case study on leadership

Unit: 430 Leadership Lecturer name: Dr. Mansour Khan Topic Name: KTG Situation Performance Challenge 1

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Case Study on Leadership


Page 1: Case Study on Leadership

Unit: 430 Leadership

Lecturer name: Dr. Mansour Khan

Topic Name: KTG Situation Performance Challenge

Submission Date: 22-8-2014

Student Name: Abdullah Saad

Student ID:


Page 2: Case Study on Leadership

Executive Summary

The overall objectives of this assignment is to enable a crucial repair to KTG ‘regional

situation’ and to link managerial as so as leadership philosophies with Operational

Review Report, to work out and to develop the excellence of the provision agreed to the

region. The definite ambition is to detect, construct & assess operative practices for

combined employed so that the workers ability for engagement developed.

To approach and propose this situation and to establish an effective leadership overall

approach a compound of theories were taken in consideration.

The strategy to facilitate the common challenges confronted in this assignment is a mix of

old way of dealing, plus a new method approved to be critically appropriate in dealing

with such bad situation.

First thing first is to get all employees motivated, and this is done by many ways that is

taking in consideration with the different ways to satisfy the needs of multiple human

desires and needs.

And last but not least, comes the communication part; which is the link to get things done

the way it should be.

Situation analysis:

In recent operational review for KTG’s CEO found:

1. A mismatch between current expertise and growth potentials in the region

2. An out of date operational plan and no strategic plan

3. De moativated staff with lack of futur clarity

4. Highly regarded very influencial locally based knoledge stream leader whose

expertise still important, is less relevant to ongoing opportunities in the region

5. A lack of staff awarness, or business goals, or any values and policies

6. No community or regional government engagment


Page 3: Case Study on Leadership

Table of Content

1- Executive Summary …………………………………………………………2

2- Introduction The role of a leadert …………………………………………4

1.2 Strategy …………............…………………………….………………….5

1.3 Charisma of a leader ....…………………………………………………6

1.4 Creating A Business Strategy ………………………………………….7

1.5 Motivation ……………………………………………..……………..….9

1.6 Communication ………………………………………………………...11

1.7 CommunityEngagment…………………………………………………11

3- Recommendations…………………………………………………………...14

4- Conclusion ………………………………………………………………..…15

5- Reference……………………………………………………………………16


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The Role of the Leader

What is a leader? A leader is someone who has followers. Then, what is leadership?

Leadership means the capacity and skills required to lead group of people or followers

toward a defined outcome. (Leadership Study Guide tpic1.2 Chifley Business School

2012) The success or failure of any company depends on the quality of its leadership, and

more in the quality of the decision made by its management. By their actions, as well as

their inactions, executives can enhance the lives and the prosperity of their employees;

they also have the power to destroy assets or an entire organization for that matter. In

recent years, we've heard a number of big companies brought to their knees by the selfish

decisions of those at the top. The comprehensive roles of governance principles certainly

won't do harm to the situation, there are deeper, underlying issues that also must be

addressed for KTG.

Quality of company leadership and governance depends first and for most upon the

quality of the decisions taken by those serving in the CEO’s or on the governing board.

By their actions and failure to act, different decisions at the top could drive same different

histories below; CEO’s and directors have brought good performing companies, like

Enron, down to their knees.

Leadership decisions are challenged in moments when executives and directors face a

relatively unrelated opportunity to use company resources course of actions. The delay of

such opportunities should be seen as a decision. If taken well, these decisions can provide

vital platform for a company's growth and success; but if taken poorly; produce the


Most personal decisions are framed around private benefits: what individual and losses

are associated with one outcome or another? Most managerial decisions are similarly

structured around divisional purpose: what benefits & costs will add to my division if the

other product is launched earlier?

Leadership and governance decisions need a different looks since it has been taken for

the unique drive of advancing the entire company, regardless of personal concerns or

divisional interests. They depend upon, to rise above private plans and narrow objectives,


Page 5: Case Study on Leadership

& that capacity must be controlled when self-interest conflict with the organization’s


The Essence of leading

The self-motivated hunt of personal or self-interest may be ideal for some positions and

purposes, but it is more important for decisions taken by executives and directors if they

are to successfully lead and govern the company. This dedication to go above self-interest

is damaged and even canceled by the self-interest principles that run so deeply in the

Capitalism Culture.

The supreme dedication is steady, however, with the big conclusions reached of why

many firms rose from good to great performance; it was found that the great players had

become so because they were led by managers who always placed enterprise interests

ahead of their own. The challenge for those who lead and govern is to prepare themselves

to resist the need of self-interest when faced with critical decisions. Their decisions are to

be judged by whether they consistently go beyond individual concerns to put cooperative

purpose first, a company's leadership would do well to embrace a concept similar to what

a great organization makes central to its culture of leadership: “The captain stays in the



Vigilant Decision Making

Many personal decisions are taken with accurate thoughts, at least they should be. Are the

alternatives clear? Is the information complete? Are the consequences understood? Yet

here at KTG too, the decisions of executives and regional directors require special

outlining. By quality of their responsibilities, Managers and directors are obliged to be

especially observant; their decisions can enhance the employment of hundreds of

employees and the wealth of thousands of investors. Taken poorly, their decisions can

destroy those assets or even the company. Compared with other managers, careless

actions by managers or directors are far more crucial. At the same time, the intense time

pressures faced by managers and directors because of their demanding responsibilities

count against dedication of the special attention required by each of the actions. Lots of

critical decisions cross their daily routine, limiting the time they can take from their

difficult schedules to give to their subordinates.


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Leadership decisions are usefully judged against the standard of why they are taken with

cautious attention. The lack of cautious attention is very important for positions of

modest duties, but for those that great responsibility, the absence can be devastating.

Governing board and company headquarters in KTG require experienced people and

appropriate reward systems, but whether the directors and executives are knowingly

concern without interest when they take key decisions is the real test of why they are the

right people with the right incentives.

Leadership and governance decisions require an army of subordinate actions for their

successful understanding. The secondary decisions are what translate the big objectives

of the grand decisions into tangible values on the ground. Frontline managers who fail to

execute are usually not long for this but executives and directors who do not implement

often remain in due to lack of active oversight. Directors have no supervisors to their

carelessness except the shareholders, who are too remote to notice. Executives might

suffer the bad feeling of their board, but they’re too removed from daily operations to

notice either.

Enron's Case:

Let’s consider what Enron's directors did not do after they approved the risky

partnerships proposed by the chief financial officer. In the wake of the board's delays of

the company's ethics code which allowed that CFO (Andrew Fastow) subordinates to sit

on both sides of the table in negotiating the terms. There was an obvious conflict of

interest, yet for many of the sheets were never prepared, never signed, or never written

until transaction was completed behind closed doors.

“Can cooperation truly live and thrive in competitive environment? Yes, but it will

require a transformation in our understanding of competition, which may take years to

emerge and will be preceded by confusion, setbacks and frustration”. (Source: Financial

Executive, Date: January 1, 1995

The Charisma of the leader:


Page 7: Case Study on Leadership

Charesmatic Leader

Building a Strategy:

For the case of KTG A regional Manager Leadership role is to establish a practical

thinking, in making the strategically planning for the region, by Provide a sense of

determination & direction for his subordinates, and to recommend a long-term

perspective and integrate a big picture understanding of the company’s goals with a plan

of action, in order to envision a future for the organization and provide a sense of balance

with the current bad and critical situation of the company. He should constantly take hold

of the opportunities to improve the regional situations and for the development and

progress for the KTG Company, and to explore the environment and making use of

information gathered by the latest CEO’s report. As a leader he should demonstrate

thorough conclusion, business knowledge, intelligence and reasonable rationality when

putting strategic guidelines in his regional area of responsibility.

Creating a Business Strategy


1- Vision

2- Ability

3- Enthuasias


4- Stability

5- Concern6- Self- Confedence

7- Persistance

8- Vitality

9- Charisma

10- Integrity

Page 8: Case Study on Leadership

Environmental Scanning: monitoring the business environment for market trends,

threats, and opportunities

Mission: defining what are our goals, values, and core beliefs, who are our clients,

and how our values define our business

Core Competencies: our strengths, analytical skills, Critical thinker, Methodical that

can help us win the market or region

Business Strategy: defines the long rang plan for the company

Marketing strategy: develops marketing plans to support business strategy, by

focusing on understanding the client’s needs and by predicting market trends

Operations Strategy: developing a plan for the operations function focusing on the

specific competitive priorities in order to meet the long range plan like; (cost –

quality- time, flexibility)

Finance Strategy: Develop financial plans to support business strategy, by being

skilled in attracting and capital rising


Page 9: Case Study on Leadership


Any leader must inspire individuals with wisdom of drive and goal attainment, to inspire

others by representing an obligation to action, with the example of KTG it’s easy to say

that by getting things done, and by taking responsibility for the organization’s

accomplishments. The regional manager job should guide, teach, advise and develop

followers inside the organization& by identifying the assistances and hard effort of

others, & by authorizing important tasks to others so as to encourage professional

development inside the company in order to authorize followers and to act positively.

Path-Goal Theory

Situation Leadership behavior Impact on followers Outcome

Followers lack self-confidence

Relationship Oriented: Supportive leadership Courteos & friendly

intearactions Genuine concern for

followers well being & needs

Balanced & equal treatment

Increased confidence to achieve work outcomes

Higer efforts Higher

Satisfaction Improved


Ambiguous job

Task Oriented: Directive leadership Telling followers what

they’er epecting to do (when &how)

Set schedules & norms Deleanate expectations Set procedures & regulations

Clear reward paths, clearer efforts to performance


Lack of job challenge

Achievement: Demanding & Supporting

followers Set challenging goals Expect highst performance Seek continued improvments Workers grow more


Followers set high goals and strive to achieve them

Incorrect reward

Participative: Consulatitive &Group

behaviors Share work problems with

followers Solicit followers

suggesttions & concerns Include followrs in decision


Clarifies the followers needs to change rewards


Page 10: Case Study on Leadership

Empowerment In the workplace

Motivation is a real challenge process, which can do well, or make harm to any

organization depending on how it used. Only if a manager has time to fully understand

the needs of the employees. The fail to recognizing such needs may be extraordinarily

difficult. Every person is different than the other, there’re philosophies built on such

assumptions, on what’s motivate people and how to approach and describe this, but

managers should understand how to reward and improve their subordinates by spending

more effort and time, to give opportunities and more connect with them on personal

basis. Even the employees can set their coworkers for better understanding to recognize

each other as well, so they all can get motivated and managers are requested to make sure

that the work place is set for the environment that help to give satisfying and appropriate

workplace. In this way it would be a productive and improved for employees to be fully

motivated team.

Motivation Forces:

Motivation is a set of forces that cause people to behave as they told to do. Motivation

starts with a need, people try to find ways to satisfy their needs and then they behave so.

Their behavior results in rewards or punishment, to varying degrees, an outcome may

satisfy a basic need, like a need in anything an individual wish or wants, there’s a

Primary needs which are things that people require to bear themselves, such as food,

water, and shelter. And there are a Secondary needs which are more psychological in

personality and are learned from the surroundings and values in which the person lives.

A motive is a person's reason for choosing one certain behavior from among several

choices, the initial view of motivation was based on the concept of hedonism; Hedonism

is a school of thought that argues that pleasure is the only intrinsic good. In very simple

terms, a hedonist strives to maximize net pleasure (pleasure minus pain), it is the idea that

people seek pleasure and comfort and try to avoid pain and discomfort. Scientific

management extended this view, asserting that money is the primary human motivator in

the workplace. The human relations view suggested that social Factors are primary



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“Ethical hedonism is the idea that all people have the right to do everything in their

power to achieve the greatest amount of pleasure possible to them. It is also the idea that

every person's pleasure should far surpass their amount of pain. Ethical hedonism is said

to have been started by Aristippus of Cyrene, a student of Socrates. He held the idea that

pleasure is the highest good” (Cited:


Leaders should practice correct passages of communication to ensure definite and rich

delivery of messages. They use active attending to ensure that messages have been

precisely transferred and received. As so as to employ effective communication skills to

visualize the picture to others and to create opportunities for others to express value

adding ideas, suggestions or objections. Also cultivate inner and outward relationships to

generate a mutually helpful network. And to create an environment that inspires open

communication in all stages inside the business culture.

Broad Audience Abilities:

When talking to a broad audience in at an international or local level at any

organizational level a leader may demonstrates an ability to communicate & influence

and persuade and inspire as so motivate, to work towards a planned future, even in times

of uncertainty or bad financial situations, also to manage in any socially various


Community engagement

As a member of KTG’s management we all initially should recognize that the lack of

community engagement and as so as with regional governmental concerns should be

addressed using an engagement process; with multi sector relationship, a logical one with

high challenging points to initiate, like:

1. Community engagement programs are a multi-composite task with a lot of

information gathering, & authorization issues.


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2. Community engagement programs comes with many technical concerns like the

sensitivity in relationships while working among divers groups of people with

conflict point of apprehensions.

3. Some views for diversity could be challenging at the start of such engagement,

between management levels or task force, leading to question the worthy of the

program as waste of time and money.

4. The group that starts the program is in starting point’s unfamiliar persons with no

dynamic likeability to address point of understanding.

5. The program contains an unfamiliar duty, not to mention unfamiliar


6. The role of uncertainty, doubt and less confidence in the acceptance of such


While discussing the program and its terms, this will be helpful in overcoming any

misunderstanding along the members, and it will take the participation process up to

higher involvement. It will also create the missing group dynamic touched earlier, and for

sure it will reach the degree of accountability among most members eventually, by

focusing on the outcomes and by the encouragement to allocate the benefits gained

through working for the best of community engagement, this is also by providing

alongside useful information to the program itself. This will in essence provide an

excellent mechanism to let the flowing of processed information from diversified

community benefits to the entire procedure.

By a endorsement from KTG’s CEO an initiative frame work will be developed and

created for community engagement for the good of the business and to leverage the

knowledge and rise the understanding in most effective ways in the carrying out of all the

associated topics with the possibility of community engagement, it will be designed and

describe to all activities mentioned in the locations along those fields:

Degree of involvement, like (how to participate, or who to consult)

Degree Community type like (specified group, or regional/ non Local)

Degree of supervision like (monitoring, implementing, etc.)


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KTGF’s Community Engagement Program

Our Process Our Drive Our Message Our Relationship

Info Sharing

Sharing information

will raise awareness,

but wouldn’t harm

decision making

All information are


Active, &positive


participation, along

with communal one


To give high


analysis & feedback

to our decisions

We’re listening to

the public &

concerned how to

best serve

Government will get

feedback for the

influence outcomes


For developed



Your concerns are

our interests


commitment with




Joint decisions,



Your advice will

formulate our



approach to assign


It is crucial for the Governmental side to direct its effort for community engagements to

work out, and to continue striving for better levels of participation, and of course for

better governmental decision making end-results.


Page 14: Case Study on Leadership


Naturally, directors and executives must maintain the appearance of effectively

governing and leading their company, for that it is an essential part of sustaining investor

and customer confidence in the company. But appearances are only a side part of the

foundation. The center stone is the quality of the decisions they reach when nobody is

looking. The essence of leading and governing is making quality decisions and that

depends on whether the company has established a culture that demands a high alert


One of the highest qualities is to show the assurance to values and ethics’ of the

organization , this is important because latest studies says that individuals want their

leaders to be reliable, credible, honest and trustworthy, and to show honesty in most

effective way.

The idea is that to use high emotional intelligence in terms of self-awareness, self-

regulation, motivation, empathy and social skill. This approach has a unique significance

of competence in role in managerial leadership shows in fact that by far the most

important factor in the successful functioning of any company is the link for the level of

ability of the corporate manager.

If the KTG’s engagement process not got adopted from the governmental side, it would

not influence its recommended purposes for proper relations it’s designed to grasp. A

high indication that the community involvements didn’t come to participation with the

conducted decision making outcomes associated with the activities that have been taken

in this program.

“While most people value fair compensation for their accomplishments, few leaders start

out seeking only money, power, and prestige. Along the way, the rewards—bonus

checks, newspaper articles, perks, and stock appreciation—fuel increasing desires for

more”. Cited:


Page 15: Case Study on Leadership


In every term the leader represents an expressive capability to provide direction, even in

times of uncertainty. He develops and monitors the carrying out of change initiatives, by

explaining high level change objectives into useful carrying out strategies and plans. And

by promoting an achievement culture & by making sure that thoughts and future actions

come to execution and that planned projects create probable outcomes.

And by ensuring to improve the good performance of the community programs, that it

can be grasped by aligning an appropriate relationship and public promise all together,

and by reviewing all parties’ engagements within all levels of power, to dispute any

practice’s engagement.

Building a strategic plan alone is not enough; it’s the executing part that does the magic,

so as continuing to update the entire operation plan.

While motivation is the fuel that ignites the mobility to drive the desired outcomes, it is at

the same time the same fuel that could burst into flames the whole organization into

uncontaminated debris of loses.

Some might be important in the past, but knowledge is essential in relevant emergent

daily work, if less relevant then must keep learning, or leave the position for better

influencer. And that what make awareness of the company’s goals highly valued.

“The data offers a vivid image of the past but does little to guide future actions

&investments. What happened in the past is very seldom useful to lead an organization.

Looking at the past is actually reinforced old attitudes about what is possible and not

possible”. (Source: Mark Morgan, Raymond E. Levitt and William A. Malek (2007).

Executing Your Strategy: How to Break It Down and Get It Done . USA: Harvard

Business School Press (HBSP). 74.)


Page 16: Case Study on Leadership



Mark Morgan, Raymond E. Levitt and William A. Malek (2007). Executing

Your Strategy: How to Break It Down and Get It Done . USA: Harvard

Business School Press (HBSP). 74.

(Leadership Study Guide tpic1.2 Chifley Business School 2012)


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Why Leaders Lose Their Way:

Journal Articles

Academy of Management , Source: Financial Executive , Date: January 1,

