bigautoshow newbodiesof cut overlands add reveal … · bigautoshow willreveal wonder cars curtain...

BIG AUTOSHOW WILL REVEAL WONDER CARS Curtain to ‘Ring Up’ for Week’s Run Mon- :jgjg day Evening. ‘SEE IT, BOOST IT’ f By HARRY K. STORMONT. With Mayor Samuel Lewis Shank to act as generalissimo and O. B. lies, president of the Chamber of Commerce, to be chief runner-up at the curtain raising, the twenty-fourth semi-annual Indianapolis Automobile Show is scheduled to “ring up next Monday evening for a solid week s “run at the Auto Show Pavilion at the State Fairground. John 3. Orman, auto show impre- sario, will direct the premiere promptly at 8 o’clock, and the hours .nd weeks of painstaking care and study devoted to this production by the manager will begin to win its well-earned iew aid. The wonder cars of 1922, with the won- der prices of 1922, now all set and stab- ilized at their new low levels, will be ihe ehief pieces de resistance, of course, but the stage setting will be more glori- ous than ever, surrounded by more bril- liant illumination and flooded with the harmonies of a real concert band—all much more distinctly worth while than ever before. "SEE IT; BOOST IT," ADVICE OF FORECASTER. That, in brief. Is a forecast of the spring auto show, but the forecaster i- - to avoid circus adjectives and must content himself with the advice. "Oo see it: boost it, because a success- ful auto show means real business ac- tivity in Indianapolis, which all of us are atxious to see.” Lavender and gold are the color com- btnaticns for this year’s event, and these colors have been used with such lavish- nesa ty Ralph H. Edgerton. official dec- orator. that the interior of the big pa- vilion is simply swathed with color. The illumination system has been dou bled and specially- made chandeliers will not cnly add to the decorative effect! but to the Ilium .nation as well. The ohs and ahs of last year's crowds it is declared, are apt to give way to multiplied ejaculations of wonderment at the beauty of the scene. But the moat interesting thing about the entire show -.1 be the price tags on the cars t-.-mselves, it is declared. The automobile dealers now assert with much emp. asls that never before In the history of the “game” have values been so great as now. This fact, coupled with the additional fact that the Indianapolis show comes at a time when all prices have been “set lor some weeks at their new low levels, gives rise to a confident belief that this exhibition is a certain harbinger of real business —not only in the automo- tive world hereabouts but In business of all lines. FAECES A>T> REFINEMENTS WORKED INTO CABS. It Is pointed out that during the busi- ness lull engineers have succeeded in working new refinements and new val- ues in motor cars with the reeu;t that never before has such an offering or such a display been made to the pub- lic. Indiana now has one automobile to •■very six persons. That 1- a pretty good indication of the interest the motor car holds for the public. It Isn’t every one who expects to buy this spring, or every one who wishes to huy, but there are thousands who do have this wish and thousands upon ..nousands of others who like to keep in touch with the new de- velopments in motor cars and their ac- cessories. Offering this year no less than one hundred fifty separate and distinct ex- hibits. tht 1922 spring automobile show fairly outdoes Itself, because never be- fore were there so many separate dis- plays. Many persons in the past have "fluti- ' iy. as they •’ tg attended tb<* unto w "one night" let it go at that, •r they "slippi and out for an hour or so" one afternoon. To these and their ilk generally be it stated that “an hour or two won’t do.’’ There will be more to see this year, more thiugs of interest and more fine points on more cars to study than can be comprehended in an “hour or two.” The real motor fan, the man who wißhes to be “in the know” easily may spend several afternoons or several evening's at this show and not absorb all the new things by any means. Too many per- sons in the past have contented them- selves with cursory glance. This year's show deserves more thaln that. It de- serves the once-over, the twice or tbrice- •ver, and then some. TAII'ES HIGHER, PRICES POWER. Higher vrlnes and lower prices. The automobile millennium you have all been waiting for is now here. You have here the chance to do your “window shopping” all in one grand bunch and then you may “obey that impulse” and get to the dot- ted line with the distinct assurance that prices are not going to do a nose dive within the next week, or the next few months thereafter. On the contrary, no less an authority than Homer C. Latbrop. president of the local associaton, declares there is every Indication of price advances and in the tear future at that. “Prices are quite apt to be readjusted upward when spring production costs are finally determined." he declares. "Many of these price cuts have been made with the heart instead of with the assistance of the hard-headed cost accountant. With spring volume deter- mining real instead of speculative costs many manufacturers are going to find it necessary to tack Sioo or S2OO to their selling prices. The whole world knows that there has been no real reductions in many of the raw products entering Into motor car construction, and that skilled labor still commands a high price. “Therefore. I can say with all sincer Ity, the time to buy is right now. Not next fortnight or next month It is be- cause I believe the public now realizes this situation that I have every faith In the success of the spring show. “Bnt, I want the people of Indianap- olis to say. each one to his neighbor ‘You should go to the auto show: It is a wonderful exhibition. I went last night and I'm going again. These fel- lows deserve our box office support even if we don't buy their cars right off the griddle, because they are doing a real he-man job of trying to revive busi- ness.' “ir we can get this word spread round with as much facility as a piece of gos- sip would spr -d—what a tremendous success we would bare, and what a tre- mendous effect this would have on busi- ness in our good Hoosier capitol'” LATHBOPS VIEW CORRECT. Mr. Lathrop is distinctly correct, but he is going against the well known traits of human nature to ask that the good word be spread ns rapidly as ill words would spread. If be can approxi xifoii. MEN WHO PLAY PROMINENT PARTS IN THE INDIANAPOLIS AUTO EXHIBITION Prominent riftures the j& " S&KksX automobile show, which will oi>n the j W£ggfr: , .'gtS 4Sf&%L *S&l\ State fairground next night mjlSJKr* fMQF\ \ /£&&& w**j& tJBKn Hutchison, secretary of the Indianapolis wmß: visitor' <*?/' igralyfelL 1 t mate that speed and general distribution however, the success of the auto show is more thau certain. If every man who has been longing for the business revival would now seize on this opportunity to assist in reviv- ing this line of business, I am certain he would not regret the small admission price he would pay in order to be among those present. A long time ago an eminent politician declared, “The way to resume is to re sumo" and a more modern tfise man has declared, “The way to get business is to get busy." Adapting these epi grams, it may then be said tiiat t!i< way to revive business is to revive I* and in Indianapolis the keynote of tlii: revival will be sounded by the auto- mobile show next week. KILTrES BAND MUSIC FEATURE. Ref rence has been made to the music feature of the show. This will be pro- vided by the famous Canadian Kilties band, a noted concert organization. The Kilties, attired in full Scottish regimen- tals, will give afternoon and evening pro- grams. Many of these men fought for Canada with the legion of “The Laddies of Hell” against the Germans and alto- gether they form an intersting aggrega- tion aside from their musical talent. It Is safe to say the beauties of the show's settings and trappings and the real merit of the musical programs will be worth much more than the admission price to every visitor. Visitors on the opening night are prom- ised a close-up view of Capt. Eddie V. Rickenbacker, famous American flying ace, who now is in the automobile manu- facturing game. Several new feature cars will be displayed, including the Rickenbacker, the Durant and the new Frontenac motor. Later in the week It is hinted a prominent movie star will be a visitor to the show. Auto Show Exhibtnrx The list of exhibitors, including ] for the Indianapolis Auto Show, wh Fair Grounds, is as follows: PASSENGER CAR EXHIBITORS. Advance Sales Company—Premier. Boozer Patterson Company—Duront. R. D. Brown & Co.—Wills Sainte Claire. P. F. Brunson Seneca. The Buck Company—Ntudebaker. Bulok Mot- r Company—l nick. It It. Buui h Motor C> mp.uiy—ltomic r. Citizens Motor Car Company—Packard. Conduiit Auto Company—Chalmers, Peerless and Maxwell. Detroit Electric Sales Company Detroit Electric —Rauch Lang Electric. Duesenberg Automobile and Motors Company Duesenberg. I Ford Motor Company—Ford. ! Franklin Motor Car Company—Frank- I lin. ; Hartman Auto Sales Company—Davis. Houppert-Strnek Company, Anderson j Columbia Six. Indiana Battery Service Company— Milburn Electric. Wilbur Johnson Company—Apperson and Huproobile. Jones-Whitaker Sales Company—Chev- rolet. Ivanouse Auto Company—Stephens and j Auburn. . a Latbrop McFarland Company—Cole and ' Oldsmobile. R. V. Law Motor Company—Hudson I and Essex. Lexington Motor Sales—Lexington and ! Gardner. Losey-Lafayette Motors Company—La- ! fayette. Losey-Nash Motor Company—Nash. The Melvin Company—Grant and Westcott. Mitchell Auto Company—Mitchell, j National Automotive Company—Na- | tionai and Moon. Nordyke and Marrnou Company— Marmon. F. P. O'Brien Motor Company—Pierce- Arrow. Peterson-Keyes Auto Company—Jordan and Scripps-Bootb. Pilot Motor Car Company—Pilot. ' Sanders-Haynes Motor Company— Haynes. William Small Company Monroe. E. W. Steinhart Company—Cadillac and Oakland. Sterling Motor Car Company—Paige and Jewett. Chas. E. Stutz Sales Company—H. C. ' S. and Lineoln. Updyke Auto Company—Stutz, McFar- lan and Locomobile. C. H. Wallerich Company—Dodge Bros. Welbon Automotive Company—Chand- ler and Cleveland. The Wildbaek Company—Reo. Willy s-Overland Incorporated—O ter. land and Willys-Knlght. J. G. Wilmoth Company—Rickenbacker. COMMERCIAL, CAR EXHIBITORS. General Motors Truck Company—G. M. C. Martin Truck Company—Stewart. Mikesell Bros. Sales Company—Parkev. Motor Truck Service Corp.—Kelly- Springfleld. C. 11. Wallerich Company—Dodge Bros. PASSENGER AND COMMERCIAL CAR BODY EXHIBITORS. Autowa Body Distributors. Dealers Supply Company. Ford Dealers. PASSENGER CAR TOP EXHIBITORS. Stanley Auto Company. ACCESSORY EXHIBITORS. 1 Berne Randall. Guarantee Tire and Rubber Company. Weidely Accessory Company. Richmond Piston Ring Company. B. and B. Accessories Company. >assenger cars, trucks and accessories let opens next Monday at the State International Piston Company. Detroit Electric Sales Company. Lexington Motor Sales. Hayes Wheel Company. Ralph E. Jones Company. Ford Motor Company. Dealers' Supply Company. Gates Manufacturing Company. Moran Brothers. Seth Klein Radiator Company. Perfection Wlndchlelii Company. Ilackathom X Lightstone. Larco Wrench and Manufacturing Com- pany. Marvel Carburetor Sales Company. Indiana Piston Ring Company, Non-Deflating Tube Company. The Gibson Company. Petroleum Service, Incorporated. C. H. Wilcken Company. Shotwell Pump and Tank Company, Alemite Lubricator Company, W. R. Wheeler Company. Bilt Rite Manufacturing Company. Foster-Johnson Reamer Company. Computing Visible Measure Pump Com- pany. Specialty Accessory Company. Hoosier Distributing Company. J. A. Mals Manufacturing Company. Automobile Legal Association. Hassler-lndiana Company. Coffleid Tire Protector Company. J. W. Pohlman Company, Homer A. Kelley Company. Em-An-Es Company. L. H. Colvin. Auto-Warn Company. Motorist Supply Company, Lambert Trublpruf Tire Company. Sav-Oil Piston Ring Company. Kxel Battery Company. Automatic Mist Company. Brewer & Blake. Spark-O Battery League. Peerless Chain Sales Company. The Rand Company. H. L. Jenkins Engineering Company. H. H. Woodsmall Company. H. T. Hearsey Company. Van Camp Hardware and Iron Com- pany. Eagle Machine Company. Auto Specialties Manufacturing Com- pany. Adjustable Bearing Company. Chevrolet Bros. Manufacturing Com- pany. Purko '.Manufacturing Company. A. H. Mock & Cos. Tiona Refining Company. Butler Manufacturing Company. Advance Sales Company. United Shock Absorber Company. Stewart Warner Products Service Sta- tion. International Metal Polish Company. H. E. Saglo Sales Company. Tel-Auto Spark Company. Banta-Willcuts Company. Fraser & Horner. H. L. G. Manufacturing Company. Indiana Oak Oil Company. Miles Piston Ring Company. U. S. O’Daniel. Patton Glare Stop Company. Parts Corporation. Vaught Auto Company. India Tire Company. Penberthy Injector Company. Capital Paper Company. Centipede Overtire Company. State Automobile Insurance Company. Guard of Lustct Auto Polish. R. M. Recker Company. Highland Body Company. Hurry-up Facts A bout Auto Show Time—Monday to Saturday, after- noons and evenings. Doors open 10 a. m. to 10:30 p. in. each day except Monday. Place—Auto show pavilion. State fairground. Opening Ceremony—B o’clock Mon- day night. Mayor Shank and O. B. lies, president Chamber of Commerce, presiding. How To Get There—lllinois street. Centra] avenue. College avenue street cars, direct to fairground. By auto- mobile, any north and south street to Maple road, thence east. Ample parking space. Police protection. Features—l 922 price tags on 1022 models. Greatest values for least money ever shown. Elaborate deco- rations and illumination. Music—Canadian Kilities band, twenty five expert concert players and soloists. Concerts each afternoon and evening. Special Nights—Clubs and organ- izations will attend in a body on sev- eral evenings. Tuesday is' Indiana retail shoe dealers’ night. Thursday is Rotary night. Friday is Klwanis Bight. Saturday night will be carni- val Light, with fun and frolic for all. School Pupils—Free admission be- tween hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. in. Saturday to any boy or girl pupil of Indianapolis schools. No ticket neces- sary. Admission—Fifty cents, including Government tax. Rest rooms for men. rest rooms for women, barber shop, cafeteria, "first- aid" service, local and long distance telej hones. FINANCING OF EUROPE IS PLAN OF FINANCIERS Corporation Organized to Handle Problem of Re- construction. Special to Indiana. Daily Times and Philadelphia Public Ledger. By NORMAN IV. BAXTER. LONDON, March 4.—Negotiations be- tween American and European financial Interests are understood to be uinler way to see If some way can be found out of the peculiarities caused by the formation of the International Coropration for re- construction in Europe. The organizers have so framed the scheme as to make It essential for United States capital to le Interested and risky for It If It does enter. The necessity for a share on the part of AAmerican capital, experts heer be- lieve, arises from the provision money loaned by the corporation shall be spent In countries which Invest in its original capital. The thing that makes it hard for American moneyed interests to put in their dollars is the British proposal that the government guarantee tie cap- ital of the corporations. Representatives of American financial interests entertain no hope that the American Government will guarranteo the capital invested and fail to seo how they can engage In a proposition where the other partlcipatns are lndemnlfif :1 against loss, and they are not. American business men who have kept in touch with the plan, however, consider it the first feasible one that haa been proposed and realize that If It should succeed under a proviso for the expenditure of money onily in coun- tries participating the United States would fall to get its share of business and be handieaped seriously in foriegn markets for a great many yeurs to come. —Copyright, 1922, by Fubllc Ledger Company. LUCKY GUESSER TO GET ENGINE Marmon Plans Novel Feature for Auto Show. The visitor at the Marmon booth dur- ing the Automobile Show who comes nearest to guessing the weight of the min- iature Marmon engine will bo rewarded with the presentation of the little engine Itself. This faithful reproduction of the stand- ard engine, built to one-quarter scale, will be placed in a glass case and will be on display at the Marmon booth all week. The engine will be placed on a scale, the reading of which will bo concealed, and the engine and scales will be concealed in n glass case. The contest is open to all visitors at the show.'-- Contestants will fill out slips prepared for the purpose, giving their estimate of the weight. These slips will be filed away until the close of the contest, Saturday, March 11, at 8 o’clock. At the close of the time limit for guess- ing, the engine will be weighed and the winner anouneed at 9:30 p. m. In case of two or more guesses tying for first place, the winner will be decided by lot. No one connected with the Nordyke & Marmon Company will be permitted to enter the contest. Statement Explains Stewart Truck Cut The cut in the price of Stowart trucks was explained in a statement issued by the Martin Truck Company, Indiana dis- tributors. The statement follows: “Most truck manufacturers have been unable to cut their prices as drastically as Stewart, therefore, are declaring Stew- art will have to raise prices or cut qual- ity, ‘‘The Stewart modern fatcory and fa- cilities give the company a great advan- tage over many competitors. Within the last six months the company has insti- tuted economies and savings it previously thought were impossible, at the same time it has Increased the quality through- out, Today's Stewarts are the best they hate ever produced. We are assured positively the bars of quality will not he let down. The quality will be im- proved if possible.” ‘REAL GOOD CAR’ IS TRADE MARK PUT ON DURANT Product of Engineering Skill of Man Long in Auto Industry. The Durant line of automobiles which has been on the market only a few months are the product of the organ- ization and engineering of M illlam C Durant, for many years, prominent In the automotive industry. The Durant, which is being featured ns “Just a Real Good Gar,” is I ade „’“ both four and six-cylinder models. The fours are equipped with a valve-in-heac motor designed by Durant engineers, while the sixes have an Ansted engine. The Durant four is made in three mod- -1 els, touring car, coupe and sedan. pe six is produced in four types, touring ; car, runabout, coupe and sedan. All j ; models have the Durant tubular baok- -1 bone, for which a patent has been ap- ' piled. This feature relieves strain on \ the driving units and prevents body squeaks. 1 Seventy million dollars’ worth of cart- have been sold for delivery up to Aug. | 31 of this year. Production is being maintained in Du- j rant factories at Long Island City, N Y., and Muncle, Ind., and Lansing, Mich The sixes are made exclusively at the I Muncle plant. Other plants, at Oak- | land. Cal., and Toronto, Canada, will j be in production within tne next three I months. The Roozer Patterson Company Is tok ' fng care of retail sales in Marion Coun- ! ty. while Ralph Temple, an old time dis- tributor, is looking after the wholesale end of the Durant Interests. SHOW ROAMER MODELS FOR 1922 Machines to Be on Display at Auto Exhibit. Kay Bunch of the R. R. Bunch Motor Company, successor to the Donnelly- Buneh Company, State distributors of Koamer cars for the past two years, have on display at the Auto Show two ; models of the new Roanier cars. One of the most beautiful Jobs is ; that of the Model No. EO-54, with Cali- i fornla top, trimmed in late color, town ! ear blue with white wire wheels, blue 1 Spanish upholstering to match, j Another Is that of the regular standard l four passenger touring trimmed with ! brown Spanish leather god finished in ! a deep maroon with yellow wire wheels j Mr. Bunch Is very optimistic as to the i outlook in snles of automobiles this year | and says that the public will look more 'to the higher grade cars than to the ' more popular priced models. NEW BODIES OF i OVERLANDS ADD NEW STRENGTH Light Weight Secured in AHI Steel Job—Car of Long Life. J Carrying ont a full streamline the bodies of the new series Overland models are In keeping with the general quality of the car. The body, an all-steel job, eliminate* the posibility of bulging at the points and does away with annoying body squeak* and rattles. This body, coupled with tris piex springs which not only give light caj riding qualities but which protect ca| and mechanism from road strains and Jolts, meanß to the buyer a car that will live as long as its motor, providing at the same time a big factor of additional safety. The Interior construction provide* everything of ntility embodied in the larger cars of much higher price. The wide, deep seats of the Overland are cushioned over springs such as are used In the finest upholstery. The seats are of sufficient width to accomodate five pas. sengers comfortably. The upholstery throughout is of long grain duratex. All cushions, including the back and sides, are removable, jus! as in a Pullman sleeping car. The full crowned fenders are of heavy sheet steel. The running boards are cov. ered with linoleum, aluminum bound. The fittings are nickel and polished alus mlnum. The body is in keepink with the slmpli* fled construction which marks the Over, land as almost revolutionary. The body offers only an additional means of secur- ing light weight without sacrifice of strength. In fact, it actually gives added strengthto the ear. FIRST EXHIBIT NEW HAYNES 55 AT AUTO SHOW Model Has Many Advanced Improvements Over Old Designs. In the new, improved Haynes 35 mod. | els, which are being exhibited for tbs | first time at the automobile show, tha ! Haynes Automobile Company, Kokomo, | presents a medium weight, medium pries i car. | Each of the new, improved Haynes 55 j models—the flve-pa3senger touring car, | the roomy two-passenger roadster, tha five-passenger sedan and the three-pas- senger coupeiet—has been designed and manufactured to fit a special require- ment. The steel body, built over a rigid wooden body frame, is mounted on a 121- inch wheel base chassis of extreme rug- gedness. | One of the salient features of the new, I Improved Haynes 55 models is the fa- j moils Haynes-built light six motor, which ! gives these cars economy, phenomersl : power and enables them to develop ex- -1 eeptional speed. Searchlight design ’lead lamps and ex- j tenor side cowl Ugv. ( sos identical de- sign are features as useful as they are at- tractive. Individual fenders and Indi- vidual aluminum steps are standard equipment on the touring car, roadster and coupeiet, while the sedan has th 'conventional full length running board, ! Extreme road ability and riding com. fort are insured by the long,, seml-ellip- ; tie front and rear springs, designed es- pecially by the Haynes engineering corps An advanced feature of the new mprovec I Haynes 55 models is the electric starter which is controlled by a magnetic switch operated by a finger button on the instru ment board. Cord tires are standart j equipment. The tire mileage is unusually high EoxiGe Brothers *f & cf an i Sedan $1,440, Coupe $1,280, Touring Car SBBO, Roadster SBSO Panel Business Car S9BO, Screen Business Car SBBO F. O. B. DETROIT C.h. Wallerich Company Dodee Brothers Motor Vehicles Circle 43n0-43CM-4302 -V/- S4S North Meridian 3

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‘ for Week’s Run Mon-:jgjg day Evening.


With Mayor Samuel Lewis Shank

to act as generalissimo and O. B.lies, president of the Chamber ofCommerce, to be chief runner-up at

the curtain raising, the twenty-fourthsemi-annual Indianapolis AutomobileShow is scheduled to “ring up next

Monday evening for a solid week s“run at the Auto Show Pavilion at

the State Fairground.John 3. Orman, auto show impre-

sario, will direct the premiere

promptly at 8 o’clock, and the hours

.nd weeks of painstaking care andstudy devoted to this production by

the manager will begin to win itswell-earned iew aid.

The wonder cars of 1922, with the won-

der prices of 1922, now all set and stab-ilized at their new low levels, will beihe ehief pieces de resistance, of course,but the stage setting will be more glori-

ous than ever, surrounded by more bril-liant illumination and flooded with the

harmonies of a real concert band—allmuch more distinctly worth while thanever before."SEE IT; BOOST IT,"ADVICE OF FORECASTER.

That, in brief. Is a forecast of thespring auto show, but the forecaster i-- to avoid circus adjectives andmust content himself with the advice."Oo see it: boost it, because a success-ful auto show means real business ac-tivity in Indianapolis, which all of usare atxious to see.”

Lavender and gold are the color com-btnaticns for this year’s event, and thesecolors have been used with such lavish-nesa ty Ralph H. Edgerton. official dec-orator. that the interior of the big pa-

vilion is simply swathed with color.The illumination system has been doubled and specially- made chandeliers willnot cnly add to the decorative effect!but to the Ilium .nation as well.

The ohs and ahs of last year's crowdsit is declared, are apt to give way tomultiplied ejaculations of wondermentat the beauty of the scene.

But the moat interesting thing aboutthe entire show -.1 be the price tags

on the cars t-.-mselves, it is declared.The automobile dealers now assert withmuch emp. asls that never before Inthe history of the “game” have valuesbeen so great as now.

This fact, coupled with the additionalfact that the Indianapolis show comesat a time when all prices have been “setlor some weeks at their new low levels,gives rise to a confident belief thatthis exhibition is a certain harbinger ofreal business—not only in the automo-

tive world hereabouts but In businessof all lines.FAECES A>T> REFINEMENTSWORKED INTO CABS.

It Is pointed out that during the busi-ness lull engineers have succeeded inworking new refinements and new val-ues in motor cars with the reeu;t thatnever before has such an offering orsuch a display been made to the pub-lic.

Indiana now has one automobile to•■very six persons. That 1- a pretty goodindication of the interest the motor carholds for the public. It Isn’t every onewho expects to buy this spring, or everyone who wishes to huy, but there arethousands who do have this wish andthousands upon ..nousands of others wholike to keep in touch with the new de-velopments in motor cars and their ac-cessories.

Offering this year no less than onehundred fifty separate and distinct ex-hibits. tht 1922 spring automobile showfairly outdoes Itself, because never be-fore were there so many separate dis-plays.

Many persons in the past have "fluti-' iy. as they •’ tg • attended tb<* unto

w "one night" let it go at that,•r they "slippi and out for an hour or so"

one afternoon. To these and their ilkgenerally be it stated that “an hour ortwo won’t do.’’ There will be more tosee this year, more thiugs of interest andmore fine points on more cars to studythan can be comprehended in an “hour ortwo.”

The real motor fan, the man who wißhesto be “in the know” easily may spendseveral afternoons or several evening'sat this show and not absorb all the newthings by any means. Too many per-sons in the past have contented them-selves with cursory glance. This year'sshow deserves more thaln that. It de-serves the once-over, the twice or tbrice-•ver, and then some.TAII'ES HIGHER,PRICES POWER.

Higher vrlnes and lower prices. Theautomobile millennium you have all beenwaiting for is now here. You have herethe chance to do your “window shopping”all in one grand bunch and then you may“obey that impulse” and get to the dot-ted line with the distinct assurance thatprices are not going to do a nose divewithin the next week, or the next fewmonths thereafter.

On the contrary, no less an authoritythan Homer C. Latbrop. president ofthe local associaton, declares there isevery Indication of price advances andin the tear future at that.

“Prices are quite apt to be readjustedupward when spring production costsare finally determined." he declares."Many of these price cuts have beenmade with the heart instead of withthe assistance of the hard-headed costaccountant. With spring volume deter-mining real instead of speculative costsmany manufacturers are going to findit necessary to tack Sioo or S2OO to theirselling prices. The whole world knowsthat there has been no real reductionsin many of the raw products enteringInto motor car construction, and thatskilled labor still commands a highprice.

“Therefore. I can say with all sincerIty, the time to buy is right now. Notnext fortnight or next month It is be-cause I believe the public now realizesthis situation that I have every faith Inthe success of the spring show.

“Bnt, I want the people of Indianap-olis to say. each one to his neighbor‘You should go to the auto show: It isa wonderful exhibition. I went lastnight and I'm going again. These fel-lows deserve our box office support evenif we don't buy their cars right off thegriddle, because they are doing a realhe-man job of trying to revive busi-ness.'

“ir we can get this word spread roundwith as much facility as a piece of gos-sip would spr -d—what a tremendoussuccess we would bare, and what a tre-mendous effect this would have on busi-ness in our good Hoosier capitol'”LATHBOPSVIEW CORRECT.

Mr. Lathrop is distinctly correct, buthe is going against the well knowntraits of human nature to ask that thegood word be spread ns rapidly as illwords would spread. If be can approxi



Prominent riftures the j&" S&KksX

automobile show, which will oi>n the j W£ggfr:, .'gtS 4Sf&%L *S&l\State fairground next night mjlSJKr* fMQF\\ /£&&& w**j& tJBKnHutchison, secretary of the Indianapolis


visitor' <*?/' igralyfelL

1 —-- t

mate that speed and general distributionhowever, the success of the auto showis more thau certain.

If every man who has been longingfor the business revival would now seizeon this opportunity to assist in reviv-ing this line of business, I am certainhe would not regret the small admissionprice he would pay in order to be amongthose present.

A long time ago an eminent politiciandeclared, “The way to resume is to resumo" and a more modern tfise manhas declared, “The way to get businessis to get busy." Adapting these epigrams, it may then be said tiiat t!i<way to revive business is to revive I*and in Indianapolis the keynote of tlii:revival will be sounded by the auto-mobile show next week.KILTrES BANDMUSIC FEATURE.

Ref rence has been made to the musicfeature of the show. This will be pro-vided by the famous Canadian Kiltiesband, a noted concert organization. TheKilties, attired in full Scottish regimen-tals, will give afternoon and evening pro-grams. Many of these men fought forCanada with the legion of “The Laddiesof Hell” against the Germans and alto-gether they form an intersting aggrega-tion aside from their musical talent. ItIs safe to say the beauties of the show'ssettings and trappings and the real meritof the musical programs will be worthmuch more than the admission price toevery visitor.

Visitors on the opening night are prom-ised a close-up view of Capt. Eddie V.Rickenbacker, famous American flyingace, who now is in the automobile manu-facturing game. Several new featurecars will be displayed, including theRickenbacker, the Durant and the newFrontenac motor. Later in the week Itis hinted a prominent movie star will bea visitor to the show.

Auto Show ExhibtnrxThe list of exhibitors, including ]

for the Indianapolis Auto Show, whFair Grounds, is as follows:

PASSENGER CAR EXHIBITORS.Advance Sales Company—Premier.Boozer Patterson Company—Duront.R. D. Brown & Co.—Wills Sainte Claire.P. F. Brunson Seneca.The Buck Company—Ntudebaker.Bulok Mot- r Company—l nick.It It. Buui h Motor C> mp.uiy—ltomic r.Citizens Motor Car Company—Packard.Conduiit Auto Company—Chalmers,

Peerless and Maxwell.Detroit Electric Sales Company Detroit

Electric —Rauch Lang Electric.Duesenberg Automobile and Motors

Company Duesenberg.I Ford Motor Company—Ford.! Franklin Motor Car Company—Frank-I lin.

; Hartman Auto Sales Company—Davis.Houppert-Strnek Company, Anderson—

j Columbia Six.Indiana Battery Service Company—

Milburn Electric.Wilbur Johnson Company—Apperson

and Huproobile.Jones-Whitaker Sales Company—Chev-

■ rolet.Ivanouse Auto Company—Stephens and

j Auburn. . aLatbrop McFarland Company—Cole and

' Oldsmobile.R. V. Law Motor Company—Hudson

I and Essex.Lexington Motor Sales—Lexington and

! Gardner.Losey-Lafayette Motors Company—La-

! fayette.Losey-Nash Motor Company—Nash.The Melvin Company—Grant and

Westcott.Mitchell Auto Company—Mitchell,

j National Automotive Company—Na-| tionai and Moon.

Nordyke and Marrnou Company—

Marmon.F. P. O'Brien Motor Company—Pierce-

Arrow.Peterson-Keyes Auto Company—Jordan

and Scripps-Bootb.Pilot Motor Car Company—Pilot.

' Sanders-Haynes Motor Company—Haynes.

William Small Company Monroe.E. W. Steinhart Company—Cadillac and

Oakland.Sterling Motor Car Company—Paige

and Jewett.Chas. E. Stutz Sales Company—H. C.

' S. and Lineoln.Updyke Auto Company—Stutz, McFar-

lan and Locomobile.C. H. Wallerich Company—Dodge Bros.Welbon Automotive Company—Chand-

ler and Cleveland.The Wildbaek Company—Reo.Willys-Overland Incorporated—O ter.

land and Willys-Knlght.J. G. Wilmoth Company—Rickenbacker.COMMERCIAL, CAR EXHIBITORS.

General Motors Truck Company—G. M.C. ‘

Martin Truck Company—Stewart.Mikesell Bros. Sales Company—Parkev.Motor Truck Service Corp.—Kelly-

Springfleld.C. 11. Wallerich Company—Dodge Bros.


Autowa Body Distributors.Dealers Supply Company.Ford Dealers.



1 Berne Randall.Guarantee Tire and Rubber Company.Weidely Accessory Company.Richmond Piston Ring Company.B. and B. Accessories Company.

>assenger cars, trucks and accessories

let opens next Monday at the State

International Piston Company.

Detroit Electric Sales Company.Lexington Motor Sales.Hayes Wheel Company.Ralph E. Jones Company.Ford Motor Company.Dealers' Supply Company.Gates Manufacturing Company.Moran Brothers.Seth Klein Radiator Company.Perfection Wlndchlelii Company.Ilackathom X Lightstone.Larco Wrench and Manufacturing Com-

pany.Marvel Carburetor Sales Company.Indiana Piston Ring Company,Non-Deflating Tube Company.The Gibson Company.Petroleum Service, Incorporated.C. H. Wilcken Company.Shotwell Pump and Tank Company,Alemite Lubricator Company,W. R. Wheeler Company.Bilt Rite Manufacturing Company.Foster-Johnson Reamer Company.Computing Visible Measure Pump Com-

pany.Specialty Accessory Company.Hoosier Distributing Company.J. A. Mals Manufacturing Company.Automobile Legal Association.Hassler-lndiana Company.Coffleid Tire Protector Company.J. W. Pohlman Company,Homer A. Kelley Company.Em-An-Es Company.L. H. Colvin.Auto-Warn Company.Motorist Supply Company,Lambert Trublpruf Tire Company.Sav-Oil Piston Ring Company.Kxel Battery Company.Automatic Mist Company.Brewer & Blake.Spark-O Battery League.Peerless Chain Sales Company.The Rand Company.H. L. Jenkins Engineering Company.H. H. Woodsmall Company.H. T. Hearsey Company.Van Camp Hardware and Iron Com-

pany.Eagle Machine Company.Auto Specialties Manufacturing Com-

pany.Adjustable Bearing Company.Chevrolet Bros. Manufacturing Com-

pany.Purko '.Manufacturing Company.A. H. Mock & Cos.Tiona Refining Company.Butler Manufacturing Company.Advance Sales Company.United Shock Absorber Company.Stewart Warner Products Service Sta-

tion.International Metal Polish Company.H. E. Saglo Sales Company.Tel-Auto Spark Company.Banta-Willcuts Company.Fraser & Horner.H. L. G. Manufacturing Company.Indiana Oak Oil Company.Miles Piston Ring Company.U. S. O’Daniel.Patton Glare Stop Company.Parts Corporation.Vaught Auto Company.India Tire Company.Penberthy Injector Company.Capital Paper Company.Centipede Overtire Company.State Automobile Insurance Company.Guard of Lustct Auto Polish.R. M. Recker Company.Highland Body Company.

Hurry-up FactsA bout Auto Show

Time—Monday to Saturday, after-noons and evenings. Doors open 10a. m. to 10:30 p. in. each day exceptMonday.

Place—Auto show pavilion. Statefairground.

Opening Ceremony—B o’clock Mon-day night. Mayor Shank and O. B.lies, president Chamber of Commerce,presiding.

How To Get There—lllinois street.Centra] avenue. College avenue streetcars, direct to fairground. By auto-mobile, any north and south street toMaple road, thence east. Ampleparking space. Police protection.

Features—l922 price tags on 1022models. Greatest values for leastmoney ever shown. Elaborate deco-rations and illumination.

Music—Canadian Kilities band,twenty five expert concert players andsoloists. Concerts each afternoon andevening.

Special Nights—Clubs and organ-izations will attend in a body on sev-eral evenings. Tuesday is' Indianaretail shoe dealers’ night. Thursdayis Rotary night. Friday is KlwanisBight. Saturday night will be carni-val Light, with fun and frolic for all.

School Pupils—Free admission be-tween hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. in.Saturday to any boy or girl pupil ofIndianapolis schools. No ticket neces-sary.

Admission—Fifty cents, includingGovernment tax.

Rest rooms for men. rest rooms forwomen, barber shop, cafeteria, "first-aid" service, local and long distancetelej hones.


OF FINANCIERSCorporation Organized to

Handle Problem of Re-construction.

Special to Indiana. Daily Timesand Philadelphia Public Ledger.

By NORMAN IV. BAXTER.LONDON, March 4.—Negotiations be-

tween American and European financialInterests are understood to be uinler way

to see If some way can be found out of

the peculiarities caused by the formationof the International Coropration for re-construction in Europe. The organizershave so framed the scheme as to make Itessential for United States capital to leInterested and risky for It If It doesenter.

The necessity for a share on the partof AAmerican capital, experts heer be-lieve, arises from the provision moneyloaned by the corporation shall be spentIn countries which Invest in its originalcapital. The thing that makes it hardfor American moneyed interests to putin their dollars is the British proposalthat the government guarantee tie cap-ital of the corporations. Representativesof American financial interests entertainno hope that the American Governmentwill guarranteo the capital invested andfail to seo how they can engage In aproposition where the other partlcipatnsare lndemnlfif :1 against loss, and they arenot. American business men who havekept in touch with the plan, however,consider it the first feasible one that haabeen proposed and realize that If Itshould succeed under a proviso for theexpenditure of money onily in coun-tries participating the United Stateswould fall to get its share of businessand be handieaped seriously in foriegnmarkets for a great many yeurs to come.—Copyright, 1922, by Fubllc LedgerCompany.


Marmon Plans Novel Featurefor Auto Show.

The visitor at the Marmon booth dur-ing the Automobile Show who comesnearest to guessing the weight of the min-iature Marmon engine will bo rewardedwith the presentation of the little engineItself.

This faithful reproduction of the stand-ard engine, built to one-quarter scale,will be placed in a glass case and will beon display at the Marmon booth all week.The engine will be placed on a scale, thereading of which will bo concealed, andthe engine and scales will be concealed inn glass case. The contest is open to allvisitors at the show.'-- Contestants willfill out slips prepared for the purpose,giving their estimate of the weight.These slips will be filed away until theclose of the contest, Saturday, March 11,at 8 o’clock.

At the close of the time limit for guess-ing, the engine will be weighed and thewinner anouneed at 9:30 p. m. In caseof two or more guesses tying for firstplace, the winner will be decided by lot.No one connected with the Nordyke &

Marmon Company will be permitted toenter the contest.

Statement ExplainsStewart Truck Cut

The cut in the price of Stowart truckswas explained in a statement issued by

the Martin Truck Company, Indiana dis-tributors. The statement follows:

“Most truck manufacturers have beenunable to cut their prices as drastically

as Stewart, therefore, are declaring Stew-art will have to raise prices or cut qual-ity,

‘‘The Stewart modern fatcory and fa-cilities give the company a great advan-tage over many competitors. Within thelast six months the company has insti-tuted economies and savings it previouslythought were impossible, at the sametime it has Increased the quality through-out, Today's Stewarts are the best they

hate ever produced. We are assuredpositively the bars of quality will not

he let down. The quality will be im-proved if possible.”


Product of Engineering Skillof Man Long in Auto


The Durant line of automobiles which

has been on the market only a few

months are the product of the organ-ization and engineering of M illlam CDurant, for many years, prominent In

the automotive industry.The Durant, which is being featured

ns “Just a Real Good Gar,” is I“ade„’“both four and six-cylinder models. The

fours are equipped with a valve-in-heacmotor designed by Durant engineers,

while the sixes have an Ansted engine.

The Durant four is made in three mod--1 els, touring car, coupe and sedan. pesix is produced in four types, touring

; car, runabout, coupe and sedan. Allj; models have the Durant tubular baok-

-1 bone, for which a patent has been ap-' piled. This feature relieves strain on\ the driving units and prevents body

squeaks.1 Seventy million dollars’ worth of cart-

have been sold for delivery up to Aug.

| 31 of this year.Production is being maintained in Du-

j rant factories at Long Island City, NY., and Muncle, Ind., and Lansing, MichThe sixes are made exclusively at the

I Muncle plant. Other plants, at Oak-| land. Cal., and Toronto, Canada, will

j be in production within tne next three

I months.The Roozer Patterson Company Is tok

' fng care of retail sales in Marion Coun-! ty. while Ralph Temple, an old time dis-tributor, is looking after the wholesaleend of the Durant Interests.


Machines to Be on Display atAuto Exhibit.

Kay Bunch of the R. R. Bunch MotorCompany, successor to the Donnelly-Buneh Company, State distributors ofKoamer cars for the past two years, w.ilhave on display at the Auto Show two

; models of the new Roanier cars.One of the most beautiful Jobs is

; that of the Model No. EO-54, with Cali-i fornla top, trimmed in late color, town! ear blue with white wire wheels, blue

1 Spanish upholstering to match,j Another Is that of the regular standardl four passenger touring trimmed with! brown Spanish leather god finished in! a deep maroon with yellow wire wheelsj Mr. Bunch Is very optimistic as to thei outlook in snles of automobiles this year| and says that the public will look more'to the higher grade cars than to the' more popular priced models.


NEW STRENGTHLight Weight Secured in AHI

Steel Job—Car ofLongLife. J

Carrying ont a full streamlinethe bodies of the new series Overlandmodels are In keeping with the generalquality of the car.

The body, an all-steel job, eliminate*the posibility of bulging at the points anddoes away with annoying body squeak*and rattles. This body, coupled with trispiex springs which not only give light cajriding qualities but which protect ca|and mechanism from road strains andJolts, meanß to the buyer a car that willlive as long as its motor, providing at thesame time a big factor of additionalsafety.

The Interior construction provide*everything of ntility embodied in thelarger cars of much higher price. Thewide, deep seats of the Overland arecushioned over springs such as are usedIn the finest upholstery. The seats areof sufficient width to accomodate five pas.sengers comfortably.

The upholstery throughout is of longgrain duratex. All cushions, includingthe back and sides, are removable, jus!as in a Pullman sleeping car.

The full crowned fenders are of heavysheet steel. The running boards are cov.ered with linoleum, aluminum bound.The fittings are nickel and polished alusmlnum.

The body is in keepink with the slmpli*fled construction which marks the Over,land as almost revolutionary. The bodyoffers only an additional means of secur-ing light weight without sacrifice ofstrength. In fact, it actually gives addedstrengthto the ear.


AT AUTO SHOWModel Has Many Advanced

Improvements Over OldDesigns.

In the new, improved Haynes 35 mod.| els, which are being exhibited for tbs| first time at the automobile show, tha! Haynes Automobile Company, Kokomo,

| presents a medium weight, medium priesi car.

| Each of the new, improved Haynes 55j models—the flve-pa3senger touring car,

| the roomy two-passenger roadster, thafive-passenger sedan and the three-pas-senger coupeiet—has been designed andmanufactured to fit a special require-ment. The steel body, built over a rigidwooden body frame, is mounted on a 121-inch wheel base chassis of extreme rug-gedness.

| One of the salient features of the new,I Improved Haynes 55 models is the fa-

j moils Haynes-built light six motor, which! gives these cars economy, phenomersl: power and enables them to develop ex--1 eeptional speed.

Searchlight design ’lead lamps and ex-j tenor side cowl Ugv. ( sos identical de-sign are features as useful as they are at-tractive. Individual fenders and Indi-vidual aluminum steps are standardequipment on the touring car, roadsterand coupeiet, while the sedan has th

'conventional full length running board,! Extreme road ability and riding com.fort are insured by the long,, seml-ellip-

; tie front and rear springs, designed es-pecially by the Haynes engineering corpsAn advanced feature of the new mprovec

I Haynes 55 models is the electric starterwhich is controlled by a magnetic switchoperated by a finger button on the instrument board. Cord tires are standart

j equipment.

The tire mileageis unusually high

EoxiGe Brothers*f & cfan


Sedan $1,440, Coupe $1,280, Touring Car SBBO, Roadster SBSOPanel Business Car S9BO, Screen Business Car SBBO


C.h. Wallerich CompanyDodee Brothers Motor Vehicles

Circle 43n0-43CM-4302 -V/- S4S North Meridian