article corrected high frame rate anchored ultrasound with ...€¦ · corrected high–frame rate...

JSLHR Article Corrected High Frame Rate Anchored Ultrasound With Software Alignment Amanda L. Miller a and Kenneth B. Finch b Purpose: To improve lingual ultrasound imaging with the Corrected High Frame Rate Anchored Ultrasound with Software Alignment (CHAUSA; Miller, 2008) method. Method: A production study of the IsiXhosa alveolar click is presented. Articulatory-to-acoustic alignment is demonstrated using a Tri-Modal 3-ms pulse generator. Images from 2 simultaneous data collection paths, using dominant ultrasound technology and the CHAUSA method, are compared. The probe stabilization and head movement correction paradigm is demonstrated. Results: The CHAUSA method increases the frame rate from the standard National Television System Committee (NTSC) video rate (29.97) to the ultrasound internal machine ratein this case, 124 frames per second (fps)by using Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM; National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2008) data transfer. DICOM avoids spatiotemporal inaccuracies introduced by dominant ultrasound export techniques. The data display alignment of the acoustic and articulatory signals to the correct highframe rate ( FR) frame (±4 ms at 124 fps). Conclusions: CHAUSA produces high-FR, high-spatial-quality ultrasound images, which are head corrected to 1 mm. The method reveals tongue dorsum retraction during the posterior release of the alveolar click and tongue tip recoil following the anterior release of the alveolar click, both of which were previously undetectable. CHAUSA visualizes most of the tongue in studies of dynamic consonants with a major reduction in field problems, opening up important areas of speech research. Key Words: ultrasound, articulation, speech and language, data collection methods and instruments, tongue B y making affordable, safe, and portable imaging of the tongue possible in real time, ultrasound ( US) imaging has the potential to do for articulatory pho- netics what the spectrogram has done for acoustic pho- netics. The availability of portable US machines makes dynamic articulatory studies possible in linguistic field- work situations (Gick, 2002) and clinical speech science environments (Bernhardt, Gick, Bacsfalvi, & Ashdown, 2003). A Corrected High Frame Rate Anchored Ultra- sound With Software Alignment (CHAUSA) computer system architecture and associated method, which use the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM; National Electrical Manufacturers Associa- tion, 2008) file transfer protocol to transfer high frame rate (FR) US data, is presented. Video editing tools are used to undertake postdata collection software mixing of higher FR US images with the audio signal and with the head position video that is used for head movement correction. Both probe-to-head stabilization (anchoring) and head movement correction are combined to reduce head position uncertainty. The result is high-FR (more than 124 fps), high-spatial-quality tongue image data that are acoustically aligned and head corrected (1 mm) to the high-FR frame (±4 ms at a FR of 124 fps). Lingual US imaging of speech has, in the past, been limited on several fronts. First, because the US rays are reflected at the interface with air, only the upper edge of the tongue is imaged, and not the hard bony structures of the palate, jaw, and spine. Furthermore, the tongue tip and root are more difficult to image than the tongue body. This makes the interpretation of tongue contact with the palate during speech difficult to gauge without superimposition of the palate, which is imaged sepa- rately during a swallow (Epstein & Stone, 2005). Second, alignment of US video images of the tongue with the acoustic signal, which is paramount in speech studies, has not been previously precisely measured. Third, higher articulatory US FRs (>100 fps) are required to accurately a The Ohio State University, Columbus b Ithaca, New York Correspondence to Amanda L. Miller: [email protected] Editor: Anne Smith Associate Editor: Maureen Stone Received May 29, 2009 Revision received December 22, 2009 Accepted September 9, 2010 DOI: 10.1044/1092-4388(2010/09-0103) Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research Vol. 54 471486 April 2011 D American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 471 Complimentary Author PDF: Not for Broad Dissemination

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Corrected High–Frame Rate AnchoredUltrasound With Software Alignment

Amanda L. Millera and Kenneth B. Finchb

Purpose: To improve lingual ultrasound imaging with theCorrected High Frame Rate Anchored Ultrasound with SoftwareAlignment (CHAUSA; Miller, 2008) method.Method: A production study of the IsiXhosa alveolar click ispresented.Articulatory-to-acoustic alignment is demonstrated usinga Tri-Modal 3-ms pulse generator. Images from2 simultaneous datacollection paths, using dominant ultrasound technology and theCHAUSAmethod, are compared. The probe stabilization and headmovement correction paradigm is demonstrated.Results: The CHAUSA method increases the frame rate fromthe standard National Television System Committee (NTSC) videorate (29.97) to the ultrasound internal machine rate—in this case,124 frames per second (fps)—by using Digital Imaging andCommunications in Medicine (DICOM; National ElectricalManufacturers Association, 2008) data transfer. DICOM avoids

spatiotemporal inaccuracies introduced by dominant ultrasoundexport techniques. The data display alignment of the acousticand articulatory signals to the correct high–frame rate (FR) frame(±4 ms at 124 fps).Conclusions: CHAUSA produces high-FR, high-spatial-qualityultrasound images, which are head corrected to 1 mm. Themethod reveals tongue dorsum retraction during the posteriorrelease of the alveolar click and tongue tip recoil following theanterior release of the alveolar click, both of which were previouslyundetectable. CHAUSA visualizes most of the tongue in studiesof dynamic consonants with a major reduction in field problems,opening up important areas of speech research.

Key Words: ultrasound, articulation, speech and language,data collection methods and instruments, tongue

By making affordable, safe, and portable imagingof the tongue possible in real time, ultrasound (US)imaging has the potential to do for articulatory pho-

netics what the spectrogram has done for acoustic pho-netics. The availability of portable US machines makesdynamic articulatory studies possible in linguistic field-work situations (Gick, 2002) and clinical speech scienceenvironments (Bernhardt, Gick, Bacsfalvi, & Ashdown,2003). A Corrected High Frame Rate Anchored Ultra-sound With Software Alignment (CHAUSA) computersystem architecture and associated method, which usethe Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine(DICOM; National Electrical Manufacturers Associa-tion, 2008) file transfer protocol to transfer high frame

rate (FR) US data, is presented. Video editing tools areused to undertake post–data collection software mixingof higher FR US images with the audio signal and withthe head position video that is used for head movementcorrection. Both probe-to-head stabilization (anchoring)and head movement correction are combined to reducehead position uncertainty. The result is high-FR (morethan 124 fps), high-spatial-quality tongue image datathat are acoustically aligned and head corrected (1mm)to the high-FR frame (±4 ms at a FR of 124 fps).

Lingual US imaging of speech has, in the past, beenlimited on several fronts. First, because the US rays arereflected at the interface with air, only the upper edgeof the tongue is imaged, and not the hard bony structuresof the palate, jaw, and spine. Furthermore, the tonguetip and root are more difficult to image than the tonguebody. This makes the interpretation of tongue contactwith the palate during speech difficult to gauge withoutsuperimposition of the palate, which is imaged sepa-rately during a swallow (Epstein&Stone, 2005). Second,alignment of US video images of the tongue with theacoustic signal, which is paramount in speech studies,has not been previously precisely measured. Third, higherarticulatoryUSFRs (>100 fps) are required to accurately

aThe Ohio State University, ColumbusbIthaca, New YorkCorrespondence to Amanda L. Miller: [email protected]

Editor: Anne SmithAssociate Editor: Maureen Stone

Received May 29, 2009Revision received December 22, 2009Accepted September 9, 2010DOI: 10.1044/1092-4388(2010/09-0103)

Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 54 • 471–486 • April 2011 • D American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 471

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trace the dynamics of fast speech sounds, such as stopreleases. CHAUSA resolves these alignment accuracyissues and FR issues by exporting the US data with thecomplex DICOM protocol. The high-FR characteristicsof the CHAUSA method (Miller, 2008) were specificallydeveloped to better visualize rapid speech phenomena,such as stop-release dynamics and coarticulation, andthey are suitable for lab investigations as well as lin-guistic fieldwork situations.

This article is organized as follows. First, we providebackground on previous US architectures and previousways of coping with the problem of head position uncer-tainty inUSdata collection.Additionally,we reviewothercurrently developed high FR US approaches. We thenpresent theCHAUSA computer systemarchitecture, thedata collection techniques, and the data analysis tech-niques that comprise the method. We provide validationof the system before presenting an application of themethod in the form of a pilot study on alveolar click pro-duction in IsiXhosa. Finally, we discuss the limitationsand benefits, and conclude the article.

BackgroundStandard Video US Systems

Most prior US architectures (Gick, Bird, & Wilson,2005; Mielke, Baker, Archangeli, & Racy, 2005; Stone& Davis, 1995) are limited to the standard commercialvideo rate of 29.97 fps. These systems export the US sig-nal out of the VGA or S-video ports of US machines toVCRs or computers. An audio/video (A/V) mixer is usedto synchronize the audio and US video signals. Studiesusing these systems havemade great gains in describingvowels (e.g., Stone & Lundberg, 1996), sonorants (Gick,Campbell, Oh, & Tamburri-Watt, 2006), and fricatives(Stone, Faber, Raphael, & Shawker, 1992) that havestable articulatory gestures. Distortions are present withthese earlier technologies, but averaging tongue shapeshas been successfully used to help identify andminimizedistortions (Li, Kambhamettu, & Stone, 2005a). UsingVGAorS-video outputs of USmachines,with the accom-panying acoustic-to-articulatory alignment accomplishedvia hardwaremixing, can cause significant unfixed align-ment mixing errors. The US machine image formationtime delays the articulatory image compared with thetalker ’s voice audio. In addition, the conversion of the im-age displayed on theUSmonitor to the image transmittedout of the VGA port introduces further delay and intro-duces scan-to-VGAmismatches. These timingmismatchesproduce spatial artifacts suchasmultiple scans in the sameframe so that one frame contains half of twodifferent scansof the same tongue (Wrench&Scobbie, 2006). TheVGAFRlimit reduces the speed of the events that can be observed.Wehavemeasured thesemixing errors from one and a half

to three low FR frames, about 45 ms to 99 ms, using theGELogiqEmachine and aCanopus TwinPact 100mixer.

Head Position UncertaintyUS does not image the bony palate simultaneously

with the tongue during speech (Stone, 2005). Therefore,head position uncertainty, and movement of the softpalate, can lead to errors in detecting relative tongue po-sition (Stone, 2005). Both head stabilization and headmovement correction techniques have been developedwith high accuracy for research lab settings to overcomehead position uncertainty. Prior head stabilization tech-niques include the Head and Transducer Support Sys-tem (Stone & Davis, 1995), which is a robust stationarysystem that has been shown to stabilize thehead to 1mm.Head and probe movement correction has been achievedusing an optical tracking system for the Haskins OpticallyCorrected Ultrasound System (HOCUS) method devel-oped by Whalen et al. (2005). HOCUS is accurate andreliable but not portable and, hence, not viable for lin-guistic fieldwork or clinical settings. Portable head stabi-lization methodology for linguistic fieldwork has alsobeen established and tested by Gick et al. (2005). Theyuse a simple experimental fieldwork setup with min-imal head stabilization by using a headrest and a fixedtransducer (held in place by either an arm holder in thelab or a portable microphone stand with a boom arm inthe field). However, portable head and probe stabiliza-tion and correction techniques have yet to achieve thelevel of accuracy of methods developed for lab settings.

Mielke et al. (2005) developed the Palatoglossatronhead movement correction technique at the Universityof Arizona, whereby experimenters videotape subtlechanges in head and US probe position, which makesheadmovement correction techniques adaptable to field-work. Palatoglossatron uses a video camera focused ontwo rods, each containing two dots. One rod is attachedto a pair of sunglasses worn by the subject with a strap,and the other rod is attached to the US probe to visuallytrack the movement of the head and the probe. Mielkeet al. developed the equations for the rod movement cor-rection for head movement in the images of the tongueand thepalate.The standardPalatoglossatron techniquemixes the head video with the US signal using a videomixer containing a hardware blue screenmixing option. Amodified version of the Palatoglossatron head movementcorrection technique was integrated into the CHAUSAmethod because of its applicability to linguistic fieldwork.Palatoglossatron hardware is discussed in the CHAUSAData Collection Methodology section of this article.

Articulate Instruments (2008) developed an Ultra-soundStabilizationHeadset, which anchors theUSprobeto the head, assuring that the probe maintains an opti-mal and constant position throughout a recording session.

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The headset achieves probe stabilization while allowingthe head to move freely and thus reduces the discom-fort implicit in head stabilization. Scobbie,Wrench, andvan der Linden (2008) showed from 2 mm to 3 mm ofhead movement relative to the probe in the mid-sagittalplane during speech. These measurement errors, greaterthan our 1-mm goal, make it critical to perform headmovement correction as well as probe stabilization.

Other High-FR ApproachesSeveral high FR US approaches are under develop-

ment.Hueber, Chollet, Denby, andStone (2008) used theTerason T3000 US machine, which allows synchroniza-tion of two video streams (USand optical) with the audiostream. According to Hueber et al., the US and videostreams are found always to be synchronized up to 71 fps,and the authors have verified that it is aligned to the cor-rect US frame, with a subtle constraint on small inter-frame time gaps on this machine. The Hueber approachuses temporally tagged real-time software mixing of theaudiowith theUSvideo and the optical video, which addsan additional real-time processing burden to the sameprocessor receiving the US video, the optical video, andthe audio, which have slightly variable programmabletime states. Additionally,much of themisalignment foundin prior architectures comes from the delay from the USimage formation prior to acoustic mixing, which can besignificant. There are also innate differences betweenthe Terason andGEMedical USmachines. Hueber et al.have more than doubled (to 71 fps) the FR of standardapproaches. However, likely for the reasons stated above,the achieved FR is only slightly more than half the FR ofthe CHAUSA approach (more than 124 fps) demonstratedin Miller (2008) and in the Application section of thisarticle.

Noiray, Iskarous, Bolanos, and Whalen (2008) havedeveloped a different high-FR approach for a lab settingusing theHOCUSarchitecture (Whalen et al., 2005) withoptical tracking of headmovement. Given the reliance ona large and expensive additional optical tracking system,this architecture is not suitable for fieldwork, as theCHAUSAapproach is. Nor has the high FR articulatory-to-acoustic alignment method been fully documentedyet. In addition, it is not clear if this architecture has in-tegrated a methodology to anchor the probe to the head.Anchoring, which locks the physical position and direc-tion of the probewith respect to the tongue overmultipletakes, is critical to ensure that sounds being comparedare imaged from the same perspective throughout a re-cording session. Furthermore, locking in the optimal im-aging position ensures the best quality images for eachsubject throughout the duration of the study.

Wrench and Scobbie (2008) compared video-basedand high-speed cineloopUS tongue imaging approaches.

A Mindray DP-6600 US machine transmits to an anal-ysis computerwith a frame-grabber card, which gives in-creased control of US video frames. This approach producesdeinterlaced video.While the FR of themachine is 98 fps,the output FR is only the standard NTSC/VGA 29.97 fps.With the increased control, they deinterlace this video,which has approximately the same number of transmit-ted data bits, but the interlaced time layers are separate.The interpretive value of this is notwell understood, andtheir upper FR limit (2 × 29.97 fps), with half the spatialclarity, iswell belowHueber’s systemof 71 fps. To clearlysee stop-release kinematics, or to clearly see other some-what slower speech events such as [l] and [r] withoutstatistical averaging, FRs must be greater than 100 fps.Distortions inherent in a lowFRAVI analog video exportare still present.

Another high-speed systemdescribed byWrench andScobbie (2008) is based on an Ultrasonix RP research USmachine, which is controlled via the Ethernet port of ahost computer. The Ultrasonix RP system, however, hasunusually poor spatial clarity. The resolution—using datathat is kept in its raw, prescan converted form—is 76 lineswith 412 samples per line. The GE LogiqE uses 480 lineswith 640 samples per line, as do most US machines. Cur-rently, of all field approaches, CHAUSA has the highestFR (above 124 fps) with the best possible spatial quality,and with expected 1-mm head position accuracy.

High-FR, High-Transmitted-Spatial-Quality CHAUSA GridSystem Architecture

Figures 1 and 2 provide the hardware and softwarethat are involved in the CHAUSA architecture. Specifichardware components and software programs are all cru-cial for the data collection and data analysis phases of themethod. Figure 1 provides a schematic of the CHAUSAgrid system hardware. The main system components arethe high-FR portable US machine, a gigabit Ethernet(GigE) video camera, and at least one data analysiscomputer.

In the current instantiation of CHAUSA, we use aGELogiqEmachine. The sameUS video, captured on theGEmachine, travels through two distinct hardware pathsshown in Figure 1 to the data analysis computer: the high-FR/high-spatial-quality path and the low-FR/low-spatial-quality path. The US image data are generated by thesoftware on the US machine (first block of Figure 2) atthenativehighFRof theUSmachine. The secondblock ofFigure 2 shows the translation of the high-FRUS imagesfor export out the low-FR/VGA path. The high-FR/high-spatial-quality path data are transferred directly to a datacollection and advanced analysis computer usingDICOMsoftware, which is seen in the third block of the software

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data tools diagramof Figure 2. TheDICOM transmissionprotocol preserves both the native high FR of the USma-chine and the native image quality during transmissionto the data analysis computer. Figure 1 shows “additionalgrid nodes,”which are additional storage, additional dataanalysis computers, or additional US machines, whichcan be local or distributed over the Internet network.

A high-FR GigE camera is used to film video of thespeaker ’s head froma side angle in order to capture headand probe movement using Palatoglossatron hardware.

The high-FR video camera is captured in a data analysiscomputer through a GigE connection. The head video andthe US video of the tongue are transmitted separately tothe data analysis computer through two high-FR digitalEthernet paths.

The low-FR/low-spatial-qualitypath inFigure 1usesolder protocol conversions and is similar towhatmost re-searchers are using to transmit US data synchronizedwith an audio signal at 29.97 fps, as described in theCHAUSA Data Collection Methodology section. The US

Figure 2. Software data tools for the CHAUSA grid system. US = ultrasound; S/W = software; GEN = generation;TRAN = transmission.

Figure 1. Schematic of Corrected High–Frame Rate (FR) Anchored UltrasoundWith Software Alignment (CHAUSA)grid system hardware. DICOM = Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine; A/V = audio/video.

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machine video signal is transmitted through theVGAportof theUSmachine to anA/Vmixer. The speaker ’s voice iscaptured by a preamp, which is mixed with the US signalin the A/V mixer. The mixed A/V signal is then trans-mitted through a firewire port to a data analysis com-puter and received with video editing software (in ourcase, Adobe Premiere Pro).

The software used in the data analysis phase of theCHAUSA system is shown on the right side of Figure 2.The DICOM server software receives the high-FR USvideo files from the USmachine. The low-FR path audiois then delinked from the low-FR video/audio andmixedwith the high-FRUS video. The low-FR video is then dis-carded. The right arrows in the body of Figure 2 indicatethat the high-FR, high-spatial-quality image data, orig-inally transmitted by DICOM, move through each soft-ware layer to the next layer of software on its right. Duringthis process of different software programs processingCHAUSA data, the FR and image quality remain un-changed. The high-FR head video is mixed with thehigh-FRUS video using video editing software on the dataanalysis computer. The US video overlaid with the headvideo is analyzed using Palatoglossatron software. Thisinvolves two phases: tracing the tongue edge in the USvideo and correcting those traces for head and probemovement. Although there are several software pack-agesavailable for tracing the tongueedge,Palatoglossatronis the only software that has a built-in algorithm forcorrecting the traced tongue positions formovement ofthe head and probe captured with the head video. Fi-nally, plotting software is used to make dynamic tonguegraphs, which are the output of the CHAUSA architec-ture. These are discussed in the CHAUSADataAnalysisComponent section of this article.

CHAUSA Data Collection MethodologyPalatoglossatron Hardware

CHAUSA uses the standard Palatoglossatron hard-ware designed by Mielke et al. (2005). The hardware isseen in the left panel of Figure 3. Apair ofmetal rodswiththe same dimensions used by Mielke et al. was coveredwith blue felt. A bell is rung at the end of the utterance,after the end of theUSdata collection on theUSmachine,but before the end of the low-FR path recording withinPremiere Pro. When using the GigE video camera, whichhas no audio recorder, a second clacker board drop in-stead of the bell is used to mark the end of the utterance.The lower Palatoglossatron rod is attached to the probewith a screw tomeasure probemovement. A pair of glassesanchors the upper Palatoglossatron rod to the head. It iscrucial to note that the pair of glasses does not touch theheadset. This allows independent recording of headmove-ment. Theglasses are firmly attached to the head using astrap. Thus, the upper rod moves with the head, and thelower rod moves with the probe. The right panel of Fig-ure 3 is the resulting video image, and it is therefore dis-cussed in theCHAUSADataAnalysis Component section.

Tri-Modal 3-ms Pulse GeneratorThe articulatory-to-acoustic alignment of the low-FR

path audio, and the high-FR, high-spatial-quality USvideo is undertaken in a post–data collection stage usingvideo editing software. The second author designed theTri-Modal 3-ms Pulse Generator, which simultaneouslyproduces a 3-mspulse of US, 3ms of audio fromabuzzer,and 3 ms of light from a high-brightness light-emitting

Figure 3. IsiXhosa speaker wearing an Ultrasound (US) Stabilization Headset that cradles the ultrasound probe,and Palatoglossatron movement tracking sticks (left). The software-mixed US image shows the speaker ’s tonguesurface, superimposed with his head wearing the stabilization headset in the video camera image. The imagealso shows the small pink Palataglossatron head correction dots (right).

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diode (LED) for use in daylight,which is pickedup by thevarious audio and video recordings. The US probe usedin the Tri-Modal 3-ms Pulse Generator was designedfor therapeutic use by Medical Products Online and iscalled the International Professional Ultrasound System( Standard digital logic design techniques deter-mine the 3-ms pulse width. The three modes have a1/10ms synchronicity, which is determined by digital logicdesign techniques, as given in the LED, buzzer, and UScrystal component data sheets. The Tri-Modal 3-ms PulseGenerator has been added to the CHAUSA computerarchitecture. The therapeutic US probe is placed nextto the GE LogiqE probe. An acoustic standoff is used tocouple the twoUS transducers without having the probeheads physically touch. The 3-ms therapeutic US pulsetransfers to our standard 8C-RS GE Medical US probe,which marks the US frame in which it occurs with abright flash in part of one frame. The buzzer is placedclose to themicrophone, and the LED is taped to the sideof the US stabilization headset so that the light flashesare picked up by the GigE video of the head.

AnchoringArticulate Instruments’ Ultrasound Stabilization

Headset (Articulate Instruments, 2008) was adopted foruse with CHAUSA. The left panel of Figure 3 shows anIsiXhosa speaker wearing the headset. The headset an-chors the probe position and direction to ensure optimalimaging across multiple takes. The quality of US imag-ing ofmany speakers’ tongues is sensitive to small varia-tions in the position of the probe for spatial clarity. Aslight movement of the probe can degrade future takesin a multiple-take session.

A/V MixerAnA/Vmixer is a crucial component of the low-speed,

low-FR path seen in Figure 1. We chose the CanopusTwinPact 100 device for two reasons. First, it has framelocking, which keeps the audio and video signals thatenter theA/Vmixer synchronized towithin a single frame.Second, it has the appropriate connectors needed. Wetransmit the video signal from the US machine throughthe VGA port into the VGA port of the Canopus mixer.The mixer also converts from VGA analog video to theIEEE 1394 digital video standard for transmission outthe firewire port. A firewire cable transmits the digitalvideo signal from the A/V mixer to a laptop computer.

ResearchersData collection requires three researchers, as one

person captures each take on the notebookwithin AdobePremiere Pro via the A/V mixer, low-FR path; another

person saves the individual takes on theUSmachine harddrive in DICOM format for later transfer via the high-FR/high-spatial-quality path; and a third person savesthe high-FR head video files onto a second laptop. Oneof these researchers also hits the start button on theTri-Modal 3-ms Pulse Generator. If a standard digitalvideo camera is used, the number of researchers is re-duced to two. Educated laypeople with some computerexperience can be trained to perform two of these saves(high-FR head video data collection and low-FR-pathdata collection).

Word List and Frame Sentence CreationEach take is limited to themaximum8- to 12-swindow

that can be recorded with the GE LogiqE machine. Thewindow size varies with FR, and is about 8 s at rates of114 fps–124 fps. Experiments are limited from 1/2 hr to1 hr in length, based on the recommended durations ofwearing the headset to avoid head and neck strain. Tomeet these conditions, we limit the word list for one ex-periment to six to eight words. If the experimenter doesnot have a Tri-Modal 3-ms PulseGenerator, a frame sen-tence is developed that contains additional stops thatwill be used in the manual alignment process. We rec-ommend the use of dorsal stops, as they have distinctivenoise bursts that serve as landmarks in the acousticsignal, and the posterior part of the tongue is easiest toimage with US. Alveolar clicks are ideal for use in align-ment because of their abrupt releases (Thomas-Vilakati,2008) and clear, abrupt anterior release bursts (Ladefoged& Traill, 1994), but not all speakers of nonclick languagescan produce clicks. The experiment name, word list num-ber, and talker initials are written on the clacker boardso that they are filmed in the video of the head.

Video CameraA video camera records head movements (using the

Palatoglossatron rods) concurrently with the US videorecording. In the IsiXhosa data presented in the Appli-cation section, a standard29.97-fps video camerawasused,whose outputwas brought in post hoc through a synchro-nous firewire port of the notebook. Miller, Scott, Sands,and Shah (2009) replaced the standard video camerawith a Prosilica GE 680C camera that has an adjustablehigh FR. The high-FR GigE camera is set to match theFR of the US data and can capture any FR up to 200 fps.The GigE camera stream is captured digitally on a note-book computer with a fast (≥ 7,200 rpm) hard drive.

CHAUSA Data Analysis ComponentWe now turn to a description of the data analysis

components of the CHAUSA method. We discuss the

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components in order of application: (a) DICOM trans-mission of the files from theUSmachine to the data anal-ysis computer; (b) articulatory-to-acoustic alignment ofthe high-FR, high-spatial-quality US AVI files to the au-dio track of the low-FR-path AVI files; (c) mixing of thehead videowith the high-FRUS video and low-FR audio;(d) tracing the tongue edge and performing head move-ment correction; and (e) plotting the tongue edge andpalate data, in concert with analysis of the acousticdata.

DICOM TransmissionThe Ethernet port is capable of perfectly transmit-

ting the high-spatial-quality, high-FR DICOM video. Thetransfer of data is done after the end of a study, as theUSmachine hard drive can store DICOM US data from an8-hr recording session. TheUSmachine, the GELogiqE,also stores high-spatial-quality, high-FR cineloops on itshard drive with its own storage protocol. Although thesehigh-quality cineloops can also be stored to an externalhard drive or CD, the networking solution allows thesedata to be transferred at higher nonstandard frame rates,such as the 124 fps used in the pilot study presentedbelow. The GE implementation of writing to an externaldrive uses a standard disk write (limited to 50 fps, notDICOMrates) that is different from the customdiskwriteto its own internal hard drive. The robust quality andhigh-FR options of DICOM are not available when writ-ing to external storage if DICOM is not installed.

The notebook computer receives the high-quality,high-FR DICOM images via the Ethernet port and thereal-time A/V mixed images via the firewire port but atdifferent data collection times. The real-time A/Vmixedvideo is recorded by streaming directly to the laptop com-puter during recording. The delay implicit in the low-FRpath comes from processing times in the GE LogiqE ma-chine itself.

Articulatory-to-Acoustic AlignmentAfter theDICOMtransmission, theCHAUSAmethod

uses non–real time software mixing to achieve “to-the-frame” articulatory-to-acoustic alignment precision andto avoid locked-in hardware mixing errors caused by de-lays in video export from the US machine and possiblyA/V mixer errors. The best way to resynch the audio tovideo, if such delay is present and undesired, is to importthe AVI file into video editing software, unlink the audiofrom the video, and manually realign and relink accord-ing to known articulatory landmarks. Not all A/V hard-waremixers havemixing errors. The Canopus TwinPact100 specification claims frame-locked or “perfect” mix-ing. However, more important is the delay in the scan im-age creation time in the software of Figure 2, and those

file conversion times, to convert from internal videomem-ory to the VGA standards for output to the VGA port, alsoshown in Figure 2. Wemeasure total mixing error (imagecreation and image translation) in our low-FR path to bebetween one and one half and three 29.97-fps frames(with an average of 2.2 frames). This is determined byclosely examining the low-FR alignment of the click, bycomparing the to-the-frame high-FR audio-aligned video(accurate ± 4ms) to the exact same articulatory and audi-tory click in the low-FR mixed A/V path. The measure-ment accuracy is limited by the accuracy of the high-FRalignment. The net result is that the normal VGA exportmixing error varies from45ms to 90ms, averaging65ms,with a measurement error of 4 ms. In a previous experi-mental setup, there was a For.A brand video-videomixerin the critical path between theVGAport and the record-ing computer, and an older USmachine (GE LogiqBook)was used. Delays averaged four 29.97-fps frames, or122 ms of error. CHAUSA removes this error.

In the data collection phase, the Tri-Modal 3-msPulse Generator marks each of the video and audio re-cordings. In the data analysis phase, the marked data ofeachmode is synchronized by sliding the video track un-til the three synchronizing marks line up. Without theTri-Modal 3-ms Pulse Generator, a manual alignmentprocessmay be used. The hardware-mixed low-FR, low-spatial-quality video is used as a known starting align-ment basis for the A/Valignment process of the high-FRvideo principally by having starting and stopping infor-mation embedded, including a video clacker board atthe beginning and a bell (or second clacker board) atthe end. The final fine alignment is accomplished usinghigh-FR articulatory-to-acoustic speech events. Thehardware mixed video is particularly useful for under-standing field data collection issues such as identifi-cation of different starting and stopping times in thedifferent modalities. This is particularly important be-cause the recording window of the GELogiqEmachine isa moving window that continues recording new materialat the end, while losing recorded material at the begin-ning, if the recording is not stopped prior to the end of the8–10 s. The low-FR path video and audio are also avail-able as a backup for manual alignment in case the Tri-Modal 3-ms Pulse Generator stops working in the field.

Mixing the Head Video With the High-FR/High-Spatial-Quality-PathUS Video and Audio

The commercial video editing software used for thealignmentof thedata isalsousedtomixthePalatoglossatronvideo with the high FR US video. This time, we are mix-ing two videos rather than aligning video with audio.First, we use Chroma keying to remove the blue screen

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background of the head video file, replacing it with atransparent background. Next, wemix the transparenthead video with themixed audio/high-FRUS video file,being careful to position the lower arc of the US cone inthe position expected by Palatoglossatron. TheUS conerelates to the origin of the US probe and the conicalfan out of the US rays from this origin. The US conewill line up with the cone-shaped grid overlaid by thePalatoglossatron software to track the tongue edge.This exact positioning is needed by the Mielke head-correction equations, and precision depends on goodvideo editing tools. Furthermore, the head video shouldshow a clear and large view of the pink dots on thePalatoglossatron rods.

After mixing the files, we export the video-mixedAVI file out of Adobe Premiere Pro. The right panel ofFigure 3 provides a single frame of the software-mixedUS video containing the speaker ’s head with the sta-bilization headset, the head-correction dots introducedvia the Palatoglossatron rods marked with arrows, andthe DICOM-transmitted US image of the tongue. Thespeaker and the stabilization headset are to the left, thehard-to-see pink colored dots are to the right of these,and the synchronized frame of theUS video is in the cen-ter. The stabilization headset is colored because of theblue-screen removal process that software-mixed theUSvideowith the stabilization headset video containing thePalatoglossatron rod. A MATLAB script is used to con-vert the blue-screen mixed AVI file (right panel of Fig-ure 3) to a series of JPEGs required by Palatoglossatron.

Tracing the Tongue Edge, PerformingHead-Movement Correction, and Plottingthe Data

Mielke et al. (2005) developed Palatoglossatron soft-ware, which allows the researcher to trace the tongueand palate in the images of interest as well as performhead-movement correction on these traces from the loca-tions of the pink dots in the mixed video. For the tongueimages to be head-corrected, the pink dots are preciselyidentified graphically so that the Mielke formulas canoperate according to the differentmovements of the rodsin each high-FR frame to adjust and correct the tracedtongue edges. The software corrects for head position, asthe dots change on each JPEG, independent of FR. Thisis one reason why the Palatoglossatron software, whichwas originally designed for 29.97 fps, still works at 124 fps.Although other tongue-edge-tracing software is avail-able, such as EdgeTrak (Li, Khambamettu, & Stone,2005b), we use Palatoglossatron because of its head-movement-correction capabilities. We also use a head-and probe-movement correction software, in addition toPalatoglossatron software, called Peterotron (Arizona

Phonological ImagingLaboratory, 2009). ThePeterotronmethod is described fully on the Arizona PhonologicalImaging Laboratory wiki (Arizona Phonological ImagingLaboratory, 2009). This software ensures accurate head-movement correction.

Peterotron software exports a numerical descriptionof each head-corrected tongue trace in a table. TheArizonaPhonological Imaging Laboratory (2009) developed scriptsto convert this format to the smoothing spline analysis ofvariance (SSANOVA) format. SSANOVA is a statisticalpackagewithin theR statistics software that allows pair-wise comparisons using SSANOVA models (Davidson,2006). In the pilot study presented below, we plot thetongue surfaces usingMicrosoft Excel, aswe are plottingmore than two traces allowed by the SSANOVA scripttogether. The head-corrected data, as opposed to the un-corrected data, is presented in a transformed spatial co-ordinate space by the Mielke equations.

The CHAUSA dynamic tongue graphs are the out-put of the CHAUSA method. They are a variation ofwaterfall tongue graphs, which have a third dimensionof time, to show tonguemovement over time (see, e.g., Liet al., 2005a). In clicks and other fast consonants, thetonguemoves so fast that waterfall graphs can seem dif-ficult to understand.Thedata also indicate that the tonguesometimes covers a good portion of the total movementrange in a very short time, and later in the same clickproduction, the same physical distance movement takesfour or five times that amount of time. For clarity, wehave chosen to space,more or less evenly, the tonguemove-ment in physical space, regardless of the time betweentongue positions, in our dynamic tongue graphs. Thismeans, in the abstract, that the third time dimension isplotted neither linearly nor logarithmically but in arbi-trary and varying units of time depending on the actualarticulation movement details. This could make for avery confusing third plotted time axis. For this reason,our version of the waterfall type graphs actually have thethird time axis essentially projected into two dimensions,with the actual timeline indicated by annotations of thetongue-trace numbers given in ms from the first tonguetrace. They are, nevertheless, dynamic tongue graphs thathadan implied timealignmentwithanacousticwaveform.The annotated times allow cross-references with audioin a timeline (e.g., in a waveform or spectrogram).

The tongue traces from different frames often endup being variable in length because of difficulties in trac-ing the tongue tip and root in particular images. Im-provedUS imaging in newer high-performancemachineshelps but does not resolve this issue. The surfaces soft-ware package developed by Li et al. (2005a) contains anoption to krig the tongue traces so that each of the tonguetraces is the same length prior to averaging. If not usingthis software, an independent method for controlling for

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tongue length is necessary. We used a map-measuringwheel, available from a drafting supply store, to mea-sure the length of the tongue in each of the traces in thegraphs presented in the pilot study. We are assumingthat the tongue does not substantially change lengthfrom one frame to another in eight thousandths of asecond. In certain well-known situations, such as thetongue moving from mostly vertical to mostly horizon-tal in a single frame, we can credibly assert that thetongue length, while vertical, maintains its standardpremeasured length. Therefore, dots were added to thetip of the tongue edge in Palatoglossatron software toattain tongue edges that were all the same length. Atthis stage of our knowledge, this was possible only be-cause there were supporting US light spot markers whenthe tongue tip first contacts the hard palate. In priortechnologies, these light spots were more difficult tointerpret, but in high-FR data, they can more often beunderstood. By going back and forth in 8-ms frames, theexact moment of contact and release can be determinedin many cases. The tongue length was determined bothby the length to the contact spot from the US visibletongue and by the assumption that the length remainedconstant over an 8-ms interval. If these both supportedeach other, we would then show that length in the dy-namic tongue graphs.

ValidationProof of Alignment With the Tri-Modal3-ms Pulse Generator

To provide proof of alignment, a manual alignmentprocess is first completed using video editing software.Next, the signals are examined to see if the various tri-modal synchronizing marks line up. Figure 4 providesthe head video recorded by the Prosilica GE 680C cam-era in (a), the high-FR-path US video in (b), and the au-dio signal recorded in the low-FR path in (c), of the firstauthor ’s production of the [!] click. First, we aligned therecordings manually by aligning the three tokens of theanterior click releases in the US signal with the threeacoustic release bursts in the audio track of the mixedvideo. Then,we checked to see if the synchronizingmarks,the 3-ms US pulse, the 3-ms buzzer, and the 3 ms of lightin the head video, were also aligned. Because we knowthat the US pulse, the lit LED, and the buzzer occurwithin 1/10 of amillisecond of each other, and these framesline up, we know that the click audio and the US releaseimage are aligned to the correct high-FR frame. The UScrystals scan from left to right. The 114-fps US frameratemeans that we are practically limited to incrementsof 8ms in theUS signal.However, we can, in some sense,

Figure 4. Adjacent frames during the release of an alveolar click in the Juª’hoansi phrase Ha !áí. “S/he died.” produced by the first author. Toppanel (a) shows head video with the light-emitting diode flash visible in the left frame. Middle panel (b) shows high-FR ultrasound video withtherapeutic ultrasound signal flashing in upper right corner of left-most frame, a faint but distinctive narrow V shape that is marked by an arrow.Bottom panel (c) shows audio signal with the 3-ms buzzer signal on the left and the click burst on the right.

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see better resolution in theUS video than the 114-fps FRallows because of the position of the 3-ms pulse withinthe 8-ms frame. Note that the US pulse is located laterin the time scan position of the left frame. This indicatesthat the next frame (the right one) is about to happen inapproximately the length of time between the buzzerburst and the acoustic click burst, a fraction of an 8-msframe, because the length of time (several ms) betweenthe buzzer and the click burst is the same as the distancebetween the therapeutic US pulse and the anterior clickrelease. Such a fraction of frame-alignment precisionhas never before been possible.

Temporal ErrorsWith Tri-Modal 3-ms Pulse Generator alignment,

the error is ± .05ms.Usingmanual alignment, at 124 fps,an error band of 4ms is achieved, with the understandingthat the error bar starts at the center of the 8-ms frame.

Spatial ErrorsTracing error that would occur when the tongue and

palate edge are traced within the Palatoglossatron soft-ware is one source of spatial error found in the CHAUSAmethod. Six pixels permmare found in the 640 × 480 pixelframe size of the US images mixed with the Sony videocamera used in this study. It is straightforward to traceerrors to within one or two pixels, leading to a dataanalysis error of 16%–33% of 1 mm. This data collec-tion error is small compared with our claim of the ac-curacy of the data and supports the claim that 1-mmaccuracy could be possible with the US tongue traces.In the pilot study described next, the tongue moves agreat deal within 8ms.We know by Palatoglossatron dotchanges that the head is also moving fast in relation tothe probe in these frames. For best accuracy, the high-FRGigE video camera is required so that each high-FR USframe is corrected for head and probe movement.

At present, we can induce indirectly the limit to theinaccuracy of Palatoglossatron spatial results. We hy-pothesize, by induction, that the spatial inaccuracy ofthe entire analysis process is ≤ 1 mm. This induction isexplainedmore fully in the next section. This 1-mm errorband is the sumof tongue- andpalate-tracing errors, tem-poral alignment errors between the head video and USvideo, and spatial dot–tracking errors.

Application: Pilot Study on AlveolarClick Production Using CHAUSA

The CHAUSA method was applied to the investi-gation of the articulation of the alveolar click release in

IsiXhosa in order to view the dynamics of the anteriorand posterior releases of this click. Previous US inves-tigations of clicks in Khoekhoe (Miller, Namaseb, &Iskarous 2007) and Nªuu (Miller, 2010; Miller et al.,2009), as well as X-ray recordings of !Xóõ clicks (Traill,1985) have all been sampled at 29.97 fps. All of these pre-vious studies show large gaps in the very fast releases ofalveolar clicks and aliasing effects. The abrupt releaseof the alveolar [!] click motivates an articulatory studyof the dynamics of the release. Such a study was under-taken in IsiXhosa with the CHAUSA method. Miller(2008) provided the first results of this study.

We collected CHAUSA data of one IsiXhosa speak-er ’s production of the utterance Ndi qaba isonka. [ndi!AbA is�:GA] “I spread something on the bread.” The sen-tencewas repeated three times in each take, and five takeswere recorded, yielding 15 repetitions of the target soundin the same phonetic context. Twenty-five to 30 clearlyvisible frames were obtained during the production ofthe alveolar click, which showed a remarkably consis-tent pattern without the effects of aliasing seen in pre-vious studies. A single frame of the palate imaged duringa swallow in the sameheadset seatingwasalso traced. Themethodology described in Epstein and Stone (2005) wasfollowed for tracing the palate, except that the IsiXhosaspeaker held the water in his mouth for 1–2 s prior toswallowing, rather than swallowing immediately. The [!]click anterior releases and the [G] releases were used toalign the high-FR/high-spatial-quality path video andthe audio of the low-FR path. Because three repetitionsof the sentence were recorded in each take, these yieldedsix independent events for alignment in each take.

Seven ordered but nonconsecutive tongue tracesexhibiting the major stages of click production and asingle-palate trace are provided in Figure 5. The resultsbefore head-movement correction are provided in the up-per panel of Figure 5, and the head-movement-correctedversion of these traces is provided in the lower panel ofFigure 5. The traces in the upper panel of Figure 5 showprobe-to-head anchoring using the Ultrasound Stabili-zation Headset (Articulate Instruments, 2008) with nohead-movement correction. The lower panel of Figure 5provides the same frames of tongue in the click produc-tion and the same palate frame traced in Palatoglossatronpost–head-movement correction. In both graphs, the por-tion of the hard palate that can be traced during a swal-low is the thick, solid, black line that can be seen towardthe top of these graphs. As noted by Wilson (2006), aswallow is not a rest position, and thus palate imagestraced from swallows do not necessarily correspond to aneutral vocal tract position, nor do they correspond to aspeech position.

Articulatory-to-acoustic alignment, which is correct tothe US frame (± 4ms), allows us to match the articulatoryevents seen in theUStraceswithacoustic representations.

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Figure 6 provides a waveform of the alveolar click withthe acoustic events that correspond to the tongue tracesof particular US video frames shown in Figure 5. Eachof the numbered acoustic markers corresponds to the

articulatory tongue traces provided in Figure 5. Noticethat Trace 5, which shows the tongue shape just beforethe anterior release, occurs milliseconds before the clickburst.

Traces 1–7 in Figure 5 show a complete cycle of alve-olar click production. Low-FR and high-FR slideshowsof this click are provided at In Trace 1 of the corrected graph,the tongue dorsum is touching the palate, but the front ofthe tongue is in a slightly raised position in themouth. InTrace 2, which is imaged five frames (40 ms) later, thetongue body has lowered, resulting in two swells in thetongue. In Trace 3, which is six frames from the secondtrace and 11 frames (89ms) from the first trace, the tonguetip ismore perpendicular, with the tip of the tongue form-ing a constriction just in front of the alveolar ridge. Wesurmise that the tongue body is touching the soft palate,which has lowered by this point. In Trace 4, which is fourframes from the third trace (13 frames, 105 ms from thefirst trace), the tongue tip has retracted slightly and iscontacting the alveolar ridge. The tongue body has low-ered, and the tongue dorsumhas retracted, as part of theprocess of cavity expansion described in Traill (1985)and Thomas-Vilakati (2008). Trace 5, which is one framefrom the fourth trace (14 frames, 113 ms from the firsttrace), corresponds to the point on the waveform just be-fore the anterior click burst seen in Figure 6. The tonguedorsum has retracted even more at this point and showsthe maximal cavity expansion just prior to the anteriorrelease. Trace 6,which is only one frame later thanTrace 5(15 frames, 121 ms from the first trace), shows the tongueroot in the pharyngeal region for the vowel [A] following

Figure 5. Ultrasound frames traced from an IsiXhosa alveolar clickcollected with an Ultrasound Stabilization Headset with no head-movement correction (upper panel) and with head-movementcorrection (lower panel) in the utterance Ndi qaba isonka.[ndi !AbA is�:GA] “I spread something on the bread.”

Figure 6. Waveform of an IsiXhosa alveolar click in the word qaba [!AbA] spread with labeled tonguetrace numbers corresponding to articulatory ultrasound traces in Figure 5.

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this click in the word qaba [!AbA]. The front of the tonguehas released completely and is down low in the mouth.Surprisingly, Trace 7, which is two frames (16 ms) fromTrace 6 (17 frames or 137 ms after the first), shows thatthe tongue tip has risen up again, and the tongue bodyhas achieved the same shape as it held just prior to theanterior click release. These last two frames display adynamic recoil effect of the tongue tip after its extremelyrapid release.

Holistically, the dynamics of click production are seenclearly in the tongue traces in the lower panel of Figure 5.The tongue dorsum retracts, and the tongue body lowersto enlarge the click cavity prior to the anterior click re-lease (Trace 5). These overall dynamics can also be seenrelatively clearly in Traill’s (1985) alveolar click X-raymovies when viewed frame by frame with modern videotools, even if the exact instant of release is uncertain.TongueTraces 1–5 display the tonguedorsumand tongueroot retractionand the tonguebody lowering.The interme-diate unshown frames move continuously and smoothlyalong approximately 1-mm increments. We induce fromall of these 25 consistent traces as they change over timethat the entire body of data is accurately head correctedover time and is placed correctly within the oral cavity.Conversely, the uncorrected traces in the upper panelof Figure 5 are inconsistent with the X-ray data andwith the description of click cavity formation describedin Traill. The data are internally consistent to within ap-proximately 1mmthroughout the cavity and throughoutthe duration of the click. Inducing the 1-mm hypothesisfrom the smooth movements of a large number of cor-rected tongue movements, although less firm than ananalytical proof, has precedence in many other cases ofscientific inductions from large amounts of data.

The tongue traces in Figure 5 show much more de-tail than has been seen previously in click productionstudies because of the low FRs of previous US and X-raymethodologies. The tip of the tongue is seen to go com-pletely down and then rise back up again. This is inter-preted as a recoil effect, which is seen in every instance ofIsiXhosa alveolar click imaged (15 tokens). Every majorstage of the anterior and posterior releases in the al-veolar click can be seen in these traces, resulting in acomplete picture of the process of cavity expansion usedfor rarefaction in clicks. As with the Nªuu and Khoekhoealveolar clicks studied previously, there is visible tonguedorsum and root retraction. This could not be seen inearlier X-ray studies (Traill, 1985) or in US studieswith lower FRs (Miller et al., 2009;Miller, Namaseb, &Iskarous, 2007).

Thereareanomalies in theplottingof the transformedspace, and the vertical axis plot units are different in thebefore and after transformation plots. The horizontal axisunits are also different; however, the percentage changeof the vertical axis before and after transformation is

much greater than that seen in the horizontal axis. Thisproduces a plotting illusion, not in the underlying data,as the head correction rotates the tonguemore verticallythan the tongue or palate shape changes. Furthermore,Mielke (personal communication, 2008) suggested thatthe plotting software spline choices could produce sim-ilar distortions. We confirmed Mielke’s prediction thatExcel plotting software distorted shapes under plot rota-tion, such as by spline-rounding error, by an informalstudy with computer-generated shapes. In the future,the authors will be alert to such illusions and plottinganomalies.

The inaccuracies seen in the tongue traces on theupper panel of Figure 5 clearly show the need for head-movement correction in addition to probe-to-head an-choring for lingual US imaging. The use of the palate,hard or soft, as an articulatory landmark seen by USlightening themoment the tongue touches the palate forUS studies is encouraging. Themovement of the soft pal-ate during speech must lead to caution in interpretingtongue positions relative to the soft palate in US data.X-ray data, which image the palate and the tongue simul-taneously, are easier to interpret. However, collection ofX-ray data is not safe, which inhibits its use in speechstudies. Interpreting the moment of contact betweentongue and palate by changes in lightness of the US im-ages requires close examination of several high-FR, high-spatial-quality frames before and after the moment ofpresumed contact. These can be seen in the slideshow onthe CHAUSAwebsite.

Discussion: Limitations, Benefits,and ConclusionsLimitations and Costsof the CHAUSA Approach1. Capturing directly onUSmachines is limited to 12-s

takes.With FRs of 114–124 fps, the recording window

length on theGELogiqEmachine is limited to 8–10 sper take. With three to four repetitions of the framesentence in a single take,we can record large amountsof data. In the study presented here, we were ableto record about two hundred fifty 9-s takes beforeDICOM transmission of the data to the data anal-ysis computer. The method is not suitable for socio-linguistic experiments in which a large corpus ofcontinuous data is needed.

2. Data collection is more time consuming per take.Recording forty 9-s takes and saving the data to

the machine’s hard drive each time took about 2 hr.Recording the same amount of data continuouslystreaming through a videomixer would take less than15min. If a qualitative description of the phenomenon

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under study is sufficient, total data analysis timecould be less than prior approaches because a singleCHAUSA take is a more accurate representation ofthe phenomenon.

3. The CHAUSA architecture and method require twoto three researchers.

Two researchers are needed to start and stop thehigh-FR and low-FR-path recordings. To gain thefull benefits of head-movement correction on everyframe, a high-FR camera is needed, which requiresan additional researcher. The Tri-Modal 3-ms PulseGenerator reduces the requirement to one PhD re-searcher and two educated lay assistants and re-duces the data analysis effort.

4. The analysis of US data is time consuming.The addition of DICOM transfer of the high-FR

data, file conversion from DICOM to high-FR AVI,the articulatory-to-acoustic alignment, and thePalatoglossatron head-movement correction pro-cedure makes the entire data analysis phase moretime consuming than standard low-FRUSdata anal-ysis. The Tri-Modal 3-s Pulse Generator reduces thealignment time to about 2 min per take. Again, be-cause of the increased precision, the data collectioncan be reduced to fewer repetitions to capture thephenomenon under study, and, therefore, total dataanalysis time could be less than prior approaches.Seven traces of the high-FRdata can accurately cap-ture the dynamic rarefaction gestures associated withclicks. It is not necessary to trace every frame.

5. The CHAUSA approach is somewhat more expen-sive than other approaches.

The DICOM software, DICOM server software,video editing software, and a data analysis com-puter are needed. A used GE LogiqE US machinecosts $18,000 or less. TheUS stabilization headsetis an added expense; however, much less expensiveapproaches work adequately. Therefore, the addedcost of DICOM, the DICOM server software, andvideo editing software is $7,850 if new software ispurchased. As with other computer hardware andsoftware, this cost may drop substantially in thefuture.

Benefits of the CHAUSA Approach1. CHAUSA data have more than quadrupled the FR

from 29.97 fps to 124 fps or higher.The results of this study would not have been

seen clearly at the 71-fps FR achieved by Hueberet al. (2008). The GE medical machine has shownadequate images at FRs up to 165 fps, and theCHAUSA method is itself bound only by the scanrate of the US machine, which may improve in fu-ture models.

2. Reduced distortion and artifacts improved transmit-ted spatial clarity.

Figure 7 provides two images taken at the samemoment in time (the anterior release of the click),thus allowing us to clearly see the differences in termsof spatial quality between the two types of imagetransmission. The low-FR-path image is in the upperpanel of Figure 7, and the non–real-time high-FRpath used in the CHAUSA method is in the lowerpanel of Figure 7. Innate differences in image sizesare due to the inclusion of screen information in thestreamed low-FR data (upper panel) that are nottransmitted in the high-FR data (lower panel). Thispair of frameswas chosen because the distortion dif-ferences are great. The frame in the upper panel ofFigure 7 shows two spatially distinct images of thesame tongue in the same frame indicated by the ar-rows, which makes it difficult to trace the tongueedge. Other frames have less distortion; however,this distortion is a serious issue that can lead to con-founds in the data. High spatial clarity, in additionto high FR, is a significant benefit for data analysis,and the two benefits are sometimes additive for theinterpretation of fast articulatory events. Further-more, the posterior part of the tongue is much moredifficult to see in the 29.97-fps video low-FR-path im-age in the upper panel of Figure 7 than in the imagetransferred with the high-FR/high-spatial-qualitypath at 124 fps shown in the lower panel of Figure 7.

Figure 8 provides two adjacent frames show-ing the anterior release of the palatal click [�] inMangetti Dune !Xung. The two frames are only about8ms apart. The tongue tip is raised in the first framein the left panel of Figure 8 and lowered in the sec-ond frame in the right panel of Figure 8. The tip ofthe tongue is not fully visible in the left frame, a com-mon US effect for a vertical tongue tip, but was seenvisibly rising in several adjacent preceding frames(not shown), and is seen lowering in the followingframes (not shown).Note the clarity of the data show-ing the click release in these frames. The change intongue position between the left and right images(D8ms) is abrupt (Miller et al., 2009). Constant expo-sure to this high-FR data produces the understand-ing of various fast and less fast speech events. Bothhigh FR and high spatial clarity assist the correctinterpretation of fast speech events.

Earlier images of the palatal click release inKhoekhoe collected at 29.97 fps with theGELogiqBookmachine had the tongue root obscured by the hyoidshadow, which moves with the hyoid during the re-lease (Miller et al., 2007). Single stepping of high-FR,high-spatial-density images shows clearly gradualtonguemovements becomingunambiguous and showsfast movements becoming visible. For example, the

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left frame of Figure 8 only definitively shows a raisedtongue tip. However, by single stepping betweenthe before and after frames, the actual tonguemovement and length can be known. The clarity of

time-sequenced images of most of the tongue lengthhas not been available with prior clinical and pho-netic fieldwork techniques.

3. High-FR Palatoglossatron head-movement correc-tion allows us to compare tongue positions in differ-ent consonants recorded separately (Mielke et al.,2005).The Palatoglossatron head movement correc-

tion method is portable and inexpensive as wellas suitable for use in a fieldwork setting. Althoughthe exact accuracy of head-movement correctionusing thismethod cannot yet be quantified, a reviewof the corrected and uncorrected tongue and palatepositions in this article strongly suggests that headmovement correction is required tomake sense of ar-ticulatory movements. The goal of 1-mm accuracyappears within reach. CHAUSA’s high-FR modifi-cation to Palatoglossatron is required for studies offast articulatory events if the absolute position ofthe tongue with respect to the palate, or to othertongue positions, is necessary.

Figure 8. Close-up of two adjacent frames of the high-FR US videoillustrating the anterior release of the palatal click in the MangettiDune !Xung word �ii malaria.

Figure 7. A single US frame of mixed video transferred through the low-FR path at 29.97 fps (upper image),and the same US frame of mixed video transferred through the high-FR path at 124 fps (lower image).

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4. Anchoring using the Ultrasound StabilizationHeadset allows us to lock in optimal image qualitythroughout a recording session (Articulate Instru-ments, 2008).

Probe-to-head anchoring allows the researcher todetermine the optimal image quality for each speakerand to lock this in over the duration of the recordingsession. The best probe position is specific to boththe speaker and the phenomenon investigated.

5. The GE LogiqEmachine has superior image qualitycompared with its predecessors.

Improvements that occurred in the new designof the LogiqE—compared with its predecessor, theLogiqBook—are a major reason why a light touchproduced excellent images and are one reason whyhigh-FR US imaging is possible with the CHAUSAmethod.We expect that image quality will continue toimprove with future generations of US machines.

Minimal probe perturbation of the jaw is also abenefit of the GE Medical LogiqE machine used inCHAUSA; thus, anchoring does not likely cause com-pensatory lingual movements because of perturba-tion of the jaw, as found in earlier studies (Lindblom,Lubker, & Gay, 1979).

6. Precise articulatory-to-acoustic alignment (± 0.05 ms)allows for synchronized high-quality articulatory andacoustic analyses.

The ultrasound data collection is relatively quietcomparedwith electromagnetic articulography (EMA)data collection, allowing better simultaneous acousticrecordings. The system is thus an excellent one forresearch into the articulatory-to-acoustic mappingof speech.

7. Dynamic tongue-to-palate graphs are accurate to± 4 ms and 1 mm from a single take.

CHAUSAdynamic tongue graphs, where the timeaxis is projected onto the spatial graphs, allow us tobetter visualize articulatorymovementby evenly spac-ing tongue movements in physical space, regardlessof the time between traces. These graphs capture ki-nematics because the time intervals can be very briefor very long.

ConclusionsThe CHAUSA grid computer system architecture

and method bring together distinct pieces of hardwareand software as well as integrate them to produce a uni-fied goal. This architecture produces high-FR, aligned,and accurately head-corrected dynamicUS tongue graphs.Each piece of the architecture and method describedhere is needed in order to achieve these results. Resultsprovided here show that theCHAUSAmethod is capableof capturing high-FR data, a fourfold improvement in FR,

for the investigation of fast articulatory events (especiallystop releases) in linguistic fieldwork. An alignment pro-cedure was described, which achieves to-the-frame align-ment (± 4 ms at 124 fps) of the acoustic and articulatorysignals. Results also show good positioning of the tonguerelative to the palate. A hypothesis has been stated thatthe accuracy is close to 1 mm, based on the closeness ofthe tongue to the palate in the tongue traces in Figure 5and in the tight spatial and temporally corrected tonguemovements.

Quantification of thedegree of tongue-to-palate close-ness achieved through the combination of probe anchor-ing and head-movement correction used in CHAUSAis planned for future research. A pilot study has shownboth tongue-dorsum retraction and tongue-tip recoil inthe IsiXhosa alveolar click. The CHAUSA architectureand method open the possibility for studies of rapidlyarticulated consonants and vowels as well as studies ofco-articulation that have not been possible with currentUS methodology. US studies of speech allow us to viewmost of the tongue, which contrasts with other high-FRarticulatory methods such as EMA that track only afinite number of flesh points. The improved accuracy ofCHAUSAmeans thatmultiple takes can be used for thequantitative investigation of linguistic variation, as op-posed to averaging out error-induced variation. CHAUSAmakes possible the discovery, in field and in clinical set-tings, of an important new body of knowledge aboutspeech kinematics.

AcknowledgmentsDevelopment of the CHAUSA method was supported by

National Science Foundation grants BCS-0726200 (AmandaMiller, principal investigator) and BCS-0726198 (BonnySands, principal investigator), titled “Collaborative Research:Phonetic and Phonological Structures of Post-Velar Constrictionsin Clicks and Laterals” to Cornell University and NorthernArizona University. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are ours anddo not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. We thank Abigail Scott, who assisted with thetri-modal proof-of-alignment data collection. We also thankour IsiXhosa speaker, Luxolo Lengs, and our Mangetti Dune!Xung speaker, Jenggu Rooi Fransisko.

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