bacterial diseases


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Post on 18-Jan-2017




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ORGAN : Head of Turkey LESIONS : Panophthalmitis SUSP.DIS. : Colibacillosis

ORGAN : Head of chick LESIONS : Facial odema and conjunctivitis SUSP.DIS. : E.coli and Mycoplasmosis

ORGAN : Baby chicks LESIONS: Omphalitis SUSP.DIS: E.coli

ORGAN : Abdominal cavity LESIONS : Septicemia SUSP. DIS. : E. coli

ORGAN : Abdominal cavity LESIONS : Fibrinous pericarditis and perihepatitis SUSP.DIS.: E. Coli

ORGAN : Abdominal cavity LESIONS : Caseous salpingitis SUSP.DIS. : E. Coli

ORGAN : Abdominal cavity LESIONS : Caseous salpingitis SUSP.DIS. : E. coli

ORGAN : Opened joint LESIONS : Creamy colored exudates (arthritis) SUSP.DIS. : E. coli

ORGAN : Intestine LESIONS : Granuloma formation SUSP.DIS. : Coli-granuloma


ORGAN : Baby Chick LESIONS : Pasty Vent SUSP.DIS. : Salmonellosis

ORGAN : Liver and spleen LESIONS : Bronzy liver and Congested Spleen SUSP. DIS. Salmonellosis

ORGAN : Lung LESIONS : Brown discoloration SUSP.DIS. : Salmonellosis

ORGAN : Opened Cecai LESIONS : Typhlitis (Caseous ceacal core). SUSP.DIS. : Salmonellosis

ORGAN : Opened joint LESIONS : Straw-yellow colored exudates SUSP.DIS. : Salmonellosis

ORGAN : Ovaries LESIONS : Misshaped, discolored, pedunculated ova with long stalk SUSP.DIS. : Chronic Salmonellosis


ORGAN : Head of chicken LESIONS : Mucous excretion from mouthSUSP.DIS. : Pasteurellosis

ORGAN : Liver LESIONS : Small focal coagulative necrosis (bran mash) SUSP.DIS. : Pasteurellosis

ORGAN : Heart LESIONS : Pet. Hemorrhage on the coronary fat and myocardium. SUSP.DIS. : Acute Pasteurellosis.

ORGAN : Ovary LESIONS : Congested and flaccid ova SUSP. DIS. : Pasteurellosis

ORGAN : Head of chicken LESIONS : Swelling of wattle SUSP.DIS. : Chronic Pasteurellosis (wattle form).

ORGAN : Head of chicken LESIONS : Swelling of wattle SUSP.DIS. : Chronic Pasteurellosis (wattle form).

ORGAN : Adult Turkey LESIONS : Torticollis resulting from meningeal infection SUSP.DIS. : Chronic Pasteurellosis

Organ: Rabbit

Lesion: Nervous Manifestation

Suspect. Dis.: Otitis Media form of Pastereullosis


Organ : Head of Turkey

Lesion: Swelling of infra-orbital Sinus

Susp. Dis: Mycoplasmosis

Organ : Head of Turkey Lesion: Swelling of infra-orbital Sinus Susp. Dis: Mycoplasmosis

ORGAN : Opened Infraorbital Sinus of Turkey LESIONS : Sticky exudates SUSP.DIS. : Mycoplasmosis

ORGAN : Chest cavity of chicken

LESIONS : Pericarditis and air saculitis

SUSP. DIS. : Mycoplasmosis

ORGAN : Turkey Carcass LESIONS : Poor growth and poor feathering SUSP.DIS. : Mycoplasmosis

ORGAN : leg of chickens LESIONS : Swelling of the hock and toe joints.SUSP.DIS. : Mycoplasmosis

ORGAN : Leg of bird LESIONS : Exudates in foot pad. SUSP.DIS. : Mycoplasmosis

ORGAN : Wing joint LESIONS : Swelling (Arthritis). SUSP. DIS. : Mycoplasmosis


ORGAN : Intestine of bird LESIONS : Nodular formation SUSP.DIS. : Tuberculosis

ORGAN : Liver of bird LESIONS : Nodular formation SUSP.DIS. : Tuberculosis

ORGAN : Cross section on long bone LESIONS: Nodular formation SUSP. DIS.: Tuberculosis

ORGAN : Spleen of bird LESIONS : Nodular formation SUSP. DIS. : Tuberculosis

ORGAN : Liver, Spleen and Intestine LESIONS : Nodular formation SUSP. DIS. : Tuberculosis

ORGAN : Head of chicken (wattle) LESIONS : Swollen wattle (tuberculin test) SUSP.DIS. : Tuberculosis


ORGAN : Small intestine LESIONS : Ulceration and necrosis in mucosa SUSP.DIS. : Clostridia infection

ORGAN : Small intestine LESIONS : Ulceration and necrosis in mucosa SUSP. DIS. : Clostridia infection

ORGAN : Small intestine LESIONS : Ulceration and necrosis in mucosa SUSP. DIS. : Clostridial infection

ORGAN : Skin of wing LESIONS : Ulceration and necrosis SUSP.DIS. : Gangrenous dermatitis

ORGAN : Skin LESIONS : Ulceration and gangrenous formation SUSP. DIS. : Gangrenous dermatitis

ORGAN : Breast muscle LESIONS : Congested emphysematous muscleSUSP.DIS. : Gangrenous dermatitis

ORGAN : liver LESIONS : Necrosis SUSP. DIS. : Clostridia


ORGAN : Hock joint LESIONS : Synovitis SUSP.DIS. : Staphylococcal infection

ORGAN : Liver LESIONS : Necrotic focci SUSP. DIS. : Staphylococcal infection

ORGAN : liver LESIONS : Sub capsular hemorrhages and necrosis SUSP. DIS.: Staphylococcal infection

ORGAN : liver LESIONS: Necrosis SUSP. DIS: Staphylococcal infection


ORGAN : Head of pigeon LESIONS : Severe conjunctivitis SUSP.DIS. : Ornithosis

ORGAN : Head of pigeon LESIONS : Severe conjunctivitis SUSP.DIS. : Ornithosis

ORGAN : Liver LESIONS : Fatty infiltration SUSP.DIS. : Chronic Ornithosis

ORGAN : Liver LESIONS : Perihepatitis SUSP.DIS. : Ornithosis

ORGAN : Heart LESIONS : Fibrinous pericarditis SUSP.DIS. : Ornithosis

ORGAN : Chest cavity LESIONS : Fibrinous pericarditis and air saculitis SUSP. DIS: Ornithosis

Impression smear showing small red dots (elementary body) SUSP. DIS. : Ornithosis


ORGAN : Spleen LESIONS : Mottled appearance SUSP. DIS. : Acute Spirochetosis

ORGAN : Head of chicken LESIONS : Facial edema with nasal discharge SUSP.DIS. : Infectious coryza

ORGAN : Head of chicken LESIONS : Facial edema with nasal discharge SUSP.DIS. : Infectious coryza

ORGAN : Cut section in Liver LESIONS : Necrosis SUSP.DIS. : Campylobacteriosis

ORGAN : Liver LESIONS : Satellite foci SUSP.DIS. : Campylobacteriosis

ORGAN : Spleen LESIONS : Enlarged spleen with infarction compared with normal spleen SUSP.DIS. : Campylobacteriosis

ORGAN : Heart LESIONS : Necrosis in myocardium SUSP. DIS. : Campylobacteriosis

ORGAN : Liver LESIONS : Sub capsular hemorrhages and Necrosis SUSP.DIS. : Campylobacteriosis

ORGAN : Chest cavity LESIONS : Hydropericardium SUSP.DIS. : Campylobacteriosis