chalet sisters mai news of queens schools cxis … 15/brooklyn ny daily...

u m ; . CHALET Hotel and Restaurant Bridge Plaża, L. I. City Tel. 0914 Astorla DANCING AM) Ml SIC ETOB1 EYKMMi From 1 V. ML I n t U Closlng By VERSATII.K SYNC0PAT0R8 KEKK & MULLER, Props. SISTERS MAI CopyrUht. 1022. by WUMII t Byndlcata, Ino. WHAT THE 8TARS PREDICT. January 30. This la a lucky day. AU the slgns appear to Indlc&te that efflclency and caro in pre- ventlnt? wasto will beeome ot morę concern to syeryone than formerly. Scandnls will multlply durlng the •next few months, and they will arousc great pulillo indlKnation. The cost of liY-ing is to beeome a rnatter of great nnxlety and food rlota aro forecost. This ahoutd bo a pjcky wcddlns day brlngins' domostic harmony. Persona whoae blrthday thts is maj mcct many pcrplexlties In the eoming year but thoy wlU be sue- cessful najyertheloss. Chlldren tera on this day should •be very in^dlig^nt and most con- sclcntious. AT OWN EXPENSE News of Queens Schools ,WA cXiS ARTISTIC PROGRAM WITH EXERCISES AT P. S. 88, RIDGEW00D The andltorlum of P. 8. 88, Freah Pond road and Catnlpa avenue, ItldK»wood, was rrowded thia after- St. John's Hospital Receives |"""" nt the ^rcises tor ai*ty boy and girl graduates. Tho nddress was by the Rev. Dr. K. Brecn and Principal J. H. Rohr- back conforrcd the diplomas. The presentation of tWe diplomas wns.preceded by a hijjhly cnjoyable and urtistlc program by the pupila Opening with the "salute to the flag" and the slnglng ot the "Star Spanglrd Banner," the pupils ap Very Little Financial Aid From City. Pcople who read tho reccnt publl- cation of the. annunl report of St. John's Hogplial, Lotu; island City, stthmttted to the stato authorltlcs showing that $113,7111.22 was ex- pended In the, running uf the hos- porired In tho Jollowinpc nunibcrs: The Star today cstenfls congratu- latlons on the birthday of tho fol- lowing: E. McGuckln, 233 Eaglo street, Brooklyn. Harry Hogstrom, 89 S Elcventh avenue, Astorin. Kdward L. Finley, Jr., G7 Nlnth avcnue, Astorin. Joseph Williama, 121 Marion atreet, Long Island City. Jacąueline ltowernft, 507 Six> teenth avenue, Aatorla. BRIDE IS GIVEN PARTY IN CORONA Mrs, M. Doyle of Corona, gavo a party in honor of ner nieco, Mrs. Edward Williams, formerly Miss Klva Taylor, marrlod on New Year'« Ks'e to Edward Williams of Ninth avenue, Astorla. Tho house was prettily decoratcd. Kcrrcahmonts wero servcd. Thoao prcsent wer: Mr. and Mrs. E. Williams, Jtr. and Mrs. F. Taylor, Walter and Al- fred Taylor. Michaeld Doyle, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. 13, Greenc, Mr. and Mra. C. Carpenler, Yestelle Nocs- slor, Mr, arul Mrs. Kenyon. pltul durlng tho past year, will be amazed to know that tho City of Naw York eontrilmted only $25,- 155.M of this amount. Of the amwunt subseribcd by the city, $23.122.58 was for public pu- tients and $2.033.30 towards amliu- lanro service. Although the city pays fur tho caro of a public pa- tlent at tho ratę of $2,50 a day. to caro properly for tho patlent, the Slstcrs ot St. Joseph, who cunduct tho hospital, apend $4.5(). In nddition to the $113.791.22 ex- pended in the eonduct of the hos- pital, the Slsters also palii out $12,000 intcrest on tho mortgage, purehased a new nmbulanee cost- ing $3,000 and pa!d $1,000 for re- pairs on another ambulunce. It was understood that tha city wonld bear the expensc of the in- creased ambulanco servico, but it has failed to do BO. Today the city pays only $2.033.36 toward tho upkcep of tho hospital ambulanco allhough, the cost <ft ex- tending the city ambulanco sorvice to J>ong Island City und tho terrl- tory served by St. John's Hospital, would cost moro than $20/000 a year. There aro lnstances also, it is said, in which tho city rcfuses to pay for a patient bioni:,'ht into the hospital and the suffercr is takcn care of at tho Slslors* own expeuse. The city will not pay for any non- rosident who might bo injurcd in Long Island City or other part uf the hospital territory. Tho city pays only for thoso pa- tlents who aro brought in by am- bulanco so that if a poor person applics at tho hospital for treatment tho hospital must bear the expcnses of treatment. In contrast to this might be cltcd the case of an out-of-town man man urreslcd as a criminal and placed in prlson. If this man needs hospital attention the city gives it to hlm. P. S. 78 GRADUATES RECE1YE DIPLOMAS; HEAR S. F. BAYNE GIVEN BIRTHDAY PARTY IN CORONA 64 GRADUATES GET DIPLOMAS TONIGHT AT RUiHiwb niun A surprlse party was given to Mr. und Mrs. Robert .T. Bowers ot tholr home, 71 Fiftyfifth street, Corona, to celebrato tho blrthday of Miss Elsie R. Kerpen of 54 Nincleenth street, Elmhurst, Miss Kerpen recelved many glfts. A supper was sorved at mklnlght. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. William Kerpon. Mr. and Mrs. James Lelese, Mr. nml Mrs. Georga Cay, Mlsses A. 1'erkins, Oladya Stevens nnd May I. Robin, Mrs. Carrie Wilson and Mrs. T. Newell. Messrs. Paul Kreamer, Arthur Foster. Earl EUon, Jcre Conlin nnd Nat Stein. MISS McMAHON IS GIYEN SHOWER Misa Mtulul of 2 P.IMIO street. Elmhurst, gavo a shower nt lner hoffia for Miss Helen McMahon, also of .Etrnhu.r.Sk Miss McMahon Is engaged to bo married to Charles V, Mulgrew of Brooklyn. About ilfty guests were j.res^nt. Dancing was enjoyed and uupper was aerveąjit^T^I<lnjght^ Sch war z's Au^ion Rooms M3 JACKSON AVE.. I* I. CITT BAŁEŚ EVEIt¥ TIH KSUAt ot Houa«lMJd Purnlturp ot Exerj Heiwriptlon—1:30 P M. W* Buy and s.u Pumltnr* Sixty-four studenta will be grad- uat(fd from tho Flushing High Hchool tonlght In tho auditoiium ot tho school, Broadway and White- stone avenue. l^orty-four of the grnduates have eom|»leted the gen- erał course of four yeara, eighteen tho cmnmerclal course of three years and two tho household arts and seienco course. Dr. Frank D. Blodgett, presklent of Adelphl College, will deliver the address, nnd Geurge ,T, Ryan. presi- dent of the Board of Education, will pr.s-ent the diplomas. The graduates arf. General Course. Alfred Ambler, Eleanor Ashmore. Ktith Baeh, Felis Shelley Bambace, Alan Blackburn, Kabel Bourgui- guon, Ining Conovltz, George Crum- le*y, Marguirlte Ulederlch. Beatrico Dondero, Octavia Gun- drey, William Hamilton, Jr., Mary Uard. Dorothy Harmon, Barry Har- ris, Evelyn Hope. Morris Ketehum, Sarah B, T/ip- schłtz., Allen Luckhurst, Morie Ma- hood, Jane Mnssey. Gtadya McEnroe, C)live Meyer. Syhester Meyer, Harry Mucller,' John Murray, Donald Pcltof), Dorls _ .... .nijBcbke,—Uop» PrtoT, FKUiklLn . Ilegan, Francea C. Ryon. Julia Schan. C. Gray 8mitb. War- ren Smilh. Eleanor Snulrcs, Wil- liam ł-ttarr, Georga Ktrunz, Otto « h * M > , i . - Butli Sworn, Dorothy ,T. Vogt, Erie Waxman, Clalro Welght. Edgar Wright, George Young. Commercial Course. Sallle Cortrlght, Grace DeT.aney. Rac Elchner, Helen Fogal, Henry Ileiniehen, Alvln Jackson. Martin Koiipi rstein, Charles Krauss, Muriel Mttrtha, William 0 - Connor, William rflui?, Marie pulise, Franklin Ilegan. Heleno Btuebner, Charles Thlcnel, Marrirt 1'nger, Henry VłUn'.«r, Bose Zlon. Household Stienr.c. Margaret Tallman, Lillian Von Mallen. Seliction. "The Golden Seoptre," school orchestra; recltatlon, "Th* Black liorse and his Blder," Harold Blsh; ehorus, "In the Deep Cold Sea," SB boys; danee, "Tho Raln- bow Danee," SB girls; piano solo, "Taratelle," Helen Grosehe; ehorus, "(iver the Harbor Bar," SB classes; vlolin selection, "Forget Me Not," Fred Schultz, Harold Lish, Walter Kosfsco. I^lllian Daczko, pianlst. The* dramatlzation ".lacl^s Fel- lows" then followed, with the fol- lowing pupila nppearing: Fred Schultz, Evelyn AHeman, William Donnclly. William Botz, Bllllan I/iczko, William Nay. Margaritę Albohm, William Pcheinert, Walter Bnsosco, F. Schneider, George Oss- mann, Dorothy 1'oppinger, H. Schol- lenberger. Other numbers were: vocal solo, "Sunrlse and You" by Harry Heck- inger; ehorus, "When Twilight \Vcaves," SU Girls; dumb ,bell drill, SB boys; recltatlon, "Tho Rldo ot .lennie McNeal," Dorothy Flnger; ehorus, "Kentucky Babę," 815 classes. The oillcers of the class are Evelyn Alleman, president; Melvllle Wll- mot, secretary; Gustave Rau and Dorothy Finger, treasurers; Fred Busch and Mathilda Friedman, hlB- toilans. The elasa motto is "Edu- cation Beads to Success;" the class colors are bluo and gold and the class fiower the Ophelia rosę. The honor pupils- of. the class are William Donnelly, Harry Hecklnger, William Botz, Margaritę Albohm, Kvelyn Alleman, Alvina Arnold, iiarbara ^sbeck, Dorothy Flnger, Mathilde Friedman, Helen Grosch, .Tosephino Holtschl, Beatrico Kin- berg, Dorothy Poppinger. Helen Schollenbcrger. Other graduates are Winslow All- mann, I^ouls Aneshensel, Fred Busch, Edward Compana, Charles Fliess, Melvln Klingenbeck, Harold Bish, James Bynott, Carl Maurer, Lawrence Meade, Lęroy Meinecke. William Nay, George Ossmann, Bau, Antlrew'Rohde, Har- old Rohlich, Walter Rosesco, Wil lium Schcinert, Fred Schultz, Jasper Tedesco, Edward Wuckcrmann, Mcl- ville Wilmot, George Yates, WiTUam Zebmlsh. Martha Arnowitz, Anna Braun, Paulina Broschard, Rosę Ouirlando, Marie Hagmaier, Edna Hillebrecht, Wilma Jenssen, Grace Klcm, Bil- lian'Buczko, Lllllan Bampe, Mlldred Behmluihl, Mario Blbaacl, May Pet- erman. liazcl Schirmer, Emlly Schmidt, Frances Schneider, Katherlno See- miller, Lllllan Solknwits, EHssa-both ytoi Drchle, Wilma Waldmann, Ethel Wecks, Emma Wolf. The gradua\lng aserclsea of P. S. 78, Maurlce avcnua, Wlnfleld, were hołd yesterday. A splcndld program proceded the dlstrlbution of the diplomas. Thirty-nlne pupils graduated. The program and graduation roa- ter aro as follows: March, "l^o Brophete."" Chorus, Hymn of Thanksglvlng. Recltatlon, Gettlng tho Right Start, Dorothca Kteuger. Blny, The Sandalwood Bo.t. Chorus, In Old Madrld. Danee, Hungarlan, SB Girls. Declamatlon, Dcvotlon to Duty, James Knapton. Chorus, America Triumphant, Addrcss, Stephen F. Bayne, Dls- trlct Superintendent. Presentation of- diplomas and mtdals, Stuart Wilson, prlncipal. Star Spangled Banner, The graduates: Helen F. Albrecht, Dorothy M. Baumer, Lillian Bershadsky, Ruth E, Bonengel, Helen M. Burckhardt. Johan Goudie, Grace B. Kneucr, Ida J. Koski, Martha Kranltz. Frances I. Kroupa, Dorothea Kreu- ger. Francea Nedved, Catherlne R. Roos, Roso A. SchefTier, Lucy Schwarz, Evelyn A. Scudder, Anna R. Selzlnger, Blanche B. Slavle, Marion R. Śplllano, Madeline M, Stawitz, Carmcla M. Tarantlno, I'elen A. Yollmuth, Camilla J. Yoska. Gertrudę M. Weiss. Stanley F. Albrecht, Daniel A. Buchanan, John D. Callahan, Linus I,. Hendrlckson, James IT. Knapton, Philip Leun, Robert Lucders, Mich- ael Massaro, W : ll!lam Mllhaven, Hugo R. Selzer, Mlehael SIBestri, fharles Stnhl, Bernard J. Svoboda, Joseph W. Svoboda, Arthur Young- l'ng. Tho Trcasury Department In a warnlng sent to all banks, describes a new counterfeit $10 Fcderal Re- serve notę as follows: "On the Federal Reservo Bank of New York; check letter *B'; face plate. No. G33; A. W. Mellon, Sec- retary of tho Treasury; Frank Whito, Treasurer of the United States; portralt of Jackson. "This Is a very poor notę, prlntcd from zlnc-etched or eleetrotype plates, on two pleoes of paper be- twcen which wilk threads have bcen dlstrlbutcd to Imltate the flber of the genulne. The colorlng of the serial number and seal i« poor, and the workinanship throughbut la ao crude that lt should not decelve the ordinarlly careful handler. The nUmbrr of the apeclmcn at hand is B10C50282B." IN I HE IHEATRES 19 GRADUATES GIVEN DIPLOMAS BY P. S. 76 A BCU SELWYN will lcave on the Olymplc Fcbruary 10 for Europę to arrange tho details of the forth- eoming London productlons of "The Fool" and "Partnera Agatn." After this he will vlHit France, Italy and Germany with a view to purchaslng the American rights to such plays as ho fecls may łnterest this coun- try. DCRTON W. JAMES, director ot the Lenox Hill Playera, an- nounces that he is now rehearsing "Wappln* Wharf," a frlghtful com- edy of plrates by Charles Brooks. for tho aecoud program of tho season. R. P. S. 85, L. I. CITY, TO HAVE PROGRAM Attractlyo bluo and whlte pro- grams mado by the pupils wero dis- trlbuted to the nudionce at the com- mencement exercises of P. S. 7G yes- terday in the school, Montgomery avenue, Laurel Hill. Tho grnduating class was smali. but the merit marks wero unusual- ly high and tho program entertain- Ing. The. awards and diplomas were distributed by Mrs. Josephlne McC. Klohr, Addresses were madę by Oislriet Superlntendcnt Stephen F. Bayne, and the Rev. Froderick S. GrlfTin. Tho yaledictory address was delivered by Eleanor Doran, and the salutatory address by Anna Rosa. Tho graduates are: ' Walter Bauer, James Blain, Stephen DeYoe, Thomas Dooley, McCann, James McCue, Joaeph Schroeder. Loretta Brennan, Eleanor Doran. Dorothy Horsham, Natalie LaYlo- lette, Amelia Lankevich, Mary Mc- Grath, Ellen Móore, Anna Rosa, Helen Ruddcn, Catherine Schubert. II. BBRNSIDE, generał direc- tor of tho Hippodrome, has ar- ranged a group of Chlnese and Japanese dancing specialtles in the ballet, "The Story of a Fan," for toinoirow nlght's performance of "Better Times" at the Hippodrome, in honor of the vlsit of the members of the JapanesG and Chinese sllk ntisslons who will be tho guests of the Silk Association of America. The principal dancers will bo Miss Mary Ann Sawyer and Angelo Soriero. « * łUORMA TALMAPGE will bring to the screen of tho Mark Strand Theatre next weck the clnema ver- slon of Robert Hichens' play, "The Yoicc From tho Minaret." 33 YEAES SELLING GOOD FURNITURE CREDIT 60 Centa a Week Opena an Account. L.GALLY 197-199-201-203 MA1N STREET Stora Open Monday and Thuraday l ntil 9 P. M. Saturdaya Intll 10 P. M. W ARB IIOCSB AND BUIPPINO ROOMS I1S418 FRANKLIN STREBT--M4* W00L8B1 STREET ASTORIA SQUARE, ASTORIA EREK DEUVER¥ ANTWHERE Our atore to eaally reached from all pointa on Long Island; Subway eonnectlon from Bridge Plaia, Long Island City, Aatorla Subway to Grand or Hoyt A?e. Station, or 92nd Etreet aurface car to Aatorla Sauare. FEBRUARY FURNITURE —SALE— s. Tel. Aatorla 687. ANTHONY B. JURKA Surgeon Dcntist 601 STEINWAY AVENI1E. Cor. FUisliIng Ave., ASTORIA Gfflco hoiira—10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Tuca. & Tliur.—10 A. M. to R P. M. Sundaya—10 to 13 A. M. \ Ra> Etaminatlon, Gnłd Inlayu, Removahlo RrldRcworU. Hynlhello Porcelaln, Proraln Anacs(lie»!». &m&Ysmfrj$TAR l'ahlithm trrrt *r»ld4i» rtmiBf «» tht lont imn.i Sbir Pubiiiliinj in i Kliuhrth ll»n«»ąn. 1'tnnlMit: tl«ir»» II. Hituitun, Vlci» l'r«idMit, M. Ił. »mith, Hrnmttt; l,»ltn» U Hmiih. T>».mu»r. gdltnr tnrt «;<-n. Maimiłr puwini™ omc*—w«r aoiwt*. i. i. tu,, t'l 1 I IU l-ill" 1211 UfMBDOtat »».. Brofilljn, auNcfipt'«n «JM»—IKnWT* «ł Merand- ClłN Matur it (hu l.nti« UUn4 lity Pntt OArali f»nll> W»t. « urntt • ttvt\ »1.M t T'»'; ">r t nonth. ajtatam 0* TMI aooiT aUNIAU ciHCULATiona. O* ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH WILL GIVE CONCERT Rev. Father John J. Darka, pastor of St. Patrii k's Church In Dtiich Kllls, is nrranging a eoncert to be held In tho'Astorla Caslno ncxt Monday nlghl. Carl Schlawel, of the Metropolitan Opera House, formerly of St. Pat- rlck'* Cholr, will Bing. Mr. Schlagel Is well known to theatregoi-rs of Manhattan. Tho prnceeds ot the eoncert will he used to purchasę a new organ for the ehurch. Tho enirre rhureh wns recently renovated at a cost of fff OOn nnd everythlng In It I M replaced ex- cept the organ. K. ('. Auxillary Plans Danee, The I^dtes' Auxillnry will hołd its thlnl annual novelly dnnee nnd re- cept ion Monday evenlng, Fcbruary II, in Knlghts of Columbus Rccrea- tlon Center Tin!!, Nc-wtown nvenuc and Crescent street,fAstorin. Musie for the danee will he fur- nlshed hy tho Kcwple Synrnprilnrs from Oreenwlch V!llnge, tlie eoun- cll's fnyorlte entertalners. ttlttwl Professional cnteftalnjra also will appear. Mias Mae Larkln, chalrman, Is meetlng tlon of ner eorpa of workera, and a succcssful affair la prcdlcled. Brlef commencement esereises will be tho order at the graduatlng cere- monlcs at P. S. 85. Tho program and presentation of diplomas will be held In the school at Sccond ave- ftue, near Woolsey avenue, Astorla. toinurrow at 2:30 p. m. A salute to the flag. the slnglng of the "Star-Spanglcd Banner" and brlef ndilrceses by two ot tho stu- denta will comprise the program, ifter which tho diplomas will be nrer^nted by the principal, Dr. J. J. Dempsey. Following Is the list of graduates: Dominie John Aronna, Lawrence Joseph Berrill, Albert Henry Brasen, •JWm—CluirtPH—BrowHky, ~ Nlchulaa Vincent Caputl, Charles Carey, Rob-' erl Davkl Collen, .Tnhn Edward Con- len, Anthony Cuccinello, Joseph Cnrro, Joseph Dcnner, Alesnnder Davld- owltz, John Joseph DeRose, John (ieorge Docar, Raymond Francis Fallon, James Edward FaKey, Fred William Feehan, William Nicholas Klorio, Harry Vlncent Jones, An- thony KaiiUoflka. Bcnnie Landmnn, Joseph Mascoln. Charles Stanley Morarec, Stephen Morrow, Regtnalrt L. Pearce, Mat- thew Reilly, Ferdlnand Joseph Rlt- lu 11. Bichard John Schander, Wal- ter Louise Schultz, Jarislav Skokan. Robeit, Jackson Smith, Herbert Snltz, Raymond Stlnnsen, William Tlchy. Anthony Varlska, John Rob- ert Yan Fossen, Wllllnm Martin Yangbn. Antonio Peter Ylaeanclck, (Jeorge Fred Yolght. George Yojlr, Peter Joseph Walsh, Times Edward Wolfe. Louis Yoslfek, Charles Anthony Zach, Margaret ItitUlo. Dorothy Marle Behrens, Rosę Rita Brach, Kathorlne Brldg- wood. Julia Cech. Helen Acnes Cook, Grace Helen Forster, Rmma Vera Gottn. Helen Mav Helmbaeh, Eliza- beth Carolino Kreuzwelser, Helefl Lic-/. Mat Uda Mlldred Mateyka. Mnbel H.arrlet Nalnby, Helen Cath- erlne Ondrlck. Yhginia A'mi Orsl, Mollle Pss- ounte, I.oulsn Roller, Mnrle Anną Sedlarik. Bertha Mae Slemers. Katlierlne Rita Yitagllone, Marion Georgia Wclsheckor. 13 S. S. PUPILS HAD PERFECT AVERAGE The following Sundny School pu- pila ot Trinity Lutheran Church, Kighth avenuo, Astorla, had a per- fect attendance record for the year 1022: Yiv!an Christoffel, William Dos- chor, Elsa and Kathorine Haupert, Charles Henning, ciustay Herrmann, Florence Nurg, Mayhella Raabe, Madeline Ronnermann, Dorothy Schelder, Carl and Walter Schnoor, Henry Strnbe. New pupils are: Lillian nnd Anna Wifold, brought by Martha Fuchs, John Monsee nnd Rudolph Sr-11 by George Lockwood, Georgia Hall by Alice Walsh, Daniel and Raymond Stresso and Margaret nnd Marie Xetzwood by Marion Bryant, Howard Erwin by Alfred Frlsby, Nitlie Lofor by YTblet Kwmnj. Kathorlne Kroenrer liy Mary Herrmann, Walier and Fred Byrne hy Anna Cox. MEDALS AWARDED GRADUATES BY P. S. 80 An lnteresting program mnrked the commencement exercises of P. S. 80, Greenpoint and Bradley uvenues, Blissville, today. Medals wero awarded to Yincent de Robertls, Georgo Hempfling, Ed- ward Halesworth ond Edwnrd Irwin, An address of welcome was mado by Ruth Cassidy. Roso Kelly denrt- ered a piano solo and Cectlia Wciland sang. Those graduatlng were: Ruth M. Cassicly, Helen B. Esker, Anna S. Gelgand, Anna M. Kcan, Roso M. Kelly, Edna Lapinsky, An- na J. Macknwicb, Stella F. Poz^zln- skl, Bose C. Rescska, Frances li, Stanki.-dis. James F. Bechtold, Joseph Bergen, Thomas F. Carroll, Yincent de Ro- bertls, Etlward W. Halesworth, Georgo F. Hempfling, Edward R. Ir- win, Alfred C, Kohler, Frank J. Luksevlch, Josejih R, Lyons. L. ROTHAFEL. director of .the Capilol Theatre, who' sailed for Europo today aboard the "Beren- garia," has a complete radio receiv- lng set installed in his stateroom. This is the ilrst time that a private radio appnratus will be put to use on an ogcangoingliner and is an in- dleatlon of the great advances which have becn madę in tho popularizo- tion of alr eommunication. Mr. Rothafel is cntbuslastlc over the futuro possibllittes of the radio in tho entertainiiient flold. Through the co-operation of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, station WEAF, tho musical pro- granis of the Capitol Grand Orches- tra, which is tho largest theatre or- cheslra In the world, aro broadcast dlrcct from the theatro each weck. By means of his radio apparatus. Mr. Mr. Rothafel will be able to re- ceivc the Capitol Theatro concerts durlng his trip across the ocean. TTHERE are probably few men who rcccivo morę lnteresting mail than that which conies to the desk of Hugo Riescnfeld. On one day he reeelyed a letter of thanks from Sing Slng for a speclal entprtainment and ono from a penitentiary near Pitts- burg, Pa., aslcing for classlc muślc for tho prlson band. For obvious reasons tho name of the Pennsyl- van!a prisoner Is kept secret. "Wantcd—Music Hero in the Western Penitentiary we have an orchestra," writes the prisoner. "Fivo yiolins, threo clarinets, two cornets, flve saxophones, two fiutes, two trombones, a bass, a banjo, a piano and drums nnd helis. Twcnty- threo of us. all 'Hfers' and 'long tcrnieraJ AU* a h o r i _ftn__|_wHh w h i c h to keep us golng with sufflclent musie. We play a piece until it is thumbed to pieces. The 1,300 łn- mates enjoy our offorts durlng musi- cal entertainments, movies and chapcl r.crvlces. We got instruction and much good out of our daily re- hearsals. The hour goes all too ciuickly. All are intenacly interest- ed. It drlvea away duli caro. I t 18 good for eyerybody. "I have read of your activlties at the Rlulto. Rivoli and Crlterlon and tho thought came to me that you would help us along and up by send- lng us your surpius and dlscarded orchestratlons. What ls old to you would ho new to us. Will you pleas* bear us in mlnd? Tours .......... " A largo package of orchestratlons Was aent to tho prison band yester- day. Others will follow from tlmo to time. PER CENT OFF Magnificent Overstufłed LIYING ROOM SUITĘ latest creatlon, with spring seats with masslva upholstored flro-slde arm chair, upholitered in v«lour or tapestry Specially. pricad 10450 10-Pieca Queen Anna Am. Walnut DINING SUITES consiaiing of 60-in. Buffet, China Closat, ancloaed Sarying Table, with 48"x54" oblono tabla, -• Q Q pi*^Y 6 ft. axtension. J.VOet>U Prica completa ...... BED ROOM SUITES Add to tha comfort and baauty of tha homs. Dainty American Walnut Suitę, comisting of Bow-End Bcd, Chifforetto, Semi-Vanity, Bonch, Chair and Rocker to match. Sale price 159.50 Am. Porcelain Decorated Dinner Sets IMP*-"* ; 12.50 50 pc t«t$ 7 5() Also a larga aasortment of transparent imported dinner sets and tea sets. ' II Plaid blankete in a yariety of colors... 2.15 Full-size plaid double blanketa with soisette edging ..... 6.50 All wool blanketa plaid 11.50 -=QUEENS' LARGEST Aj^D_BEĄTJ^NlTUREJH^^^ SQUARE = flne record of achlevcment on the local stnge. returns to assume the rola of Rena Hucklns, the name rart of the draaa*. Mlaa 8Hgrcavca has here a dlffirult characterlza- Łldh a n d she does exceptlonally well with it. William B. Mack, a3 Tamcs T. Huckins, Leona Hogarth, Walter Abel and Minnlo Milne are all flrst ratę. "A Sounre Pcg" has reference to Mrs. Hucklns. a woman of force and. strong personallty, who runa ber home with such domlnanco of will that she robs the. place of all of I U home-Rko vlrtues. There comes a day when tho entlre house- hold trembles on the verge of dis- nster becnuse of Hucklns* embez- •/.lement at the bank to get money to ald his.son, who is helng hlack- mallcd on aecount of a girl. Mra. Huckins, In her usual efllcient nrtan- ner, "straightens" thlngs out—but, this time, too late. BROADWAY AMUSEMENTS. BROADWAY AMUSEMENTS TiniM Ofl IntwO ^^» West 42d St. lit-gular M:ulneo» Tnesday, Thurs. & Saturday. The Sflwyns preaent THE FOOL "The Tlaj- That Grtn Y«m." BROADWAY AMUSEMENTS. DALY'S 63D ST. 5^.,'^'iJi. Colnirbm 1440 UtKMt »uu MU MIDNIGIIT 1'ERFORflASCB WED.. 11.48. SM ART MrstCAŁ COMKDY 70—PEOPLK—70 'LIZA' 'wir at 47tb 8t Cont. Korni to 11 PM STRAND?, "THE DANGEROUS AGE" A JOII>f STAm. Prodnciloa aTBANO aVMPHOMV OROHISTRA. BETTER TIMES OlT^y THEA., 4Klh St., W. of njwny. 1^1 * A, Bryaot 8^50. Mata. Wed. & Sat. MAUDE PULTON ia THE HUMMING BIRD HA8 CAPTimED NEW YORK. 5fl WYK 42d St. West nf D'way 4 Eva. 8:20 OŁLnin jintmccs Wed. & Sat., 2:20. NAZIMOVA <IX PERSON) DAGMAR ManaermcBt CHARLES RR1ANT i., W. 40th St Et«. 8:10. Mata. Wed. A Sat. at 2:10. H. HARRIS FrsMnu FULT0H Thl •AM MARGATttKT LAWRENCE )n the New York nnd London Suecrai '•SECRETS" STAGED B I SAM EORREST **«< H. HAURIS •HMHU JEANNE EACELS in" RAI N " BUged bT JOHN O. WILLIAMS MUSIC B0X Ł2S m-a SAM H. Era. at g. Sat, at 2. HARRIS Prraenu Ey, 38 St, Ev. 8.25. Mta. Wd., Bt.,2.23. KNICKERBOCKER HENRT W. SAYAGE offera "A KEW COMEPT—WITH MOSIO T HE GUNG1NG V1NE with PEGGY WOOD NEW AMSTERDAM THEA.ATSIO. POr. PRICE MATS. WET). A 9AT. . Z1EGFELD FOLLIES BKWARK Ol? IMITATIONS. THE NEW PLAY DR. BARRY TO SPEAK TO BRYANT GRADS r>r. .Tohn H. Harry, Fanltnry Bup- erlntendenf in charge ot Queens will address the grnduates ot Bryant High 8ehool, Long Island City, to- nlght nt exerelaea In tha achool audltorlum. Dr. Barry li one of the beat with tfry-hrarty uiupeni' |HU»T¥4* spewk»ra in tka cltjLan4_H. in much demami for addrotaea bo fors graduatea. P. S. 86, MASPETH, TO GRADUATE 29 The grnduating exerclses of P. S. S6, Creek atreet, Maspoth, aro sched uled for tomorrow at J: 30 p. m. The principal, .Tnmes A. T)u- gan, will award the student* thelr rtjplomaa at tho concluslon of the prosram. The graduatea are: Hubert Blnger. Philip Blaser, Hownrd Boeger, fleorga Chmery, Joseph Cronin, Charles Uraepol, Charlea Hodge, Franela Holllnnder, Otto Koch, Sebastian Miller, Peter Panse, John Phelan, William Schlonarr, Georgo Stletel. William Whalen, Anthony Wink- ler, Fred Toung. Anna Brnckcr, Josephlne Cltera, Mary D'Anfelo, Martha Heiscr, Marnie Ilelmke. Delia Llntner, Augusta Moser, JBlleiL-.RJch^r, Marlo Bchloaser, Margucrlte Smith, Anna Wagner, JAnns, Walah. "A StirARK 1'KG." at the 1'unch and Jurty Thi-atre.—A drama hy I^wlu l). ach, proaentrd by Outhiie McClUiUc The cant: Itena Ttneklnn , ..... llwerly 8ltRi'i>nvt<a Mlldred llueklna.., Leona Hogarth Kitlo Throp Mlnntri MUne Kugrne Hueklna Waltor Abel .Tamea T. Hueklna William B. Maelt Waltęr Eilpii... Irfliłhton Btnrk Arthur nyan .... Leonard 1 mylę Mn. Trent Allee llmmliy Wllann Ham OŚfjWa Martin Maliny l.yiu.-iii McYey..... Illehard Steeenaon REPUBLICM,, Wed. A Sat!, ŻM. ANNĘ N1CHOLB' Laughlng guccca* ABIE'S IR1SH ROSĘ The Play That Psta "T" la Humor. ITTT Y^P^m'us.\aM BOOTH- West 43th St. Evs. 8-»l. Mts. Wed., 1'riilny •na nat., i;M) 7 TH JOHN i;i)I.DEN HEAYEN SHUBERTM.^J: 44 bt Kn -" 8U A SaL. 2 SO Greenwlch Yillage Follies Fourth AnnuaJ Productlon KLAW riiEA.. Weat tu St. "MERTON c o R T OFTHEMOYIES- with GSena Hunter - Florence Nasil Thea., W. 48 3t. Kve«. at 6.15. Mat^. Weil. and Sat., 2:15. IRVINC BERLINS NEW i:t'H[<:T»>:rn7n St.iCf.J by Haaaard "Orandap than laat taaian."—Ttmea, LIBERTY w - 42d 8fc Eł "- 81 <>- l S n [ * Mata. Wed. A Bat., 2.10 OCOPJOE M. COHAN Prenenta - ELIZABETH HINES in tb« new aoni and donca alion 'LITTLE NELLIE KELLY' v*a-ł_ra»łi MaUnceł Wcd b ^^ 3:1J OLlVEIl MOROSCO Presenta A NEW MUSICAL COMi:i>Y "LADY BUHERFLY" Staged by NED WAYBURN. "WorWa Moat llenutltul Cilonli.•• ARTHUR HOPKINS JOHN BARRYMORE "Hamlet" %%£" -'""• U i D D K ' * - St.. W. cfBway. ET. |'ll MI nnnni«. Mitt , Tuca., Thura. A Sat. ELTINGE2" HELEN 42d Bt. T,v: 8.S0. Wed. A Bat., 2.3S. Mata. MacKELLAR In the IftNrafDf ** Bt., W. of D'way. Evł. »:."». umwn/IU. Matlncca Wed. and Bat., 2:30. Jkck Alleonte * Wm. Colller, Jr., PuWIahera EXTRA A *peełal Kdltlon of f^natia. A COMBD* OF NEW8PAPKR I.IFE "A Rnuare Pep," the new piny hy I^ewls Beneh, who galned fonslder- able repute na the. nuthor of that famoua one-act piece, "Tho Clod," la diatlnctly the samo typa of dra- matlo jiroductlon as Mr. P.eaeh'a earllor work, 'Guthrie McClintlc ls offerinn the play at tho Punch and Judy Theatre. The plnywright ha« wrttten & vlgoroua, lf tineven, composltion, and one that telli a nowerful etory. Mr. Beach mlght eaally have alter- cd the endlnf of his tale but ho pretert the courngo of his own con- vlcttona so he lets the actlon turn as traglcally as It does Juat before the flnal curtatn. Beverly Bitgreaves. who A Mr.MłWIAMATir I1ITI Wita WILLIAM OOUSTUSIOM Mata, Wed. and Bat. •RoaDvwav « T 4STM STWSST He Mllle Productlon OIVOLI i \ A William Di "The Worid'i Applauae" with nratE n,vMr.i.« s Łitwis UTONĘ A paramauM Pletm. RISSCNPBLDS OLSSSIOAL J S I I WIWOŁI OOWOIST OHOHtStPlS WIAŁ 1 KJ *»*• tTUBST JACK HOLT in «NOB06Y'S MONEY' A Paramoent netnra RISSIHPSLCS 04.ASSHML 4AS ,a^u. PULTO oso^rraa 4A» uriiDV uiurD'C w. «st. Kva. iiw. nCrtni PnlŁWLn* Mts. Wd. A8t.,2:15. The Selwrna present 1AM. a. "JUUET Bi 8hakegiicar«'a MO & JUUtT Nlghta »t.00 to 12.50. Thura. Mt. *3e to $2.00. The Selwyna preient i n / \ | t r i T H . , W, 42d St. Kva. S.10. A r U L L U Mata. Wed. and Bat., 2.30. BEN-AHI m JOHANNES KREISLER T1IE WONDBB IT^Att Tht greateat lovo atory ertr told. MASKED WOMAN With LOWELL SHERMAN WTTTiJlflPj W. <4th St. Etaa. at 8.39, nuusun MaU Wed aiu , att ClOaOS M. OOHAN PrtMnU TIIE niT of the TOWN "SO THIS IS LONDON" "A NOWLINO SOOOSIS"—BnH Poa« IITTIF Thea., W. 44th 8t. Rvef. S:M LMILŁ n at | nee » W ed. and Bat., 2:30 F. Ray Coma^oek as Monia Oeat preaeat POLLY PREFERRED with f>KNKVtEVB TOBtJt aso. M. COHAN TOT E«a. S:J0. Mata. Wed. A Bat., 4.H .10. n PADITOI BROAOWAt DOUGLAS fAIRBANKS IN Robin Hood SAP1TOL M A R B ORONBSTIU "THE L0VE CHILD With a Ni.tal.Ia CotipinT, tneladlnf SIOMY BLACKMIN JAWST BIICHI Ltt MKBR MfłPfiSnO Weat 45 Bt. Kva. S:j OLIYER MOROSCO 1'reaeat* LEO CARRILLO la Edward t«c1tt'a a*w eoroedy ANGEU».- Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: CHALET SISTERS MAI News of Queens Schools cXiS … 15/Brooklyn NY Daily Star/Brooklyn NY... · Chorus, Hymn of Thanksglvlng. Recltatlon, Gettlng tho Right

u m

; .

CHALET Hotel and Restaurant

Bridge Plaża, L. I. City Tel. 0914 Astorla


F r o m 1 V. ML I n t U Closlng


K E K K & MULLER, Props.


CopyrUht. 1022. by WUMII t Byndlcata, Ino.


January 30. This la a lucky day. AU the slgns appear to Indlc&te

t h a t efflclency and caro in p re -ventlnt? wasto will beeome ot morę concern t o syeryone than formerly.

Scandnls will multlply durlng the •next few months , and they will arousc grea t pulillo indlKnation.

The cost of liY-ing is to beeome a rnatter of grea t nnxlety and food rlota aro forecost.

This ahoutd bo a pjcky wcddlns day br lngins ' domostic harmony.

Persona whoae blr thday thts is m a j mcct many pcrplexlties In the eoming yea r bu t thoy wlU be sue-cessful najyertheloss.

Chlldren tera on this day should •be very in^dl ig^nt and most con-sclcntious.


News of Queens Schools ,WAcXiS ARTISTIC PROGRAM


The andl tor lum of P. 8. 88, Freah Pond road and Catnlpa avenue, ItldK»wood, was r rowded thia after-

St. John's Hospital Receives |"""" nt the ^rcises tor ai*ty boy and girl g radua tes .

Tho nddress was by the Rev. Dr. K. Brecn and Pr inc ipa l J . H. Rohr -back conforrcd the diplomas.

The presenta t ion of tWe diplomas wns.preceded by a hijjhly cnjoyable and urtistlc p rogram by the pupila

Opening wi th the "sa lu te to the flag" and the s lnglng ot the "Star Spanglrd Banner ," the pupi ls ap

Very Little Financial Aid From City.

Pcople who read tho reccnt publl-cation of the. annunl report of St. John ' s Hogplial, Lotu; i s land City, st thmttted to the s ta to authorl t lcs showing tha t $113,7111.22 was ex-pended In the, running uf the hos- porired In tho Jollowinpc nunibcrs :

The S t a r today cstenfls congratu-latlons on the bir thday of tho fol­lowing:

E . McGuckln, 233 Eaglo street, Brooklyn.

H a r r y Hogst rom, 89 S Elcventh avenue, Astorin.

Kdward L. Finley, Jr., G7 Nlnth avcnue, Astorin.

Joseph Williama, 121 Marion atreet, Long Island City.

Jacąuel ine ltowernft, 507 Six> teen th avenue, Aatorla.


Mrs, M. Doyle of Corona, gavo a par ty in honor of ner nieco, Mrs. Edward Williams, formerly Miss Klva Taylor, marrlod on New Year'« Ks'e to Edward Williams of Ninth avenue, Astorla.

Tho house w a s prett i ly decoratcd. Kcrrcahmonts wero servcd.

Thoao prcsent wer : Mr. and Mrs. E. Williams, J t r .

and Mrs. F . Taylor, Walter and Al­fred Taylor. Michaeld Doyle, Jr., Mr. and Mrs . 13, Greenc, Mr. and Mra. C. Carpenler , Yestelle Nocs-slor, Mr, arul Mrs. Kenyon.

pltul dur lng tho pas t year, will be amazed to know tha t tho City of Naw York eontrilmted only $25,-155.M of th i s amount .

Of the amwunt subseribcd by the city, $23.122.58 was for public pu-t ients and $2.033.30 towards amliu-lanro service. Although the city pays fur tho caro of a public pa-t lent a t tho ra tę of $2,50 a day. to caro properly for tho pat lent , the Sls tcrs ot St. Joseph, who cunduct tho hospital , apend $4.5().

In nddition to the $113.791.22 ex-pended in t he eonduct of the hos ­pital, t h e Slsters also palii out $12,000 intcrest on tho mortgage, purehased a new nmbulanee cost-ing $3,000 and pa!d $1,000 for r e -pa i r s on another ambulunce.

I t w a s understood t h a t tha city wonld bear the expensc of the in-creased ambulanco servico, bu t it has failed to do BO.

Today the city pays only $2.033.36 toward tho upkcep of tho hospital ambulanco allhough, the cost <ft ex-tending the city ambulanco sorvice to J>ong Island City und tho te r r l -tory served by St. John 's Hospital , would cost moro than $20/000 a year.

There aro lnstances also, it is said, in which tho city rcfuses to pay for a pat ient bioni:,'ht into the hospital and the suffercr is takcn care of a t tho Slslors* own expeuse. The city will not pay for any non-rosident who might bo injurcd in Long Is land City or o ther p a r t uf the hospi tal terr i tory.

Tho ci ty pays only for thoso pa -t lents who aro brought in by a m ­bulanco so t h a t if a poor person applics a t tho hospital for t rea tment tho hospital mus t bear the expcnses of t r ea tmen t .

In cont ras t to this might be cltcd the ca se of an out-of- town man m a n urres lcd a s a criminal and placed in prlson. If this man needs hospi ta l a t tent ion the city gives it to hlm.





AT RUiHiwb niun

A surprlse par ty was given to Mr. und Mrs. Robert .T. Bowers o t tholr home, 71 Fiftyfif th street, Corona, to celebrato tho blrthday of Miss Elsie R. Kerpen of 54 Nincleenth street, Elmhurs t ,

Miss Kerpen recelved many glfts. A supper was sorved a t mklnlght.

The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. William Kerpon.

Mr. and Mrs. James Lelese, Mr. nml Mrs. Georga Cay, Mlsses A. 1'erkins, Oladya Stevens nnd May I. Robin, Mrs. Carrie Wilson and Mrs. T. Newell.

Messrs. Pau l Kreamer, Ar thur Foster . Ea r l EUon, Jcre Conlin nnd Nat Stein.


Misa M t u l u l of 2 P.IMIO street. E lmhurs t , gavo a shower nt lner hoffia for Miss Helen McMahon, also of .Etrnhu.r.Sk

Miss McMahon Is engaged to bo marr ied to Charles V, Mulgrew of Brooklyn. About ilfty guests were j . res^nt . Dancing was enjoyed and uupper w a s aerveąjit^T^I<lnjght^

Sch war z's Au^ion Rooms M3 JACKSON AVE.. I* I. CITT

BAŁEŚ EVEI t¥ TIH KSUAt ot Houa«lMJd Purnlturp ot Exerj

Heiwriptlon—1:30 P M. W* Buy and s . u P u m l t n r *

Sixty-four studenta will be grad-uat(fd from tho Flushing High Hchool tonlght In tho audi to i ium ot tho school, Broadway and White-stone avenue. l^orty-four of the g rndua tes have eom|»leted the gen­erał course of four yeara, eighteen tho cmnmerclal course of three years and two tho household a r t s and seienco course.

Dr. F r a n k D. Blodgett, presklent of Adelphl College, will deliver the address , nnd Geurge ,T, Ryan. presi-dent of the Board of Educat ion, will pr.s-ent the diplomas.

The graduates arf . General Course.

Alfred Ambler, Eleanor Ashmore. Ktith Baeh, Fe l i s Shelley Bambace, Alan Blackburn, Kabe l Bourgui-guon, I n i n g Conovltz, George Crum-le*y, Margu i r l t e Ulederlch.

Beatr ico Dondero, Octavia Gun-drey, William Hamilton, Jr., Mary Uard. Dorothy Harmon, Barry H a r ­ris, Evelyn Hope.

Morr is Ketehum, Sarah B, T/ip-schłtz., Allen Luckhurst , Morie Ma-hood, J a n e Mnssey.

Gtadya McEnroe, C)live Meyer. S y h e s t e r Meyer, H a r r y Mucller,' John Murray, Donald Pcltof), Dorls

_ . . . . .nijBcbke,—Uop» PrtoT, FKUiklLn . Ilegan, Francea C. Ryon.

Ju l i a Schan. C. Gray 8mi tb . War ­ren Smilh. Eleanor Snulrcs, Wil­liam ł-ttarr, Georga Ktrunz, Otto « h * M > , i . -

Butli Sworn, Dorothy ,T. Vogt, Er ie Waxman , Clalro Welght . Edgar Wright, George Young.

Commercial Course. Sallle Cortrlght, Grace DeT.aney.

Rac Elchner, Helen Fogal, Henry Ileiniehen, Alvln Jackson. Martin Koiipi rstein, Charles Krauss , Muriel Mttr tha,

William 0 -Connor, William rflui?, Marie pulise, F r a n k l i n Ilegan. Heleno Btuebner, Charles Thlcnel, Marr i r t 1'nger, Henry VłUn'.«r, Bose Zlon.

Household Stienr.c. Marga re t Tallman, Lillian Von


Seliction. "The Golden Seoptre," school o rches t ra ; recl tat lon, "Th* Black l i o r s e a n d his Blder," Harold Blsh; ehorus, "In the Deep Cold Sea," SB boys ; danee, "Tho Ra ln -bow Danee," SB gir ls ; p iano solo, "Taratelle," Helen Grosehe; ehorus, "(iver the H a r b o r Bar," SB classes; vlolin selection, "Forge t Me Not," Fred Schultz, Haro ld Lish, Wal t e r Kosfsco. I^lllian Daczko, pianlst .

The* d ramat lza t ion ".lacl^s Fe l -lows" then followed, w i t h the fol-lowing pupila nppear ing : Fred Schultz, Eve lyn AHeman, William Donnclly. Wil l iam Botz, Bllllan I/iczko, Wil l iam Nay. Margar i tę Albohm, Wi l l iam Pcheinert , Wal te r Bnsosco, F . Schneider, George Oss-mann, Doro thy 1'oppinger, H. Schol-lenberger.

Other number s were : vocal solo, "Sunrlse and You" by H a r r y Heck-inger; ehorus , "When Twilight \Vcaves," SU Gir ls ; d u m b ,bell drill, SB boys; recl tat lon, "Tho Rldo ot .lennie McNeal," Dorothy Flnger ; ehorus, "Kentucky Babę," 815 classes.

The oillcers of the class are Evelyn Alleman, pres ident ; Melvllle Wl l -mot, sec re ta ry ; Gustave Rau and Dorothy Finger , t r e a s u r e r s ; Fred Busch and Math i lda Fr iedman, hlB-toilans. The elasa mo t to is "Edu-cation Beads to Success ; " the class colors a r e bluo and gold and the class fiower the Ophelia rosę.

The honor pupils- of. the class are William Donnelly, H a r r y Hecklnger, William Botz, Margar i t ę Albohm, Kvelyn Alleman, Alvina Arnold, i iarbara ^ s b e c k , Doro thy Flnger, Mathilde Fr iedman, Helen Grosch, .Tosephino Holtschl , Beatr ico Kin-berg, Doro thy Poppinger . Helen Schollenbcrger.

Other g radua te s a re Winslow All-mann, I^ouls Aneshensel, Fred Busch, E d w a r d Compana, Charles Fliess, Melvln Klingenbeck, Harold Bish, J a m e s Bynott , Carl Maurer, Lawrence Meade, Lęroy Meinecke.

William Nay, George Ossmann, Bau , Ant l rew'Rohde, Har ­old Rohlich, Wal t e r Rosesco, Wil lium Schcinert , Fred Schultz, Jasper Tedesco, E d w a r d Wuckcrmann, Mcl-ville Wilmot , George Yates , WiTUam Zebmlsh.

Mar tha Arnowitz, Anna Braun, Paulina Broschard, Rosę Ouirlando, Marie Hagmaier , E d n a Hillebrecht, Wilma Jenssen , Grace Klcm, Bil-l ian 'Buczko, Lllllan Bampe, Mlldred Behmluihl, Mario Blbaacl, May Pe t -erman.

l iazcl Schirmer, Eml ly Schmidt, Frances Schneider, Kather lno See-miller, Llll lan Solknwits, EHssa-both ytoi Drchle, Wi lma Waldmann, Ethel Wecks , E m m a Wolf.

The g radua \ lng aserclsea of P . S. 78, Maurlce avcnua, Wlnfleld, were hołd yesterday. A splcndld p rog ram proceded the dlstr lbution of the diplomas. Thi r ty-nlne pupils graduated .

The p rog ram and graduat ion roa-ter a ro a s follows:

March, "l^o Brophete."" Chorus , H y m n of Thanksglvlng. Recl ta t lon, Get t lng tho Right

Star t , Doro thca Kteuger . Blny, The Sandalwood Bo.t. Chorus, In Old Madrld. Danee, Hungar lan , SB Girls. Declamatlon, Dcvotlon to Duty,

J ames Knapton. Chorus, America Tr iumphant , Addrcss, Stephen F . Bayne, Dls -

trlct Super in tendent . P resen ta t ion of- diplomas and

mtda l s , S t u a r t Wilson, prlncipal. S t a r Spangled Banner, T h e g r adua t e s : Helen F . Albrecht, Dorothy M.

Baumer , Lillian Bershadsky, Ruth E, Bonengel, Helen M. Burckhardt . Johan Goudie, Grace B. Kneucr , Ida J . Koski, Mar tha Kran l tz . F rances I. Kroupa, Dorothea Kreu-ger.

Francea Nedved, Catherlne R. Roos, Roso A. SchefTier, Lucy Schwarz , Evelyn A. Scudder, A n n a R. Selzlnger, Blanche B. Slavle, Marion R. Śplllano, Madeline M, Stawitz , Carmcla M. Tarant lno , I 'e len A. Yollmuth, Camilla J . Yoska. Ger t rudę M. Weiss.

S tan ley F . Albrecht, Daniel A. Buchanan, J o h n D. Callahan, L inus I,. Hendrlckson, J ames IT. Knapton, Phil ip Leun, Robert Lucders, Mich-ael Massaro, W:ll!lam Mllhaven, Hugo R. Selzer, Mlehael SIBest r i , f h a r l e s Stnhl, Bernard J. Svoboda, Joseph W. Svoboda, Arthur Young-l 'ng.

Tho Trcasury Depar tment In a warn lng sent to all banks, describes a new counterfeit $10 Fcderal Re-serve notę as follows:

"On the Federa l Reservo Bank of New York; check letter *B'; face plate. No. G33; A. W. Mellon, Sec­r e t a ry of tho Treasu ry ; F r a n k Whi to , T rea su re r of the United S t a t e s ; por t ra l t of Jackson.

"This Is a very poor notę, prlntcd from zlnc-etched or eleetrotype plates, on two pleoes of paper be-twcen which wilk threads have bcen dlstr lbutcd to Imltate the flber of the genulne. The colorlng of the serial number and seal i« poor, and the workinanship throughbut la ao crude that lt should not decelve the ordinarlly careful handler. The nUmbrr of the apeclmcn a t hand is B10C50282B."



A BCU SELWYN will lcave on the Olymplc Fcbruary 10 for Europę

to a r range tho details of the forth-eoming London productlons of "The Fool" and "Par tnera Agatn." After this he will vlHit France , Italy and Germany wi th a view to purchaslng the American r ights to such plays as ho fecls may łnterest this coun­try.

• • • D C R T O N W. JAMES, director ot

the Lenox Hill Playera, an-nounces t h a t he is now rehearsing "Wappln* Wharf ," a frlghtful com-edy of plrates by Charles Brooks. for tho aecoud program of tho season.



Attract lyo bluo and whlte pro-g rams mado by the pupils wero dis-tr lbuted to the nudionce a t the com-mencement exercises of P. S. 7G yes­terday in the school, Montgomery avenue, Laurel Hill.

Tho grnduat ing class was smali . but t he merit marks wero unusual-ly high and tho program entertain-Ing.

The. awards and diplomas were distr ibuted by Mrs. Josephlne McC. Klohr, Addresses were madę by Oislriet Superlntendcnt Stephen F . Bayne, and the Rev. Froderick S. GrlfTin. Tho yaledictory address was delivered by Eleanor Doran, and the sa lu ta tory address by Anna Rosa.

Tho graduates are : ' W a l t e r Bauer , James Blain,

Stephen DeYoe, Thomas Dooley,

McCann, James McCue, Joaeph Schroeder.

Lo re t t a Brennan, Eleanor Doran. Dorothy Horsham, Natalie LaYlo-lette, Amelia Lankevich, Mary Mc-Gra th , Ellen Móore, Anna Rosa, Helen Ruddcn, Catherine Schubert .

II. BBRNSIDE, generał direc­tor of tho Hippodrome, has ar-

ranged a group of Chlnese and Japanese dancing specialtles in the ballet, "The Story of a Fan , " for toinoirow nlght ' s performance of "Better T imes" a t the Hippodrome, in honor of the vlsit of the members of the JapanesG and Chinese sllk ntisslons who will be tho guests of the Silk Association of America. The principal dancers will bo Miss Mary Ann Sawyer and Angelo Soriero.

« • * łUORMA TALMAPGE will bring to

the screen of tho Mark Strand Theat re next weck the clnema ver-slon of Robert Hichens ' play, "The Yoicc F r o m tho Minaret ."


CREDIT 60 Centa a

Week Opena an Account.

L.GALLY 197-199-201-203 MA1N STREET

Stora Open Monday and

Thuraday l ntil 9 P . M.

Saturdaya I n t l l 10 P . M.

W ARB IIOCSB AND B U I P P I N O ROOMS I1S418 F R A N K L I N S T R E B T - - M 4 * W 0 0 L 8 B 1 S T R E E T


E R E K D E U V E R ¥ A N T W H E R E Our atore to eaally reached from all pointa on Long Island; Subway eonnectlon from Bridge P l a i a , Long Island City, Aatorla Subway to Grand or Hoyt A?e. Stat ion, or 92nd Etreet aurface car to Aatorla Sauare .




Tel. Aatorla 687.

ANTHONY B. JURKA Surgeon Dcntist


Gfflco hoiira—10 A. M. to 6 P . M. Tuca. & Tliur.—10 A. M. to R P. M.

• Sundaya—10 to 13 A. M.

\ Ra> E tamina t lon , Gnłd Inlayu, Removahlo RrldRcworU. Hynlhello Porcelaln, Proraln Anacs(lie»!».

&m&Ysmfrj$TAR l'ahlithm trrrt *r»ld4i» rtmiBf «» tht

lont imn.i Sbir Pubiiiliinj in i Kliuhrth ll»n«»ąn. 1'tnnlMit: tl«ir»» II. Hituitun, Vlci» l'r«idMit, M. Ił. »mith, Hrnmttt; l,»ltn» U Hmiih. T>».mu»r. gdltnr tnrt «;<-n. Maimiłr

puwini™ omc*—w«r aoiwt*. i. i. tu,, t'l 1 I IU l-ill" 1211 UfMBDOtat »».. Brofilljn,

auNcfipt'«n «JM»—IKnWT* «ł Merand-ClłN Matur it (hu l.nti« UUn4 lity Pntt OArali f»nll> W»t. « urntt • ttvt\ »1.M t T'»'; ">r t nonth.

a j t a t a m 0* TMI aooiT aUNIAU ciHCULATiona.



Rev. Fa the r John J. Darka, pas tor of St. Patri i k's Church In Dtiich Kllls, is n r ranging a eoncert to be held In t h o ' A s t o r l a Caslno ncxt Monday nlghl.

Carl Schlawel, of the Metropolitan Opera House, formerly of St. Pat-rlck'* Cholr, will Bing.

Mr. Schlagel Is well known to theatregoi-rs of Manhat tan .

Tho prnceeds ot the eoncert will he used to purchasę a new organ for the ehurch.

Tho enirre rhureh wns recently renovated a t a cost of fff OOn nnd everyth lng In It I M replaced ex-cept the organ.

K. ('. Auxillary Plans Danee, The I^dtes ' Auxillnry will hołd its

th ln l annual novelly dnnee nnd re­cept ion Monday evenlng, Fcbruary II, in Knlghts of Columbus Rccrea-tlon Center Tin!!, Nc-wtown nvenuc and Crescent street ,fAstorin.

Musie for the danee will he fur-nlshed hy tho Kcwple Synrnprilnrs from Oreenwlch V!llnge, tlie eoun-cll 's fnyorlte entertalners. ttlttwl Professional cnteftalnjra also will appear .

Mias Mae Larkln , chalrman, Is meet lng tlon of ner eorpa of workera, and a succcssful affair la prcdlcled.

Brlef commencement esereises will be tho order a t the gradua t lng cere-monlcs a t P . S. 85. Tho program and presenta t ion of diplomas will be held In the school a t Sccond ave-ftue, near Woolsey avenue, Astorla. toinurrow at 2:30 p. m.

A sa lu te to the flag. the slnglng of the "S ta r -Spang lcd Banner" and brlef ndilrceses by two ot tho s tu­denta will comprise the program, ifter which tho diplomas will be nrer^nted by the principal, Dr. J . J . Dempsey.

Fol lowing Is the list of g radua tes : Dominie John Aronna, Lawrence

Joseph Berrill, Albert Henry Brasen, •JWm—CluirtPH—BrowHky, ~ Nlchulaa Vincent Caput l , Charles Carey, Rob- ' erl Davkl Collen, .Tnhn Edward Con-len, Anthony Cuccinello, Joseph Cnrro,

Joseph Dcnner , Alesnnder Davld-owltz, J o h n Joseph DeRose, John (ieorge Docar, Raymond Franc is Fallon, J a m e s Edward FaKey, Fred William Feehan , Will iam Nicholas Klorio, H a r r y Vlncent Jones, An­thony KaiiUoflka.

Bcnnie Landmnn, Joseph Mascoln. Charles Stanley Morarec, Stephen Morrow, Regtnalrt L. Pearce, Mat-thew Reilly, Fe rd lnand Joseph Rl t -• lu 11. Bichard John Schander, Wal ­ter Louise Schultz, Jar is lav Skokan.

Robeit, Jackson Smith, Herber t Snltz, Raymond Stlnnsen, William Tlchy. An thony Varlska, John Rob­ert Yan Fossen, Wllllnm Mart in Yangbn. Antonio P e t e r Ylaeanclck, (Jeorge Fred Yolght.

George Yojlr, Pe te r Joseph Walsh, Times Edward Wolfe. Louis Yoslfek, Charles Anthony Zach, Margaret ItitUlo. Dorothy Marle Behrens, Rosę R i t a Brach, Kathor lne Brldg-wood.

Ju l ia Cech. Helen Acnes Cook, Grace Helen Fors ter , Rmma Vera Gottn. Helen Mav Helmbaeh, Eliza­beth Carolino Kreuzwelser, Helefl Lic-/. Mat Uda Mlldred Mateyka. Mnbel H.arrlet Nalnby, Helen Cath­erlne Ondrlck.

Y h g i n i a A ' m i Orsl, Mollle P s s -ounte, I.oulsn Roller, Mnrle Anną Sedlarik. Ber tha Mae Slemers. Kat l ier lne R i t a Yitagllone, Marion Georgia Wclsheckor.


The following Sundny School pu­pila ot Trini ty Lutheran Church, Kighth avenuo, Astorla, had a per-fect a t tendance record for the year 1022:

Yiv!an Christoffel, William Dos-chor, E lsa and Kathorine Hauper t , Charles Henning, ciustay Her rmann , Florence Nurg, Mayhella Raabe, Madeline Ronnermann, Dorothy Schelder, Carl and Walter Schnoor, Henry Strnbe.

New pupils a re : Lillian nnd Anna Wifold, brought by Martha Fuchs , John Monsee nnd Rudolph Sr-11 by George Lockwood, Georgia Hall by Alice Walsh, Daniel and Raymond Stresso and Margaret nnd Marie Xetzwood by Marion Bryant, Howard Erwin by Alfred Frlsby, Nitlie Lofor by YTblet K w m n j . Kathorlne Kroenrer liy Mary Herrmann, Wal ier and F r e d Byrne hy Anna Cox.


An lnterest ing program mnrked the commencement exercises of P . S. 80, Greenpoint and Bradley uvenues, Blissville, today.

Medals wero awarded to Yincent de Robertls, Georgo Hempfling, Ed­ward Halesworth ond Edwnrd Irwin,

An address of welcome was mado by R u t h Cassidy. Roso Kelly denrt-ered a piano solo and Cectlia Wciland sang.

Those graduatlng were: R u t h M. Cassicly, Helen B. Esker ,

A n n a S. Gelgand, Anna M. Kcan, Roso M. Kelly, Edna Lapinsky, An­na J. Macknwicb, Stella F . Poz^zln-skl, Bose C. Rescska, Frances li, Stanki.-dis.

J a m e s F . Bechtold, Joseph Bergen, T h o m a s F . Carroll, Yincent de Ro­bert ls , Etlward W. Halesworth, Georgo F . Hempfling, Edward R. Ir­win, Alfred C, Kohler, F r a n k J. Luksevlch, Josejih R, Lyons.

L. ROTHAFEL. director of .the Capilol Theatre , who' sailed for

Europo today aboard the "Beren-garia ," has a complete radio receiv-lng set installed in his stateroom. This is the ilrst t ime t h a t a private radio appnra tus will be put to use on an o g c a n g o i n g l i n e r and is a n in-dleatlon of the great advances which have becn madę in tho popularizo-tion of alr eommunication. Mr. Rothafel is cntbuslast lc over the futuro possibllittes of the radio in tho entertainiiient flold. Through the co-operation of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, station W E A F , tho musical pro-granis of the Capitol Grand Orches­t ra , which is tho largest thea t re or-cheslra In the world, aro broadcast dlrcct from the theat ro each weck. By means of his radio appara tus . Mr. Mr. Rothafel will be able to re-ceivc the Capitol Theatro concerts durlng his t r ip across the ocean.

• • • T T H E R E are probably few men who

rcccivo morę lnteresting mail than t h a t which conies to the desk of Hugo Riescnfeld. On one day he reeelyed a let ter of thanks from Sing Slng for a speclal entpr ta inment and ono from a penitentiary near Pi t ts-burg, Pa . , aslcing for classlc muślc for tho prlson band. F o r obvious reasons tho name of the Pennsyl-van!a prisoner Is kept secret.

"Wantcd—Music Hero in the Wes te rn Peni tent iary we have a n orchest ra ," writes the prisoner. "Fivo yiolins, threo clarinets, two cornets, flve saxophones, two fiutes, two trombones, a bass, a banjo, a piano and drums nnd helis. Twcnty-threo of us . all 'Hfers' and 'long tcrnieraJ AU* ahori _ftn__|_wHh which to keep u s golng with sufflclent musie. W e play a piece until it is thumbed to pieces. The 1,300 łn-mates enjoy our offorts durlng musi­cal en ter ta inments , movies and chapcl r.crvlces. W e got instruction and much good out of our daily re-hearsals . The hour goes all too ciuickly. All are intenacly interest-ed. I t drlvea away duli caro. I t 18 good for eyerybody.

" I h a v e read of your activlties a t the Rlulto. Rivoli and Crlterlon and tho t hough t came to me t h a t you would help us along and up by send-lng u s your surpius and dlscarded orchestrat lons. W h a t ls old to you would ho new to us. Will you pleas* bear us in mlnd? T o u r s . . . . . . . . . . "

A largo package of orchestrat lons Was aent to tho prison band yester­day. Others will follow from tlmo to t ime.


Magnificent Overstufłed

LIYING ROOM SUITĘ l a t e s t creatlon, w i th sp r ing seats wi th masslva upholstored flro-slde a rm chair , uphol i tered in v«lour or t a p e s t r y Specially. pricad 10450

10-Pieca Queen Anna Am. W a l n u t

DINING SUITES consiaiing of 60-in. Buffet, China Closat, ancloaed Sarying Table, w i th 48"x54" oblono tabla, - • Q Q pi*^Y 6 ft. axtension. J . V O e t > U Prica completa . . . . . .

BED ROOM SUITES Add to tha comfort and baauty of t ha homs. Dainty American W a l n u t Sui tę , comis t ing of Bow-End Bcd, Chifforetto, Semi-Vani ty , Bonch, Chair and Rocker t o ma tch . Sale pr ice

159.50 Am. Porcelain Decorated Dinner Sets IMP*-"* ; 12.50 50 pc t«t$ 7 5()

Also a larga aasor tment of t r a n s p a r e n t imported d inner se ts and tea se ts . '


Plaid b lankete in a yar ie ty of c o l o r s . . . 2.15

Full-size plaid double blanketa with soisette edging . . . . .

6.50 All wool blanketa

plaid 11.50 - = Q U E E N S ' LARGEST A j ^ D _ B E Ą T J ^ N l T U R E J H ^ ^ ^ SQUARE =

flne record of achlevcment on t h e local s tnge . r e t u r n s to a s sume t h e rola of R e n a Hucklns , the n a m e r a r t of t h e draaa*. Mlaa 8Hgrcavca h a s h e r e a dlffirult cha rac t e r l za -Łldh a n d she does exceptlonally well w i th it. Wil l iam B . Mack, a 3 Tamcs T. Huckins , Leona H o g a r t h , Wal t e r Abel a n d Minnlo Milne a r e all flrst r a t ę .

"A Sounre P c g " h a s reference t o Mrs. Huck lns . a woman of force and. s t r o n g personall ty, w h o r u n a ber home wi th such domlnanco of will t h a t she robs the. p lace of al l of I U home-Rko vlr tues . T h e r e comes a day when tho entlre h o u s e ­hold t r embles on the verge of d i s -nster becnuse of Hucklns* embez-•/.lement a t t h e bank to get m o n e y to a ld h i s . s o n , who is helng h l ack -mallcd on aecount of a girl. Mra. Huckins , In he r usual efllcient nrtan-ner, " s t r a igh t ens" thlngs out—but, th is t ime, too late .


TiniM Ofl In twO ^^» West 42d St. lit-gular M:ulneo» Tnesday, Thurs. & Saturday.

The Sflwyns preaent


FOOL "The Tlaj- That Grtn Y«m."


DALY'S 63D ST. 5 ^ . , ' ^ ' i J i . Colnirbm 1440 UtKMt »uu MU




'LIZA' 'wir at 47tb 8t




O l T ^ y THEA., 4Klh St., W. of njwny. 1^1 * A, Bryaot 8^50. Mata. Wed. & Sat.

M A U D E P U L T O N ia THE


5fl WYK 42d St. West nf D'way4 Eva. 8:20 OŁLnin jintmccs Wed. & Sat., 2:20.



i., W. 40th St Et«. 8:10. Mata. Wed. A Sat. at 2:10.



MARGATttKT • LAWRENCE )n the New York nnd London Suecrai


**«< H . H A U R I S • H M H U


MUSIC B0X Ł2S m - a SAM H.

Era. at g. Sat, at 2.

HARRIS Prraenu

Ey, 38 St, Ev. 8.25. Mta. Wd., Bt.,2.23. KNICKERBOCKER








r>r. .Tohn H. Harry , Fanl tnry Bup-erlntendenf in charge ot Queens will address the grnduates ot Bryan t High 8ehool, Long Island City, t o ­n lght nt exerelaea In tha achool audl tor lum.

Dr. B a r r y l i one of the beat with t f ry -h ra r ty u iupeni ' |HU»T¥4* spewk»ra in tka clt jLan4_H.

in m u c h demami for addrotaea bo fors g radua tea .


The grnduat ing exerclses of P . S. S6, Creek atreet, Maspoth, a r o sched uled for tomorrow a t J: 30 p . m . The principal, .Tnmes A. T)u-gan, will award the s tudent* the l r rtjplomaa a t tho concluslon of t he p r o s r a m .

The graduatea are : H u b e r t Blnger. Phil ip Blaser ,

Hownrd Boeger, fleorga Chmery , Joseph Cronin, Charles Uraepol, Charlea Hodge,

F rane la Holllnnder, Otto Koch, Sebas t ian Miller, Pe ter Panse , John Phelan , Wil l iam Schlonarr, Georgo Stletel .

Wil l iam Whalen, Anthony W i n k ­ler, Fred Toung.

A n n a Brnckcr, Josephlne Cltera, Mary D'Anfelo, Mar tha Heiscr, Marnie I le lmke.

Delia Llntner, Augus ta Moser, JBlleiL-.RJch^r, Marlo Bchloaser, Margucr l te Smith, Anna Wagne r ,

JAnns , Walah.

"A StirARK 1'KG." at the 1'unch and Jurty Thi-atre.—A drama hy I^wlu l). ach, proaentrd by Outhiie McClUiUc The cant: Itena Ttneklnn , .....llwerly 8ltRi'i>nvt<a Mlldred llueklna.., Leona Hogarth Kitlo Throp Mlnntri MUne Kugrne Hueklna Waltor Abel .Tamea T. Hueklna William B. Maelt Waltęr Eilpii... Irfliłhton Btnrk Arthur nyan. . . . Leonard 1 mylę Mn. Trent Allee llmmliy Wllann Ham OŚfjWa Martin Maliny l.yiu.-iii McYey..... Illehard Steeenaon

R E P U B L I C M , , Wed. A Sat!, ŻM. ANNĘ N1CHOLB' Laughlng guccca*

ABIE'S IR1SH ROSĘ The Play That Psta "T" la Humor.

I T T T Y^P^m'us. \aM

BOOTH-West 43th St. Evs. 8-»l. Mts. Wed., 1'riilny •na nat., i;M) 7 TH



S H U B E R T M . ^ J : 44 bt Kn-"8U A SaL. 2 SO

Greenwlch Yillage Follies F o u r t h AnnuaJ Productlon

KLAW riiEA.. Weat tu St.

"MERTON c o R T OFTHEMOYIES-with GSena Hunter - Florence Nasil

Thea., W. 48 3t. Kve«. at 6.15. Mat^. Weil. and

Sat., 2:15.


St.iCf.J by Haaaard "Orandap than laat taaian."—Ttmea,

LIBERTY w- 42d 8fc Eł"- 81<>-l ™ S n [ * Mata. Wed. A Bat., 2.10


E L I Z A B E T H H I N E S in tb« new aoni and donca alion

'LITTLE NELLIE KELLY' v * a - ł _ r a » ł i M a U n c e ł W c d b ^ ^ 3 : 1 J



"WorWa Moat llenutltul Cilonli.••


JOHN BARRYMORE >» "Hamlet" %%£"

-'""• U iDDK'* - St.. W. cfBway. ET. | ' l l MI n n n n i « . M i t t , Tuca., Thura. A Sat.

E L T I N G E 2 " H E L E N

42d Bt. T,v: 8.S0. Wed. A Bat., 2.3S. Mata.

MacKELLAR In the

IftNrafDf ** Bt., W. of D'way. Evł. »:."». umwn/IU. Matlncca Wed. and Bat., 2:30. Jkck Alleonte * Wm. Colller, Jr., PuWIahera

EXTRA A *peełal Kdltlon of f^natia.


"A Rnuare Pep ," the new piny hy I^ewls Beneh, who galned fonslder-able r epu te na the. nuthor of t h a t famoua one-ac t piece, "Tho Clod," la diat lnct ly the samo typa of d r a -mat lo jiroductlon a s Mr. P.eaeh'a earllor work, 'Guthr ie McClintlc ls offerinn t he play a t tho Punch a n d J u d y Thea t re .

T h e plnywright ha« wr t t t en & vlgoroua, lf tineven, composltion, and one t h a t te l l i a nowerful etory. Mr. Beach mlgh t eaally have a l t e r -cd the endlnf of his ta le bu t ho p r e t e r t the courngo of h i s own con-vlcttona so h e le ts the act lon t u r n a s t raglca l ly a s It does Juat before t he flnal cur ta tn .

Bever ly Bitgreaves. who


Mata, Wed. and Bat.

•RoaDvwav « T 4STM STWSST

He Mllle Productlon OIVOLI i \ A William Di

" T h e Worid' i Applauae" with nratE n,vMr.i.« s Łitwis UTONĘ



i n « N O B 0 6 Y ' S MONEY' A Paramoent netnra

RISSIHPSLCS 04.ASSHML 4AS , a ^ u . PULTO oso^rraa

4 A »

uriiDV uiurD'C w. «st. Kva. iiw. n C r t n i PnlŁWLn* Mts. Wd. A8t.,2:15.

The Selwrna present 1AM. a. "JUUET

Bi 8hakegiicar«'a

M O & JUUtT Nlghta »t.00 to 12.50. Thura. Mt. *3e to $2.00.

The Selwyna preient i n / \ | t r i T H . , W, 42d St. Kva. S.10. A r U L L U Mata. Wed. and Bat., 2.30.


T1IE WONDBB IT^Att Tht greateat lovo atory ertr told.


WTTTiJlf lPj W. <4th St. Etaa. at 8.39,

nuusun MaU Wed aiu, a t t ClOaOS M. OOHAN PrtMnU

TIIE niT of the TOWN


I I T T I F Thea., W. 44th 8t. Rvef. S:M LMILŁ n a t | n e e » Wed. and Bat., 2:30 F. Ray Coma^oek as Monia Oeat preaeat


a s o . M. COHAN TOT

E«a. S:J0. Mata. Wed. A Bat.,







"THE L0VE CHILD With a Ni.tal.Ia CotipinT, tneladlnf


M f ł P f i S n O Weat 45 Bt. Kva. S:j


LEO CARRILLO la Edward t«c1tt'a a*w eoroedy

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