antonio de ulloa governor 1766-1768 antonio de ulloa was the first spanish governor of louisiana,...


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Page 1: Antonio de Ulloa Governor 1766-1768 Antonio de Ulloa was the first Spanish governor of Louisiana, Served under King Charles III. The French colonists
Page 2: Antonio de Ulloa Governor 1766-1768 Antonio de Ulloa was the first Spanish governor of Louisiana, Served under King Charles III. The French colonists

Antonio de UlloaAntonio de Ulloa

• Governor 1766-1768• Antonio de Ulloa was the first

“Spanish” governor of Louisiana,

• Served under King Charles III.

• The French colonists rebelled against Spanish authority in 1768 and demanded his departure.

• Sailed to Havana, Cuba

Spanish PeriodSpanish Period

Antonio de Ulloa

Photos Courtesy of the State Governor's Office and Wikipedia

Page 3: Antonio de Ulloa Governor 1766-1768 Antonio de Ulloa was the first Spanish governor of Louisiana, Served under King Charles III. The French colonists

Alejandro O'ReillyAlejandro O'Reilly

• Governor 1769-1770• King Charles III appointed

O'Reilly to quell the rebellion of 1768.

• In his brief administration, he reorganized the colony and emphasized fairness to anxious French colonists uneasy about Spanish rule.

Spanish PeriodSpanish Period

Alejandro O'Reilly

Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia

Page 4: Antonio de Ulloa Governor 1766-1768 Antonio de Ulloa was the first Spanish governor of Louisiana, Served under King Charles III. The French colonists

Luis de UnzagaLuis de Unzaga

• Governor 1770-1777• Unzaga was appointed by

O'Reilly who left in 1770, and served under King Charles III.

• Continued policies to strengthen ties between French colonists and Spanish administrators.

Luis de Unzaga

Spanish PeriodSpanish Period

Page 5: Antonio de Ulloa Governor 1766-1768 Antonio de Ulloa was the first Spanish governor of Louisiana, Served under King Charles III. The French colonists

Bernardo de GálvezBernardo de Gálvez

• Governor 1777-1785• Galvez served under Charles III

and improved upon Unzaga's policies.

• Worked to increase commerce and trade.

• When Spain declared war against England, he supplied Americans with arms, and captured all British posts in West Florida. Those actions then gave Spain possession of both East and West Florida after the war.

Bernardo de Gálvez

Spanish PeriodSpanish Period

Page 6: Antonio de Ulloa Governor 1766-1768 Antonio de Ulloa was the first Spanish governor of Louisiana, Served under King Charles III. The French colonists

Esteban Rodriguez Miró y Sabater Esteban Rodriguez Miró y Sabater

• Governor 1782-1792• Miro served under Charles III and

Charles IV. • Interim governor while Galvez was

in Cuba from 1782 to 1785, and was appointed Governor in 1785.

• During his term, Spain allowed trade with France and the French West Indies and removed the duty on ships for two years which contributed to the development of New Orleans as an international port. Esteban Rodríguez Miró

Spanish PeriodSpanish Period

Page 7: Antonio de Ulloa Governor 1766-1768 Antonio de Ulloa was the first Spanish governor of Louisiana, Served under King Charles III. The French colonists

Francisco Luis Hector de CarondeletFrancisco Luis Hector de Carondelet

• 1791-1797 Governor. Francoise-Louis Hector,

• Carondelet served under King Charles IV.

• Native of France, he was also a loyal Spanish army officer and governor.

Francisco Luis Hector de Carondelet

Spanish PeriodSpanish Period

Page 8: Antonio de Ulloa Governor 1766-1768 Antonio de Ulloa was the first Spanish governor of Louisiana, Served under King Charles III. The French colonists

Manuel Gayoso de LemosManuel Gayoso de Lemos

• Governor 1797-1799• Gayoso was appointed

by Charles IV because of his ability to speak English and his knowledge of colonial politics.

• He died from yellow fever in 1799. Manuel Gayoso de Lemos

Spanish PeriodSpanish Period

Photo Courtesy of the State Governor's Office

Page 9: Antonio de Ulloa Governor 1766-1768 Antonio de Ulloa was the first Spanish governor of Louisiana, Served under King Charles III. The French colonists

Francisco BoulignyFrancisco Bouligny

• Acting military governor July 18, 1799 - September 18, 1799

• Born 1736 • Died 1800                             

• Note: Not listed in Wikipedia nor the State Governor’s site, but listed in the Social Studies Clairmont Press 8th Grade Social Studies Book Appendix page 546. His name is listed at this site as a Military Governor.

• A site naming him can be found here!

Spanish PeriodSpanish Period

Page 10: Antonio de Ulloa Governor 1766-1768 Antonio de Ulloa was the first Spanish governor of Louisiana, Served under King Charles III. The French colonists

Sebastian de la Puerta y O'FarrilSebastian de la Puerta y O'FarrilMarquis de Casa CalvoMarquis de Casa Calvo

• Governor 1799-1801• Casa Calvo was appointed by

Charles IV as an interim governor after Gayoso's death.

• Spanish army officer and native Cuban who governed during the tumultuous times.

• Spain and America were in conflict over free navigation of the lower Mississippi River; and Napoleon tried to force the return of Louisiana to France.

Sebastian Casa Calvo

Spanish PeriodSpanish Period

Page 11: Antonio de Ulloa Governor 1766-1768 Antonio de Ulloa was the first Spanish governor of Louisiana, Served under King Charles III. The French colonists

Juan Manuel de SalcedoJuan Manuel de Salcedo

• Governor 1801-1803• Salcedo served under Charles

IV and battled his government over the rights of Americans to navigate freely down the Mississippi River below Natchez.

• He left for a post in the Canary Islands after he officially transferred the colony to France on November 30, 1803.

Manuel María de Salcedo - Wikipedia

Spanish PeriodSpanish Period