assabiqoon # 5

A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#5 April 2014 Ways to Get AsSabiqoon Blog: Facebook: email: [email protected]

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Masjid Bani Hashim Newsletter


Page 1: AsSabiqoon  # 5


A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#5 April 2014

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Page 2: AsSabiqoon  # 5

!!بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم

الحمدهلل رب العاملني والصالة والسالم على أشرف!املرسلني


وقال يا بني ال تدخلوا من باب واحد وادخلوا من أبواب متفرقة وما أغني عنكم من اهلل من

شيء إن الحكم إال هلل عليه توكلت وعليه توكلون فليتوكل امل

And he said: "O my sons! Do not enter by one gate, but enter by different gates, and I cannot avail you against Allâh at all. Verily! The decision rests only with Allâh. In him, I put my trust and let all those that trust, put their trust in Him." Beloved  readers,  in  this  challenging  2mes  when  we  are  faced  with  trying  situa2ons,  we  need  succour,  we  need  an  emergency  number,  we  need  “999”!    Who  is  be>er  to  give  us  succour  than  Rabbana,  our  Lord,  Nurturer?    So  let’s  flee  to  Allah subhana  wa  t’Ala,     ففروا إلى اهلل     (Surah  Adh-­‐Dhariyat,  ayah  50)  and  let’s  take  succour  in  the  Word  of  Allah,  subhana  wa  t’Ala.  In  the  above  ayah  67  of  Surah  Yusuf,  Allah  subhana  wa  t’  Ala  wants  us  to  learn  from  the  words  of  advice  of  Yakoub  AS  (the  father  of  Yusuf  AS)  to  his  sons  as  they  were  travelling  to  Egypt  for  collec2ng  their  food  provisions.  How  many  2mes  in  life,  did  you  not  feel  as  if  you  were  about  to  give  up?  How  many  2mes  in  life,  did  you  not  feel  that  your  “ship”  was  about  to  sink!    If  that  precise  moment,  you  realised  that  the  judgement  belongs  to  Allah, إن الحكم  !Verily) ,إال هلل  The  decision  rests  only  with  Allâh)  this  would  make  you  feel  very  comforted  because  you  would  have  realised  that  you  are  only  supposed  to  do  

what  you  have  to  do!  You  are  expected  to  use  the  means  at  your  hand,  and  the  outcome  you  have  to  leave  to  Allah.  This  is  tawaqul,  trus2ng  and  relying  in  Allah  subhana  wa  T’Ala   عليه توكلت وعليه  توكلون In) فليتوكل امل  him,  I  put  my  trust  and  let  all  those  that  trust,  put  their  trust  in  Him).  Time  is  short  and  we  have  to  make  the  most  of  it.  We  cannot  afford  to  give  up,  because  the  penalty  for  giving  up  is  very  severe…you  might  not  get  to  your  home…Paradise!    This  world  requires  you  to  make  sacrifices,  exert  some  effort,  shed  some  tears  but  it  will  also  bring  ease,  pleasure  and  smiles!  No  one  can  claim  that  he  or  she  has  not  had  a  moment  of  joy  in  this  world.  So  bear  in  mind  that  whatever  you  are  going  through  is  temporary  and  Rabbana  is  by  your  side.  He  will  not  let  you  drown  but  you  have  to  make  the  choice  of  relying  in  Him  or  relying  in  yourself.  If  you  are  relying  in  Allah,  then  you  will  look  for  solu2ons,  you  will  ask  for  guidance  and  Allah  will  answer  you.  He  has  promised  and  no  one  is  more  truthful  than  your  Rabb  in  his  promise!  The  ques2on  is  are  you  truthful  to  your  Creator?    Surah  Al-­‐Baqarah,  Verse  186    

وإذاسألك عبادي عني فإني قريب أجيب دعوة الداع إذادعان فليستجيبوالي وليؤمنوابي لعلهم يرشدون    

 “And  when  My  servants  ask  you,  [O  Muhammad],  concerning  Me,  indeed  I  am  near.  I  respond  to  the  invoca2on  of  the  supplicant  when  he  calls  upon  Me.  So  let  them  respond  to  Me  [by  obedience]  and  believe  in  Me  that  they  may  be  [rightly]  guided.”    

!الحمدهلل رب العاملنيوالصالة والسالم على أشرف املرسلني

A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#5 April 2014

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This Issue Introduction: Page 2!

The Gems Box: Page 4 !

Linguistic Miracles of the Glorious Quran: Pages 5 - 6!

Learn, Live &Love the Names of Allah Azza Wajal: Pages 7 - 9!

Dua’ & How We Should Not Underestimate it: Pages 10 - 12!

Cheer Up! Pages10-11!

Power of Dua with Faith: Pages 15-17!

Tajweed: Page 16 - 17!

Brain Squeeze: Page 7!

The Real Superstars: Pages 19 - 20!

Gems of Surahs: Page 21 - 23!

Olive - A Health Giving Plant: Page 22!

Masjid Bani Hashim: Page 24-25!!

Pages 19-20

Page 4

Pages 15-17


Page 5-6

Pages 7-9 Pages 10-11

Page 18

A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#5 April 2014

Pages 21-23

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! Balance the right and wrong in your life.

Your heart is your king.

The understanding cells are in the heart!

Remember at school, if you do not like the subject you can’t make

your mind work on it. This is because the heart is the king.


«Don’t sit with the people who follow their desires» Why?

1. Because the light of Eman will fade.

They will make your light less bright.

How? Because of disobedience, the light reduces.

2. Beauty of the face goes away.

���ȱ����ȱ��ȱ�ȱ������ȱ��ȱ���ȱ�����ǰȱ��ȱ��ȱ���ȱ�����ȱ��ȱ�ě�����ǰȱthe face will loose from its beauty.

3. It creates hatred in the heart of the believers.

Because there is always competition between Hawah people.

4. It will create doubts within you.

5. It will make you a slave of this Dunia.

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1. “Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence.!

2. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. !

3. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth.!

4. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? !

5. He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them!

6. and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. !

7. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, !

8. and their preservation tires Him not. !

9. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.”!


[The Glorious Qura’an, Surah Al Baqarah, 255] The Ayat ul Kursi in Surah Al Baqarah has an astonishing linguistic beauty and miracle. It leaves no doubt in one’s mind that this Qura’an is a revelation of Allah. It consists of nine sentences. Let us now marvel at its astounding structure, how the first four Ayahs and last four Ayahs are linked and the middle Ayat is beautifully situated:!!Sentence 9: It has two of Allah’s Great Names: Al Hayee, Al Qayyum.!Hence this is how the intricate pattern begins, with the first and last sentences having one thing in common: Allah’s Beautiful Names.!!Sentence 2: Allah is the Guardian of all that is in the heavens and in the Earth, and guarding them does not exhaust our Creator, neither does it make Him sleepy.!Sentence 8: Their preservation does not tire Him, it does not drain Him, it never wears Him out, He is far from these imperfections and He is all Attentive and Ever Lasting. !!

continued on next page…

Ayat ul Kursi

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!…continued from last page!!The second sentence and the second last sentence match each other perfectly, describing the beautiful attributes of Allah, The Most High.!!Sentence 3: Allah OWNS whatever is in the heavens and whatever that is on the Earth. He is the Maalik of everything be it small or large. Ownership is always of a property, or an object, but it does not make one the King of that property or object, hence Allah beautifully speaks and completes the picture as below:!Sentence 7: His Kursi extends over the heavens and the Earth. That is Allah’s kingdom. He is Al Malik, The King of the kings, His Kingdom is vast, far beyond human comprehension and imagination.!Allah tells us how is Al Maalik and Al Malik in the third and the third last sentence of this remarkable Ayat.!!Sentence 4: No one will be able to intercede for anyone EXCEPT by His permission.!

Sentence 6: No one has any knowledge EXCEPT for what He wills.!How beautifully two statements about Allah and the only “Exceptions” are tied together as we come to the middle part of the Ayat.!!Sentence 5: He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them.!This is the crown jewel of the Ayat. Exactly situated in the middle of the Ayat, it is as if Allah is telling us He knows what sentences will come after and what have come before. He knows how they have completely left our mind astonished, our tongues speechless and our hearts pounding. He knows the miraculous beauty and how each sentence was connected to the other in this utmost perfect fashion.!!Who other than our Rabb can speak like this? Whose speech is more profound than His speech? Indeed, His words, each of them, hold beauty which no human or jinn can reach. !!This was just an attempt to unravel the linguistic miracle of Ayat ul Kursi in my limited knowledge, however, without any doubt it holds numerous treasures, and Allah knows best its true linguistic beauty.!!

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IX - Every Mu’attil is a Mujassim and every Mujassim is a Mu’attil:!Ta’til means to deny and Tajseem is to commit anthropomorphism (compare Allah to the creation). A Mu’attil and a Mujassim are respectively ones who commit those acts. The gist of this rule is that the people who deny (Ta’til) - Allah’s Attributes do so out of a fear of committing Tajseem. They automatically conceive of the Attribute in an anthropomorphic manner and thus deny the clear, explicit meanings of the verses of Quran. In this process they compare Allah to other objects and deny Allah of His Perfect Attributes. Those who actually do go so far as to commit Tajseem and make Ta’til by denying the true meaning of the ayat and Allah of the Attributes He deserves. The classical Mujassimah (anthropomorphic) groups of Islam were, for the most part, Rafidah (Shia) groups (although, in later times, the Shi’a are predominantly Mu’tazili). The non-Shia groups were primarily Sufis who believed that there was no existence except Allah (Wahdatul Wajood). This is in contrast to the Ash’aris who accuse Ahlus Sunnah now of being ‘anthropomorphic’. Note that these accusations against Ahlus Sunnah did not start until after the actual Mujassimah groups died out.!

continued on next page…!

Rules regarding Allah’s Names & Attributes

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…continued from last page!!X - Two Important Principles on Sifaat: !1. Speaking in a certain way about some Attributes is

the same as speaking about all.!2. Speaking about Allah’s Attributes is like speaking

about Allah’s Essence.!!

The most ‘controversial’ Attributes of Allah are those related to His Essence for example, His Hand, or Face. Ash’aris and other groups who make metaphorical interpretations of Allah’s Attributes are extremely inconsistent. In fact, the atheists who deny them en masse are actually more consistent and logical! It does not make sense to affirm the Knowledge of Allah, or His Life, and then say His Hand means power. Ibn Abbas said, “There is nothing of this world present in Jannah except for the names.” And Allah(swt) says, “And give good tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they will have gardens [in Paradise] beneath which rivers flow. !!!Whenever they are provided with a provision of fruit therefrom, they will say, “This is what we were provided with before.” And it is given to them in likeness. And they will have therein purified spouses, and they will abide therein eternally.” [2:25]. It is obvious that the fruits and rivers in this life are not the same as in the Hereafter, however, the descriptions are there so that we can understand the concepts. As for the second principle, then it can be summarised simply. Everyone affirms that Allah exists. Do we also exist? Yes. No one takes from this that our existence is the same, however, it is a commonality. We cannot comprehend or explain Allah.!!XI - Other Principles - Calling People by the Names of Allah: !!Is calling People by the Names of Allah regarded as Shirk? !The names of Allah, are as they are applied only to Him – fall into two categories:!1. Names that only belong to Him, may He be glorified and exalted, and cannot be

given to anyone but Him, such as the names Allah, Ar-Rabb (the Lord or Cherisher), Ar-Rahmaan (the Most Gracious), Al-Ahad (the Unique), As-Samad (the Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks), Al-Mutakabbir (the Majestic), and so on. It is not permissible to call any human being by these names, according to scholarly consensus. ! continued on next page…!


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2. Names which do not apply only to Him, and which may be applied to human beings, so it is permissible to call people by them, such as Samee’ (hearing), Baseer (seeing), ‘Aliy (high, exalted), Hakeem (wise), Rasheed (wise). Some of the most well known Sahaabah were called by these names, such as ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib and Hakeem ibn Hizaam (may Allaah be pleased with them).!

!What is forbidden are the names which apply only to Allah, such as Ar -Rahman. It says in the commentary on Asna al-Mataalib Sharh Rawd al-Taalib (4/243), which is a Shaafa’i book: “It is permissible to call people by those names of Allah which do not apply only to Him. As for those which apply only to Him, it is haraam (to call people by them)”. This was clearly stated by Al-Nawawi in his commentary on Muslim. Some Hanafi Fuqaha’ confirmed that when they said: “Calling people by names of Allah which are found in the book of Allah, such as Al-‘Aliy (High, Exalted), Al-Kabeer (Great), Ar-Rasheed (Wise), Al-Badee’ (Innovator or Originator), is permissible, because they are names that may be shared by Allah and people, but their meaning when used for people is different from their meaning when used for Allah, may He be glorified and exalted”. See: Bareeqah Mahmoudiyyah (3/234), quoting from al-Tatarkhaaniyyah.! ! ! ! ! ! ! !This is what may be understood from the words of Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) when he said: !!“Names which are forbidden to give to people include the names of the Lord, may He be blessed and exalted, so it is not permissible to call people by names such as Al-Ahad (the Unique), As-Samad (the Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks), Al-Khaaliq (the Creator) or Ar-Razzaaq (the Provider), or any of the other names that apply only to the Lord, may He be blessed and exalted. And it is not permissible to call kings Al-Qaahir (the Subduer) or Al-Zaahir (the Most High or the Manifest), or to call them Al-Jabbaar (the Compeller), Al-Mutakabbir (the Majestic), Al-Awwal (the First), Al-Aakhir (the Last), Al-Baatin (the Most Near or the Hidden), or ‘Allaam al-Ghuyoob (Knower of the unseen)”. Tuhfat al-Mawdood (p. 125). Based on this, there is nothing wrong with using the name Maalik and the like, and it is not necessary to add the words ‘Abd (“slave of”) before it. Similarly, there is nothing wrong with calling a person whose name is ‘Abd al-Hakeem by saying “Hakeem”, as it is one of the names which is permissible to be given to people. But it is better to call him by the name that he likes and that his father called him by.

! !! بسم  اهلل  الرحمن  الرحيم  

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In Search of Balance

Surat ArRahman (7-9)

!يزان.7 امل   والسماء  رفعها  ووضع        And  the  heaven  He  has  raised  it  high,  and  He  has  set  up  the  Balance  

8. يزان  تطغوا  في  امل   أال    In  order  that  you  may  not  transgress  (due)  balance.  

9. وأقيموا  الوزن  بالقسط  وال  تخسروا   يزان امل    And  observe  the  weight  with  equity  and  do  not  make  the  balance  deficient  !Beau&ful  verses,  the  ones  highlighted  above!  

We  spend  our  lives  in  search  of  balance,  in  search  of  modera&on,  in  search  of  uprightness!  Subhanal  Allah.  

Where  have  we  gone  wrong?    

We  are  not  happy  anymore,  we  are  full  of  grudges  and  we  are  falling  down  here  and  there!  Subhanal  Allah  

Where  have  we  gone  wrong?  

We  have  not  understood  Allah’s  Word.  We  have  forgoAen  that  He  is  keeping  the  balance.  It  is  not  us!  

How  do  I  get  the  balance?  

Ask  Allah  subhana  wa  t’Ala  as  He  taught  us  in  Surah  AL  Fa&ha,  ayat  5  and  6  

إياك نعبد وإياك نستعني  

(You  (alone)  we  worship,  and  You  (alone)  we  ask  for  help.)  

ستقيم اهدنا الصراط امل  

(Guide  us  to  the  straight  path.)  

So  being  balanced  requires  us  to  be  on  straight  path;  and  to  achieve  the  straight  path,  we  need  to  ask  Allah  SWT!  

Balance  is  about  being  upright,  being  straight  in  our  dealings,  in  the  wages  we  pay,  in  the  work  we  perform,  in  the  commitments  that  we  have  to  fulfil.  

Above  all,  being  balanced  is  being  fair  and  upholding  the  truth,  if  need  be,  even  against  our  own  selves,  our  blood  rela&ves  and  friends.  This  is  beau&fully  expressed  by  Allah,    Al  Hakam  (  the  Judge),  Al  Adil  (The  Just),  Al  Haqq  (The  Truth)    on  Surah  An  -­‐Nisa,  ayah  135

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۞ يا أيها الذين آمنوا كونوا قوامني بالقسط شهداء هلل ولو على أنفسكم أو قربني إن يكن غنيا أو فقيرا فاهلل أولى بهما فال تتبعوا الهوى أن الوالدين واأل

تعدلوا وإن تلووا أو تعرضوا فإن اهلل كان بما تعملون خبيرا

O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allâh, even though it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, be he rich or poor, Allâh is a Better Protector to both (than you). So follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest you avoid justice, and if you distort your witness or refuse to give it, verily, Allâh is Ever Well-Acquainted with what you do. !Once  we  are  on  the  straight  path,  we  will  get  the  balance,  we  will  make  sure  that  we  fulfil  the  rights  that  are  due  upon  us,  we  will  make  sure  that  our  conduct  is  balanced.  We  will  neither  love  excessively  nor  hate  excessively;  nothing  will  excite  us  and  nothing  will  disappoint  us.  

May  Rabbana  guide  us  to  the  straight  path  and  may  He  keep  us  firm  and  balanced  on  it.  Amen  ya  Rabb  ala  lameen  

Alhamdulil  Allah  Rabb  al  alameen,  wa  salato  wa  salato  wa  salamo  ala  Rasulil  Allah.  

!! !


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!!Living in a world where everyone experiences trials and tribulations there is one common complaint that you hear. Some people say it aloud but most people feel it in their heart and are guilty about bringing this thought to their lips: “I feel that no matter how much dua’ I make it doesn’t get accepted, I get disheartened and give up.”Why do you despair dear brothers and sisters when Allah is closer to you than your jugular vein? Do you not know that Allah does not inflict any hardship on us without the pain of it removing our sins and purifying us? Have you stopped to consider that Allah is testing you because He loves you and is delaying the removal of your pain because He is purifying you before the day you meet Him? Could it be that He is not fulfilling your wishes because what you wish for isn't good for you? Allah has said, “It may be that you hate a thing though it is good for you, or love a thing though it is bad for you. Allāh knows, but you know not. [2:216]” Never underestimate the power of your dua. Underestimating dua' is tantamount to underestimating the One you are expecting to fulfill your dua'. Do not despair in the Most Merciful dear siblings in Islam. How can He not answer when Allah Himself says call upon me I will answer you.

Allah says: “And when My servants ask you (O Muhammad concerning Me, then), I am indeed near (to them by My knowledge). I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me (without any mediator or intercessor).” (2:186.)In the Qur’an whenever Allah answers a question about Himself that a servant asks through the Prophet he uses the word “Qul” or “then say to them O Muhammad”. Allah changes the tense here however from second tense to first, omits the traditional “Qul” and responds to the slave Himself directly instead and says “so I am near!” The specific purpose of this omission is a linguistic miracle and is there to build intimacy, with no intermediary between Allah and his slave thereby showing us the close relationship the two have. How then can such loving and Lateef Rabb who removes thorns even before we realise about their existence; he who calls Himself Al-Mujeeb or The One Who responds ever do for us something that is not for our good? How could He not answer us for He is As-Samee', who hears every call individually and has a special hearing reserved only for those slaves that call upon Him?The difference between the people of the dunya and Allah is that Allah loves it when we nag. He loves it when we repeatedly call upon Him. #!

Dua’ & How We Should Not Underestimate it “When My slaves ask you about Me, I am indeed near.” (Qur’an 2:186)

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continued on next page…!!…continued from last page#!Making dua' to Allah shows Him that we are completely helpless and without His assistance we are no one and are capable of nothing. In fact, the Prophet (صلى اهلل عليه ,said, "Whoever does not ask Allah (وسلمAllah becomes angry with him."(Tirmidhi). This is because neglecting dua’ is a sign of arrogance. #!Therefore, dua’ draws the slave closer to his Rabb in their reliance upon His and his realisation of how small he is as humans are; it humbles him. It is perhaps for this reason why the Prophet (صلى اهلل عليه وسلم) has said:“The best form of worship is dua” (Tirmidhi).The problem then is not that Allah does not respond to us; the problem is our attitude towards the problem. The problem is our lack of knowledge of Allah and therefore our lack of reliance upon Him for there can be no dua without complete reliance (tawakkul) on Him. The Prophet (صلى اهلل told us to ask Allah (swt) with (عليه وسلمcertainty that He will respond (Tirmidhi). He also has said, “When anyone of you does Dua then don’t say “Oh Allah! Forgive me if you want“, “Have mercy on me if you want“, “Give me subsistence if you wish” rather believe completely that He will do whatever He is capable to give you whatsoever you are asking Him for. Nobody can force Him.” (Bukhari). Where is our husn al dhan billah or thinking good of Allah? “Verily your Lord is Generous and Shy. If His servant raises his hands to

Him (in supplication) He becomes shy to return them empty.” (Tirmidhi) This is why it is so important that your trust in Him be complete. Allah is al Wakeel the Trustee, He is the best disposer of affairs. He is The One Who is entrusted with all matters and concerns, the One Who is depended upon by His servants for all their needs. The fact is that the greater your emaan, the greater your test. Allah knows the exact time He needs to respond to you. He will respond when you have learnt what you needed to learn from your trial, from your needs. Allah is the one who threw Yusuf into a well and into jail and then made him king of Egypt. Allah is the one who threw Hajar into the midst of mountains with no food and drink and then sprang the zamzam under Ismail's feet. Allah is the one who tried Umm Salamah with the loss of her husband and then replaced him with RasulAllah SAW:#Allah is the AlAhad AlQader, AlGhani, and whoever treasure have no end. But all these situations require 100% hard work on our side, using the means and then complete trust that Allah will do and will give us what is best for us.Sheikh Uthaymeen further elaborates the conditions of dua’ by saying that one must be sincere in his du'a knowing that Allah is capable of answering his du'a and hoping that the du'a will be answered. He says that during du'a, the caller should feel that he is in need of Allah, in fact in dire need; and that only Allah alone answers the supplication of the one in distress and the One who removes evil. Also, he says that the one making du'a should refrain from haraam (unlawful) matters, #

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…continued from last page#!as this acts as a barrier between the person and his du'a (supplication) being answered.Why do we expect an immediate response to our prayers when we don't bother to immediately respond to Allah when He calls out to us five times a day?The three ways in which Allah responds to dua' are the following:(1) He responds to it immediately and gives you what you want(2) He delays it or takes away some harm from your way(3) He doesn't answer it and keeps the reward for you in Jannah. The Prophet has said: “There shall (صلى اهلل عليه وسلم)not be a single prayer offered by a pious person concerning which Allah will not state, ‘I granted this prayer (Dua) of yours in the world and I added that desire of yours to the balance of your reward in eternity.’ The pious person will ponder then, ‘Would that none of my prayers (Duas) been granted in the mortal world!’ Hence, the servant should continue to pray under all conditions.” [Hakim]If you find your duas are not accepted check yourself for the following and make your dua’s again without despair in your Rabb who provides all:The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The slave will receive a response so long as his dua does not involve sin or severing of family ties, and so long as he is not hasty.” It was said,

“What does being hasty mean?” He said: “When he says, ‘I made dua and I made dua, and I have not seen any response,’ and he gets frustrated and stops making dua.” (Bukhari) Ibn al Jawzi has said: “The response may be withheld because of some fault in you. Is your earning illegitimate? Perhaps your heart was heedless at the time when you said the dua, or your punishment is being increased by means of your need being withheld, because of some sin from which you have not repented sincerely. Perhaps not getting what you want will cause...will cause you to turn to Allah and getting it will distract you from Him. Examine your intentions behind your request and look for some of these reasons, so that you might achieve your aim.”Indeed if Allah were to give all of us everything we wanted there would no difference in His treasure so persistently beg of Him and ask big. The Companions of the Prophet (صلى اهلل عليه وسلم) and the Mothers of the Believers sought Allah's advice from buying a simple shoe lace to winning wars with 300 people facing an army of 1000. Do not be shy to ask of the One who loves you 70 times more than your mother. In our hurry for us to have our dua's answered we do not stop to look at the bigger picture. Let us not forget that we plan but like so much more than just a caring parent, Allah plans too and He, the Knower of the Unseen and what lies ahead of us, is the Best of Planners.#!

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Two types of determination (والعزم نوعان):- Continued from last issue .أحدهما: عزم املريد على الدخول في الطريق, وهو من البدايات

First: Determination of the one wanting to walk a path. One needs to ask Allah (swt) to give him this determination from the start. 

والثاني: العزم على االستمرار على الطاعات بعد الدخول فيها, وعلى االنتقال من حال كامل, إلى حال أكمل منه, وهو من النهايات, ولهذا سمى اهلل تعالى خواص الرسل أولي العزم, وهم

.خمسة، وهم أفضل الرسلSecondly: Determination to continue upon the obedience after having started it and to move from one state to a better state. For this reason Allah (swt) specified from His messengers as ‘those of great determination’ being five of the best messengers. They are Noah (as), Ibrahim (as), Moses (as), Jesus (as), and Mohammed (pbuh).

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Determination:#!Last issue we delved deep into the elaborate explanation of the beautiful hadith wherein the Prophet (pbuh) taught us the dua for this life and Hereafter. In this issue we will look into, what does determination consist of once we have made a dua and want to walk towards the righteous path.#!

فالعزم األول يحصل للعبد به الدخول في كل خير, والتباعد من كل شر, إذ به يحصل للكافر الخروج

من الكفر، والدخول في اإلسالم, وبه يحصل للعاصي الخروج من املعصية, والدخول في

الطاعة, فإن كانت العزيمة صادقة, وصمم عليها صاحبها, وحمل على هوى نفسه, وعلى الشيطان حملة صادقة, ودخل فيما أمر به من الطاعات فقد

#.فازSo a servant can have the determination to enter all kinds of goodness and stay away from evil. For the disbeliever determination is when he leaves the disbelief and enters Islam. For the sinner it is to leave the disobedience and enter obedience. If this determination is based on sincerity and the person holds back his desires and temptations of the devil, then he enters upon what Allah (swt) has commanded him from obedience, and this ultimately means he has won. #  #

وعون اهلل للعبد على قدر قوة عزيمته، وضعفها,#.فمن صمم على إرادة الخير أعانه، وثبته

Allah (swt) will help the slave according to the strength/weakness of his determination, so whoever is absolute in wanting goodness then Allah (swt) will aid him and make him firm, Subhan Allah.#

  # ومن صدق العزيمة يئس منه الشيطان, ومتى كان#.العبد مترددا طمع فيه الشيطان, وسوفه، ومناه سئل بعض السلف متى ترتحل الدنيا من القلب؟

قال: إذا وقعت العزيمة ترحلت الدنيا من القلب, ودرج القلب في ملكوت السماء, وإذا لم تقع#. العزيمة اضطرب القلب, ورجع إلى الدنيا

Whoever is truthful with his determination then the shaitan becomes upset. And if the servant is hesitant, then the shaitan will confuse him and tell him that he is fine, he does not need to change. Subhan Allah. Some of the predecessors were asked, ‘When does the duniya leave the heart?’ They said, ‘When determination is placed in the heart, then the duniya leaves, and the heart is elevated to the heavens. And if there is no determination, then the heart is hit back down, and the duniya returns to it’, Subhan Allah. # #

قوله صلى اهلل عليه وسلم ((وأسألك موجبات رحمتك)): وهي ما أوجبت لقائلها الرحمة، من قربة,

أي قربة كانت, أي: نسألك من األفعال, واألقوال، والصفات التي تتحصل بسببها رحمتك, والتي

توجب بها الجنة التي هي أعظم رحماتك، كما قال# تعالى: "وأما الذين ابيضت وجوههم ففي رحمة

#(اهلل هم فيها خالدون".(وأسألك موجبات رحمتك)And I ask You the means for Your mercy. Mercy that brings one the closeness to Allah (swt) – be it from actions, speech, and behaviour. For example, to be guided to perform deeds and say supplications that will grant the mercy of Allah (swt), Subhan Allah. Also to ask for the means for paradise since that is the greatest of Allah’s mercy as He (swt) said: “As for those whose faces are white, they are in the mercy of Allah, they are there forever”. (Surah Al E Imran 107).# #

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 continued on next page…" …continued from last page !

قوله: ((وعزائم مغفرتك)): العزائم: جمع عزيمة: وهي عقد القلب على إمضاء األمر كما مر, أي أسألك أن ترزقنا من األعمال واألقوال واألفعال التي تعزم، وتتأكد بها مغفرتك, وهذا الدعاء من جوامع الكلم النبوية, فإنه سأله أوال أن يرزقه ما يوجب له رحمة اهلل عز وجل ومن فعل ما يوجب له الرحمة, فقد دخل بذلك تحت رحمته التي وسعت كل شيء, واندرج في سلك أهلها, وفي عداد مستحقها, ثم سأله أن يهب له عزما على الخير يكون به مغفورا له؛ فإن من غفر اهلل تعالى له ذنوبه، وتفضل عليه برحمته، فقد ظفر بخيري الدنيا

# .واآلخرة, واستحق العناية الربانية في محياه ومماته# :(وعزائم مغفرتك)

The determinations for Your forgiveness: #Notice determination is in plural. As stated before, determination is to tie and gather the heart to fulfil a matter. So we ask Allah (swt) to grant us the deeds, speech, and actions that will assure His forgiveness. Ameen. The supplication ties both mercy and forgiveness together. First the Messenger (pbuh) asked for the means to have Allah’s mercy and to perform these acts. So then he has entered the mercy of Allah (swt) which covers everything, Subhan Allah. And it is elevated to take the path to this mercy and fulfil its requirements. Then he asks Allah (swt) to gift him determination to do good which will be a means to his forgiveness since whomever Allah (swt) forgives his sins, and graces him with His mercy, then he has won goodness both in this life and the next, and is entitled to divine care in his lifetime and death, Subhan Allah.#!We end this now & Insha Allah in next issue we will present to you about the #Requirements for a successful dua and how how to ask from Allah (swt).#!!!!!!


Battles mentioned in the Seerah






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The Tongue ~ مخارج اللسان#!MAKHARIJ (طرف اللسان)!

Dear  readers  in  the  previous  newsleDer  we  have  discussed  the  tongue  and  its  3  different  parts  :  

1-­‐ وسط اللسان   -­‐2. ,اقصى اللسان   and حافة‐­-3  اللسان  out  of  which  emerge  aHer  7  leDers  and  now  we  will  discuss  the  most  important  part  i.e   طرف اللسان  which  has  5  makharij  and  11  leDers  emerging  and  that  will  complete  the  18  leDers  of  the  tongue.  

ن‐­-1  -­‐  Taraf  Al-­‐Lisaan  is  the  Qp  of  the  tongue  and  the  area  slightly  behind  it.  This  arQculates  by  touching  the  gums  of  the  upper  front  teeth  emerges  the  sound  of  the  leDer . ن   

ر‐­-2  –    Tip  of  the  tongue  slightly  bends  backwards  as  its  Qp  and  liDle  part  of  its  back  touches  the  gums  behind  the  teeth.  We  have  to  control  the  rolling  of  the  tongue.  

(ط،د،ت)‐­-3  –  The  Qp  of  the  tongue  along  with  the  upper  porQon  touches  the  base  of  the  top  front  teeth  (place  where  the  gums  and  teeth  meet).  

is ت  most  forward  and  exact  at  the  point  where  the  gums  and  teeth  meet, is‐­-د   a  liDle ط   –is  

behind د   a  liDle.  The  back  of  the  tongue  should  also  meet  upper  palate  as ط   is  a  thick  leDer.  

4-­‐ )ز،ص،س(   Tip  of  the  tongue  touching  between  the  upper  and  lower  front  teeth  with  a  slight  gap.  

س  The  Qp  should  meet  the  place  where  the  gums  and  lower  teeth  meet.  You  should  allow  the  flow  of  air  in  the  mouth  to  pass  from  the  back  to  the  front  and  exit  from  between  the  teeth  this  gives  a  whistle  like  sound. ص   –The  back  of  the  tongue  elevates  to  meet  the  upper  palate  as  it  is  a  thick  leDer. ز   –  The  teeth  should  be  pressed  together  so  that  the  air  passage  sounds  like  a  buzzing  sound.  

(ظ،ذ،ث)‐­-5  The  Qp  of  the  tongue  meets  the  edges  of  the  two  upper  front  teeth.  

ث  –is  arQculated  by  puYng  pressure  on  the  edge  of  the  two  upper  incisor  teeth. ذ   –is  arQculated  by  puYng  pressure  on  the  mid    secQon  of  the  two  upper  incisor  teeth. ظ   –is  arQculated  by  puYng  pressure  on  the  edge  of  the  roots  of  the  upper  incisor  teeth.  The  back  of  the  tongue  elevates  to  meet  the  upper  palate  as ظ   is  a  thick  leDer.  


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Recap:  Last  issue  we  introduced  Sahaba  Abu  Bakr  (RA)  and  described  his  qualiQes.  In  this  issue,  we  present  to  you  some  of  the  incidents  in  his  life  and  his  noble  character.  

!Rasullullah (saws) used to say that the Iman of Abu Bakr was greater iman than of the people of the world. (Baihaqi )"The incidents that stand out the most in Abu Bakr(RA)'s life:"1. When Prophet (saws) went on the

Night Journey everyone had some hesitation to believe in it. Abu Bakr (RA) believed in it without any second thoughts. When the Prophet (saws) learnt about this, he (saws) at once said, "Abu Bakr is the `Siddiq'." `Siddiq' is a person so sincere of heart that doubts never mar his love. Abu Bakr (RA) earned this title because his faith was too strong to be shaken by anything."

2. During the migration to Medina, the Prophet (saws) and Abu Bakr (RA) had to take refuge in a cave at Mount Thawr. Abu Bakr (RA) entered the cave first to be sure that it was safe. He noticed some holes which he closed with pieces torn off from his clothes, cleaned it and then asked the Prophet (saws) to step in. The Prophet (saws) went in and immediately laid his head in Abu Bakr's lap and fell asleep. Suddenly Abu Bakr's foot was stung by a poisonous insect. It hurt him so much that tears came out of his eyes, but he didn't wake up the Prophet (saws)! Subhan Allah can one imagine the love that he had for the Prophet (saws)? Umar (RA) said that day in the life of Abu Bakr, the day of Hijrah, that single day is better not only than Umar and the entire life of Umar, but better than the entire family of Umar for all of their lives."

3. When Prophet (saws) passed away there was chaos among the Sahabas, some couldn't speak, some couldn't believe that he (saws) had died. Ali (RA) hid in Fatima's house, Uthman (RA) couldn't speak, Umar (RA) said that Prophet (saws) didn't die, and that he (saws) went to meet Allah for 40 days and would come back and that  if anyone claimed that Prophet (saws) had died,he would kill them. When Abu Bakr (RA) heard the news, he went to Aisha (RA), uncovered  Prophet (saws) face, kissed him and said 'Your were pure when you were alive and You are pure when you are dead’. Then he gave his famous speech:"O people! If anyone among you worshipped Muhammad, let him know that Muhammad is dead. But those who worship Allah, continued from last page!!

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…continued from last page!!let him know that He lives and will never die. Let all of us recall the words of the Qur'an. It says, `Muhammad is only a Messenger of Allah. There have been Messengers before him. What then, will you turn back from Islam, if he dies or is killed?""Surah Imran 144. Umar(RA) said that when he heard Abu Bakr recite the ayah ,it was as if he had heard it for the first time, and Umar (RA) was a hafidh in Quran. After the speech, one could hear only crying in the masjid. What a difficult time for the Ummah, yet how simply Abu Bakr (RA) brought them back to reality. We know !how much he loved, respected and honoured the Prophet (saws). Yet it was his clear mind that saved the Muslim Ummah when the Prophet (SAWS) passed away."!Can one imagine what it must have taken Abu Bakr (RA) to make that speech? Abu Bakr (RA) who was the closest to Prophet (saws) would have been the most affected by his (saws) death."!When Abu Bakr (RA) became the First Caliph of Islam, his first speech speaks volumes about his personality and commitment to Islam:"O people, I have been elected your leader, although I am not better than anyone from among you. If I do any good, give me your support. If I go wrong, set me right. Listen, truth is honesty and untruth is dishonesty. The weak among you are powerful in my eyes, as long as I do not get them their due, Allah willing. The powerful among you are weak in my eyes, as long as I do not take away from them what is due to others, Allah willing. Listen, if people

give up striving for the cause of Allah, Allah sends down disgrace on them. If a people become evil doers, Allah sends down calamities on them. Listen, you must obey me as long as I obey Allah and His Messenger. "!!If I disobey Allah and His Messenger, you are free to disobey me”. If there is nothing else said regarding Abu Bakr, except this statement, it will be sufficient. "!Prophet (saws) said ,"There is no one to whom I didn't recompense for the good done to me, except Abu Bakr; he will be rewarded by Allah on the Day of Judgement.”"!There is absolutely no way that we can ever do justice to the life of Abu Bakr (RA), and I would think it is impossible to be like him. But we could learn from his life about generosity, loyalty, complete iman, selflessness, empathy along with being sensible, level headed and just."!Ali ibn Abu Talib's funeral speech for Abu Bakr (RA) sums it up quite nicely, “You supported him when others had deserted him, and you remained firm in helping him in misfortunes when others had withdrawn their support. You had the lowest voice but the highest distinction. Your conversation was most exemplary and your reasoning most just; your silence was longest in duration, and your speech was most eloquent. Bravest among men, and well-informed about matters, your action was dignified”. "!He was Abu Bakr asSiddiq (RA).

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Surah Al Ikhlas, Surah Al Falaq, Surah An Nas"!Quran Outline"The purpose of this breakdown is to see the surah of the Quran in an ‘outline’ format. This facilitates the way of seeing the flow of the ayat and helps to remember the words in sha’a Allah. We ask Allah to open the means for us to understand and imprint the Quran in our hearts. Ameen."

!#112 Surah Al Ikhlas – The Sincerity / Tawheed (سورة االخالص)"

Say (Prophet Mohammed (pbuh)), He is ( "(قل هو

Allah (ٱهلل)"One (أحد)"

Allah (ٱهلل)"The Self-Sufficient Master (ٱلصمد)"He begets not (has no children) (لم "(يلدNor was He begotten (born to anyone) (ولم يولد)"And there is none (ولم يكن له ۥ)"

Comparable to Him (ڪفوا أحد)"!Virtues:"It is equivalent to a third of the Qur’an. Allah describes Himself in this beautiful chapter and whoever loves this chapter enters Paradise. Reading (and acting upon) this chapter 10 times a day will build you a palace in Paradise. May Allah (swt) grant us paradise. Ameen."!

قال رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه و سلم: أيعجز أحدكم أن يقرأ في ليلة ثلث القرآن ؟ قالوا :

وكيف يقرأ ثلث القرآن ؟ قال : قل هو اهلل أحد تعدل ثلث القرآن- [رواه مسلم ] [ وصحح

األلباني في صحيح - الترغيب والترهيب / "[ 1480

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Do any of you want to recite one-third of the Quran in one night? They said ‘how can we?’ He (pbuh) said recite Al-Ikhlas, it is equal to one -third of the Quran.” (Muslim, Hadith #1480)"!قال رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه و سلم: عن أنس

أن رجال قال : يا رسول اهلل إني أحب هذه السورة (قل هو اهلل أحد ) فقال إن حبك إياها

يدخلك الجنة - رواه الترمذي وصححه - "" " أللباني / 2323

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Anas reports that a man said ‘Oh Messenger of Allah, I"continued on next page…!!

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…continued from last page!!love this Surah'. He (pbuh) said if you love it, it will make you enter Paradise.” (Al Tirmidhi, Hadith #2323)."!قال رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه و سلم: من قرأ "

قل هو اهلل أحد " حتى يختمها عشر مرات بنى اهلل له قصرا في الجنة - سلسلة األحاديث -

الصحيحة / 589 "The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever reads Al-Ikhlas 10 times, Allah will have a palace built for him in Paradise.” (Chain of Correct Hadiths #589)."!#113 Surah Al Falaq – The Daybreak "(سورة الفلق)

Say I seek refuge (قل أعوذ)"In the Lord of the daybreak (برب "(ٱلفلق

From what do I seek refuge?!From the evil (harm) of what He has created (من شر ما خلق)"And from the evil of the night (ومن "(شر غاسق

As it darkens (إذا وقب)"And from the evil of those who blow "(ومن شر ٱلنفـثـت)

Into knots (witchcraft) (فى ٱلعقد)"

And from the evil of the envier (ومن "(شر حاسد

When he envies (إذا حسد)"!#114 Surah An Nas – The Mankind "(سورة الناس)

!Say I seek refuge (قل أعوذ)"

In the Lord of mankind (برب ٱلناس)"The King of mankind (ملك ٱلناس)"The God of mankind (إلـه ٱلناس)"

From what do I seek refuge?!From the evil (من شر)"

Of the whisperer (ٱلوسواس)"Who withdraws (when Allah is remembered) (ٱلخناس)"

What does this whisperer do?!Who whispers (ٱلذى يوسوس)"

In the breasts (فى صدور)"Of mankind (ٱلناس)"

Who is this whisperer?!Of the jinn (devil) (من ٱلجنة)"And mankind (evil thoughts from others) (وٱلناس)!

!Virtues of Al Mua’awadhtayn (املعوذتني):"These two chapters will suffice you for everything when you read them 3 times

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during your morning and evening supplications."

!قال رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه و سلم: وعن عبد اهلل بن خبيب -بضم الخاء املعجمة- رضي اهلل عنه قال: قال لي رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه وسلم: "اقرأ: قل هو اهلل أحد، واملعوذتني حني تمسي وحني تصبح،

ثالث مرات، تكفيك من كل شيء". رواه أبو داود والترمذي وقال حديث حسن صحيح - رواه الترمذي و أبو داود ، كتاب # ١٦ حديث # ١٤٥٦ "

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Recite Surat Al-Ikhlas and Al- Mu'awwidhatain (Surat Al-Falaq and Surat An-Nas) three times at dawn and dusk. It will suffice you in all respects.” (Al Tirmidhi, Book #16 Hadith #1456)."!!!!

Up/Down Across

1. Khadijah 1. Aisha

2. Zaynab 2. Juwairiya

3. Sawda 3. Hafsa

4. Safiyya 4. Maymuna

5. Ummsalama 5. Maria

Answers for Brain Squeeze

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!Masjid Bani Hashim by the Grace of Allah عز وجل, opened its doors 2nd Ramadan 1434; July 10th, 2013 & is a Non-Profit Organisation. It envisions to offer intensive courses, lectures, workshops, Tafseer elQuran with Taddabur, Tajweed, Seerah of the Prophet pbuh & major Islamic Studies.!!Our Mission!Masjid Bani Hashim’s mission is to provide authentic understanding of Islam based on Qur'an and Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Mohammed (saws). Masjid Bani Hashim welcomes all and provides a golden opportunity to access Islamic Courses to all seekers of Ilm. Without rushing back home, you can make a stop at Masjid Bani Hashim to nurture your soul, pray & recite Quran.

Masjid Bani Hashim!At Jumeirah Islands, Dubai

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