astroparticle and cosmology session charling tao 1st fcppl workshop, january 2008 - 2 hours session...

Astroparticle and Cosmology session Charling Tao 1st FCPPL Workshop, January 2008 - 2 hours session : Not a summary of all Astroparticle and Cosmology projects in France, nor Sino-French projects Refer to recent Sino French Conference on Origins 15-20 October 2007 A dedicated new LIA with INSU/NAOC + Universities +APC and CPPM - Projects for FCPPL: (history?), SCIENCE, People involved, what support expected from

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Page 1: Astroparticle and Cosmology session Charling Tao 1st FCPPL Workshop, January 2008 - 2 hours session : Not a summary of all Astroparticle and Cosmology

Astroparticle and Cosmology session

Charling Tao

1st FCPPL Workshop, January 2008

- 2 hours session :

Not a summary of all Astroparticle and Cosmology projects in France, nor Sino-French projects

Refer to recent Sino French Conference on Origins 15-20 October 2007

A dedicated new LIA with

INSU/NAOC + Universities +APC and CPPM

- Projects for FCPPL: (history?), SCIENCE, People involved, what support expected from FCPPL

Page 2: Astroparticle and Cosmology session Charling Tao 1st FCPPL Workshop, January 2008 - 2 hours session : Not a summary of all Astroparticle and Cosmology

1st workshop: Astroparticle and


- SVOM: the present status Stéphane BASA (LAM)

- The POLAR Project Jean-Pierre VIALLE (LAPP)

- DARK Matter Phenomenology Julien Lavalle (U.Torino, CPPM)

- AMS and related topics Chen GuoMing (IHEP)

- Cosmic rays with radiotelescopes in China Olivier MARTINEAU-HUYNH

(LPNHE- Paris 6)

- Determination of cosmological parameters André Tilquin (CPPM)

- Astrophysics with particle physics detectors - Particle physics issues with astrophysics tools

Thanks to Prof. Chen Hesheng for his support in his Tuesday presentation: Non Accelerator physics is an important part of Particle Physics

Page 3: Astroparticle and Cosmology session Charling Tao 1st FCPPL Workshop, January 2008 - 2 hours session : Not a summary of all Astroparticle and Cosmology

Marseille cosmology group CPPM/LAM/CPT

- active in with many other collaborators

+ Dark Energy Phenomenology (cf André Tilquin CPPM)

+ SVOM (cf Stéphane Basa LAM)

+ Supernovae projects :

SNLS, SNF, SNAP, Dome C/A in South Pole + …

- NAOC (ZHOU Xu – presently in South Pole)

- Tsinghua University (WANG Xiaofeng –expecting father)

Page 4: Astroparticle and Cosmology session Charling Tao 1st FCPPL Workshop, January 2008 - 2 hours session : Not a summary of all Astroparticle and Cosmology

Young people involved in our SF observational cosmology cooperations

* Postdoc in LPHNE/ SNF WU Chao

* Cotutored PhD Students from French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

- ZHANG TianMeng (LAM Stéphane Basa /NAOC Zhou Xu) / SNLS

- SUN Lei (PKU FAN Zuhui/ CPPM C. TAO) / Systematics of Weak Lensing, Baryon Oscillations, SN and their impact on the determination of dark energy parameters

Page 5: Astroparticle and Cosmology session Charling Tao 1st FCPPL Workshop, January 2008 - 2 hours session : Not a summary of all Astroparticle and Cosmology

From observations to the Concordance Model


SNe Ia


Universe is mainly dark

~70% DE


~25% DM.

Definition: c (c=10-29


Page 6: Astroparticle and Cosmology session Charling Tao 1st FCPPL Workshop, January 2008 - 2 hours session : Not a summary of all Astroparticle and Cosmology

SNLSFrench Canadian (+ others) collaboration with CFHT Megacam telescope

has already collected >350 (spectro id /VLT+Gemini) SN Ia in ~3 yr.

When combined with BAO, 1st year results on w favor a Cosmological constant as the source of acceleration

2 more years to go: expect many more SNe!

improvement expected in both stat. and systematics

What we learnt:

The power of (multicolor & rolling) imaging : SN identification, control of systematics.

Calibration is delicate

Environment matters (also at high-z)

Need improved LC modeling (using SNLS data -> SALT2)

Need unbiased NEARBY sample

Page 7: Astroparticle and Cosmology session Charling Tao 1st FCPPL Workshop, January 2008 - 2 hours session : Not a summary of all Astroparticle and Cosmology

Low Red Shift (Z < 0.1) Supernova factory (SNF)

• Berkeley/Paris/Lyon/Lyon/Yale + LAM+CPPM +… Collab• Purpose

–Discover a large number (500 or more) nearby TypeIa Supernovae–Redshift range 0.03 to 0.08–Take spectrum of each Sne every 4 days or so

• Scientific Goals–Anchor Hubble Diagram for large Hi-z Surveys–Systematic study of TypeIa Supernovae Spectroscopic Follow-up– Spectroscopy Hawaii 2.2 m (Supernova Factory)

Todate, more than 100 well followed up SNIa

Page 8: Astroparticle and Cosmology session Charling Tao 1st FCPPL Workshop, January 2008 - 2 hours session : Not a summary of all Astroparticle and Cosmology

2/d.o.f=1 with an additional intrinsic dispersion

int=0.13 mag

(errors take into account covariance matrix of fitted parameters m


45 nearby SN from literature+71 SNLS SNIa

SNLS first year Hubble diagram

Page 9: Astroparticle and Cosmology session Charling Tao 1st FCPPL Workshop, January 2008 - 2 hours session : Not a summary of all Astroparticle and Cosmology

Mag at peak in B filter

SN Ia use as standard candle?

light curve

Light Curve in local reference frame – corrections

Galactic extinction correction

But SN Ia are not exact standard candles:

Page 10: Astroparticle and Cosmology session Charling Tao 1st FCPPL Workshop, January 2008 - 2 hours session : Not a summary of all Astroparticle and Cosmology

SNIa are not standard candles

SNIa light can be followed-up for many weeks with telescopes

Page 11: Astroparticle and Cosmology session Charling Tao 1st FCPPL Workshop, January 2008 - 2 hours session : Not a summary of all Astroparticle and Cosmology

BUT ARE standardisable to some level

before: mB after, eg, stretch : correction mBcor = mB – (s-1)

Different methods of standardisation :

stretch (SCP), MLC2k2 (HiZ), m15, .C12..

Page 12: Astroparticle and Cosmology session Charling Tao 1st FCPPL Workshop, January 2008 - 2 hours session : Not a summary of all Astroparticle and Cosmology

Precision on the magnitude dominated by intrinsic dispersion:

mint 0.15Not a big problem Statistical reduction by number of SN observed

Stretch uncorrected

Stretch corrected

Precision on the magnitude at the maximum

Page 13: Astroparticle and Cosmology session Charling Tao 1st FCPPL Workshop, January 2008 - 2 hours session : Not a summary of all Astroparticle and Cosmology

Constraints on cosmological parameters

m= 0.2 - 0.3 effect!Riess 04

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Systematic differences between standardisation methods (Riess et al. 2004)

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SNe Ia correlations standardisation methods

m15 relation BATM

Phillips (1993), Hamuy et al. (1996), Phillips et al. (1999), Prieto et al. (2006)


Riess et al. (1996, 1998), Jha et al. (2002, 2006)

•Stretch SALT

Perlmutter et al. (1997), Goldhaber et al. (2001), Guy et al. (2005)

• C12 WANG Xiaofeng , Tsinghua U (2005)

Phenomenological observations!

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The distances from standardised SNe Ia

distance accuracy around 10%

Tonry et al. 2003

Evidence for good distances,

but not good enough for precise cosmology!

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The color parameter C12 as a new luminosity indicator

Wang Xiaofen (Tsinghua U) et al. 2005, ApJ, 620, L87

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Applications to high-redshift SNLS-1 data

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Wang et al. 2005a, ApJ, 620, L87

distance accuracy around 4-5%

SN Peak luminosity vs C12

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SN Ia distances from C12 calibration

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C12 vs SALT standardisation SNLS-1 subsample

C12 Compatible with SALT

- smaller dispersion (< 0.1)


Indication (>2) for non CDM behaviour?

Contours 95% CL with Kosmoshow (A. Tilquin)

Subsample SNLS + nearby (86) Wang Xiaofeng

Subsample SNLS + nearby/premax (67)

Strong prior M=0.27 +/- 0.04

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Questions raised from this comparison analysis

Systematic checks

-Need More statistics !!!! from both hi z AND Nearby SN

Involvement in SNF

(1 Chinese postdoc Chao WU in LPNHE)

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Cluster counts


Baryon Wiggles

Cosmic Shear Angular diameter distanceGrowth rate of structure

Evolution of dark matter perturbations

Standard ruler

Angular diameter distance

Standard candleLuminosity distance

Evolution of dark matter perturbationsAngular diameter distanceGrowth rate of structure

The concordance model stands quite strong!

CMBSnapshot at ~400,000 yr, viewed from z=0

Angular diameter distance to z~1000

Growth rate of structure (from ISW)

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Other Apologies for absences

- Dark Energy phenomenology partners:

- ZHANG XinMin, (IHEP) : health problems

- FAN Zuhui (PKU) and ZHU Zong-Hong (Beijing Normal U.) Teaching duties exam week

- 21CMA: light of first stars + CR with radioantennas

WU XiangPing Passport problem , future codirector of NAOC/INSU LIA

- SVOM (ZHANG ShuangNan + WU Bobing, IHEP) : Very important funding review for SVOM decided Jan. 4 for this week

Page 25: Astroparticle and Cosmology session Charling Tao 1st FCPPL Workshop, January 2008 - 2 hours session : Not a summary of all Astroparticle and Cosmology

1st workshop:Astroparticle and


- SVOM: the present status Stéphane BASA (LAM)

- The POLAR Project Jean-Pierre VIALLE (LAPP)

- DARK Matter Phenomenology Julien Lavalle (U.Torino, CPPM)

- AMS and related topics Chen GuoMing (IHEP)

- Cosmic rays with radiotelescopes in China Olivier MARTINEAU-HUYNH

(LPNHE- Paris 6)

- Determination of cosmological parameters André Tilquin (CPPM)- Astrophysics with particle physics detectors

- Particle physics issues with astrophysics tools