bsm wk ii_f12

1 Session II: Beginning Social Media Professional Certificate in Digital & Social Media Instructor: Yadira Galindo [email protected]

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Week two slides for fall 2012 beginning social media.


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Session II:Beginning Social Media

Professional Certificate in Digital & Social MediaInstructor: Yadira Galindo [email protected]

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Session II Overview

Session I Review

Assignment I Review and New Assignment

SM 101: Facebook

SM 101: Twitter

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Session I Review• Social media will help you enhance your online brand and expand your reach• Develop a social media strategy and protocols

– Define goals and objectives– Pinpoint your audience – Audit your resources (I mean really audit!)

• Engage your audience; communicate, don’t talk to them• Your profile is your first impression, design it wisely

– Choose a photo that captures the you that you want people to see• Who thinks they have a unique photo that portrays them/brand well?

– Choose your username equally wisely• Who has a name that was already taken? What did you use instead?

– Ensure your bio is current and fully filled out.• What elements should you include for a good bio?

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Where do you draw the line?And, social media etiquette• Private vs. Personal vs. Professional

– How do you balance?– Or do you keep separate accounts?

• Apps requesting personal data– Birthday– Family members– Cell phone numbers

• Social media etiquette– Language– Photos– Credit where credit is due– Sales pitch– What about follow back?

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Assignment 2Assignment 2:All students: 1. Post a link to a social media article/blog on

something you didn’t know regarding social media with a short summary of what took away from this article.

2. Comment on posts by two of your classmates. 3. Create a Twitter account. Fill out bio, photo, etc.,

follow me so I know you’re there and just explore

Matriculated: 1. Do the above assignments.2. Post three times on your Facebook account, items

relating to social media, what you are learning from the classes in your major or your work/career.

3. Tweet at least once daily. Your choice of topics. Just keep it professional.

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Social Media 101: Facebook


Anatomy of Facebook

ProfileProfiles (Timelines) represent individuals and must be held

under an individual

Groupprovides a closed space for small groups of people to communicate

about shared interests

Pageallows an organization, business, celebrity

or band to maintain a professional presence

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Social Media 101: Facebook


• Groups provide a closed space for small groups of people to communicate about shared interests.

• Groups can be created by anyone.• Privacy: In addition to an open setting, more privacy settings

are available for groups. In secret and closed groups, posts are only visible to group members.

• Audience: Group members must be approved or added by other members. When a group reaches a certain size, some features are limited. The most useful groups tend to be the ones you create with small groups of people you know.

• Communication: In groups, members receive notifications by default when any member posts in the group. Group members can participate in chats, upload photos to shared albums, collaborate on group docs and invite members who are friends to group events.

Group members get notified about all new posts in a group unless they choose to restrict their group notification settings.

If group privacy is set to Closed or Secret, only group members will be able to see things that get posted in the group.

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Social Media 101: Facebook


• Pages allow real organizations, businesses, celebrities and brands to communicate broadly with people who like them.

• Pages may only be created and managed by official representatives.

• Privacy: Page information and posts are public and generally available to everyone on Facebook.

• Audience: Anyone can like a Page to become connected with it and get News Feed updates. There is no limit to how many people can like a Page.

• Communication: Page admins can share posts under the Page’s name. Page posts appear in the News Feed of people who like the Page. Page admins can also create customized apps for their Pages and check Page Insights to track the Page’s growth and activity.– Be careful! I’ve heard many stories of people thinking

they’re posting to their personal pages and the post to their company page. Oops!

People who like your Page will get updates in their News Feeds.

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Social Media 101: Facebook


• Timeline• The new look of profiles and Pages rolled out• Lists• an optional way to organize your friends• Ticker• On the right-hand side of your account, lets you see all your

friends’ activity in real-time• Subscribe• Subscribe is a way to hear from people you’re interested in,

even if you’re not friends. Also a way to fine-tune your News Feed to get the types of updates you want to see.

• Privacy


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Social Media 101: Facebook


To share?1. Video (least common content of big

four shared)2. Photos3. Links (most common)4. Status updatesa. Think high sharing value!b. Post content from other sourcesc. Be uniqued. Be distincte. Be freshf. Be relevant

1. Full birth date, place2. Your mother’s maiden name3. Your home address4. Long trips away5. Short trips & check-ins6. Inappropriate photos7. Confessionals8. Your phone number9. Vacation countdowns10. Child’s name11. Risky behaviors12. Home layouts13. Your profile as “public,” or available on

“public search”

Or not to share!

More: What NOT To Post On FacebookMore: What consumers share on Facebook -- and why

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Social Media 101: Twitter

• Twitter is how many people receive or search for breaking news. The 2012 Presidential Election is prime example.

• A record for number of tweets per minute was broken at 11 p.m. on Nov. 6 when Obama’s reelection was announced with a whopping 327,452 tweets per minute!

• Obama’s Twitter account sent out a congratulatory tweet of a photo him and First Lady Michelle Obama. It was retweeted more than 660,000 times.

• This shatter the previous record by three times!

• More than 31 million election-related tweets were sent out on Nov. 6. 8

Data from:,0,4864623.story

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Social Media 101: Twitter

• Think of Twitter as a mini-blog. Or, to be more exact, a micro-blog.

• Allows users to send text-based updates called tweets, up to 140 characters long.

• Over 140 million active users as of 2012 generate over 340 millions tweets daily.

• Service is public by default and it is far more accessed by mobile device than by desktop.

• Demographic is older, newer to social media. Also, slightly more women.


Twitter was founded in March 2006, but soared in popularity after 2007 SXSW.

More on Wikipedia.

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Social Media 101: Twitter


Stage 1 – Denial(“Twitter is a waste of time.”)

Stage 2 – Anger(“Why would I care about what people are having for breakfast?”)

Stage 3 – Bargaining(“I’m only signing up because my friends are on there.”)

Stage 4 – Depression(“It doesn’t make any sense.”)

Stage 5 – Acceptance(“I get it!”)

From The 5 Stages Of “Getting” Twitter

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Social Media 101: Twitter


Stage 5 – Acceptance (“I get it!”)

Many people don’t get to this stage, abandoning their Twitter accounts somewhere between bargaining and depression. But for those that do it’s totally worth it. They keep plugging away, keep reading, keep learning, keep asking questions and keep doing it.

Suddenly, the light bulb goes on. Nobody can tell you what Twitter is, because Twitter isn’t any one thing. You have to find out for yourself. Then, suddenly, it’s your Twitter. You own it. You shape it. And you get it. It’s a beautiful moment. And often those who were the most resistant, and the most critical, become the biggest evangelists.

-- From The 5 Stages Of “Getting” Twitter

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Social Media 101: Twitter


Anatomy of Twitter

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Social Media 101: Twitter


Why should I use it?

1. Micro-blogging2. Quick answers3. Finding a job4. Text-meets-conference call5. Venting (Keep it clean)6. Keeping up with your team7. Movie, restaurant reviews8. Political, social causes

1. @Replies2. Retweets3. Blog Posts4. “As-It-Happens” Updates5. Photos6. Questions7. Answers8. Maladies9. Celebrations10. Digital small talk

Finding my Twitter voice

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Social Media 101: Twitter


Do:Be helpful.

Be relevant.Engage.Share.Don’t:

Be annoying.TWEET IN CAPS!

Brag or over-promote you/your company.Be toxic.

Be illiterate.Whine.