boost sales using irresistible offers part three of three ...€¦ · boost sales using...

36 | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 ©2014 Extimata Inc. All Rights Reserved. Boost Sales Using Irresistible Offers Part Three of Three Lisa Sasevich Lisa Sasevich: Hello, everyone. This is Lisa Sasevich welcoming you to our live tele-training today. This is part three of a three part series called Boost Sales Using Irresistible Offers. This is for experts who love what they do and want to make a difference, but hate the sales part. Today is about what to sell and how to sell it, to make the difference that you are here to make. Whether you’ve been with us for part one and two of this series, or you’re just jumping in right now, we’re going to get you all caught up today and also make sure to take it a lot further. Today you’re going to learn how to give yourself an unfair advantage as an expert, author, speaker, coach, consultant, or service professional. You’re definitely in the right place if you just know that you have something really important to offer, but you struggle with exactly how to talk about it. Or maybe you’re someone who’s dying to get your work out in the world in a bigger way, but you don’t want to be pushy or salesy about it. Or maybe your work’s out in the world, you’re out there, you might be online, you might be using some virtual technology like teleseminars or webinars. Maybe you’re speaking. But you’re tired of reinventing the wheel, constantly creating new presentations, trying new sales and marketing strategies that are costing you tons of time, a lot of money, and it just feels like minimal results compared to how much you’re putting out there. Maybe you already have a following and they love you, but they don’t buy from you. They love all your free content, they love your blog, they love to follow you on Facebook, but they’re not buying. So if that’s the case I’m grateful that you found yourself here today because there’s just some simple things that you’ll learn today and be able to immediately apply, that can completely transform all of that. One thing that you want to know about me, whether we’ve met or not, is that I love to make one simple move, one simple strategic move, that brings an abundance of results in return, fast. And that’s what’s going to happen today. Those are the kind of moves that you’ll be getting your hands on right now.

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Boost Sales Using Irresistible Offers Part Three of Three Lisa Sasevich

Lisa Sasevich: Hello, everyone. This is Lisa Sasevich welcoming you to our live tele-training today. This is part three of a three part series called Boost Sales Using Irresistible Offers. This is for experts who love what they do and want to make a difference, but hate the sales part. Today is about what to sell and how to sell it, to make the difference that you are here to make. Whether you’ve been with us for part one and two of this series, or you’re just jumping in right now, we’re going to get you all caught up today and also make sure to take it a lot further. Today you’re going to learn how to give yourself an unfair advantage as an expert, author, speaker, coach, consultant, or service professional. You’re definitely in the right place if you just know that you have something really important to offer, but you struggle with exactly how to talk about it. Or maybe you’re someone who’s dying to get your work out in the world in a bigger way, but you don’t want to be pushy or salesy about it. Or maybe your work’s out in the world, you’re out there, you might be online, you might be using some virtual technology like teleseminars or webinars. Maybe you’re speaking. But you’re tired of reinventing the wheel, constantly creating new presentations, trying new sales and marketing strategies that are costing you tons of time, a lot of money, and it just feels like minimal results compared to how much you’re putting out there. Maybe you already have a following and they love you, but they don’t buy from you. They love all your free content, they love your blog, they love to follow you on Facebook, but they’re not buying. So if that’s the case I’m grateful that you found yourself here today because there’s just some simple things that you’ll learn today and be able to immediately apply, that can completely transform all of that. One thing that you want to know about me, whether we’ve met or not, is that I love to make one simple move, one simple strategic move, that brings an abundance of results in return, fast. And that’s what’s going to happen today. Those are the kind of moves that you’ll be getting your hands on right now.

Page 2: Boost Sales Using Irresistible Offers Part Three of Three ...€¦ · Boost Sales Using Irresistible Offers Part Three of Three Lisa Sasevich Lisa Sasevich: ... setting, a teleseminar, | [email protected] | 646-368-8210

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In the next 90 minutes or so I’m going to lift you up, show you a whole new perspective, and my intention is to open your world for what’s possible with your work and the lifestyle that you can create for yourself with it. You will be able to immediately apply everything you learn. For those of you that want to take it further, don’t worry, we will show you exactly how to do that as well. I’m about to show you the number one way to attract new clients while growing your reach and your profits, with a lot of heart and no additional time or marketing budget. How do I know? Because what I’m about to show you has worked for me over the last five years. The simple and elegant move that I’m going to share have given me literally an unfair advantage to the tune of over $20 million of sales since I started five years ago. And better, the ability to work with people in 134 countries from my home, and the freedom to be super active with my seven-year-old daughter and my ten-year-old son. We live in San Diego. And also to travel at my discretion, with them, like if we want to do some adventure travel. We went to Costa Rica at the end of last year. Or without them, if I want to be maybe speaking in a country that I haven’t visited before, or just traveling for pleasure. The model and the techniques that you’ll learn here, these are great for you whether you want to include travel with what you’re doing, or maybe you’ve been on the road 200 days a year speaking or consulting and you really want to turn that around. This has really allowed me to work from home. In fact, to my own surprise, I’ve even been awarded by the Inc 500 5,000 as one of the fastest growing privately held companies in the United States for the last two years in a row. Again, that’s from home, and with two toddlers in tow. It’s all about making the difference I always dreamed of making. And you making the difference that you know you’re here to make. If you take the time, like you’re doing here today, to get your hands on a model that is proving to do that, not just for me but we have thousands of clients all over the world that are proving it every single day. The secret to all of it, cut right to the chase, is making irresistible offers to attract your ideal client and to inspire them to say yes to themselves, to their own transformation, on the spot, (5:00) without you being pushy or salesy. There’s two parts to today. First, I’m going to walk you through my irresistible offer blueprint. It includes the mindset that you need to come from, the elements of actually crafting that offer, and the litmus test to make sure that the offer you create supports both your business, your clients, and your lifestyle. This is the key to knowing what to sell.

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The second half is going to be about how to sell it. It’ll be useful if you’re in front of a computer at that time because I’ve got some things I can walk you through to make it easier for you. I’ll walk you through my five-step formula for making your irresistible offer in a non-salesy way, really in any situation. So whether it’s a live setting, a teleseminar, or you’re making your offer from a webinar, or maybe even from a video, so that you have the structure and the format that you can see the steps so that you can make that difference you’re here to make in any of those settings. Today really is about you grabbing an unfair advantage for yourself, using irresistible offers and using the elegant moves that I’ll show you throughout this training today. If we haven’t met, by the way, if you’re just jumping in with us, I’m known by many as the queen of sales conversion. I know that’s a pretty lofty title. How did I earn it? I’m just passionate about the moment of decision. I’m passionate about the moment that somebody gets to say yes or now to themselves, because it is in that moment, and really only in that moment, that transformation happens for a person. I know that I’m talking to you as a change agent, a difference maker in the world, and the fastest way for you to be able to inspire people to go for it and say yes to themselves is what we’re doing here today. To learn how to craft and also how to present your irresistible offer. I’m living proof. Making irresistible offers really has been the key to everything I shared with you. The great news is if you pay close attention today it could happen for you really fast. You can put this to work and see results so much faster than you may even ever imagine. I have used the same thing I’m about to teach you to make irresistible offers also in my philanthropic efforts. So in the last three years I’ve raised over a quarter million dollars per year for various charitable organizations that inspire me. Usually there’s a person like you or I, an entrepreneur, somebody with a vision, behind the organization. And I started about three years ago to use the same techniques I’ll teach you today to make irresistible offers for people to contribute and give. If you’ve got a special cause or a non-profit that you care about, I’m just here to ring the bell and say listen up because this training is going to be able to do double duty for you. Not just in your business, but also with causes that you may want to be contributing to and having people say yes to.

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And also, if you’re on the line and you are in direct sales or multi-level, you’re also going to get double bang for your buck today. Because everything you learn is not only going to apply to the product or service that you’re selling, but it will also apply for when you’re looking to attract people into your organization. You’re going to get a double triple value if you’re in that setting as well. Now, my clients include experts and professionals and change agents from all different industries. So if you’re here from the health and wellness industry you’ve probably seen some of my clients out there, big. Like JJ Virgin out there with her Virgin Diet, a New York Times bestseller as we speak. Tana Amen and her husband Daniel, the Brain Doctor, just killing it out there on PBS. What do you think that is? That is making irresistible offers. Some of you in the Internet marketing space, keep listening. Jeff Walker has personally used what you’re going to learn today to close hundreds of thousands of dollars on stages, like on Brendan Burchard’s stage, and just adores this teaching as well. Frank Kern has come out and learned this exact training. So if you’re in the Internet marketing space you should know that some of the folks that are really killing it out there have invested in this very training that you’re learning today. In the business and personal development space, stay tuned. Brian Tracy is one of my top clients. He actually said, I’ll never forget this because honestly when I was kind of growing up in sales through corporate, selling for Hewlett-Packard, selling for Pfizer, I used to study Brian. (10:00) I remember after Brian did this work that you’re starting in on today he wrote and said Lisa, you offer the greatest ideas in marketing and sales I’ve ever seen. Honestly, that was like a stop in my tracks moment. John Assaraf as well, from the movie The Secret. He has all of his wonderful brain training through PraxisNow these days. He said I have access to anyone in the world I want to learn from, and Lisa has the best systems on the planet right now. I want to highlight that because if you love systems, if you love step-by-step, if you can follow a formula, you’re going to win big here. I’ve also had the honor to contribute these teachings on stages like the National Speakers Association, so if you’re keynoting get ready. This is going to change your life. eWomen Network, Peak Potentials. I’ve been able to share the stage with big names like Steve Forbes and Dan Rather at huge stadium events. I’m telling you all this because I want you to get the huge advantage that you’re about to give yourself from adding irresistible offers to your world.

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You see, I got all of those opportunities and attracted all those cool people, through making irresistible offers. And you can do the same thing, whatever business or industry you’re in. Doctors, lawyers, hands on healers, however out there it might be, if you’re teaching people to talk to their animals or heal themselves with crystals, stay tuned. This will work for you. A true unfair advantage for sure. My secret, what is it? It’s one elegant move that attracts clients and closes sales without being salesy. It leads to your irresistible offer. We’re going to cover that today in the second half of this call, as we get into the how to sell it piece. But first, let’s do a quick review, just to get everybody on the same page. And also a deep dive into some of the concepts that we have covered already in the first two videos that preceded this call. So if you’re just joining in, listen up, we’re going to catch you up to speed. If you have been with me on the first two parts and it’s like you really get it for the first time. So quick review. I shared my seven figure work from home blueprint, which it’s so simple you could almost overlook it. Simply put, everything leads toward the irresistible offer. That’s why we’re focusing on it here today. There’s really three main activities that we do that lead to the irresistible offer. The first one is using speaking. And I mean that both in live settings, like a stage or platform, and also in virtual settings like speaking to you today on a teleseminar, speaking on webinars, any time you’re interviewed you’re speaking, if you’re standing up at a networking event you’re speaking. So all the different ways that you open your mouth to share your gift would come into that category. The second way that we direct people to our irresistible offer is through high ticket selling. Now, what’s interesting about that is we’ve got to attract people to talk to so it kind of goes back to square one. That happens through speaking. And then the third way is through online promotion and delivery of our products and services. That’s another way we direct people to our irresistible offer. But here’s the punchline. All of those things, including the online promotion and delivery, involve speaking. Like right now you found out about me most likely online, somewhere, and here you are and I’m speaking. So the key to the whole seven figure work from home blueprint is being able to have a structure for your speaking that leads to your signature talk.

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I know some of you listening would rather be in the coffin than be the person standing up giving the eulogy. So stay with me, because one of the last things I’ll cover today on this call is some really important and simple tips about stage fright or shyness, even those of you that might consider yourself introverted, stay tuned. I’ve got a couple things to contribute to you that I have heard really make a difference. And of course I’ve seen it with my own eyes. The other thing that you guys commented on, that I just wanted to highlight from the earlier training because it was just such a key turning point of my life, and folks who hear it report that for many of them it’s a turning point there too. It was a story I told about my dad. My dad was a world famous ventriloquist. His name is Eddie Garson. He passed away about three years ago, but you guys got to get, as a ventriloquist with his dummy, he had a Latin Jewish dummy. So he lived in Miami Beach and he had this dummy that popped out of a conga drum. He would come out on a stage pretending to be a musician and then the drum would start shaking and rattling (15:00) and boom! Out of this big conga drum would come a dummy. The dummy’s name was Chico Chico. My dad, as a ventriloquist, usually kind of like known as more of a sideshow act, he became world famous. He was on the Ed Sullivan Show twice. I heard even three times, but twice I know for sure. He played Radio City Music Hall, which is like a mile long stage in New York, solo. Opening for Xavier Cugat in the Latin-crazed days. He really learned how to be out there with his gift. As he got older, like many of you who may have aging parents may recognize this phenomenon. He would repeat things to me, over and over. The same three or four or five lessons. Every time we talked he would say it like he’d never said it before. And I learned to listen like I had never heard it before. I’m really grateful, because what happened is about five-six years ago when I was just starting doing my own thing, I had been fired from my dream job, I was working for a personal development company that taught women to understand men, I thought I’d be doing it forever. Those of you in the relationship and personal development space your work is also my heart song. I’d been fired. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I was getting out there trying to figure out, like many of you here today and I’m so happy you’re here because this is the place to be, trying to figure out my million dollar value. What was it that I was bringing to every situation, to everywhere I’d worked? What was that piece that was uniquely mine?

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I was getting out there and actually using speaking at small groups, like little groups I would find on, or chambers or rotaries, back of the Olive Garden kind of events where there’s 20-30 people gathered at a lunch time. I was speaking on irresistible offers. That was kind of as much as I could see that I really knew how to do and that I’d done for so many companies to help them grow in profit. I was speaking and I had a newborn and a three-year-old and it was scary. My then husband was becoming a heart surgeon, but he was in fellowship, he had so long to go, and I was supporting all of us. I was in Tucson for his fellowship, getting out there speaking, and I kind of got this good gig going down where I had this talk, I’d drop my kids off at the Jewish Community Center near our house where they went to preschool, I would go and do a lunchtime talk at some little place, and usually, with about 30 people in attendance, about six of them, about 20%, would say yes to my irresistible offer. Which at the time was two coaching sessions to teach you how to make offers. It was $297. Those six people who’d never heard my name would pay me $300 and I’d walk out of there by about two o’clock, at the end of the lunch hour, with $1800. I would do that about three times a month, and I was making a base of about $65,000 a year, if you do the math. The base, just from doing these talks, not even once a week. About three times a month. I was ready. I had my talk, it was working, this is how I was a mommy with my little kids and supporting everyone and making it happen. But it was exhausting. I had to serve the clients as a one-on-one coach. That part, the service catches up to you if you’re successful. I was being successful. I had this breakthrough where I took my first trip away from my kids to Santa Barbara, and I went to a 60-person event. I can’t remember what it was called, but it was like a marketing boot camp to help grow my business. Because I had my talk with me on the computer it dawned on me to tell the host hey, if any of your speakers don’t make it I’m ready. I’d be happy to give my talk on irresistible offers. And you know what? Sure enough, because I was ready, I got to speak. The person after dinner didn’t show up. It was like hard to get up the hill, their car broke down, and I got to speak to these 60 people. To my own surprise I did my talk that I had been doing locally, I spoke to these 60 people, I was very excited, and I finished and 90 minutes later I had made $10,000. I had my little $297 package for two coaching sessions. I had another one that was like $697 for I think three coaching sessions. Another close to a thousand. And I

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had made $10,000 in one 90 minute talk. And I thought to myself, wow. This could change my life. I was on the plane home and you guys might remember this story, some of you that (20:00) have been with us in the first part of the series, and I remembered something that my dad said one of those times that he’d repeated himself over and over. Thank God he did. Because he said this thing to me that actually did turn out to be my turning point. And I want to give it to you because this is the piece that has allowed me to be a home-based business that has done so incredibly well. What he said, what Eddie Garson said to me, my dad, is he said “Lisa, don’t change your act. Change your audience.” Don’t change your act. Change your audience. It was amazing, because I realized that was it. That was my ah-ha moment. That was what launched me into a business like we have today and like what I’m laying out for you here that was so simple. I didn’t reinvent the wheel anymore. I stopped being the best kept secret all the time and people didn’t really know what I did because I got my act down. I now call your act your signature talk. I got my act down, and instead of changing that all the time I got in front of more audiences. And that’s really what we’re here to work on today is your irresistible offer, and then how do you create your signature talk, your act, that leads to it. Because this is the one business tool that, you guys have done so much of the heavy lifting, you’ve done all the work, you’ve done like 90% of the hard part. And this piece, having your signature talk and your irresistible offer, it’s that 10% nuance that can really pop the whole thing over. I mean over the line to whatever vision that you have. Using my signature talk and my irresistible offer we now help thousands of people around the world. It led you to me. And we’re going to get more into your act, that signature talk, in the second half of this call. Now, the mindset about making this offer is that it’s a disservice not to make an offer. If you’re out there spreading the word about what you do, and you’re opening up a new possibility for people, and you are not making an offer, it’s such a disservice. You’re like opening up their world but not giving them a chance to step through and have that moment of transformation. They get the moment of transformation whether they say yes or no to you, by the way.

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If someone’s been suffering about their lethargy, their body, feeling tired for years, and you offer a solution and they chose not to make that change, that’s a moment of transformation. That’s a moment where they look at themselves in the mirror and say wow, I’ve been complaining about this and you know what? The truth is I’m not doing anything about it. And it’s powerful for people to see that too. But that real transformation, of course, is when they say yes. Now, your offer, last piece of review here, your offer is the key to all of this happening. All of the movement in your business is because you have an offer. If you’re listening and you’re thinking Lisa, I love what you’re saying but I’m not even sure I have something to offer, I want you to stay tuned. Because light bulbs can go off as we are engaging in this today. I will show you some systems to be able to engage in specifically what your offer is and cover that. If you’ve been struggling with that just stay with me. Before we get into what makes an offer irresistible, quick review on what your offer is in the first place. And your offer, simply put, is made up of two parts. There’s the outcome, or the transformation, that you uniquely provide. What is that outcome that you uniquely provide? Then there’s how you provide it. We call that the service delivery. Do you provide it through one-on-one sessions? Do you provide it through a group coaching or mentorship program? Is it on the phone through a teleseminar? Do they read an ebook? Did they come out to a live event? All those ways that you get it done, those are called service delivery. So your offer is the outcome or transformation that you uniquely provide, plus how you provide it, the service delivery. Here’s the big transformation you can have around your offer, like right now, right at this moment. Your offer, when you look at your offer, and when you speak your offer or when you write copy about your offer, any time you’re talking to someone about what you offer, you want to be focused 90% on the outcome or the transformation that you offer, and only about 10% on the service delivery. You want to be focused on hey guys, when you learn how to make irresistible offers you’re going to attract clients, you’re going to give people the chance to transform, and the way we teach you is by a five-part teleseries. That was an example. Versus most people, most experts, most service professionals, you guys are out there focused 90% on the service deliver and 10% on the offer. To you’re out there with (25:00) it reversed and you’re getting the reversed results, many of you, of what you want.

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You’re out there saying it’s going to be 12 hours of coaching and it’s an hour a week for 12 weeks. And then I’m going to give you a five-part interview series that I did, the audios that you can listen to, and then I’ve got a 300 page ebook. And all of this is going to help you make irresistible offers. People are just like ack! I’m already overwhelmed in my life, do I need all that service delivery? If you can make that one shift, folks, and I’m going to remind you as we go into our training here today, where you focus 90% on the destination and only 10% on the plane, you will have a very real experience that what they are buying is the destination, not the plane. In fact, people don’t really, it’s secondary. If they really want that outcome or that transformation, they will go with the service delivery that you have outlined. If they really want it. And you can look in your own life and see probably times that you’ve done that when you’ve really wanted a certain outcome or transformation in your life. Let’s now, with that mindset of okay, we’re going to focus on the outcome and the transformation way more than the service delivery when we speak our offer, that it’s a disservice not to make an offer, not just to our clients because our clients don’t get to step into possibility, but the other disservice, by the way, is to you. You’re out there opening possibility, doing all the heavy lifting, but you don’t make an offer so you don’t get the client. And then what happens is someone who did learn how to make irresistible offers and has their signature talk, they get out there, they articulate it all really well, they make the offer, and guess what? You’re the 25-year veteran, you’re the more experienced, but they get the business because you did all the heavy lifting, you opened the possibility, and then they come in and they get the business because they made the offer. We’re going to cut that out. We’re going to transform that for you today so that you can be out there making offers and really grabbing that unfair advantage that is so simple to grab. It’s right here for you. Let’s look at the elements of your irresistible offer first. I’ll show you the secret to making it easy and also to making it pop. And then we’ll dive into the act, the signature talk that leads up to that irresistible offer. Again, if you’re wondering about your offer, stay tuned. Because as I show you examples things can pop for you really fast.

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The mechanics. The mechanics of your offer. (27:31) There are elements to your irresistible offer. Again, this is all part of our irresistible offer blueprint. We’ve talked about the mindset, let’s look at the elements. The first part is the main dish. There’s three parts. The main dish is how do you deliver the outcome that you promise. So what is the service delivery? Do you deliver teaching people how to market online through a five-part teleseries? Do you deliver it through an automated online portal? Do you deliver it through them coming out and spending a couple days with you at a live event? Or is it done through one-on-one phone calls? Or maybe they come to your office. Maybe you’re a chiropractor and the transformation you deliver, the main dish, is that they have 90 days of appointments twice a week. Whatever that way you deliver what you deliver is, that you deliver the outcome, that’s called the main dish. The second element is called a bonus. Bonuses are super desirable to the prospect who would want the main dish. So if the main dish is like the filet mignon or the sea bass, the bonus, it’s not just potatoes and broccoli. It is like sweet potatoes with marshmallows and brown sugar and crispy asparagus. The bonuses should be super desirable to the person who would want that main dish. The two notes to take about a bonus is that you want to have a few bonuses. Here’s the notes, tight and related. Tight means few, few and clear. You don’t need 27 bonuses with your main dish offer. You want like one or two or three that are really tightly related to the main dish. That’s where related comes in. Related, it fits, it pops. The person who would want the main dish would want the bonus. A great example on our own campus is that with our course that teaches you how to put together your signature talk so that it leads right into your irresistible offer, with that course our favorite bonus, the one that people get the most out of, they love, they jump for it, is called the Get Booked Toolkit. You can kind of see this in action here, right? It’s tight, it fits perfectly with someone who has a signature talk and an irresistible offer. The next thing they’re going to be looking for is getting booked. Right? So it’s related, it makes it pop. In fact, we’ve developed it so I’m booked everywhere. (30:00) If you Google my name I’m speaking here, I’m speaking there, and it’s been that way—thank you, Lord—for five years. But it’s not an accident. We have certain letters, certain forms,

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certain responses, ways that we structure just talking about our signature talk that’s super easy. And that’s all in the Get Booked Toolkit. It’s a great bonus because it’s tightly related to the main dish. And that’s what you’re looking for. In fact, I remember, I’ll take a little side note for kind of a Sassy story here. But I remember when I went, years ago, you guys might remember when there was pole dancing exercise classes. There were these classes. They still exist, but they were really hot four years ago, where women would go out and go to these really intimate and safe spaces, business, that would teach you how to exercise using the kind of pole dancing that you might see in a gentleman’s club. I went to one of those, an intro, to find out about it, because it was this huge craze, all my friends were going, everyone was talking about it online. And it was really awesome. There were women of all shapes and sizes, it wasn’t about looking perfect. And the women who were showing the exercise on the pole, they were wearing those big glass slipper, like seven-inch, high heels that you would see a woman wearing at a strip place. I was like whoa! I just kept looking at those heels thinking where do they even get those? I know the other women were too. So at the end of the introduction, after these women, like I said great, real, authentic women, all shapes and sizes, did these great displays, just blew our minds, they had us in the palm of their hand. And they made the offer for this class. I think it was about $400 to do a series of 10 classes. The offer wasn’t made that well and they didn’t make it irresistible. They didn’t throw in like any kind of a bonus. They didn’t throw in like whatever you paid to be here for this intro we’ll apply it tonight. That could be it on the low end. But my mind kept saying, when we talk about tight and related, I bet their cost on those shoes, which they were selling in their gift shop, the shoes were $65, maybe their cost is $30. I was thinking if they had thrown in a pair of those shoes for everyone that registered tonight I have to believe there would have been a big crazy line. Because most women aren’t going to find their way down to Hollywood Boulevard or wherever you get them, and yet what a fun thing to have in your little personal stash. That’s the kind of thing that the woman who would be interested in the class would probably want a pair of those for when she was taking the class. That’s what I mean by tight and related. Makes it pop, it makes it fun, it would make people jump for it. Especially if they said hey there’s 40 of you here, but we only the first 18 of you would get the shoes if you sign up for the class.

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That brings us on to the third element of your irresistible offer and the thing that really makes it pop, which is called a limiter. The limiter is like the Get Booked Toolkit, or those high heeled shoes, it’s the why buy now. You buy now because there’s something limited. And there are two main elements to limit. You can limit time, or you can limit quantity. So time is where you hear like today only, or only if you’re speaking live only at this break. Some of you who are doing one-on-one phone sessions to offer your work, making your irresistible offer in that way, time would be like hey, there’s a fast action scholarship if you make a decision right here on the line. And then there’s quantity. Quantity would be hey, only the first 18 of you would receive these shoes. With our Get Booked Toolkit we have a quantity limiter, so the first folks that will jump in to the Speak-to-Sell course when I offer it live through our virtual bootcamp, so live on the line I should say, the first folks get the Get Booked Toolkit. So you have a certain quantity. And a little tip. If you’re doing teleseminars or webinars you want to use quantity, because if you use time, if it’s today only and then you’ve got people listening to your playbacks later, it’s kind of disempowering. Keep that note, keep that important note. The last thing on the irresistible offer that I want to share with you before we jump into actually the formula for putting your signature talk together, I call this the four step litmus step for your offer. The litmus test for your offer is basically four questions that really are going to help you know. Know for sure if you have designed an offer that is not only going to serve your clients well, the transformation that they want, but also going to serve the difference you want to make and you’re going to enjoy it (35:00) for your lifestyle. Because whatever offers you make, let’s face it, folks, you’ve got to deliver them. So you want to make sure that you’re designing offers that you love the delivery. You’re excited to serve those people. Here’s the four questions. You can write them down, or if you downloaded our irresistible offer blueprint you can fill in the blanks. The first question, and this is the most important point is what we covered already, what is the transformation I offer? What is that outcome, what is the destination?

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The second question is how will I deliver that? If the transformation you offer is teaching people how to break through their limiting beliefs, how will you deliver that? You might say well, the best way that I can deliver that is live with people right in their hometown. But then you’ve got to look at your own life. Let me give you the other questions. The third question is, is it leveraged? So can I really get my work out in the world? Can I use this transformation and this delivery method to serve more than one person at a time? Then the fourth question, do I love it? This is the most important. I say that about every one because they all matter. Do I love it? This is where if the transformation you offer, question one, is that you want to help people break through their limiting beliefs, and how you’ll deliver it let’s say you say well, the best is if I’m with someone one-on-one. But then you say is it leveraged? No, that’s going to prohibit me from really being able to serve people. So maybe I need to work on a way that I can do that in a group setting, like in a group teleseminar or a webinar. Okay, I like that, I’ll do that. And then do I love it? This is the important part. If you love working from home teleseminars and webinars might really ring your bell. But there are some clients we have where they want to touch and feel and see people. They don’t like working virtually that way. So in that case you’d want to go back to number two and say okay, well then, I can also deliver that through live events. Maybe I will do live events once a quarter and I’ll make my irresistible offers to come to those. And then you get to do I love it? Yes! I love working from home most of the time, but having live events once a quarter. This test, I use it over and over, every single time we make an offer, to make sure that the first thing I’m focused on is the transformation I offer. Then how will I deliver that, then is it leveraged, and then the big test, do I love it. Now guys, take a big note here. This is where most people mess up. They switch number one and two. They know they’ve got an opportunity where they can make an offer and they jump right into number two, how will I deliver that. What am I going to do? Am I going to do a teleseminar? Should I craft a live event? Should I put a coaching package together? They don’t start with what’s the transformation I offer. That small nuance is the difference between your offers popping and people jumping for them and saying yes on the spot, versus when you’re, again, so focused on the service delivery.

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That’s what happens. You’re so focused on the service delivery and all the sessions they’re going to get and how many hours in your workshop and blah blah blah, that what happens is you miss the magic. That’s the number one question, the transformation that you offer. See, I know that however I package it, when I’m offering people the ability to have a simple plug and play fill in the blanks formula to get clarity on their irresistible offer, and then have a signature talk that leads right into it, I know from my own business experience that I am offering a transformation that will allow them to get their work out in the world, stop being a best kept secret, make the difference they want to make, and be the agent of change that they are. I focus on that and the service deliver for me, how I deliver it, I could do that in a lot of ways. I’ve done it at live events. I do it on my favorite, I love the virtual bootcamp, over the phone, people can call in from anywhere, listen live, listen later, because it just lifts the bar. It really makes it easy for anyone to participate. They can have the transcripts, they can send in questions. And we’ll talk more about that. But focus first, folks, on the transformation you offer and then the service delivery. This is really key. You can tell I’m a little bit passionate about it. Because when people call me and they say my offer didn’t fly, this is what I pull out and this is what we always find. That’s your irresistible offer. It’s a disservice not to make an offer. You’ve got your main dish, your bonus, your limiters. You’re going to put it through the litmus test. This is a really strong start on you irresistible offer. You’re going to focus 90% on the destination and only 10% on the plane. So it’s about the outcome or the transformation. They are buying the destination, not the plane. What we want to do now, at this point, is we talked about a lot of big names when I first came on this call. I want to create credibility, I want you to know that people you’ve heard of (40:00) this is a core model for their business. But I also want to jump into how. That’s sort of the what to sell. I want to jump into how to sell it. How to actually craft your act, your signature talk, and the steps that it takes. Before we dive into the actual steps, which I will give you today, I’ll show you the five steps. In fact, we’ll jump online so you can even see them written out in a few minutes. I want to take a minute, because for those of you who participated in the first two parts of this training series through our videos, we did a lot of chatting. Right? I want everyone to have the benefit of what I learned about you guys, what industries you’re in, the different ways that you’re using things, so that you can

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really take this unfair advantage and you can map it straight into your life. I don’t want it to be just conceptual. I really want you to be able to see how it applies to you. So before we jump into the actual signature talk formula and the five steps that you would take to lead into your irresistible offer, I want to share with you just a little handful of people here that you’re going to recognize. Because I know who’s out there. I want you to see two things. Just listen for two things here because I don’t want to you to knock yourself out of the race here saying oh well, that doesn’t apply to me because I’m an XYZ, or I sell this way, or I do business this way. I want you to see how much and how wide this can apply in your business. The first thing I want you to listen for are the different industries that these folks, these case studies I’ll share with you, the different industries they’re in. And then the cool thing is how they’re using their signature talk to claim an unfair advantage in their particular space. Because if I share this with you, what I’ve learned is that as we’re going through the formula it will be real for you. What would break my heart is if you somehow thought it wouldn’t apply to you, and then I told you this later and you’re like oh, I wish I listened better. I want you to see how it applies exactly to what you’re doing and I want to expand your thinking there. And then we’ll jump into the formula. So real quick, we get letters and testimonials every week from success of people that are using their signature talk and their irresistible offer in all these different businesses. I mean, from animal communicators to grain elevator companies. I picked out five quick examples of people that you may or may not know, in business that hopefully will sound somewhat familiar to yours. This first person, Clint Arthur, he has a company called Celebrity Launch Pad. Like many of you who are out there and sort of the author expert mentor space he came and learned how to put his signature talk and his irresistible offer together and the course that does that is called Speak-to-Sell. This is what I want you to listen up here and I’ll show you how cool this is. He says “Before Speak-to-Sell, I couldn’t close more than 10%. I did 35% on a live stage recently and I did $250,000 in talks since I learned this in May. And I just won the Glazer Kennedy Info-marketer of the Year award. It is so huge to finally get the recognition from my industry and my peers and my mentors.” I share this with you guys who are listening, and you gals, who you’re doing joint ventures, you’re affiliating, you’re being interviewed, you’re speaking for each

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other. You might be invited to speak at each other’s event. You cannot wing that. You’ve got to have a structure talk and an irresistible offer, just what Clint said here, to finally get the recognition from the industry and the peers and your mentors. This is huge for your business growth. It’s huge for making the difference you want to make, and it feels really good too. It’s disrespectful, really, not to be ready, to be prepared with a structure, and a structure that allows you to be authentic. Not a script. I want to point that out for some of you that are having the opportunity to joint venture, to affiliate, to speak on other people’s platforms, stages, interviews, podcasts. Having the structure that we’ll walk through in a moment is going to be brilliant for you. I know there’s a lot of you, because I’ve seen you out there, that are attracting business through strategy sessions. So you’re getting people either into one-on-one appointments in your office, or one-on-one on the phone. And this guy, and he was in his 20’s when he first learned this signature talk formula, Robbie Kramer. He’s a dating coach and he teaches men how to find the woman of their dreams. He writes that he was struggling to enroll clients and worried, he says, “that I would have to get a job instead of doing what I love.” Then he says “I did a quarter million dollars this year, since I learned Speak-to-Sell. I have over 50 men in my mastermind. I feel confident and prepared onstage and in one-on-one conversations with prospects.” He is using the Speak-to-Sell formula, which includes his signature talk and his irresistible offers, to bring men to phone calls, to one-on-one phone calls (45:00) where he then makes the offer to become their mentor. When you’ve already spoken, when they’ve seen you or heard you, the credibility is so much higher, the relationship is so much further along, when you do then get on a one-on-one call or have a one-on-one meeting. For those of you doing one-on-one appointments you need a way to attract people. What you’re learning here today, the irresistible offer and the signature talk formula, which we’ll jump into, is gold for you. Now, for those of you that give away the whole store, I saw a few of you chatting about this, you say I give away the whole store. By the time I talk people’s eyes are rolling back in their head, because you guys are like teachers. I know it. I love doing that too. If you give away the whole store you’re going to love what I’m about to share with you, because it will show you specifically what to teach and then make your offer, and what to leave out.

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Because you don’t need to give the whole store. It doesn’t serve people. So we’ll show you how to know what to give. Little hint, it’s going to be some of your best stuff. You’re going to start strong, but you’re still going to have plenty of your greatest stuff to show them, that’s coming if they want to work with you further. We’ll show you exactly the structure for being able to do that. Now, Linda Allred. I love her because she was 72-years-old when she wrote this to me. How many of you are doing business online, right? Think about that. And think about being 72. What I love is that Linda, she’s the bad habit belief breaker, and she said “I would freeze when it came to making an offer and stumble all over my words.” She decided to take it online. She says “I did my first $30,000 online launch from a virtual Weight Off Now program, and I made my offer confident, assured, and with a smile on my face, using my signature talk.” Is that totally inspiring? 72, out there, kicking butt online, using her signature talk. So for those of you, again, using teleseminars or webinars, I don’t know how you’re doing it if you’re rewriting them every time, but you are going to love having this. We have a new tool now called a Signature Talk generator where you literally can just fill in the blanks, answer questions, and get that talk generated. It’s so exciting. There’s some of you that were chatting about, and for those of you in corporate or in can’t sell situations, either you’re in a regulated industry, maybe you’re like a financial planner or you’re in HR. You’re not going to go making an offer on the spot. Some of you, what you’re doing is you’re using your talk and your offer is to have a dedicated appointment. This gal, I love Rachelle Lawson, the queen of feeling fabulous, she’s a nurse that educates in corporate. In 14 months, she says, “I’ve done $92,596 from stage. Prior to Speak-to-Sell I’ve educated a ton and sold zero. Now I’ve done eight live stages, 14 telesummits,” so she’s been interviewed. “Six webinars. Prior to Speak-to-Sell I had spoken one time.” Now, this is really exciting for some of you that are keynote speakers. She says “I have five events coming up where I’m being paid to speak and I can sell.” We’ll show you that you can actually do keynoting and sell, it’s just how you ask and how you set up making your irresistible offer. And she says “Because I was ready, just like you, Lisa, I got on a stage last minute and made $15,250.”

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Those of you that are online, you know the value of having a list of followers, subscribers. She said “in no-sell environments, just since March, I’ve added 1300 people to my list.” 1300 people, you guys. In nine months. It was nine months since she wrote this. To her list. Because even if you can’t make an offer you can still be collecting leads using your signature talk and tweaking your irresistible offer. Very exciting. Last person I’ll share, then we’ll jump into the signature talk formula, is, I just love this one, I’m going to try not to cry here, but this is Jennifer Bernstein. She is now the president of Get Yourself into College. She was a college English professor who only knew how to teach. She says “right after studying Speak-to-Sell I did a small group talk, and when I got in the car I realized I had made $6,000. I had to pull over and cry. I provided in-depth knowledge, and now I have a financially successful business.” Go, Jennifer! I hope you can find yourself there. We’ve got folks in corporate, folks on the stage, folks online, young people, people who are rocking it out in the second half. And all of that is totally here for you. This is the unfair advantage that each of those people gave to themselves. It’s time now. Let’s dive into how to sell it. How do you sell it to make that difference you’re here to make? What you’re selling, that destination, is that transformation of the outcome you offer, using your irresistible (50:00) offer. And your signature talk is what leads to it. So that unfair advantage, your irresistible offer, what empowers it is this elegant move called your signature talk. I’d love for you to come with me now, I’m going to show you the actual structure of putting your signature talk together. There’s five steps. We’re going to do that, if you can, you can listen if you’re not in front of a computer, but if you can get in front of a computer and you can go to Some of you may jump onto a page where a video of me is playing. If that’s the case just click on me and I’ll pause. You can always come back to it. Because there’s just some pieces, some elements on this page, that I want to show you where I’ve actually outlined the steps to putting together the signature talk that leads to your irresistible offer.

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While you’re getting there, to, what I really want you to know is what makes this whole thing pop is that I’m going to show you a structure. One thing I learned some years ago that kind of came along with my own quantum leap, you guys, just over five years ago I was barely making six figures from home, coaching one-on-one, no time to myself, barely seeing my kids, scared every month if we were going to make it. It wasn’t really that fun. From having a structure, structure gave me freedom. I thought I wanted to be an entrepreneur to not have structure, like 9 to 5 structure, and that’s true. But you can’t throw structure out the window altogether. Not having structure is actually what makes you feel salesy and pushy. Because you’re like nudging and you’re winging it. And none of that feels good. To you or your prospective clients. It’s the structure, which I’ll show you now, that gives you the freedom to be yourself. It’s not a script. So if a cool story pops in your head while you’re talking to someone include it, of course. But the structure, I’ll show you now, all the elements of it, they do the selling. They do the inspiration. They give the people what they need to say yes to make a decision. And then you get to be you. I’m really just excited to show this to you. Again, just come with me to This is the exact five step formula. When my dad said don’t change your act, change your audience, this is how to put your act together. We call it your signature talk. And you can use this in any situation, whether you’re using a live stage talk, whether you’re, again, teleseminar, webinar, being interviewed. JJ Virgin’s using it and so is Dr. Amen, on PBS specials right now and they’re just killing it. There are so many different iterations. If you’re standing up to introduce yourself at a networking group you’ll be able to use the piece we teach you on positioning yourself. Any videos you’re doing, if you’re doing a three-part video launch, you still need a structure talk that runs throughout that structure. This is how to get down to it, what content to include, and how to make it work. At what I want you to do is just scroll past the video and keep going. You’ll see some different pictures, you’ll see a great testimonial from Jeff Walker. (52:31) I think he did like $360,000 in 90 minutes from Brandon Burchard’s stage, from this formula. The great part is almost 200 people got to do his work. That’s the cool part. Look at the difference, because those people said yes, because he had a structure, the difference he made.

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Keep scrolling down till you see kind of a box that’s sort of a yellow-cream color, it goes all the way across, and it says Step One. Step One: Craft your Irresistible Offer. I want to show you the steps. And what’s cool is I’ve got them all here in writing. This’ll actually also serve as my offer to you, my invitation to join me to actually do this. To learn this. To have a plug-and-play system to have your irresistible offers and your signature talk finally ready to go. Because the thing is, this is the kind of thing where you’ll keep putting it off until you get booked. The funny part is its chicken egg. Most people who don’t have this don’t get booked, don’t get interviewed, don’t get asked. Because I’ll tell you, I’m an event host and I can tell. We can tell. Any host will tell you. We know if you’re ready or not. This is definitely one of those build it and they will come. You get your talk and your offer ready and you will be a different person approaching folks to speak to them. It’s crazy how empowering this is. It says here’s just a sample of what you’ll get in our comprehensive virtual training. But this is also the five steps that you (55:00) need, in order, you need to put together your signature talk. Now, you’ll see there at that the first step is craft your irresistible offer. What’s interesting about that, that you want to take note of, is this is actually the end. Like if you’re going to do your signature talk you make your offer at the end. But I’m putting it at the beginning of the process, because this whole thing is going to be reverse-engineered. This is what makes it so brilliant for you. We’re going to start you out by getting crystal clear on the outcome that you provide, exactly how to articulate it, what’s the destination, and then how to craft it into these elements that we covered. Your main dish, your bonus, and your limiter. This is the first thing we do in the course. The beauty is, when you sign up now, I’ll be leading this live on the line through a virtual bootcamp. Five calls with me where you’ll go through the training, and then you’ll come to the call and I’ll be able to answer questions. Plus you’ll hear the questions of the other participants and trust me, there will be things that you didn’t even think to ask that you’re going to be so glad that you heard. The first step is crafting your irresistible offer. I know that for many of you, I told you that those of you listening that are like I don’t know how to exactly say what I do, the first thing we do before step one is we actually send you out some pre-work

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called Your Offer Communication Worksheet. This is going to be magic for you, because you are finally, at long last, going to have the words to say what you do, before you even get to step one. If it’s been a pain for a long time, which I’ve probably got 800 people on the line that teach belief change, and you can’t all go out and say I do belief change. You’ve got to be able to say specifically your piece, what do you do, why would I hire you and learn from you around breaking through my limiting beliefs. And that’s what you’ll get from this pre-work on being able to communicate your offer. Then we’ll put that together with step one, which is crafting your offer, so that you can feel confident in presenting it. We’ll show you ways to make an offer that is leveraged, so if you’ve been doing one-on-one service we’ll show you how to actually start to transition into group teaching. The beauty is that, this is why I taught you main dish and bonus, if right now your main dish is one-on-one but you’ve been doing some group things as a bonus, the possibility for you is to switch that. Where your main dish that you’re selling is a group training. Might be 12 people on the line, and they’re getting amazing value. And then the bonus might be a one-on-one session with you. That will transform your time, your life, your income, and your lifestyle, faster than anyone. And that’s all that we get into with your irresistible offer. So you start with your irresistible offer, guys. It’s reverse-engineered. And by the way, in the course, sample order forms you can model. So whether you’re going to use them online or from a live stage you don’t have to reinvent the wheel with creating your order form. Now, for you, the second step, for all of you, we’ve started with the offer, now we’re going to go backwards. We’re not going all the way back to the beginning, we’re going to the body of the talk. This is where we’re going to give the content, we’re going to be teaching. For my teachers in the room, and those of you that love to give away the whole store, we’re going to show you how to teach powerfully, give great content, but not give away everything. Because overwhelming people doesn’t serve them. We’ll show you exactly how to structure the body so you can go really deep into some very juicy training. People will get immediate value, whether they buy from you or not. And you’ll know exactly what to include and what not to.

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Also, in reverse engineering, we’ll back up even one more step and we’ll get into your introduction. How to position yourself so that you’re credible, the whole no like and trust factor, we call it credibility. And the other piece that most people struggle with is vulnerability. How do you connect? When you’re standing up there as the expert, how do you not get too full of yourself? How do you connect so that people can really see that they can do it too? That the steps that you have, that the help that you’ll give, will work for them. We’ll show you exactly how to tell your story, what to include. We’ve got a special formula, again, plug-and-play, just for that. Plus our Instant Credibility Worksheet where even if you’re just getting started and you don’t have a bunch of testimonials, you don’t have a bunch of people you’ve worked with, trust me, you have so much credibility from who you are and what you’ve accomplished in your life already. We’ll show you how to transfer it into what you’re doing now. We reverse engineer, and this reverse engineering is going to come in handy if you ever write a book. You’re going to want to reverse engineer it. Most of you are just slapping down everything you know, like a keynote. You’re putting it all in from the beginning. Writing a book, keynoting, all those things, we’re going to reverse that. If you are out there keynoting you’re going to put aside what you know, just for a little while, you’re going to learn this reverse engineering process, and then you’ll go back and bring in all the wonderful things that you know and put in what fits. Step three, now this is some people’s biggest highlight, from both what I’m teaching here and what you’ll learn if you decide to take this further with us in our Speak-to-Sell (60:00) bootcamp. Step three is called seed and grow rich. This is how we create hunger and desire in your audience, from the very beginning, without being salesy. I’ve got to tell you something funny. I have had big speakers, Robert Allan, Les Brown, guys that are out there getting paid top dollar for keynote, call and say hey, can I send you the last 15 minutes of my last talk? It didn’t do well and I wonder what I’m doing wrong on my close. This is where the seeding comes in. The answer is in the question, grasshopper. Because if you think that the close is happening in your last 15 minutes of anything, your webinar, your teleseminar, your phone conversation, this is going to be very exciting and enlightening for you. It actually is starting right from the beginning.

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So in the structure, and with our new Signature Talk Generator, you’ll see that you can literally just plug and play, you fill in the blanks, the seeding will get done. We’ll teach you 12 ways to create hunger and desire throughout your talk, so that by the time you make your offer you’re not jumping out from behind a curtain with something they’re not expecting. Really, you guys can tell right now, I’m making you an offer for our Speak-to-Sell Bootcamp. We have been talking about the signature talk and the irresistible offer since the beginning. Right in the beginning I shared with you that I’d be showing you the formula for it. And this is all part of being able to sell without being salesy. To give great value, which we’re still doing. I am still dead-set and intent that you’re getting value up until the last minute of this call. So I’m teaching along the way, right? And there’s seeding going on. We’ll show you how to seed. We’ll show you the mindset behind it, because you’ll start to use it in everything you do. If you’re using video and you’re talking to clients, even like just for inquiries, and your stories. We’ve got a telling killer stories formula. Those are amazing seeds. Case studies. This is something that, when I talk to the folks that I do know that are doing TV right now and selling on TV, whether it’s home shopping or PBS, or doing podcasting or any ongoing video series, they’re all sharing that the reverse engineering and the seeding is just really what’s golden. And you’ll see as you go down the page testimonials of people from all different industries that are using all of this. That’s step three. As you go back in you’ve created the body of your talk, and the intro and stuff too, and now we go back in and we make sure it’s seeded. It’s like the farmer, we’re going back in and planting our seeds. Step four, transition to your offer, this is how to make that smooth transition from giving value teaching to your packages. Or to your one main offer. And we will cover should you have more than one, should you have one, I get that question a lot. We’ll show you exactly what to sell when you speak. In fact, you can see it on the page there. It’s one of our accelerators, what to sell when you speak. It’s a paint-by-numbers flow chart. If you’re in this situation just collect leads. If you’re in this situation go straight to a high ticket offer. If you’re in this situation low ticket offer. We’ll literally show you exactly what to do in each situation as it starts to grow in your business.

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This is really about using free speaking as a marketing tool. There is nothing out there that is free, like cost-effective free speaking, that can bring the bigger returns than most paid marketing. Transitioning is something that people get scared. It’s like I know some of you have tried it, where you go out there, you give a great presentation or you talk to somebody, they “pick your brain”, and then the time comes where you would make your offer and you don’t. You let them pick your brain or you give and give and give, and then you hand out your web address or your business card. You guys, we’re not doing that anymore. It doesn’t serve your audience. They don’t get the chance to step up. And you’re doing all the heavy lifting for your competition. They come in and make an offer and it’s just not right. These are your clients to serve. We’ll show you how to transition. You’ll be able to use it in every situation. It’ll be painful, it’ll feel good, and you won’t go from this awesome teacher and adviser to the Ginsu knife sales person. You will stay you, you will stay authentic, and it’s fun. It’s fun. This step, this just comes from the benefit that I now have from all these years of experience, plus we have over 2300 Speak-to-Sell graduates that you will become part of this community. You’ll be learning not just from me, but from each other. Maximizing every opportunity, as you can see there at, we’re down on step five, this is really about all the other things that have to happen. Like hey, if you’re suiting up anyway, why not think about getting some pictures for social media? Or what do I do with delayers, people who say they need to think about it. What’s the strategy? We’ll teach you exactly (65:00). We make thousands of dollars every month just on that one tip of what to do with delayers. Lead collection. How did Rachelle Lawson collect 1300 leads in nine months using speaking in various situations? Yes, you can sell and lead collect in many situations. How to retain sales. People are going to be saying yes on the spot, they go home, they talk to a spouse who’s like what have you done, you don’t have time for this, or their own head kicks in. How do you retain the sales? How do you get them started right away, very easily, so that they’re in and they’re in solid?

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It’s very easy to do, but if you don’t know what to do we’ve got the templates. If you don’t do it you do all this work and then you could lose sales. Turning one gig into many, it’s amazing. If you can get one gig, that first gig, which we will show you how to do, it’s amazing from one how you can turn that into three and that into seven. And that has really been part of the key of this Get Booked Toolkit and keeping myself and so many of my clients out there being booked. It’s a good thing to be known for being a graduate of Speak-to-Sell. It tells an event host like me that you are committed to being authentic, providing great content, no monkey business, and making an offer. And I’ll tell you something. I have been paid for my Speak-to-Sell talk that is so content rich. I’ve been paid up to $23,000 to do the talk that you will learn how to structure here. And I’ve been using my same talk for the whole five years. So boost sales using irresistible offers, my signature talk, I used it when I spoke in Santa Monica the very first time I stood up in front of a little group of women, Christine Kloser had a little women’s group many years ago, and I used it on a 13,000 person stadium event. The one I told you about with Steve Forbes and Dan Rather and Joe Montana. And Bill Cosby. I used the same talk. This is content rich. For those of you keynoting I think you’ll really be able to appreciate that you will be providing tons of immediate value. We’ll give you the guide to be able to use testimonials, create social proof, even if you’re just getting started you’ll be surprised at how much you already do have. You guys have 90% of what you need, and this 10% nuance, this signature talk blueprint, this 10% nuance, is the thing that can just pop it all open for you. You might be wondering how does this all work, how are you going to help me craft my offer, reverse engineer my talk, learn reverse engineering in general, seed and grow rich, so be able to create hunger and desire without being salesy, transition to my offer smoothly, and be able to maximize all my opportunities—book gigs, keep folks who get cold feet in the course, what to do with delayers, people who want to think about it, how do you turn those people into clients in a way that has integrity—how we do is through the Speak-to-Sell virtual bootcamp. If you’re at you’ll be able to scroll down and you’ll see a big box with the dates. It’s getting started really soon. We’ll send you the pre-work right away, so one of the first things that happens is the minute you get yourself registered you’re going to get our Advanced Offer Communication Training. So you can finally have the words to say what you do. I’ll give you a worksheet and an audio from me to walk you through the steps and you will have

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the words that would come right out of your client’s mouth, which are the same words you’re going to use for your talk title, the same words you’re going to use when you bump into somebody at a networking event. It will change the course of your business. You’re also going to get our pre-teaching on Discovering Your Unique Branded System. Some of you don’t even know how you’re getting the results you’re getting. You might be working with people one-on-one, and I’m here to tell you some really exciting news. You have a system. You don’t even have to go create one, because you already have it, and my specialty is being able to break things down step by step, so I’ll give you my system for finding your own system. It’s called Discover Your Unique Branded System, it’s pre-bootcamp training, and again you’ll get that today right when you jump in and join us. Now, you’re going to get online access so you can work through the course, and you’re going to be invited to work with me live on the line, for our Speak-to-Sell Virtual Bootcamp. We will get together for five sessions, on the telephone, you can dial in from anywhere, any country, and you will be able to ask me your questions, work it out with me, hey I’m having trouble articulating what I do, hey I’m needing to figure out a bonus that really pops, what would be my version of the high heels or the Get Booked Toolkit. Lisa, I’m worried about how to create my vulnerability because I (70:00) help, for example, I help people in abusive situations get empowered and transform their life. Should you tell your story in that situation or not? We’ll show you what to tell, how to frame and fit in your personal story that applies to what you’re doing, in a way that’s really empowering and creates a connection with you and the folks that really need to be your clients. All of that, and we’ll be doing that, five calls, on the line. You’ll also be in our community of our Speak-to-Sell graduates, so it’s just an awesome place to be able to learn and participate. And as a bonus you’re going to get not only the virtual bootcamp, but you’re going to get a ticket also to come out live, if you’d like to come out live and learn from me in Las Vegas, in May, 15th-17th. We have our hot event each year, Speak-to-Sell Bootcamp live. For the last four years it’s sold out every single year. In fact, last year was like more than ever. It sold out a month in advance. This year it’s already making signs that that’s going to happen. And we’ll be selling those tickets for up to $3,000. When you invest today in the Speak-to-Sell Virtual Bootcamp you will get a live event ticket completely complimentary.

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Now, the Speak-to-Sell Virtual Bootcamp, as you can see at, it sells all year long, online, for $1997. So you certainly could pop in and grab it any time. But right now, today, it’s available, because I want to grab an awesome collective of you who are ready to give yourself this unfair advantage, and take you live, live on the line, through our teleseries. I only do it once a year, this is the time. So when you invest today you save $1,000, so it’s only $997 to grab this unfair advantage for yourself and your business. Again, you’ll get online access, we will walk through it together over the upcoming five week teleseries, and you’ll also get a ticket to come out to the live event. Where not only will we take your signature talk further, but I’ll also be able to show you, once you’ve got that talk, the business model that we’ve used to do over $20 million of sales using that signature talk. Okay. So, I want to make sure you guys know that the example I used earlier about the Get Booked toolkit being for the first X number of people was true. So, for the first 250 of you who get yourself registered, you are going to get our Get Booked toolkit. We know you're action takers, you're showing it to us today and we want you to be able to get out there and get booked quickly and easily. Getting booked is one of the quickest ways to really inspire yourself to grab what I'm going to teach you and use the easy tools to plug your stuff in and pop out with your Irresistible Offer and your signature talk. So, you can see right there at, if you can still see the Get Booked toolkit, go ahead over there, scroll down and if you can still see it, that means it's still available. So, this super-hot toolkit let me just tell you a couple of brand new things. I know we've got some graduates listening and you guys are going to freak out when you hear what I included. I'm so excited about it. This super-hot toolkit it includes my amazingly simple speaker outline that you can model, you can model mine as you put your own information in and it's just an easy tool that helps you literally just to use email to get out there, get in front of the right people and get noticed. We tell you what are the key points to hit and exactly how to structure it. It's so much easier than you think. People make getting booked sound hard but honestly it does not have to be. Here's the secret: they're looking for you as much as you're looking for them and ladies let me tell you, wow, if you get yourself ready with your signature talk and your Irresistible Offer the market is just so hungry for you, also my proprietary stay connected forum. This is like a magical little tool I created when I first was getting started with this business, this was my own business 5 or 6 years ago that were literally like magic

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help you take one gig and turn it into a whole bunch. I have literally turned gigs from 1 into 6 before I left and we'll show you exactly how to use it and it will just help you get booked and booked and booked as you've seen myself and many of our clients out there being able to do. Also, part of our intention really is to teach you how to invite pursuit. Really throughout your business you will be gaining so many tools you're going to use throughout your business. Instead of being out there pursuing opportunities and one of the ways you do that is we will give you a 15 question questionnaire of exactly what to ask before accepting a speaking invitation. So, you're not going to be one of the many people out there begging for gigs. You're really going to be looking for the right fit gigs for you. It's totally going to transform the way you see this amazing marketing tool for your business and I'll tell you we struggled for 3 years before we finally developed these simple questions and I'm going to hand them to you. For those of you doing live stages, they're awesome but if you're also out there like being interviewed as an expert maybe on webinars, tele-summits, TV, radio, podcast, you are going to love this one simple tool. It will really change your life of starting to invite pursuit and I'll tell you the other thing that is now in our Get Booked toolkit and this is where I want you guys to listen up is I have a brand new tool. People have been asking forever, "Lisa, can we just see a video of you doing your talk? Can we see your slides? Can you kind of debrief them for us and kind of walk us through each one and sort of create a template for us for our slide set?" and the answer is yes, now I have. I just recently did my signature talk, my same signature talk that's been responsible for 2,300 graduates just of this program around the world as I shared with you and I got it on video. I closed 57 out of the 82 people in the room. So, it was a really nice 90 minute workday and I've got the whole thing on video for you and for the first 250 of you it will be included with the video, the breakdown of the slides, the timeframe and really exactly take it as a template and plug your own signature talk in. So, I'm excited about that. It's brand new, it's hot and it's masterpiece. It is so cool. And also that along with our signature talk generator - I'm getting ahead of myself but this is something included for everyone. It is a brand new online tool where literally you're going to go through the questionnaire, fill in some questions that are about you and your story and your offer and out pops your signature talk. So, this is like probably the hottest newest piece of this program and we even have a lot of graduates coming back to take it to the next level with this online tool the signature talk generator.

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Again, I'm getting ahead of myself. I'll tell you more about it but all of this together just makes this easy way to add. I think of this as like this 10% nuance. I mean, you've done the heavy lifting. As I said, you're 90% of the way there. You are experts in what you do or you have a sense that there is something you have to offer and you're wanting to invest to come and find out what it is, how can I articulate it and how can I structure it and so, this is really the time and I'm excited to show you guys and so, our Get Booked toolkit, our brand new slide-set templates and the signature talk generator, they're all waiting for you and for those you that want to get the Get Booked toolkit again for the first 250 of you who register and I can actually see a bunch of you doing that now, so good on you. I'm excited to work with you. Just grab it all and give this gift to yourself, to your business, to your mission and to the difference that you know that you can be making in the world. Once you've got the talk, there's lot of things I can show you. There's so much that you're going to be able to do to leverage your signature talk and your offers throughout your whole business and that's kind of why we're doing it in the order we do. You're going to do the virtual bootcamp with me. We're going to do that over a 5 week period and then you'll have the option to attend our May event. It is optional and you can certainly figure it out after you get registered for the virtual bootcamp, but I will tell you do it soon, figure it out because literally we'll have 500 to 600 amazing agents of change from all over the world and what we found out to our own surprise is that about 80% of them actually have the ability to book you. They're interviewing people for tele-seminars, podcasts, tele-summits. They have their own live stages. They have local events. They have groups that they're booking for. It's amazing. We took a survey and found out that a majority of the room could book you. So, we will be having Get Booked networking lunches and just all kinds of ways to support you in taking your talk forward, networking and getting booked.

So once you’ve got the talk there’s a lot of things I can show you, and that’s why we’re doing it in that order. Attending the May event is optional, but I will tell you that of the 400 or 500 people that attend, 80% of them have the ability to book you. They’re either interviewing people for teleseminars, podcasts, they’ve got live stages, they have local events that they do. It’s amazing, but we took a survey and a majority of the room can book you. So we’ll get your talk done together virtually, and then we’ll all get together live in May and we’ll be able to have that talk. You’ll take it to the next level, wherever you are, and you’ll be able to be in an amazing community of people.

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We have structured it this way because we know that you’re going to be able to use our brand new Signature Talk Generator, this is also what’s new and exciting, to go ahead and plug your signature talk straight in. Answer the questions, fill in the blanks, and get that talk done fast. And we know (75:00) that if you get out there even one time, like I used to in the back of those Olive Garden restaurants in Tucson, and you get a room of 25-30 people. I didn’t have anything when I started. All you have is your advice. Right? You don’t have any ebooks or fancy products, you just have your advice. And you offer your advice like I did. I gave two hours of my advice for $297. I used to walk away with $1800, on average, per gig, at a lunch time gig. We know that you can apply this. We’re giving you all the structure you need. And that you should be able to hit it out of the park and get an awesome return on your investment very quickly, with not just what we teach but what we know from our 2300 graduates who have gone before you. You’ll see we also have, you’re protected. We have our Sassy “I Love This Training” Guarantee. You can see it there at Now, there’s a couple of questions that have come in, so I want to make sure you guys have everything you need to be able to grab this for yourself. One says what if I’m just getting started, Lisa? If you’re just getting started, I’m so happy to get my hands on you now. I watch so many small business and entrepreneurs just struggle and struggle with just even communicating what they do, systematizing it in any way. I don’t want to see you out there just chasing all these bright shiny objects. This is the one tool that will empower everything you would do as an expert or service professional. I think it’s a brilliant place to start and it is where I personally started too. What if I don’t have a product to sell? You know, getting your signature talk done and just even starting out with your coaching or your advice, for me, was the key to getting products made. What I used to sell was a five-part teleseries where I would jump on a free conference line with 10 or 12 people that bought the program, and I would teach five weeks in a row. I would record that and that became my first product. We will include the How to Get Your Product Done Road Map that we have, so that you can do the same thing. You can follow in my footsteps. But your signature talk is the key to attracting people in the first place.

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I love this one! What if I don’t teach people how to make money? You guys should know that my history, where I really learned all this and crafted all this, was teaching women to understand and appreciate men. Teaching women how to create great partnerships with men while staying empowered. I did all this in the relationship space. We weren’t teaching people how to make money. And now, I would say, almost 60% of our clients are either in some kind of the healing through belief change, breakthrough work, or healing through the actual medical profession whether it be the cash pay professions, could be teeth whitening, hormone balancing, laser clinics. We’ve got doctors and people in the healing arts in every single way that are not teaching people how to make money. So please, come aboard. We want to see you make money for the awesome gifts that you have. The last question that came in is what if I’m not a speaker? You know, I have to tell you, you may have an advantage. If you’re not a speaker you’re not going to be battling yourself with all the things that you might feel like you have to unlearn. It’s so awesome if you’re a keynote speaker, you’re part of the awesome organization National Speakers Association. Because you’ve learned great things about presentation skills and storytelling. You’ll be able to utilize all that. But what I’m going to suggest is if you are a speaker, you come in, you just put those things aside, learn the formula, then bring in those things that would serve you. And if you’re not a speaker that’s fine. This really isn’t a course for speakers. This is for people who want to make a difference and make great money doing it. It is the number one free marketing tool that you can use to get out there. It’s easy to get the gigs and attract people in a deep way that lasts and that makes a difference. Without being salesy. The key, really the key for all of us. I promised you some things on stage fright. We’ve just got a few minutes left, I just wanted to wrap up with that. But that is my irresistible offer to you, is to go to to get yourself registered for our upcoming Speak-to-Sell Virtual Bootcamp five-part teleseries live with me Q&A for each segment. You will get online access, and our brand new Signature Talk Generator where if you can follow a system, follow a formula, fill in the blanks, select, sometimes it’s multiple choice, sometimes it’s fill in the blank, but we will get you there. You will be able to get there so fast with your talk and your offers. Plus be among our community who’s working on the same thing, with that collective brain, that mastermind. I invite you to join me (80:00). It’s $1,000 off right now. Certainly it’s

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worth it at full price at $1997, but you know what? Right now is when we can work on it together. And by the way, if you can’t make the calls, don’t worry. You can submit questions and I will answer them and then we send you transcripts. You can grab the transcript and the audio playback, so you’ll have it forever and you can listen. If you’re calling we’ve got people in 134 countries, so if you’re calling from another country and you want to listen at a different time, no problem. Or maybe you’re working and you want to use this to transition from your job into something that you’re more passionate about, that’s yours. This is a great structure for you. You can really participate any time and from anywhere. Of course, you guys probably already know about the live Speak-to-Sell Bootcamp in Las Vegas. I think its reputation precedes itself now after five years, and you’ll want to get that on your calendar right away. By the way, when you register we will send you a link to, it’s free for you, but you’ll need to register your bonus ticket. It’s $97 no-show deposit, but we give it back to you when you walk through the door. And a little secret, you also want to register quickly because we have a limited amount of guest seats. So once you get yourself registered then you will be able to bring a guest for just $197. That’s kind of part of the advantage to being the early bird here. Let’s wrap up with just a little ditty for some of you that might have related when I said you’d rather be in the coffin than giving the eulogy. I know none of us want to be in a coffin, so maybe it’s a bad analogy, but they say right up there with taxes and dying is speaking. So I’m talking about speaking and some of you might think I love everything you’re saying, it makes a ton of sense, but what if I’m introverted, what if I’m shy, or what if I trip over my words, I have stage fright. Here’s three things that I have found, and we’ll have some more contributions to this subject within the course. But three quick tips to consider, that have helped me when I’ve gotten into situations that just felt bigger than me at the moment. And also some of my clients who, we have had a large amount of folks who will tell me I’m an introvert and this really worked for me. So three tips. One is that because we have a structure, instead of a script or you trying to wing it, what it allows is the key to really making this work is focusing on them and focusing on the transformation. Because when the structure does the work, when you can just either follow your note cards or if you use slides, and by

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the way we will give you a sample slide set that you’ll be able to model, put your work into it, so you’ll know if you want to use slides how to guide yourself through. We’ve never had this before, for any of you graduates who are listening, the Signature Talk Generator is brand new and the sample slide set is brand new. Just more and more tools that we’ve learned and created to get you guys going even faster than before, if that’s possible. The first thing with stage fright is that you’ve got to focus on them, and you’ve got to focus on the transformation. Whenever I get afraid or I have a client, we really get connected, just like what we taught earlier, what is the transformation I provide, to the transformation. And then we let the structure give us freedom. We let the structure do the work. And so having a structure is really the key to be able to start to empower yourself beyond the fear. The fear comes in when you’re focused on you. But when you have a structure you can focus on the structure and the destination, and when you’re not focused on you you’ll see that it makes just a huge difference in your experience. The second thing is start on the phone. The beauty about our structure is that you could pick up the phone, like I’m doing right now, a simple teleseminar that will give you, we’ll give you also the teleseminar formula so you’ll have your signature talk done and we’ll show you the nuances to doing it on the telephone. You’ll be able to pick up the phone and you can practice. Again, not a script, but a structure. I am simply including things that I have learned, that are in our structure, that give you what you need to make a decision today. There’s no point hanging up and thinking about it. I mean, I’m the one that’s going to teach you, I created this, I’ve taught over 2300 people. If there’s something you need to know that I didn’t cover, please let us know. You can see our support at The Invisible Close address right there. You can see right here at everything that’s included. Do yourself a favor, start making decisions. Just start making decisions. If you’re not making decisions your clients aren’t making decisions, and that’s what’s happening in your business. So you go first, you be the one. Be the client you want to attract. Regarding stage fright, number two, is you can start on the phone. You could start practicing your talk and getting good at, as my dad would call it, your act, your signature talk. Just simply using a simple teleclass like this. (85:00) And we will give you the structure to do that.

Page 35: Boost Sales Using Irresistible Offers Part Three of Three ...€¦ · Boost Sales Using Irresistible Offers Part Three of Three Lisa Sasevich Lisa Sasevich: ... setting, a teleseminar, | [email protected] | 646-368-8210

©2014 Extimata Inc. All Rights Reserved.

And then the third and final thing is be congruent and empowered. So whatever you’re teaching make sure that you’re doing it in your life. Right? If you’re teaching people about health and vitality, make sure that you’re in a place that you’re following your system. And I know we all fall off the wagon from doing our own work. But before you step on that stage, or before you pick up that telephone, get back on the wagon for a week. And you can tell the story about how you fell off and how much brain fog you got. It’ll make you more powerful. But the more congruent that you are, the more empowered you will be, and the less that the gremlins can come in and talk to you. And as I said a minute ago, one of the ways to be congruent is if you want to speak, if you want to stand up or pick up the phone, and inspire people to make a decision, you should start making decisions. Look around your life right now. Are you thinking about it? Is there a lot of places that are sort of undecided? I know whenever my life starts getting clogged up I will look and I will go through all those emails that are undecided, start saying yes no, yes no. I just actually did this this week. There was a very hefty, like a five figure investment training I was thinking about, and I realized that to be congruent for you, in preparation for this, I decided. And I decided to go for it. Isn’t it always so much more awesome when you go for it? It’s so much more enlivening right? To click, do it, be in, get the pre-work, be like I’m doing this awesome course with Lisa Sasevich, look at all the people she’s trained. Right? I want to be able to be a graduate of Speak-to-Sell and be ready. So be congruent. Whether it’s doing your own work, making decisions because you want your clients to be decisive, be decisive. Just look for the places that you can shirr it up and you will see that whether it’s overcoming stage fright or just feeling empowered on the stage, this will give you what you need to get out there and be empowered. That’s what I have for you today. I’m very excited. I can see a lot of you already being congruent and making the decision, and I will tell you it’s the number one thing that will have people make decisions around you if you’re decisive. If you want to start with this class we’re certainly honored. Again, we’re at, and the minute you register you’ll be getting started right away with our pre-work. All you need to do is just go down to the Register Now button, you’ll save $1,000 from our regular $1997 investment, and you’ll be able to join us today.

Page 36: Boost Sales Using Irresistible Offers Part Three of Three ...€¦ · Boost Sales Using Irresistible Offers Part Three of Three Lisa Sasevich Lisa Sasevich: ... setting, a teleseminar, | [email protected] | 646-368-8210

©2014 Extimata Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Thank you very much for the honor it is to have been able to be your teacher today and to inspire you to open this possibility for yourself. When you see a new possibility you’ve got to cram a wedge in there, you’ve got to keep it open. Because otherwise you step away and as strong as it feels right now, it will disappear. The wedge that I’m inviting you to put in is put in the structure, put in the upcoming calls with me, let’s get it done and get you out there with a talk that you love, irresistible offers that sell, and all the confidence that comes along with being ready. I look forward to seeing you around our campus.