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Calgary West Soccer Club Strategic Plan 2014-2017

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Page 1: Calgary West Soccer Club Strategic Plan Plan 2014-2017 ... dreams, aspirations, and talents

Calgary West Soccer Club

Strategic Plan 2014-2017

Page 2: Calgary West Soccer Club Strategic Plan Plan 2014-2017 ... dreams, aspirations, and talents

Strategic Plan 2014-2017

Strategic Plan 2014-2017


Message from the Board ..................................................................................................... 2

Introduction: Roadmap to Success...................................................................................... 2

Building the Plan ................................................................................................................. 3

S.W.O.T Analysis ............................................................................................................ 5

Vision .............................................................................................................................. 6

Mission ............................................................................................................................ 6

Values ................................................................................................................................. 7

Our Vision, Our Mission, Our Values ................................................................................... 8

Strategic Framework ........................................................................................................... 9

Our Strategic Priorities .......................................................................................................10

Our Detailed Strategic Goals and Objectives .....................................................................11

How Do We Get There .......................................................................................................17

Appendix 1: CWSC Governance and Operational Structure...............................................18

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Strategic Plan 2014-2017

Strategic Plan 2014-2017

Message from the Board

The Calgary West Soccer Club is excited to unveil our Strategic Plan for the

next 3 years. This Plan was developed in conjunction with our Management

Team, Head Coaches as well as volunteer advisors from within the Club.

We think this Strategic Plan will help Calgary West achieve its goals by

providing players with a solid Technical Program and a process to ensure

each player finds their personal goals in soccer can be achievable.

Our goal is to provide each player with an opportunity to play at their level,

and also provide the Technical Training needed to advance to the next


Introduction: Roadmap to Success

For Calgary West Soccer Club (the “Club” or “CWSC”) to continue to develop, and enhance

the individual and team experiences of every player, coach and parent, we need a

comprehensive pathway to guide us. As a result, we have developed a three-year strategic


This Strategic Plan, covering the period 2014 to 2017, is the first step in setting Club goals,

priorities and timelines. During the three-year period, we will be constantly reviewing our

progress and soliciting feedback from our members. We expect there will be challenges and

course corrections along the way but will remain committed to the goals and objectives

outlined in this Strategic Plan to provide the support and guidance required to develop the

potential in our children and youth..

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Building the Plan

In September 2013 the Board of Directors and Management Team met to discuss the future of

the Calgary West Soccer Club in light of recent attempts with finding synergies with other clubs.

The premise of the anticipated relationships was always driven by a belief that by pooling larger

numbers of players, we could provide an enhanced soccer program for all players and give the

opportunity for players to participate at their desired level of play within a stable team

environment. After an assessment of the attempt to find synergies with other soccer clubs,

CWSC made the decision to focus our energy to build internally. We recognized that CWSC

has built a unique, value-based development environment, and we understood that working

with other clubs which did not share our values, our education methodologies and our

commitment to individual player development, would jeopardize who we are and what we want

to be for all of our members.

The Board of Directors and Management Team followed an intensive process to review our

vision, mission, goals, and objectives. We have developed and prioritized our activities for

the next three years, with immediate activities scheduled for the 2014 outdoor season to

launch our Strategic Plan.

We asked the following questions:

What is our vision for the club?

What is holding us back from achieving this vision?

What is working?

What do we do well?

Where do we need improvement?

What has to change in order to get there?

How will we measure success and/or progress?

What are the risks?

What is the plan?

How will we achieve our goals?

How do we communicate next steps?

Our queries led us to our SWOT analysis of our current operating, governance and business

model and helped identify strategic priorities to build and develop our Club.

The Board of Directors and Management Team benefited tremendously from the expertise of

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Club member, Lorenzo de Ciccio. We also specifically targeted the advice of the Club’s Head

Coaches, Administrative, and Operational support teams. A number of key members – team

coaches and club level volunteers - provided valuable input to the discussions through the

circulation of the draft versions of the Strategy Plan. We also reviewed the Alberta Soccer

Association Strategic Plan (2013-2016) which provided a framework on which to structure

our Plan.

The final result is a Strategic Plan that will enable the Club to move forward with the central

mission of “Soccer For All” – helping each player to achieve their desired level of play in a

developed focused environment, supported by a strong operational infrastructure, a sound

governance model and quality programs and services.

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S.W.O.T Analysis


Strong, value based culture emphasizing technical development within a holistic player centered program to prepare players to lead healthy life-styles and to learn to be leaders on and off the field. This has attracted many players/members who are looking for a principled, respectful environment in which to learn and develop as both soccer players and as people.

Committed Board, Management Team and administrative processes in place to facilitate quality programs and services.

One of the most highly certified Technical Directors in Alberta to direct our Technical Program, supported by highly experienced Club Head Coaches to deliver our programs.

Committed to long-term player development with individual player development above team success, until team success matters.


Governance effectiveness

Executive functions operationally as opposed to strategically

Moderate communication with membership and external stakeholders

Members understanding membership benefits

Membership understanding player development

Relationships with universities


Expand on the community partnership program linkages to increase our members and the development of players coming into our system.

With the new “player assessment” program in place, we can create and focus on “Development Groups” to enhance training opportunities for all players while creating organic and transparent movement between development groups and teams.

Players can measure their progress against objective player assessment criteria and “drive” their own development.

Enhanced communication and marketing strategy to educate and disseminate Club philosophies, goals and programs to the members and the wider community.

We can build on our current programs which promote our Club Culture such as IPT, Xmas and Summer Camps, which foster inter-age and team networks.

We have a core base of committed Team Coaches who support our Club philosophy. With consistent education and support, our Team Coaches will lead our Club to develop players and teams the CWSC way.

Building relationships with universities.


The current league structure allows players to move between clubs. Parents can move between clubs, taking key players. Clubs are held hostage to their demands and cannot focus on implementing a proper development program which is focused on individual player development ahead of team success.

Our player pool is constantly threatened by other clubs which actively recruit our players. This forces coaches to “guarantee team success” i.e. winning at the expense of proper development at the ages where technical skill development is critical.

So many clubs in Calgary promote an incorrect understanding of player development and promise team success i.e. nationals, and achieve this goal by creating super teams as early as U10 which kills the competitive structure of the league and reduces the number of players in the city who will have the opportunity to develop until team success is truly important – at the U16/18 age.

The league structure does not enforce appropriate competitive rules to facilitate development – clubs simply pay to register teams in whatever tier they want. Promotion and relegation rules are not used to enforce proper competitive environments and player movement is not enforced to facilitate a promotion/relegation rule. This means that clubs can recruit to create super teams without penalty.

We may continue to lose players to larger clubs due to the open boundary system.

It may take a long time to build the Club and reach our goals. Will it take too long to reach the goal? Will we lose members because it’s taking too long?

As the Club grows, we risk diluting our culture.

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Who We Are


Our mission is to provide a soccer program,

FOR ALL players where players have the

opportunity to develop in their technical

skills and their understanding of the game

so that they can enjoy their soccer

experience and continue to play soccer


We want to be able to provide all the levels

so that all players have that opportunity to

develop at their desired level, and

commitment level.


We will provide leadership in player and

coach development, and parent education,

through the delivery of value based, quality

programs and services including:

Our recreational Inter-Community

House League (ICHL) for U10-U18,

Our Development (U8/U10),

Competitive (U12-U18 Tier 4/5) and

Elite programs (U12-U18 Tier 1-3)

under the Calgary Minor Soccer


And we will continue to partner with

community partners to promote CWSC as

their destination of choice when they

graduate from U4-U8 programs.

About Calgary West Soccer Club

Club History

In Outdoor 2006 the communities of Hawkwood,

Tuscany, Bowness, RAC (Ranchlands, Arbour

Lake, Citadel), RRRO (Rocky Ridge and Royal

Oaks), and Norwest (Silver Springs and Scenic

Acres) came together to form a club, Calgary

West Soccer Club (CWSC) with the mission to

provide the best opportunity for every player to

develop to their desired level of play for

an affordable price.

In March 2009, Valley Ridge became a Partner


Club Organization

CWSC is a member of Calgary Minor Soccer

Association (CMSA), Calgary Women’s Soccer

Association (CWSA) and Calgary United Soccer

Association (CUSA). All three soccer governing

bodies are members of the Calgary Soccer

Federation, who are in turn, members of the

Alberta Soccer Association (ASA). The ASA is a

member of the Canadian Soccer Association

(CSA) who is ultimately governed by FIFA –

Federation International de Football Association.

CWSC is therefore a fully sanctioned soccer


CWSC is also a proud supporter of its Partner

Community Associations. CWSC asks all

registrants to purchase their community

association memberships, recognizing that our

soccer program utilizes community facilities and

infrastructure including roads.

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Calgary West Soccer Club is athlete centered. We believe that every player is an individual with

dreams, aspirations, and talents which we can help develop. We believe that all players,

regardless of level of play, deserve the opportunity to enjoy the game of soccer and develop to

his or her potential.

We believe in the principles of Long Term Player Development (LTPD)1. Scientific research in

athlete performance has demonstrated that it takes eight to twelve years of training for players

to reach elite levels. It indicates the importance of long-term training for obtaining athletic

excellence and competitive results. In Canadian soccer at present, many coaches and

administrators involved in the development of young soccer players continue to approach

training in a manner which places too much emphasis on short-term competitive results. Short-

term aims of “winning” a weekend youth match are given more importance than long-term gains

in player performance and satisfaction that will translate into greater level of excellence and

lifelong wellness.

We also strongly believe that all players can develop their inherent talents through a process of

“deep or deliberate practicing”2. We believe that players must focus their attention on

developing their skills through deliberate repetition and a strong work ethic, built through

commitment to individual goals, and team work.

1 Wellness to World Cup – Long Term Player Development. Canadian Soccer Association.

We believe that until Stage 4: Training to Train U11-U15 (females) U12-U16 (males)1, all players play equal time and

try all team positions, including goalkeeping.

2 Research shows that the way individuals practice skills and the amount of practice they do largely explains

differences between top performers and others.

Anders Ericsson’s body of work has demonstrated through research that building top expertise is more than a matter of raw talent a matter of long and repeated deliberate practice. Deliberate practice is an effortful activity designed to

improve individual target performance and it consists of the following four elements: 1) It's designed specifically to improve performance, 2) It is repeated a lot, 3) Feedback on results is continuously available, 4) It's highly demanding mentally, and not necessarily particularly enjoyable because it means you are focusing on improving areas in your performance that are not satisfactory. Thus, it stretches you.

In his book The Talent Code, Daniel Coyle describes a way of effective practice which he calls ‘deep practice’. A

first step in deep practice is to look at the task at a whole. One way of doing this is to observe an experienced performer. A second step is to divide it into its smallest possible chunks (components) and practice and memorize these separately. Then, link them together in progressively larger groupings. A third step is to play with time, first slowing the action down and then speeding it up. Slowing down helps you to attend more closely to errors, creating a higher degree of precision. To build and retain skill continued deep practice is required with an optimal time investment of between three and five hours a day. In deep practice you pick a specific target (a part of the task you want to master), then you reach for it, you evaluate the gap between the target and the reach and to start again. Detecting mistakes is essential for making progress. This error-focused element of deep practice makes it a struggle, a process of stretching which is likely to be slightly dissatisfying or frustrating but which leads to growth.

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We believe that our task, as a Club, is to promote and reinforce a development focused

environment for all players so that they may learn in every practice and every game, and not

fear making mistakes; but to understand that only by making mistakes, can we learn and


Team success is secondary to individual development. The players and teams which focus on

player development at the early ages, will develop into successful teams when it counts.

This not to say we will not strive to provide a successful team

environment at the early ages. We recognize players, parents

and coaches, enjoy winning and that winning is an important

measure of success.

However we will not

sacrifice individual player

development for team


Our Vision

Our vision is to provide SOCCER FOR ALL where players and coaches have the opportunity to develop in their technical skills and their understanding of the game so that they can enjoy their soccer experience and continue to play and coach soccer lifelong

Our Mission

We will provide leadership in player and coach development, and parent education, through the delivery of value based, quality programs and services.

Our Values

Calgary West Soccer Club is athlete centred. We believe that every player is an individual with dreams, aspirations, and talents which we can help develop. We believe that all players, regardless of level of play, deserve the opportunity to enjoy the game of soccer and develop to his or her potential.

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Strategic Framework

The Strategic Priorities, Goals and Objectives outlined in this document provide the pathway of

development for players, parents and coaches to benefit from the programs and services our

Club will endeavor to provide to all of our members.

Who we are, why we do what we do, what we do, and how we do it, provide the framework to

pull together our strategic priorities.

Why we do what we do

How we


what we do

What we do

Governance and Leadership

Technical Development – Player/Coach/Team

Communication and Marketing

Facility Access and Development

Community Partnerships




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Our Strategic Priorities

Five areas of strategic priorities were defined in our consultative planning process:

The following pages provide the detailed Goals, Objectives, Activities, and Performance

Indicators for our Strategic Priorities.

Governance and Leadership

Enhanced Technical Development

Communication and Marketing

Community Partnerships

Facility Access and Development

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Our Detailed Strategic Goals and Objectives

Governance and Leadership

Strategic Objectives:

Model leadership through developing good governance, standards and best practices.

Facilitate the implementation of best practices to ensure appropriate representation, leadership and sound decision making at all levels.

Perform in a transparent and accountable manner and generate outcomes and results.

Primary Activities:

1. Create an Executive Council

An Executive Council will be formed on an ad hoc basis which can be chaired by either the

Board of Directors or the Management Team. The Executive Council will allow the Board of

Directors and Management Team to bring in specific expertise from the membership and

wider community to support the strategic priorities of the Club.

(See Appendix 1)

2. Develop a Volunteer Recognition system to attract and retain effective volunteer support at

the operational and governance levels and at the Club and Team levels.

Goal: To enhance the strategic vision of the Club to enhance its programs and services

through an enhanced leadership and governance structure.

Performance Indicators:

New governance implemented and consistent with non-profit organizations’ best practices.

Improved administration delivery and organizational effectiveness.

Create a results-driven organization that measures and evaluates strategic goals.

Continue to attract and retain effective volunteer services.

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Enhanced Technical Program

Goal: To enhance the Club’s technical program for players, coaches, and teams.

Strategic Objectives:

Implement a systematic plan to develop players at all levels in accordance with the LTPD principles.

Increase intake of players at all ages, and specifically U8.

Retain players at all levels and ages by creating a stable team environment.

Align and develop coaches dedicated to improving the standards of player development.

Provide more accessible coach education for recreational and competitive coaches.

Primary Activities:

1. Player Development:

a. Restructure the Player Development and Academy Programs based on “Development Groups”. Development Groups to be based on “Player Assessment” results.

b. Develop enhanced Player Development and Academy curriculum. c. Develop a Super U8 Academy program in coordination with Community

Partners. d. Continue to run summer and holiday camps.

2. Coach Education:

a. Enhance Head Coach certification to be able to lead enhanced technical program.

b. Develop an in-house coaching Club certification program to align Team Coaches with Club player development philosophy and team protocol.

c. Promote NCCP certification.

3. Team Support

a. Increase Technical Director and Head Coach support to teams and team coaches during games.

b. Develop a game protocol for coaches to follow CWSC player development approach.

c. Increase Technical Goal Keeper Head Coach support to team goal keepers during games.

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Performance Indicators

Consistent development groups/teams of likeminded players across all divisions/tiers.

Teams in all divisions/tiers able to compete in the league.

“Flagship teams” at the highest level compete at Provincials and Nationals to attract players and increase Club profile.

Coaches aligned to the Club player development philosophy and using the same approach for all teams.

Enhanced and progressive player assessment results indicating increasing technical abilities in fundamental basic skills for all players.

Player retention and intake increasing from year to year.

Community philanthropy activities undertaken.

Increasing Club profile in the community.

4. Develop IT program to track progress of player development and team protocol.

a. Enable players/members to view individual player assessment results. b. Educate players and parents to understand how to use assessment results to

develop. c. Educate Team Coaches to utilize IT tools appropriately for development


5. Team Retention.

d. Develop and implement team retention strategy for “flagship teams”. e. Develop scouting and attraction plan to supplement “flagship teams”.

6. Tournament Plan.

a. Develop and implement a Tournament Guideline to support the decisions of teams to best utilize tournaments for player development.

b. Develop a tournament subsidy program to provide funds for teams to attend national and international showcase tournaments. Criteria for funding will be aligned to player assessment/ team goals/community philanthropy.

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Communication and Marketing

Goal: To enhance the Club’s communication and marketing strategy

Strategic Objectives:

To enhance member /parents’ understanding of the Club’s player development philosophy and the benefits for their children and youth for the long term.

To improve communication tools and pathways between Club and members.

To build and strengthen our Club identity across the membership and in the soccer and wider community.

Primary Activities

1. Develop and disseminate Parent Education resources.

a. Develop materials to explain long term player development principles and age appropriate education processes for children and youth.

b. Conduct Parent and Coach/Team Manager meetings. c. Post materials to the website.

2. Enhance Club communication.

a. Redesign website. b. Employ IT tools to support communication.

3. Develop and enhance Club Wear line.

a. Attract sponsorship for Club Wear Package for all players/ teams and academy. b. Enhance funding for Coach and Team Manager Club Wear items. c. Attract sponsorship for new uniform sets for all teams.

4. Build Club identity through CWSC Days (annual BBQs/banquets/in house tournaments).

Performance Indicators

Improved and seamless execution of brand by CWSC staff and members.

Improved usage of communication through innovative, modern, communication vehicles.

Increasing Club profile within the Club and Community.

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Community Partnerships

Goal: To extend and strengthen our Community Partnerships

Strategic Objectives:

Increased exposure of CWSC in the communities, leading to enhanced intake of players into our programs, both recreational and competitive.

Additional partner communities and subsequent exposure of CWSC, and intake of players into our programs.

Primary Activities:

1. Expansion of community partners

a. Meet with the Community Associations of new surrounding communities to discuss Community Partnership.

b. Revisit current Partner Communities to renew Partnership Agreements and revitalize communication pathways and mutual benefits.

2. Community clinics in partner communities

a. Conduct 3-5 hour Player Development clinics/festivals in each of the Partner Communities for U4-U8 led by CWSC Head Coaches and CWSC teams.

b. Run ICHL Tournaments in Partner Communities.

Performance Indicators:

Revitalized agreements with current Community Partners.

Increased number of Community Partners.

Increased intake of players and coaches from Partner Communities.

CWSC teams/players involved in community clinics.

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Facility Access and Development

Goal: To obtain access to appropriate facilities particularly for indoor.

Strategic Objectives:

To increase access to appropriate facilities for indoor for Team Practices, Player Development, Academy and Coach Education.

Primary Activities:

1. Committee to investigate additional location and identify key decision makers.

2. Develop partnership with schools, other public organizations, and private organizations to build a facility for indoor/outdoor (11v11 field house).

Performance Indicators:

Enhanced access to appropriate practice, player development and academy facilities,

particularly for indoor.

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How Do We Get There

The Calgary West Soccer Club Board of Directors and Management Team are committed to an

annual review and planning process, guided initially by this Strategic Plan 2014-2017.

We will produce an Annual Business Plan to review progress on our 3 Year Plan, and reaffirm

strategic priorities.

We will review:

Our CWSC Board of Directors Structure

Our CWSC By-laws

Our CWSC Policies and Procedures

We will survey our CWSC Membership to receive feedback on our progress to provide the

programs and services members seek.

We will renew our CWSC Communications Plan to promote increased awareness of CWSC

Identity, Programs and Services.

We will reinforce our Parent Education programs to enhance member awareness of the benefits

of our Player Development Philosophy and our Long Term Player Development education


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Appendix 1: CWSC Governance and Operational Structure

Executive Council

(Consisting of 2-3 Board Directors, 1-4 External

Specialist Resources & 1-3 Management Team

Executive Director

Technical Director

Head Coaches

Operational Support Administrator Bookkeeper

Volunteer Support

Marketing Team Coaches Equipment, Uniforms & Club Wear Team Managers Registration


Board of Directors

Chair Vice-Chair Secretary Treasurer Directors at Large

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Coyle, Daniel. (2009). The Talent Code: Greatness Isn't Born. It's Grown. Here's How. New

York, New York. Published by Bantam Deli. A Division of Random House Inc. New York, New


Ericsson, K. Anders, Krampe, Ralf Th., and Tesch-Romer, Clemens. (1993). The Role of

Deliberate Practice in the Acquisition of Expert Performance, Psychological Review 1993, Vol.

100. No. 3, 363-406.

Alberta Soccer Association Strategic plan (2013-2016). January 2013

Wellness to World Cup – Long Term Player Development. Canadian Soccer Association.