appendix xiii: poster for the flower week 2006 (english...

144 EC DG Environment EU Eco-label Helpdesk –03/2006 Quarterly Report 17 March 2006 APPENDIX XIII: POSTER FOR THE FLOWER WEEK 2006 (ENGLISH VERSION)

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144EC – DG EnvironmentEU Eco-label Helpdesk –03/2006 Quarterly Report

17 March 2006


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The Flower makes it easyto choose green

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146EC – DG EnvironmentEU Eco-label Helpdesk –03/2006 Quarterly Report

17 March 2006


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On the 4th of February 2005, the first Portuguese Tourist Accommodation awarded the Flower, Hotel Jardim Atlântico in Madeira Island, organised an event attended by Madeira’s main Environment and Tourism authorities, the Mayor of Calheta, a representative of the Portuguese Competent Body and one of Madeira Tourist Accommodations.

The large number of participants marked the success of the event. The participants list also included Tourism Sector professionals and guests who ask for high quality environmental standards.

The representative of the Portuguese Competent Body presented the Certificate to the hotel and several speakers pointed out the advantages of the Scheme for this sector, in terms of the environmental, financial and marketing benefits.

Presentation of the EU Eco-label Award

A workshop took place on March 30th 2005 in the Directorate General for Enterprise in Lisbon to diffuse general information on the Scheme.

One of the main Portuguese Universities in the engineering area, the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, invited a representative from the Portuguese Competent Body and one from the Ministry of the Environment to conduct a training session on the subject “The EU Eco-label on Tourist Accommodation Services”. The training action took place on May 5th 2005.

The University “Lusíada” of Vila Nova de Famalicão organised a conference on the EU Eco-label Scheme on 10-11 May 2005. The Portuguese Competent Body was invited as a speaker for this event.

Communication tools

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The Portuguese Competent Body prepared two small leaflets including some practical information: one specific leaflet for Tourist Accommodation Services and a more general one on the whole Scheme.

The majority of enquiries received by the Portuguese Competent Body concerned the Tourist Accommodation Services product group and were made either by hotels or consultants.


A meeting at the cabinet of the Belgian Ministry of Environment with the administration and members of the Belgian Competent Body to discuss the future of the promotion of the Ecolabel in Belgium took place. It was decided to focus on two main marketing strategies: � Direct promotion of the EU Eco-label through targeted actions like internet

site, participation to fairs, promotional activities with retailers, etc. � Indirect promotion: promotion in a more general way of environmentally-

friendly products (and of course eco-labelled products).


The EU Eco-label was present at Bruxelles Champêtre event in Brussels on 18 September 2005. This one-day event where cars are forbidden in the city is part of the Mobility Week which encourages sustainable transports. Two hostesses promoting the Flower distributed rules, t-shirts, leaflets and other promotional material. This event attracted +/- 25.000 visitors.

Communication and contacts

Great time and efforts were put into the follow-up of the Flower Week which took place at the end of 2004. These can be separated into three types of activities:

� Finalisation: corrections to the internet site, management of the press clippings, recovery of promotional material, etc.

� Evaluation: corrections of reports, processing results, development of a power point presentation with all activities and results

� Presentation of the activities and their results to stakeholders

First contacts with the Flemish federation of Tourism (Toerism Vlaanderen) were made in order to convince them to develop the promotion of the EU Eco-label to campsites in the North of Belgium.

Websites fiches on the internet site of the Federal Administration of Environment were developed.

The Belgian website on the eco-label is being corrected and updated. First steps were done in 2005 but the website will continue being adapted and developed in 2006.

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A new site dedicated to sustainable development,,where short and practical advices are given was launched. First steps to develop the pieces of information available on this website were also taken (and will continue in 2006).

The Belgian Competent Body is encouraging the development of a charter encouraging the marketing of environmentally-friendly products in Belgium. First steps were done in 2005 by joining efforts with the distribution sector and will continue in 2006 to produce the chart.

The Belgian Competent Body received +/- 20 enquiries concerning the Flower coming from different stakeholders and regarding promotion: where to find a product, thesis, availability of promotional material, marketing efforts, etc.



Italy organised a big European Eco-label Campaign in 2005. Different activities were organised during the 1st week in October 2005 by the Regional Environment Protection Agencies (ARPA) of each region in Italy. The retailer COOP Italia also participated in the campaign.

ARPA PIEMONTE and ARPA LOMBARDIA have participated to the World Environmental Education Congress which took place on 2-6 October 2005 in Turin with stands on the EU Flower where special awareness games created by ARPA Piemonte were presented.

The basic objectives of the Congress are to exchange observations and best practices at a worldwide level, to develop the main themes of the international agenda on Environmental Education, to jointly discuss and explore the ideas and proposals presented in the contributions and posters from around the world, and to contribute to the success of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014. Utmost attention is given to discussions / workshops about practical issues such as: experiences, case studies, field research and acceptable practices. More information on

Please see the corresponding panel.

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Supporting material World Environmental Education Congress

Supporting material World Environmental Education Congress

Supporting material World Environmental Education Congress

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Supporting material World Environmental Education Congress

ARPA MARCHE carried out information activities:

• Specific meetings with tourist associations and local institutions to raise the level of awareness of the Flower

• Addition of a link to on the website

• Newsletter “ARPAM Informa” sent out to 400 stakeholders • Organisation of information activities in 137 primary schools.

ARPA EMILIA ROMAGNA organised a Conference on “Le opportunità della certificazione europea Ecolabel per la valorizzazione delle imprese ricettive dell’Emilia Romagna” on the 5th of October 2005 at Grand Hotel of Cesenatico in collaboration with Assoturismo-Confesercenti Association. This event was part of an agreement between ARPA Emilia Romagna and Assoturismo-Confesercenti Association signed in July 2005 for the promotion of the European Eco-label.

Please click here for the programme of the Conference.

ARPA LAZIO organised on the 24th of September 2005 a round table in collaboration with the Municipality of Fiuggi, Federlazio, ADAF (Associazione Direttori SGA e Assistenti Amministrativi della provincia di Frosinone) and Fiuggi Terme srl, for the promotion of the European Eco-label in the region. The initiative was addressed to local Institutions, tourist associations, and companies in order to inform them of the opportunities in the use of the label.

Please find the programme of the round table here.

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COOP ITALIA carried out several promotional activities:

• A special space on the European Eco-label was conceived its website

• An article on the EU Flower was included within their magazine COOP “Consumatori” which is distributed to their more than 3 million members.

• Depliants were available in COOP selling points on their Eco-logici products line in which the European Eco-label is stressed.

Please find here an example of the folder on the Eco-logici products.


Campaign promoting the Flower

In November 2005, a campaign was launched in France to promote the Eco-labels. It was organized by the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development jointly with AFNOR, the French Competent Body, and the French Environmental Agency.

Several major retailers selling EU Eco-labelled products participated in the campaign by putting up posters and giving prominence in their stores to their eco-labelled products. In total, 120 Auchan, 215 Carrefour, 60 Cora, and 175 Monoprix stores participated in the event. This year, EU Eco-labelled detergents were made a central focus, as this product group is enjoying growing success in France. The 2005 promotion campaign aims to raise awareness among consumers on the environmental implications of their shopping and encourage them to look out for the Flower. For this purpose, 800 000 brochures were handed out to consumers.

A launch event for the 2005 eco-label promotion campaign took place in an Auchan store on the outskirts of Paris. Nelly Olin, the French Minister of the Environment, participated to see the prominence given to eco-labelled products by major retailers.

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Nelly Olin, the French Minister of the Environment, in front of EU Eco-labelled detergents

For more information, please visit

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17 March 2006


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The use of the European Eco-label in Green Public

Procurement approaches

Cécile des Abbayes – EU Eco-label Helpdeskc/o BIO Intelligence Service SAS

Green Public Procurement Conference4 April, Graz, Austria


EU Eco-label and GPP

� Why is it easy to do Green Procurement with the EU Eco-label?

� Practically, how can a purchaser use the EU Eco-label in a call for tender?

� Success stories


The easiest way to do Green Public Procurement: use the European Eco-label

� The EU Eco-label is an official label managed by the European Commission which certifies that a product or service is of good environmental quality and guaranteed technical performance

� An eco-labelled product generates less environmental impacts on air, water, soil and human health

� Throughout its life cycle, from raw material extraction to end of life (“from cradle to grave”)

� Added value: usage cost generally lower than average

Example: life cycle of a detergent 4

What could be the environmental benefits linked to the development of EU

Eco-labelled products ?

� With only a modest 5% market share for EU Eco-labelled products in the European Union, the savings compared to typically performing versions (standard product) would be substantial :

Source: « The Direct and Indirect benefits of the Eco-label », AEAT in Confidence, 2004

17,500 tonnes pollutants• Reduced air pollution

30,400 tonnes COD• Reduced discharges to water

530,700 tonnes• Material savings (other than hazardous substances)

13,800 tonnes• Reduced use of hazardous substances

12,285,000 million litres• Water use

9,318,000 tonnes CO2• CO2 produced from energy use

14,700,000 kWh• Electricity



What is the size of the market of European Eco-labelled products?

� European Eco-Label� 303 holders as of February 2006� About 2 500 articles split in 23 product groups











1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 (13/10/05)

2005 (13/10/05)


Number of companies

Ex-factory sales value (€ million)


What are the advantages of using the EU Eco-label in GPP approaches? (1/3)

�You do not have to be an expert in environmental issues to do green purchasing

� The EU Eco-label is an official European recognition of the ecological quality of a product

� The requirements for the award of the EU Eco-label relate to both technical performance and environmental characteristics of the product

� The EU Eco-label covers 23 product and service groups, including products bought by public purchasers; cleaning products, office equipment, DIY, tourist accommodations…

� European consensus on the scientific reliability of the criteria

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What are the advantages of using the EU Eco-label in GPP approaches? (2/3)

� You are sure of using a scheme that is fully compatible with the Internal Market Principles

� The European Eco-label scheme is� Public, transparent and non discriminatory� Valid and identical throughout the European Union and

EEA countries� Open to overseas products (guarantee to offer equal

opportunities to all competitors)


What are the advantages of using the EU Eco-label in GPP approaches? (3/3)

� You directly know the minimum number of companies capable of meeting your requirements.

� On the Green Store :


Practically, how can the European Eco-label criteria be used in a public call for tenders ?

Technical specifications

� In the technical specifications:1. You can directly cut and paste the relevant EU Eco-label

criteria into the technical specifications• The EU Eco-label will be allowed as a way of proving compliance

with the specifications.� Technical specifications are mandatory

• The purchaser has to know there is an offer important enough• A significant overcost is unlikely

2. Use of variants:• In order to have more flexibility, use variants when drafting the

technical specifications, e.g.:– Variant 1: better environmental performance– Variant 2 (option): some EU Eco-label criteria– Variant 3 (option): all EU Eco-label criteria

• The choice between standard solutions and variants is based on the most economically advantageous of the offers.


Practically, how can the European Eco-label criteria can be used in a public call for tenders ?

At the award stage (1/2)

� At the award stage:� The purchaser doesn’t know if there is an offer of products

meeting EU eco-label criteria important enough� And /or a significant overcost is likely

� Inserting EU Eco-label criteria at the award stage enables to:� Evaluate the size of the market� and the potential overcost


Practically, how can the European Eco-label criteria can be used in a public call for tenders ?

At the award stage (2/2)

� Subject matter of the contract:� Light bulbs contract

� Technical specifications:� No environmental specification

� Award criteria� Criteria on “technical performance”,

“price”…: X points� Criteria on “environmental

performance as regards compliance with the EU eco-label criteria”: Y points

• For a product in conformity: Y points• For a product not in conformity: 0

point� Global note: X+Y points

� Subject matter of the contract:� Light bulbs contract

� Technical specifications:� Minimum life span of 10 000 hours

� Award criteria� Criteria on “technical performance”,

“price”…: X points� Specific criteria on “technical

performance”:• Bonus point given for every 1000

hours over and above 10 000� Global note: X points + bonus points

�Examples: Calls for tender of light bulbsEnvironmental approachSize of the market and/or overcost unknown

Technical approachSize of the market known for life span = 10 000 hSize of the market and/or overcost unknown for life span > 10 000 h

Source: Training on GPP, BIO IS for IFORE (Environment Training Institute of the French Ministry of Ecology), 2005


As a conclusion on this part…

Use of the EU eco-label criteria

Number of eco-label holders low

Size of the offer unknown

Potential overcost

Number of eco-label holders sufficient

No unjustified significant overcost

Wish to make it mandatory

In the award criteria In the technicalspecifications

And / Or

And / Or

And / Or


� Remark: Contracting authorities cannot require tenderers to be registered under a certain eco-label scheme.

Source: Training on GPP, BIO IS for IFORE (Environment Training Institute of the French Ministry of Ecology), 2005

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Where to find the EU eco-label criteria?Example: call for tenders of all-purpose


� Go to the all-purpose cleaners page of the Eco-label web site:

� A summary of the criteria can be found in the general description of the product group

� The complete criteria are available in all the EU languages


Success stories

� European Commission, Belgium� « Communauté urbaine de Dunkerque », France� City of Angers, France


European Commission, Belgium

� Internal organisation� Introduction of EMAS in some pilot services of the Commission

• Decision to start doing green procurement on some “test” markets� General approach

� Categories of products concerned by GPP:• Tissue paper, soap…

Introduction of EMAS

Decision to start with a contract of sanitary products

Study of ecological

alternativesStudy of the


Introduction of some EU eco-label criteria

in technical specifications


European Commission, Belgium

Example of a tender of tissue paper (2004)� Reasons for choosing this product category:

� Test tender � Existence of EU eco-label criteria

� Identified environmental issues� Limitation of hazardous substances

� Characteristics inserted in the technical specifications:� Recycled fibres� Limitation of the use of hazardous substances for the

environment and health


European Commission, Belgium

Example of a tender of tissue paper (2004)

� Used reference � European Eco-label (some criteria)

� Results� They received 8 offers. � 6 of them were eliminated either because they did not

comply with all the specifications, either because the companies themselves withdrew their tender.

� The tender with the lowest price of the 2 remaining companies was chosen.

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« Communauté urbaine de Dunkerque », France

� Internal organisation� Political act

• adoption of a ‘délibération’ relative to sustainable development in public procurement

� General approach

� Categories of products concerned by GPP:• Paper, cleaning products, electronic appliances, light bulbs and

phytosanitary products

Assessment of the needs in the


Research of environmental


Research of ecological

alternatives Study of the offer

Setting of the market specifications in function of the



« Communauté urbaine de Dunkerque », France

Example of a tender of cleaning products (2001)

� Reasons for choosing this product category:� Test tender (all purpose cleaners, window cleaners…)� Existence of ecological criteria

� Identified environmental issues� Limitation of water pollution

� Characteristics inserted in the technical specifications:� High biodegradability rate� Natural substances� Limitation of the use of hazardous substances for the environment and

health (based on the EU eco-label DID-list)


« Communauté urbaine de Dunkerque », France

Example of a call for tender of cleaning products

� Used reference � European Eco-label (some criteria)

� Demand of samples to test the efficiency of the products� Results

� Necessity to divide the tender into lots, because usual retailers did not cover all the products

� After allotment (one specific lot for green products):• No overcost• Very positive feedback from employees: efficiency and lack of respiratory

and skin irritations


City of Angers, France

� Internal organisation� Creation of working groups on every topic � General methodology

� Categories of products concerned by GPP:� School furniture, cleaning products, cleaning of public premises, textiles, school

supply, coffee, paper

Needs analysis

Research of corresponding

environmental issues

Study of the offer and discussion with

suppliers Analysis of financial


Analysis of suppliers’potential progresses


City of Angers, France

Example of a call for tender for cleaning products� Reasons for choosing this product category

• Important consumption• Existence of environmental criteria

� Identified environmental issues� Mainly linked to the use of cleaning products:

• Limitation of the use of hazardous substances for the environment and health

• Limitation of water pollution• Reduction of packaging waste


City of Angers, France

Example of a call for tender of cleaning products� Characteristics

• Use of products complying with the EU Eco-label criteria

� Example of reference used• EU Eco-label

� Results� Progressive approach (3-year call for tender):

• Year 1: no ecological specification• Year 2: use of 1 product complying with all EU Eco-label criteria• Year 3: use of 2 products complying with all EU Eco-label criteria

� The call for tender was fruitful (1)

(1) 2005 was year 1. The company that won the call for tender should propose one product complying with all EU Eco-label criteria in 2006.

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� Public purchasers become actors of Sustainable Development.

� It is possible to do Green Public Procurement thanks to the revised European Procurement Directives.

� The European Eco-label makes it easy to implement GPP in a practical way.

� The success stories demonstrate it is possible to use the EU Eco-label to do GPP.

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March 2006 EC procurement of environmentally-friendly tissue paper

Purchasing of tissue paper complying with some EU Eco-label criteria by the European Commission

In the framework of the project EMAS in the Commission, this institution introduced EU eco-label criteria in a call for tender for toiletry products launched in 2004.This call for tender included among others toilet paper and paper towels for the European Commission premises in Brussels (60 buildings). This represents about 250 000 packs of 200 pieces of paper handkerchief and 85 000 packs of 6 rolls of toilet paper per year.

At first the purchaser made a market study to evaluate the offer of tissue paper with a 100% recycled content (among other technical characteristics, such as the weighting). Considering this offer was important enough to avoid the call for tender to be unfruitful, this requirement was included in the technical specifications. The EU eco-label criteria for tissue paper related to hazardous chemical substances and product safety (paragraphs 4 and 6 in Annex of Commission Decision 2001/405/EC) were also added.

8 offers were received. 6 of them were eliminated either because they did not comply with all the specifications, either because the companies themselves withdrew their tender. The lowest tenderer of the 2 remaining companies was chosen.

An extract from the technical specifications of this call for tender, including only the products relevant to the existing eco-label product groups (i.e. tissue paper) is presented below.

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March 2006 EC procurement of environmentally-friendly tissue paper

COMMISSION EUROPÉENNE OFFICE INFRASTRUCTURES ET LOGISTIQUE - BRUXELLES OIB.7 – Administration et Protection des bâtiments Secteur Administration des bâtiments – Service Intérieur Le Chef de Secteur

Annex 1


1. Paper towels :

- Paper towels in 100% recycled fibres for wall dispenser.- Natural white or extra white - 2 embossed folds - Placed in staggered rows - Weighting: 2 x 21-24g /m² for each fold - Measure when folded: between 9,5 and 11,5cm wide and 25cm long - Measure when unfolded: between 19 and 22cm wide - Conditioning: 1 pack of +/- 200 pieces and 1 carton of +/- 15 packs. Packs of +/- 200 pieces shall be wrapped with a recycled paper wrapper. Pallets used for delivery shall be taken back by suppliers.- No chlorine gas used as bleaching agent. ECF, TCF or similar method, absence of optical bleaching. - de-inking1 : alkylphenolethoxylates (APEO) or other derivates shall not be added to de-inking chemicals. These derivates are defined as substances which are degraded to alkylphenols.- Wet-strength between 20 and 25% - Wet-strength aids1 shall not contain more than 1% chloro-organic substances, related to the dry content, that are assigned any of the risk phrases R45 (may cause cancer), R46 (may cause heritable genetic damage), R50/53 (very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment), R60 (may impair fertility) or R61(may cause harm to the unborn child) as defined in the Council Directive 67/548/EEC (2), modified by Commission Directive 2000/33/EC (3).Examples of such chloro-organic substances are epichlorohydrin (ECH). 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol (DCP) and 3monochloro-1,2-propanediol (MCPD). - Paper strength in the dispenser direction 400 N/m - Paper strength in the perpendicular direction 200 N/m - Absorption capacity: 1 drop of 0,040 to 0,045 ml absorbed in +/- 2 seconds - Safety and hygiene 1 :

1 JO L 142 of 29.05.2001 p.10

2 JO L 196 of 16.08.1967, p.1

3 JO L 136 of 08.06.2000 p.90

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March 2006 EC procurement of environmentally-friendly tissue paper

The tissue paper shall not contain more than: Formaldehyde1 = 1 mg/dm² according to test method EPA 8315A Glyoxal1 = 1,5 mg/dm² according to test method EPA 8315A PCB1 = 2 mg/kg according to test method EPA 8270

All tissue paper products shall comply with the following criteria : Slimcides and antimicrobic substances1: no growth retardance of micro-organisms, according to test method EN 1104. Dyes and optical brighteners1 : no bleeding according to test method EN 646/648 (level 4 is required) Dyes and inks1 : No azo-substances that may cleave to a list of amines (cf Technical Annex 3 of Commission Decision 2001/405/EC)

- Paper towels shall have no papermaking defect such as holes, tears, wrong folds, thinner parts, etc.

2. Hygienic paper

Conditioning for the 3 distinct products:

a) +/- 6 rolls in 1 pack and +/- 7 packs/carton. Displayed in coupons. 1 roll = +/- 300 à 400 coupons.Format: diameter of the roll between 11 and 12 cm Roll width between 9,5 and 10 cm Total length of the paper in a roll between 48 and 51 m Length of the coupon between 12,5 and 14 cm

Diameter of the cardboard circular tube which paper is rolled on: between 4 and 4,5 cm

b) in bales of +/- 250 overlapped coupons (like towels) ; dimensions of +/- 18 x 12 cm

c) in a big roll; dimension : total diameter of 25 cm, diameter of the inside roll of 6 cm, paper width of 9.5 cm.

Common characteristics for the 3 distinct products : - 100% recycled fiber - Natural white color - 2 embossed folds - Weighting 2 x between 15,8 and 18,5g /m²- de-inking4 : alkylphenolethoxylates (APEO) or other derivates shall not be added to de-inking chemicals. These derivates are defined as substances which are degraded to alkylphenols.- Paper strength in the dispenser direction: 200 N/m - Paper strength in the perpendicular direction: 120 N/m - Wet-strength aids1 shall not contain more than 1% chloro-organic substances, related to the dry content, that are assigned any of the risk phrases R45 (may cause cancer), R46 (may cause heritable genetic damage), R50/53 (very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term

4 JO L 142 of 29.05.2001 p.10

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March 2006 EC procurement of environmentally-friendly tissue paper

adverse effects in the aquatic environment), R60 (may impair fertility) or R61(may cause harm to the unborn child) as defined in the Council Directive 67/548/EEC (5), modified by Commission Directive 2000/33/EC (6).Examples of such chloro-organic substances are epichlorohydrin (ECH). 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol (DCP) and 3monochloro-1,2-propanediol (MCPD). - No chlorine gas used as bleaching agent. ECF, TCF or similar method, absence of optical bleaching. - Desintegration time 110 seconds - Safety and hygiene 1 : The tissue paper shall not contain more than:

Formaldehyde1 = 1 mg/dm² according to test method EPA 8315A Glyoxal1 = 1,5 mg/dm² according to test method EPA 8315A PCB1 = 2 mg/kg according to test method EPA 8270

All tissue paper products shall comply with the following criteria : Slimcides and antimicrobic substances1: no growth retardance of micro-organisms, according to test method EN 1104. Dyes and optical brighteners1 : no bleeding according to test method EN 646/648 (level 4 is required) Dyes and inks1 : No azo-substances that may cleave to a list of amines (cf Technical Annex 3 of Commission Decision 2001/405/EC)

- Paper towels shall have no papermaking defect such as holes, tears, wrong folds, thinner parts, etc.


All products shall fulfil the above-mentioned requirements. Each product shall be delivered with a technical and safety data sheet detailing, among others, handling and storing advice and safety norms.


The tenderer is required to present an annual declaration as regards the products manufacturing, treatment and transport process, especially detailing : the use of hazardous substances during manufacturing (bleaching, de-inking and wet-strength aids, as well as data related to the paragraph « safety and hygiene », cf for each product). A report about recycling of packaging and dispensers taken back by suppliers shall be presented.

5 JO L 196 of 16.08.1967, p.1

6 JO L 136 of 08.06.2000 p.90

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Relevant EU Eco-label criteria for all purpose cleaners, paints and varnishes and tissue paper 1to be used in public call for tenders April 2006

Relevant environmental EU Eco-label criteria for all purpose cleaners, paints and varnishes and tissue paper to be used in technical specifications

of a public call for tender


The objective of this document is to present the relevant EU Eco-label criteria that can be directly used in technical specifications of public call for tenders for all purpose cleaners, paints and varnishes and tissue paper.

It should be stressed that a purchaser should first study the market of potential suppliers before deciding on the number of EU eco-label criteria to include in the technical specifications, in order to avoid unfruitful call for tenders. When the market of potential suppliers seems small and/or the potential overcost is unknown, the purchaser can include the eco-label criteria at the award stage, giving a certain amount of points to products complying with the eco-label criteria.

For the 3 above-mentioned product groups, the criteria have been divided into 2 categories: - criteria directly related to the product - criteria which, though related to the life cycle of the product, concern the manufacturing phase.

As the reader will see, most criteria of the EU eco-label scheme are directly related to the product. These are perfectly legally usable in public call for tenders.As for the criteria which relate to the production process, for the time being it is better to refrain from using those as there is insecurity over these criteria as regarding their compliance with EU and international (WTO and General Procurement Agreement concluded in the framework of the WTO) laws.

Information and contact details

More information can be found on the European Commission web site: - on the EU eco-label: on Green Public Procurement:

Contact:EU Eco-label Helpdesk: [email protected]

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Relevant EU Eco-label criteria for all purpose cleaners, paints and varnishes and tissue paper 2to be used in public call for tenders April 2006

EU Eco-label environmental criteria for paints and varnishes

Product-related criteria White pigments- White pigment content (white inorganic pigments with a refractive index > 1,8 for paints only) 38g/m² of dry film (98% opacity)

Volatile organic compounds- VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds): - Wall paints: 30g/L (minus water) according to EN 13300 - Other paints: (with a spreading rate 15m²/L at hiding power of 98% of opacity):

250g/L (minus water) - All other products: 180g/L (minus water)

Volatile aromatic hydrocarbons- VAHs (Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons): - Wall paints 0.15% of product (m/m) according to EN 13300 - All other products 0.4% of product (m/m)

Heavy metals and dangerous substances- The product shall not be classified as very toxic, toxic, dangerous to the environment, carcinogenic, toxic for reproduction or mutagenic in accordance with Directive 1999/45/EC. - Ingredients shall not contain: - Heavy metals (or their compounds): Cd, Pb, Cr VI, Hg, As - Alkylphenolethoxylates (APEOS) - Diethylene glycol methyl ether - Substances (or preparations) classified as very toxic, toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, toxic for reproduction (risk phrases R23, R24, R25, R26, R27, R28, R39, R45, R46, R48, R60, R61 according to Directive 67/548/EEC) - Limited content of dangerous substances: - Active ingredients used as preservatives assigned the risk phrases R23, R24, R25, R26, R27, R28, R39 or R48 (or their combination) according to Directive 67/548/EEC: 0.1% (m/m) of the total paint formulation - Ingredients (substances or preparations) assigned risk phrases R50, R51, R52, or R53 according to Directive 67/548/EEC: 2.5% by mass of the product. Total sum of these substances (or preparations): 5% by mass of the product1

- Isothiazolinone compounds 500ppm - Mixture of 5-chloro-2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one and 2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one

15ppm - Free formaldehyde 10mg/kg

Fitness for use- Spreading rate (does not apply to varnishes, woodstains, floor coatings, floor paints, undercoats or adhesion primers) according to test method ISO 6504/1 or 3, or NF T 30 073 for thick decorative paintings: - Paints 8m²/L at a hiding power of 98% - Thick decorative coatings: 2m²/kg

1 This requirement does not apply to ammonia, alkyl ammonia or alkylamine.

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Relevant EU Eco-label criteria for all purpose cleaners, paints and varnishes and tissue paper 3to be used in public call for tenders April 2006

Wet scrub resistance (according to test EN 13300 and EN ISO 11998): - Washable or cleanable wall paints: class 3 or better ( 70 microns after 200 cycles) - Brushable wall paints: class 2 or better ( 20 microns after 200 cycles) - Floor coatings and floor paints: class 1 ( 5 microns after 200 cycles) - Resistance to water: (according to EN ISO 2812-1 method 2): varnishes, floor coatings and floor paints: no change of gloss or of colour after 24 hours exposure and 16 hours recovery - Adhesion: Floor coatings, floor paints and undercoats: score at least 2 according to test EN 2409

Production-related criteriaWhite pigments- When white pigment is TiO2 (for dry film with 98% opacity): - Sulphur emissions (expressed as SO2) in the production of titanium dioxide: SOx < 300mg/m² of dry film (98% opacity) - When white pigment is TiO2 (for dry film with 98% opacity): - Sulphate wastes of the production of TiO2< 20g/m² - Chlorine wastes of the production of TiO2< 5g/m² for natural retile - Chlorine wastes of the production of TiO2< 9g/m² for synthetic retile - Chlorine wastes of the production of TiO2< 18g/m for slag ores

The detailed criteria can be found on:

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Relevant EU Eco-label criteria for all purpose cleaners, paints and varnishes and tissue paper 4to be used in public call for tenders April 2006

EU Eco-label environmental criteria for all purpose cleaners

Product-related criteria Dangerous, hazardous or toxic substances or preparations- The product shall not contain ingredients (substance or preparation) classified with any of the following risk phrases (according to Directive 67/548/EEC and its amendments) or any combination thereof: R31, R40, R45, R46, R49, R68, R50-53, R51-53, R59, R60, R61, R62, R63 and R64. - No APEOs and derivatives, EDTA and its salts, NTA, nitromusks and polycyclic musks. - No quaternary ammonium salts that are not readily biodegradable.

Volatile organic compounds- No more than 10% (by weight) of VOCs with boiling point < 150°C.

Dyes or colouring agents- No dyes or colouring agents which are not permitted by Directives 76/768/EEC and 94/36/EEC, or are classified with R50-53 or R51-53 risk phrases according to Directive 67/548/EEC and its amendments.

Sensitising substances- The product shall not be classified with R42 and/or R43 risk phrases, according to Directive 67/548/EEC, and shall not contain any substances or ingredient exceeding 0,1% by weight of the final product that is classified as R42 and/or R43 risk phases (may cause sensitisation by inhalation and/or skin contact).

Fragrances- No perfumes containing nitro-musks or polycyclic musks are allowed. - Fragrances must have been produced or handled following the code of practice of the International Fragrance Association.

Biodegradability- Each surfactant shall be biodegradable under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. (Please refer to Commission Decision 2005/344/EC for details on assessment and verification methods).

Phosphorus- Total content of elemental phosphorus (P) (taking into account all ingredients containing phosphorus, e.g. phosphates and phosphonates): - All-purpose cleaners: P < 0.02g/ weight of product recommended by the manufacturer for 1 L of washing water. - Cleaners for sanitary facilities: P < 1.0g/100g of product. - Window cleaners: no phosphorus.

Packaging requirements- Sprays containing propellants shall not be used. - Plastics shall be marked according to Directive 94/62/EC. - Primary packaging parts shall be easily separable into mono-material parts. - Recycled packaging labelled in conformity with ISO 14021.

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Relevant EU Eco-label criteria for all purpose cleaners, paints and varnishes and tissue paper 5to be used in public call for tenders April 2006

Toxicity to aquatic organisms- Critical Dilution Volume toxicity (CDVtox): - All-purpose cleaners: CDVtox < 20 000L/functional unit (f.u. = dose in g / L of water). - Cleaners for sanitary facilities: CDVtox < 100 000L/100g of product. - Window cleaners: CDVtox < 5 000L/100g of product.

Where the critical dilution volume toxicity (CDVtox) is calculated for each ingredient (i) using the following equation:



iiitox TFchronic


where weight (i) is the weight of the ingredient (in grams) per functional unit (dose in g / L of water for all-purpose cleaners) or per 100 g of product (cleaners for sanitary facilities).DF (i) is the degradation factor and TF chronic (i) is the toxicity factor of the ingredient (in milligram/litre). The values of DF and TF chronic shall be as given in the detergent ingredient database list-part A (DID list-part A) (Appendix I of Commission Decision 2005/344/EC). If the ingredient in question is not included in the DID list-part A, the applicant shall estimate the values following the approach described in the DID list-part B (Appendix 1 of Commission Decision 2005/344/EC). The CDVtox is summed for each ingredient, making the CDVtox for the product.

Biocides- Some biocides to preserve the product are allowed, only in the appropriate dosage and if not potentially bio-accumulative. This does not refer to surfactants, which may also have biocidal properties. - The concentration of biocides in the final product shall not exceed the maximum authorised concentration in Directive 76/768/EC.

Fitness for use- The cleaning ability must be equivalent to or better than a market-leading or generic reference product, as well as better than pure water. - For all-purpose cleaners and cleaning products for kitchen, only fat-removing effects must be documented. - For sanitary cleaning products and window cleaners, both calcium and fat-removing agents must be documented. Details on test methods can be found in Appendix 3 of Application pack (

User instruction- Dosage recommendations indicated on the packaging: - For all-purpose cleaners: exact dosage recommendation. - For concentrated cleaners for sanitary facilities: indication that only small quantities of the product are needed. - Information and labelling of ingredients according to EC Regulation N° 648/2004.

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Relevant EU Eco-label criteria for all purpose cleaners, paints and varnishes and tissue paper 6to be used in public call for tenders April 2006

The following texts, or equivalent texts, shall appear on the packaging: - The text "Proper dosage saves costs and minimises environmental impacts". Safety advice: - "Keep away from children" - "Do not mix different cleaners" - "Do not inhale the sprayed product" (for sprays).

The detailed criteria can be found on:

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Relevant EU Eco-label criteria for all purpose cleaners, paints and varnishes and tissue paper 7to be used in public call for tenders April 2006

EU Eco-label environmental criteria for tissue paper

Product-related criteria Sustainable forest management- Fibres may be wood fibres, recycled fibres or non-wood fibres. - Virgin wood fibres shall come from sustainably managed forests. A declaration, charter, code of conduct, certificate or statement reflecting the commitment from operators and / or from pulp mills to ensure sustainable forest management shall be presented. In Europe the principles and measures aimed at ensuring sustainable forest management shall correspond to those of the Pan-European Operational Level Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management as endorsed by the Lisbon Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (98). Outside Europe they shall correspond to the UNCED Forest Principles (Rio de Janeiro, 92), and, where applicable, to the criteria or guidelines for sustainable forest management as adopted under the respective international and regional initiatives.

Hazardous chemical substances- No chlorine gas used as bleaching agent. - No APEOs or other derivates from alkylphenol added to de-inking chemicals. - Wet-strength aids shall not contain more than 1% chloro-organic substances, related to the dry content, that are assigned any of the risk phrases R45, R46, R50/53, R60 or R61 as defined in the Directive 67/548/EEC and its amendments.

Safety of the product- No azo-substances that may cleave to a list of amines in dyes and inks (cf Annex 3 of Commission Decision 2001/405/EC) - No bleeding of dyes and optical brighteners according to test method EN 646/648 (level 4 is required) - Slimcides and antimicrobic substances: no growth retardance of micro-organisms, according to test method EN 1104. - For products which contain recycled fibres: - Formaldehyde 1mg/dm2 according to test method EPA 8315A - Glyoxal 1.5mg/dm2 according to test method EPA 8315A - PCB 2mg/kg according to test method EPA 8270

Production-related criteria Emissions to water and air during the production process- Emissions to water during the production process: - AOX (chlorinated compounds) < 0.5 g/ kg of air dried tonne - COD (organics to water) < 40 g/ kg of air dried tonne - Emissions to air during the production process: - Sulphur oxides, as S < 2.5 g/ kg of air dried tonne - Carbon dioxide, CO2fossil < 3,750 g/ kg of air dried tonne - Combined emissions shall fulfil the following: AOX/0.2 + COD/15 + S + CO2fossil/1500 < 4

Energy consumption during the production process- Total electricity consumption < 11Gjoule (3000kWh) per tonne of paper produced.

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Relevant EU Eco-label criteria for all purpose cleaners, paints and varnishes and tissue paper 8to be used in public call for tenders April 2006

This covers all inputs of electricity used during the production of pulp and tissue paper, including the electricity used in the de-inking of waste papers for the production of recycled paper.

Waste management of the production process- Implementation of waste management systems in all pulp, paper and converted tissue products plants, including the following procedures: — procedures for separating and using recyclable materials from the waste stream,

— procedures for recovering materials for other uses, such as incineration for raising process steam, or agricultural use, — procedures for the handling of hazardous waste

The detailed criteria can be found on: