automating adwords: the tools your competitors wish you didn't know about

Google Confidential and Proprietary 1 1 @SiliconVallaeys The Tools Your Competitors Wish You Weren’t Using In AdWords Frederick Vallaeys @SiliconVallaeys

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The Tools Your Competitors Wish You Weren’t Using In AdWordsFrederick Vallaeys


Google Confidential and Proprietary 22@SiliconVallaeys

Frederick Vallaeys

• Google’s AdWords Evangelist

• Search Engine Land Contributor

• Founder of Optmyzr

[email protected]

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Optmyzr – PPC Tools and Reports

Enhanced Scripts™ for AdWords• Complete automation for accounts. No programming

skills required.

Advanced Reporting• Schedule and share performance reports with rich data

from AdWords and Google Analytics.

Data Insights• Beautiful visualizations help you identify opportunities

in your accounts.

One-Click Optimizations™• Optimization suggestions for your AdWords and Bing

accounts. Accept proposed changes with one click.

AdWords advertisers in 103 countries grow their business with Optmyzr

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• Bid Management

• Automated Rules

• AdWords Scripts

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Automation To The Rescue

• People get distracted

• Some are bad at math

• Want to work on fun projects

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Smart Automation Leverages Your Team’s Knowledge

“Adding human judgment to

statistical methods makes

results roughly 15 percent more

accurate. And it’s even true in

chess: While the best computers

can now easily beat the best

humans, they can in turn be

beaten by humans aided by

computers.” – Wired Magazine, January 2014

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Bid Automation

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Real Time Bidding

• Only Google can set bids at the time of the query

• Enables them to consider more factors than advertisers can to determine the best bid

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An Example Of What Google Knows

• Google can set different bids based on search funnel data like this

Google Confidential and Proprietary 1010@SiliconVallaeys

Google’s Automated Bid StrategiesBid Strategy Goal Level

Maximize Clicks More Site Visits Campaign, ad group, keyword

Target Search Page Location More Ad Visibility Campaign, ad group, keyword

Target CPAMore Conversions at Target CPA

Campaign, ad group

Enhanced CPC More Conversions Campaign, ad group

Target ROAS More Return on Ad Spend Campaign, ad group, keyword

Target Outranking Share NEW! Outrank another domain’s ads Campaign, ad group, keyword

Google Confidential and Proprietary 1111@SiliconVallaeys

The Bucket Bid Method™

High Converters

In last 30 days…Conversions:- At least 5

Known Converters

In last 30 days…Conversions:- Less than 5- More than 1


In last 30 days…Conversions:- NoneImpressions:- Less than 10

Top of page bid

First Page + 50%

First Page Bid

Filter Bid Strategy

Google Confidential and Proprietary 1212@SiliconVallaeys

New: Testing Different Bids

• Bid Simulator support for Bid Strategies

Google Confidential and Proprietary 1313@SiliconVallaeys

Incremental Cost Per Conversion

Source: RKG Blog

Goal Action

Maximum Profit Stop buying clicks when ICC > value of click

Growth with no profit Stop buying clicks when avg CPC > value of click

Google Confidential and Proprietary 1414@SiliconVallaeys

New: Bid Strategy Dashboard

• Get more insights into how bid strategies are working

Google Confidential and Proprietary 1515@SiliconVallaeys

Action Item: Tell Google How To Use Conversion Data• Go to the conversion

settings page

• Tell Google if they should count all conversions or only uniques

• Tell Google how to attribute conversions when managing your bids

Google Confidential and Proprietary 1616@SiliconVallaeys

A Word Of Caution About Bid Automation

“As long as the humans […]

understand what it is they are

controlling, we’re fine. It’s

when they become slaves to

the numbers that trouble

breaks out.”

– Wired Magazine, January 2014

Google Confidential and Proprietary 1717@SiliconVallaeys

A bid management example

Automated Rules

Google Confidential and Proprietary 1818@SiliconVallaeys

How to Enable Automated Rules

Google Confidential and Proprietary 1919@SiliconVallaeys

Bid To Average Position

< 3

If Position

Then Bid +10%

> 2

If Position

Then Bid -10%

Google Confidential and Proprietary 2020@SiliconVallaeys

A More Advanced Set Of Bid Rules

Google Confidential and Proprietary 2121@SiliconVallaeys

Examples of Other Automated Rules

• Run a specific set of ads every weekend

• Pause keywords that have a quality score less than 3

• Email me when a keyword spends more than $50 with no conversion

Google Confidential and Proprietary 2222@SiliconVallaeys

Automated Rules in MCC Accounts NEW!

• Apply the same rules you used in individual accounts across all the accounts in your My Client Center (MCC)

Google Confidential and Proprietary 2323@SiliconVallaeys

Advanced AdWords Automation

AdWords Scripts

Google Confidential and Proprietary 2424@SiliconVallaeys

What Are AdWords Scripts?

AW Scripts are pieces of JavaScript code that are put into an AdWords account where they can be scheduled to run automatically on a predefined schedule.

Google Confidential and Proprietary 2525@SiliconVallaeys

Example Script

Google Confidential and Proprietary 2626@SiliconVallaeys

Scripts Talk With Your Data• Scripts can talk to external data sources

– Google Sheets, Google Drive, Gmail, arbitrary URLs (APIs).

Weather Data Movie



Google Confidential and Proprietary 2727@SiliconVallaeys

Scripting Ideas

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Scripts + Google Calendar

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Scripts + Google Tasks

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Scripts For Bid Management

High Converters

In last 30 days…Conversions:- At least 5

Known Converters

In last 30 days…Conversions:- Less than 5- More than 1


In last 30 days…Conversions:- NoneImpressions:- Less than 10

Top of page bid

First Page + 50%

First Page Bid

Filter Bid Strategy

Google Confidential and Proprietary 3131@SiliconVallaeys

Scripts For Creating Campaigns

Google Confidential and Proprietary 3232@SiliconVallaeys

Scripts For A/B Testing

Source: Screenshot from

Google Confidential and Proprietary 3333@SiliconVallaeys

Scripts For Reporting Aggregation• Performance by

keyword match type

Google Confidential and Proprietary 3434@SiliconVallaeys

Ad Template Performance• What is the best text for Description Line 1?

Google Confidential and Proprietary 3535@SiliconVallaeys

Scripts Have Flexible Outputs

Google Confidential and Proprietary 3636@SiliconVallaeys

Save Reports To Your Computer• Save reports to your computer automatically

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Send Results Via Email

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Scripts Can Add Results to Google Sheets

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How To Run A Script

Google Confidential and Proprietary 4040@SiliconVallaeys

Setup: Step 1: Find Your First Script

Google Confidential and Proprietary 4141@SiliconVallaeys

Step 2: Add The Script In AdWords

• Go to the account where you want to run the script

• Now you can add scripts to MCC accounts

• Campaigns > Bulk Operations > Scripts

Google Confidential and Proprietary 4242@SiliconVallaeys

Step 3: Copy-and-Paste the Code

Google Confidential and Proprietary 4343@SiliconVallaeys

Step 4: Preview the Script

Google Confidential and Proprietary 4444@SiliconVallaeys

Customizing Your First Script

Google Confidential and Proprietary 4545@SiliconVallaeys

Step 1 – Find a Script You Like

• Sample script from Google

• Missing conversion metrics


Google Confidential and Proprietary 4646@SiliconVallaeys

Step 2 – Copy Code to AdWords

Google Confidential and Proprietary 4747@SiliconVallaeys

Step 3 – Find Sections That Deal With Metrics…

Google Confidential and Proprietary 4848@SiliconVallaeys

Step 4 – Add Your Metrics

Append: , row[‘ConvertedClicks’]

Change to: ‘Select Cost, ConvertedClicks, Ctr’

Google Confidential and Proprietary 4949@SiliconVallaeys

Enhanced Scripts From Optmyzr• An easier way to run AdWords Scripts

Google Confidential and Proprietary 5050@SiliconVallaeys

Let’s Stay in Touch!

• Try Our Automations:


– Email me for a discount on OPTMYZR

[email protected]
