by haley brown october 25, 2012. there are many types of lizards including large ones and small...

By Haley Brown October 25, 2012 Lizards

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Page 1: By Haley Brown October 25, 2012. There are many types of lizards including large ones and small ones. Some are domesticated and non- domesticated. Domesticated

By Haley Brown

October 25, 2012


Page 2: By Haley Brown October 25, 2012. There are many types of lizards including large ones and small ones. Some are domesticated and non- domesticated. Domesticated

There are many types of lizards including large ones and small ones. Some are domesticated and non-domesticated.

Domesticated lizards are sold at pet stores. Domesticated means : Brought from the wild to live in association with humans.

Non- Domesticated lizards are part of the wild, and are usually not tame.

The Types Of Lizards

Page 3: By Haley Brown October 25, 2012. There are many types of lizards including large ones and small ones. Some are domesticated and non- domesticated. Domesticated

Many different types of lizards need special care. To keep one you have to make sure you maintain a good diet, and a good temperature in its cage.

The cage needs to have paper on the bottom to keep it clean. Cedar shavings, and other wood shavings like pine, is toxic to most lizards.

Every lizard needs heat to digest their food. After every meal make sure your lizard has a cooled place and a heated place to digest its food.

Care For Lizards As Pets

Page 4: By Haley Brown October 25, 2012. There are many types of lizards including large ones and small ones. Some are domesticated and non- domesticated. Domesticated

To keep a lizard you have to note the type you have. This will help you learn what you need to feed your lizard.

A lizard can either be an omnivore, or an insectivore. If the lizard is an omnivore, you can feed it crickets, mealworms, and/or wax worms. They will also needed to be fed greens. Any lizards could be fed greens ,like the insectivore, but it is not necessary.

A Lizard's Daily Diet

Page 5: By Haley Brown October 25, 2012. There are many types of lizards including large ones and small ones. Some are domesticated and non- domesticated. Domesticated

.Interesting Facts Of Different LizardsGreen Iguanas have nasal salt glands that

enables them to sneeze a liquid that turns into salt.

Page 6: By Haley Brown October 25, 2012. There are many types of lizards including large ones and small ones. Some are domesticated and non- domesticated. Domesticated

The “Horned Devil” shoots blood from its eye to scare away predators.

The Bearded Dragon is one of the most common lizard pets. When it gets excited or feels endangered it puffs out its “beard’’ to scare away predators.

The Basilisk runs upright when it feels endangered. It runs so fast it can run on water. Giving it the nickname, “ The Jesus Christ Lizard” .

Different Defense Mechanisms

Page 7: By Haley Brown October 25, 2012. There are many types of lizards including large ones and small ones. Some are domesticated and non- domesticated. Domesticated

Lizards often lay eggs. Some hatch the eggs inside their stomachs then give birth to live young.

Many lizards can perform tail autonomy, or the detachment of the tail. While the predator is distracted by the tail, the lizard gets away.

A lizard’s tail can grow back if they live long enough. Although if Lizards live long enough, the tail grows back shorter and in a different pattern.

Additional Facts About Lizards