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  • 7/30/2019 Case Prof Basjir


    Case Report Session




    Athikah Khairunnisa 0810312113 Ade Nurul Chairani 07120018

    Afdol Rahmadi 0910313204 Wenny Widyastuti 0810312109

    Wahyudi Firmana 0810312127 Feby Andammori 0910312122

    Erikha 0810312102 Ridho Forestry 0810312107

    Defri Heryadi 0810312099


    Prof. Dr. H. Basjiruddin A, Sp.S (K)






  • 7/30/2019 Case Prof Basjir


    Case Report Session


    Case Illustration

    Patient Identity

    Name : Mr. A

    Age : 65 years old

    Occupation : Pensionary

    MR No : 05.16.70

    A 65 years old male patient came to Neurology Policlinic RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang,

    on April 1st, 2013 with:

    Chief Complain : Trembling of the whole body

    Present Illness History:

    Trembling of the whole body since 2 months ago. Patient felt trembling in his right upperlimb for the past 1 years. Then left upper limb start to trembling 2 weeks after that. At

    first, patient felt the tremble when resting dan decreased when he moves. But for the past

    2 months, patient felt the tremble in the whole body continuously so that he has difficulty

    to do daily activities.

    Patient complain that his step was became shorter for the past 7 months. Patient oftentripped the household furniture when walked and felt hard to start and stop walking.

    Patient feels stiffness in his limbs Patient Family tells that patient tends to falls when he was standing.

    Past Illness History:

    No history of suffering from this disease previously No history of trauma, accident, and falls in sit position No history of hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

    Family Illness History:

    No family members known to be suffering from this diseaseEmployment, Social Economic, and Habitual History:

    Patient is a pensionary with enough physical activity.

  • 7/30/2019 Case Prof Basjir


    Case Report Session


    No house environtment with pesticide contamination and house near chemical industry.Physical Examination:

    General Condition : Moderately ill Awareness : Compos Mentis Cooperative Blood Pressure : 140/90 mmHg Pulse : Easily palpable, regular, 110x/minute. Temperature : 36,8o c Breath : Abdominothoracal pattern, regular, 28x/minute Body weight/height : 80kg/165 cm

    Internal Examination :

    Lymph nodes : No enlargement

    Neck : JVP 5-2 cm H2O. Carotid bruit (-)

    Lungs :

    Inspection : Symetric in static and dynamic

    Palpation : Vocal fremitus right simetris with vocal fremitus left

    Percussion : Resonant

    Auscultation : Vesicular, ronkhi - / -, wheezing - / -

    Cor :

    Inspection : Ictus are not visible

    Palpation : Ictus cordis palpable 1 finger medial LMCS RIC V

    Percussion : With normal limits

    Auscultation : Regular, HR= 112x/minute, Murmur (-), Galloup (-)

    Abdomen :

    Inspection : Distended/flat, mass (-)

    Palpation : Liver and spleen no enlargement

    Percussion : Tympanic

    Auscultation : Bowel sounds (+) normal

    Vertebrae corpus

    Inspection : deformity (-)

    Palpation : tenderness (-), Gibus (-), crepitating (-)

  • 7/30/2019 Case Prof Basjir


    Case Report Session


    Neurological Examination:

    1. GCS: E4M6V5 = 15

    2. Meningial signs;

    Nuchae Rigidity : (-) Brudzinsky 1 : (-) Brudzinsky 2 : (-) Kernig sign : (-)

    3. Increased of intracranial pressure :

    Projectile vomiting : (-) Progressive headache : (-)

    4. Cranial Nerves

    N I : Smelling ability is good

    N II : Visual field is good

    N III, IV, VI : Pupil round, isocor, 3 mm / 3 mm, light reflex direct and indirect + /+,

    ptosis (-), movement of the eye ball is free.

    N V : corneal reflex in both eyes (+), spontaneously open the mouth (+), move

    the jaw to the right and left

    N VII : right nasolabial fold same with the left, wrinkle of the forehead is symme

    tric, close the eyes (+)

    N VIII : Listening function is good, nistagmus (-)

    N IX and X : faringeal arch is symmetric, uvula is in the middle, 1/3 tounge sensation

    is good, and Gag reflex (+)

    N XI : Can raise his right and left shoulder and turned head to left or right

    N XII : there is no tounge deviation, atrophy (-), fasiculation (-).

    5. Motor: 555 555 hi pe rt on us wi th Co g Wheele Phenomenon, eut ropi .

    555 555 resting tremor (+), rigidity (+)

    6. Sensorik :

    Exteroceptive : Tactile (+) (+)Pain (+) (+)

    Thermis (+) (+)

  • 7/30/2019 Case Prof Basjir


    Case Report Session


    Propioceptive :Vibration (+) (+)

    Position (+) (+)

    7. Autonomic Nervous System:

    Mixturition : Neurogenic bladder (-) Defecation : good Sweat : hypersecretion

    8. Physiological Reflex:

    Biceps : ++/++

    Triceps : ++/++ KPR : ++/++ APR : ++/++

    9. Pathological Reflex:

    Babinsky : -/- Chaddock : -/- Oppenheim : -/- Schuffer : -/- Gordon : -/- Hoffman Tromner: -/-

    10. Sublime Function : consciousness is good, decreasing in intellectual, emotional reaction is go


    11. Dementia signs :

    Glabella reflex : (-) Snout reflex : (-) Palmomental reflex : (-) Grasping reflex : (-) Sucking reflex : (-)

    12. Parkinsons signs:

    Tremor : (+)

  • 7/30/2019 Case Prof Basjir


    Case Report Session


    Rigidity : (+) Bradichinesia : (+) Postural instability : (+) Parkinsons face : (+) Shortening of the footstep : (+)


    Clinical diagnosis : Parkinsons Disease

    Topical diagnosis : Substansia Nigra

    Etiological diagnosis : Idiopathic

    Secondary diagnosis : -


    Low salt dietary

    Medication given:

    Levodopa 100mg per day

    Trihexyphenidil 3 x 2 mg (p.o)

  • 7/30/2019 Case Prof Basjir


    Case Report Session



    A 65 years old male patient came to Neurology Policlinic RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang,

    on April 1st, 2013 diagnosed with Parkinsons disease. The diagnosis of Parkinsons disease is

    based on careful history taking and physical examination. There are no laboratory test or imaging

    studies that confirm the diagnosis. From history,

    Trembling of the whole body since 2 months ago. Patient felt trembling in his right upperlimb for the past 1 years. Then left upper limb start to trembling 2 weeks after that. At

    first, patient felt the tremble when resting dan decreased when he moves. But for the past

    2 months, patient felt the tremble in the whole body continuously so that he has difficulty

    to do daily activities.

    Patient complain that his step was became shorter for the past 7 months. Patient oftentripped the household furniture when walked and felt hard to start and stop walking.

    Patient feels stiffness in his limbs Patient Family tells that patient tends to falls when he was standing.Parkinsons disease typically develops between the ages of 55 and 65 years and occurs in 1 to

    2 % of persons over the age of 60 years. Approximately 0.3 % of the general population is affect

    ed, and the prevalence is higher among men than women, with ratio of 1.6 to 1.0. This patient is

    a male and 65 years, it is concurrent with that comment. From the physical examination, it is co

    ncurrent to the diagnosis, Parkinsons disease. Parkinsons diseases motor manifestation of the d

    isorder commonly include resting tremor, a soft voice, small handwriting (micrographia), stiffnes

    s (rigidity), slowness of movements (bradykinesia), shuffling steps, difficulties with balance. A cl

    assic symptom is resting tremor, although 20% of patients do not have it. Parkinsons disease als

    o has a multitude of nonmotor manifestations, including disturbances of mood, cognition, and sle

    ep. But, in this patient, he doesnt have nonmotor manifestation. There is a longlist of causes of p

    arkinsonism that includes toxins, infections of the central nervous system, structural lesions of th

    e brain,metabolic disorders, and other neurologic disorders. Most of these causes are rare and are

    generally suggested by atypical features in the history or examination.

    Medicine for this patient are levodopa as dopaminergic and trihexyphenidil as antichollinergi

    c. Actually the diagnosis of Parkinsons disease is not necessarily cause to begin drug therapy. Dr

    ug therapy is warranted when the patient is sufficiently bothered by symptoms to desire treatmen

  • 7/30/2019 Case Prof Basjir


    Case Report Session


    t or when the disease is producing disability. If the patient needs treatment for motor symptoms,

    efficacious agents for initial therapy include levodopa, dopamine agonist, anticholinergic agents,

    amantadine, and selective monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) inhibitors. Except for comparisons of

    individual dopamine agonist with levodopa, there are no robust comparisons of efficacy among t

    hese agents, but clinical experience suggest that the dopaminergic agents are more potent than th

    e anticholinergic agents, amantadine, and selective MAO-B inhibitors. For this reasons, dopamin

    ergic drugs are often the initial therapy recommended for patients with troublesome symptoms.

  • 7/30/2019 Case Prof Basjir


    Case Report Session



    Joesoef, Aboe. Konsensus Tatalaksana Penyakit Parkinson. Kelompok Studi Movement

    Disorders PERDOSI. 2003

    Okun, Michael. Deep-Brain Stimulation for Parkinons Disease. New England Journal of

    Medicine. 2012; 367:1529-38

    Nutt, John. Diagnosis and Initial Management of Parkinsons Disease. New England Journal of

    Medicine. 2005:353:1021-7

    Aragon, Ana. The Professionals Guide to Parkinsons Disease. Parkinsons Disease

    Society.2010; London.