chapter 10 america’s economic revolution this is oil…not blood…or ink

Chapter 10 America’s Economic Revolution This is OIL… not blood…or ink.

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Chapter 10America’s Economic Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution needed…

1. Large population—industry needed a large workforce to make the goods and to consume them

2. Ability to grow enough food to feed the workforce

3. Raw materials to supply industry

4. Technology for large scale manufacturing

5. Transportation

6. Business practices that allowed for the management of large industrial enterprises

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American Population 1820-1840

There were 3 population trends…

Population Increase• Population was

increasingly rapidly—both through natural birth and immigration

Gentlemen…this is the

woman you want to be the

mother of your

children…if you’re afraid of the zombie apocalypse

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American Population 1820-1840

There were 3 population trends…

Population Shift• People moved

from Countryside to Urban Centers in the Northeast and Northwest

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American Population 1820-1840

There were 3 population trends…

Westward Migration•People continue to move farther and farther west, crossing the Mississippi in larger numbers.

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Why was there a population boom?

Improvements in public healthHigh birth rate—average white woman had 6.14 childrenCities became better at managing public health, waste, disease, and cleanliness/hygiene

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Immigrants and Urban Growth 1840-1860

European Immigration—1830’s saw a drastic increase in European Immigration

Urban communities needed rural communities for materials and food/rural communities needed urban communities for goods and capital

Cities grew because of their locationNear waterways, large depositories of materials, markets

In the 1850s the U.S. population grew from 23 million people to 31 million people

Of these, 1.5 million were European Immigrants

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The Irish and the GermansMost European Immigrants of this era came from Ireland

and Germany

GermanyImmigrants were mostly young men and families

Came with money and skills, ready to work in factories or buy land for farming

IrelandImmigrants were mostly young single women

Came with no money, little skills, found work in textile mills in cities

Came to escape the “Potato Famine” 1845-491 million Irish died

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The Rise of NativismNATIVISM—A defense of native-born people and a hostility to foreign born people.

Wanted the government to slow or stop immigration.

THE “KNOW-NOTHINGS”—a political party officially called The Supreme Order of the Star Spangled Banner.

Wanted voters to have to be able to pass English reading tests to be able to vote

didn’t want non-native borns to hold public office.

Eventually they would become the American Party. They were strong in the early 1850’s in the East.

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The Canal Age1790-1820—the “Turnpike Era” many roads were built

1820-1840—the “Canal Age” many canals were built

Steamboats carried corn and wheat from the Northwest and cotton and tobacco from the South to New Orleans where it was shipped to New York, San Francisco and to Europe

The West and the East wanted a quicker, cheaper way to ship goods…thus canals!!!

Canals were too expensive to be built by private companies so local and State governments paid for them…Take that FEDERALISTS!

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Roads vs. Canals1.5 Tons, 18 miles

per day100 Tons, 24 miles

per day


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The Erie Canal

350 miles long

40 wide and 40 feet deep

Started in 1817, finished in 1825

Was paid for in 7 years of tolls

Made New York the fastest growing, wealthiest and most influential city in the country…TAKE THAT PITTSBURG!!!!

Helped bring settlers west

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The Early RailroadsEarly Railroads started with the invention of…

Tracks—many differed in size and shape (which was a problem) why?

Steam Powered Locomotive—Spanish for “Crazy Train” (that’s where the expression “All aboard the Crazy Train, Choo Choo” comes from)

Train Cars carried both goods and passengers

1st Track was in Baltimore in 1830—13 miles long

By 1836, 1,000 miles of track had be laid in the U.S.

Canals and Railroads competed for business.

Who do you think won and why?????????

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Triumph of the Rails

1840—2,818 miles of track in the U.S.

1850—9,021 miles of track in the U.S.

1860—27,679 mils of track in the U.S.

Chicago becomes the rail center of the West

100 trains move in and out of Chicago every day

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Railroad Investment

Building and operating railroads required a lot of capital and a lot of investment which came from…

Small local investors

Large foreign investors—mostly German and British

Local governments

The Federal Government in the form of Public Land Grants

1860 Congress had given Railroad companies 30 million acres of land to the railroad companies

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Innovation in Communication

1844 Samuel Morse invents the Magnetic Telegraph—TEXT MESSAGING IS BORN!

Uses the cleared land of train tracks to run wires between train stations and cities.

Symbiotic relationship.

The Telegraph separated the North and South further because the North had this new, fast, technological type of communication why the South was slow to build telegraph lines.

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Telegraph WireBy 1860 50,000 miles of Telegraph wire crisscrossed the U.S.

The wires could go around the Earth twice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Telegraph Wire

+50,000 Times

•Or that’s like driving from Athens to 7-11 on Long Lake and John R. 50,000 Times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Wow Mr. Flessa… way to

make our learning real

world relevant!”— Says student

fascinated by this bit of trivia!

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Journalism1846 Richard Hoe (Giggitty) invented the Steam Cylinder Rotary Press

Allows for cheaper quicker production of newspapers

1846 the Associated Press is formed

A cooperative of news gathering sources that share news, information, and stories through telegraph wires

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