building queensland's future together - part 3

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  • 8/4/2019 Building Queensland's Future Together - Part 3


  • 8/4/2019 Building Queensland's Future Together - Part 3


  • 8/4/2019 Building Queensland's Future Together - Part 3


  • 8/4/2019 Building Queensland's Future Together - Part 3


    Foreword by Council of Mayors (SEQ) Chairman

    In launching the

    inaugural South

    East Queensland

    Regional Plan, the

    State Government

    and South East

    Queensland (SEQ)

    Councils borrowed

    heavily from the

    wisdom of Benjamin

    Franklin and Sir

    Winston Churchill in

    recognising that: If

    you fail to plan, then

    you plan to fail.

    Six years later, this message plus the need for SEQ

    Councils and the State Government to work together

    to better manage population growth challenges

    remains. However, the need to move from objectives,maps and pictures to creating additional infrastructure

    capacity, especially transport infrastructure, is now

    even more critical.

    This demand has been heard from across our

    community. In its 2010 Report Card, for example,

    Engineers Australia said Queenslands population

    growth meant the challenges in meeting the

    infrastructure demand could be rated as somewhere

    between considerable to highly disturbing.

    The SEQ experience shows the importance of linkingpopulation, land use, transport and infrastructure

    planning. In developing its Getting SEQ Moving:

    2011-2012 National, State, Regional and Local

    Infrastructure Priorities submission, the Council of

    Mayors (SEQ) adopted a strategic and integrated

    approach to identify region-wide infrastructure

    priorities for investment from all levels of Government.

    The Council of Mayors (SEQ) recognises that with

    national population set to grow rapidly in the next 20

    to 40 years, it is important for all levels of government

    to plan for and deliver the sort of infrastructure

    program that will increase productivity, reduce cost of

    living pressures, improve quality of life and reduce our

    carbon footprint.

    The Getting SEQ Moving: 2011-2012 National,

    State, Regional and Local Infrastructure Priorities

    submission identies ve priority programs: National

    Signicance; State and Regional Signicance; Rail

    Network; Active Transport Network; and Public Space

    Renewal. This submission provides a comprehensive

    pipeline of infrastructure projects that are informed by

    Federal and State Government policy settings and are

    of national, state, regional and local signicance.

    The potential for the Gold Coast to host a successful

    2018 Commonwealth Games has increased the

    urgency to deliver additional transport infrastructure,

    including upgrades to the Pacic Highway from the

    New South Wales border to Brisbane, extensions to

    the South East Busway and Eastern Busway, as well

    as Gold Coast Rail extension and capacity upgrades

    to Coolangatta, along with the Gold Coast Rapid

    Transit project.

    The continuing economic growth in the Surat Basin

    - a region that already generates 52 per cent of the

    exports through the Port of Brisbane - means that the

    second range crossing at Toowoomba and further

    upgrades along the Warrego Highway cannot be

    deferred any longer.

    The Kingsford Smith Drive upgrade will deliver

    multimodal solutions for travel to and from Australias

    fastest growing economic precinct as well as for anextra 13,000 people who will live in the Northshore

    Hamilton development area. And, aside from

    stimulating and supporting the local tourism industry,

    Sunshine Coast Airport upgrades will diversify and

    strengthen the economy and create jobs.

    In releasing its 2011-12 State Budget, Queensland

    Treasury said Queensland was on the launch

    pad, that our state was about to rocket into a new

    era and that we have within our reach the chance

    to accelerate beyond our expectations and really

    capture the opportunities of the 21st century. Whileit is easy to be optimistic about our State, our region

    and our cities future, it is also important to do more

    than simply hope, wish, dream and speak positively

    about it.

    How will the Gold Coast and the rest of our region

    pull off the most successful Commonwealth Games

    in 2018? How will the Queensland and Australian

    economies get more from the resources boom in

    the most sustainable way? How will SEQ continue

    to accommodate record population growth and still

    maintain the prized quality of life we all enjoy?

    We need to work backwards from the future if the

    dream is to be realised. Additional infrastructure

    capacity is critical to our regions future.

    Cr Graham Quirk

    Chairman, Council of Mayors (SEQ)

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    Getting SEQ Moving 2011-2012 - National, State, Regional and Local Infrastructure Priorities 3

    1. Projects of National Signicance: The Magnicent 7

    The Council of Mayors (SEQ) Getting SEQ Moving

    Nationally Signicant Infrastructure Projects 2010

    report to the Federal Government identied seven

    infrastructure projects of national signicance for

    South East Queensland (SEQ). The projects are

    driven by a planning agenda with each being a criticalenabler to achieving integrated planning outcomes.

    This includes improved safety, economic productivity

    and connectivity, as well as linking public transport

    with growth corridors.

    The Magnicent 7, as the seven national priority

    infrastructure projects have become known, are:

    Fix the Warrego Highway Blacksoil intersection;

    Extend the Eastern Busway to Capalaba;

    Upgrade and extend the Gold Coast Rail Line to


    Upgrade Kingsford Smith Drive; Widen the Pacic Motorway through Logan;

    Expand the Sunshine Coast Airport; and

    Deliver the Toowoomba Bypass

    At a national level, this submission formed the basis

    of the Council of Mayors (SEQ) 2010-11 infrastructure

    advocacy program in the lead up to the Federal

    Election, which included formal representations to

    the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition,

    key Federal Ministers and Shadow Ministers, all

    Queensland Senators and all SEQ-based Federal

    MPs as well as Infrastructure Australia.

    At the State level, the submission was presented

    to the Premier and Leader of the Opposition, key

    Ministers and Shadow Ministers and all SEQ-based

    State MPs, as well as industry groups, opinion leaders

    and all major political parties.

    Each of these projects need substantial government

    investment to proceed. The Council of Mayors (SEQ)

    advocates that the seven projects should be the

    subject of Government commitments of the major

    parties ahead of the 2012 State Election. To date,

    the Federal and State Governments have committedto funding only the Warrego Highway Blacksoil

    intersection upgrade.

    There are increasing concerns that inadequate

    infrastructure will be a signicant restraint on growth

    unless further big steps are taken now.

    Over the last decade, the SEQ economy has

    grown faster than the Australian average, driven

    predominantly by population growth and the resources


    With Queensland growing at about twice the national

    average for a lengthy period, signicantly higher levels

    of infrastructure investment per capita is required,

    relative to the nation as a whole, to maintain similar

    levels of service.1

    Despite experiencing a very challenging year during

    2010-11 due to signicant natural disasters and the

    need to direct additional Australian, State and Local

    Government resources toward disaster response,

    recovery and rebuilding efforts, Queensland had the

    strongest business investment growth in mainland

    Australia (13 per cent).

    For 2011-12, Queensland Treasury forecast growth to

    be at 5 per cent as an investment surge drives rapid

    economic expansion beyond the natural disasters

    with business investment skyrocketing by 27.75 percent and export volumes to grow at a decade-high

    rate of 10 per cent.

    As Queenslands population and economy

    grows, more infrastructure and services will be

    required, especially in SEQ. Government spending

    on infrastructure delivers benets, including

    reducing business costs and lifting international

    competitiveness, and helping to lower consumer

    prices while also reducing private congestion and

    service quality costs.

    Investment in infrastructure, because it builds andsupports capacity for the future, is a key factor in

    ensuring sustainable economic growth.2 Future

    dividends from investing in SEQ infrastructure are not

    just a one-off economic return but will contribute to

    the delivery of intergenerational benets ensuring

    a dynamic and sustainable economy in the nations

    fastest growing region.

    The National Priority section of the Council of Mayors

    (SEQ) submission provides a regional consensus view

    on national priority infrastructure projects that should

    be the focus of Australian Government investment.

    1 Morton, A. 2009. Federal Road Funding for SEQ. Fact Finding

    Report commissioned by the Council of Mayors (SEQ), September.

    2 Access Economics Pty Ltd. 2010. Queensland Economic and

    Fiscal Analysis. Report Commissioned by the Council of Mayors

    (SEQ), March.

    Projects of National Signicance

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    Getting SEQ Moving 2011-2012 - National, State, Regional and Local Infrastructure Priorities 5


    The Queensland Government committed $833 millionto the rst two stages of the Eastern Busway projectby 2012, while Brisbane City Council delivered theEleanor Schonnel bus, cycle and pedestrian bridgein 2006 ($55 million). The State Government expectsthe Australian Government to match its commitment tothe Eastern Busway by nancing the next two stages

    of the Eastern Busway project, including a dedicatedbusway from Main Avenue to Bennetts Road inCoorparoo (Stage 2B) and a transit lane solutionbetween Carindale and Chandler (Stage 3).


    The 2010 Infrastructure Australia (IA) Report to COAGidentied the Eastern Busway (Stages 2B and 3)as a Threshold project - with strong strategic andeconomic merit - that should proceed through theNational Infrastructure Priority Pipeline (NIPP) forCommonwealth investment. In 2009, it was assessed

    as Real Potential in IAs inaugural 2009 NIPP.

    Substantial planning and design work has beenundertaken over the last six years to provide a rmbasis for commencement of additional stages of theEastern Busway project when funding is available.The Concept Design and Impact ManagementPlan (CDIMP) was approved by the QueenslandGovernment in June 2008. And, construction of therst stage of the Eastern Busway, between the PAHospital and South East Busway (at Buranda) iscomplete, while part of Stage Two - between Buranda

    and Mains Avenue (Coorparoo) should be completein late 2011.

    However, the construction of the further stages ofthe project including the Main Avenue to BennettsRoad section, transit lanes from Scrub Road to TilleyRoad, and the Tilley Road to Capalaba section, aredependant on project funding from the AustralianGovernment. The next two stages of the EasternBusway project are essential for the greater Brisbaneregion as trafc congestion will worsen on Old

    Cleveland Road and its adjoining streets as traveldemand increases with population growth.

    The Old Cleveland Road and Cavendish Roadintersection was identied as the third biggestheadache for Queensland motorists in a state-wide2010 RACQ poll of motorists.

    By attracting more trips onto public transport, theEastern Busway will provide an integrated transportsolution that will help reduce trafc congestion andvehicle emissions along the Old Cleveland Roadcorridor including Coorparoo, Camp Hill, Carina,Carindale and Chandler. Integrated transport solutionsalso offer signicant advantages for future landuse strategies that will promote more sustainabledevelopment, including transit oriented development.

    Importantly, these two stages of the Eastern Buswayproject will need to be delivered before 2018 if theGold Coast is successful in its bid to host the 2018Commonwealth Games, especially because Chandlerand Belmont will likely host two major sporting events(track cycling and shooting).

    Extend the Eastern Busway to Capalaba

    ESTIMATED COST: $1,736 million ($2010)



    BENEFICIARIES:Federal Electorates: Grifth, Bonner, Bowman,Brisbane, Ryan, MoretonState Electorates: Capalaba, Chatsworth,

    Bulimba, Greenslopes, South Brisbane, BrisbaneCentral, Indooroopilly, Yeerongpilly

    PURPOSE OF PROJECT: Extending the Eastern Busway to Capalaba will provide an effective solution tocommuter movement within the TransLink network and connections to the City Rail network, the city bus networkand the South East Busway. The 18km busway will reduce travel times by up to 20 minutes, providing access to/from Capalaba, the Chandler sporting complex, University of Queensland, Princess Alexandra Hospital, BoggoRoad Urban Village, the EcoSciences Precinct and the Brisbane CBD.

    Projects of National Signicance

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    Getting SEQ Moving 2011-2012 - National, State, Regional and Local Infrastructure Priorities 7


    The project nancing package should include a mix ofCommonwealth and Council investment.


    The SEQ Regional Plan (SEQRP) recognisesBrisbane contains economic drivers of regional,state and national importance, such as the CBDand adjacent employment areas, the regions mainair and sea ports, and the economic developmentarea of the Australia TradeCoast (ATC). The SEQRPidenties transport investment priorities linking relatedeconomic activity centres, including the CBD to ATC.The Kingsford Smith Drive upgrade provides improvedaccess between the city and ATC on a road thatalready has a greater freight carrying role than partsof other major Federally-funded transport corridors,including the Gateway, Ipswich and Logan motorways.

    Transportation of goods and services is vital toSEQs economic development and growth. Thefreight task in Queensland will continue to grow,driven by strong population growth and economicactivity. This will place more pressure on the transportsystem, especially links supporting key industry andcommercial precincts, as well as major retail centres.

    A trafc assessment undertaken using 2010 demandsshows that the Kingsford Smith Drive corridor isalready operating in excess of desired capacity.

    There will be an increase in travel demand of about36,300 vehicles per day by 2026 on KingsfordSmith Drive - the highest growth of any major roadin Brisbane. Increasing transport demand in thecorridor will be intensied through further growth and

    development of the ATC industrial and commercialprecinct and the major residential developmentat Northshore Hamilton. The ATC is projected togenerate 50,000 new jobs by 2030, while NorthshoreHamilton will house an extra 13,000 people.

    The Kingsford Smith Drive upgrade provides anideal opportunity to introduce multimodal solutions

    for travel to and within the ATC Australias fastestgrowing economic precinct. The Kingsford Smith Driveupgrade will reduce travel times and improve traveltime reliability on this important freight corridor. It willprovide better access to residential and industriallands along the north bank of the Brisbane River andaccess ramps to the Gateway Motorway. It will alsoprovide a cross-city function connecting the westernindustrial areas with ATC via Legacy Way (formerlyNorthern Link) and the Inner City Bypass. And, it willprovide secondary un-tolled access to the airport.

    Options for the Kingsford Smith Drive upgrade includecapacity management; corridor widening; and publicand active transport initiatives. The proposed upgradeworks provide potential to incorporate public transportservices such as buses that will respond effectivelyto Brisbanes ongoing population growth. The projectis ready to deliver improved network efciencies byconnecting growth areas of the ATC precinct to thearterial road network and to areas of commerce, trade,employment and industrial development. In effect,this project will improve transportation efciency,reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance safetyand access, public transport operations, communitymobility and planned development.

    Upgrade Kingsford Smith Drive

    ESTIMATED COST: $625 million



    BENEFICIARIES:Federal Electorates: Lilley, BrisbaneState Electorates: Clayeld, Brisbane Central

    PURPOSE OF PROJECT: Kingsford Smith Drive is an increasingly important link to improving thecompetitiveness of the Australia TradeCoast (ATC) precinct which is expected to be the second largestemployment centre in South East Queensland (SEQ) after the Brisbane CBD. The Kingsford Smith Driveupgrade will enable growth in the trade and industrial areas and improve access to the air and sea ports.

    Projects of National Signicance

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    Getting SEQ Moving 2011-2012 - National, State, Regional and Local Infrastructure Priorities 9


    The Sunshine Coast Regional Council is seekinga $122 million investment from the AustralianGovernment to realign and extend the SunshineCoast Airport. This is consistent with 2011-12Commonwealth Budget outcomes, which directedmoney from the Regional Development Australia Fundto help fund the Mid North Coast Aviation Plan for

    business expansion and airport access expansion atTaree, Port Macquarie and Kempsey Airports.


    The Sunshine Coast Airport runway extension wouldensure continued diversication of the economic baseof the Sunshine Coast, promoting further employmentgrowth in the greater-region. For the Sunshine Coast,its airport is a major commercial aviation hub. As aregional airport it also serves communities within andbeyond the Sunshine Coast.

    PriceWaterhouseCoopers estimates the SunshineCoast Master Plan will generate 5,385 new jobswith a Net Present Value of $645 million for theregion. The new airport facilities will also supportthe National Aviation Policy White Paper in terms ofsafety, security, economic prosperity and coordinatedplanning.

    The goal of realigning and extending the runway isto ensure continued operation of commercial aircraftin accordance with CASA regulations which will in

    turn continue to diversify the economic base of theSunshine Coast promoting further employment growth

    in the region. This goal aligns with the strategicpriorities set by Infrastructure Australia in its Reformand Investment Frameworkto diversify Australiaseconomic capabilities and develop our regions.

    With regular ights between Sydney and Melbourne,Sunshine Coast Airport: contributes more than $475 million to the regional

    economy each year; directly employs more than 600 people; stimulates more than 4,400 direct and indirect

    jobs; operates 24 hours a day; handles approximately 87,000 aircraft

    movements; and has around 1 million passengers per annum.

    Passenger numbers are forecast to double to 1.9million passenger movements per year over the nextten years.

    The Sunshine Coast Regional Council proposesto construct a new 2,450 metre long east-westrunway at Sunshine Coast Airport. This will greatlyenhance safety for residents, passengers andaircraft operators. The larger runway will also enablelegitimate operation of Boeing B737s and AirbusA320s without special dispensation from CASA as iscurrently required.

    Expand the Sunshine Coast AirportPURPOSE OF PROJECT: Expanding the Sunshine Coast Airport will allow it to grow and continue to serviceand facilitate increasing demand for passenger movements, landside industries and enterprises and tourismopportunities. Extending the runway will strengthen the Sunshine Coast as a tourism gateway and support amore diverse economic base for the region. The Sunshine Coast Airport Masterplan also identies a new accessroad to service an expanded commercial services precinct.

    ESTIMATED COST:: $435.6 million ($2010)



    BENEFICIARIES:Federal Electorates: Fairfax, Fisher, Wide BayState Electorates: Caloundra, Kawana, Buderim,Noosa, Maroochydore, Nicklin, Gympie.

    Projects of National Signicance

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    Getting SEQ Moving 2011-2012 - National, State, Regional and Local Infrastructure Priorities 11

    The Council of Mayors (SEQ) has identied 12

    projects in SEQ that are of State and Regional

    signicance. It is calling on all major political parties to

    commit their support for these projects ahead of the

    2012 State Election.

    As Queenslands population and economy grows,

    more infrastructure and services will be required.1

    With investment in the resource sector a driver of

    this forecast growth, Queensland Treasury recognise

    that it will be important to reinvest the benets from a

    rapidly growing mining sector to boost the productivity

    and improve the competitiveness in other sectors of

    the economy.2

    Over the past two decades Queenslands share of

    national output rose from 14.8 per cent to 18.8 per

    cent, while its share of national population rose from16.7 per cent to 20.1 per cent.3

    The strength of the Queensland economy, particularly

    through the housing and mining booms has been

    an underlying driver to broader national economic


    Relying on signicant growth in business investment

    and exports, the Queensland Government has

    ambitiously forecast a rate of economic growth of 5

    per cent for 2011-12 and 5.25 per cent4 for 2012-13.

    Well-performing infrastructure can stimulate economicgrowth and bring a sense of prosperity to the

    community, while poorly performing infrastructure can

    do the reverse.

    Investment in infrastructure in SEQ through the

    integrated planning framework is essential in

    improving the productivity of the region, as well as

    delivering on other integrated urban policies.

    The South East Queensland Regional Plan (SEQRP)

    and the South East Queensland Infrastructure Plan

    and Program (SEQIPP) are recognised as nation-leading examples of integrated transport and land-use

    strategies in Australia today.

    1 Queensland Government. 2010. Queensland Growth

    Management Summit. Shaping Our Future Together: -

    Opportunities, Challenges and Choices

    2 Queensland Government. 2011. Budget Strategy and Outlook

    2011-12 (Paper 2), p. 55

    3 Access Economics Pty Ltd.

    4 Queensland Government. 2011. Budget Strategy and Outlook

    2011-12 (Paper 2), p. 33-34

    From these planning frameworks, the Council of

    Mayors (SEQ) identied twelve priority infrastructure

    projects of State and Regional signicance.

    Investment and delivery of these projects will deliver

    much needed infrastructure capacity and greater

    efciency (productivity), as well as contribute tobroader achievements of liveability and sustainability

    objectives embedded in the SEQRP/SEQIPP planning


    These projects include:

    Gold Coast Rapid Transit Project (Stage Two);

    Gold Coast transit / bikeway upgrades along key

    arterial roads;

    Redland City to Port of Brisbane Tilley Road


    Telegraph Road and Robinson Road rail level

    crossing eliminations; Redland City / Gateway Motorway Corridor;

    Warrego Highway / Brisbane Valley Highway

    intersection (Bayley Road extension);

    Mount Lindesay Highway upgrade;

    Lockyer Valley emergency helipad;

    Sunshine Coast (CoastConnect) rapid bus transit


    Beaudesert Town Centre bypass;

    Toowoomba outer circulating road; and

    a timber bridge priority replacement program.

    Investment in infrastructure is a key factor in ensuring

    sustainable economic growth because it buildsand supports capacity for the future. Government

    spending on infrastructure delivers benets, including

    reducing business costs and lifting international

    competitiveness, and helping to lower consumer

    prices while also reducing private congestion and

    service quality costs.5

    Unless the State Government continues to invest

    heavily in infrastructure, particularly transport

    infrastructure in SEQ, the State economy will face the

    same capacity constraints and congestion that have

    been impacting increasingly on the productivity of theregion in recent years.

    5 Access Economics Pty Ltd. 2010. Queensland Economic and

    Fiscal Analysis. Report Commissioned by the Council of Mayors

    (SEQ), March

    2. Projects of State and Regional Signicance

    Projects of State and Regional Signicance

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    Getting SEQ Moving 2011-2012 - National, State, Regional and Local Infrastructure Priorities 13


    The proposed funding package could include a mixof Council funding, together with State Governmentand Federal Government grant funding for active andhealthy infrastructure and programs.


    Productivity Creation of prioritised capacity forpublic and active transport modes provides for anincrease in productivity generated by reduced traveltimes. As trafc congestion continues to increase,provision of alternatives to car dependency is criticalfor the Gold Coast.

    QualityofLife Reductions in travel times will meangreater quality of life as less time is spent commuting.Provision of infrastructure for cycling and walking willprovide a more attractive travel mode, especially forthe 50 per cent of people who commute less than 10kilometres. Benets include better community health

    outcomes, as well as greater use of open space.

    Sustainability Provision of bus and cycle lanes onkey arterial roads will enhance overall sustainabilityof the transport network. This infrastructure placesless reliance on car use resulting in less congestion,reduced emissions and less pollution, with increasesin physical activity, health and wellbeing.

    Gold Coast Transitway and Bikeway Upgrades

    ESTIMATED COST: $15 million



    BENEFICIARIES:State Electorates: Albert, Coomera, Broadwater,Southport, Surfers Paradise, Mermaid Beach,Burleigh, Gaven, Mudgeeraba, Currumbin

    PURPOSE OF PROJECT: The Gold Coast Transitway and Bikeway Upgrades will deliver additional capacityfor public and active transport modes along key Gold Coast arterials roads, which will also provide better activetransport opportunities should the 2018 Commonwealth Games be held on the Gold Coast.


    The Gold Coast is one of the fastest growing regionsin Australia. It is Australias sixth largest city (largestnon-capital city), with a resident population of about530,000 persons, rising to about 800,000 persons in2031 or more than double the current populationof Canberra. A major city the size of the Gold Coastshould have greater active and healthy public

    transport choices than a city half its size. Additionally,the transport task for the Gold Coast is bigger thanits population would suggest. For example, in 2006the Gold Coast accounted for more than 10 millionovernight and daytrip visitors. This is likely to increasesignicantly if / when the Gold Coast hosts the 2018Commonwealth Games.

    Car dependency, together with its resulting increasein cost of congestion, is a growing concern for theGold Coast. For example, 2006 Census data showedthere were only 6.7 per cent of Gold Coast dwellings

    (private) with no motor vehicles, compared with 10.3per cent for Brisbane and 11.3 per cent throughoutQueensland (not including motorbikes/scooters).Moreover, 52.5 per cent of private dwellings on theGold Coast had two or more motor vehicles, whichwas also higher than in Brisbane (47.6 per cent).

    In the context of the planning for the 2018 Gold CoastCommonwealth Games, it is important to recognisethe key commitment for the 2006 MelbourneCommonwealth Games Environment Strategy was todevelop an integrated transport strategy to reduce

    motor vehicle use and encourage the use of public

    transport, walking and cycling in the longer term.

    Projects of State and Regional Signicance

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    Getting SEQ Moving 2011-2012 - National, State, Regional and Local Infrastructure Priorities 15


    The proposed nancing package for these projectsshould include a mix of State and Local Governmentinvestment.


    Productivity These two OLC elimination projectsfacilitate improved access between a major industrialarea and export gateways of the port and airport, aswell as the strategic arterial network. This will reducetransport costs by reducing congestion and delays forindustrial and commuter trafc, while improving roadand rail safety.

    QualityofLife In addition to freeing up time andresources for motorists and rail commuters that couldotherwise be wasted in trafc congestion, theseprojects will improve safety due to the removal of levelcrossings, while increasing connectivity for walkingand cycling.

    Sustainability These OLC removal projects willresult in reduced emissions by improving trafc ow,as well as provide walking and cycling alternatives tomotor vehicle use. The elimination of the TelegraphRoad OLC also complements the proposed NorthernBusway to Bracken Ridge.


    Connecting SEQ 2031 (draft) is the QueenslandGovernments proposed long-term transport plan todevelop a sustainable transport system in the region.This planning vision has a strong focus on improvingthe rail network to support a large increase in thevolume of public transport trips. The rst phase ofthis vision is what the State Government called a

    rail revolution transformation of how rail servicesoperate across the network to improve capacity,frequency and reliability. In this context, strategic OLCelimination projects are entirely consistent with thedraft Connecting SEQ 2031.

    The Queensland Government recognise providinghigh frequency passenger train services in thecommuter peak period is a key initiative to increasingthe capacity of the existing rail system. Increasedroad closure times resulting from more frequenttrains, combined with the regions population growth

    and trafc congestion, highlight the need to upgradeexisting OLCs through grade separation and/oralternative crossing points. DTMRs strategic prioritylist for OLC upgrades recognise Telegraph Road andNewman Road (also called Robinson Road) OLCsas Priority 1 projects. This is consistent with the2007 and 2010 RACQ Red Spot Surveys, which rankthe Telegraph Road (Bald Hills) and Newman Road(Geebung) OLCs within the states top three mostfrustrating railway crossings.

    Telegraph Road has been identied in DTMRs draftNorth Brisbane Area Strategy as a priority two freight

    route and important east-west link for general trafc.

    Dangerous Open Level Crossing Elimination Projects

    PURPOSE OF PROJECT: The Robinson Road Open Level Crossing (OLC) Elimination creates and enhances akey arterial link between the industrial area of Virginia and Gympie Road Brisbanes major north-south arterialroad. The Telegraph Road OLC Elimination creates and enhances a key arterial link between the industrial areaof Brendale and the Gateway Motorway, while improving the accessibility of Brendale to export.

    ESTIMATED COST: $252 million ($2010)

    DELIVERY DATE: 2014-2016


    BENEFICIARIES:State Electorates: Sandgate, Aspley, Nudgee,Pine Rivers

    Projects of State and Regional Signicance

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    Getting SEQ Moving 2011-2012 - National, State, Regional and Local Infrastructure Priorities 17


    The proposed funding package for the BayleyRoad extension project should include a mix ofFederal ($61.5 million), State ($16 million) and LocalGovernment ($2.5 million) funding.


    Productivity This project, in conjunction with the

    Warrego Highway Blacksoil intersection upgrade,will improve the road safety of the intersection oftwo national highways with a poor crash history. Itwill improve regional freight movements along theWarrego Highway, which is the principal freight routebetween the Port of Brisbane, the Darling Downsand Melbourne. It will also improve accessibility toregionally signicant tourism, recreational and watersource areas (Somerset and Wivenhoe Dams).

    QualityofLife This project will improve road safetyin this dangerous approach to/from a national highway

    and increase accessibility for the urban growthareas of Somerset Regional Council, while reducingcongestion and travel times.

    Sustainability Through better trafc ow there arereduced vehicle emissions.

    Bayley Road Extension

    ESTIMATED COST: $80 million



    BENEFICIARIESState Electorate: Ipswich West

    PURPOSE OF PROJECT: The Bayley Road extension will complement the Warrego Highway BlacksoilIntersection upgrade to provide an at-grade intersection with grade separated interchange plus local roadconnections.


    As part of the planning for the Warrego Highway,the Queensland Government identied the BayleyRoad extension as forming part of the transportnetwork solution for the area. Ipswich City Councilhas allocated some funding towards the Bayley Roadextension but it makes sense that it be added to thescope of works of the $70 million Warrego Highway

    Blacksoil Intersection upgrade, recently announced bythe Australian Government.

    The Warrego Highway is a major freight artery linkingthe Brisbane Port with Toowoomba and the economicregions of Darling Downs and the Surat EnergyResources Province. Almost 52 per cent of exportsthat pass through the Port of Brisbane originate fromthese regions.

    The goal of the Warrego Highway BlacksoilIntersection upgrade is to improve safety for usersand improve the efciency of freight and passengermovements within SEQ.

    The Brisbane Valley Highway connects fast growingregions to the north of the Warrego Highway with theprimary economic areas of SEQ and through to theBurnett and Callide regions. The upgrade will assistin raising the productivity and competitiveness ofSEQ and Australia as a whole by providing a safe,reliable and efcient transport route along the WesternCorridor to the Port of Brisbane.

    Projects of State and Regional Signicance

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    Federal and State Government investment innatural disaster and emergency risk managementinfrastructure could complement the proposed LockyerValley airport project. Importantly, the proposedaviation facility has been designed to cater foremergency related uses, including a refuelling stationfor aircraft and helicopter in times of emergency.


    Lockyer Valley was at the centre of what is nowdescribed as Queenslands worst natural disaster(ood and cyclone) the 2010-11 Queensland Floods.This series of ooding events covered 70 per centof the state and took 22 lives in the Toowoomba-Lockyer Valley region and a further 14 lives acrossQueensland in natural disaster related incidents. Ineffect, the heavy rain from December 2010 to January2011, but especially on 10 January 2011, broughtmisery, death and destruction through the LockyerValley. On Australia Day 2011, the Governor-Generalof Australia, Her Excellency, Ms Quentin Bryce ACobserved: Whats happened here has changedthis region forever, right from its western to its

    eastern borders: Murphys Creek, Withcott, Helidon,

    Grantham, Gatton, Forest Hill, Plainland, Hattonvale,

    Laidley and all the tiny settlements in between; 35,000

    people whose lives have been fundamentally altered

    in some way, some in terrible, irreversible ways.

    The State Government acknowledged emergencychopper pilots battled impossible dangerousconditions to rescue people from their rooftops,people who would have otherwise perished. Notably,critical emergency rescue efforts were hamperedbecause helicopter crews had to return to base aftertwo hours because the choppers were running out offuel. Emergency Management Queensland (EMQ)

    helicopters were also forced to land on the WarregoHighway to wait for access to Amberley (to refuel)before returning to Grantham for rescue services.

    In a statement to the Queensland Flood Commissionof Inquiry, the EMQ Brisbane Base Manager (SeniorPilot) testied that rescuers could have done morein the critical emergency response phase if thehelicopter had been upgraded to carry more fuel, hada better winch and a reliable mobile mapping displaythat was capable of locating areas inundated withoodwater. There were also bureaucratic problems

    associated with EMQ rescue helicopters accessing amobile refuelling service on the Warrego highway viaa military tanker.

    For Lockyer Valley and Somerset Local Governmentareas, the tragic events of 10 January 2011 highlightthe critical importance of having reliable andaccessible emergency helipad and refueling services.

    Lockyer Valley Emergency Helipad

    ESTIMATED COST: $1.5 million



    BENEFICIARIES:State Electorate: Lockyer

    PURPOSE OF PROJECT: An emergency helipad and refuelling station in the Lockyer Valley or Somersetregions will remove the need for emergency helicopters to travel to Amberley or Toowoomba to refuel.

    Projects of State and Regional Signicance

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    Getting SEQ Moving 2011-2012 - National, State, Regional and Local Infrastructure Priorities 23


    ALGA (2010) argues the need to replace old andtimber bridges is a major cost that is beyond thecapacity of rural and regional councils. A mix offunding from Australian and State governmentsthrough a state-wide Rural Timber BridgeReplacement program is recommended. This isconsistent with the Coalitions 2010 Federal Election

    commitment to fund a $600 million program to replacedecaying and aging bridges, as well as the 2011-12Commonwealth Budget, which redirected about $49million from the Regional Development Fund to deliverlocal infrastructure projects in the Federal Electorateof Lyne (NSW). This included a local roads and timberbridge replacement package.


    Productivity The replacement of old bridges willhave very signicant economic benets to localeconomies by allowing farmers to use larger trucks

    that will improve the efciency of farming operations,while improving access to schools, health and otherregional facilities. Additionally, replacement of timberbridges will reduce long-term maintenance costs.

    QualityofLife Timber bridges provide key links forregional communities to access surrounding areas.Removing load limits will facilitate safe and improvedtransport choices for local products, commuters,school bus routes, visitors and emergency vehicles.

    Sustainability Removing load limits on bridges

    enables more direct and efcient transport choices(shorter distance and higher mass load), which alsoreduces greenhouse gas emissions.

    Timber Bridge Replacement Program (SEQ)

    PURPOSE OF PROJECT: The Timber Bridge Replacement Program will facilitate the replacement of severaltimber bridges across South East Queensland and facilitate greater road safety and freight transport efciencyfor local producers, commuters and visitors.

    ESTIMATED COST: $40 milion



    BENEFICIARIES:State Electorates: Lockyer, Beaudesert, IpswichWest


    In 2006, the SEQ western regional councils of LockyerValley, Scenic Rim and Somerset had a populationof about 86,300 people with the local populationforecast to double by 2031. SEQs western councilsare predominantly located within SEQs RegionalLandscape and Rural Production Area and sustain

    diverse economic, environmental and cultural valuesfor the region. Key projects identied in the SEQIPPthat will support the delivery of the SEQRP includesafety improvements to increase the capacity of theroad network.

    For SEQs western regional councils, bridges providekey links for residents and also for rural industriessuch as the agricultural and livestock industry. A $40milion/three years Commonwealth-State GovernmentSEQ timber bridge replacement program could resultin a coordinated bridge replacement program for the

    following timber bridges: Lockyer Valley - Connole, Steinkes, Mahon,

    Daveys, Thistlewaites, Clark, Middleton; Somerset - Gaults, Alf Williams, Taylors; and Scenic Rim - Duck Creek, Newman, Adams.

    Projects of State and Regional Signicance

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    Getting SEQ Moving 2011-2012 - National, State, Regional and Local Infrastructure Priorities 25

    Gowrie to Grandchester Rail Line

    ESTIMATED COST: $1,300 million ($2008)

    DELIVERY DATE: 2014-18


    Identied in the SEQIPP, the Queensland Government

    recognise construction of a new 67km rail alignmentfor the Toowoomba and Little Liverpool Ranges willovercome current constraints on rail capacity andperformance associated with poor alignment, gradient,curvature, structures and axle load limitations. Thenew alignment will support the volume of exportcommodities railed between south-western andwestern Queensland and the Port of Brisbane, as wellas provide a potential high capacity link to SEQ for aninland rail system.


    The Australian Government recognise resource-richstates like Queensland face large resource industryinfrastructure demands. A joint Commonwealth andState Government nance package, with/withoutprivate sector investment, is required to deliver theGowrie to Grandchester Rail Line. This will helpunlock the wealth of south-west Queensland, as wellas for the ongoing development of the resource sectorin the Surat Energy Resources Province.

    Beenleigh to Varsity Rail Capacity

    UpgradeESTIMATED COST: $110 million ($2009)



    The Beenleigh to Varsity Rail Capacity upgradeproject will provide additional capacity on the GoldCoast rail line by track duplication, signalling upgradesand new stations. This project was identied in theSEQIPP (2009) as capacity upgrades and additional

    tracks from Beenleigh to Gold Coast, which was tobe delivered between 2019 and 2026. With GoldCoast likely to host the 2018 Commonwealth Games,delivery of this project is more urgent.


    A funding mix of Australian and QueenslandGovernment investment for the delivery of this railproject as part of a broader national priority GoldCoast Rail capacity upgrade and extension forCommonwealth Games transport demand-readiness(before 2018) is recommended.

    North Coast Rail

    ESTIMATED COST: $2,000 million ($2008)

    DELIVERY DATE: 2014-2030


    The Queensland Government recognise rail freightoperations are severely constrained due to conictwith passenger services and poor track alignment,particularly between Brisbane and Nambour. Inaddition, the North Coast Line is limited to cateringfor train lengths of 650m, which could impact on thepotential growth in rail freight transport on the corridor.The operation of 1500m train lengths will enable

    operators to gain economies of scale and potentiallysupport a more competitive rail freight system inthe Brisbane-Cairns corridor. Enhancements to thecorridor will help overcome rail congestion, andimprove the capacity, timeliness and quality of trainservices. While small parts of the project are nowcomplete or underway, the 2008 North Coast Railproject includes: Caboolture Beerburrum Landsborough; Landsborough Nambour; Lawnton Petrie install 3rd track; and Operation of 1500m trains.


    The North Coast Rail Line is the principal generaland intermodal freight line in the states rail network,providing a critical link to major regional centres,coastal ports and east-west rail lines servicing ruralQueensland north of Brisbanes CBD. A funding mix ofAustralian and Queensland Government investmentfor the staged delivery of this important rail project isnecessary.

    Rail Network Priorities

    QR National coal train (Image courtesy of QR National)

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    Getting SEQ Moving 2011-2012 - National, State, Regional and Local Infrastructure Priorities 27

    Manly to Cleveland Rail (duplication)


    DELIVERY DATE: 2020-26


    Reducing car dependency in the Old ClevelandRoad corridor, duplication of the Cleveland Rail linefrom Manly to Cleveland will allow more frequent

    rail services to Brisbane CBD and the BrisbaneAirport. This would include ExpressLink train servicesfrom Cleveland running all stops to Manly beforetravelling express to inner Brisbane seven days aweek. With the Manly to Cleveland Rail duplicationproject, Cleveland commuters could expect to arrivein Brisbanes CBD within 45 minutes, while trainfrequency would be also be doubled with trainsdeparting stations every 15 minutes, off peak.


    State Government funding is recommended for this


    Brisbane to Beaudesert PassengerRail




    The need to identify and preserve a rail corridor

    suitable for future passenger rail services betweenSalisbury and Beaudesert is identied in the SEQIPPand draft Connecting SEQ 2031. A new passengerrail service from Salisbury to Beaudesert will provideimportant public transport for the growth areas ofFlagstone and Park Ridge. The establishment ofa passenger rail service between Brisbane andBeaudesert will increase potential for residentialand employment growth in identied growth areasof Greater Flagstone, Greenbank, New Beith-RoundMountain and North Maclean, as well as the majorrural service centre of Jimboomba.

    FUNDING SOLUTIONThe declaration of Greater Flagstone as an UrbanDevelopment Area (UDA) providing an additional50,000 dwellings to house a future population ofabout 120,000 people, combined with the declarationof nearby Bromelton as State Development Areafor future industrial development in SEQ, will needto be matched with a Queensland and AustralianGovernment nancial commitment to service the areawith transport infrastructure. There could be potentialto negotiate a State Infrastructure Agreement toinclude a nancial contribution to the construction of

    rail from potential developers.

    Manly to Cleveland Rail Duplication

    Rail Network Priorities

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    Chevron Island Green Bridge

    ESTIMATED COST: $45 million



    The Chevron Island Greenbridge will create akey linkage along the Cavill West corridor, whichconnects Surfers Paradise Beach, Cavill Mall, Nerangriverfront, Chevron Village, Gold Coast Cultural andCivic Centre, Bundall Commercial District and theGold Coast Turf Club. The new greenbridge linkagewill be part of an integrated pedestrian and cyclenetwork linking residential, recreational, cultural andcommercial opportunities to the multi billion dollarGold Coast rapid transit network (which has threestops in central Surfers Paradise).


    Gold Coast City Council would like to partner withthe Queensland and Australian Governments todeliver this project well-before the proposed 2018Commonwealth Games.

    Gatton-Forrest Hill Bikeway (via UQGatton campus)

    ESTIMATED COST: $3 million

    DELIVERY DATE: 2012-13


    Construction of a 2.5 metre wide concrete bikeway/pedestrian pathway over the distance of 7km betweenForest Hill and Laidley.

    The University of Queensland (Gatton Campus) ishalf way between Gatton and Laidley and is locatedin close proximity to Forest Hill. Forest Hill is hometo a large population of university students andcycling would be a much more attractive transportmode if there was bikeway infrastructure. The logical

    extension of the bikeway would be on to Laidley, adistance of approximately 7km from Forest Hill. Abikeway would also make the recreation area of LakeDyer more accessible.


    A combination of Local, State and FederalGovernment investment is required to deliver thisproject.

    Downfall Creek Bikeway (Stage Three)

    ESTIMATED COST: $1.9 million

    DELIVERY DATE: 2012-13

    PURPOSE OF PROJECTConsistent with the SEQ Principal Cycle NetworkPlan, the Downfall Creek (Stage Three) project willprovide the missing link in connecting Banyo andNudgee bikeways to the Chermside Regional Centre.The 565 metre long bikeway will start at the existingbikeway west of Virginia Railway Station and traverseunder the railway line and Sandgate Road to join theexisting bikeway in Wellington Street (Banyo). Thisproject will also include safety signage and pathwaylighting.

    FUNDING SOLUTIONThrough the SEQ Cycle Network Program, BrisbaneCity Council will seek joint (50/50) Council-StateGovernment funding for this project. An applicationwas submitted for the 2011-12 QueenslandGovernment Capital Funds Allocation.

    Cabbage Tree Creek Bikeway (StageThree)

    ESTIMATED COST: $1.65 million

    DELIVERY DATE: 2012-13


    To provide the missing link in the Cabbage TreeCreek Bikeway, linking Brisbanes northern suburbsfrom Deagon, through Aspley, to McDowall. Thisproject will provide for a grade separated crossing ofGympie Road (Aspley) providing safer pedestrian andcyclist access to the Aspley centre and surroundingresidential areas.

    FUNDING SOLUTIONThrough the SEQ Cycle Network Program, BrisbaneCity Council will seek joint (50/50) Council-StateGovernment funding for this project. There is potentialto apply for State Government funding for 2012-13.

    A green bridge, Gold Coast

    Active Transport Network Priorities

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    Getting SEQ Moving 2011-2012 - National, State, Regional and Local Infrastructure Priorities 31

    Active and engaging public spaces are key to

    achieving a public realm that contributes positively to

    quality of life.

    These spaces are often key enablers of activities that

    directly support economic growth4 and in improvingaccess to community facilities and services that

    enhance liveability.

    Maintaining and enhancing liveability is a key

    objective when contemplating the social pressures

    of population growth. This is a key theme of

    contemporary policy such as the SEQ Regional

    Plan and the Australian Governments Our Cities

    Discussion Paper.

    The emphasis in the SEQ Regional Plan on promoting

    compact development and inll will place greaterpressure on existing public spaces and highlights

    the need for continuing strategic investment in public

    spaces to maintain the liveability of our suburbs and


    Whilst liveability also considers policy areas of

    housing affordability and access to employment and

    community services; investment in renewal of public

    spaces results in immediate benets to liveability.

    The Council of Mayors (SEQ) have identied the

    following priority projects:

    East West Flood Creek Detention (Toowoomba); Gallery Walk Project;

    Brisbane City Hall Restoration Project (Stage


    Beaudesert Centre Revitalisation Project;

    Cavill Mall upgrade;

    Capalaba transit hub;

    Beenleigh Town Centre;

    Beenleigh Aquatic Centre;

    Centenary pool upgrade;

    CBD vibrant laneways (Redlands);

    Brisbane Energy Efcient Sustainable Transport

    Car Parks Project.

    Projects such as the Cavill Mall upgrade and the

    Gallery Walk Project will both be enablers for

    economic growth in key tourism precincts in need of

    updating. Much of this will be in the tourism sector,

    of which many jobs in SEQ are dependent. And, this

    will be a public space of international signicance if/

    when the Gold Coast hosts the 2018 Commonwealth


    4 Commonwealth Government. 2011. Our Cities Discussion Paper,

    p. 47

    Similarly, the Capalaba transit hub and the Brisbane

    City vibrant laneways projects will contribute to

    stimulating localised economic growth, as well as

    optimising connectivity between people and jobs.

    Other priority projects such as the Beenleigh AquaticCentre and Centenary Pool will improve access and

    deliver greater active and healthy sporting facilities for

    SEQ communities.

    The Brisbane City Hall Restoration Project helps

    protect and enhance the rich civic, architectural

    and historic importance of Brisbanes most loved

    and identiable building. As a key symbol for

    Australias largest city and Queenslands capital

    city, this project will help ensure the Queensland

    icon remains a historic legacy for future generations

    of Queenslanders and visitors to enjoy, while itsincreasing integrated transport facilities within

    King George Square will ensure Brisbane City Hall

    continues in its role as the peoples place.

    5. Public Spaces Renewal Priorities

    Public Spaces Renewal Priorities

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    Getting SEQ Moving 2011-2012 - National, State, Regional and Local Infrastructure Priorities 33

    Gallery Walk Project (Mt Tamborine)

    ESTIMATED COST:$13 million

    DELIVERY DATE: 2014-15


    The Gallery Walk project will help manage increasing

    trafc demand, congestion and parking issues throughGallery Walk (Long Road). This project will createjobs during the design and construction of the project;reduce trafc congestion along Gallery walk; improveroad safety over the length of the project; improveroad usability by incorporating bicycle facilities and carparks; incorporate environmental and sustainabilityrequirements in design and construction; and allowfor the redevelopment of the Gallery Walk BusinessPrecinct to improve the amenity of the businessprecinct, increasing business activity and job creation.


    A nance package including, State Government andLocal Government investment is required.

    Cavill Mall Upgrade

    ESTIMATED COST: $10.7 million



    To provide a high quality urban environment suitable

    to link the new Gold Coast Rapid Transit station andthe new Surfers Paradise Foreshore Redevelopment,which will also address an inconsistent streetscape.Creation of a high quality urban corridor will supportsustainable transport modes of walking, cycling andpublic transport. As Cavill Mall is a major destinationfor local residents, tourists and visitors, a high qualityconnection of the light rail to the foreshore will providea signicant benet for this very popular area of theGold Coast. This will be particularly benecial whenthe Gold Coast hosts signicant events, like theproposed 2018 Commonwealth Games.


    A nance package, including State Government andLocal Government investment, is required.

    Capalaba Transit Hub

    ESTIMATED COST: $3 million



    The Capalaba Transit Hub will allow the partial

    closure of Redland Bay Road to through trafc,reconguration of the bus station, intersection upgradeworks and reprioritisation of the Mount Cotton andRedland Bay Road intersection. This project willprovide park and ride facilities to increase publictransport. This also supports Capalaba Centres roleas a principal regional activity centre, while improvingsafety and amenity for pedestrians, while improvingthe efciency of the bus interchange.


    As a potential Regional Development Australia Fund

    project, the nance package for this project couldinclude a mix of Federal Government (RegionalDevelopment Australia Fund), State Government andLocal Government investment.

    Beenleigh Town Centre(redevelopment)



    The Beenleigh Town Centre Redevelopmentproject. Beenleigh will be an important centre withemployment, training and community services for itssurrounding communities. As a designated principalactivity centre in SEQRP, Logan City Council hasdeveloped a Master Plan to guide the aspirations andpotential of Beenleigh for eth next 20 years (to 2031).


    A mixed nance package could include Federal, Stateand Local Government investment, as well as privatesector investment opportunities, is recommended.

    Capalaba Bus Station

    Public Spaces Renewal Priorities

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    important role to play in managing the Highway and planning and prioritising the upgrades that are continually


    It is a role in which the current Queensland Government has comprehensively failed with community leaders

    from just north of Brisbane to Cairns expressing their concern about the state of Queenslands number oneroad link and the response they have received from the Queensland State Government to their expressed


    Federal Funding for the Bruce Highway has been used as an excuse for political point scoring and buck

    passing by the current Labor Government and there is an alarming degree of concern in communities all

    the way along the length of the highway at the opaque funding process that so easily allows what is widely

    recognised as an incompetent State Government to pass blame for an issue that is having a major impact on

    the lives of many Queenslanders.

    In particular the juvenile and petty attitude of current Main Roads Minister is causing increasing frustration and

    anger in communities and industries that recognise the importance of this most critical road infrastructure.

    Federal Members of Parliament along with Regional Local Government leaders and major industry

    representatives recognise the critical need to have a more serious and professional approach to this criticalissue.

    An LNP Government would form a Bruce Highway Crisis Management Group to bring State and Federal

    Members together with regional Local Government leaders and representatives from such groups as the

    RACQ and heavy transport operators to work together to address the critical need to access a greater share

    of Federal funding for Queenslands most important road infrastructure.


    blame shifting and develop strategies to increase the awareness of the need for major crisis avoidance

    investment in the Bruce Highway.

    As a priority an LNP Government would task the Queensland Department of Main Roads to compile within

    six months a proper engineering based 10 year Bruce Higway Crisis Action Plan that would be based onconsideredengineeringsolutionstotheidentiedproblemareaswithestimatedcostingsandcostbenet

    analysis for road users and local communities.

    While it is recognised such a planning process would in itself cost the State Government a considerable

    amount of money it would be considered essential to establish a creditable basis for funding from the Federal

    Government for a decade long Crisis Action Plan to address the developing crisis on the Bruce Highway.

    It is indicative of the current Labor Governments failure to plan that after almost 20 years in power it does not

    have a comprehensive plan for the future of the Bruce Highway. In a belated recognition of the community



    A responsible LNP Queensland State Government would allocate more resources and commit more moneyto proper planning for the Bruce Highway. That allocation of State resources is vital if any progress is to be


    currently constitute an upgrade strategy.

    An LNP State Government would:

    Form a Highway One Crisis Management Group to bring State and Federal Members together with

    regional Local Government leaders and representatives from such groups as the RACQ and heavy

    transport operators to work together to address the critical need to access a greater share of Federal

    funding for Queenslands most important road infrastructure.

    As a priority an LNP Government would task the Queensland Department of Main Roads to compile

    within six months a proper engineering based 10 year Bruce Highway Crisis Action Plan that would be


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    Roads to resources

    Reinvesting in the regions

    There is a need to ensure that a fair proportion of the increasing wealth that is being generated in regional

    Queensland is invested in upgrading the infrastructure that will enable regional economic growth to continue

    without severely impacting the lifestyle of existing communities.

    Road infrastructure is of critical importance to rural and regional Queensland and improved road infrastructure

    provides improved opportunities for a range of existing industries to expand and improve their prospects.

    Both agriculture and tourism in rural and regional Queensland depend almost entirely on road infrastructure

    and the condition of the road system is raised by every community leader in discussions about future

    infrastructure requirements for their area.

    There is already a critical road situation in many of Queenslands resource regions with the main access roads

    to the Surat Basin and the Bowen Basin grossly inadequate for the development of the resource projects

    already under way.

    Concern about the regions road network is high among local Government and community leaders and is

    seen as typifying the failure of the State Labor Government to invest in the resource regions that will drive

    Queenslands economic growth in the future.

    In particular the Warrego Highway through Toowoomba and west to Dalby is widely recognised as a major

    problem and a prime example of infrastructure that should have been upgraded many years ago.

    Equally the Dawson Highway, the Capricorn Highway, the Leichardt Highway, the Peak Downs Highway and

    the Burnett Highway are all currently in need of major capital investment as the resource industry expands.

    The inadequacy of the States regional road network is an emerging constraint on the resources industry anda major concern for the agricultural and tourism industries. That inadequacy of the road network also impacts

    directly on the lifestyle of the many Queenslanders who live in rural and regional Queensland.

    An LNP Government would establish a fund to upgrade roads in regional Queensland especially those

    roads that service the resource areas that have so much potential to drive the States economic growth and

    development in the future.

    The Roads to Resources Fund would serve as a vehicle to accumulate funds from State government

    royalties and Federal Government tax receipts as well as from Local Governments and resource project

    proponents who have an obligation to contribute to the infrastructure that enables their particular project.

    An LNP State Government would seek to negotiate appropriate contributions to the Roads to Resources Fund


    The fund would be administered in consultation with local communities and the resources industry to ensure

    funding was allocated to best enhance the future of regional Queensland and to drive economic growth and

    regional development.

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    The capacity over the Merivale Bridge (and its approaches) of 20 train paths in the peak hour is already under

    threat with 19 train services currently passing northbound over the bridge in the morning peak hour.

    A failure to provide additional cross river capacity by 2016 will mean delays will continue to grow on existing

    services and no extra peak hour services can be introduced from the Gold Coast, Cleveland, Beenleigh orfuturecitieslikeSpringeldtothecity.

    Meeting the 2016 deadline

    The LNP recognises the need to increase capacity across the Merivale Bridge before the 2016 deadline is


    On election the LNP would immediately begin work to upgrade the South Brisbane and Southbank railway



    and enabling up to three additional train paths in the morning peak hour or a 15 per cent increase in capacity

    across the Merivale Bridge.


    Beyond 2016

    On election an LNP Government would establish expert committee to advice on implementing best value for

    money options to deal with medium and long term passenger and freight demands.

    This assessment would include the existing Cross River Rail proposal as well as examining alternatives.

    Those alternatives could include developing integrated networks that adapt various modes of transport such

    as greater use of light rail and the establishment of rail lines independent of the core line.


    mode in the urban areas of South East Queensland.

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