cep lesson plan form

CEP Lesson Plan Form Colorado State University College of Health and Human Sciences Page 1 Teacher: Alan McKisson Date: 09/29/2016 School: CBMS Grade Level: 6 th Content Area: Science Title: Claim+Evidence+Reasoning = Conclusion Lesson #:__ of __ Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: NGSS ETS1-2 Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem. CDE 21 st Century Skills and Readiness Competencies in Science: Critical Thinking and Reasoning Understandings: (Big Ideas): The CER process is applicable across disciplines using the analysis of evidence to formulate reasoning that justifies a position. Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction, select applicable questions from standard) How is CER used in science/history/daily life/law/ etc.? Why is it important for a scientific conclusion to have these three components? Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets) AND (Success Criteria)

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Colorado State University College of Health and Human Sciences Page 1

Teacher: Alan McKisson Date: 09/29/2016

School: CBMS Grade Level: 6th Content Area: Science

Title: Claim+Evidence+Reasoning = Conclusion Lesson #:__ of __

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson:

NGSS ETS1-2 Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.

CDE 21st Century Skills and Readiness Competencies in Science: Critical Thinking and Reasoning

Understandings: (Big Ideas): The CER process is applicable across disciplines using the analysis of evidence to formulate reasoning that justifies a position.

Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction, select applicable questions from standard)

How is CER used in science/history/daily life/law/ etc.?

Why is it important for a scientific conclusion to have these three components?

Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets) AND (Success Criteria)

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I can Apply the CER process to develop a conclusion.

This means I can justify a position using reasoning developed from the analysis of evidence.

List of Assessments: (Note whether the assessment is formative or summative)

-After each example, student understanding will be evaluated with informal formative assessment by showing 1-5 fingers.

-Formal formative assessment: worksheet to be completed throughout the slideshow/discussions.

Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson Should be a creative title for you and the students to associate with the activity. Think of the purpose as the mini-rationale for what you are trying to accomplish through this lesson.

Claim+Evidence+Reasoning = Conclusion Purpose: to expose students to the CER process as a way to formulate a well developed, rational conclusion.

Approx. Time and Materials How long do you expect the activity to last and what materials will you need?

55 minutes Computer, projector, Power point, worksheet, pencil, can-do attitude

Anticipatory Set The “hook” to grab students’ attention. These are actions and statements by the teacher to relate the experiences of the students to the objectives of the lesson, To put students into a receptive frame of mind.

To focus student attention on the lesson.

To create an organizing framework for the ideas, principles, or information that is to follow (advanced organizers)

“Do Now”: Review of independent and dependent variables and hypothesis. Students write in their science journals IV, DV, Hyp, based on the question “Does eating only yellow skittles make you jump higher?” Following discussion introduces relationships between claim/hypothesis, evidence/measurements, reasoning/explanation and how these combine to form a scientific conclusion.

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An anticipatory set is used any time a different activity or new concept is to be introduced.

How do you intend to engage your students in thinking during the Anticipatory Set? Why are you using it at this point in your lesson?

The strategy I intend to use is reviewing material to connect to the new material in the lesson. I am using this strategy here because connecting new information with previously learned material will help create translational memories, a quicker path to long term memory.

Procedures (Include a play-by-play account of what students and teacher will do from the minute they arrive to the minute they leave your classroom. Indicate the length of each segment of the lesson. List actual minutes.) Indicate whether each is: -teacher input -modeling -questioning strategies -guided/unguided: -whole-class practice -group practice -individual practice -check for understanding -other

Anticipatory Set (do now)- 7min Submit “do nows” for the week via ipad photo and schoology. 5-10 min Pass out worksheet, introduce lesson, introduce tomorrow’s lesson and how the two are connected. 5min Start Power point- students take notes on worksheet as claim/evidence/reasoning concepts are introduced. Three scaffolded examples: stolen dog example- all info provided What is good evidence? Students fill in CER info from slides. Alien Example- listen to video and fill in CER info Does that prove anything? Can we disprove this claim? Debate merits of evidence from video Art Example- students view painting and develop claim, cite evidence, and give reasoning on their own from looking at the picture. Share 40 min

How do you intend to engage your students in

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thinking during the PROCEDURE? Why are you using it at this point in your lesson?

The strategy I intend to use is a scaffolded activity/worksheet. I am using this strategy here because: This gives the students three opportunities to work through CER process, each time with less information provided.

Closure Those actions or statements by a teacher that are designed to bring a lesson presentation to an appropriate conclusion. Used to help students bring things together in their own minds, to make sense out of what has just been taught. “Any Questions? No. OK, let’s move on” is not closure. Closure is used:

To cue students to the fact that they have arrived at an important point in the lesson or the end of a lesson.

To help organize student learning To help form a coherent picture and to consolidate.

Re-introduce tomorrow’s activity and have students discuss how it relates to the CER process they just learned. Short speech on expectations for substitute teacher tomorrow. 3 min

How do you intend to engage your students in thinking during CLOSURE? Why are you using it at this point in your lesson?

The strategy I intend to use is review/repetition/expectations I am using this strategy here because it will aid in the student’s connecting what they did today with what is coming tomorrow. A review of the classroom expectations while substitute is there.


Differentiation should be embedded throughout your whole lesson!!

This is to make sure you have met the needs of your students on IEPS or 504

To modify: If the activity is too advanced for a child, how will you modify it so that they can be successful?

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To extend: If the activity is too easy for a child, how will you extend it to develop their emerging skills?

Assessment Reflection: (data analysis) How will you know if students met the learning targets? Write a description of what you were

looking for in each assessment.

Students will show level of understanding by showing 1-5 fingers. Further explanation/examples will be given based on level of understanding.

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Post Lesson Reflection

This lesson plan was written after the fact based on my observations of Mr. Knox

teaching the first period class. I took notes and taught the third period based on my

observations and the provided anticipatory set and power-point.

I feel that the lesson objectives were achieved through the multiple activities and

discussions of the lesson. The Anticipatory set introduced the CER process by linking it to

concepts that the students were already familiar with. The main activity of the lesson was

scaffolded to gradually introduce the CER process applied to several different scenarios. The

activity culminated with the students applying the CER process on their own and discussing

their individual arguments. Overall it went well and I think that most of the students really got

it. I was paying attention throughout the period to gauge student understanding. I

implemented informal formative assessment by checking in with individuals during the final

activity. I did not review their worksheets for completion or understanding as I did not have

access to these at this point in my internship.

The formative assessment showed that the students were understanding the CER

process and that they were able to implement it on their own. I believe the success of the

lesson was due to the scaffolding. The students went through each part of the CER process

multiple times with ever decreasing assistance. By the final iteration almost all of them had

mastered the concept.

This was the first lesson I taught in my internship experience. I was able to observe Mr.

Knox teach the same lesson and taught it myself two periods later. The scaffolded nature of

this arrangement helped me begin to make the planning versus teaching connection and we

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taught this way many more times throughout the semester. The benefit to this was that I could

focus on classroom management and hone my delivery strategies without worrying so much

about the content of the lesson which was provided. By my 4th observed lesson, these scaffolds

had been removed and I implemented my own lesson to the class effectively and confidently.

The successes of this lesson were that the students were engaged and did demonstrate

understanding of the concept through application. As previously stated, I think this was due to

the scaffolding imbedded in the lesson.

If I had designed the lesson or had more time to prepare I think I would have

incorporated a paired discussion with peer to peer feedback where the students could share

with their partner to strengthen their arguments and then share out with the class. I failed to

introduce the lesson objectives and expectations. This step should begin every lesson to cue

the students to what they will be focusing on. Another area to work on is moving around the

room to promote student engagement. In this setting it would be hard to move through the

classroom and operate the slideshow simultaneously. I would like to investigate alternative

table arrangements to improve this but the room is pretty tight. Additionally, I need to learn

the students’ names. I feel that this would aid me in engaging some of the quieter students.

This is difficult only seeing them twice a week. I think I will investigate a random name

generator application to concurrently aid in learning their names and calling on all students


This lesson will inform my future teaching practices in a variety of ways. The experience

has shown me the power of a scaffolded lesson in developing student mastery of a concept. I

will incorporate this more into my future lessons. We investigated the importance of the

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classroom in student learning in the first part of this class. I feel that this particular classroom

was a detriment to student learning. It is cramped and long. I felt very far away from the kids

in the back and it was impossible to circulate and run the slide-show simultaneously.

Furthermore, knowing the student is an important part of relationship building. This begins

with learning their names. I have struggled with this and plan to implement strategies to

quickly learn the students’ names in my new student teaching position.