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  • 7/27/2019 Apple Cider Vinegar323



    Ten ways to use apple cider vinegar in DIY remedies

    by Willow Tohi

    (NaturalNews) If time is a teacher, one thing we know is that apple cider vinegar is good stuff. The Babylonians used it as a tonic in 5000 B.C. so its been around for a while. It was also used in ancient Egypt (3000 B.C.) and by Samurai warriors in Japan (1200 B.C.), so its grandfathered in doesnt need a double-blind study to prove its effectiveness.

    Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has so many uses. It ranks as one of the top natural remedies for healing the body from whatever ails it! Its medicinal properties begin with the noble apple, which contains vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants and no fat or sodium. If the fermentation process used does not alter its nutrients, all of the goodness of the apple can be extracted and retained, while enzymes and organic acids are added. Its made by turning apple juice into hard cider, then fermenting a second time, to turn it into apple cider vinegar.

    It can be used as an antiseptic, and is rich in highly bio-available minerals such as magnesium (which 80% of Americans are deficient in) and pectin. Look for raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized, organic ACV (at a health food store, probably not

    most grocery stores) to get the medicinal benefits.

    Ways apple cider vinegar cures what ails you

    The main way ACV cures what ails you is by restoring homeostasis to the body. Heres a top 10 list:

    1.Balances the inner ecosystem making the internal pH more alkaline. Disease prefers an acid environment, provided by processed food, among other things.

    2.Detoxs the body cleanse your body and kidneys easily. In this way it cures chronic fatigue.

    3.Weight loss breaks down fat.

    4.Cures allergies pet, food, environmental.

    5.Cures sinus infections, headaches, sore throats, and flu.

    6.Clears acne, contact dermatitis, warts, varicose veins, and other skin problems.

    7.Lowers high cholesterol and high blood pressure, often in a mere 2 weeks.

    8.Kills Candida (and yeast infections) and fungus, and populates the gut with friendly microflora (good bacteria and yeast). This usually stops sugar cravings a

    s well.

    9.Used to ease arthritis, stiff joints, and gout.

    10.Strengthens stomach acid to eliminate acid reflux and heartburn (because contrary to what Big Pharma says, itsweakstomach acid that causes acid reflux).

    Drink daily for best results. It is often used in salad dressings, or mixed withother juices into a drink. If you cant get past the taste, you can find it in pill form, but you may miss out on some of the good stuff going that route. Recipe

  • 7/27/2019 Apple Cider Vinegar323


    s abound online, several dating back more than a century. For example, famous Texan Sam Houston supposedly drank a daily half-cup of a mixture of 5 parts grapejuice, 3 parts apple juice and 1 part cider vinegar.

    Other uses for apple cider vinegar

    ACV is widely used as a do-it-yourself beauty remedy.It provides a rosy complexion; is used as an aftershave, teeth whitener, facial toner, age-spot lightener,hair rinse (for body and shine); soothes sunburns; and, relieves swelling in hands and feet.

    For your home and pets, use it to clean and disinfect most of your homes surfaces(just like baking soda) and reduce fleas. Apply to pets skin for fleas. Add to water to kill internal parasites, or aid with ailments. Organic farmers even useit to treat parasite infestations in livestock. Its a good addition to your Preparedness Kit.

    Any way you look at it, adding pure, organic, simply nutritious raw apple cidervinegar to your diet is a great idea.