change perception change your health thru meditation

Change Your Perception Change Your Life Thru Meditation

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Post on 19-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine

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Change Your Perception Change Your LifeThru Meditation



Paul Wintrebert (1867–1966) was a French embryologist and a theoretician of developmental biologyThe living being is the creator of his own evolution

It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology;

instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell,

including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. Dr. Bruce Lipton




BMJ 2002;324:886-891 ( 13 Apri l   )

There's a lot of money to be made from telling healthy people they're sick. Some forms of medicalising ordinary life may now

be better described as disease mongering Disease mongering can include turning ordinary ailments into

medical problems, seeing mild symptoms as serious treating personal problems as medical seeing risks as diseases framing prevalence estimates to maximize potential


Selling sickness: the pharmaceutical industry and disease mongering

theocracy (God’s will); democracy (consent of the governed); socialism (economic equality); pharmacracy (the therapeutic state). The emergence

of the therapeutic state is a product of the 20th century.

coercion is transformed into medical therapy: 1. The subject’s “condition” is diagnosed as a disease.

2. The intervention imposed is defined as a treatment. 3. Legislators and judges ratify these categorizations as “diseases” and “treatments.”

Psychiatrist Thomas S. Szasz Medicalization of American politics

Coercion as in public health: quarantined (as in measles) Threatened if no vaccines (no school, wear masks, etc…) Threatened behavior modifying (ADD/ADHD) Threatened No Chemo therapy No Kids

Medicalized conditions: gambling , smoking , excessive shopping, etc…

Coercion Becomes Public Health protocols disease management not healthcare

March 3, 2009 —Investigators at the VU University Medical Center, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, show

depression is associated with low — not high — blood pressure.

certain antidepressants tends to raise blood pressure.

"Doctors should at least be aware of a potential blood-pressure rise that could be linked to TCA use

February 23 in Hypertension

drugs for depression raises blood pressure

Effects of low Blood Pressure cause cortisol to be releasedRaising Blood Sugar Blood pressure

lowered,•Less O2 to tissue/ brain•Dysfunctions = low energy/etc• depression.

High Blood PressureDiagnosed Drugs given

What is low blood pressure (Nyuna Raktachap) If the pressure falls below the average 140 (systolic) and 80

(diastolic), there may be increase in the pulse rate, cold sweats, and a feeling of extreme weakness.

What are the causes and symptoms ? Blood pressure may be caused by: injury leading to loss of blood, food poisoning, acute or chronic anemia, Medication use…..

But i f it fal ls below the minimum necessary for sound health, it should cause worry. The f irst requirement

is to ascer tain the cause of the malady.

low blood pressure =Nyuna Raktachap



Disease Does Exist

Disease Doesn’t Exist

Do you suffer from shyness? Do you wish you were More assertive? Do you wish you were more attractive?

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Immediate relief from depression for a large percentage of peopleSide Ef fects:Body as a Whole — chills, suicide attempt, acute abdominal syndrome, photosensitivity reaction.Cardiovascular System — palpitation, arrhythmia.Digestive System — dysphagia, gastritis, stomach ulcer, hepatitis, peptic ulcer, stomach ulcer hemorrhage.Hemic and Lymphatic System — ecchymosis ,petechia, purpura.Nervous System — emotional lability, ataxia, libido increased, paranoid reaction, delusions.Skin and Appendages — purpuric rash.


“An organism’s innate tendency to strive for balance and stability.”


“The Bodies Ability to Respond and Adapt

Readily and Appropriately.”

Ex: move to Denver

More O2 to cells High Lipids More energy in Blood

Misdiagnosed HTN Higher Cholesterol Diabetes

Type-2 Diabetes – The Expected Adaptation to Over-Nutrition or Poor Nutrition

3 signals to dysfunction and dis-ease

1. Trauma. If you twist or misalign your spine and physically impede the transmission of the nervous system’s signals

2. Toxicity. Toxins and poisons can distort the signal’s information on its path between the nervous system and the targeted cells and tissues. lead to the expression of dis-ease.

3.Thought Health is the nervous system’s ability to accurately perceive environmental information and selectively engage appropriate, life-sustaining behaviors.

4. If a mind misinterprets environmental signals and generates an inappropriate response, a thought could be enough to undermine an entire system - misperceptions can be lethal.

placebo effect = a sham medical procedure ,an inert substance is given and the patient thinks it is real

Placebo = to please … pain reliever = 40 times > heroin High BP = Beta blocker Anti-acid = H2 receptor blockerYour body produces each different molecule based on perception

Nocebo effect = its evil twin of the placebo effect

negative thoughts or beliefs can cause an illness or have been exposed to a toxic condition-can actually manifest the undesired realities of those thoughts.

15 min Think you can think you can’t either way you’ll be right…. Henry


Think your healthy think your not either way you’ll be right … Dr Bergman

Morris Goodman, at age 35 had success, fame, fortune, and a brand new airplane.

Morris crashed. With his neck broken at C1 and C2, his spinal cord crushed, and every major muscle in his body destroyed no longer able to perform any bodily function except to blink his eyes . His injuries were too severe for him to survive.

He Did survive and with a strong faith in God, courage and determination,

rebuilt his body but also his mind and outlook on life

Japanese children allergic to a poison ivy -l ike plant

a leaf of the poisonous plant was rubbed onto one forearm.

a nonpoisonous leaf resembling the toxic plant was rubbed on the other forearm.

What the children did not know was that the leaves were purposefully mislabeled

posit ive perceptions enhance health,

and negative perceptions precipitate dis-ease.

Poison Ivy Study psychoneuroimmunology

Mr. Emoto's human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, Ideasmusic, affect the molecular structure of water,

water that comprises over 70% human bodycovers 70% of our planet.

Water is the very source of all life on this planet, the quality and integrity are vitally important to all forms of life.

Original water

Water after Prayer

be wellbe wellmove wellthink well

eat well



Exercise Better Than Drugs For

Researchers found that walking for 30 minutes each day quickly improved the patients' symptoms -- faster, in fact, than antidepressant drugs typically do.

The results indicate that, in selected patients with major depression, aerobic training can produce a substantial improvement in symptoms in a short time.

In one study that compared exercise with antidepressants among older adults, investigators found that physical activity was the more effective depression-fighter.

British Journal of Sports Medicine April 2001;35:114-117

Exercise to Sweat 30 min per day

You Have 4X more Lymph than Blood


Prayer is Talking to God Meditation is Listening to God Meditation is NOT :Problem Solving, Brain

storming, Processing, or Visualization Meditation Goal is “O” State

Meditation Prep Techniques

Start with Breathing 10 rapid and deep Rapid Hand rubbing then send the energy out

and back to you Hand over your heart “Name I love you” Ohm … to get “one word” usually on syllable

Meditation Technique

Sit close to the Ground Breathing in thru nose out thru mouth Eyes closed .. Look up and middle Think of the “word” Get to the “O” state

Hand PositionsHold a few moments to minutes

Integrity .. Left hand touches ground right hand up palm forward

Balance … both palms up Courage…left hand over heart right on top Love…Hands in prayer over heart

Use the present tense.  Do not use the future tense.   Be POSITIVE.  Use the most positive terms you can.   Never use negative affirmations (I want less bills) Write them down.  Keep them short and very 

specific.   Personalize them with your name.  Feeling the accomplishment of the affirmation is the 

most powerful Time.  Always have a specific time daily set aside for 

your meditations, affirmations and visualizations. 

Biology of Perception Facts :1. Your perception of your environment changes

cell function (Cell receptors)2. Change Cell function and you change Cell

Expression3. Change Cell Expression (Genetic Expression)

you change your Health





Proper nerve supply – Get Checked for Subluxation

Regular Exercise (Daily)

Proper Nutrition (B-3, Vit C)

Sufficient Rest (Every night)

Prayer and Meditation

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WARNING: SUICIDALITY AND ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGSAntidepressants increased the risk compared to placebo of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in children, adolescents, and young adults in short-term studies of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and other psychiatric disorders. Anyone considering the use of PROZAC or any other antidepressant in a child, adolescent, or young adult must balance this risk with the clinical need.

Prozac Black Box Warning