)behind tiie scenes....istands failnchon'sl clock, tilh tirllnlpene of lig-i.h mlltchell, anlld...

)BEHIND TIIE SCENES. 4 Visit to the Properly Iloonms of the St. Charles Theatre. "Step right up-stairs, si r, and you will find -,. , " said the earpenl,'r, as hi listIlessly l~ed against the doorway o,' f t, e oldl St. Chirles Theatre, andl, a,, -rdiigly, up-staR's -We went in search of It i,ver-s;miling face of b Strong, who now is the miajor doneo of Ae Old I)rry. 't rei' was a siort of misty t•ilight resting over the Ir1go auditorium, •through which the' stage as far hack as thi erar wall Icould e sen. 'lThe curtaln, which bad fallen upon the last nat of last season's performance, had hben raised, andi on either' sideof the stage, silent and moody, rested ihe incongruous wlngs of somel forest scene ilied In delightful confusion with a portion o a drawing-room set piece. Through the :kylights overhead the bright light of nowms- dy endeavored to p,,netrate, but its lest fforts resulted only in reaching the upperu The vacant, chairs, the unlighteod foot- ht, the profounil slile(nio mnade oneF, per- . ee, stop for a oieiumnnt to look around. ,here was the chair from which the anzzigll tbauty of the charllnlg Mss captivalted the whole house on Christmnas night, in 15,51 there the box where thue divine Miss Some- dy Else flirted so openly with the clashing .ol.---, who was afterward killed in a durel oan her account. T'lhe longer we looked the :imore faces caine out of the hllf shadow, and soon memory illled the lhouse. The foot-lights eburned brightly. the drss circle andi par- - quette were jamined; like thie waving of the leaves on the aspen the Iluttiering of fans gave life and motion t(o th(e picture. Thlle orchestra were all in their plac's; the leader gave tihe invarlable preioimtiory squeak to his violin, then tried the bass string, while the bass viol brought out a mulllld groan from that elo- phantitne instrimneit. An linspiriting intro- uatoion seemed to thlat, out and drift away, Wihen the tinkle of a little (,ll was heard, and Lmjestically the curtain rose. Fans ceased their motion, eyes were riveted on the stage, n~nd, after some small talk from two gallants nuer the left upper entrance, In there walked ae majestio tigure in majestic attire-, and the j;lspers ran through the audience: "There's old man IBooth! " "low grand he 1u•!" An auction drum over the way broke the Hpell, ald gone were the ghosts of the lluj NunnI', ,gone the beauty, the chivalry and the mystic fOotrlights that but a moment ago seeimed to be there. That leader's fiddle has poured out i last cr"rscindo, the 'rnllet has sounded its lst flourish to an advancing ltichlmond. and ihe flngers that handled the drum-sticks are dust aild ashes out here in some of our Cenelll t)ries. Thirty-five years have worked sad IMvOC in the ranks with its canister and grape, &nd those who remain of those elegant audi- .sOes of bygone nights might almost be put in the privato boxes. There is a saddening feeling comes over one in these daylight views of those deserted rows and blank stretch of stage. The "has :.been" creeps in upon the "Is," and involun- tarily one makes comparisons not always r'-omplimentary to the present. "'I ani here, old fellow," came a voice at our olbow, and our guest, Major Strong, shone out from the darkness. TO THE PI'IPI'ETY-1:(iOM.N, Waae bur first departure. Entering ia long, nar- iw passage-way, into which a window here there let in a winking, blinking kind of ht, we reached the stage anti stoot(l at last prompter's table, it table it can be ,d. A small flat board, just large cnough hold a book, was fastened to the wall to the t of the stage, and just beside it the gas which regulate the several groups of to throughout the theatre. It was a well- board, and showed its tuirty anld llmr• ' service In veteran scars. To this spot Booth, the father, Edwin and J. Wilkes, Sons, oft lboked when treacherous memory hly played truant with them. To this Charlotte Cushman, Maggle Mitehell, r Vining Bowers, Mrs. Fa:rreu, Julia Dean, cicault, Barney Williams, good old V en ar t Feohter, looked for a helping halnd hen' stuck." After leaving the prompllter's up thre fllights of stairs, the lower rid disappears, sav 'here and there where ltpimpe can be caught of the stage through " files. A door is reached and to a slight It opens. T'he room is about ten by y, with an L of about the same dimion- ons, and running around it, are rows of ca- alous shelves. Like the confused half-wak- Slag dream of Christmas morning, when the boy looks toward his plethoric stocking with visions of jumping jacks andll Santa Claus, so o nie looks ki upon the heterogeneous omirrn gatheraun belfore hirm. rMONSTElRm IhEADS ;GIN at you from a top sh'lf, redl-eved ld-umons ke their forked tonlgu•es at you traIn thel oor, whilst a group of spears, stately guard- of this weird sanctuary, look idown in n dignity. There is eve,,rything here, m the pint tankard from which old Fl'l- quaffs his sack, to the armor of poor mlet's father's ghost. When a window was :Oened the garish daylight liHoded the room. aaid the king's diadem faded into gilt and pasteboard, the shining helmerts into rough paper and tinfoil, and old Neptune's trident Stoa tawdry three-pronged painted stick. A huge club, made of wire and brown calico, rested in one corner in sullen humor. We hadl seen it before and recognized it. Many anight has Ben DeBar delighted his audiences as lie trod the boards, swinging his huge weapon in "Pocahontas," when as the rotund Pow- Shatan, "the King of the Tuscaroras," he called uponiull his rapscallions to "stand here in the middle, and standing all in a row, keeping their eyes on the mani In the middle," while somebody rosined his bow. Mark smith, too, wielded this club. BLACKEINED WITH AGE and long use, snugly ensconced in one corner, 1 side by side two sculls. What a troop of I baicles they call up! The graveyard e in Hamlet opens upon us. 'lhe quick- tted digger throws them up, and it may be i 7' J&unius Brutus Booth, )avonport. Forrest orE~dwin Booth, in the dinm light picked it u with an "Alas! poor Yorick. I knew him, Horatio-a fellow of inllnlte jest and most teellent fancy * * lere nhung his lips that I have kissed I know not how oit. ' With poor Yorick most of these great actors have returned to dust. Near these relibcs stands the tuneral urn with "Virginius" lu- d upon it, used when Forrest held the -t=se spell-bound. B.tll glistening beneath a coating of (lust on the shelf the goblets and tankards that ed the banquet table in Macbeth. Here 1 oup the murderous Thane drops at the of Banquo. With what a tremulous d did Charles Kean clutch tile vessel- mirrored reflection of nature's terror- ken assassin. At the near end of the property room with a ated mirror stands a bureau, a shabby air close at hand, but rich when seen from •before the footlights. Into this painted glass how often has Lucille Western prepared her bailet, and how often has Frou-Frou arranged her hair before it. Poor Matilda Herron, as .amiLlle, has daintily arranged her coiffure in that painted glass, WAITING FOll HER ARMAND oome. In another room there is a repetition of the I confusion. The heavy sword of Riche- the Cardinal, stood against the wall, the r oldweapon that Booth,Davenport,Band- I and others had tremulously dragged r e stage to the footlghts to mourn the c their power still to wield it. Just be- r bunches of calico baanas and a GIt- I aQ!A~OQpdq.~ ter W p tell where they belonged. The clear and mel- low voice of Edwin Adams came back to us, and we see Enoch Ardon on the beach of his island, "A shipwreckedl mariner waiting for a sall;" that place where "They drifted, stanyling on a lonely Isle at miorn. lhb. , buit the lonei'est In a lonely sea. No wnit was there of human s: tlanice Noff. fruitlageo, mighty iuts and lout i1hing roots." I lust. I t a.llt ,i t Is hrown in hbot.w,'on the Irts. sno next lippul'irs the aratllh'iaillltia of rillieking p intoiliu Ill•. odatli ly sit t illg n thil e hilt hl,•t shelf Is the ipasttboalrdil "lji e I•wl' of tlhe OLT RAVEL TROl1i'r. (Old I)rirv was it bIvvoI'ite phole to (1abrio] •i ivtl,niIlni in -veery eortflr ltin viollney 4t4,1.45: 5ol)li' tlrihk of hile. I)iigon l' h n.iiiu'll , sillil dll fwl, hnlr'lolu C(l.ubsl ini Ii llr(lilnhlli' :WnrV i,. oitll 1'+'ste with ago, m tid 'oltiillingly lililing lilganllet I- serpentll is t1he trident of Zinlt•l of I the " lllakl ri tok." Still 1c1r itlinig to the prIessureI o 1i hl foo , orrily tuIv ulis thei epinnlilng-wihi'l i th1,ii' co'!ner'l hat was wont to he( niloh hourllum{ +, .'Ai'thonin. In the, good oIl Id liv ilkan Lilly rtlun Iler llax in it, ildreamting of Inlgoinar, M1r. IF )Ir.et. Ilusty ~nid out of sha.pe., half hthld'n In the dark shaldowe, Ie a Ii'tlit (of t.h, old Vatl'ltri com(lanly, I dented ntold brlOlikl-ll) epminral, andi near It the pilot-whool of tlihe raft iin "Fioul Play," so oflten toucheilld by the llhanid ,f Fannlly 11. Prie. illUnsuppolrted'l andll alone statull ono of the vl'teran piles of fli'iture of fortly yeo'4rs servitci, ia choval glass, or rllthier its pil.ntell protoltype. What hl doill(lll seions it Ihtis looikedI iilolit! 'i'hey lookedi Ilke it olhlhetion of old hoop- toleh, anllid crookil hooll-l)iots Iat, that. "l'hli," hlel the plrol- orty Ilian, "is the etalT used In "MlI'g Moir- rllos" by HllAl loTT•E (''•HIMAN, and thane for thirty years liavel wI(avedin witclho•s' ihaIIdls to e l iystiC incantatio, lli5 1i MucbIelfti, keepillng rythm as "Roundlll allnullt, tlhe (caldron go In the pli tioiIl exrtia't, tlriow." "Double, double toll anlt troulbln. Fire hiurnl ntd caldron bhubble.." )Des'endillng the stalil dazed in no li ltt' do- gree by the revlvival of thllose old associuationls, we, rochitted the wings, whoer', withoullt Ia tl.lk, istands Failnchon'sl clock, tilh tirllnlpene of lig- i.h Mlltchell, anlld nsome souvenirs of tlhe (JChnplnn slsta'rs and .Ias. A nderson.l "I(tnlle," said Bob t r l'ong1 "lt us go( up into lDollr's private ofllice.' It is a rolill aboutl twenty feet 1square, sltuatedl'i just, ovr and to the right of I he lentrancetll. It w ltt at ciut i'lo•ty in itself. I'rintlltlv lookinig Iesks aild c:tllinlt5s wo'l' ligainsltt ti walle. landl It ii ilihitle of the ilior stoi•oli a tabl, thu girouon blaiz upllt it worn thin. T'packed oll the side of onell' iof thll' desks wtas a carl ilartkiei "tl'' propelrty oif Ludloiw i. MHrith, St. ('hariit•s 'lihat re, 1445." '1'hese gintluenl 1l lnlaiged )hit D rury after It had hben rebuilt from TIlE AMIE4 OFlit TIlE Flll'm OP)1" 1413. ".iire Is It 'icuriouis ook," saidhl Mnjor St rolot.hallingl out an ohl lledger. "1 lt•o ryoul will a le what salarls worn thou paiid soomle of tl• li'eaders. Look downll thllt pig,.''" 'ITh'ler it VIwas reiordeid : "J. II. AlVl'ker'. $J li'r wl'ek; Neaill'',, $2 ; 'l'uTt I'l hle' , i ' ,; .ins. Wright, $15; Mlr. ind Mls. Vallnc, $t1l." 'Thlis wais dil lg tll' 'iseason of 1•15 6. ( lp initng d raw lr. Ilob took (it al ong, nar- irow booIlll, lolking like ai diaryi'. it WI•S it prompt"r's honk, one lingot, cotalning the li 't,.•s o f tl l' e v e illinl}; pw r f io l l nlll+ ', , th ei o th ,r'' 4u11'1 ioteor of the prompter r oil lho miniet of thie ot 'irsand their 'orui ,'rpniis as tneritiied attellotin. It was aI w shere oiio cann reaid how Mr. So-aRil-sO did old t :f'' onil ' I idhto 14rltil. juis.t tItild 1i ta- I ti 'iiie IIIll. 'TIuriliig over thI lelaVe13 we' come 1tc'ns t he f : llli %klil n .)I' ltl'(llll:lll'4 : ll 1l _ "i''uI~iollv, ,t11 22, l-i. -- NInth week vi'o thtm =ei 'il on, ist thML Iit ht of thof I he e'iigageii , of "I i. lootti wisii st ITrlig touter Iiii' ctITl-ts of pr'vil oll' intocllt wt' I cr: " ull nlll nut KOl thri'gh t ho liiit lul 1' ris ('tiist."' i.Vfl h.'isre oi thiseL Istivli(O s tho tiuh Siiiit.ti situiiirl- Iillowol liii- iugeiiielt wasu thiandi thiere -tA ' ll' I l 111111' ... A lit tie tuirther on we reoal ".1 lust 24. -1r hrlootht, at thl reqlnut of t thn f rinubiis gen.'railly, ic-engaged by tim toatiage- 'frie'n for night we note: '"Full anld ntisi- ilitlith ilit tiflle1 tIh tironi present.,, MiORE i'OMIn'LATN rii. 'F`ohhhisi of ia Night,' 'Merchant of Vi'ui- -e Mulr. 'l'oiii l'iaiiCi abisent at rii'h fsl'-u ; 1il5c'i35 Ilstiyeo Iii cotisiqiiiuice. As regard' ii Mr1. iul'liii'e, could I not. pieVali urion thtii iiiio- uigeniit, (it' they dos exait, forfeits) to makhe ii, lug, Li of'h socu'h'iio h'is virug '' Itoiti mxpik- iii L~ Vr-lteIi 1)11(1 aoi'vo 11anal'?'' ~ tk ~Einorse(d on this is: r uhu prompter may hereafter irorit writing f' 1r p.''s name in the book. Let the p)romlpter i at Mobile take lis turn. t "UJ)iDLow " SMITI, Managers." N-ext we tit•t l a familiar nairite to all. 'Thi pl'roWupte writes "'Msers. Jo JPJffl'rsoLn, In itllish and Fredeorfcks reported as being vei y noisy in their dressfig-roomls. 'This is )r((eo lir a COItIlinoN thing, andt requlires no- ticti." 'I'ho sun began. to settle down behind the chimneoys alcross the street, the uliifi ti- inat neII(wiv-roy was shouiting his ust unlSoild ver'iing paperi , the i'req-entt tinkle' of the' er- Iells toid that the busy tile of Ileole wier llilng hoi niei,',d ria We des tlcende'!d the brordil StUiiway to the sidowallk. A Laittered halndiill ralttlrd ini th litl'ful gusts of thie afte'rnoon bir l' , i i-rtll of rtlgged 'i jilll ll e, m irte ll 'irkllng r ho death Ianlii r'-•ting plaue of srineoh •ilon- edly. lIbind its the 'ILvernoulS de'pths of the I t heat're were iiSI int as the tomb, anld asi the door cii sed we thought iof what it revil would the ghorts iof' rothelr days ldelight hin upon I ir, old .stage. I low in long pIrcreesronr would L anldtl, and Ophlia,, Otholloanl D), ,d•+mona, Anthonyn rd CIopatra, Armanrd alnd (Camille, Sir Pe'ter T''razle and lady, Mr. arl Mrs. 'Too- h'I.s, Jhlln•Slliith land P•ocahrlontas, Sir Lu'ciusH ' t r and lRosalindtl, Nancy and kIill Sykes, and aL troop of others march down to the footlights to the weird music of a long; disbanded orchestra. Eheu! It's the old story over again. As Thackeray puts it, we gaze at the skldoton and wonder at the life which once reveled in its mad veins. We take the skull ulp andl muse over the frolic andl dar- ing, the wit, scorn, passion, hope, desire with which that empty bowl once fermnentid. We ttink of tie glances that allured the tears, I that melted * * * Instead of a feast we find a gravestone, and in place of a mistress a few bones. The curtain rolls down, and we join the crowd outside, whispering from "As You Like It:" "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; Thlry Ilih: V theilr 'xits and entra~ln'es. AnB one man in his time vlays many varts." DEFECTIVE RECORD. n The Careless Wording of a Record Ex- tends a Murderer's Life. In the case of Robert Robertson, who stands convicted of the crime of murder, in the par- ish of St. Landry, the record was forwarded to the Acting Governor, who referred it to the 1 Attorney General for examination. The following reply from that officer shows how necessary it is for the court oflicers to exercise the greatest care in order that the ends of justice may not be delayed or de- feated, and the letter is published in full in order that it may serve as a warning to those t whose duty it is to prepare and forward records in criminal cases: ATTORNEY GENERAL's OFFICE, tstate of Louisiana, New Orleans, August 20. 1879. Hon. L. A. Witz. New Orleans: Dear Sir-I have carefully examined the o record submitted to me in the ease of Robert v Robertson, convicted of murder. I find the t record defective in not showing that the jury I commissioners had taken the oath of offlce as required by law. Again, the indictment does not show that the crime was committed in the parsh of St. Laandry. It cha~ge the offne e L- to have boon comnittod at the parislh of St. a, Larndr. TIIn. In my opini.on, (1441s not chalrge4 F4 with stimPnle"nt cor'talnty IhlIlt thin (rim)'Iti was a coiiimltotl. in the pIrlsl of St. l,11n(lr3. It. ,lone not. 1. I'i'Enfo .r.', Ii II 'nr" posit1ivelv I hfi, i 1hin li1v l n. iiii4441't~;io rlnIile~li th 11 ' E'i1144 wyits 4(44- rnt1t11 i 1in 1 f4IE 11141If St. l4,1,IIII ' , 11,i41 11411h )Mc Iii4itt.. 1*41p1' wit 4 'crtl4 '4 I (I ll 111111 ml I ti' II THE~ SA]NJTARY (JOI 4 MLTT.FIIE. 4 1'0''11 isi n 'clt~frll l' shai(4 Ivlll`, r lll. I)' I~h z I t-(lllcj Vy 4 to Ii4l .'4tlt ) (If 111)1 NW II ()14;1 VI AiIXplcl y Siii' f~iI ry Al.e4;lr~l r I 1(1(41; 144141 II \"4;IIily ho i(' 'lin. 1At11ng, ('1114.lIE'iLIJ1 1111' f41Ir1 1411tE41 t ('4p O itIIlIl' (Ia.EIvI4 o .l:I. 1.41 4 IVIIIC, 44f '4k o1f it( I lI W.i I i'. 'iii liJ l llI~r l lll oI l.' fr4 ( [U y41114 4WI 14 hIinlrE4 WII r 111 y'in'fn'.q I ii 111 ityh''(''1. I( TIo(14 1114141414 hI,' Now U~rli~luMAuxilil11y 8ii 4- I tiL ll) AP1'Ii1,1i Itt,: 'I t. 11 r.~ c lro T 'l liiI'l lil1 Iii 114 0 4I141El '.t:1 fil '11411144 1,44( t14 iitIlllr'i1441E 1 1 1iiiLfi4'1 (I 144 Vi tV-nIIIE4 cityIntEgoiod ord rl lanIIlll oIf ii(ll3' wtrl.- t'4'41 t '-Wtinri lhly at lhl; 444141 Ii ti l ..T o1 E hirl) 1 I 111Er t1( iI E'Ill r dlilt (ii1i 11 ( lill' fl. ow,11 y11 i rli, 4''4IfIll, w Ia n Io lliwi , 1. r ii.I44 the E(VIiit Elf lies~ ly~lillr i icyr ti~ll 141,11,tlit~l l ,14 IjI l4'it lI:L. r I ll, I otI1. i ll l u 11444 t IIl.411ow 144 c lif 1,14' 1 jln l T 1 'glll norlIl tl. "1(4t, WEliiil,14 Auiliary 111 44nI t- 4 lt ao r y1,4 (1 in(144l1I.1i t u l ul gIItl+'1(, IT t(iiu r1o -tr441 , tal i,'r i1,tl4lie il 4444I ),l 111144 11(1y ll- I (VoIiIhiI' 411 1 .11144 liffI ncll( folLt 11144 I I ii. 141141i', 113I nlvl rlltIly 4I 14 i (lliig o4, t11,1 (r'g1134 h41 41E41113, ll 43o'I 1114ll4'4, IbIs als iI'1thii tllk''n. '1tllt init "lli(' ((f y4111' llfrncoeilL ii(r i 1l. 411.' . I c II4( 3's I ilta'id l'.44. 4I Iolr 44 ll l N, 111t11, livIng I tIn' llat 1141 1.11 11iLl111 1114' IT 4441(11 " ea 111414141 wI'IIl v't~ll td14 1,u14 tint,1111 ift Ist' i'ir~i, 'Is I Iol d lilll, the1f11 44lurn 11Ito114- 14411'I IX' n 14114111 414 114' a na'4I l.4 4113' thf t~i4 'i 1 4ry wrhih 441 f 1,ll y, i ,* . ; ij, I. 1 wlh s hie il'gru .. onwic t1(% "i 01110 with tihe IIoard ,l f Ieialt h. It ir. Whit' furtlier lr,'io1't'ted that the ilying -inspectlon nlid disinfoetion1 of all tho dwelling- h' Ih()llot- in the city would ho litado Ii lc ond tinlm, comm, ncing on TlhursIdav nltxti. As; oin f thim ir' t rou 1 d1 of thfl 'ity, the zinl-IIronl di-in- I'octant will ho ust d. It i, s of , ,"urior qwuality, atd itltlliaed munlaior sfl)St'filI I lontm' t with 1. I' .I yonsll, tihe whIIi's.ill' dnf ggist, who i•s nlis nmaking lrogo,'autiisll oI' it for tilhe Nation•al BHoard of it,*alth. ht. W •hite 'xp -sse tHtl e hope that tlh sanitary crp, would ho as well re'olve, d by th)' it iz' l. 0a4 th vy w,'.re on t hair lirrt. visit, and t!hat tihey wvill contilul,' LOt a disinl'e,'tihm. Mr'. lyon3 ha11114 phd hl' pri• l of the zline- ronill V l'y low., s Ip l t t, iI. WhVtt)es srlluggl stion - can hr' carred out. att, small '11int. Aftir rt'4 olving 1)]r. Whltil's report thit conl- inltte adjornll'nad. HOW TO MAKE A CIIERRY IIILL JAMBOLAYA. Inplrmrinlsf A stove or fulrnace, two pots a init I•lenrlty of wooId. Motltriltl.u Any kind o fisi1h a1l game, haml and bacon anld allny othl'r odds and ellds youI may have about thL ho1141;•. Shofuld you wtin., Jml ,Ilhllrlvayn. Firt you light a hhizing fir,; IIIu aU 1 t youl to l tuh' rlii. Cult your onion lnlld W1'h Ic o As youllr I)a,•U Iimay d• sir-'; u All thlf fry iponl 1o It r, r. . Into tlItu y)ll stir tlh, flh- Slit III [isrls -- frl th1 Iish II ',111 lithogi tnl . 'Ih11 wh1 l , ,o t1nfllr trnin . TO INvGuttc ttll from burning. i H[nro now. without stult, or futring. Put in 'tl t n t k 'I of stfll t I Ilne. Now, with tkillful lhand I i ty, i ull this l ixtlure ric h anf l A rlwy l'Four your rti',. K mi s a rringsttteadf. And your |.,ifrbhnlni a's ready.i Out from thie, pt1 I' h llm lliihatils) W .+ 1f it •'nh odor atom t~i11 Wani!d t~em t Lu'Iullu dwi to ,t[[ To oiun yiu in your Ir,-l'; rnt realtt. GOINGx ITO CAMP. A rich treat Is in store for til thousantls of visitors to Spani.h Iso tIon Snudly, August n 31, lird during{ th l ensuing wet'=k. That favor- b ite c' artnd, alttlery 1E, Orle.ans Artlillry, tI intend golith, Into campl on the old Indian t cretn ll ground, ton tho riyigt handsildeof tyllayou St. John, oppositat tho fort, frod Inr fernet days tha boys o(f thalt con:mpanly wti enjoy Ia to: Il of active scfrvice. (othier mili ry compranies are invited to partlC:pat(, an tihe place( will tl doAllrtlh•hs iprsilnt lan 'nlivf d aplpearance. o There will bcdress parades, tillery practice, o rille shooting, dancing, andltandsome prizes tl will be,, off-cred succe'ssful I •irksmen. Capt. S;tnhmbola, who is i I mmtand, intends o to nke10 t h festivatl a the gughl success. The b programme oflTtred is r letel with variety, a and fine sport may be a octed. t0 THE C RTS. Sixth Dis *et Court. u The city fles a pet on In this court, alleg- ing that they have r son to fear int e rrfrence a on the part of the N v Orleans City Railro;ad t Company with the ale of the Franchises on t , Septembr 1, and aying for an injunction h restraiinng the co psy frolm interference of h any kind and fron assorting any right to re- tain the franchise or for refusing to transfer them. A preliminary njunction as prayed for was granted by Jud t Tissot. Secon Recorder's Court. tl Edward J. ptiste, charged with shooting and wound with a dangerous weapon to Louisa TriC , was discharged. tr Henry S b, for entering in the day time s e and larcen t was sent before the First District Court, nd r $500 bonds. a ony tinez, charged with ischaragng firearms ,the city limits, was fined $20 or h ten days rish Prison. Oflicer ohn Teen, for shooting and wound- ing Ed rd Kcnnair, was released on $100 ft bonds. a NEW MUSIC. I Mr oui• Grunewald has our thanks for sev new songs. Mr. Eckert, whb is well r k n here as an able musician, presides ov the music department of Mr. Grune- w 's elegant establishment. He informs us t "Darling Daisy (YDundee," "Dreamy es" and "Sweet as a Peach," are among popular songs just now. t FOB OTHER CITY NEWS SEE EIQYTH t GE, t OJ3ITUARY POE' •Y. [Detroit Frio PresH,. T 'Thitq aill mnll now lying iorn Ani gItng t(cI itti'tt. Wvttas nu•-w it Ki o"pg 171 t wl hllthy man Anl Iht e iretn iver y (lily. in wRalkhng rig o 1u , anftrrnoon lint wtit V Wi Itwk ivs 'idik, 11" h d hl , 1.i1 .l (i Jll silov, n in Ilv the, for~ 1 (tt I it. tick. !1I1,t I1IIL.'.4 REM.AINS. They Are .Exltntuid at Dcadwood and rotted to hi IP'trified. '1 '11l4111,14( ills ) Tinesx griv("s an neS naulrntu Th'F ll lilt I Il Iti1 '/'I tltlt'lt gl'lvtu i 1,I li•,t •llt i , it' li •l ii •Z rhe of I i illt-i of Vibi Illl, ttih ir It 1tlt t i t it( t lr (LISt ul'eii tlrt, uW l SN ll'y, ay, aht 1Ihui' al it1lilnt, t be t, aniisl'Terred t tilt ie t Mu- read'i s; thllt Wihl Iill Wt as kill ul ,i y .lf ck t ll'- (I liii, ItiI. il w(Ot , ia llt1u 7i, st llt-:k ila st irikg huI gil' v lior in urllld. r ,,tirwadi . The' 1t i , lii ll, aIll d-t11 liniiiti d Or )t"y , w ltil Ia ll t Inho's Siory ih e 'i l' •ii I wly i ll'tl t tillg (Jlitis rtI -, i, ill i t1 i iht awl gras. CoIra llr 1 11I lt y, ii, iuipaI;r itnir Ot i' 11111 at I II lti, lllll iifll hits O'f I lit lhu t iull e thatl , is llo. (l ily Itxpeilti l, i, wlich will te i i (ttL overf hils Iow lti'slt IL thl,vt h i 1soon It! it arrives. At, 4 1i'tll(ltCI( Sun- day molrl'lilg the bdylly WAS InoVered, lrid(l It t O,'clock it wais , taken out ofl tlhe gll'tv. 'Th( lblod y at 1interltit weighed aboiut 1 1 1 pounds, but upon its lemovall II, welghed t, lst si than :1Ni. T''herl was nl odor andl 1(! pelrceptin I. 0i'(1y, and it is suppos!l d by thios who ex- nillied It ,ltl lutp(rifa' tio' had tl i k in pline, I us it, wits its htut'l ats wdiull and rettlrnlid tlia( ,sa11u,11 s(1 lld 4 it a llyg when struck with It stick. IV4rything In the vollin was flou•! just Its It wi4s plaitq there 11(14l th, rumor thath thelv grll'w had hiIi nrihlol wits all blush. TiM onlly art1l"i(" lur'iel with tim ololy wis a i nll e, alll that, was to Its gol(I IL state of r1l't'sler"vla- M il) I .ts 4ver. TIhiio n was ill kli' and ri volv- e'rs luri'd wiIh hilm, is r'por ti llld, ail( thos• Who shloull knew say that he never wflu 1 .ltl It litl silk y its w h en i 1 lif ', il llii i lo k o f it is i now in th - p 4ssessio11 of Wil. |•,vli.l•, rnull- (h4l1l dlirecilr of the (nti thea l t re. 111 is moui- I ni',h was haid, iul l•t'm•44wd, likte tho bdly, to 1l1tlo hav b ien pI ttrilied. * .!i41 . ... S'II'IIE N (41l IlIRD'S IIHElOIT[SM. A Story of the Philadelphia Pestilence of 14 1792, 'I'ho 4:'4444441444 (ir i'4t, 144401. 4444In til444N444 ii It ii 444444444It.3 i'44444444t t444ll4'4'(l 441ut I>' I ted '44,i'i1II wtVwl o ii e th4 e'4' r114414 ll4''4I , 41,4'4 4 4illa. ff. Thi ti'44llfl u i 1i41ir'44Ii'. y4'Iii', vie'V'4', f1t('''sI 'ild 1l ill i'hhial'la14 111 171I2. All WhIoll ilil0 Il. 1, 11'11'' 111111'11111 of the plague, r1 1l1.'lel Siihk by 44 i)if' i~i n his 44444'4441v'' it LoIirn.ln wi'i'' ('1'111- II 1/'I l inl thI s A 44''1ll'4 ll4 (City,31. ,fi ji' , 114141 4(4444 441.'ll4441s4 ill te 14pp44 troh oiifi>', ii 4g ler'' l tr poo 4444' ve (irltggI'uI nlt to B''I4h 11ll Ii spltLlI, 14 IN 10111 nder plBnfe11111,1 uttlprai-till', fI w eve 4i'i'ivi'il'*'. N4'w V irk pressed4 44 Ilgislntti vii VI i t ii ll 4y1('44', 4444 4i44444' l 44443' (III''. 11k 44- v''il, i4Li4 or fnnl'4I', l'tni44 from I 'lIi14'l- V Jul14 444' 4rl-h- litl'd of '444444444. %A,4'e4- 5441fs p14 j4444s1 IL 44t444II4' 41igh41 law. Iii tI e' 1111t olt this tt''t till)' 14'u.rge44 It, was 44- 144i 4 that41 Stiph44 1'liriLd, 14 tillw4Int M4t 44 44'rl'1414441, 141 I'lll Il;d4,14l4444, hadtl taI en k Ia4'gel ot' '1444it fhll II.454t t1, WhiPllne 444 4444' '4,14 4 4'' t 4 4 '4411e, 44411 ('11 wasala4(4411'4 144 4-414445yl4144 tile dyIng adl I i41h'44'4lrt.I ii' Ilia. 1144 it 1144, nwI s hani 5s' i th) iii vir'i' 114 tyi eli Iust I!a, and rL'4't'I 44 clis'i ~hic~ Ac~larnc 4441l4ti',~ 1141 I44tcl44lt 4v11 I loll 4414V1l4 !11tihlull tll' I 4' Ath i trl IIhc'd IIIIt 'rIICI1H , Bill ('l tl~l1 tJN'III t, S. And1 -~cct ii444I4 (i14'a4iI fliii!c irii'l 44'I444'e4tr~l I 4 i4444 4444 thntlgh (i I)ll)()rd 11 (:(f-i1 d'lI :LJ PIIII d ill-lt Ijjf I 4l'!14r4'IH dulllilli i l iv iiiwlx 'lii h ' r. t'4 44441(1v h wa 4444444 :two['*' f4411i1i 444 Flifih 4t1i'i'tli i a la4441 i1(0I 1+e, Iii iv;ll hic 1(1" 4444'4li14'l1 hi aty or- pia444 4'14444i444ei 141144444 iii tiell' 414'4.'-, ("14141 l'4v'1 to i Ile II111' founIdjiatrion of thin 1'llIiLadul- 141444 Orhphan Aiy1l44r. U,PIRfiES.4I E FO*ltihNERS. Rcason for the Obstinate Prefcrence of the F i nch and Swiss for Clumsy Framinig Touls. [.J4i til,(iiliiy'i4 Litter o'i I'l : 111 4 ,l iil'i 11444 iJI ~ 1'ii i fo 144t th 1441,4t' at, 10i414'1 4iving(stonl'a 44414 4Itl4 our 1 ini st,1 toi 4)1 4 4tif1. 144511 , 1,1I,4 4 , 4 U'foe tll h mllrptn olI of the lrlrist ,t'tihcn, or Its the4 tI'prl'44et.44,l Vi iii of 44414iugIl4s 4 4iirl4' - tri4li44. 11'fir''1 a44''VIng in4 Pa4L44 141l 144.d 144en 1 44It441riY v~k~ll I4414''44'In ii' ,1'1444tt44y1, 14441 irrt~ an wrni r -aflcully irnl cI"; c: oy t(~ ilet that most o tiul414 'III tu'lU Iii lors wer4 ' hIi 4wid 4111 14 ox- hi441lnl o 111i144 itigso r'in44u4'4 4141 441g1. fiI 4s('lt'4 vI, 44l54o, 14that theirl chf 4144 I l4'1.44' 'r'e414144 WIt 14 haInles but 1 hel i4'l't 14n4g, 1441 lowler l whS reaing4ia they had o wh1e4it4i'41 t h'ir eIre 1 1 i 4'lL 114'4,V4'4' whiIll 4rer'4444d4 Il he, hill lot 4'444lelyl44g 44 444Lt.n144Ll evil h44 14441 onl4y! 1141X11t1 L, the 4t1,4'4411 ift M44ny 1"i'144hm'141 4 (itf lnfuenc theft t1h441t A 144144'iix4 t,44'1 i4 4414441 I111pll'4I'14t4 whl4 hei'4 4lli4'4 the4 tol tst'i l'r4't, hIi, wilnt fur4th4r 44d 414 4t411 a 141441' 44Iulh44' fit lng-ha(dle44 hoes tr4' gra4 1,4lw 14 llli,41h44ti144, 'lii'h14' 14144 Woul li, 1 he illed, d1' il4.k'44 '114143'a '('14444 lu Ilts e agns-lk .Thyw lo144144 1lii',lt44le(l, 444444 ,liv- 14444441A14'1 [1 er44414' hl'44444I'4141.i4lI 4441 44l('j 14u 'ls- 4'44'4'4441,444o4 144 1.144 d1i4 ' lt4441, i41 41i141'14444 44 peo-4 plei to1 4'(4411414 ,11 thei'44' p 4(4441i 44114144io4. Heiri' 1.oo4, 144 (144. 44s in error. 14 it' the14441(44olitours,1 the1 pil'4 41111o1('14444 c4144l111444 144 sough41t, tii 1444w r 11,lrIaets otwrea h 441ssn mank'44414iit d tr'4 44414,4,hit'- ('1141j"4 4444o 14 via44 44141 Jiys~ilal i.'n14411111441. I[4Lul hAivn45ilgr4t lir'st as4ked4 whyx th144 i14441 Il" 144144444 1411-t44444411', i41iiinot i l14 I14414 to1441 xV44F441l1 11444l444ilY 11,4 lbr tter'X'll'wud rhtyhv t44k4'4 a4 mom1'4 p~racticalI tu4r4. 1144 1444, h4414- t,4ravel''4s ((ho1 vix 4444.4-1('4444 with4 t,14e '1'4 11" 1.1on4, XVhy (14 tlhl'14 144'44l1' 41(4t 44144 ('4111 144,-1-aiga~rlntrl nL"i~r tog the4.y 44444 ttur4414t44ka4141 p 14 iii; -- 44441444 a44 t,444 4 diiiversit4y lin kil 44441 4ago1 oit the cr411ps -th414t the1 hold1in1gs' o41 1444(11 in 4,14l; r444'44 parts44 oft RlIgiiirn, Fiance 44n41 S wltz,'r'4a11 a4:4 4441,, 144 th141 a4verage44, 144 1la4g1 a&s 144141'l44g 1441t4 14 th41 twen1ty'-second14(, twl'rnty-tl444th41411d twen4ty- p 4444,4414lh war4ds oft P1414ill'lo~rhli. Thl441e1 who t ownI these44 pa4tc'he4 o)1 144144 liv1 in villleges 441441 liabori n Wor4ksholp oIr in factory. (:'t li11441 anid womenl' - -generall44y 11444e ofI the44 14tt~er-at atA414( to th1e4 i41'(p4, which, 4Ven1 when4, of grain41, are4 carefutlly wee~dedi. The4 ground,41 ma4y he4 pre'ipare~d b43 the1 s'paLidi, though(l the 0141- fashioned4'( sho)4rt-ha4ldledl 14444 11s11 stil re'quently' (I u(sedl 1n breakin1g 1it up, hut tt44ch o)1 3he work is evidenllty done44 with tr'owels. 1T4e pr4'va4,il-1 in4g a4ppeairance o4f prelnatulre 0old age, whichic aro4u41441 Livingston's sympa1thie4s, 44s attribu- tabLe4( to this inevitable niunthol, oft ana 4114141 faLrming, and to) the habiit wh~ich the womni4f have of c4arryin~g, strapped on their' backs, huge baskets, often41 heavily loaded. Ismail'M Flnal Ha.ul. [London Truth, August 7.] Of course Mr. Bourke did -rot know "offi- cially" what wasithe amount and the nature of the property stolen by the ea-Khedive in his final Egyptian raid, lor one of the peculiari- ties of Mr. Bourke is that he never does any- thing "officially" until long after it has come to the knowledge of every one else. I he ex- Khedive look between 0,{),OO0 and :3••0,00 in cash from the public treasury, he swept away all the jewelry from the harems into which his agents could gain admission, and} he laid 'nands on all tie plate in his differect palace,3. Tewlik may have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but his estimable fathe r literally left him without one of th~se articles on ascending the parental throne. The property stolen by the Khedive is esti- ma'Led as worth about 4i0,00000. Obvwously thie best plan would be to force him to dis- gorge the greater portion of it, and then to regard the rest as payment, in ad'ance, of 'ais pension. The Jews In America. [Jewish Times. I We are convinced that the almrost universal use of the German language and the exten- sive use of the Judisch-Deutsch patois by Sthe Jews of America are the causes of nine- tenths of all the so-called prejudices against the ,J•ws in th,• United States. T'Ih attemrlpt to (itrmanulzo Jldaism in Amnrhlca I a hIluer- dler, nay, IL dlownright crime. Am ercane Iml tW, Hplila.k the aiii•nag' of Am reriva.j t•Ir Ier,' wish to •o rOegarded rts A merlo'ns. Woe ntidl an A Minrliconlt MSoltieuith at t'l thisr ay Aon lit hlh s;ool tne'r wI ijG ' hlin, I, tll l. •4o o terll this lo'.ion II i t gll ht' , t h' soon, r will ,v nvwli In t'ullljlt'iII ttllV ill ittll W wh( n(,' iii't ur, liitil footrl . Alirri I-lgtmint ti o be, g eand tit le, Ait nt eit it,n and l ,I ionti r will t iht' " tpr judilW', agtv i t lthe I ,o w •s " c o , , ;' t o ,e 1 4 l. FLOODS 01' IllitNING: 011., A Miagnitticnt 1tietale t Piirkei r City A Terrihle Explosion. I1pii tr 'he' from I'Warki' r W 'ity, 'at dotl 'r(tW ' Im.nt iy ',,it ' lli, i, . wl'iill ,tl i ti e li.y11 a iti ito The art'l WnI, ti tihe grW nt tll firlet Il Cnittit- (l,,it, w, ,lif t tl tlnt lrtrlh Wtrll , lll tatutti .. It lit'lt rih, litt, , l,"e s l t tr ,ribly gtt ll ' ittel i, th res slrt', it ITios S.t' stit'lo titn t 4huti vrib's the owtur- Ior i It rt o days i kk r hits bIih itiwn in •'tt•e of ,t t'i, Imentir . hintl ' dit,yl roti k on Th'i r'dll ly it, tiong, when Ihe 'great'e2,o n| barllel tank of oil wi s s•t oIn ic r lr by I llght. i t11nit 1l, tirtes hait itbeen lt'ttig in•ut ,antly. Whien hi tnk hurstl, 4tre a o' fi 111' ti lu rnlli flown the, r vinsll. ilve.al hol-;iW ' inl Kellyvllo weretl'' ruIe-t •Iy , ali whnii l lt.h l oil rit' lu 'ld thl o tu lv'wr the 11it 1te1 ln'itia l l p tw ritl' or threi ' owl' ur hlt 4hir-M fIllt. Io s•light wiel ll gil'nilu ono, I iutik no oneitttil lthoughlt, or t•at,. P'a'rker •itly was In dlanger. l aplpily , however, the lirt'h wa• 4taytv,,d In that de'-tronv•' belonged to tth, Win. Mlunhtll lonl- [nt.ny, of Pitt uilrg. Itti,er in ti., s ,ay it 7tt00) Iairrol tank, owned by tih1 1ra rhaml(l Oil Com- p)iny, w a .dustl '•royed. Early yosterday morning i third tank was lired. TnI4 was the I.Iim•lnll. tank ownid by 22,100l hbisof all, Iiid watt s•ll tmtdl In the' st,'ep ravinelaposltetheOil hIXhangn. Tli t-ne, were partially s motherre , bht again b1roke out, inl )lthen, with an awflul report , the top T'ho e.xeitenment throughout Frd'ay night wis Invlllsl. E',vor'yhodIy welted ftort,ho ''nl| to cotll. Wghn Chit oil should hall ov+.r it wits ,'xp-eete'd to firea it IRk 'ontining 10,04011 his in the diree, lIne whi'h thim burnig oilrtun- ning down tit, rhtvin, wo•hi talko. 'I ho liaitls w,+ri e-< petIlIe to iro<)4 tlh river. The lTower pot tion• o' J'llrkt'r w -is in dangl. l. ['t'ople moved I hir gods to phlt :t3 of safety. The liml o null w+rt, ready Tit It mtornl'tlt's- notice. No o,' sl•t that slight. No onl ('old with dlanigers'o near at hand. "he h'st was h-;fed for , but n i on liatd r xt i 'pet't it. All thlatt, lnid t ot ehon'e wit to wattt'h ulld w it. At I :1:) Saturday thl oil overR.ownd, nut, not, Ot hI'vily 1t. was lookl for. A .+olid +•h"''t ofr thlmIe ran down the raivintt to t, o rivet'. (irt, clouls of blk ml-tlk', arose , in thllir. 'rho thlns'4 volld , over thl ground mill a Ip', d trlnity feet into the tlr. Tim befit wal• In'.- t intonse,. It glneratedl g:ts ill the ('niltd ipe Line T''ank No. 7;. knwn'n 114 the (;r•nt, Welhor A Co,. tank, 4i tuatted, 301) feet, nit',.-. A most, th rrli(' .xpl,+..lo l,+llowed, ;11:t0 1-11ugtot' heavy plot! glasts; in !ho wtl- hto1.se, to their very I'fourl titton. T'h' xplo- ttan I was rcattered around tih oun try for a lot, t dit nt',I ,'". hil ) ll ce w'ighing fifty pounds I w.''+ lo.,Itoll r mill" s h atway. Tih itle that, f.Ilow}! d w' s app:l- lh r, .'I n t•iank .hlntai, wd rw th tw i g'rolnd m ll lift wlytv,•H li urrirl -oil rusdil- down th lhilI•lhl. 'They yrea('th1d 11' t h r iv.r, hut d, id not, -,tA,1p t here, or |.Vwhile S the )on 'tr• ('r sti( )|l w als rolm l ) |,o. b• Ovt-ry u m ' looked f1'r the it, 1(1',. to eti•ow directly rTm. i :1 lI ii the city. I'lt il tnxiley wtas ilnterlr ,. " ';verythintg iep11iw'iit- upon Ith. tcurrent I1nil1 I the' itl. T'ie s('J at tw h l. t hl ime• was granld ,Irid d,,•s'ri h ,-rptlon. T herivrra dt' rrn ning oil, wiih itt.,- I1tw m b.t. lack .nivenoke ratrlt it.ll.d l'[l4 l11 uvparld 1until the hleav4,ns were dark- 4 11•i, . Tit' Liz 'is. tit r -'t irt.rlt-korn, ru1htd Iln I witl di.4itaty in all directitns. Their fact-t I wiere bhlatnh'd. Wllnti anlIl chil!dre'i waer- tl'ryingi, tmii strong Iitn were paretlyz('dl with li''r. Happily Llly wind Wi w LH 'trolng icnuol• to chanltI'the .Il' urse thlr t fainits before the• i city. It half ant hior they begatn resleding. til,' rivel'. Th'1 '0 cornliun wi.• overwhelining and ubllimr(. iThl re(,edling was a `ltting finish to a picturel' th1at nl'ver hall1l,- hb 1l r a'lns- lt'rt.-tI 111 (ilIIvai . by thi` tltw two dwe-ltlngs on the hllside wv''rt -. Vw•ptt awayl , 1.atI Iiatlo si ' veiltI siminll tw. n t an-tL k iof toil of t,'lh Uniitld 'ip Line. WVln t 1wl Iit1ut i-s -itttshttt it was distoveretl thuit tak No. I of th Ut;iti- I , l'i)pe 1• int was (ll firi,, citntlatlniug 12,tt)t ! barrels oi oil. Tanks 3 i ail I art s•Iill burning, anit will eont losiu to blrn ,hlurnig thie night. No furthtier ldarnag( . apprl, ehr ,nd :l . T'l'h, total lrwllt it. olf oil lost iil the, d1etroyed tacks 1-| 80,14ll batrrlels. Th( total los, onI th~, olil, dwelling:, and other prop-rlil. y is ; $1 I ,t10r. American MarInen In Rusi•Ia. {•t. P t,•rehurg (iGolos.I (in th thi thirty-first of July the rltssran ma- rlill,:4 o Kr lnst. adt gave a recept(iolll.to the cretw of tiihe ltit-t htlLtiss 'uOvet ELnt-'rprise. In tlhe Stiml•tr Gtarlden there wals i 4treLted ai largi telnt- white, blue and redl. Atthel n- t.ranc ll- of th te nt, r)issiLi')g eatchi other, were tI.hi wo lastt, OIf llts-iia itlntl the I niteLd States. In ide, lupon 1 long table, a tbanque-t had lben st,'I otr thl lilfty A tt'rtCan guests iaint for thei fifty •Loi-s••rtn marines who had visited thei .1811, 00 Matryes. The h:batnuet consi stedl of i•ou, roasts., pi• il a lid•4ert. Thhere was ii I It1 ,t siupply (It h•Oir, mlrll41 an•I wine. A hand p! ;y-d 1ihi I1sttisian unlt Amenri itan natlonal air"'. '[Thn tpechl5's iof thie gueshts, as well as itr iil.' l•t.tRsitlan uirinis, priovoktIl cheering. A [ri gr'i it surpri-•', ont- of tin tusslan It.1- ri lrtii hit Itt speechtili In ti0 Ert.iglih languiage• ,Lthat si'rpasse(d i ilioqueuiLthi, i:lelv the speechies Still ,(tntther reception wavs given by the olinr LI' th' e lai- aiIt ll na y to (•it '. 1-.ttes of the I rt(tlls •i•of the Navy (;hltu, which vwa's ornu(- le1ntld pro fusely wLith lft.g4la f'tI(rns and rilot tis. Oin tihe liazz were handstine ta- tbles orriame nte(I with It.wrn s andi fruits, and Lover och table was th, l'e il tlt ilrapi with ninlietgr t igs. At ; o'eloik th td layer "Lll Coluoitnl," tatid ourn tras-ut llantid fri'enis wer ttw :lutcd y the aIn-tirtls and iali- tir-I f ndtry lt4tl si l navy. At dinner Athere was seated s'vent. persons. l.e speeches wtru in English. i The a re t toat was re- splnded to by the Ctorlutander of th Enter- priseb, who sp•kt o the frin( 1v relations he- twIr.t the tliist ttd States and p us, a•.a, Capt. IMttlehkin spollke of the great r elol n of thei American peopleoand of their clmm'rel andt their industry. Ath thr e beginnfing oe" August to En lterprlse lepaes for Kie y t Gallantry and Crime in the hud. [Philadelphia Bulletin, Augustt Ii.| A csharp-e t youngstt er of Rs(even yetars, with dirty bare log.a id a wbaggy sutt, was berore Magistrate Smith ait the Central toation this morning he sape tharge of 1ickingl the poc~t Jof a la ony in the park yte sterdy aftet:noon. tie was a ar•--wah this b•y--and he showed a cuteness far beyond his yars, lieleft his hormr, No. t3i,( Cadwaladar str•ut, yesterday morn ing, h, said, but wat out to t• parkt, wht ar he scrapeu the ac ~o aitaa co of two lit- tle girls. "itd yasatake a pocketbook from a lady ?" LThr a moment the bo7 argitus with himself Thie ittle man answered this w ath su;pris- g ala.erit and wi t eh orine amount of pride: "I ,uyelo my two girls their fpper in the "What had you fer suppter" "Two ,csdish cakes and peaches, a nd It was bully." "Do you often steal?" asked the magistrate. The boy, with a fral•kn(e's that took the Court's breath, replied: "$ steal whenever . get I. good chant ." This was ma:Te apparent afterward, as a park guard staed that he had caught the Ltad in the act of "getting awfay" with a baby coach previoua to his theft of the pocket- book. The father of the child was sent for, and his futute destination will be a reatter of discretion. The Difference. Dr. Price's Extract of Vanilla is made from the true Mexican Vanilla bean, while most of the so-called extract of vanilla in the market is but an imitation, made from the tonoua or snuff bean. Dr. Price's Extract Vat 6 h•a the line, delicate flavor of the ifuit, A INSURANCE. '1- ~- . I--z-. i, MERCHANTS' Mutual Insurance Company n OF NEW ORLEANS. IO4 .............. Calel ktreat.....--" 0 TWENT- YIFT4i ANNUASl BTATEgUX In 0on0tor'ity 0with {i r',nlronlm-mnt of theg eharto., the IoXmvIEtuO FUitNhi rtei frollowlIg Statlm ;nt: 'rmiluritis .eived ,r•I t9 roar ending .y73 81 1 n1Y8IW rludlrit < u r;'e•?ad brornhluS of th)Ullr i:+vii year- (fn .iro %aikra................ .... $'ir77 3 On Marin. itlaks... . ----- 19,o 4 On Ilvor Rinska.....:..::. . **** 19.701 75 Total Premiumnri .. ........ t.:r,4.5. 83 Lo•s Unolurntod iPrOmiumll..... 111.258 a N .ot IEiLrnod Fromn :uns Ma, at. f owue vald- . On Fire Risks...... t$f.nues w On Marineo Ileks........... Ie,.r n t On 2i1er IHisks........ -, 6.1;12 : Tae•' and ,roensee, lees IntArat.t.........-. - I1.025 1; RIlnelurcr,mne and Be. turned Premiumns... 17,820 61-- 100,2a~o I(rtierny for unpald losses ......... 22,000 pa Profit..--..... 4, The Company have the foCvwlns aseeto, eetl. mated at rmarket valte: ial Estate ................... 11768 , Oily Bonds and Mortgage Bortds... 16.009 00 Bank. Waterwrks and other Stocks ......................... 13.601 A1 Notes secured by mortuage or l d . ..................... .... 192.902 a Bills re',evlablo. . . ........... 2.,83 41 Promlnms Incourse of oollection... 86s,,e8 a City 8 ri.-..-.......- ............. 2.000 00 Ju1sgmrnt o': mortgag' not's ... -, 8.000 e tiash on haand- - -. l... 61,392 41 The above statement Is a just, true and 0or- rest tranacrlot from the book; of the ComDany PAUL FOUIICHY, Preseldent Q. W. Non,, Secretary. STATE OF LOUIelPANA, 1 Parish of Orloane. City of Ne,; Orleans. I Swcrn to and anlacrib• d before me the ninthk ida of Jone. 1879, JAMEB FAHET. Notary Publie, At a meet! s of the Board of Directors, held on tbo ninth day of Jnur,. 1879. It was resolved to declaro a cash dividnd of twenty per cent on the not oarnnwd partlcloatlng premiuras for the year ondiag May 81. 1879. Dayable on the third Monday of Jnly nelt. Also. to pay to the Stockholders, on demand interest at the rate of ten per cent Der a-nau on their stock. P. Marsero. D. Patio. J. J. Fernandez. Edward Toby. Paul Fonrchy. D. A. Obaffralz. John GoIdes. M. W. Smith. Jnoe B. Lallande. Chas. Lafitte. jn14 :m 1t. W. Taylor. GRIUNEWALD'S MAMM OTH .MUSIC HOUSE Baronne Streets, Grunewald Ral. Astook of over 2Se PIANOS & ORGANS, to oselect from General Agency of the world-renowned Planos ot STEINWAY KNAHE. I'LEjEL IIAIN ES and FISHER. BRIIAS INSTRUMENTS. STRINGS, ACCORDEONS. GUITABS. Of our importation. LO' TEST PRICER- BPET TERMS. Country ordera re•pectfully solicited. LOUIS dGRUNEWALD, no22 Gru~ewald Hall. New OrleanL C;ARD PRINTING. THE DEMOCRAT Job Printin gOffice No. 109 GRAVIER ST., H avir4 jiust received the lc•gest and finest "to .:k o: plain and fancy Card' ever lbrought to thE, S,cthA. is veparear to execute, at low prices and Ir. amomnts to suit uastomers, among others the following styles o2 VISITING CARDS: Golt, Edge, Gold Dust. S icsvr Edge, Snowflake. Red EdSen Damask. Blue Elge, Araaeeque. Bevel Edge, Phantom. Morning Glory. Orlantal. Rep. Bes'des the above we are prepared to print BUM.INEWM CAILDS OF EVERY GRADE. Programme Cards, Show Cards, Wed* ig _ Cards. etc. IISSISIPPI, MEXICAN (ULkr UlHIZP ISLAND CANAL III BII AID SHEL DEPOT. 1a'r sale cheap, and In auantities to saitt LUMBER, SHELLS, WOOD, BRICKS. Boeelal rates for lumber sawed to order. OfBoe; No. f UD1on street. rteat St. Glarlb nrv• Ibztl

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Page 1: )BEHIND TIIE SCENES....istands Failnchon'sl clock, tilh tirllnlpene of lig-i.h Mlltchell, anlld nsome souvenirs of tlhe (JChnplnn slsta'rs and .Ias. A nderson.l "I(tnlle," said Bob


4 Visit to the Properly Iloonms ofthe St. Charles Theatre.

"Step right up-stairs, si r, and you will find

-,. , " said the earpenl,'r, as hi listIlessly

l~ed against the doorway o,' f t, e oldl St.

Chirles Theatre, andl, a,, -rdiigly, up-staR's

-We went in search of It i,ver-s;miling face of

b Strong, who now is the miajor doneo of

Ae Old I)rry. 't rei' was a siort of misty

t•ilight resting over the Ir1go auditorium,

•through which the' stage as far hack as thi

erar wall Icould e sen. 'lThe curtaln, which

bad fallen upon the last nat of last season's

performance, had hben raised, andi on either'

sideof the stage, silent and moody, rested

ihe incongruous wlngs of somel forest scene

ilied In delightful confusion with a portion

o a drawing-room set piece. Through the

:kylights overhead the bright light of nowms-

dy endeavored to p,,netrate, but its lest

fforts resulted only in reaching the upperu

The vacant, chairs, the unlighteod foot-

ht, the profounil slile(nio mnade oneF, per-

. ee, stop for a oieiumnnt to look around.

,here was the chair from which the anzziglltbauty of the charllnlg Mss captivalted

the whole house on Christmnas night, in 15,51

there the box where thue divine Miss Some-

dy Else flirted so openly with the clashing.ol.---, who was afterward killed in a durel

oan her account. T'lhe longer we looked the

:imore faces caine out of the hllf shadow, and

soon memory illled the lhouse. The foot-lights

eburned brightly. the drss circle andi par-

- quette were jamined; like thie waving of the

leaves on the aspen the Iluttiering of fans gave

life and motion t(o th(e picture. Thlle orchestra

were all in their plac's; the leader gave tihe

invarlable preioimtiory squeak to his violin,

then tried the bass string, while the bass viol

brought out a mulllld groan from that elo-

phantitne instrimneit. An linspiriting intro-

uatoion seemed to thlat, out and drift away,

Wihen the tinkle of a little (,ll was heard, and

Lmjestically the curtain rose. Fans ceasedtheir motion, eyes were riveted on the stage,

n~nd, after some small talk from two gallantsnuer the left upper entrance, In there walked

ae majestio tigure in majestic attire-, and the

j;lspers ran through the audience: "There'sold man IBooth! " "low grand he 1u•!" An

auction drum over the way broke the Hpell,ald gone were the ghosts of the lluj NunnI',

,gone the beauty, the chivalry and the mysticfOotrlights that but a moment ago seeimed to

be there. That leader's fiddle has poured out

i last cr"rscindo, the 'rnllet has sounded its

lst flourish to an advancing ltichlmond. andihe flngers that handled the drum-sticks are

dust aild ashes out here in some of our Cenelll

t)ries. Thirty-five years have worked sad

IMvOC in the ranks with its canister and grape,&nd those who remain of those elegant audi-

.sOes of bygone nights might almost be put

in the privato boxes.There is a saddening feeling comes over

one in these daylight views of those desertedrows and blank stretch of stage. The "has

:.been" creeps in upon the "Is," and involun-

tarily one makes comparisons not alwaysr'-omplimentary to the present. "'I ani here,

old fellow," came a voice at our olbow, andour guest, Major Strong, shone out from the

darkness.TO THE PI'IPI'ETY-1:(iOM.N,

Waae bur first departure. Entering ia long, nar-iw passage-way, into which a window here

there let in a winking, blinking kind of

ht, we reached the stage anti stoot(l at lastprompter's table, it table it can be

,d. A small flat board, just large cnoughhold a book, was fastened to the wall to the

t of the stage, and just beside it the gaswhich regulate the several groups of

to throughout the theatre. It was a well-board, and showed its tuirty anld llmr•' service In veteran scars. To this spot

Booth, the father, Edwin and J. Wilkes,Sons, oft lboked when treacherous memory

hly played truant with them. To thisCharlotte Cushman, Maggle Mitehell,

r Vining Bowers, Mrs. Fa:rreu, Julia Dean,cicault, Barney Williams, good old V enar t Feohter, looked for a helping halnd

hen' stuck." After leaving the prompllter'sup thre fllights of stairs, the lower

rid disappears, sav 'here and there whereltpimpe can be caught of the stage through" files. A door is reached and to a slight

It opens. T'he room is about ten byy, with an L of about the same dimion-

ons, and running around it, are rows of ca-alous shelves. Like the confused half-wak-

Slag dream of Christmas morning, when theboy looks toward his plethoric stocking withvisions of jumping jacks andll Santa Claus, soo nie looks ki upon the heterogeneous omirrngatheraun belfore hirm.

rMONSTElRm IhEADS ;GINat you from a top sh'lf, redl-eved ld-umons

ke their forked tonlgu•es at you traIn theloor, whilst a group of spears, stately guard-

of this weird sanctuary, look idown inn dignity. There is eve,,rything here,

m the pint tankard from which old Fl'l-quaffs his sack, to the armor of poor

mlet's father's ghost. When a window was:Oened the garish daylight liHoded the room.aaid the king's diadem faded into gilt andpasteboard, the shining helmerts into roughpaper and tinfoil, and old Neptune's trident

Stoa tawdry three-pronged painted stick. Ahuge club, made of wire and brown calico,rested in one corner in sullen humor. We hadlseen it before and recognized it. Many anighthas Ben DeBar delighted his audiences as lietrod the boards, swinging his huge weaponin "Pocahontas," when as the rotund Pow-Shatan, "the King of the Tuscaroras," hecalled uponiull his rapscallions to "standhere in the middle, and standing all in a row,keeping their eyes on the mani In the middle,"while somebody rosined his bow. Marksmith, too, wielded this club.

BLACKEINED WITH AGEand long use, snugly ensconced in one corner, 1

side by side two sculls. What a troop of Ibaicles they call up! The graveyard

e in Hamlet opens upon us. 'lhe quick-tted digger throws them up, and it may be i

7' J&unius Brutus Booth, )avonport. ForrestorE~dwin Booth, in the dinm light picked itu with an "Alas! poor Yorick. I knew him,Horatio-a fellow of inllnlte jest and most

teellent fancy * * lere nhung his lipsthat I have kissed I know not how oit. '

With poor Yorick most of these great actorshave returned to dust. Near these relibcsstands the tuneral urn with "Virginius" lu-

d upon it, used when Forrest held the-t=se spell-bound.

B.tll glistening beneath a coating of (luston the shelf the goblets and tankards that

ed the banquet table in Macbeth. Here 1oup the murderous Thane drops at the

of Banquo. With what a tremulousd did Charles Kean clutch tile vessel-mirrored reflection of nature's terror-ken assassin.

At the near end of the property room with aated mirror stands a bureau, a shabby

air close at hand, but rich when seen from•before the footlights. Into this painted glasshow often has Lucille Western prepared herbailet, and how often has Frou-Frou arrangedher hair before it. Poor Matilda Herron, as.amiLlle, has daintily arranged her coiffure inthat painted glass,


In another room there is a repetition of the Iconfusion. The heavy sword of Riche-

the Cardinal, stood against the wall, the roldweapon that Booth,Davenport,Band- I

and others had tremulously dragged re stage to the footlghts to mourn the c

their power still to wield it. Just be- rbunches of calico baanas and a

GIt- I aQ!A~OQpdq.~ ter W p

tell where they belonged. The clear and mel-low voice of Edwin Adams came back to us,and we see Enoch Ardon on the beach of hisisland, "A shipwreckedl mariner waiting for asall;" that place where"They drifted, stanyling on a lonely Isle atmiorn.lhb. , buit the lonei'est In a lonely sea.

No wnit was there of human s: tlaniceNoff. fruitlageo, mighty iuts and lout i1hingroots."

I lust. I t a.llt ,i t Is hrown in hbot.w,'on theIrts. sno next lippul'irs the aratllh'iaillltia ofrillieking p intoiliu Ill•. odatli ly sit t illg n thil ehilt hl,•t shelf Is the ipasttboalrdil "lji e I•wl'of tlhe

OLT RAVEL TROl1i'r.(Old I)rirv was it bIvvoI'ite phole to (1abrio]•i ivtl, niIlni in -veery eortflr ltin viollney 4t4,1.45:

5ol)li' tlrihk of hile. I)iigon l' h n.iiiu'll , sillil dllfwl, hnlr'lolu C(l.ubsl ini Ii llr(l ilnhlli' :WnrV i,.oitll 1'+'ste with ago, m tid 'oltiillingly lililinglilganllet I- serpentll is t1he trident of Zinlt•l ofI the " lllakl ri tok."Still 1c1r itlinig to the prIessureI o 1i hl foo ,orrily tuIv ulis thei epinnlilng-wihi'l i th1,ii'

co'!ner'l hat was wont to he( niloh hourllum{ +,

.'Ai'thonin. In the, good oIl Id liv ilkan Lillyrtlun Iler llax in it, ildreamting of Inlgoinar, M1r.IF )Ir.et.

Ilusty ~nid out of sha.pe., half hthld'n In thedark shaldowe, Ie a Ii'tlit (of t.h, old Vatl'ltri •com(lanly, I dented ntold brlOlikl-ll) epminral,andi near It the pilot-whool of tlihe raft iin"Fioul Play," so oflten toucheilld by the llhanid ,fFannlly 11. Prie. illUnsuppolrted'l andll alonestatull ono of the vl'teran piles of fli'itureof fortly yeo'4rs servitci, ia choval glass, orrllthier its pil.ntell protoltype. What hl doill(lllseions it Ihtis looikedI iilolit! 'i'hey lookedi Ilkeit olhlhetion of old hoop- toleh, anllid crookilhooll-l)iots Iat, that. "l'hli," hlel the plrol-orty Ilian, "is the etalT used In "MlI'g Moir-rllos" by

HllAl loTT•E (''•HIMAN,

and thane for thirty years liavel wI(aved inwitclho•s' ihaIIdls to e l iystiC incantatio, lli5 1iMucbIelfti, keepillng rythm as

"Roundlll allnullt, tlhe (caldron goIn the pli tioiIl exrtia't, tlriow."

"Double, double toll anlt troulbln.Fire hiurnl ntd caldron bhubble.."

)Des'endillng the stalil dazed in no li ltt' do-gree by the revlvival of thllose old associuationls,we, rochitted the wings, whoer', withoullt Ia tl.lk,

istands Failnchon'sl clock, tilh tirllnlpene of lig-i.h Mlltchell, anlld nsome souvenirs of tlhe

(JChnplnn slsta'rs and .Ias. A nderson.l"I(tnlle," said Bob t rl'ong1 "lt us go( up

into lDollr's private ofllice.' It is a rolillaboutl twenty feet 1square, sltuatedl'i just, ovrand to the right of I he lentrancetll. It w ltt atciut i'lo•ty in itself. I'rintlltlv lookinig Iesksaild c:tllinlt5s wo'l' ligainsltt ti walle. landl It iiilihitle of the ilior stoi•oli a tabl, thu girouonblaiz upllt it worn thin. T'packed oll the sideof onell' iof thll' desks wtas a carl ilartkiei "tl''propelrty oif Ludloiw i. MHrith, St. ('hariit•s'lihat re, 1445." '1'hese gintluenl 1l lnlaiged)hit D rury after It had hben rebuilt from

TIlE AMIE4 OFlit TIlE Flll'm OP)1" 1413.".iire Is It 'icuriouis ook," saidhl Mnjor

St rolot. hallingl out an ohl lledger. "1 lt•o ryoulwill a le what salarls worn thou paiid soomle oftl• li'eaders. Look downll thllt pig,.''"

'ITh'ler it VIwas reiordeid : "J. II. AlVl'ker'. $Jli'r wl'ek; Neaill'',, $2 ; 'l'uTt I'l hle' , i ' ,;.ins. Wright, $15; Mlr. ind Mls. Vallnc, $t1l."'Thlis wais dil lg tll' 'iseason of 1•15 6.( lp initng d raw lr. Ilob took (it al ong, nar-

irow booIlll, lolking like ai diaryi'. it WI•S itprompt"r's honk, one lingot, cotalning theli 't,.•s o f tl l' e v e illinl}; pw r f io

l lnlll+ ', , th ei o th ,r''

4u11'1 ioteor of the prompter r oil lho miniet ofthie ot 'irsand their 'orui ,'rpniis as tneritiiedattellotin. It was aI

w shere oiio cann reaid how Mr. So-aRil-sO did

old t :f'' onil ' I idhto 14rltil. juis.t tItild 1i ta-I ti 'iiie IIIll. 'TIuriliig over thI lelaVe13 we' come

1tc'ns t he f : llli %klil n .)I' ltl'(llll:lll'4 : ll 1l

_ "i''uI~iollv, ,t11 22, l-i. -- NInth week vi'o thtm=ei 'il on, ist thML Iit ht of thof I he e'iigageii , of

"I i. lootti wisii st ITrlig touter Iiii' ctITl-tsof pr'vil oll' intocllt wt' I cr: " ull nlll nut KOlthri'gh t ho liiit lul 1' ris ('tiist."' i.Vfl h.'isre

oi thiseL Istivli(O s tho tiuh Siiiit.ti situiiirl-Iillowol liii- iugeiiielt wasu thiandi thiere

-tA ' ll' I l 111111' ...

A lit tie tuirther on we reoal

".1 lust 24. -1r hrlootht, at thl reqlnut of t thn

f rinubiis gen.'railly, ic-engaged by tim toatiage-'frie'n for night we note: '"Full anld ntisi-

ilitlith ilit tiflle1 tIh tironi present.,,

MiORE i'OMIn'LATN rii.

'F`ohhhisi of ia Night,' 'Merchant of V i'ui--e Mulr. 'l'oiii l'iaiiCi abisent at rii'h fsl'-u ;

1il5c'i35 Ilstiyeo Iii cotisiqiiiuice. As regard' iiMr1. iul'liii'e, could I not. pieVali urion thtii iiiio-uigeniit, (it' they dos exait, forfeits) to makhe ii,

lug, Li of'h socu'h'iio h'is virug '' Itoiti mxpik-iii L~ Vr-lteIi 1)11(1 aoi'vo 11anal'?'' ~ tk

~Einorse(d on this is:r uhu prompter may hereafter irorit writing

f' 1r p.''s name in the book. Let the p)romlpteri at Mobile take lis turn.

t "UJ)iDLow " SMITI, Managers."N-ext we tit•t l a familiar nairite to all. 'Thi

pl'roWupte writes "'Msers. Jo JPJffl'rsoLn,In itllish and Fredeorfcks reported as beingvei y noisy in their dressfig-roomls. 'This is)r((eo lir a COItIlinoN thing, andt requlires no-ticti."'I'ho sun began. to settle down behind

the chimneoys alcross the street, the uliifi ti-inat neII(wiv-roy was shouiting his ust unlSoildver'iing paperi , the i'req-entt tinkle' of the' er-Iells toid that the busy tile of Ileole wierllilng hoi niei,',d ria We des tlcende'!d the brordil

StUiiway to the sidowallk. A Laittered halndiillralttlrd ini th litl'ful gusts of thie afte'rnoonbir l' , i i-rtll of rtlgged 'i jilll ll e, m irte ll 'irkllngr ho death Ianlii r'-•ting plaue of srineoh •ilon-edly. lIbind its the 'ILvernoulS de'pths of theI t heat're were iiSI int as the tomb, anld asi thedoor cii sed we thought iof what it revil wouldthe ghorts iof' rothelr days ldelight hin upon I ir,old .stage. I low in long pIrcreesronr wouldL anldtl, and Ophlia,, Otholloanl D), ,d•+mona,Anthonyn rd CIopatra, Armanrd alnd (Camille,Sir Pe'ter T''razle and lady, Mr. arl Mrs. 'Too-

h'I.s, Jhlln •Slliith land P•ocahrlontas, Sir Lu'ciusH' t r and lRosalindtl, Nancy and kIill

Sykes, and aL troop of others march down tothe footlights to the weird music of a long;disbanded orchestra. Eheu! It's the oldstory over again. As Thackeray puts it, wegaze at the skldoton and wonder at the lifewhich once reveled in its mad veins. We takethe skull ulp andl muse over the frolic andl dar-ing, the wit, scorn, passion, hope, desire withwhich that empty bowl once fermnentid. Wettink of tie glances that allured the tears, I

that melted * * * Instead of afeast we find a gravestone, and in place of amistress a few bones.The curtain rolls down, and we join the

crowd outside, whispering from "As You LikeIt:"

"All the world's a stage,And all the men and women merely players;Thlry Ilih: V theilr 'xits and entra~ln'es.AnB one man in his time vlays many varts."


The Careless Wording of a Record Ex-tends a Murderer's Life.

In the case of Robert Robertson, who standsconvicted of the crime of murder, in the par-ish of St. Landry, the record was forwardedto the Acting Governor, who referred it to the 1Attorney General for examination.

The following reply from that officer showshow necessary it is for the court oflicers toexercise the greatest care in order that theends of justice may not be delayed or de-feated, and the letter is published in full inorder that it may serve as a warning to those twhose duty it is to prepare and forwardrecords in criminal cases:

ATTORNEY GENERAL's OFFICE,tstate of Louisiana,

New Orleans, August 20. 1879.Hon. L. A. Witz. New Orleans:

Dear Sir-I have carefully examined the orecord submitted to me in the ease of Robert vRobertson, convicted of murder. I find the trecord defective in not showing that the jury Icommissioners had taken the oath of offlce asrequired by law. Again, the indictment doesnot show that the crime was committed in theparsh of St. Laandry. It cha~ge the offne e

L- to have boon comnittod at the parislh of St.a, Larndr. TIIn. In my opini.on, (1441s not chalrge4F4 with stimPnle"nt cor'talnty IhlIlt thin (rim)'Iti wasa coiiimltotl. in the pIrlsl of St. l,11n(lr3. It.

,lone not. 1. I'i'Enfo .r.', Ii II 'nr" posit1ivelv I hfi, i 1hin

li1v l n. iiii4441't~;io rlnIile~li th 11 ' E'i1144 wyits 4(44-

rnt1t11 i 1in 1 f4IE 11141 If St. l4,1,IIII ' , 11,i41 11411h

)Mc Iii4itt.. 1*41p1' wit 4 'crtl4 '4 I (I ll 111111 ml I ti'


MLTT.FIIE.4 1'0''11 isi n 'clt~frll l' shai(4 Ivlll`, r lll. I)' I~h z I t-(lllcj Vy

4 to Ii4l .'4tlt ) (If 111)1 NW II ()14;1 VI AiIXplcl y Siii'

f~iI ry Al.e4;lr~l r I 1(1(41; 144141 II \"4;IIily ho i('

'lin. 1At11ng, ('1114.lIE'iLIJ1 1111' f41Ir1 1411tE41 t ('4p

O itIIlIl' (Ia.EIvI4 o .l:I. 1.41 4 IVIIIC, 44f '4k o1f it(

I lI W.i I i'. 'iii liJ l llI~r l lll oI l.' fr4 ( [U y41114 4WI

14 hIinlrE4 WII r 111 y'in'fn'.q I ii 111 ityh''(''1. I(

TIo(14 1114141414 hI,' Now U~rli~luMAuxilil11y 8ii 4-

I tiL ll) AP1'Ii1,1i Itt,:

'I t. 11 r.~ c lro T 'l liiI'l lil1 Iii 114 0 4I141El '.t:1 fil'11411144 1,44( t14 iitIlllr'i1441E 1 1 1iiiLfi4'1 (I 144 VitV-nIIIE4 cityIntEgoiod ord rl lanIIlll oIf ii(ll3' wtrl.-

t'4'41 t '-Wtinri lhly at lhl; 444141 Ii ti l ..T o1 E hirl)

1 I 111Er t1( iI E'Ill r dlilt (ii1i 11 ( lill' fl. ow,11 y11

i rli, 4''4IfIll, w Ia n Io lliwi , 1. r ii.I44 the E(VIiit Elf

lies~ ly~lillr i icyr ti~ll 141,11,tlit~l l ,14 IjI l4'it lI:L.

r I ll, I otI1. i ll l u 11444 t IIl.411ow 144 c lif 1,14' 1 jln lT 1 'glll norlIl tl. " 1(4t, WEliiil,14 Auiliary 111 44nI t-

4 lt ao r y1,4 (1 in(144l1I.1i t u l ul gIItl+'1(, IT t(iiu

r1o -tr441 , tal i,'r i1,tl4lie il 4444I ),l 111144 11(1y ll-

I (VoIiIhiI' 411 1 .11144 liffI ncll( folLt 11144 I

I ii. 141141i', 113I nlvl rlltIly 4I 14 i (lliig o4 , t11,1(r'g1134 h41 41E41113, ll 43o'I 1114ll4'4, IbIs als iI'1thii

tllk''n. '1tllt init "lli(' ((f y4111' llfrncoeilL ii(r i

1l. 411.' .I c II4( 3's I ilta'id l'.44. 4I Iolr 44 ll l N,

111t11, livIng I tIn' llat 1141 1.11 11iLl111 1114' IT4441(11 " ea 111414141 wI'IIl v't~ll td14 1,u14 tint,1111

ift Ist' i'ir~i, 'Is I Io l d lilll, the1f11 44lurn 11Ito114-14411'I IX' n 14114111 414 114' a na'4I l.4 4113' thf t~i4 'i

1 4ry wrhih 441 f 1,ll y, i ,* . ; ij, I.1 wlh s hie il'gru .. onwic t1(%

"i 01110 with tihe IIoard ,l f Ieialt h.It ir. Whit' furtlier lr,'io1't'ted that the ilying

-inspectlon nlid disinfoetion1 of all tho dwelling-h' Ih()llot- in the city would ho litado Ii lc ondtinlm, comm, ncing on TlhursIdav nltxti. As; oin

f thim ir' t rou 1 d1 of thfl 'ity, the zinl-IIronl di-in-

I'octant will ho ust d. It i, s of , ,"urior qwuality,atd itltlliaed munlaior sfl)St'filI I lontm' t with 1.

I' . I yonsll, tihe whIIi's.ill' dnf ggist, who i•s nlisnmaking lrogo,'autiisll oI' it for tilhe Nation•alBHoard of it,*alth. ht. W •hite 'xp -sse tHtle hope that tlh sanitary crp, would ho as well

re'olve, d by th)' it iz' l. 0a4 th vy w,'.re on t hairlirrt. visit, and t!hat tihey wvill contilul,' LOta disinl'e,'tihm.

Mr'. lyon3 ha11114 phd hl' pri• l of the zline-ronill V l'y low., s Ip l t t, iI. WhVtt)es srlluggl stion

-can hr' carred out. att, small '11int.

Aftir rt'4 olving 1)]r. Whltil's report thit conl-inltte adjornll'nad.


Inplrmrinlsf A stove or fulrnace, two potsa init I•lenrlty of wooId.

Motltriltl.u Any kind o fisi1h a1l game, hamland bacon anld allny othl'r odds and ellds youI

may have about thL ho1141;•.

Shofuld you wtin., Jml ,Ilhllrlvayn.Firt you light a hhizing fir,;IIIu aU 1 t youl to l tuh' rlii.Cult your onion lnlld W1'h Ic o

As youllr I)a,•U Iimay d• sir-'; uAll thlf fry iponl 1o It r, r. .Into tlItu y)ll stir tlh, flh-Slit III [isrls -- frl th1 Iish II

',111 lithogi tnl . 'Ih11 wh1 l , ,o t1nfllr trnin .TO INvGuttc ttll from burning. iH[nro now. without stult, or futring.Put in 'tl t n t k 'I of stfll t I Ilne.Now, with tkillful lhand I i ty, • i

ull this l ixtlure ric h anf l A rlwyl'Four your rti',. K mi s a rringsttteadf.And your |.,ifrbhnlni a's ready.iOut from thie, pt1 I' h llm lliihatils)W .+ 1f it •'nh odor atom t~i11Wani!d t~em t Lu'Iullu dwi to ,t[[To oiun yiu in your Ir,-l'; rnt realtt.


A rich treat Is in store for til thousantls ofvisitors to Spani.h Iso tIon Snudly, August n31, lird during{ th l ensuing wet'=k. That favor- bite c' artnd, alttlery 1E, Orle.ans Artlillry, tIintend golith, Into campl on the old Indian tcretn ll ground, ton tho riyigt handsildeof tyllayouSt. John, oppositat tho fort, frod Inr fernet daystha boys o(f thalt con:mpanly wti enjoy Ia to: Ilof active scfrvice. (othier mili ry compraniesare invited to partlC:pat(, an tihe place( will tldoAllrtlh•hs iprsilnt lan 'nlivf d aplpearance. oThere will bcdress parades, tillery practice, orille shooting, dancing, andltandsome prizes tlwill be,, off-cred succe'ssful I •irksmen.

Capt. S;tnhmbola, who is i I mmtand, intends oto nke10 t h festivatl a the gughl success. The bprogramme oflTtred is r letel with variety, aand fine sport may be a octed. t0


Sixth Dis *et Court. uThe city fles a pet on In this court, alleg-

ing that they have r son to fear inte

rrfrence aon the part of the N v Orleans City Railro;ad tCompany with the ale of the Franchises on t ,Septembr 1, and aying for an injunction hrestraiinng the co psy frolm interference of hany kind and fron assorting any right to re-tain the franchise or for refusing to transferthem.

A preliminary njunction as prayed for wasgranted by Jud t Tissot.

Secon Recorder's Court. tl

Edward J. ptiste, charged with shootingand wound with a dangerous weapon toLouisa TriC , was discharged. tr

Henry S b, for entering in the day time s eand larcen t was sent before the First DistrictCourt, nd r $500 bonds. a

ony tinez, charged with ischaragngfirearms ,the city limits, was fined $20 or hten days rish Prison.

Oflicer ohn Teen, for shooting and wound-ing Ed rd Kcnnair, was released on $100 ftbonds. a


Mr oui• Grunewald has our thanks forsev new songs. Mr. Eckert, whb is well r

k n here as an able musician, presidesov the music department of Mr. Grune-

w 's elegant establishment. He informs ust "Darling Daisy (YDundee," "Dreamy

es" and "Sweet as a Peach," are amongpopular songs just now. t



[Detroit Frio PresH,.T 'Thitq aill mnll now lying iorn

Ani gItng t(cI itti'tt.

Wvttas nu•-w it Ki o"pg 171 t wl hllthy man

Anl Iht e iretn iver y (lily.

in wRalkhng rig o 1u , anftrrnoonlint wtit V Wi Itwk ivs 'idik,

11" h d hl , 1.i 1 .l (i Jll silov, n inIlv the, for~ 1 (tt I it. tick.

!1I1,t I1IIL.'.4 REM.AINS.

They Are .Exltntuid at Dcadwood and rotted

to hi IP'trified.

'1 '11l4111,14( ills ) Tinesx griv("s an neS naulrntuTh'F ll lilt I Il Iti1 '/'I tltlt'lt gl'lvtu i 1,I li•,t •llt i , it'

li •l ii •Z rhe of I i illt-i of Vibi Illl, ttihir It 1tlt t i t it( t lr (LISt ul'eii tlrt, uW l SN ll'y, ay, aht

1Ihui' al it1lilnt, t be t, aniisl'Terred t tilt ie t Mu-

read'i s; thllt Wihl Iill Wt as kill ul ,i y .lf ck t ll'-

(I liii, ItiI. il w(Ot , ia llt1u 7i, st llt-:k ila st irikg

huI gil' v lior in urllld. r ,,tirwadi . The' 1t i ,

lii ll, aIll d-t11 linii iti d Or )t"y , w ltil Ia ll t Inho's

Siory ih e 'i l' •ii I wly i ll'tl t tillg (Jlitis rt I -, i,

ill i t1 i iht awl gras. CoIra llr 1 11I lt y, ii,

iuipaI;r itnir Ot i' 11111 at I II lti, lllll iifll hits

O'f I lit lhu t iull e thatl , is llo. (l ily Itxpeilti l, i,wlich will te i i (ttL overf hils Iow lti'slt ILthl,vt h i 1soon It! it arrives. At, 4 1i'tll(ltCI( Sun-day molrl'lilg the bdylly WAS InoVered, lrid(l It

t O,'clock it wais , taken out ofl tlhe gll'tv. 'Th(lblod

y at 1interltit weighed aboiut 1

11 pounds,

but upon its lemovall II, welghed t, lst si than:1Ni. T''herl was nl odor andl 1(! pelrceptin I.

0i'(1y, and it is suppos!l d by thios who ex-

nillied It ,ltl lutp(rifa' tio' had tl i k in pline, Ius it, wits its htut'l ats wdiull and rettlrnlid tlia(

,sa11u,11 s(1 lld 4 it a llyg when struck with It stick.

IV4rything In the vollin was flou•! just Its Itwi4s plaitq there 11(14l th, rumor thath thelv

grll'w had hiIi nrihlol wits all blush. TiM onllyart1l"i(" lur'iel with tim ololy wis a i nll e,alll that, was to Its gol(I IL state of r1l't'sler"vla-

M il) I .ts 4ver. TIhiio n was ill kli' and ri volv-

e'rs luri'd wiIh hilm, is r'por ti llld, ail( thos• •Who shloull knew say that he never wflu 1 .ltl

It litl silk y its w h en i 1 lif ', il llii i lo k o f it is inow in th -p 4ssessio11 of Wil. |•,vli.l•, rnull-

(h4l1l dlirecilr of the (nti theal t

re. 111 is moui- Ini',h was haid, iul l•t'm•44wd, likte tho bdly, to

1l1tlo hav b ien pI ttrilied.* .!i41 . ...


A Story of the Philadelphia Pestilence of14 1792,

'I'ho 4:'4444441444 (ir i'4t, 144401. 4444In til444N444ii It ii 444444444It.3 i'44444444t t444ll4'4'(l 441ut I>' I ted '44,i'i1 II

wtVwl o ii e th4 e'4' r114414 ll4''4I , 41,4'4 4 4illa. ff.Thi ti'44llfl u i 1i41ir'44Ii'. y4'Iii', vie'V'4', f1t('''sI 'ild

1l ill i'hhial'la14 111 171I2. All WhIoll ilil0 Il.1, 11'11'' 111111'11111 of the plague, r1 1l1.'lel Siihk by44 i)if' i~i n his 44444'4441v'' it LoIirn.ln wi'i'' ('1'111-II 1/'I l inl thI s A 44''1ll'4 ll4 (City,31. ,fi ji' , 114141 4(4444

441.'ll4441s4 ill te 14pp44 troh oiifi>', ii 4g ler'' ltr poo 4444' ve (irltggI'uI nlt to B''I4h 11ll Ii spltLlI,

14 IN 10111 nder plBnfe11111,1 uttlprai-till', fI w eve4i'i'ivi'il'*'. N4'w V irk pressed4 44 Ilgislntti vii

VI i t ii ll 4y1('44', 4444 4i44444' l 44443' (III''. 11k 44-v''il, i4Li4 or fnnl'4I', l'tni44 from I 'lIi14'l-

V Jul14 444' 4rl-h- litl'd of '444444444. %A,4'e4-5441fs p14 j4444s1 IL 44t444II4' 41igh41 law. Iii tI e'1111t olt this tt''t till)' 14'u.rge44 It, was 44-144i 4 that41 Stiph44 1'liriLd, 14 tillw4Int M4t44 44'rl'1414441, 141 I'lll Il;d4,14l4444, hadtl taI en k Ia4'gelot' '1444it fhll II.454t t1, WhiPllne 444 4444' '4,14

4 4'' t 44 '4411e, 44411 ('11 wasala4(4411'4 144 4-414445yl4144 tiledyIng adl I i41h'44'4lrt.I ii' Ilia. 1144 it 1144, nwI shani 5s' i th) iii vir'i' 114 tyi eli Iust I!a, and

rL'4't'I 44 clis'i ~hic~ Ac~larnc 4441l4ti',~ 1141 I44tcl44lt4v11 I loll 4414V1l4 !11tihlull tll' I 4' Ath i trl

IIhc'd IIIIt 'rIICI1H , Bill ('l tl~l1 tJN'III t, S. And1-~cct ii444I4 (i14'a4iI fliii!c irii'l 44'I444'e4tr~l I 4 i4444 4444

thntlgh (i I)ll)()rd 11 (:(f-i1 d'lI :LJ PIIII d ill-lt Ijjf I4l'!14r4'IH dulllilli i l iv iiiwlx 'lii h ' r. t'444441(1v h wa 4444444 :two['*' f4411i1i 444 Flifih 4t1i'i'tli i a

la4441 i1(0I 1+e, Iii iv;ll hic 1(1" 4444'4li14'l1 hi aty or-pia444 4'14444i444ei 141144444 iii tiell' 414'4.'-, ("14141l'4v'1 to i Ile II111' founIdjiatrion of thin 1'llIiLadul -

141444 Orhphan Aiy1l44r.


Rcason for the Obstinate Prefcrence of theF i nch and Swiss for Clumsy

Framinig Touls.

[.J4i til,(iiliiy'i4 Litter o'i I'l : 111 4 ,l iil'i 11444 iJI ~1'ii

i fo 144t th 1441,4t' at, 10i414'1 4iving(stonl'a 44414

4Itl4 our 1 ini st,1 toi 4)1 4 4tif1. 144511 , 1,1I,4 4 , 4

U'foe tll h mllrptn ol I of the lrlrist ,t'tihcn, or Itsthe4 tI'prl'44et.44,l Vi iii of 44414iugIl4s 4 4iirl4' -tri4li44. 11'fir''1 a44''VIng in4 Pa4L44 141l 144.d 144en144It441riY v~k~ll I44 14''44'In ii' ,1'1444tt44y1, 14441 irrt~

an wrni r -aflcully irnl cI"; c: oy t(~ ilet that most otiul414 'III tu'lU Iii lors wer4 ' hIi 4wid 4111 14 ox-hi441lnl o 111i144 itigso r'in44u4'4 4141 441g1. fiI4s('lt'4 vI, 44l54o, 14that theirl chf 4144 I l4'1.44'

'r'e414144 WIt 14 haInles but 1 hel i4'l't 14n4g,

1441 lowler l whS reaing4ia they had o

wh1e4it4i'41 t h'ir eIre 1 1


4'lL 114'4,V4'4' whiIll 4rer'4444d4 Il he, hilllot 4'444lelyl44g 44 444Lt.n144Ll evil h44 14441 onl4y!1141X11t1 L, the 4t1,4'4411 ift M44ny 1"i'144hm'141 4

(itf lnfuenc theft t1h441t A 144144'iix4 t,44'1 i44414441 I111pll'4I'14t4 whl4 hei'4 4lli4'4 the4 tol tst'il'r4't, hIi, wilnt fur4th4r 44d 414 4t411 a 141441'44Iulh44' fit lng-ha(dle44 hoes tr4' gra4 1,4lw 14llli,41h44ti144, 'lii'h14' 14144 Woul li, 1 he illed, d1'

il4.k'44 '114143'a '('14444 lu Ilts e agns-lk .Thyw lo144144 1lii',lt44le(l, 444444 ,liv-14444441A14'1 [1 er44414' hl'44444I'4141.i4lI 4441 44l('j 14u 'ls-4'44'4'4441,444o4 144 1.144 d1i4 ' lt4441, i41 41i141'14444 44 peo-4plei to1 4'(4411414 ,11 thei'44' p 4(4441i 44114144io4. Heiri'1.oo4, 144 (144. 44s in error. 14 it' the14441(44olitours,1the1 pil'4 41111o1('14444 c4144l111444 144 sough41t, tii 1444w

r 11,lrIaets otwrea h441ssn mank'44414iit d tr'4 44414,4,hit'- ('1141j"4 4444o 14

via44 44141 Jiys~ilal i.'n14411111441. I[4Lul hAivn45ilgr4tlir'st as4ked4 whyx th144 i14441 Il" 144144444 1411-t44444411',i41iiinot i l14 I 14414 to1441 xV44F441l1 11444l444ilY 11,4 lbr tter'X'll'wud rhtyhvt44k4'4 a4 mom1'4 p~racticalI tu4r4. 1144 1444, h4414-

t,4ravel''4s ((ho1 vix 4444.4-1 ('4444 with4 t,14e '1'4 11"1.1on4, XVhy (14 tlhl'14 144'44l1' 41(4t 44144 ('4111 144,-1-aiga~rlntrl nL"i~r togthe4.y 44444 ttur4414t44ka4141 p 14 iii; -- 44441444 a44 t,444 4diiiversit4y lin kil 44441 4ago1 oit the cr411ps -th414tthe1 hold1in1gs' o41 1444(11 in 4,14l; r444'44 parts44oft RlIgiiirn, Fiance 44n41 S wltz,'r'4a11 a4:4 4441,,144 th141 a4verage44, 144 1la4g1 a&s 144141'l44g 1441t4 14th41 twen1ty'-second14(, twl'rnty-tl444th41411d twen4ty- p4444,4414lh war4ds oft P1414ill'lo~rhli. Thl441e1 who townI these44 pa4tc'he4 o)1 144144 liv1 in villleges 441441liabori n Wor4ksholp oIr in factory. (:'t li11441anid womenl' - -generall44y 11444e ofI the44 14tt~er-at

atA414( to th1e4 i41'(p4, which, 4Ven1 when4, of grain41,are4 carefutlly wee~dedi. The4 ground,41 ma4y he4pre'ipare~d b43 the1 s'paLidi, though(l the 0141-fashioned4'( sho)4rt-ha4ldledl 14444 11s11 stil re'quently' (Iu(sedl 1n breakin1g 1it up, hut tt44ch o)1 3he workis evidenllty done44 with tr'owels. 1T4e pr4'va4,il-1in4g a4ppeairance o4f prelnatulre 0old age, whichicaro4u41441 Livingston's sympa1thie4s, 44s attribu-tabLe4( to this inevitable niunthol, oft ana 4114141faLrming, and to) the habiit wh~ich the womni4fhave of c4arryin~g, strapped on their' backs,huge baskets, often41 heavily loaded.

Ismail'M Flnal Ha.ul.[London Truth, August 7.]

Of course Mr. Bourke did -rot know "offi-cially" what wasithe amount and the nature ofthe property stolen by the ea-Khedive in hisfinal Egyptian raid, lor one of the peculiari-ties of Mr. Bourke is that he never does any-thing "officially" until long after it has cometo the knowledge of every one else. I he ex-Khedive look between 0,{),OO0 and :3••0,00in cash from the public treasury, he sweptaway all the jewelry from the harems intowhich his agents could gain admission, and}he laid 'nands on all tie plate in his differectpalace,3. Tewlik may have been born with asilver spoon in his mouth, but his estimablefathe r literally left him without one of th~searticles on ascending the parental throne.The property stolen by the Khedive is esti-ma'Led as worth about 4i0,00000. Obvwouslythie best plan would be to force him to dis-gorge the greater portion of it, and then toregard the rest as payment, in ad'ance, of'ais pension.

The Jews In America.[Jewish Times. I

We are convinced that the almrost universaluse of the German language and the exten-sive use of the Judisch-Deutsch patois bySthe Jews of America are the causes of nine-tenths of all the so-called prejudices against

the ,J•ws in th,• United States. T'Ih attemrlptto (itrmanulzo Jldaism in Amnrhlca I a hIluer-dler, nay, IL dlownright crime. Am ercaneIml tW, Hplila.k the aiii•nag' of Am reriva.j t•Ir Ier,'wish to •o rOegarded rts A merlo'ns. Woe ntidlan A Minrliconlt MSoltieuith at t'l thisr ay Aonlit hlh s;ool tne'r wI ijG ' hlin, I, tll l. •4o o terll

this lo'.ion II i t gll ht' , t h' soon, r will ,v nvwli In

t'ullljlt'iII ttllV ill ittll W wh( n(,' iii't ur, liitil footrl .

Alirri I-lgtmint ti o be, g eand tit le, Ait nt eit it,nand l ,I ionti r will t iht' " tpr judilW', agtv i t ltheI ,o w •s " c o , , ;' t o ,e 1 4 l.

FLOODS 01' IllitNING: 011.,

A Miagnitticnt 1tietale t Piirkei r City ATerrihle Explosion.

I1pii tr 'he' from I'Warki' r W 'ity, 'at dotl 'r(tW '

Im.nt iy ',,it ' lli, i, . wl'iill ,tl i ti e li.y11 a iti itoThe art'l WnI, ti tihe grW nt tll firlet Il Cnittit-

(l,,it, w, ,lif t tl tlnt lrtrlh Wtrll , lll tatutti .. It lit'ltrih, litt, , l,"e s l t tr ,ribly gtt ll ' ittel i, th res slrt',

it ITios S.t' stit'lo titn t 4huti vrib's the owtur-Ior i It rt o days i kk r hits bIih itiwn in • •'tt•e

of ,t t'i, Imentir . hintl ' dit, yl roti k on Th'i r'dll lyit, tiong, when Ihe 'great'e2,o n| barllel tank of

oil wi s s•t oIn ic r lr by I llght. i t11nit 1l, tirtes haititbeen lt'ttig in•ut ,antly. Whien hi tnk

hurstl, 4tre a o' fi 111' ti lu rnlli flown the, r vinsll.ilve.al hol-;iW ' inl Kellyvllo weretl'' ruIe-t •Iy ,ali whnii l lt.h l oil rit' lu 'ld thl o tu lv'wr the 11it 1te1ln'itia l l p tw ritl' or threi ' owl' ur hlt 4hir-M fIllt.Io s•light wiel ll gil'nilu ono, I iutik no oneitttillthoughlt, or t•at,. P'a'rker •itly was In dlanger.

l aplpily , however, the lirt'h wa• 4taytv,,d In that

de'-tronv•' belonged to tth, Win. Mlunhtll lonl-[nt.ny, of Pitt uilrg. Itti,er in ti., s ,ay it 7tt00)Iairrol tank, owned by tih1 1ra rhaml(l Oil Com-

p)iny, w a .dustl '•royed.Early yosterday morning i third tank was

lired. TnI4 was the I.Iim•lnll. tank ownid by

22,100l hbisof all, Iiid watt s•ll tmtdl In the' st,'epravinelaposltetheOil hIXhangn. Tli t-ne,were partially s motherre , bht again b1rokeout, inl )lthen, with an awflul report , the top

T'ho e.xeitenment throughout Frd'ay night wisInvlllsl. E',vor'yhodIy welted ftor t,ho ''nl| tocotll. Wghn Chit oil should hall ov+.r it wits,'xp-eete'd to fire a it IRk 'ontining 10,04011 hisin the diree, lIne whi'h thim burnig oil rtun-ning down tit, rhtvin, wo•hi talko. 'I ho liaitlsw,+ri e-< petIlIe to iro<)4 tlh river. The lTowerpot tion• o' J'llrkt'r w -is in dangl. l. ['t'oplemoved I hir gods to phlt :t3 of safety. Theliml o null w+rt, ready Tit It mtornl'tlt's- notice.No o,' sl•t that slight. No onl ('old withdlaniger s'o near at hand. "he h'st was h-;fedfor

, but n i on liatd r xt i 'pet't it. All thlatt, lnid

t ot ehon'e wit to wattt'h ulld w it.At I :1:) Saturday thl oil overR.ownd, nut,

not, Ot hI'vily 1t. was lookl for. A .+olid+•h"''t ofr thlmIe ran down the raivintt to t, orivet'. (irt, clouls of blk ml-tlk', arose , inthllir. 'rho thlns'4 volld , over thl groundmill a Ip', d trlnity feet into the tlr. Tim befitwal• In'.- t intonse,. It glneratedl g:ts ill the('niltd ipe Line T''ank No. 7;. knwn'n 114 the(;r•nt, Welhor A Co,. tank, 4i tuatted, 301) feet,

nit',.-. A most, th rrli(' .xpl,+..lo l,+llowed,;11:t0 1-11ug tot' heavy plot! glasts; in !ho wtl-

hto1.se, to their very I'fourl titton. T'h' xplo-

ttan I was rcattered around tih oun try for alot, t dit nt',I ,'". hil ) ll ce w'ighing fifty pounds Iw.''+ lo.,Itoll r mill" s h atway. Tih • itle that,f.Ilow}! d w' s app:l- lh r, .'I n t•iank .hlntai, wd

rw th tw i g'rolnd m ll lift wlytv,•H • li urrirl-oil rusdil- down th lhilI•lhl. 'They yrea('th1d11' t h r iv.r, hut d, id not, -,tA,1p t here, or |.Vwhile

S the )on 'tr• ('r sti( )|l w als rolm l ) |,o. b• Ovt-ry u m 'looked f1'r the it, 1(1',. to eti•ow directly rTm.i :1 lI ii the city. I'lt il tnxiley wtas ilnterlr ,.

" ';verythintg iep11iw'iit- upon Ith. tcurrent I1nil1I the' itl. T'ie s('J at tw h l. t hl ime• was granld

,Irid d,,•s'ri h ,-rptlon. T herivrra dt' rrn ning oil,wiih itt.,- I1tw m b.t. lack .nivenoke ratrlt it.ll.dl'[l4 l11 uvparld 1until the hleav4,ns were dark-

4 11•i, . Tit' Liz 'is. tit r -'t irt.rlt-korn, ru1htd Iln

I witl di.4itaty in all directitns. Their fact-tI wiere bhlatnh'd. Wllnti anlIl chil!dre'i waer-tl'ryingi, tmii strong Iitn were paretlyz('dl withli''r. Happily Llly wind Wi w LH 'trolng icnuol•to chanltI'the .Il' urse thlr t fainits before the•

i city. It half ant hior they begatn resleding.til,' rivel'. Th'1 '0 cornliun wi.• overwheliningand ubllimr(. iThl re(,edling was a `lttingfinish to a picturel' th1at nl'ver hall1l,- hb 1l r a'lns-

lt'rt.-tI 111 (ilIIvai .

by thi` tltw two dwe-ltlngs on the hllsidewv''rt -. Vw•ptt awayl , 1.atI Iiatlo si ' veiltI siminlltw. n t an-tL k iof toil of t,'lh Uniitld 'ip Line.WVln t 1wl Iit1ut i-s -itttshttt it was distoveretlthuit tak No. I of th Ut;iti-I, l'i)pe 1• int was(ll firi,, citntlatlniug 12,tt)t ! barrels oi oil. Tanks3 i ail I art s•Iill burning, anit will eont losiu toblrn ,hlurnig thie night. No furthtier ldarnag(. apprl, ehr ,nd :l . T'l'h, total lrwllt it. olf oil lostiil the, d1etroyed tacks 1-| 80,14ll batrrlels. Th(total los, onI th~, olil, dwelling:, and otherprop-rlil. y is ; $1 I ,t10r.

American MarInen In Rusi•Ia.{•t. P t,•rehurg (iGolos.I

(in th thi thirty-first of July the rltssran ma-rlill,:4 o Kr lnst. adt gave a recept(iolll.to thecretw of tiihe ltit-t htlLtiss 'uOvet ELnt-'rprise.In tlhe Stiml•tr Gtarlden there wals i 4treLted ailargi telnt- white, blue and redl. Atthel n-t.ranc ll- of th te nt, r)issiLi')g eatchi other, weretI.hi wo lastt, OIf llts-iia itlntl the I niteLd States.In ide, lupon 1 long table, a tbanque-t had lbenst,'I otr thl lilfty A tt'rtCan guests iaint for theififty •Loi-s••rtn marines who had visited thei

.1811, 00 Matryes. The h:batnuet consi stedl ofi•ou, roasts., pi• il a lid•4ert. Thhere was iiI It1 ,t siupply (It h•Oir, mlrll41 an•I wine. A handp! ;y-d 1ihi I1sttisian unlt Amenri itan natlonalair"'. '[Thn tpechl5's iof thie gueshts, as well asitr iil.' l•t.tRsitlan uirinis, priovoktIl cheering.A [ri gr'i it surpri-•', ont- of tin tusslan It.1-ri lrtii hit Itt speechtili In ti0 Ert.iglih languiage•,Lthat si'rpasse(d i ilioqueuiLthi, i:lelv the speechies

Still ,(tntther reception wavs given by theolinr LI' th' e lai- aiIt ll na y to (•it '. 1-.ttes of the

I rt(tlls •i•of the Navy (;hltu, which vwa's ornu(-le1ntld pro fusely wLith lft.g4la f'tI(rns and

rilot tis. Oin tihe liazz were handstine ta-tbles orriame nte(I with It.wrn s andi fruits, and

Lover och table was th, l'e il tlt ilrapi withninlietgr t igs. At ; o'eloik th td layer"Lll Coluoitnl," tatid ourn tras-ut llantid

fri'enis wer ttw :lutcd y the aIn-tirtls and iali-tir-I f ndtry lt4tl si l navy. At dinner Atherewas seated s'vent. persons. l.e speecheswtru in English. i The a re t toat was re-splnded to by the Ctorlutander of th Enter-priseb, who sp•kt o the frin( 1v relations he-twIr.t the tliist ttd States and p us, a•.a, Capt.IMttlehkin spollke of the great r elol n of theiAmerican peopleoand of their clmm'rel andttheir industry. Ath thr e beginnfing oe" Augustto En lterprlse lepaes for Kie y t

Gallantry and Crime in the hud.[Philadelphia Bulletin, Augustt Ii.|

A csharp-e t youngstt er of Rs(even yetars, withdirty bare log.a id a wbaggy sutt, was beroreMagistrate Smith ait the Central toation thismorning he sape tharge of 1ickingl the poc~tJof a la ony in the park yte sterdy aftet:noon.

tie was a ar•--wah this b•y--and he showeda cuteness far beyond his yars, lie left hishormr, No. t3i,( Cadwaladar str•ut, yesterdaymorn ing, h, said, but wat out to t• parkt,wht ar he scrapeu the ac ~o aitaa co of two lit-tle girls."itd yasatake a pocketbook from a lady ?"

LThr a moment the bo7 argitus with himself

Thie ittle man answered this w ath su;pris-g ala.erit and wi

teh orine amount of pride:

"I ,uyelo my two girls their fpper in the

"What had you fer suppter""Two ,csdish cakes and peaches, a nd It was

bully.""Do you often steal?" asked the magistrate.The boy, with a fral•kn(e's that took the

Court's breath, replied: "$ steal whenever .get I. good chant ."This was ma:Te apparent afterward, as a

park guard staed that he had caught the Ltadin the act of "getting awfay" with a babycoach previoua to his theft of the pocket-book. The father of the child was sent for,and his futute destination will be a reatter ofdiscretion.

The Difference.Dr. Price's Extract of Vanilla is made from

the true Mexican Vanilla bean, while most ofthe so-called extract of vanilla in the market isbut an imitation, made from the tonoua or snuffbean. Dr. Price's Extract Vat 6 h•a theline, delicate flavor of the ifuit,


'1- ~- . I--z-.i, MERCHANTS'

Mutual Insurance Companyn OF NEW ORLEANS.

IO4 ..............Calel ktreat.....--" 0


In 0on0tor'ity 0with {i r',nlronlm-mnt of thegeharto., the IoXmvIEtuO FUitNhi rtei frollowlIgStatlm ;nt:'rmiluritis .eived ,r•I t9 roar ending.y73 81 1 n1Y8IW rludlrit < u r;'e•?ad brornhluSof th)Ullr i:+vii year-

(fn .iro %aikra................ .... $'ir77 3On Marin. itlaks... . ----- 19,o 4On Ilvor Rinska.....:..::. . **** 19.701 75

Total Premiumnri .. ........ t.:r,4.5. 83Lo•s Unolurntod iPrOmiumll..... 111.258 a

N .ot IEiLrnod Fromn :uns Ma, at.

f owue vald-. On Fire Risks...... t$f.nues w

On Marineo Ileks........... Ie,.r nt On 2i1er IHisks........ -, 6.1;12 :

Tae•' and ,roensee, leesIntArat.t.........-. - I1.025 1;

RIlnelurcr,mne and Be.turned Premiumns... 17,820 61-- 100,2a~o

I(rtierny for unpald losses ......... 22,000 pa

Profit..--..... 4,

The Company have the foCvwlns aseeto, eetl.mated at rmarket valte:ial Estate ................... 11768 ,Oily Bonds and Mortgage Bortds... 16.009 00Bank. Waterwrks and other

Stocks ......................... 13.601 A1Notes secured by mortuage or

l d . ..................... .... 192.902 aBills re',evlablo. . . ........... 2.,83 41Promlnms Incourse of oollection... 86s,,e8 aCity 8 ri.-..-.......- ............. 2.000 00Ju1sgmrnt o': mortgag' not's ... -, 8.000 e

tiash on haand- - -.l... 61,392 41

The above statement Is a just, true and 0or-rest tranacrlot from the book; of the ComDany

PAUL FOUIICHY, PreseldentQ. W. Non,, Secretary.

STATE OF LOUIelPANA, 1Parish of Orloane. City of Ne,; Orleans. I

Swcrn to and anlacrib• d before me the ninthkida of Jone. 1879, JAMEB FAHET.

Notary Publie,

At a meet! s of the Board of Directors, heldon tbo ninth day of Jnur,. 1879. It was resolvedto declaro a cash dividnd of twenty per cent onthe not oarnnwd partlcloatlng premiuras for theyear ondiag May 81. 1879. Dayable on the thirdMonday of Jnly nelt.

Also. to pay to the Stockholders, on demandinterest at the rate of ten per cent Der a-nauon their stock.

P. Marsero. D. Patio.J. J. Fernandez. Edward Toby.Paul Fonrchy. D. A. Obaffralz.John GoIdes. M. W. Smith.Jnoe B. Lallande. Chas. Lafitte.

jn14 :m 1t. W. Taylor.


.MUSIC HOUSEBaronne Streets,

Grunewald Ral.

Astook of over 2SePIANOS & ORGANS,to oselect from

General Agency ofthe world-renownedPlanos otSTEINWAYKNAHE. I'LEjEL




Of our importation.

LO' TEST PRICER- BPET TERMS.Country ordera re•pectfully solicited.

LOUIS dGRUNEWALD,no22 Gru~ewald Hall. New OrleanL



Job Printin gOfficeNo. 109 GRAVIER ST.,

H avir4 jiust received the lc•gest and finest"to .:k o: plain and fancy Card' ever lbrought tothE, S,cthA. is veparear to execute, at low pricesand Ir. amomnts to suit uastomers, amongothers the following styles o2

VISITING CARDS:Golt, Edge, Gold Dust.

S icsvr Edge, Snowflake.Red EdSen Damask.

Blue Elge, Araaeeque.Bevel Edge, Phantom.

Morning Glory.Orlantal.


Bes'des the above we are prepared to print



Programme Cards, Show Cards, Wed*

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III BII AID SHEL DEPOT.1a'r sale cheap, and In auantities to saitt


Boeelal rates for lumber sawed to order.OfBoe; No. f UD1on street. rteat St. Glarlbnrv• Ibztl