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Architectural Portofolio Calina Manisor Ba(Hons) Architecture Graduate - First Class Honours Degree University Of Lincoln

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Architectural Portofolio

Calina Manisor Ba(Hons) Architecture Graduate - First Class Honours Degree

University Of Lincoln

Calina Manisor e-mail: [email protected]

Tel: 0040-721337062online portfolio:

Portofolio: 3rd Year. 2012-2013

Repository Of A Dis-Fractured Society. A Movement Towards Continuity.

cavoul unei societati oculte. o miscare indreptata catre obtinerea continuitatii la nivelul tesaturii

urbanistice a orasului

Leeds, United Kingdom

Arhitectura este raspunsul cugetarilor generatiilor unei societati. Toate formele fizice in care aceasta este prezenta, sunt de fapt o reflectie asupra realitatii cotidiene prezente într-un anumit loc, la un anumit moment.

Prin urmare, privind din perspectiva dezvoltarii graduale verticale a unei asezari urbane, fenomenul reprezentat de ruptura tesaturii urbane in locuri precis demarcate din interiorul acestor asezari pot fi justificate. Acest fenomen prezentat anterior este in special intalnit in relieful urban al Marii Britanii unde reverberatiile dramatice ale revolutiei industriale au cutremurat dezvoltarea asezarilor ome-nesti. Asadar modul progresiv in care asezarile urmau un curs continuu de dezvoltare a fost grav afectat de dinamica revolutiei cauzand rupturi nu numai la nivel economic, ci implicit si in lantul dezvol-tarii urbane. Noile principii introduse odata cu venirea revolutiei au cauzat o miscare de readaptare a vechiului locuitor, acesta fiind obligat sa adopte noul stil de viata. Astfel, pentru a mentine o contin-uitate la nivelul dezvoltarii economice, orasele eminente odinioara au fost nevoite sa adopte rapid noul curent, producandu-se in consecinta o ruptura clara intre vechi si nou. Dupa cum am mentionat anterior, arhitectura locului reflecta realitatile cotidiene contemporane perioadei in care aceasta se materializeaza. Astfel, miscarea de readaptare este vizibila la nivel fizic în numeroase mari asezari ur-bane din Anglia. Aceasta este prezenta sub forma unor ‘oaze abandonate’ precedent populate de vechiul locuitor alaturi de indemanarile sale, aflate adesea in centrul orasului modern. Ca si consecinta a dinamicii acestei miscari industriale, vechile asezari au urmat sa fie parasite, noul oras formandu-se in jurul acestora, iar ele ramanand reminiscente ale asezarii vechi contrastand cu ‘noul’ aflat adiacent.

Aceste zone reprezinta nucleul cercetarii conduse in beneficiul prezentului proiect. Asadar am hotarat sa demonstrez materializarea aces-tei teorii in districtul Little London din Leeds, Marea Britanie. Aflandu-se la granita dintre cele doua fatete ale orasului – cea economica (post-industriala) respectiv cea indus-triala; aceasta zona adaposteste astazi un numar de locuinte sociale, cat si ramasitele unor foste fabrici si uzine, toate încojurate de un iz de dezinterest respectiv deteriorare.

Asadar considerând locatia strategica pe care acest teren o detine, situat central, cu access la una din cele mai circulate rute din interiorul orasului Leeds; cat si la granita celor 3 zone economico sociale ale orasului – academic, economic sI industrial; decizia de a plasa interventia aici a fost luata. Interventia propune o reactualizare a acestui district, repopuland-ul asadar surpand ruptura cauzata de schimbarile dramatice aduse de revolutia industriala. Astfel, aceasta reconexiune a oazei abandonate cu orasul modern va lua in considerare nucleul functional al asezarii urbane, anume industria feroviara si cea a metalurgiei fine. Locatia aleasa va suferii transformari la nivel functional, zonei atribuindu-se un muzeu istoric dedicat industriei orasului, alaturi de galerii de arta cat si un atelier de creatie dedicat curentului de arta moderna steampunk derivat din industria metalurgica (- curent explicat ulterior in proiect). Rezultatul dorit este ca tineri, varstnici si totodata copii sa fie atrasi in aceasta oaza comemorativa a industriilor specifice orasului.

Prin urmare, metafora interventiei tinde sa integreze vechiul cu noul nu doar prin functia pe care o are cat si prin forma, Reprezentand un catalizator intre fatetele orasului, aceasta va surpa ruptura regasita in struc-tura urbanistica a asezarii, formand astfel un limbaj continuu in interiorul orasului, dar si prevenind repetarea istoriei, de data aceasta intre divizia economica si orasul academic creat ca o insula in interiorul Leeds-ului.

Architecture is a mere response to the needs and desires of society. All architectural decisions hide be-hind a thorough thought process, a reasoning that justifies their existence at a particular moment in space and time.

Therefore, the phenomenon of the fractured urban fabric of the city, viewed from the perspective of vertical development- typ-ical especially to the British landscape; can be explained. The continuous pattern in which cities developed through time has been reverberat-ed by the dramatic dynamics of the Industrial Revolution. Emblematic cities of the time, have aimed to maintain their eminent social status, and therefore had to rapidly adapt to the requirements and demands of the new user brought by the Industrial Revolution. Consequently, large urban areas of importance for the former population have lost their value and been forgotten, while the modern city continued to develop amidst.

Today, these areas represent a fracture in the continuous urban fabric of the city. Such an area is that of the Lit-tle London district in Leeds. Finding itself on the boundary line between the modern city centre and the industrial quarters, the dis-trict is host to a number of social housing estates and former factories, floating in a hue of deterioration and disinterest.

As a response to this unspoken cry for help, my proposal aims to reconnect the two divisions of the city, by populating the above-mentioned develop-ment and therefore sealing the deeply embedded fracture of the cities’ urban fabric, caused by the dynamics of the Industrial Revolution. The proposal aims to reconnect the existing divisions not only through its location within the larger context of the city, but also through its function. Thus, the venue dwells on commemorating the industrial past of the city through a number of gallery spaces dedicated for the exhibition of work from the industrial era. The lan-guage of this art is furthermore transposed onto the new user of the city, the aspiring student and young professional, while offering them the opportunity of working in the venues’ adjacent atelier of creation, with the aim of developing modern art and installations that resemble the metaphor of the industrial city.

Therefore, the venue integrates the old and the new not only in function but also in form, taking on the role as a catalyst between the two di-visions of the urban and social fabrics of the city, reintegrating societies and localities and forming a continuous language within the environment.


As exhibited in the pin-up presenta-tion which accompanies this port-folio, the architectural language of the proposal celebrates the rich past of the industrial facet of Leeds. A number of different compo-sitional elements, find themselves repeatedly expressed throughout the architecture of the time. Such is the presence of clocks amongst pub-lic buildings and developments.

Dupa cum se poate observa in prezentarea proiectului (fotografii ilustrand prezentarea atasate pe ultimele pagini a prezentului portofo-liu), limbajul ilustrativ folosit la nivel concep-tual reprezinta o celebrare a trecutului bogat in elemente industriale al orasului Leeds. Un numar mare de elemente compozitionale se gasesc repetate in arhitectura orasului, insa cel care a devenit nucleul acestui proiect, prin importanta deosebita care a reprezentat-o in devoltarea ora-sului, este Acela al ceasurilor aflate pe cladiri publice.

Analysing the given site with its current socio-urban involvement, as well as the present condition of the city in terms of accommodation for the new user a common bridge between the participating entities has been reached. As the city works towards accommodating the in-flow of young professionals in the art industry, the decision to provide work-ing spaces for those in need has been made. However, the metaphor of indus-triality has been carried through this accurate need of the user by implement-ing a workshop for those following the steampunk current. Steampunk is a mod-ern art current inspired from industri-alized machinery, involving old industri-al featured reinterpreted in a new way. Therefore the metaphor of integrating the old heritage of the city with the new user has been obtained.

Analizand site-ul ales in contextul implicarii sale socio-urbane, cat si deciziile social-politice luate de autoritatile locale in ceea ce priveste noii utilizatori ai orasului, o puncte comuna a fost gasita pentru a acomoda atat idea proiectului cat si cea a autoritati-lor. Asadar, luand in considerare proiectul autor-itatilor de a devolta industria locala a artei asig-urata de numarul mare de absolventi ai cursurilor universitare de arta, decizia de a implica proiectul meu in aceasta schema a fost luata. Insa, contextual industrial v-a continua sa fie exprimat prin curentul steampunk, galeriile de arta si atelierul de creatie in-tegrate in priect fiind dedicate artei Steampunk. Acest curent este reprezentat printr-o miscare moderna de arta, care isi gaseste inspiratia in elemente industri-ale precum ceasul valorificat in arhitectura orasu-lui Leeds precum si alte elemente specific perioadei industriale.

Dwelling upon the metaphor of the clock along with its intricate mechanism – complex, yet logic and expressive, I have decided to transpose this particularity upon the architecture of the proposed museum. Therefore, the structural system of the building shall be expressed throughout its interiors. It shall communicate to the vis-itor how the building works, in the same way the components of a clock are suggestive of how the mechanism performs.

The illustration bellow exhibit a series of conceptual drawings leading to the formation of the architectural language of the pro-posed venue.

Exemplificand metafora mecanismului intricat al unui ceas, cat si a altor elemente specifice perioadei industriale a orasului Leeds; decizia de a transpune acest limbaj asupra arhitec-turii cladirii a fost luata. Asadar, pentru a expima aceasta latura industriala si la nivel arhitectural am decis ca sistemul structural al cladirii sa fie exprimat vizual in interior, ra-manand vizibil vizitatorului si demonstrandu-i acestuia cum functioneaza cladirea, asemenea mecanismului unui ceas care sugereaza celui care il vede cum ceasul functioneaza, in momen-tul in care este dezvaluit procesul.

Ilustratiile alaturate reprezinta o serie de desene conceptuale premergatoare forma-rii limbajului structural si arhitectural al proiectului propus.

As mentioned earlier in the portfolio, the venue aims to celebrate the forgotten industrial inheritance of the city, while responding to a present day social query. Therefore, by metaphorically bringing together the old and the new, the building will be seen as a proces-sional route from the past to the present. The illustration present-ed on this sheet exhibits my interpretation of this route, by reveal-ing the industrial element which I have considered emblematic to the project as well as the city, and therefore integrated in the architec-tural language of the proposal

Dupa cum a fost precizat si anterior in portofoliu, proiectul se axeaza pe celebrarea tezau-rului industrial al orasului, simultan raspunzand si problemelor sociale curente. Asadar, impletind noul cu vechiul, cladirea propusa va fi vazuta ca un traseu de procesiune, legand trecutul de prezent. Imaginea prezentata aici reprezinta interpretarea mea asupra acestui traseu, integrand elementele industriale specifice orasului, pe care eu le-am considerat rel-evante proiectului- deci integrandu-le in limbajul arhitectural al cladirii propuse.

Further empathizing on the inheritance of the city, Industrial Victorian Architecture has been harnessed throughout the pro-posed scheme of the project. However the materialization of Victorian Architectural elements has been subjected to a modern interpretation as shown in the adjacent di-agrams.

Aclamand trecutul istoric al orasului industrial Leeds, impreuna cu arhitectura specifica, decizia de a integra arhitectura Industriala Victoriana in interioarele cat si exterioarele cladirii propuse, a fost luata. Astfel, materi-alizarea elementelor specifice arhitecturii Victoriene ale cladirilor industriale, a fost supusa unei reinterpretari incluzand modele moderne. Diagramele alaturate explica aceste elemente preluate din curentul mentionat.

research has attested that a common feature in suc-cessful exhibition spaces is that of the circular move-ment of the visitor around the different sections of the venue. within the remem-oration museum one can ex-perience the galleries while travelling through each wing in a circular way, from the entrance towards the exit.

In urma unor cercetari la nive-lul orientarii morfologice a unor expozitii de succes, con-cluzia a indicat catre o orien-tare circulara a exponatelor. Acest principiu a fost inclus si in orientarea separata a aripilor muzeului de rememorare a indus-triei locale, traiectorie evidenti-ata in diagrama alaturata.

a successful exhibition venue is continuously subjected to change in terms of the exhibited collections it hosts. each col-lection comes with particular requirements. therefore, the ac-commodation of temporary panels having the ability to move and piv-ot around a preestablished axes has been seen as a sustainable approach for a promising museum and gallery due to its capabili-ty of accommodation a number of different collections without the need of additional man power or heavy machinery. the trajectories of these panels has been marked accordingly on the adjacent 3d model.

Potrivit asteptarilor, o galerie de succes este subiectul unei continue schimbari la nivel compozitinal, dator-ita numarului mare de colectii pe care le gazduieste. In mod cert, fiecare noua colectie aduce cu ea un numar de cerinte specifice, in functie de marimea obiectelor expuse, natura lor, cat si numarul exponatelor. Pentru a bene-ficia de aceasta continua readaptare a interioarelor, incaperile cladirii propuse au fost aprovizionate cu un numar de panouri temporare capabile sa pivoteze in jurul unor axuri prestabi-lite. Aceasta decizie poate fi vazuta ca un pas catre obtinerea susteinabilitatii cladirii, deoarece necesitatea pentru masinarii sau forta de lucru in vederea readaptarii galeriilor in functie de col-ectia expusa, a fost inlaturata. In dia-grama alaturata puteti observa traiec-toriile unor asemenea panouri.

exhibition presentation

development models

final model and booklets

* Drawings are not to scale Desenele nu sunt la scara