apics cpim study notes smr module


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APICS CPIM study notes SMR module More CPIM & CSCP study materials include :CPIM study notes for all 5 modulesDATACHEM CSCP learning system cscp datachemExam software for sample testand many materials need to pass the exam For the full chapter and materialsInterested Please contact [email protected]


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M ission Statem e n t

C o m p a n y O b jectives

Env ironm e n tal Scann ing

Internal Strength and Weakness Ana lysis

C o rporate S trategy

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Corpora te S t ra tegyFocus : Surv iva l

S e rvice-enhanced p roduc t o r de live red serv ice S a t is f ied custom e r

P o licy

M a n u facturing O p e rat ions Strategy

Focus : Compet i t ive Strategies

C o s t Flexibi l i ty Q u a lity De live ry

O ther O p e rationsS trategies

M a rket ingF inance

H u m a n R e s o u rceE n g ineer ing

B u s iness St ra tegyFocus : D ist inctive c o m p e tence in the f ield

• C o s t leadersh ip• P roduct d iffe rent iat ion• Focus (cos t o r d iffe rent iat ion)

Corpora te S t ra tegyFocus : Surv iva l

S e rvice-enhanced p roduc t o r de live red serv ice S a t is f ied custom e r

P o licy

M a n u facturing O p e rat ions Strategy

Focus : Compet i t ive Strategies

C o s t Flexibi l i ty Q u a lity De live ry

O ther O p e rationsS trategies

M a rket ingF inance

H u m a n R e s o u rceE n g ineer ing

B u s iness St ra tegyFocus : D ist inctive c o m p e tence in the f ield

• C o s t leadersh ip• P roduct d iffe rent iat ion• Focus (cos t o r d iffe rent iat ion)

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Product Design Service

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Characteristics that do not enter into the competitive picture for that market niche

Order Winners

Characteristics that make your customers prefer you over competitors


Characteristics you need to get into the


Source: Hill, Terry, Manufacturing Strategy, (Irwin McGraw-Hill, 1994). Reprinted with permission of Irwin McGraw-Hill.

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Internal Customer

Internal Customer

External Customer




Internal Customer

Internal Customer

External Customer



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Elimination of Waste Respect for People

Continuous Improvement Focus on Customer


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Lost sales

Paperwork errors

Lost discounts


Obsolete inventory

Damaged goods Extra process capacity

Premium freight costs Overtime to correct errors

Process downtime

Extra inventory

Loss of good will


Customer returns

Sorting inspection

Warranty expensesRejects

Customer allowances Incorrect orders shipped

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End user’shand

l Warranty cost

l Loss of market share

l Reputation



End of theline


Defects found at

Cost tothe


Impact tothe


l Very minor

l Minor delay

l Rework

l Reschedule of work

l Significant rework

l Delivery delay

l Inspection costs

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