center licensing inspection full ·...

Center Licensing Inspection Full Report All licensed child care programs are inspected at least once each year. Non-compliances are documented and grouped as Serious, Moderate or Low risk violations. Documenting statements and supplemental information may be included in this report. Licensing inspection reports from the previous three years can be viewed on the child care website at This includes complaint investigation reports with substantiated allegations. For any other child care records, please contact the Child Care Help Desk at 1-877-302-2347, option 4. Program Details Program Name CAPITAL ROYAL CHILD CARE & LEARNING CENTER Program Number 000000400347 Program Type Child Care Center Address 1288 BRICE RD REYNOLDSBURG OH 43068 County FRANKLIN Building Approval Date 05/08/2012 Use Group/Code I-2 Occupancy Limit 96 Maximum Under 2 ½ Fire Inspection Approval Date 06/21/2017 Food Service Risk Level Level III Inspection Information Inspection Type Annual Inspection Scope Full Inspection Notice Unannounced Inspection Date 01/28/2020 Begin Time 7:45 AM End Time 1:45 PM Reviewer: JULIE HINES Summary of Findings No. Rules Verified 57 No. Rules with Non-compliances 5 No. Serious Risk 0 No. Moderate Risk 1 No. Low Risk 5 License Capacity and Enrollment at the Time of Inspection Age Group License Capacity Enrollment Totals Full Time Part Time Total Infant ( Birth to < 18 m) 5 0 5 Young Toddler 11 0 11 Total Under 2 ½ Years 32 16 0 16 Older Toddler 14 0 14 Preschool 27 0 27 School Age 32 0 32 Total Capacity/Enrollment 90 73 0 89 Staff-Child Ratios at the Time of Inspection Group Age Group/Range Ratio Observed Comment

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  • Center Licensing Inspection Full Report

    All licensed child care programs are inspected at least once each year. Non-compliances are documented and grouped as Serious,

    Moderate or Low risk violations. Documenting statements and supplemental information may be included in this report. Licensing

    inspection reports from the previous three years can be viewed on the child care website at

    This includes complaint investigation reports with substantiated allegations. For any other child care records, please contact the

    Child Care Help Desk at 1-877-302-2347, option 4.


    Program Number 000000400347

    Program Type Child Care Center

    Address 1288 BRICE RD REYNOLDSBURG OH 43068

    County FRANKLIN

    Building Approval Date 05/08/2012

    Use Group/Code I-2

    Occupancy Limit 96

    Maximum Under 2 ½

    Fire Inspection Approval Date 06/21/2017

    Food Service Risk Level Level III

    Inspection Information Inspection Type

    Annual Inspection Scope

    Full Inspection Notice


    Inspection Date

    01/28/2020 Begin Time 7:45 AM End Time 1:45 PM

    Reviewer: JULIE HINES

    Summary of Findings No. Rules Verified

    57 No. Rules with Non-compliances

    5 No. Serious Risk

    0 No. Moderate Risk

    1 No. Low Risk


    License Capacity and Enrollment at the Time of Inspection Age Group License Capacity Enrollment

    Totals Full Time Part Time Total

    Infant ( Birth to < 18 m) 5 0 5

    Young Toddler 11 0 11

    Total Under 2 ½ Years 32 16 0 16

    Older Toddler 14 0 14

    Preschool 27 0 27

    School Age 32 0 32

    Total Capacity/Enrollment 90 73 0 89

    Staff-Child Ratios at the Time of Inspection Group Age Group/Range Ratio Observed Comment

  • Young Infants 0 to < 12 months 1 to 5 Arrival - Young

    and Older infants Combined

    Young Infants 0 to < 12 months 1 to 4

    Older Infants 12 months to < 18 months 1 to 5

    Young Toddlers 18 months to < 30 months 1 to 4 Arrival - Young and Older Toddlers


    Older Toddlers 18 months to < 30 months 2 to 10 Young and Older Toddlers


    Preschool 3 years to < 4 years 1 to 9

    Pre-K 4 years to < 5 years 1 to 11

    Pre-K 3 years to < 4 years 1 to 12 Arrival - Preschool and Pre-K Combined

    School-age School-Age to < 11 years 1 to 7 On Center Bus

    Summary of Non-Compliances If the program is star rated, the rating may be impacted if a serious or moderate risk non-compliance is cited. Ohio Administrative Code 5101: 2-12-

    03 details the process for submitting a request for a review if a program disagrees with a licensing finding. The request for review must be

    submitted within seven days from the receipt of the licensing report.

    Serious Risk Non-Compliances

    No Serious Risk Non-Compliances were observed during this inspection

    Moderate Risk Non-Compliances

    Domain: 08 Staff Files

    Rule: 5101:2-12-09 Background Check Requirements Code: The program is required to have staff update their background checks every five years as required.

  • Finding: In review of the staff records, it was determined that background checks were not updated every five years for the individual(s) listed on the Employee Record Chart as noted in number(s) 3 below:

    1. Owner; 2. Administrator; 3. Child Care Staff Member, employee.

    Submit the program’s corrective action plan, which includes a statement the background check update has been requested, to the Department to verify compliance with the requirements of this rule.

    Corrective Action Plan Due: 02/27/2020

    Low Risk Non-Compliances

    Domain: 02 Safe & Sanitary Environment

    Rule: 5101:2-12-13 Sanitary Equipment and Environment Code: The program is required to clean equipment throughout the day if dirty or soiled.

    Finding: During the inspection, it was determined that the following equipment was unclean or soiled during daily use Preschool: yellow and red tables with dirty sticky residue, Older Toddlers: white shelf dirty, grey and yellow table with dirty sticky residue, Older Infant: Red shelf with dirty sticky residue. Technical assistance was provided at the time of the inspection, and as discussed, please correct this rule noncompliance. A written response for this rule noncompliance is not required at this time.

    Domain: 02 Safe & Sanitary Environment

    Rule: 5101:2-12-13 Sanitary Equipment and Environment Code: The program is required to provide equipment and materials that are easy to clean.

    Finding: During the inspection, it was determined that at least one piece of equipment, furnishings, or material at the program was not constructed of materials to facilitate cleaning and sanitizing as noted in number(s) 1 below:

  • 1. The material had a tear; (Young infant and Older Toddler Changing pads) 2. The material was not washable; 3. The material was porous; 4. The surface was cracked; 5. The surface was repaired, but in a manner that still did not facilitate cleaning and sanitizing; 6. Other [ ].

    Equipment, furnishings, and furniture shall be constructed of materials to facilitate cleaning and shall be kept clean and in good repair. Technical assistance was provided at the time of the inspection, and as discussed, please correct this rule noncompliance. A written response for this rule noncompliance is not required at this time.

    Domain: 06 Program Information

    Rule: 5101:2-12-14 Transportation - Driver Requirements Code: The program is required to have all drivers transporting children complete the driver training.

    Finding: During the inspection, it was determined that at least one employee who is responsible for transporting children did not have documentation of completion of the prescribed driver training as noted in number(s) 3 below:

    1. No documentation on file 2. Incomplete documentation 3. Documentation not annually updated

    Please refer to the Employee Record Chart which indicates any driver needing current documentation of completion of this training. Complete the training as discussed. Submit the program’s corrective action plan, which includes a statement that training was provided, to the Department to verify compliance with the requirements of this rule.

    Corrective Action Plan Due: 02/27/2020

    Domain: 08 Staff Files

    Rule: 5101:2-12-10 Health Training Requirements Code: The program is required to have staff complete the required one hour prescribed Child Abuse training.

    Finding: In review of the staff records, it was determined that the requirement for the ODJFS one-hour prescribed Child Abuse Training was not met as noted in number(s) 1 and 2 below:

  • 1. The training was not completed within sixty days of hire; 2. The training expired, as it is only valid for two years; 3. Not all administrators, Child Care Staff Members, and substitutes have completed the training.

    Refer to the Employee Record Chart for the name(s) of the Child Care Staff Member(s) who must complete the ODJFS one-hour prescribed Child Abuse Training. Submit the program’s corrective action plan to the Department to verify compliance with the requirements of this rule.

    Corrective Action Plan Due: 02/27/2020

    Domain: 08 Staff Files

    Rule: 5101:2-12-08 Medical Statement Code: The program staff medicals are required to include all information.

    Finding: In review of the staff records, it was determined that the medical statements for those employees listed on the Employee Record Chart did not include the required information listed below in number(s) 3b and 3c.

    1. Date of examination; 2. Signature, business address, and telephone number of the licensed physician, physician assistant, advanced practice nurse, certified midwife, or certified nurse practitioner who completed the examination; 3. A statement that verifies that the employee is: a. Physically fit for employment in a program caring for children; b. Immunized against Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap); c. Immunized against Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)

    Submit the program’s corrective action plan, which includes a copy of the completed employee medical statement, to the Department to verify compliance with the requirements of this rule.

    Corrective Action Plan Due: 02/27/2020

    Rules In-Compliance/Not Verified

  • Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-22 Meal and Snack Requirements

    Compliant Documenting Statement: The program served the following: Chicken Salad, Wheat Bread, Oranges, Corn and Milk for lunch.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-13 Handwashing Requirements

    Compliant Documenting Statement: Staff and children were observed washing hands as required by the rule.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-04 Fire Approval Compliant Documenting Statement: Please Note: An annual fire inspection approval must be secured for the program. Secure a new approval by 07/15/2020.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-16 Management of Communicable Disease

    Compliant Documenting Statement: The JFS 08087 "Communicable Disease Chart" was posted and was readily available to staff and parents.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-13 Smoke Free Environment

    Compliant Documenting Statement: A notice was observed posted stating that smoking is prohibited at the program.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    5101:2-12-07 Administrator Qualifications


    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-08 Child Care Staff Member Educational Requirements

    Compliant Documenting Statement: All Child Care Staff Members had verification of educational requirements on file at the program.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-16 Written Disaster Plan

    Compliant Documenting Statement: The program’s written disaster plan was reviewed during the inspection and met the requirements.

  • Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-04 Food License Compliant Documenting Statement: The food service license was observed posted. Following is the audit number and date of expiration: BFRY-BAZRWA; 03/01/2020.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-19 Child Guidance Compliant Documenting Statement: Appropriate child guidance techniques and practices were observed being used during the inspection.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    5101:2-12-22 Fluid Milk Requirements Compliant

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-16 First Aid/Standard Precautions

    Compliant Documenting Statement: During the inspection, two first aid kits were reviewed and available as required.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-18 License Capacity Compliant Documenting Statement: The program was operating within their license capacity limits.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-22 Safe Food Handling/Storage

    Compliant Documenting Statement: Food was stored in a safe and sanitary manner.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-07 Written Program Policies and Procedures

    Compliant Documenting Statement: No changes have been made to the written policies and procedures since it was last approved by this Department.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    5101:2-12-11 Indoor Space Requirements


    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-16 Emergency Drills Compliant Documenting Statement: Documentation for completed fire, weather, and

  • emergency/lockdown drills was verified during this inspection.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-17 Materials and Equipment

    Compliant Documenting Statement: Sufficient equipment was observed in all categories.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-11 Outdoor Play Equipment

    Compliant Documenting Statement: Outdoor equipment was viewed to be safe and free of rust, sharp points, and other hazards.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    5101:2-12-17 Daily Outdoor Play Compliant

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    5101:2-12-04 Building Approval Compliant

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-02 License Posted Compliant Documenting Statement: The license was posted in a visible location as required.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-11 Outdoor Space Requirements

    Compliant Documenting Statement: The outdoor play area is separated from traffic and other hazards by a fence.

    Rule: 5101:2-12-11 Outdoor Space Requirements

    Compliant Documenting Statement: The quarterly playground inspection(s) [was/were] completed and documented, as required. The most recent inspection report form was dated 12/31/2019.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-19 Supervision Compliant Documenting Statement: Child Care Staff Members were supervising the children and were able to intervene as needed.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-02 Current Information

    Compliant Documenting Statement: The program had current information entered in the

  • Ohio Child Licensing and Quality System (OCLQS).

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-23 Infant Bottle and Food Preparation

    Compliant Documenting Statement: All bottles were labeled as required.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-17 Daily Schedule Compliant Documenting Statement: Daily schedules were observed posted.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-20 Cots and Napping Compliant Documenting Statement: Cots were placed appropriately and safely during nap time.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-23 Infant Daily Care Compliant Documenting Statement: Appropriate daily written records for all infants were viewed.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-15 Child Medical and Enrollment Records

    Compliant Documenting Statement: At the time of the inspection, 25% of the children's records were reviewed, and the records were complete, as required by the rule.

    Rule: 5101:2-12-15 Child Medical and Enrollment Records

    Compliant Documenting Statement: In review of 25% of the records, at the time of the inspection, children's medical statements were complete and on file, as required by the rule.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-12 Safe Equipment Compliant Documenting Statement: Equipment was observed to be in good condition.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-15 Medical/Physical Care Plans

    Compliant Documenting Statement: The program had current information on the medical status and the required treatment plan for the children with health conditions.

  • Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-20 Cribs Compliant Documenting Statement: All cribs were placed 2 feet apart.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    5101:2-12-11 Separation of Children Under 2 1/2 Years


    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    5101:2-12-03 Inspection Requirements


    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-07 Administrator Responsibilities/Requirements

    Compliant Documenting Statement: The administrator has completed the rules review course.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    5101:2-12-08 Orientation and Staff Records


    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-10 Professional Development Requirements

    Compliant Documenting Statement: At the time of the inspection, all staff had completed the required amount of professional development training.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-12 Safe Environment Compliant Documenting Statement: Cleaning supplies were viewed stored out of the reach of children.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-14 Transportation - Vehicle Requirements

    Compliant Documenting Statement: The vehicle(s) used by the program to transport children [is/are] inspected and licensed by the Ohio State Highway Patrol.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-14 Transportation and Field Trip Procedures

    Compliant Documenting Statement: The program uses the ODJFS sample trip permission form for [routine/field] trips to secure written permission from parents or guardians.

  • Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-16 Incident/Injury Reporting

    Compliant Documenting Statement: The JFS 01299 "Incident/Injury Report For Child Care" forms reviewed during this inspection were complete as required.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-16 Medical, Dental, and General Emergency Plan

    Compliant Documenting Statement: On the day of the inspection, the complete prescribed JFS 01242 “Medical, Dental, and General Emergency Plan For Child Care” were posted in the program as required.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-18 Attendance Records

    Compliant Documenting Statement: During the inspection, attendance records were reviewed. Child Care Staff Members were viewed recording the attendance for each child upon arrival and departure. All attendance records met the requirements of the rule and were kept with the group at all times.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-18 Group Size Compliant Documenting Statement: The group sizes observed on the day of the inspection were in compliance.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-18 Ratio Compliant Documenting Statement: Staff/child ratios observed during the inspection were in compliance.

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-23 Diapering and Toilet Training

    Compliant Documenting Statement: Appropriate diaper changing procedures were observed during the inspection in the infant/toddler room(s).

    Rule Status Documenting Statement(s), If applicable

    Rule: 5101:2-12-25 Medication Administration and Food Supplements

    Compliant Documenting Statement: The program had complete written documentation for

  • administering medication or food supplements.