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1 Undergraduate Studies ePortfolio Christina Lee BA in Psychology, 2011

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Undergraduate Studies ePortfolio

Christina LeeBA in Psychology, 2011

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Personal Statement

My interest in psychology dates back during my years in high school. Several experiences broaden my view towards psychology. A family member had a problem with substance abuse and I knew nothing about this until my high school years. I never understood the reason for her behavior which increased my curiosity to want to understand the reasons behind her cognitive behavior. Enjoying psychology-related activities in an academic and community setting I had a mindset to pursue a career in psychology. After being told of the many different fields of psychology there was one particular field I was drawn towards, clinical psychology. An important part of this field is to attend graduate school. In order to increase my knowledge in clinical psychology I wish to further my studies in a master’s program at Argosy University. Other experiences involve my academic background. The knowledge that I have gained from class lectures and materials as well as the research papers or topics have helped me increase my knowledge. Wanting to help others without directing individuals to their own goal is important. The thirst for knowledge to increase what I’ve learned has always stimulated me to go on with my studies will help obtain the important goal of working as a clinical psychologist. Another experience happened when I was helping out a friend who was having problems with her boyfriend as well as trouble at work. While she was confiding in me I felt helpless since I have not had the opportunity of feeling how she had felt. Luckily a friend who was a clinical psychologist had given his own opinions on what may help her. The decision to further my studies in clinical psychology has helped me since the situation in helping out other friends when they had problems.

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Personal Statement (Continued)

In addition to my educational experience, science was another subject that I have been fascinated with. Learning about the scientific method and applying it to psychology gain a perspective I have not known about before. At Argosy University I’ve attended science related classes to help improve my learning experiences with psychology which in returned boarded my respect for clinical psychology. Even though I do not work in a psychology related field I feel that my job in customer service helps me maintain a “piece at mind stage” while helping aggravated customers. It is important to be professional as well as being ethical towards helping others. I have learned in my current profession that arguing with another person will obtain nothing. Being positive and listening is a must in customer service and in any psychology field. Having thoroughly enjoyed my first two years at Argosy University taking classes that involved diversity, own cultural experiences, humanities, sciences, statistics I have learn much of what is needed to move onto the next phase in life. Graduate school is important to myself and my family. Being the youngest out of seven children and accomplishing school is an important goal. Out of seven children only three of us were able to graduate with our Associates Degree and two of us then moved on to graduate with a Bachelors Degree. My parents have not had the opportunity to go to schools themselves but were able to make something out of their lives where they now live comfortably. I would like to show them how proud they are to raise children who can accomplish their goals and provide a life for themselves and their family. My wish to be accepted into a Masters program is not only my dream but my families dream as well.

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ResumeChristina [email protected][Additional contact information available upon request]PROFILECustomer service specialist that handles customer relations, tailors service to guest needs,

assures customer satisfaction and encourages repeat business.• Experience in customer service including problem solving customer needs• Experience in transferring data from paper copy to the computer• Exceptionally well organized, detail organized, and self-motivated• Very good communication skills and works well in a team settingSKILLS• Microsoft Office including Word and PowerPoint• Customer Service• Microsoft Windows 7• Problem solving• POS systemEDUCATIONArgosy University Twin CitiesEagan, MN 9/2009 – Present• BA in Psychology – in progressAnoka-Ramsey Community CollegeCoon Rapids, MN Graduated – 5/2009• Associate in Arts DegreeAnoka High SchoolAnoka, MN Graduated – 6/2004• Diploma

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Resume (Continued)

EXPERIENCEWayzata Bar and Grill “The Muni” Wayzata, MN 5/2011 – PresentServer• Perform and demonstrate excellent customer service skills• Maintain a clean and tidy workplace s well as assisting others in need of help• Great at solving customer problems or helping with any needs they may haveSakana Japanese Restaurant Wayzata, MN 1/2009 – 5/2011Server• Perform and demonstrate excellent customer service skills• Great at solving customer problems or helping with any needs they may have• Help promote advertisement and referrals of the restaurant to increase businessOsaka Japanese Steakhouse Coon Rapids, MN 8/2009 – 8/2010Server• Perform and demonstrate excellent customer service skills• Demonstrate and deliver a clear understanding of the menu• Supervise and train new employees on menus and how to greet customersStarbucks Coon Rapids, MN 4/2006 – 11/2008Shift Supervisor• Perform and demonstrate excellent customer service skills• Responsible for closing at the end of the shift as well as making sure the correct money is in the

safe before leaving• Responsible for staff and training in new employees• Problem solving with customers who may have a misunderstanding with their order• Improving customer service, based on client feedback, through the development of new policies

and procedures

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During my time at Argosy University I have been increasing my knowledge taught from my previous college. The professors at Argosy University have been the most helpful in answering my questions and it was an honor to be taught from them. As I have learned about psychology and all it’s glory about cognitive ability, understanding research methods, and child development I grew a vast interest into wanting to learn more. I look forward to increasing my knowledge through obtaining my masters degree and the challenges that awaits. What I have learned now may not compare to what I will learn in the future.

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Table of Contents

• Cognitive Abilities: Critical Thinking and Information Literacy

• Research Skills• Communication Skills: Oral and

Written• Ethics and Diversity Awareness• Interpersonal Effectiveness• Foundations of Psychology• Applied Psychology

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Cognitive Abilities and Research Skills

Past work that I have accomplish that I believe addresses both cognitive abilities and research


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Cognitive Abilities and Research Skills

Is Stem Cell Research Unethical?

Ever since 1998, when researchers discovered that stem cells extracted from embryonic tissue could regenerate to become any type of cell, the nation has stood sharply divided on the morality of such research. When stem cells are taken from an embryo, the embryo loses its viability: it cannot become implanted into a womb or develop into a fetus. To knowingly damage an embryo in order to remove stem cells is, for some, equal to destroying human life. For others, who see great promise in what stem cells might do to cure illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, it is immoral not to move forward with such research (The Hastings Center, 2011). Many arguments arise over this controversy which brings me to this question, is stem cell research unethical? This paper will show the different sides to stem cell research. Embryonic stem cell research over the years have broaden our view on the good it may be to those whom are sick, this may outweigh the moral cost because of the background research and the years of research that has been going on.Stem cells are important to our bodies and it is important to know what stem cells are. Stem cells have the ability to replicate into other stem cells like liver cells, skin cells, etc. Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth. In addition, in many tissues they serve as a sort of internal repair system, dividing essentially without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential either to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell (Stem Cell Information, 2010). Stem cells have two important characteristics. First, they are unspecialized cells capable of renewing themselves through cell division, sometimes after long periods of inactivity. Second, under certain physiologic or experimental conditions, they can be induced to become tissue- or organ-specific cells with special functions (Stem Cell Information, 2010). Why the importance of stem cell research? As stated above our stem cells are able to replicate themselves in different parts of our bodies enabling our bodies to self heal slowly. Since scientist have noted what our stem cells are capable of doing the big question next was if our stem cells are able to cure illnesses. Of course researchers found the answer to that question and it was a yes that stem cells have the capability to cure illnesses such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Researchers have been taking their time to perfect the cure with the use of stem cells which is important than rushing in on a study or experiment.

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Cognitive Abilities and Research Skills (Continued)

There are also two different types of stem cells embryonic and adult. Adult stem cells have one main important mission which is to repair the tissue where the adult stem cell is found. Adult stem cells can be found in many tissues and organs, including bone marrow, blood vessels and even the brain but there are more located in the body that are not listed. Adult stem cells can divide or self-renew indefinitely, enabling them to generate a range of cell types from the originating organ or even regenerate the entire original organ. It is generally thought that adult stem cells are limited in their ability to differentiate based on their tissue of origin, but there is some evidence to suggest that they can differentiate to become other cell types (MNT). Embryonic stem cells are primitive (undifferentiated) cells derived from a 5-day preimplantation embryo that are capable of dividing without differentiating for a prolonged period in culture, and are known to develop into cells and tissues of the three primary germ layers (Stem Cell Information, 2010). However, when extracting embryonic stem cells, the blastocyst stage signals when to isolate stem cells by placing the "inner cell mass" of the blastocyst into a culture dish containing a nutrient-rich broth. Lacking the necessary stimulation to differentiate, they begin to divide and replicate while maintaining their ability to become any cell type in the human body. Eventually, these undifferentiated cells can be stimulated to create specialized cells (MNT). It is important that we distinguish the difference between embryonic and adult stem cells. Each is important to our bodies and different from one another. Our bodies work in similar ways and with these cells they help build strength as well as maintaining a healthy build. When we become sick our cells will start to heal it-self. This is why the cells in our bodies are important, and also how they function in our bodies should be known for future testing.

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Cognitive Abilities and Research Skills (Continued)

In the mid 1800’s the history of stem cell research had begun when researchers had discovered that some cells could generate other cells. Now stem cell research is embroiled in a controversy over the use of human embryonic stem cells for research. In the early 1900's the first real stem cells were discovered when it was found that some cells generate blood cells (AAPI). Since the mid 1900’s the research on stem cells became more sophisticated with the technology that was around in that time. During the 1960’s a pair of siblings were the first to have a transfer of bone marrow which helped researchers with their findings on what stem cells can do. From then on researchers were able to “grow” human stem cells in their laboratories. The focus of stem cell research has basically been on bone marrow transplants adult stem cells. Such transplants were tried out in a variety of ways to mainly treat anemia and leukemia. In 1968 a bone marrow transplant was successful in two siblings with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). This opened up a huge area of research for the medical fraternity and predictably stem cell research received a massive boost. Stem cells were discovered in human cord blood in 1978 further strengthening the belief that they may hold the key to organogenesis. The term "Embryonic Stem Cell" was coined in 1981 by Gail Martin when a research team was able to derive mouse embryonic stem cells from an inner cell mass. It was in 1997 that cancer stem cells were discovered when leukemia was shown to develop directly from a haematopoietic stem cell ( Since the mid 1900’s the research on stem cells have grown and developed where it has been tested. Even though there have been failures researchers have looked onto a positive side where they began different ways of testing and improving their research. Even though stem cell research may bring new exciting ways of looking at science there are pros and cons regarding the research. The pros and cons of stem cell research have supported those who may be against or for stem cell research. Controversies have risen since the new research on what stem cells can do for our bodies. The pros to help support stem cell research is that stem cells do help provide future findings for treatments and cures for diseases including, cancers, diabetes, MS, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and more. For scientists/researchers there are endless potential to learn about cell development from stem cells. Stem cell research gives an important option where another person will not be sacrificed when it comes to a transplant where the person needs to lose an organ. What stem cell research strives to achieve is the cultivation and nurturement of stem cells, the basic cell of the body, enabling it to be reproduced to other specific parts of the body. The implications are obvious. Limbs and organs could be grown from scratch in a lab then used in transplants or to cure illnesses (Genetic Engineering).

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Cognitive Abilities and Research Skills (Continued)

The cons include use of embryonic stem cells for research involves the destruction of blastocysts formed from laboratory-fertilized human eggs. For those who believe that life begins at conception, the blastocyst is a human life and to destroy it is unacceptable and immoral. This seems to be the only controversial issue standing in the way of stem cell research in North America (Phillips). There are other arguments where researchers should not mess with human life. The money that the government is spending into this field where a lot of people feel that it’s a waste of money to invest in research that may not be beneficial within a time period that it may be needed. There are many pros and cons with stem cell research and many people still have unanswered questions regarding the safety of future trials. There will always be questions regarding research that may or may not seem like the government should invest but it all comes down to reasons why the government did invest. With stem cell research, researchers had found the importance of stem cells and how they can repair and replicate themselves. The government wouldn’t invest if it was a waste of time which is why stem cell research is important. As you have read the pros and cons of stem cell research you can see that the pros outweigh the cons. Also, that the pros seem to be more important than the cons that are listed. Since the mid 1900’s researchers have been finding ways that stem cells can help our bodies. The research continues with new technology to help mature the old findings and within days, months, or years cures will be found thanks to many years of research that has been done. Researcher will further continue with new findings to help cure diseases but something so big cannot happen overnight. Even though time may not be on our hands it is certainly something that is needed.Everyone has their opinions on stem cell research and some may find it unethical. It is important though that everyone is educated on what stem cell research may benefit everyone in the future. One of the reasons behind the research of stem cells is that organ donors would not have to sacrifice their organs. Nor will there be a waiting list for people needing an organ. Even though there are good things about stem cell research there is always a price one has to pay. What if the patient dies after a stem cell transplant? There are many questions relating to the one stated. I believe that researchers are aware of what can happen but in order to figure out what they have discovered can work, it should be tested. Many may not agree with testing but it is a stepping stone in order to get the final results. The primary goal is to save lives and to cure diseases with the use of stem cells. Everyone has their questions regarding the research but over the years research has grown and changed and so it will continue to change and develop. Opinions and skepticism will always arise with new information about stem cell research or with other different research that may benefit the human race. I believe over time opinions and skepticisms will decrease where people may have faith in our new technologies and cures.  


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Cognitive Abilities and Research Skills (Continued)

References • All About Popular Issues (AAPI). History of stem cell research. Retrieved on October 10, 2011

from• Cord-blood-cells. (n.d) History of stem cell research. Retrieved on October 13, 2011 from• Genetic Engineering. Pros and cons of stem cell research. Retrieved on October 10, 2011 from• Phillips, T. (n.d.). Pros and cons of stem cell research. Retrieved on September 25, 2011 from http

://• Medical News Today (MNT). (n.d). What are stem cells? Retrieved on October 14, 2011 from• Stem Cell Basics (2010): Introduction . In Stem Cell Information. Bethesda, MD: National

Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009 [cited Monday, October 10, 2011] Available at• Stem Cell Basics (2010): What are the similarities and differences between embryonic and adult

stem cells? . In Stem Cell Information. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2011 [cited Monday, October 10, 2011] Available at • The Hastings Center (2011) Stem Cells. Retrieved on October 10, 2011 from

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Communication Skills, Ethics and Diversity Awareness, and Interpersonal


Past work that I have accomplish that I believe addresses communication skills, ethics and diversity

awareness, and interpersonal effectiveness.

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Communication Skills, Ethics and Diversity Awareness, and Interpersonal

EffectivenessThe American Dream

The American dream has a different meaning for everyone, mine is to make my parents proud of their daughter by accomplishing school and obtaining a good job. My parents had a hard time growing up in Vietnam; my mother who is Chinese was an orphan and an only child. As my mother grew up she would baby sit and do chores for this family who would treat her with abuse both physically and mentally. It was difficult to listen to her story without feeling sad for what she went through as she was growing up in that family. My mother does not know about her mother’s background and does not mention her father because she does not know who he is. I had the opportunity to visit Vietnam and also visit the family that my mother had worked for. My mother was very happy to show off how well she has been living and the family she has raised. I believe her American dream had come true. My father who is Vietnamese grew up without parents and it was his older siblings who have brought him up. His parents were decease when he was at a young age and barely remembers them. Unlike my mother my dad had a small family which grew into a one large family. My father and mother both came to the USA by boat during the 1965 after the Vietnam War and were granted their citizenship. They then started their lives in Minnesota where they had their own family. My parents have gone through tough times learning English, finding jobs, and starting their lives in a foreign place. I’m very happy for them and I also look up to them for what hardships they have gone through, but they have made a name for themselves and now own more than they could ever imagine. My parents have introduced me to traditions like Chinese/Vietnamese New Year which are important to our culture. Each year we spend Chinese/Vietnamese New Year together praying for our decease loved ones. We have a spread of vegetarian dishes for a few days that we lay out on our dining room table for the decease. We lay out three place settings for my grandparents on my father’s side and my grandma on my mom’s side. Prunus mume trees are normal decorations to have during New Year. Little red envelopes are given out to children by elders. The amount can be anywhere from one dollar to few hundred. These are normally hung on the prunus mume tree.

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Communication Skills, Ethics and Diversity Awareness, and Interpersonal Effectiveness


During the New Year grown children buy their elders ginger type of candy that is available during New Year. This is normally shared on the table along side of the vegetarian dishes that are laid out. In Vietnam there is a huge ceremony that happens where people gather to watch a dragon dance as well as other type of dances. This is one of the most important times of the year where everyone gathers. Donations are usually given to Temples which are normally filled with villagers. Temples are usually busy during the New Year since the villagers gather to pray for their loved ones. There are normally quiet a few temples around one area in Vietnam and I remember it being so beautiful with large statues of Buddha. My parents personally have about three Buddha statues in their home and in our cars to help protect us from harm. I really do love learning about my culture but am sad that I haven’t had time to visit the historical center to learn more about my parents dates when they came to the US. I will plan a trip in the future and am excited to learn more. This class has taught me so much about my own culture. My own culture will help me accomplish the American dream. To be able to accomplish something as a minority may help others find their passion and their dream.

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Foundations of the Field and Applied Psychology

Past work that I have accomplish that I believe addresses both foundations of the field and

applied psychology.

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Foundations of the Field and Applied Psychology

The influence of the media (internet, television, magazines, billboards, etc) has on body image and behavior.

The media has always had their influences on each individual, whether it’s to buy/purchase something on and infomercial or to lose weight because of the advertisements of women and men whom are fit and thin. I’ve had my own share of stories of how I felt with the media when I was in middle school. It’s important to find studies that link media influences to adolescent and adults. The behavior that coincides with the media and peer influences can become drastic at times. The pressure of wanting to be able to fit into the popular crowd at school or to look like a celebrity or model is something we want to become. The unimaginable thing’s an individual may do to obtain their goals is confusing and dangerous. What may be even more outrageous is that our peers are the ones to influence us to do these things.I’ve summed up the literature findings by the references and breaking them down one by one. Their strengths and weaknesses to each article and how useful they are to my important topic. It is helpful to see what each article is about and how they may be useful towards the paper topic. There are strengths and weaknesses to all articles regarding my topic and they are different and similar in ways. In this article, “Appearance Culture in Nine- to 12-Year-Old Girls: Media and Peer Influences on Body Dissatisfaction” by, Clark it informs the reader about a study done on girls between the ages of nine to twelve who may or may not have been influence by the media on body dissatisfaction. There were 100 girls in the study whom completed a questionnaire on measures of media exposure (television, magazines, etc), peer influences, internalization and body dissatisfaction. The strengths to this article are that a study was done just on girls to obtain answers on how important appearance is in a young girl’s life. To be exposed to the media with pictures of thin girls and messages about being sexy. The weakness is that there isn't more information on the outcome of the study. The article focuses on the study itself but the outcome isn't in depth. Another weakness is that since it is a study on only girls it may make it difficult to find a study done on the same age range on boys. From what I've known about the media and the influence it may have on younger boys and girls is that it has a deep impact. Peers may look down on someone because of their fashion or weight which becomes a problem since the media portrays thin and fit people.

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Foundations of the Field and Applied Psychology (Continued)

As I began reading the article by Dohnt and Tiggemann, “The contribution of peer and media influences to the development of body satisfaction and self-esteem in young girls: A prospective study” I already see different important parts that will be useful towards my paper that other articles do not have. Strengths regarding this article are the study used on girls around six years old. The dissatisfaction with their bodies and the attempt to diet as young as six. The role of parents in these studies and their affection towards their children. Weaknesses are that it does overlap a bit with other articles but the strength outweighs the weaknesses. There are similar points that this article and other article use which can be a negative and positive thing. The positive is that we know the article is true in what they are saying. The negative is that there isn't any new information to use. I believe this article supports the first article that I've talked about but uses an earlier age group. The general sociocultural model assumes that media and peer influences are causal in the development of body dissatisfaction. In adolescent samples, a few longitudinal studies have identified some prospective relationships between peer (e.g., Jones, 2004) and media influences (e.g., Ricciardelli & McCabe, 2003) with body image variables, although the majority of the literature provides only cross-sectional evidence (Dohnt & Tiggemann, 2006).Ferguson, Colwell, Mlacic, Milas and Miklousic are all authors of, “Personality and media influences on violence and depression in a cross-national sample of young adults: Data from mexican-americans, english and Croatians.” There has always been the issue of potential media effects on psychological health of youth and young adults which has been debated for decades. Research on media effects has not always been consistent. One issue that has been raised regards whether the relatively modest media effects found in some research might be explained through mediating personality variables (Ferguson, Colwell, Mlacic, Milas & Miklousic, 2011). The media always has some influences to our personalities. Wanting to become thinner, look younger or become fit. There are quite a few strengths to this article which is that there is a different view and by that there is a different intake of the article that looks towards our personality on media and behavior. The weakness is the sample they used in their study, Americans, Croatians, and Mexican-Americans. The sample doesn't make sense and I don't understand why the authors would choose these different samples.

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Foundations of the Field and Applied Psychology (Continued)

Ferguson, Winegard and Winegard are authors of, “Who is the fairest one of all? how evolution guides peer and media influences on female body dissatisfaction.” Body dissatisfaction, particularly among women, has caused concern among scientists and policymakers for several decades. In Western societies, approximately 40%–50% of women express some level of body dissatisfaction. (e.g., Bearman, Presnell, & Martinez, 2006; Monteath & McCabe, 1997). Some researchers contend that this dissatisfaction may be an important factor in the onset of eating disorders and therefore that body dissatisfaction is a dangerous and potentially debilitating psychological phenomenon (Stice & Shaw, 2002). Media images of “ideal” women who are unnaturally thin have been targeted by researchers as a possible cause or contributing factor of widespread body dissatisfaction (Ferguson, Winegard & Winegard, 2011). Again our problem remains the same about boys and girls and our satisfaction with our body. The age range in this article has expanded from young to adult women. The strengths with this article are that the study looks at a wide range of women rather than younger girls. The controversy that deals with the media and body image is the main focus which is great. The weakness is that some information does overlap with other articles that I have listed as references.This article, “The influence of the mass media on relational aggression among females: A feminist counseling perspective” by Goldberg, Smith-Adcock and Dixon is different from the other ones, the focus is towards aggressive behavior girls and women may have if influenced by the mass media. The knowledge that many of us may have learned over the years about media and behaviors associated with it has impacted younger girls, boys and now adults to commit aggression towards family and friends because of media influences. The article has a contrasting theme while the other articles have a supporting theme. The article has a different point of view from the other articles. The strength is the behaviors of aggression girls and women may have because of media influence. Weakness I don't believe this article has any.

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Foundations of the Field and Applied Psychology (Continued)

Another article, “A conceptual framework for examining adolescent identity, media influence, and social development” states the importance of trying to find similarities in media influence on adolescent development have been researched for quite some time. The adolescent identity, media, and sociocognitive schema (AIMSS) framework offers a theoretical understanding of adolescent consumption and cognitive processing of media entertainment (Lloyd, 2002). The author Lloyd, states some very useful information on finding a connection between adolescent development and the media. Unlike the other articles the focus is about development. The downside to the article that it does seem to have similarities to other articles listed. Body image and behavior is important and linking the two is what this article is talking about.Eating disorders are highly among children whom feel they are unattractive because of media influences and peers. McNicholas the author of, “Eating concerns and media influences in an Irish adolescent context” talks about the key importance of his findings. A study was done on students and parents whom volunteered. A questionnaire was also done and the results concluded that men and women seem to be affected by the media which connected to eating disorders. The difference between adolescents and adults and their results conclude who may have more of a difficult time with media influences and peers. The weakness to this article is that the experiment was on Irish adolescent and adults. Even though everywhere there are young girls and boys who are having difficulties with their bodies and with their peers because of these media influences I feel that a study should have been opened up to more than just Irish adolescents and adults. Strengths regarding to this article is the study that was done. The experiment did not just focus on children but adults as well.Nikkelen, Anschutz, Ha, and Engels have one of the important articles, “Influence of visual attention on male body dissatisfaction after idealized media exposure”. The present study examined the moderating effect of men's visual attention toward male images on the relationship between idealized media exposure and body dissatisfaction. Of particular interest was men's visual attention to the abdomens and upper bodies of male images (Nikkelen, Anschutz, Ha &Engels, 2011). Unlike the other articles this one is focused more on males while the other articles focused on either females or both males and females. It was difficult to find research articles on males and media influences. This article uses a study as well on fifty male college students and their feelings towards media influences. I don’t believe there is any weakness to this article. The information is useful and doesn’t relate to other articles.

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Foundations of the Field and Applied Psychology (Continued)

To sum everything, peer pressure is a part of our lives. We have all experienced it sometime in our lives whether it is in grad, middle, high school or even while at work or out with friends. Peer pressure has influenced everyone in different ways, sometimes it can be a positive or negative effect. The media can also be another influence towards our satisfaction with our bodies and behavior. Wanting to become beautiful or to be thin/fit it’s all hard on everyone. We are all more obsessed with our appearance than we like to admit. But this is not an indication of 'vanity'. Vanity means conceit, excessive pride in one's appearance. Concern about appearance is quite normal and understandable. Attractive people have distinct advantages in our society (Fox, 1997). The articles found provide studies and experiments that are helpful in determining statistics on young boys, girls and also adults whom may be dissatisfied with their bodies. Also, there are correlations between the media influence, peer pressure and body dissatisfaction. Prevailing arguments that may be mentioned would be the affect peer pressure may have and would take a larger toll on an individual than the media. Younger girls and boys are easily influenced by peer pressure. As stated above attractive boys and girls have distinct advantages in our society which can be troubling for others. Future research questions to ask is how schools and any clubs are doing in helping promote equality and friendship. Are parents at home helping their child with self-esteem as well as schools?Why is it important that the influence of the media and peers (internet, television, magazines, billboards, etc) have on body image and behavior? We often pretend to be someone whom we are not. Everyone wants to fit in which means doing drastic things in order to become attractive. It is important to talk to schools and influence the children to accept everyone no matter their size, ethnicity, or attractiveness. Acceptance is one of the largest problems that schools have and it is important to address this concern. Everyone knows that the media and peers have influence in any individual when it comes to body dissatisfaction and behavior. I believe teachers tend to put this behind them and focus on teaching children about current topics. I know someone who is going through a hard time with body dissatisfaction and they are a high school student. Their major influence is our peers which is difficult because these are our friends. My argument is stated above and relevant to my topic, schools need to take part in acceptance or possibly try harder in making children’s self-esteems high. The largest concern is peers and their affect towards any individual who may be experiencing body dissatisfaction.

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Foundations of the Field and Applied Psychology (Continued)

Reference• Clark, L. (2006). Appearance Culture in Nine- to 12-Year-Old Girls: Media and Peer Influences

on Body Dissatisfaction. Social Development, 15(4), 628-643.• Dohnt, H., & Tiggemann, M. (2006). The contribution of peer and media influences to the

development of body satisfaction and self-esteem in young girls: A prospective study. Developmental Psychology, 42(5), 929-929-936. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.42.5.929

• Ferguson, C. J., Colwell, J., Mlacic, B., Milas, G., & Miklousic, I. (2011). Personality and media influences on violence and depression in a cross-national sample of young adults: Data

from mexican-americans, english and croatians. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(3), 1195-1195- 1200. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2010.12.015• Ferguson, C. J., Winegard, B., & Winegard, B. M. (2011). Who is the fairest one of all? how

evolution guides peer and media influences on female body dissatisfaction. Review of General Psychology, 15(1), 11-11-28. doi:10.1037/a0022607• Fox, K. (1997). Mirror, mirror - a summary of research findings on body image. Retrieved from• Goldberg, R. M., Smith-Adcock, S., & Dixon, A. L. (2011). The influence of the mass media on

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Visual Presentation

Please see “The influence of the media (internet, television, magazines, billboards, etc.) has on body image and behavior”. Review PowerPoint presentation on LinkedIn profile.

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My Future in Learning

Learning is a lifelong process, we begin learning once we are born to the day we die. Everyday is a new experience and to be able to learn something new is exciting. Besides the obvious courses that will be taken during my graduate studies, there will be work related exercises, or even volunteer work that will increase my future learning. Everyday there is an opportunity to learn whether we know it or not and it is an never ending process that we must go through in life to obtain our goals and dreams.

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