cairnlea parish church · study, bible reading plan, alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee...

Cairnlea Parish Church ‘COMMITTED to CHRIST – CARING for OUR COMMUNITY’ JULY 2020 Airdrie Cairnlea Parish Church of Scotland is a registered charity, ref no: SCO14555

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Page 1: Cairnlea Parish Church · study, Bible reading plan, Alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee morning, so please take a look if you can. In a previous service, ‘The Bible Project’



JULY 2020 Airdrie Cairnlea Parish Church of Scotland is a registered charity, ref no: SCO14555

Page 2: Cairnlea Parish Church · study, Bible reading plan, Alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee morning, so please take a look if you can. In a previous service, ‘The Bible Project’



Dear friends, I’m very grateful to Les and those who deliver the monthly magazine to those who can’t see it online that we’re keeping this going. So that we can keep in as best touch as possible – for all that meeting together is not yet allowed – I send you greetings! Now in Stage Two of the government roadmap and with

Stage Three we hope coming during July, not many of us will be journeying

far away from home. As it happens, reading on in the book of Acts is about to take us on journeys around the Mediterranean with Paul! So I hope you manage at least to keep up with worshipping online or by watching the DVDs which are freely available. And then, both here and at Calderbank, we are certainly trying to think our way forward on the subject of re-entering church buildings and around that, doing what we can to pick up aspects of church life, both amongst ourselves and in service to the wider community. The baseline is where there is still special advice directed towards those who are shielding or in some other way deemed to be vulnerable, and then also how social distancing regulations, health and safety planning and restriction of

numbers and/or activities indoors impacts on everyone, regardless of their underlying health. It is a regularly changing scenario. But we hope to be imaginative and positive, so that we can do all that is possible, and with wide benefit. I’m sorry not to be in a position of spelling out details yet. But we are determined to forge ahead, caring fully for keeping people safe and then also upholding all that the church of Jesus Christ can be and do. On a pastoral front, I’m still not in a position officially to be visiting homes, but can I say please do ask if you would like to see me (maybe in a garden? our garden if not yours!). And always feel free to pick up the phone or to message me. With very best wishes,


Page 3: Cairnlea Parish Church · study, Bible reading plan, Alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee morning, so please take a look if you can. In a previous service, ‘The Bible Project’



For now we have online services. The link is

This is live each Sunday at 10.30 am, and then on catchup at the same address. (You can simply search for “Cairnlea and Calderbank” on YouTube.)

DVDs are freely offered to anyone who doesn’t have access to the Internet. Do please let us know! Either contact the Minister or Mary and Robert

Cunningham, whose phone number is 761337.

Another option is to “dial a sermon”! Each Sunday afternoon, that week’s sermon will be available simply by phoning (01236) 809232. On average this lasts towards 20 minutes and is purely a local call.

Our online Bible Study, currently reading the book of Joshua, is just about to finish, and then we’re taking a short summer break. The sessions are available to watch on catchup on the YouTube channel. I have also been asking whether you might encourage especially anyone who might not have described themselves as a churchgoer to consider doing the Alpha Course. I’m simply waiting to see what takeup there is for that, and then

would happily run it.

Finally, Calderbank Church has a Facebook page, and also a social media page called C ‘n’ C. If you are a Facebook user, that might be of interest.


From our Session Clerks,

Welcome!: Recent news has indicated gradual and phased liftings of the lockdown, as life starts tentatively to resume. Plans for the future will include relaxation in allowing us to be with families and friends, the re-opening of shops (including hairdressers!) and leisure activities such as golf. People can go on holidays. In this magazine, some information on what lifting restrictions means for Cairnlea will be shared. These plans of

Page 4: Cairnlea Parish Church · study, Bible reading plan, Alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee morning, so please take a look if you can. In a previous service, ‘The Bible Project’


course depend on people being sensible and following social distancing. Please do follow the Government’s advice and guidelines as to what we should do. Please also continue to remember our friends and fellow Church members by keeping in touch. Our Church continues to be closed to worship, however it is a comfort that our Minister is conducting services and Bible study using the Church web site and ‘Youtube’. If you have access, please look at the web page on for information. There, you can also listen to the Minister’s prayers, sermons and Bible readings and studies, together with previous services which are being widely viewed. We hope these can provide you with some comfort and solace at this stressful time. A dedicated phone number 01236 809232 has been set up to enable people to listen to our Minister’s weekly sermon.

Please try to remember in your prayers those who are ill or alone, our wonderful NHS doctors, nurses, care home and health workers, our emergency services workers, and those who keep our shops, transport and other facilities open and available for our needs. Please also remember those who feel threatened by several concerns of health, family, loss of income and other matters, and the most vulnerable in our society who may be suffering from a variety of ailments. I am sure you will find some words of comfort and encouragement in the Bible. There, passages cater for every crisis, difficulty and emotion.

I came across this passage from Romans chapter 5, ‘Therefore since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God…… And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.’ I hope that each of you can draw comfort from our Bible at these trying and difficult times. Worship during June We have enjoyed worship with Peter during June preaching from the New Testament book of Acts. Thanks are due also to Brigid and others from both Cairnlea and Calderbank for readings, prayers and joining in our praise in hymns and music. Recent services have included Peter and John before the Sanhedrin, ‘A time to stand up and be counted.’, Philip and the Ethiopian, where Philip explained the good news about Jesus. As our Minister noted in an earlier service, ‘Being touched by the Holy Spirit is not a one-off thing.’

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The services are still available on -line, so please visit the web site to access further information and the services – Our Church web site contains lots of information on previous services, Bible study, Bible reading plan, Alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee morning, so please take a look if you can. In a previous service, ‘The Bible Project’ web site was noted and this is well worth a visit to view the easily understood summaries of the various Books of the Bible, presented in an entertaining manner. Kirk Session and Business Committee meetings Face to face meetings have of course had to be cancelled, however recent meetings of both were conducted via ‘ZOOM’ technology. Many Churches are using ZOOM and other media to maintain contact. A recent article in

‘Life and Work’ highlights the changes which have taken place and the possible longer term implications. Our Church of Scotland is indeed changing and some elements of the 2019 ‘Radical Action Plan’ will in turn need to change. At our recent Kirk Session, we considered two main topics. ‘What next?’ regarding our buildings and ‘What next?’ regarding our Church life. On the future use of our buildings as the lockdown is eased and possible re-opening of halls etc., the Church of Scotland has issued general guidance notes. A small Cairnlea working party was formed to survey the halls and look at topics such as social distancing, entrance and exits, toilets and

kitchens, signage, sanitation and the implications for health and safety of our congregation and hall users. At the time of writing, our Sanctuary pews will have been removed in advance of the re-development work taking place. Cairnlea 2020 progress is reported elsewhere in the magazine. The Pastoral Care team have been contacting people to keep in touch and are distributing extra copies of the service dvds and magazine (about 150 copies). Thank you to Margaret Cupples and her team and to Robert and Mary Cunningham for the service dvds. A confidential prayer chain has also been developed and any one would like to have a prayer for a specific need or person, please contact Theresa Clark (768760). Our Treasurer, George Peat, delivered a summary of the current finances. Suffice to say, givings are substantially down, so if you can, please consider giving by standing order. Should you wish to discuss any aspects of givings, please contact George Peat (755388) or George Martin (767206), our Finance Convener.

Page 6: Cairnlea Parish Church · study, Bible reading plan, Alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee morning, so please take a look if you can. In a previous service, ‘The Bible Project’


Worship dates for your diary: The Church of Scotland has offered clear advice to all churches. In considering this advice therefore, all Sunday services are suspended until further notice. Our Church activities including mid-week, Sacrament and evening services are also suspended. We will keep you informed of matters as they progress. Philip Hacking: A card has been received from our friend, Philip Hacking, thanking Cairnlea and Calderbank for his time with us, and for the departing gift. Philip notes that he thoroughly enjoyed his placement here and has much to reflect on as he moves into his probation placement. Best wishes to Philip for his future career in our Church.

Some amusing things: I came across a ‘word of the week’. A ‘knock-knobbler’ is a mediaeval word for someone employed to keep sleepy parishioners awake during sermons. This seems a rather demanding role to deliver during our isolation with on line services. Following last month’s poem by Ogden Nash, I could not resist this one, ‘Children’s Party’ also by Ogden Nash. It may chime with those who have had to share in the activities of our younger generation who would otherwise have been at school or nursery.

May I join you in the doghouse, Rover? I wish to retire till the party’s over. Since three o’clock I’ve done my best To entertain each tiny guest. My conscience now I’ve left behind me, And if they want me, let them find me. I blew their bubbles, I sailed their boats, I kept them from each other’s throats. I told them tales of magic lands, I took them out to wash their hands. I sorted their rubbers and tied their laces, I wiped their noses and dried their faces. Of similarities there’s lots Twixt tiny tots and Hottentots. I’ve earned repose to heal the ravages Of these angelic-looking savages. Oh, progeny playing by itself Is a lonely little elf, But progeny in roistering batches Would drive St. Francis from here to Natchez. Shunned are the games a parent proposes, They prefer to squirt each other with hoses,

Page 7: Cairnlea Parish Church · study, Bible reading plan, Alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee morning, so please take a look if you can. In a previous service, ‘The Bible Project’


Their playmates are their natural foemen And they like to poke each other’s abdomen. Their joy needs another woe’s to cushion it, Say a puddle, and someone littler to push in it. They observe with glee the ballistic results Of ice cream with spoons for catapults, And inform the assembly with tears and glares That everyone’s presents are better than theirs. Oh, little women and little men, Someday I hope to love you again, But not till after the party’s over, So give me the key to the doghouse, Rover Ogden Nash (US humorous poet, 1902-1971)

Caring for us: At this time of crisis, please keep in touch with family and friends, especially those who are alone or vulnerable, and remember them in your prayers. Should you know of any members who are in hospital or ill at home, please speak with the Minister or Craig or David. Our Pastoral Care co-ordinator, Margaret Cupples (01236 767552), is also available to any of our Community. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are indisposed and with their families at such difficult times.

David (Joint Session Clerk)

Cairnlea 2020 Hi Folks, hopefully this finds you all well, by the time you read this we may be able to get out and about to meet with some of our church family in safe surroundings. Obviously, 2020 activities are still in abeyance, but some small actions have been possible so here is our update for you. SOUTH CAMPUS (former Broomknoll Site). As you will see as you pass by that work has restarted in Broomknoll. We hope to be able to speak with NLC about keeping the Broomknoll name in the new housing complex. CAIRNLEA DEVELOPMENT The Phase 1a - Re-modelling of the Sanctuary and church buildings.

Page 8: Cairnlea Parish Church · study, Bible reading plan, Alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee morning, so please take a look if you can. In a previous service, ‘The Bible Project’


The Building Contractor, Macform Ltd., Carluke (the lowest Tenderer) the final contracts have been issued. Following our virtual meeting on Friday 29 May, we have seen the plans for the Sanctuary under floor heating scheme which we are excited about as the supplier says a warm church can be realised! report that we have agreed the manufacturer and specification for the heating and lighting schemes to be installed. We are awaiting the new lighting lamp samples. Construction Work start schedule is currently unchanged at a start date of early August 2020. We have removed all of the downstairs pews from the Sanctuary and they are sold to an Architectural Savage company. We are preserving 4 pews (2 x 2-seater and 2 x3 seater) for use in our refurbished Sanctuary as an historical record for future generations. Project 1b - Cairnlea House – The Tender for the House has been received and we are identifying savings and then splitting the tender into smaller elements to align with our funding grants. It remains the plan to carry out the second part of the refurbishment upon completion of Phase 1a. The Phase 1a revised timetable programme is: - Church Sanctuary closed from Sunday 22 March 2020 Organ Console removed – Monday 23 March 2020 Removal of Pews – Tuesday 23 June completion 30 June 2020 Site start – TBA – early August 2020 Church Refurbishment Revised Completion date 1st March 2021 2020 FUND Thank you for your continued generosity and details of Income and Expenditure are shown on the project charts in vestibule and hall notices. 2020 Bank Balance as at 28.06.2020 £ 55,220.49

2020 GRANT FUND 2020 Grants received as at 28.06.20 £ 115,000.00


Page 9: Cairnlea Parish Church · study, Bible reading plan, Alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee morning, so please take a look if you can. In a previous service, ‘The Bible Project’


Many have still to respond to our appeal and we would encourage you to complete your pledge as your circumstances permit. ACTION POINT SUMMARY

1. Cairnlea Manse. 1.1 Tree Surgeon – local authority permission awaited. 2. Electricity Sub-station 2.1 SSE and NLC are arranging installation of the Electrical Sub-station. We have paid the cost of installation. NLC planning application submitted. 3 Cairnlea Church & Halls

3.1 Following lockdown resumption then Phase 3 & 4 being costed and plans being critically revised. (outline drawings available).

4. FUNDRAISING - 4.1 Funding Bids status: - 4.1.1 Historic Environment Scotland – in discussion – no deadline date for submission. 4.1.2 Live Applications

FCC (WREN) Land Trust- bid submitted 27 November 2019. – Grant of £40,000 approved on 9 March.

This grant is for Phase 1b. Todd Bequest – The General Trustees granted £20,000 towards

Phase 1a. Barr Foundation – bid submitted 1st February – decision April 2020. Laing Family Trust – Grant of £5,000 received June 2020. Paterson Trust – Letter of application submitted 15 June – decision

awaited. All Churches Trust – Application submitted 22 June. – Decision

September 2020 CO-OP Community Fund – Application submitted 27 June - Decision

October 2020. 4.1.3 Suez Fund – application awaiting the chair decision. We have two more sample chairs for you to test. – please try them out and give us your comments when we are allowed back to church. 4.1.4 Climate Challenge Fund. – New funding date still awaited. 4.1.5 Robertson Trust in preparation. 4.1.6 the following applications in progress: i. Viridor – Application in progress,

Page 10: Cairnlea Parish Church · study, Bible reading plan, Alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee morning, so please take a look if you can. In a previous service, ‘The Bible Project’


ii. Joseph Rank Trust – This funding is more suitable for the New Build Community Hub, application late 2020. iii. Garfield Weston – Application in progress for submission in June, 2020.

4.2 Direct Approach 4.2.1 the list of businesses and charities (local & National) are identified, letters and personal visits shall commence soon. 4.2.3 VAT recovery claim on professional fees. – the appeal meeting still to be arranged. 4.3 Community Links Scotland List of funders being processed. Thank you for your continuing prayers and support and we do hope to meet up with you all again soon. The faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Ps 117 v 2 The 2020 group thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

Malcolm 28 June 2020

SMILE FOR YOU. Smiling is infectious; you catch it like flu, When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too. I passed round the corner and someone saw me grin When he smiled I realised I'd passed it on to him I thought about that smile then I realised its worth, A single smile, just like mine could travel round the earth. So, if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected Let's start an epidemic quick, and get the world infected!

Keep the smile going by sending this on to a friend Everyone needs a smile!!!

Page 11: Cairnlea Parish Church · study, Bible reading plan, Alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee morning, so please take a look if you can. In a previous service, ‘The Bible Project’


Message from the Church Treasurer and Finance Committee to those who give by means of Freewill Offering.

We appreciate that worship within the Church is not yet possible and this is maybe likely to continue for the foreseeable future. We know from talking to members of the congregation, that they are putting aside their weekly freewill offerings. The Church has unfortunately to continue to meet various expenditure. We are very keen to gather in as many of these envelopes as possible in an effort to increase our income. If you are willing to have them collected could we ask you phone the contact below. He will arrange with you to call round and pick them up at a convenient time to yourself. The usual "virus" precautions will, of course, be observed as will the confidentiality of the freewill offering scheme.

If you have considered switching over to giving, in the future, by means of

Standing order then he will be able to arrange that also.

Thanks for your continued support during this difficult time. Look forward to seeing everyone back again at Cairnlea in, hopefully, the not too distant future.

Treasurer and Finance Committee.

Contact:- George Martin .......Tel:- 01236 767206 or Mob:- 07767463374

We are reading excerpts from the book of Acts, where we see how what began very specifically around the closest followers of Jesus began to be shared ever more widely. By July 5th, we have been introduced to the figure of Paul and have begun to hear about

his journeys and in particular the issue of how Jewish identity (a given for all the earliest followers of Jesus) converted into what was now to be known as “Christian”.

July 6th-12th We’ll slow the pace slightly to notice some of the significant early church beginnings: so this week read Acts chapter 16 and the first half of chapter 17 (up to v.15) – Philippi and Thessalonica. July 13th-19th Moving on, now the second half of chapter 17 (from v.16) through to chapter 18 – Athens and Corinth.

Page 12: Cairnlea Parish Church · study, Bible reading plan, Alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee morning, so please take a look if you can. In a previous service, ‘The Bible Project’


July 20th-27th And now mainly around Ephesus – chapters 19 and 20 of Acts. 28th July - 2nd August Continuing with Paul on his travels, and hearing how he defended himself when back in Jerusalem. We are reading for this week, and the one after, from chapters 21-23.


Church Family News

Deaths:- Mrs Netta Rogerson died in the excellent care of Beechwood Care Home in Wishaw. She began her life in Coatbridge and met there her late

husband: they were known as “Big Norrie and Wee Netta”, with a foot of difference between them! Sadly Norrie died not at all long after retiring from the police at the age of 52. Netta continued being active in all sorts of ways. As well as being there for her two children as they grew up, she worked in the Social Security offices and then after retirement in the Citizens Advice Bureau and volunteering also at the Hospice. Always active in the church and in the Woman’s Guild, she chose hymns with care for a church service which alas in the current circumstances could not be sung. But to quote one of them: “My times are in thy hand – my God, I wish them there. My life, my friends, my soul I leave entirely to thy care.”

Thank You! Jeanette and David Calvert thank everyone most sincerely for their prayers, phone calls, kind thoughts and offers of support, ‘get well’ cards and flowers following Jeanette’s recent serious operation. Jeanette was taken into Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) two weeks ago for an operation to remove a large brain tumour. The operation was a success and Jeanette is now home recovering. We cannot praise QEUH enough for their care and attention. We are so grateful to the surgical and nursing teams and wards, more so at this demanding time. We are so touched by the concern of our friends at Cairnlea. Thank you all.

Best wishes

David and Jeanette

Dear Friends and fellow Christians, I would like to thank you for your love and fellowship regarding my father William Simpson (Bill) when he passed away on 7 May. I would also like to

Page 13: Cairnlea Parish Church · study, Bible reading plan, Alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee morning, so please take a look if you can. In a previous service, ‘The Bible Project’


take this opportunity to thank you all for the many sympathy cards and phone calls I received at this sad time. I appreciate all your kindness and support. Praise the Lord! A special thank you to our Minister Peter for a lovely service under the circumstances. Kind regards,


We could now open this building for private prayer –

but we won’t.

Why not? Because if you came here to pray we’d have to

Make you wash or sanitise your hands at the door Instruct you to wear a mask Ask you if you had Covid symptoms, underlying health problems

or got a flu jab (and turn you away if the answer to any of these was yes)

Tell you which seat to sit in Warn you not to sing Make sure you left by a different door Then clean and sanitise every surface you’d touched


Sit in an armchair with a cup of tea Go for a lovely walk, at Brownsburn perhaps Enjoy a park or a garden, even with a friend

and talk to God as easily, and as freely. You don’t need special words, or a special place, special objects or special people to be with God. He loves you and He is ready to listen. So just do it!

Though the church building is shut, the ears of heaven are not.

Page 14: Cairnlea Parish Church · study, Bible reading plan, Alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee morning, so please take a look if you can. In a previous service, ‘The Bible Project’


One in 20 starts praying since Coronavirus began

Is the nation turning to God in prayer? Well, not

quite yet, but recent research from Tearfund has shown that prayer is more common than many would think, with just under half (44%) of UK adults saying that they pray, and one in twenty (5%) saying they have started praying during the lockdown. In addition, a quarter (24%) of UK adults say they have watched or listened to a religious service

since lockdown, 5% of whom say they have never been to church before. Some churches are seeing double, sometimes triple, the number of people watching their Sunday meetings online that would normally attend in person. I am struck by Augustine’s prayer, ‘You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you’. Could it be that as the noise and busyness of normal life have subsided, restlessness has started to surface and, faced with new fears and uncertainties, hearts have started to turn to God? Let this research give you a new courage to offer to pray for people you know who are struggling, or invite them to watch an online service. And

let’s also turn our prayers and actions beyond our immediate horizons to remember that we are part of a global community.

‘Safe spaces’ in Boots Boots has become one of the first high street stores to create ‘safe spaces’ to help victims of domestic abuse who need help during the coronavirus lockdown. The pharmacy chain, which is the biggest retailer of its kind in the UK,

has opened consultation rooms in its 2,400 high street stores. People who have been unable to seek help while trapped at home with an abusive partner can access these ‘safe space’ rooms. There they will find posters providing the phone numbers of the key support services, as well as helplines whom they can call without fear of their abuser eavesdropping on them.

Page 15: Cairnlea Parish Church · study, Bible reading plan, Alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee morning, so please take a look if you can. In a previous service, ‘The Bible Project’


Book Reviews

Patterns in the Psalms – a colouring book SPCK,


This summer, if you have time on your hands, why not colour your way through the beautiful imagery of the Psalms?

This book contains 30 illustrations with a corresponding verse, all designed to appeal to an adult market. The designs include animals, flowers, leaves, waves, stars and other patterns. Readers can enjoy the creativity and freedom of adding colour to these intricate designs, whilst scripture provides inspiration and reflection for each page.

Freedom From Fear – overcoming worry and anxiety By Neil Anderson & Rich Miller, Monarch, £9.99 If you find it hard to sleep, are anxious about tomorrow, are paralysed by fear of failure, then you are not alone. Anxiety disorders are the main mental health problem in the Western world. We are suffering a 'blues' epidemic. Neil Anderson and Rich Miller contend that the only

satisfactory long-term solution is a knowledge of God, and a right

relationship with Him. The authors identify how mental strongholds of fear and anxiety develop, then reveal powerful biblical strategies for defeating them in Christ and finding home for tomorrow. This careful, well-researched book is rooted in pastoral experience over many years.

A Fruitful Life: Abiding in Christ as seen in John 15 By Tony Horsfall, BRF, £8.99 This book will point you back to the simplicity of a life lived out of relationship with Jesus Christ. The branch bears fruit only because it abides in the vine.

In John chapter 15, the famous 'vine' passage, Jesus is

preparing His disciples for His departure and describing how they can be effective witnesses in a hostile world. Just as His instructions revolutionised their lives, so a proper understanding of what He is saying can revolutionise our lives also. It is the heart of the gospel message: the only way to live the Christian life is to allow Jesus to live His life in us and through us.

Page 16: Cairnlea Parish Church · study, Bible reading plan, Alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee morning, so please take a look if you can. In a previous service, ‘The Bible Project’



CLUES Across 1 See 23 Across 3 Where the thief on the cross was told he would be, with Jesus (Luke 23:43) (8)

8 Invalid (4) 9 Blasphemed (Ezekiel 36:20) (8) 11 Adhering to the letter of the law rather than its spirit (Philippians 3:6) (10) 14 Shut (Ecclesiastes 12:4) (6)

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15 ‘This is how it will be with anyone who — up things for himself but is not rich towards God’ (Luke 12:21) (6) 17 Mary on Isis (anag.) (10) 20 Agreement (Hebrews 9:15) (8) 21 Native of, say, Bangkok (4) 22 Deaf fort (anag.) (5-3) 23 and 1 Across ‘The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of — to work it and take — of it’ (Genesis 2:15) (4,4) Down 1 Struggle between opposing forces (Habakkuk 1:3) (8) 2 James defined this as ‘looking after orphans and widows in their distress and keeping oneself from being polluted by the world’ (James 1:27) (8)

4 ‘The one I kiss is the man; — him’ (Matthew 26:48) (6) 5 ‘Be joyful in hope, patient in — , faithful in prayer’ (Romans 12:12) (10) 6 St Columba’s burial place (4) 7 Swirling current of water (4) 10 Loyalty (Isaiah 19:18) (10) 12 ‘God was pleased through the foolishness of what was — , to save those who believe’ (1 Corinthians 1:21) (8) 13 Camp where the angel of the Lord slew 185,000 men one night (2 Kings 19:35) (8) 16 ‘There is still — — — Jonathan; he is crippled in both feet’(2 Samuel

9:3) (1,3,2) 18 David Livingstone was one (4) 19 Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (1,1,1,1)

ANSWERS Across 1 Care, 3 Paradise, 8 Null, 9 Profaned, 11 Legalistic, 14 Closed, 15 Stores, 17 Missionary, 20 Covenant, 21 Thai, 22 Trade-off, 23 Eden Down 1 Conflict, 2 Religion, 4 Arrest, 5 Affliction, 6 Iona, 7 Eddy, 10 Allegiance, 12 Preached, 13 Assyrian, 16 A son of, 18 Scot, 19 DVLA

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Page 19: Cairnlea Parish Church · study, Bible reading plan, Alpha courses and a weekly virtual coffee morning, so please take a look if you can. In a previous service, ‘The Bible Project’



Minister Rev. Dr Peter


01236 753159

07453 359531

Session Clerks Craig Addies

David Calvert

01236 621184

01236 752692

Roll Keeper Margaret Cupples 01236 767552

Presbytery Elder Aileen Barrie 01236 760655

Church Treasurer George Peat 01236 755388

Finance Convener George Martin 01236 767206

Freewill Offering Lynn Turnbull 01236 748612

Gift Aid Margaret McCombe 01236 763977

Property Convener Angela Wagstaff 01236 753576

Community Convener Esther Watson 01236 755960

Pastoral Care Convener Margaret Cupples 01236 767552

Communications Convener

Les Turnbull 07854 164380

Cairnlea 2020 Convener Malcolm Ross 07734 684667

Spiritual Growth Rev. Dr Peter


01236 753159

Church Cleaner Rachel Black 01236 609919

Church Flowers Elizabeth Reekie

Mary Grant

01236 762948

01236 756891

Music Director Marjory MacDonald 01236 762669

The Guild Anne Gray 01236 765047

Funday Club Pamela Spence 01236 769146

Girls’ Brigade Captain Lesley Curran 01236 628625

Boys’ Brigade Captain Andrew Cupples 01236 600129

Life & Work Magazine Alex Clark 01236 768760

Saturday Nearly New &

Coffee Morning

Shanly Watson 01236 755960

Toy Library Margaret Stobie 01236 768079

Parents & Toddlers Katey Brolly 07747 122527

Senior Citizen’s Club Jeanette Henderson 01236 763668

Probus Club Bill White 01236 769044

Safeguarding Irvine Wright 01236 595351

DVD Recording of Services Robert Cunningham 01236 761337

Health & Safety


Alan Love 01236 768232

Cairnlea 2020 Treasurers Gordon Barrie Lynn Turnbull

01236 760655 01236 748612

Family & Youth Ministry

Coordinator / CYC

Elaine Wood 07894 728667

Sunday Car Rota Shanly Watson 01236 755960

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Items for the August magazine to be in the hands of the editor by Sunday 26 July, 2020.

MINISTER Rev. Dr Peter Donald, Cairnlea Manse, Victoria Place, Airdrie. Tel: 01236 753159 Mob: 07453 359531 Email: [email protected] EDITOR Mr Les Turnbull, 21 Macleod Crescent, Airdrie. Tel: 01236 748612 Email: [email protected]