bell ringer what did you like about the constitutional convention? what would you change? how...

Bell Ringer What did you like about the Constitutional Convention? What would you change? How would you constructively change it?

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Page 1: Bell Ringer  What did you like about the Constitutional Convention?  What would you change?  How would you constructively change it?

Bell Ringer

What did you like about the Constitutional Convention?

What would you change? How would you constructively change


Page 2: Bell Ringer  What did you like about the Constitutional Convention?  What would you change?  How would you constructively change it?

Bell Ringer Prioritize your rights! Using the list below, choose the 7 rights that are most

important to you and prioritize them. Write them, in order of importance, on your paper.

-Freedom of religion-Freedom of the press-Freedom of assembly-Freedom of petition-Freedom of speech-Right to bear arms-Right to not forcibly house soldiers-Freedom from unreasonable search/seizure-Right to due process-Freedom from self-incrimination-Can’t be tried twice for the same crime-Right to a speedy trial-Right to trial by jury-Freedom from cruel and unusual punishment

Page 3: Bell Ringer  What did you like about the Constitutional Convention?  What would you change?  How would you constructively change it?

The Supreme Law of

the Land

Page 4: Bell Ringer  What did you like about the Constitutional Convention?  What would you change?  How would you constructively change it?

OUTLINE OF THE CONSTITUTION 1. Preamble- short intro, describes the six purposes of government

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OUTLINE OF THE CONSTITUTION2. Body broken into 7 sections called articles:

Article 1:


Article 2: Executive

Article 3: Judicial

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Power to:make laws and frame public policy

$$$$: purse, tax, budget

Responsibility to provide for the common defense & promote the general welfare

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Power toexecute, enforce, and administer law

Sign laws, treaties, executive orders, and pardons

Preserve, protect, and defend Constitution

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Power to interpret the laws, determine meaning and settle disputes Judicial reviewInterpret laws and decides whether Constitutional

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OUTLINE OF THE CONSTITUTION Preamble- short intro, describes the six purposes of government Body is broken into 7 sections called articles.Article 1: LegislativeArticle 2: ExecutiveArticle 3: Judicial

Article 4: States – Nat. Gov’t – States

Article 5: Formal Amendments

Article 6: Constitution Supreme Law

Article 7: Ratify that Constitution

*Followed by 27 amendments

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6 PRINCIPLES OF THE CONSTITUTION 1. Popular Sovereignty: Authority for the government flows from the people

2. Limited Government: Government has only the authority that the people have given to it; government must obey the law

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3. Separation of Powers: Each branch of government has its own responsibilities and limitations

4. Checks and Balances: Each of the three branches of government exercises some control over the others

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5. Judicial Review: Power of the courts to determine whether what government does is in agreement with what the Constitution provides

6. Federalism: Division of power among a central government and several regional governments

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Page 14: Bell Ringer  What did you like about the Constitutional Convention?  What would you change?  How would you constructively change it?


•Ratification definition?•Formal approval, final consent to the effectiveness of a constitution, amendment or treaty.

•Ratification did not come easy•Once the Constitution was drafted it was:•Printed, circulated, and debated heavily

•Federalists favored the ratification•Anti-federalists were opposed to the Constitution

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FEDERALISTSFAVORED RATIFICATIONWrote Federalist Papers (New York)J. Madison/ A. Hamilton/ John Jay

1. Government needed more power

2. Divided power between 3 branches

3. Single person executive

4. Solved specific problems of Articles

**Supported by most newspapers

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1. No guarantee of personal rights

2. States didn’t have enough power

3. President may become king

4. Liberties gained would be lost

Page 17: Bell Ringer  What did you like about the Constitutional Convention?  What would you change?  How would you constructively change it?


•Constitution did NOT provide for basic liberties•Added 3 years after•Proposed in 1st session of Congress•Ratified in 1791 by the states•AKA: the first 10 amendments

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The Bill of Rights


Page 19: Bell Ringer  What did you like about the Constitutional Convention?  What would you change?  How would you constructively change it?

1st Amendmento Five basic liberties (RAPPS):

o Freedom of/from Religion

o Freedom of Assembly

o Freedom of the Press

o Freedom of Petition

o Freedom of Speech

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2nd Amendment Right to bear arms States may keep a militia (National


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3rd Amendment

Prevented quartering (housing) of soldiers

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4th Amendment

Unlawful Searches and Seizures Police must obtain warrants (court

order) Evidence gained illegally cannot be

used in court.

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5th Amendment

Cannot be forced to be a witness against yourself

Due Process

Government cannot deprive individuals of life, liberty, or property without proper notice

I plead the fifth.

Why did you

name your

child North West?

Page 24: Bell Ringer  What did you like about the Constitutional Convention?  What would you change?  How would you constructively change it?

6th Amendment

Right to a speedy and public trial Right to an attorney

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7th Amendment

Right to a jury in any civil case involving more than $20 (today this is obsolete)

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8th Amendment

No cruel or unusual punishment No excessive bails or fines

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9th Amendment

Unenumerated (unwritten) rights

There are rights not listed in the Constitution that people have

Gay rights, Abortion

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10th Amendment

Powers not given to the National government are given to the States.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

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Unit One Packet YAYItems Study Guide

1. Flipbook Section One

2. Political Philosophers & Beliefs Section One

3. What Would Philosopher Say? Section One

4. Forms of Government Notes Section Two

5. Historical Documents Notes Section Three

6. Declaration of Independence Section Three

7. Origins of Am Gov Section Three

8. Basic Concepts o’ Democracy Section Three

9. Principles of Gov Drawings Section Three

10. STUDY GUIDE!!! All of it