ayurvedic herbal products

Ayurvedic AND Herbal Products Ayurvedic & Herbal Products Ajmod(Apium Graveolens) Botanical Name :Apium GraveolensEnglish Name : CeleryIndian Name : AjamodaPart Used: FruitDiscription:Celery is an important salad plant. In india, the leaves are not so popular, but the root and the seeds are commonly used in ayurvedic medicine.The word celery is derived from latin, celery which means quick acting, and presumably refers to its therapeutic propertiesuses: celery an important medicinal plant. It has a well-balanced content of the basic minerals, vitamins and nutrients,hormones and essential oil. The seeds of celery relieve flatulence, increase the secretion and discharge of urine and act as an aphrodisiac. They are tonic, laxative and stimulant. They treat spasmodic disorders. Celery is useful in the treatment of arthritis1. The juice of celery in combination with carrot juice should be taken in the treatment of blood disorders. 2. The seeds of celery are an effective remedy for indigestion. A teaspoon of the seeds soaked in a glass of buttermilk for 5 to 6 hours should be ground in the same buttermilk mixture. It gives relief from indigestion. 3. The powder of the dried root of the herb is an effective tonic in general debility or weakness and malnutrition. One teaspoon of this powder mixed with a tablespoon of honey is taken twice daily in such conditions. Amaltas(Cassia Fistula) Botanical Name : Cassia FistulaFamily Name : CaesulpinaceaeCommon Name : Fistula, Laburnum, Purging Fistula, Golden Shower, AmaltasPart Used : Fruits, BarkHabitat : Grows in valleys upto 1200 m in himalayas.Product offered : Seeds, Fruit, Pod, Fruit pulpUses : Roots are astringent, cooling, purgative, febrifuge and tonic. it is useful in skin diseases, burning sensations and syphilis. Bark is laxative, anthelmintic, emetic, febrifuge, diuretic and depurative. It is useful in boils, leprosy, ringworm affection, colic, dyspepsia, constipation, diabetes, strangury and cardiac problems. Leaves are laxative, antiperiodic and depurative. It is useful in skin diseases, burning sensation, dry cough and bronchitis. Fruits are sweet, cooling, purgative, carminative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and ophthalmic. It is used in flatulence, colic, dysentery, inflammations and intermittent fever. It is also used in cardiac disorders, strangury, opthalmopathy and general debility. Pulp from fruits called "Cassia Pulp" is a well known Laxative. Bark of tree is rich in tannins. Flowers are bitter, acrid, cooling, emollient, purgative and are useful in vitiated condition of pitta, burning sensation, leprosy and skin diseases. It is also useful in cardiac disorders, intermittent fever and general debility.

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Herbs and plants


Page 1: Ayurvedic Herbal Products

Ayurvedic AND Herbal Products

Ayurvedic & Herbal Products

Ajmod(Apium Graveolens)

Botanical Name :Apium GraveolensEnglish Name : CeleryIndian Name : AjamodaPart Used: FruitDiscription:Celery

is an important salad plant. In india, the leaves are not so popular, but the root and the seeds are commonly used in

ayurvedic medicine.The word celery is derived from latin, celery which means quick acting, and presumably refers to its therapeutic

propertiesuses: celery an important medicinal plant. It has a well-balanced content of the basic minerals, vitamins and

nutrients,hormones and essential oil. The seeds of celery relieve flatulence, increase the secretion and discharge of urine and act

as an aphrodisiac. They are tonic, laxative and stimulant. They treat spasmodic disorders. Celery is useful in the treatment of

arthritis1. The juice of celery in combination with carrot juice should be taken in the treatment of blood disorders. 2. The seeds of

celery are an effective remedy for indigestion. A teaspoon of the seeds soaked in a glass of buttermilk for 5 to 6 hours should be

ground in the same buttermilk mixture. It gives relief from indigestion. 3. The powder of the dried root of the herb is an effective

tonic in general debility or weakness and malnutrition. One teaspoon of this powder mixed with a tablespoon of honey is taken

twice daily in such conditions.

Amaltas(Cassia Fistula)

Botanical Name : Cassia FistulaFamily Name : CaesulpinaceaeCommon Name : Fistula, Laburnum, Purging

Fistula, Golden Shower, AmaltasPart Used : Fruits, BarkHabitat : Grows in valleys upto 1200 m in

himalayas.Product offered : Seeds, Fruit, Pod, Fruit pulpUses : Roots are astringent, cooling, purgative, febrifuge and tonic. it is

useful in skin diseases, burning sensations and syphilis. Bark is laxative, anthelmintic, emetic, febrifuge, diuretic and depurative. It

is useful in boils, leprosy, ringworm affection, colic, dyspepsia, constipation, diabetes, strangury and cardiac problems. Leaves are

laxative, antiperiodic and depurative. It is useful in skin diseases, burning sensation, dry cough and bronchitis. Fruits are sweet,

cooling, purgative, carminative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and ophthalmic. It is used in flatulence, colic, dysentery, inflammations

and intermittent fever. It is also used in cardiac disorders, strangury, opthalmopathy and general debility. Pulp from fruits called

"Cassia Pulp" is a well known Laxative. Bark of tree is rich in tannins. Flowers are bitter, acrid, cooling, emollient, purgative and are

useful in vitiated condition of pitta, burning sensation, leprosy and skin diseases. It is also useful in cardiac disorders, intermittent

fever and general debility.

Page 2: Ayurvedic Herbal Products

Amla(Emblica Officinalis)

Botanical Name : Emblica OfficinalisEnglish Name : Indian gooseberry Family Name : EuphorbiaceaeCommon

Name : Gooseberry, Phyllanthus Emblica, Emblica, Indian Gooseberry, AmlaPart Used : FruitHabitat : Northern and

south western india.Product offered : Fruits, SeedsDiscription:Our Its cultivation is common in India found in various parts of

India.The powder of the dried amla fruit is an effective remedy of hyperacidity,ulcers and blood impurities. It is also used both

internally and externally as a decoction and paste. Amla is a wonder herb with numerous indicationUses : 1.Emblica Officinalis or

Amla is aperient, carminative, diuretic, aphrodasiac, laxative, astringent and refrigerant. 2.It is the richest known source of vitamin

'C'. It is useful in anaemia, jaundice, dyspepcia, haemorrhage disorders, diabetes, asthma and bronchitis. 3.It cures insomnia and is

healthy for hair. It is considered as one of the most rejuvenating drugs, imparting a long healthy life and weight gain. It also acts as

an antacid and antitumorganic agent.

Arjun Bark(Terminalia Arjuna)

Botanical Name : Terminalia ArjunaFamily Name : CombretaceaeCommon NameHindi Name: Arjun Bark

English Name: Arjuna Herb

Arjuna, Arjuna Herb, Arjuna RootPart Used : BarkHabitat : Through out india.Product offered : BarkUses : The bark is astringent,

sweet, acrid, cooling, aphrodisiac, cardiotonic, urinary astringent, expectorant, alexiteric and is useful in fractures, ulcers, cirrhosis

of the lever, hyperhidsis, otalgia and hypertension. A decoction of the bark is used as wash in ulcers. It improves cardiac muscle

function and pumping action of the heart.

Page 3: Ayurvedic Herbal Products

Aswgandha(Withania Somnifera)

Botanical Name : Withania Somnifera Family Name : Solanaceae Common Name : Withania, Winter Cherry, Indian

Winter Cherry, Indian Ginseng, Ashwagandha Part Used : Roots, Leaves Habitat : Cultivated throughout drier parts

of india. Product offered : Roots Uses : It is tonic, abortifacient, astringent, deobstruent, nervine, aphrodisiac and sedative. It is

official Indian Pharmacoepeia. It is popularly known as Indian Ginseng. It gives vitality and vigour and helps in building greater

endurance.It has been used in diseases such as rheumatism, leprosy and arthritis. Used to treat general debility, arthritis,

depression, chronic fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, depressed immunity, infertility and memory loss. It increases the iron content in the


BAHERA(Terminalia Belerica)

Botanical name : terminalia belericafamily name : combretaceaecommon name : beleric, belliric myrobalan, baehrapart used :

fruitshabitat : grown throughout india. Product offered : fruits, hulluses : it is astringent, tonic, expectorant and laxative. It is used in

coughs and sore throat. its pulp is used in dropsy, piles and diarrhoea. It is also useful in leprosy, fever and hair care. it is also

used in oxalic acid and preparation of ink. It is used in case of rheumatism. Seed oil is applied in skin diseases and premature

graying of hair.

BHILAWA(Semecarpus Anacardium)

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English names:indian marking nut tree, marany nut, marking nut tree, marking nut-treebotanical name : semecarpus

anacardiumfamily: anacardiaceaeindian name : marking nut, oriental cashew,bhallatak,ker,bhallatakpart used : fruitsdiscription:the

marking nut tree, occurs in the wild in the sub-himalayan tract, up to 3,500 ft. , in assam, khasi hills, madhya pradesh;, gujarat,

konkan, and the deciduous forests of the southern states of india. It is similar to the cashew nut tree, in having an edible false fruit

that is orange and fleshy. like the cashew nut, the true fruit is black, oily and bitter. the kernels of the nut are edible, but the juice

of the nut is highly vesicant, and has been traditionally used to mark cloth by washer men. The tree bark exudes a gum resin used

in leprosy, venereal infections and nervous debility. juice from the nut is used in ascites, rheumatism, asthma, neuralgia, epilepsy

and psoriases, as well as for warts and tumours. the juice of the nut was effective against epidermal carcinoma. it also has some

antidiabetic activity. nut bruised and the exudates is used as an abortifacient and a vermifuge. Uses:1. It is extremely beneficial in

the diseases like piles, colitis, diarrhea, dyspepsia, ascites, tumours and worms. 2. The fruit is useful in leucoderma, scaly skin,

allergic, dermatitis, poisonous bites, leprosy, cough, asthma, and dyspepsia. 3. The fruits, their oil and the seeds have great

medicinal value, and are used to treat the wide range of diseases. Externally, the oil, mixed with coconut or sesame oil, is applied

on wounds and sores to prevent the pus formation

Babachi(psoralea Corylifolia)

Botanical Name Psoralea corylifolia L.Family FABACEAEHabit HerbUsed In Ayurveda, Folk, Homeopathy, Tibetian,

Unani and Sidha

DistributionGlobally the species is distributed in Pakistan, India, SriLanka, Myanmar (earlier Burma), China and Arabia. Within

India, it is seen along roadsides and waste places of the tropical regions. It is cultivated in several tropical regions of India.

Common UsesThe seed, root and leaves of Bakuci is used in the form of powder to treat skin diseases, vitiligo, minor skin

diseases, poisoning, for conception, caries, deafness, filaria, wound and as rejuvinative. Kustha Anointment with the powder of

bakuci mixed with sunthi (zingiber officinale) destroys severe and chronic kustha (BP.Ci.54.53) Vitiligo Decoction of amalaka

(Phyllanthus emblica) and khadira (acacia catechu) (heart wood) added with bakuci powder should be used regularly keeping on

wholesome diet. It alleviates vitiligo

Babul Gum

Acacia, popularly known as babul, is a large tree, up to 14 meters high, with thorns on its branches. It has darkish

grey bark and yellow flowers in spherical heads.

Babul tree is indigenous to Sind in Pakistan. It occurs wild in India and tropical Africa. It is planted for its bark. The tree yields a

gum, known as babul gum. The bark of babul tree contains tannin and gallic acid. The leaves and fruits of the tree also contain

tannin and gallic acid.

Healing Power and Curative PropertiesThe leaves, the bark, the pods and the gum of the tree have medicinal virtues. The leaves

and the bark are useful in arresting secretion or bleeding. The pods help remove catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial

tubes. The gum allays any irritation of the skin and soothes the inflamed membranes of the pharynx, alimentary canal and genito-

urinary organs.

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Bael(Aegle Marmelos)

English Name: Apple WoodBotanical Name: Aegle MarmelosFamily Name : RutaceaeCommon Name : Bael,

Quince, Apple Wood, Holy Fruit TreePart Used : Bark,fruit Pulp, Leaves.Habitat : Found all over decidious forests in

india.Product offered : Fruits, Leaves, Bark, Fruit pulpDescription: Aegle Marmelos commonly known as Bael, bhel, bilwa, belaphal,

Bengal Quince.Bael is a very good source of protein.Bael leaves, fruits and root can be used as tonic and coolant with antibiotic

propertiesUses: Fresh half-ripe Bael fruit is mildly astringent and is used for dysentery and diarrhea.Bael leaves are extremely

useful for treating Diabetes, jaundice, cholera and asthma. Bael fruits are valuable for its rich nutritive, sweet, aromatic mucilage

and pectin contents – very good for all kinds of stomach disorders. Bael Fruits are very useful in chronic diarrhea and

dysentery,Uses : It is antiscorbutic, carminative, alternative and nutritive. It is used in constipation, dysentery and diarrhoea. It is

aromatic, astringent, cooling, febrifuge and also acts as tonic for heart and brain. Unripe & half-ripe fruits are used to improve

appetite and digestion.Leaves are used for treating diabetes, jaundice, cholera, asthma and ophthalmia.

Baibrang(embelia Ribes)

Sanskrit: Vidanga English: Embella Botanical: Embelia ribes, Embelia Indica, Embelia Glandulifera, Embelia

Robusta Hindi: Baibrang, Wawrung Telugu: Vayuvidangalu Common names: Vidanga, Viranga,Chitratandoola,

Vayuvilangam, Vizhal, Vrishanasana,Vayivilangam, Varading, Tandula, Vara, Vilal, bhasmaka Family name: Myrsinaceae 2. Parts


Berries (fruit)LeavesRootBark3. Properties and Action According to Indigenous Medical Systems:

Rasa: SpicyVeerya: Ushna veerya.4. Uses:

The nature of the herb is alterative, anthelmintic, carminative and stimulant.Good remedy for abdominal disorders and

constipation.It cures the problems like gas, indigestion.Recommended for fungus infections.This remedy also applicable for head

ache, heart disease, insanity and hemorrhoids.It removes tape worms from stomach.The combination of honey and the powder of

Vidanga clears the germs-Charaka.

Bhringraj(Eclipta Prostrata)

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English Name: ThistlesBotanical Name: Eclipta albaHindi: Vidarikand,Sural, Bilaikand, Bharda, Tirra,

BankumraDescription: Pueraria Tuberosa, commonly known as kudzu, is a climber with woody tuberculated stem. It is a

climbing, coiling and trailing vine with large tuberous rootsBhringraj is one of the ayurvedic herbs used as an ayurvedic tonic for

treatment of Hair loss, premature greying.It is used for the treatment of devitalized hair.Uses: 1.The herb reduces vata and

normalizes kapha, which increases shukra dhatu. This shukra dhatu helps in increasing hard erections,libido and sexual

energy.2.Bhringraj is used as a rejuvenative medicine in ayurveda. It is used as a tonic for keeping the body healthy and fit.3.It has

many uses.Mainly, it is used in hair treatment.It is also used in treatment of skin diseases,eye infections,hyperacidity,anemia.4.It is

also used to relieve post delivery uterine pain. Intestinal worms in infants leaves extract should be given with honey.It has antiaging

properties.5.Kudzu is widely used in skin diseases that cause discoloration.6.It revitalizes the whole body and increases muscle


Bilaikand(Pueraria Tuberose)

English name: thistlesbotanical name: eclipta albahindi: vidarikand,sural, bilaikand, bharda, tirra, bankumradescription: pueraria

tuberosa, commonly known as kudzu, is a climber with woody tuberculated stem. It is a climbing, coiling and trailing vine with large

tuberous rootsbhringraj is one of the ayurvedic herbs used as an ayurvedic tonic for treatment of hair loss, premature greying. It is

used for the treatment of devitalized hair. Uses: 1. The herb reduces vata and normalizes kapha, which increases shukra dhatu.

This shukra dhatu helps in increasing hard erections,libido and sexual energy. 2. Bhringraj is used as a rejuvenative medicine in

ayurveda. It is used as a tonic for keeping the body healthy and fit. 3. It has many uses. Mainly, it is used in hair treatment. It is also

used in treatment of skin diseases,eye infections,hyperacidity,anemia. 4. It is also used to relieve post delivery uterine pain.

Intestinal worms in infants leaves extract should be given with honey. It has antiaging properties. 5. Kudzu is widely used in skin

diseases that cause discoloration. 6. It revitalizes the whole body and increases muscle bulk.

Brahmi(Bacopa Monnieri)

Hindi Name: BrahmiEnglish Name: BrahmiBotanical Name: Bacopa MonnieraFamily Name : ScrophulariaceaeIndian Name : Gotu

kala,Herpestis Monnieria, Thyme Leaved Gratiola, BrahmiPart Used : whole plantDescription:Bacopa monniera, is a small,

creeping herb with numerous branches,succulent, rooting at the nodes, with numerous prostrate branches, each 10-30 cm

long. Brahmi leaves are petiole, oblong, sessile, and fleshy. Flowers are purple in color;axillary, solitary with peduncles. In India and

the tropics it grows naturally in wet soil,shallow water, and marshes. The herb can be found at elevations from sea level to

altitudesof 4,400 feet, and is easily cultivated if adequate water is available. Flowers and fruit appear in summer and the entire

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plant is used medicinally.Bacopa monnieri known as Coastal Waterhyssop, Brahmi, Thyme-leafed gratiola, Water hyssop. In the

folklore of Indian medicine, Brahmi has been used traditionally as brain or nerve tonic.It is a potent nervous tonic and is anti anxiety

agent.Uses: 1.Brahmi plant has a number of uses in Ayurveda.It has antioxidant properties.Brahmi is a well-known memory

booster.2.It improves intellect, consciousness, and mental acuity.Calms the mind and promotes relaxation.It Decreases

anxiety, restlessness.Most commonly used to improve mental alertness, and enhance learning.4.It is diuretic, cardiac, nervine and

tonic. It is reported to improve intellect, treatment of asthma, hoarseness, insanity, epilepsy.5.It is a potent nervous tonic and is anti

anxiety agent. It is considered good for heart. It helps protect the stomach from ulcer formation. 6.It is promising blood purifier and

useful in diarrhea and fevers.

Chiraita(swertia Chirata)

English name: chirettabotanical name: swertia chiratahindi names:kariyatu,kirayat, bhu nimb,nelaberu,nelavepu,

kiriyattu,bhuchirettaparts used: whole plantdiscription-swertia chirata known as chirayata in india is a herb

indigenous to temperate himalayas at altitudes above 4000 feet from kashmir but also found in other parts of country. according to

ayurveda this herb is tikta-rasam, metha veeryam, lagu, ruksham. It is a bitter tonic that has stomachic, febrifuge and

anthelmintic, appetizer, laxative, alterative, antidiarrhoeic and antiperiodic properties. Chirayatra is an effective drug forreducing

fevers specially malarial fevers.

it is an excellent medicine for strengthening the stomach and promoting its action thus used in treating stomach disorders like

dyspepsia and diarrhoea. its anthelmintic properties help in destroying intestinal worms. An infusion of the herb is taken for this

purpose. uses:-1. The root of the plant is useful in curing hiccups and vomiting. 2. The herb can also be used for range of other

diseases and conditions including leprosy, leucoderma, scabies, neuro-muscular disorders, menorrhagia, menstrual irregularity,

urinary disease, heart disease, asthma, cough , dyscrasia, ulcer, jaundice and anaemia. 3. Chiretta is used as a preventative

measure for malaria during epidemics.

Chitrakmool(Plumbago Zeylanica)

Botanical Name: Plumbago ZeylanicaEnglish Name : Wild leadwort.Indian Name : ChitramoolaPart Used : RootFamily:

PlumbaginaceaeDiscription:Chitrakmool offered by us is a natural digestive herbs used for digestive, nervous and female

reproductive system. The parts of this plant are used for the production of herbal powders. These herbs are widely used for

indigestion, gas, hemorrhoids, dysmenorrheal, rheumatism, promotes sweating and small doses stimulate the central nervous

systemUses:1.Chitrak is used in treating intestinal troubles, dysentery, leucoderma, inflammation, piles, bronchitis, itching,

diseases of the liver, and consumption. 2.Leaves of this herb work well for treating laryngitis, rheumatism, diseases of the spleen,

ring worm, scabies, and it acts as an aphrodisiac. 3.A tincture of the root bark is used as an anti-periodic. 4.Chitrak root helps

improve digestion and it stimulates the appetite. 5.Chitrak root is also an acro-narcotic poison that can cause an abortion.

Page 8: Ayurvedic Herbal Products

Datura Seed(Datura Stramonium)

Plant species Botanical Name Datura stramonium L.Family SOLANACEAEHabit Un-shrubUsed In Ayurveda, Folk,

Homeopathy, Unani and Sidha Distribution Globally the species is found in naturalized state from tropical to warm

temperate regions of the world, though it is beleived to be a native of North America. Within India it is more commonly seen in the

hilly regions, including Himalayas, upto 2400 m altitude. Language Vernacular Name(No. of Names)

English (10) thorn-apple, jimson or jamestown weed, stramonium, jimsonweed, apple-of-peru, devil s-apple, jamestown weed, mad

apple, stinkweed, thorn weed Hindi (4) datura, dhaturo, dhatura, kala dhatura Parts Used Trade Name(No. of Names) Not

recorded (2) dhaturabeej, dhaturapanLEAVES (3) stramonium leaves, datura, ummati soppuSEEDS (2) oomathan, umathi

Gataran(Caesalpinia Crista)

Botanical name : caesalpinia cristafamily name : caesalpiniaceaehindi name : kantkarej, kantikaranja, sagar gota. Common name :

bonducella nut, fever nut, molucca bean. English name : fever nuttamil name : kalichikaisanskrit name : putrakaranj

Gokhru(Tribulus Terrestris)

English Name: Small CaltropsBotanical Name : Tribulus TerrestrisFamily Name : ZygophllaceaeCommon Name : Land Caltrops,

Puncture Vine, GokhruPart Used : Whole Plant, SeedsDiscription:This trailing herb is found in sandy soil throughout India, and Sri

Lanka. Gokhru flowers are bright yellow in colour and fruits are green to yellow in colour. Fresh fruit and shade dried fruit, are used

in Ayurvedic system of medicine. Root of Gokhru is also used for medicinal purposes in Ayurveda. A species of the tropical regions

found to be distributed throughout India from sea level to 3500 m. This species is native to the Mediterranen region, globally

distributed in the tropics. Within India,it is found throughout in sandy soil.The whole plant of Goksura is used in the form decoction

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and powder to treat consumption, calculi, intrinsic haemorrhage, dysuria,to promote hair-growth, arthritis rejuvinative and as an

aphrodisiac.Uses : 1.Gokhru is indicated in Ayurveda for the treatment of urinary disorders, kidney diseases, diseases of the

genito-urinary system,2.Roots and fruits are sweet, cooling, diuretic, aphrodisiac, emollient, appetizer, digestive, anthelmintic,

expectorant, anti-inflammatory,laxative, cardiotonic, styptic and tonic. 3.They are useful in strangury, dysuria, renal and vesical

calculi, anorexia, dyspepsia, helminthiasis, cough, asthma, inflammations, cardiopathy, spermatorrhoea, anaemia, scabies,

ophthalmia and general weakness. 4In Ayurvedic system of medicine Gokhru is indicated for use for regulation of heart

functions, reduction of inflammation, indigestion, chronic cough and asthma also. 5.In Ayurveda it is considered that Gokhru helps

to improve vitality and vigor.

Gorakhmundi(sphaeranthus Indicus)

Botanical name : sphaeranthus indicusenglish name : east indian globe thistleindian name : gorakmundi,mahamundi, mundi,

hapus,kottak aranthai,mirangani,ghundi,khamadruspart used : fruit,root, bark, leaves, flowers, and seedsfamily:

asteraceaediscription:an aromatic herb, with purple flower heads. Flowers are credited with alterative, depurative, and tonic

properties. the flowers contain albumins, a semi-drying fatty oil, reducing sugars, tannins, mineral matter, a volatile oil, and a

glucoside. A spreading aromatic herb with spreading glandular hairy stem and branches with purple or pink flowers. Flowers are

credited with alterative, depurative, and tonic properties. The flowers contain albumins, a semi-drying fatty oil, reducing sugars,

tannins, mineral matter, a volatile oil, and a glucosideuses:1. Useful in fever, diabetes, urinary ailments and dermatoses. 2. It is a

blood purifier and stimulant to the heart, hence used in cardiac debility, associated with edema. 3. The plant is used both, internally

as well as externally. The application of the paste of its whole plant externally is beneficial in conditions associated with edema and

pain, like arthritis, filariasis, gout and cervical adenopathy. internally mundi is useful in vast range of diseases. The leaves juice

mixed with black pepper powder, is an effective remedy for migraine. 4. It relieves the blocked phlegm in bronchial asthma, cough

and eases the problem. 5. It is a drug of choice for vata diseases. Mundi is extremely useful in epilepsy, mental debility and as a

nervine tonic. 6. The medicated oil of its roots is salutary as an aphrodisiac. The fresh juice of roots is given along with equal

amount of buttermilk in treating tumours.


Botanical Name : Commiphora Mukul Family Name : Burseraceae Common Name : Commiphora, Mukul, Guggul,

Balsamodendrom Mukul, Indian Bdellium Tree, Moql, Moqle-arzagi. Part Used : Whole Plant Habitat : Rocky tracks of western india

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and eastern himalayas. Product offered : Gum Resins Uses : It is carminative, antispasmodic, disphoretic, ecobolic, anti-

suppurative and emmenagogue. Gum resin used for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It is a potent drug for cardiac disorders high

cholesterol. It is an ingredient for over fifty compounds. It is widely promoted as a weight loss agent that supposedly enhances

thyroid function. It is also used in perfumery, mouthwashes, massage and diffuser.

Gum Karaya (Kateela)

gum karaya (e413,tragacanth) also known as indian gum tragacanth is a gum exudate obtained from the tree

sterculia urens. Gum is polysaccharide insoluble in water and forms colloidal solution. In water yielding high

viscocity. The high viscocity properties of the solutions and the swelling ability of the gum enable its utilisation in different industries

in the value added forms viz. , granules and powder.

Gurmar(gymnema Sylvestre)

English name : suger destroyer, periploca of the the woodbotanical name : gymnema sylvestrefamily name :

asclepiadaceaecommon name : periploca of the woods, gudmarpart used : whole plant, leavediscription:the leaves

and root of mesasrngi is used in the form of powder, paste and decoction to treat inflammation of glands, enlargement of

spleen, indigestion, constipation, jaundice, piles, sinusitis, cough, respiratory diseases, feeling of heaviness in head, urinary stone,

malarial fevers. A vulnerable species is a slow growing, perennial,medicinal woody climber found in central and peninsular india. It

is a potent antidiabetic plant and used in folk,ayurvedic and homeopathic systems of medicine. Uses : 1. The plant is acrid, anti-

inflammatory, anodyne, liver tonic,emetic and diuretic. It is useful in hepatosplenomegaly, dypepsia, constipation, jaundice,

halminthiasis, cardiopathy and amenorrhoea. 2. The fresh leaves when chewed have the remarkable property of paralysing the

sense of taste for sweet and bitter substance for some time. 3. It lowers blood sugar level and is good for the treatment both types

of diabetes. 4. The herb is useful for stimulating the heart; it increases urine secretion. 5. This plant is also used for controlling

obesity in the form of gymnema tea. 6. Powder of the leaves is used in diabetes.

Harra (Terminalia Chebula)

Terminalia Chebula (Harra)Botanical Name : Terminalia ChebulaFamily Name : CombretaceaeCommon Name :

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Myrobalan, Hardad, Chebulic MyrobalanPart Used : Fruits, Roots, BarkUses : It is astringent, purgative, stomachic and laxative. It

is useful in asthma, piles and cough. It is also useful in healing of wounds and scalds. It is used as gargle against inflammation of

mucous membrane of mouth. It is used in tanning of leather and purification of petroleum. It is an effective purgative and helps in

removing toxins and fats from the body resulting in their reduced absorption. Used in all sorts of eye disorders like inflammation,

conjunctivitis and is used as a wash.Pharmacology : Fruit contains a constituent which has a wide antibacterial and antifungal

spectrum.and also inhibits growth of E.coli, the most common organism responsible for urinary tract infection. The fruit pulp exhibits

laxative properties.Terminalia Chebula (Harra)Botanical Name : Terminalia ChebulaFamily Name : CombretaceaeCommon Name :

Myrobalan, Hardad, Chebulic MyrobalanPart Used : Fruits, Roots, BarkUses : It is astringent, purgative, stomachic and laxative. It

is useful in asthma, piles and cough. It is also useful in healing of wounds and scalds. It is used as gargle against inflammation of

mucous membrane of mouth. It is used in tanning of leather and purification of petroleum. It is an effective purgative and helps in

removing toxins and fats from the body resulting in their reduced absorption. Used in all sorts of eye disorders like inflammation,

conjunctivitis and is used as a wash.Pharmacology : Fruit contains a constituent which has a wide antibacterial and antifungal

spectrum.and also inhibits growth of E.coli, the most common organism responsible for urinary tract infection. The fruit pulp exhibits

laxative properties.


Since times immemorial, Honey as been a sweetener for all nationalities and cultures. With properties ranging from

nutrition to health to cosmetic usage, honey is a vital export product from India. India has an advantage of being

able to provide honey obtained from various flowers due to its diverse climatic zones and large bio diversity.

We can offer you Organic or conventional products.

Indarjow(meetha)wrightia Tinctoria

Botanical Name : Wrightia TinctoriaFamily Name : ApocynaceaeCommon Name : Pala Indigo Plant, Dyers’s Oleander.Part Used :

Bark, SeedsHabitat : Throughout india upto 1200 m.Product offered : SeedsUses : The leaves are acrid, thermogenic, anodyne

and hypotensive and are very useful in odontalgia, vitiated conditions of vata and hypertension. The seeds are bitter, astringent,

acrid, carminative, constipating, depurative, anthelmintic and febrifuge. They are useful in vitiated conditions of Pitta and Kapha,

dyspepsia etc.

Its pungent fresh leaves quickly relieve toothaches. Leaves, flowers and fruits are source of a kind of indigo called pala-indigo.

White, close-grained wood looks like ivory and is much used for carving and wood-turning. In piles, fever, diarrhoea, roundworm

and colic.Hindi (9) bichu, hathajori, hatha-jori, bichhwa, bagh nakhi, billi, bichhu ankadi, bichhu-ankadi, bichhu-butti

Hindi (18) dudhi, gode indrajava, indarjou, khirni, mitaindrajau, mitha indrajava, mitha indarjou, mithaindarjou, kalainderjau,

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Botanical Name : SYZYGIUM CUMINI

Family Name : MYRTACEAE


Part Used : Seeds, Leaves, Fruits, Bark

Uses : The leaves are antibacterial, and are used for strengthning the teeth and gums.. The fruit and seeds are sweet, acrid, sour,

tonic, and cooling, and are used in diabities, diarrhoea and ringworm. The bark is astringent, sweet sour, diuretic, digestive and


Jatropha Seeds

Family Name : Euphorbiaceae Common Name : Jatropha Seeds, Purging Nut, Psysic Nut. Part Used : Jatropha Seeds, Jatropha

Leaves. Habitat : Cultivated throughout india. Product offered : Seeds, Oil Uses : Jatropha is a small tree or shrub with smooth gray

bark, which exudes whitish colored, watery latex when cut. It grows between three and five meters in height, but can attain a height

of up to eight or ten meters under favorable conditions. Oil has a very high saponification value and is being extensively used for

making soap in some countries. The oil is used as an illuminant as it burns without emitting smoke. Oil cake of Jatropha is rich in

nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium and can be used as organic manure. It is a drought resistant shrub with a smooth gray bark.

It contains anti-cancerous properties. It is also used as an external application for skin diseases and rheumatism and for sores on

domestic livestock. In addition, the tender twigs of the plant are used for cleaning teeth, while the juice of the leaf is used as an

external application for piles. The roots are used as an antidote for snakebites. A decoction of roots and leaves is given for

diarrhoea. Root bark is used in external applications for sore.

KAUNCH SEED(Mucuna Pruriens)

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English name: cowhage, cow itch,velvet bean

botanical name: mucuna pruriens

description: mucuna pruriens or kaunch beej commonly known as cowhage, cow itch is one of the popular medicinals of india. It is

one of the main constituents in many indigenous drug formulations. All parts of cowhage posses valuable medicinal properties.

Mucuna pruriens is a legume, and as a legume it's a rich source of tocopherol, or vitamin 'e. ' vitamin 'e' has a variety of beneficial

effects. It is very beneficial in parkinsons disease.

uses-1. Plant mucuna pruriens as a foliage crop to fertilize and protect fallow fields. 2. Soak the beans and baby plant shoots for at

least 48 hours before cooking, changing the soak water several times to remove the toxic compounds like levodopa. it can be toxic

if not treated and prepared properly. 3. Feed the beans and seeds to multi-stomached animals such as cows for a protein and fiber

rich food source.

Kaknasa(Martynia Annua)

Botanical Name Martynia annua L.Family PEDALIACEAEHabit HerbUsed In Ayurveda, Folk and Sidha

DistributionThis species is native to Mexico and Central America, introduced and naturalised in the tropics. Within

India, it is found throughout India,in waste places, rubbish heaps and along road sides.

Language(No. of Names) Vernacular NameBengali (3) bag lucha, baghnakh, baghnokhDogri (4)

Kamarkas(salvia Plebeian)

We provide the best quality Salvia plebeian or “kamarkas” according to its Indian name, which is known and used widely right from

the ancient times. It has its description and usage in ayurveda and thus is an excellent herb. It is useful in curing a lot of ailments.

This plant is useful as refreshment and sterile for promoting urination and is useful in thread worm infections.

Page 14: Ayurvedic Herbal Products

Common name : Kamarkas

Scientific name : Salvia PlebeianAppearance

• Derived from gum tree branches in crystal-like form


• In food and beverages

• Known to be medicinal

• Ayurvedic medicines

• Dietary items

Port of Dispatch:

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Kapurkachri(hedychium Spicatum)

English name : kaempferia botanical name : hedychium spicatumfamily name : zingiberaceaepart used: roots/powderindian name :

hedichium, kapur kachrihabitat,karchura : grows in sub tropical himalayas. Discription:it is an annual perennial herb growing to 1.

5m by 0. 7m. It has a horizontal root- stock, and tuberous rootfibres, leaves are 30 cms or more in length. inflorescence is spiked.

Flowers ascending and dense yellow coloured. It bears flowers in october. the flowers are hermaphrodite (has both male and

female organs). Capsule is globose. This species occurs in parts of western and central himalayas between an altitude range of

1000-2250 m. Used:1. Used in nausea, bronchial asthama, halitosis and vomitting. Also useful in diminished apetite, hiccups, local

inflamation etc. 2. Used in nausea, bronchial asthma, halitosis and vomiting. 3. Useful in diminished appetite, hiccups, local

inflammation etc. 4,its rhizome is used for treatment of asthma and internal injury. 5. It is used in the treatment of indigestion and

poor circulation due to thickening of the blood. 6. The root stalk is useful in local inflammations, nausea, asthma, bronchitis, hiccups

and in pain.

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Kuchla(strychnos Nuxvomica)

English Name :Nux-vomicaBotanical Name : Strychnos NuxvomicaIndian Name : Kuchala beej,Itti beejaPart Used:

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SEED,BARKCommon Name : Nux-vomica, Poison Nut, Snake-wood, Strychnine Tree, Quaker Buttons, Ma Qian ZiFamily Name :

LoganiaceaeDiscription:This is a moderate-sized tree, with a short and pretty thick trunk. The wood is white, hard, and bitter. The

leaves are opposite, oval, and smooth on both sides. Flowers small, greenish-white, funnel-shaped, and have a disagreeable

odor. The fruit is a berry, round, and about the size of a large apple, enclosing five whitish seeds.Uses:1.It is used in pruritis and as

a local anodyne in inflammations of the external ear.2.leaves are applied as a poultice on sloughing wounds and ulcers.3.Used in

the preparation of medicated product for the hair and scalp.4.it improves the pulse and raises blood pressure and is of great value

as a tonic to the circulatory system in cardiac failure.5.it is used as a healing tonic and appetite stimulant

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Kuda Bark(holarrhena Antidysenterica)

Botanical name : holarrhena antidysentericafamily name : apocynaceaecommon name : : tillicherry bark, conessi, kuruchi, kutaja,

kura, kuda,dhudi hat, karchi, kari, karra, karva-indarjou, karvaindarjau, kaura, kaureya, kora, kuar, kura, kureya, sweetwood,

liquorice, yastimadhu, jashti-madhu. Part used : bark, leaves. Discription:kataja plant is fabled to have sprung from the drops of

amrta or elixir of life, which fell on the ground from the bodies of rama’s monkeys, who were restored to life by indra. The seeds of

kutaja are called as indra’d seeds – indrayava . Caraka has described multiple used of the plant. the pods have stanyasodhana

lactodepurant, indrayava have amapacaka – digests the ama and asthapanopaga – adjunct to decoction enema, properties.

whereas kutaja in general, is said to possess vamaka – emetic and arsoghna – anti haemorrhoidal qualities. Susruta mentions

indrayava as stanyasodhana – lactodepurant and kutaja as sukra sodhana – sperm purifier. Vagbhata has specified it as the best

anti-diarrhea. Uses : 1. Application of holarrhena antidysenterica useful in arthritis & osteoarthritis. 2. The holarrhena

antidysenterica bark is used in chest affections and as a remedy in diseases of the skin and spleen holarrhena antidysenterica is a

well known herb for amoebic dysentery and other gastric disorders3. The seeds and the skin of the bark is used for medicinal

purpose. Kutaja plant is used both internally as well as externally. Externally, to promote healing, the wounds are cleansed with the

decoction of its skin. 4. Holarrhena antidysenterica is one of the best known herb used for diarrhoea. In chronic diarrhoea & to

check blood coming from stool. 5. The holarrhena antidysenterica bark is useful in treatment of piles, skin diseases and biliousness.

6. The holarrhena antidysenterica bark is given with cow milk. The fresh juice of holarrhena antidysenterica bark is considered good

to check the diarrhoea.

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Kundru (boswellia Serrata)

Common name : Kunduru, Salai

Scientific Name : Boswellia Serrata

We are offering pure and processed Boswellia serrata or commonly known as Indian frankincense or Salai. It is found in

Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh in India. Its aroma is generally considered to be far inferior compared to Boswellia sacra or

Boswellia frereana. Boswellia serrata is used in the manufacture of the supposed anti-wrinkle agent "Boswelox". Boswellia is the

gummy resin of the boswellia tree. It is native to India and used for centuries by Ayurvedic doctors. It is an Ayurvedic plant that

contains anti-inflammatory terpenoids called boswellic acids.

Herb description

• Boswellia Serrata is a medium sized tree

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• With ash coloured papery bark.

• The leaves are like neem plant and have small white flowers.

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LODH(Symplocos Racemosa)

English Name :Lodh BarkBotanical Name : Symplocos RacemosaIndian Name :

Lodh,Lodhar,Lodhra,Hura,Pathani,Balalodduginamara/Pachetta,LothiPart Used: STEM BARK

/BARKFamily:SYMPLOCACEAEDiscription:Globally the species is distributed in the Indo-Malesian region. In India it is distributed

in the Western Peninsula region, North Eastern India and Sub-Himalayan tracts. This species is distriubted in Indo-Malesia. Within

India, it is found in North and East India and in the Western Peninsula.A decoction of the bark was used for gargling when the

gums were spongy and bleeding.uses:1.It is used in treatment of diarrhea, dysentery and liver disorders.2.Bark of Lodhra is useful

in bowel complaints such as diarrhoea, dysentry etc and also in dropsy, eye diseases, liver complaints, fever, ulcer, scorpion sting

etc. 3.In Bombay the bark is often employed in the preparation of plasters and is supposed to promote resolution of inflammatory

masses. 4.In fever, dysentery and liver complaints, It is used in the form of compound decoction and infusion. 5.In bleeding gums

and all, a paste composed of Lodhra bark, rasot, tubers of cyperus rotundus and honey is applied to the gums. 6.It is one of the

constituent of a plaster used to promote maturation of boils and other malignant growth.

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Lasuda(cordia Dichotoma)

English name: indian cherrybotanical name : cordia dichotomafamily name : boraginaceaecommon name : :

gumberry, labeda, lasora,vad gundo,goborhut, bahubara, bird lime tree,indian cherry, clammy cherry, fragrant

manjack,boch,lamkelaba,bankanakkera, chinna-nakkeru, botgiri,naruvili, citam,gunda. Part used : seeds, leaves. Discription:indian

cherry is a small to moderate-sized deciduous tree with a short bole and spreading crown. The stem bark is greyish brown, smooth

or longitudinally wrinkled. Flowers are short-stalked, bisexual and white in colour, appear in loose corymbose cymes. the flowers

open only at night. The fruit is a yellow or pinkish-yellow shining globose or ovoid drupe seated in a saucer-like enlarged calyx. it

turns black on ripening and the pulp gets viscid. Indian cherry grows in the sub-himalayan tract and outer ranges, ascending up to

about 1500 m elevation. It is found in a variety of forests ranging from the dry deciduous forests of rajasthan to the moist deciduous

forests of western ghats and tidal forests in myanmar. In maharashtra, it grows in moist monsoon forest also. Uses : 1. The seed

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kernel of c. Dichotoma contains a high proportion of fatty oils and proteins (46 and 31%, respectively) which has potential as cattle

feed fuel. 2. The wood is used to make agricultural implements. 3. The bark is medicinal and several chemicals have been

identified; allantoin, beta -sitosterol. 4. Immature gunda berries are used as a vegetable and to make pickles after removing the

stone and sticky white pulp. The sticky pulp is used to make glue.

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Marod Phali(Helicteres Isora)

English Name: East Indian Screw Tree, Nut Leaved Screw TreeBotanical Name: Helicteres isoraDescription: Helicteres isora which

is commonly known as Marod Phali in Hindi,Indian Screw Tree, Nut Leaved Screw Tree in English.Uses: The roots and stem barks

are expectorant, demulcent, astringent,and constipating.They are useful in colic, scabies,gastric problems, diabetes, diarrhea and

dysentery. The powdered seeds are used to cure ulcers in ears, dysentery and stomachache.Uses: Mucuna pruriens seed powder

is used as an aphrodisiac to improve the quality of the sperms, their total count. They are also used for improving physical stamina

and strength.According to Ayurveda,seeds are astringent, laxative, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, alexipharmic and tonic.It improves

sexual health.It is also used in intestinal worms and colicUses: Shilajit works as a powerful anti oxidant thereby delaying aging. It is

extensively used for general physical strengthening, anti-aging, blood sugar stabilization,injury healing, urinary tract rejuvenation.It

also enhanced brain functioning potency, bone healing, kidney rejuvenation. It improves immune system,arthritis, hypertension,

obesity and many other diseases.Shilajit is also effective in piles and fistula related problems.It works as an aphrodisiac agent and

helps in increasing sperm count.It is use to maintain physical,sexual and mental strength and to maintain youth and long life.

Effective in treating kidney, and lower back painThreaten abortion, Leucorrhoea, Seminal debilityEfficient in treating dryness of the

lungs and throat, consumptive diseases (lingering cough, dry cough), tuberculosis and blood- tinged sputum

The juice of the nut wall is known in the trade as Bhiloawan Shell Liquid, is rich in phenols.

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Offering high quality raw moosli at competetive prices.

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Nagarmotha(Cyperus Rotundus)

English name:nut grassbotanical name : cyperus rotundusindian name – mustak, nagarmotha, motha,mustakapart used: rhizome/

rootsfamily: cyperaceaedescription:the plant is considered an invasive weed; it has been called "the world's worst weed. " the plant

requires sun and moist conditions, though it grows in sandy soil (one of the old chinese names for it was shacao, meaning sand

weed), as well as in loamy moist fields and in tropical rainforests. It has a vast growing range, crossing the globe and particularly

noted in the pacific islands (where its leaves are used for weaving) as well as along coastal regions. It is especially prevalent in

southern india, where its essential oil is used in perfumery. As an invasive weed, it is considered troublesome in 92 countries and

adversely affects more than 50 crops, including sugar cane, corn, cotton, rice, and many vegetables. Cyperus grows rapidly and

fills the soil with its tangle of roots and rhizomes; this one species (c. Rotundus) can produce up to 40,000 kg/hectare of

underground plant material. Uses:1. Nut grass is recommended for fevers and obesity in ayurveda 2. It is very much used in

chinese medicine. Cyperus is a qi-moving medicinal that can also enter the blood aspect; it is traditionally called a qi-in-blood

medicinal. It rectifies qi and regulates menstruation, and it is effective for signs such as menstrual irregularities, overdue periods,

and abdominal pain during menstruation that is due to liver qi depression in emotionally inhibited women. 3. Nut grass is a pungent

bitter-sweet herb that relieves spasms and pain, acting mainly on the digestive system and uterus. They are used internally in the

treatment of digestive problems and menstrual complaints. 4. The plant is rated 8th amongst 250 potential antifertility plants in


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Neem is a very famous herb of India and is used as a dietary supplement. The leaves of Neem help to maintain healthy circulatory,

digestive, respiratory, and urinary tract system. We offer Neem Leavesin hygienic packaging to our clients so that these do not

loose their medicinal properties.

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Nirmali(strychnos Potatorum)

Page 19: Ayurvedic Herbal Products

English Name: Clearing Nut Tree Botnical Name: Strychnos potatorum Linn. Comman Name: Nirmali,Chilladabeeja,

Chilu,Tetamkotai, Tetankotai, Tetta, Tettamaram, Tettran,Katak, Kataka, Kataka Ambuprasada Family: Loganiaceae

(Strychnaceae). Parts Used: Seeds, roots and fruits Discription: The nuts of this species of Strychnos are very largely used in some

parts of India for clearing muddy water, and are stated to have found their way into American commerce. (A. J. P., 1871.) The fruit

is also employed by the native practitioners of Hindostan, under the name of nirmali, as an emetic and in dysentery. They do not

contain strychnine. In clearing water, one of the dried nuts is rubbed hard for a short time around the inside of the earthen water

pot; on settling, the water is left pure and tasteless. The seeds contain a large quantity of an albuminous principle, upon which their

virtues probably depend. The tree, which grows to a very large size, produces a shining, black, one-seeded berry (that of the nux

vomica being many-seeded). The seeds are described (P. J., 1871, 44) as broadly lenticular, about half an inch in diameter and a

quarter of an inch in thickness, of a dirty whitish-gray color, and covered with a thick coating of delicate appressed hairs. Uses:

1.Seeds are used to purify water. 2.Seeds are rich source of polysaccharide gum suitable for use in paper and textile industries.

3.The fruits are emetic, diaphoretic alexiteric etc. According to Unani system of medicine, seeds are bitter, astringent to bowels,

aphrodisiac, tonic, diuretic and good for liver, kidney complaints, gonorrhea.

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Nishod(operculina Turpethum)

English Name :Indian Jalap Botanical Name : Operculina TurpethumIndian Name : Nishoth lakdi/ PitohariFamily:

ConvolvulaceaePart Used: ROOTDiscription:Operculina Turpethum or Nisoth is commonly used medicinal herb. The main part of

plant that is used as medicine is its root. The plant has laxative property and thus effective in curing constipation, relieving

flatulence and colic condition. It is also useful in periodic fevers as it helps in reducing body temperature. it is also effective in

obesity because it decreases the excessive body fat. It is also used in the treatment of anaemia in the combination with other

herbs. This herb is used for the treatment of many other diseases like arthritis, dropsy, gout, jaundice.Uses:1.It is used in periodic

fevers.2.In the treatment of anaemia accompanied by splenomegaly, it is used along with other therapy.3.It is also used to relieve

flatulence and colic. In the treatment of obesity.

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Punarnava(boerhavia Diffusa)

Botnical name-boerhavia diffusaenglish name – spreading hogweed, horse purslaneindian name –punarnava

this ayurvedic herb is found throughout india. It is a creeping and spreading perennial herb, with a stout root-stock and many erect

or spreading branches. it grows up to 2 meters in length. The leaves of the plant are simple, broad, somewhat rough, thick and

brittle. the flowers are pink or red in color. The fruits are oval in shape, dull green or brownish in color and about the size of

caraway bean. punarnava is also known to possess properties to cure skin and soft tissue infections. It is also used in anemia

cases, loss of appetite, jaundice, obesity and chronic but non-specific febrile conditions.

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Puwar-seed(cassia Tora)

English name- Ring worm plantBotanical Name: Cassia toraFamily: FabaceaeLatin Name: Foetid cassiaIndian

Name: Chakunda,Puwar,Takala,Chakramandrakam,Kawaria,Dadmari,SICKLE POD, COFFEE POD, TOVARA,

CHAKVADParts Used: seedsDescription An annual foetid herb, with a height of 30 to 90 cm, Cassia Tora is mainly found in the

states of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, in India. It has pinnate leaves, which are about 10 cm long. Each leaf has three pairs

of leaflets that are opposite, ovate, oblong and oblique at the base. The yellow-colored flowers are bearded in the axel of the

leaves. The flowers comprises of five petals, each about half inch in diameter. Uses:1.Cassia Tora is used as a coffee substitute

and has a maturing and anodyne action.2.Useful in treating skin diseases like ring worm and itch and psoriasis.3.The alcoholic or

vinegar maceration of pounded fresh leaves is used externally to treat eczema and dermatomycosis.4.Decoction of the fruit of

Cassia Tora is used in the treatment of fever.5.Since the herb acts as a kapha and vata dosha suppressant, it acts as a nerve

tonic.6.It is consumed in worm infestation and cures the infection occurring in the body.

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RITHA(Sapindus Mukorossi)

Page 21: Ayurvedic Herbal Products

English Name: SoapnutBotanical Name: Sapindus MukorossiIndian name:Ritha, Reetha, Aritha, Dodan, Doadni,

Doda, Kanma and Thali,Soap Nut, Soapberry, Soap Berry, Washnut, and Wash NutFamily: Sapindaceae – SoapberryPart Used :

Soapnuts, Soapnut Shells, Soapnut Shells PowderDescription: Ritha is a common tree in Shivalik Hills and the outer Himalayas of

Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Jammu & Kashmir.The dried fruit of Ritha is most valuable part of the

plant.Its fleshy portion contains saponin, which is a good substitute for washing soap and is as such used in preparation of quality

shampoos, detergents, etc. The bark of Ritha is shinning gray and fairly smooth when the plant is young.It is dark gray when the

plant approaches maturity. Ritha leaves are long stalked odd pinnate.In fact the skin of the fruit is highly valued by the rural folks as

a natural produced shampoo for washing their hair. Uses:1.They also use these for washing woolen clothes.The fruit has

considerable importance for its ayurvedic medicinal value.2.Soapnut powder is used to cleanse hair, skin and laundry.3.The pulp of

the fruit contains a high level of natural foaming agents. This extract can be used to wash skin and hair.4.Useful for treating a

number of diseases like common cold, pimples, epilepsy, constipation, nausea.5.It is an important herb that is used in the treatment

of contaminated soil. Moreover, it has also been used for washing and bleaching cardamoms, further helping in improving the

latter’s color and flavor.

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Ratan jot is an herb grown in kashmir. The root is ground to a powder and used as a natural rich red food color in


ratan jot is the original spice responsible for red color of rogan josh, and tandoori chicken.

it is almost becoming rare and being replaced by standard red food colors.

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Ratti(abrus Precatorius)

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Botanical Name : Abrus Precatorius Family Name : Fabaceae Common Name : : Rosary Pea, Jequerity, Crab's

Eye, Precatory Bean, Tento Muido, Cain Ghe, Graines Reglisse, Weesboontje, Rakat, Jequerit, Liane Reglisse,Paratella,

Paternoste Part Used : Seeds, Leaves. Discription: Abrus precatorius is a legume with long, pinnate-leafleted leaves. The seeds of

Abrus precatorius are much valued in native jewelry for their bright coloration. Apart from this it finds variety of uses in the form of

traditional medicine. However, abrus precatorius seeds contain a toxic element called Abrin, which is only harmful when swallowed.

Uses : 1.Seeds are abortifacient, anodyne, aphrodisiac, antimicrobial, diuretic, emetic, expectorant,purgative,refrigerant and

sedative. 2.Seeds are highly poisonous. Roots are used for gonorrhoea, jaundice and haemoglobinuric bile. 3.Powdered seeds are

said to disturb the uterine functions and prevent conception in women. 4.The oil extracted from seeds is said to promote the growth

of human hair.

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SEMAL MUSLI(Bombax Mulabaricum)

Botanical Name— Bombax malabaricum Family-.BOMBOCACEAEHindi-semal; English-silk cotton tree; Telugu-

Bürugu cettu, Malayalam – mullilave Introduction— The thorns are pounded with milk is a famous remedy for Acne

infestation. Its fruit is poisonous.

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SHANKHPUSPHI(Convolvulus Pluricaulis)

Page 23: Ayurvedic Herbal Products

Botnical Name : Convolvulus pluricaulisEnglish name:Bindweed,aloe weedIndian Name:Shankhpushpi,Mangalya

kusumaFamily:ConvolvulaceaePart Used :Whole plantDescription :Shankhapushpi or Convolvulus pluricaulis is an indigenous plant

commonly mentioned in Ayurveda, an ancient system of Indian medicine, as a rasayana which is mainly advocated for use in

mental stimulation and rejuvenation therapyy.Uses : The plant is reported to be a prominent memory-improving drug. It is used as a

psycho-stimulant and tranquilizer. It is reported to reduce mental tension. The ethanolic extract of the plant reduces total serum

cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids and non-esterified fatty- acidsUses: 1.Ritha or Sapindus Mukorossi is useful for treating a

number of diseases like common cold, pimples, epilepsy, constipation, nausea, etc. 2.It is also used as expectorant in small

doses.3.Shankhpushpi is a rasayana specially promoting intellect.4.In Insomonia & Delirium - Powder of Shankhpushpi should be

given with cumin & milk.5.In Chronic cough & Asthma - Smoking of Shankhpushpi leaves is useful.6.In Haematemesis - Expressed

juice of Shankhpush

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Safed Moosli(Chlorophytum Borivilianum)

Chlorophytum Borivilianum or Safed musli is a traditional plant and its tubers are used in Ayurvedic medicines.Safed musli is a very

valuable gift from Nature.

Uses: 1.Safed Musli mainly used in preparation of general Health Tonic and General Sex Tonic.

2.Useful in Sexual debilities.

3.It is very useful in Impotency.

4.It provides power and energy who are physically weak.

5.It is used as curative for Natal and Post Natal problems.

6.Remedy for Diabetes,Arthritis,Joint Pains,and Rheumatism.

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Sarpgandha(Rauvolfia Serpentina)

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English Name: Serpentina,Rauvolfia rootBotanical Name: Rauvolfia SerpentinaIndian Names:Arachoritita,Chandrabhaga, Chota-

chand,Sanochado,Sarpagandha, Chandrika, PatalgurudaFamily: ApocynaceaeHabitat: Moist forests shady places near rain-

forest.Useful Parts: Roots and leaves.Description: The botanical name of sarpagandha is Rauwolfia serpentine. Mainly it is widely

used in treatment of High Blood Pressure.The juice of the leaves of Sarpagandha cures opacity of the cornea.Uses: 1.The

sarpagandha have great medicinal value.It is beneficial in the treatment of hypertension, fever, 2.psychological disorders and worm

infestations.In serpant bite, the powder of sarpagandha roots is given orally, as well as, applied on the site of bite.Specially in

snake bite,it is extensively used as antidote.3.High blood pressure: The Rauvolfia herb is the best remedy for high blood pressure

and it has been adapted by medical fraternity in most countries. Those alkaloids which have a direct effect on hypertension have

been isolated in it and are widely used by the practitioners of modern medicine. But they have certain unpleasant side effects which

the drug taken in its raw form, does not have. Half a teaspoon of its powder taken thrice a day is effective in relieving

hypertension.4.In itching skin: It relieves itching in urticaria. One gram of powdered root can be taken with water.

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Satavar(Asparagus Racemosus)

Our herb Asparagus Racemosus is known widely for its beneficial features and we provide it in the purest quality. Asparagus

racemosus or according to its more popular name “shatavari” is considered to be very beneficial for humans. This herb is known to

be a very good aphrodisiac and also is very useful for overall women health and development. Shatavari is considered to be the

main ingredient in Ayurvedic rejuvenating female tonic for overall health and vitality. The reputed adaptogenic effects of Shatavari

may be attributed to its concentrations of saponins, known as Shatavarins. Common Name : Satavari Scientific Name : Asparagus

racemosus Benefits Good for health Rejuvenating female tonic Provides health and vitality High concentrations of saponins Good

aphrodisiac Good anodyne

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Shikakai(Acacia Sinuata)

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Plant species Botanical Name Acacia sinuata (LOUR.) MERR.Family MIMOSACEAEHabit LianaUsed In Ayurveda

and Folk Distribution This species is globally distributed in Indo-Malesia. Within India, it is found in tropical jungles throughout,

especially in Peninsular India. Common Uses Useful in skin diseases, ulcers, swelling, stomatitis, and it is laxative.Laxative:Ghee

prepared with the root is used as a laxative in chronic cases of skin diseases, rheumatic disorders and body swelling. (10

ml)(Ch.ci.28) MAPS AVAILABLE Acacia sinuata Distribution I Language Vernacular Name(No. of Names) Hindi (5) koci, satala,

ritha, allah, shikakai

Oriya (1) chilli Parts Used Trade Name(No. of Names) Not recorded (8) chikakai (shikakai), chikakai (sikakai), chikakhai, shikakai,

shikakai new, shikhakhai, sika kai, sikakaiPOWDER (1) chikakhaiFRUIT (1) shikakai

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The Bryonia laciniosa Seeds, which we provide are considered to be of optimum use and provide exceptional health


It is chiefly used in small doses, as a remedy in acute and chronic serous maladies, in glandular enlargements,

in scarlatina to lessen the tendency to aural complications that may terminate in otorrhoea and deafness,

in chronic orchitis, in chronic rheumatic affections, pleuritic and pulmonic disorders, fevers, etc.,

and is also widely used to overcome constipation and regulate the bowels.

Common Name : Shivalingi Seed

Scientific Name : Bryonia lacinosa

The medicinal benefits

Shivlingi is hot, pungent and an alternative

Given to females with jaggery for birth of male child

A remedy in acute and chronic serous maladies

Herb description

An annual scandent herb

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Stem grooved and glabrous

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Sonth(Dry Ginger)

BotanicalName— Zingiber Officinalis English-Dry GingerHindi-Sonth,Calamus, Sweet Ginger, Ginger

Root Introduction— These herbs are used as prophylactic of nausea and vomiting associated with motion, sickness,

sea sickness and pregnancy. These are regarded as beneficial herbs for their gastrointestinal benefits and as an anti inflamatory

and carminative. Useful in bronchitis, colds, congestion, diarrhea, flu, headache, nausea, rheumatism, sore throat, they also act as

an adjunct to many tonic and stimulating remedies.

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TejPhal(Zanthoxylum Alatum)

BotanicalName— Zanthoxylum AlatumFamily : RutaceaeDescription: This shrub is found in North America, Nepal,

India, and Bhutan.Parts Used: Bark, carpels, carpels of fruits, seeds English-Dry GingerHindi-

TejPhal,Timur,Tumburu Introduction— A large shrub or small tree grows up to 6 meters in height. Leaves compound,

imparipinnate, rachis winged, leaflets 5-11 lanceolate, serrate with gland dots. Flowers yellow in terminal or axillary panicles. Fruits

reddish globose follicle. Seeds solitary, globose and shining. MEDICINAL PROPERTIES Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, vata, tumors,

headache, diarrhea, hepatitis, fever, leukoderma, skin diseases, cough, asthma, paralysis, arthritis, diabetes, wounds, ulcers,

cardiac debility and general debility.

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Tesu-phhol(butea Monosperma)

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Botanical Name : Butea MonospermaIndian Name : Palash, Dhak, Palah or Tesu,ChamataFamily:FabaceaePart

Used: Flower,Fruit,StemDiscription:The tesu flowers are traditionally used for colour-play in the spring festival of Holi. Tesu flowers

are boiled in water to give a fragrant, deep yellow water which has medicinal properties and prevents skin problems in the coming

summer.For Holi celebrations, Vrindavan’s Radha Vallabh temple uses warm tesu water from huge silver cauldrons, and brass

water sprinklers – pichkaris to spray colour on everyone in the temple courtyard.

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Tulsi Patra(Ocimum Tenuiflorum)

Tulsi Leaves/ Ocimum Sanctum offered by us have many medicinal properties. These are processed under hygienic

conditions and help to mobilize mucus in bronchitis and asthma. Chewing Tulsi leaves is highly beneficial in cold

and flu.

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Varunchhal(crataeva Nurvala)

English name: three leaved caperbotnical name:crataeva nurvalafamily: capparidaceaecommon name: varunparts used: bark,

leaves and root barkdescription:crataeva nurvala is a moderate sized deciduous tree with gray and smooth horizontally wrinkled

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bark with trifoliate leaves. its flowers are white or cream in color and are present as many flowered terminal corymbs. Fruit is

multiple seeded in the form of ovoid berries. seeds are embedded in yellow fleshy pulp. Uses:1. The skin, roots and leaves of

varuna have great medicinal value. 2. The pulp of leaves is applied on abdomen in splenic enlargement, with great benefit. 3. The

decoction of leaves given along with ghee relieves flatulence and abdominal pain. 4. The decoction of skin of varuna alone is used

as blood purifier in gout, internal abscess, adenitis. 5. Varuna is commonly used as a bitter tonic. The fresh juice of leaves is useful

as a tonic. In enlarged prostate, strangury and urinary tract infections the decoction of its bark is rewarding.