central dogma of molecular biology 1. talk with your table partner about answers to these: what is...

Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”? Name as many different traits that you can think of for a human being.

Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?

Central Dogma of Molecular Biology

1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is

DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do?

2. What is a “trait”? Name as many different traits that you can think

of for a human being.

Page 2: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?

HomeworkEnergy Test+ due Thursday

Page 3: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?

Objective & Central Question

How do you get from a string of 6 chemicals to all your physical characteristics, or all of a bacterium’s or all of a plant’s etc.

Today is to get a broad overview of the process. Protein synthesis = getting from DNA to a trait.

Page 4: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?

Protein Synthesis

SynthesisWhat does it mean to synthesize something?

TranscriptionWhat does it mean to transcribe something?

TranslationWhat does it mean to translate something?

Page 5: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?

Central Dogma = Protein Synthesis

DNA ---> ______ ---> _________ ---> Trait

Page 6: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?

Central Dogma = Protein Synthesis

DNA ---> RNA ---> Protein ---> Trait




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Page 7: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?

Protein Synthesis

Protein synthesis is also called getting “from genotype to phenotype.”Genotype = your DNA sequencePhenotype = the physical trait you have because of that DNA sequence

Page 8: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?


RNA = Ribonucleic acidMolecule made of nucleotides that assist DNA in giving orders.

Page 9: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Page 10: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Page 11: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?

Compare & ContrastDNA RNA

Page 12: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?

Macromolecules & Cell PartsName Shape Biochemistry Types Key Locations Functions/Uses

Nucleic acid



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Geneticmaterial: “Blueprint”for cell

Page 13: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?

Is it DNA or RNA?




Page 15: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?


Transcription = a strand of mRNA is made using a strand of DNA as a template. It happens in the nucleus.The RNA strand is made by matching free-floating RNA nucleotides to the DNA strand sequence, making an RNA strand that’s perfectly complementary.

Which process that we’ve already learned does this remind you of?

mRNA = “Messenger RNA.”

Page 16: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?


Say that this is my DNA molecule.


During transcription, the two strands will unzip.The strand that RNA is NOT made from = “gene strand.”

The strand that RNA IS made from = “template strand.”

Page 17: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?

TranscriptionWhat will the mRNA sequence be if the top strand is the template strand?


Which strand, gene or template, does the base sequence of the mRNA come out identical to? (Except that T = U)

Page 18: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?

mRNA then leaves the nucleus, and goes to the ribosome. The rest of protein synthesis happens in the ribosome.

Page 19: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?

Can you complete these questions?

____ -> _____ -> ________ -> _______Also label the first two arrows.

Where does transcription take place in the cell?

If this DNA molecule undergoes transcription, write the RNA molecule that results, and label which strand of DNA you used for the template and which is the gene strand. Lastly, what KIND of RNA did you make?


Page 20: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 1. Talk with your table partner about answers to these: What is DNA’s job in a cell? What does it do? 2. What is a “trait”?

VocabularyProtein synthesisGenotypePhenotypeTraitTranscriptionRNAmRNAGene strandTemplate strand