone survey method

    was chosen offering total anonymity to the interviewee.

    The questionnaire focused on the following issues:

    how often the facility was affected by lightning,

    the type of protection equipment installed,

    overall satisfaction with the equipment,

    overall satisfaction with the sites situation (protected or not) with regard to lightning,

    extent of damage, if facility already impacted,

    nature of damage, if facility already impacted,

    downtime caused by damage,

    cost of damage,

    overall satisfaction following damage.

    The following tables show the results of the survey:

    What protection has been implemented on site?

    Equipotentiality 47.2%

    Single rod 40.7%

    Surge protection devices 40.2%

    ESE 36.2%

    Strike counter 31%

    Faraday cage 26.5%

    Stretched wires 5%

    Radioactive lightning conductor 4.7%

    Other 9.2%

    Type of protection

    In red the lightning protection measures according to EN 62305.

  • 8/8/2019 Answer to Mr. Hartono's email 201009


    Head : 95 rue de Javel F 75015 PARIS-

    Europe Office : rue du Luxembourg 19,21 B 1000 -Bruxelles- Tel :+32 2 506 88

    5Avril-Juin 2002




















    Stretched wires (Base:


    ESELC (Base: 133)

    Farady cage (Base: 99)

    Single rod (Base: 147)

    Paratonerre radioactif

    (Base : 16*)

    OverallOverall satisfactionsatisfaction accordingaccording to protection type (Q5)to protection type (Q5)

    Totally satisfied Fairly satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Totally dissatisfied No O

    (*) Important: low sample rate < 30, results not significant, indicative of slight trends only.

    Overall satisfaction according to protection type

    E.S.E. A high level of satisfaction:

    Their efficiency and ideal positionning in term of cost and maintenance allow E.S.E. systems

    to get the highest satisfaction level: 97 % of totaly or fairly satisfied users.

    As several hundreds of thousands sites all over the world, more than 36% of the SEVESO

    industrial sites at risk in France are safely protected by Early Streamer Emission.

    They have a field experience as good as the lightning protection solutions according to EN


  • 8/8/2019 Answer to Mr. Hartono's email 201009


    Head : 95 rue de Javel F 75015 PARIS-

    Europe Office : rue du Luxembourg 19,21 B 1000 -Bruxelles- Tel :+32 2 506 88

    1.5 PATENTS

    Lightning protection Systems (LPS) using Early Streamer Emission air terminals have been

    used successfully for more than 25 years. The first European and international Patents for

    ESE products have been published in 1985:

    Patent N :Fr 8517813 dated 26/11/1985 European N0 228 321 dated 19/11/1986

    Patent N Fr 83 16 009 European N O 139 575 dated 02/05/1985Many other patents have been

    published since 1986.


    An in depth study was made to compare requirements from EN 62305-3 and the existing

    European national ESE standards (as NFC17-102). For each of the requirements in EN

    62305-3 it has been checked in if the same requirement exists and if yes if the level of

    requirement is identical, lower or higher.

    It appears that in most of the cases the level of requirements in NFC 17-102 was at leastidentical or even greater than in EN 62305-3 or non conflicting.

    Obviously some items in EN 62305-3 where not addressed or at lower extent by NFC 17-102,

    because NFC 17-102 is a much older standard. NFC 17-102 has been adapted since the

    publication of EN 62305-3 to cover these few discrepancies. A second edition of NFC 17-102

    including all these adaptations have bee published in January of 2009. A few remaining items

    will be also adjusted soon.

    None of these changes are related to main topics in EN 62305-3. They cover mainly

    equipotential bonding between the lightning protection and the metallic parts of the structure.

    This adaptation of the European ESE National Standards have been made according to

    CENELEC rules and discussed in depth at CENELEC Technical Board. (See Annex 4)

  • 8/8/2019 Answer to Mr. Hartono's email 201009


    Head : 95 rue de Javel F 75015 PARIS-

    Europe Office : rue du Luxembourg 19,21 B 1000 -Bruxelles- Tel :+32 2 506 88


    These are facts and relevant statistics on long period of time and very large number of users

    that undoubtedly show the ESE lightning protection effectiveness.

    On the contrary, Mr Hartono papers are deliberately partial and his criticism is lacking a

    scrupulous, objective and complete investigation. His conclusions are mainly based on photos

    of damages due to lightning in buildings where an ESE is installed. What Mr Hartono do not

    explain is :

    -Mr Hartono never made a complete investigation of the lightning protectioninstallations, checking and documenting if the installation accomplished with the

    relevant standard requirements.

    - He never explained that those damages where negligible, statistically irrelevant and

    inside of the current standard parameters for efficiency.

    - He never explained but hid away that similar damages occur in the conventional

    lightning protection system (to 62 305 standards series) he is lobbying.

    To make a photo to a building with minor damages by lightning and advertise that this

    represents the failure of a technology is a non sense and childish: shall we ban cars if there isa incident of negligible consequences on a single model?

    There are some cases of failures every year worldwide. According to the relevant standards ,

    no system is providing a total protection to a structure, neither an ESE or a conventional

    system composed of Franklin rods or mesh conductors. Scientists, researchers and

    professional individuals analyze these failures to improve the systems design and standards,

    rather than lobbying. And the facts exposed here above clearly show that the ESE technology

    is as efficient and safe as the conventional system.

  • 8/8/2019 Answer to Mr. Hartono's email 201009


    Head : 95 rue de Javel F 75015 PARIS-

    Europe Office : rue du Luxembourg 19,21 B 1000 -Bruxelles- Tel :+32 2 506 88

    ANNEX 1

    E.S.E. National Standards and technical regulations in Europe

    France NF C 17-102

    Portugal NP 4426

    Spain UNE 21186Spain Cdigo Tcnico de la Edificacin (CTE, Su8)

    Slovakia STN 34 1391

    Romania I-20

    Serbia JUS N84.810

    Macedonia MKS N B4 810

  • 8/8/2019 Answer to Mr. Hartono's email 201009


    Head : 95 rue de Javel F 75015 PARIS-

    Europe Office : rue du Luxembourg 19,21 B 1000 -Bruxelles- Tel :+32 2 506 88

    ANNEX 2

    A selection of several ESE references all over the world covering any kind of buildings and

    open areas as:

    Schools, universities, Cultures centres, Publics buildings, Military Premises, Police, Major

    Houses, Hospitals, Health Centres, Churches, monasteries, religious centres, hotels,

    companies, buildings, houses, communities, villas, retirement houses. Explosive storages,

    dangerous goods, fireworks companies, factories, warehouse, airports, ports, train station, Oil,

    petrol companies, Markets, stores, malls, parks, camping, stadium, golf ground, castles,

    monuments etc

    High rise office and residential buildingsT2 Tower La Defense-Paris FranceUNESCO Headquarters Paris-FranceResidence Towers - Praha - Czech RepublicCiputra Complex - Jakarta Indonesia Sheraton Hotel.- MalteMerck Bratislava, Volksbank Bratislava (bank),- Slovak Republic

    Transpetrol, Slovensk Poistova (insurance company)- Slovak RepublicSNP Petrom Ploiesti. Motel SNP Petrom Ploiesti- RomaniaSC LEK PHARMATECH Tg.Mures - Livezeni nr.4- RomaniaThe Glass House condominium - Colorado USAHyatt Denver Convention Center Hotel - Denver CO USAJing Jiang hotel - Shanghai ChinaMingtian Building - Shanghai ChinaSouthCity-Kolkata IndiaResidential condominium - Muan Tong Thani ThailandLG Telecom Ku-Ro Dong Exchange Office- South KoreaProfessor Total Research Center Building- South KoreaZeltia SA Madrid -SpainPusat Bandar Puchong Condominium. Kuala Lumpur- MalaysiaTropicana, Bungalow Houses. Kuala Lumpur-MalaysiaHotel Sofitel Teranga. Dakar- Senegal.

    DHL (International Courier) EcuadorHotel Howard Johnson EcuadorComisin Pma EUA (COPEG) PanamaDAR AL EZZ tower - BahreinAVARE tower- BahreinRenaissance Hotel- BahreinAvare tower BahreinShopping Center Interspar (Frydek-Mistek)- Czech RepublicHotel Bali- Benidorm- Spain

    and thousands of high buildings in Europe

    Industrial plants including high risk facilities

  • 8/8/2019 Answer to Mr. Hartono's email 201009


    Head : 95 rue de Javel F 75015 PARIS-

    Europe Office : rue du Luxembourg 19,21 B 1000 -Bruxelles- Tel :+32 2 506 88

    MISR petroleum EgypteST Gobain Vetrotex- Chambery - FranceLEO Pharma -Vernouillet - FrancePlastic Omnium 3P -Langres - FrancePSA Peugeot SVO-Poissy- FranceSARP Industries-Limay- FranceTOTAL - Feyzin- FranceAlcan Neuf Brisach- FranceLaboatoire Andra- Bure- FranceDupont de Nemours- Cernay- FranceSaft- Nersac- FranceSanofi Aventis- Neuville sur Saone- FranceMichelin- Bassens- FranceGas station IranSiemens -Prague- Czech Republic

    Dafora Medias.Oil Station-RomaniaRepsol Petroleo Bens Corua- SpainCepsa Quimica Huelva - SpainJohnson & Johnson SA Arganda del Rey Madrid -SpainUnilever Hellas industry- Athens-GreeceRenault Espaa Valladolid Palencia-SpainRobert Bosch Cantabria SpainArcelor Mittal Vizcaya SpainAntibioticos, S.A Madrid SpainGKN Vizcaya- SpainSamsung Heavy Industry. Boramai Officetel.- South KoreaShun Fung Industrial City- Hong KongLamma Power Station Dangerous Goods Store- Hong KongHavana Club CubaShell Malaysia Malaysia

    Air Liquide Cilegon-IndonesiaAir Liquide Douai-FranceBINH MINH Plastic Co- VietnamBaticompos- AlgeriaCerveceria Cuauhtemoc (brewing plant).- MexicoCondominio La Punta Cancn, Quintana Roo- MexicoESSEL, S.A. water treatment plant.-ChileGeneral Electric Logistic Plant Ribaroja-SpainToyota G.B.-Rotherham-U.K.Pluspetrol Per Corporation S.A- PeruCia. Minera Buenaventura S.A.C- PeruComcel GuatemalaCoca Cola Espaa Plant - Spain

    ... and thousands of industrial plants in Europe

    Public and administrative buildingsAssemble nationale - Paris FranceTunis International Exhibition Center - TunisiaParis International Exhibition center-FrancePalacio National-MexicoMoncloa Madrid (Presidents Residence)- SpainLa Zarzuela Madrid (Royal familys Residence) SpainAdministrative & Logistic Center OTAS- BulgaryTown administracion building.Konstitucijos pr. 1 . Vilnius-LithuaniaNational Nederlanden Madrid- SpainRadio Television Espaola SA Somosaguas Madrid- SpainPatima Hospital.Changwon City Patima Hospital- South KoreaPTT Telecomm Co. ORANGE TELECOM- India

  • 8/8/2019 Answer to Mr. Hartono's email 201009


    Head : 95 rue de Javel F 75015 PARIS-

    Europe Office : rue du Luxembourg 19,21 B 1000 -Bruxelles- Tel :+32 2 506 88

    Kementrian Pertahanan Malaysia. Gemas Camp (military camp)- MalaysiaBMW sub assembly plant- MalaysiaComplejo Industrial Sigma, S.A. de C.V. Parque industrial Toluca 2000 MexicoEstado Mayor Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas (Military staff of Armed forces) EcuadorMinistry of Works and housing at UM-AL HASSAM- BahreinMeiss El-Jabal Hospital LebanonTele 5 Madrid - SpainNational Assembly - Abuja Nigeria

    and thousands of other buildings in Europe

    Open areas : golf courses, outdoor swimming pools, stadiums, leisure parksStade de France Paris -Francefootball stadium- Nicosie Cyprus

    World Cup 2002Stadium, Yokoyama, JapanWorld cup 2002stadium - Daejon KoreaGolf Course - Jakarta IndonesiaRainbow hill golf course-IndonesiaEurodisney Park- Paris-FranceArea Golf course South KoreaDoowon University Sports Stadium- South KoreaZoo de Madrid- SpainCabot Circus Bristol England


    Historical and Cultural buildingsAngkor Vat temple - Siam Reap CambodiaRed Fort - Delhi India

    Acropolis - Athens GreeceAphrodites temple- Athens GreeceLouvre Museum-Paris-FranceCastle of Straznice-Czech RepublicNational Environmental Institute- South KoreaDr. Sun-Yet sen Memorial Hall. Zon Tai Co., Ltd- Thailand.Palacio del Oriente Madrid SpainPalacio Aranjuez- SpainKirkstall Abbey Yorkshire EnglandStainborough Castle Yorkshire EnglandWenthworth Castle Yorkshire EnglandUnlocked Oxford Castle Oxford EnglandVasco de Gama Bridge-Portugal

    ... and thousands of other buildings in Europe

    Religious buildings (churches, mosques)Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral - FranceSanta Cruz do Sul Catedral BrasilMadeleine church- Paris-FranceIglesia Mormona church ChileMosque Medina Fez MoroccoKwun Yum Temple Chaiwan HONG KONGValencia cathedral SpainNotre Dame cathedral- Beyrut- LebenonSantec church- FranceGhyvelde church- France

  • 8/8/2019 Answer to Mr. Hartono's email 201009


    Head : 95 rue de Javel F 75015 PARIS-

    Europe Office : rue du Luxembourg 19,21 B 1000 -Bruxelles- Tel :+32 2 506 88

    Saint Aubin sur Gaillon church- FranceCesny aux Vignes church- FranceSille le Guillaume church- FranceSaint Sylvestre Capelle church- FranceVauville church- FrancePlassac church- France

    ... and thousands of churches in Europe

    And the European Parliament building in Strasbourg....

  • 8/8/2019 Answer to Mr. Hartono's email 201009


    Head : 95 rue de Javel F 75015 PARIS-

    Europe Office : rue du Luxembourg 19,21 B 1000 -Bruxelles- Tel :+32 2 506 88

    ANNEX 3

    E.S.E. use worldwide

    ESE widely used . .. Conventional and ESE used.... Conventional widely used

  • 8/8/2019 Answer to Mr. Hartono's email 201009


    Head : 95 rue de Javel F 75015 PARIS-

    Europe Office : rue du Luxembourg 19,21 B 1000 -Bruxelles- Tel :+32 2 506 88

    Annexe 4


    04/2010 in Brussels

    Related to Lightning protection

    A Official decisions taken during BT 136

    D136/011 BT noted the information provided by CLC/TC 81X concerning the relation

    between the EN 62305 series (Protection against lightning) and NF C 17-102

    (Protection of structures and open areas against lightning using early streamer

    emission air terminals).

    D136/012 BT decided by majority not to establish a BTTF to deal with the ESE system atEuropean level.

    D136/013 BT asked those national committees that have a national standard endorsing the

    ESE system, to ensure that this national standard will no longer contain any

    reference to the installation provisions of the EN 62305 series and sequently to

    offer the corresponding national standard to IEC for possible endorsement at

    international level.

    D136/014 BT asked CLC/TC 81X to examine the possibility to establish a pure

    performance standard, independent from any technology and enabling the

    development of existing and future technologies on lightning protection systems

    and report back to BT.