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Research you can use An Insider’s Guide to Getting Published in Research Journals

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Research you can use

An Insider’s Guide toGetting Published in

Research Journals

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IntroductionAs part of Emerald’s commitment to actively supporting its authors, our Insider’s Guide to Getting Published is aimed athelping the authors progress successfully through the various stages of publication, from pre-submission of the manuscript,to revision, and finally publication. We aim to help the authors gain a full understanding of how they can maximize theirchances of publication. The Insider’s Guide is based on our experience of working with over 200 journal editors and providesinsight to help our authors to give their paper the best possible chance of acceptance, publication and dissemination.

ContentsThe presentation 4

Author Guidelines example 10

Meet the Editor Interviews 11

Emerald journals by subject area 12

Resources on the Emerald web site 15

Emerald Literati Network ... support and services for editors and authors

Contact informationJim Bowden, External Relations Team Leader

E [email protected] +44 (0) 1274 785013F +44 (0) 1274 785200

Emma Stevenson, External Relations Assistant

E [email protected] +44 (0) 1274 785198F +44 (0) 1274 785200

Devon Blake, External Relations Assistant

E [email protected] +44 (0) 1274 515605F +44 (0) 1274 785200

Emma Hollindrake, External Relations Assistant

E [email protected] +44 (0) 1274 785272F +44 (0) 1274 785200

Emerald Literati Network – author

Emerald – searchable database for ideas, research,

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The presentation

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Author Guidelines example

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Meet the Editor InterviewsFind out more about the Editor who will be reading your paper, and find out which are the “hot topics” in your areas of interest, bybrowsing the Editor interviews at

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Accounting and Finance Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal Accounting Research JournalAsian Review of AccountingInternational Journal of Accounting & Information

ManagementInternational Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern

Finance and ManagementInternational Journal of Managerial Finance Journal of Accounting & Organizational ChangeJournal of Applied Accounting ResearchJournal of Financial Crime Journal of Financial Regulation and ComplianceJournal of Financial Reporting & Accounting Journal of Human Resource Costing & AccountingJournal of Investment Compliance Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business ResearchJournal of Money Laundering Control Journal of Risk Finance, The Managerial Auditing Journal Managerial Finance Pacific Accounting ReviewQualitative Research in Accounting & Management Qualitative Research in Financial Markets Review of Accounting and Finance Studies in Economics and FinanceSustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal

Advanced Automation Assembly Automation Industrial Robot International Journal of Intelligent Computing and

CyberneticsRapid Prototyping Journal Sensor Review

Built EnvironmentConstruction InnovationEngineering, Construction and Architectural Management Facilities International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built

EnvironmentInternational Journal of Housing Markets and AnalysisInternational Journal of Law in the Built EnvironmentJournal of Corporate Real Estate Journal of Engineering, Design and TechnologyJournal of European Real Estate ResearchJournal of Facilities Management Journal of Financial Management of Property and

ConstructionJournal of Place Management and DevelopmentJournal of Property Investment & Finance Property Management Structural Survey

Business Ethics and LawCorporate Governance International Journal of Law and ManagementJournal of Global ResponsibilityJournal of International Trade Law and PolicySocial Responsibility JournalSociety and Business Review

Computational Mathematics COMPELEngineering Computations International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat &

Fluid Flow Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures

EconomicsAgricultural Finance ReviewChina Agricultural Economic ReviewHumanomics Indian Growth and Development ReviewInternational Journal of Development IssuesInternational Journal of Manpower International Journal of Social Economics Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade StudiesJournal of Economic StudiesJournal of Financial Economic Policy

Education Management Campus-Wide Information Systems International Journal of Educational Management International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education Journal of Educational Administration Multicultural Education & Technology JournalOn the Horizon Quality Assurance in Education

Electronics Manufacture and Packaging Circuit World Microelectronics International: An International Journal Soldering & Surface Mount Technology

Enterprise and InnovationEuropean Journal of Innovation Management International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour &

Research International Journal of Gender and EntrepreneurshipJournal of Chinese EntrepreneurshipJournal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in

the Global EconomyJournal of Knowledge-based Innovation in ChinaJournal of Small Business and Enterprise DevelopmentSocial Enterprise Journal


Emerald journals by subject area

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Health Care Management Clinical Governance: An International Journal Health Education International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance International Journal of Workplace Health ManagementJournal of Health Organization and Management Leadership in Health ServicesNutrition & Food Science

Human Resource ManagementCareer Development International Employee Relations: The International Journal Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International JournalGender in Management: An International Journal Human Resource Management International Digest Journal of Chinese Human Resource ManagementJournal of Management DevelopmentJournal of Managerial Psychology Personnel Review Strategic HR Review

Industry and Public Sector Management British Food Journal Disaster Prevention and Management: An International

Journalinfo International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and

ManagementInternational Journal of Energy Sector ManagementInternational Journal of Public Sector Management International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy Journal of Service ManagementPolicing: An International Journal of Police Strategies &

Management Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy

Information and Knowledge Management Industrial Management & Data Systems Information Management & Computer Security Information Technology & PeopleInteractive Technology and Smart EducationInternational Journal of Pervasive Computing and

CommunicationsInternational Journal of Web Information SystemsInternet Research Journal of Enterprise Information Management Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in SocietyJournal of Intellectual Capital Journal of Knowledge Management Journal of Systems and Information TechnologyKybernetes Records Management Journal VINE

International Business African Journal of Economic and Management StudiesBaltic Journal of Management Chinese Management StudiesCompetitiveness Review: An International Business Journalcritical perspectives on international businessCross Cultural Management: An International JournalEducation, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle

Eastern IssuesEuroMed Journal of BusinessEuropean Business Review International Journal of Commerce and ManagementInternational Journal of Emerging Markets Journal of Indian Business ResearchManagement Research: The Journal of the Iberoamerican

Academy of ManagementNankai Business Review International

Learning and DevelopmentDevelopment and Learning in Organizations: An

International JournalEducation + Training Industrial and Commercial Training Journal of European Industrial Training Journal of Workplace Learning Training & Management Development Methods (print

journal only)

Library and Information Studies Aslib Proceedings Bottom Line, The Collection Building Current Awareness AbstractsElectronic Library, The Interlending & Document SupplyJournal of Documentation Library Hi Tech Library Hi Tech News Library Management Library Review New Library World OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library

perspectives Online Information Review Performance Measurement and Metrics ProgramReference Reviews Reference Services Review

Management Science/Management Studies Asia-Pacific Journal of Business AdministrationInternational Journal of Conflict ManagementInternational Journal of Managing Projects in BusinessJournal of Advances in Management ResearchJournal of Management History Journal of Modelling in Management Management Decision Management Research Review Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management:

An International Journal


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Managing Quality Asian Journal on QualityBenchmarking: An International Journal Business Process Management Journal International Journal of Lean Six SigmaInternational Journal of Quality & Reliability Management Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering Management of Environmental Quality: An International

Journal Managing Service Quality: An International Journal TQM Journal, The

MarketingAsia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Corporate Communications: An International Journal European Journal of Marketing International Journal of Bank Marketing International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare

MarketingInternational Journal of Wine Business ResearchInternational Marketing Review Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing Journal of Communication Management Journal of Consumer Marketing Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An

International Journal Journal of Historical Research in MarketingJournal of Islamic MarketingJournal of Product & Brand Management Journal of Research in Interactive MarketingJournal of Research in Marketing and EntrepreneurshipJournal of Services Marketing Marketing Intelligence & Planning Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal Young Consumers

Materials Science and Engineering Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An

International Journal Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials Industrial Lubrication and Tribology International Journal of Clothing Science and TechnologyInternational Journal of Structural IntegrityPigment & Resin Technology

Operations and Logistics Management International Journal of Logistics Management, The International Journal of Operations & Production

Management International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics

Management International Journal of Quality and Service SciencesJournal of Manufacturing Technology Management Journal of Science and Technology Policy in ChinaJournal of Technology Management and Strategy in ChinaJournal of Technology Management in ChinaStrategic Outsourcing: An International JournalSupply Chain Management: An International Journal

Organization StudiesInternational Journal of Organizational AnalysisJournal of Organizational Change ManagementLeadership & Organization Development JournalLearning Organization, The

Performance Management and Measurement International Journal of Productivity and Performance

Management Measuring Business Excellence Team Performance Management: An International Journal

StrategyBusiness Strategy Seriesforesight Journal of Business Strategy Journal of Strategy and ManagementStrategic Direction Strategy & Leadership

Tourism and HospitalityInternational Journal of Contemporary Hospitality

Management International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality

ResearchInternational Journal of Event and Festival ManagementJournal of Hospitality and Tourism TechnologyTourism ReviewWorldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes


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Resources on the Emerald web site

Emerald Research Connections ( to all

Conference Central ( to all

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Author How to Guides ( to all

Research How to Guides ( only


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This highlights some of the main points of our Authors’ Charter.For the full version visit:

Research you can use

Authors’ Charter

Your rights as an author Emerald believes that as an author you have the right toexpect your publisher to deliver:

• An efficient and courteous publishing service at all times

• Prompt acknowledgement of correspondence andmanuscripts received at Emerald

• Prompt notification of publication details

• A high professional standard of accuracy and clarity ofpresentation

• A complimentary journal issue in which your articleappeared

• Article reprints

• A premium service for permission and reprint requests

• Your moral rights as an author.

Emerald represents and protects moral rights asfollows:• To be acknowledged as the author of your work and

receive due respect and credit for it

• To be able to object to derogatory treatment of your work

• Not to have your work plagiarized by others.

The Emerald Literati Network The Emerald Literati Network is a unique service forauthors which provides an international network of scholarsand practitioners who write for our publications.Membership is a free and unique service for authors. Itprovides:

• A dedicated area of the Emerald web site for authors

• Resources and support in publishing your research

• Free registration of yourself and your work, and accessto the details of potential research partners in EmeraldResearch Connections

• The opportunity to post and receive relevant Calls forPapers

• Information on publishing developments

• Awards for outstanding scholarship

• Usage information on authors, themes, titles and regions

• Access to tips and tools on how to further promote yourwork

• Awards for Excellence.

To discuss any aspect of this Charter please contact:Emerald Literati Network, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, United KingdomTelephone +44 (0)1274 777700E-mail: [email protected]

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Get inside knowledge on how to get published in international research journalsBased on more than 40 years’ experience of working with the Editors of over 200 journals, Emerald Insider Guides help authors to give their papers the best possible chance of publication.

Why are Insider Guides important?• They encourage novice researchers to publish and assist

university research co-ordinators in this respect

• They allow discussion of emerging issues in publishing and research within interdisciplinary, inter-organizational groups

• They can be run as pre-event presentations at conferences worldwide

• They always include a question-and-answer session with a publishing expert and can (where the presenter has experience of journal editing or reviewing) feature a clinic for a handful of one-on-one consultations with students or delegates.

Ultimately, the aim is “to inspire [attendees] to believe that they could now write a paper based on their research and practice”.

Why not host a presentation at your institution?There is no cost to your organization or institution and Insider Guides greatly increase the attendees’ chances of getting published. They show that everyone involved is seeking to develop authors, not exclude them. Researchers may be compelled to publish as part of their tenure, but the belief that journal editors and publishers are not on their side can make it a daunting prospect. That can also put off those people not compelled, but who have always wanted, to write, e.g. practitioner authors. Insider Guides demystify the publishing process and demonstrate that a host organization or institution is committed to help and encourage its researchers and staff.

If you would like more information about hosting or attending an Insider Guide, please contact:

Emma StevensonExternal Relations AssistantEmerald Group Publishing LimitedHoward House, Wagon LaneBingley BD16 1WA, United KingdomE-mail: [email protected]: +44 (0)1274 785198Fax: +44 (0)1274 785200

Insider’s Guide to Getting Published

Research you can use

“The feedback from all those who participated was extremely positive. We appreciated your clear and open presentation style and willingness to engage with so many questions from our enthusiastic audience. Particularly noticeable was how many people were inspired to believe that it was possible that they could now write a paper on their research and/or practice.”Professor Rosalie HolianAssociate Professor and Director of Research, RMIT University School of Management, Melbourne, Australia

“The workshop provided valuable advice and guidelines on how to conceptualize, structure and complete a research report in the form of a publishable paper. It was perceived by all participants as extremely useful, informative and

pertinent, which demysti� ed the process. It has boosted research dynamics within the school, and resulted in a number of published contributions over the past three years. I would highly recommend the workshops to anyone wanting to be published.”Svetlana CicmilDirector of Research Unit for Innovation in Business Systems, Bristol Business School, University of the West of England, UK

“Your author relations initiatives are unparalleled in the publishing world.”Baird BrightmanWorklife Strategies, MA, USA

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Research you can use