basic fantasy rpg rules r79[1]

Copyright © 2006-2013 Chris Gonnerman – All Rights Reserved Distribted nder the terms o! the "pen Game #i$ense version 1%0a 3 rd  Edition (Release 79) Dedi$ated to Gary Gyga&' Dave Arneson' (om )oldvay' David Coo*' and +teve )arsh and to my daghter (aylor' my primary inspiration Credits Contr ibtor s, Ray Allen' illiam D% +mith' .r%' /i$* ogan' van )oor e' +t art )arsha ll' miliano )ar$hetti' Antonio leteri' #igi Castellani' )i$hael ensley' /aim /% 4ara$a' Arthr Reyes' (odd Roe' .im obb' R% 4evin +moot' Ra$hel Ghol' and (om oyt Cover Art, ri* ilson

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Copyright © 2006-2013 Chris Gonnerman – All Rights Reserved

Distribted nder the terms o! the "pen Game #i$ense version 1%0a

3rd Edition(Release 79)

Dedi$ated to Gary Gyga&' Dave Arneson' (om )oldvay' David Coo*' and +teve )arsh

and to my daghter (aylor' my primary inspiration


Contribtors, Ray Allen' illiam D% +mith' .r%' /i$* ogan' van )oore' +tart )arshall'

miliano )ar$hetti' Antonio leteri' #igi Castellani' )i$hael ensley'

/aim /% 4ara$a' Arthr Reyes' (odd Roe' .im obb' R% 4evin +moot'

Ra$hel Ghol' and (om oyt

Cover Art, ri* ilson

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 Art5or*, ri* ilson' +teve ieser' )att 7in$h' Dan Dalton' #igi Castellani' /i$* ogan'

)i*e ill' 4evin Coo*' +ean +tone' rian 8Glad9 (homas' (omas Ar!ert'

 Andy 8A(")9 (aylor' .ason ran' )artin 8l!garn9 +iesto' rian DeCler$:' and

)artin +erena

;roo!reading, (onya Allen' Daryl rns' .ames Roberts' +erge ;etit$ler$' enedi$t ol!'

"nno (asler' ;eter Coo*' Derri$* <"mote< #and5ehr' es ro5n' (roy Gravil'

Garrett Rooney' 4% David #adage' and .ames #emon

;laytesters, (aylor Gonnerman' Alan .ett' +teve ieser' Allan ieser' .onathon 7oster'

 Adam =ong' )i$hael =ong' .ason +$hmidt' Dog ilson' .essi$a Abramson'

(onya Allen' ryan Christian' Ch$* +$hoonover' +avannah +$hoonover'

and rianna +$hoonover 

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PART 1: INTRO!CTION""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1

hat >s (his?%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1

hat >s a Role-;laying Game?%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1

hat Do > /eed to ;lay?%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2

@sing the Di$e%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2

PART #: PLA$ER C%ARACTERS"""""""""""""""""""""3

o5 to Create a ;layer Chara$ter%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3

Chara$ter Abilities%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

it ;oints and it Di$e%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


Chara$ter Ra$es%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B

D5ar! and l!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B

al!ling and man%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%6

Combination Classes%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%6

Chara$ter Classes%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Cleri$ and 7ighter%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

)agi$-@ser and (hie!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Cost o! eapons and :ipment%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%10



eapon +ie%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%11

)issile eapon Ranges%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%11

&planation o! :ipment%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%12


+iege ngines%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1

PART 3: SPELLS"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1&

PART ': T%E AENT!RE"""""""""""""""""""""""""""3

(ime and +$ale%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%36

Dngeon Adventres%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%36

Carrying Capa$ity%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%36

)ovement and n$mbran$e%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%36






+e$ret Doors%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3

Dngeon +rvival%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3

ilderness Adventres%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3

ilderness )ovement Rates%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3

"verland (ravel%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3

aterborne (ravel%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3

(raveling by Air%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3F

e$oming #ost%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3F

Retainers' +pe$ialists and )er$enaries%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3F

Chara$ter Advan$ement%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2

&perien$e ;oints%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2

PART &: T%E ENCO!NTER"""""""""""""""""""""""""""'3

"rder o! ;lay%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3


)onster Rea$tions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3





Climbing and Diving%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B


vasion and ;rsit%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B

De!ensive )ovement%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B

o5 to Atta$*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%6

 Atta$*ing !rom ehind%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%6

/ormal )en%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%6

)onster Atta$* ons%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%6

)elee Combat%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%6

)issile 7ire%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%6

Cover and Con$ealment%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%6

 Atta$* ons (able%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

)issile eapon Rate o! 7ire%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Grenade-#i*e )issiles%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

)issiles (hat )iss%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


+bding Damage%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%



oly ater%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%F


(rning the @ndead%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B0

Cleri$s vs% @ndead (able%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B0

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nergy Drain%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B1

ealing and Rest%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B1

Constittion ;oint #osses%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B1

7alling Damage%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B2

Dea!ness and lindness%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B2

 Atta$*ing a Eehi$le%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B2

Repairing a Eehi$le%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B2

+aving (hro5s%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B2

>tem +aving (hro5s%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B3

PART : *ONSTERS"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""&'

PART 7: TREAS!RE""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""11+

(reasre (ypes%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%11F

)agi$ >tem Generation%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%121

&planation o! )agi$ >tems%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%12


andering )onsters%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%133

Creating an /;C ;arty%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%13

Dealing 5ith ;layers%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%13F

Chara$ter Creation "ptions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%13F

opeless Chara$ters%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%13F

 A$:isition o! +pells%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%13F

eapon and Armor Restri$tions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%13F

.dging ishes%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%10

"ptional Rles%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%10

Death and Dying%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%10

“+ave or Die9 ;oison%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%11

 A5arding &perien$e ;oints !or (reasre Gained 11

 Ability Rolls%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%11

;reparing +pells !rom )emory%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%11

(hie! Abilities%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%12

)agi$al Resear$h%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%12

Creating a Dngeon Adventre%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%16

Designing a ilderness Adventre%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1+trongholds%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1F

ALP%ABETICAL INE-""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1&#

OPEN ,A*E LICENSE"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1&3

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It was our third foray into the dungeons beneath the ancient fortress in the middle of the river. We were onthe second level down from the ruins, standing before the great bronze doors beyond which we believed laythe tomb of an ancient barbarian chieftain. I hadn't believed the tales of the old drunk at the tavern back at

Morgansfort, but for some reason Apoulis the !leric believed him. "urned out his stories were true#mostly, anyway.

I held a torch for $arthal the "hief as he tried briefly to pick the lock. %e turned around and said, &It must beheld by magic. "he lock won't even wiggle. 

Morningstar the (lf smiled. &I have )ust the thing, she said, drawing from her backpack the scroll we tookfrom the goblins. *he unrolled it and began to read, and though I couldn't understand her words I could seethe characters burning away as she read them, little wisps of smoke as from a candle rising up from each inturn. *eeing that she was nearly through, I turned my attention to the lock. I'm not sure what I wase+pecting, but the little puff of dust that came from it as she finished didn't seem like much. *he turned to$arthal and said, &"ry again. 

I'm tempted to say that $arthal bent to his work, but he's a %alfling at )ust over three feet tall he could lookstraight into the lock without stooping a bit. I must have looked impatient, as Apoulis leaned over to me and

said, &$e still, -arion, he'll be through in a moment or two. 

"hen I heard a loud click, and $arthal turned to me with a smile. &It's open, my friend. After you I handedhim the torch, then stepped to the doors, sword drawn, and Morningstar )oined me, likewise ready. I steeledmyself and opened the doors#

$eyond lay a stone sarcophagus, resting atop a raised platform. *trewn about the floor were many humanskeletons. Apoulis made a sign with his hand that I didn't recognize then we walked in carefully, trying notto trip over the bones. I noticed among the bones several bronze swords, covered in verdigris. I stepped tothe sarcophagus. &"he lid is likely very heavy, I said. &!ome, Morningstar, rather than lift it, let's turn it aboutso we can see what treasures lie inside. 

Morningstar called &Wait but it was too late# I had already laid hands upon the sarcophagus. "he bones onthe floor began to rattle, then rose up and assembled themselves in a mockery of life. Without delay they

 picked up their swords from the floor and began to attack us. I would have to wait until later to kick myself, Imused, as I put my back against the sarcophagus and began to fight the monsters#

./at Is T/is0

(he Basi Fantas2  RolePla2in4 ,a5e  is a

rles-light game system based on the d20 +RD v3%B'

bt heavily re5ritten 5ith inspiration !rom early role-

playing game systems% >t is intended !or those 5ho are

!ans o! 8old-s$hool9 game me$hani$s% asi$ 7antasy

R;G is simple enogh !or $hildren in perhaps se$ond or

third grade to play' yet still has enogh depth !or adlts

as 5ell%


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./at Is a RolePla2in4 ,a5e0

>n the more than 30 years sin$e the !irst role-playing

game appeared' m$h has $hanged% )ost people have

at least heard the names o! one or t5o s$h games'and many' many people have played% +till' there are

those 5ho have not tried R;Gs i! yo are one o! those

people' this part is !or yo%

Role-playing games are played by a nmber o! players'

$ommonly t5o to eight' and a Game )aster' or G)

Ho!ten $alled something else' bt the Iob remains the

same regardlessJ% a$h player generally plays one

$hara$ter' $alled a player $hara$ter or ;C' 5hile the

Game )aster is responsible !or rnning the 5orld'$reating and managing the to5ns' nations' rins' non-

player $hara$ters Hor /;CsJ' monsters' treasre' and all

other things that aid or $hallenge the players% Di$e are

o!ten sed to determine the s$$ess or !ailre o! most

a$tions that ta*e pla$e in the game asi$ 7antasy R;G

ses polyhedral di$e' des$ribed belo5' !or this prpose%

>n e!!e$t' role-playing games are Ist gro5n-p games

o! pretend% >! yo remember playing pretend as a $hild'

yo may re$all having some di!!i$lty de$iding 5hose

idea shold have pre$eden$eK i! one $hild plays a

*night and the other a dragon' 5ho 5ill 5in? +rely the

*night doesnLt 5in every time% Role-playing games

have rles to determine s$h things% (hese rles $an

range !rom the very !ree-!orm and simple to the very

$omple& and detailed%

(his game attempts to 5al* the line bet5een simple

and $omple&' !ree-!orm and detailed% (oo m$h detail

and $omple&ity slo5s the game do5n as players and

G) spend m$h time lea!ing throgh the rles and little

time a$tally playing% 7ree-!orm games 5ith simple

resoltion systems demand more mental agility !rom the

parti$ipants' and are m$h more dependent on the

good Idgment o! the Game )aster to maintain

balan$e% asi$ 7antasy Role-;laying Game !alls

bet5een these t5o e&tremes' having rles !or the most

$ommon a$tivities and gidelines to help the Game

)aster Idge the ne&pe$ted%

./at o I Need to Pla20

>! yo are to be a player' yo shold have a pen$il'

some noteboo* paper' and a set o! di$e% +omeone in

yor player grop probably needs to have some graph

paper H or B s:ares per in$h is bestJ !or dra5ing

maps% =o $an se preprinted $hara$ter re$ords Hs$h

as those available on the asi$ 7antasy R;G 5ebsiteJ

i! yo 5ish' bt noteboo* paper 5or*s !ine%

>! yo are the Game )aster' yo need all o! the above%

>! this is yor !irst time as G)' or yo have limited

preparation time' yo might 5ish to se a pre-5ritten

adventre H$alled a modleJ rather than to $reate one

yorsel!% +everal modles are distribted on the

6asiantas2"or4  5ebsite the *or4ansort

modle' available !or !ree on the 5ebsite' is spe$i!i$ally

designed !or se 5ith a party o! ne5 players%

 Adventre modles 5ritten !or other game systems may

also be sed' bt the Game )aster may need to spend

some time 8$onverting9 s$h a modle be!ore beginning


!sin4 t/e ie

(he 20 sided die' or d20' is one o! the most

important di$e in the game, it is sed to

resolve atta$* rolls and saving thro5s

H$on$epts that 5ill be e&plained laterJ% >n general' the

die is rolled' modi!iers added or sbtra$ted' and i! the

total reslt e:als or e&$eeds a target nmber' the roll

is a s$$ess other5ise it has !ailed%


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(he 10 sided die' or d10' is sed to generate

nmbers !rom 1 to 10 it is nmbered 0 to F'

bt a roll o! 0 is $onted as 10% A pair o!

d10Ls are also sed together to generate nmbers !rom

1 to 100' 5here a roll o! 00 is $onted as 100%

(he t5o di$e shold be di!!erent $olors' and

the player mst de$lare 5hi$h is the tens die

and 5hi$h is the ones die be!ore rolling themM

H"r' the player may have a die mar*ed 5ith doble

digits' as sho5n%J Rolling t5o d10Ls this 5ay is $alled a

per$entile roll' or dN% (hese rolls are generally against

target nmbers' bt !or the roll to be a s$$ess' the

reslt mst be e:al to or less than the target nmber%

+o !or e&ample' a $hara$ter sing a (hie! ability

Hdes$ribed laterJ 5ith a 30N $han$e o! s$$ess rolls the

di$e, i! the reslt is 01 to 30' the roll is a s$$ess%

(he sided die' or d' is a spe$ial

$ase% >t is not so m$h rolled as

8!lipped'9 and the nmber 5hi$h is

pright is the reslt o! the roll% /ote that dLs

are made in t5o di!!erent styles' as sho5n%

(he other di$e normally sed have

6' ' and 12 sides' and are $alled

d6' d' and d12% d6Ls may be

made 5ith either nmbers or pips it ma*es

no di!!eren$e 5hi$h sort yo $hoose%

hen mltiple di$e are to be rolled and

added together' itLs noted in the te&t li*e this,

2d6 Hroll t5o d6 di$e and add them togetherJ'or 3d Hroll three d di$e and add them togetherJ% A

modi!ier may be noted as a 8pls9 vale' s$h as 2dO2

Hroll t5o d di$e and add them together' then add 2 to

the totalJ%


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%o8 to Create a Pla2er C/arater 

7irst' yo 5ill need a pie$e o! paper to 5rite do5n the

$hara$terLs statisti$s on% =o may se a $hara$ter

re$ord sheet !orm i! one is available' or yo may simply

se a pie$e o! noteboo* paper% An e&ample $hara$ter

is sho5n belo5% =o shold se a pen$il to 5rite do5n

all in!ormation' as any statisti$ may $hange dring

game play%

Roll 3d6 !or ea$h ability s$ore' as des$ribed in the

C/arater A6ilities  se$tion' and 5rite the reslts

a!ter the names o! the abilities% rite do5n the s$ores

in the order yo roll them i! yo are nhappy 5ith the

s$ores yo have rolled' as* yor Game )aster !or

advi$e' as he or she may allo5 some !orm o! point or

s$ore e&$hanging%

rite do5n the ability s$ore bons Hor penaltyJ !or ea$h

s$ore beside the s$ore itsel!' as sho5n on the table on

the ne&t page%

Choose a ra$e and $lass !or yor $hara$ter%

Remember that yo mst meet the ;rime Re:isite

minimm !or a $lass' as des$ribed in the C/arater

Classes  se$tion' in order to be a member o! that

$lass% Also note that there are minimm Hand

ma&immJ ability re:irements !or the varios ra$es

5hi$h mst be met' as des$ribed in the C/arater

Raes se$tion%

rite do5n the spe$ial abilities o! yor ra$e and $lass

$hoi$es' as des$ribed belo5% >! yo have $hosen to

play a )agi$-@ser' as* yor Game )aster 5hat spell or

spells yor $hara$ter *no5s itLs p to the Game )aster

to de$ide this' bt he or she may allo5 yo to $hoose

one or more spells yorsel!%

/ote on yor $hara$ter sheet that yor $hara$ter has

ero H0J e&perien$e points Hor P;J also yo may 5ant

to note the nmber needed to advan$e to se$ond level'

as sho5n in the table !or yor $lass%

Roll the hit die appropriate !or yor $lass' adding yor

Constittion bons or penalty' and note the reslt asyor hit points on yor $hara$ter sheet% /ote that'

shold yor $hara$ter have a Constittion penalty' the

penalty 5ill not lo5er any hit die roll belo5 1 Hso i! yor

Chara$ter has a -2 penalty !or Constittion' and yo roll

a 2' the total is adIsted to 1J%

Roll !or yor starting money% Generally yor $hara$ter

5ill start 5ith 3d6 times 10 gold pie$es' bt as* the

Game )aster be!ore rolling%

/o5' pr$hase e:ipment !or yor $hara$ter' as sho5n

in the Cost o .eaons and E;i5ent se$tion'

belo5% rite yor pr$hases on yor $hara$ter sheet'

and note ho5 m$h money remains a!ter5ard% )a*e

sre yo nderstand the 5eapon and armor restri$tions

!or yor $lass and ra$e be!ore ma*ing yor pr$hases%


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+in$e yo no5 *no5 5hat sort o! armor yor $hara$ter

is 5earing' yo shold note yor Armor Class on yor

$hara$ter sheet% DonLt !orget to add yor De&terity

bons or penalty to the !igre%

#oo* p yor $hara$terLs atta$* bons H!rom the table in

the Eno;nter  se$tionJ and note it on yor $hara$ter

sheet% DonLt add yor ability bonses Hor penaltiesJ to

this !igre' as yo 5ill add a di!!erent bons H+trength or

De&terityJ depending on the sort o! 5eapon yo se in

$ombat Hi%e% melee or missile 5eaponJ%

 Also loo* p yor saving thro5s H!rom the tables near

the end o! the Eno;nter  se$tionJ and note them on

yor $hara$ter sheet% AdIst the saving thro5 !igres

based on yor ra$e' i! yor $hara$ter is a demi-hman

Hsee C/arater Raes' belo5J% /lease note that the

saving thro5 bonses !or demi-hmans are presented

as <pls< vales' to be added to the die roll !or

$onvenien$e' yo may simply sbtra$t them !rom the

saving thro5 nmbers on the $hara$ter sheet instead%

7inally' i! yo havenLt done so already' name yor

$hara$ter% (his o!ten ta*es longer than all the other

steps $ombined%

C/arater A6ilities

a$h $hara$ter 5ill have a s$ore ranging !rom 3 to 1 in

ea$h o! the !ollo5ing abilities% A bons or penalty is

asso$iated 5ith ea$h s$ore' as sho5n on the table

belo5% a$h $lass has a Pri5e Re;isite  ability

s$ore' 5hi$h mst be at least F in order !or the

$hara$ter to be$ome a member o! that $lass also' there

are re:ired minimm and ma&imm s$ores !or ea$h

$hara$ter ra$e other than mans' as des$ribed nder

C/arater Raes' belo5%

A6ilit2 Sore Bon;s<Penalt2

3 -3

-B -2

6- -1

F-12 0

13-1B O1

16-1 O2

1 O3

Stren4t/:  As the name implies' this ability measres

the $hara$terLs ra5 physi$al po5er% +trength is the

;rime Re:isite !or 7ighters% Apply the ability bons or

penalty !or +trength to all atta$* and damage rolls in

melee Hhand to handJ $ombat% /ote that a penalty here

5ill not red$e damage !rom a s$$ess!l atta$* belo5

one point in any $ase Hsee the Co56at  se$tion !or


Intelli4ene:  (his is the ability to learn and apply

*no5ledge% >ntelligen$e is the ;rime Re:isite !or

)agi$-@sers% (he ability bons !or >ntelligen$e is

added to the nmber o! langages the $hara$ter is able

to learn to read and 5rite i! the $hara$ter has an

>ntelligen$e penalty' he or she $annot read more than a

5ord or t5o' and 5ill only *no5 his or her native


.isdo5:  A $ombination o! intition' 5illpo5er and

$ommon sense% isdom is the ;rime Re:isite !or

Cleri$s% (he isdom bons or penalty may apply to

some saving thro5s vs% magi$al atta$*s' parti$larly

those a!!e$ting the targetLs 5ill%

e=terit2:  (his ability measres the $hara$terLs

:i$*ness and balan$e as 5ell as aptitde 5ith tools%

De&terity is the ;rime Re:isite !or (hieves% (he

De&terity bons or penalty is applied to all atta$* rolls

5ith missile HrangedJ 5eapons' to the $hara$terLs Armor

Class vale' and to the $hara$terLs >nitiative die roll%


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C/arater Raes


esrition: D5arves are a short' sto$*y ra$e both

male and !emale D5arves stand arond !or !eet tall

and typi$ally 5eigh arond 120 ponds% (heir long hair

and thi$* beards are dar* bro5n' gray or bla$*% (hey

ta*e great pride in their beards' sometimes braiding or

!or*ing them% (hey have a !air to rddy $omple&ion%

D5arves have stot !rames and a strong' ms$lar

bild% (hey are rgged and resilient' 5ith the $apa$ity

to endre great hardships% D5arves are typi$ally

pra$ti$al' stbborn and $orageos% (hey $an also be

introspe$tive' sspi$ios and possessive% (hey have a

li!espan o! three to !or $entries%

Restritions:  D5arves may be$ome Cleri$s'

7ighters' or (hieves% (hey are re:ired to have a

minimm Constittion o! F% De to their generally dor

dispositions' they may not have a Charisma higher than

1% (hey may not employ #arge 5eapons more than

!or !eet in length Hspe$i!i$ally' t5o-handed s5ords'

polearms' and longbo5sJ%

Seial A6ilities:  All D5arves have Dar*vision 5ith

a 60L range' and are able to dete$t slanting passages'

traps' shi!ting 5alls and ne5 $onstr$tion on a roll o! 1-

2 on 1d6 a sear$h mst be per!ormed be!ore this roll

may be made%

Sa>in4 T/ro8s:  D5arves save at O vs% Death Ray

or ;oison' )agi$ ands' ;aralysis or ;etri!y' and

+pells' and at O3 vs% Dragon reath%


esrition: lves are a slender ra$e' 5ith both

genders standing arond !ive !eet tall and 5eighing

arond 130 ponds% )ost have dar* hair' 5ith little or

no body or !a$ial hair% (heir s*in is pale' and they have

pointed ears and deli$ate !eatres% lves are lithe and

gra$e!l% (hey have *een eyesight and hearing% lves

are typi$ally in:isitive' passionate' sel!-assred' and

sometimes haghty% (heir typi$al li!espan is a doen

$entries or more%


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Restritions:  lves may be$ome Cleri$s' 7ighters'

)agi$-@sers or (hieves they are also allo5ed to

$ombine the $lasses o! 7ighter and )agi$-@ser Hsee

Co56ination Classes' belo5J% (hey are re:ired

to have a minimm >ntelligen$e o! F% De to their

generally deli$ate natre' they may not have a

Constittion higher than 1% lves never roll larger than

si&-sided di$e Hd6J !or hit points%

Seial A6ilities:  All lves have Dar*vision 5ith a

60L range% (hey are able to !ind se$ret doors more

o!ten than normal H1-2 on 1d6 rather than the sal 1

on 1d6J% An l! is so observant that one has a 1 on 1d6

$han$e to !ind a se$ret door 5ith a $rsory loo*% lves

are immne to the paralying atta$* o! ghols% Also'

they are less li*ely to be srprised in $ombat' red$ing

the $han$e o! srprise by 1 in 1d6%

Sa>in4 T/ro8s:  lves save at O1 vs% ;aralysis or

;etri!y and O2 vs% )agi$ ands and +pells%


esrition: al!lings are small' slightly sto$*y !ol*

5ho stand arond three !eet tall and 5eigh abot 60

ponds% (hey have $rly bro5n hair on their heads and

!eet' bt rarely have !a$ial hair% (hey are sally !air

s*inned' o!ten 5ith rddy $hee*s% al!lings are

remar*ably rgged !or their small sie% (hey are

de&teros and nimble' $apable o! moving :ietly and

remaining very still% (hey sally go bare!oot% al!lings

are typi$ally otgoing' nassming and good-natred%

(hey live abot a hndred years%

Restritions:  al!lings may be$ome Cleri$s'

7ighters or (hieves% (hey are re:ired to have a

minimm De&terity o! F% De to their small statre' they

may not have a +trength higher than 1% al!lings

never roll larger than si&-sided di$e Hd6J !or hit points

regardless o! $lass% al!lings may not se #arge

5eapons' and mst 5ield )edim 5eapons 5ith both


Seial A6ilities:  al!lings are nsally a$$rate

5ith all sorts o! ranged 5eapons' gaining a O1 atta$*

bons 5hen employing them% hen atta$*ed in melee

by $reatres larger than man-sied' al!lings gain a O2

bons to their Armor Class% al!lings are :i$*-5itted'

ths adding O1 to >nitiative die rolls% "tdoors in their

pre!erred !orest terrain' they are able to hide very

e!!e$tively so long as they remain still there is only a

10N $han$e they 5ill be dete$ted% ven indoors' in

dngeons or in non-pre!erred terrain they are able to

hide s$h that there is only a 30N $han$e o! dete$tion%

/ote that a al!ling (hie! 5ill roll only on$e' sing either

the (hie! ability or the al!ling ability' 5hi$hever is


Sa>in4 T/ro8s:  al!lings save at O vs% Death Ray

or ;oison' )agi$ ands' ;aralysis or ;etri!y' and

+pells' and at O3 vs% Dragon reath%


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esrition: mans $ome in a broad variety o!

shapes and sies the Game )aster mst de$ide 5hat

sorts o! mans live in the game 5orld% An average

man male in good health stands arond si& !eet tall

and 5eighs abot 1B ponds% )ost mans live

arond B years%

Restritions:  mans may be any single $lass%

(hey have no minimm or ma&imm ability s$ore


Seial A6ilities:  mans learn nsally :i$*ly'

gaining a bons o! 10N to all e&perien$e points earned%

Sa>in4 T/ro8s:  mans are the 8standard'9 and

ths have no saving thro5 bonses%

Co56ination Classes

(o be$ome a member o! a $ombination $lass' a

$hara$ter mst meet the re:irements o! both $lasses%

Combination $lass $hara$ters se the best atta$* bons

and the best saving thro5 vales o! their original t5o

$lasses% >n the Core Rles' lves are the only

$hara$ters eligible to be a member o! a $ombination

$lass' the 7ighterQ)agi$-@ser,

Fi4/ter<*a4i!ser:  (hese $hara$ters may both

!ight and $ast magi$ spells !rther' they are allo5ed to

$ast magi$ spells 5hile 5earing armor% A

7ighterQ)agi$-@ser mst gain e&perien$e e:al to the

$ombined re:irements o! both base $lasses% lven

7ighterQ)agi$-@sers roll si&-sided di$e Hd6J !or hit



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C/arater Classes


E=" Sells

Le>el Points %it ie 1 # 3 ' &

1 0 1d6 - - - - - -

2 1'B00 2d6 1 - - - - -

3 3'000 3d6 2 - - - - -

6'000 d6 2 1 - - - -

B 12'000 Bd6 2 2 - - - -

6 2'000 6d6 2 2 1 - - -

'000 d6 3 2 2 - - -

F0'000 d6 3 2 2 1 - -

F 10'000 Fd6 3 3 2 2 - -

10 20'000 Fd6O1 3 3 2 2 1 -

11 360'000 Fd6O2 3 3 2 2 -

12 B0'000 Fd6O3 3 2 2 1

13 B0'000 Fd6O 3 3 2 2

1 630'000 Fd6OB 3 2 2

1B 20'000 Fd6O6 3 3 2

16 10'000 Fd6O B 3 3 2

1 F00'000 Fd6O B B 3 3 2

1 FF0'000 Fd6OF B B 3 3

1F 1'00'000 Fd6O10 6 B 3 3

20 1'10'000 Fd6O11 6 B B 3 3

Cleri$s are those 5ho have devoted themselves to the

servi$e o! a deity' pantheon or other belie! system% )ost

Cleri$s spend their time in mndane !orms o! servi$e

s$h as prea$hing and ministering in a temple bt

there are those 5ho are $alled to go abroad !rom the

temple and serve their deity in a more dire$t 5ay'

smiting ndead monsters and aiding in the battle

against evil and $haos% ;layer $hara$ter Cleri$s are

assmed to be among the latter grop%

Cleri$s !ight abot as 5ell as (hieves' bt not as 5ell as

7ighters% (hey are hardier than (hieves' at least at

lo5er levels' as they are a$$stomed to physi$al labor

that the (hie! 5old de!tly avoid% Cleri$s $an $ast spells

o! divine natre starting at 2nd

 level' and they have the

po5er to (rn the @ndead' that is' to drive a5ay

ndead monsters by means o! !aith alone Hsee the

Eno;nter  se$tion !or detailsJ%

(he ;rime Re:isite !or Cleri$s is isdom a $hara$ter

mst have a isdom s$ore o! F or higher to be$ome a

Cleri$% (hey may 5ear any armor' bt may only se

blnt 5eapons Hspe$i!i$ally in$lding 5arhammer'

ma$e' mal' $lb' :artersta!!' and slingJ%


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Le>el Points %it ie

1 0 1d

2 2'000 2d

3 '000 3d

'000 d

B 16'000 Bd

6 32'000 6d

6'000 d

120'000 d

F 20'000 Fd

10 360'000 FdO211 0'000 FdO

12 600'000 FdO6

13 20'000 FdO

1 0'000 FdO10

1B F60'000 FdO12

16 1'00'000 FdO1

1 1'200'000 FdO16

1 1'320'000 FdO1

1F 1'0'000 FdO20

20 1'B60'000 FdO22

7ighters in$lde soldiers' gardsmen' barbarian

5arriors' and anyone else !or 5hom !ighting is a 5ay o!

li!e% (hey train in $ombat' and they generally approa$h

problems head on' 5eapon dra5n%

/ot srprisingly' 7ighters are best at !ighting o! all the

$lasses% (hey are also the hardiest' able to ta*e more

pnishment than any other $lass% Althogh they are nots*illed in the 5ays o! magi$' 7ighters $an nonetheless

se many magi$ items' in$lding bt not limited to

magi$al 5eapons and armor%

(he ;rime Re:isite !or 7ighters is +trength a

$hara$ter mst have a +trength s$ore o! F or higher to

be$ome a 7ighter% )embers o! this $lass may 5ear any

armor and se any 5eapon%


E=" Sells

Le>el Points %it ie 1 # 3 ' &

1 0 1d 1 - - - - -

2 2'B00 2d 2 - - - - -

3 B'000 3d 2 1 - - - -

10'000 d 2 2 - - - -

B 20'000 Bd 2 2 1 - - -

6 0'000 6d 3 2 2 - - -

0'000 d 3 2 2 1 - -

1B0'000 d 3 3 2 2 - -

F 300'000 Fd 3 3 2 2 1 -

10 B0'000 FdO1 3 3 2 2 -

11 600'000 FdO2 3 2 2 1

12 B0'000 FdO3 3 3 2 2

13 F00'000 FdO 3 2 2

1 1'0B0'000 FdOB 3 3 2

1B 1'200'000 FdO6 B 3 3 2

16 1'3B0'000 FdO B B 3 3 2

1 1'B00'000 FdO B B 3 3

1 1'6B0'000 FdOF 6 B 3 3

1F 1'00'000 FdO10 6 B B 3 3

20 1'FB0'000 FdO11 6 B B 3

)agi$-@sers are those 5ho see* and se *no5ledge o!

the ar$ane% (hey do magi$ not as the Cleri$ does' by

!aith in a greater po5er' bt rather throgh insight and



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)agi$-@sers are the 5orst o! all the $lasses at !ighting

hors spent stdying massive tomes o! magi$ do not

lead a $hara$ter to be$ome strong or adept 5ith

5eapons% (hey are the least hardy' e:al to (hieves at

lo5er levels bt :i$*ly !alling behind%

(he ;rime Re:isite !or )agi$-@sers is >ntelligen$e a

$hara$ter mst have an >ntelligen$e s$ore o! F or higher

to be$ome a )agi$-@ser% (he only 5eapons they

be$ome pro!i$ient 5ith are the dagger and the 5al*ing

sta!! Hor $dgelJ% )agi$-@sers may not 5ear armor o!

any sort nor se a shield as s$h things inter!ere 5ith


 A !irst level )agi$-@ser begins play *no5ing read

5a4i and one other spell o! !irst level% (hese spells

are 5ritten in a spellboo* provided by his or her master%

(he G) may roll !or the spell' assign it as he or she

sees !it' or allo5 the player to $hoose it' at his or her

option% +ee the Sells se$tion !or more details%



Le>el Points %it ie

1 0 1d

2 1'2B0 2d

3 2'B00 3d

B'000 d

B 10'000 Bd

6 20'000 6d

0'000 d

B'000 d

F 1B0'000 Fd

10 22B'000 FdO211 300'000 FdO

12 3B'000 FdO6

13 B0'000 FdO

1 B2B'000 FdO10

1B 600'000 FdO12

16 6B'000 FdO1

1 B0'000 FdO16

1 2B'000 FdO1

1F F00'000 FdO20

20 FB'000 FdO22

(hieves are those 5ho ta*e 5hat they 5ant or need by

stealth' disarming traps and pi$*ing lo$*s to get to the

gold they $rave or 8borro5ing9 money !rom po$*ets'

beltpo$hes' et$% right nder the nose o! the 8mar*9

5ithot the vi$tim ever *no5ing%

(hieves !ight better than )agi$-@sers bt not as 5ell as

7ighters% Avoidan$e o! honest 5or* leads (hieves tobe less hardy than the other $lasses' thogh they do

pll ahead o! the )agi$-@sers at higher levels%

(he ;rime Re:isite !or (hieves is De&terity a

$hara$ter mst have a De&terity s$ore o! F or higher to

be$ome a (hie!% (hey may se any 5eapon' bt may


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not 5ear metal armor as it inter!eres 5ith stealthy

a$tivities' nor may they se shields o! any sort% #eather

armor is a$$eptable' ho5ever%

(hieves have a nmber o! spe$ial abilities' des$ribedbelo5% "ne (rn mst generally be spent to se any o!

these abilities' thogh the G) may amend this as he or

she sees !it% (he G) may $hoose to ma*e any o! these

rolls on behal! o! the player' at his or her option' to help

maintain the proper state o! n$ertainty% Also note that

the G) may apply sitational adIstments Hpls or

mins per$entage pointsJ as he or she sees !it !or

instan$e' itLs obviosly harder to $limb a 5all sli$* 5ith

slime than one that is dry' so the G) might apply a

penalty o! 20N !or the slimy 5all%

T/ie A6ilities

T/ie Le>el Oen Lo?s






Silentl2 Cli56 .alls %ide Listen

1 2B 20 30 2B 0 10 30

2 30 2B 3B 30 1 1B 3

3 3B 30 0 3B 2 20 3

0 3B B 0 3 2B 2

B B 0 B0 B 30 6

6 B0 B BB B0 B 3B B0

BB B0 60 BB 6 0 B

60 BB 6B 60 B B

F 6B 60 0 6B B0 62

10 6 63 6 F B3 6B

11 1 66 1 F0 B6 6

12 6F 2 F1 BF 1

13 2 6 F2 62

1 0 B F0 0 F3 6B

1B 3 F 3 F 6 0

16 F FB B FB 6F 3

1 B 0 F6 F6 0 6

1 6 1 F F F 1 F

1F 2 F F1 F 2 F2

20 3 FF F3 FF 3 FB

Oen Lo?s allo5s the (hie! to nlo$* a lo$* 5ithot

a proper *ey% >t may only be tried on$e per lo$*% >! the

attempt !ails' the (hie! mst 5ait ntil he or she has

gained another level o! e&perien$e be!ore trying again%

Re5o>e Tras is generally rolled t5i$e, !irst to dete$t

the trap' and se$ond to disarm it% (he G) 5ill ma*e

these rolls as the player 5onLt *no5 !or sre i! the

$hara$ter is s$$ess!l or not ntil someone a$tally

tests the trapped Hor sspe$tedJ area%


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Pi? Po?ets allo5s the (hie! to li!t the 5allet' $t

the prse' et$% o! a vi$tim 5ithot the vi$tim noti$ing%

"bviosly' i! the roll is !ailed' the (hie! didnLt get 5hat

he or she 5anted bt !rther' the intended vi$tim Hor an

onloo*er' at the G)Ls optionJ 5ill noti$e the attempt i!

the die roll is more than t5o times the target nmber Hor

i! the die roll is 00J%

*o>e Silentl2' li*e Remove (raps' is al5ays rolled

by the G)% (he (hie! 5ill sally believe he or she is

moving silently regardless o! the die roll' bt those he or

she is trying to avoid 5ill hear the (hie! i! the roll is


Cli56 .alls permits the (hie! to $limb sheer sr!a$es5ith !e5 or no visible handholds% (his ability shold

normally be rolled by the player% >! the roll !ails' the

(hie! !alls !rom abot hal!5ay p the 5all or other

verti$al sr!a$e% (he G) may re:ire mltiple rolls i!

the distan$e $limbed is more than 100 !eet%

%ide permits the (hie! to hide in any shado5ed area

large enogh to $ontain his or her body% #i*e )ove

+ilently' the (hie! al5ays believes he or she is being

s$$ess!l' so the G) ma*es the roll% A (hie! hiding inshado5s mst remain still !or this ability to 5or*%

Listen is generally sed to listen at a door' or to try to

listen !or distant sonds in a dngeon% (he G) mst

de$ide 5hat noises the (hie! might hear a s$$ess!l

roll means only that a noise could   have been heard%

(he G) shold al5ays ma*e this roll !or the player%

/ote that the (hie! and his or her party mst try to be

:iet in order !or the (hie! to se this ability%

7inally' (hieves $an per!orm a Snea? Atta?  any

time they are behind an opponent in melee and it is

reasonably li*ely the opponent doesnLt *no5 the (hie! is

there% (he G) may re:ire a )ove +ilently or ide roll

to determine this% (he +nea* Atta$* is made 5ith a O

atta$* bons and does doble damage i! it is

s$$ess!l% A (hie! sally $anLt ma*e a +nea* Atta$*

on the same opponent t5i$e in any given $ombat%

(he +nea* Atta$* $an be per!ormed 5ith any melee

Hbt not missileJ 5eapon' or may be per!ormed bare-

handed Hin 5hi$h $ase sbding damage is done see

the Eno;nter   se$tion !or detailsJ% Also' the +nea*

 Atta$* $an be per!ormed 5ith the 8!lat o! the blade9 the

bonses and penalties $an$el ot' so the atta$* has a

O0 atta$* bons and does normal damage the damage

done in this $ase is sbding damage%


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Cost o .eaons and E;i5ent


)onetary vales are sally e&pressed in gold pie$es%

>n addition to gold $oins' there are $oins made o!

platinm' silver' ele$trm Han alloy o! gold and silverJ'

and $opper% (hey are valed as !ollo5s,

1 platinm pie$e HppJ B gold pie$es HgpJ

1 gold pie$e HgpJ 10 silver pie$es HspJ

1 ele$trm pie$e HepJ B silver pie$es HspJ

1 silver pie$e HspJ 10 $opper pie$es H$pJ

7or game prposes' assme that one gold pie$e

5eighs 1Q10


 o! a pond' and that !ive $oins 5ill 8!it9 in a$bi$ in$h o! storage spa$e Hthis isnLt literally a$$rate'

bt 5or*s 5ell enogh 5hen applied to a bo& or $hestJ%

7irst level $hara$ters generally begin the game 5ith 3d6

& 10 gp Hnless the G) de$ides other5iseJ%


(he list belo5 represents $ommon adventring

e:ipment' at average pri$es% ;ri$es and availability

may vary at the G)Ls dis$retion% eights o! items on

the !ollo5ing list are e&pressed in ponds%


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Ite5 Prie .ei4/t

a$*pa$* gp S

elt ;o$h 1 gp S

Candles' 12 1 gp S

Chal*' small bag o! pie$es 2 gp S

Cloa* 2 gp 1

Clothing' $ommon ot!it gp 1

Glass bottle or vial 1 gp S

Grappling oo* 2 gp

oly +ymbol 2B gp S

oly ater' per vial 10 gp S

>n*' per Iar gp T

>ron +pi*es' 12 1 gp 1#adder' 10 !t% 1 gp 20

#antern' ooded gp 2

)ap or s$roll $ase 1 gp T

)irror' small metal gp S

"il Hper !las*J 1 gp 1

;aper Hper sheetJ 1 gp SS

;ole' 10L 5ooden 1 gp 10

Uill 1 sp SS

Uill 4ni!e 1 gp S

Uiver or olt $ase 1 gp 1

Rations' Dry' one 5ee* 10 gp 1

Rope' emp Hper B0 !t%J 1 gp B

Rope' +il* Hper B0 !t%J 10 gp 2

+a$*' #arge 1 gp S

+a$*' +mall B sp S

+pellboo* H12 pagesJ 2B gp 1

(ent' #arge Hten menJ 2B gp 20

(ent' +mall Hone manJ B gp 10

(hievesL pi$*s and tools 2B gp 1

(inderbo&' !lint and steel 3 gp 1

(or$hes' 6 1 gp 1

hetstone 1 gp 1

Ite5 Prie .ei4/t

ines*inQaters*in 1 gp 2

inter blan*et 1 gp 3

S (hese items 5eigh little individally% (en o! these items

5eigh one pond%

SS (hese items have no appre$iable 5eight and shold not

be $onsidered !or en$mbran$e nless hndreds are



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.eaons .eaon Prie Si@e .ei4/




and A&e gp + B 1d6

attle A&e gp ) 1d

Great A&e 1 gp # 1B 1d10


+hortbo5 2B gp ) 2

+hortbo5 Arro5 1 sp S 1d6

+ilverV +hortbo5 Arro5 2 gp S 1d6

#ongbo5 60 gp # 3

#ongbo5 Arro5 2 sp S 1d

+ilverV #ongbo5 Arro5 gp S 1d

#ight Crossbo5 30 gp )

#ight Uarrel 2 sp S 1d6

+ilverV #ight Uarrel B gp S 1d6

eavy Crossbo5 B0 gp # 1

eavy Uarrel sp S 1d

+ilverV eavy Uarrel 10 gp S 1d


Dagger 2 gp + 1 1d

+ilverV Dagger 2B gp + 1 1dS8ords

+horts5ord 6 gp + 3 1d6

#ongs5ordQ+$imitar 10 gp ) 1d

(5o-anded +5ord 1 gp # 10 1d10

%a55ers and *aes

arhammer gp + 6 1d6

)a$e 6 gp ) 10 1d

)al 10 gp # 16 1d10

Ot/er .eaons

ClbQCdgelQal*ing +ta!! 2 sp ) 1 1d

Uartersta!! 2 gp # 1d6

;ole Arm F gp # 1B 1d10

+ling 1 gp + S

llet 1 sp S 1d


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+tone nQa S 1d3

+pear B gp ) B

(hro5n Hone handedJ 1d6

)elee Hone handedJ 1d6

)elee Ht5o handedJ 1d

S (hese items 5eigh little individally% (en o! these items

5eigh one pond%

V +ilver tip or blade' !or se against ly$anthropes%

.eaon Si@e

mans and lves mst 5ield #arge 5eapons 5ith both

hands' bt may se +mall or )edim 5eapons in one

hand% al!lings may not se #arge 5eapons at all' and

mst se )edim 5eapons 5ith both hands% D5arves'

de to their sto$*y' po5er!l bilds' are able to se

)edim 5eapons one-handed and some #arge

5eapons in t5o hands' bt #arge 5eapons more than

!or !eet in length are prohibited Hspe$i!i$ally' t5o-

handed s5ords' polearms' and longbo5sJ% +ome

5eapons mst be sed 5ith both hands by design

Hs$h as bo5s and $rossbo5sJ bt the ma&imm sie

limits still apply%

(he G) shold apply similar limitations to 5eapon-

armed monsters !or instan$e' *obolds and goblins are

similar in sie to al!lings' and ths shold have similar

5eapon limits%

*issile .eaon Ran4es





5 ()



#ongbo5 0 10 210

+hortbo5 B0 100 1B0

eavy Crossbo5 0 160 20

#ight Crossbo5 60 120 10

Dagger 10 20 30

ammer 10 20 30

and A&e 10 20 30

"il or oly ater 10 30 B0

+ling 30 60 F0

+pear 10 20 30

)issile 5eapon ranges are given in !eet% >n the

5ilderness' sbstitte yards !or !eet% >! the target is as

$lose as or $loser than the +hort range !igre' the

atta$*er gets a O1 atta$* bons% >! the target is !rther

a5ay than the )edim range !igre' bt not beyond the

#ong range !igre' the atta$*er re$eives a -2 atta$*


Ar5or and S/ields

Ar5or T2e Prie .ei4/t AC

/o Armor 0 gp 0 11

#eather Armor 20 gp 1B 13

Chain )ail 60 gp 0 1B

;late )ail 300 gp B0 1

+hield gp B O1


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E=lanation o E;i5ent

 A Ba?a? 5ill hold a ma&imm 0 ponds or 3

$bi$ !eet o! goods% +ome items may be lashed to the

otside s$h 5ill $ont to5ard the 5eight limit bt not

the volme limit% A al!lingLs ba$*pa$* holds at most

30 ponds andQor 1T $bi$ !eet' bt $osts the same as

a !ll-sied item%

 A Candle 5ill shed light over a BL radis' 5ith dim light

e&tending BL !rther% A normal $andle 5ill brn abot 3

trns per in$h o! height%

C/al? is se!l !or 8blaing a trail9 throgh a dngeon

or rin' to ensre that the adventrers $an !ind their 5ay

ba$* ot again%

%ol2 .ater  is e&plained in the Eno;nter  se$tion%

Iron Si?es  are se!l !or spi*ing doors $losed Hor

spi*ing them openJ and may be sed as $rde pitons in

appropriate sitations%

 A Lantern 5ill provide light $overing a 30L radis dim

light 5ill e&tend abot 20L !rther% A lantern 5ill

$onsme a !las* o! oil in 1O1d6 trns%

 A *a or Sroll Case is a tblar oiled leather $ase

sed to $arry maps' s$rolls' or other paper items% (he

$ase 5ill have a 5ater-resistant Hbt not 5aterproo!J $ap

5hi$h slides over the end' and a loop to allo5 the $ase

to be hng !rom a belt or bandolier% A standard s$roll

$ase $an hold p to 10 sheets o! paper' or a single

s$roll o! p to seven spells%

 A *irror  is se!l in a dngeon environment !or many

reasons !or instan$e' it is the only 5ay to loo* at a

)edsa 5ithot being trned to stone% )irrors are also

se!l !or loo*ing arond $orners' and $an be sed

otdoors to send signals sing re!le$ted snlight%

 A ;i>er   is an open $ontainer sed to hold arro5s% A

Bolt Case is a similar sort o! $ontainer !or $rossbo5

bolts% >n either $ase' the standard $apa$ity is 20

missiles% (he length o! a :iver or bolt $ase mst

mat$h the length o! the ammnition !or it to be se!l

there!ore' there are longbo5 and shortbo5 :ivers and

light and heavy $rossbo5 bolt $ases% (he pri$e is the

same regardless o! the type%

r2 Rations may $onsist o! dry bread' hard $heese'

dried !rit' nts' beans' Ier*y' or any other !ood 5hi$h

5ill not 8go bad9 in less than abot a month Hi! not

longerJ% Dry rations are generally sold in :antities

s!!i$ient !or one $hara$ter !or a 5ee*' and are

pa$*aged in 5a&ed or oiled $loth to prote$t them%

%e5 Roe is T in$h in diameter and has a brea*ing

strength o! 1'600 ponds% +a!e 5or*ing load !or a rope

is normally one-:arter o! the brea*ing strength% "ne

or more *nots in a rope $t the brea*ing strength in hal!%

(his does not a!!e$t the sa!e 5or*ing load' be$ase

*nots are !igred into the listed one-:arter ratio%

Sil? Roe  is abot 3Q in$h in diameter and has a

brea*ing strength o! 1'600 ponds' althogh it 5eighs

$onsiderably less than hemp rope% (he notes regarding

rope strength given !or hemp rope' above' apply here


 A Lar4e Sa? 5ill hold at most 0 ponds or $bi$

!eet o! goods%

 A S5all Sa? 5ill hold at most 20 ponds or 2 $bi$

!eet o! goods%

 A pair o! Saddle6a4s 5ill hold at most 10 ponds or 1

$bi$ !oot o! goods Hdivided evenly bet5een both bagsJ%


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T/ie>esD Pi?s and Tools are re:ired !or the se

o! (hie! abilities s$h as opening lo$*s and removing

traps% (hese abilities may not be sable 5ithot

appropriate tools' or may be sed at a penalty at the

option o! the Game )aster%

 A Tinder6o= is generally pr$hased 5ith a lint and

steel the !lint' a pie$e o! hard ro$*' is str$*

vigorosly against a C-shaped pie$e o! high-$arbon

steel% hen done $orre$tly' hot spar*s 5ill !ly !rom the

!lint and steel into the tinder' hope!lly starting a !ire%

(he best tinder is a dried pie$e o! prepared tinder

!ngs' $arried in the tinderbo& to *eep it dry $har

$loth' hemp rope' or even very dry grass $an sbstitte

i! prepared tinder !ngs is not available% (he time

re:ired to start a !ire shold be determined by the G)

a$$ording to the prevailing $onditions nder ideal

$onditions' starting a !ire 5ith a !lint' steel and tinder

ta*es abot a trn%

 A Tor/ sheds light over a 30L radis' 5ith dim light

e&tending abot 20L !rther' and brns !or 1dO trns%

"! $orse' a tor$h is also se!l !or setting !lammable

materials Hs$h as $ob5ebs or oilJ alight%

 A ./etstone is sed to sharpen and maintain edged

5eapons s$h as s5ords' daggers' and a&es%

.ines?in<.aters?in  is a $ontainer !or drin*ing

5ater or 5ine thogh generally 5ater is ta*en into a

dngeon or 5ilderness environment% (he standard

5aters*in holds one :art o! li:id' 5hi$h is the

minimm amont re:ired by a normal $hara$ter in a

single day% >! adventring in the desert or other hot' dry

areas' a $hara$ter may need as m$h as ten times this

amont% /ote that the given 2 pond 5eight is !or a !ll

s*in an empty s*in has negligible 5eight%


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Beasts o B;rden

/ote, +tatisti$s !or the animals belo5 are on page BB%

Ite5 Prie .ei4/t

orse' Dra!t 120 gp

orse' ar 200 gp

orse' Riding B gp

;onyS 0 gp

;ony' arS 0 gp

S De to their small statre' D5arves and al!lings mst

ride ponies rather than horses%

Ta? and %arness

Ite5 Prie .ei4/t

it and bridle 1B sp 3

orseshoes W shoeing 1 gp 10

+addle' ;a$* B gp 1B

+addle' Riding 10 gp 3B

+addlebags' pair gp


(he !ollo5ing tables give details o! varios land and sea vehi$les% Game )asters shold !eel !ree to $reate their

o5n vehi$les' in 5hi$h $ase the table $an be sed !or gidan$e% +ome o! the statisti$s given belo5 are e&plained in

detail later%

Land Transortation

e/ile Len4t/ =


.ei4/t Car4o *o>e5ent %ardness < %P Cost (4)

Chariot 1BL & 6L 300 B0 lbs 120L H10LJ 10 Q 10 00

Coa$h 30L & L 1'000 2'000 lbs 60L H1BLJ 6 Q 12 1'B00

agon 3BL & L 2'000 '000 lbs 0L H20LJ 6 Q 16 B00

S>n$ldes hit$hed horses or mles%

.ater Transortation

e/ile Len4t/ = .idt/ Car4o Cre8 *o>e5ent *iles<a2 %ardness < %P Cost (4)

Canoe 1BL & L T ton 1 0L HBLJ 30 Q B0

Caravel BBL & 1BL B tons 10 20L H20LJ B Q B 10'000

Carra$* 60L & 20L 13B tons 20 30L H30LJ B0 10 Q 120 20'000

Galley' +mall 100L & 1BL 210 tons F0 20L H20LJ 0 Q 2B Q B 1B'000

Galley' #arge 120L & 20L 3B tons 160 30L H2BLJ B Q 2B 10 Q 120 30'000#ongship 110L & 1BL 10 tons 0 30L H2BLJ B Q 2B F Q 110 2B'000

Ra!tQarge per 10L & 10L 1 ton 2 0L H10LJ 20 6 Q 12 100

Riverboat B0L & 20L B0 tons 10 20L H20LJ 30 Q 30 3'B00

Ro5boat 1BL & 6L 1 ton 1 30L H10LJ 2B 6 Q 600

+ailboat 0L & L B tons 1 0L H1BLJ 0 Q 20 2'000


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Notes Re4ardin4 e/iles

(he Cre8 !igre given re!le$ts the minimm nmber o!

sailors andQor ro5ers needed to operate the ship%

"!!i$ers are not $onted among these nmbers' and o!

$orse it is al5ays a good idea to hire e&tra sailors

andQor ro5ers to ensre that any $asalties 5ill not slo5

do5n the ship%

Car4o !or 5agons is given in ponds' 5hile !or ships it

is given in tons% >! the ship sails night and day' ea$h

passenger re:ires living spa$e e:ivalent to one ton o!

$argo in addition' provisions !or one man !or one month

o$$py 1Q10 o! a ton o! spa$e%

*o>e5ent is given separately here in !eet Hyards'

a$tally see Ti5e and Sale  in Part ': T/e

Ad>ent;re  !or an e&planationJ as 5ell as miles per

day% (he en$onter movement o! ships is not dire$tly

related to the long-distan$e travel rate' sin$e the $re5

mst 5or* hard to ma*e the ship move :i$*ly in

$ombat' and this level o! e!!ort $annot be maintained

day and night%

+ee Atta?in4 a e/ile  in the Eno;nter

se$tion !or details on the %ardness and %P statisti$s%

 A /ariot re:ires a single horse' generally a

5arhorse' to pll it% oth oa/es and  8a4ons

re:ire at least a pair o! dra!t horses to pll them%

 A ara>el is a highly maneverable sailing ship 5ith

t5o or three masts% (hogh sper!i$ially similar to the

larger $arra$*' $aravels are $apable o! sailing p rivers'

a tas* !or 5hi$h the larger ship is ill sited%

 A arra?  is a large' o$ean-going sailing ship 5ith

three or !or masts%

,alle2s are e:ipped 5ith both sails and oars the

se$ond listed movement rate !or galleys is the ro5ing

speed% A small galley 5ill have arond 20 ro5s o! oars'

5ith ea$h oar plled by t5o men H!or a total o! 0

ro5ersJ 5hile a large galley 5ill have arond 3B ro5s o!

oars H!or a total o! 10 ro5ersJ% Galleys are generally

m$h more maneverable than sailing ships s$h as

the $arra$* or $aravel' and may be ot!itted 5ith rams%

(he lon4s/i $ommonly sed by northern raiders is

very similar to the large galley% o5ever' 5here more

$ivilied nations have spe$ialist ro5ers' sailors' andmarines' the $re5 o! a longship is more generalied

most $re5men 5ill be :ali!ied !or all o! these tas*s%


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Sie4e En4ines

(hese are 5eapons sed to atta$* strongholds' or sometimes ships% (heir $ost may be p to t5i$e as high in a

remote lo$ation% A siege engine that thro5s missiles Ha ballista' onager or treb$hetJ mst have a trained artillerist

to !ire it this is the $hara$ter 5ho ma*es the atta$* rolls !or the 5eapon% )issile-thro5ing engines have atta$*

penalties' detailed belo5% /ote, siege engines are not generally sable against individals or monsters the G)

may ma*e e&$eptions !or very large monsters li*e giants or dragons%

.eaon Cost


o Fire


Penalt2 a5a4e










allista 100 gp 1Q -3 2d B0L 100L 1B0L

attering Ram 200 gp 1Q3 O0 2d /QA /QA /QA

"nager 300 gp 1Q6 -6 2d12 100L 200L 300L

(reb$het 00 gp 1Q10 - 3d10 /QA 300L 00L

Ballista: (his is e!!e$tively a very large $rossbo5 that may !ire a spear-li*e bolt or a large stone% >t is sally

monted on a tripod or 5agon' bt may also be monted on a ship% hen !iring bolts' a ballista $annot damage

bri$* or stone% A ballista re:ires a $re5 o! three to operate%

Batterin4 Ra5: (hese are sally operated nder a so5 Ha sort o! portable roo!J% (hey re:ire a $re5 o! eight

or more%

Ona4er:  (his 5eapon thro5s a stone 5ith a !airly !lat traIe$tory% An onager re:ires a $re5 o! !or to operate%

Tre6;/et:  (his mighty 5eapon ses a $onter5eight to !ling a stone on a high' ar$ing path% >t $annot !ire at

targets 5ithin 200 yards% >! it is aimed at a target that is more than 20X higher than the 5eapon' there is anadditional –2 atta$* penalty% A treb$het re:ires a $re5 o! eight to operate%


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Forth Level Clerical Spells

1 Animate Dead

2 Create ater  

3 Cre +erios ondsS

Dispel )agi$

B /etralie ;oisonS

6 ;rote$tion !rom vil 10L radisS

+pea* 5ith ;lants

+ti$*s to +na*es

Fi!th Level Clerical Spells

1 Commne

2 Create 7ood

3 Dispel vil

>nse$t ;lage

B UestS

6 Raise DeadS

(re +eeing

all o! 7ire

Si"th Level Clerical Spells

1 Animate "bIe$ts

2 lade arrier  

3 7ind the ;ath


B Regenerate

6 Restoration

+pea* 5ith )onsters

ord o! Re$all

*a4i!ser Sells

)agi$-@sers $ast spells throgh the e&er$ise o!

*no5ledge and 5ill% (hey prepare spells by stdy o!their spellboo*s ea$h )agi$-@ser has his or her o5n

spellboo*' $ontaining the magi$al !ormlae !or ea$h

spell the )agi$-@ser has learned' 5ritten in a magi$al

s$ript that $an only be read by the one 5ho 5rote it' or

throgh the se o! a spe$ial !irst-level spell, read

5a4i% All )agi$-@sers begin play 5ith read 5a4i

as their !irst spell' and it is so ingrained that it $an be

prepared 5ithot a spellboo*% Read 5a4i  has a

range o! 8to$h9 and is permanent 5ith respe$t to any

given magi$al 5or* Hspellboo* or s$rollJ%

)agi$-@sers may learn spells by being taght dire$tly

by another )agi$-@ser' or by stdying another )agi$-

@serLs spellboo*% >! being taght' a spell $an be learned

in a single day resear$hing another )agi$-@serLs

spellboo* ta*es one day per spell level% ither 5ay' the

spell learned mst be trans$ribed into the )agi$-@serLs

o5n spellboo*' at a $ost o! B00 gp per spell level

trans$ribed' and re:iring one page per spell level% A

beginning )agi$-@ser starts 5ith a spellboo* $ontaining

read 5a4i and at least one other !irst-level spell' as

determined by the G)' at no $ost%

First Level #a$ic%&ser Spells

1 Charm ;erson

2 Dete$t )agi$

3 7loating Dis$

old ;ortal

B #ightS6 )agi$ )issile

)agi$ )oth

;rote$tion !rom vilS

F Read #angages

10 +hield

11 +leep

12 Eentrilo:ism

Second Level #a$ic%&ser Spells

1 Continal #ightS

2 Dete$t vilS

3 Dete$t >nvisible


B >nvisibility

6 4no$*


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#o$ate "bIe$t

F )irror >mage

10 ;hantasmal 7or$e

11 eb

12 iard #o$*

Third Level #a$ic%&ser Spells

1 Clairvoyan$e

2 Dar*vision

3 Dispel )agi$


B 7ly

6 asteS

old ;erson

>nvisibility 10Y radis

F #ightning olt

10 ;rote$tion !rom vil 10X radisS

11 ;rote$tion !rom /ormal )issiles

12 ater reathing

Forth Level #a$ic%&ser Spells

1 Charm )onster  

2 Con!sion

3 Dimension Door  

Gro5th o! ;lantsS

B all$inatory (errain

6 >$e +torm


;olymorph "ther  

F ;olymorph +el!  

10 Remove CrseS

11 all o! 7ire

12 iard ye

Fi!th Level #a$ic%&ser Spells

1 Animate Dead

2 Clod*ill

3 ConIre lemental


B old )onster  

6 )agi$ .ar  



F (eleport

10 all o! +tone

Si"th Level #a$ic%&ser Spells

1 Anti-)agi$ +hell

2 Death +pell

3 Disintegrate

7lesh to +toneS

B GeasS

6 >nvisible +tal*er  

#o5er ater  

;roIe$ted >mage

F Rein$arnate

10 all o! >ron


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 A blade barrier provides $over HO bons to Armor

ClassJ against atta$*s made throgh it%

Bless Range, B0L radis

Cleri$ 2 Dration, 1 minteQlevel

(his spell gives the $aster and his or her allies H5ithin a

B0L radis o! the $asterJ a bons o! O1 on atta$* rolls'

morale $he$*s H!or monsters or /;Cs allied 5ith the

$asterJ' and saving thro5s against magi$al ear %

(he reverse o! 6less is $alled 6ane% >t !ills the

$asterLs enemies H5ithin a B0L radisJ 5ith !ear and

dobt' $asing ea$h a!!e$ted $reatre to s!!er a –1

penalty on atta$* rolls' morale $he$*s' and saving

thro5s against magi$al ear %

C/ar5 Ani5al Range, 60L

Cleri$ 2 Dration, levelO1d ronds

(his spell allo5s the $aster to $harm one or more

animals' in m$h the same !ashion as /ar5 erson'

at a rate o! 1 hit die per $aster level% (he $aster may

de$ide 5hi$h individal animals ot o! a mi&ed grop

are to be a!!e$ted !irst e&$ess hit di$e o! e!!e$t are

ignored% /o saving thro5 is allo5ed' either !or normal

or giant-sied animals' bt $reatres o! more !antasti$

natre Has determined by the G)J are allo5ed a save

vs% +pells to resist% hen the dration e&pires' the

animals 5ill resme normal a$tivity immediately%

(his spell does not grant the $aster any spe$ial means

o! $ommni$ation 5ith the a!!e$ted animals i! $ombined

5ith sea? 8it/ ani5als' this spell be$omes

signi!i$antly more se!l%

C/ar5 *onster  Range, 30L

)agi$-@ser Dration, spe$ial

(his spell !n$tions li*e /ar5 erson' e&$ept that

the e!!e$t is not restri$ted by $reatre type or sie%

@ndead monsters are na!!e$ted% (his spell $an a!!e$t

3d6 hit di$e o! $reatres o! 3 or !e5er hit di$e' or one

$reatre o! more than 3 hit di$e% +aving thro5s are

made Ist as !or /ar5 erson%

C/ar5 Person Range, 30L

)agi$-@ser 1 Dration, spe$ial

(his spell ma*es a hmanoid $reatre o! hit di$e or

less regard the $aster as its trsted !riend and ally%

mans and demi-hmans may be a!!e$ted' regardless

o! level o! ability% A save vs% +pells 5ill negate the

e!!e$t% >! the $reatre is $rrently being threatened or

atta$*ed by the $aster or his or her allies' it re$eives a

OB bons on its saving thro5% (he spell does not

enable the $aster to $ontrol the $harmed person as i! it

5ere an atomaton rather' it per$eives his or her 5ords

and a$tions in the most !avorable 5ay% (he $aster $an

try to give the sbIe$t orders' bt it 5ill not do anythingit 5oldnXt ordinarily do' and !rther may re$eive an

additional saving thro5 to over$ome the magi$ Hat the

G)Ls dis$retionJ% (he $aster mst spea* the targetLs

langage to $ommni$ate any $ommands' or else be

good at pantomiming o! $orse' i! the $aster is

atta$*ed' the $harmed $reatre 5ill a$t to prote$t its

8!riend9 Hthogh that $old mean atta$*ing the $asterLs

enemies' or attempting to $arry o!! the $aster to a 8sa!e9

pla$eJ% (he target re$eives a ne5 saving thro5 ea$h

day i! it is has an >ntelligen$e o! 13 or greater' every

5ee* i! its >ntelligen$e is F-12' or every month it its

>ntelligen$e is or less%


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Clair>o2ane Range, 60L

)agi$-@ser 3 Dration, 12 trns

(his spell enables the $aster to see into another area

throgh the eyes o! a living $reatre in that area% (he

$aster mst spe$i!y the dire$tion and appro&imate

distan$e' p to a ma&imm o! 60L a5ay% >! there is no

appropriate $reatre in that area' the spell !ails% /o

saving thro5 is allo5ed' and the target $reatre is

na5are that it is being so sed% (he $aster may

$hoose another sbIe$t $reatre a!ter at least a trn has

passed' enabling mltiple lo$ations to be vie5ed% >! the

sbIe$t $reatre moves ot o! range' $onta$t is lost'

thogh the $aster may be able to $hoose another target

in this $ase%

Clo;d?ill Range, 100LO10LQlevel

)agi$-@ser B Dration, 6 rondsQlevel

(his spell $reates a 20L&20L&20L $lod o! poison gas

5hi$h moves at a rate o! 10L per rond nder the $ontrol

o! the $aster Hso long as he or she $on$entrates on itJ%

(he gas *ills otright any $reatres o! 3 or !e5er hit di$e

or levels it $omes in $onta$t 5ith $reatres having ormore hit di$e or levels mst save vs% ;oison or die% (he

$lod persists !or the entire dration even i! the $aster

$eases to $on$entrate pon it%

Co55;ne Range, sel!  

Cleri$ B Dration, 1 rondQlevel

(his spell pts the $aster in $onta$t 5ith his patron deity

or an e&traplanar servant thereo!' 5ho ans5ers one

yes-or-no :estion per $aster level% (he rital to $ast

this spell ta*es 1 trn to $omplete% (he being $onta$ted

may or may not be omnis$ient' and !rther' thogh the

being is te$hni$ally allied 5ith the $aster' it may still not

ans5er :estions $learly or $ompletely% (hese details

are le!t to the G)Ls dis$retion%

Con;sion Range, 360L

)agi$-@ser Dration, 2 rondsO1Qlevel

(his spell $ases p to 3d6 living $reatres 5ithin a 30L

radis $ir$le arond the target point to be$ome

$on!sed, ma*ing them nable to independently

determine 5hat they 5ill do% A saving thro5 vs% +pells

is allo5ed to resist the e!!e$t% Roll on the !ollo5ing table

on ea$h sbIe$tXs >nitiative nmber ea$h rond to see

5hat the sbIe$t does%

d# Be/a>ior 

1H#  Atta$* $aster 5ith melee or ranged 5eapons

Hor $lose 5ith $aster i! atta$* is not possibleJ%

3H'  A$t normally%&H1 Do nothing bt babble in$oherently%

11H1' 7lee a5ay !rom $aster at top possible speed%

1&H#  Atta$* nearest $reatre%

 A $on!sed $hara$ter 5ho $anXt $arry ot the indi$ated

a$tion does nothing bt babble in$oherently% Atta$*ers

are not at any spe$ial advantage 5hen atta$*ing a

$on!sed $hara$ter% Any $on!sed $hara$ter 5ho is

atta$*ed atomati$ally retaliates on its ne&t trn' as

long as it is still $on!sed 5hen its trn $omes%

ConG;re Ele5entalRange, 20L

)agi$-@ser B Dration, spe$ial

 A portal to one o! the lemental ;lanes o! Air' arth'

7ire' or ater is opened' allo5ing the )agi$-@ser to

smmon an elemental !rom that plane% At most one

elemental o! ea$h type may be smmoned by the

$aster in a given day% "n$e the elemental appears' it

serves the $onIrer inde!initely' provided the $aster

$on$entrates on nothing bt $ontrolling the $reatre

spell $asting' $ombat' or movement over hal! the

normal rate reslts in loss o! $on$entration% (he

$onIrer' 5hile in $ontrol o! an elemental' $an dismiss it

to its native plane at 5ill Hdoing so on his or her >nitiative


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i! in $ombatJ% >! the )agi$-@ser loses $on$entration'

$ontrol o! the smmoned lemental is lost and $annot

be regained% (he $reatre then see*s to atta$* the

$onIrer and all others in its path% "nly disel 5a4i

or disel e>il 5ill banish the elemental on$e $ontrol

has been lost% An elemental may' o! $orse' $hoose to

retrn to its home plane on its o5n s$h $reatres 5ill

not $hoose to remain on the material plane !or long%

Contin;al Li4/t Range, 360L

Cleri$ 3' )agi$-@ser 2 Dration, 1 yearQlevel

(his spell $reates a spheri$al region o! light' as bright

as !ll daylight p to a 30L radis' 5ith light o! lesser

intensity to a radis o! 60L% Continal light $an be $ast

on an obIe$t' into the air' or at a $reatre' Ist as 5ith

the li4/t spell' p to a ma&imm range o! 360L !rom the

$aster% (he spell remains in e!!e$t !or one year per

level o! the $aster%

 As 5ith li4/t' this spell $an be sed to blind a $reatre

i! $ast on its visal organs% Creatres targeted by this

spell are allo5ed a save vs% Death Ray i! the save is

made' the spell is $ast into the air Ist behind the target$reatre% A penalty o! - is applied to the blinded

$reatreLs atta$* rolls i! the saving thro5 !ails%

(he reversed spell' ontin;al dar?ness' $ases

$omplete absen$e o! light in the area o! e!!e$t'

overpo5ering normal light sor$es% Continal dar*ness

may be sed to blind in the same 5ay as $ontinal light%

Create Food Range, 10L

Cleri$ B Dration, permanent

(he !ood that this spell $reates is simple !are o! the

$asterLs $hoi$e' highly norishing' bt rather bland% @p

to 3 men or one horse per $aster level $an be !ed !or

one day 5ith this spell% 7ood so $reated de$ays and

be$omes inedible 5ithin 2 hors' althogh it $an be

*ept !resh !or another 2 hors by $asting ;ri2 ood

and 8ater  on it%

Create .ater  Range, 10L

Cleri$ Dration, permanent

(his spell $reates one gallon o! 5ater per $aster level%

/ote that one or more vessels to $ontain the 5ater mst

be available at the time o! $asting% (he 5ater $reated

by this spell is Ist li*e $lean rain 5ater% /ote, ater

5eighs abot ponds per gallon' and one $bi$ !oot o!

5ater is roghly gallons%

C;re Blindness Range, to$h

Cleri$ 3 Dration, instantaneos

ith this spell the $aster $an $re a $reatre s!!ering

blindness H5hether $ased by inIry or by magi$'

in$lding li4/t  or ontin;al li4/tJ% lindness

$ased by a $rse $annot be $red by this spell%

C;re isease Range, to$h

Cleri$ 3 Dration, instantaneos

Cre disease $res all diseases that the sbIe$t is

s!!ering !rom% (he spell also *ills parasites a!!li$ting

the target $reatre% Certain spe$ial diseases may not

be $ontered by this spell or may be $ontered only by

a $aster o! a $ertain level or higher%

/ote, (his spell does not prevent rein!e$tion a!ter a ne5

e&posre to the same disease%

C;re Li4/t .o;nds

Cleri$ 1 Range, to$h

Dration, instantaneos

ith this spell the $aster heals 1d6O1 hit points o!

damage by laying his or her hand pon the inIred



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(he reverse !orm o! this spell' a;se li4/t 8o;nds'

$ases 1d6O1 damage to the $reatre a!!e$ted by it% A

s$$ess!l atta$* roll is re:ired in this $ase%

@ndead are a!!e$ted by this spell and its reverse inopposite !ashion they are inIred by ;re li4/t

8o;nds and healed by a;se li4/t 8o;nds%

C;re Serio;s .o;nds

Cleri$ Range, to$h

Dration, instantaneos

(his spell 5or*s e&a$tly li*e ;re li4/t 8o;nds

save that it heals 2d6 points o! damage' pls 1 point per

$aster level% (he reverse' a;se serio;s 8o;nds'also 5or*s e&a$tly li*e a;se li4/t 8o;nds' e&$ept

that it in!li$ts 2d6 O $aster level in damage%

ar?>ision Range, to$h

)agi$-@ser 3 Dration, 1 horQlevel

(he sbIe$t re$eives Dar*vision 5ith a range o! 60L !or

the dration o! the spell% H+ee page 3 !or details%J

eat/ Sell Range, 20L

)agi$-@ser 6 Dration, instantaneos

(his spell 5ill *ill 3d12 hit di$e or levels o! $reatres in a

30L radis sphere $entered 5herever the $aster 5ishes

H5ithin the range limitJ% &$ess levels o! e!!e$tiveness

are lost% a$h $reatre a!!e$ted is allo5ed to save vs%

Death Ray those that !ail the save die immediately%

Creatres o! or more hit di$e or levels are immne to

the spell' as are ndead monsters' golems' and any

other 8$reatre9 that is not trly alive%

etet E>il Range, 60L

Cleri$ 1' )agi$-@ser 2 Dration, 1 rondQlevel

(his spell allo5s the $aster to dete$t evil spe$i!i$ally'

the $aster $an dete$t $reatres 5ith evil intentions'

magi$ items 5ith evil en$hantments' and possibly

e&traplanar $reatres o! evil natre% /ormal $hara$ters'

even 8bad9 $hara$ters' $annot be dete$ted by this spell'

as only over5helming evil is dete$table% (he $aster

sees the 8evil9 $reatres or obIe$ts 5ith a de!inite glo5

arond them' bt the glo5 $annot be seen by anyone


(he e&a$t de!inition o! evil is le!t !or the G) to de$ide%

/ote that items s$h as ordinary traps or poisons are

not 8evil'9 and ths not dete$table by this spell%

Reversed' this spell be$omes detet 4ood' 5hi$h

5or*s Ist as des$ribed above 5ith respe$t to dete$ting

8good9 en$hantments' angeli$ $reatres' and so on%

etet In>isi6le Range, 60L

)agi$-@ser 2 Dration, 1 trnQlevel

y means o! this spell the $aster is able to see invisible

$hara$ters' $reatres or obIe$ts 5ithin the given range'

seeing them as transl$ent shapes%

etet *a4i Range, 60L

Cleri$ 1' )agi$-@ser 1 Dration, 2 trns

(he $aster o! this spell is able to dete$t en$hanted or

enspelled obIe$ts or $reatres 5ithin the given range by

sight' seeing them srronded by a pale glo5ing light%

"nly the $aster sees the glo5% >nvisible $reatres or

obIe$ts are not dete$ted by this spell' bt the

emanations o! the invisibility magi$ 5ill be seen as an

amorphos glo5ing !og' possibly allo5ing the $aster

HonlyJ to atta$* the invisible $reatre at an atta$*

penalty o! only -2%


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i5ension oor  Range, 10L

)agi$-@ser Dration, instantaneos

(he $aster o! this spell instantly trans!ers himsel! or

hersel!' or any single target $reatre 5ithin range' to

any spot 5ithin 200L pls 20L per $aster level% (he

$aster or target $reatre al5ays arrives at e&a$tly the

spot desired' 5hether the $aster visalies the area or

states dire$tion and distan$e% An n5illing target may

save vs% +pells to avoid being transported% Anything

5orn or $arried by the $aster or target $reatre 5ill be

transported also' in$lding another $hara$ter or

$reatre i! the transportee $an li!t it% >! the target area is

5ithin a solid obIe$t' the spell !ails atomati$ally%

isinte4rate Range, 60L

)agi$-@ser 6 Dration, instantaneos

(his spell $ases a thin' green ray to spring !rom the

$asterLs pointing !inger% Any single $reatre or obIe$t

Hp to a 10&10&10 !oot $be o! materialJ is entirely

disintegrated' leaving behind only a tra$e o! !ine dst% A

disintegrated $reatreXs e:ipment is na!!e$ted%

 A $reatre that ma*es a s$$ess!l save vs% +pells is

na!!e$ted% (he ray $an target only one $reatre per

$asting' i! that target saves' the spell is 5asted%

isel E>il Range, to$h

Cleri$ B Dration, 1 rondQlevel

(his po5er!l spell aids the $aster in dealing 5ith

$reatres !rom the nether planes' herea!ter $alled 8evil


7irst' the $aster gains a O bons to Armor Class

against atta$*s by evil $reatres%

+e$ond' the $aster $an $hoose to drive an evil $reatre

ba$* to its home plane by to$h Hre:iring a s$$ess!l

atta$* rollJ% (he $reatre $an negate the e!!e$ts 5ith a

s$$ess!l save vs% +pells% (his se dis$harges and

ends the spell' even i! the saving thro5 s$$eeds%

(hird' 5ith a to$h the $aster $an atomati$ally dispel

any one spell $ast by an evil $reatre% &$eption,

+pells that $anXt be dispelled by disel 5a4i also

$anXt be dispelled by dispel evil% +aving thro5s do not

apply to this e!!e$t% (his se also ends the spell%

(he e&a$t de!inition o! evil is le!t !or the G) to de$ide

ho5ever' e&traplanar $reatres that oppose the $aster

shold almost al5ays :ali!y%

isel *a4i Range, 120L

Cleri$ ' )agi$-@ser 3 Dration, instantaneos

(he $aster $an se dispel magi$ to end ongoing spells

that have been $ast on a $reatre or obIe$t' or to end

ongoing spells Hor at least their e!!e$tsJ 5ithin a $bi$

area 20L on a side% (he $aster mst $hoose 5hether to

dispel magi$ on a $reatre or obIe$t' or to a!!e$t an


>! dispel magi$ is targeted at a $reatre' all spell e!!e$ts

Hin$lding ongoing potion e!!e$tsJ may be $an$eled% >!

$ast pon an area' all s$h e!!e$ts 5ithin the area may

be $an$eled% Any spell or e!!e$t having a $aster level

e:al to or less than the disel 5a4i $asterLs level

is ended atomati$ally% (hose $reated by higher level

$asters might not be $an$eled there is a BN $han$e

the dispel magi$ 5ill !ail !or ea$h level the spell e!!e$t

e&$eeds the $aster level% 7or e&ample' a 10th  level

$aster dispelling magi$ $reated by a 1th  level $aster

has a 20N $han$e o! !ailre%


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+ome spells $annot be ended by dispel magi$ this

spe$i!i$ally in$ldes any $rse' in$lding those $reated

by 6esto8 ;rse  Hthe reverse o! re5o>e ;rseJ

as 5ell as by $rsed items%

ESP Range, 60L

)agi$-@ser 2 Dration, 1 trnQlevel

(his spell permits the $aster to dete$t the sr!a$e

thoghts o! one or more targets 5ithin range% (he

$aster mst designate a dire$tion' and then $on$entrate

!or a trn in order to 8hear9 the thoghts% a$h trn the

$aster may $hoose to 8listen9 in a di!!erent dire$tion%

(he $aster may stop listening' then resme again later'

so long as the dration has not e&pired% (he target

$reatre is not normally a5are o! being spied pon in

this 5ay%

Ro$* more than 2 in$hes thi$* or a thin $oating o! lead

or gold 5ill blo$* the spell% All ndead $reatres are

immne to this e!!e$t' as are mindless $reatres s$h

as golems%

Fee6le5ind Range, 10L

)agi$-@ser B Dration, permanent

>! the target $reatre !ails a saving thro5 vs% +pells' its

>ntelligen$e and Charisma s$ores ea$h drop to 1% (he

a!!e$ted $reatre is nable to $ast spells' nderstand

langage' or $ommni$ate $oherently% (he vi$tim does

remember 5ho its !riends are and $an !ollo5 and

prote$t them !rom harm% (he sbIe$t remains in this

state ntil a /eal spell is sed to $an$el the e!!e$t% A

target $reatre that $an $ast )agi$-@ser spells s!!ers apenalty o! - on its saving thro5 against this spell%

Find Tras Range, 30L

Cleri$ 2 Dration, 3 trns

(his spell permits the $aster to dete$t a variety o! traps'

both me$hani$al and magi$al% hen the $aster moves

5ithin 30X o! a trap' he or she 5ill see it glo5 5ith a !aint

greenish-ble ara% (he $aster is not' ho5ever' able to

dete$t $ertain natral haards s$h as :i$*sand' a

sin*hole' or nsa!e 5alls o! natral ro$*% (he spell also

does not besto5 the $aster 5ith the *no5ledge needed

to disarm the trap' nor any details abot its type or


Find t/e Pat/ Range, to$h

Cleri$ 6 Dration, 1 trnQlevel

(he re$ipient o! this spell $an !ind the shortest' most

dire$t physi$al rote to a spe$i!ied destination% (he

$aster mst have some *no5ledge abot the lo$ation

any lo$ation the $aster has ever visited $an be so

lo$ated' as 5ell as lo$ations des$ribed to the $aster%

ven *no5ing the name o! a lo$ation Hi! it has a nameJ

is enogh !or this spell to !n$tion%

(he lo$ale $an be otdoors or ndergrond% Find t/e

at/  5or*s 5ith respe$t to lo$ations' not obIe$ts or

$reatres% (he lo$ation mst be on the same plane as

the $aster at the time o! $asting%

(he spell enables the sbIe$t to sense the $orre$t

dire$tion that 5ill eventally lead it to its destination'

indi$ating at appropriate times the e&a$t path to !ollo5

or physi$al a$tions to ta*e% 7or e&ample' the spell

enables the sbIe$t to dete$t se$ret doors and to *no5

any pass5ords re:ired% (he spell ends 5hen the

destination is rea$hed or the dration e&pires'

5hi$hever $omes !irst%


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Fire6all Range, 100LO10LQlevel

)agi$-@ser 3 Dration, instantaneos

 A !ireball spell $reates an e&plosion o! !lame that

detonates 5ith a lo5 roar and deals 1d6 points o! !ire

damage per $aster level to every $reatre 5ithin a

spheri$al volme having a 20L radis% A save vs% +pells

!or hal! damage is allo5ed% (he e&plosion $reates

almost no pressre%

(he $aster points a !inger and determines the range

Hdistan$e and heightJ at 5hi$h the !ireball is to brst% A

glo5ing' pea-sied bead strea*s !rom the pointing digit

and' nless it impa$ts pon a material body or solid

barrier prior to attaining the pres$ribed range' blossoms

into the !ireball at that point% HAn early impa$t reslts in

an early detonation%J >! the $aster attempts to send the

bead throgh a narro5 passage' s$h as throgh an

arro5 slit' he or she mst roll a missile atta$* H5ithot

range adIstmentsJ to hit the opening' or else the bead

stri*es the barrier and detonates prematrely%

(he !ireball sets !ire to $ombstibles and damages

obIe$ts in the area% >t $an melt metals 5ith lo5 melting

points' s$h as lead' gold' $opper' silver' and brone% >!

the damage $ased to an interposing barrier shatters or

brea*s throgh it' the !ireball may $ontine beyond the

barrier in order to attain its !ll volme%

Fles/ to Stone Range, 30LQlevel

)agi$-@ser 6 Dration, permanent

(his spell $ases the sbIe$t' along 5ith all its $arried

gear' to trn into a mindless' inert state% A saving

thro5 vs% ;etri!i$ation is allo5ed to resist the spell% >!

the state reslting !rom this spell is bro*en or

damaged' the sbIe$t Hi! ever retrned to its original

stateJ s!!ers e:ivalent damage or de!ormities% "nly

$reatres made o! !lesh are a!!e$ted by this spell%

(he reverse spell' stone to les/' a$ts as a

$onterspell !or les/ to stone' restoring the $reatre

 Ist as it 5as 5hen it 5as petri!ied% >t does nothing i!

applied to stone that is not the reslt o! les/ to

stone  or similar petri!i$ation e!!e$ts Hs$h as a

medsaLs gaeJ%

Floatin4 is Range, 0

)agi$-@ser 1 Dration, B trns O1Qlevel

(his spell $reates an invisible' slightly $on$ave $ir$lar

plane o! !or$e !or $arrying loads% >t is abot the sie o!

a shield' being 3 !eet in diameter and 1 in$h deep at its

$enter% >t $an hold a ma&imm o! B00 ponds o!

5eight% H/ote that 5ater 5eighs abot ponds per

gallon%J (he dis$ mst be loaded so that the items

pla$ed pon it are properly spported' or they 5ill Ho!

$orseJ !all o!!% 7or e&ample' the dis$ $an spport Ist

over 62 gallons o! 5ater' bt the 5ater mst be in a

barrel or other reasonable $ontainer that $an be pla$ed

pon the dis$% +imilarly' a pile o! loose $oins 5ill tend

to slip and slide abot' and some 5ill !all o!! 5ith every

step the $aster ta*es bt a large sa$* !ll o! $oins'

properly tied' 5ill remain stable%

(he dis$ !loats level to the grond' at abot the height

o! the $asterLs 5aist% >t remains still 5hen 5ithin 10L o!

the $aster' and !ollo5s at the $asterLs movement rate i!

he or she moves a5ay !rom it% (he !loating dis$ $an be

pshed as needed to position it bt 5ill be dispelled i!

someho5 moved more than 10L !rom the $aster% hen

the spell dration e&pires' the dis$ disappears !rom

e&isten$e and drops 5hatever 5as spported to the

sr!a$e beneath%


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Fl2 Range, to$h

)agi$-@ser 3 Dration, 1 trnQlevel

(he sbIe$t o! this spell $an !ly at a speed e:al to his

or her normal grond movement rate Has adIsted by

en$mbran$eJ% (he sbIe$t $an as$end at hal! speed

and des$end at doble speed' 5ith the same

maneverability as the sbIe$t has 5hen moving on the

grond% 7lying nder the e!!e$t o! this spell re:ires

only as m$h $on$entration as 5al*ing' so the sbIe$t

$an atta$* or $ast spells normally% (he sbIe$t o! a !ly

spell $an neither $harge nor rn' nor $arry alo!t more

5eight than his or her ma&imm load%

+hold the spell dration e&pire 5hile the sbIe$t is still

alo!t' the magi$ !ails slo5ly% (he sbIe$t !loats

do5n5ard 120L per rond !or 1d10 ronds% >! the

sbIe$t rea$hes the grond in that amont o! time' he or

she lands sa!ely% >! not' the sbIe$t !alls the rest o! the

distan$e' ta*ing normal !alling damage% +in$e

dispelling a spell e!!e$tively ends it' the sbIe$t also

des$ends in this 5ay i! the !ly spell is dispelled%

,eas Range, BL per level)agi$-@ser 6 Dration, spe$ial

Geas pla$es a magi$al $ommand on a $reatre to $arry

ot some servi$e or to re!rain !rom some a$tion or

$orse o! a$tivity' as desired by the $aster% (he target

$reatre mst be able to nderstand the $aster !or this

spell to ta*e e!!e$t% hile a geas $annot $ompel a

$reatre to *ill itsel! or per!orm a$ts that 5old reslt in

$ertain death' it $an $ase almost any other $orse o!


 A saving thro5 vs% +pells 5ill allo5 an n5illing target to

resist a geas 5hen it is !irst $ast% o5ever' the target

may $hoose to a$$ept the geas' typi$ally as part o! a

bargain 5ith the $aster to per!orm some servi$e%

(he geased $reatre mst !ollo5 the given instr$tions

ntil the geas is $ompleted' no matter ho5 long it ta*es%

>! the instr$tions involve some open-ended tas* that

the re$ipient $annot $omplete throgh his or her o5na$tions' the spell remains in e!!e$t !or a ma&imm o!

one day per $aster level% A $lever re$ipient $an sbvert

some instr$tions' at the G)Ls dis$retion%

7or every 2 hors that the sbIe$t $hooses not to obey

the geas Hor is prevented !rom obeying itJ' it s!!ers a –2

penalty to ea$h o! its ability s$ores' p to a total o! –%

/o ability s$ore $an be red$ed to less than 3 by this

e!!e$t% (he ability s$ore penalties are removed 2

hors a!ter the sbIe$t resmes obeying the geas%

 A geas Hand all e!!e$ts thereo!J $an be ended by a

re5o>e ;rse spell' or by a 8is/' or by the reverse

o! this spell% isel 5a4i does not a!!e$t a geas%

,ro8t/ o Ani5als

Cleri$ 3 Range, 60LO10LQlevel

Dration, 1 trnQlevel

(his spell $ases an animal to gro5 to t5i$e its normal

sie and eight times its normal 5eight% (he a!!e$ted

$reatre 5ill do doble normal damage 5ith all physi$al

atta$*s' and its e&isting natral Armor Class in$reases

by 2% (he animalLs $arrying $apa$ity is also dobled%

@n!riendly animals may save vs% +pells to resist this


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%eal Range, to$h

Cleri$ 6 Dration, permanent

eal enables the $aster to 5ipe a5ay inIry and

a!!li$tions% >t immediately ends any and all o! the

!ollo5ing adverse $onditions a!!e$ting the target, ability

damage' blindness' $on!sion' dea!ness' disease'

e&hastion or !atige' ee6le5ind' insanity' nasea'

and poison% >t also restores all bt 1d o! the targetLs

hit points% eal does not remove negative levels or

restore permanently drained ability s$ore points%

(he reversed spell' /ar5' inIres the $reatre to$hed

so horribly that it is le!t 5ith only 1d hit points% (he

$aster mst s$$eed at a normal atta$* roll in this $ase

!ailre means the spell is 5asted% /ote that' i! the

vi$tim has !e5er hit points remaining than the nmber

rolled' he or she 5ill ta*e at least one point o! damage

Hand this is the only $ase in 5hi$h /ar5 may *ill a


Generally' both /eal  and  /ar5  only a!!e$t living

$reatres% >! sed against an ndead $reatre' heal

instead a$ts li*e harm li*e5ise' harm a!!e$ts ndead

li*e heal% Constr$ts s$h as golems are na!!e$ted by

either spell%

%old *onster  Range, 10L

)agi$-@ser B Dration, 2d trns

(his spell !n$tions li*e /old erson' e&$ept that it

a!!e$ts any living $reatre that !ails its save vs% +pells%

%old Person Range, 10L

Cleri$ 2' )agi$-@ser 3 Dration, 2d trns

(his spell 5ill render any living Hnot ndeadJ hman'

demi-hman or hmanoid $reatre paralyed%

Creatres larger than ogres 5ill not be a!!e$ted by this

spell% (argets o! the spell are a5are' and breathe

normally' bt $annot ta*e any a$tions' in$lding spee$h%

 A s$$ess!l save vs% +pells 5ill negate the e!!e$t% (he

spell may be $ast at a single person' 5ho ma*es his or

her save at -2' or at a grop' in 5hi$h $ase 1d o! the

$reatres in the grop may be a!!e$ted%

 A 5inged $reatre 5hi$h is paralyed $annot !lap its

5ings and !alls Hi! in !light at the timeJ% A paralyed

s5immer $anXt s5im and may dro5n%

%old Portal Range, 100LO10LQlevel

)agi$-@ser 1 Dration, 1 rondQlevel

(his spell magi$ally holds sht a door' gate' 5indo5' or

shtter o! 5ood' metal' or stone% (he magi$ a!!e$ts theportal Ist as i! it 5ere se$rely $losed and normally

lo$*ed% A ?no? spell or a s$$ess!l disel 5a4i

spell $an negate a hold portal spell%

Ie Stor5 Range, 300LO30LQlevel

)agi$-@ser Dration, 1 rond

(his spell $ases great magi$al hailstones to pond

do5n !or 1 !ll rond' dealing Bd6 points o! damage to

every $reatre in a 20L radis arond the target spot a

s$$ess!l save vs% +pells 5ill red$e damage by hal!%

(he i$e storm !ills a verti$al volme o! 0L' so $reatres

higher than that distan$e above the target spot are

na!!e$ted% A –20N penalty applies to ea$h #isten roll

made 5ithin the i$e stormXs e!!e$t' and all land

movement 5ithin its area is at hal! speed% At the end o!

the dration' the hail disappears' leaving no a!tere!!e$ts

Hother than the damage dealtJ% Any $reatre natrally

resistant to $old ta*es hal! damage Hor one-:arterdamage i! it ma*es its saveJ%


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Inset Pla4;e Range, 300LO30LQlevel

Cleri$ B Dration, 1 rondQlevel

(his spell smmons one s5arm o! lo$sts per three

$aster levels' to a ma&imm o! si& s5arms at 1th


+ee Insect *warm  in the *onsters  se$tion !or the

e!!e$ts o! a s5arm% (he s5arms mst be smmoned so

that ea$h one is adIa$ent to at least one other s5arm

Hthat is' the s5arms mst !ill one $ontigos areaJ% (he

$aster may smmon the lo$st s5arms so that they

share the area o! other $reatres% a$h s5arm atta$*s

any $reatres o$$pying its area% (he s5arms are

stationary a!ter being smmoned%

In>isi6ilit2 Range, to$h

)agi$-@ser 2 Dration, spe$ial

(he $reatre or obIe$t to$hed be$omes invisible'

vanishing !rom sight' in$lding Dar*vision% >! the

re$ipient is a $reatre $arrying gear' that vanishes' too%

>! the spell is $ast on someone else' neither the $aster

nor his or her allies $an see the sbIe$t' nless they

$an normally see invisible things or employ magi$ to do


>tems dropped or pt do5n by an invisible $reatre

be$ome visible items pi$*ed p disappear i! t$*ed into

the $lothing or po$hes 5orn by the $reatre% #ight'

ho5ever' never be$omes invisible' althogh a sor$e o!

light $an be$ome so Hths' the e!!e$t is that o! a light

5ith no visible sor$eJ% Any part o! an item that the

sbIe$t $arries bt that e&tends more than 10 !eet !rom

it be$omes visible% "! $orse' the sbIe$t is not

magi$ally silen$ed' and $ertain other $onditions $an

render the re$ipient dete$table Hs$h as stepping in a


(he spell ends i! the sbIe$t atta$*s any $reatre or

$asts any spell% A$tions Hother than spell$astingJ

dire$ted at nattended obIe$ts do not brea* the spell%

Casing harm indire$tly is not an atta$*% (he spell lasts

at most 2 hors%

In>isi6ilit2 1D Radi;s

)agi$-@ser 3 Range, to$h

Dration, 1 trnQlevel

(his spell !n$tions li*e invisibility' e&$ept that this spell

$on!ers invisibility pon all $reatres 5ithin 10 !eet o!

the re$ipient% (he $enter o! the e!!e$t is mobile 5ith the


(hose a!!e$ted by this spell $an see ea$h other and

themselves as i! na!!e$ted by the spell% A!!e$ted

$reatres Hother than the re$ipientJ 5ho atta$* negate

the invisibility only !or themselves' bt i! the spell

re$ipient atta$*s' the invisibility ends !or all a!!e$ted

$reatres% Any a!!e$ted $reatre moving ot o! the area

be$omes visible' bt $reatres moving into the area

a!ter the spell is $ast do not be$ome invisible Hin$lding

any previosly a!!e$ted $reatres 5ho have be$ome

visible as des$ribed aboveJ%

In>isi6le Stal?er  Range, 0

)agi$-@ser 6 Dration, spe$ial

(he $aster smmons an in>isi6le stal?er   to do his

or her bidding Hsee the *onsters se$tion' belo5' !or

detailsJ% (he spell persists ntil disel e>il is $ast on

the $reatre' it is slain' or the tas* is !l!illed% (he G) is

advised to revie5 the monster entry !or the invisiblestal*er 5hen this spell is sed' as they may not al5ays

be reliable servants%


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no? Range, 30L

)agi$-@ser 2 Dration, spe$ial

(he *no$* spell opens st$*' barred' lo$*ed' /eld' or

8i@ard lo?ed doors% >t opens se$ret doors' as 5ell

as lo$*ed or tri$*-opening bo&es or $hests% >t also

loosens 5elds' sha$*les' or $hains Hprovided they serve

to hold sht something 5hi$h $an be openedJ% >! sed

to open a 8i@ard lo?ed door' the spell does not

remove the 8i@ard lo?  bt simply sspends its

!n$tioning !or one trn% >n all other $ases' the door

does not relo$* itsel! or be$ome st$* again on its o5n%

4no$* 5ill not raise a port$llis or operate any other

similar me$hanism' nor 5ill it a!!e$t ropes' vines' andthe li*e% a$h spell $an ndo a single means o!

preventing a$$ess%

Le>itate Range, to$h

)agi$-@ser 2 Dration, 1 trnQlevel

#evitate allo5s the $aster to move himsel! or hersel!'

another $reatre' or an obIe$t p and do5n as desired%

 A $reatre mst be 5illing to be levitated' and an obIe$t

mst be nattended or possessed by a 5illing $reatre%(he $aster $an mentally dire$t the re$ipient to move p

or do5n as m$h as 20 !eet ea$h rond' by

$on$entration% (he $aster $annot move the re$ipient

horiontally' bt the re$ipient $old $lamber along the

!a$e o! a $li!!' !or e&ample' or psh against a $eiling to

move laterally Hgenerally at hal! its normal land speedJ%

 A levitating $reatre that atta$*s 5ith a 5eapon !inds

itsel! in$reasingly nstable the !irst atta$* has a –1

atta$* penalty' the se$ond –2' and so on' to a ma&imm

penalty o! –B% A !ll rond spent stabiliing allo5s the

$reatre to begin again at –1%

Li4/t Range, 120L

Cleri$ 1' )agi$-@ser 1 Dration, 6 O level trns

(his spell $reates a light e:al to tor$hlight 5hi$h

illminates a 30L radis area Hand provides dim light !or

an additional 20LJ arond the target lo$ation or obIe$t%

(he e!!e$t is immobile i! $ast into an area' bt it $an be

$ast on a movable obIe$t% #ight ta*en into an area o!

magi$al dar*ness does not !n$tion%

Reversed' li4/t be$omes dar?ness' $reating an area

o! dar*ness Ist as des$ribed above% (his dar*ness

blo$*s ot Dar*vision and negates mndane light


 A light spell may be $ast to $onter and dispel the

dar*ness spell o! an e:al or lo5er level $aster Hand

vi$e versaJ% Doing so $ases both spells to instantly

$ease' restoring the e&isting ambient light level%

ither version o! this spell may be sed to blind an

opponent by means o! $asting it on the targetLs o$lar

organs% (he target is allo5ed a saving thro5 vs% Death

Ray to avoid the e!!e$t' and i! the save is made' the

spell does not ta*e e!!e$t at all% A li4/t or dar?ness

spell $ast to blind does not have the given area o! e!!e$t

Hthat is' no light or dar*ness is shed arond the vi$timJ%

Li4/tnin4 Bolt Range, B0LO10LQlevel

)agi$-@ser 3 Dration, instantaneos

(his spell releases a po5er!l stro*e o! ele$tri$al

energy that deals 1d6 points o! ele$tri$ity damage per

$aster level to ea$h $reatre 5ithin its area% A save vs%

+pells !or hal! damage is allo5ed% (he bolt begins at

the $asterLs !ingertips and e&tends to the range given%

(he $aster may $hoose to limit the range o! the spell'

bt the minimm range is 60 !eet% (he lightning bolt


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passes throgh an area BL 5ide' ar$ing and Imping' so

that' 5hile it is not a$tally BL 5ide' !or game prposes

treat it as i! it is so%

(he lightning bolt sets !ire to $ombstibles anddamages obIe$ts in its path% >t $an melt metals 5ith a

lo5 melting point' s$h as lead' gold' $opper' silver' or

brone% >! the damage $ased to an interposing barrier

shatters or brea*s throgh it' the bolt may $ontine

beyond the barrier i! the spellXs range permits

other5ise' it may re!le$t !rom the barrier ba$* to5ard

the $aster' or in a random dire$tion at the G)Ls option%

Creatres already a!!e$ted by the lightning bolt do not

ta*e additional damage i! str$* by the re!le$tion o! the

same bolt%

Loate O6Get Range, 360L

Cleri$ 3' )agi$-@ser 2 Dration, 1 rondQlevel

(his spell allo5s the $aster to sense the dire$tion o! a

5ell-*no5n or $learly visalied obIe$t% e or she $an

sear$h !or general items' in 5hi$h $ase the nearest one

o! its *ind is lo$ated i! more than one is 5ithin range%

(he $aster $annot spe$i!y a ni:e item nless he or

she has observed that parti$lar item !irsthand Hnot

throgh divinationJ% (he spell is blo$*ed by even a thin

sheet o! lead or gold% Creatres $annot be !ond by

this spell%

Lo8er .ater  Range, 360L

)agi$-@ser 6 Dration, 1 trnQlevel

(his spell $ases 5ater or similar li:id to red$e its

depth by as m$h as 2 !eet per $aster level Hto a

minimm depth o! 1 in$hJ% (he 5ater is lo5ered 5ithin

a more or less s:are-shaped depression 5hose sides

are p to 10 !eet long per $aster level% >n e&tremely

large and deep bodies o! 5ater' s$h as a deep o$ean'

the spell $reates a 5hirlpool that s5eeps ships and

similar $ra!t do5n5ard' ptting them at ris* and

rendering them nable to leave by normal movement

!or the dration o! the spell% hen $ast on 5ater

elementals and other 5ater-based $reatres' this spell


T2e o *erenar2 Cost E;i5ent *orale

#ight 7oot' man 2 #eather Armor' +hield' and #ongs5ord

#ight 7oot' l! #eather Armor' +hield' and #ongs5ord

#ight 7oot' "r$ 1 #eather Armor and +pear

eavy 7oot' man 3 Chainmail' +hield' and #ongs5ord

eavy 7oot' D5ar! 6 Chainmail' +hield' and +horts5ord F

eavy 7oot' "r$ 2 Chainmail' +hield' and +horts5ord

 Ar$her' man B #eather Armor' +hortbo5' and +horts5ord

 Ar$her' l! 1B Chainmail' +hortbo5' and +horts5ord

 Ar$her' "r$ 3 #eather Armor' +hortbo5' and +horts5ord

Crossbo5man' man B Chainmail' Crossbo5' and +horts5ord

Crossbo5man' D5ar! 12 ;latemail' Crossbo5' and +horts5ord F

#ongbo5man' man F Chainmail' #ongbo5' and +horts5ord

#ongbo5man' l! 20 Chainmail' #ongbo5' and #ongs5ord

#ight orseman' man 10 #eather Armor' +hield' #an$e' and #ongs5ord

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a$ts as a slo8 spell Hthe reverse o! /asteJ a save vs%

+pells is allo5ed' 5ith s$$ess negating the e!!e$t% (he

spell has no e!!e$t on other $reatres%

*a4i Jar  Range, 60L

)agi$-@ser B Dration, spe$ial

y $asting magi$ Iar' the $aster pla$es his or her sol in

a gem or large $rystal 5ithin spell range H*no5n as the

magi$ IarJ' leaving the body li!eless% (he $aster may

then attempt to ta*e $ontrol o! a nearby living $reatre

5ithin spell range' !or$ing its sol into the magi$ Iar%

(he $aster may move ba$* to the Iar Hthereby retrning

the trapped sol to its bodyJ and attempt to possess

another body% (he spell ends 5hen the $asterLs sol

retrns to his or her o5n body' leaving the re$epta$le


(o $ast the spell' the magi$ Iar mst be 5ithin spell

range and the $aster mst *no5 5here it is' thogh he

or she does not need to be able to see it% hen the

$aster trans!ers his or her sol pon $asting' the

$asterLs body is' as near as anyone $an tell' dead' bt

does not ndergo de$ay as a normal dead body 5old%

;ossession o! a $reatre by means o! this spell is

blo$*ed by rotetion ro5 e>il or a similar 5ard%

(he sbIe$t is allo5ed a save vs% +pells to resist%

7ailre to ta*e over the host leaves the $asterLs li!e

!or$e in the magi$ Iar' and that target $reatre is

immne to !rther attempts !or the dration o! the spell%

>! the $aster is s$$ess!l' his or her li!e !or$e o$$pies

the host body' and the hostXs li!e !or$e is imprisoned in

the magi$ Iar% (he $aster *eeps his or her >ntelligen$e'

isdom' Charisma' level' $lass' atta$* bons' saving

thro5s' and mental abilities Hin$lding spell$asting

abilityJ% (he body retains its +trength' De&terity'

Constittion' hit points' and natral abilities% A body

5ith e&tra limbs does not allo5 the $aster to ma*e more

atta$*s than normal% (he $aster does not have a$$ess

to any e&traordinary or spernatral abilities o! the


>! the $asterLs spirit is in the magi$ Iar' and the Iar isbro*en H5hether by disel 5a4i  or physi$al

damageJ, >! the Iar is in range o! the $asterLs body' the

$asterLs spirit retrns to its body% "ther5ise' the

$asterLs spirit departs Hthe $aster diesJ% >n either $ase'

the spell ends%

>! the $asterLs spirit is driven !rom the host body by

disel e>il, >! the magi$ Iar is in range o! the host

body' the $asterLs spirit retrns to the Iar' and the hostLs

spirit retrns to its body% (he $aster 5ill not be able to

possess the same host again !or the remaining dration

o! the spell% >! the magi$ Iar is not in range o! the host

body' the $asterLs spirit departs' the hostLs spirit is !reed

!rom the Iar Hand departsJ' and the hostLs body dies%

>! the hostLs spirit is in the magi$ Iar' and the Iar is

bro*en, >! the Iar is in range o! the hostLs body' the

$asterLs spirit departs' the hostLs spirit retrns to its

body' and the spell ends% "ther5ise' the hostLs spirit

departs' and the $asterLs spirit is stranded in the host

body% /ote here that the spell has not ended% isel

e>il $an still be sed to drive the $asterLs spirit !rom the

body' 5hi$h departs as noted' ending the spell%

>n any $ase 5here the spell ends 5ith the $asterLs body

no$$pied by a spirit' that body does trly die%

*a4i *issile Range, 100LO10LQlevel

)agi$-@ser 1 Dration, instantaneos

(his spell $ases a missile o! magi$al energy to dart

!orth !rom the $asterLs !ingertip and stri*e its target'

5hi$h mst be at least partially visible to the $aster'


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dealing 1d6O1 points o! damage% (he missile stri*es

nerringly% +pe$i!i$ parts o! a $reatre $anXt be singled

ot% >nanimate obIe$ts are not damaged by the spell%

7or every three $aster levels beyond 1


' an additionalmissile is !ired – t5o at

th level' three at

th' !or at 10


and the ma&imm o! !ive missiles at 13th level or higher%

>! the $aster !ires mltiple missiles' he or she $an target

a single $reatre or several $reatres% A single missile

$an stri*e only one $reatre% (argets mst be

designated be!ore damage is rolled%

*a4i *o;t/ Range, 30L

)agi$-@ser 1 Dration, spe$ial

(his spell imbes the $hosen non-living obIe$t 5ith an

en$hanted moth that sddenly appears and spea*s its

message the ne&t time a spe$i!ied event o$$rs% (he

message' 5hi$h may be p to three 5ords per $aster

level long' $an be in any langage *no5n by the $aster

and $an be delivered over a period o! 10 mintes' at

any volme !rom a 5hisper to a yell% (he voi$e 5ill

resemble the $asterLs' bt 5ill not be identi$al% (he

moth $annot se $ommand 5ords or a$tivate magi$al

e!!e$ts% >t does' ho5ever' move a$$ording to the 5ords

arti$lated i! it 5ere pla$ed pon a state' the moth o!

the state 5old move and appear to spea*% "!

$orse' magi$ moth $an be pla$ed pon a tree' ro$*'

or any other obIe$t%

(he spell !n$tions 5hen spe$i!i$ $onditions are !l!illed

a$$ording to the $asterLs $ommand as set in the spell%

Commands $an be as general or as detailed as desired'

althogh only visal and adible triggers $an be sed%(riggers rea$t to 5hat appears to be the $ase%

Disgises and illsions $an !ool them% /ormal dar*ness

does not de!eat a visal trigger' bt magi$al dar*ness

or invisibility does% +ilent movement or magi$al silen$e

de!eats adible triggers% Adible triggers $an be *eyed

to general types o! noises or to a spe$i!i$ noise or

spo*en 5ord% A$tions $an serve as triggers i! they are

visible or adible% A magi$ moth $annot distingish

level' hit di$e' or $lass e&$ept by e&ternal garb%

(he range limit o! a trigger is 10 !eet per $aster level' so

a 6th-level $aster $an $ommand a magi$ moth to

respond to triggers as !ar as 60 !eet a5ay% Regardless

o! range' the moth $an respond only to visible or

adible triggers and a$tions in line o! sight or 5ithin

hearing distan$e%

*ass5or/ Range, 100LO10LQlevel

)agi$-@ser Dration, 1 horQlevel

ith this spell the $aster $ases 1dO1 man-sied Hor

smallerJ $reatres per !or $aster levels to appear as i!

they are natral e!!e$ts o! the terrain H!or e&ample' trees

in a !orest' stalagmites in a $ave' $oral nder5ater'

bolders in a $avern' et$%J% All $reatres to be a!!e$ted

mst be 5ithin a 120L radis o! the $aster at the time the

spell is $ast% "nly those $reatres the $aster 5ishes to

hide are a!!e$ted' and then only i! they are 5illing to be

$on$ealed% (he $aster may in$lde himsel! or hersel!

among the a!!e$ted $reatres%

(hose a!!e$ted are ths $on$ealed !rom other $reatres

passing throgh the area !or so long as they remain

still% >! an a!!e$ted $reatre $hooses to move or atta$*'

the illsion is dispelled !or that $reatre' bt those 5ho

remain still $ontine to be hidden% (he $aster may end

the spell early i! he or she 5ishes by spea*ing a single

5ord% (he illsion $an also be ended by disel



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*irror I5a4e Range, sel!  

)agi$-@ser 2 Dration, 1 trnQlevel

(his spell $reates several illsory dpli$ates o! the

$aster% (he images move throgh ea$h other as 5ell

as the real $aster more or less $onstantly' ma*ing it

impossible !or most $reatres to determine 5hi$h is

real% A total o! 1d images pls one image per three

$aster levels Hma&imm eight images totalJ are $reated%

(hese !igments separate !rom the $aster and remain in

a $lster arond him or her% (he !igments mimi$ the

$asterLs a$tions' pretending to $ast spells' drin* potions'

levitate' and so on' Ist as the $aster does% 7igments

al5ays loo* e&a$tly li*e the $aster%

nemies attempting to atta$* or $ast spells pon the

$aster 5ill al5ays hit a !igment instead% Any atta$*

against an image destroys it' 5hether the atta$* roll is

s$$ess!l or not li*e5ise' atta$* spells $ast dire$tly

pon a !igment 5ill destroy it' 5ith no saving thro5

allo5ed% Area-e!!e$t spells are not $ast dire$tly on the

$aster' and ths appear to a!!e$t all !igments e&a$tly as

they a!!e$t the $aster !or instan$e' i! the $aster is

sbIe$ted to a ire6all' all !igments 5ill appear to beinIred Ist as the $aster 5as%

Ne;trali@e Poison Range,


Cleri$ Dration, instantaneos

(his spell deto&i!ies any sort o! venom in the $reatre or

obIe$t to$hed% A poisoned $reatre s!!ers no

additional e!!e$ts !rom the poison i! $ast pon a

$reatre slain by poison in the last 10 ronds' the

$reatre is revived 5ith 1 hit point% >! $ast pon a

poisonos obIe$t H5eapon' trap' et$%J the poison is

rendered permanently ine!!e$tive%

Reversed' this spell be$omes oison% (he $aster

mst ma*e a s$$ess!l atta$* roll i! the atta$* is a

s$$ess' the target mst save vs% ;oison or die% (he

$asterLs to$h remains poisonos !or 1 rond per level

o! ability' or ntil dis$harged Hi%e% only one $reatre $an

be a!!e$ted by the reversed spellJ%

Pass8all Range, 30L

)agi$-@ser B Dration, 3 trns

;ass5all $reates a passage throgh 5ooden' plaster'

or stone 5alls' bt not throgh metal or other harder

materials% (he passage is p to 10 !eet deep pls an

additional 10 !eet deep per three $aster levels above Fth

H20 !eet at 12th' 30 !eet deep at 1B

th' 0 !eet deep at

1thJ% >! the 5allXs thi$*ness is more than the depth o!

the passage $reated' then a single pass5all simply

ma*es a ni$he or short tnnel% +everal pass5all spells

$an then !orm a $ontining passage to brea$h very thi$*

5alls% hen pass5all ends Hde to dration' disel

5a4i' or $asterLs $hoi$eJ' $reatres 5ithin the

passage are eIe$ted ot the nearest e&it%

P/antas5al Fore Range, 10L

)agi$-@ser 2 Dration, $on$entration

(his spell $reates the visal illsion o! an obIe$t'

$reatre' or !or$e' as visalied by the $aster' p to a

ma&imm sie o! 20L&20L&20L% (he illsion does not

$reate sond' smell' te&tre' or temperatre% (he

$aster $an move the image 5ithin the limits o! the sie

o! the e!!e$t% (he image persists so long as the $aster

$on$entrates pon it%

>! sed to $reate the illsion o! one or more $reatres'

they 5ill have an Armor Class o! 11 and 5ill disappear i!

hit in $ombat% >! sed to simlate an atta$* spell' a

s$$ess!l save vs% +pells 5ill allo5 vi$tims to avoid all

damage% Damage done by monsters' spells' et$%


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simlated by this spell is not real those 8*illed9 or

other5ise apparently disabled 5ill 5a*e p ninIred Hat

least !rom this spellJ a!ter 2d ronds% (he illsory

damage done 5ill be e:ivalent to the normal damage

!or any atta$* !orm simlated%

Pol25or/ Ot/er  Range, 30L

)agi$-@ser Dration, permanent

(his spell allo5s the $aster to $hange one target into

another !orm o! living $reatre% (he assmed !orm

$anXt have more hit di$e than $asterXs level' or be

in$orporeal or gaseos% @nli*e ol25or/ sel ' the

trans!ormed target also gains the behavioral and mental

traits' any physi$al atta$*s' spe$ial' spernatral or

spell-li*e abilities o! the ne5 !orm' in addition to the

physi$al $apabilities and statisti$s o! s$h% >! the ne5

!orm is sbstantially less intelligent' the target may not

remember its !ormer li!e%

(he target $reatre 5ill have the same nmber o! hit

points it previosly had' regardless o! the hit di$e o! the

!orm assmed% >n$orporeal or gaseos $reatres are

immne to this spell' as noted above% A $reatre 5ith

shape $hanging abilities s$h as a doppleganger $an

revert to its natral !orm in one rond%

@n5illing targets that s$$ess!lly save against

;olymorph are not a!!e$ted% (he spell is permanent

ntil dispelled or the $reatre is slain' at 5hi$h time the

target reverts to his or her original !orm%

Pol25or/ Sel  Range, sel!  

)agi$-@ser Dration, 1 horQlevel

(his spell allo5s the $aster to $hange into another !orm

o! living $reatre% (he assmed !orm $anXt have more

hit di$e than the $asterLs level% (he $aster $anXt assme

an in$orporeal or gaseos !orm% >! slain' the $aster

reverts to his or her original !orm%

(he $aster gains the physi$al $apabilities and statisti$s

o! the ne5 !orm bt retains his or her o5n mental

abilities% e or she also gains all physi$al atta$*s

possessed by the !orm bt does not gain any spe$ial'

spernatral or spell-li*e abilities% Dragon breath is a

spe$ial ability' !or instan$e' so 5ere the $aster to

assme the !orm o! a dragon he or she $old se the

dragonLs normal $la5' bite' and tail s5ipe atta$*s' bt

not the dragonLs breath%

(he $aster $an remain trans!ormed p to one hor per

level o! ability' or may $hoose to end the spell 5henever

he or she desires Hp to one hor per level' o! $orseJ%

ProGeted I5a4e Range, 20L

)agi$-@ser 6 Dration, 6 trns

(his spell $reates a :asi-real' illsory version o! the

$aster% (he intangible proIe$ted image loo*s' sonds'

and smells li*e the $aster' in addition to mimi$*ing

gestres and a$tions Hin$lding spee$hJ% Any !rther

spells $ast seem to originate !rom the illsion' not the

a$tal $aster% A line o! sight bet5een the $aster and his

or her illsory sel! mst be maintained or the spell ends%

i5ension door ' teleort' or any similar spell that

brea*s the line o! sight dispels the image' as does the

illsionary $aster being str$* in $ombat% /ote that this

spell grants no spe$ial sensory po5ers to the $aster !or

e&ample' i! the illsory sel! is positioned so as to be

able to see something the $aster $anLt dire$tly see' the

$aster does not see it% Also' all spell ranges are still

!igred !rom the $asterLs a$tal position' not the illsory

sel!Ls position%


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Protetion ro5 E>il

Cleri$ 1' )agi$-@ser 1 Range, to$h

Dration, 1 trnQlevel

(his spell 5ards a $reatre !rom atta$*s by evil

$reatres' !rom mental $ontrol' and !rom smmoned

$reatres% >t $reates a magi$al barrier arond the

sbIe$t at a distan$e o! 1 !oot% (he barrier moves 5ith

the sbIe$t and has three maIor e!!e$ts%

7irst' the sbIe$t gains a O2 bons to AC and a O2

bons on saves% oth these bonses apply against

atta$*s made or e!!e$ts $reated by evil $reatres% /ote

that the de!inition o! 8evil9 is le!t to the individal G) to


+e$ond' the barrier blo$*s any attempt to possess the

5arded $reatre Hby a magi$ Iar atta$*' !or e&ampleJ or

to e&er$ise mental $ontrol over the $reatre Hin$lding

$harm spells or e!!e$tsJ% (he prote$tion does not

prevent s$h e!!e$ts !rom targeting the prote$ted

$reatre' bt it sppresses the e!!e$t !or the dration o!

the prote$tion !rom evil e!!e$t% >! the prote$tion !rom evil

e!!e$t ends be!ore the e!!e$t granting $ontrol does' the

5old-be $ontroller 5old then be able to $ommand the

$ontrolled $reatre% #i*e5ise' the barrier *eeps ot a

possessing li!e !or$e bt does not e&pel one i! it is in

pla$e be!ore the spell is $ast%

(hird' the spell prevents bodily $onta$t by smmoned

$reatres Hregardless o! 5hether they are 8evil9 or notJ%

(his $ases the natral 5eapon atta$*s o! s$h$reatres to !ail and the $reatres to re$oil i! s$h

atta$*s re:ire to$hing the 5arded $reatre% (he

prote$tion against $onta$t by smmoned $reatres

ends i! the 5arded $reatre ma*es an atta$* against or

tries to !or$e the barrier against the blo$*ed $reatre%

Reversed' this spell be$omes rotetion ro5

4ood% >t !n$tions in all 5ays as des$ribed above'

save that 8good9 $reatres are *ept a5ay' rather than

8evil9 $reatres%


Atta? Bon;s Ta6le

Fi4/ter Le>el Cleri or T/ie Le>el *a4i!ser Le>el *onster %it ie Atta? Bon;s

/) less than 1 O0

1 1-2 1-3 1 O12-3 3- -B 2 O2

B-6 6- 3 O3

B-6 - F-12 O

F-11 13-1B B OB

-10 12-1 16-1 6 O6

11-12 1B-1 1F-20 O

13-1B 1-20 -F O

16-1 10-11 OF

1-20 12-13 O10

1-1B O11

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$aster level% >n addition' the sbIe$tXs sol mst be !ree

and 5illing to retrn% >! the sbIe$tXs sol is not 5illing to

retrn' the spell does not 5or*%

Coming ba$* !rom the dead is an ordeal% (he sbIe$to! the spell loses one level Hor 1 hit dieJ 5hen it is

raised' permanently Hi%e% it does not a$$re a negative

level' bt rather loses an a$tal level' being red$ed to

the minimm nmber o! e&perien$e points re:ired !or

the previos levelJ% >! the sbIe$t is 1st level' it loses 1

point o! Constittion instead Hi! this 5old red$e its

Constittion to 0 or less' it $anXt be raisedJ% (his level'

hit di$e' or Constittion loss $annot be repaired by any

means' thogh o! $orse the $hara$ter may gain levels

and hit di$e in the normal !ashion%

 Also note' a $hara$ter 5ho died 5ith spells prepared

has none prepared pon being raised%

 A raised $reatre has a nmber o! hit points e:al to its

$rrent hit di$e% /ormal poison and normal disease are

$red in the pro$ess o! raising the sbIe$t' bt magi$al

diseases and $rses are not ndone% hile the spell

$loses mortal 5onds and repairs lethal damage o!

most *inds' the body o! the $reatre to be raised mst

be 5hole% "ther5ise' missing parts are still missing

5hen the $reatre is broght ba$* to li!e% /one o! the

dead $reatreXs e:ipment or possessions are a!!e$ted

in any 5ay by this spell%

 A $reatre 5hi$h has be$ome ndead $anXt be raised

by this spell% Constr$ts and elementals $annot be

raised% (he spell $annot bring ba$* a $reatre that has

died o! old age%

(he reverse o! this spell' sla2 li>in4' 5ill *ill instantly

the $reatre to$hed H5hi$h may be o! any sort' not Ist

a hman' demi-hman or hmanoidJ nless a save vs%

+pells is made% >! the saving thro5 is s$$ess!l' 2d6

damage is dealt to the vi$tim instead% An atta$* roll is

re:ired to apply this spell in $ombat%

Read Lan4;a4es Range, 0

)agi$-@ser 1 Dration, spe$ial

(his spell grants the $aster the ability to read almost

any 5ritten langage% >t may be $ast in one o! three


>n the !irst mode' the spell allo5s the $aster to read any

nmber o! 5ritten 5or*s in a variety o! langages% (his

mode lasts !or 1 trn per $aster level%

>n the se$ond mode' the spell allo5s the $aster to read

any one boo* or tome this mode lasts 3 hors per

$aster level%

>n the third mode' the spell allo5s the $aster to read anyone s$roll Hother than a spell s$roll !or instan$e' a

prote$tion s$roll or a treasre mapJ this mode is


(his spell does not 5or* on magi$al te&ts' s$h as

s$rolls or spellboo*s see Read *a4i' belo5' !or the

$orre$t spell to se in s$h $ases%

(he spell grants the ability to read the te&ts' bt does

not in any 5ay hasten the reading nor grant

nderstanding o! $on$epts the $aster doesnLt other5ise

have the ability to nderstand% Also' !or this spell to

!n$tion' there mst be at least one living $reatre that

$an read the given langage some5here on the same

plane% (he *no5ledge is not $opied !rom that $reatreLs

mind rather' it is the e&isten$e o! the *no5ledge that

enables the spell to !n$tion%

Read *a4i Range, 0

)agi$-@ser 1 Dration, permanent

hen $ast pon any magi$al te&t' s$h as a spellboo*

or magi$-ser spell s$roll' Read )agi$ enables the

$aster to read that te&t% Casting this spell on a $rsed

te&t 5ill generally trigger the $rse%


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Re4enerate Range, to$h

Cleri$ 6 Dration, permanent

(his spell $ases the sbIe$tXs severed body members

H!ingers' toes' hands' !eet' arms' legs' tails' or even

heads o! mltiheaded $reatresJ' bro*en bones' and

rined organs to gro5 ba$*% A!ter the spell is $ast' the

physi$al regeneration is $omplete in 1 rond i! the

severed members are present and to$hing the

$reatre% "ther5ise' a !ll trn is re:ired !or the

regeneration to $omplete%

(his spell also heals 3d points o! damage%

Regenerate has no e!!e$t on nonliving $reatres or

$onstr$ts Hin$lding ndeadJ%

Reinarnate Range, to$h

)agi$-@ser 6 Dration, instantaneos

ith this spell' the $aster brings ba$* a dead $hara$ter

Hor hmanoid $reatreJ in another body' provided that

its death o$$rred no more than one 5ee* be!ore the

$asting o! the spell and the sbIe$tXs sol is !ree and

5illing to retrn% >! the sbIe$tXs sol is not 5illing to

retrn' the spell does not 5or*%

Roll on the !ollo5ing table to determine 5hat sort o!

$reatre the $hara$ter be$omes,

dK Inarnation

01–02 gbear  

03–1 D5ar!  

1–2 l!  

2F Gnoll

30–3F Gnome

0– Goblin

B–63 al!ling

6– man

F–F2 4obold

F3 #iard )an

F–F "r$

FF (roglodyte

100 "ther HG)Ls $hoi$eJ

+in$e the dead $hara$ter is retrning in a ne5 body' all

physi$al ills and a!!li$tions are repaired% (he $ondition

o! the remains is not a !a$tor% +o long as some small

portion o! the $hara$terXs body still e&ists' it $an be

rein$arnated' bt the portion re$eiving the spell mst

have been part o! the $hara$terXs body at the time o!

death% (he magi$ o! the spell $reates an entirely ne5

yong adlt body !or the sol to inhabit !rom the natralelements at hand% (his pro$ess ta*es one hor to

$omplete% hen the body is ready' the sbIe$t is


 A rein$arnated $hara$ter re$alls the maIority o! its

!ormer li!e and !orm% >ts $lass is n$hanged' as are the

$hara$terLs >ntelligen$e' isdom' and Charisma%

+trength' De&terity' and Constittion s$ores shold be

rerolled% H>! the $hara$terLs ability s$ores are otside

the allo5able range !or the ne5 !orm' they shold be

adIsted p or do5n by the G) as needed%J (he

sbIe$tXs level Hor it Di$eJ is red$ed by 1 this is a real

red$tion' not a negative level' and is not sbIe$t to

magi$al restoration% Roll one hit die and sbtra$t the

total !rom the $hara$terLs original hit point total this is


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 – de$rease to an ability s$ore Hminimm 1J%

 – penalty on atta$* rolls and saves%

a$h rond o! $ombat' the target has a B0N

$han$e to a$t normally other5ise' it ta*es no


(he $aster may also invent his or her o5n $rse' bt it

shold be no more po5er!l than those des$ribed

above% (he $rse ths besto5ed $annot be dispelled'

bt it $an be removed 5ith a re5o>e ;rse spell%

Re5o>e Fear Range, to$h H120LJ

Cleri$ 1 Dration, instantaneos

H2 trnsJ

(his spell 5ill $alm the $reatre to$hed% >! the target

$reatre is $rrently sbIe$t to any sort o! magi$al !ear'

it is allo5ed a ne5 save vs% +pells to resist that !ear' at

a bons o! O1 per level o! the $aster%

(he reverse o! this spell' a;se ear ' $ases one

target $reatre 5ithin 120L to be$ome !rightened i! the

target !ails to save vs% +pells' it !lees !or 2 trns%

Creatres 5ith 6 or more hit di$e are immne to thise!!e$t%

Resist Cold Range, to$h

Cleri$ 1 Dration, 1 rondQlevel

(his abIration grants a $reatre temporary immnity to

$old% )inor $old Hs$h as e&posre to 5inter 5eather in

inade:ate $lothingJ is ignored by the a!!e$ted $reatre%

 Against more signi!i$ant $old Hs$h as the breath o! a

hite DragonJ' the a!!e$ted $reatre gains a bons o!

O3 on saving thro5s' and all damage !rom s$h atta$*s

is red$ed by hal! Hrond pJ%

Resist Fire Range, to$h

Cleri$ 2 Dration, 1 rondQlevel

(his abIration grants a $reatre temporary immnity to

!ire and heat% )inor heat or !ire Hs$h as e&posre to

normal !lamesJ is ignored by the a!!e$ted $reatre%

 Against more signi!i$ant heat or !ire Hs$h as a

ire6allJ' the a!!e$ted $reatre gains a bons o! O3 on

saving thro5s' and all damage !rom s$h atta$*s is

red$ed by hal! Hrond pJ%

Restoration Range, to$h

Cleri$ 6 Dration, permanent

a$h $asting o! the spell removes a single negative

level !rom a $reatre 5ho has s!!ered energy drain% At

16th level' t5o negative levels may be removed% +ee

the rles !or nergy Drain Hin the Eno;nter  se$tionJ

!or more details%

 Alternately' this spell $an be sed to restore drained

ability s$ore points% >! applied to a $hara$ter 5ho has

s!!ered temporary loss o! ability points' it 5ill restore

p to 1d lost points to any one drained ability

immediately% >! applied to a $hara$ter 5ho has s!!ered

permanent loss o! ability points' 1 point $an be restored%

Restoration does not restore levels lost de to death Has

des$ribed !or the spell raise deadJ%

S/ield Range, sel!  

)agi$-@ser 1 Dration, B rondsO1Qlevel

+hield $reates an invisible' shield-li*e mobile dis* o!

!or$e that hovers in !ront o! the $aster% >t negates5a4i 5issile  atta$*s dire$ted at the $aster' and

improves the $asterLs Armor Class by O3 vs% melee

atta$*s and O6 vs% missile 5eapons% (he Armor Class


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bene!its do not apply to atta$*s originating !rom behind

the $aster' bt 5a4i 5issiles are 5arded o!! !rom

all dire$tions%

Silene 1&D Radi;s

Cleri$ 2 Range, 360L

Dration, 2 rondsQlevel

@pon the $asting o! this spell' $omplete silen$e prevails

5ithin a 1BL radis arond the target% All sond is

stopped, Conversation is impossible' spells $annot be

$ast' and no noise 5hatsoever isses !rom' enters' or

passes throgh the area% (he spell $an be $ast on a

point in spa$e' ma*ing the e!!e$t stationary' or it may be

$ast on a mobile obIe$t% (he spell $an be $entered on a

$reatre' and the e!!e$t then radiates !rom the $reatre

and moves as it moves% An n5illing $reatre re$eives

a save vs% +pells to negate the spell% >! an item in

another $reatreXs possession is targeted' that $reatre

also re$eives a save vs% +pells to negate% (his spell

provides a de!ense against soni$ or langage-based

atta$*s or spells%

Slee Range, F0L

)agi$-@ser 1 Dration, B rondsQlevel

(his spell pts several $reatres o! 3 or !e5er hit di$e

into a magi$al slmber% Creatres o! or more hit di$e

are not a!!e$ted% (he $aster $hooses a point o! origin

!or the spell H5ithin the given range' o! $orseJ' and

those $reatres 5ithin 30L o! the $hosen point may be

a!!e$ted% a$h $reatre in the area o! e!!e$t is allo5ed

a save vs% +pells to resist the e!!e$t%

+leeping $reatres are helpless% +lapping or 5onding

a5a*ens an a!!e$ted $reatre' bt normal noise does

not% +leep does not a!!e$t n$ons$ios $reatres'

$onstr$ts' or ndead $reatres' and s$h $reatres in

the area o! e!!e$t are ignored%

hen the dration elapses' the sleeping $reatres

normally 5a*e p immediately ho5ever' i! they are

made very $om!ortable and the srrondings are :iet'

the a!!e$ted $reatres may $ontine sleeping normally'

at the G)Ls option%

Sea? 8it/ Ani5als

Cleri$ 2 Range, spe$ial

Dration, 1 trnQ levels

(he $aster $an $omprehend and $ommni$ate 5ith any

one animal Hnormal or giant sied' bt not magi$al or

monstrosJ that is in sight o! the $aster and able to hear

him or her% (he $aster may $hange 5hi$h animal he or

she is spea*ing 5ith at 5ill' on$e per rond% (he spell

doesnXt alter the animalXs rea$tion or attitde to5ards

the $aster a standard rea$tion roll shold be made to

determine this% 7rthermore' more intelligent animals

are li*ely to be terse and evasive' 5hile less intelligent

ones ma*e inane $omments% o5ever' i! an animal is

!riendly to5ard the $aster' it may be 5illing to grant

some !avor or servi$e%

Sea? 8it/ *onstersCleri$ 6 Range, spe$ial

Dration, 1 trnQB levels

(he $aster $an $omprehend and $ommni$ate 5ith any

one monster that is in sight o! the $aster and able to

hear him or her% (he $aster may $hange 5hi$h monster

he or she is spea*ing 5ith at 5ill' on$e per rond%

"thers able to nderstand the langage spo*en by the

target monster Hi! anyJ 5ill be able to nderstand the

$aster% (he spell doesnXt alter the monsterXs rea$tion or

attitde to5ards the $aster% 7rthermore' more

intelligent monsters are li*ely to be terse and evasive'

5hile less intelligent ones ma*e inane $omments% >! a

monster is !riendly to5ard the $aster' it may de$ide to


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do some !avor or servi$e !or him or her% )indless

monsters' plant $reatres and ndead are na!!e$ted

by this spell%

Sea? 8it/ Plants Range, 20L

Cleri$ Dration, 1 trn

(he $aster $an $omprehend and $ommni$ate 5ith

both normal plants and plant $reatres% A normal

plantXs sense o! its srrondings is limited' so it 5onXt

be able to give Hor re$ognieJ detailed des$riptions o!

$reatres or ans5er :estions abot events otside its

immediate vi$inity% (he spell doesnXt alter the plantXs

rea$tion or attitde to5ards the $aster ho5ever' normal

plants 5ill generally $ommni$ate !reely 5ith the $aster'

as they have nothing else o! importan$e to do%

>ntelligent plant $reatres are more li*ely to be terse

and evasive' behaving in m$h the same !ashion as

any other monster% >! a plant $reatre is !riendly to5ard

the $aster' it may de$ide to do some !avor or servi$e !or

him or her% /ormal plants are sally not animate' and

ths $annot generally per!orm 8servi$es9 other than to

ans5er :estions%

Sea? 8it/ ead Range, 10L

Cleri$ 3 Dration, 3 rondsQlevel

(his spell grants the semblan$e o! li!e and intelle$t to a

$orpse' allo5ing it to ans5er several :estions that the

$aster pts to it% (he $aster may as* one :estion per

t5o $aster levels% @nas*ed :estions are 5asted i! the

dration e&pires% (he $orpseXs *no5ledge is limited to

5hat the $reatre *ne5 dring li!e' in$lding the

langages it spo*e Hi! anyJ% Ans5ers are o!ten brie!'

$rypti$' or repetitive%

>! the $orpse has been sbIe$t to sea? 8it/ dead

5ithin the past 5ee*' the ne5 spell !ails% (he $aster

$an $ast this spell on a $orpse that has been de$eased

!or any amont o! time' bt the body mst be mostly

inta$t to be able to respond% A damaged $orpse may

be able to give partial ans5ers or partially $orre$t

ans5ers' bt it mst at least have a moth in order to

spea* at all%

(his spell does not let the $aster a$tally spea* to the

person H5hose sol has departedJ% >t instead dra5s on

the imprinted *no5ledge 8stored9 in the $orpse% (he

partially animated body retains the imprint o! the sol

that on$e inhabited it' and ths it $an spea* 5ith all the

*no5ledge that the $reatre had 5hile alive% (he

$orpse' ho5ever' $annot learn ne5 in!ormation%

>ndeed' it $anXt even remember being :estioned%

(his spell does not a!!e$t a $orpse that has been trned

into an ndead $reatre%

Sirit;al %a55er  Range, 30L

Cleri$ 2 Dration, 1 rondQlevel

(his spell $ases a 5arhammer made o! pre !or$e to

spring into e&isten$e' atta$*ing any !oe $hosen by the

Cleri$ 5ithin range on$e per rond% >t deals 1d6 hit

points o! damage per stri*e' O1 point per three $aster

levels Hma&imm o! OBJ% >t ses the $asterXs normal

atta$* bons' stri*ing as a magi$al 5eapon' and ths

$an in!li$t damage pon $reatres that are only hit by

magi$ 5eapons% >! the hammer goes beyond the spell

range' the Cleri$ loses sight o! it' or the $aster $eases

to dire$t it' the hammer disappears% (he hammer

$annot be atta$*ed or harmed by physi$al atta$*s' bt

disel 5a4i' disinte4rate' or a rod o

anellation 5ill dispel it%


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Sti?s to Sna?es Range, 120L

Cleri$ Dration, 6 trns

(his spell trans!orms normal 5ooden sti$*s into 1d hit

di$e 5orth o! normal Hnot giantJ sna*es per every !or

$aster levels% H+ee the *onsters se$tion !or details

on types o! sna*es%J (he sna*es !ollo5 the $ommands

o! the $aster% hen slain' dispelled' or the spell

e&pires' the sna*es retrn to their original sti$* !orm%

)agi$al 8sti$*s9 s$h as en$hanted staves $annot be


Stri?in4 Range, to$h

Cleri$ 3 Dration, 1 rondQlevel

(his spell besto5s pon one 5eapon the ability to deal

1d6 points o! additional damage% (his e&tra damage is

applied on ea$h s$$ess!l atta$* !or the dration o! the

spell% >t provides no atta$* bons' bt i! $ast on a

normal 5eapon' the spell allo5s monsters only hit by

magi$al 5eapons to be a!!e$ted only the 1d6 points o!

magi$al damage applies to s$h a monster' ho5ever%

Tele?inesis Range, sel!  )agi$-@ser B Dration, 3 trns

(his spell permits the $aster to move obIe$ts or

$reatres by $on$entration alone% An obIe$t 5eighing

no more than B0 ponds per $aster level $an be moved

p to 20 !eet per rond% A $reatre $an negate the

e!!e$t on itsel! or an obIe$t it holds or has on its body

5ith a s$$ess!l save vs% Death Ray% >n order to se

this po5er' the $aster mst maintain $on$entration'

moving no more than normal movement Hno rnningJ'

ma*ing no atta$*s and $asting no spells% >!

$on$entration is lost H5hether intentional or notJ' the

po5er may be sed again on the ne&t rond' bt the

sbIe$t o! the e!!e$t is allo5ed a ne5 saving thro5%

Teleort Range, sel!  

)agi$-@ser B Dration, instantaneos

(his spell instantly transports the $aster to a designated

destination' 5hi$h may be as distant as 100 miles per

$aster level% >nterplanar travel is not possible% (he

$aster $an bring along obIe$ts or $reatres' not to

e&$eed 300 ponds pls 100 ponds per level above

10th% (he $aster mst be in $onta$t 5ith all obIe$ts

andQor $reatres to be transported Halthogh $reatres

to be transported may be in $onta$t 5ith one another'

5ith at least one o! those $reatres in $onta$t 5ith the

$asterJ% @n5illing $reatres are allo5ed a saving thro5

vs% +pells to resist the spell' and the $aster may need to

ma*e an atta$* roll to ma*e $onta$t 5ith s$h a

$reatre% #i*e5ise' a $reatreXs save vs% +pells

prevents items in its possession !rom being teleported%

(he $aster mst have

some $lear idea o! the

lo$ation and layot o!

the destination% (he

$learer the mental

image' the more li*ely itis that the teleportation

5ill 5or*% Areas o!

strong magi$al energy may ma*e teleportation more

haardos or even impossible%

(o see ho5 5ell the teleportation 5or*s' roll dN and

$onslt the table belo5% Re!er to the !ollo5ing

in!ormation !or de!initions o! the terms on the table%







Area *is/aEery !amiliar 01–F F–FF 100 Z  

+tdied $are!lly 01–F FB–F F–FF 100

+een $asally 01– F–F FB–F FF–100

Eie5ed on$e 01–6 – F–F6 F–100

7alse destination Z Z 1–F2 F3–100


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7amiliarity, 8Eery !amiliar9 is a pla$e 5here the $aster

has been very o!ten and !eels at home% 8+tdied

$are!lly9 is a pla$e the $aster *no5s 5ell' either

be$ase it $an $rrently be seen' the $aster has been

there o!ten' or other means Hs$h as s$ryingJ have

been sed to stdy the pla$e !or at least one hor%

8+een $asally9 is a pla$e that the $aster has seen

more than on$e bt 5ith 5hi$h he or she is not very

!amiliar% 8Eie5ed on$e9 is a pla$e that the $aster has

seen on$e' possibly sing magi$%

87alse destination9 is a pla$e that does not trly e&ist or

i! the $aster is teleporting to an other5ise !amiliar

lo$ation that no longer e&ists as s$h or has been so

$ompletely altered as to no longer be !amiliar% hen

rolling on this ro5' se 1d20O0%

"n (arget, (he $aster appears e&a$tly 5here desired%

"!! (arget, (he $aster appears sa!ely a random

distan$e a5ay !rom the destination in a random

dire$tion% Distan$e o!! target is 1d10&1d10N o! the

distan$e that 5as to be traveled% (he dire$tion o!!

target is determined randomly%

+imilar Area, (he $aster 5inds p in an area thatXs

visally or themati$ally similar to the target area% (his

means that the $aster appears in the $losest similar

pla$e 5ithin range% >! no s$h area e&ists 5ithin the

spellXs range' the spell simply !ails instead%

)ishap, (he $aster and anyone else teleporting 5ith

the $aster have gotten 8s$rambled%9 a$h ta*es 1d10

points o! damage then reroll on the $hart to see 5here

they 5ind p% 7or these rerolls' roll 1d20O0% a$h

time 8)ishap9 $omes p' the $hara$ters ta*e more

damage and mst reroll%

Tr;e Seein4 Range, to$h

Cleri$ B Dration, 1 rondQlevel

(his spell $on!ers on the target the ability to see all

things as they a$tally are% (he sbIe$t sees throgh

normal and magi$al dar*ness' noti$es se$ret doors'

sees the e&a$t lo$ations o! displa$ed $reatres or

obIe$ts' sees throgh normal or magi$al disgises'

sees invisible $reatres or obIe$ts normally' sees

throgh illsions' and sees the tre !orm o!

polymorphed' $hanged' or transmted things% (he

range o! tre seeing $on!erred is 120 !eet%

(re seeing' ho5ever' does not penetrate solid obIe$ts%

>t in no 5ay $on!ers P-ray vision or its e:ivalent% >t

does not negate $on$ealment' in$lding that $ased by

!og and the li*e% >n addition' the spell e!!e$ts $annot be

!rther enhan$ed 5ith *no5n magi$' so one $annot se

tre seeing throgh a r2stal 6all or in $onIn$tion

5ith lair>o2ane%

entrilo;is5 Range, 60L

)agi$-@ser 1 Dration, 1 trnQlevel

(his spell allo5s the $aster to $ase his or her voi$e to

sond !rom somepla$e else 5ithin range' !or e&ample'

!rom a dar* al$ove or state%

.all o Fire Range, 10L

Cleri$ B' )agi$-@ser Dration, 1 rondQlevel

Hor spe$ialJ

 An immobile' blaing $rtain o! shimmering violet !ire

springs into e&isten$e% "ne side o! the 5all' sele$ted

by the $aster' sends !orth 5aves o! heat' dealing 2d

points o! !ire damage to $reatres 5ithin 10 !eet and

1d points o! !ire damage to those beyond 10 !eet bt

5ithin 20 !eet% (he 5all deals this damage 5hen it

appears and on the $asterLs trn ea$h rond to all

$reatres in the area% >n addition' the 5all deals 2d6


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points O1 point per $aster level o! !ire damage to any

$reatre passing throgh it% (he 5all deals doble

damage to ndead $reatres%

(he 5all is either a sheet o! !lame p to 20L in length per$aster level' or a ring 5ith a radis p to BL per $aster

level% (he $aster may $hoose to ma*e the 5all smaller

i! desired% (he 5all may be p to 20L tall Has desired by

the $aster andQor $onstrained by the $eilingJ%

>! the $aster evo*es the 5all so that it appears 5here

$reatres are' ea$h $reatre ta*es damage as i!

passing throgh the 5all a save vs% +pells is allo5ed'

5ith s$$ess indi$ating that damage is rolled as i! the

$reatre is 5ithin 10L o! the 5all%

(he $aster may $hoose to maintain the spell inde!initely

H5ithin reasonable limits o! endran$eJ by

$on$entration' or may $ast it 5ith the standard dration

o! 1 rond per level' at his or her option%

.all o Iron Range, F0L

)agi$-@ser 6 Dration, permanent

(his spell $ases a !lat' verti$al iron 5all to spring into

being% (he 5all is $omposed o! p to one 10L&10L

s:are se$tion' one in$h thi$*' per $aster level% >! the

$aster so desires' the 5all $an bond itsel! into any

srronding nonliving material i! its area is s!!i$ient to

do so% (he 5all $annot be $onIred so that it o$$pies

the same spa$e as a $reatre or another obIe$t% (he

5all mst al5ays be a !lat plane' thogh the edges $an

be shaped to !it the available spa$e' and it mst al5ays

be $onIred in $onta$t 5ith the grond%

(he $aster $an in$rease the thi$*ness o! the 5all 5ith a

proportionate red$tion in the area !or e&ample'

dobling the thi$*ness halved the area% (he 5all may

not be made less than one in$h thi$*% (he $aster $an

$reate the 5all verti$ally resting on a !lat sr!a$e bt not

atta$hed to the sr!a$e' so that it $an be tipped over to

!all on and $rsh $reatres beneath it% (he 5all is B0N

li*ely to tip in either dire$tion i! le!t n-pshed%

Creatres $an psh the 5all in one dire$tion rather than

letting it !all randomly% A $reatre 5ith 13 +trength Hor

or more it Di$eJ $an psh the 5all over or several

$reatres $an 5or* together to do so% H>! the optional

 Ability Roll rle is being sed' a +trength roll at -3 is

s!!i$ient to topple the 5all%J Creatres 5ith room to

!lee the !alling 5all may do so by ma*ing s$$ess!l

saves vs% Death Ray H5ith De&terity bons addedJ% Any

$reatre o! "gre-sie or smaller that !ails the save ta*es

10d6 points o! damage% (he 5all $annot $rsh larger


#i*e any iron 5all' this 5all is sbIe$t to rst'

per!oration' and other natral phenomena%

.all o Stone Range, 1BL per level

)agi$-@ser B Dration, permanent

(his spell $reates a 5all o! ro$* that merges into

adIoining ro$* sr!a$es% (he 5all is $omposed o! p to

one 10L&10L s:are se$tion' 1L thi$*' per $aster level%

(he $aster $an doble the 5allXs area by halving its

thi$*ness% (he 5all $annot be $onIred so that it

o$$pies the same spa$e as a $reatre or another


(he $aster $an $reate a 5all o! stone in almost any

shape he or she desires% (he 5all $reated need not be

verti$al' nor rest pon any !irm !ondation ho5ever' it

mst merge 5ith and be solidly spported by e&isting

stone% >t $an be sed to bridge a $hasm' !or instan$e'

or as a ramp% 7or this se' i! the span is more than 20!eet' the 5all mst be ar$hed and bttressed' red$ing

the spellXs area by hal!% (he 5all $an also be $rdely

shaped to $reate $renelations' battlements' and so !orth

by similarly red$ing the area%


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#i*e any other stone 5all' this one $an be destroyed by

a disinte4rate  spell or by normal means s$h as

brea*ing and $hipping%

>t is possible' bt di!!i$lt' to trap mobile opponents5ithin or nder a 5all o! stone' provided the 5all is

shaped so it $an hold the $reatres% Creatres $an

avoid entrapment 5ith s$$ess!l saves vs% Death Ray%

.ater Breat/in4 Range, to$h

)agi$-@ser 3 Dration, 2 horsQlevel

(he a!!e$ted $reatres $an breathe 5ater !reely% Divide

the dration evenly among all the $reatres the $aster

to$hes% (he spell does not ma*e $reatres nable to

breathe air%

.e6 Range, 10L per level

)agi$-@ser 2 Dration, 2 trnsQlevel

eb $reates a many-layered mass o! strong' sti$*y

strands' !illing a volme o! '000 $bi$ !eet He:ivalent

to eight 10L&10L&10L $besJ% (he strands are similar to

spider 5ebs bt !ar larger and togher% (hese masses

mst be an$hored to t5o or more solid and diametri$ally

opposed points or else the 5eb $ollapses pon itsel!

and disappears 5ithin this limitation' the $aster may

$hoose any arrangement o! 5ebs he or she 5ishes' p

to the limit o! range and the given '000 $bi$ !oot

volme% (he $aster may $hoose to $reate a smaller

volme i! he or she 5ishes% Creatres $aght 5ithin a

5eb be$ome entangled among the gley !ibers%

 Atta$*ing a $reatre in a 5eb 5onXt $ase the atta$*er

to be$ome entangled' bt moving throgh the a!!e$tedarea 5ill%

 Anyone in the area o! e!!e$t 5hen the spell is $ast mst

ma*e a save vs% Death Ray% >! this save s$$eeds' the

$reatre is entangled' bt not prevented !rom moving'

thogh moving is red$ed to one-hal! normal movement

rate% +$h entangled $reatres may not $ast spells or

per!orm normal atta$*s 5hether other a$tions are

possible is le!t to the G) to de$ide% "n$e an entangled

$reatre leaves the area o! e!!e$t o! the 5eb' it 5ill be

able to a$t normally again%

>! the save !ails' the $reatre is entangled and $anXt

move or per!orm any other physi$al a$tion% +pee$h

remains possible' ho5ever% Creatres 5ith +trength o!

13 or higher Hor or more hit di$eJ may be able to brea*

loose' ho5ever ea$h rond' s$h $reatres are allo5ed

another save vs% Death Ray 5ith reslts as given

above% Creatres !ailing the initial save and having

+trength o! 12 or less Hor !e5er than hit di$eJ are

trapped ntil the dration e&pires or the 5ebs are

other5ise removed%

(he strands o! a 5eb spell are !lammable% Any !ire $an

set the 5ebs alight and brn a5ay a 10L $be in 1

rond the !ire 5ill spread to adIa$ent 10L $bes ea$h

rond ntil all the 5ebbing is $onsmed Hor the !ire is

pt ot by some meansJ% All $reatres 5ithin !laming

5ebs ta*e 2d points o! !ire damage !rom the !lames'

bt i! they srvive they are $ompletely !ree a!ter5ards%

.i@ard E2e Range, 20L

)agi$-@ser Dration, 6 trns

ith this spell the $aster $reates an invisible magi$al

8eye9 throgh 5hi$h he or she $an see% (he eye has

Dar*vision' bt other5ise sees e&a$tly as the $aster

5old% >t $an be $reated in any pla$e the $aster $an

see' p to a range o! 20L a5ay' and therea!ter $an

move at a rate o! 0L per rond as dire$ted by the$aster% (he eye 5ill not move more than 20L !eet a5ay

!rom the $aster nder any $ir$mstan$es% (he eye

$annot pass throgh solid obIe$ts' bt as it is e&a$tly

the sie o! a normal hmanLs eye' it $an pass throgh


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holes as small as 1 in$h in diameter% (he $aster mst

$on$entrate to se the eye%

.i@ard Lo? Range, 20L

)agi$-@ser 2 Dration, permanent

 A 8i@ard lo? spell $ast pon a door' $hest' or portal

magi$ally lo$*s it% (he $aster $an !reely pass his or her

o5n 5iard lo$* 5ithot a!!e$ting it' as $an any )agi$-

@ser 3 or more levels higher than the $aster o! the

5iard lo$* other5ise' a door or obIe$t se$red 5ith

this spell $an be opened only by brea*ing in or 5ith a

s$$ess!l disel 5a4i or ?no? spell%

.ord o Reall Range, sel! Hspe$ialJ

Cleri$ 6 Dration, instantaneos

ord o! re$all teleports the $aster instantly ba$* to his

or her san$tary 5hen a single 5ord is ttered% (he

$aster mst designate the san$tary 5hen he or she

prepares the spell' and it mst be a very !amiliar pla$e%

(he a$tal point o! arrival is a designated area no larger

than 10 !eet by 10 !eet% (he $aster $an be transported

any distan$e 5ithin a plane bt $annot travel bet5een

planes% (he $aster $an bring along obIe$ts or

$reatres' not to e&$eed 300 ponds pls 100 ponds

per level above 10th% (he $aster mst be in $onta$t 5ith

all obIe$ts andQor $reatres to be transported Halthogh

$reatres to be transported may be in $onta$t 5ith one

another' 5ith at least one o! those $reatres in $onta$t

5ith the $asterJ%

 An n5illing $reatre $anXt be teleported by 5ord o!

re$all% #i*e5ise' a $reatreXs save vs% +pells prevents

items in its possession !rom being teleported%


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Ti5e and Sale

(ime in the dngeon is measred in 4a5e t;rns' 5hi$h are Happro&imatelyJ 10 mintes long% hen $ombat

begins' the time s$ale $hanges to o56at ro;nds' 5hi$h are Happro&imatelyJ 10 se$onds long% (hs' there are

60 $ombat ronds per game trn%

Distan$es in the dngeon are measred in !eet% "tdoors' $hange all distan$e measrements Hmovement' range'

et$%J to yards Hso 100L be$omes 100 yardsJ bt area o! e!!e$t measrements H!or spells' !or instan$eJ normally

remain in !eet%

;n4eon Ad>ent;res

Carr2in4 Caait2

/ormal man' lven and D5arvish player $hara$ters

are able to $arry p to 60 ponds and sti ll be

$onsidered lightly loaded' or p to 1B0 ponds and be

$onsidered heavily loaded% al!lings may $arry p to B0

ponds and be $onsidered lightly loaded' or p to 100

ponds and be heavily loaded% /ote that armor !or

al!ling $hara$ters is abot one-:arter as heavy as

armor !or the other ra$es%

(hese !igres are a!!e$ted by +trength ea$h O1 o!

+trength bons adds 10N to the $apa$ity o! the

$hara$ter' 5hile ea$h -1 ded$ts 20N% (hs' $arrying

$apa$ities !or normal $hara$ters are as sho5n belo5

Hronded to the nearest B ponds !or $onvenien$eJ,

8ar El %;5an %allin4

Stren4t/ Li4/t








3 2B 60 20 0

'& 3B F0 30 60

+ B0 120 0 0

91# 60 1B0 B0 100

131& 6B 16B BB 110

117 0 10 60 120

1+ 0 1FB 6B 130

(he $arrying $apa$ities o! varios domesti$ated

animals are given in the *onsters  se$tion' in the

entry !or ea$h type o! animal%

*o>e5ent and En;56rane

(he movement rate o! a $hara$ter or $reatre is

e&pressed as the nmber o! !eet it $an move per

$ombat rond% (he normal player $hara$ter ra$es $an

all move 0L per rond% hen e&ploring a dngeon'

time is e&pressed in trns' as e&plained above normal

movement per trn is 3 times the movement rate per


(his may seem slo5' bt this rate o! movement

in$ldes s$h things as dra5ing maps' 5at$hing ot !or

traps and monsters Hthogh they may still srprise the

partyJ' et$% >n a $ombat sitation' on the other hand'

everyone is moving arond s5i!tly' and s$h things as

dra5ing maps are not important%

 A $hara$terLs movement rate is adIsted by his or her

n$mbran$e Hthe load he or she is $arryingJ as



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Ar5or T2e Li4/tl2




/o Armor or )agi$ #eather 0L 30L

#eather Armor or )agi$ )etal 30L 20L

)etal Armor 20L 10L

Cont the 5eight o! armor 5orn 5hen $al$lating

en$mbran$e' be$ase armor $onts both !or bl* and

restri$tiveness as 5ell as !or 5eight% )agi$ armor

$onts !or its !ll 5eight bt is not as bl*y and

restri$tive as normal armor' ths granting an improved

movement rate%


>n any dngeon e&pedition' ma*ing maps is important%

Generally one player 5ill do this' dra5ing a map on

graph paper as the Game )aster des$ribes ea$h room

or $orridor% Absolte a$$ra$y is sally not possible

the main thing is to ensre that the party $an !ind its

5ay ba$* ot o! the dngeon%


 A tor$h or lantern 5ill provide light $overing a 30L radisdim light 5ill e&tend abot 20L !rther% /ormal tor$hes

brn !or 1dO trns' 5hile a !las* o! oil in a lantern 5ill

brn !or 1O1d6 trns% A $andle 5ill shed light over a BL

radis' 5ith dim light e&tending BL !rther% >n general'

taper $andles s$h as are sed !or illmination 5ill brn

abot 3 trns per in$h o! height%


+ome $hara$ter ra$es' and almost all monsters' have

Dar*vision% (his gives them the ability to see even in

total dar*ness% Dar*vision is bla$* and 5hite only bt

other5ise li*e normal sight% Dar*vision does not grant

one the ability to see in magi$al dar*ness% (he range o!

Dar*vision is typi$ally either 30L or 60L i! not given !or a

parti$lar $reatre' assme the 60L range%

Dar*vision is totally ine!!e$tive in any light greater thanmoonlight%


 A st$* door $an be opened on a roll o! 1 on 1d6 add

the $hara$terLs +trength bons to the range' so that a

$hara$ter 5ith a bons o! O2 $an open a st$* door on

a roll o! 1-3 on 1d6%

#o$*ed doors $an be !or$ed by rolling the same range'

bt on 1d10% )etal bars $an sometimes be bent on a

roll o! this range on 1d20%

 A $are!l $hara$ter might $hoose to listen at a door

be!ore opening it% (hieves have a spe$ial ability' #isten'

5hi$h shold be applied i! the listener is a (hie!% 7or

other $hara$ters' the G) rolls 1d6' 5ith 1 indi$ating

s$$ess% +onds heard might in$lde voi$es'

!ootsteps' or any other sond the G) $onsiders

appropriate% "! $orse' the room beyond the door

might really be silent ths' the Game )aster mst

ma*e the roll' so that a roll o! 1 in s$h a $ase 5ill not

give anything a5ay to the players%


Dngeons and rins !re:ently $ontain traps' in$lding

spear-thro5ers' $overed pits' et$% (he G) 5ill de$ide

5hat is re:ired to trigger a trap' and 5hat happens

5hen the trap is triggered% H+ome gidan$e on this is

provided in the Game )aster se$tion later in this boo*%J

>n general' there 5ill be some 5ay to avoid or red$e

the e!!e$t o! the trap being sprng% 7or instan$e' a save

vs% Death Ray is o!ten sed to avoid !alling into a

$overed pit H5ith De&terity bons addedJ' 5hile spear-

thro5ers' atomated $rossbo5s' and the li*e are


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sometimes treated as i! they 5ere monsters Hatta$*ing

vs% the vi$timLs Armor Class at some given atta$*


/ormal $hara$ters have a $han$e e:al to a roll o! 1 on1d6 to dete$t a trap i! a sear$h !or one is made% /ote

that this is abot a 16%N $han$e (hieves have a

spe$ial ability to !ind and remove traps' 5hi$h

spersedes this roll' as does the stone5or* trap-!inding

ability o! D5arves% A D5arven (hie! is a spe$ial $ase

apply 5hi$hever trap-dete$tion ability is higher% >n all

$ases' a sear$h !or traps ta*es at least a trn per 10L

s:are area% A single $hara$ter may only e!!e$tively

sear$h a given area !or traps on$e' even i! the $hara$ter

has more than one trap-dete$tion roll 8type9 allo5ed

Hs$h as the D5arven (hie! aboveJ%

(rap dete$tion may not be allo5ed i! the trap is prely

magi$al in natre on the other hand' in s$h $ases

)agi$-@sers andQor Cleri$s may be able to dete$t

magi$al traps at the given 1 in 1d6 $han$e' at the Game

)asterLs option%

Seret oors

@nder normal $onditions' sear$hing !or se$ret doors

ta*es one trn per $hara$ter per 10L o! 5all sear$hed% A

se$ret door is !ond on a roll o! 1 on 1d6 $hara$ters

5ith 1B or higher >ntelligen$e s$$eed on a roll o! 1-2%

 Also' as noted previosly' lves add 1 to the range

atomati$ally' s$h that an l! dis$overs se$ret doors

on a 1-2 on 1d6' or 1-3 i! the l! has an >ntelligen$e o!

1B or higher% (he G) may $reate se$ret doors that are

more di!!i$lt Hor easierJ to dete$t at his or her option%

)ltiple $hara$ters sear$hing !or se$ret doors ensres

that any s$h 5ill eventally be !ond ho5ever' i! the

!irst and se$ond sear$hers !ail' the ne&t sear$her mst

ta*e t5o trns to sear$h' and all sbse:ent sear$hes

o! the area re:ire an hor%

/ote that !inding a se$ret door does not grant

nderstanding o! ho5 it 5or*s% (he G) may re:ire

additional rolls or other a$tions to be ta*en be!ore the

door $an be opened%

;n4eon S;r>i>al

 As des$ribed in the E;i5ent  se$tion' above'

normal $hara$ters mst $onsme one dayLs 5orth o!

rations Hor e:ivalent !oodJ and a minimm o! one :art

o! 5ater per day%

7ailre to $onsme enogh !ood does not signi!i$antly

a!!e$t a $hara$ter !or the !irst t5o days' a!ter 5hi$h he

or she loses 1 hit point per day% 7rthermore' at that

point the $hara$ter loses the ability to heal 5onds

normally' thogh magi$ 5ill still 5or*% ating enogh

!ood !or a day Hover the $orse o! abot a day' not all at

on$eJ restores the ability to heal' and the $hara$ter 5illre$over lost hit points at the normal rate%

>nade:ate 5ater a!!e$ts $hara$ters more s5i!tly a!ter

a single day 5ithot 5ater' the $hara$ter loses 1d hit

points' and 5ill lose an additional 1d hit points per day

therea!ter healing ability is lost 5hen the !irst die o!

damage is rolled%


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.ilderness Ad>ent;res

.ilderness *o>e5ent Rates

)ovement rates 5hen traveling in the 5ilderness are

related dire$tly to en$onter movement rates' as sho5n

on the table belo5,

Eno;nter *o>e5ent

(Feet er Ro;nd)

.ilderness *o>e5ent

(*iles er a2)

10L 6

20L 12

30L 1

0L 2

B0L 30

60L 36

0L 2



100L 60

110L 66

120L 2

/atrally' any grop traveling together moves at the

rate o! the slo5est member%

O>erland Tra>el

(he movement rates sho5n on the table above are

!igred based on an hor day o! travel throgh open'

$lear terrain% (he terrain type 5ill alter the rate

some5hat' as sho5n on this table,

Terrain AdG;st5ent

.ngle' )ontains' +5amp &1Q3

Desert' 7orest' ills &1Q2

Clear' ;lains' (rail &2Q3

Road H;avedJ &1

Chara$ters may $hoose to per!orm a forced march'

traveling 12 hors per day% >! this is done' add an

additional B0N to the distan$e traveled% a$h day o!

!or$ed mar$h per!ormed a!ter the !irst in!li$ts 1d6

damage on the $hara$ters Hand their animals' i! anyJ% A

save vs% Death Ray 5ith Constittion bons applied is

allo5ed to avoid this damage' bt a!ter this save is

!ailed on$e' it is not rolled again !or that $hara$ter or

$reatre% A day spent resting 8restarts9 the progression%

.ater6orne Tra>el

(ravel by 5ater may be done in a variety o! boats or

ships see the table in the e/iles se$tion !or details%

(ravel distan$es are based on a 12 hor day o! travel'

rather than the sal hors per day given above%

/ote that sailed ships may travel 2 hors per day Hi! a

:ali!ied navigator is aboardJ' and so may be able to

$over t5i$e the normal distan$e per day o! travel% (his

is in addition to the mltiplier given belo5% >! the ship

stops ea$h night' as is done by some vessels traveling

along a $oastline as 5ell as those vessels having lessthan the minimm nmber o! reglar $re5men on

board' the t5o-times mltiplier does not apply%

)ovement o! sailed ships varies depending on 5eather

$onditions' as sho5n on the !ollo5ing table% +ailing

movement modi!iers sho5n apply 5hen sailing 5ith the

5ind sailing against the 5ind involves ta?in4 H$alled

8igagging9 by landlbbersJ 5hi$h red$es movement

rates t5o ro5s on the table H!rom )oderate reee to

Eery #ight reee' !or instan$eJ%


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d1# .ind iretion

1 /ortherly

2 /ortheasterly

3 asterly


B +otherly

6 +oth5esterly



F-12 ;revailing 5ind dire$tion !or this lo$ale

dK .ind Conditions Sailin4

01-0B e$almed &0

06-13 Eery #ight reee &1Q3

1-2B #ight reee &1Q2

26-0 )oderate reee &2Q3

1-0 Average inds &1

1-B +trong inds &1 1Q3

6-F6 Eery +trong inds &1 1Q2

F-00 Gale &2


Beal5ed: +ailing ships $annot move% "ared shipsmay move at the given ro5ing movement rate%

er2 Stron4 .inds:  +ailing against the 5ind

Hta$*ingJ is not possible%

,ale:  +ailing against the 5ind is not possible' and

ships e&posed to a gale may be damaged or sn*

apply 2d points o! damage to any s$h ship' per hor


Tra>elin4 62 Air 

hen traveling by air' overland movement rates are

dobled' and all terrain e!!e$ts are ignored% )ost

5inged $reatres mst maintain at least one-third

normal !or5ard movement in order to remain airborne

ho5ever' devi$es s$h as l2in4 arets  generally

do not have to do this%

Beo5in4 Lost

 Adventrers !ollo5ing roads' trails' rivers' streams' or

other obvios landmar*s are nli*ely to be$ome lost

ho5ever' 5hen the party stri*es ot into tra$*less

!orest' 5indblo5n desert' et$%' they may be$ome lost%

+e$retly roll a save vs% Death Ray' adIsted by the

isdom o! the party leader Hi%e%' 5hi$hever player

$hara$ter seems to be leadingJ% HAlternately' an Ability

Roll against isdom may be rolled' i! that optional rle

is in se%J (he G) mst determine the e!!e$ts o! a

!ailed roll%

Retainers Seialists and *erenaries

;layer $hara$ters 5ill sometimes 5ant or need to hire

/;Cs H/on-;layer Chara$tersJ to 5or* !or them% (here

are several $ategories o! /;Cs available !or hire' as



 A retainer is a $lose asso$iate o! his employer%

Retainers are hired !or a share o! treasre Htypi$ally at

least 1BN o! the employerLs in$omeJ pls spport $osts

H5eapons' armor' rations' and basi$ e:ipment

provided by the employerJ% Retainers are typi$ally very

loyal and are 5illing to ta*e reasonable ris*s in


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parti$lar' they are the only sort o! hireling 5ho 5ill

generally a$$ompany a player $hara$ter into a

dngeon' lair' or rin%

iring a retainer is more involved than hiring other/;Cs% 7irst' the player $hara$ter mst advertise !or a

retainer' typi$ally by hiring a $rier' posting noti$es in

pbli$ pla$es' or as*ing Hand possibly payingJ /;Cs

s$h as inn*eepers or taverners to dire$t potential

retainers to the player $hara$ter% >t is p to the Game

)aster to rle on 5hat mst be done' and ho5

s$$ess!l these a$tivities are%

>! the player $hara$ter is s$$ess!l' one or more /;Cs

5ill present themselves to be intervie5ed% (he Game)aster shold play ot the intervie5 5ith the player'

and a!ter all o!!ers have been made and all :estions

as*ed' a rea$tion roll shold be made% (o $he$* the

potential retainerLs rea$tion' the Game )aster rolls 2d6

and adds the player $hara$terLs Charisma bons% >n

addition' the Game )aster may apply any adIstments

he or she !eels are appropriate Ha bons o! O1 !or

higher-than-average pay or the o!!er o! a magi$ item

s$h as a s8ord 1' or a penalty i! the player

$hara$ter o!!ers poor termsJ% (he roll is read as !ollo5s,

AdG;sted ie Roll Res;lt

2 or less Re!sal' -1 on !rther rolls

3-B Re!sal

6- (ry again

F-11 A$$eptan$e

12 or more A$$eptan$e' O1 to #oyalty

Re;sal 1 on ;rt/er rolls means that all !rther

rea$tion rolls made to5ard that player $hara$ter in the

given to5n or region 5ill be at a penalty o! -1 de to

n*ind 5ords said by the /;C to his !ello5s% >! the

player $hara$ter tries again in a di!!erent to5n' the

penalty does not apply%

>! a Tr2 a4ain reslt is rolled' the potential retainer is

rel$tant' and needs more $onvin$ing the player

$hara$ter mst 8s5eeten9 the deal in order to get an

additional roll' s$h as by o!!ering more pay' a magi$

item' et$% >! the player $hara$ter ma*es no better o!!er'

treat Tr2 a4ain as a Re;sal reslt%

Lo2alt2:  All retainers have a #oyalty s$ore' 5hi$h is

generally pls the employerLs Charisma bons Hor

penaltyJ% (he #oyalty s$ore is sed Ist as the )orale

s$ore o! monsters or mer$enaries is sed%

>! a #oyalty $he$* roll made in $ombat is a natral 2' the

#oyalty o! the retainer in$reases by O1 point% /ote that

a #oyalty o! 12 is !anati$alK the retainer 5ill do virtally

anything the player $hara$ter as*s' and never !lee in

$ombat% o5ever' the Game )aster shold still apply

penalties 5hen the player $hara$ter instr$ts the

retainer to do something 5hi$h appears very ris*y'

ma*ing a !ailed $he$* possible%

>n addition' the Game )aster shold roll a #oyalty

$he$* !or ea$h retainer at the end o! ea$h adventre'

a!ter  treasre is divided' to determine i! the retainer 5ill

remain 5ith the player $hara$ter% (he G) may apply

adIstments to this roll' probably no more than t5o

points pls or mins' i! the retainer is parti$larly 5ell or

poorly paid%

*a=i5;5 N;56er o Retainers:  A player

$hara$ter may hire at most retainers' adIsted by the

$hara$terLs Charisma bons or penalty% Any attempts

to hire more than this nmber o! retainers 5ill be met

5ith atomati$ re!sals%

Le>el o Retainers:  /ormally' potential retainers

5ill be one-hal! the level o! the employer Hor lessJ% +o'

a !irst level $hara$ter $annot hire retainers' se$ond level

;Cs $an only hire !irst level $hara$ters' and so on% "!

$orse' there is no 5ay !or the retainers to dire$tly *no5


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the level o! the ;C employer' nor !or the employer to

*no5 the level o! the potential retainer bt the Game

)aster shold sally en!or$e this rle !or prposes o!

game balan$e% >t sholdnLt be srprising that !irst level

$hara$ters $anLt hire retainers' as they have no

reptation to spea* o! yet%

E=eriene or Retainers:  @nli*e other hired

/;Cs' retainers do gain e&perien$e Ist as other

adventrers do ho5ever' as they are nder the

$ommand o! a player $hara$ter' only one-hal! o! a share

o! P; is allo$ated to ea$h retainer% +ee C/arater

Ad>ane5ent' belo5' !or an e&ample%


+pe$ialists are /;Cs 5ho may be hired by player

$hara$ters to per!orm varios tas*s% +pe$ialists do not

go on adventres or other5ise ris* their lives !ighting

monsters' disarming traps' or any o! the other

dangeros things player $hara$ters and retainers may

do% Rather' spe$ialists per!orm servi$es the player

$hara$ters sally $anLt per!orm !or themselves' li*e

designing and ere$ting $astles' training animals' or

operating ships%

 A player $hara$ter is limited in the nmber o! spe$ialists

he or she $an hire only by the amont o! money they

$ost Charisma does not a!!e$t this%

Al/e5ist:  0,111 gp per month. (hese $hara$ters

are generally hired !or one o! t5o reasons, to ma*e

potions' or to assist a )agi$-@ser 5ith magi$al


 An al$hemist $an prod$e a potion' given the re:ired

materials and a sample or a 5ritten !ormla !or the

potion' in the same time and !or the same $ost as a

)agi$-@ser% (hey may also resear$h ne5 potions' bt

at t5i$e the $ost in time and materials as a )agi$-@ser%

 Alternately' a )agi$-@ser see*ing to $reate $ertain

magi$ items may employ an al$hemist as an assistant%

>n this $ase' the al$hemist adds 1BN to the )agi$-

@serLs $han$e o! s$$ess%

Ani5al Trainer:   231 to 431 gp per month.

Chara$ters 5ishing to ride hippogri!!s or employ

$arnivoros apes as gards 5ill need the assistan$e o!

an animal trainer% (he lo5est $ost above is !or an

average animal trainer' able to train one type o!

8normal9 animal s$h as $arnivoros apes those able

to train more than one sort o! animal' or to train

monstros $reatres s$h as hippogri!!s' are more

e&pensive to hire% (he Game )aster mst de$ide ho5

long it ta*es to train an animal in some $ases' animal

training may ta*e years' a !a$t the player $hara$ters

may !ind in$onvenient as 5ell as e&pensive% A single

animal trainer $an train and manage no more than B

animals at a time' thogh in most $ases on$e an animal

is !lly trained' i! it is pt into servi$e right a5ay the

animal trainer 5onLt be needed to handle it any longer%

Ar5orer (or .eaons5it/):  011 to 311 gp per

month.  Chara$ters hiring mer$enaries' or having armed

and armored !ollo5ers to ta*e $are o!' 5ill need the

servi$es o! an armorer% >n general' !or every B0

7ighters employed' one armorer is re:ired to $are !or

their gear% (he armorerLs e:ipment is not in$lded in

the $osts given above' bt the $ost to maintain his

apprenti$es is in$lded most s$h $hara$ters 5ill have

1d apprenti$es assisting%

igher pri$ed armorers or 5eaponsmiths may be hired

to assist in ma*ing magi$ 5eapons or armor in this$ase' the $hara$ter hired 5ill be a spe$ialist' an e&pert

in ma*ing one parti$lar type o! armor or 5eapon' and

5ill $ommand a higher pri$e Has sho5n aboveJ% +$h

$hara$ters 5ill rarely agree to do the mndane 5or* o!

maintaining 5eapons and armor !or a military nit%


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En4ineer:  431 gp per month.  Any player $hara$ter

5ishing to bild a !ortress' a ship' or any other

mndane $onstr$tion 5ill need an engineer% #arge

proIe$ts may re:ire several engineers' at the G)Ls


Sa>ant:  0,311 gp per month.  +avants are e&perts in

an$ient and obs$re *no5ledge% )any savants have

parti$lar interests in very limited or !o$sed areas H!or

e&ample' 8lven migrations o! the 2nd

 age9J' bt even

these 5ill *no5 or have a$$ess to a lot o! !a$ts% (he

listed $ost is the minimm re:ired to maintain a savant

5ith his library' $olle$tions' et$% >! the savantLs patron

as*s a di!!i$lt :estion' there may be additional $osts

!or materials or resear$h to ans5er it%

S/iDs Cre8:  *pecial.  A $re5 !or a 5aterborne

vessel involves several types o! $hara$ters% At the very

least' a $omplement o! sailors and a Captain are

needed ro5ers 5ill be needed aboard galleys' and a

/avigator is re:ired aboard ships going ot o! sight o!


Costs per month !or ea$h sort o! $hara$ter are given


Sea5an T2e Cost

Captain 300 gp

/avigator 200 gp

+ailor 10 gp

Ro5er 3 gp

>n general' all s$h $hara$ters are normal men' and are

not armored they 5ill sally be armed 5ith $lbs'

daggers' or shorts5ords% ;layer $hara$ters 5ith

appropriate ba$*gronds may a$t as Captain' bt

nless e&perien$ed as a shipLs $aptain' they 5ill have

di!!i$lty $ommanding respe$t !rom the reglar sailors

Hlo5er the )orale o! s$h reglar sailors by -2 i! led by

an ine&perien$ed CaptainJ%


)er$enaries are hired 5arriors% (hey are generally

hired in nits as small as platoons, 32 to 7ighters'

divided into t5o to !or s:ads o! soldiers ea$h s:ad

is led by a $orporal' 5hile the platoon is led by a

lietenant pls a sergeant% ;latoons are Ioined together

into $ompanies' ea$h generally $onsisting o! t5o to !ive

platoons and led by a $aptain 5ith a sergeant as his

assistant H$alled a irst ser4eantJ%

 As mer$enaries are almost al5ays veteran troops' the

average mer$enary is a 1st  level 7ighter 10N o!

$orporals and B0N o! sergeants are 2nd

  level% A

mer$enary lietenant 5ill generally be 2


 level' 5hile a$aptain 5ill be 2

nd  to

th level and his !irst sergeant 5ill

be 2nd

 or 3rd  level% #arger mer$enary nits 5ill sally

be beyond the rea$h o! player $hara$ters ntil they

have rea$hed !airly high levels' and are le!t to the Game

)aster to detail%

)er$enaries 5ill virtally never go into a dngeon' lair'

or rin' at least ntil it has been !lly $leared% Rather'

they are sed in otdoor military engagements high

level player $hara$ters may hire mer$enaries to de!end

or help de!end their $astles or other holdings%

)er$enaries hosed in a player $hara$terLs stronghold

re:ire 200 s:are !eet ea$h bt $ost 2BN less per

month' as this is $overed by their room and board%

Hlven mer$enaries' ho5ever' re:ire B00 s:are !eet

o! spa$e ea$h in order to red$e their pay' as they

demand better living $onditions%J +ee the Stron4/old

se$tion !or more details%

+tatisti$s are given belo5 !or the most $ommon sorts o!

mer$enaries the statisti$s are !or !irst level $hara$ters'

and shold be adIsted 5hen higher level $hara$ters

are indi$ated Has given aboveJ% >n parti$lar' mltiply

the given $ost o! ea$h mer$enary by his or her level%

#isted $osts are in gold pie$es per month%


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C/arater Ad>ane5ent

E=eriene Points (-P)

&perien$e points are given !or monsters de!eated' and

!or other $hallenges as the G) sees !it% (he !ollo5ing

table provides P; vales !or monsters% here a

monster has both a $hara$ter level and hit di$e given'

se the larger vale as the monsterLs level% /on-

$ombat $hallenges may be assigned a level' or a !lat

P; vale assigned' as the G) 5ishes%

>! asteris*s appear a!ter the hit di$e listing !or a

monster' ea$h asteris* adds the spe$ial ability bons

on$e !or e&ample' a $reatre 5ith a hit di$e !igre o!

2SS is 5orth 12B P;%

7or monsters 5ith more than 1F hit di$e' add B0 P; to

the P; Eale and 2B P; to the +pe$ial Ability ons

per additional hit die%

 A!ter tallying the P; earned in a given adventre' the

amont shold be divided by the nmber o!

adventrers% As des$ribed above' ea$h retainer shold

re$eive a one-hal! share so a grop 5ith !or player

$hara$ters and a retainer is $onted as having T

members% >! 2'000 P; are earned by this grop' one

share is P;' and the retainer re$eives 222 P;%

/o $hara$ter may advan$e more than one level de to

the e&perien$e points !rom a single adventre% 7or

e&ample' arthal the (hie! is 1st level and has 1'000

P; be!ore going on an adventre dring the adventre'

he earns 2'000 more P; Han amaing !eatJ% (his 5old

ma*e his total 3'000 P;' and he 5old be a 3rd level

(hie!% (his is not allo5ed instead' he advan$es to

2'FF P;' one short o! the amont re:ired !or 3rd

level' and starts his ne&t adventre at 2nd level%

*onster %it ie -P al;e Seial A6ilit2


less than 1 10 3

1 2B 12

2 B 2B

3 1B 30

20 0

B 360 B

6 B00 BB

60 6B

B 0

F 1'0B B

10 1'300 F0

11 1'BB FB

12 1'B 100

13 2'1B 110

1 2'B00 11B

1B 2'B0 12B

16 3'2B0 13B

1 3'600 1B

1 '000 160

1F 'B00 1B


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I raised my shield to fend off one of the monsters, and hewed at another with my sword, but I missed my firstswing. Morningstar swung at one of the monsters and struck it, but her sword did the bony thing little harm. Isaw that Apoulis still stood by the door of $arthal there was no sign. 5ortunately, Apoulis also had a torch.

 Apoulis raised his holy symbol and called in a loud voice, &In the name of "ah, begone "o my surprise,several of the monsters turned as if afraid and ran out the door, disappearing into the gloom. 6nfortunatelythis left uite a few of them still in the room.

(ven as I saw all this I continued to hack at the monsters. It took two good blows to down the first one itappeared that Morningstar was having similar trouble with the monsters. "hen one of the skeletons hit her,

 )ust a minor wound, but still I felt good that I had invested my part of the proceeds of our last e+cursion in asuit of plate mail armor I was shrugging off blows that would have harmed me were I still wearing chain mail.

"o my surprise, I saw Apoulis down one of the monsters in a single blow, then do the same to another in hisvery ne+t strike. %is mace seemed to be much more effective against the monsters than our swords. As Ifinally managed to down a second skeleton, I heard a high7pitched yell# it was $arthal, a little ways down thehallway, and he was throwing something.

"here was a sound of glass breaking, and I felt a splash of water on my face. *everal of the skeletons beganto smoke, and then one of them fell in a heap. %oly water, I decided, but I didn't have time to think about it. I )ust kept hacking at the skeletons.

$y the time they were all gone, I had taken a wound, and Morningstar had taken a second. We had one potion of healing left of those that Apoulis' temple had given us Morningstar told me to drink it, but I couldtell she was in worse shape than I, so I insisted she take it.

"hen we turned back to the sarcophagus#

Order o Pla2

hen the party o! adventrers $omes in $onta$t 5ith

potential enemies' time shi!ts to $ombat ronds H10

se$onds long' as des$ribed previoslyJ% e!ore

beginning $ombat' srprise is $he$*ed Hsee belo5J%

@nsrprised $hara$ters then roll !or >nitiative' and a$t in

order o! the rolls Hagain' as des$ribed belo5J%


hen srprise is possible' roll 1d6 !or ea$h side 5hi$h

might be srprised most normal $hara$ters are

srprised on a roll o! 1-2% +rprised $hara$ters are

nable to a$t !or one rond% Chara$ters or $reatres

5hi$h are 5ell hidden and prepared to per!orm an

ambsh srprise on a roll o! 1- on 1d6% +ome

$hara$ters or $reatres Hs$h as lvesJ are des$ribed

as being less li*ely to be srprised red$e the range by

1 !or s$h $reatres%

7or e&ample, Darion the man 7ighter and

)orningstar the lven 7ighterQ)agi$-@ser open a door

and $ome !a$e-to-!a$e 5ith a party o! goblins% (he G)

rolls 1d6 !or the goblins on a 1-2 they are all srprised%

(hen the G) rolls 1d6 !or Darion and )orningstar% >!

the roll is a 1' both o! them are srprised i! the roll is a

2' only Darion is srprised% >! the roll is 3 or more'

neither o! them are srprised%

+rprised $hara$ters or $reatres stand !lat-!ooted !or

one rond% (hey still de!end themselves' so there is no

penalty to Armor Class' bt they $annot move nor

atta$* dring the rond o! srprise%


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*onster Reations

hen a grop o! player $hara$ters meet one or more

monsters' itLs important to *no5 ho5 the monsters 5ill

rea$t to the party% >n many $ases' the rea$tion o! themonster or monsters is obviosK ombies garding a

tomb 5ill virtally al5ays atta$* intrders' !or e&ample%

>n $ases 5here the rea$tion o! the monsters to the party

is not obvios' a reation roll  may be made% (he

Game )aster rolls 2d6' adding the Charisma bons o!

the 8lead9 $hara$ter Hor applying his or her Charisma

penaltyJ along 5ith any other adIstments he or she

!eels are reasonable' and $onslts the table belo5,

Reation Roll Ta6le

AdG;sted ie Roll Res;lt

2 or less >mmediate Atta$*

3- @n!avorable

-11 7avorable

12 or more Eery 7avorable

 A reslt o! 2 or less means that the player $hara$ters

have so o!!ended the monsters that they atta$*

immediately% An @n!avorable reslt means that the

monsters do not li*e the player $hara$ters' and 5ill

atta$* i! they may reasonably do so% A 7avorable reslt

simply means that the monsters 5ill $onsider letting the

player $hara$ters live i! they $hoose to parley it does

not ne$essarily mean that the monsters like  the player

$hara$ters% A Eery 7avorable reslt means that the

monsters Hor perhaps only the monster leaderJ do' in

!a$t' li*e the player $hara$ters this does not mean that

the monsters 5ill Ist hand over their treasre' bt itdoes indi$ate that they may $hoose to $ooperate 5ith

the player $hara$ters in mtally bene!i$ial 5ays%

 As al5ays' interpreting the reslts o! this roll is le!t to

the G)' 5ho may $hoose to alter the reslt i! he or she

believes a di!!erent reslt 5old be more enIoyable to

play ot than the one rolled%


a$h rond' 1d6 is rolled !or >nitiative !or ea$h $hara$ter

or monster% (his roll is adIsted by the $hara$terLs

De&terity bons% igh nmbers a$t !irst% Any

$hara$tersQmonsters 5ith e:al nmbers a$t

simltaneosly% (he G) may ma*e single rolls !or

grops o! identi$al monsters at his or her option%

 As the G) $onts do5n the >nitiative nmbers' ea$h

$hara$ter or monster may a$t on his or her nmber% >!

desired' a $ombatant $an $hoose to 5ait ntil a later

nmber to a$t% >! a player states that he or she is

5aiting !or another $hara$ter or monster to a$t' then the

player $hara$terLs a$tion ta*es pla$e on the same

>nitiative nmber as the $reatre he or she is 5aiting

!or% >n this $ase' the player $hara$terLs a$tion is

simltaneos 5ith the $reatre 5aited !or' Ist as i! they

had rolled the same nmber%

 A $hara$ter sing a 5eapon 5ith a long rea$h Hspears'

!or instan$eJ may $hoose to atta$* a $losing opponent

on the $losing opponentLs nmber and ths atta$*

simltaneosly 5ith the opponent' even i! the $hara$ter

rolled lo5er !or >nitiative%


a$h $hara$ter or $reatre involved in $ombat may

move' i! desired' p to its en$onter movement

distan$e' and then atta$*' i! any opponent is in range'


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5hen its >nitiative nmber $omes p% A!ter atta$*ing' a

$hara$ter or $reatre may not move again ntil the ne&t


"pponents more than BL apart may move !reely' bton$e t5o opposing !igres are 5ithin BL o! ea$h other'

they are 8engaged9 and mst abide by the rles nder

De!ensive )ovement' belo5%


Chara$ters may $hoose to rn a rnning $hara$ter is

not normally allo5ed to atta$* Hbt see Charging'

belo5J% Rnning $hara$ters $an move at doble their

normal en$onter movement rate% Chara$ters are

allo5ed to rn a nmber o! ronds e:al to 2 times the

$hara$terLs Constittion' a!ter 5hi$h they are e&hasted

and may only 5al* Hat the normal en$onter rateJ% 7or

monsters not having a given Constittion' allo5 the

monster to rn !or 2 ronds% &hasted $hara$ters or

$reatres mst rest !or at least a trn be!ore rnning



"he following rules may be considered optional. "heyare hardly needed for most dungeon adventures, butwill add measurably to combat situations in thewilderness, especially in waterborne combat situationsor when some or all combatants are flying.

Chara$ters' $reatres' and vehi$les o! varios sorts

have a trning distan$e% (his is given as a distan$e in

!eet in parentheses a!ter their movement rate' and it

determines ho5 !ar they mst move bet5een !a$ing

$hanges 5hen moving abot in $ombat%

 All normal player $hara$ters' and in !a$t most

moderately sied $reatres 5hi$h 5al* on the grond'

have a trning distan$e o! BL% >! no trning distan$e is

given !or a $reatre' assme that it is BL%

>n general' a !a$ing $hange is any trn o! p to F0[ Ha

right-angle trnJ on a s:are-gridded map' this means

trning to !a$e dire$tly to the right or le!t o! the !igreLs

$rrent !a$ing% A hal!-trn HB[J still $onts as a !ll

!a$ing $hange% >! sing he&es' 8diagonal9 movement is

not available' so a !a$ing $hange is the 60[ trn to !a$e

to5ard the he&-side to the right or le!t o! the $rrent


(here are a !e5 e&$eptions to this rle,

7irst' any $reatre that does not move a5ay !rom its

starting position dring the $ombat rond may ma*e as

many !a$ing $hanges as desired Hthogh

$ir$mstan$es' s$h as trying to trn a horse arond ina narro5 $orridor' may prevent thisJ%

>n$orporeal !lying $reatres' s$h as spe$tres' $an trn

!reely at any point 5hile moving%

Creatres 5hi$h are rnning Hmoving at doble speedJ

may not ma*e !a$ing $hanges o! more than 60[' and

their trning distan$e in$reases by 10L Hor' i! it is BL

normally' it in$reases to 10LJ%

 Also' most $reatres $an shi!t one spa$e laterally 5hile

preserving their !a$ing Hthis is $alled 8sidestepping9J' bt

this may only be done 5hen moving at normal

H85al*ing9J speed' not at !ast H8rnning9J speed% 8"ne

spa$e9 means either BL or 10L' depending on the map or

board being sed%

Cli56in4 and i>in4

7or battles involving three dimensions' ea$h $reatre or

vehi$le has an altitde H5hen !lyingJ or depth

Hnder5aterJ% 7or air or sea battles' at least one o! the

$reatres or vehi$les shold start at an altitdeQdepth o!

0' and a ne5 0 level $an be established at any time' to

simpli!y play' by adIsting the altitdes o! ea$h $reatre

or vehi$le%


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 A 5inged !lier $an gain p to 10L o! altitde a!ter moving

!or5ard by the distan$e sho5n !or its maneverability

$lass' and $an dive Hlose altitde in a $ontrolled !ashionJ

at p to t5i$e the normal movement rate i! the $reatre

does not move horiontally by at least one-third its

normal speed' it 5ill stall' being !or$ed to dive at

ma&imm rate !or one rond% 7loating $reatres or

vehi$les Hballoons' !ly spell' !lying $arpets' et$%J $an

$limb verti$ally 5ithot horiontal motion p to hal! the

normal movement rate' bt s$h 8!loaters9 $an only

des$end at the normal movement rate' nless they

have lost the ability to !loat entirely%


@nder some $ir$mstan$es' $hara$ters or $reatres

may be allo5ed to atta$* a!ter a rnning move% (his is

$alled a /ar4e' and some spe$i!i$ limitations apply%

7irst' the $harging $hara$ter or $reatre mst move at

least 10 !eet' and may move p to doble his or her

normal movement rate' as given above% (he movement

mst be in a more or less straight line to5ard the

intended target' and the path to the target mst be

reasonably $lear% 7inally' the atta$*er mst be sing a

5eapon s$h as a spear' lan$e' or pole arm 5hi$h is

sitable !or se 5hile $harging% Certain monsters'

espe$ially in$lding those 5ith horns' are able to se

natral atta$*s 5hen $harging% >! the atta$*er does not

have line o! sight to the opponent at the start o! the

$harge' that opponent $anXt be $harged%

(he atta$* made a!ter the $harge is made at O2 on the

atta$* roll% (he $harging $hara$ter or $reatre ta*es a

-2 penalty to Armor Class !or the remainder o! the

rond% >! the atta$* hits' it does doble damage%

Set .eaon A4ainst C/ar4e, +pears' pole arms'

and $ertain other pier$ing 5eapons deal doble

damage 5hen 8set9 Hbra$ed against the grond or !loorJ

and sed against a $harging $reatre% 7or this to be

done' the $hara$ter or $reatre being $harged mst

have e:al or better >nitiative this $onts as holding an

a$tion, both atta$*er and de!ender a$t on the atta$*erLs

>nitiative nmber and are there!ore simltaneos%

E>asion and P;rs;it

+ometimes a party o! adventrers 5ill 5ant nothing

more than to avoid a grop o! monsters Hor sometimes'

itLs the monsters avoiding the adventrersJ% >! one

grop is srprised' and the other is not' the nsrprised

grop may be able to es$ape atomati$ally Hnless

something prevents them !rom ma*ing an e&itJ%

"ther5ise' the $hara$ters 5anting to !lee begin doing

so on their >nitiative nmbers% (he G) may easily play

ot the prsit' !ollo5ing along on his or her map Hnote

that the players $anLt dra5 maps 5hile they rn

headlong throgh the dngeon or 5ilderness areaJ%

 Any time a $hara$ter mst pass throgh a door5ay'

ma*e a hard trn' et$%' the G) may re:ire a saving

thro5 vs% Death Ray H5ith De&terity bons addedJ i! the

save is !ailed' the $hara$ter has !allen at that point and

moves no !rther that rond he or she may stand p

and ma*e a !ll move on his or her >nitiative nmber in

the ne&t rond%

>! at any point the prsers are 5ithin BL Hmelee rangeJ

at the start o! a rond' they may begin melee $ombat

the !leeing $hara$ters 5ill be sbIe$t to 8parting shots9

as des$ribed nder De!ensive )ovement i! they

$ontine to !lee a!ter the prsers $lose to melee range%

>! the !leeing $hara$ters or $reatres are ever able to

get beyond the prserLs sight !or a !ll rond' theyhave evaded prsitK the prsers have lost them%


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eensi>e *o>e5ent

 Any time a $hara$ter trns his or her ba$* on an

adIa$ent opponent H5ho has a ready 5eaponJ and

begins movement' that opponent is allo5ed a 8partingshot9 5ith a O2 bons to atta$*' even i! that opponent

has already made all atta$*s !or the rond% "pponents

5ith atta$* rotines mst $hoose one atta$* mode !or

instan$e' a tiger 5ith a $la5Q$la5Qbite rotine $old only

$la5 on$e or bite on$e%

 Alternately' the $hara$ter may begin ba$*ing a5ay Hat

p to hal! normal 5al*ing movementJ 5hile $ontining

to !ight Hi! the opponent remains 5ithin rea$h' that is'

!ollo5s the retreating $hara$terJ% (his is termed ai4/tin4 8it/dra8al%

%o8 to Atta?

(o roll 8to hit'9 the atta$*er rolls 1d20 and adds his or

her atta$* bons HAJ' as sho5n on the table on page

' as 5ell as +trength bons Hi! per!orming a melee

atta$*J or De&terity bons Hi! per!orming a missile

atta$*J and any other adIstments re:ired by the

sitation% >! the total is e:al to or greater than theopponentLs Armor Class' the atta$* hits and damage is

rolled% A natral 819 on the die roll is al5ays a !ailre% A

natral 8209 is al5ays a hit' i! the opponent $an be hit at

all H!or e&ample' monsters that $an only be hit by silver

or magi$ 5eapons $annot be hit by normal 5eapons' so

a natral 8209 5ith a normal 5eapon 5ill not hit s$h a


Atta?in4 ro5 Be/ind

 Atta$*s made !rom behind an opponent sally re$eive

a O2 atta$* bons% (his does not $ombine 5ith the

+nea* Atta$* ability Hsee the (hie!' aboveJ%

Nor5al *en

 A note abot nor5al 5en, (he /) entry in the table

above is !or normal men' also *no5n as @ero le>el

/araters% (hese $hara$ters represent the artisans'shop*eepers' s$llery maids' and other non-adventrer

$hara$ters 5ho 5ill appear in the game% All s$h

$hara$ters are /;Cs' o! $orse% Demi-hman ra$es

have !e5 i! any ero-level $hara$ters among their

nmbers the vast maIority o! 8normal men9 are


 Average ero-level hmans have 1d hit points' and

sally are not pro!i$ient 5ith any 5eapons e&$ept bare

hands% Green troops Hthose 5ho have not been in

battle yetJ are ero-level' bt they have 1d6 hit points

and are allo5ed to se any 5eapon allo5ed to a


>t is re$ommended not to 5aste time in detailing the

ability s$ore or other statisti$s o! s$h $hara$ters

!rther they are normal' as in 8average'9 and so very

!e5 5old have e&treme statisti$s% A bla$*smith might

be $redited 5ith a +trength s$ore o! 13 or more' or a

savant 5ith >ntelligen$e o! 16 or more' bt in general

s$h things need not be detailed !or most o! these


*onster Atta? Bon;s

hen loo*ing p a monsterLs hit di$e on the Atta$*

ons (able' ignore all 8pls9 or 8mins9 vales so a

monster 5ith 3O2 hit di$e' or one 5ith 3-1' is still treated

as Ist 3 hit di$e% (he e&$eption is monsters 5ith 1-1 or

lo5er hit di$e' 5hi$h are $onsidered less than one hit

die and have an atta$* bons o! O0%


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*elee Co56at

)elee o$$rs a!ter a $hara$ter has $losed !or $ombat

and stri*es at a monster or other !oe% )elee 5eapons

or atta$*s may generally only be sed against !oes 5hoare engaged 5ith the atta$*er Has des$ribed aboveJ%

*issile Fire

)issile 5eapons may be sed to atta$* !oes at a

distan$e% (he distan$e the atta$*er is !rom his target

a!!e$ts the atta$* roll' as sho5n on the )issile eapon

Ranges table in the C/araters se$tion' above% >n

general' opponents 5ithin +hort range are atta$*ed at

O1 on the die' those beyond +hort range bt 5ithin

)edim range are atta$*ed at O0' and those beyond

)edim bt 5ithin #ong range are atta$*ed at -2% 7oes

beyond #ong range $annot be e!!e$tively atta$*ed%

>! a $hara$ter attempts to se a missile 5eapon against

a !oe 5ho is 5ithin BL o! him or her Hi%e% 5ho is engaged

5ith the shooterJ' a penalty o! -B is applied to the atta$*

roll% (his is de to the shooter dodging arond to avoid

the !oeLs atta$*s% (he only e&$eption is i! the atta$*er is

behind the target $reatre and ndete$ted' or that$reatre is distra$ted so as to not be able to atta$* the

shooter in these $ases' apply the sal O1 bons HO3

total bons i! atta$*ing !rom behindJ%

Co>er and Coneal5ent

>n $ertain sitations' the intended target o! a missile Hor

meleeJ atta$* may have $over or $on$ealment o! some

*ind% Cover is de!ined as 8hard9 prote$tion s$h as that

a!!orded by a thi$* tree trn* or stone 5all' that is'

anything that 5ill stop or slo5 a missile 5eapon%

Con$ealment is 8so!t9 $over li*e !og or light !oliage that

ma*es the target di!!i$lt to see bt does not a!!e$t the

missile itsel!% Cover or $on$ealment ma*es it more

di!!i$lt to stri*e an intended target' and ths a penalty

5ill be applied to the atta$*erLs die roll depending pon

ho5 m$h o! the target is prote$ted !rom atta$*% 7or

$on$ealment the atta$* penalty shold range !rom -1

H2BN obs$redJ to - HF0N obs$redJ% 7or hard $over'

these penalties shold be dobled%

*issile .eaon Rate o Fire

>n general' missile 5eapons are allo5ed a single atta$*

per rond' Ist as are melee 5eapons% o5ever'

$rossbo5s are an e&$eption' as reloading a $rossbo5

bet5een shots is time-$onsming%

 A light $rossbo5 $an be !ired on$e per t5o ronds' and

the ser may not per!orm any other a$tions Hin$lding

movementJ dring the 8reloading9 rond% A heavy

$rossbo5 $an be !ired Ist on$e per three ronds' again

re:iring the ser to spend t5o ronds doing nothing

other than $o$*ing and loading the 5eapon in order to

!ire it again%

"! $orse' the ser o! s$h a 5eapon may drop or sling

the 5eapon and s5it$h to another 5eapon rather than

reloading% Also' it is possible Hespe$ially 5hen

de!ending a positionJ to load more than one $rossbo5in advan$e and then s5it$h 5eapons ea$h rond ntil

all have been !ired% >n a dngeon environment this sort

o! strategy is nli*ely' o! $orse%

,renadeLi?e *issiles

hen thro5ing grenade-li*e missiles H!las*s o! oil' et$%J'

a s$$ess!l atta$* roll indi$ates a dire$t hit% "ther5ise'

the G) 5ill roll 1d10 and $onslt the diagram belo5 to

determine 5here the missile hit% (reat ea$h nmber as

representing a 10L s:are area%


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2 3


Hin !rontJ

*issiles T/at *iss

ith the e&$eption o! grenade-li*e missiles' missile

5eapons 5hi$h miss the intended target are normally

$onsidered lost% o5ever' i! the 5eapon is !ired into a

melee 5here allies o! the shooter are involved' and the

atta$* misses' it may hit one o! the allied $reatres%

(he G) shold de$ide 5hi$h allies may be hit' and roll

atta$*s against ea$h ntil a hit is made or all possible

targets are e&hasted% (hese atta$* rolls are made

5ith the shooterLs normal atta$* bons' Ist as i! he or

she intended to atta$* the allied $reatre% o5ever' the

G) mst ma*e these rolls' not the player%

(his rle is applied to atta$*s made by monsters' 5hen

appropriate% o5ever' the G) still ma*es the rolls%

(his rle is intentionally vage the G) mst de$ide

5hen and ho5 to apply it based on the $ir$mstan$es

o! the battle% >t is re$ommended that no more than

three allies be 8tried9 in this 5ay' bt the G) may ma*e

an e&$eption as he or she sees !it%


>! an atta$* hits' the atta$*er rolls damage as given !or

the 5eapon% )elee atta$*s apply the +trength bons or

penalty to the damage di$e' as do thro5n missile

5eapons s$h as daggers or spears% @sally' bo5s

and $rossbo5s do not gain the +trength bons' bt

sling bllets or stones do%

 Also' magi$ 5eapons 5ill add their bonses to damageHand $rsed 5eapons 5ill apply their penaltyJ% /ote

that' regardless o! any penalties to damage' any

s$$ess!l hit 5ill do at least one point o! damage%

 As e&plained else5here' a $reatre or $hara$ter

red$ed to 0 hit points is dead%

S;6d;in4 a5a4e

 Atta$*s made 5ith the 8!lat o! the blade9 !or non-lethal

damage are made at a - atta$* penalty and do hal!

damage% )ost 5eapons $an be sed this 5ay only

those 5ith penetration or slashing !eatres on all sides


>! a $hara$ter is red$ed to ero hit points 5ho has

ta*en at least some sbding damage' the $hara$ter

be$omes n$ons$ios rather than dying% HAny !rther

sbding damage is then $onsidered *illing damage'

allo5ing the possibility that someone might be beaten to

death%J A $hara$ter *no$*ed ot in this 5ay' bt not

sbse:ently *illed' 5ill 5a*e p 5ith 1 hit point in 1d

trns' or $an be a5a*ened H5ith 1 hit pointJ by

someone else a!ter 2d10 ronds%


+ometimes a $hara$ter 5ill atta$* 5ithot a 5eapon'

stri*ing 5ith a !ist or !oot% (his is $alled bra5ling%

/ormal $hara$ters do 1d3 points o! sbding damage

5ith a pn$h' 1d 5ith a *i$* *i$*s are rolled at a -2

atta$* penalty% A $hara$ter in no armor or leather

armor $annot s$$ess!lly pn$h or *i$* a $hara$ter in

metal armor' and in !a$t' i! this is attempted the damage

is applied to the atta$*er instead o! the de!ender% (he


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G) mst de$ide 5hi$h monsters $an be s$$ess!lly

atta$*ed this 5ay% All $hara$ter $lasses may engage in

bra5ling there is no 85eapon9 restri$tion in this $ase%


 A 5restling atta$* re:ires a s$$ess!l melee atta$*

roll' 5here s$$ess indi$ates the atta$*er has grabbed

his or her opponent% (his hold is maintained ntil the

atta$*er releases it or the de!ender ma*es a save vs%

Death Ray' 5hi$h is attempted at the de!enderLs ne&t

a$tion Ha$$ording to >nitiativeJ% A s$$ess!l 5restling

atta$* $ases the atta$*er to move into the same

8spa$e9 as the de!ender Hi! miniatre !igres are sedJ%

 A!ter a$hieving a hold on an opponent' the atta$*er $an

atomati$ally in!li$t narmed damage Has i! stri*ing 5ith

a !istJ' prevent a held opponent !rom spea*ing' se

simple magi$ items s$h as rings' or ta*e any other

a$tion the G) allo5s% (he atta$*er may also attempt to

a$:ire an item the opponent is holding Hs$h as a

5eaponJ or attempt to move the opponent Has

des$ribed belo5J% A held $hara$ter may be volntarily

released 5henever the atta$*er so desires%

(he atta$*er $anXt dra5 or se a 5eapon or se a

5and' sta!!' s$roll or potion' es$ape anotherXs 5restling

atta$*' $ast a spell' or pin another $hara$ter 5hile

holding an opponent%

*o>in4 t/e Oonent:  (he atta$*er $an move p

to one-hal! speed Hbringing the de!ender alongJ 5ith a

s$$ess!l atta$* roll' i! the atta$*er is strong enogh to

$arry or drag the de!ender%

A;irin4 an O6Get: (he atta$*er may attempt to

ta*e an item a5ay !rom the de!ender% (his re:ires an

additional atta$* roll i! the roll !ails' the de!ender may

immediately attempt an atta$* roll Heven i! he or she has

already atta$*ed this rondJ 5hi$h' i! s$$ess!l' reslts

in the de!ender pinning the atta$*er or' the de!ender

may $hoose to es$ape instead o! reversing the hold%

Ations Allo8ed to t/e eender: (he target o!a s$$ess!l hold is sally immobile Hbt not helplessJ

at least ntil his or her ne&t a$tion' as determined by

>nitiative% +$h $hara$ters s!!er a penalty o! - to AC

against opponents other than the atta$*er%

>! the de!ender is signi!i$antly stronger andQor larger

than the atta$*er' he or she may move at p to one-hal!

speed' dragging the atta$*er along%

"n the de!enderLs ne&t a$tion' he or she $an try to

es$ape the pin 5ith a saving thro5 vs% Death Ray the

de!ender mst apply the better o! his or her +trength or

De&terity bonses Hor penaltiesJ on this roll% >! the

es$ape roll s$$eeds' the de!ender !inishes the a$tion

by moving into any spa$e adIa$ent to the atta$*er%

>! more than one atta$*er has a hold on a parti$lar

de!ender' a s$$ess!l es$ape roll !rees the de!ender

!rom Ist one o! those atta$*ers%

eld $hara$ters may also se simple magi$ items s$has rings% A $hara$ter being held may not normally $ast

a spell' even i! he or she has not been silen$ed by the


*;ltile Oonents: +everal $ombatants $an be

involved in a 5restling mat$h% @p to !or $ombatants

$an 5restle a single opponent o! normal sie in a given

rond% Creatres that are smaller than the atta$*er

$ont !or hal!' 5hile $reatres that are larger $ont at

least doble Has determined by the G)J% /ote that'a!ter an opponent is pinned' other atta$*ers bene!it

!rom the - AC penalty applied to the de!ender%

o5ever' this AC penalty is not $mlative Hthat is'

ea$h s$$ess!l atta$* does not lo5er the de!enderLs

 AC !rtherJ%


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>t is also possible !or another $hara$ter to atta$* the

atta$*er in an ongoing 5restling bot% >n this $ase' a

s$$ess!l hold on the atta$*er grants the original

de!ender a O bons on sbse:ent es$ape rolls%

.restlin4 .it/ *onsters: >n general' the rles

above $an be sed not only 5hen $hara$ter ra$es

5restle bt also 5hen hmanoid monsters are involved%

(he G) 5ill de$ide 5hether or not to allo5 5restling

involving non-hmanoid $reatres on a $ase-by-$ase

basis i! this is allo5ed' the !ollo5ing adIstments apply,

Creatres 5ith e&tra grasping appendages Hmore than

the sal t5oJ gain a O1 bons on atta$* rolls or saving

thro5s !or ea$h s$h appendage% (his in$ldes$reatres 5ith !eet $apable o! grasping Hs$h as

mon*eys or apes' giant spiders' et$%J

#arge $reatres able to !ly may attempt to $arry o!! their

opponents Heven i! the !lying $reatre is the de!enderJ%

restling atta$*s against $reatres 5ith to$h atta$*s

Hs$h as 5ightsJ 5ill $ase the atta$*er to s!!er one

s$h atta$* atomati$ally every rond%


 A !las* o! oil $an be sed as a grenade-li*e missile%

(he oil mst be set a!ire in order to in!li$t damage

other5ise the oil is Ist slippery% Assming some

means o! igniting the oil is at hand' a dire$t hit to a

$reatre deals 1d points o! !ire damage' pls in the

ne&t rond the target ta*es an additional 1d points o!

damage' nless he or she spends the rond

e&tingishing the !lames by some reasonable means%

(he G) mst Idge the method sed rolling on the

!loor Hassming itLs not oily alsoJ or $overing the !lames

5ith a 5et blan*et are good methods' !or instan$e'

5hile poring or splashing 5ater on brning oil does

little good% >n any event' a !las* o! brning oil only

$ases damage !or t5o ronds at most%

>! the oil is ignited by some sort o! 5i$* or !se' then all

other $reatres 5ithin B !eet o! the point o! impa$t

re$eive 1d6 points o! !ire damage !rom the splash% A

save vs% Death Ray is allo5ed to avoid this damage% >!

the !las* does not hit the intended target Has des$ribed

nder Grenade-#i*e )issiles' aboveJ' then that $reatre

may still ta*e damage !rom the splash' and re$eives a

saving thro5% /o saving thro5 is allo5ed !or a $reatre

5hi$h has re$eived a dire$t hit%

 A !las* o! oil spilled or splattered on the grond 5ill brn

!or 10 ronds% (hose attempting to $ross the brning oil

5ill re$eive 1d6 points o! !ire damage ea$h rond they

are in it H5ith no saving thro5 in this $aseJ%

7ire-resistant $reatres' in$lding $reatres having !ire-

based abilities' are not damaged by brning oil%

%ol2 .ater 

oly 5ater damages ndead $reatres% A !las* o! holy

5ater $an be thro5n as a grenade-li*e missile the !las*

brea*s i! thro5n against the body o! a $orporeal

$reatre' bt to se it against an in$orporeal $reatre' it

mst be opened and pored ot onto the target'generally re:iring the atta$*er to be adIa$ent to the


 A dire$t hit by a !las* o! holy 5ater deals 1d points o!

damage to an ndead $reatre% >n addition' ea$h s$h

$reatre 5ithin B !eet o! the point o! impa$t re$eives 1d6

points o! damage !rom the splash% oly 5ater is only

e!!e$tive !or one rond%


/;Cs and monsters donLt al5ays !ight to the death in

!a$t' most 5ill try to avoid death 5henever possible%

a$h monster listing in$ldes the monsterLs )orale

s$ore' a !igre bet5een 2 and 12% (o ma*e a )orale

$he$*' roll 2d6 i! the roll is e:al to or less than the


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)orale s$ore' the monster or monsters are 5illing to

stand and !ight% >! the roll is higher than the s$ore' the

monster has lost its nerve% )onsters 5ith a )orale

s$ore o! 12 never !ail a )orale $he$* they al5ays !ight

to the death%

>n general' )orale is $he$*ed 5hen monsterHsJ !irst

en$onter opposition' and again 5hen the monster

party is red$ed to hal! strength Hby nmbers i! more

than one monster' or by hit points i! the monster is

aloneJ% 7or this prpose' monsters in$apa$itated by

slee' /ar5' or /old magi$ are $onted as i! dead%

(he Game )aster may apply adIstments to a

monsterLs )orale s$ore in some sitations' at his or herdis$retion% Generally' adIstments shold not total

more than O2 or -2% /o adIstment is ever applied to a

)orale s$ore o! 12%

 A monster that !ails a )orale $he$* 5ill generally

attempt to !lee intelligent monsters or /;Cs may

attempt to srrender' i! the G) so desires%

/ote that spe$ial rles apply to retainers see the

relevant rles in the Ad>ent;re se$tion' above%

T;rnin4 t/e !ndead

Cleri$s $an (rn the ndead' that is' drive a5ay ndead

monsters by means o! !aith alone% (he Cleri$

brandishes his or her holy symbol and $alls pon the

po5er o! his or her divine patron% (he player rolls 1d20

and tells the G) the reslt% /ote that the player shold

al5ays roll' even i! the G) *no5s the $hara$ter $anLt

s$$eed Hor $anLt !ailJ' as telling the player 5hether or

not to roll may reveal too m$h%

(he G) loo*s p the Cleri$Ls level on the Cleri$s vs%

@ndead table' and $ross-re!eren$es it 5ith the ndead

type% >! the table indi$ates 8/o9 !or that $ombination' it

is not possible !or the Cleri$ to a!!e$t that type o!

ndead monster% >! the table gives a nmber' that is the

minimm nmber needed on 1d20 to (rn that sort o!

ndead% >! the table says 8(9 !or that $ombination' that

type o! ndead is atomati$ally a!!e$ted Hno roll

neededJ% >! the reslt sho5n is a 8D'9 then that sort o!

ndead 5ill be Damaged Hand possibly destroyedJ

rather than merely (rned%

>! the roll is a s$$ess' 2d6 hit di$e o! ndead monsters

are a!!e$ted srpls hit di$e are lost Hso i! ombies are

being (rned and a roll o! is made' at most 3 ombies

$an be (rnedJ' bt a minimm o! one $reatre 5ill

al5ays be a!!e$ted i! the !irst roll s$$eeds%

>! a mi&ed grop o! ndead Hsay' a 5ight and a pair o!ombiesJ is to be (rned' the player still rolls Ist on$e%

(he reslt is $he$*ed against the 5ea*est sort !irst Hthe

ombiesJ' and i! they are s$$ess!lly (rned' the same

reslt is $he$*ed against the ne&t higher type o!

ndead% #i*e5ise' the 2d6 hit di$e are rolled only on$e%

7or e&ample' i! the grop des$ribed above is to be

(rned by a 2nd

 level Cleri$' he or she 5old !irst need

to have rolled a 1B or higher to (rn the ombies% >! this

is a s$$ess' 2d6 are rolled assming the 2d6 roll is a

' this 5old (rn both ombies and leave a remainder

o! 3 hit di$e o! e!!e$t% ights are' in !a$t' 3 hit die

monsters' so assming the original 1d20 roll 5as a 20'

the 5ight is (rned as 5ell% "bviosly' 5ere it a grop

o! 3 ombies and a 5ight' the 2d6 roll 5old have to be

a total o! F or higher to a!!e$t them all%


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>! a Cleri$ s$$eeds at (rning the ndead' bt not all

ndead monsters present are a!!e$ted' he or she may

try again in the ne&t rond to a!!e$t those 5hi$h remain%

>! any roll to (rn the @ndead !ails' that Cleri$ may not

attempt to (rn @ndead again !or one !ll trn% A partial

!ailre Hpossible against a mi&ed gropJ $onts as a

!ailre !or this prpose%

@ndead monsters 5hi$h are (rned !lee !rom the Cleri$

and his or her party at ma&imm movement% >! the

party prse and $orner the (rned ndead' they mayresme atta$*ing the party bt i! le!t alone' the

monsters 5ill not retrn or attempt to atta$* the Cleri$

or those near him or her !or at least 2d trns%

@ndead monsters sbIe$t to a D HDamagedJ reslt

s!!er 1d damage per level o! the Cleri$ Hroll on$e and

apply the same damage to all ndead monsters

a!!e$tedJ those red$ed to ero hit points are tterly

destroyed' being blasted into little more than dst%

(hose srviving this damage are still (rned as above%

Ener42 rain

+ometimes $hara$ters are e&posed to energy drain

!rom ndead or evil magi$% +$h energy drain is

mani!ested in the !orm o! 8negative levels%9 7or ea$hnegative level a vi$tim re$eives' he or she s!!ers a

semi-permanent loss o! one hit die 5orth o! hit points

and a penalty o! -1 on all atta$* and saving thro5 rolls%

(he vi$tim may or may not be allo5ed a saving thro5 to

resist the e!!e$t Hdepending on the spe$i!i$ monster


>! the $hara$terLs hit points are red$ed to ero or less

by means o! energy drain' the vi$tim is immediately

slain% >! the energy drain is $ased by an ndeadmonster' the vi$tim 5ill sally be trans!ormed into that

sort o! ndead He&a$t details vary by type o! monsterJ%

/egative levels may be removed by magi$% hen a

negative level is to be removed' divide the total nmber

o! hit points lost by the nmber o! negative levels

Hronding normallyJ to determine ho5 many hit points

are restored%

7or e&ample' a $hara$ter s!!ers three negative levels

o! energy drain% (he hit point losses rolled 5ere 6' B'

and 2' !or a total o! 13 points lost% (he !irst negative

level removed restores 13 Q 3 %3333 hit points H5hi$h

is ronded to evenJ% /o5 the $hara$ter has t5o

negative levels and has lost F hit points% (he ne&t time

a negative level is removed' the $hara$ter re$overs F Q

2 %B hit points' 5hi$h is ronded to B even% /o5 the

$hara$ter has one negative level and hit points lost%

Removal o! the last negative level 5ill restore the

remaining points%

(hose 5ho have s!!ered energy drain generally have a

gant' haggard loo* abot them' noti$eable by

observant $hara$ters%


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%ealin4 and Rest

Chara$ters re$over 1 hit point o! damage every day'

provided that normal sleep is possible% Chara$ters 5ho

$hoose !ll bedrest regain an additional hit point ea$hevening%

/ormal $hara$ters re:ire 6 hors sleep ot o! every

2% +btra$t !rom this nmber o! hors the $hara$terLs

Constittion bons so a $hara$ter 5ith 1 Constittion

needs only 3 hors sleep per night Hand a $hara$ter

5ith 3 Constittion needs F horsJ% /ote that these

!igres are minimms given a $hoi$e' most $hara$ters

5old pre!er to sleep t5o or more hors longer%

Chara$ters 5ho get less than the re:ired amont o!

sleep s!!er a -1 penalty on all atta$* rolls and saving

thro5s Has 5ell as not re$eiving any hit points o!

healingJ% 7or ea$h additional night 5here s!!i$ient

sleep is not re$eived' the penalty be$omes one point

5orse% Regardless o! ho5 long the $hara$ter has gone

5ithot ade:ate sleep' the normal amont o! sleep 5ill

remove these penalties%

Constit;tion Point Losses

 Any $hara$ter 5ho has lost Constittion points

temporarily Hs$h as de to a diseaseJ may regain them

5ith normal rest% (he rate o! re$overy is one point per

day' a5arded ea$h morning 5hen the $hara$ter

a5a*ens !rom a normal nightLs sleep% >! more than one

Constittion point 5as lost' the $hara$ter mst ma*e a

save vs% Death Ray H5ithot adIstmentsJ to regain the

!inal point !ailre reslts in a permanent loss o! that


>! a Constittion loss reslts in a lo5er bons or penalty'

the $hara$terLs ma&imm hit points mst be red$ed

appropriately !or instan$e' a $hara$ter red$ed !rom 16

to 1B Constittion goes !rom O2 to O1' ths losing one

hit point per die rolled% >! a red$tion in ma&imm hit

points red$es that !igre to less than the $hara$terLs

$rrent hit points' red$e the $rrent hit points to the

ne5 ma&imm hit point !igre immediately%

hen regaining Constittion' any in$rease thatin$reases the $hara$terLs Constittion bons reslts in

the restoration o! the hit points lost de to the red$tion'

added to the ma&imm hit point !igre only% Crrent hit

points 5ill not be improved in this !ashion' bt rather

mst be regained by normal healing%

Fallin4 a5a4e

Chara$ters s!!er 1d6 damage per 10L !allen' p to a

ma&imm 20d6% 7ra$tional distan$es are ronded to

the nearest 5hole nmber' so that a !all o! 1-L does no

damage' BL-1L does 1d6' et$%

eaness and Blindness

 A dea!ened $reatre $an rea$t only to 5hat it $an see or

!eel' is srprised on 1-3 on 1d6' and s!!ers a -1 penalty

to its >nitiative rolls% A blinded $reatre is srprised on

1- on 1d6' s!!ers a - penalty to its atta$* rolls' a -

penalty to its Armor Class' and a -2 penalty to its

>nitiative rolls% (hese e!!e$ts are modi!ied 5hen dealing

5ith monsters having nsal sensory abilities !or

e&ample' bats may be a!!e$ted by dea!ness as i!

blinded instead%

(hese penalties are !or $hara$ters or $reatres re$ently

handi$apped% (hose 5ho are normally blind or dea!

may have red$ed penalties at the G)Ls option%

/ote that the penalty !or atta$*ing an invisible opponent

is the same as the penalty !or atta$*ing blind' that is' -

on the atta$* roll%


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Atta?in4 a e/ile

 Atta$*s against vehi$les Hs$h as 5agons or shipsJ are

made against Armor Class 11% a$h vehi$le has listed

ardness and it ;oint vales% Roll damage againstthe vehi$le' and then red$e that damage by the

ardness vale% Any e&$ess damage is applied to the


>! the vehi$le ta*es damage e:al to or greater than the

listed ; on one side' it is red$ed to hal! speed de to

5heel damage or a hll brea$h i! it ta*es this m$h

again' it is immobilied' and this m$h damage 5ill sin*

a ship%

Reairin4 a e/ile

Damage done to a vehi$le may be restored at a rate o!

1d hit points per $re5 member per hor o! labor%

o5ever' a vehi$le $an only be restored to F0N o! its

ma&imm hit points by !ield repairs a damaged ship

mst be pt into drydo$* and repaired by a ship5right

and his $re5' 5hile a 5agon' $art or $hariot 5ill re:ire

a 5agonma*er to repair them% Costs o! s$h repairs

are le!t to the Game )aster to de$ide%

Sa>in4 T/ro8s

Sa>in4 t/ro8s represent the ability o! a $hara$ter or

$reatre to resist or avoid spe$ial atta$*s' s$h as

spells or poisons% #i*e an atta$* roll' a saving thro5 is

a d20 roll' 5ith a target nmber based on the

$hara$terLs $lass and level !or monsters' a $omparable

$lass and level are provided !or the prpose o!

determining the monsterLs saving thro5 !igres% Anatral HnadIstedJ roll o! 1 on a saving thro5 is

al5ays a !ailre' 5hile a natral 20 is al5ays a s$$ess%

(he !ive $ategories o! saving thro5 as !ollo5s, eat/

Ra2 or Poison' *a4i .ands' Paral2sis or

Petri2' ra4on Breat/' and Sells% +pells and

monster spe$ial atta$*s 5ill indi$ate 5hi$h $ategory

applies H5hen a saving thro5 is allo5edJ' bt in some

nsal sitations the Game )aster 5ill need to $hoose

a $ategory% "ne 5ay to ma*e this $hoi$e is to interpret

the $ategories metaphori$ally% 7or e&ample' a G)

might be 5riting an adventre 5herein there is a trap

that pors brning oil on the hapless adventrers%

 Avoiding the oil might be $onsidered similar to avoiding

Dragon reath% "r perhaps a stone idol shoots beams

o! energy !rom its glaring eyes 5hen approa$hed% (his

atta$* may be $onsidered similar to a )agi$ and' or i!

espe$ially potent' a +pell%

>n general' saving thro5 rolls are not adIsted by ability

s$ore bons or penalty !igres% (here are a !e5


• ;oison saving thro5s are al5ays adIsted by the

Constittion bons o! the $hara$ter%

• +aving thro5s against illsions Hs$h as

/antas5al oreJ are al5ays adIsted by

the $hara$terLs >ntelligen$e%

(he G) may de$ide on other saving thro5 adIstments'

as he or she sees !it%

Ite5 Sa>in4 T/ro8s

 Area e!!e$ts Hs$h as !ireball or lightning bolt spellsJ

may damage items $arried by a $hara$ter as 5ell as

inIring the $hara$ter% 7or simpli$ity' assme that items

$arried are na!!e$ted i! the $hara$ter or $reatre

$arrying them ma*es its saving thro5% o5ever' very

!ragile items Hpaper vs% !ire' glass vs% physi$al impa$t'

et$%J may still be $onsidered sbIe$t to damage even i!

the bearer ma*es his or her save%

>n any $ase 5here one or more items may be sbIe$t to

damage' se the saving thro5 roll o! the bearer to

determine i! the item is damaged or not% 7or e&ample'


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a $hara$ter holding an open spellboo* is str$* by a

!ireball spell he or she mst save vs% +pells' and then

save again at the same odds !or the spellboo*%

(he G) shold !eel !ree to amend this rle as he or she

sees !it !or instan$e' a ba$*pa$* !ll o! !ragile items

might be given a single saving thro5 rather than

laboriosly rolling !or ea$h and every item%




Ra2 or





or Petri2


Breat/ Sells

1 11 12 1 16 1B

#3 10 11 13 1B 1

'& F 10 13 1B 1

7 F 10 12 1 13

+9 F 12 1 13

111 F 11 13 12

1#13 11 13 12

1'1& 10 12 11

117 6 10 12 11

1+19 6 F 11 10

# B 6 F 11 10




Ra2 or








Breat/ Sells

1 12 13 1 1B 1

#3 11 12 1 1B 16

'& 11 11 13 1 1B

7 10 11 12 1 1B

+9 F 10 12 13 1

111 F F 11 12 13

1#13 F 10 12 13

1'1& 10 11 12

117 F 10 11

1+19 6 10 11

# B 6 F 10




Ra2 or








Breat/ Sells

1 13 1 13 16 1B

#3 13 1 13 1B 1

'& 12 13 12 1B 13

7 12 12 11 1 13

+9 11 11 10 1 12

11111 10 F 13 11

1#13 10 10 F 13 11

1'1& 10 F 12 10

117 F 12 F

1+19 F 6 11 F

# 6 B 11




Ra2 or








Breat/ Sells

1 13 1 13 16 1B

#3 12 1 12 1B 1

'& 11 13 12 1 13

7 11 13 11 13 13

+9 10 12 11 12 12

111 F 12 10 11 11

1#13 F 10 10 10 11

1'1& 10 F F 10

117 F F F

1+19 F F

# 6 6


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Na5e:  (he !irst thing given !or ea$h monster is its

name Hthe most $ommon name' i! the monster is *no5n

by more than oneJ% >! an asteris* appears a!ter the

monsterLs name' it indi$ates that the monster is only

able to be hit by spe$ial 5eapons Hs$h as silver or

magi$al 5eapons' or $reatres a!!e$ted only by !ire'

et$%J 5hi$h ma*es the monster harder to de!eat%

Ar5or Class:  (his line gives the $reatreXs AC !or

normal $ombat% >! the monster $stomarily 5ears

armor' the !irst listed AC vale is 5ith that armor' and

the se$ond' in parentheses' is narmored% +ome

monsters are only able to be hit HdamagedJ by silver or

magi$al 5eapons these are indi$ated either in 5ords or

5ith a dagger V some monsters may only be hit 5ith

magi$al 5eapons' indi$ated by a doble dagger \%

%it ie: (his line gives the $reatreXs nmber o! hit

di$e' and lists any bons hit points% )onsters al5ays

roll eight sided di$e HdJ !or hit points' nless other5ise

noted% +o a $reatre 5ith 3O2 hit di$e rolls 3d and

adds 2 points to the total%

"ne or t5o asteris*s HSJ may appear a!ter the hit di$e

!igre 5here present' they indi$ate a +pe$ial Ability

ons to e&perien$e points HP;J a5arded !or the

monster% +ee C/arater Ad>ane5ent in the

Ad>ent;re se$tion !or more details%

>! the monsterLs Atta? Bon;s  is di!!erent than its

nmber o! it Di$e' !or $onvenien$e the Atta$* ons

5ill be listed in parentheses a!ter the it Di$e !igre%

*o>e5ent:  (his line gives the monsterLs movement

rate' or rates !or those monsters able to move in more

than one !ashion% 7or e&ample' gbears have a

normal 5al*ing movement o! 30D' and this is all that is

listed !or them% )ermaids $an only move abot in the

5ater' and so their movement is given as S8i5 'D%

;egasi $an both 5al* and !ly' so their movement is

listed as +D Fl2 1D%

>n addition' a distan$e may appear in parentheses a!ter

a movement !igre this is the $reatreLs trning

distan$e Hsee Part &: T/e Eno;nter J% >! a trning

distan$e is not listed' assme BL%

Atta?s:  (he nmber Hand sometimes type or typesJ

o! atta$*s the monster $an per!orm% 7or e&ample'

Goblins may atta$* on$e 5ith a 5eapon' so they are

mar*ed 1 8eaon% Ghols are mar*ed # la8s<1

6ite as they $an atta$* 5ith both $la5s and also bite in

one rond%

a5a4e:  (he damage !igres $ased by s$$ess!l

atta$*s by the monster% Generally this 5ill be de!ined in

terms o! one or more die rolls%

No" Aearin4:  (his is given in terms o! one or more

die rolls% )onsters that only appear ndergrond and

have no lairs 5ill have a single die roll those that have

lairs andQor those that $an be !ond in the 5ilderness

5ill be noted appropriately% 7or e&ample' a monster

noted as 81d6' ild 2d6' #air 3d69 is en$ontered in

grops o! 1d6 individals in a dngeon setting' 2d6

individals in the 5ilderness' or 3d6 individals in a lair%


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/ote that nmber appearing applies to $ombatants%

/on-$ombatant monsters HIveniles' and sometimes

!emalesJ do not $ont in this nmber% (he te&t o! the

monster des$ription shold e&plain this in detail 5here it

matters' bt the G) is al5ays the !inal arbiter%

Sa>e As:  (he $hara$ter $lass and level the monster

ses !or saving thro5s% )ost monsters save as

7ighters o! a level e:al to their hit di$e%

*orale:  (he nmber that mst be rolled e:al to or

less than on 2d6 !or the monster to pass a )orale

Che$*% )onsters having a )orale o! 12 never !ail

morale $he$*s' and !ight ntil destroyed Hor ntil they

have no enemies le!tJ%

Treas;re T2e:  (his line re!le$ts ho5 m$h 5ealth

the $reatre o5ns% +ee the Treas;re  se$tion !or

more details% >n most $ases' a $reatre *eeps

valables in its home or lair and has no treasre 5ith it

5hen it travels% >ntelligent $reatres that o5n se!l'

portable treasre Hs$h as magi$ itemsJ tend to $arry

and se these' leaving bl*y items at home%

-P, (he nmber o! e&perien$e points a5arded !or

de!eating this monster% >n some $ases' the !igre 5ill

vary !or instan$e' Dragons o! di!!erent age $ategories

5ill have di!!erent P; vales% Revie5 the &perien$e

;oints a5ards table in the Ad>ent;re se$tion' above'

to $al$late the $orre$t !igre in these $ases%


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5or* by age t5o%

Riding horses $annot

!ight 5hile a rider is

monted% A light load

!or a riding horse is p

to 2B0 ponds a heavy

load' p to B00


.ar %orses are trained and bred !or strength and

aggression% (hey sally are not ready !or 5ar!are

be!ore age three% A light load !or a 5arhorse is p to

3B0 ponds a heavy load' p to 00 ponds%

*;les are sterile $rossbreeds o! don*eys and horses%

(hey $an be ta*en into dngeons or $averns% A mle is

similar to a riding horse' bt slightly stronger and more

agile% A light load !or a mle is p to 300 ponds a

heavy load' p to 600 ponds%

 A Pon2  is a small horse' nder B !eet tall at the

sholder% ;onies are other5ise similar to riding horses

and $annot !ight 5hile $arrying a rider% ;onies $an be

trained !or 5ar' and the morale in parentheses above is

!or a 5ar pony this does not allo5 them to !ight 5hile

$arrying a rider% A light load !or a pony is p to 2B

ponds a heavy load' p to BB0 ponds%


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*onster esritions

Ant ,iant

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e,

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1

Damage, 2d6

)ovement, 60L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 2d6' ild 2d6' #air d6

+ave As, 7ighter,

)orale, on !irst sighting' 12 a!ter engaged

(reasre (ype, @ or spe$ial

P;, 20

Giant ants are among the hardiest and most adaptable

vermin% +oldiers and 5or*ers are abot B to 6 !eet long'

5hile :eens $an gro5 to a length o! F !eet% Giant ants

may be red or bla$* there is no statisti$al di!!eren$e

bet5een them% (hogh relatively shy 5hen !irst

en$ontered' on$e $ombat begins they 5ill !ight to the

death% (hey are *no5n to $olle$t shiny things' and so

5ill sometimes have a small amont o! treasre in their


Giant ants may o$$asionally mine shiny metals s$h as

gold or silver one in three H1-2 on 1d6J giant ant lairs

5ill $ontain 1d100 & 1d100 gp vale in relatively pre



 Armor Class, 13

it Di$e, 1 to

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 btt

Damage, 1d or 1d6 or 1d

)ovement, 0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 3d10

+ave As, 7ighter, 1 to Has it Di$eJ

)orale, B HJ

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 2B - 20

(he statisti$s above represent $ommon sorts o! 5ild

herd animals' in$lding deer H1 hit dieJ' aro$hs H2 hit

di$eJ' el* or moose H3 hit di$eJ and bison H hit di$eJ%

+$h $reatres are o!ten s*ittish and li*ely to !lee i!

provo*ed' bt males are more aggressive in the

presen$e o! !emales Hthe parenthesied morale applies

in this $aseJ%


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Bat (and Bat ,iant)

at Giant at

 Armor Class, 1 1

it Di$e, 1 it ;oint 2

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 1 bite

Damage, Con!sion 1d

)ovement, 30L 7ly 0L 10L 7ly 60L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1d100'

ild 1d100'

#air 1d100


ild 1d10'

#air 1d10

+ave As, /ormal )an 7ighter, 2

)orale, 6

(reasre (ype, /one /one

P;, 10 B

ats are no$trnal !lying mammals% (he statisti$s

presented here des$ribe small' inse$tivoros bats%

(hey have a natral sonar that allo5s them to operate

in total dar*ness !or game prposes' treat this ability as


 A grop o! normal-sied bats has no e!!e$tive atta$* Hat

least in terms o! doing damageJ bt $an $on!se those

in the area' !lying arond apparently randomly% 7or

every ten bats in the area' one $reatre $an be

$on!sed s$h a $reatre 5ill s!!er a penalty o! -2 on

all atta$* and saving thro5 rolls 5hile the bats remain in

the area%

 A giant bat has a 5ingspan o! 1B !eet and 5eighs abot200 ponds% (hey have the same sensory abilities as

normal-sied bats' bt being m$h larger' they are able

to atta$* adventrers many are $arnivoros' ma*ing

s$h atta$*s li*ely%


ears atta$* by rending opponents 5ith their $la5s'

dragging them in and biting them% A s$$ess!l hit 5ith

both pa5s indi$ates a hg atta$* !or additional damage

Has given !or ea$h spe$i!i$ bear typeJ% All bears are

very togh to *ill' and are able to move and atta$* !or

one rond a!ter losing all hit points%


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Bear Bla?

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e,

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite O hg

Damage, 1dQ1dQ1d6 O 2d6 hg

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d' ild 1d' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter,


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 20

(he bla$* bear is a !orest-d5elling omnivore that

sally is not dangeros nless an interloper threatens

its $bs or !ood spply%

la$* bears may a$tally be pre bla$*' blond' or

$innamon in $olor% (hey are rarely more than B !eet


Bear Ca>e

 Armor Class, 1B

it Di$e,

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite O hg

Damage, 1dQ1dQ2d6 O 2d hg

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d2' ild 1d2' #air 1d2

+ave As, 7ighter,

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 60

(hese monstros bears are even larger than grily

bears% (hey are !ero$ios *illers' atta$*ing almost

anything o! e:al or smaller sie%

Bear ,ri@@l2

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, B

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite O hg

Damage, 1dQ1dQ1d O 2d hg

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, 1' ild 1d' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, B

)orale, (reasre (ype, /one

P;, 360

(hese massive $arnivores 5eigh more than 1'00

ponds and stand nearly F !eet tall 5hen they rear p

on their hind legs% (hey are bad-tempered and


Bear Polar 

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 6

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite O hg

Damage, 1d6Q1d6Q1d10 O 2d hg

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, 1' ild 1d2' #air 1d2

+ave As, 7ighter, 6


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, B00

(hese long' lean $arnivores are slightly taller than

bro5n bears' and Ist as hostile%


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Bee ,iant

 Armor Class, 13

it Di$e, 1dhpS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 stingDamage, 1d O poison

)ovement, 10L 7ly B0L

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 1d6' #air Bd6

+ave As, 7ighter, 1

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, +pe$ial

P;, 13

 Althogh many times

larger' gro5ing to a length

o! abot a !oot' giant bees

behave generally the same

as their smaller $osins%

Giant bees are sally not

aggressive e&$ept 5hen

de!ending themselves or

their hive% A giant bee that s$$ess!lly stings another

$reatre plls a5ay' leaving its stinger in the $reatre%

(he bee then dies%

Beetle ,iant Bo56ardier 

 Armor Class, 16

it Di$e, 2S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite O spe$ial

Damage, 1d6 O spe$ial

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d' ild 2d6' #air 2d6

+ave As, 7ighter, 2


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 100

Giant bombardier beetles have red head and thora&

se$tions and bla$* abdomens% (hey are 3 to !eet


>n $ombat' a giant bombardier beetle bites opponents in!ront o! it' and sprays a $one o! very hot and no&ios

gases !rom a nole in the rearmost tip o! the abdomen%

(his to&i$ blast $ases 2d6 points o! damage to all

5ithin a $one 10L long and 10L 5ide at the !ar end Ha

save vs% Death Ray !or hal! damage is allo5edJ% A

giant bombardier beetle $an se this spray atta$* p to

!ive times per day' bt no more o!ten than on$e per

three ronds% 7a$ed 5ith opponents atta$*ing !rom Ist

one dire$tion' a giant bombardier beetle may $hoose to

trn a5ay and se the spray atta$* rather than biting%

Giant bombardier beetles' li*e most beetles' have more

or less the same visal a$ity in all dire$tions' and ths

s!!er no penalty to Armor Class 5hen atta$*ed !rom


Beetle ,iant Fire

 Armor Class, 16

it Di$e, 1O2

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 2d

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d' ild 2d6' #air 2d6

+ave As, 7ighter, 1


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 2B

(hese lminos no$trnal inse$ts are pried by miners

and adventrers% (hey have t5o glands' one above

ea$h eye' that prod$e a red glo5% (he glandsX


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lminosity persists !or 1d6 days a!ter removal !rom the

beetle' illminating a roghly $ir$lar area 5ith a 10-!oot


Giant !ire beetles are abot 2 !eet long% (hey arenormally timid bt 5ill !ight i! $ornered% #i*e most

beetles' they have more or less the same visal a$ity

in all dire$tions' and ths s!!er no penalty to Armor

Class 5hen atta$*ed !rom behind%

Beetle ,iant Ti4er 

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 3O1

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1

Damage, 2d6

)ovement, 60L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 2d' #air 2d

+ave As, 7ighter, 3

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, @

P;, 1B

Giant tiger beetles are predatory monsters arond B

!eet long% (heir $arapa$es tend to be dar* bro5n 5ith

lighter bro5n striped or spotted patterns' bt there are

many variations%

(hey are !ast rnners' depending on their speed to rn

do5n prey' and they 5illingly prey on any $reatre o!

man sie or smaller% #i*e most beetles' they have more

or less the same visal a$ity in all dire$tions' and ths

s!!er no penalty to Armor Class 5hen atta$*ed !rom


Bla? P;ddin4

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 10S HOFJ

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1

Damage, 3d

)ovement, 20L

/o% Appearing, 1

+ave As, 7ighter, 10

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1'3F0

la$* pddings are amorphos $reatres that live only

to eat% (hey inhabit ndergrond areas throghot the

5orld' s$oring $averns' rins' and dngeons in sear$h

o! organi$ matter' living or dead% (hey atta$* any

$reatres they en$onter' lashing ot 5ith psedopods

or simply engl!ing opponents 5ith their bodies' 5hi$h

se$rete a$ids that help them $at$h and digest their prey%

>! atta$*ed 5ith normal or magi$al 5eapons' or 5ith

lightning or ele$tri$ity' a bla$* pdding s!!ers no inIry'

bt 5ill be split into t5o pddings the G) shold dividethe original bla$* pddingLs hit di$e bet5een the t5o

ho5ever he or she sees !it' 5ith the limitation that

neither pdding may have less than t5o hit di$e% A t5o

hit die bla$* pdding is simply nharmed by s$h

atta$*s' bt $annot be split !rther%

Cold or i$e based atta$*s do not harm a bla$* pdding'

bt s$h an atta$* 5ill paralye the pdding !or one

rond per die o! damage the atta$* 5old normally

$ase% "ther atta$* !orms 5ill a!!e$t a bla$* pddingnormally the pre!erred method o! *illing one sally

involves !ire%


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(he typi$al bla$* pdding measres 10 !eet a$ross and

2 !eet thi$*' and 5eighs abot 10'000 ponds% la$*

pddings o! smaller sies may be en$ontered' possibly

as a reslt o! the splitting des$ribed above%

Blin? o4

 Armor Class, 1B

it Di$e, S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 1d6

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 1d6' #air 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter,

)orale, 6

(reasre (ype, C

P;, 20

(he blin* dog is an intelligent $anine that has a limited

teleportation ability they are able to teleport p to 120L

at 5ill% lin* dogs may teleport immediately a!ter

atta$*ing' ths possibly avoiding being atta$*ed% >n

parti$lar' a blin* dog may teleport ne&t to an opponent'

atta$*' and teleport a5ay in the same rond the vi$tim

5old need to stri*e on the same >nitiative nmber as

the blin* dog in order to atta$* it in melee%

lin* dogs hnt in pa$*s' teleporting in a seemingly

random !ashion ntil they srrond their prey' allo5ing

some o! them to get the bons !or atta$*ing !rom


lin* dogs are medim-sied dogs' typi$ally light bro5n

in $olor and short haired' thogh other varieties are

rmored to e&ist% (hey have their o5n langage' a

mi&tre o! bar*s' yaps' 5hines' and gro5ls that $an

transmit $omple& in!ormation% (hey are sally shy'

avoiding a !ight i! possible' bt they hate dislaers

and 5ill generally atta$* them on sight%

Blood Rose

 Armor Class, 13

it Di$e, 2S to S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 to 3 pls blood drain

Damage, 1d6

)ovement, 1L

/o% Appearing, ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 2

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 100 - 20

lood roses appear to be normal rose bshes' bt are

a$tally animated plants' dimly a5are o! their

srrondings% (hese plants are al5ays in bloom'

bearing beati!l !lo5ers that are normally 5hite Hor

rarely' yello5J in $olor%

(he !ragran$e o! the !lo5ers is dete$table p to 30L !rom

the plant in ideal $onditions% lood roses $an move

abot slo5ly' and 5ill try to !ind lo$ations sheltered !rom

the 5ind in order to a$hieve those ideal $onditions%

#iving $reatres 5ho smell the !ragran$e mst save vs%;oison or be$ome be!ddled' dropping anything $arried

and approa$hing the plant% a$h rond s$h a $reatre

or $hara$ter is 5ithin the a!!e$ted area' this save mst

be made% e!ddled $hara$ters 5ill not resist the plant-

$reatreLs atta$*s i! a!!e$ted $reatres are removed

!rom the area' the e!!e$t o! the !ragran$e 5ill e&pire 2d

ronds later% @ndead monsters' $onstr$ts' et$% are not



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a$h blood rose plant 5ill

have 1' 2 or 3 5hipli*e

$anes stdded 5ith thorns

5ith 5hi$h it $an atta$*%

hen a $ane hits' it 5raps

arond the vi$tim and

begins to drain blood' doing

1d6 damage per rond% A

blood rose 5hi$h has

re$ently H5ithin one dayJ 8eaten9 this 5ay 5ill have

!lo5ers ranging !rom pin* to deep 5ine red in $olor'

5hi$h 5ill !ade slo5ly ba$* to 5hite or yello5 as the

plant digests the blood it has $onsmed%


 Armor Class, 13

it Di$e, 3

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 ts*

Damage, 2d

)ovement, B0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter, 3

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1B

(hogh not $arnivores'

these 5ild s5ine are bad-

tempered and sally

$harge anyone 5ho

distrbs them% /ote that

8boar9 re!ers spe$i!i$ally tothe male o! the spe$ies'

bt !emales are e:ally large and !ier$e%

 A boar is $overed in $oarse' grayish-bla$* !r% Adlts

are abot !eet long and 3 !eet high at the sholder%


 Armor Class, 1B H13J

it Di$e, 3O1

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 5eapon

Damage, 1dO1 or by 5eapon O1

)ovement, 30L @narmored 0L

/o% Appearing, 2d' ild Bd' #air Bd

+ave As, 7ighter, 3

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, U' R ea$h ' #' ) in lair 

P;, 1B

gbears loo* li*e hge' hairy goblins' standing abot 6

!eet tall% (heir eyes are sally a dar*ish bro5n $olor

and they move very :ietly% (hey are 5ild and

relatively !earless' and blly smaller hmanoids

5henever possible%


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gbears pre!er to ambsh opponents i! they $an%

hen hnting' they o!ten send s$ots ahead o! the

main grop% gbear atta$*s are $oordinated' and their

ta$ti$s are sond i! not brilliant% (hey are able to move

in nearly $omplete silen$e' srprising opponents on 1-3

on 1d6% >n order to remain silent' they mst 5ear only

leather or hide armor' as indi$ated in the Armor Class

s$ores above% gbears re$eive a O1 bons on

damage de to their great +trength% As 5ith most

goblinoid monsters' they have Dar*vision 5ith a 30L


"ne ot o! every eight bgbears 5ill be a hardened

5arrior o! O it Di$e H20 P;J' 5ith a O2 bons to

damage% >n lairs o! 16 or more bgbears' there 5ill be a

$hie!tain o! 6O6 it Di$e HB00 P;J' 5ith a O3 bons to

damage% gbears gain a O1 bons to their morale i!

they are led by a hardened 5arrior or $hie!tain% >n the

lair' bgbears never !ail a morale $he$* as long as the

$hie!tain is alive% >n addition' there is a 2 in 6 $han$e

that a shaman 5ill be present in a lair% A shaman is

e:al to an ordinary bgbear statisti$ally' bt

possesses 1dO1 levels o! Cleri$al abilities%

Caeilia ,iant

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 6S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite O s5allo5 on 1FQ20

Damage, 1d O 1dQrond i! s5allo5ed

)ovement, 20L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1d3' #air 1d3

+ave As, 7ighter, 3

)orale, F

(reasre (ype,


Cae$ilia are $arnivoros' legless amphibians they

strongly resemble earth5orms' bt they have bony

s*eletons and sharp teeth% Cae$ilia live entirely

ndergrond% (he giant variety gro5s p to 30L long

and !re:ently are !ond in $averns or dngeons% (hey

are nearly blind' bt $ae$ilia are very sensitive to sond

and vibrations' and are able to !ind their prey regardless

o! light or the absen$e thereo!%

 A $ae$ilia $an s5allo5 a single small hmanoid or

demi-hman Hs$h as a goblin or hal!lingJ 5hole% "n anatral atta$* roll o! 1F or 20' s$h a vi$tim has been

s5allo5ed Hassming that roll does a$tally hit the

vi$timJ% A s5allo5ed vi$tim s!!ers 1d damage per

rond' and may only atta$* !rom the inside 5ith a small

$tting or stabbing 5eapon s$h as a dagger% hile

the inside o! the $ae$ilia is easier !or the vi$tim to hit'

!ighting 5hile s5allo5ed is more di!!i$lt' so no

modi!iers to the atta$* roll are applied%

"n$e a $ae$ilia has s5allo5ed an opponent' it 5illgenerally attempt to disengage !rom $ombat' going to

its lair to rest and digest its meal%


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Ca>e Lo;st ,iant

 Armor Class, 16

it Di$e, 2SS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite or 1 bmp or 1 spit

Damage, 1d2 or 1dS or spe$ial

)ovement, 20L 7ly 60L H1BLJ

/o% Appearing, 2d10' ild 1d10

+ave As, 7ighter, 2

)orale, B

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 12B

Giant $ave lo$sts are pale' $ri$*et-li*e $reatres that

live ndergrond% An average giant $ave lo$st is 2 to

!eet long% (hey are eyeless' depending on their

sond-sensitive antennae' vibration-sensitive !eet and a

variety o! to$h-sensitive 8hairs9 on their legs to sense

the environment arond them%

(hese $reatres eat sbterranean !ngs Hin$lding

shrie*ersJ as 5ell as $arrion they are not predators' bt

i! distrbed they 5ill atta$*' shrie*ing lodly' biting'

 Imping 5ildly arond' or spitting nasty goo%

 All giant $ave lo$sts in a grop 5ill shrie* 5hen

distrbed' attra$ting 5andering monsters% (he G)

shold roll a 5andering monster $he$* ea$h rond that

one or more $ave lo$sts are atta$*ing i! 5andering

monsters are indi$ated' they 5ill arrive in 1d ronds%

 Any giant $ave lo$st that is engaged HadIa$ent to an

opponentJ 5ill attempt to bite' doing 1d2 damage on a

s$$ess!l hit% (his does not interrpt the monsterLs


 A giant $ave lo$st $an leap p to 60L horiontally' or p

to 30L p% >! one o! these $reatres is not engaged at

the beginning o! the rond' it 5ill leap to5ard one o! the

opponent $reatres roll a normal atta$* roll' and i! the

atta$* hits' the target $reatre ta*es 1d points o! non-

lethal damage !rom the impa$t%

7inally' a giant $ave lo$st $an spray a greenish-bro5ngoo Hits digestive Ii$esJ p to 10L a5ay% a$h giant

$ave lo$st $an per!orm this atta$* Ist on$e per

en$onter% (his spit atta$* 5ill sally be reserved ntil

they !ail a morale $he$*' in 5hi$h $ase all remaining

giant $ave lo$sts 5ill spit at their nearest opponent'

and then all 5ill attempt to !lee in the ne&t rond% (o

spit on an opponent' the giant $ave lo$st rolls an

atta$* against Armor Class 11 Hpls De&terity and

magi$al bonses' bt no normal armor vale appliesJ%

>! the atta$* hits' the target mst save vs% ;oison or be

nable to do anything !or 3d6 ronds de to the horrible



 Armor Class, 12

it Di$e, 2

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 5eapon

Damage, 1d or 5eapon O 1

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d10' ild 10d' #air 10d

+ave As, 7ighter, 2


(reasre (ype, C

P;, B

Cavemen are a spe$ies

$losely related to

hmans they are

shorter and sto$*ier'

and m$h more heavily

ms$led% (hey do not

all a$tally live in $aves%

hether they are


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a$tally less intelligent than 8normal9 hmans or not is a

matter o! debate' bt it is tre that they do not have the

!a$ility !or langage as other hman' demi-hman and

hmanoid ra$es%


 Armor Class, 1B H13J

it Di$e,

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 hoovesQ1 5eapon

Damage, 1d6Q1d6Q1d6 or by 5eapon

)ovement, B0L @narmored 60L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 2d10

+ave As, 7ighter,


(reasre (ype, A

P;, 20

Centars appear to be hal! man' hal! horse' having the

torso' arms and head o! a man in the position a horseLs

head 5old other5ise o$$py% A $entar is as big as a

heavy horse' bt m$h taller and slightly heavier

average males are abot !eet tall and 5eigh abot

2'100 ponds' and !emales are Ist a bit smaller%

Centars may $harge 5ith a spear or lan$e Ist as a

man on horseba$*' 5ith the same bonses% (hey

typi$ally 5ear leather armor 5hen prepared !or $ombat%

Centars are generally haghty and aloo!' bt very

honorable% )ost 5old rather die than allo5 hmans'

demi-hmans' or hmanoids to ride on their ba$*s%

Centiede ,iant

 Armor Class, 11

it Di$e, 1d it ;ointsS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, poison

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, 2d' ild 2d' #air 2d

+ave As, /ormal )an


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 13

Giant $entipedes are larger versions o! the normal sort'

being 2 to 3 !eet long% Centipedes are !ast-moving'

predatory' venomos arthropods' having long

segmented bodies 5ith e&os*eletons% (hey pre!er to

live in ndergrond areas' shado5y !orested areas' and

other pla$es ot o! dire$t snlight ho5ever' there are

desert-d5elling varieties that hide nder the sand

5aiting !or prey to 5ander by%

Giant $entipedes tend to atta$* anything that resembles

!ood' biting 5ith their Ia5s and inIe$ting their poison%(hose bitten by a giant $entipede mst save vs% ;oison

at O2 or die%


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 A male $o$*atri$e has 5attles and a $omb' Ist li*e a

rooster% 7emales' m$h rarer than males' di!!er only in

that they have no 5attles or $omb% A $o$*atri$e 5eighs

abot 2B ponds% A $o$*atri$e is no more intelligent

than any animal' bt they are bad-tempered and prone

to atta$* i! distrbed%

 Anyone to$hed by a $o$*atri$e' or 5ho to$hes one

Heven i! glovedJ' mst save vs% ;etri!i$ation or be trned

to stone%

Cra6 ,iant

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 3

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 pin$ers

Damage, 2d6Q2d6

)ovement, 20L +5im 20L

/o% Appearing, 1d2' ild 1d6' #air 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter, 3


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1B

Giant $rabs natrally resemble the ordinary variety' bt

are m$h larger' averaging BL in diameter Hnot $onting

their legsJ% (hese $reatres are o!ten !ond in 5ater-

!illed $aves' parti$larly those $onne$ted to a river' la*e

or sea' and are tolerant o! both !resh and salt 5ater%

 Also' they are able to live in stagnant 5ater' thogh

they pre!er a better environment%

Giant $rabs $arry their eyes on armored stal*s' 5hi$h

means that no bons is a5arded !or atta$*ing them

!rom behind%


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Nor5al Lar4e ,iant

 Armor Class, 1B 1 1F

it Di$e, 2 6 1B HO11J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 1 1

Damage, 1d 2d 3d

)ovement, 30L H10LJ +5im 30L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 1d ild 1d ild 1d3

+ave As, 7ighter, 2 7ighter, 6 7ighter, 1B

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, /one /one /one

P;, B B00 2'B0

Cro$odiles are aggressive predators 11 to 12 !eet long%

(hey lie mostly sbmerged in rivers or marshes' 5ith

only their eyes and nostrils sho5ing' 5aiting !or prey to

$ome 5ithin rea$h 5hen in their natral element' they

srprise on 1- on 1d6%

Lar4e Croodiles:  (hese hge $reatres are !rom

12-20 !eet long% #arge $ro$odiles !ight and behave li*e

their smaller $osins%

,iant Croodiles:  (hese hge $reatres sally

live in salt 5ater and are generally more than 20 !eet

long% Giant $ro$odiles !ight and behave li*e their

smaller $osins%

inosa;r einon2/;s

 Armor Class, 1B

it Di$e, 3

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, bite 1d

)ovement, B0L

/o% Appearing, 1d3' ild 2d3' #air 2d6

+ave As, 7ighter, 3


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1B

(he Deinony$hs Hsometimes mista*enly $alled a

<Eelo$iraptor<J is a medim-sied !eathered dinosar

5eighting appro&imately 1B0 ponds and rea$hing

abot 11 !eet o! length Htail in$ldedJ% >t is an avid

predator and a s*illed pa$*-hnter its 5arm blood'

aerodynami$ bild and vi$ios ma5 allo5 it to !eed on

larger bt more primitive dinosars%


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inosa;r Pterodat2l (and


Pterodat2l Pteranodon

 Armor Class, 12 13it Di$e, 1 B

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 1

Damage, 1d 2d6

)ovement, 7ly 60L H10LJ 7ly 60L H1BLJ

/o% Appearing, ild 2d ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 1 7ighter, 3


(reasre (ype, /one /one

P;, 2B 360

;teroda$tyls are prehistori$ 5inged reptilian $reatres'

having a 5ingspan o! arond 2B to 30 in$hes% (hogh

they eat mostly !ish' they may atta$* smaller $hara$ters

or s$avenge ngarded pa$*s%

;teranodons are essentially giant-sied pteroda$tyls'

having 5ingspans o! 2B !eet or more% (hey are

predators' and may atta$* adventring parties%

inosa;r Ste4osa;r;s

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 11 HOFJ

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 tailQ1 bite or 1 trample

Damage, 2dQ1d6 or 2d

)ovement, 20L H1BLJ

/o% Appearing, ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 6


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1'BB

 Althogh !earsome loo*ing' the stegosars is a$tally

a pea$eable $reatre and 5ill only !ight in sel!-de!ense'

either biting' trampling' or sing its spi*ed tail'

depending on 5here the opponent is standing in

relation to the dinosar% A stegosars $anLt se its tail

and bite atta$*s against the same $reatre in the same


inosa;r Trieratos

 Armor Class, 1F

it Di$e, 11 HOFJ

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 gore or 1 trample

Damage, 3d6 or 3d6

)ovement, 30L H1BLJ

/o% Appearing, ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter,


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1'BB

 A tri$eratops is a three-horned herbivoros dinosar%

(hey are aggressive to5ard interlopers' atta$*ing

anyone 5ho might appear to be a threat% (hese


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$reatres are abot 2B !eet long and 5eigh abot

20'000 ponds% A tri$eratops 5ill generally attempt to

trample smaller opponents%

inosa;r T2rannosa;r;s Re=

 Armor Class, 23

it Di$e, 1 HO12J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 6d6

)ovement, 0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, F

)orale, 11

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, '000

(he tyrannosars re& is a bipedal $arnivoros

dinosar% Despite its enormos sie and 6-ton 5eight'

a tyrannosars is a s5i!t rnner% >ts head is nearly 6

!eet long' and its teeth are !rom 3 to 6 in$hes in length%

>t is slightly more than 30 !eet long !rom nose to tail% A

tyrannosars prses and eats Ist abot anything it

sees% >ts ta$ti$s are simple – $harge in and bite%

(he statisti$s above $an also be sed to represent

other large bipedal $arnosars' s$h as the allosars%


 Armor Class, 16

it Di$e, 6S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 blades

Damage, 1dQ1d

)ovement, B0L

/o% Appearing, 1d' ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 6


(reasre (ype, D


Displa$ers are ble-bla$*' $atli*e monsters 5ith strange

bladed arms e&tending !rom the sholders% (he blades

are $arried !olded ba$* li*e 5ings' bt the Displa$er

s5ings the blades arond in !ront to atta$*%

(he real po5er and danger o! the Displa$er is its po5er

o! dislae5ent' 5hi$h $ases the monsterLs

apparent lo$ation to shi!t arond $onstantly over a


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range o! 3L !rom the monsterLs tre lo$ation% (his is a

!orm o! illsion' bt a po5er!l !orm that $annot be seen

throgh even by those 5ho *no5 the se$ret%

 Any $hara$ter !ighting a Displa$er !or the !irst time 5illmiss his or her !irst stri*e regardless o! the die roll%

(herea!ter' all atta$*s against displa$ers 5ill be at a

penalty o! -2 to the atta$* roll% (his is not $mlative

5ith the penalty !or !ighting blind% +ome monsters' s$h

as bats' do not depend on vision to !ight and ths may

be able to per$eive the monsterLs tre lo$ation and !ight

5ithot penalty%


 Armor Class, 1B \

it Di$e, O1S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 !ist or 1 5hirl5ind

Damage, 2d or 2d6

)ovement, 30L 7ly 0L

/o% Appearing, 1

+ave As, 7ighter, 12

)orale, 12 HJ

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 00

(he dIinn Hsinglar dIinniJ are hmanoid $reatres !rom

the lemental ;lane o! Air% A dIinni in its natral !orm is

abot 10T !eet tall and 5eighs abot 1'000 ponds%

DIinn disdain physi$al $ombat' pre!erring to se their

magi$al po5ers and

aerial abilities against

!oes% A dIinni

overmat$hed in

$ombat sally ta*es

!light and be$omes a

5hirl5ind Hsee belo5J

to harass those 5ho

!ollo5 the 12 morale re!le$ts a dIinniLs absolte $ontrol

over its o5n !ear' bt does not indi$ate that the $reatre

5ill thro5 its li!e a5ay easily% @se the 89 !igre to

determine 5hether an otmat$hed dIinn de$ides to

leave a $ombat%

DIinn have a nmber o! magi$al po5ers' 5hi$h $an be

sed at 5ill Hthat is' 5ithot needing magi$ 5ords or

gestresJ, reate ood and drin?' $reating tasty

and norishing !ood !or p to 2d6 hmans or similar

$reatres' on$e per day be$ome in>isi6le' 5ith

nlimited ses per day reate nor5al ite5s'

$reating p to 1'000 ponds o! so!t goods or 5ooden

items o! permanent natre or metal goods lasting at

most a day' on$e per day assme 4aseo;s or5' as

the potion' p to one hor per day and reate

ill;sions' as the spell /antas5al ore  bt

in$lding sond as 5ell as visal elements' three times

per day%

DIinn may assme the !orm o! a 5hirl5ind at 5ill' 5ith

no limit as to the nmber o! times per day this po5er

may be sed a dIinni in 5hirl5ind !orm !ights as i! it

5ere an air elemental%

De to their highly magi$al natre' dIinn $annot be

harmed by non-magi$al 5eapons% (hey are immne to

normal $old' and s!!er only hal! damage !rom magi$al

atta$*s based on either $old or 5ind%


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Nor5al Ridin4

 Armor Class, 1 1

it Di$e, 1O1 2

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite 1 bite

Damage, 1d O hold 1dO1 O hold

)ovement, B0L B0L

/o% Appearing, ild 3d domesti$ only

+ave As, 7ighter, 1 7ighter, 2

)orale, F F

(reasre (ype, /one /one

P;, 2B B

/ormal dogs in$lde most medim and large breeds'

in$lding 5ild dogs% A!ter biting an opponent' a dog $an

hold on' doing 1d damage atomati$ally every rond'

ntil *illed or ntil the vi$tim spends an atta$* brea*ing

!ree H5hi$h re:ires a save vs% Death Ray' adIsted by

the $hara$terLs +trength bonsJ%

Riding dogs are a large breed' sed primarily by

al!lings !or transport% (hey may be trained !or 5ar'

and e:ipped 5ith barding to improve their ArmorClass% (hey $an maintain a hold in the same 5ay that

normal dogs do% A light load !or a riding dog is p to

1B0 ponds a heavy load' p to 300 ponds%


 Armor Class, 1B

it Di$e, S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1

Damage, 1d12 or by 5eapon

)ovement, 30L

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 1d6' #air 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter,

)orale, 10

(reasre (ype,

P;, 20

Dopplegangers are strange beings that are able to ta*e

on the shapes o! those they en$onter they $an also

read minds Has the spell' ESP' bt 5ith no limit o!

drationJ% >n its natral !orm' the $reatre loo*s more or

less hmanoid' bt slender and !rail' 5ith gangly limbs

and hal!-!ormed !eatres% (he !lesh is pale and

hairless% >ts large' blging eyes are yello5 5ith slitted

ppils% A doppleganger is hardy' 5ith a natral agility

not in *eeping 5ith its !rail appearan$e% >n its natral

!orm a doppleganger is abot BT !eet tall and 5eighs

abot 1B0 ponds%

Dopplegangers ma*e e&$ellent se o! their natral

mimi$ry to stage ambshes' bait traps' and in!iltrate

hmanoid so$iety% Althogh not sally evil' they are

interested only in themselves and regard all others as

playthings to be maniplated and de$eived%

hen in its natral !orm' a doppleganger stri*es 5ith its

po5er!l !ists% >n the shape o! a 5arrior or some other

armed person' it atta$*s 5ith 5hatever 5eapon isappropriate% >n s$h $ases' it ses its mind reading

po5er to employ the same ta$ti$s and strategies as the

person it is impersonating%


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Dragons are large Hsometimes very largeJ 5inged

reptilian monsters% @nli*e 5yverns' dragons have !or

legs as 5ell as t5o 5ings this is ho5 e&pertsdistingish 8tre9 dragons !rom other large reptilian

monsters% All dragons are long-lived' and they gro5

slo5ly !or as long as they live% 7or this reason' they are

des$ribed as having seven 8age $ategories'9 ranging

!rom 3 less to 3 more hit di$e than the average% 7or

$onvenien$e' a table is provided !ollo5ing the

des$ription o! ea$h dragon type this table sho5s the

variation in hit di$e' damage !rom their varios atta$*s'

and other !eatres pe$liar to dragons%

>! one dragon is en$ontered' it is e:ally li*ely to be a

male or !emale ranging !rom -2 to O3 hit di$e H1d6-3J

t5o are a mated pair ranging !rom -1 to O2 hit di$e H1d-

2J% >! three or !or are en$ontered' they $onsist o! a

mated pair pls one or t5o yong o! -3 hit di$e in sie%

>! this is the $ase' the parents re$eive a )orale o! 12 in

$ombat sin$e they are prote$ting their yong%

 A dragon atta$*s 5ith its po5er!l $la5s and bite' its

long' 5hipli*e tail' and most !amosly 5ith its breath

5eapon% >t pre!ers to !ight on the 5ing' staying ot o!

rea$h ntil it has 5orn do5n the enemy 5ith the breath

5eapon Hor possibly 5ith spells' i! the dragon $an $ast

anyJ% "lder' more intelligent dragons are adept at

siing p the opposition and eliminating the most

dangeros !oes !irst Hor avoiding them 5hile pi$*ing o!!

5ea*er enemiesJ%

a$h dragon $an se its breath 5eapon as many times

per day as it has hit di$e' e&$ept that dragons o! the

lo5est age $ategory do not yet have a breath 5eapon%

(he breath may be sed no more o!ten than every other

rond' and the dragon may se its $la5s and tail at the

same time% (he tail s5ipe atta$* may only be sed i!

there are opponents behind the dragon' 5hile the $la5s

may be sed only on those opponents in !ront o! the

$reatre% De to their serpentine ne$*s' dragons may

bite in any dire$tion' even behind them%

(he breath 5eapon o! a dragon does 1d points o!damage per hit die Hso' a hit die dragon does d

points o! damage 5ith its breathJ% Ei$tims may ma*e a

save vs% Dragon reath !or hal! damage% (he breath

5eapon may be proIe$ted in any dire$tion arond the

dragon' even behind' !or the same reason that the

dragon $an bite those behind it%

(here are three shapes Hor areas o! e!!e$tJ 5hi$h a

dragonLs breath 5eapon $an $over% a$h variety has a

8normal9 shape' 5hi$h that type o! dragon $an se !romthe se$ond age $ategory H-2 hit di$eJ on5ard% @pon

rea$hing the si&th age $ategory HO2 hit di$eJ' a dragon

learns to shape its breath 5eapon into one o! the other

shapes HG)Ls optionJ at the seventh age $ategory HO3

hit di$eJ' the dragon is $ompetent at prod$ing all three


(he shapes are,

Cone S/aed:  (he breath 5eapon begins at the

dragonLs moth' and is abot 2L 5ide at that point it

e&tends p to the ma&imm length Hbased on the

dragon type and ageJ and is the ma&imm 5idth at that

point Hagain' as given !or the dragonLs type and ageJ%

Line S/aed: (he breath 5eapon is BL 5ide and

e&tends the given length in a straight line%

Clo;d S/aed:  (he breath 5eapon $overs an area

p to the ma&imm given 5idth Hbased on the dragon

type and ageJ in both length and 5idth Hthat is' thelength !igre given !or the dragon type and age is

ignoredJ% A $lod-shaped breath 5eapon is' at most'

20L deep or high%


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 All dragons save !or those o! the lo5est age $ategory

are able to spea* Dragon% a$h type has a given

$han$e o! 8tal*ing9 this is the $han$e that the dragon

5ill *no5 Common or a demi-hman or hmanoid

langage% )any 5ho tal* $hoose to learn lvish% >! the

!irst roll !or 8tal*ing9 is s$$ess!l' the G) may roll

again' 5ith ea$h additional roll adding another langage

5hi$h the dragon may spea*%

+ome dragons learn to $ast spells the odds that a

dragon $an $ast spells are the same as the odds that a

dragon 5ill learn to spea* to lesser $reatres' bt ea$h

is rolled !or separately%

 Althogh goals and ideals vary among varieties' alldragons are $ovetos% (hey li*e to hoard 5ealth'

$olle$ting monds o! $oins and gathering as many

gems' Ie5els' and magi$ items as possible% (hose 5ith

large hoards are loath to leave them !or long' ventring

ot o! their lairs only to patrol the immediate area or to

get !ood% 7or dragons' there is no s$h thing as

enogh treasre% >tXs pleasing to loo* at' and they bas*

in its radian$e% Dragons li*e to ma*e beds o! their

hoards' shaping noo*s and monds to !it their bodies%

/ote that' !or most monsters' the (reasre (ype given

is !or a lair o! average nmbers !or dragons' the

(reasre (ype is !or a single individal o! average age%

/ote also that mated pairs do not share treasreM

Rather than adIsting the treasre amonts !or the

nmber o! monsters' adIst !or the age o! the dragon a

dragon o! the highest age $ategory 5old have abot

doble the given amont' 5hile one o! the ne&t to

lo5est age $ategory 5old have perhaps a tenth that

amont Hhat$hlings have no treasreJ%


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(ales are told o! the adventrers 5ho sbded varios

dragons% +$h stories are sally e&aggerations% >!

players $are to try' the dragon may in !a$t seem to give

p and be$ome do$ile% As soon as it re$overs !rom the

mistreatment' the dragon 5ill try to !ind a 5ay to es$ape

the player $hara$ters' retrieve its treasre' and possibly

see* revenge% "t o! pride' a dragon 5ill never see*

assistan$e !rom its o5n *ind in this $ase' bt might

8se9 hmanoids or other monsters to atta$* the party%

ra4on Bla?

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, SS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite or breathQ1 tail

Damage, 1d6Q1d6Q2d10 or breathQ1d6

)ovement, 30L 7ly 0L H1BLJ

/o% Appearing, 1' ild 1' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, Has it Di$eJ


(reasre (ype,

P;, 00

la$* dragons pre!er to ambsh their targets' sing

their srrondings as $over% hen !ighting in heavily

!orested s5amps and marshes' they try to stay in the

5ater or on the grond trees and lea!y $anopies limit

their aerial maneverability% hen otmat$hed' a bla$*

dragon attempts to !ly ot o! sight' so as not to leave

tra$*s' and hide in a deep pond or bog% la$* dragons

are more $rel than 5hite dragons' bt are still

motivated mostly by the rge to live' breed and $olle$t

valable items%

la$* dragons o!ten $hoose to hide nder5ater' leaving

only part o! the head above the 5aterline' and leap p

sddenly 5hen prey $omes 5ithin 100L Hsrprising on a

roll o! 1- on 1d6 in this $aseJ%

la$* dragons are immne to all !orms o! a$id% A bla$*

dragon may hold its breath p to three trns 5hile lying

in 5ait nder5ater%

Bla? ra4on A4e Ta6le

 Age Category 1 2 3 B 6

it Di$e B 6 F 10

 Atta$* ons O OB O6 O O O OF

reath eapon A$id H#ineJ

  #ength - 0L 0L F0L FBL 100L 100L

  idth - 2BL 30L 30L 3BL 0L BL

Chan$eQ(al*ing 0N 1BN 20N 2BN 3BN B0N 60N

+pells by #evel

  #evel 1 - 1 2

  #evel 2 - - - - 1 2 3

  #evel 3 - - - - - 1 2

Cla5 1d 1d 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d 1d

ite 2d 2d6 2d 2d10 2d10 2d10 2d12

(ail 1d 1d 1d 1d6 1d6 1d 1d


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ra4on Bl;e

 Armor Class, 20

it Di$e, FSS HOJ

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite or breathQ1 tail

Damage, 1dQ1dQ3d or breathQ1d

)ovement, 30L 7ly 0L H1BLJ

/o% Appearing, 1' ild 1' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, F Has it Di$eJ

)orale, F

(reasre (ype,

P;, 1'22B

le dragons love to soar in the hot desert air' sally

!lying in the daytime 5hen temperatres are highest%

+ome nearly mat$h the $olor o! the desert s*y and se

this $oloration to their advantage% (heir vibrant $olor

ma*es ble dragons easy to spot in barren desert

srrondings% o5ever' they o!ten brro5 into the

sand so only part o! their heads are e&posed' 5aiting

ntil opponents $ome 5ithin 100 !eet to spring ot and

atta$* Hsrprising on a roll o! 1- on 1d6 in this $aseJ%

le dragons lair in vast ndergrond $averns' 5herethey also store their treasre% Althogh they $olle$t

anything that loo*s valable' they are most !ond o!

gems' espe$ially sapphires% le dragons are evil

monsters' thogh not so !ier$e as red dragons% (hey

parti$larly enIoy tri$*ing intelligent prey into entering

their lairs or passing by their hiding pla$es to be

ambshed and *illed sally one member o! a party

atta$*ed by a ble dragon 5ill be le!t alive !or a 5hile'

and the dragon 5ill play 5ith that person as a $at plays

5ith a mose%

le dragons are immne to normal lightning' and

s!!er only hal! damage !rom magi$al lightning%

Bl;e ra4on A4e Ta6le

 Age Category 1 2 3 B 6

it Di$e 6 F 10 11 12

 Atta$* ons O6 O O O OF OF O10

reath eapon #ightning H#ineJ

  #ength - 0L F0L 100L 100L 110L 120L

  idth - 30L 3BL BL B0L BBL 60L

Chan$eQ(al*ing 0N 1BN 20N 0N B0N 60N 0N

+pells by #evel

  #evel 1 - 1 2 B

  #evel 2 - - 1 2 3

  #evel 3 - - - - 1 2 2

  #evel - - - - - - 1Cla5 1d 1d 1d6 1d 1d 1d 1d10

ite 2d6 3d6 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d10

(ail 1d 1d6 1d6 1d 1d 1d 1d


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ra4on ,old

 Armor Class, 22

it Di$e, 11SS HOFJ

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite or breathQ1 tail

Damage, 2dQ2dQ6d6 or breathQ2d

)ovement, 30L 7ly 0L H20LJ

/o% Appearing, 1' ild 1' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 11 Has it Di$eJ

)orale, 10

(reasre (ype,

P;, 1'6B

Gold dragons sally parley be!ore !ighting% (hose

having spell$asting ability ma*e heavy se o! spells in

$ombat% Among their !avorites are lo;d?ill' slee'

and slo8%

 All gold dragons have the po5er to assme hman !orm

at 5ill Hin a manner e:ivalent to the spell ol25or/

sel ' bt per!ormed at 5illJ%

@nli*e many other dragons' gold dragons are not $rel

and do not see* to *ill !or pleasre% )any tales are told

o! gold dragons o!!ering assistan$e to adventrers%

(hey are' ho5ever' every bit as avari$ios as any

dragon adventrers in need o! gold need not bother

as*ing !or a loan%

Gold dragons are immne to all poisons' as 5ell as

normal !ire% (hey s!!er only hal! damage !rom magi$al


,old ra4on A4e Ta6le

 Age Category 1 2 3 B 6

it Di$e F 10 11 12 13 1

 Atta$* ons O O OF OF O10 O11 O11

reath eapon 7ire or ;oison Gas HConeJ

  #ength - 0L 0L F0L FBL 100L 110L

  idth - 30L 3BL BL B0L BBL 60L

Chan$eQ(al*ing 0N 3BN 0N BN F0N FBN FBN

+pells by #evel

  #evel 1 - 1 2 3 B 6

  #evel 2 - - 1 2 3 B

  #evel 3 - - - 1 2 3

  #evel - - - - 1 2 3  #evel B - - - - - 1 2

  #evel 6 - - - - - - 1

Cla5 1d6 1d6 1d6 2d 2d 2d6 2d

ite 3d6 d6 Bd6 6d6 6d6 d6 d6

(ail 1d 1d6 1d6 2d 2d6 2d6 2d

ra4on ,reen

 Armor Class, 1F

it Di$e, SS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite or breathQ1 tail

Damage, 1d6Q1d6Q3d or breathQ1d6

)ovement, 30L 7ly 0L H1BLJ

/o% Appearing, 1' ild 1' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, Has it Di$eJ


(reasre (ype,

P;, 1'01B

Green dragons initiate !ights 5ith l ittle or no

provo$ation' pi$*ing on $reatres o! any sie% >! the

target is intriging or seems !ormidable' the dragon

stal*s the $reatre to determine the best time to stri*e


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and the most appropriate ta$ti$s to se% >! the target

appears 5ea*' the dragon ma*es its presen$e *no5n

:i$*ly – it enIoys evo*ing terror%

Green dragons espe$ially li*e to :estion adventrersto learn more abot their so$iety and abilities' 5hat is

going on in the $ontryside' and i! there is treasre

nearby% Adventrers may be allo5ed to live so long as

they remain interestingK bt 5oe to them 5hen the

dragon be$omes bored%

Green dragons are immne to all poisons%

,reen ra4on A4e Ta6le

 Age Category 1 2 3 B 6

it Di$e B 6 F 10 11

 Atta$* ons OB O6 O O O OF OF

reath eapon ;oison Gas HClodJ

  #ength - 0L 0L F0L FBL 100L 100L

  idth - 2BL 30L 0L BL B0L BBL

Chan$eQ(al*ing 0N 1BN 20N 30N BN BBN 6BN

+pells by #evel

  #evel 1 - 1 2 3 3

  #evel 2 - - 1 2 3 3

  #evel 3 - - - - 1 2 3

  #evel - - - - - - 1

Cla5 1d 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d 1d10

ite 2d 3d 3d6 3d 3d 3d 3d10

(ail 1d 1d 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d 1d

ra4on Red

 Armor Class, 21

it Di$e, 10SS HOFJ

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite or breathQ1 tail

Damage, 1dQ1dQd or breathQ1d

)ovement, 30L 7ly 0L H20LJ

/o% Appearing, 1' ild 1' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 10 Has it Di$eJ


(reasre (ype,

P;, 1'0

e$ase red dragons are so $on!ident' they seldom

pase to appraise an adversary% "n spotting a target'

they ma*e a snap de$ision 5hether to atta$*' sing one

o! many strategies 5or*ed ot ahead o! time% A red

dragon lands to atta$* small' 5ea* $reatres 5ith its

$la5s and bite rather than obliterating them 5ith its

breath 5eapon' so as not to destroy any treasre they

might be $arrying%

Red dragons are $rel monsters' a$tively see*ing to

hnt' torment' *ill and $onsme intelligent $reatres%(hey are o!ten said to pre!er 5omen and elves' bt in

trth a red dragon 5ill atta$* almost any $reatre less

po5er!l than itsel!%

Red dragons are immne to normal !ire' and s!!er only

hal! damage !rom magi$al !ire%


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Red ra4on A4e Ta6le

 Age Category 1 2 3 B 6

it Di$e F 10 11 12 13

 Atta$* ons O O O OF OF O10 O11

reath eapon 7ire HConeJ

  #ength - 0L 0L F0L FBL 100L 110L

  idth - 30L 3BL BL B0L BBL 60L

Chan$eQ(al*ing 0N 1BN 30N B0N 60N 0N BN

+pells by #evel

  #evel 1 - 1 2 3 B B

  #evel 2 - - 1 2 3 B

  #evel 3 - - - 1 2 2 3

  #evel - - - - 1 2 2  #evel B - - - - - 1 2

Cla5 1d 1d6 1d 1d 1d 1d10 1d10

ite 2d6 3d6 d6 d Bd Bd 6d

(ail 1d 1d6 1d6 1d 1d 1d 1d10

ra4on Sea

 Armor Class, 1F

it Di$e, SS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite or breath

Damage, 3d or breathQ1d6

)ovement, 7ly 60L H20LJ +5im 60L H1BLJ

/o% Appearing, 1' ild 1' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, Has it Di$eJ


(reasre (ype,

P;, 1'01B

(hogh they live in the 5ater and are some5hatadapted to it' +ea Dragons still mst breathe air' similar

to dolphins or 5hales% A +ea Dragon may hold its

breath p to three trns 5hile s5imming or per!orming

other moderate a$tivity%

+ea dragons are netral in otloo*' similar to 5hite

dragons% (hey o!ten maintain lairs in air-!illed ndersea


Sea ra4on A4e Ta6le

 Age Category 1 2 3 B 6

it Di$e B 6 F 10 11

 Atta$* ons OB O6 O O O OF OF

reath eapon +team HClodJ

  #ength - 0L 0L F0L FBL 100L 100L

  idth - 2BL 30L 0L BL B0L BBL

Chan$eQ(al*ing 0N 1BN 20N 30N BN BBN 6BN

+pells by #evel

  #evel 1 - 1 2 3 3

  #evel 2 - - 1 2 3 3

  #evel 3 - - - - - 1 2

Cla5 1d 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d 1d10

ite 2d 3d 3d6 3d 3d 3d 3d10

(ail 1d 1d 1d 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6

ra4on ./ite

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 6SS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite or breathQ1 tail

Damage, 1dQ1dQ2d or breathQ1d

)ovement, 30L 7ly 0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1' ild 1' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 6 Has it Di$eJ


(reasre (ype,

P;, 610

hite Dragons pre!er to live in $old regions' 5hether in

the highest montains or in the $old northern lands%

(hey are the least intelligent o! dragons' thogh this

does not mean that they are stpid by any stret$h o! the


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ra4on T;rtle A4e Ta6le

 Age Category 1 2 3 B 6

it Di$e 1B 20 2B 30 3B 0 B

 Atta$* ons O11 O13 O1 O1B O16 O16 O16

reath eapon +team HClodJ

  #ength - B0L BL 100L 12BL 1B0L 1BL

  idth - 2BL B0L BL 100L 12BL 1B0L

Chan$eQ(al*ing 0N 1BN 20N 30N BN BBN 6BN

+pells by #evel

  #evel 1 - - 1 2 2 3 3

  #evel 2 - - - 1 2 2 3

Cla5 1d6 2d 2d6 2d 2d10 2d12 3d10

ite d6 6d6 d6 10d6 12d6 1d6 16d6


 Armor Class, 1B

it Di$e, 2S

/o% o! Atta$*s, spe$ial

Damage, 0

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, #air 1d6

+ave As, )agi$-@ser,

)orale, 6

(reasre (ype, D

P;, 100

Dryads are !emale natre spirits ea$h is mysti$ally

bond to a single'

enormos oa* tree and

mst never stray more

than 300 yards !rom it%

 Any 5ho do be$ome ill

and die 5ithin d6 hors%

 A dryadXs oa* does not

radiate magi$% A dryad

lives as long as her tree'

and dies 5hen the tree

dies li*e5ise' i! the dryad

is *illed' her tree dies also%

 A dryadXs deli$ate !eatres

are m$h li*e a !emale

el!Ls' thogh her !lesh is li*e bar* or !ine 5ood' and her

hair is li*e a $anopy o! leaves that $hanges $olor 5ith

the seasons% Althogh they are generally solitary' p to

seven dryads have been en$ontered in one pla$e on

rare o$$asions%

+hy' intelligent' and resolte' dryads are as elsive as

they are allring -- they avoid physi$al $ombat and are

rarely seen nless they 5ish to be% >! threatened' or in

need o! an ally' a dryad $an $harm Has the spell /ar5


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ersonJ' attempting to gain $ontrol o! the atta$*erHsJ

5ho $old help the most against the rest% Any atta$* on

her tree' ho5ever' provo*es the dryad into a !renied


Ea4le ,iant

 Armor Class, 1B

it Di$e,

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite

Damage, 1d6&2Q1d

)ovement, 10L !ly F0L

/o% Appearing, 2d6

+ave As, 7ighter, )orale,

(reasre (ype, /il

P;, 20

 A typi$al giant eagle stands abot 10 !eet tall' has a

5ingspan o! p to 20 !eet' and resembles its smaller

$osins in nearly every 5ay e&$ept sie% >t 5eighs abot

B00 ponds% )any giant eagles are intelligent $reatres

and spea* Common%

 A giant eagle typi$ally atta$*s !rom a great height'

diving earth5ard at tremendos speed% hen it $annot

dive' it ses its po5er!l talons and slashing bea* to

stri*e at its targetXs head and eyes%

 A solitary giant eagle is typi$ally hnting or patrolling in

the vi$inity o! its nest and generally ignores $reatres

that do not appear threatening% A mated pair atta$*s in

$on$ert' ma*ing repeated diving atta$*s to drive a5ay

intrders' and !ights to the death to de!end their nest or



 Armor Class, 21 \

it Di$e, 10S HOFJ

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1

Damage, 2d or spe$ial

)ovement, 30L 7ly 0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1

+ave As, 7ighter, 1B

)orale, 12 HFJ

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1'3F0

(he e!reet Hsinglar e!reetiJ are hmanoid $reatres

!rom the lemental ;lane o! 7ire% An e!reeti in its

natral !orm stands abot 12 !eet tall and 5eighs abot

2'000 ponds% !reet are mali$ios by natre% (hey

love to mislead' be!ddle' and $on!se their !oes% (hey

do this !or enIoyment as m$h as !or ta$ti$al reasons%

/ote that the 12 morale re!le$ts an e!reetiLs absolte

$ontrol over its o5n !ear' bt does not indi$ate that the

$reatre 5ill thro5 its li!e a5ay easily% @se the 8F9

!igre to determine 5hether an otmat$hed e!reetide$ides to leave a $ombat%

!reet have a nmber

o! magi$al po5ers'

5hi$h $an be sed at

5ill Hthat is' 5ithot

needing magi$ 5ords

or gestresJ, be$ome

in>isi6le' 5ith

nlimited ses perday assme

4aseo;s or5' as

the potion' p to one

hor per day reate

ill;sions' as the spell


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/antas5al ore bt in$lding sond as 5ell as

visal elements' three times per day reate la5e'

5ith nlimited ses and $reate a 8all o ire Has the

spellJ' on$e per day% Create !lame allo5s the e!reet to

$ase a !lame to appear in its hand or other5ise on its

person at 5ill it behaves as desired by the e!reet'

be$oming as large as a tor$h!lame or as small as a

$andle' and ignites !lammable material Ist as any

ordinary !lame does% (he !lame $an be thro5n as a

5eapon 5ith a range o! p to 60L' $asing 1d points o!

damage on a s$$ess!l hit% (he e!reet $an $reate

another !lame' and thro5 it as 5ell i! desired' on$e per


!reet may assme the !orm o! a $olmn o! !ire at 5ill'

5ith no limit as to the nmber o! times per day this

po5er may be sed an e!reeti in !lame-!orm !ights as i!

it 5ere a !ire elemental%

De to their highly magi$al natre' e!reet $annot be

harmed by non-magi$al 5eapons% (hey are immne to

normal !ire' and s!!er only hal! damage !rom magi$al

!ire atta$*s%


lementals are in$arnations o! the elements that

$ompose e&isten$e%

>t is possible to smmon an elemental by one o! three

means, y the se o! a staff ' or o! a device' or by

$asting a spell % 7or ea$h elemental type' separate

statisti$s are provided !or ea$h o! these three


De to their highly magi$al natre' elementals $annot

be harmed by non-magi$al 5eapons%

Ele5ental Air

Sta e>ie Sell

 Armor Class, 1 \ 20 \ 22 \

it Di$e, S 12S HO10J 16S HO12J

/o% o! Atta$*s, -- spe$ial --

Damage, 1d12 2d 3d6

)ovement, -- 7ly 120L --

/o% Appearing, -- spe$ial --

+ave As, 7ighter, 7ighter, 12 7ighter, 16

)orale, -- 10 --

(reasre (ype, -- /one --

P;, FB 1'FB 3'3B

 Air elementals resemble 8dst devils'9 that is' small

5hirl5inds' bt they are m$h more po5er!l% Air

elementals ta*e doble damage 5hen atta$*ed by

earth-based atta$*s Hin$lding by earth elementalsJ% An

air elemental may $hoose either to atta$* a single

opponent' ths re$eiving one atta$* per rond at the

listed damage' or may $hoose to *no$* all opponents in


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a BL radis to the grond i! the latter atta$* is sed' all

$reatres o! 2 hit di$e or less mst save vs% Death Ray

or !all prone% Creatres o! 3 or more levels or hit di$e

are not so a!!e$ted% Air elementals do an additional 1d

points o! damage against $reatres or vehi$les 5hi$h

are airborne%

Ele5ental Eart/

Sta e>ie Sell

 Armor Class, 1 \ 20 \ 22 \

it Di$e, S 12S HO10J 16S HO12J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 1 1

Damage, 1d12 2d 3d6

)ovement, -- 20L H10LJ --

/o% Appearing, -- spe$ial --

+ave As, 7ighter, 7ighter, 12 7ighter, 16

)orale, -- 10 --

(reasre (ype, -- /one --

P;, FB 1'FB 3'3B

arth elementals resemble $rde' headless hmanoid

states' 5ith $lbli*e hands and !eet% (hey $annot

$ross a body o! 5ater 5ider than their o5n height%

arth elementals ta*e doble damage 5hen atta$*ed

by !ire Hin$lding !ire elementalsJ% (hey do an additional

1d points o! damage against $reatres' vehi$les' or

str$tres 5hi$h rest on the grond%

Ele5ental Fire

Sta e>ie Sell

 Armor Class, 1 \ 20 \ 22 \

it Di$e, S 12S HO10J 16S HO12J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 1 1

Damage, 1d12 2d 3d6

)ovement, -- 0L 7ly 30L --

/o% Appearing, -- spe$ial --

+ave As, 7ighter, 7ighter, 12 7ighter, 16)orale, -- 10 --

(reasre (ype, -- /one --

P;, FB 1'FB 3'3B

7ire elementals are simply !lames' 5hi$h may appear

generally hmanoid !or brie! moments 5hen they

atta$*% 7ire elementals ta*e doble damage 5hen

atta$*ed by 5ater Hin$lding 5ater elementalsJ% (hey

$annot $ross a body o! 5ater 5ider than their o5n

diameter% (hey do an additional 1d points o! damage

against $reatres 5hi$h are $old or i$y in natre%


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Remember that a !ire elemental is $onstantly brning

s$h a $reatre may easily start !ires i! it moves into an

area $ontaining items 5hi$h brn easily' s$h as dry

5ood' paper' or oil% /o spe$i!i$ rles are given !or s$h

!ires' bt the G) is dire$ted to the rles !or brning oil

!or an e&ample o! !ire damage%

Ele5ental .ater

Sta e>ie Sell

 Armor Class, 1 \ 20 \ 22 \

it Di$e, S 12S HO10J 16S HO12J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 1 1

Damage, 1d12 2d 3d6

)ovement, -- 20L H1BLJ +5im 60L --

/o% Appearing, -- spe$ial --

+ave As, 7ighter, 7ighter, 12 7ighter, 16

)orale, -- 10 --

(reasre (ype, -- /one --

P;, FB 1'FB 3'3B

ater elementals resemble roiling 5aves o! 5ater'

5hi$h seem to !all pon any $reatre atta$*ed' only to

re!orm the ne&t rond% (hey ta*e doble damage 5hen

atta$*ed 5ith air or 5ind atta$*s Hin$lding air

elementalsJ% A 5ater elemental $annot move more than

60L !rom a body o! 5ater% (hey do an e&tra 1d points

o! damage against $reatres' vehi$les' or str$tres

5hi$h are in the 5ater%


 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, F HOJS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 ts*s or 1 trample

Damage, 2dQ2d or d

)ovement, 0L H1BLJ

/o% Appearing, ild 1d20

+ave As, 7ighter, F

)orale, (reasre (ype, spe$ial

P;, 1'0B

)assive herbivores o! tropi$al lands' elephants are

npredi$table $reatres bt nevertheless are

sometimes sed as

monts or beasts o!

brden% (his entry

des$ribes an A!ri$an

elephant% >ndian

elephants are slightly

smaller and 5ea*er'

bt more readily


 An elephant has no treasre as s$h' bt the ts*s o!

an elephant are 5orth 1d & 100 gp%


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Fis/ ,iant Barra;da

%;4e ,iant

 Armor Class, 16 1B

it Di$e, B F HOJ

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite 1 bite

Damage, 2d6 2dO1

)ovement, +5im 60L +5im 60L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 2d ild 1

+ave As, 7ighter, B 7ighter, F

)orale, 10

(reasre (ype, /one /one

P;, 360 1'0B

arra$da are predatory !ish !ond in salt 5ater% ge

barra$das are abot 12L long' 5hile giant spe$imens

$an e&$eed 20L% (hey have elongated bodies' pointed

heads and prominent Ia5s% (heir bodies are $overed

5ith smooth s$ales' typi$ally ble' gray or silver in $olor%

(hey have e&tremely *een eyesight and are srprised

only on a 1 on 1d6% De to the :i$*ness o! their

atta$*' barra$das are themselves $apable o! srprising

on 1-3 on 1d6 and gain a O2 bons to >nitiative%

Giant barra$das al5ays appear singly and are B0N

li*ely to brea* o!! the atta$* a!ter 1d ronds i! they

havenLt *illed their prey% oth *inds are attra$ted to

shiny obIe$ts%

Fis/ ,iant Bass

 Armor Class, 13

it Di$e, 2

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 1d6

)ovement, +5im 0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter, 2


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, B

Giant bass are generally bet5een 10L and 2BL long%

)ost are greenish-grey' mar*ed 5ith dar* lateral

stripes' thogh some are almost $ompletely bla$*%

(hey are generally !ond in la*es or rivers' as they are

not adapted !or salt 5ater%

'iant (ass are predator)* and on a natral attac+ roll o!20 a $iant (ass ,ill s,allo, ,hole a d,ar!%si-ed ors.aller creatre* ,hich then ta+es 2d4 da.a$e perrond ntil it is dead/ S,allo,ed characters can attac+onl) ,ith da$$ers or si.ilar short ,eapons/ ote thateach $iant (ass can s,allo, at .ost one character* and a

 $iant (ass ,hich has s,allo,ed a character ,ill

to retreat havin$ achieved its $oal/

Fis/ ,iant Catis/

 Armor Class, 16

it Di$e,

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 biteQ2 !ins

Damage, 2dQ1dOpoisonQ1dOpoison

)ovement, +5im 30L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 1d2

+ave As, 7ighter, )orale,

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, B


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Giant $at!ish !ins are edged 5ith a natral poison that

$ases a pain!l brning sensation !or 3d10 ronds i! a

save vs% ;oison is !ailed% (he pain $ases the a!!e$ted

$hara$ter or $reatre to s!!er a -1 penalty on all atta$*

rolls and saving thro5s !rther poisonings 5ill in$rease

this penalty by -1 ea$h' do5n to a ma&imm penalty o!

-B as 5ell as adding 6 ronds to the dration o! the

poison e!!e$t%

e$ase o! its large sie H1B to 20 !eet longJ and body

design' a giant $at!ish $annot target more than one o!

its atta$*s on any single $reatre that is' it $annot bite

and !in the same opponent' nor se both !ins on one


Fis/ ,iant Piran/a

 Armor Class, 1B

it Di$e,

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 1d

)ovement, +5im B0L

/o% Appearing, ild 2d

+ave As, 7ighter,

)orale, H11J

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 20

Giant piranha average BL in length at adlthood' and are

aggressive $arnivores% (hey are able to sense blood in

the 5ater Ist as shar*s do' and on$e they smell or

taste blood in the 5ater' their morale rises to the

parenthesied !igre%

Fl2 ,iant

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 2

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 1d

)ovement, 30L 7ly 60L

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 2d6

+ave As, 7ighter, 2


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, B

Giant !lies loo* m$h li*e ordinary hose!lies' bt are

abot 3L long% +ome are

banded yello5 and bla$*'

and are ths mista*en !or

giant bees%

Giant !lies are predators'

and a!ter *illing prey' they

5ill o!ten lay eggs in the remains sin$e their larva $an

only eat dead !lesh%


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Fro4 ,iant (and Toad ,iant)

 Armor Class, 13

it Di$e, 2

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 tonge or 1 bite

Damage, grab or 1dO1

)ovement, 30L +5im 30L

/o% Appearing, 1d' ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 2

)orale, 6

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, B

Giant !rogs are enlarged

versions o! the $ommon

!rog most resemble

bll!rogs in appearan$e'

bt an adlt giant !rog is

3L long and 5eighs abot 2B0 ponds% (hey are

predators' bt 5ill normally only atta$* $reatres

smaller than themselves% Giant toads are statisti$ally

 Ist li*e giant !rogs ho5ever' they are o!ten !ond in

8drier9 areas as they do not have to maintain a 5et s*in


 A giant !rog $an stret$h its tonge ot p to 1BL and

drag p to d5ar!-sied prey to its moth on every

sbse:ent rond' the vi$tim is hit atomati$ally% "n a

natral 20 atta$* roll' the vi$tim is s5allo5ed 5hole'

ta*ing 1d6 damage per rond therea!ter% a$h giant

!rog $an s5allo5 only one s$h vi$tim%


 Armor Class, 1B \

it Di$e, SS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 biteQ1 horn

Damage, 1dQ1dQ1d6Q1d

)ovement, 30L 7ly B0L H1BLJ

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 2d' #air 2d

+ave As, 7ighter, 6

)orale, 11

(reasre (ype, C

P;, 320

Gargoyles o!ten appear to be 5inged stone states' !or

they $an per$h inde!initely 5ithot moving and se this

disgise to srprise their !oes% (hey are $rel

monsters' in!li$ting pain on other $reatres !or the sole

prpose o! enIoyment%

Gargoyles re:ire no !ood' 5ater' or air% De to their

highly-magi$al natre' they $annot be harmed by non-

magi$al 5eapons%

,elatino;s C;6e

 Armor Class, 12

it Di$e, S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1

Damage, 2d O paralysis

)ovement, 20L

/o% Appearing, 1

+ave As, 7ighter, 2

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, E

P;, 20

(he nearly transparent gelatinos $be travels slo5ly

along dngeon $orridors and $ave !loors' absorbing

$arrion' $reatres' and trash% >norgani$ material


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(he stin* o! death and $orrption srronding these

$reatres is over5helming% #iving $reatres 5ithin 10

!eet mst s$$eed on a save vs% ;oison or be si$*ened

!or 2d6 ronds H-2 to atta$* rollsJ% A $reatre that

s$$ess!lly saves $annot be a!!e$ted again by the

same ghastXs sten$h !or 2 hors% A netralie poison

spell removes the e!!e$t !rom a si$*ened $reatre%


 Armor Class, 20S

it Di$e, 10 HOFJ

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 to$hQ1 gae

Damage, 1d O spe$ial

)ovement, 30L

/o% Appearing, 1

+ave As, 7ighter, 10

)orale, 10

(reasre (ype, ' /' "

P;, B'B00

Ghosts are the spe$tral remnants o! intelligent beings

5ho' !or one reason or another' $annot rest easily in

their graves% A ghost normally resembles the !orm it had

in li!e' bt sometimes the spirital !orm is altered% 7or

instan$e' the ghost o! someone 5ho believed he or she

5as evil might loo* a bit demoni$% e$ase they are

in$orporeal' ghosts may be hit only by magi$al


+eeing a ghost is so terrible that the vi$tim mst save

vs% +pells or !lee !or 2d6 ronds% A $hara$ter or

$reatre 5ho s$$ess!lly saves vs% a given ghostLs

ear  atta$* may not be so a!!e$ted by that ghost again'

bt o! $orse may still be a!!e$ted by another%

 A ghost that hits a living target 5ith its to$h atta$*

deals 1d points o! damage' and at the same time

regenerates the same nmber o! points o! damage% >n

addition' the vi$tim loses 1 point o! Constittion% lves

and d5arves Hand other long-lived $reatres s$h as

dragonsJ are allo5ed a saving thro5 vs% Death Ray to

resist this e!!e$t' 5hi$h mst be rolled on ea$h hit%

Chara$ters 5ho lose Constittion appear to have aged%

>! a ghost is !ighting a living $reatre 5hi$h does not

have a Constittion s$ore' the G) shold assign

5hatever s$ore he or she sees !it%

#ost Constittion $an be regained at a rate o! one point

per $asting o! restoration nothing else He&$ept a

8is/J $an restore Constittion lost to a ghost% >! a


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$hara$terLs Constittion !alls to 0' he or she dies

permanently and $annot be raised  Hbt still may be


"n$e per trn' a ghost $an se tele?inesis  Has thespellJ as i! it 5ere a 10

th level )agi$-@ser%

>nstead o! atta$*ing' a ghost may attempt to possess a

living $reatre% (his ability is similar to a 5a4i Gar

spell Has i! $ast by a 10th level )agi$-@serJ' e&$ept that

it does not re:ire a re$epta$le% (o se this ability' the

ghost mst be able to move into the target Hso it is

possible to otrn itJ% (he target $an resist the atta$*

5ith a s$$ess!l save vs% +pells% A $reatre that

s$$ess!lly saves is immne to being possessed by

that ghost !or 2 hors% >! the save !ails' the ghost

enters the targetLs body and $ontrols it $ontrol may be

maintained ntil the ghost $hooses to leave the vi$timLs

body' or ntil it is driven ot by means o! a re5o>e

;rse spell% hile it is possessing a living $reatre' a

ghost may not se any o! its spe$ial abilities%


 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 2S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite

Damage, 1dQ1dQ1d' all pls paralysis

)ovement, 30L

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 2d' #air 2d

+ave As, 7ighter, 2

)orale, F

(reasre (ype,

P;, 100

Ghols are ;ndead monsters 5hi$h eat the !lesh o!

dead hmanoids to srvive% (hey are vile' disgsting

$arrion-eaters' bt are more than 5illing to *ill !or !ood%

(hose slain by ghols 5ill generally be stored ntil they

begin to rot be!ore the ghols 5ill a$tally eat them%

(hose hit by a gholXs bite or $la5 atta$* mst save vs%

;aralyation or be paralyed !or 2d trns% lves are

immne to this paralysis% Ghols try to atta$* 5ith

srprise 5henever possible' stri*ing !rom behind

tombstones and brsting !rom shallo5 graves 5henthese methods are employed' they are able to srprise

opponents on 1-3 on 1d6% #i*e all ndead' they may be

(rned by Cleri$s and are immne to slee' /ar5

and /old magi$s%

manoids bitten by ghols may be in!e$ted 5ith ghol

!ever% a$h time a hmanoid is bitten' there is a BN

$han$e o! the in!e$tion being passed% (he a!!li$ted

hmanoid is allo5ed to save vs% Death Ray i! the save

is !ailed' the hmanoid dies 5ithin a day%

 An a!!li$ted hmanoid 5ho dies o! ghol !ever rises as a

ghol at the ne&t midnight% A hmanoid 5ho be$omes

a ghol in this 5ay retains none o! the abilities it


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possessed in li!e% >t is not nder the $ontrol o! any other

ghols' bt it hngers !or the !lesh o! the living and

behaves li*e a normal ghol in all respe$ts%

,iant Clo;d

 Armor Class, 1F H13J

it Di$e, 12O3S HO10J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 giant 5eapon or 1 thro5n ro$*

Damage, 6d6 or 3d6

)ovement, 20L @narmored 0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1d2' ild 1d3' #air 1d3

+ave As, 7ighter, 12

)orale, 10(reasre (ype, pls 1d12&1000 gp

P;, 1'FB

Clod giantsX s*in ranges in $olor !rom mil*y 5hite to

light s*y ble% (hey have hair o! silvery 5hite or brass'

and their eyes are irides$ent ble% Adlt males are

abot 1 !eet tall and 5eigh abot B'000 ponds%

7emales are slightly shorter and lighter% Clod giants

$an live to be 00 years old%

Clod giants dress in the !inest $lothing available and

5ear Ie5elry% (o many' appearan$e indi$ates station,

(he better the $lothes and the !iner the Ie5elry' the

more important the 5earer% (hey also appre$iate

msi$' and most $an play one or more instrments Hthe

harp is a !avoriteJ% #i*e most giants' they are

sspi$ios o! the smaller ra$es' bt $lod giants do not

sally prey pon them' pre!erring instead to demand

tribte !rom hmans' demi-hmans' or hmanoids living


Clod giants !ight in 5ell-organied nits' sing

$are!lly developed battle plans% (hey pre!er to !ight

!rom a position above their opponents% Clod giants

$an thro5 large stones p to 200L !or 3d6 points o!

damage ea$h% Also' BN o! $lod giants have the

abilities o! a )agi$-@ser o! level 2 to H2dJ% A !avorite

ta$ti$ is to $ir$le the enemies' barraging them 5ith ro$*s

5hile the giants 5ith magi$al abilities $on!ond them

5ith spells% >n battle' $lod giants 5ear !inely $ra!ted'

intri$ately engraved plate mail%


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,iant C2los

 Armor Class, 1B H13J

it Di$e, 13S HO10J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 giant $lb or 1 ro$* Hthro5nJ

Damage, 3d10 or 3d6

)ovement, 20L @narmored 30L

/o% Appearing, 1' ild 1d' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 13

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, pls 1d&1000 gp

P;, 2'2B

 A $y$lops is a one-eyed giant% ge and brtish' they

most resemble hill giants' and even dress in the same

8style'9 layers o! $rdely prepared hides 5ith the !r le!t

on' n5ashed and nrepaired%

(hey are re$lsive and n!riendly to almost all o! the

smaller ra$es%

 A $y$lops $an thro5 a large ro$* p to 200L !or 3d6

points o! damage' bt they aim poorly and ths s!!er

an atta$* penalty o! -2% "n$e per year' a $y$lops $an

$ast the spell 6esto8 ;rse Hthe reverse o! the spell

re5o>e ;rseJ%

,iant Fire

 Armor Class, 1 H13J

it Di$e, 11O2S HOFJ

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 giant 5eapon or 1 thro5n ro$*

Damage, Bd6 or 3d6

)ovement, 20L @narmored 0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1d2' ild 1d3' #air 1d3

+ave As, 7ighter, 11

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, pls 1d10&1000 gp

P;, 1'60

 An adlt male !ire giant is 1 !eet tall' has a $hest that

measres F !eet arond' and 5eighs abot 3'200

ponds% 7emales are slightly shorter and lighter% 7ire

giants $an live to be 3B0 years old% 7ire giants 5ear

strdy $loth or leather garments $olored red' orange'

yello5' or bla$*% arriors 5ear helmets and hal!-plate

armor o! bla$*ened steel%

7ire giants are n!riendly to almost all other hman'

demi-hman' and hmanoid ra$es' thogh they

sometimes sbIgate nearby hmanoid ra$es to a$t astheir servants%


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 A !ire giant $an thro5 large stones p to 200L !or 3d6

damage% 7ire giants are immne to all !ire-based


,iant Frost

 Armor Class, 1 H13J

it Di$e, 10O1S HOFJ

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 giant 5eapon or 1 thro5n ro$*

Damage, d6 or 3d6

)ovement, 20L @narmored 0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1d2' ild 1d' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 10

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, pls 1d10&1000 gp

P;, 1'3F0

7rost giants have pale' almost 5hite s*in% A !rost

giantXs hair $an be light ble or dirty yello5' and its eyes

sally mat$h its hair $olor% 7rost giants dress in s*ins

and pelts' along 5ith any Ie5elry they o5n% 7rost giant

5arriors add $hain shirts and metal helmets de$orated

5ith horns or !eathers%

 An adlt male is abot 1B !eet tall and 5eighs abot

2'00 ponds% 7emales are slightly shorter and lighter'

bt other5ise identi$al 5ith males% 7rost giants $an live

to be 2B0 years old%

7rost giants are' !irst and !oremost' $nning% (hey

disli*e the smaller ra$es as m$h as any giant' bt

rather than atta$*ing otright they 5ill try to se their

advantages to $onvin$e those 5ea*er than them to

sbmit% >! !a$ed 5ith a stronger !or$e' !rost giants 5ill

parley or 5ithdra5 i! possible' atta$*ing only i! vi$tory

seems assred%

 A !rost giant $an thro5 large stones p to 200L !or 3d6

damage% 7rost giants are immne to all i$e or $old-

based atta$*s%


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,iant %ill

 Armor Class, 1B H13J

it Di$e,

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1

Damage, 2d

)ovement, 30L @narmored 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d' ild 2d' #air 2d

+ave As, 7ighter,


(reasre (ype, pls 1d&1000 gp

P;, B

(he smallest o! giants'

adlt hil l giants stand

bet5een ten and t5elve

!eet in height and 5eigh

abot 1'100 ponds% ill

giants $an live to be 200

years old% +*in $olor

among hill giants ranges

!rom light tan to deep

rddy bro5n% (hey have

bro5n or bla$* hair and

eyes the same $olor% (hey

5ear layers o! $rdely

prepared hides' 5hi$h they seldom 5ash or repair'

pre!erring to simply add more hides as the old ones

5ear ot%

hether atta$*ing 5ith a 5eapon or _st' hill giants deal

2d damage% ill giants are brtish and aggressive%

(hey are sometimes !ond leading grops o! ogres or

bgbears% ill giants o!ten *eep dire 8ol>es as pets%

,iant Stone

 Armor Class, 1 H1BJ

it Di$e, F HOJ

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 stone $lb or 1 thro5n ro$*

Damage, 3d6 or 3d6

)ovement, 30L @narmored 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d2' ild 1d6' #air 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter, F

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, pls 1d&1000 gp

P;, 1'0B

+tone giants pre!er thi$* leather garments' dyed in

shades o! bro5n and gray to mat$h the stone arond

them% Adlts are abot 12 !eet tall and 5eigh abot

1'B00 ponds% +tone giants $an live to be 00 years


 A stone giant $an thro5 large stones p to 300L !or 3d6



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+tone giants are re$lsive' bt they 5ill de!end their

territory Htypi$ally in ro$*y montainos terrainJ against

any 5ho trespass therein%

,iant Stor5

 Armor Class, 1F H13J

it Di$e, 1BSS HO11J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 giant 5eapon or 1 lightning bolt

Damage, d6 or 1Bd6

)ovement, 30L @narmored B0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1' ild 1d3' #air 1d3

+ave As, 7ighter, 1B

)orale, 10

(reasre (ype, pls 1d20&1000 gp

P;, 3'100

 Adlt storm giants are abot 21 !eet tall and 5eigh

abot 12'000 ponds% (hey $an live to be 600 years

old% )ost storm giants have pale s*in and dar* hair%

Eery rarely' storm giants have violet s*in% Eiolet-

s*inned storm giants have deep violet or ble-bla$* hair

5ith silvery gray or prple eyes%

+torm giants generally dress in short' loose tni$ belted

at the 5aist' sandals or bare !eet' and a headband%

(hey 5ear a !e5 pie$es o! simple bt !inely $ra!ted

 Ie5elry' an*lets H!avored by bare!oot giantsJ' rings' or$ir$lets being most $ommon% (hey live :iet' re!le$tive

lives and spend their time msing abot the 5orld'

$omposing and playing msi$' and tilling their land or

gathering !ood%

+torm giants pre!er to atta$* !irst 5ith their li4/tnin4

6olts H5hi$h 5or* Ist as the spell does' and $an be

sed on$e per !ive ronds a save vs% +pells red$es

damage to hal!J% Also' 10N o! storm giants have the

abilities o! a )agi$-@ser o! level 2 to 12 H2d6J% >n battle'they 5ear 5ell-$ra!ted and 5ell-$ared-!or plate mail%

@nli*e most other giants' storm giants have been

*no5n to be!riend hmans' elves' or d5arves%


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 Armor Class, 1B H13J

it Di$e, 2

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 5eapon

Damage, 2d or by 5eapon O1

)ovement, 30L @narmored 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 3d6' #air 3d6

+ave As, 7ighter, 2


(reasre (ype, U' + ea$h D' 4 in lair 

P;, B

Gnolls are hyena-headed' evil hmanoids that 5ander

in loose tribes% )ost gnolls have dirty yello5 or reddish-

bro5n !r% An adlt male gnoll is abot T !eet tall and

5eighs 300 ponds%

Gnolls are no$trnal' and have Dar*vision 5ith a 30L

range% (hey are $rel $arnivores' pre!erring intelligent

$reatres !or !ood be$ase they s$ream more% (hey

sho5 little dis$ipline 5hen !ighting nless they have a

strong leader%

"ne ot o! every si& gnolls 5ill be a hardened 5arrior o!

it Di$e H20 P;J having a O1 bons to damage de

to strength% Gnolls gain a O1 bons to their morale i!

they are led by s$h a 5arrior% >n lairs o! 12 or greater'

there 5ill be a pa$* leader o! 6 it Di$e HB00 P;J having

a O2 bons to damage% >n the lair' gnolls never !ail a

morale $he$* as long as the pa$* leader is alive% >n

addition' a lair has a $han$e e:al to 1-2 on 1d6 o! a

shaman being present' and 1 on 1d6 o! a 5it$h or

5arlo$*% A shaman is e:ivalent to a hardened 5arrior

statisti$ally' and in addition has Cleri$al abilities at level

1dO1% A 5it$h or 5arlo$* is e:ivalent to a reglar

gnoll' and has )agi$-@ser abilities o! level 1d%


 Armor Class, 1B H11J

it Di$e, 1

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1

Damage, 1d6 or by 5eapon

)ovement, 20L @narmored 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d' ild Bd' #air Bd

+ave As, 7ighter, 1 H5ith D5ar! bonsesJ


(reasre (ype, D

P;, 2B

Gnomes stand 3 to 3T !eet tall and 5eigh 0 to B

ponds% (heir s*in $olor ranges !rom dar* tan to 5oody

bro5n' their hair is !air' and their eyes $an be any

shade o! ble% )ales sally 5ear short' $are!lly

trimmed beards%


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Gnomes generally 5ear leather or earth tones' thogh

they de$orate their $lothes 5ith intri$ate stit$hing or !ine

 Ie5elry% Gnomes rea$h adlthood at abot age 0' and

they live abot 3B0 years% (hey have Dar*vision 5ith a

30L range%

Gnomes spea* their o5n langage' Gnomish' and

many *no5 the langage o! the d5arves% )ost gnomes

5ho travel otside gnome lands Has traders or tin*ersJ

*no5 Common' 5hile 5arriors in gnome settlements

sally learn Goblin% Gnomes en$ontered in the

5ilderness are li*ely to be n!riendly' bt not hostile%

(hey tolerate d5arves bt disli*e most other hmanoid

ra$es% hen !or$ed to intera$t 5ith other ra$es' a

gnome 5ill generally be re$al$itrant' nless o!!ered a

signi!i$ant amont o! treasre%

)ost gnomes en$ontered otside their home are

5arriors the statisti$s above are !or s$h% >n the lair'

!or every 5arrior there 5ill be an average o! three

$ivilians having 1-1 it Di$e and Armor Class 11 s$h

gnomes have )orale o! % "ne ot o! every eight

gnome 5arriors 5ill be a sergeant having 3 it Di$e

H1B P;J% Gnomes gain a O1 bons to their morale i!

they are led by a sergeant% oth 5arriors and

sergeants $ommonly 5ear $hainmail% >n gnomish

$ommnities' one ot o! every si&teen 5arriors 5ill be a

$aptain o! B it Di$e H360 P;J 5ith an Armor Class o!

16 H11J' adding a shield% >n addition' in $ommnities o!

3B or greater' there 5ill be a *ing o! it Di$e H60 P;J'

5ith an Armor Class o! 1 H11J' in plate mail and

$arrying a shield' having a O1 bons damage de to

strength% >n their $ommnity' gnomes never !ail a

morale $he$* as long as the *ing is alive% (here is a

$han$e e:al to 1- on 1d6 that a $ommnity 5ill have

a Cleri$ o! level 1d6O1' and 1-2 on 1d6 o! a )agi$-

@ser o! level 1d6% Gnomish Cleri$s and )agi$-@sers

are e:ivalent to reglar gnomish 5arriors statisti$ally%


 Armor Class, 1 H11J

it Di$e, 1-1

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 5eapon

Damage, 1d6 or by 5eapon

)ovement, 20L @narmored 30L

/o% Appearing, 2d 'ild 6d10' #air 6d10

+ave As, 7ighter, 1

)orale, or see belo5

(reasre (ype, R ea$h C in lair  

P;, 10

Goblins are small' 5i$*ed hmanoids that !avor

ambshes' over5helming odds' dirty tri$*s' and any

other edge they $an devise% An adlt goblin stands 3 to

3T !eet tall and 5eigh 0 to B ponds% >ts eyes are

sally bright and $ra!ty-loo*ing' varying in $olor !rom

red to yello5% A goblinXs s*in $olor ranges !rom yello5

throgh any shade o! orange to a deep red sally all

members o! a single tribe are abot the same $olor%

Goblins 5ear $lothing o! dar* leather' tending to5ard

drab' soiled-loo*ing $olors% (hey have Dar*vision 5ith

a 30L range%

(he statisti$s given above are !or a standard Goblin in

leather armor 5ith a shield they have a natral

)ovement rate o! 30L and a natral Armor Class o! 11%


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+ome goblins ride dire 8ol>es into $ombat' and large

grops o! goblins 5ill o!ten employ them to tra$* and

atta$* their !oes%

"ne ot o! every eight goblins 5ill be a 5arrior o! 3-3

it Di$e H1B P;J% Goblins gain a O1 bons to their

morale i! they are led by a 5arrior% >n a lair or other

settlement' one ot o! every !i!teen 5ill be a $hie!tain o!

B-B it Di$e H360 P;J in $hainmail 5ith an Armor Class

o! 1B H11J and movement o! 10L that gains a O1 bons

to damage de to strength% >n lairs or settlements o! 30

or more goblins' there 5ill be a goblin *ing o! - it

Di$e H60 P;J' 5ith an Armor Class o! 16 H11J' 5earing

$hainmail and $arrying a shield' 5ith a movement o! 10L'

and having a O1 bons to damage% Goblins have a O2

bons to morale 5hile their *ing is present Hthis is not

$mlative 5ith the bons given by a 5arrior leaderJ%

>n addition' a lair has a $han$e e:al to 1 on 1d6 o! a

shaman being present Hor 1-2 on 1d6 i! a goblin *ing is

presentJ% A shaman is e:ivalent to a reglar goblin

statisti$ally' bt has Cleri$al abilities at level 1dO1%


Golems are magi$ally $reated atomatons o! great

po5er% Constr$ting one involves the employment o!

mighty magi$ and elemental !or$es% (he animating!or$e !or a golem is an elemental spirit% (he pro$ess o!

$reating the golem binds the spirit to the arti!i$ial body

and sbIe$ts it to the 5ill o! the golemXs $reator%

eing mindless' golems generally do nothing 5ithot

orders !rom their $reators% (hey !ollo5 instr$tions

e&pli$itly and are in$apable o! any strategy or ta$ti$s% A

golemXs $reator $an $ommand it i! the golem is 5ithin

60 !eet and $an see and hear its $reator% >! not a$tively

$ommanded' a golem sally !ollo5s its last instr$tionto the best o! its ability' thogh i! atta$*ed it retrns the

atta$*% (he $reator $an give the golem a simple

$ommand to govern its a$tions in his or her absen$e%

(he golemXs $reator $an order the golem to obey the

$ommands o! another person H5ho might in trn pla$e

the golem nder someone elseXs $ontrol' and so onJ'

bt the golemXs $reator $an al5ays resme $ontrol over

his $reation by $ommanding the golem to obey him


Golems have immnity to most magi$al and

spernatral e!!e$ts' e&$ept 5hen other5ise noted%

(hey $an only be hit by magi$al 5eapons%


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,ole5 A56er

 Armor Class, 21 \

it Di$e, 10S HOFJ

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite

Damage, 2d6Q2d6Q2d10

)ovement, 60L

/o% Appearing, 1

+ave As, 7ighter, B

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1'3F0

 Amber golems are generally bilt to resemble lions or

other great $ats% (hey are able to dete$t invisible

$reatres or obIe$ts 5ithin 60L' and $an tra$* 5ith FBN

a$$ra$y throgh any terrain type%

 A magi$al atta$* that deals ele$tri$ity damage heals 1

point o! damage !or every 3 !ll points o! damage the

atta$* 5old other5ise deal% 7or e&ample' an amber

olem hit by a li4/tnin4 6olt heals 6 points o! damage

i! the atta$* 5old have dealt 20 points o! damage% >!

the amont o! healing 5old $ase the golem to e&$eedits !ll normal hit points' the e&$ess is ignored%

,ole5 Bone

 Armor Class, 1F \

it Di$e, S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 5eapons

Damage, 1d6Q1d6Q1d6Q1d6 or by 5eapon

)ovement, 0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1

+ave As, 7ighter,

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, FB

one golems are hge

!or-armed monsters

$reated !rom the

s*eletons o! at least

t5o dead hmanoids%

(hogh made o! bone'

they are not ndead

and $annot be trned%

>nstead o! !or one-

handed 5eapons' abone golem $an be

armed 5ith t5o t5o-handed 5eapons' giving 2 atta$*s

per rond and a damage !igre o! 1d10Q1d10 or by


hen a bone golem enters $ombat' there is a

$mlative 1N $han$e ea$h rond that its elemental

spirit brea*s !ree and the golem goes berser*% (he

n$ontrolled golem goes on a rampage' atta$*ing the

nearest living $reatre or smashing some obIe$t smallerthan itsel! i! no $reatre is 5ithin rea$h' then moving on

to spread more destr$tion% (he golemXs $reator' i!

5ithin 60 !eet' $an try to regain $ontrol by spea*ing

!irmly and persasively to the golem he or she mst

ma*e a save vs% +pells to s$$eed at this' and at least


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1 rond o! time is re:ired !or ea$h $he$*% >t ta*es 1

rond o! ina$tivity by the golem to reset the golemXs

berser* $han$e to 0N%

,ole5 Bron@e

 Armor Class, 20 \

it Di$e, 20SS HO13J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 !ist O spe$ial

Damage, 3d10 O spe$ial

)ovement, 0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1

+ave As, 7ighter,10

)orale, 12(reasre (ype, /one

P;, B'6B0

(hese golems resemble states made o! brone nli*e

natral brone states' they never trn green !rom

verdigris% A brone golem is 10 !eet tall and 5eighs

abot 'B00 ponds% A brone golem $annot spea* or

ma*e any vo$al noise' nor does it have any

distingishable odor% >t moves 5ith a ponderos bt

smooth gait% a$h step $ases the !loor to tremble

nless it is on a thi$*' solid !ondation%

(he interior o! a brone golem is molten metal%

Creatres hit by one in

$ombat s!!er an

additional 1d10

damage !rom the heat

Hnless resistant to heat

or !ireJ% >! one is hit in

$ombat' molten metal

sprts ot' spraying the

atta$*er !or 2d6

damage% A save vs%

Death Ray is allo5ed to

avoid the metal spray%

hen a brone golem enters $ombat' there is a

$mlative 1N $han$e ea$h rond that its elemental

spirit brea*s !ree and the golem goes berser*% (he

n$ontrolled golem goes on a rampage' atta$*ing the

nearest living $reatre or smashing some obIe$t smaller

than itsel! i! no $reatre is 5ithin rea$h' then moving on

to spread more destr$tion% (he golemXs $reator' i!

5ithin 60 !eet' $an try to regain $ontrol by spea*ing

!irmly and persasively to the golem he or she mst

ma*e a save vs% +pells to s$$eed at this' and at least

1 rond o! time is re:ired !or ea$h $he$*% >t ta*es 1

rond o! ina$tivity by the golem to reset the golemXs

berser* $han$e to 0N%

,ole5 Cla2

 Armor Class, 22 \

it Di$e, 11SS HOFJ

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 !ist

Damage, 3d10

)ovement, 20L

/o% Appearing, 1

+ave As, 7ighter, 6

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1'6B

(his golem has a hmanoid body made !rom $lay% A

$lay golem 5ears no $lothing e&$ept !or a metal or sti!!

leather garment arond its hips% A $lay golem $annot

spea* or ma*e any vo$al noise% >t 5al*s and moves

5ith a slo5' $lmsy gait% >t 5eighs arond 600 ponds%


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hen a $lay golem enters $ombat' there is a

$mlative 1N $han$e ea$h rond that its elemental

spirit brea*s !ree and the golem goes berser*% (he

n$ontrolled golem goes on a rampage' atta$*ing the

nearest living $reatre or smashing some obIe$t smaller

than itsel! i! no $reatre is 5ithin rea$h' then moving on

to spread more destr$tion% "n$e a $lay golem goes

berser*' no *no5n method $an reestablish $ontrol%

(he damage a $lay golem deals doesnXt heal natrally'

and magi$al healing $res only 1 point per die rolled

Hbt add all bonses normallyJ%

,ole5 Fles/

 Armor Class, 20 \

it Di$e, FSS HOJ

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 !ists

Damage, 2dQ2d

)ovement, 30L

/o% Appearing, 1

+ave As, 7ighter, B

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1'22B

 A !lesh golem is a

gholish $olle$tion o!

stolen hmanoid body

parts' stit$hed together

into a single $omposite

!orm% /o natral

animal 5illingly tra$*s

a !lesh golem% (he

golem 5ears 5hatever

$lothing its $reator

desires' sally Ist a

ragged pair o!

trosers% >t has no

possessions and no

5eapons% >t stands

!eet tall and 5eighs almost B00 ponds% A !lesh golem

$annot spea*' althogh it $an emit a hoarse roar o!

sorts% >t 5al*s and moves 5ith a sti!!-Iointed gait' as i!

not in $omplete $ontrol o! its body%

hen a !lesh golem enters $ombat' there is a

$mlative 1N $han$e ea$h rond that its elemental

spirit brea*s !ree and the golem goes berser*% (he

n$ontrolled golem goes on a rampage' atta$*ing the

nearest living $reatre or smashing some obIe$t smaller

than itsel! i! no $reatre is 5ithin rea$h' then moving on


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to spread more destr$tion% (he golemXs $reator' i!

5ithin 60 !eet' $an try to regain $ontrol by spea*ing

!irmly and persasively to the golem he or she mst

ma*e a save vs% +pells to s$$eed at this' and at least

1 rond o! time is re:ired !or ea$h $he$*% >t ta*es 1

rond o! ina$tivity by the golem to reset the golemXs

berser* $han$e to 0N%

 A magi$al atta$* that deals $old or !ire damage slo5s a

!lesh golem Has the slo8 spellJ !or 2d6 ronds' 5ith no

saving thro5% A magi$al atta$* that deals ele$tri$ity

damage brea*s any slo5 e!!e$t on the golem and heals

1 point o! damage !or every 3 !ll points o! damage the

atta$* 5old other5ise deal% >! the amont o! healing

5old $ase the golem to e&$eed its !ll normal hit

points' the e&$ess is ignored% 7or e&ample' a !lesh

golem hit by a lightning bolt heals 3 points o! damage i!

the atta$* 5old have dealt 11 points o! damage%

,ole5 Iron

 Armor Class, 2B \

it Di$e, 1SS HO12J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 O spe$ial

Damage, d10 O spe$ial

)ovement, 20L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1

+ave As, 7ighter, F

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 3'F0

(his golem has a hmanoid body made !rom iron% An

iron golem $an be !ashioned in any manner' Ist li*e a

stone golem Hsee belo5J' althogh it almost al5ays

displays armor o! some sort% >ts !eatres are m$h

smoother than those o! a stone golem% >ron golems

sometimes $arry a short s5ord in one hand% An iron

golem is 12 !eet tall and 5eighs abot B'000 ponds%

 An iron golem $annot spea* or ma*e any vo$al noise'

nor does it have any distingishable odor% >t moves

5ith a ponderos bt smooth gait% a$h step $ases

the !loor to tremble nless it is on a thi$*' solid


>ron golems $an e&hale a $lod o! poisonos gas 5hi$h

!ills a 10-!oot $be and persists !or 1 rond% (hose

5ithin the area o! e!!e$t mst save vs% Dragon reath or

die% (his ability $an be sed p to 3 times per day%

 A magi$al atta$* that deals ele$tri$ity damage slo5s an

iron golem Has the slo8 spellJ !or 3 ronds' 5ith no

saving thro5% A magi$al atta$* that deals !ire damage

brea*s any slo5 e!!e$t on the golem and heals 1 pointo! damage !or ea$h 3 !ll points o! damage the atta$*

5old other5ise deal% >! the amont o! healing 5old

$ase the golem to e&$eed its !ll normal hit points' the

e&$ess is ignored% 7or e&ample' an iron golem hit by a

!ireball gains ba$* 6 hit points i! the damage total is 1F

points% An iron golem is a!!e$ted normally by rst

atta$*s' s$h as that o! a rst monster' s!!ering 2d6

points o! damage !or ea$h hit H5ith no saving thro5

normally allo5edJ%


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,ole5 Stone

 Armor Class, 2B \

it Di$e, 1SS HO11J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 O spe$ial

Damage, 3d O spe$ial

)ovement, 20L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1

+ave As, 7ighter,

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 2'30

(his golem has a hmanoid body made !rom stone% A

stone golem is F !eet tall and 5eighs arond 2'000

ponds% >ts body is !re:ently stylied to sit its $reator%

7or e&ample' it might loo* li*e it is 5earing armor' 5ith

a parti$lar symbol $arved on the breastplate' or have

designs 5or*ed into the stone o! its limbs%

+tone golems are !ormidable opponents' being

physi$ally po5er!l and di!!i$lt to harm% A stone golem

$an se a slo8 e!!e$t' as the spell' on$e every other

rond a save vs% +pells is allo5ed to resist% (he e!!e$thas a range o! 10 !eet and a dration o! 2d6 ronds%

 A stone to les/ spell may be sed to 5ea*en the

monster% (he spell does not a$tally $hange the

golemXs str$tre' bt !or one !ll rond a!ter being

a!!e$ted' the golem is vlnerable to normal 5eapons%

(he stone golem is allo5ed a save vs% +pells to resist%

,ole5 .ood

 Armor Class, 13 \

it Di$e, 2O2S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 !ist

Damage, 1d

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, 1

+ave As, 7ighter, 1

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 100

ood golems are small $onstr$ts' not more than L in

height' and are $rdely made% eing made o! 5ood

ma*es them vlnerable to !ire-based atta$*s ths'

5ood golems s!!er one e&tra point o! damage per die

!rom !ire any saving thro5s against s$h e!!e$ts are at

a penalty o! -2% (hey move sti!!ly' s!!ering a -1 penalty

to >nitiative%


 Armor Class, 1F

it Di$e, S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 gore or 1 breath

Damage, 2d6 or petri!i$ation

)ovement, 0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter,


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, FB

Gorgons are magi$al monsters resembling blls made

o! iron% (heir breath $an trn living $reatres to stone it

$overs an area 60L long by 10L 5ide' and $an be sed


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as many times per day as the monster has hit di$e' bt

no more o!ten than every other rond% A save vs%

;etri!i$ation is allo5ed to resist%

 A typi$al gorgon stands over 6 !eet tall at the sholder'measres !eet !rom snot to tail' and 5eighs abot

'000 ponds% Gorgons are nothing i! not aggressive%

(hey atta$* intrders on sight' attempting to gore or

petri!y them% (here is no 5ay to $alm these !rios

$reatres' and they are impossible to domesti$ate%

,ra2 Oo@e

 Armor Class, 12

it Di$e, 3S/o% o! Atta$*s, 1

Damage, 2d

)ovement, 1L

/o% Appearing, 1

+ave As, 7ighter, 3

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1B

Gray ooes are amorphos $reatres that live only to

eat% (hey inhabit ndergrond areas' s$oring $averns'

rins' and dngeons in sear$h o! organi$ matter' living

or dead% A gray ooe $an gro5 to a diameter o! p to

10 !eet and a thi$*ness o! abot 6 in$hes% A typi$al

spe$imen 5eighs abot 00 ponds%

 A gray ooe se$retes a digestive a$id that :i$*ly

dissolves organi$ material and metal' bt not stone%

 A!ter a s$$ess!l hit' the ooe 5ill sti$* to the $reatre

atta$*ed' dealing 2d damage per rond atomati$ally%

/ormal Hnon-magi$alJ armor or $lothing dissolves and

be$omes seless immediately% A non-magi$al metal or

5ooden 5eapon that stri*es a gray ooe also dissolves

immediately% )agi$al 5eapons' armor' and $lothing are

allo5ed a saving thro5 Hse the 5earerLs save vs%

Death Ray' adding any magi$al 8pls9 vale to the roll i!


,reen Sli5e

 Armor Class, $an al5ays be hit

it Di$e, 2SS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1

Damage, spe$ial

)ovement, 1L

/o% Appearing, 1

+ave As, 7ighter, 2

)orale, 12(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 12B

Green slime devors !lesh and organi$ materials on

$onta$t and is even $apable o! dissolving metal given

enogh time% right green' 5et' and sti$*y' it $lings to

5alls' !loors' and $eilings in pat$hes' reprod$ing as it

$onsmes organi$ matter% >t drops !rom 5alls and

$eilings 5hen it dete$ts movement Hand possible !oodJ

belo5% Green slime $annot gro5 in snlight even the

indire$t snlight o! a dense !orest 5ill stnt it and

prevent it !rom spreading' and dire$t snlight 5ill *ill

green slime otright 5ithin a trn%

"n the !irst rond o! $onta$t' the slime $an be s$raped

o!! a $reatre Hmost li*ely destroying the s$raping

devi$eJ' bt a!ter that it mst be !roen' brned' or $t

a5ay Hdealing the same damage to both the vi$tim and

the slimeJ% A ;re disease spell 5ill destroy a pat$h

o! green slime% >t does not harm stone or en$hanted

metal' bt $an dissolve normal metal or en$hanted

5ood in a trn and normal 5ood in 2d ronds%


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>! not destroyed or s$raped o!! 5ithin 6O1d ronds' the

vi$tim 5ill be $ompletely trans!ormed into green slime

s$h a $hara$ter or $reatre $annot be retrieved by any

magi$ short o! a 8is/%


 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e,

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite

Damage, 1dQ1dQ2d

)ovement, 0L H10LJ 7ly 120L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 2d' #air 2d

+ave As, 7ighter, )orale,

(reasre (ype,

P;, 60

Gri!!ons are large $arnivoros $reatres resembling

lions 5ith the head' !ore$la5s and 5ings o! eagles%

7rom nose to tail' an adlt gri!!on $an measre as m$h

as !eet% /either males nor !emales are endo5ed 5ith

a mane% A pair o! broad' golden 5ings emerge !rom the

$reatreXs ba$* and span 2B !eet or more% An adlt

gri!!on 5eighs abot B00 ponds%

Gri!!ons nest on high montaintops' soaring do5n to

!eed on horses' the beastXs pre!erred prey% (hey hnt

and travel in `o$*s% A Gri!!on 5ill atta$* a horse over

anything else' diving lo5 to s5ipe 5ith their $la5s%

(hey are not above retreating and $oming ba$* later'

5hen there may be less o! a de!ense monted%

Gri!!ons $an be trained as monts i! raised in $aptivity'bt even in this $ase they may try to atta$* horses i!

any $ome 5ithin abot 120L% Roll a morale $he$* in this

$ase i! the $he$* is !ailed' the gri!!on 5ill try to atta$*

immediately% A light load !or a gri!!on is p to 300

ponds a medim load' p to 600 ponds and a heavy

load' p to F00 ponds%

%an45an Tree

 Armor Class, 16

it Di$e, B

/o% o! Atta$*s, limbs pls strangle

Damage, 1d6

)ovement, 0

/o% Appearing, ild 1

+ave As, 7ighter,

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 360

angman trees are horrible' semi-animate $reatres

that !ertilie themselves 5ith dead bodies% A hangman

tree has !or animated limbs that $an 5rap arond the

ne$*s o! living $reatres that pass beneath' strangling

!or 1d6 points o! damage per rond% (hese limbs are

arranged evenly arond the tree in most $ases' and

generally no more than one limb $an atta$* any single

$reatre at a time%


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(he roots o! this tree are also animated they do not

atta$*' bt they do pll dead bodies belo5 the sr!a$e

o! the grond !or 8digestion%9


 Armor Class, 13

it Di$e, 2S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 5eapon O spe$ial

Damage, 1dQ1dQ1d6 or by 5eapon O spe$ial

)ovement, 20L 7ly B0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 2d' #air 2d

+ave As, 7ighter, 2


(reasre (ype, C

P;, 100

 A harpy loo*s li*e a giant vltre bearing the torso and

!a$e o! a hman !emale% (hey are able to atta$* 5ith

their $la5s as 5ell as 5ith normal 5eapons' bt their

most insidios ability is their song% hen a harpy sings'

all $reatres Hother than harpiesJ 5ithin a 300L radis

mst s$$eed on a save vs% +pells or be$ome

/ar5ed% (he same harpyXs song $annot a!!e$t a

$reatre that s$$ess!lly saves again !or 2 hors% A

$harmed vi$tim 5al*s to5ard the harpy' ta*ing the most

dire$t rote available% >! the path leads into a

dangeros area Hthrogh `ame' o!! a $li!!' or the li*eJ'

that $reatre is allo5ed a se$ond saving thro5 to resist

the $harm% Charmed $reatres $an ta*e no a$tions

other than to de!end themselves% A vi$tim 5ithin rea$h


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o! the harpy stands there and o!!ers no resistan$e to the

monsterXs atta$*s% (he e!!e$t $ontines !or as long as

the harpy sings' and !or one rond therea!ter%


Nor5al ,iant

 Armor Class, 12 1

it Di$e, 1d it ;oints

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 1

Damage, 1d2 1d6

)ovement, 7ly 160L 7ly 1B0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 1d6' #air 1d6 ild 1d3' #air 1d3

+ave As, 7ighter, 1 7ighter,


(reasre (ype, /one /one

P;, 10 20

a5*s are similar to eagles bt slightly smaller' being 1

to 2 !eet long 5ith 5ingspans o! 6 !eet or less% Giant

ha5*s are to 6 !eet long' 5ith 5ingspans o! 12 !eet or

more they $an $arry o!! $reatres o! al!ling sie or



 Armor Class, 1 to 1

it Di$e, 3SS to SS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite or 1 breath

Damage, 1d6 or 1d6 per it Die

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, 2d' ild 2d' #air 2d

+ave As, 7ighter, 3 to Hsame as it Di$eJ

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, C

P;, 20B - 00

ellhonds are $anine $reatres sheathed in hellish

!lame% A typi$al hell hond stands T !eet high at the

sholder and 5eighs 120 ponds% (hey are native to

another plane' 5here they roam !reely' or are

sometimes sed as 5at$hdogs% >n the 5ild' these

$reatres travel and hnt in pa$*s% (hey have a breath

5eapon' a !laming atta$* that may be sed against a

single $reatre% "ne-third o! the time H1-2 on 1d6J' a

hellhond 5ill $hoose to breathe !ire other5ise the

hellhond 5ill se its bite% Roll ea$h rond to determine

5hi$h is sed% >! the hellhond breathes !ire' its vi$tim

may save vs% Dragon reath !or hal! damage% a$h

hellhond may breathe !ire a nmber o! times per day

e:al to its hit di$e%

/ote that hellhonds vary 5ith regard to the nmber o!

hit di$e ea$h has% >! generating a grop randomly' roll

1d6O1 !or the hit di$e o! ea$h' reading a total o! 2 as 3%

 A hellhond has an Armor Class e:al to 11 pls its hit



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 Armor Class, 1B

it Di$e, 3

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite

Damage, 1d6Q1d6Q1d10

)ovement, 60L H10LJ 7ly 120L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 2d

+ave As, 7ighter, 3


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1B

ippogri!!s resemble large `ying horses 5ith the

!ore!ront o! a bird o! prey% A typi$al hippogri!! is F !eet

long' has a 5ingspan o! 20 !eet' and 5eighs 1'000


 A hippogri!! avoids the territories and $iviliations o!

other $reatres' d5elling in e&treme altitdes%

,rions sometimes atta$* them' and hippogri!!s 5ill

generally atta$* those $reatres on sight%

ippogri!!s are omnivoros' entering $ombat only as

de!ense' save !or those times a gri!!on is met% (hey are

pried as !lying monts sin$e' nli*e gri!!ons' they are

relatively sa!e arond horses note that it is still

ne$essary to raise one in $aptivity in order to se it as a

mont% A light load !or a hippogri!! is p to 300 ponds

a medim load' p to 600 ponds and a heavy load' p

to F00 ponds%


 Armor Class, 1 H11J

it Di$e, 1

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 5eapon

Damage, 1d or by 5eapon

)ovement, 30L @narmored 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 2d' #air d

+ave As, 7ighter, 1


(reasre (ype, U' R ea$h D' 4 in lair 

P;, 2B

obgoblins are larger $osins o! goblins' being abot

the same sie as hmans% (heir hair $olor ranges !rom

dar* reddish-bro5n to dar* gray% (hey have dar*

orange or red-orange s*in% #arge males have ble or

red noses% obgoblinsL eyes are yello5ish or dar*

bro5n' 5hile their teeth are yello5% (heir garments

tend to be brightly $olored' o!ten blood red 5ith bla$*-

tinted leather% (heir 5eaponry is *ept polished and in

good repair% (hey 5ear toghened hides and $arry

5ooden shields !or armor% As 5ith most goblinoids'

they have Dar*vision 5ith a 30L range%

obgoblins are $rel and $al$lating 5arriors' al5ays

loo*ing to e&ploit those 5ea*er than themselves% (hey

have a strong grasp o! strategy and ta$ti$s and are

$apable o! $arrying ot sophisti$ated battle plans%

@nder the leadership o! a s*illed strategist or ta$ti$ian'

their dis$ipline $an prove a de$iding !a$tor% obgoblins

hate elves and atta$* them !irst in pre!eren$e over other



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"ne ot o! every si&

hobgoblins 5ill be a

5arrior o! 3 it Di$e H1B

P;J% Reglar hobgoblins

gain a O1 bons to their

morale i! they are led by a

5arrior% >n hobgoblin lairs'

one ot o! every t5elve

5ill be a $hie!tain o! B it

Di$e H360 P;J in $hainmail

5ith an Armor Class o! 1B

H11J and a movement o!

20L' having a O1 bons to

damage de to strength%

>n lairs o! 30 or greater'

there 5ill be a hobgoblin

*ing o! it Di$e H60 P;J' adding a shield !or an

 Armor Class o! 16 H11J Hmovement is still 20LJ having a

O2 bons to damage% >n the lair' hobgoblins never !ail a

morale $he$* as long as the *ing is alive% >n addition' a

lair has a $han$e e:al to 1-2 on 1d6 o! a shaman

being present Hor 1-3 on 1d6 i! a hobgoblin *ing is

presentJ' and 1 on 1d6 o! a 5it$h or 5arlo$*% A shaman

is e:ivalent to a hobgoblin 5arrior statisti$ally' bt has

Cleri$al abilities at level 1d6O1% A 5it$h or 5arlo$* is

e:ivalent to a reglar hobgoblin' bt has )agi$-@ser

abilities o! level 1d6%


 Armor Class, 16 to 23

it Di$e, B to 12 HO10J

/o% o! Atta$*s, B to 12 bites

Damage, 1d10 per bite

)ovement, 0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1' ild 1' #air 1

+ave As, 7ighter, B to 12

)orale, F

(reasre (ype,

P;, 360 - 1'B

ydras are reptile-li*e monsters 5ith mltiple heads%

(hey are gray-bro5n to dar* bro5n' 5ith a light yello5

or tan nderbelly% (he eyes are amber and the teeth

are yello5-5hite% ydras are abot 20 !eet long and

5eigh abot '000 ponds% (hey are bad-tempered

and territorial' bt not parti$larly $nning%


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 A hydra may be slain by damage in the normal !ashion

ho5ever' most 5ho !ight them $hoose to stri*e at their

heads% >! a $hara$ter sing a melee 5eapon $hooses to

stri*e at a parti$lar head' and s$$eeds in doing

points o! damage' that head is disabled Hsevered or

severely damagedJ and 5ill not be able to atta$*

anymore% +$h damage also applies to the monsterLs

total hit points' o! $orse%

+ome hydras live in the o$ean se the given

movement as a s5imming rate rather than 5al*ing in

this $ase% A very !e5 hydras $an breathe !ire those

that have this ability $an emit a !lame 10L 5ide and 20L

long one time per head per day% (his atta$* 5ill be

sed abot one time in three H1-2 on 1d6J i! it is

available roll !or ea$h head 5hi$h is atta$*ing% a$h

s$h atta$* does 3d6 damage' 5ith a save vs% Dragon

reath red$ing the amont by hal!%


 Armor Class, 13

it Di$e, 2O1

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 1d6

)ovement, 60LL

/o% Appearing, 1d6 to 10d10

+ave As, 7ighter, 2


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 320

yenas are !or legged $arnivores 5ho e&hibit some o!

the behaviors o! $anines bt are not related% (hey not

only hnt bt also s$avenge and steal meals% A hngry

hyena 5ill $he5 on anything that is even remotely

tainted by blood' meat or other !ood tra$es% (hey 5ill

mostly be !ond in savanna-li*e environments 5here

lions' ebra' and other animals native to s$h regions

also e&ist% (hey $an live in $lans o! p to a hndred in

sie Hthogh smaller grops are more $ommonJ% (hey

are among the !avorite pets o! gnolls 5ho live in the

same regions they do and some gnolls ta*e them into

regions 5here they are not natrally !ond% (hey $ome

in many sies althogh most modern ones are only

slightly lighter than a hman%


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 Armor Class, 13

it Di$e, 3O1

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 1d

)ovement, 0LL

/o% Appearing, 1d6' 1d ild #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 3


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1B

(hese an$ient !or legged predators are named !or their

tooth shape' and 5hile they are not te$hni$ally

prehistori$ hyenas' the statisti$s 5or* !or the giant

prehistori$ varieties o! hyenas as 5ell% )any varieties

o! hyenodons 5ere smallish' sometimes no bigger than

a $ommon hyena' and the statisti$s !or standard hyenas

may be sed !or them% (he above statisti$s are !or the

larger types o! yenodons or giant varieties o!

prehistori$ yenas% A notable !eatre is that their

massively bilt s*ll !eatres a long Ia5 Hsort o! li*e a

$ro$odileJ !ll o! teeth' 5ith !or great !angs on the end%

(hey o!ten d5ell in lost 5orlds%

Inset S8ar5

 Armor Class, 13

it Di$e, 2S to S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 s5arm

Damage, 1d3 Hdoble against no armorJ

)ovement, 10L 7ly 20L

/o% Appearing, 1 s5arm' ild 1d3 s5arms

+ave As, /QA

)orale, 11

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 100 - 20

 An inse$t s5arm is not a single $reatre rather' it is a

large grop o! ordinary !lying or $ra5ling inse$ts moving

as a nit% >n general' a s5arm !ills a volme e:al to

three 10L $bes' thogh it is possible !or a s5arm to

be$ome more $ompa$t in order to move throgh a small

door5ay or narro5 $orridor% >! the s5arm $onsists o!

$ra5ling inse$ts' it $overs three 10L s:ares and the

!lying movement above is ignored%

 Any living $reatre 5ithin the volme or area o! the

s5arm s!!ers 1d3 points o! damage ea$h rond%Damage rolls are dobled i! the vi$tim is narmored H!or

$reatres 5hi$h do not 5ear armor' any $reatre having

less than Armor Class 1B is $onsidered narmoredJ%

Damage is red$ed to a single point per rond !or three

ronds i! the $hara$ter manages to e&it the s5arm% >t is

possible to 85ard o!!9 the inse$ts by s5inging a 5eapon'

shield' or other similar-sied obIe$t arond' and in this

$ase also damage is red$ed to 1 point per rond% >! a

lit tor$h is sed in this 5ay' the s5arm ta*es 1ddamage per rond% eapons' even magi$ 5eapons'

do not harm an inse$t s5arm% An entire s5arm $an be

a!!e$ted by a slee spell% +mo*e $an be sed to drive

a s5arm a5ay Hi! the s5arm moves a5ay !rom the


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vi$timHsJ de to smo*e' the damage stops immediatelyJ%

7inally' a vi$tim 5ho dives into 5ater 5ill ta*e damage

!or only one more rond%

In>isi6le Stal?er 

 Armor Class, 1F

it Di$e, S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1

Damage, d

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, 1 Hspe$ialJ

+ave As, 7ighter,

)orale, 12(reasre (ype, /one

P;, FB

>nvisible stal*ers are $reatres native to the lemental

;lane o! Air% (hey sometimes serve 5iards and

sor$erers' 5ho smmon them to per!orm spe$i!i$ tas*s%

 A smmoned invisible stal*er nderta*es 5hatever tas*

the smmoner $ommands' even i! the tas* sends it

hndreds or thosands o! miles a5ay% (he $reatre

!ollo5s a $ommand ntil the tas* is $ompleted and

obeys only the smmoner% o5ever' it resents

protra$ted missions or $omple& tas*s and see*s to

pervert its instr$tions a$$ordingly%

>nvisible stal*ers have an amorphos !orm% A detet

in>isi6le spell sho5s only a dim otline o! a $lod%

DonLt !orget to apply the standard penalty o! - on the

atta$* die 5hen an invisible stal*er is atta$*ed by a

$reatre 5hi$h is nable to see it%


 Armor Class, 16

it Di$e,

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite

Damage, 1dQ1dQ2d

)ovement, 0L +5im 30L

/o% Appearing, 1d2' ild 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter,


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 20

(hese great $ats are abot to F !eet long H!rom nose

to tail-tipJ and 5eigh abot 16B ponds% @nli*e other

great $ats' they enIoy s5imming and o!ten hnt near

rivers or la*es% .agars *ill 5ith their po5er!l bite'

pre!erring to deliver a !atal 5ond to the s*ll o! their



 Armor Class, 13 H11J

it Di$e, 1d it ;oints

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 5eapon

Damage, 1d or by 5eapon

)ovement, 20L @narmored 30L

/o% Appearing, d' ild 6d10' #air 6d10

+ave As, /ormal )an

)orale, 6

(reasre (ype, ;' U ea$h C in lair  

P;, 10


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4obolds are small' dog-

!a$ed reptilian hmanoids%

 A *obold is 2 to 2T !eet

tall and 5eighs 3B to B

ponds% (hey pre!er

ranged $ombat' $losing

only 5hen they $an see

that their !oes have been

5ea*ened% henever

they $an' *obolds set p

ambshes near trapped

areas% (hey aim to drive

enemies into the traps'

5here other *obolds 5ait

to por !laming oil over them' shoot them' or drop

poisonos vermin onto them% 4obolds have Dar*vision

5ith a range o! 60L' and s!!er a -1 penalty to atta$*

rolls in bright snlight or 5ithin the radis o! li4/t

spells% 4obolds typi$ally 5ear leather armor in battle%

"ne ot o! every si& *obolds 5ill be a 5arrior o! 1 it

Di$e H2B P;J% 4obolds gain a O1 bons to their morale

i! they are led by a 5arrior% >n *obold lairs' one ot o!

every t5elve 5ill be a $hie!tain o! 2 it Di$e HB P;J

5ith an Armor Class o! 1 H11J and having a O1 bons

to damage de to strength% >n lairs o! 30 or greater'

there 5ill be a *obold *ing o! 3 it Di$e H1B P;J 5ho

5ears $hain mail 5ith an Armor Class o! 1B H11J and a

movement o! 10L' and 5ho has a O1 bons to damage%

>n the lair' *obolds never !ail a morale $he$* as long as

the *obold *ing is alive% >n addition' a lair has a $han$e

e:al to 1 on 1d6 o! a shaman being present Hor 1-2 on

1d6 i! a *obold *ing is presentJ% A shaman is e:ivalent

to a reglar *obold statisti$ally' bt has Cleri$al abilities

at level 1dO1%

4obolds are $nning !oes% (hey see all larger ra$es as

enemies' and are ths li*ely to be hostile 5hen

en$ontered% o5ever' they are natrally $o5ardly'

and pre!er to avoid $ombat' leading enemies into

ambshes or traps rather than !a$ing them dire$tly%

+ometimes *obold tribes bild and inhabit e&tensive

dngeon areas !illed 5ith deadly traps 5hi$h only they

*no5 ho5 to avoid%

Lee/ ,iant

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 6

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 O hold

Damage, 1d6 O 1d6Qrond

)ovement, 30L

/o% Appearing, ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 6

)orale, 10

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, B00

Giant lee$hes are slimy' segmented 5ormli*e $reatres

5hi$h live in 5ater% +alt or !resh' $lean or stagnant'

there are giant lee$h varieties !or all 5et environments%

o5ever' only a tre lee$h e&pert $an tell the varios

types apart% An average giant lee$h 5ill be to 6 !eet


"n$e a giant lee$h hits in $ombat' it atta$hes to the

vi$tim and s$*s blood' $asing an additional 1d6

damage ea$h rond ntil the vi$tim or the lee$h is dead%

(here is no 5ay to remove the lee$h other than to *ill it%


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 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, B

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite

Damage, 1d6Q1d6Q1d10

)ovement, B0L

/o% Appearing, ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, B

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 360

(he statisti$s presented here des$ribe a male A!ri$an

lion' 5hi$h is B to !eet long and 5eighs 330 to BB0

ponds% 7emales are slightly smaller bt se the same


Li>in4 Stat;e

#iving states are magi$ally animated% (hey are tre

atomatons' nli*e golems' 5hi$h are animated by

elemental spirits% hile this means that living states

have no $han$e o! going 8berser*'9 it also means that

they may only per!orm simple programmed a$tivities%

(hey may not be $ommanded in any meaning!l

!ashion% (hey ma*e very e!!e$tive gards !or tombs'

treasre rooms' and similar pla$es%

#iving states $an be $ra!ted to resemble any sort o!

living $reatre' bt most $ommonly are made to loo*

li*e hmans or demi-hmans%

Li>in4 Stat;e Cr2stal

 Armor Class, 16

it Di$e, 3

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 !ists

Damage, 1d6Q1d6

)ovement, 30L

/o% Appearing, 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter, 3

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1B

Crystal living states have no parti$lar spe$ial po5ers'

nli*e those made o! iron or stone%

Li>in4 Stat;e Iron

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 !ists

Damage, 1dQ1d O spe$ial

)ovement, 10L

/o% Appearing, 1d

+ave As, 7ighter,

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 20

>! str$* by a non-magi$al metal Heven partially metalJ

5eapon' the 5eapon may be$ome st$* in the monster%

>! this happens' it $annot be removed ntil the state is

8*illed%9 (he 5ielder is allo5ed a save vs% +pells to

avoid this%


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Li>in4 Stat;e Stone

 Armor Class, 16

it Di$e, BS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 lava sprays

Damage, 2d6Q2d6

)ovement, 20L

/o% Appearing, 1d3

+ave As, 7ighter, B

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 0B

 A stone living state atta$*s by spraying molten ro$*

!rom its !ingertips% (he range o! the spray is BL%

Li@ard ,iant rao

 Armor Class, 1B

it Di$e, O2

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 1d10

)ovement, 0L 7ly 0L HC' and see belo5J

/o% Appearing, 1d' ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 3


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 20

Giant dra$o liards are able to e&tend their ribs and

$onne$ted s*in to !orm a sort o! 5ing' allo5ing them to

!ly !or short distan$es Hno more than three ronds' and

as$ending is impossibleJ% An average giant dra$o liard

is L long' in$lding its nearly 3L long tail% (hey are

!ier$e predators%

Li@ard ,iant ,e?o

 Armor Class, 1B

it Di$e, 3O1

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 1d

)ovement, 0L Hspe$ialJ

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 1d10

+ave As, 7ighter, 2


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1B

Giant ge$*o liards range !rom L to 6L in length' and are

generally green in $olor' thogh grey or 5hite versions

$an be !ond ndergrond% (hey $an $limb 5alls and

even 5al* a$ross $eilings at !ll movement rate de to

their spe$ialied toe pads% (hey are $arnivores'

typi$ally atta$*ing 5ea*er prey !rom above%

Li@ard ,iant %orned C/a5eleon

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, B

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 tonge or 1 bite

Damage, grab or 2d6

)ovement, 0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1d3' ild 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter,


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 360

Giant horned $hameleons average L to 10L in length%

(hey are typi$ally green' bt $an $hange $olor to blend

into their srrondings' allo5ing them to srprise prey

on 1- on 1d6% Giant horned $hameleon have very long

tonges' able to spring ot p to 20L !or5ard the sti$*y

ms$lar ball on the end grabs on to the $hameleonLs


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prey' and the $hameleon then drags the prey to its

moth' doing bite damage atomati$ally on the

!ollo5ing rond Hand all sbse:ent ronds' ntil the

$hameleon is *illed or !ails a morale $he$*' or ntil the

prey is deadJ%

(he horns o! the giant horned $hameleon are sed only

in mating ritals' not in $ombat%

Li@ard ,iant T;atara

 Armor Class, 16

it Di$e, 6

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite

Damage, 1dQ1dQ2d6

)ovement, 0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1d2' ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, B

)orale, 6

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, B00

Giant tataras are large' being 10L to 12L long' and

heavily bilt% (hey are predators 5ith a po5er!l

shearing bite% Giant tataras are more resistant to $old

than most liards' and are ths sometimes !ond

hnting deep ndergrond% (hey are also *no5n to

hibernate in $old 5eather%

Li@ard *an

 Armor Class, 1B H12J

it Di$e, 2

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 5eapon

Damage, 1d6O1 or by 5eapon O1

)ovement, 20L @narmored 30L

+5im 0L Hnot in armorJ

/o% Appearing, 2d' ild 2d' #air 6d6

+ave As, 7ighter, 2

)orale, 11

(reasre (ype, D

P;, B

 A liard man is sally 6 to !eet tall 5ith green' gray'

or bro5n s$ales% >ts tail is sed !or balan$e and is 3 to

!eet long% Adlt males $an 5eigh !rom 200 to 2B0

ponds% De to their great +trength they al5ays

re$eive a O1 to damage done 5ith melee 5eapons%

(hey 5ear leather armor and $arry shields in battle%

#iard men are e&$ellent s5immers and $an hold their

breath !or an e&tended period o! time Hp to a !ll trnJ%

(hey $annot s5im 5hile 5earing armor ho5ever' they

o!ten hide in the 5ater even 5hile armored' standing on


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the bottom 5ith Ist nose and eyes e&posed Hsimilar to

a $ro$odileJ% hen they are able to employ this

manever' liard men srprise on 1- on 1d6%

#iard men are largely indi!!erent to other ra$es' beingprimarily interested in their o5n srvival% >! arosed'

ho5ever' they are !earsome 5arriors' sing simple bt

sond ta$ti$s%


#y$anthropes are hmans 5ho $an trans!orm

themselves into animals% >n its natral !orm' a

ly$anthrope loo*s li*e any other hman' thogh those

5ho have been a!!li$ted !or a long time tend to a$:ire

!eatres reminis$ent o! their animal !orms% >n animal

!orm' a ly$anthrope resembles a po5er!l version o! the

normal animal' bt on $lose inspe$tion' its eyes H5hi$h

o!ten glo5 red in the dar*J sho5 a !aint spar* o!

nnatral intelligen$e%

#y$anthropy is spread li*e a disease% Any hman 5ho

loses hal! or more o! his or her hit points de to

ly$anthrope bite andQor $la5 atta$*s 5ill sbse:ently

$ontra$t the same !orm o! ly$anthropy in 3d6 days% 7or

demi-hmans and hmanoids' $ontra$ting the disease

is !atal in the same time period% A ;re disease $ast

be!ore the onset is $omplete 5ill stop the progress o!

the disease' bt on$e the time has elapsed' the

trans!ormation is permanent%

>n animal !orm' ly$anthropes may be hit only by silver or

magi$al 5eapons%

L2ant/roe .ere6ear

 Armor Class, 1 V

it Di$e, 6S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite O hg

Damage, 2dQ2dQ2d O 2d

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d' ild 1d' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 6

)orale, 10

(reasre (ype, C


erebears are hmans that $an trans!orm into large

bears% hen in hman !orm' they typi$ally appear as

5ell-ms$led' imposing !igres' 5ith an abndan$e o!

thi$* hair% erebears typi$ally d5ell in deep !orests' !ar

!rom $iviliation% (hey are distrst!l o! those that they

do not *no5' bt 5ill !ero$iosly de!end those that they

have be!riended%

L2ant/roe .ere6oar

 Armor Class, 16 V

it Di$e, S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 2d6

)ovement, B0L man 7orm 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d' ild 2d' #air 2d

+ave As, 7ighter,

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, C

P;, 20

ereboars in hman !orm tend to be a sto$*y'

ms$lar individals o! average height% (hey dress in

simple garments that are easy to remove' repair' or

repla$e% >n either !orm' 5ereboars are as aggressive

and !ero$ios as normal boars%


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>n addition to assming the !orm o! a giant rat' 5ererats

$an assme an intermediate !orm Ha 8ratman9J% (he

ratman !orm shares the animal !ormLs immnity to

normal 5eapons' and $an deliver an identi$al bite' bt

in this !orm the 5ererat may se a normal 5eapon

instead o! biting% /ote that the 5ererat in ratman !orm

$annot bite and se a 5eapon in the same rond%

ererats' nli*e most ly$anthropes' pre!er to inhabit

$ivilied areas' parti$larly $ities% (hey !re:ently lair in

se5ers or other ndergrond areas' $oming ot by

night to steal !rom or *ill $ity !ol*%

L2ant/roe .ereti4er

 Armor Class, 1 V

it Di$e, BS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite

Damage, 1d6Q1d6Q2d6

)ovement, B0L man 7orm 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d' ild 1d' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, B

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, C

P;, 0B

eretigers are hmans that $an trans!orm into tigers%

>n hman !orm' they tend to be tall' trim' and very agile%

(hey tend to live and hnt $lose to hman settlements'

and are e&$ellent tra$*ers HB in 6 $han$e to tra$* prey

in either !ormJ% eretigers 5ill typi$ally only atta$* i!


L2ant/roe .ere8ol

 Armor Class, 1B V

it Di$e, S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 2d

)ovement, 60L man 7orm 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 2d6' #air 2d6

+ave As, 7ighter,


(reasre (ype, C

P;, 20

ere5olves in hman !orm have no distingishing

traits% (hey may be !ond any5here hmans are !ond%

(hey are !ero$ios predators' e:ally 5illing to eat

animal or hman !lesh%


 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 6O1S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite or 6 spi*es H10L


Damage, 1dQ1dQ2d or 1d6 per spi*e

)ovement, 0L 7ly 60L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1d2' ild 1d' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 6

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, D


)anti$ores loo* li*e an overgro5n lion 5ith thi$*

leathery 5ings and an gly hmanoid !a$e' o!ten li*e

that o! a hman or bearded d5ar!% (heir tail ends in an


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assortment o! spi*es' 5hi$h the beast may !ire as

proIe$tiles a ma&imm o! 2 are available' and the

manti$ore regro5s 1d6 per day% A typi$al manti$ore is

abot 10 !eet long and 5eighs abot 1'000 ponds%

)anti$ores are vi$ios predators' having a pre!eren$e

!or hman !lesh% (hey 5ill se their ranged atta$*s to

8so!ten p9 potential prey be!ore $losing to melee%


 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 1B SHO11J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 ts*s or 1 trample

Damage, 2d6Q2d6 or d

)ovement, 0L H1BLJ

/o% Appearing, ild 2d

+ave As, 7ighter, 1B


(reasre (ype, spe$ial

P;, 2'FB

)astodons Hand mammoths' 5hi$h $an also be

represented by the above statisti$sJ are hairy relatives

o! the elephant !ond in $old 8lost 5orld9 areas%

 A mastodon has no treasre as s$h' bt the ts*s o! a

mastodon are 5orth 2d & 100 gp%


 Armor Class, 12

it Di$e, SS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 sna*ebite O gae

Damage, 1d6Opoison O petri!i$ation

)ovement, 30L

/o% Appearing, 1d3' ild 1d' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter,


(reasre (ype, 7

P;, 320

 A medsa appears to be a hman !emale 5ith vipers

gro5ing !rom her head instead o! hair% (he gae o! a

medsa 5ill petri!y any $reatre 5ho meets it nless a

save vs% ;etri!i$ation is made% >n general' any $reatre

srprised by the medsa 5ill meet its gae% (hose 5ho

attempt to !ight the monster 5hile averting their eyes

s!!er penalties o! - on atta$* rolls and -2 to AC% >t is

sa!e to vie5 a medsaLs re!le$tion in a mirror or other

re!le$tive sr!a$e anyone sing a mirror to !ight a

medsa s!!ers a penalty o! -2 to atta$* and no penalty

to AC% >! a medsa sees its o5n re!le$tion' it mst save

vs% ;etri!i$ation itsel! a petri!ied medsa is no longer

able to petri!y others' bt the !a$e o! a medsa

$ontines to possess the po5er to petri!y even a!ter

death other5ise% )edsae instin$tively avoid mirrors or

other re!le$tive sr!a$es' even drin*ing 5ith their eyes

$losed' bt i! an atta$*er $an manage to srprise the

monster 5ith a mirror she may see her re!le$tion%


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7rther' the sna*es gro5ing !rom her head are

poisonos Hsave vs% ;oison or die in one trnJ% (hey

atta$* as a grop' not individally' on$e per rond !or

1d6 damage Hpls the poisonJ%

 A medsa o!ten 5ears garments that enhan$e its body

5hile hiding its !a$e behind a hood or veil% A typi$al

medsa is B to 6 !eet tall and abot the same 5eight as

a hman%

)edsae are shy and re$lsive' o5ing no dobt to the

!a$t that' on$e the lair o! one is !ond' any hmans

living nearby 5ill not rest ntil she is slain% (hey are

hate!l $reatres' ho5ever' and 5ill see* to destroy as

many hmans as they $an 5ithot being dis$overed%


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 Armor Class, 12

it Di$e, 1S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1

Damage, 1d6 or by 5eapon

)ovement, +5im 0L

/o% Appearing, ild 1d2 or 3d6 Hsee belo5J

+ave As, 7ighter, 1


(reasre (ype, A

P;, 3

)ermaids have the pper bodies o! 5omen and the

lo5er bodies o! dolphins% Also $alled 8sirens'9

mermaids o!ten attempt to lre sailors or other men

!ond near the sea% (hey a$$omplish this by means o!

their en$hanting songs%

 A mermaidLs song 5ill attra$t any man 5ithin 100 yards'

bt generally has no e!!e$t on 5omen% )en 5ithin the

area o! e!!e$t mst save vs% +pells to resist' or else they

5ill move to5ard the mermaid 5ith amoros intent as

dire$tly as possible% >! t5o mermaids are singing' apply

a penalty o! - to the save more than t5o gives no

e&tra bene!it% A!!e$ted men 5ill sbmit to anything the

mermaid desires% hen she tires o! him' he might be

!reed or slain' depending on the mermaidLs


Contrary to poplar belie!' mermaids are not !ish Hnor

even hal! !ishJ and do not breathe 5ater% (hey $an hold

their breath !or p to an hor o! light a$tivity' or t5o

trns H20 mintesJ o! strenos a$tion% o5ever' being

ot o! 5ater more than t5o trns H20 mintesJ $ases

the mermaid 1d points o! damage per trn%

)ermaids $an hear as 5ell as dolphins' and $an

prod$e sonds ranging !rom the lo5est !re:en$y a

normal hman 5oman $an prod$e p to the highest

!re:en$y o! a dolphin% (his means that mermaids $an

learn to $ommni$ate 5ith dolphins and 5hales at least

3BN o! mermaids 5ill *no5 the langage o! one or the

other' and 10N $an $ommni$ate 5ith any s$h


(hree-:arters o! mermaid births are !emale% "! the

:arter 5hi$h are male' most have legs rather than

tails% +$h 5ill either be slain or pt ashore to be

adopted by hmans' depending on the temperament o!

the mother% )ermen Hthose born 5ith tailsJ are raised

to be sbservient to the !emales% A small mermaid

$ommnity H3d6 in$lding the maleJ 5ill o!ten !ormarond s$h a merman and his mother' 5ho be$omes

their leader% +$h a grop is $alled a pod%

ne%third o! !e.ale .er.aids are in!ertile/ can sense this* (t cannot tell/n!ertile .er.aids sall) re.ain ,ith a !ertile sister or.ore rarel) a close !riend to help her ensnare .en/ Thise"plains the !irst n.(er appearin$ $iven in an) $rop


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o! 2* one ,ill (e in!ertile/

 A mermaid 5ith a $hild 5ill not generally be

en$ontered' as they remain in the deeper parts o! the

o$ean and avoid the attention o! men% ;ods o!

mermaids do li*e5ise' and in !a$t any pod in$ldes 2d-

2 $hildrenQIveniles Hover and above the nmber rolled

!or /mber AppearingJ% )en generally meet mermaids

only in grops o! 1 or 2%

)ermaids arm themselves 5ith spears or daggers%

(hey hnt !ish and harvest *elp !or !ood% )ermaids are

sometimes more than 1 hit die' and abot 3N have

Cleri$al abilities%


 Armor Class, 1 H12J

it Di$e, 6

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 goreQ1 bite or 1 5eapon

Damage, 1d6Q1d6 or by 5eapon O 2

)ovement, 30L @narmored 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 1d' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 6

)orale, 11

(reasre (ype, C

P;, B00

)inotars are hge bll-headed hmanoid monsters% A

minotar stands more than !eet tall and 5eighs abot

00 ponds% )ost minotars are very aggressive' and

!ly into a mrderos rage i! provo*ed or hngry%

 Althogh minotars are not espe$ially intelligent' they

possess innate $nning and logi$al ability% (hey never

be$ome lost' and $an tra$* enemies 5ith BN


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a$$ra$y% (hey gain O2 to damage 5hen sing melee

5eapons de to their great +trength% )inotars o!ten

5ear toghened hides !or armor%

*o;ntain Lion

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 3O2

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite

Damage, 1dQ1dQ1d6

)ovement, B0L

/o% Appearing, ild 1d' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 3

)orale, (reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1B

(hese great $ats are abot !eet long H!rom nose to

tail-tipJ and 5eigh abot 10 ponds% (hey see 5ell in

dar*ness and may be !ond hnting day or night%


 Armor Class, 1 \ Hsee belo5J

it Di$e, BSS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 to$h O disease

Damage, 1d12 O disease

)ovement, 20L

/o% Appearing, 1d' #air 1d12

+ave As, 7ighter, B

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, D

P;, B0

)mmies are ;ndead  monsters' linen-5rapped

preserved $orpses

animated throgh the

aspi$es o! dar* desert gods best !orgotten% )ost

mmmies are B to 6 !eet tall and 5eigh abot 120


 As they are ndead' mmmies are immne to slee'/ar5 and /old magi$% (hey $an only be inIred by

spells' !ire' or magi$al 5eapons !rthermore' magi$

5eapons do only hal! damage' 5hile any sort o! !ire-

based atta$* does doble damage% (hose inIred by

mmmy atta$*s 5ill $ontra$t 5;552 rot' a disease

that prevents normal or magi$al healing a ;re

disease spell mst be applied to the vi$tim be!ore he

or she may again regain hit points%


 Armor Class, 16

it Di$e, 1S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 dagger  

Damage, 1d

)ovement, 0L +5im 0L

/o% Appearing, ild 2d20' #air 2d20

+ave As, 7ighter, 2

)orale, 6

(reasre (ype,

P;, 3

/i&ies are small 5ater !airies% As !ar as anyone *no5s'

all ni&ies are !emale% )ost ni&ies are slim and $omely'

5ith lightly s$aled' pale green s*in and dar* green hair%

(hey o!ten t5ine shells and pearl strings in their hair

and dress in 5raps 5oven !rom $olor!l sea5eed%

/i&ies pre!er not to leave their la*es% A ni&ie stands

abot !eet tall and 5eighs abot B ponds%

(en or more ni&ies $an 5or* together to $ast a po5er!l

$harm Hsimilar to /ar5 ersonJ% (he $harm lasts

one year Hnless dispelledJ% A save vs% +pells is

allo5ed to resist% a$h ni&ie $an $ast 8ater


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6reat/in4 on$e per day' 5ith a dration o! one day%

7inally' a grop o! ni&ies 5ill o!ten have a s$hool o!

giant bass living nearby 5ho $an be $alled to their aid

Hsee Fis/ ,iant Bass !or detailsJ%

/i&ies are !ey $reatres' and ths npredi$table%

o5ever' they are rarely mali$ios' atta$*ing only 5hen

they !eel threatened%

O/re Jell2

 Armor Class, 12 Honly hit by !ire or $oldJ

it Di$e, BS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1

Damage, 2d6

)ovement, 10L

/o% Appearing, 1

+ave As, 7ighter, B

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 0B

"$hre Iellies are o$hre-$olored amorphos monsters'

similar to the gray ooe in appearan$e% An o$hre Ielly

$an gro5 to a diameter o! p to 10 !eet and a thi$*ness

o! abot 6 in$hes% A typi$al spe$imen 5eighs abot

00 ponds%

"$hre Iellies $an only be hit HdamagedJ by !ire or $old%

 Atta$*s 5ith 5eapons or ele$tri$ityQlightning $ase the

$reatre to divide into 1dO1 smaller Iellies o! 2 hit di$e

apie$e% >! divided' the reslting smaller Iellies do 1d6

damage 5ith ea$h hit%

Oto;s ,iant

 Armor Class, 1F

it Di$e,

/o% o! Atta$*s, tenta$lesQ1 bite

Damage, & 1dQ1d6

)ovement, +5im 30L

/o% Appearing, ild 1d2

+ave As, 7ighter,


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, B

(hese $reatres are aggressive and territorial hnters'

5ith arms rea$hing 10 !eet or more in length% (heir

tenta$les are stdded 5ith barbs and sharp-edged

s$*ers% >n order to bite a $reatre' the giant o$tops

mst hit 5ith at least t5o tenta$les !irst%

>! a giant o$tops !ails a morale $he$*' it 5ill s:irt ot a

$lod o! bla$* 8in*9 0L in diameter and then Iet a5ay at

t5i$e normal speed !or 2d6 ronds%


 Armor Class, 1B H12J

it Di$e, O1

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 5eapon

Damage, 2d6

)ovement, 30L @narmored 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 2d6' #air 2d6

+ave As, 7ighter,

)orale, 10

(reasre (ype, C O 1d20&100 gp

P;, 20

"gres appear as large' very gly hmans% Adlt ogres

stand F to 10 !eet tall and 5eigh 600 to 6B0 ponds%

(heir s*in $olor ranges !rom dll yello5 to dll bro5n%


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(heir $lothing $onsists o! poorly $red !rs and hides'

5hi$h add to their natrally repellent odor% "gres are

brtish and aggressive' bt inherently lay% (hey

employ dire$t atta$*s in $ombat' typi$ally sing large

$lbs' a&es' or pole arms' generally $asing 2d6

damage% >! normal 5eapons are employed' an ogre has

a O3 bons to damage de to strength% >! an ogre !ights

bare-handed' it does 1d sbding damage per hit%

"ne ot o! every si& ogres 5ill be a pa$* leader o! 6O1

it Di$e HB00 P;J% "gres gain a O1 bons to their

morale i! they are led by a pa$* leader% >n ogre lairs o!

10 or greater' there 5ill also be an ogre blly o! O2 it

Di$e HB P;J' 5ith an Armor Class o! 1 H13J

Hmovement 20LJ and having a O bons to damage de

to strength% "gre bllies generally 5ire together pie$es

o! $hainmail to 5ear over their hides% "gres gain O2 to

morale so long as the ogre blly is present Hand aliveJ%


 Armor Class, 1 H11J

it Di$e, 1

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 5eapon

Damage, 1d or by 5eapon

)ovement, 30L @narmored 0L

/o% Appearing, 2d' ild 3d6' #air 10d6

+ave As, 7ighter, 1


(reasre (ype, D

P;, 2B

"r$s are grotes:e hmanoids bent on 5ar and

domination% (hey have lpine ears' reddish eyes'

trn$ated' ptrned noses' and bla$* hair Hbt very little

body hairJ% An adlt male or$ is a little over 6 !eet tall

and 5eighs abot 210 ponds !emales are slightly

smaller% "r$s pre!er 5earing vivid $olors that many

hmans 5old $onsider npleasant' s$h as blood red'

mstard yello5' yello5-green' and deep prple% (hey

tilie all manner o! 5eapons and armor s$avenged

!rom battle!ields%


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"r$s have Dar*vision to a range o! 60L% (hey s!!er a -1

atta$* penalty in bright snlight or 5ithin the radis o! a

spell $asing magi$al light% (hey spea* their o5n rogh

and simple langage' bt many also spea* some

$ommon or goblin%

"ne ot o! every eight or$s 5ill be a 5arrior o! 2 it

Di$e HB P;J% "r$s gain a O1 bons to their morale i!

they are led by a 5arrior% >n or$ lairs' one ot o! every

t5elve 5ill be a $hie!tain o! it Di$e H20 P;J in

$hainmail 5ith an Armor Class o! 1B H11J' a movement

20L' and having a O1 bons to damage de to strength%

>n lairs o! 30 or more' there 5ill be an or$ *ing o! 6 it

Di$e HB00 P;J' 5ith an Armor Class o! 16 H11J' in

$hainmail 5ith a shield' movement 20L' and having a O2

bons to damage% >n the lair' or$s never !ail a morale

$he$* as long as the or$ *ing is alive% >n addition' a lair

has a $han$e e:al to 1-2 on 1d6 o! a shaman being

present% A shaman is e:ivalent to a 5arrior or$

statisti$ally' bt has Cleri$al abilities at level 1dO1%


 Armor Class, 1B

it Di$e, B

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite O 1 hg

Damage, 1dQ1dQ1d O 2d

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d' ild 1d' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, B

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, C

P;, 360

"5lbears appear to be bears 5ith o5lish !a$es'

in$lding a large' sharp bea*% An o5lbearXs $oat

ranges in $olor !rom bro5n-bla$* to yello5ish bro5n its

bea* is a dll ivory $olor% A !ll-gro5n male $an stand

as tall as !eet and 5eigh p to 1'B00 ponds%

 Adventrers 5ho have srvived en$onters 5ith the

$reatre o!ten spea* o! the bestial madness in its red-

rimmed eyes%

"5lbears !ight m$h as do bears' bt are moreaggressive Has noted aboveJ% As 5ith normal bears' an

o5lbear mst hit 5ith both $la5s in order to do the listed

8hg9 damage%


 Armor Class, 1B

it Di$e,

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 hooves

Damage, 1d6Q1d6

)ovement, 0L H10LJ 7ly 160L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 1d12

+ave As, 7ighter, 2


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 20

(he pegass is a magni!i$ent 5inged horse% (hogh

highly pried as aerial steeds' pegasi are 5ild and shy

$reatres not easily tamed% A typi$al pegass stands 6


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!eet high at the sholder' 5eighs 1'B00 ponds' and

has a 5ingspan o! 20 !eet% A light load !or a pegass is

p to 00 ponds a heavy load' p to F00 ponds%


 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 1S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 dagger  

Damage, 1d

)ovement, 30L 7ly 60L

/o% Appearing, 2d' ild 10d' #air 10d

+ave As, 7ighter, 1 H5ith l! bonsesJ

)orale, (reasre (ype, R' +

P;, 3

;i&ies are 5inged !airies o!ten !ond in !orested areas%

(hey 5ear bright $lothing' o!ten in$lding a $ap and

shoes 5ith $rled and pointed toes% A pi&ie stands

abot 2-1Q2 !eet tall and 5eighs abot 30 ponds%

 A pi&ie $an be$ome invisible at 5ill' as many times per

day as it 5ishes' and $an atta$* 5hile remaining

invisible% Anyone atta$*ing an invisible pi&ie does so

5ith an atta$* penalty o! - nless the atta$*er $an

someho5 dete$t invisible $reatres% ;i&ies may

ambsh their !oes 5hile invisible i! they do so' they

srprise on 1-B on 1d6%

;i&ies are 5himsi$al' enIoying nothing so m$h as a

good Io*e or pran*' espe$ially at the e&pense o! a 8big

person9 li*e a hman or demi-hman%

;i&ies $an only !ly !or 3 trns ma&imm be!ore re:iring

rest o! at least one trn' dring 5hi$h time the pi&ie may

5al* at normal speed bt may not !ly%

P;rle .or5

 Armor Class, 16

it Di$e, 11S HOFJ to 20S HO13J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 biteQ1 sting

Damage, 2dQ1dOpoison

)ovement, 20L H1BLJ

/o% Appearing, 1d2' ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 6 to 10 HT o! it Di$eJ

)orale, 10

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1'60 – B'B0

;rple 5orms are giganti$ sbterranean monsters they

are rarely !ond above grond% (he body o! a matre

prple 5orm is B- !eet in diameter and 60-100 !eet

long' 5eighing abot 0'000 ponds%

(he $reatre has a poisonos stinger in its tail those

inIred by it mst save vs% ;oison or die% /ote that the

prple 5ormLs movement is less than the monsterLs

length' so that' i! atta$*ing !rom ot o! a tnnel' it might

not be able to se the stinger !or several ronds%

 Any time a prple 5orm s$$ess!lly bites a man-sied

or smaller opponent 5ith a natral roll o! 1F or 20' the

opponent has been s5allo5ed' and 5ill s!!er 3d6

damage per rond a!ter5ard de to being digested% A

$hara$ter 5ho has been s5allo5ed $an only e!!e$tively

atta$* 5ith small $tting or stabbing 5eapons s$h as

dagger or shorts5ord%


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/ormal Giant

 Armor Class, 11 13

it Di$e, 1 it ;oint 1d it ;oints

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite per pa$* 1 bite

Damage, 1d6 O disease 1d O disease

)ovement, 20L +5im 10L 0L +5im 20L

/o% Appearing, Bd10'

ild Bd10'

#air Bd10


ild 3d10'

#air 3d10

+ave As, /ormal )an 7ighter, 1

)orale, B

(reasre (ype, /one C

P;, 360S 13

(hese omnivoros rodents thrive almost any5here%

/ormal rats atta$* as a s5arm ea$h point o! damage

done to the s5arm red$es their nmbers by one


Giant rats are s$avengers' bt 5ill atta$* to de!end their

nests and territories% A giant rat $an gro5 to be p to

!eet long and 5eigh over B0 ponds% A single giant rat'

or a small grop o! p to !or' 5ill generally be shy' bt

larger pa$*s atta$* !earlessly' biting and $he5ing 5ith

their sharp in$isors%

 Any rat bite has a BN $han$e o! $asing a disease% A

$hara$ter 5ho s!!ers one or more rat bites 5here the

die roll indi$ates disease 5ill si$*en in 3d6 hors% (he

in!e$ted $hara$ter 5ill lose one point o! Constittion per

hor a!ter losing ea$h point' the $hara$ter is allo5ed a

save vs% Death Ray HadIsted by the $rrentConstittion bons or penaltyJ to brea* the !ever and

end the disease% Any $hara$ter red$ed to ero

Constittion is dead% +ee Constit;tion Point

Losses  in the Eno;nter   se$tion !or details on

regaining lost Constittion%

S /ote, (he P; a5ard !or normal rats is !or driving a5ay

or *illing an entire pa$* o! normal sie% >! the

adventrers are !or$ed to !lee' the G) shold a5ard 3

P; per rat slain%

R/a4odessa ,iant

 Armor Class, 16

it Di$e,

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 legsQ1 bite

Damage, grabQgrabQ2d

)ovement, B0L

/o% Appearing, 1d' ild 1d6' #air 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter,

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, @

P;, 20

(he rhagodessa is related to both spiders and

s$orpions' thogh it is not properly either%

Rhagodessas have 8pedipalps'9 an elongated e&tra pair

o! legs in !ront that have sti$*y pads on them !or

$aptring prey%

Giant rhagodessas are the sie o! a pony% (hose !ond

in desert terrain are generally mar*ed in yello5' red'

and bro5n' 5hile those !ond ndergrond may be

bla$* or 5hite in $olor Hthose !ond in the deepest

$averns are al5ays 5hiteJ% #i*e spiders' they $an $limb

5alls' bt they are nable to $ross $eilings or other5ise

$limb entirely pside do5n%

 A hit by a leg does no damage' bt the vi$tim is st$*

!ast' and 5ill be dra5n to the rhagodessaLs moth the

ne&t rond and atomati$ally hit !or 2d damage% (he

rhagodessa 5ill not se its bite atta$* against a !oe it

has not $aptred in this 5ay' and neither 5ill it atta$*


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more than one !oe 5ith its legs% >! threatened' a

rhagodessa 5hi$h has $aptred a vi$tim 5ill attempt to

5ithdra5 to $onsme its prey in pea$e%


la$* oolly

 Armor Class, 1 1F

it Di$e, 12 HO10J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 btt or 1 trample

Damage, 2d6 or 2d 2d or 2d12

)ovement, 0L H1BLJ 0L H1BLJ

/o% Appearing, ild 1d12 ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 6 7ighter, )orale, 6 6

(reasre (ype, /one /one

P;, B 1'B

(he rhino$eros is in!amos !or its bad temper and

5illingness to $harge intrders%

(he statisti$s presented here are based on the A!ri$an

bla$* rhino' 5hi$h is 6 to 1 !eet long' 3 to 6 !eet high at

the sholder' and 5eighs p to 6'000 ponds% (hese

statisti$s $an des$ribe any herbivore o! similar sie and

similar natral 5eapons Hantlers' horns' ts*s' or the


(he 5oolly rhino$eros is a prehistori$ beast 5ith long

!r' !ond in primitive 8lost 5orld9 areas in $older

territories% (hey behave m$h as the bla$* rhino does%


Nor5al Lar4e ,iant

 Armor Class, 1 1 1

it Di$e, 6 12 HO10J 32 HO16J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite

Damage, 1d6Q1d6Q






)ovement, 20L 7ly 160L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 1d12 ild 1d ild 1

+ave As, 7ighter, 6 7ighter, 12 7ighter, 20

at OB

)orale, F 10

(reasre (ype, > > >

P;, B00 1'B 1'2B0

Ro$s are birds similar to eagles' bt even a 8normal9

ro$ is hge' being abot F !eet long and having a

5ingspan o! 2 !eet% #arge ro$s are abot 1 !eet long

and have 5ingspans o! arond !eet giant ro$s

average 30 !eet long and have massive 5ingspans o!

arond 0 !eet% A ro$Xs plmage is either dar* bro5n or

golden !rom head to tail% #i*e most birds' the males

have the brighter plmage' 5ith !emales being dller in

$olor and ths more easily hidden Hi! anything so large

$an even be hidden' that isJ%

 A light load !or a normal ro$ is 1B0 ponds' 5hile a

heavy load is 300 ponds% "bviosly only the smallest

$hara$ters $an hope to ride pon a normal ro$% 7or a

large ro$' a light load is p to 600 ponds and a heavy

load p to 1200% Giant ro$s $an easily li!t p to 3000

ponds' and are heavily loaded 5hen $arrying p to

6000 ponds% (ales o! giant ro$s $arrying o!! !ll-gro5n

elephants are some5hat e&aggerated' bt note that a

yong elephant 5old be reasonable prey !or these

monstros birds%


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7lame 7rost

 Armor Class, 1F \ 21 \

it Di$e, S 12S HO10J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite

O heat

$la5sQ1 bite

O $old

Damage, 1dQ1dQ1d

O 1dQrond


2d6 O 1dQrond

)ovement, 0L 0L

/o% Appearing, 1dO1'

ild 2d'

#air 2d


ild 1d3'

#air 1d3

+ave As, 7ighter, 7ighter, 12)orale, F

(reasre (ype, 7

P;, FB 1'FB

+alamanders are large' liard-li*e $reatres !rom the

elemental planes% (hey are sometimes !ond on the

material plane they $an arrive throgh natrally-

o$$rring dimensional ri!ts' or they may be smmoned

by high-level )agi$-@sers% De to their highly magi$al

natre' they $annot be harmed by non-magi$al


Fla5e sala5anders  $ome !rom the lemental

;lane o! 7ire% (hey loo* li*e giant sna*es' more than

12L long' 5ith dragonli*e heads and liard !orelimbs%

(heir s$ales are all the $olors o! !lame' red and orange

and yello5% A !lame salamander is !laming hot' and all

non-!ire-resistant $reatres 5ithin 20L o! the monster

s!!er 1d points o! damage per rond !rom the heat%

(hey are immne to damage !rom any !ire or heat

atta$*% 7lame salamanders are intelligent they spea*

the langage o! the ;lane o! 7ire' and many 5ill also

*no5 lvish' Common' andQor Dragon%

Frost sala5anders $ome !rom the lemental ;lane

o! ater% (hey loo* li*e giant liards 5ith si& legs%

(heir s$ales are the $olors o! i$e' 5hite' pale gray and

pale ble% 7rost salamanders are very $old' and all

non-$old-resistant $reatres 5ithin 20L s!!er 1d points

o! damage per rond !rom the $old% 7rost salamanders

are $ompletely immne to all types o! $old-based

atta$*s% (hey are :ite intelligent all spea* the

langage o! the ;lane o! ater' and many also spea*

Common' lvish' andQor Dragon%

7lame and !rost salamanders hate ea$h other' and

ea$h type 5ill atta$* the other on sight' in pre!eren$e

over any other !oe% >! smmoned by a )agi$-@ser' a

salamander is o!ten assigned to prote$t a lo$ation'

door5ay' or treasre hoard in s$h a $ase' the

salamander 5ill atta$* anyone attempting to gain

nathoried a$$ess to the prote$ted area% (hose

5hi$h arrive throgh natral ri!ts may have any goals or

motivations the G) 5ishes' and ths may $hoose to

parley' !ight' or even ignore adventrers%

Sorion ,iant

 Armor Class, 1B

it Di$e, S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 stinger 

Damage, 1d10Q1d10Q1d6 O poison

)ovement, B0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter, 2

)orale, 11

(reasre (ype, /oneP;, 20

Giant s$orpions are :ite large' sometimes as large as

a don*ey% (hey are aggressive predators and generally

atta$* on sight% >! a $la5 atta$* hits' the giant s$orpion


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re$eives a O2 atta$* bons 5ith its stinger Hbt t5o $la5

hits do not give a doble bonsJ% Giant s$orpions are

most $ommonly !ond in desert areas or $averns%

Sea Serent

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 6

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 2d6

)ovement, +5im B0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 2d6

+ave As, 7ighter, 6

)orale, (reasre (ype, /one

P;, B00

+ea serpents are' obviosly' serpentine monsters 5hi$h

live in the sea% (hey range !rom 20L to 0L long% A sea

serpent $an $hoose to 5rap arond a ship and

$onstri$t in this $ase' roll 2d10 !or damage%


 Armor Class, 13 \

it Di$e, 2S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 to$h

Damage, 1d O 1 point +trength loss

)ovement, 30L

/o% Appearing, 1d10' ild 1d10' #air 1d10

+ave As, 7ighter, 2

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, 7

P;, 100

 A shado5 $an be di!!i$lt to see in dar* or gloomy areas

bt stands ot star*ly in brightly illminated pla$es%

(hey lr* in dar* pla$es' 5aiting !or living prey to

happen by% A shado5 is B to 6 !eet tall and is

5eightless% +hado5s $annot spea* intelligibly% Despite

their strange natre and appearan$e' shado5s are not

;ndead monsters' and ths $annot be (rned by a


 A shado5Ls atta$* does 1d damage H!rom $oldJ and

drains 1 point o! +trength !rom the vi$tim% Ei$tims

red$ed to 2 or !e5er points o! +trength $ollapse and

be$ome nable to move those red$ed to 0 +trength

die and rise as shado5s a day later Hat night!allJ%

"ther5ise' +trength points lost to shado5s are

re$overed at a rate o! 1 point per trn%

De to their in$orporeal natre' shado5s $annot be

harmed by non-magi$al 5eapons%


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S/ar? B;ll

 Armor Class, 13

it Di$e, 2

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 2d

)ovement, +5im 60L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 3d6

+ave As, 7ighter, 2)orale,

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, B

ll shar*s are so named be$ase o! their sto$*y'

broad bild% )ale bll shar*s $an gro5 p to L long

and 5eigh arond 200 ponds' 5hile !emales have

been *no5n to be p to 12L long' 5eighing p to B00


ll shar*s are able to tolerate !resh 5ater' and o!ten

travel p rivers in sear$h o! prey%

S/ar? ,reat ./ite

 Armor Class, 1F

it Di$e,

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 2d10

)ovement, +5im 60L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter,


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, B

Great 5hite shar*s range !rom 12L to 1BL in length on

the average' thogh spe$imens ranging p to 30L in

length have been reported% (hey are ape& predators%

Great 5hite shar*s have the ability to sense the

ele$tromagneti$ !ields o! living $reatres' allo5ing them

to !ind prey even 5hen light or 5ater $larity are poor'

and are able to smell blood at great distan$es%

S/ar? *a?o

 Armor Class, 1B

it Di$e,

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 2d6

)ovement, +5im 0L

/o% Appearing, ild 2d6

+ave As, 7ighter,


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 20

)a*o shar*s are !ast-moving predators !ond in

temperate and tropi$al seas% (hey average FL to 13L in

length and 5eigh p to 1'B0 ponds% )a*o shar*s are

*no5n !or their ability to leap ot o! the 5ater they are

able to leap p to 20L in the air%


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S/re8 ,iant

 Armor Class, 16

it Di$e, 1S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 bites

Damage, 1d6Q1d6

)ovement, 60L

/o% Appearing, 1d' ild 1d' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 2

)orale, 10

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 3

Giant shre5s resemble giant rats' bt are larger' being

p to 6L long' and dar*er in $olor% (hey have a very !ast

metaboli$ rate and mst eat almost $onstantly% Giant

shre5s are omnivoros' and aggressively de!end their

nests and the immediate territory arond them%

Giant shre5s move so s5i!tly that they are able to bite

t5i$e per rond' and they may atta$* t5o di!!erent

adIa$ent opponents in this 5ay%

 A !e5 giant shre5 spe$ies Hgenerally no more than BN

o! those en$onteredJ are venomos% (he bite o! s$h

a giant shre5 5ill *ill the vi$tim nless a save vs%

;oison is made% A vi$tim bitten t5i$e in a rond need

only save on$e !or that rond' bt o! $orse 5ill have to

save again in sbse:ent ronds i! bitten again%

Eenomos giant shre5s are $onsidered 1S 5ith respe$t

to hit di$e%


 Armor Class, 13

it Di$e, 3

/o% o! Atta$*s, +pe$ial

Damage, /one

)ovement, BL

/o% Appearing, 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 1

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1B

 A shrie*er is a large H3L to BL tall and abot the same

sie a$rossJ' semi-mobile !ngs that emits a lod

noise as a de!ense me$hanism 5hen distrbed%

+hrie*ers live in dar*' sbterranean pla$es% (hey $ome

in several shades o! prple%

 A shrie*er has no means o! atta$*% >nstead' it lres

monsters to its vi$inity by emitting a lod noise%

)ovement or a light sor$e 5ithin 10 !eet o! a shrie*er

$ases the !ngs to emit a pier$ing sond that lasts !or

1d3 ronds% (he sond attra$ts nearby $reatres thatare disposed to investigate it% +ome $reatres that live

near shrie*ers learn that the !ngsX noise means there

is !ood nearby% >n game terms' the G) shold roll a

5andering monster $he$* ea$h rond that a shrie*er



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B0N $han$e to noti$e the atta$*' bt their poison is

terribly strong' s$h that any $reatre bitten mst save

vs% ;oison at a penalty o! - or die%

7ortnately' sea sna*es rarely atta$* only i! molestedHgrabbed' stepped on' et$%J 5ill they do so% (hey are

very $lmsy 5hen ot o! the 5ater%

Sna?e Sittin4 Co6ra

 Armor Class, 13

it Di$e, 1S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite or 1 spit

Damage, 1d O poison or blindness

)ovement, 30L

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 1d6' #air 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter, 1


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 3

+pitting $obras average abot L in length at adlthood%

(hey se their spreading hood to 5arn other $reatres

not to bother them' and generally re!rain !rom atta$*ing

i! possible to allo5

larger $reatres

time to retreat%

7ailre to retreat

!rom the spitting

$obra 5ill li*ely

reslt in the $obra spitting venom the $obra $an proIe$t

its venom p to BL' and any $reatre hit mst roll a save

vs% ;oison or be blinded permanently Hthogh the ;re

6lindness spell $an be sed to heal this inIryJ% >! the

$obra $annot deter a $reatre by spitting' it 5ill atta$*

sing its bite% >n this $ase' those s$$ess!lly hit mst

save vs% ;oison or die%


 Armor Class, 1 \

it Di$e, 6SS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 to$h

Damage, nergy drain 2 levelsQto$h

)ovement, 7ly 100L

/o% Appearing, 1d' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 6

)orale, 11

(reasre (ype,

P;, 610

 A spe$tre loo*s m$h as it did in li!e and $an be easily

re$ognied by those 5ho *ne5 the individal or have

seen the individalXs !a$e in a painting or a dra5ing% >n

many $ases' the eviden$e o! a violent death is visible

on its body% A spe$tre is roghly hman-sied and is


#i*e all ndead' they may be (rned by Cleri$s and are

immne to slee' /ar5 and /old  magi$s% De to

their in$orporeal natre' they $annot be harmed by non-

magi$al 5eapons%


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bitten mst save vs% ;oison or be !or$ed to dan$e

5ildly% (he dan$e lasts 2d10 ronds' dring 5hi$h time

the vi$tim has a - penalty on atta$* and saving thro5

rolls% >! the vi$tim is a (hie!' he or she $annot se any

(hie! abilities 5hile dan$ing% "nloo*ers mst save vs%

+pells or begin dan$ing themselves s$h 8se$ondary9

vi$tims s!!er the same penalties as above' bt they 5ill

only dan$e !or 2d ronds%

a$h rond the original vi$tim dan$es' he or she mst

save vs% ;oison again or ta*e 1d points o! damage%

+e$ondary vi$tims do not s!!er this e!!e$t%

Ne;trali@e oison 5ill $re the original vi$tim' and

disel 5a4i 5ill stop the dan$e !or all vi$tims in the

area o! e!!e$t' 5hether they are original or se$ondary%


 Armor Class, 1B

it Di$e, 1d it ;oints

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 dagger or 1 spell

Damage, 1d or by spell

)ovement, 20L 7ly 60L

/o% Appearing, 3d6' ild 3d6' #air Bd

+ave As, )agi$-@ser, H5ith l! bonsesJ


(reasre (ype, +

P;, 13

+prites are re$lsive !ey $reatres' loo*ing li*e tiny

elves Ist a !oot tall 5ith dragon!ly-li*e 5ings% (hey go

ot o! their 5ay to !ight evil and gliness and to prote$t

their homelands% +prites !ight their opponents 5ith

spell-li*e abilities and pint-sied 5eaponry% (hey pre!er

ambshes and other tri$*ery over dire$t $on!rontation%

7ive sprites a$ting together $an $ast re5o>e ;rse'

or its reversed !orm 6esto8 ;rse' on$e per day%

(he latter spell is o!ten sed as an atta$*%

S;id ,iant

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 6

/o% o! Atta$*s, tenta$lesQ1 bite

Damage, & 1dQ1d10

)ovement, +5im 0L

/o% Appearing, ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 6


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, B00

(hese vora$ios $reatres $an have bodies more than

20 !eet long and atta$* almost anything they meet%

(heir tenta$les are stdded 5ith barbs and sharp-edged

s$*ers% >n order to bite a $reatre' the giant s:id

mst hit 5ith at least t5o tenta$les !irst%

>! a giant s:id !ails a morale $he$*' it 5ill s:irt ot a

$lod o! bla$* 8in*9 30L in diameter and then Iet a5ay at

t5i$e normal speed !or 3d ronds%


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 Armor Class, 13

it Di$e, 1S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 1d O 1dQrond blood drain

)ovement, 10L 7ly 60L

/o% Appearing, 1d10' ild 3d12' #air 3d12

+ave As, 7ighter, 1

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, D

P;, 3

 A stirgeXs $oloration ranges !rom rst-red to reddish-

bro5n' 5ith a dirty yello5 nderside% (he probos$is is

pin* at the tip' !ading to gray at its base% A stirgeXs body

is abot 1 !oot long' 5ith a 5ingspan o! abot 2 !eet% >t

5eighs abot 1 pond%

>! a stirge hits a $reatre' it atta$hes and drains blood

e:al to 1d damage per rond Hon its >nitiativeJ% (he

$reatre $an only be removed by *illing it any atta$* on

the $reatre re$eives an atta$* bons o! O2' bt any

atta$* that misses hits the vi$tim instead%


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Tentale .or5

 Armor Class, 13

it Di$e, 3S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 6 tenta$les

Damage, paralysis

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d3' #air 1d3

+ave As, 7ighter, 3

)orale, F

(reasre (ype,

P;, 1B

(enta$le 5orms appear to be giant 5orms o! some sort'

averaging 6 to !eet long% (heir heads are pasty 5hite

or grey' bt their bodies vary !rom livid pin* or prple to

deep green in $olor% (heir tenta$les splay ot !rom

arond the $reatreLs 8ne$*%9 +ome sages believe they

are the larval !orm o! some other monster' bt this has

never been proven%

 A tenta$le 5orm $an atta$* as many as three adIa$ent

opponents% (hose hit mst save vs% ;aralysis or be

paralyed 2d trns% /o matter ho5 many o! a tenta$le

5ormLs atta$*s hit an opponent in a given rond' only

one saving thro5 is re:ired in ea$h s$h rond%

>! all opponents o! a tenta$le 5orm are rendered

paralyed' it 5ill begin to !eed pon the paralyed

vi$tims' doing 1 point o! damage every 1d ronds ntil

the vi$tim is dead i! other paralyed vi$tims are still

alive' the 5orm is B0N li*ely to move on immediately to

another still-living vi$tim% "ther5ise' it $ontines to eat

the $orpse o! the slain vi$tim !or 1d trns%


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 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 6

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite

Damage, 1d6Q1d6Q2d6

)ovement, B0L

/o% Appearing, ild 1d3' #air 1d3

+ave As, 7ighter, 6

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, B00

(hese great $ats stand more than 3 !eet tall at the

sholder and are abot F !eet long% (hey 5eigh !rom

00 to 600 ponds%


 Armor Class, 1B

it Di$e, 12 HO10J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 btt or 1 trample

Damage, 2d6 or 3d

)ovement, 0L H10LJ/o% Appearing, ild 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter,


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1'B

 A titanothere is a hge prehistori$ animal that

resembles the rhino$eros adlts average 10L tall and

13L long% (hey have large' !or*ed horns rather than the

pointed horns o! rhinos% #i*e rhinos' they are herd

animals' and males aggressively de!end the herd

!emales only enter $ombat i! the maleHsJ are de!eated

or the atta$*ers are very nmeros% >! a single

titanothere is en$ontered' it 5ill be a roge male they

are bad tempered and prone to atta$*ing smaller

$reatres that enter their territory%


 Armor Class, 1F

it Di$e, S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 !ists

Damage, 2d6Q2d6

)ovement, 20L

/o% Appearing, ild 1d' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter,

)orale, F(reasre (ype, C

P;, FB

 A treant is a large' roghly hmanoid tree-man%

(reants have leaves o! deep green in the spring and

smmer% >n the !all and 5inter the leaves $hange to

yello5' orange' or red' bt they rarely !all ot% A treantXs

legs !it together 5hen $losed to loo* li*e the trn* o! a

tree' and a motionless treant is nearly indistingishable

!rom a tree% A treant is abot 30 !eet tall' 5ith a 8trn*9

abot 2 !eet in diameter% >t 5eighs abot 'B00 ponds%


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(reants spea* their o5n langage' pls Common and

lvish% )ost also $an manage a smattering o! Ist

abot all other hmanoid tonges' at least enogh to

say 8Get a5ay !rom my treesM9 (reants pre!er to 5at$h

potential !oes $are!lly be!ore atta$*ing% (hey o!ten

$harge sddenly !rom $over to trample the despoilers o!

!orests% >! sorely pressed' they animate trees as


 A treant $an animate trees 5ithin 10L at 5ill' $ontrolling

p to t5o trees at a time% >t ta*es one rond !or a

normal tree to proot itsel!% (herea!ter it moves at a

speed o! 10L and !ights as a treant in all respe$ts% +$h

trees lose their ability to move i! the treant that

animated them is in$apa$itated or moves ot o! range%


 Armor Class, 1B

it Di$e, 2

/o% o! Atta$*s, 2 $la5sQ1 bite

Damage, 1dQ1dQ1d

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d' #air Bd

+ave As, 7ighter, 2

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, A

P;, B

(roglodytes are very intelligent liardli*e hmanoid

$reatres% (hey have large red eyes and spiny 8$ombs9

on their legs' head' and arms% (hey normally stand B to

6 !eet tall% (hey $an

$hange $olor at 5ill' and

B0N o! the time a grop

$an blend into the

environment 5ell

enogh to srprise on a

roll o! 1-B on 1d6%

7rthermore' they gain a

O2 atta$* bons dring

any srprise rond de

to their e&$ellent

ambsh s*ills%

(roglodytes se$rete a

smelly oil that *eeps

their s$aly s*in spple% All mammals Hin$lding' o!

$orse' all the standard $hara$ter ra$esJ !ind the s$ent

replsive' and those 5ithin 10 !eet o! the (roglodyte

mst ma*e a saving thro5 verss poison% (hose !ailing

the save s!!er a -2 penalty to atta$* rolls 5hile they

remain 5ithin range o! the (roglodyte% Getting ot o!

range negates the penalty' bt rene5ed e&posre


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reinstates the penalty% (he reslts o! the original save

last a !ll 2 hors' a!ter 5hi$h a ne5 save mst be


(roglodytes are very hostile' atta$*ing e:al or 5ea*ernon-troglodyte grops on sight% (hey pre!er to atta$*

5ith srprise' depending on their $olor-$hanging ability

!or this%

"ne ot o! every eight troglodytes 5ill be a 5arrior o!

it Di$e H20 P;J that gains a O1 bons to damage de

to +trength% (roglodytes gain a O1 bons to their

morale i! they are led by a 5arrior% >n lairs o! 2 or

greater' there 5ill be a troglodyte leader o! 6 it Di$e

HB00 P;J 5ith an Armor Class o! 1 and having a O2bons to damage de to +trength% >n the lair'

troglodytes never !ail a morale $he$* as long as the

leader is alive%


 Armor Class, 16

it Di$e, 6S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 3

Damage, 1d6Q1d6Q1d10

)ovement, 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d' ild 1d' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 6

)orale, 10 HJ

(reasre (ype, D


 A typi$al adlt troll stands F !eet tall and 5eighs B00

ponds% A trollXs rbbery hide is moss green' mottled

green and gray' or ptrid gray% (he hair is sally

greenish bla$* or iron gray% (hey appear se&less i!

e&amined' and their method o! reprod$tion is a

mystery% (rolls 5al* pright bt hn$hed !or5ard 5ith

sagging sholders% (heir gait is neven' and 5hen they

rn' their arms dangle and drag along the grond% 7or

all this seeming a5*5ardness' trolls are very agile%

(rolls have the po5er o! regeneration they heal 1 hitpoint o! damage ea$h rond a!ter being inIred% A troll

red$ed to 0 hit points is not dead' bt only disabled !or

2d6 ronds' at 5hi$h point it 5ill regain 1 hit point% /ote

that the troll may 8play dead9 ntil it has regenerated

!rther% Damage !rom !ire and a$id $annot be

regenerated' and mst heal at the normal rate a troll

$an only be *illed by this sort o! damage% (he lo5er

morale rating Hin parenthesesJ is sed 5hen the troll

!a$es atta$*ers armed 5ith !ire or a$id% >! a troll loses a

limb or body part' the lost portion regro5s in one trn

or' the $reatre $an reatta$h the severed member

instantly by holding it to the stmp%

(rolls are hate!l $reatres' reveling in $ombat and

bloodshed% (hogh trolls $old easily se a variety o!

5eapons' they m$h pre!er the sensation o! !lesh being

rent by their teeth and $la5s%


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share their !atherLs gi!ts% #i*e obgoblins' rgoblins

5ear toghened hides and $arry 5ooden shields into

battle' blending in per!e$tly%

+ome obgoblin tribes $onsider @rgoblins anabomination' and *ill them 5henever they $an be

identi!ied% "ther obgoblin tribes employ them as

bodygards !or the $hie!tain' and a$$ord them great

honor% (here are even rmors o! a tribe entirely made

p o! @rgoblins' 5ith *idnapped obgoblin !emales as

their mates reportedly they slit the throats o! all in!ants

born to their mates' so that only those 5ho have the

po5er o! regeneration srvive%


 Armor Class, 1 to 20

it Di$e, SS to FSS HOJ

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 5eapon or spe$ial

Damage, 1d or by 5eapon or spe$ial

)ovement, 0L 7ly 60L

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 1d6' #air 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter, to F Has it Di$eJ

)orale, 11

(reasre (ype, 7

P;, 00 - 1'22B

Eampires appear Ist as they did in li!e' althogh their

!eatres are o!ten hardened and !eral' 5ith the

predatory loo* o! 5olves% (hey o!ten embra$e !inery

and de$aden$e and may assme the gise o! nobility%

Despite their hman appearan$e' vampires $an be

easily re$ognied' !or they $ast no shado5s and thro5

no re!le$tions in mirrors% (hey spea* any langages

they *ne5 in li!e%

 A vampire $an $harm anyone 5ho meets its gae a

save vs% +pells is allo5ed to resist' bt at a penalty o! -2

de to the po5er o!

the $harm% (his

$harm is so po5er!l

that the vi$tim 5ill not

resist being bitten by

the vampire%

(he bite in!li$ts 1d3

damage' then ea$h

rond therea!ter one

energy level is

drained !rom the

vi$tim% (he vampire regenerates a 1d6 hit points Hi!

neededJ !or ea$h energy level drained% >! the vi$tim

dies !rom the energy drain' he or she 5ill arise as a

vampire at the ne&t snset Hbt not less than 12 hors

laterJ% Eampires spa5ned in this 5ay are nder the

permanent $ontrol o! the vampire 5ho $reated them%

>! sing the bite atta$*' the vampire s!!ers a penalty o!

-B to Armor Class de to the vlnerable position it mst

assme% 7or this reason' the bite is rarely sed in

$ombat% Eampires have great +trength' gaining a

bons o! O3 to damage 5hen sing melee 5eapons'

and a vampire 5ill generally $hoose to se a melee

5eapon Hor even its bare handsJ in $ombat rather than

attempting to bite%

Eampires are nharmed by non-magi$al 5eapons' and

li*e all ndead are immne to slee' /ar5 and

/old spells% >! red$ed to 0 hit points in $ombat' the

vampire is not destroyed' thogh it may appear to be%(he vampire 5ill begin to regenerate 1d hors later'

re$overing 1 hit point per trn' and resming normal

a$tivity as soon as the !irst point is restored%


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Eampires $ommand the lesser $reatres o! the 5orld

and on$e per day $an $all !orth 10d10 rats' Bd giant

rats' 10d10 bats' 3d6 giant bats' or a pa$* o! 3d6

5olves Hassming any s$h $reatres are nearbyJ%

(hese $reatres arrive in 2d6 ronds and serve the

vampire !or p to 1 hor%

 A vampire $an assme the !orm o! a 4iant 6at or a

dire 8ol  at 5ill' re:iring one rond to $omplete the

trans!ormation% (he !lying movement listed is !or the

giant bat !orm% >n animal !orm' the vampire $an se the

normal atta$*s !or that !orm% >t $anLt se its other

po5ers 5hile in animal !orm' e&$ept that $reatres

smmoned are still $ontrolled' and $harms already in

e!!e$t $ontine in e!!e$t%

7or all their po5er' vampires have a nmber o!


Reellin4 a a5ire:  Eampires $annot tolerate the

strong odor o! garli$ and 5ill not enter an area la$ed

5ith it% +imilarly' they re$oil !rom a mirror or a strongly

presented holy symbol% (hese things donXt harm the

vampire – they merely *eep it at bay% A re$oiling

vampire mst stay at least B !eet a5ay !rom a $reatre

holding the mirror or holy symbol and $annot to$h or

ma*e melee atta$*s against the $reatre holding the

item !or the rest o! the en$onter%

Eampires are also nable to $ross rnning 5ater'

althogh they $an be $arried over it 5hile resting in their

$o!!ins or aboard a ship% (hey are tterly nable to

enter a home or other bilding nless invited in by

someone 5ith the athority to do so% (hey may !reely

enter pbli$ pla$es' sin$e these are by de!inition open

to all%

Sla2in4 a a5ire:  Red$ing a vampireXs hit points

to 0 or lo5er in$apa$itates it bt doesnXt al5ays destroy

it' as des$ribed above% o5ever' $ertain atta$*s $an

slay vampires% &posing any vampire to dire$t snlight

disorients it, >t $an a$t !or only one rond and is

destroyed tterly in the ne&t rond i! it $annot es$ape%

+imilarly' immersing a vampire in rnning 5ater robs it

o! one-third o! its hit points ea$h rond ntil it is

destroyed at the end o! the third rond o! immersion%

Driving a 5ooden sta*e throgh a vampireXs heart

instantly slays the monster% o5ever' it retrns to li!e i!

the sta*e is removed' nless the body is destroyed' by

5ater or snlight as des$ribed above' or by brning it

$ompletely in a !neral pyre%

.ater Ter5ite ,iant

 Armor Class, 13

it Di$e, 1 to

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 spray

Damage, +tn

)ovement, +5im 30L

/o% Appearing, ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 1 to Has it Di$eJ

)orale, 10

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 2B - 20

Giant 5ater termites vary !rom 1L to BL in length% (hey

atta$* sing a no&ios spray 5ith a range o! BL 5hi$h

stns the target !or a !ll trn on a hit a save vs% ;oison

is allo5ed to avoid the e!!e$t% A stnned $hara$ter $an

neither move nor ta*e a$tion !or the remainder o! the

$rrent rond and all o! the ne&t one%

o5ever' the primary $on$ern regarding these

monsters is the damage they $an do to boats and ships%

a$h $reatre $an do 2d points o! damage to a shipLs

hll per rond Hno roll re:iredJ !or a nmber o! ronds

e:al to 1d pls the $reatreLs hit di$e total a!ter this

time' the monster is !ll% (hey eat noisily%


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(hese $reatres are !ond in !resh and salt 5ater as

5ell as in s5amps% (he !resh5ater variety tend to be

smaller' 1-2 hit di$e' the salt5ater variety 3- hit di$e'

and those !ond in s5amps range !rom 2-3 hit di$e%

.easel ,iant (or Ferret ,iant)

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, B

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite O hold

Damage, 2d O 2d per rond

)ovement, B0L

/o% Appearing, 1d' ild 1d6' #air 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter, B


(reasre (ype, E

P;, 360

Giant 5easels resemble their more normally sied

$osins' having long bodies' short legs' and pointed'

toothy snots% (hey are predatory animals' hnting

those $reatres smaller than themselves%

easels o! all sorts are $nning' $ra!ty hnters' and

srprise their prey on 1-3 on 1d6% "n$e a giant 5easel

bites a living $reatre' it hangs on' rending 5ith its teeth

ea$h rond ntil the vi$tim or the 5easel is dead' or

ntil the 5easel !ails a morale $he$* Hrolled normallyJ in

5hi$h $ase it 5ill let go o! its vi$tim and !lee%

(here are many varieties o! normal-sied 5easel'

in$lding several 5hi$h are $alled !errets in some

territories' the giant 5easel is ths $alled a giant !erret%

(he only distin$tion is that those 5hi$h are tamed are

al5ays $alled !errets' thogh not all giant !errets are

tame% Earios hmanoid ra$es as 5ell as some !airy

$reatres are *no5n to tame giant !errets !or se as

gards or 5ar-animals%

./ale iller 

 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, 6

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite

Damage, 2d10

)ovement, +5im 0L H10LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter, 6

)orale, 10

(reasre (ype, /one

P;, B00

(hese !ero$ios $reatres are abot 30 !eet long% 4iller

5hales' also $alled 8or$a9 Hboth singlar and plralJ' are

stri*ingly mar*ed in bla$* and 5hite' 5ith prominent

5hite pat$hes that resemble eyes% (heir real eyes are

m$h smaller and lo$ated a5ay !rom the !a*e eye-


4iller 5hales eat !ish' s:id' seals' and other 5hales'

bt are not above $onsming a meal o! hman or demi-

hman !are%


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./ale Nar8/al

 Armor Class, 1F

it Di$e, 12 HO10J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 horn

Damage, 2d6

)ovement, +5im 60L

/o% Appearing, ild 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 6


(reasre (ype, +pe$ial

P;, 1'B

/ar5hals are a:ati$ mammals resembling large

dolphins 5ith a single Hor rarely' dobleJ ts* protrding

straight !or5ard !rom the moth% (he ts* is heli$al in

shape' and they are sometimes $t short and sold as

8ni$orn horns%9 o5ever' they have no parti$lar

magi$al vale% /ar5hals are !ond in $old northern

seas% (hey are not parti$larly aggressive%

./ale Ser5

 Armor Class, 22

it Di$e, 36S HO16J

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite or spe$ial

Damage, 3d20

)ovement, +5im 60L H20LJ

/o% Appearing, ild 1d3

+ave As, 7ighter,


(reasre (ype, /one

P;, 1'000

(hese $reatres $an be p to 60 !eet long% (hey prey

on giant s:id% +perm 5hales $an emit an invisible

!o$sed beam o! sond BL 5ide p to a B0L range

nder5ater% (his blast o! sond disorients target

$reatres' leaving them e!!e$tively stnned !or 1d

ronds% A stnned $hara$ter $an neither move nor ta*e

a$tion !or the indi$ated dration% /o atta$* roll is

re:ired' bt a save vs% Death Ray is allo5ed to resist%

 A sperm 5hale $an emit as many s$h blasts o! sond

as it desires' on$e per rond' instead o! biting%


 Armor Class, 1B V

it Di$e, 3S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 to$h

Damage, nergy drain H1 levelJ

)ovement, 30L

/o% Appearing, 1d6' ild 1d' #air 1d

+ave As, 7ighter, 3

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype,

P;, 1B

 A 5ightXs appearan$e is a 5eird and t5isted re!le$tion

o! the !orm it had in li!e% A 5ight is abot the height and

5eight o! a hman% ights do not possess any o! the

abilities they had in li!e%

>! a 5ight to$hes Hor is to$hed byJ a living $reatre'

that living $reatre s!!ers one level o! ener42 drain

Has des$ribed in the Eno;nter   se$tionJ% /o saving

thro5 is allo5ed% +tri*ing a 5ight 5ith a 5eapon does

not $ont as 8to$hing9 it%

 Any hmanoid slain by a 5ight be$omes a 5ight by the

ne&t snset Hbt not less than 12 hors laterJ% ight

spa5n are nder the $ommand o! the 5ight that $reated

them and remain enslaved ntil its death%

#i*e all ndead' 5ights may be (rned by Cleri$s and

are immne to slee' /ar5 and /old  magi$s%

ights are harmed only by silver or magi$al 5eapons'

and ta*e only hal! damage !rom brning oil%


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Nor5al ire

 Armor Class, 13 1

it Di$e, 2

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 bite 1 bite

Damage, 1d6 2d

)ovement, 60L B0L

/o% Appearing, 2d6'

ild 3d6'

#air 3d6


ild 2d'

#air 2d

+ave As, 7ighter, 2 7ighter,

)orale, F

(reasre (ype, /one /one

P;, B 20

olves are pa$* hnters *no5n !or their persisten$e

and $nning% (hey pre!er to srrond and !lan* a !oe

5hen they $an%

Dire 5olves are e!!i$ient pa$* hnters that 5ill *ill

anything they $an $at$h% Dire 5olves are generally

mottled gray or bla$*' abot F !eet long and 5eighing

some 00 ponds%


 Armor Class, 1B \

it Di$e, SS

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 to$h

Damage, 1d6 O energy drain H1 levelJ

)ovement, 7ly 0L

/o% Appearing, 1d' #air 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter,

)orale, 12

(reasre (ype,

P;, 320

raiths are in$orporeal $reatres born o! evil and

dar*ness% >n some $ases' the grim silhoette o! a

5raith might appear armored or ot!itted 5ith 5eapons%

(his appearan$e does not a!!e$t the $reatreXs AC or

$ombat abilities bt only re!le$ts the shape it had in li!e%


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#i*e all ndead' they may be (rned by Cleri$s and are

immne to slee' /ar5 and /old  magi$s% De to

their in$orporeal natre' they $annot be harmed by non-

magi$al 5eapons%


 Armor Class, 1

it Di$e, S

/o% o! Atta$*s, 1 biteQ1 stinger or 2 talonsQ1 stinger 

Damage, 2dQ1d6 O poison

or 1d10Q1d10Q1d6 O poison

)ovement, 30L H10LJ 7ly 0L H1BLJ

/o% Appearing, ild 1d6' #air 1d6

+ave As, 7ighter,

)orale, F

(reasre (ype,

P;, 3B

 A distant $osin to the tre dragons' the 5yvern is a

hge !lying liard 5ith a poisonos stinger in its tail% A

5yvernXs body is 1B !eet long' and dar* bro5n to gray

hal! that length is tail% >ts 5ingspan is abot 20 !eet% A

5yvern 5eighs abot one ton% (hey are bilt more li*e

bats than liards' having t5o legs and t5o 5ings

$ontrast this 5ith tre dragons' 5hi$h have !or legs

and t5o 5ings%

yverns are o! animal intelligen$e' bt are e&$ellent

predators 5ith good hnting abilities% hen atta$*ing

they 5ill ma*e a lod hiss' or sometimes a deep-

throated gro5l m$h li*e that o! a bll alligator%

yverns atta$* nearly anything that isnXt obviosly

more po5er!l than themselves% A 5yvern dives !rom

the air' $la5ing at its opponent 5ith its talons and

stinging it to death% Any living $reatre hit by the

5yvernLs stinger mst save vs% ;oison or die% A 5yvern

$an slash 5ith its talons only 5hen ma*ing a !lybyatta$* or 5hen landing%

! a ,)vern hits ,ith (oth its talons* it .a) tocarr) o!! its victi. onl) victi.s ,ei$hin$ 300 ponds orless can (e carried o!!* and the ,)vern can onl) carr) avicti. !or at .ost 6 ronds/ hile !l)in$ ,ith a victi.*the ,)vern cannot .a+e an) !rther attac+s a$ainst it*(t o! corse i! the victi. .a+es a nisance o! itsel!sch as () inrin$ the ,)vern* it .a) (e dropped/


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&8our idea was good, -arion, said Morningstar after we had turned the sarcophagus lid halfway around.&8ou )ust got in a bit of a hurry to try it. 

&Indeed, I said, feeling foolish. I looked into the sarcophagus lying atop the mummified remains inside I sawa sword, held in both bony hands with the point toward the corpse's feet. "he golden blade was untarnishedthe huge ruby set into the crossguard shone in the torchlight.

I didn't reach for it, though I found myself sorely tempted. &$arthal, I said, &tell me, is it safe to reach within9"he %alfling climbed up onto the edge of the platform and leaned over the sarcophagus, peering aroundwithin.

&I don't see a trap, he remarked after careful study. &-o you think the dead one, there, will rise up if youtouch his sword9 

&%e might, answered Apoulis, &but I doubt it. "he skeletons were likely the only guardians in this tomb. 

 All eyes seemed to be on me. :eluctantly I reached within, grasping the sword by the blade with my mailed glove so as to avoid touching the corpse. "he long7dead chieftain didn't want to part with his weapon, butafter a bit of twisting I worked it loose.

*haking bits of desiccated flesh from the hilt, I grasped the weapon properly and held it aloft. It felt good inmy hand# I wondered what magic it might contain9

$arthal's voice shook me out of my contemplation. &;ook here he said, and I looked down. %e had openeda secret panel in the platform# and as I looked on, gold and silver coins began to spill out. $arthal cried out

 gleefully, &<ackpot 

istri6;tion o Treas;re

+ome adventrers $hoose to adventre to battle evil'

5hile other see* to attain glory or po5erK bt others go

in sear$h o! treasre' gold and Ie5els and magi$al

items% elo5 is the in!ormation the Game )aster 5ill

need to satis!y the greedy%

Rando5 Treas;re ,eneration

(he tables belo5 des$ribe the varios treasre types

assigned to monsters' as 5ell as ngarded treasres

appropriate to varios dngeon levels% (o generate a

random treasre' !ind the indi$ated treasre type and

read a$ross 5here a per$entage $han$e is given' roll

per$entile di$e to see i! that sort o! treasre is !ond% >!

so' roll the indi$ated di$e to determine ho5 m$h%

(ables !or the random generation o! gems' Ie5elry Hand

beIe5eled art pie$esJ' and magi$ items are provided

a!ter the main treasre tables%

Plaed Treas;res

(he Game )aster is never re:ired to roll !or treasre

rather' treasre may be pla$ed' or random treasres

amended' as desired or needed !or the prposes o! the

adventre% +pe$ial treasres are al5ays pla$ed !or

e&ample' a spe$ial magi$ item needed to $omplete an


AdG;stin4 Treas;re A8ards

(here 5ill be many $ases 5here random treasre

generation is not the best method to employ% 7or

instan$e' a larger than average treasre assigned to a

smaller than average lair o! monsters might need to be

red$ed% >t is p to the Game )aster to de$ide ho5

m$h treasre he or she 5ishes to allo5 into the

$ampaign% (oo m$h gold Hor other treasre 5hi$h $an


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be $onverted to goldJ may ma*e things too easy !or the

player $hara$ters% +imilarly' too many magi$ items may

also ma*e things too easy%

>! yo are a novi$e Game )aster' remember that yo

$an al5ays give more treasre' bt it $an be di!!i$lt to

drain treasre !rom the party 5ithot angering the

playersK parti$larly i! yo se heavy-handed

methods% +tart small' and 5or* p as yo gain



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Treas;re T2es

Lair Treas;res


1Ds o 


1Ds o 


1Ds o 


1Ds o 


1Ds o 


,e5s and

Je8elr2 *a4i Ite5s

 A B0N Bd6 60N Bd6 0N Bd 0N 10d6 B0N 1d10 B0N 6d6

B0N 6d6

30N any 3

BN Bd10 B0N Bd6 B0N Bd B0N 3d6 /one 2BN 1d6

2BN 1d6

10N 1 5eapon or


C 60N 6d6 60N Bd 30N 2d6 /one /one 2BN 1d

2BN 1d

1BN any 1d2

D 30N d6 BN 6d6 /one F0N Bd /one 30N 1d

30N 1d

20N any 1d2

O 1 potion

30N 2d 60N 6d10 B0N 3d B0N d10 /one 10N 1d10

10N 1d10

30N any 1d

O 1 s$roll

7 /one 0N 3d B0N d BN 6d10 0N 2d 20N 2d12

10N 1d12

3BN any 1d e&$ept


O 1 potion

O 1 s$roll

G /one /one /one F0N d6&10 BN Bd 2BN 3d6

2BN 1d10

B0N any 1d

O 1 s$roll

BN d10 BN 6d10&10 BN 3d10&10 BN Bd&10 BN Fd B0N 1d100

B0N 10d

20N any 1d

O 1 potion

O 1 s$roll

> /one /one /one /one 0N 3d10 B0N 2d6

B0N 2d6

1BN any 1

. BN 3d BN 1d /one /one /one /one



4 /one F0N 2d10 3BN 1d /one /one /one



# /one /one /one /one /one B0N 1d



) /one /one /one F0N d10 F0N 2d&10 BBN Bd

BN 2d6


/ /one /one /one /one /one /one


0N 2d potions

" /one /one /one /one /one /one


B0N 1d s$rolls


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Indi>id;al Treas;res


Piees o 


Piees o 


Piees o 


Piees o 


Piees o 


,e5s and

Je8elr2 *a4i Ite5s

; 3d /one /one /one /one /one



U /one 3d6 /one /one /one /one



R /one /one 2d6 /one /one /one



+ /one /one /one 2d /one /one



( /one /one /one /one 1d6 /one



@ B0N 1d20 B0N 1d20 /one 2BN 1d20 /one BN 1d

BN 1d

2N Any 1

E /one 2BN 1d20 2BN 1d20 B0N 1d20 2BN 1d20 10N 1d

10N 1d

BN Any 1

!n4;arded Treas;res



1Ds o 


1Ds o 


1Ds o 


1Ds o 


1Ds o 


,e5s and


*a4i Ite5s

1 BN 1d B0N 1d6 2BN 1d N 1d 1N 1d N 1d

3N 1d

2N Any 1

2 B0N 1d10 B0N 1d 2BN 1d6 20N 1d6 2N 1d 10N 1d6

N 1d

BN Any 1

3 30N 2d6 B0N 1d10 2BN 1d B0N 1d6 N 1d 1BN 1d6

N 1d6

N Any 1

-B 20N 3d6 B0N 2d6 2BN 1d10 B0N 2d6 N 1d 20N 1d

10N 1d6

12N Any 1

6- 1BN d6 B0N 3d6 2BN 1d12 0N 2d 1BN 1d 30N 1d

1BN 1d6

16N Any 1

O 10N Bd6 B0N Bd6 2BN 2d BN d6 30N 1d 0N 1d

30N 1d

20N Any 1

/ote, @ngarded treasres shold be rare see the ,a5e *aster  se$tion' belo5' !or advi$e on pla$ement o!

ngarded treasre%

,e5s and Je8elr2

@se the tables belo5 to determine the base vale and

nmber !ond 5hen gems are indi$ated in a treasre

hoard% >! the nmber generated in the main table above

is small' roll !or ea$h gem bt i! the nmber is large H10


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or more' at the G)Ls optionJ' a!ter ea$h roll !or (ype

and ase Eale' roll the indi$ated die to see ho5 many

s$h gems are in the hoard%

dK T2e Base al;e

in ,old




01-20 "rnamental 10 1d10

21-B +emipre$ios B0 1d

6-B 7an$y 100 1d6

6-FB ;re$ios B00 1d

F6-00 Gem 1000 1d2

.e5el B000 1

(he vales o! gems vary !rom the above !or reasons o!:ality' sie' et$% (he G) may se the table belo5 to

adIst the vales o! the gems in the hoard' at his or her

option% (his is 5hy there is no die reslt given in the

table above !or .e5el on a roll o! 12 on the table belo5'

a Gem $an be$ome a .e5el%

#d al;e AdG;st5ent

2 /e&t #o5er Eale Ro5

3 1Q2


B-F /ormal Eale

10 1%B (imes

11 2 (imes

12 /e&t igher Eale Ro5

dK ,e5 T2e dK ,e5 T2e

01-10 Greenstone 66-0 (opa

11-20 )ala$hite 1-B loodstone

21-2 Aventrine 6-F +apphire

2F-3 ;henalope 0-F Diamond

3F-B Amethyst F0-F 7ire "pal

6-B 7lorospar FB-F Rby

BB-60 Garnet F-00 merald

61-6B Ale&andrite

+tandard items o! Ie5elry are valed at 2d&100 gp

vale% (he table belo5 $an be sed to generate

des$riptions o! the items themselves%

dK T2e dK T2e

01-06 An*let B6-62 arring

0-12 elt 63-6B 7lagon

13-1 o5l 66-6 Goblet

1B-21 ra$elet 6F-3 4ni!e

22-2 roo$h - #etter "pener  

2-32 $*le -0 #o$*et

33-3 Chain 1-2 )edal

3-0 Cho*er 3-F /e$*la$e

1-2 Cir$let F0 ;late

3- Clasp F1-FB ;in

-B1 Comb F6 +$eptre

B2 Cro5n F-FF +tatette

B3-BB Cp 00 (iara


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dK Roll .eaon Bon;s

*elee *issile Bon;s

01-0 01-6 O1

1-B0 -B O2

B1-BB BF-6 O3

B6-B O


BF-B 6B-2 O1' O2 vs% +pe$ial nemy

6-B 3-F O1' O3 vs% +pe$ial nemy

6-FB Roll Again O +pe$ial Ability

F6-F FB-F Crsed' -1S

FF-00 FF-00 Crsed' -2S

S >! $rsed 5eapons are rolled along 5ith spe$ial abilities'

ignore the spe$ial ability roll%

1d Seial Ene52 1d Seial Ene52

1 Dragons Regenerators

2 n$hanted B +pell @sers

3 #y$anthropes 6 @ndead

1d# Seial A6ilit2

01-0F Casts #ight on Command

10-11 Charm ;erson

12 Drains nergy

13-16 7lames on Command

1-1F #o$ate "bIe$ts

20 ishes

*a4i Ar5or 

Generate the type and bons o! ea$h item o! magi$

armor on the tables belo5%

dK Ar5or T2e dK Ar5or Bon;s

01-0F #eather Armor 01-B0 O1

10-2 Chain )ail B1-0 O2

2F-3 ;late )ail 1-F0 O3

-00 +hield F1-FB Crsed S

F6-00 Crsed' AC 11 SS

S >! Crsed armor is rolled' roll again and reverse the bons

He%g%' -1 instead o! O1J%

SS (his armor has AC 11 bt appears to be O1 5hen



dK T2e dK T2e dK T2e

01-03 Clairadien$e 33-3B Dimintion 6F-2 >nvisibility

0-0 Clairvoyan$e 36-3F +; 3-6 >nvlnerability

0-10 Control Animal 0-3 7ire Resistan$e -0 #evitation

11-13 Control Dragon - 7lying 1- #ongevity

1-16 Control Giant -B1 Gaseos 7orm B-6 ;oison

1-1F Control man B2-BB Giant +trength -F ;olymorph +el!  

20-22 Control ;lant B6-BF Gro5th F0-F +peed

23-2B Control @ndead 60-63 ealing F-00 (reasre 7inding

26-32 Delsion 6-6 eroism


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dK ,eneral T2e

01-03 Cleri$ +pell +$roll H1 +pellJ

0-06 Cleri$ +pell +$roll H2 +pellsJ

0-0 Cleri$ +pell +$roll H3 +pellsJ

0F Cleri$ +pell +$roll H +pellsJ

10-1B )agi$-@ser +pell +$roll H1 +pellJ

16-20 )agi$-@ser +pell +$roll H2 +pellsJ

21-2B )agi$-@ser +pell +$roll H3 +pellsJ

26-2F )agi$-@ser +pell +$roll H +pellsJ

30-32 )agi$-@ser +pell +$roll HB +pellsJ

33-3 )agi$-@ser +pell +$roll H6 +pellsJ

3B )agi$-@ser +pell +$roll H +pellsJ

36-0 Crsed +$roll

1-6 ;rote$tion !rom lementals

-B6 ;rote$tion !rom #y$anthropes

B-61 ;rote$tion !rom )agi$

62-B ;rote$tion !rom @ndead

6-B )ap to (reasre (ype A

6-F )ap to (reasre (ype

F0-F2 )ap to (reasre (ype G

F3-00 )ap to 1d )agi$ >tems


dK T2e

01-06 Control Animal

0-12 Control man

13-1F Control ;lant

20-30 Delsion

31-33 DIinni +mmoning

3- 7ire Resistan$e

B-B >nvisibility

B-66 ;rote$tion O1

6-0 ;rote$tion O2

1 ;rote$tion O3

2-3 Regeneration

-B +pell +toring

6-1 +pell (rning

2-3 (ele*inesis

-F0 ater al*ing

F1-F ea*ness

F ishes

FF-00 P-Ray Eision


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.ands Sta>es and Rods

dK T2e

01-0 Rod o! Can$ellation

0F-13 +na*e +ta!!  

1-1 +ta!! o! Commanding

1-2 +ta!! o! ealing

2F-30 +ta!! o! ;o5er  

31-3 +ta!! o! +tri*ing

3B +ta!! o! iardry

36-0 and o! Cold

1-B and o! nemy Dete$tion

6-B0 and o! 7ear  

B1-BB and o! 7ireballs

B6-60 and o! >llsion

61-6B and o! #ightning olts

66-3 and o! )agi$ Dete$tion

-F and o! ;aralyation

0- and o! ;olymorph

B-F2 and o! +e$ret Door Dete$tion

F3-00 and o! (rap Dete$tion


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*isellaneo;s *a4i Ite5s

dK T2e

01-0 Amlet o! ;roo! against Dete$tion and #o$ation

0B-06 ag o! Devoring

0-12 ag o! olding

13-1 oots o! #evitation

1-22 oots o! +peed

23-2 oots o! (raveling and #eaping

2 o5l Commanding ater lementals

2F raier Commanding 7ire lementals

30-3B room o! 7lying

36 Censer Commanding Air lementals

3-3F Cloa* o! Displa$ement

0-3 Crystal all

-B Crystal all 5ith Clairadien$e

6 Drms o! ;ani$

!reeti ottle

-B lven oots

BB-61 lven Cloa*

62-63 7lying Carpet

6-0 Gantlets o! "gre ;o5er 

1-2 Girdle o! Giant +trength

3- elm o! Reading #angages and )agi$

F elm o! (elepathy

0 elm o! (eleportation

1 orn o! lasting

2-F0 )edallion o! +;

F1 )irror o! #i!e (rapping

F2-F6 Rope o! Climbing

F-FF +$arab o! ;rote$tion

00 +tone Commanding arth lementals


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E=lanation o *a4i Ite5s

!sin4 *a4i Ite5s

(o se a magi$ item' it mst be a$tivated' althogh

sometimes a$tivation simply means ptting a ring on

yor !inger% +ome items' on$e donned' !n$tion


+ome items are a$tivated Ist by sing them% 7or

instan$e' a $hara$ter has to drin* a potion' s5ing a

s5ord' interpose a shield to de!le$t a blo5 in $ombat'

5ear a ring' or don a $loa*% A$tivation o! these items is

generally straight!or5ard and sel!-e&planatory% (his

doesnXt mean that i! yo se s$h an item' yo

atomati$ally *no5 5hat it $an do% =o mst *no5 Hor

at least gessJ 5hat the item $an do and then se the

item in order to a$tivate it' nless the bene!it o! the item

$omes atomati$ally' s$h as !rom drin*ing a potion or

s5inging a s5ord%

>! no a$tivation method is sggested either in the magi$

item des$ription or by the natre o! the item' assme

that a $ommand 5ord is needed to a$tivate it%

Command 5ord a$tivation means that a $hara$ter

spea*s the 5ord and the item a$tivates% /o other

spe$ial *no5ledge is needed%

 A $ommand 5ord $an be a real 5ord' bt 5hen this is

the $ase' the holder o! the item rns the ris* o!

a$tivating the item a$$identally by spea*ing the 5ord in

normal $onversation% )ore o!ten' the $ommand 5ord is

some seemingly nonsensi$al 5ord' or a 5ord or phrase

!rom an an$ient langage no longer in $ommon se%

/ote that many magi$ items mst be held in the handHor other5ise spe$ially handled or 5ornJ to be sed the

ris* o! a$$idental a$tivation is less signi!i$ant !or s$h


#earning the $ommand 5ord !or an item may be easy

Hsometimes the 5ord is a$tally ins$ribed on the itemJ

or it may be di!!i$lt' re:iring the servi$es o! a po5er!l

5iard or sage' or some other means o! dis$overy%

"nly the $hara$ter holding or 5earing a magi$ item may

a$tivate it% A $hara$ter that has been gagged or

silen$ed may not a$tivate a magi$ item 5hi$h re:ires a

$ommand 5ord%

hen an arti$le o! magi$ armor' $lothing or Ie5elry

Hin$lding a ringJ is dis$overed' sie is not sally an

isse% +$h items magi$ally adIst themselves !or

5earers !rom as small as al!lings to as large as

mans% (his e!!e$t is $alled ao55odation% (he

G) may $reate 8primitive9 items la$*ing this po5er i! he

or she 5ishes%

Generally only one magi$al item o! a given type may be

5orn at the same time% 7or e&ample' a $hara$ter $an

normally only 5ear one sit o! armor' 5ear one

ne$*la$e and $arry one shield at a time% >n the $ase o!

rings' a $hara$ter may 5ear one magi$al ring per hand%

>! a $hara$ter 5ears more items o! a given type than

5old normally be pra$ti$al' the items 5ill sally !ail to

!n$tion de to inter!eren$e 5ith one another !or

instan$e' 5earing t5o rings on the same hand normally

reslts in both rings !ailing to operate% Note

/o8e>er that this limitation $annot be sed to disable

$rsed magi$ items% 7or e&ample' 5earing a $rsed

ring 5old prevent another magi$ ring !rom being 5orn

and sed on that hand' bt the $rse 5old not be li!ted

by donning a se$ond magi$ ring%


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*a4i .eaons

)agi$ 5eapons are $reated 5ith a variety o! po5ers

and 5ill sally aid the 5ielder in $ombat% A magi$al

5eaponLs bons is applied to all atta$* and damagerolls made 5ith the 5eapon%

Casts Li4/t on Co55and:  y dra5ing the

5eapon and ttering a $ommand 5ord' the 5ielder may

$ase it to glo5 it 5ill then shed light 5ith the same

radis as a li4/t spell% +heathing or laying do5n the

5eapon' or spea*ing the $ommand 5ord again' dispels

the e!!e$t% (his po5er may be sed as o!ten as


C/ar5 Person: (his po5er allo5s the 5ielder to $ast

/ar5 erson  on$e per day' as i! by an th  level

)agi$-@ser' by brandishing the 5eapon' spea*ing a

$ommand 5ord and gaing at the target $reatre% H(he

5ielderLs gae does not have to be met !or the spell to

be $ast%J (he target $reatre is allo5ed saving thro5s

 Ist as des$ribed in the spell des$ription%

rains Ener42:  A 5eapon 5ith this po5er drains one

li!e energy level on a hit' as des$ribed nder Ener42

rain in the Eno;nter  se$tion p to 2d levels $an

be drained by a 5eapon 5ith this po5er' a!ter 5hi$h

time the 5eapon loses this po5er bt retains any other

magi$al e!!e$ts or bonses%

Fla5es on Co55and:  @pon $ommand' the

5eapon 5ill be sheathed in !ire% (he !ire does not harm

the 5ielder% (he e!!e$t remains ntil the $ommand is

given again' or ntil the 5eapon is dropped or

sheathed% hile it !lames' all damage done by the

5eapon is treated as !ire damage' and an additional O1

bons Hin addition to the 5eaponLs normal bonsJ is

added to damage 5hen !ighting trolls' treants' and other

$reatres espe$ially vlnerable to !ire% >t $asts light and

brns Ist as i! it 5ere a tor$h%

Loate O6Gets:  (his po5er allo5s the 5ielder to

$ast the spell loate o6Get on$e per day' as i! by an

th level )agi$-@ser%

Seial Ene52:  (hese 5eapons are $reated to$ombat a spe$i!i$ sort o! $reatre' as rolled on the

+pe$ial Ability table% hen sed against that spe$i!i$

enemy' the se$ond listed bons applies instead o! the

!irst so a s5ord O1' O3 vs% @ndead 5old provide O1

atta$* and damage against giant rats' bt O3 atta$* and

damage rolls against ombies%

.is/es: eapons 5ith this po5er have the ability to

grant 1d 5ishes% (he G) mst adIdi$ate all 5ishes'

and instr$tions are given in the ,a5e *aster

se$tion regarding this% A!ter these 5ishes have been

made' the 5eapon loses this po5er' bt retains any

other bonses and po5ers%

C;rsed .eaons  in!li$t a penalty to the 5ielderLs

atta$* rolls' as rolled on the eapon ons table% (he

$rse $ases the a!!li$ted $hara$ter to be nable to get

rid o! the 5eapon% (here are t5o possible !orms the

$rse may ta*e, "bsession and A!!li$tion% (he G) may

de$ide 5hi$h to se at his or her option%

O6session: Regardless o! ho5 severe the penalty is'

the $hara$ter 5ielding the 5eapon 5ill believe it is a

bons and re!se to se any other 5eapon in $ombat%

 A re5o>e ;rse  spell is the only 5ay to rid a

$hara$ter o! s$h a 5eapon bt as he or she 5ill

believe the 5eapon is the best magi$al 5eapon ever'

the $hara$ter re$eives a saving thro5 vs% +pells to


Alition: (he $hara$ter *no5s the 5eapon is

$rsed as soon as he or she ses it in $ombat

ho5ever' any attempt to thro5 it a5ay !ails' as the

5eapon magi$ally appears ba$* in the $hara$terLs hand

5henever he or she tries to dra5 any other 5eapon% >n


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this $ase' the re5o>e ;rse spell needed to rid the

$hara$ter o! the 5eapon 5ill be nopposed Hi%e% no

saving thro5J%

*a4i Ar5or 

)agi$ armor Hin$lding shieldsJ o!!ers improved'

magi$al prote$tion to the 5earer% >n general' magi$

armor grants the normal Armor Class !or its type' pls

the magi$al armor bons' as rolled on the )agi$ Armor

table !or e&ample' ;late )ail O2 provides an Armor

Class o! 1F%

(here are t5o varieties o! ;rsed ar5or , Crsed

 Armor -1 and Crsed Armor AC 11% (he !irst varietyLs

 AC is red$ed by the rolled penalty !or e&ample' ;late

)ail -1 grants Armor Class 16% (he se$ond type is

m$h 5orse' !or regardless o! the type' it only provides

 Armor Class 11% De&terity and shield bonses still


Crsed armor $annot be removed !rom the 5earer on$e

the $rse is proven' that is' on$e the 5earer is hit in

$ombat% "n$e the $rse has ta*en e!!e$t' only a

re5o>e ;rse spell' or some more po5er!l magi$Hs$h as a 5ishJ' 5ill enable the 5earer to remove it%

(he armor 5ill dete$t as magi$al' li*e any other magi$

armor the $rse $annot be dete$ted by any means

other than 5earing the armor in $ombat%


 A potion is an eli&ir $on$o$ted 5ith a spell-li*e e!!e$t

that a!!e$ts only the drin*er% @nless other5ise noted' a

potion grants its bene!its !or 1d6O6 trns Heven i! thedration o! an asso$iated spell is longer or shorterJ%

Claira;diene: (his potion enables the drin*er to

hear sonds in another area throgh the ears o! a living

$reatre in that area' p to a ma&imm 60L a5ay% (his

e!!e$t other5ise !n$tions Ist as the spell


Clair>o2ane: (his potion grants the imbiber the

e!!e$t o! the lair>o2ane spell%

Control Ani5al:  (his potion !n$tions li*e a

ontrol /;5an potion' bt a!!e$ts only normal' non-

magi$al animals%

Control ra4on:  (his potion !n$tions li*e a

ontrol /;5an potion' bt a!!e$ts only dragons%

Control ,iant:  (his potion !n$tions li*e a ontrol

/;5an potion' bt a!!e$ts only giants%

Control %;5an:  (his potion allo5s the drin*er to

$harm a hman' demi-hman' or hmanoid by gaing

at them% (he e!!e$t !n$tions li*e the /ar5 erson

spell% >! the $harm is resisted' the drin*er $an attempt

to $harm p to t5o more targets be!ore the potionXs

bene!it is e&hasted%

Control Plant:  (his potion grants the drin*er $ontrol

over one or more plants or plant $reatres 5ithin a 10L

s:are area p to B0L a5ay% /ormal plants be$ome

animated' having a movement rate o! 10L' and obey the

drin*erLs $ommands% >! ordered to atta$*' only the

largest plants $an do any real harm' atta$*ing 5ith a O0

atta$* bons and in!li$ting 1d points o! damage per hit%

 A!!e$ted plant $reatres H5ho !ail to save vs% +pellsJ

$an nderstand the drin*er' and behave as i! nder a

/ar5 5onster  spell%

Control !ndead:  (his potion grants the drin*er

$ommand o! 3d6 hit di$e o! ndead monsters% A save

vs% +pells is allo5ed to resist the e!!e$t% )indless

ndead !ollo5 the drin*erLs $ommands e&a$tly !ree-

5illed ndead a$t as i! nder a /ar5 erson spell%

el;sion: (his $rsed potion 5ill appear' i! tested or

analyed' to be one o! the other potions Hother than


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Poison:  (his isnLt a potion at all' itLs a trap% (he

drin*er mst save vs% ;oison or die' even i! only a sip

5as imbibed%

Pol25or/ Sel:  (his potion grants the po5er o! thespell o! the same name%

Seed:  (his potion gives the drin*er the bene!its o!

the spell /aste%

Treas;re Findin4:  (he imbiber o! this potion 5ill

immediately *no5 the dire$tion and appro&imate

distan$e to the largest treasre hoard in a 300L

spheri$al radis% (his potion spe$i!i$ally dete$ts

platinm' gold' ele$trm' silver' and $opper gemstones

and magi$ items are not dete$ted%


)ost s$rolls $ontain some sort o! magi$ 5hi$h is

a$tivated 5hen read' and 5hi$h may only be sed

on$e the $hara$ters brn a5ay as the 5ords are read%

Sell Srolls are en$hanted 5ith one or more Cleri$

or )agi$-@ser spells Hnever both sorts on the same

s$rollJ% a$h spell $an be sed Ist on$e' thogh o!

$orse the same spell may appear mltiple times on a

single s$roll% @se the table belo5 to determine the spell

level o! ea$h spell on a s$roll% "nly a Cleri$ $an se a

Cleri$al s$roll' and only a )agi$-@ser $an se a )agi$-

@ser s$roll%

)agi$-@sers mst $ast read 5a4i on a spell s$roll

be!ore being able to se it ea$h s$roll needs to be

treated in this 5ay Ist on$e' and the e!!e$t lasts

inde!initely therea!ter% >! a )agi$-@ser attempts to $asta spell !rom a s$roll' and he or she does not *no5 that

spell' there is a 10N $han$e the spell 5ill !ail% >! a spell

on a s$roll is o! higher level than the highest level spell

the )agi$-@ser $an $ast' !or ea$h spell level o!

di!!eren$e' add 10N to the $han$e o! !ailre% 7or

e&ample' Ara the 3rd level )agi$-@ser attempts to $ast

ol25or/ sel  !rom a s$roll% Ara is able to $ast' at

most' 2nd

 level spells% Pol25or/ sel  is a th  level

spell' so Ara has a $han$e o! !ailre o! 10N Hshe

doesnLt *no5 the spellJ pls 20N H2nd

  level ma&imm

vs% th level spellJ' !or a total o! 30N%

Cleri$al s$rolls are 5ritten in a normal langage Hbeing

 Ist spe$ially en$hanted prayersJ' so the Cleri$ merely

needs to *no5 the langage in 5hi$h the s$roll is

5ritten in order to se it% Cleri$s s!!er the same

$han$e o! !ailre as do )agi$-@sers' save that the 10N

penalty assigned !or not *no5ing the spell does not


Sell Srolls: Sell Le>el

dK Le>el o Sell

01-30 1st

31-BB 2nd

B6-B 3rd

6- th

F-F Bth

F-00 6th

 A C;rsed Sroll  in!li$ts some $rse pon 5hoever

reads it% >t need not be read $ompletely in !a$t' merely

glan$ing at the te&t is enogh to in!li$t the $rse% A

saving thro5 may or may not be allo5ed' as determined

by the G) Hthogh a save vs% +pells shold sally be

allo5edJ% (he G) is en$oraged to be $reative 5hen

$reating $rses the spell 6esto8 ;rse Hthe reverse

o! re5o>e ;rseJ $an be sed !or inspiration' bt

$rsed s$rolls $an $ontain more po5er!l or inventive

$rses at the G)Ls dis$retion%

Protetion Srolls  $an be read by any $hara$ter

$lass' assming the $hara$ter $an read the langage

the s$roll is 5ritten in Hsee the notes nder Lan4;a4e

in the C/arater   se$tion !or detailsJ% hen read' a


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prote$tion s$roll $reates a 10L radis prote$tive $ir$le

arond the reader preventing the 5arded $reatres

!rom entering% (he $ir$le moves 5ith the reader% Any

$reatre other than the sort the s$roll 5ards may enter'

in$lding o! $orse the allies o! the s$roll-reader' 5ho

are themselves prote$ted so long as they remain

entirely 5ithin the $ir$le% >! any $reatre 5ithin the $ir$le

per!orms a melee atta$* against any o! the 5arded

$reatres' the $ir$le is bro*en and the 5arded $reatres

may !reely atta$*% /ormal prote$tion s$rolls last !or 2

trns a!ter being read%

Protetion ro5 *a4i s$rolls are spe$ial' as they

prote$t against magi$ spells and items rather than

$reatres% /o magi$al e!!e$t $an $ross the 10L $ir$le o!

prote$tion in either dire$tion !or 1d trns% As 5ith the

other prote$tion s$rolls' the $ir$le $reated by this s$roll

moves 5ith the reader%

Treas;re *as  are generally non-magi$al% (hey

mst be $reated by the G)' althogh he or she may

delay $reating the map ntil the $hara$ters $an a$tally

se it% (he treasre indi$ated on the map 5ill normally

be garded by some sort o! monster' determined by the

G) as desired%


 A ring is a $ir$lar metal band 5orn on the !inger Hno

more than one ring per handJ that has a spell-li*e po5er

Ho!ten a $onstant e!!e$t that a!!e$ts the 5earerJ%

Control Ani5al:  (he 5earer o! this ring $an $harm

p to 6 hit di$e o! animals% (he e!!e$t 5or*s m$h li*e

a /ar5 erson  spell' bt only a!!e$ts animals

Hin$lding giant-sied animals' bt e&$lding !antasti$

$reatres as 5ell as anything more intelligent than a

dog or $atJ% (he 5earer $an a$tivate the po5er at 5ill'

targeting any animal 5ithin 60L that he or she $an see%

(he 5earer may $hoose to end the e!!e$t !or one or

more $ontrolled $reatres at any time' in order to 8!ree9

enogh hit di$e to $ontrol a ne5 target%

Control %;5an:  (he 5earer o! this ring may $astthe spell /ar5 erson at any target he or she $an

see 5ithin 60L% (he 5earer $an se this po5er on$e

per rond' at 5ill' bt $annot $ontrol more than 6 hit

di$e o! $reatres at a time ho5ever' the 5earer may

$hoose to end the e!!e$t !or one or more $ontrolled

$reatres at any time' in order to 8!ree9 enogh hit di$e

to $ontrol a ne5 target%

Control Plant:  (he 5earer o! this ring may $reate an

e!!e$t e:ivalent to a otion o lant ontrol at 5ill'

a!!e$ting plants or plant $reatres 5ithin 60L that he or

she $an see% (he e!!e$t lasts as long as the 5earer

remains 5ithin 60L o! the plants or plant $reatres% A

saving thro5 is allo5ed Ist as !or the potion%

el;sion:  (his ring appears to be some other sort o!

ring Hroll again on the rings table to determine 5hat

sortJ% hoever 5ears it believes it is 5or*ing' and

behaves ths Hso a $hara$ter 5ho believes he is

5earing a rin4 o in>isi6ilit2 5ill believe himsel! to

a$tally be invisibleJ% @nli*e the potion o! the same

name' the ringLs e!!e$t is not dispelled by the 5earer

ta*ing damage in !a$t' the only 5ay to rid a $hara$ter o!

this $rsed item is 5ith the spell re5o>e ;rse%

Ginni S;55onin4:  (his ring serves as a spe$ial

gate by means o! 5hi$h a spe$i!i$ dIinni $an be $alled

!rom the lemental ;lane o! Air% hen the ring is

rbbed' the dIinni appears on the ne&t rond% (he dIinni

!aith!lly obeys and serves the 5earer o! the ring' bt

never !or more than 1 hor per day% >! the dIinni o! the

ring is ever *illed' the ring be$omes non-magi$al and



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Fire Resistane:  (he 5earer o! this ring re$eives

prote$tion as the spell resist ire' bt the prote$tion

5or*s $ontinally%

In>isi6ilit2:  y a$tivating this simple silver ring' the5earer $an bene!it !rom in>isi6ilit2' as the spell% >!

the invisibility is dispelled Has des$ribed !or the spellJ'

the ring may not be rea$tivated !or one !ll trn% (he

invisibility e!!e$t other5ise lasts !or 2 hors%

Protetion:  (his ring o!!ers $ontinal magi$al

prote$tion in the !orm o! a bons to the Armor Class o!

the 5earer Hvarying !rom O1 to O3 as sho5n on the

tableJ% (his bons is also applied to the 5earerLs saving

thro5 die rolls%

Re4eneration:  (his ring grants the 5earer the po5er

o! regeneration' e&a$tly as des$ribed in the des$ription

o! the troll' in$lding the 5ea*ness 5ith respe$t to a$id

and !ire damage% o5ever' only damage ta*en 5hile

5earing the ring is regenerated%

Sell Storin4:  A ring o! spell storing $ontains a

nmber o! )agi$-@ser spells that the 5earer $an $ast%

a$h spell has a $aster level e:al to the minimm

level needed to $ast that spell% Any $lass may 5ear

and se this ring' bt it $an only be re$harged by a

)agi$-@ser $asting the appropriate spell into it% A table

is provided belo5 to determine ho5 many spells' and

5hat levels they are% A ring o! spell storing mst be

re$harged 5ith the same spells that 5ere pla$ed into it

5hen it 5as made so a ring o! t5o spell storing

$ontaining ire6all and l2 $an only be re$harged 5ith

those t5o spells% (he ring magi$ally imparts to the

5earer the names o! all spells stored 5ithin it% A ring

!ond in a treasre hoard may be $ompletely $harged'

or dis$harged' or partially $harged' at the G)Ls option%

dK M o Sells dK

Le>el o


01-2 1 01-30 1st

2B- 2 31-BB 2nd

F-6 3 B6-B 3rd

6-1 6-B th

2-F1 B 6-F Bth

F2-F6 6 F-00 6th


Sell T;rnin4:  (his ring re!le$ts spells $ast dire$tly

at the 5earer' bt not area e!!e$t spells' ba$* at the

$aster so a /old erson spell 5old be re!le$ted' bt

not a ire6all% >t 5ill re!le$t p to 2d6 spells be!ore its

po5er is e&hasted%

Tele?inesis:  (he 5earer o! this ring $an se the

po5er o! the spell tele?inesis' as i! $ast by a 12th

level )agi$-@ser% (he e!!e$t may be sed as many

times per day as the 5earer 5ishes' bt lasts only as

long as the 5earer $on$entrates on it%

.ater .al?in4:  (his ring allo5s the 5earer to 5al*

on any li:id as i! it 5ere !irm grond% )d' oil' sno5'

:i$*sand' rnning 5ater' i$e' and even lava $an be

traversed easily' sin$e the 5earerXs !eet hover an in$h

or t5o above the sr!a$e% )olten lava 5ill still $ase

the 5earer damage !rom the heat sin$e he or she is still

near it% (he 5earer $an 5al*' rn' or other5ise move

a$ross the sr!a$e as i! it 5ere normal grond%

.ea?ness:  hoever pts this ring on is $rsed his

or her +trength s$ore is red$ed immediately to 3% (he

ring $an only be removed 5ith re5o>e ;rse%

.is/es:  A ring o! 5ishes $ontains the po5er to grant

5ishes to the 5earer% 1d 5ishes 5ill remain 5ithin the

ring 5hen it is !ond% (he G) mst adIdi$ate all

5ishes' and instr$tions are given in the ,a5e

*aster  se$tion regarding this%


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-Ra2 ision:  "n $ommand' this ring gives its

possessor the ability to see into and throgh solid

matter% Eision range is 20 !eet' 5ith the vie5er seeing

as i! he 5ere loo*ing at something in normal light even

i! there is no illmination% P-ray vision $an penetrate 1

!oot o! stone' 1 in$h o! $ommon metal' or p to 3 !eet o!

5ood or dirt% (hi$*er sbstan$es or a thin sheet o! lead

or gold blo$*s the vision% (he ring may be sed three

times per day' and ea$h se lasts at most one trn Hor

ntil the 5earer $eases to $on$entrate pon itJ%

.ands Sta>es and Rods

 A 5and is a short sti$*' generally 12 to 1 in$hes long'

imbed 5ith the po5er to $ast a spe$i!i$ spell or spell-

li*e e!!e$t% A ne5ly $reated 5and has 20 $harges' and

ea$h se o! the 5and depletes one o! those $harges a

5and !ond in a treasre hoard 5ill have 2d10 $harges

remaining% >! a 5and generates an e!!e$t e:ivalent to

a spell' assme the spell !n$tions as i! $ast by a 6th

level $aster' or the lo5est level $aster 5ho $old $ast

that spell H5hi$hever is higherJ' nless other5ise noted%

ands are generally sable only by )agi$-@sers%

+aving thro5s are rolled as normal' bt on the )agi$

ands $olmn rather than the +pells $olmn%

 A sta!! has a nmber o! di!!erent Hbt o!ten relatedJ spell

e!!e$ts% A ne5ly $reated sta!! has 30 $harges' and

ea$h se o! the sta!! depletes one or more o! those

$harges% A sta!! !ond in a treasre hoard 5ill have

3d10 $harges remaining% +pell e!!e$ts generated by a

sta!! operate at th level' or the lo5est $aster level the

spell $old be $ast by' 5hi$hever is higher' nless

other5ise stated% +taves are sable only by )agi$-

@sers' e&$ept 5here noted% +aving thro5s against

magi$ !rom a sta!! are rolled on the +pells $olmn%

 A rod is a s$epter-li*e item 5ith a spe$ial po5er nli*e

that o! any *no5n spell% Rods are normally sable by

any $lass%

Rod o Canellation: (his dreaded rod is a bane to

magi$ items' !or its to$h drains an item o! all magi$al

properties% >! the item is held by a $reatre' an atta$*

roll is needed to to$h it% @pon draining an item' the

rod itsel! be$omes brittle and $annot be sed again%

Drained items are only restorable by a 8is/%

Sna?e Sta: (his item is a 5al*ing sta!! O1% hen

sed by a Cleri$' the ser may $ommand the sta!! to

trans!orm into a $onstri$tor sna*e Hinstead o! $asing

damageJ on a s$$ess!l hit% (he sna*e 5ill 5rap

arond a target p to man sied and hold him or her

!ast !or 1d trns' nless a save vs% +pells is made%

(he sna*e does not atta$* in any other 5ay' nor $ase

any damage% (he sna*e may be re$alled by the ser at

any point' in 5hi$h $ase it retrns to his or her hand and

retrns to sta!! !orm% >t also retrns in this 5ay 5hen

the dration e&pires' or i! the save is made% (he sna*e

has Armor Class 1B' moves 20L per rond and has 20

hit points any hit points o! damage ta*en are healed

$ompletely 5hen the sna*e retrns to sta!! !orm i! *illed

in sna*e !orm' the magi$ is destroyed and it trns into a

bro*en sti$*% (he sta!! may be sed any nmber o!

times per day' and neither has nor ses $harges%

Sta o Co55andin4: (his sta!! $an $ast /ar5

erson and /ar5 5onster spells' and $an grant a

po5er e:ivalent to a otion o lant ontrol%

a$h !n$tion ses one $harge%

Sta o %ealin4: (his sta!! $an heal 1d6O1 hit

points per $harge e&pended' as the spell ;re li4/t

8o;nds% Alternately' 5ith an e&penditre o! t5o

$harges' the sta!! $an $ast ;re disease% (his sta!!

is only sable by a Cleri$%

Sta o Po8er: (his is a very potent magi$ item'

5ith o!!ensive and de!ensive abilities% >t is sally

topped 5ith a glistening gem' its sha!t straight and

smooth% >t has the !ollo5ing po5ers $osting one $harge


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per se, li4/tnin4 6olt H6d6 damageJ' ire6all H6d6

damageJ' one o old  Has the 5and' !or 6d6

damageJ' ontin;al li4/t' and tele?inesis Has the

ring' lasting at most 1d6 trnsJ% (he sta!! is also a O2

5al*ing sta!!' and $an be sed e&a$tly as a sta o

stri?in4% A sta!! o! po5er $an be sed !or a retribtive

stri*e' re:iring it to be bro*en by its 5ielder% All

$harges $rrently in the sta!! are instantly released in a

30L radis' doing 1d6 damage per $harge remaining

Hsave vs% +pells !or hal! damageJ% All 5ithin the area'

in$lding the 5ielder' are a!!e$ted by this%

 A!ter all $harges are sed p !rom the sta!!' it remains a

O2 5al*ing sta!!% "n$e empty o! $harges' it $annot be

sed !or a retribtive stri*e%

Sta o Stri?in4: (his sta!! has no atta$* bons' bt

is treated as a O1 5eapon 5ith respe$t to 5hat sorts o!

monsters it $an hit Hand is sable by any $lass in that

modeJ% (his sta!!Ls primary po5er may only be sed i!

5ielded by a Cleri$, y ttering a $ommand 5ord' the

Cleri$ may $reate an e!!e$t similar to the spell

stri?in4% &penditre o! one $harge adds 1d6

damage to the 5eaponLs ne&t stri*e e&penditre o! t5o$harges adds 2d6' and e&penditre o! three $harges

adds 3d6 damage% >! the 5eapon is not s$$ess!lly

sed a!ter the $ommand 5ord has been spo*en' the

e!!e$t dissipates a!ter one trn%

Sta o .i@ardr2: (his sta!! is e:ivalent to the

sta o o8er ' above' and has the !ollo5ing po5ers

as 5ell, in>isi6ilit2' ass8all' 8e6' and onG;re

ele5entals Has the spell' bt $onIring sta!!

elementals as des$ribed in the *onsters  se$tionJ%

(hese po5ers ea$h se one $harge 5hen a$tivated%

.and o Cold: (his 5and generates a $oni$al blast

o! $old doing 6d damage Hsave vs% )agi$ ands !or

hal! damageJ% (he $one spreads !rom the tip o! the

5and to a 5idth o! 30L at a distan$e o! 0L a5ay%

.and o Ene52 etetion:  (he e!!e$t o! this

5and is to ma*e all enemies o! the ser 5ithin 60L glo5

5ith a greenish 5hite light !or one rond% ven hidden

or invisible enemies glo5 in this 5ay' revealing them'

bt enemies $ompletely ot o! sight Hs$h as behind a

5allJ may not be seen by the ser% An 8enemy9 is any

$reatre 5hi$h is thin*ing o! or other5ise intending to

harm the ser also' all ndead monsters and animated

$onstr$ts 5ithin range 5ill glo5 in this 5ay regardless

o! intent or thoghts Hor la$* thereo!J%

.and o Fear: (his 5and generates the e!!e$t o! the

spell a;se ear Hthe reverse o! the spell re5o>e

ear J%

.and o Fire6alls: (his 5and generates ire6alls'

e&a$tly as the spell' doing 6d6 damage%

.and o Ill;sion: (his 5and allo5s the ser to

$reate illsions e:ivalent to the spell /antas5al


.and o Li4/tnin4 Bolts: (his 5and generates

li4/tnin4 6olts' e&a$tly as the spell' doing 6d6


.and o *a4i etetion: (his 5and grants the

ser a po5er e:ivalent to the spell detet 5a4i%

.and o Paral2@ation: (his 5and $reates the

e!!e$t o! the spell /old erson%

.and o Pol25or/: (his 5and $an be sed to

$ast either ol25or/ sel  or ol25or/ ot/er %

.and o Seret oor etetion: (his 5and

grants the ser a po5er similar to the spell ind tras'bt 5hi$h reveals se$ret doors rather than traps%

.and o Tra etetion: (his 5and grants the

ser a po5er e:ivalent to the spell ind tras%


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*isellaneo;s *a4i Ite5s

A5;let o Proo a4ainst etetion and

Loation:  (he 5earer o! this item is immne to all

!orms o! s$rying Hin$lding $rystal balls' $lairvoyan$e'

$lairadien$e' and any other means o! lo$ation or

spying at a distan$eJ as 5ell as any !orm o! mind

reading Hs$h as the spell ESPJ% "ther $hara$ters 5ho

remain 5ithin 30L o! the 5earer are also immne to

s$rying' bt not to mind reading%

Ba4 o e>o;rin4:  (his bag appears to be an

ordinary sa$*% Dete$tion !or magi$al properties ma*es

it seem as i! it 5ere a 6a4 o /oldin4' and in !a$t it

per!orms e&a$tly li*e one 5hen !irst sed% o5ever' allitems pla$ed 5ithin disappear !orever 1d6O6 trns later%

(he bag $ontines to 5eigh 5hatever it did a!ter the

items 5ere pla$ed 5ithin it Hthat is' one-tenth the total

5eight o! the itemsJ' ntil it is again opened and

dis$overed to be empty%

Ba4 o %oldin4:  (his appears to be a $ommon $loth

sa$* abot 2 !eet by !eet in sie% (he bag o! holding

opens into an e&tradimensional spa$e' and is able to

hold more than shold be possible, p to B00 ponds o!5eight' and p to 0 $bi$ !eet o! volme% A bag o!

holding 5eighs one-tenth as m$h as the total o! the

obIe$ts held 5ithin% Any obIe$t to be stored in a bag o!

holding mst !it throgh the opening' 5hi$h has a

$ir$m!eren$e o! !eet%

>! the bag is overloaded' or i! sharp obIe$ts pier$e it

H!rom inside or otsideJ' the bag rptres and is rined%

 All $ontents are lost !orever% >! a bag o! holding is

trned inside ot' its $ontents spill ot' nharmed' bt

the bag mst be pt right be!ore it $an be sed again% >!

living $reatres are pla$ed 5ithin the bag' they $an

srvive !or p to one trn' a!ter 5hi$h time they

s!!o$ate% Retrieving a spe$i!i$ item !rom a bag o!

holding ta*es a !ll rond dring 5hi$h no movement

may be made%

Boots o Le>itation:  "n $ommand' these leatherboots allo5 the 5earer to le>itate as i! by the spell o!

the same name%

Boots o Seed:  (he 5earer o! these boots $an

$li$* his or her boot heels together' ths a$tivating a

/aste spell e!!e$t !or p to 10 ronds ea$h day% (he

dration o! the /aste  e!!e$t need not be $onse$tive

ronds the boots $an be trned o!! and on as desired%

Boots o Tra>elin4 and Leain4:  (hese boots

in$rease the 5earerXs base land speed by an additional

10L per rond% >n addition to this traveling ability' these

boots allo5 the 5earer to ma*e great leaps' Imping p

to 10L high andQor 30L a$ross%

Bo8l Co55andin4 .ater Ele5entals:  (his

large $ontainer is sally !ashioned !rom ble or green

semipre$ios stone% >t is abot 1 !oot in diameter' hal!

that deep' and relatively !ragile% hen the bo5l is !illed

5ith !resh 5ater' and $ertain 5ords are spo*en' a 5ater

elemental appears and !ollo5s the $ommands o! the

smmoner Has des$ribed !or the lemental monster

entryJ% (he smmoning 5ords re:ire 1 !ll rond to

spea*% "nly one s$h elemental $an be $alled per day%

Bra@ier Co55andin4 Fire Ele5entals:  (his

devi$e appears to be a normal $ontainer !or holding

brning $oals% hen a !ire is lit in the braier and the

proper smmoning 5ords are spo*en' a !ire elemental

appears and !ollo5s the $ommands o! the smmoner

Has des$ribed !or the lemental monster entryJ% (he

smmoning 5ords re:ire 1 !ll rond to spea*% "nly

one s$h elemental $an be $alled per day%


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Broo5 o Fl2in4:  (his broom is able to !ly throgh

the air !or p to F hors per day Hsplit p as its o5ner

desiresJ% (he broom $an $arry 200 ponds and !ly at a

speed o! 0 !eet' or p to 00 ponds at a speed at 30

!eet% >n addition' the broom $an travel alone to any

destination named by the o5ner as long as he or she

has a good idea o! the lo$ation and layot o! that

destination% >t $omes to its o5ner !rom as !ar a5ay as

300 yards 5hen the $ommand 5ord is spo*en%

Censer Co55andin4 Air Ele5entals:  (his 6-

in$h-5ide' 1-in$h-high per!orated golden vessel

resembles a thrible !ond in a pla$e o! 5orship% >! it is

!illed 5ith in$ense and lit' smmoning 5ords spo*en

over it smmon !orth an air elemental 5hi$h !ollo5s the

$ommands o! the smmoner Has des$ribed !or the

lemental monster entryJ% (he smmoning 5ords

re:ire 1 !ll rond to spea*% "nly one s$h elemental

$an be $alled per day%

Cloa? o islae5ent:  (his item appears to be a

normal $loa*' bt 5hen 5orn by a $hara$ter its magi$al

properties distort and 5arp light 5aves' $asing the

5earerLs apparent lo$ation to shi!t arond $onstantlyover a range o! 3L !rom his or her tre lo$ation% (he !irst

melee or missile atta$* by any $reatre against the

5earer 5ill miss' and all !rther atta$*s by that atta$*er

are made 5ith an atta$* penalty o! -2% (his is not

$mlative 5ith the penalty !or !ighting blind%

Cr2stal Ball: (his is the most $ommon !orm o!

s$rying devi$e' a $rystal sphere abot 6 in$hes in

diameter% (hey may only be sed by )agi$-@sers' 5ho

$an se the devi$e to see over virtally any distan$e% A$rystal ball $an be sed three times per day' !or p to a

trn ea$h time%

(he $han$e o! s$$ess 5hen sing a $rystal ball is as

sho5n belo5% (otal $han$es e:al to or greater than

100N do not re:ire a roll%

no8led4e and Connetion C/ane

+e$ondhand 4no5ledge Hheard o!J 2BN

7irsthand 4no5ledge Hseen brie!lyJ BBN

7amiliar H*no5n 5ellJ FBN

;ossession or garment O2BN

ody part' lo$* o! hair' bit o! nail' et$% OB0N

(he ser o! the $rystal ball is the only one 5ho 5ill see

the image% /o sond 5ill be heard normally% etet

5a4i' detet e>il' and ESP have a 3N $han$e per

level o! the $aster o! operating $orre$tly i! sed 5ith a

$rystal ball%

Cr2stal Ball 8it/ Claira;diene:  (his item 5or*s

e&a$tly li*e the standard $rystal ball' above' bt also

allo5s the ser to hear any sonds in the lo$ation

vie5ed as i! he or she 5ere there%

r;5s o Pani:  (hese drms are *ettle drms

Hhemispheres abot 1-1Q2 !eet in diameter on standsJ%

(hey $ome in pairs and are nremar*able in

appearan$e% >! both o! the pair are sonded' all

$reatres o! less than 6 hit di$e 5ithin 120L H5ith the

e&$eption o! those 5ithin a 20L radis sa!e one arond

the drmsJ mst save vs% +pells or !lee in !ear%   (he

drms $an be sed on$e per day%

Ereeti Bottle:  (his item is typi$ally !ashioned o!

brass or brone' 5ith a lead stopper bearing spe$ial

seals% A thin stream o! smo*e is o!ten seen issing

!rom it% (he bottle $an be opened on$e per day% hen

opened' the e!reeti imprisoned 5ithin isses !rom the

bottle instantly% (here is a 10N $han$e H01–10 on dNJ

that the e!reeti is insane and atta$*s immediately pon

being released% (here is also a 10N $han$e HF1–100J

that the e!reeti o! the bottle grants three 5ishes% >n

either $ase' the e!reeti a!ter5ard disappears !orever%

(he other 0N o! the time H11–F0J' the inhabitant o! the

bottle loyally serves the $hara$ter !or p to an hor per

day !or 101 days Hor ntil the e!reetiXs deathJ' doing as


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he or she $ommands% A!ter 101 days have passed' the

e!reeti is !reed !rom servi$e and may retrn to its

e&tradimensional home% Roll only the !irst time the

bottle is opened Hor the G) may $hoose 5hi$h sort o!

bottle is !ond as he or she desiresJ%

El>en Boots:  (hese so!t boots enable the 5earer to

move :ietly in virtally any srrondings' granting a

F0N $han$e o! s$$ess 5hen moving silently Has the

(hie! ability o! the same nameJ%

El>en Cloa?:  (his $loa* o! netral gray $loth is

indistingishable !rom an ordinary $loa* o! the same

$olor% o5ever' 5hen 5orn 5ith the hood dra5n p

arond the head' the 5earer be$omes nearly invisible'

granting an 0N $han$e that the 5earer $an move

abot nnoti$ed% >! dete$ted by onloo*ers' the 5earer

$an be atta$*ed 5ithot signi!i$ant penalty%

Fl2in4 Caret:  (his rg is able to !ly throgh the air

on $ommand% A !lying $arpet is typi$ally BL & L in sie

and $an $arry p to B00 ponds at a movement rate o!

100L per rond' or p to 1000 ponds Hits ma&imm

$apa$ityJ at a rate o! B0L per rond% A !lying $arpet $an

!ly at any speed p to its ma&imm' and $an hover on


,a;ntlets o O4re Po8er:  (hese gantlets are

made o! togh leather 5ith iron stds rnning a$ross

the ba$* o! the hands and !ingers% (hey grant the

5earer a +trength bons o! O Hinstead o! his or her

o5n +trength bonsJ% oth gantlets mst be 5orn !or

the magi$ to be e!!e$tive%

,irdle o ,iant Stren4t/:  (his item grants the

5earer the +trength o! a giant% 7or so long as it is

5orn' the 5earer gains a +trength bons o! OB Hinstead

o! his or her o5n +trength bonsJ' and $an thro5 large

stones Ist as a stone giant does%

%el5 o Readin4 Lan4;a4es and *a4i:

 Appearing as a normal helmet' this helm  grants its

5earer the ability to nderstand the spo*en 5ords o!

any $reatre and to read te&t in any langage and any

magi$al 5riting% /ote that the limitations des$ribed

nder the spell read lan4;a4es apply to this devi$e

also% @nderstanding a magi$al te&t does not

ne$essarily imply spell se%

%el5 o Teleat/2:  (he 5earer $an read the

sr!a$e thoghts o! a target $reatre 5ithin F0L as i!

sing the spell ESP% 7rthermore' he or she $an send

a telepathi$ message to anyone 5hose sr!a$e

thoghts are ths being read Hallo5ing t5o-5ay

$ommni$ationJ% (his helm may be sed p to three

times per day%

%el5 o Teleortation:  A $hara$ter 5earing this

devi$e may teleort three times per day' e&a$tly as i!

he or she had $ast the spell o! the same name%

%orn o Blastin4:  (his horn appears to be a normal

trmpet% >t $an be sonded as a normal horn' bt i! the

$ommand 5ord is spo*en and the instrment is then

played' it deals 2d6 points o! damage to $reatres

5ithin a $one 0L long and 0L 5ide at the !ar end' and

$ases them to be dea!ened !or 2d6 ronds% A!!e$ted

$reatres may save vs% Death Ray' ta*ing hal! damage

and avoiding dea!ness i! the save is made% Crystalline

$reatres ta*e doble damage% /onliving $reatres are

generally immne to dea!ness' bt still s!!er damage

as des$ribed%

>! a horn o! blasting is sed magi$ally more than on$e in

a given day' there is a 10N $mlative $han$e 5ith

ea$h e&tra se that it e&plodes and deals 3d6 points o!

damage to the person sonding it%


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ie Roll Le>el 1 Le>el # Le>el 3

1 ee' Giant eetle' Giant ombardier Ant' Giant

2 Goblin 7ly' Giant Ape' Carnivoros

3 Green +limeS Ghol eetle' Giant (iger  

4obold Gnoll gbear  

B /;C ;arty, Adventrer Gray "oe Doppleganger  

6 /;C ;arty, andit obgoblin GargoyleS

"r$ #iard )an Gelatinos Cbe

+*eleton /;C ;arty, Adventrer #y$anthrope' ereratS

F +na*e' Cobra +na*e' ;it Eiper "gre

10 +pider' Giant Crab +pider' Giant la$* ido5 +hado5S

11 +tirge (roglodyte (enta$le orm

12 ol! ombie ightS

ie Roll Le>el '& Le>el 7 Le>el +

1 ear' Cave asilis* la$* ;dding

2 Cae$ilia' Giant la$* ;dding Chimera

3 Co$*atri$e Cae$ilia Giant' ill

Doppleganger Displa$er Giant' +tone

B Gray "oe ydra ydra

6 ellhond #y$anthrope' eretigerS #y$anthrope' ereboarS

#y$anthrope' ere5ol!S )mmyS ;rple orm

)inotar "5lbear +alamander' 7lameS

F "$hre .ellyS Rst )onsterS +alamander' 7rostS

10 "5lbear +$orpion' Giant EampireS

11 Rst )onsterS +pe$treS

12 raithS (roll

.ilderness Eno;nters

(he Game )aster shold $he$* !or random en$onters in the 5ilderness abot every !or hors o! game time this

translates ni$ely to three night $he$*s and three daytime $he$*s% >! yor players $hoose to stand three night

5at$hes' yo simply $he$* !or ea$h 5at$h in the daytime' $he$* morning' a!ternoon' and evening%


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(o $he$* !or a 5ilderness en$onter' roll 1d6 on a roll o! 1' an en$onter o$$rs% >! a 5ilderness en$onter is

indi$ated' roll 2d on the appropriate table belo5% (he Game )aster shold thin* $are!lly abot ho5 the

en$onter happens $he$* !or srprise in advan$e' and i! the monster is not srprised' it may be $onsidered to have

had time to set p an ambsh Hat the G)Ls optionJ%

ie Roll esert or Barren ,rassland In/a6ited Territories

2 Dragon' le Dragon' Green Dragon' Gold

3 ellhond (roll Ghol

Giant' 7ire 7ly' Giant gbear  

B ;rple orm +$orpion' Giant Goblin

6 7ly' Giant /;C ;arty, andit Centar  

+$orpion' Giant #ion /;C ;arty, andit

Camel oar' ild /;C ;arty, )er$hant

F +pider' Giant (arantla /;C ;arty, )er$hant /;C ;arty, ;ilgrim

10 /;C ;arty, )er$hant ol! /;C ;arty, /oble

11 a5* ee' Giant Dog

12 /;C ;arty, andit Gnoll GargoyleS

13 "gre Goblin Gnoll

1 Gri!!on lin* Dog "gre

1B Gnoll ol!' Dire )inotar  

16 Dragon' Red Giant' ill EampireS


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ie Roll J;n4le *o;ntains or %ills Oean

2 Dragon' Green Dragon' hite Dragon' +ea

3 /;C ;arty, andit Ro$ H1d6, 1-3 #arge'

-B ge'

6 GiantJ


Goblin Displa$er hale' +perm

B obgoblin #y$anthrope' ere5ol!S Cro$odile' Giant

6 Centipede' Giant )ontain #ion Crab' Giant

+na*e' Giant ;ython ol! hale' 4iller  

lephant +pider' Giant Crab "$tops' Giant

F Antelope a5* +har*' )a*o

10 .agar "r$ /;C ;arty, )er$hant

11 +tirge at' Giant /;C ;arty, $$aneer H;irateJ

12 eetle' Giant (iger a5*' Giant +har*' ll

13 Cae$ilia' Giant Giant' ill Ro$ H1d, 1-B ge' 6- GiantJ

1 +hado5S Chimera +har*' Great hite

1B /;C ;arty, )er$hant ol!' Dire )ermaid

16 #y$anthrope' eretigerS Dragon' Red +ea +erpent

ie Roll Ri>er or Ri>erside S8a5 .oods or Forest

2 Dragon' la$* Dragon' la$* Dragon' Green

3 7ish' Giant ;iranha +hado5S Ali$orn Hsee @ni$ornJ

+tirge (roll (reant

B 7ish' Giant ass #iard' Giant Dra$o "r$

6 /;C ;arty, )er$hant Centipede' Giant oar' ild

#iardman #ee$h' Giant ear' la$*

Cro$odile #iardman a5*' Giant

F 7rog' Giant Cro$odile Antelope

10 7ish' Giant Cat!ish +tirge ol!  

11 /;C ;arty, $$aneer "r$ "gre

12 (roll (oad' Giant Hsee 7rog' GiantJ ear' ro5n

13 .agar (roglodyte ol!' Dire

1 /i&ie lood Rose Giant' ill

1B ater (ermite' Giant angman (ree "5lbear  

16 Dragon' Green asilis* @ni$orn


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Cit2 To8n or illa4e Eno;nters

>tLs important !or the Game )aster to remember that' nli*e dngeon or 5ilderness environments' $ities' to5ns and

villages are bsy pla$es% Dring the day' most to5ns 5ill have people on the streets more or less all the time the

absen$e o! people on the streets is o!ten an indi$ation o! something interesting% y night' m$h o! the to5n 5ill bedar* and :iet' and en$onters 5ill be mostly (hieves or other nsavory types bt near poplar eating Hor drin*ingJ

establishments' people o! all sorts are still li*ely to be en$ontered% (he G) mst ma*e sre that his or her

des$riptions o! the to5n environment ma*e this $lear o! $orse' this 5ill also ma*e it harder !or the players to

identi!y 8real9 en$onters%

(he G) is en$oraged to $reate his or her o5n en$onter

tables !or se in ea$h $ity' to5n or village $reated Hor

assign en$onters by other means i! desiredJ ho5ever' a

set o! 8generi$9 en$onter tables are provided belo5 !or

those times 5hen s$h preparation has not been$ompleted% Roll 2d6 on the table belo5 to determine 5hat

sort o! en$onter o$$rs a des$ription o! ea$h type o!

en$onter appears belo5 the table%

ie Roll a2 Eno;nter Ni4/t Eno;nter 

2 Doppleganger Doppleganger  

3 /oble +hado5S

(hie! ;ress Gang

B lly eggar  

6 City at$h (hie!  

)er$hant lly

eggar )er$hant

F ;riest Giant Rat

10 )er$enary City at$h

11 iard iard

12 #y$anthrope' ereratS #y$anthrope' ereratS


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Be44ar   en$onters 5ill o!ten begin 5ith a single

beggar approa$hing the party' bt there 5ill generally

be 2d beggars in the area' and i! any party member

gives anything to the !irst beggar' the others 5ill

des$end on the party li*e !lies% a$h beggar is F0N

li*ely to be a normal man' and 10N li*ely to be a 1st

level (hie!' possibly s$oting !or the (hieves Gild or a

lo$al gang%

B;ll2 en$onters 5ill be 5ith 2d yong toghs ea$h

is 0N li*ely to be a normal man' 30N li*ely to be a 1st

level 7ighter% llies generally appear narmed'

depending on their bra5ling ability in a !ight Hbt

*eeping a dagger or shorts5ord hidden' to be sed in

$ase the !ight is going against themJ% llies $an be a

bit npredi$table' s$h that the G) may 5ant to se a

rea$tion roll to determine the leaderLs mood%

Cit2 .at/ en$onters 5ill be 5ith 2d6 5at$hmen' all

1st level 7ighters save !or the s:ad leader' 5ho 5ill be

!rom 2nd

  throgh th  level% (hey 5ill $on!ront

8sspi$ios-loo*ing9 $hara$ters' bt generally 5ill need

a good reason be!ore they attempt to arrest or

other5ise inter!ere 5ith player $hara$ters%

ole4an4er en$onters 5ill' o! $orse' appear to

be some other type o! en$onter the G) shold roll

again to determine 5hat the doppleganger is

mas:erading as% 1d6 dopplegangers 5ill be

en$ontered any e&tra grop members 5ill be hmans

5ho do not *no5 they are traveling in the $ompany o!

shapeshi!ting monsters% >! the party is 8interesting9 to

the dopplegangers' one or more o! the monsters 5ill

attempt to !ollo5 them and repla$e a party member Hasdes$ribed in the monster des$riptionJ% >n many $ases'

player $hara$ter parties 5ill not dis$over the tre natre

o! the en$onter ntil m$h later%

,iant Rat en$onters 5ill generally involve alleys' the

do$*s' or other 8lo59 pla$es% Rats are generally not

dangeros nless provo*ed' bt i! srprised they may

atta$*% +ee the monster des$ription !or details o! this

en$onter type%

L2ant/roe .ererat en$onters 5ill appear to be

some other type o! en$onter' either another sort o!

8normal9 en$onter or a giant rat en$onter Hdepending

on the $ir$mstan$esJ% ererats are $o5ardly and 5ill

not atta$* a party o! e:al or larger sie%

*erenar2 en$onters 5ill involve 2d6 members o! a

mer$enary $ompany' going abot some bsiness or

other% A mer$enary leader may o!!er a position to

7ighter-$lassed player $hara$ters i! they have any

reptation at all%

*er/ants are a $ommon !eatre o! to5ns' and may

be en$ontered per!orming any sort o! bsiness% As

5ith mer$enary en$onters' mer$hants may o!!er Iobs

to interesting player $hara$ters' parti$larly those 5ith

good reptations% +ee Creatin4 an NPC Part2'

belo5' !or details on this type o! en$onter% HA

mer$hant in a to5n may not have a !ll entorage as

des$ribed belo5 the G) shold se his or her

dis$retion in $reating the en$onter%J

No6les en$ontered may also o!!er positions to player

$hara$ters' or possibly o!!er a re5ard !or some

dangeros tas*% ;layer $hara$ters 5ith bad reptations

may be $on!ronted' ordered to leave to5n' or even

arrested i! the noble is able to $all !or the $ity 5at$h%

H+ee Creatin4 an NPC Part2' belo5' !or details on

this type o! en$onter%J A noble in a to5n may not have

a !ll entorage as des$ribed belo5 the G) shold se

his or her dis$retion in $reating the en$onter%


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Press ,an4s 5ill $onsist o! 2d6 7ighters' all 1st  level

e&$ept !or one or t5o leaders o! 2nd

  throgh Bth  level%

(hey 5ill be armed 5ith blnt 5eapons or possibly 5ill

!ight 5ith their bare hands' sin$e their goal is to $aptre

rather than *ill player $hara$ters ho5ever' it is li*ely

that at least some members o! a press gang 5ill have

daggers or s5ords on their persons in $ase a serios

!ight brea*s ot% A press gang 5ill not $on!ront a party

o! e:al or greater sie nless the party is obviosly

5ea*ened' drn*' et$% >! the party loses' they 5ill

a5a*en aboard a ship at sea or in a military $amp

Hdepending on 5hether sailors or soldiers $aptred

themJ' narmed and at the mer$y o! their $aptors%

Priest en$onters 5ill sally be similar to a grop o!

pilgrims Hsee Creatin4 an NPC Part2' belo5' !or

detailsJ' thogh the grop en$ontered 5ill not be as

large as 5old be en$ontered in the 5ilderness%

Generally' a single priest o! 1st throgh

th  level 5ill be

en$ontered' a$$ompanied by 1d o! the !aith!l%

S/ado8 en$onters in a to5n 5ill be m$h li*e thesame en$onter ndergrond see the monster

des$ription !or details%

T/ie en$onters 5ill be 5ith a grop o! 1d6 (hieves'

generally disgised as ordinary to5nsmen or

sometimes as beggars% "ne (hie! in the grop 5ill be

!rom 2nd

 to th level' 5ith the others being 1

st level only%

(hey 5ill see* to steal !rom the party' o! $orse' nless

5at$hed very $are!lly%

.i@ard en$onters 5ill involve a )agi$-@ser o! th

throgh th level' a$$ompanied by 1d-1 apprenti$es o!

1st level% (he G) mst de$ide on the temperament and

mood o! the 5iard%


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Creatin4 An NPC Part2


 A party o! /;C adventrers

5ill sally $onsist o! -

$hara$ters' as !ollo5s, 1d3

7ighters' 1d2 (hieves' 1d2

Cleri$s' and 1d2-1 )agi$-

@sers% @sally the

$hara$ters 5ill all be o!

similar levels a!ter de$iding

5hat average level the party

shold be' yo may 5ish to

ma*e a !e5 o! the

$hara$ters lo5er levels Hto

re!le$t the sal

8repla$ements9 broght in

5hen some $hara$ters dieJ%

(he Game )aster mst

$hoose the ra$eHsJ o! the /;C adventrers to sit the

region they are !ond in Hor $ome !romJ% ;robably 0N

or more o! adventrers are man' 10N are D5arves'

6N are al!ling and the remaining N lvish% >! the

/;C adventrer party is evil' the G) may $hoose to

repla$e some party members 5ith hmanoid monsters

s$h as or$s' hobgoblins' or gnolls%

(he party may be rivals 5ith the player $hara$ters'

vying !or the same treasres' or they may a$tally be

enemies' evil maraders that the player $hara$ters

mst de!eat% >t is' o! $orse' possible that the /;C

adventrers are allied or other5ise !riendly 5ith the

player $hara$ters' bt this may ma*e things too easy !or

the players%

Bandits Bri4ands and %i4/8a25en

 A party o! bandits 5ill generally $onsist o! 2d12 1st level

7ighters and 1d6 1st level (hieves' led by a 7ighter or

(hie! o! 2nd

 to Bth level H1dO1J or by one o! ea$h $lass

Hi! there are 11 or more 1st  level members totalJ% >n the

5ilderness' bandits 5ill generally have horses or other

steeds appropriate to the terrain Hstolen' o! $orseJ as

5ell as light armor' s5ords and bo5s or $rossbo5s%

Determine magi$ items as given belo5 !or the leaders

only ran*-and-!ile members 5ill not normally have

magi$ items%

>n their lair or hideot' a party o! bandits 5ill generally

have type A treasre H5ith magi$ items omitted sin$e

they 5ill have already been generated sing the rles


B;aneers and Pirates

(he di!!eren$e bet5een b$$aneers

and pirates is largely a :estion o!

5hat they 5ish to be $alled

5hatever yo $all them' they are

5aterborne e:ivalents o! bandits'

atta$*ing other ships or raiding $oastal to5ns !or


 A b$$aneer party 5ill $onsist o! 3d 1st  level 7ighters'

led by a 7ighter o! 3rd  to 6

th  level H1dO2J and 1d3

7ighters o! 2nd

  to Bth  level% All 5ill be e&perien$ed at

handling ships' o! $orse% (hey 5ill be narmored or

armored only in leather' and 5ill be armed 5ith s5ords

and bo5s or $rossbo5s%

+eagoing pirates may appear in larger nmbers' bt the

nmber o! leader-types 5ill be similar to that given

above% Generate magi$ items !or leaders only as

des$ribed belo5% A shipload o! pirates or b$$aneers

5ill have a type A treasre' 5ith magi$ items omitted


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(he remainder o! the party is rather random in natre

most pilgrim grops in$lde 3d6 normal men Hor 5omen

i! the religion allo5s 5omen to go on pilgrimagesJ' 1d6

7ighters o! level 1- Hroll !or ea$hJ 5ith $hainmail and

longs5ord' and 1d (hieves o! level 1- Hea$h o! 5hom

may be a genine devot person' or possibly Ist on the

lamJ% (here is also a B0N $han$e o! a single )agi$-

@ser o! level 1- being 5ith the party%

;ilgrims sally travel light' $arrying a single bag ea$h

and 5al*ing or riding mles or horses% (he pilgrim

party 5ill most li*ely be bringing o!!erings o! some sort

to their destination generate a type A treasre !or this

prpose% >! magi$ items are indi$ated' they 5ill most

li*ely not be sed by any o! the /;Cs as they have

already been dedi$ated to the god or pantheon%

*a4i Ite5s or NPCs

/;Cs 5ill generally have magi$ items in proportion to

their $lass and level assme a BN $han$e per level

that any given 7ighter' (hie! or Cleri$ /;C 5ill have a

magi$ 5eapon or magi$ armor Hroll !or 5eapon and

armor separately !or ea$h /;CJ% Regardless o! level' a

roll o! F6-00 shold be $onsidered a !ailre% )agi$-

@sers 5ill have a Ring o! ;rote$tion Hroll the bons as

sal !or the itemJ on a roll o! N per level' and a magi$

dagger or 5al*ing sta!! on a roll o! 3N per level%

>n addition' assme a 2N per level $han$e that any

given $hara$ter 5ill have a potion' and 3N per level that

a Cleri$ or )agi$-@ser 5ill have a s$roll o! some sort%

7inally' add p the levels o! all members o! the party'

and se this nmber as a per$entage $han$e that a

)is$ellaneos )agi$ item 5ill be !ond among them% >!

the roll is made' divide the nmber by t5o and roll

again i! the se$ond roll is made' t5o s$h items are

!ond% >! the party has more than 3 members' yo

might 5ish to divide the nmber in hal! again and roll !or

a third s$h item% Assign the )is$ellaneos )agi$ item

or items to 5hi$hever party members seem most

appropriate' or roll randomly i! yo $anLt de$ide%

e5i%;5an Parties

>t is assmed above that /;C parties 5ill be man' or

predominantly so bt the Game )aster may $hoose to

present parties o! lves' D5arves' or al!lings !rom

time to time% >n general' a party o! demi-hmans 5ill be

homogeneosK% an l! party 5old $onsist o! all lves'

!or instan$e% >! en$ontered in the territory o! another

ra$e' the demi-hman party might in$lde a gide hired

to lead them to their destination% 7or e&ample' the l!

party mentioned above might hire a man gide tohelp them 5hen traveling throgh a man $ontry%

(he Game )aster may simply se the !igres given

above 5hen generating s$h parties% "ne thing that

the G) mst de$ide is 5hether or not the 8normal men9

rles apply to demi-hmansK are there 8normal elves9

!or instan$e? (his de$ision is le!t to the G)% >! there

are s$h $hara$ters' they 5ill have the same ra$ial

abilities as others o! their ra$e' bt 5ill !ight 5ith an

 Atta$* ons o! O0 Ist as normal men do% >! there are

no s$h $hara$ters in the $ampaign 5orld' then simply

sbstitte 1st  level 7ighters !or the normal men listed



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ealin4 8it/ Pla2ers

C/arater Creation Otions

(he standard $hara$ter $reation rles $all !or rolling 3d6

!or ea$h Ability +$ore in order% ;layers may $omplain

that they $anLt $reate the sort o! $hara$ters they 5ant to

play% ere are several options yo may $hoose !rom i!

yo 5ish to ma*e things easier !or yor players% /ote

that the players mst not be allo5ed to demand these

options itLs prely the de$ision o! the Game )aster%

Point S8ain4:  Allo5 the player to 8move9 points

!rom one Ability +$ore to another' at a rate o! -2 to one

s$ore !or ea$h O1 added to the other% (he ma&imm

s$ore is still 1 Hor the ra$ial ma&imm i! lo5erJ' and the

player shold not be allo5ed to lo5er any s$ore belo5


Sore S8ain4:  #et the player e&$hange any t5o

 Ability +$ores' on$e per $hara$ter%

T/e F;ll S/;le:  #et the player arrange the si&

 Ability +$ore vales as he or she 5ishes% (his allo5s

the most $stomiation !or the player' bt on the other

hand yo may !ind that all player $hara$ters in yor

$ampaign begin to loo* very m$h ali*e% >tLs not

n$ommon !or players to 8dmp9 the lo5est statisti$ in

Charisma' !or instan$e%

%oeless C/araters

+ometimes a player 5ill loo* at the si& s$ores rolled'

and de$lare the $hara$ter 8hopeless%9 (he Game

)aster shold al5ays allo5 the player to s$rap a

$hara$ter 5ith less than F in the !irst !or s$ores Hsin$eall !or $lasses 5old be navailable to that $hara$terJ%

o5ever' yo as the Game )aster might $hoose to

allo5 the player to reroll a $hara$ter 5ith s$ores that are

overall belo5 average even i! the $hara$ter isnLt as

8hopeless9 as this%

ereLs a sggestion, +m p the Ability +$ore bonses

or penalties that apply to the $hara$ter% >! the total is

negative' $onsider the $hara$ter belo5 average' and

allo5 the player to s$rat$h the entire set o! s$ores and

reroll% >! the total is ero' the $hara$ter is 8average'9

and the player probably shold go ahead and play the

$hara$ter as rolled% "bviosly' i! the total is greater

than ero' the $hara$ter shold be played as rolled%

A;isition o Sells

Cleri$s have an obvios advantage over )agi$-@sers'

in that' in theory' they have a$$ess to any spell o! any

level 5hi$h they $an $ast% o5ever' note that Cleri$s

are limited in their spell sele$tion based on their deity'

!aith or ethos !or instan$e' a Cleri$ o! the goddess o!

healing shold not be srprised that his or her deity

re!ses to grant reversed healing spells% >! a Cleri$

prays !or a spell that is not allo5ed' the Game )aster

may $hoose to grant the $hara$ter a di!!erent spell' or

optionally Hi! the deity is angeredJ no spell at all !or that


)agi$-@sers begin play *no5ing t5o spells' read

5a4i  pls one other Hnless the G) grants more

starting spellsJ% a$h time the $hara$ter gains a level'

he or she gains the ability to $ast more spells in

addition' every other level the )agi$-@ser gains a$$ess

to the ne&t higher level spells Hntil all levels are

availableJ% o5ever' gaining the ability to $ast these

spells does not ne$essarily mean the )agi$-@ser

instantly learns ne5 spells%

 As previosly des$ribed' )agi$-@sers may learn spells

by being taght by another )agi$-@ser' or by stdying

another )agi$-@serLs spellboo*% >! being taght' a spell

$an be learned in a single day resear$hing another

)agi$-@serLs spellboo* ta*es one day per spell level%


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>n either $ase' the spell learned mst be trans$ribed

into the )agi$-@serLs o5n spellboo*' at a $ost o! B00 gp

per spell level trans$ribed%

 A )agi$-@ser may add a ne5 spell o! any level he orshe may $ast at any point ho5ever' spells o! higher

levels may not be learned or added to the )agi$-@serLs

spellboo*% (he )agi$-@ser mst !ind a tea$her or

a$:ire a re!eren$e 5or* Hs$h as another )agi$-@serLs

spellboo*J in order to learn ne5 spells' and the $ost o!

s$h is in addition to the $osts given above% "!ten a

)agi$-@ser 5ill maintain a relationship 5ith his or her

original master' 5ho 5ill tea$h the $hara$ter ne5 spells

either !or !ree or in retrn !or servi$es% +ometimes t5o

)agi$-@sers 5ill agree to e&$hange *no5n spells%

o5ever' in many $ases the only option available to a

)agi$-@ser 5ill be to pay another )agi$-@ser Ho!ten an

/;CJ any5here !rom 100 gp to 1000 gp per spell level

in retrn !or s$h training%

)agi$-@sers may also $reate entirely ne5 spells Hor

alter e&isting spellsJ see the )agi$ Resear$h rles'

belo5' !or details%

.eaon and Ar5or Restritions

+everal ra$es and $lasses have 5eapon andQor armor

restri$tions applied to them% hat happens 5hen a

player de$lares that his or her $hara$ter is going to se

a prohibited 5eapon or 5ear prohibited armor?

Cleris:  (he prohibition against edged 5eapons is a

matter o! !aith !or Cleri$s% (here!ore' i! a Cleri$ ses a

prohibited 5eapon' he or she immediately loses a$$ess

to his or her spells as 5ell as the po5er to (rn the

@ndead% A higher-level /;C Cleri$ o! the same !aith

mst assign some :est to the mis$reant' 5hi$h he or

she mst $omplete' in order to atone and regain his or

her po5ers% >! the $hara$ter is nrepentant' then he or

she is $hanged permanently !rom a Cleri$ to a 7ighter%

Re!igre the $hara$terLs level' applying the $rrent P;

total to the 7ighter table to determine this% it points

and atta$* bons remain the same $hange the atta$*

bons only a!ter a ne5 level is gained as a 7ighter' and

roll 7ighter hit di$e as normal 5hen levels are gained%

*a4i!sers:  (hese $hara$ters are simply ntrained

in any 5eapon other than those normally allo5ed to

them' and shold s!!er a -B atta$* penalty 5hen sing

any prohibited 5eapon% A )agi$-@ser in armor $anLt

$ast spells at all any s$h attempt !ails' and the spell is


T/ie>es:  earing armor heavier' more restri$tive

andQor noisier than leather armor prevents the se o!

any (hie! ability' in$lding the +nea* Atta$* ability%

(hieves may $hoose to 5ear s$h armor' bt this only

ma*es them a poor e&$se !or a 7ighter%

8ar>es and %allin4s:  (hese $hara$ters are

prohibited !rom sing large 5eapons' mainly de to

their small statre and relatively lo5 5eight% >tLs hard to

s5ing a 5eapon 5hen the 5eapon is trying to s5ing

yo% >! s$h a $hara$ter tries to se a prohibited

5eapon' the Game )aster may either apply a -B atta$*

penalty based on the di!!i$lty o! sing the 5eapon' or

alternately de$lare the attempt ns$$ess!l' at his or

her option%

J;d4in4 .is/es

ishes are one o! the most potentially nbalan$ing

things in the game% ith a $are!lly 5orded 5ish' a

player $hara$ter $an ma*e s5eeping' dramati$ $hanges

in the game 5orld' possibly even re5riting history%

e!ore allo5ing the player $hara$ters in yor game

a$$ess to even one 5ish' thin* abot ho5 yo 5ill deal

5ith it%


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ishes are granted by a variety o! beings% ven 5hen

a 5ish $omes !rom a devi$e Ha ring or a s5ord' !or

instan$eJ' some e&tradimensional being' god or devil or

5hatever' has pla$ed that 5ish in the devi$e% A 5ish

5ill tend to !rther the goals o! the granting being i! the

granter is an evil e!reeti' !or instan$e' it 5ill attempt to

t5ist the meaning or intent o! the 5ish so that it does

not really a$$omplish 5hat the player $hara$ter 5ants%

"n the other hand' i! the granter is one o! the good

po5ers' it 5ill grant the 5ish as intended so long at the

player $hara$ter isnLt being greedy or spite!l%

Game balan$e is the main isse that mst be

$onsidered% @sing a 5ish to heal the entire party'

teleport everyone 5ithot error to a distant lo$ation' or

to avoid or redo a $atastrophi$ battle' is reasonable% A

5ish that a $hara$ter be restored to li!e and health is

reasonable' bt a 5ish that not only restores bt also

improves the $hara$ter is not%

>n general' a 5ish is granted 5ith at least literala$$ra$yK the 5ords o! the 5ish mst be !l!illed% (he

e&$eption is 5ishes that are nreasonable !or game

balan$e prposes they are still at least literally

interpreted' bt may be only partially granted% >n the

last e&ample above' !or instan$e' the granting po5er

5old li*ely restore the $hara$ter to li!e and health bt

ignore the 8improvements9 5ished !or%

Otional R;les

eat/ and 2in4

(he rles state that' at ero hit points' the $hara$ter is

dead% >! this is too harsh !or yo' here are several

approa$hes to $hanging the sitation,

Raise ead:  (he !irst approa$h doesnLt $hange the

rles a bit% Arrange matters so that $hara$ters *illed in

an adventre $an be easily raised Hbt at a sbstantial

$ostJ% (his not only 8deals9 5ith the mortality isse' it

also soa*s p e&$ess treasre' preventing the player

$hara$ters !rom be$oming too ri$h to be interested in

adventring% >t also tends to re5ard the $atios Hsin$e

they get to *eep their gold more o!tenJ%

hat i! the $hara$ters donLt have enogh money 5hen

they die to a!!ord to be raised? Allo5 the lo$al

religios establishment to raise  dead adventrers in

retrn !or their indentreK that is' the adventrers'

pon being restored to li!e' o5e the $hr$h or temple

the money it 5old have $ost to be raised' or an

euivalent service% (hs' the lo$al religios leaders5old have a ready pool o! adventrers to nderta*e

dangeros missions !or them%

t the adventrerHsJ are deadK ho5 $an they agree to

the indentre? (here are t5o options, the priests $an

se sea? 8it/ dead  to attain agreement' or the

adventrers $an sign an agreement 5ith the $hr$h

be!ore leaving on the potentially dangeros adventre%

(he latter might even be $onsidered a standard

pro$edre in some pla$es%

Sa>e >s" eat/:  (he !irst a$tal rle alteration is to

allo5 $hara$ters red$ed to ero hit points to save vs%

Death Ray to avoid death% >! the save is !ailed' the

$hara$ter is immediately dead' Ist as in the normal

rles% >! the save is made' the $hara$ter remains alive


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!or 2d10 ronds i! the $hara$terLs 5onds are bond

Hor he or she re$eives healing magi$J 5ithin this time

!rame' death is averted% (he $hara$ter remains

n$ons$ios !or the !ll 2d10 ronds rolled' either dying

i! le!t ntreated or a5a*ening i! his or her 5onds are


inding the 5onds o! the dying $hara$ter stabilies

him or her at ero hit points% /on-magi$al healing 5ill

re:ire a !ll 5ee* to restore the !irst hit point a!ter this'

healing pro$eeds at the normal rate%

)agi$al healing 5ill restore the $hara$ter to 5hatever

total is rolled on the healing die roll Hp to the sal

ma&imm o! $orseJ%

/ote that any spell$aster red$ed to ero hit points 5ho

sbse:ently srvives loses all remaining prepared


(his rle might be $ombined 5ith the sggestions nder

Raise Dead' above%

Ne4ati>e %it Points:  >nstead o! stopping at ero hit

points' *eep tra$* o! the $rrent negative !igre% At the

end o! ea$h rond a!ter he or she !alls' the $hara$terloses an additional hit point% >! a total o! -10 is rea$hed'

the $hara$ter is dead% e!ore this point is rea$hed' the

$hara$ter may have his or her 5onds bond andQor

re$eive magi$al healing' 5hi$h 5ill stabilie the

$hara$ter% (he inIred $hara$ter may not move more

than a !e5 !eet 5ithot help' nor !ight' nor $ast spells'

ntil his or her hit points are again greater than ero%

(his rle shold not   be $ombined 5ith the +ave vs%

Death option%

.st as 5ith the Sa>e >s" eat/  rle' spell$asters

5ho srvive being red$ed to ero or negative hit points

lose all $rrently prepared spells%

 As a !rther option' the G) may $hoose to se a

negative nmber e:al to the $hara$terLs Constittion

s$ore rather than a straight -10%

Sa>e or ie Poison

;oisons' as des$ribed in the

n$onter and )onster

se$tions' *ill $hara$ters

instantly% Game )asters

may !ind this ma*es the

mortality rate o! player

$hara$ters a bit too high%

"n the other hand' poisons

s/o;ld be s$ary% ereLs

an optional rle 5hi$h may

ma*e things a bit easier

5ithot entirely removing

the !ear !rom poison,

here a 8save or die9 poison is indi$ated' the vi$tim

mst ma*e a save vs% ;oison or s!!er 1d6 damage per

rond !or 6 ronds' starting the rond !ollo5ing the

e&posre to the poison this is an average o! 21 points

o! damage' bt even a !irst level $hara$ter might srvive

5ith a $ombination o! l$* and healing magi$% (he G)

may $reate poisons 5hi$h vary !rom these !igres' o!

$orse% >! the Ne4ati>e %it Points optional rle is

being sed' it is sggested to in$rease the poison

dration to 10 ronds Han average 3B pointsJ%

A8ardin4 E=eriene Points or

Treas;re ,ained

(he Game )aster may also assign e&perien$e points

!or treasre gained' at a rate o! 1 G; 1 P;% (his is

optional G)s 5ishing to advan$e their players to

higher levels more :i$*ly may $hoose to do this' 5hile

those pre!erring a more leisrely pa$e shold omit it% >!

e&perien$e is a5arded !or treasre' it shold be


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a5arded only !or treasre a$:ired and retrned to a

pla$e o! sa!ety% Alternately' the G) may re:ire

treasre to be spent on training in order to $ont it !or

e&perien$e% (his is a highly e!!e$tive 5ay to remove

e&$ess treasre !rom the $ampaign%

A6ilit2 Rolls

(here 5ill be times 5hen a player $hara$ter tries to do

something in the game that seems to have no rle

$overing it% >n some o! those $ases' the only attribte

the ;C has that seems appropriate may be an Ability

+$ore% ere is a sggested method !or ma*ing rolls

against Ability +$ores that still gives better odds to

higher level $hara$ters,

(he player rolls 1d20 and adds his or her Ability ons

!or the s$ore the G) thin*s is most appropriate' as 5ell

as any sitational bons or penalty the G) assigns%

Conslt the !ollo5ing table% >! the total rolled is e:al to

or higher than the given (arget nmber' the roll is a


Le>el Tar4et

/) or 1 1

2-3 16

-B 1B

6- 1

-F 13

10-11 1212-13 11

1-1B 10

16-1 F



Prearin4 Sells ro5 *e5or2

+ometimes a )agi$-@ser 5ill 5ant to prepare spells'

bt his or her spellboo* may be navailable this

in$ldes 5hen the boo* is destroyed as 5ell as times

5hen the )agi$-@ser has been $aptred or trapped%


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 A )agi$-@ser $an al5ays prepare read 5a4i  !rom

memory% "ther spells re:ire an >ntelligen$e ability roll'

as des$ribed above' 5ith the spell level as a penalty on

the die%

7ailre e&hasts the spell slot being prepared' Ist as i!

it had been s$$ess!lly prepared and then $ast so i! a

Bth level )agi$-@ser attempts to prepare ire6all  !rom

memory' and !ails' he or she 5ill have no 3rd level spells

!or the day%

T/ie A6ilities

+ome players o! (hieves may 5ish to have more

$ontrol over their (hie! abilities% >! yo stdy the (hie!

 Abilities table' yoLll dis$over its se$ret, 7rom levels 2-

F' the (hie! improves 30 per$entiles HtotalJ ea$h level

!rom levels 10-1B' 20 per$entiles and !rom level 16 on'

10 per$entiles% >! yo 5ish to allo5 (hie! $stomiation'

simply let the player allo$ate these points as he or she


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5ishes rather than !ollo5ing the table% Allo5 no more

than 10 per$entiles to be added to any single (hie!

ability per level gain% /ote also that no (hie! ability may

be raised above FF per$ent%


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(he $ost to resear$h a spell is 1'000 gp per spell level

!or 8standard9 spells' or 2'000 gp per spell level !or

ne5ly invented spells in either $ase' one 5ee* is

re:ired per spell level to $omplete the resear$h% (he

$han$e o! s$$ess is 2BN' pls BN per level o! the

$hara$ter' mins 10N per level o! the spell the

ma&imm $han$e o! s$$ess is FBN%

>! the resear$h roll is s$$ess!l' the $hara$ter may add

the spell to his or her spellboo* Hi! a )agi$-@serJ or may

sbse:ently pray !or the spell Hi! a Cleri$J% "n a

!ailre' the money and time are spent to no avail%

Cleri$s o! the same deity' !aith or ethos may tea$h ea$h

other the prayers re:ired to a$$ess ne5 spells this

ta*es one hor per spell level% (he pro$edre to

e&$hange spells 5ith other )agi$-@sers has already

been e&plained Hnder A$:isition o! +pells' aboveJ%

 As mentioned above' the G) may de$ide that a

proposed ne5 spell is not 8$orre$t9 !or his or her

$ampaign too po5er!l' too lo5 in level' et$% Rather

than tell the player this' there are t5o strategies that

may be sed%

7irst' the Game )aster may de$ide to revise the spell%

>! the roll is a s$$ess' the G) then presents the player

5ith a revised 5ritep o! the spell' adIsted ho5ever the

G) !eels ne$essary !or game balan$e prposes%

(he alternative' more appropriate 5hen the G)

believes the spell shold be higher level than the player

$hara$ter $an $ast' is to ma*e the roll any5ay% >! the

roll !ails' that is all the player needs to *no5 bt i! it

s$$eeds' the G) shold then sho5 the player the

revised version o! the spell and e&plain that the

$hara$ter may try again 5hen he or she attains a high

enogh level to $ast it% >n this $ase' the G) may allo5

the $hara$ter to red$e either the time or the $ost by

hal! 5hen the resear$h is attempted again at the higher


*a4i Ite5 Resear/

 Any $hara$ter 5ho 5ishes to $reate magi$al items mst

*no5 all Hi! anyJ spells to be imbed in the item% >tems

that prod$e e!!e$ts not mat$hing any *no5n spell mayre:ire additional resear$h Hto devise the n*no5n

spellJ i! the G) so desires%

+ome magi$ items re:ire one or more spe$ial

$omponents that $annot sally be boght% +pe$ial

$omponents $an only be sed on$e on s$h a proIe$t%

7or e&ample' the G) might re:ire the s*in o! a

displa$er to $reate a loa? o dislae5ent' or red

dragon saliva to $reate a 8and o ire6alls% /ote

that there are spe$i!i$ rles !or $omponents nder "ther)agi$ >tems' belo5%

+pe$ial $omponent re:irements are entirely at the

option o! the Game )aster' and are sally employed

to slo5 the $reation o! po5er!l magi$ items that might

tend to nbalan$e the $ampaign% >tLs also a good 5ay

to lead the spell$aster Hand his partyJ into dangeros


C/ane o S;ess

@nless given di!!erently belo5' the base $han$e o!

s$$ess $reating a magi$ item is 1BN pls BN per level

o! the spell$aster' pls the spell$asterLs !ll >ntelligen$e

Hi! a )agi$-@serJ or isdom Hi! a Cleri$J% (hs' a Fth

level spell$aster 5ith a 1B ;rime Re:isite has a base

$han$e o! BN%

Sell Srolls

 A spell$aster may $reate a s$roll $ontaining any spell

he or she has a$$ess to H!or a )agi$-@ser' spells in his

or her spellboo* !or a Cleri$' any spell the $hara$ter

might s$$ess!lly pray !orJ% (he $ost is B00 gp per

spell level' and the time re:ired is 1 day per spell level%


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Red$e the $han$e o! s$$ess based on the level o! the

spell being ins$ribed' at a rate o! -10N per level%

>! the roll !ails' the en$hantment o! the s$roll has !ailed

ho5ever' i! the $aster tries again to ins$ribe the samespell' either the $ost or the time is red$ed by hal! Hat

the $hara$terLs optionJ%

Ot/er Sin4le!se Ite5s

+$rolls Hother than spell s$rollsJ' potions' and a !e5

other items Hs$h as the rod o anellationJ are

single-se items% (hese items may be $reated by

)agi$-@sers or Cleri$s o! the th level or higher%

(he $han$e o! s$$ess is as given !or s$rolls' above'

5hen the item being $reated reprod$es a *no5n spell

Hor 5hen the G) de$ides a spell mst be $reated' as

des$ribed aboveJ% 7or other types o! items' the G)

shold assign a spell level as he or she sees !it' and the

$ost and time re:ired is dobled Hma*ing p !or the

spell resear$h or *no5ledge re:ired !or spell-

reprod$ing itemsJ% (he time re:ired is one 5ee* pls

one day per spell level Hor e:ivalentJ' and the $ost to

en$hant the item is B0 gp per spell level' per day%

;otions are a spe$ial $ase the $hara$ter $reating a

potion may $reate a large bat$h' $onsisting o! several

doses' 5hi$h may be bottled in separate vials or

$ombined in a larger !las*% 7or ea$h additional dose

$reated at the same time' red$e the $han$e o! s$$ess

by BN and in$rease the time re:ired by one day% /ote

that in$reasing the time re:ired 5ill dire$tly in$rease

the $ost% >! the roll to $reate the item !ails' the entire

bat$h is spoiled%

Per5anent *a4i Ite5s

Creating permanent magi$ items Hrings' 5eapons'

5ands' staves' and most mis$ellaneos magi$ itemsJ

re:ires a )agi$-@ser or Cleri$ o! the Fth level or higher%

hen en$hanting an item 5ith mltiple abilities' ea$h

ability o! the item re:ires a separate roll !or s$$ess

the !irst !ailed roll ends the en$hantment pro$ess% +$h

an item 5ill still per!orm the po5ers or e!!e$ts already

s$$ess!lly en$hanted into it' bt no !rther

en$hantment is possible%

;ermanent magi$ items' in$lding 5eapons Hdes$ribed

in detail belo5J' mst be $reated !rom high-:ality

items% (he $ost o! s$h items 5ill generally be ten

times the normal $ost !or s$h an item%

En/antin4 .eaons

(he base $ost o! en$hanting a 5eapon or armor is

1'000 gp per point o! bons% 7or 5eapons 5ith t5o

bonses' divide the larger bons in hal! HdonLt rondJ

and add the smaller bons ths' a s8ord 1 3 >s"

dra4ons 5old $ost 2'B00 gp to en$hant% n$hanting

a 5eapon ta*es one 5ee* pls t5o days per point o!

bons ths' the s5ord des$ribed 5old re:ire t5elve

days to en$hant%

Red$e the $han$e o! s$$ess by 10N times the

bons so' a s8ord 1 5old red$e the base $han$e10N' 5hile the s8ord 1 3 >s" dra4ons

des$ribed above 5old red$e the base $han$e 2BN%

7rther' the $han$e o! s$$ess may be in$reased 2BN

by dobling the $ost and time re:ired Hthis de$ision

mst be annon$ed be!ore the roll is madeJ%

7or 5eapons having additional po5ers' $ombine the

rles above 5ith the rles !or $reating permanent items%

 All en$hantments mst be applied in a single

en$hantment 8session%9


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Ot/er *a4i Ite5s

)agi$ items $an have several eat;res% a$h !eatre

added to a magi$ item in$reases the $ost and the time

re:ired' and de$reases the $han$e o! s$$ess% (he!eatres are as !ollo5s,

Creates a sell or sellli?e eet, (his is the

basi$ !eatre o! all non-5eapon magi$ items% (he base

$ost o! this en$hantment is B00 gp per spell level time

re:ired is !ive days pls t5o days per level% >! the

magi$ item has mltiple spell or spell-li*e e!!e$ts' add

the $ost and time !igres together% (he $han$e o!

s$$ess is red$ed BN per spell level%

%as 5;ltile /ar4es, (his in$ldes' o! $orse'

5ands and sta!!s' bt several other magi$ items 5old

also have $harges% a$h spell or spell-li*e e!!e$t

normally has a separate pool o! $harges Hbt see ne&tJ%

(he table belo5 sho5s the varios ma&imm $harge

levels and the asso$iated $ost' time and $han$e




Cost er



er a2


2-3 O1B0 gp 1 - BN

- O12B gp 2 - 10N

-20 O100 gp 3 - 20N

21-30 OB gp - 30N

hen sing the table above' donLt $ont the !irst $harge

!or $ost or time prposes% /ote that ea$h separate pool

o! $harges in the item mst be !igred separately%

Ite5 an 6e re/ar4ed:  7igre the additional $ost

and time' and the penalty to the $han$e o! s$$ess' !orre$hargeable items as being e&a$tly t5i$e the !igres

!rom the table above so' $reating a re$hargeable item

5ith 3 $harges $osts 600 gp more rather than 300 gp

more' and ta*es t5o days per $harge Hor !or e&tra

daysJ the $han$e o! s$$ess is lo5ered 10N rather

than BN%

Ite5 re/ar4es itsel:  Creating a sel!-re$hargingitem is e&pensive apply the !ollo5ing adIstments to

the $harge $ost' time and $han$e !or items that

re$harge atomati$ally% /ote that sel!-re$harging items

are never 8re$hargeable9 in that they may not be

re$harged other than by themselves%



Cost Ti5e C/ane

1 per day & 3 & 2 - 10N

 All per day & B & 3 - 30N

 All per 5ee* & & 2 - 20N

C/ar4es are 4eneri:  (his means that all the

e!!e$ts o! the item dra5 po5er !rom the same pool o!

$harges most )agi$-@ser sta!!s are in this $ategory%

>tems 5ith generi$ $harges are atomati$ally

re$hargeable donLt apply the normal adIstments !or

this !eatre% >nstead' $ombine the normal $osts !or the

$harge pools o! ea$h e!!e$t H5hi$h mst all have the

same nmber o! $hargesJ' and then divide the $harge

$ost' time and $han$e adIstments by t5o% (hs' t5o

e!!e$ts sharing one pool $osts the same as a single

e!!e$t 5ith a single pool%

Ite5 5a2 6e ;sed 62 an2 lass:  y de!alt'

magi$ items may only be sed by the $lass that $reated

them so a 8and o ire6alls is normally sable only

by )agi$-@sers' or a sta o /ealin4 only by Cleri$s%

(his !eatre allo5s the item to be sed by any $lass o!

$hara$ter' and involves assigning simple $ommand

5ords and gestres to the item% Adding this !eatre

$osts 1'000 gp per e!!e$t% /ote that all the itemLs

e!!e$ts do not have to be $overed it is possible to


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$reate an item 5here some e!!e$ts may be sed by any

$lass' bt other e!!e$ts may only be sed by the

$reatorLs $lass%

Ite5 oerates ontin;o;sl2 or a;to5atiall2:(his !eatre spersedes both the $harges and item se

!eatres% (he item 5or*s 5henever properly 5orn' or

a$tivates atomati$ally 5hen re:ired% A rin4 o ire

resistane  is a good e&ample also' the rin4 o

in>isi6ilit2  is in this $ategory% Adding this !eatre

mltiplies the !inal $ost and time !igres by !ive and

applies a 0N penalty to the $han$e o! s$$ess%

a$h !eatre above applied to a magi$ item 5ill re:ire

a valable' rare andQor magi$al material to spport the

en$hantment% 7or e&ample' a 5and o! !ireballs has a

spell e!!e$t that is po5ered by $harges these are t5o

relatively ordinary !eatres' so the )agi$-@ser $reating

the item proposes a rare 5ood !or the sha!t and a 1'000

gp vale rby !or the tip% (he G) may' o! $orse'

re:ire something more rare or valable i! the magi$

item is parti$larly po5er!l%

(he base $ost o! a spell e!!e$t !eatre $an be red$ed

by 2BN by applying limits to the ability% 7or e&ample' a

rin4 o /ar5 dr2ad  is an e&ample o! limited

/ar5 erson  spell e!!e$t' 5hi$h 5old :ali!y !or

the ded$tion% (his does not a!!e$t the $han$e o!

s$$ess or the time re:ired%

eapons 5hi$h are to be en$hanted 5ith additional

po5ers other than the normal bons re:ire $ombining

the standard 5eapon en$hantment rles 5ith the rles

given above% ;er!orm the 5eapon en$hantment !irst i!

it is s$$ess!l' then the $hara$ter en$hanting the

5eapon mst immediately H5ithin t5o days' as

previosly e&plainedJ begin the spell or spell-li*e po5er

en$hantment pro$ess% 7ailre o! the se$ond pro$edre

does not spoil the 5eapon en$hantment%

C;rsed Ite5s

+ome $rsed items' s$h as $rsed s$rolls' are $reated

that 5ay spe$i!i$ally by the spell$aster% (he di!!i$lty o!

$reating s$h an item is roghly the same as thedi!!i$lty o! $reating a spell s$roll o! 6esto8 ;rse%

"ther $rsed magi$ items may be the reslt o! a !ailed

attempt to $reate a se!l item% (he G) mst de$ide

5hether or not a !ailed resear$h proIe$t 5ill a$tally

$reate a $rsed item%


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Creatin4 a ;n4eon Ad>ent;re

1" T/in? A6o;t ./2

hen $reating a dngeon' the !irst :estion yo

mst ans5er is, hy 5ill yor player $hara$ters ris*

going into this dangeros dngeon !ll o! monsters

and traps?

ere are some possible s$enarios,

To E=lore t/e !n?no8n:  (his is $ommon in

plp !i$tion% "ne or more o! the player $hara$ters

has heard o! some an$ient site' and 5ishes to

e&plore prely !or *no5ledge% ;ossibly some o! the

other player $hara$ters are involved !or other


To Battle An E>il In;rsion:  Goblins are

raiding !arms in the area' and the aron has o!!ered

a re5ard !or stopping the raids the player $hara$ters

are happy to help%

To Res;e A idnaed iti5:  +ome !riend

o! the player $hara$ters has been *idnapped' and

they mst snea* into or storm the villainLs

to5erQ$aveQdngeon to res$e the vi$tim% "r'

perhaps' the vi$tim is the son or daghter o! the lo$al

aron or a 5ealthy mer$hant 5ho o!!ers a re5ard !or

the sa!e retrn o! his or her o!!spring%

To F;lill A ;est:  (he lo$al $hr$h' to 5hom

the player $hara$ters o5e a !avor' 5old li*e an

an$ient reli$ re$overed !rom a lost montain !ortress'

and the igh ;riest as*s them to loo* into it or some

similar tas* might be assigned' depending on 5ho

the player $hara$ters o5e a !avor%

To ,et Loot:  (his is a srprisingly $ommon

s$enario H5ell' perhaps not so srprisingJ% (he

dngeon is rmored to $ontain a hidden treasre o!

great vale' and the !irst $hara$ters to !ind it 5ill be

ri$hM "! $orse' the treasre might not be that  hge'

and might be garded by any nmber o! horri!i$


To Esae Conine5ent:  (he player $hara$ters

have been $aptred by an enemy' and !ind

themselves in$ar$erated 5ithot their 5eapons'

armor' or e:ipment% (his s$enario mst be sed

5ith $are' as the G) mst not be seen to be

8railroading9 the $hara$ters into the adventre%

(here are many other possible s$enarios' and ea$h

has many variations% 4no5ing the ans5er to this

:estion 5ill ma*e the ne&t :estions easier to


#" ./at ind O Settin4 Is It0

>s the dngeon beneath a rined !ortress' or an

an$ient 5iardLs to5er? "r perhaps itLs a natral

$ave' 5hi$h has been e&panded by *oboldsK or the

tomb o! an an$ient barbarian 5arlord' garded by

ndead monstersK there are many possibilities%

3" C/oose Seial *onsters

/o5 yo *no5 5hy the player $hara$ters 5ant to go

there Hor 5hy they 5ill' 5hen they learn o! the

dngeonJ' and yo *no5 5hat sort o! pla$e it is%

/e&t' de$ide 5hat spe$ial monsters yo 5ill pla$e

5ithin% 7or instan$e' the natral $ave e&panded by

*obolds $ontains *obolds' obviosly' 5hile the

5arlordLs tomb $ontains some ndead' ombies and

s*eletons perhaps%


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'" ra8 T/e ;n4eon *a

Dngeon maps $an be dra5n on graph paper in

pen$il' or $reated on the $ompter 5ith any o! a

broad variety o! dngeon-dra5ing programs% hen

$reating a dngeon !or personal se' there is

$ertainly no good reason not to se pen$il and paper%

elo5 is an e&ample o! a hand-dra5n dngeon map'

5ith the varios symbols noted,

&" Sto? T/e ;n4eon

8+to$*ing9 the dngeon re!ers to assigning $ontents

to ea$h room% (here are several possibilities a room

might $ontain a monster H5hi$h might or might not

have treasreJ' a trap H5hi$h might gard a treasre'

or might notJ' an 8ngarded9 treasre' a 8spe$ial9

Hsomething other than a monster' trap' or treasre

o!ten a ple o! some sortJ' or be 8empty%9

(he G) may $hoose the $ontents o! any room' or

may roll on the table belo5,

dK Contents

01-16 mpty

1-20 @ngarded (reasre

21-60 )onster  

61- )onster 5ith (reasre

B- +pe$ial

F-F6 (rap

F-00 (rap 5ith (reasre

 An ;n4;arded treas;re 5ill generally be hidden

Hs$h as in a se$ret room' inside an nsal

$ontainer' et$%J or prote$ted by a trap Ha poison

needle in the lo$* o! a $hest' or a poison gas $anister

that e&plodes i! the $ontainer is opened' or

something similarJ s$h a treasre might even be

hidden and trappedM Again' some sort o! saving

thro5 shold be allo5ed i! a trap is sed% >tLs not a

bad idea to hide a treasre so 5ell that the player

$hara$ters are nli*ely to !ind it donLt be $on$erned

i! they donLt% >! yo give a5ay the lo$ation o! all yor

ngarded treasres' yor players 5ill not appre$iate

it properly 5hen they manage to !ind one by

$leverness or l$*%

 A 5onster  might be sele$ted by the G) or rolled

on the random en$onter tables% >tLs traditional that

the !irst level Hbelo5 grondJ $ontains monsters o! 1

hit die or less' the se$ond level $ontains monsters o!

arond 2 hit di$e' and so on' bt the G) may $hoose

to arrange his or her dngeon in any 5ay desired%

 A 5onster 8it/ treas;re might indi$ate a lair' or

it might be a grop o! monsters $arrying loot'

possibly $amping !or some reason be!ore moving on%

 A tra is' obviosly' some sort o! devi$e intended to

harm the player $hara$ters' in$lding s$h things as

pendlm blades' hidden pits' spear-$h$*ing


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devi$es' and so !orth% A tra 8it/ treas;re  is

s$h a trap prote$ting a treasre' 5hi$h might be in

the room beyond the trap or a$tally 5ithin it Hs$h

as in a pitJ% +ee the (raps se$tion' belo5' !or more


 A seial might be a ple o! some sort' s$h as

a door that $an only be opened by a $ombination

Hhidden else5here in the dngeonJ or perhaps an

ora$le that ans5ers :estions abot the dngeon

Hbt possibly it liesJ% (he $lassi$ 8magi$ !ontain9

that randomly $hanges the ability s$ores o! the

drin*er is another possibility i! this is done' some

sort o! limit shold be imposed Hs$h as' the devi$e

only a!!e$ts a given $reatre on$e' or the devi$e

$ases harm more o!ten than it gives aidJ to prevent

abse% >n general' a 8spe$ial9 room is any room

$ontaining something that either interests or

obstr$ts the player $hara$ters bt is not a monster'

trap' or ngarded treasre%

E5t2  rooms $ontain no monsters' traps'

ngarded treasres' or spe$ials% (his does notmean that they are trly 8empty9 a room might

$ontain a !irepla$e' pholstered $hairs' side tables'

tor$h s$on$es' and $rtains' and still be $onsidered

empty% ide a treasre in a se$ret dra5er in a side

table' and it be$omes an ngarded treasre room

in other 5ords' to be empty there has to be basi$ally

nothing o! serios interest to the player $hara$ters in

the room%

" Finis/in4 To;/es

(he G) may 5ish to $reate one or more $stom

5andering monster tables !or the dngeon monster

patrols' i! any' may need to be des$ribed andpossibly some lo$ations may have nsal sonds'

smells' gra!!iti' et$% 5hi$h need to be noted% DonLt

spend too m$h time on this' thogh%

Remember' i! yo only detail the 8interesting9 things'

yor players 5ill begin to gess 5hat might be in a

room% +ome e&tra des$ription 5ill help ma*e things

n$ertain !or the players% 7or instan$e' a room 5ith

an ngarded treasre,

Game )aster,  "his room contains a chest, centered

against the far wall.

;layer 1,  We look for monsters, and if we don't see

any, the thief will check the chest for traps.

4ind o! boring' right? (his might be better,

Game )aster, In this room you see a comfortable7

looking upholstered chair, a side table and a footstool. "wo burned7out torches are held by sconceson each wall.

;layer 1, If we don't see any monsters, the thief will

check the table and the footstool for traps and see ifanything is hidden inside them, while the rest of uscheck for secret doors# one of those sconces mightopen one.

 A little e&tra detail $an add a lot to the adventre%

esi4nin4 a .ilderness Ad>ent;re

1" T/in? A6o;t ./2

(his is m$h the same tas* as 5as des$ribed above%

(he player $hara$ters may enter a parti$lar area

loo*ing !or a to5n to respply !rom' a $hr$h or temple

to provide healing servi$es' or !or many other reasons%

"n$e in the area' the Game )aster $an ma*e the

player $hara$ters a5are o! adventring opportnities in


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the area' by means o! rmors' posted bonties Hs$h as

!or raiding hmanoidsJ' :ests o!!ered by lo$al $lergy'

and so !orth%

#" ./at ind O Settin4 Is It0

De$ide 5hether the area is deep in the 5ilderness' or in

more inhabited territories' 5hat sort o! $limate 5ill be

!ond there' ho5 many to5ns' and o! 5hat sie' are

present' and so on%

=o may $hoose to design a ne5 territory based on the

goals o! the player $hara$ters in yor $ampaign% 7or

e&ample' i! the player $hara$ters de$ide to see* their

!ortnes in the ri$hest $ity in the 5orld' yo $old de$ide

5here this is and begin to des$ribe it by providing

rmors o! its 5ealth and splendor told by !ar-5andering

mer$hants% >! these des$riptions intrige the $hara$ters

and they travel to5ard the $ity' yo 5ill have time to

de$ide 5hat terrain – and dangers – lie in their path%

"n the other hand' yor setting shold ma*e sense'

5hi$h 5ill help players ma*e meaning!l $hoi$es 5hen

traveling% 7or e&ample' areas nder hman $ontrol 5ill

be settled' 5ith signs o! $iviliation s$h as $leared land!or agri$ltre' roads' strongholds' et$% Areas

dominated by hmanoid monsters' or 5hi$h are being

raided by 5andering hmanoids' 5ill be battle-s$arred

and 5ill not have !ood or other goods available% A valley

that 5as settled many years ago bt abandoned a!ter a

dragon atta$*ed $old $ontain rined bildings' their

5alls li*ely still bearing the mar*s o! !lame and $la5'

and !ields gro5n high 5ith saplings%

3" ra8 An Area *a

/o5 itLs time to dra5 the area map% +ome Game

)asters pre!er to dra5 maps !reehand' 5hile others li*e

to se he& or graph paper o! $orse' programs are

available to $reate maps on a $ompter as 5ell% >t is a

good idea to provide a sale !or the map' 5hi$h $an

be 5hatever best !its the map and the area yo 5ant to

depi$t% A s$ale o! 1 miles per s:are or he& is a good

$hoi$e !or a large-s$ale map' as this is the distan$e that

a grop o! hmans $an $over in a day in $lear terrain

Hsee .ilderness *o>e5ent RatesJ' 5hi$h ma*es

it easy to determine travel times%

Rivers and $oastline' hills and montains' !orests and

plains mst be $lear on the map% All o! these areas

shold have an appropriate $limate, !or e&ample' the

5ind5ard side o! a montain range 5ill sally re$eive

a great deal o! rain' 5hile the other side 5ill be dry%

=o may $hoose to $reate an area 5ith abnormal

5eather !or its lo$ation' s$h as a sandy desert in the

midst o! a rain !orest' bt this shold be nsal' a tip to

observant players that strange magi$ is involved%

Go ahead and pla$e any interesting sites s$h as

to5ns' rins' and signi!i$ant monster lairs% Remember'

in most $ases yor party o! adventrers 5ill need some

base o! operations' be it a $ity' to5n' village' or border


'" etail Interestin4 Sites And Peole

Des$ribe at least the base to5n' and the dngeon yo

e&pe$t the party to visit !irst% Also detail any set or

pla$ed en$onters yo laid ot in the step above% (here

is lots o! room !or $reativity here, a distant' n!amiliar

to5n may have di!!erent la5s' traditions' or $rren$y%

=o shold also des$ribe *ey /;Cs and their

$onne$tions to ea$h other% /;Cs have their o5n goals

and plans' 5hi$h may or may not involve the ;Cs' and

the a$tions o! player $hara$ters to5ard one person 5ill

o!ten in!len$e ho5 others treat them% DonLt go

overboard trying to detail every single pla$e on the

mapK leave some room !or e&pansion later' a!ter yo

have a !eel !or yor players and their $hara$ters%


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Poison ,as: Gas emerges !rom vents to !ill the

room% All 5ithin the a!!e$ted area mst save vs% ;oison

or die% ;oison gases are sometimes highly !lammable

and may be ignited by tor$hes or other !lame sor$es'

doing perhaps 1d6 points o! damage to ea$h $hara$ter

in the area o! e!!e$t H5ith a save vs% Dragon reath

allo5ed to avoid the damageJ%

Poison Needle Tra:  A tiny' spring-loaded needle

pops ot o! a *eyhole or other small apertre and

inIe$ts poison into the !inger o! the $hara$ter 5ho

triggered the trap Hmost li*ely' a (hie! trying to pi$* the

lo$*J' 5ho mst save vs% ;oison or die%

Port;llis:  A !alling gate blo$*s the passage% (he

$hara$ter 5ho triggered the trap mst save vs Death

Ray or ta*e 3d6 points o! damage%

Rollin4 Bo;lder Tra:  A spheri$al or $ylindri$al

ro$* rolls do5n a slanting $orridor% Anyone in its path

mst save vs% Death Ray H5ith De&terity bons addedJ

or ta*e 2d6 points o! damage% Alternately' i! the

$orridor has no other pla$e !or the $hara$ter to es$ape

to Hthat is' no room !or the $hara$ter to step ot o! the

path o! the ro$*J' it may be ne$essary to otrn the ro$*

to avoid the damage%

Blade Tra:  A blade or spear drops do5n !rom the

$eiling or pops ot o! the 5all and atta$*s at A O1 !or

1d points o! damage% ;arti$larly large blades might

atta$* everyone along a 10L or 20L line%

Tri44ered Sell:  hen a$tivated' a spell o! the

G)Ls $hoi$e is $ast' targeting or $entered on the

$hara$ter 5ho triggered it% ;oplar $hoi$es in$lde

$rses' illsions' or a 8all o ire%


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)any player $hara$ters' pon rea$hing higher levels'

$hoose to settle do5n and bild a stron4/old%

Generally this is allo5ed 5hen a $hara$ter rea$hes F th

level or higher% (he player $hara$ter mst obtain land

on 5hi$h to bild in some lands' !rontier territory may

be made available to any !reeman Hor !ree5omanJ 5ho

$an tame it in others' land may be available !or

someone 5ith enogh gold 5hile in other $ases the

$hara$ter 5ill need to petition the lo$al Cont' D*e or

4ing !or a land grant%

@sally' 7ighters bild astles )agi$-@sers bild

to8ers' Cleri$s bild te5les  and (hieves bild

4;ild/o;ses' bt this is not al5ays so% Any $hara$ter

5ho bilds a stronghold sitable to his or her $lass 5ill

attra$t 1st level !ollo5ers o! the same $lass as !ollo5s,

Class N;56er o Follo8ers

7ighter 3d6

)agi$-@ser 1d

Cleri$ 2d

(hie! 2d6

(hese !ollo5ers 5ill assist the $hara$ter' bt 5ill not go

on adventres a5ay !rom the stronghold in most $ases

Hespe$ially dangeros dngeon adventresJ% (hey live

!rom the in$ome generated by the stronghold% (he

primary sor$es o! this in$ome are ta&es on peasants

!or $astles' !ees !or magi$al servi$es and stdentsL

tition !or to5ers' tithing !rom the !aith!l !or temples'

and $riminal a$tivities !or gildhoses% A stronghold

mst have 200 s:are !eet o! living spa$e !or ea$h

!ollo5er' as 5ell as :arters !or gests' stables !or

horses' and so on%

 A player 5ho 5ants to bild a stronghold shold dra5

its !loor plan% a$h story is sally 10L tall% (he

$onstr$tion $osts !or the stronghold are determined by

the s:are !ootage o! its 5alls' !loors and roo!s' the

materials sed' and the thi$*ness o! the 5alls%

)a*e sre not to doble-$ont $orners on 5alls that are

BL thi$* or thi$*er – $ont the length o! only one !a$e%

hen determining 5all length !or rond 5alls and

to5ers' appro&imate pi  by 3' sin$e the inner !a$e o! the

5all has a shorter $ir$m!eren$e% (he table belo5 gives

$osts in gp !or ea$h 10X s:are se$tion o! 5all% (he

nmber by the material is its hardness' 5hi$h is

ded$ted !rom damage to the 5all%

.all 5aterial









*a=i5;5 /ei4/t 'D D +D 1D

.ood (% ) 10 gp nQa nQa nQa

Bri? (% +) 20 gp B0 gp nQa nQa

Sot stone (% 1#) 30 gp 0 gp 200 gp nQa

%ard stone (% 1) 0 gp F0 gp 260 gp 3B0 gp

 A 1L thi$* 5all is made o! solid pie$es o! material held

5ith mortar Hor pegs and ropes !or 5ooden 5allsJ s$h

5alls may be at most 0L tall% A BL thi$* 5all $onsists o!t5o 1X thi$* 5alls sand5i$hing 3X o! earth and rbble

s$h a 5all may be at most 60L tall% A 10L thi$* 5all

$onsists o! a X thi$* oter 5all and a 2X thi$* inner 5all

sand5i$hing X o! earth and rbble' and may be bilt p

to 0L tall% A 1BL thi$* 5all $onsists o! a 6X thi$* oter


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5all and a 2X thi$* inner 5all sand5i$hing X o! earth

and rbble these 5alls may be bilt p to 100L tall% (o

attain the ma&imm height' thinner 5alls $an be sed

on pper stories% 7or e&ample' an 0 !t% to5er mst

have at least 20X o! 10X thi$* 5alls at the base' bt more

$old be sed%

(he $hara$ter 5ill have to pay engineering $osts !or

designing the stronghold' and tall str$tres are more

di!!i$lt to design and to bild% 7or ea$h portion o! the

stronghold H5all' to5er' and so onJ' ea$h 10L o! height

adds 10N to the $osts in both time and money% (he

G) shold !eel !ree to add a mltiplier to re!le$t the

di!!i$lties o! bilding in a remote area' obtaining

materials' et$% >n parti$lar' i! materials need to be

transported' they re:ire 1 ton o! $argo spa$e per B gp

o! 5ood or stone $onstr$tion% H(he in$reased 5eight

o! stone $ompensates !or its $ompa$tness $ompared to


 A bilding over 0X high mst have a solid !ondation'

and i! over 60X high' it mst rest on bedro$*%

 A stronghold re:ires one 5or*er-day o! $onstr$tion

labor !or every gp it $osts to bild% Adding more 5or*ers

red$es $onstr$tion time' bt the time $annot be

red$ed belo5 the s:are root o! the time !or one

5or*er to bild the stronghold% Assme that there are

10 5or*ing days per year Hseven months o! 20 5or*ing

days ea$hJ in temperate $limates%

7loors and that$hed roo!s $ost as m$h and ta*e as

long to bild as it 5old ta*e to bild the s:are !ootage

o! their bases o! 1X thi$* 5ood 5alls% ood-shingled

roo!s $ost t5i$e this amont and ta*e t5i$e as long to

bild' 5hile slate-shingled roo!s $ost !or times as m$h

and ta*e !or times as long% H=o donLt need to

$al$late the greater sr!a$e area o! a pit$hed roo!'

sin$e the in$reased height in$reases $onstr$tion $osts

enogh to $over this%J

(hese $osts in$lde normal !eatres o! $onstr$tion

s$h as stairs' doors and 5indo5s% >nterior 5alls are

not in$lded they are sally 1X thi$*% Paraets'

5hi$h provide $over !or de!enders atop $astle 5alls and

to5ers' are sally 1L thi$* and BL high Hso they are hal!-


/ote that gildhoses are almost al5ays bilt in $ities

and ths are sally bilt 5ith 1X thi$* e&terior 5alls' bt

they $ost t5i$e as m$h to bild de to the traps and

se$ret passage5ays that are designed into them% A

)agi$-@serLs to5er $osts three times as m$h to bild'

de to the need !or an$ient boo*s' al$hemi$al

e:ipment' and other spplies !or $ond$ting resear$h%

7or e&ample' +ir ;er$y' a Fth

-level 7ighter' desires to

bild a 60X tall s:are *eep HB0X 5alls 5ith a 10X pea*ed

slate-shingled roo!J that is B0X s:are% (he *eep 5ill

have !or stories and an atti$' and the !irst story' 5hi$h

5ill $ontain the great hall' 5ill be 20X high% +ir ;er$y

5ishes his *eep to be strongly bilt' so he tells his

ar$hite$t to bild 5ith hard stone and se 10X thi$* 5alls

!or the !irst t5o stories and BX thi$* 5alls !or the rest%

(he !irst and se$ond !loors 5ill ths be 30X s:are orF00 s:are !eet' and the third and !orth !loors 5ill be

0X s:are or 1'600 s:are !eet% ith a total !loor area

o! B'000 s:are !eet' +ir ;er$yXs *eep 5ill hose him

and p to 2 other people Hor animals s$h as horses'

5hi$h dring an atta$* may be stabled in the great hallMJ

in a$$eptable $om!ort% >ts !loor plans are sho5n on the

ne&t page%

(he !irst !loor has 30 H B ]!or B0X length^ & 2 ]!or 20X

height^ & 5alls' mins se$tions doble-$onted at

the $orners and 2 se$tions !or the entran$eJ 10X s:are

se$tions o! 10X thi$* hard stone 5alls' 5hi$h $ost '00

gp' and F 10X s:are se$tions o! !loor' 5hi$h $ost F0 gp'

!or a total $ost o! 'F0 gp% (he se$ond !loor is the

same as the !irst' e&$ept that the 5alls are 10X high and


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there is no ded$tion !or an entran$e' giving a $ost o!

'2B0 gp% (he third and !orth !loors ea$h re:ire 1

se$tions o! BX thi$* hard stone 5alls' $osting 1'620 gp'

and 16 se$tions o! !loor' $osting 160 gp' !or a total o!

1'0 gp per !loor% (he B0X s:are roo! $osts & 2B &

10 1'000 gp' and the 0L s:are atti$ !loor adds 160

gp% (he design $alls !or a total o! 0X o! 1X thi$* interior

5alls and doors' 5hi$h 5old $ost 30'00 gp i! made o!

hard stone +ir ;er$y ses 5ood' 5hi$h $osts only

'00 gp% (hese $osts total 2'B60 gp' bt sin$e the

*eep is 60X high' its $ost is in$reased by 60N to 3F'2F6

gp% (he *eep 5ill re:ire 3F'2F6 5or*er-days% +ir ;er$y

may employ p to 1F 5or*ers to bild the *eep' in

5hi$h $ase it 5ill ta*e 1F 5or*ing days to bild' or a

year and three monthsX time% 4eep in mind 5hat might

happen in this time' given that the area is dangeros

enogh to 5arrant bilding a $astle%

;n4eons: A stronghold may also have a dngeon

e&$avated nder it% A dngeon is an e&$ellent pla$e to

store perishable spplies' a good shelter i! the $astle is

overrn' and o!ten in$orporates an es$ape rote i! all is

lost !or the $astleXs de!enders or a se$ret 5ay ot !or

raids is desired% )agi$-@sers sometimes en$orage

monsters to ta*e p residen$e in their dngeons' as

they provide a $onvenient sor$e o! spplies !or

magi$al resear$h and help *eep a5ay n5anted

gests% @se the !ollo5ing !igres !or s*illed 5or*ers'

s$h as d5arves or goblins' to $reate dngeons doble

the times !or less s*illed miners%


Ti5e or one 8or?er to

e=a>ate a & ;6e

arth B days Hspports are re:iredJ

+o!t stone 10 days

ard stone 20 days

Str;t;ral stren4t/ and 6rea/es:  A se$tion o!

stronghold 5all has as many hit points as its base $ost

in gp H!or e&ample' a se$tion o! 10X thi$* so!t stone 5all

has 200 hit pointsJ% +tone and bri$* 5alls only ta*e

damage !rom $rshing blo5s' 5hile 5ood 5alls are also

a!!e$ted by !ire and $hopping atta$*s% >! a given se$tion

o! 5all loses all o! its hit points' it is brea$hed' allo5ing

atta$*ers to pass throgh% >! a brea$h o$$rs on a

lo5er $orse o! 5all' there is a 0N $han$e that the 10X

se$tion above it 5ill be brea$hed by $ollapse' and a

20N $han$e that the se$tion belo5 it 5ill be brea$hed%

(hese se$ondary brea$hes have the same $han$es o!

a!!e$ting the ne&t 10X se$tion above or belo5 them' and

so on ntil the top or bottom $orse o! 5all is rea$hed%

>! a brea$h o$$rs on a right or a$te $orner HF0

degrees or lessJ' the $han$es o! brea$hes doble in

ea$h dire$tion%

Atta?in4 a Castle:  +iege engines are di!!i$lt to

aim' bt as $astles donLt dodge arond' ea$h

s$$essive shot by a given siege engine 5ith a given

$re5 has an in$reasing $han$e o! hitting% (o re!le$t

this' the !irst atta$* on a $astleLs 5alls is made against

 Armor Class 20 ea$h sbse:ent atta$* by that

5eapon' !ired by that $re5' at that same point in the

5all' is made against an Armor Class one lo5er than

the previos shot' to a minimm AC o! 11%

 Atta$*s on a $astleLs de!enders are at - on the atta$*

roll i! they are standing on the parapets' and at -10 i!

they are behind arro5 slits% +in$e $hara$ters de!ending

the $astle do move arond' the odds o! hitting them 5ith

a siege engine do not improve !rom shot to shot% (here

is an additional -2 on the atta$* roll !or missile atta$*s i!

the de!enders are more than 20L higher than the

atta$*ers this is not spe$i!i$ally de to altitde' bt

rather be$ase the de!enders $an se more o! the 5all

!or $over% (he de!enders $an ta*e advantage o! their

height by dropping obIe$ts on atta$*ers near the


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$astleLs base these missiles do 2d10 points o! damage'

bt they have a -2 atta$* penalty i! dropped !rom a

height o! 30L or more%

+iege engines $an damage several adIa$ent$hara$ters roll damage separately !or ea$h $hara$ter in

the 10L s:are hit by the missile% "! $orse' the atta$*

roll mst be high enogh to damage ea$h one a roll o!

1F against $hara$ters having Armor Classes o! 1 and

20 5old hit the !ormer bt not the latter%

 A $astle may also be atta$*ed by 5inin4% (his

method o! atta$* involves tnneling nder the $astle

5all' then setting !ire to the spports o! the tnnel to

$ase the 5all to $ollapse% >t is also slo5' and i! the$astle has a moat' the tnnel mst avoid it' 5hi$h

re:ires that it be dg deeper' re:iring t5i$e the time%

 A mine is dg li*e a dngeon' and on$e its spports are

!ired' the 5all above is brea$hed i! the mine is only BX

5ide' there is only a B0N $han$e o! $asing a brea$h%

7inally' a sre8 may be sed to atta$* a stronghold%

(his devi$e' 5hi$h $osts 200 gp' is sed to bore

throgh $astle 5alls% A $re5 o! at least eight is re:ired

to operate it% >t is only sed at the base o! a 5all' and it

is sally operated nder a so8' or portable roo!' as it

is slo5% HA so5 typi$ally $osts abot 100 gp%J (he

devi$e does 1d points o! damage per trn' bt it

ignores hardness% A brea$h $ased by a s$re5 is

small' so it has only hal! the sal $han$e o! spreading

to the ne&t $orse o! 5all' nless 5idened by miners%


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(ilit) olls/////////////////////////////////141(ilit) score (ons/////////////////////////3dstin$ Treasre ,ards///////118dventrers//////////////////////////////// Trainer//////////////////////////////40r.or Class///////////////////////4* 43* 46*

/////////////////////////////////52* 54* 125r.or and Shields////////////////////////10r.orer or eapons.ith////////40ttac+ :ons////////////////////46* 47* 54ttac+ :ons Ta(le///////////////////////47ttac+in$ a ;ehicle////////////////13* 52ttac+s/////////////////////////////////////52* 54:andits/////////////////////////////////////////137:easts o! :rden/////////////////////11*$ Lost///////////////////////////////39:e$$ar//////////////////////////////////////////136:ra,lin$////////////////////////////////////////48:ri$ands//////////////////////////////////////137:ccaneers and <irates//////////////137:ll)/////////////////////////////////////////////136Carr)in$ Capacit)////////////////////////36Character (ilities//////////////////////////4Character dvance.ent//////////////42Character sheet///////////////////////////////3Char$e///////////////////////////////////////////45Char$in$/////////////////////////////////44* 45Charis.a/////////////////4* 5* 39* 40* 43Cit) atch//////////////////////////////////136Cit)* To,n or ;illa$e =nconters

//////////////////////////////////////////////135Cleric//////////////////////////7* 15* 50* 122Clerics vs/ &ndead Ta(le//////////////50Cli.( alls/////////////////////////////////////9Cli.(in$ and >ivin$////////////////////45Co.(at///////////////////////////////////////////44Co.(at rond////////////////////////36* 43Co.(ination Classes///////////////////////6Co..on///////////////////////////////////////////4Constittion/////////////////////3* 4* 5* 38*

///////////////////////////////////44* 51* 53Copper pieces////////////////////////////////10Cost o! eapons and =?ip.ent

////////////////////////////////////////////////10Creatin$ n <C <art)//////////////137>a.a$e////////////////////////////48* 52* 54>ar+vision/////////////////////////////////5* 37>ea!ness and :lindness////////////////52>eath a)/////////////////////////////45* 140>eath a) or <oison///////////////////5* 6>eath and >)in$////////////////////////140>e!ensive #ove.ent////////////////////45>* 4* 46> <arties/////////////////138

>e"terit)/////////////4* 6* 8* 44* 45* 46>oors//////////////////////////////////////////////37>opple$an$er/////////////////////////////136>ra$on :reath////////////////////////////5* 6>n$eon =nconters/////////////////133>n$eon Srvival/////////////////////////37>n$eons//////////////////////////////////////37>,arves//////////////////////////////5* 11* 37=lectr. piece//////////////////////////////10=lves//////////////////////////////5* 11* 37* 43=nconter//////////////////133* 134* 135=nc.(rance////////////////////////////////36=ner$) >rain/////////////////////////////////51=n$ineer/////////////////////////////////////////40=?ip.ent//////////////////////////3* 10* 12=vasion and <rsit//////////////////////45="perience <oints//////////////3* 40* 42*

///////////////////////////////////////54* 141Fallin$ >a.a$e/////////////////////////////52Fi$hter//////////////////////////////////////////////7Fi$htin$ ,ithdra,al/////////////////////46<reparin$ Spells !ro. #e.or) 

//////////////////////////////////////////////141'# ///////////////////////////////////////////////////2'a.e #aster//////////////////////////2* 133'a.e trns////////////////////////////////////36'e.s and Ae,elr)///////////////////////120'old piece//////////////////////////////////////10'renade%Li+e #issiles//////////////////47@al!lin$s/////////////////////////////6* 11* 36@ealin$///////////////////////////////////////////51@ide//////////////////////////////////////////////////9@i$h,a).en///////////////////////////////137@it >ice//////////////////////////////////////////54@it points//////////////3* 4* 5* 6* 37* 48*

//////////////////////////51* 52* 54* 140@ol) ater/////////////////////////////12* 49@opeless Characters///////////////////139@o, to ttac+///////////////////////////////[email protected]/////////////////////////////////4* 6* 11ndividal Treasres//////////////////119

nitiative/////////4* 15* 43* 44* 45* 52ntelli$ence///////4* 5* 8* 37* 53* 141

 Ad$in$ ishes///////////////////////////140Lair Treasres/////////////////////////////119Land Transportation/////////////////////13Lan$a$es////////////////////////////////////////4Li$ht//////////////////////////////////////36* 124Listen////////////////////////////////////////////////9L)canthrope* ererat////////////////136#a$ic r.or/////////////////////121* 125#a$ic te. 'eneration//////////////121#a$ic te. esearch//////////////////143#a$ic te.s//////////////////40* 54* 118*

/////////////////////////////////////124* 138

#a$ic ands//////////////////////////////5* 6#a$ic eapons/////////////////121* 124#a$ic%&ser////////////////////////8* 15* 16#a$ical research////////////////////////142#anevera(ilit)///////////////////////////44#appin$////////////////////////////////////////36#elee Co.(at///////////////////////////////46#ercenaries/////////////////////////41* 136#erchants//////////////////////////136* 137#iscellaneos #a$ic te.s

/////////////////////////////////////123* 129#issile Fire////////////////////////////////////46#issile eapon an$es///////////////11#issile eapon ate o! Fire////////47#issiles that #iss//////////////////////////47#one)////////////////////////////////////////////10#onster ttac+ :ons//////////////////46#onster eactions////////////////////////43#orale//////////////////////////////39* 49* 54#ove Silentl)///////////////////////////////////9#ove.ent///////////////////////13* 36* 38*

///////////////////////////////////39* 45* 54#ove.ent rate////////////////13* 36* 54<Cs/////////////////////////////////////////////////2e$ative @it <oints/////////////////////141o/ ppearin$///////////////////////////////54o(les/////////////////////////////////136* 138on%pla)er characters/////////////////// .en//////////////////////////////////46il ////////////////////////////////////////////////49pen Loc+s//////////////////////////////////////9ptional les////////////////////////////140rder o! <la)/////////////////////////////////43verland Travel////////////////////////////38<C ///////////////////////////////////////////////////2<aral)sis or <etri!)//////////////////////5* 6<ic+ <oc+ets/////////////////////////////////////9<il$ri.s////////////////////////////////////////138<laced Treasres/////////////////////////118<latin. piece//////////////////////////////10<la)er character//////////////////////////////2

<oison////////////////////////////////////53* 141<otions////////////////////////////////122* 125<ress 'an$s/////////////////////////////////136<riest////////////////////////////////////////////136<ri.e e?isite///////////////////////3* 7* 8ace//////////////////////////////////////////////3* 4aise >ead///////////////////////////////////140ando. Treasre 'eneration

//////////////////////////////////////////////118e.ove Traps//////////////////////////////////9epairin$ a ;ehicle//////////////////////52est 51etainers////////////////////////////////////////39in$s///////////////////////////////////122* 127

ole%<la)in$////////////////////////////1* 153ond///////////////////////////////43* 44* 47nnin$/////////////////////////////////////////44Savant/////////////////////////////////////////////40Save s///////////////////////////////////////////54Savin$ Thro,s/////////////////3* 5* 6* 52Scrolls////////////////////////122* 126* 127Secret >oors//////////////////////////////////37Set eapon $ainst Char$e////////45Shado,////////////////////////////////////////136ShipBs Cre,////////////////////////////////////40Sie$e =n$ines/////////////////////////////////14Silver piece////////////////////////////////////10Snea+ ttac+////////////////////////////////////9Specialists//////////////////////////////////////40Spell esearch/////////////////////////////142Spells////////////////////5* 6* 7* 15* 16* 17Startin$ .one)////////////////////////////////3Stren$th///////////////////////////4* 6* 7* 36*

///////////////////////////////////37* 46* 48Stron$holds/////////////////////////////////149S(din$ >a.a$e////////////////////////48Srprise//////////////////////////////////////////43Thie!/////////////////////////8* 37* 135* 136Thie! (ilities//////////////////////////////142ThievesB <ic+s and Tools///////////////12Ti.e///////////////////////////////////////////////36Traps//////////////////////////////////////////////37Travelin$ () ir////////////////////////////39Treasre///////////////////////////////////////118Treasre T)pe///////////////////////54* 119Trn//////////////////////////////////////////////////8Trn the &ndead//////////////////////7* 50&ndead//////////////////7* 17* 49* 50* 51&n$arded Treasres/////////////////120&sin$ the >ice/////////////////////////////////2;ehicles//////////////////////////////////////////13anderin$ #onsters/////////////////133ands* Staves and ods

/////////////////////////////////////123* 128ater Transportation///////////////////13

ater(orne Travel///////////////////////38eapon Si-e//////////////////////////////////11eapon and r.or estrictions

//////////////////////////////////////////////139eapons////////////////////////////////////////11ilderness =nconters//////////////134ilderness #ove.ent ates///////38isdo./////////////////////////////////4* 7* 39i-ard/////////////////////////////////////////136restlin$///////////////////////////////////////48< //////////////////////3* 40* 42* 54* 141


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The Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game (“BFRPG”) is based on

the System Reference Docment !"#$ (“SRD”)% &hich is

'en Game ontent# *lso% some monster descriti!e te+t&as ta,en from the astles and rsades .onsters Sort

Prodct (“.SP”)% &hich is also 'en Game ontent# The

te+t of the 'en Game /icense itself is not 'en Game

ontent# 0nstrctions on sing the /icense are ro!ided

&ithin the /icense itself#

1ote regarding 2 'en Game ontent sed The

'P3R0G4T 1'T05 section belo& lists both the astles 2

rsades Players 4andboo, and the astles 2 rsades

.onster Sort Docment6 both are listed becase &e are

re7ired to do so% bt be ad!ised that all astles 2 rsades

materials sed &ere ta,en only from the latter docment#

Designation of 'en Game ontent The entire te+t as &ell

as all mas and floorlans incororated in BFRPG (e+cet

the 'en Game /icense% as noted abo!e% and the Prodct0dentity /icense% belo&) is 'en Game ontent% released

nder the 'en Game /icense% 8ersion 9#:a (rerodced

belo&) as described in Section 9(d) of the /icense# *rt&or,

(other than mas and floorlans) incororated in this

docment is not 'en Game ontent% and remains the

roerty of the coyright holder#

Designation of Prodct 0dentity Prodct identity is not 'en

Game ontent# The follo&ing is designated as rodct

identity rsant to 'G/ !9#:a(9)(e) and (;) (*) rodct

and rodct line names% inclding Basic Fantasy Role-

Playing Game% Basic Fantasy RPG% and BFRPG% as &ell as the

hrase “ma,e mine Basic”6 (B) all art&or,% logos% symbols%

grahic designs% deictions% li,enesses% formats% oses%

concets% themes and grahic% hotograhic and other

!isal reresentations% inclding the “eye” logo% &hich is theersonal mar, of hris Gonnerman for his !arios rodcts%

and &hich is oyright < =::= hris Gonnerman% and the

“Scribbled Dragon%” &hich is oyright < =::$ 5ri, >ilson6

() logos and trademar,s% inclding any trademar, or

registered trademar, clearly identified as rodct identity by

the o&ner of the rodct identity% and &hich secifically

e+cldes the oen game content#

.ore information on the 'en Game /icense can be fond




The follo&ing te+t is the roerty of >i@ards of the oast% 0nc#

and is oyright =::: >i@ards of the oast% 0nc (“>i@ards”)#*ll Rights Reser!ed#

9# Definitions (a)“ontribtors” means the coyright and?or

trademar, o&ners &ho ha!e contribted 'en Game

ontent6 (b)“Deri!ati!e .aterial” means coyrighted

material inclding deri!ati!e &or,s and translations

(inclding into other comter langages)% otation%

modification% correction% addition% e+tension% grade%

imro!ement% comilation% abridgment or other form in

&hich an e+isting &or, may be recast% transformed or

adated6 (c) “Distribte” means to rerodce% license% rent%

lease% sell% broadcast% blicly dislay% transmit or other&ise

distribte6 (d)“'en Game ontent” means the game

mechanic and incldes the methods% rocedres% rocesses

and rotines to the e+tent sch content does not embody

the Prodct 0dentity and is an enhancement o!er the riorart and any additional content clearly identified as 'en

Game ontent by the ontribtor% and means any &or,

co!ered by this /icense% inclding translations and deri!ati!e

&or,s nder coyright la&% bt secifically e+cldes Prodct

0dentity# (e) “Prodct 0dentity” means rodct and rodct

line names% logos and identifying mar,s inclding trade

dress6 artifacts6 creatres characters6 stories% storylines% lots%

thematic elements% dialoge% incidents% langage% art&or,%

symbols% designs% deictions% li,enesses% formats% oses%

concets% themes and grahic% hotograhic and other

!isal or adio reresentations6 names and descritions of

characters% sells% enchantments% ersonalities% teams%

ersonas% li,enesses and secial abilities6 laces% locations%

en!ironments% creatres% e7iment% magical or

sernatral abilities or effects% logos% symbols% or grahicdesigns6 and any other trademar, or registered trademar,

clearly identified as Prodct identity by the o&ner of the

Prodct 0dentity% and &hich secifically e+cldes the 'en

Game ontent6 (f) “Trademar,” means the logos% names%

mar,% sign% motto% designs that are sed by a ontribtor to

identify itself or its rodcts or the associated rodcts

contribted to the 'en Game /icense by the ontribtor

(g) “Ase”% “Ased” or “Asing” means to se% Distribte% coy%

edit% format% modify% translate and other&ise create

Deri!ati!e .aterial of 'en Game ontent# (h) “3o” or

“3or” means the licensee in terms of this agreement#

=# The /icense This /icense alies to any 'en Game

ontent that contains a notice indicating that the 'en

Game ontent may only be Ased nder and in terms of this

/icense# 3o mst affi+ sch a notice to any 'en Gameontent that yo Ase# 1o terms may be added to or

sbtracted from this /icense e+cet as described by the

/icense itself# 1o other terms or conditions may be alied

to any 'en Game ontent distribted sing this /icense#

"#'ffer and *ccetance By Asing the 'en Game ontent

3o indicate 3or accetance of the terms of this /icense#

# Grant and onsideration 0n consideration for agreeing to

se this /icense% the ontribtors grant 3o a eretal%

&orld&ide% royalty-free% non-e+clsi!e license &ith the e+act

terms of this /icense to Ase% the 'en Game ontent#

$#Reresentation of *thority to ontribte 0f 3o are

contribting original material as 'en Game ontent% 3o

reresent that 3or ontribtions are 3or original creation

and?or 3o ha!e sfficient rights to grant the rightscon!eyed by this /icense#

C#1otice of /icense oyright 3o mst date the

'P3R0G4T 1'T05 ortion of this /icense to inclde the

e+act te+t of the 'P3R0G4T 1'T05 of any 'en Game

ontent 3o are coying% modifying or distribting% and 3o

mst add the title% the coyright date% and the coyright

holders name to the 'P3R0G4T 1'T05 of any original

'en Game ontent yo Distribte#


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;# Ase of Prodct 0dentity 3o agree not to Ase any Prodct

0dentity% inclding as an indication as to comatibility%

e+cet as e+ressly licensed in another% indeendent

*greement &ith the o&ner of each element of that Prodct

0dentity# 3o agree not to indicate comatibility or co-

adatability &ith any Trademar, or Registered Trademar, in

conEnction &ith a &or, containing 'en Game ontent

e+cet as e+ressly licensed in another% indeendent

*greement &ith the o&ner of sch Trademar, or Registered

Trademar,# The se of any Prodct 0dentity in 'en Game

ontent does not constitte a challenge to the o&nershi of

that Prodct 0dentity# The o&ner of any Prodct 0dentity sed

in 'en Game ontent shall retain all rights% title and interest

in and to that Prodct 0dentity#

# 0dentification 0f yo distribte 'en Game ontent 3o

mst clearly indicate &hich ortions of the &or, that yo are

distribting are 'en Game ontent#

# Adating the /icense >i@ards or its designated *gents

may blish dated !ersions of this /icense# 3o may se

any athori@ed !ersion of this /icense to coy% modify and

distribte any 'en Game ontent originally distribted

nder any !ersion of this /icense#

9:# oy of this /icense 3o .AST inclde a coy of this

/icense &ith e!ery coy of the 'en Game ontent 3o


99# Ase of ontribtor redits 3o may not mar,et or

ad!ertise the 'en Game ontent sing the name of any

ontribtor nless 3o ha!e &ritten ermission from the

ontribtor to do so#

9=# 0nability to omly 0f it is imossible for 3o to comly

&ith any of the terms of this /icense &ith resect to some or

all of the 'en Game ontent de to statte% Edicial order%

or go!ernmental reglation then 3o may not Ase any 'en

Game .aterial so affected#

9"# Termination This /icense &ill terminate atomatically if3o fail to comly &ith all terms herein and fail to cre sch

breach &ithin ": days of becoming a&are of the breach# *ll

sblicenses shall sr!i!e the termination of this /icense#

9# Reformation 0f any ro!ision of this /icense is held to be

nenforceable% sch ro!ision shall be reformed only to the

e+tent necessary to ma,e it enforceable#

9$# 'P3R0G4T 1'T05

'en Game /icense ! 9#: oyright =:::% >i@ards of the

oast% 0nc#

System Reference Docment oyright =:::-=::"% >i@ards

of the oast% 0nc#6 *thors Honathan T&eet% .onte oo,%

S,i >illiams% Rich Ba,er% *ndy ollins% Da!id 1oonan% Rich

Redman% Brce R# ordell% Hohn D# Rateliff% Thomas Reid%Hames >yatt% based on original material by 5# Gary Gyga+

and Da!e *rneson#

astles 2 rsades Players 4andboo,% oyright =::% Troll

/ord Games6 *thors Da!is henalt and .ac Golden#

astles 2 rsades .onsters Prodct Sort% oyright

=::$% Troll /ord Games#

The Basic Fantasy Field Gide oyright < =:9: hris

Gonnerman and ontribtors#

Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game oyright < =::C-=:9"

hris Gonnerman#



SbEect to the terms of the 'en Game /icense% abo!e% yo

may create deri!ati!e &or,s based on the Basic Fantasy

RPG core rles (this docment)# 4o&e!er% the 'en Game

/icense rotects the Prodct 0dentity (e+lained and

detailed abo!e) sch that yo mst ha!e ermission from

the coyright holder before yo may se any of the listed

Prodct 0dentity#

3o may se certain items of the listed Prodct 0dentity

nder the follo&ing conditions

9# 3o mst comly flly &ith the 'en Game /icense%

!ersion 9#:a% as described abo!e6 and

=# The &or, may not be obscene in natre6 in general% any

&or, containing sbEect matter that &old 7alify for an 1-

9; mo!ie rating in the Anited States% or an R rating de toe+licit se+al content% is considered obscene for roses

of this license#

0f yo comly &ith the abo!e conditions% yo may do either

or both of the follo&ing

9# 0nclde the te+t “Designed for se &ith the Basic Fantasy

Role-Playing Game” or “Designed for se &ith the Basic

Fantasy RPG”6

=# Ase the “ma,e mine Basic” logo% ro!ided on the Basic

Fantasy Role-Playing Game &ebsite


The logo may be resi@ed as needed% bt mst not be

distorted and may not be altered other than to resi@e it#

0f yo &ish to se other Prodct 0dentity from this &or,% yo

mst re7est and recei!e e+licit ermission from the

coyright holder#

0n any of the abo!e cases &here the Basic Fantasy Role-

Playing Game Prodct 0dentity is sed in yor &or,% yo mst

also inclde the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game &ebsite

address “basicfantasy.or” in that &or,# 3o may lace the

&ebsite address adEacent to the logo and?or name% or yo

may inclde it on yor title age% or lace it in some other

location &here any reasonably obser!ant erson &old

e+ect to find it#



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