april 2016 newsletter

FIRST QUARTER 2016 INSIDE: In The USA Travel With Us Around Mozambique! Food Relief in Odinepa

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The Ides of March and the Tides of April


Page 1: April 2016 Newsletter



Travel With Us Around Mozambique!Food Relief in Odinepa

Page 2: April 2016 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

“The Ides of March and the Tides of April.”

Rod & Ellie and the Afrika wa Yesu Team.

It’s time to share with you the Ides of March and the tides of April. If perchance there be any of you illustrious readers who are not familiar with the word ‘ides’, allow me to give you some

insight as received from Mr. Wikipedia concerning the choice of this word by William Shakespeare.

The Ides of March is a day on the Roman calendar that corre-sponds to 15th March, which according to the Roman calendar, was the day of the full moon. This date stood out as an especial-ly bad day for at least one ancient Roman, Julius Caesar as It became notorious as the date his assassination.

“Beware the Ides of March,” the soothsayer’s warning to Julius Caesar has forever imbued that date with a sense of forebod-ing. A soothsayer had foretold that great peril would come to him no later than the Ides of March. As the dictator was on his way to the Senate-House, where he would meet his untimely end, he saw the soothsayer and said, “Well, the Ides of March are come,” implying that the prophecy had not been fulfilled, to which the seer replied; “Aye, Caesar, they are come, but they are not gone.” Caesar was stabbed to death at a meeting of the senate. His death was a closing event in the crisis of the Roman Republic, and triggered the civil war that ushered into power his adopted heir Octavian (later known as Agustus).

Here in Mozambique, carefully orchestrated as-sassinations occur frequently in the political arena Imagine the Republicans and Democrats shooting and killing their main opponent, literally. Speaking not of character assassination, but of assassina-tion by bullets. This is what we are seeing here.

Our encounter with the Mozambican Ides of March 2016 was first related to friends through an email which we coincidently wrote on the 15th of March. The Mozambique security situation has been escalating rapidly and a return to the civil war is grow-ing in measure. We share snippets of emails sent to give some understanding of what is happening here.

... “There are many people in need of food and help, we are struggliazzng with delaying tactics from local administration. This is typical of a hierarchy trying to control the people through hunger. We shall prevail.

We cannot share all, suffice to say that people continue to flee their villages as ambushes on roads are carried out by oppo-sition soldiers, and then by government forces who rampage through villages in retribution of local people supporting the opposition. The result is people are caught in the middle and many are losing their homes and also their lives. Refugees are

fleeing to Malawi, leaving behind villages that have been razed to the ground. Crops have failed, drought has hit the nation and people are hungry. There are no winners in war, only losers.

News reports take on a different intensity when a people or person you personally know is killed; or you come upon burning vehicles and villages; or you smell the rotting corpses left along the side of the road. Then it hits really hard.

The enemy is harvesting destruction throughout a large swath of the nation, our location in the central provinces being in the middle of it all. Unspeakable things are happening, Roads are dangerous, days are uncertain.

At the same time we continue in great Presence of God here at Bible School. We continue to visit the churches and distrib-ute food to the hungry. Daily prayer and Word and anointing lift up a banner high above all powers and principalities. We communicate with our churches across the nation as much as possible…we are living on the edge of times such as we did the

first century church, where every day has become more meaningful and precious than ever, where we preach, teach and reach out and love with greater intensity for every place we go is reached at risk and cost.”

The Word that is on my lips for almost every teaching is Holy Communion, the Blood, the Body, bread and cup, JESUS, the sacrifice and victory of the Cross. The Love Feast is exploding in our midst. We are devouring all we can find concerning the Love Feast that the church has in most part lost. We are bring-ing it back through the fellowship and communion of the saints around the table of the Lord. Incredible anointing abounds when we begin to minister this Word and serve the bread and cup, this has been happening for some time but is increasing all the time. Then in the midst of it all, teaching thze church to share their daily meals with those who are hungry. This giving of food and love to village neighbours is bringing a revolution of love in the church.

We thank you, our friends and supporters for your help and giv-ing that enables us to touch this nation for Christ, while bringing transformation in our own lives.

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In April I was honoured to travel to the United States with Telvina Gravata, a precious and dynamic Mo-

zambican member of our team, to represent this be-loved ministry. It was her first time to the United States, and she does not speak much English. Yet, we received much in the way of impartation. The church of God is without limits and we felt the love of our brothers and sisters in every place we traveled. We thank each one of you from the bottom of our hearts. The way you re-ceived us demonstrates your love for this ministry and for the Global Church of Jesus. Waiting for our connection in Johannesburg on the way over, our spirits were fused together over a simple thought which was profoundly interwoven as a theme throughout our journey. As two younger mem-bers of the Afrika Wa Yesu Team who have been dis-cipled and raised up within the ministry, it was a huge responsibility to be sent to the United States. Not only to represent the ministry to those who love us, but also charged with the task of bringing something back in the Spirit for our nation, Mozambique. Naturally, our minds were bombarded with thoughts of, “What can I tell the American church that they don’t already know? They are so educated and have access to so much from God. We are young and not experienced in this type of ministry.” But the truth is that the Spirit of God is with-in us, the self-same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. So yes, we definitely have something to offer. We

can make a difference. But not only us, the whole body of Christ has this self-same Spirit living in them! As we spoke in various meetings we were able to encourage and exhort the church – the individual – we are each of us ‘the church’ – to be assured of the abilities that are on the inside of you, the truths and the power of the Spirit within you, we all have something to offer, each one of us, and we are all very much needed. Des-perately needed, in a desperate world. Be the voice of the Lord, crying out in the wilderness. The more voic-es are raised, the more they will be heard! Never think that you have nothing to offer, or that you are not do-ing enough. God sees what you are doing, he loves what you are doing, he has made you to do it, so act with joy and confidence, knowing that this is the calling He has given you. “He has saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given in us by Christ Jesus before the world began, but is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who has abolished death, and has brought life and immorality to light through the gospel.” - 2 Timothy 1:9-10 Our first stop was Trinity Church, in Hot Springs, Arkansas. I had visited Trinity in 2001 with my parents, Rodney and Ellie Hein, while I was a student at CFNI, Dallas, TX. What a precious group of people, with such gentle spirits and so hungry for the presence of God. On Saturday morning at the Ladies Brunch we shared about the ministry, lasting legacy, and the joy of the Lord. Trinity Church also asked us to minister Sun-day morning, thanking the church for giving so much by way of food relief due to the floods last year and drought this year, and Telvina preached dynamically as we moved into a tremendous time of ministry and im-partation totally led by the Holy Spirit. We praise God for the testimonies and stories that came back to us of our time there. “What the Lord did through you is still being talk-ed about by everyone. One lady that Telvina prayed for has been battling several physical illnesses lately. She said that as Telvina prayed for her, she unknowingly touched every spot that this lady had pain. She broke into tears as she related the story.” “When Deborah and Telvina were here a couple of Sundays ago, Telvina prayed for a lady and told her that God wasn’t through healing her and that more was on the way. Telvina had no idea what this lady had al-ready been healed of! … She had broken her ankle a few years ago which caused one leg to not be the same length as the other so she needed special shoes. As she was buy-

In the USA... ...from Deborah Maas

At ‘Apostolic Women’ with Jessica Owens

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ing her new shoes something felt different. Her leg had grown the three inches to match the other leg! Now she can wear whatever shoes she wants!” Pastor Matt Scully exhorted us with encourage-ment in the Word for divine strategies for growing the Kingdom of God in Mozambique, especially during the current political and natural crisis’s. We had a precious time of prayer in the airport and the knowledge of the love of God that we felt from people who, without the Lord, would be strangers, was overwhelming and pro-vided a strength that we know will sustain us in our mission for many years to come. From Hot Springs, Arkansas, we went to Pen-sacola, Florida, for the Apostolic Women’s Conference at Miracle Faith Apostolic Global Church. This was phase two of our mission: Receive impartation to bring back to Africa. The Harfouche family have an incredibly powerful anointing and ministry to equip the saints to DO the work of the ministry, raising up an end-time army for the Lord that is ready to respond and act and walk out the plans and desires of our Lord, through the self-same Spirit that is in us! I can’t relay the depth of the impact their ministry has had on us, personally and as a corporate body in Afrika Wa Yesu as well. While we were in conference Telvina and I were given headsets so I could translate freely into Portuguese for her, it was a dynamic time and I can only say that the Holy Spirit was totally responsible for both my words and her under-standing as she received understanding of the teaching, preaching and move of the Spirit. From Pensacola we travelled on to Word of Life Church in Flowood, Mississippi. A church of 3,000 members, they have 5 weekend services to accommo-date ministering to all the flock, this was an educational

experience, for sure! Pastor Joel Sims is a man specif-ically anointed for this church and so full of passion and submission to the Holy Spirit, that it fills my heart with wonder and thankfulness. Spending one-on-one time with ministry team members and pastors was a highlight. We were able to thank the church in each service and show our ministry video, which you can view on YouTube. Word of Life has specifically sup-ported the Vocational Centre for three years now, and they have been such a great help whenever a crisis hits Mozambique and respond with money to buy food and other necessities many, many times over. Pastor Joel imparted to us prophetically as well in the man-ner of our being empowered by His Spirit, fully able and equipped to do what God has called us to do. Not

just to minister with our hands, but to minister with our mouths as well, and that divine connections and supply are already in the hearts of men to be a supply and a connection to our ministry. What an encouragement. Indeed, Telvina asked me later, “How did he know to say all of those things? Was he also at the same confer-ence in Pensacola?!” meaning that he was totally spot on with all we had been receiving during the conference there. As the grand finale to our journey we spent two nights with the White and Eaton families, our Missis-sippi Partners who enable us through grace and favour to achieve so much on the field for Jesus. We enjoyed

Enjoying the Ladies of Legacy brunch at Trinity Church.

Translating for Telvina at ‘Apostolic Women’.

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fellowshipping together, sharing plans and vision strategising and reporting on the work in Mozambique. It was a joy to speak to their business employ-ees at their company and share what God is doing in Mozambique, many of them often give to the work here and Telvina was on fire, preaching that the kingdom of God has come and it is within each one of us, again, the church is equipped and ready to move, to bring heaven to earth. You and I, we are the ones called to make a difference! Upon returning home, Telvina went to Inhaminga and I came back to Nacala. I have heard that she is totally on fire, setting alight all the stu-dents, team and church, discipling and empowering with the Word of God and the power of the Spirit! Praise Jesus! I am also operating on a new level. There is an unction in everything I do, every word I speak needs to have purpose and victory in it. Chris did such an amazing job with the kids while I was gone, and it’s so good to be home, back in the rhythm of my purpose and call. Thank you to all of you for your prayers that sustained us in perfect health and victory as we travelled.With Telvina at Word of Life Church.


During school breaks our teachers and team have opportunity to travel around the nation visiting Afrika wa Yesu churches and doing

follow up. The following is just one of the many reports written by team members. Read and

enjoy the ride together with Victor Porto from Brazil, Bible School teacher at Inhaminga.

I have a lot of news!!! What a wonderful time I have spent these days. I’ve been out of Inhaminga for ap-

proximately one month. Doing evangelism trips and encouraging the church is a wonderful way to grow in Faith. I have felt my faith grow every time I see the need in the church and outside of the church. Seeing how the Lord is delivering and healing sick people, people op-

pressed by evil spirits, captives of Satan, restoring broken families is WONDERFUL. There is no bet-ter feeling than seeing the Lord rescuing lives.

My first destination was the province of Mani-ca, in the city of Chimoio, where for four days we had a youth conference organised by the church. I want to congratulate Pastor Antonio and his wife Rosa for the initiative and organization of the conference. We only went to share and study the Word with the young peo-ple, everything else they did on their own. Even the conference theme was chosen by the church, “Your Kingdom Come.” We were very impressed and had great expectation toward the issue they chose. A team of

Victor Porto, Inhaminga Bible School Teacher

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young people prepared in prayer, fasting and communion in the Word and we had a good time building the youth of Chimoio. The team consisted of 6 people. Abdul, Jansen, Dora, Amelia, Ana, and I. Ame-lia and Ana attended the Bible school and have been helping us with the work among the young people. After the conference the team returned to In-haminga but I went further north, to Nicoadala district, specifically in Munhonha zone, where I met with Pas-tor Mariano and his team. I arrived at 17:00, after a full day’s journey and at 18:00 I began to preach in the cru-sade that was going on. Haha, WONDERFUL! The next day Pastor Mariano and his team continued their trip and I stayed in Munhonha for two days to visit two new cells... ...that the brothers of the local church had begun. It was a very good experience to walk along doing evan-gelism and seeing the work that graduates of the Bible school from 2013, 2014 and 2015 are doing in Mun-honha zone. I have a very special affection for this area. After leaving Munnhonha I went to Nicoadala where I just spent a night and a day, to visit Pastor Paulino and his family, see my former students and hear news about them. On October 2, I left Nicoadala to Gurué district where I met with Pastor Armando and joined his team. It was a great time, we had some strong experiences with healing, first a man who had lost movement in his arms and hands, he could not hold a spoon to eat with or but-ton his own pants, we prayed with him in worship and he was healed! We gave a Bible (a big one) for him to handle and it stood as testimony of his healing!!! At the end of the service he shook hands with all the brothers who were there !! GLORY TO GOD! When he got home his wife witnessed her husband’s healing and then came

to our camp. She also suffered from pain in her legs and spine, she said that for some years she could not bend down or relieve herself in the bathroom, she had to do everything standing up because of the pain. We prayed with her and she was healed! That day she was so happy that her relatives testified that she was even calling the neighbors to see her using the toilet sitting down and not needing to stand anymore! GLORY TO GOD! We also had teaching time the church, having water bap-tism, showing the Jesus film, and organizational lead-ership. After Gurue, we went to the Pebane district where we visited two churches in Magiga and Ratata. The work in Magiga and progress of the church is slow and the gospel is very unimpressive in the community. Upon arriving in Magiga we found few members in the church and even in the teaching time, the participation was very small. When we showed the film, many people came, including Muslims, but at the end during the altar call, people got up and left talking among themselves! It is certainly not an easy area to work in because Islam is widespread in the region. On the second day we tried to change our strategy and we asked those people who were touched by the film stay and talk after everyone else had left. Some people then decided to commit their lives to the Lord Jesus. We had a good time encouraging the local leader to officiate his marital status in the civil registry, I think one of the major reasons for poor prog-ress in the work is the situation in which the leader is in. We left Magiga and visited the church in Ra-tata, the scene we found there was different. A much larger number of members were waiting for us and also there was more participation in the teaching times. The leader is organized and the church ready to receive the

Teaching and Baptising in Gurue

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Word. We also had the opportunity to inaugurate the construction they had made for their services. After Ra-tata we went to Nampula, where on Saturday, we was attended Valentim and Esperança’s wedding, and on Sunday I had the opportunity to preach in Nampula wa Yesu church, it was a great pleasure for me. Following this we left this time for further north of Nampula on the border with Cabo Delgado, in Namapa district, where we visited Odinepa. I enjoyed the experience as the leader of the church in Odinepa had gone through the leadership school last year and I always feel great joy when meeting a former student of mine serving the Lord with all their heart, despite the difficulties. Our time in Odinepa was very helpful, specifically as we sat with some couples and we had a long time counseling with the pastor, there were diffi-cult situations to be resolved where the leader needed help. Thank God the Lord directed us in all things. We had an impressive number of people watching the mov-ie since it was the first time the film was shown there. After Namapa district, we came back again to-ward Nampula and stopped in Monapo district and visited our church that is in Muapatia. There leaders of our other six churches that are in Monapo district also

came. It was a time of such building, as the people there very hungry for the Word. We had specific times for healing ministry and word teaching and projection of the Jesus film. It was very good. We arrived in Nampula on Saturday and on Sun-day again I had the opportunity to preach in the local church in Nampula, it was a very enjoyable time for me, in the afternoon I had a specific time with the youth of the church to talk openly about dating, engagement and marriage. I really enjoyed having that time with young people! Everything was going well until ... on Monday I woke up very ill with all my body aching and severe headaches. I did not say anything to anyone and contin-ued with the routine of the day, but I realized that this was not just a strain and I decided to go to the hospital that afternoon to have a Malaria test, the test came back positive for malaria and thank God I took all the med-icines and have been resting this week, and I feel much better and ready to continue the journey. Unfortunately the trips this week were canceled, we were going to go to Cuamba, but on Monday we still go to Ribawe and after that go back to Nampula where I will teach a seminar for leaders of the Local Church.

Luke 4:18

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the

gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the

captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed;

to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

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Our ministry team visited Odinepa in March over the Easter weekend. They witnessed healings and miracles as they walked through the neighbourhood, visiting church mem-bers and evangelising. They made quite an impact as they were singing praises and pray-

ing for the sick jubilantly on Good Friday – a day when, other believers protested, we should be mourning Jesus’ crucifixion. “Oh no!” they responded, “Christ is alive within us! Old things have passed away! All has been made new!” This motivated others to follow them to the church where they continued in teaching and ministry, and the next day the held a baptism service in the river, 3km away. The area has been hard it by drought and many of the crops have dried up. The field which was planted with the ‘Farming God’s Way’ instructions was able to produced some beans, but the population as a whole were affected by famine. Our team were inspired to launch Project Alegria

(JOY!) in the area on their behalf. This is a project which was initiated to help the church serve the needs of the people in a practical manner, in addition to the spiritual help provided. The church in Odinepa has 86 mem-bers, not counting children. In May, our team returned, carrying 48 bags of rice to help 48 of the most needy families. They were received with joy and celebra-tion, never expecting such a thing would happen!

Odinepa Wa YesuA report from Maria, Álvaro, and João...

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Álvaro: “It was a wonder to see the people so joyful. It carried on through to the Sunday service. The journey there was really tough, the truck kept getting stuck in the sand, and when we came home we had to get motobike taxis to take us through the sand. WOW, to drive on that kind of

road on a motorcycle was tough for them and scary for us, but we came home safe, praise God!”

Maria: “As we arrived in the truck they were all very intrigued, saying, ‘What’s happening? What’s going on?’ We gave a word of encour-agement in the church and started the distri-bution, there was such joy and they beat the

drum so hard it was destroyed! No one wanted to go home.”

João: “The distribution outreach was a great experience for me, to see people rejoicing because of the love that was shown to them.

They felt that the love is not only words, but it’s real. I haven’t done a joureny like that before, but I saw God at work as people worshipped

and testified.”