basic tips of how to prevent cold sores

Basic Take Care Of Sores Prevent Cold Sores

Upload: adam-jetking

Post on 05-Sep-2014



Health & Medicine

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1). They’re uncomfortable and always unwanted. But unfortunately, the itchy, blistery bumps—caused by the herpes simplex I virus—are a common fact of life for many.  But they don’t need to be. Follow these simple tips to fight flare-ups, reduce swelling, and even avoid the virus in the first place. 2). If your partner has a cold sore, you may want to hold off on the lip lock: Cold sores spread through contact with someone who has them. 3).Bad news: If you’ve had one cold sore, the virus is still in your system. One way to stop it from rearing its head? Reduce stress—which lowers your resistance to disease, leading to an outbreak. Try these 2-Minute Stress Solutions next time you’re overwhelmed. 4). Excessive sunlight can result in outbreaks, because, like stress, it weakens your immune system and makes you more susceptible to disease. If you can’t stay locked up in your house all day, always wear a lipbalm with SPF 30, and wear a hat or visor when you'll be outside for a while.  Already have a sore? Apply your lipbalm with a cotton swab—otherwise you could spread the virus to the rest of your lips. ......For More Check The slide


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Basic Take Care Of Sores


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Say good-bye to cold sores

They’re uncomfortable and always unwanted. But unfortunately, the itchy, blistery bumps—caused by the herpes simplex I virus—are a common fact of life for many. 

But they don’t need to be. Follow these simple tips to fight flare-ups, reduce swelling, and even avoid the virus in the first place.


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Look At His Lips

If your partner has a cold sore, you may want to hold off on the lip lock: Cold sores spread through contact with someone who has them.


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Slash Stress

Bad news: If you’ve had one cold sore, the virus is still in your system. One way to stop it from rearing its head? Reduce stress—which lowers your resistance to disease, leading to an outbreak. Try these 2-Minute Stress Solutions next time you’re overwhelmed.


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Stay Out Of The Sun

Excessive sunlight can result in outbreaks, because, like stress, it weakens your immune system and makes you more susceptible to disease. If you can’t stay locked up in your house all day, always wear a lipbalm with SPF 30, and wear a hat or visor when you'll be outside for a while. 

Already have a sore? Apply your lipbalm with a cotton swab—otherwise you could spread the virus to the rest of your lips.


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Ice It

Apply ice to it to reduce the swelling.


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Take Smell Bites

Don’t do anything to aggravate your cold sore—like opening your mouth wide. If it breaks open, it could spread to the rest of your lips.


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Sleep Upright

Use extra pillows to elevate your head. The height helps blisters drain, so that fluid doesn’t settle overnight..


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See a Doctor

If the cold sore is truly intolerable—or you’re breaking out frequently—ask your doctor for Zovirax, a prescription medication that fights the virus.
