bsu media pack newspaper

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BSU Media Pack Newspaper


Page 1: BSU Media Pack Newspaper


the Bucks Student newspaper

Page 2: BSU Media Pack Newspaper


edition 30 .................... 10/10/12 edition 31 .................... 24/10/12 edition 32 .................... 07/11/12 edition 33 .................... 21/11/12 edition 34 .................... 05/12/12 edition 35 .................... 23/01/13 edition 36 .................... 06/02/13 edition 37 .................... 25/02/13 edition 38 .................... 13/03/13 edition 39 .................... 01/05/13

Bucks students’ Union

Queen alexandra road, High wycombe

Bucks Hp11 2JZ

Tel: 01494 601 600 email: [email protected]


© Bucks students’ Union 2012

The Bucks student is our fortnightly newspaper and is available, free of charge, both printed and online. we produce 10 editions across the entire academic year.

each edition has an average print run of 1,500 and it is the perfect medium to advertise to a potential market of 10,000 students and staff.

Currently The Bucks student features a variety of sections including: - news - entertainments - clubs and societies - international and Travel - fashion and beauty - sports.

VaT will be added to the below prices at the standard rate of 20% where applicableFull page ......................... £350 1/2 page ......................... £175 1/4 page ......................... £1001/8 page ......................... £100Leaflet insertion .............. £60 per thousand

Publication daTes

Contact Us


The newspaper is widely available around all University property and is specifically circulated at:- High wycombe campus: 3 cafes and 2 bars - Uxbridge campus: 1 cafe and 1 social area - Halls of residence: across 4 sites, accommodating over 800 students.

Sections Distribution pOinTs

Advertising raTes

Page 3: BSU Media Pack Newspaper


Full page (w268 x h345mm)

1/2 page horizontal (w268 x h172.5mm)

1/2 page vertical (w134 x h345mm)

1/4 page vertical (w134 x h175.5mm)

1/4 page horizontal (w268 x h86.25mm)

1/8 page horizontal (w134 x h82.25mm)

1/8 page vertical (w67 x h82.25mm)

all sizes are width x height

The deadline for each edition will always be the week before the newspaper is distributed. each edition is typically released on a wednesday afternoon.

SUbmITTINg cOPy:Files should be emailed to: [email protected]

Copy deadLine

- acrobat pdF: pdFs should be press optimised or better - all fonts must be embedded - all images need to be in a CMYK format - all artwork should be supplied with nO bleed- image to be 300dpi or greater.

FILE NAmE: please reference all adverts with: issue number/client name/advert size

File FOrMaT

the OpTiOns

Page 4: BSU Media Pack Newspaper

Bucks students’ Union Queen alexandra road, High wycombe, Bucks, Hp11 2JZ

Tel: 01494 601 600 email: [email protected] website: Bucks students’ Union is a registered charity - no. 1144820

VaT reg. no. 669 0980 87

This media pack was produced by Bucks students’ Union in June 2012, and is accurate at the time of going to press. prices quoted in this pack are subject to change. Full terms and

conditions can be found on our website at

© Bucks students’ Union 2012