chapter 12-gilded age notes

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  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 12-Gilded Age Notes


    The Gilded Age

    Gild- to cover in a thin

    layer of either fake orreal gold, usually done

    to make things lookbetter than they reallyare

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 12-Gilded Age Notes


    The Gilded Age

    Mark Twain coined the term to refer to atime when the glamorous lives of the rich

    and powerful hid the dishonest ways inwhich many of them made their money

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 12-Gilded Age Notes


    Big Business and

    Corrupt Politics Industrial leaders took advantage of the

    situation created by the Civil War and

    Reconstruction Era Charged the US government high prices for

    supplies and labor Bribed Congressmen, judges, and

    government officials to get contracts Bought votes and helped elect politicians

    whose decisions they could control

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    The Robber Barons A new social class that became famous

    for showing off wealth in public

    Men who gained fortunes by illegalmeans

    Bribery -Threats

    Deceit -Scandals

    John D. Rockefeller

    James Big Jim Fisk

    Jay Gould

    Cornelius Vanderbilt

    J.P. Morgan

    Leland Stanford

    Collis Huntington John Jacob Astor

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    Scandal and President Grant

    The Credit Mobilier Scandal 1872- leaders of the Union Pacific Railroad

    had persuaded a number of governmentleaders to cooperate in a multimillion-dollarfraud

    Union Pacifics managers formed a railroad

    construction company called the CreditMobilier

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 12-Gilded Age Notes


    Scandal and President Grant

    No actual construction was done as thepublic money that Congress set aside for

    Credit Mobilier went to the managersand the Congressmen they had bribed

    Grants Vice President Colfax andCongressman James A. Garfield (later

    president) took part in the fraud

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    Indian Ring

    1873- President Grants Secretary ofWar William Belknap had received

    kickbacks (payoffs) for helping tocheat American Indian people out ofrights to their trading posts

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    Whiskey Ring

    1873- President Grants personalsecretary Orville Babcock used

    blackmail to get more than $25,000from whiskey makers who had notbeen paying excise taxes to the

    federal government

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    Scandals in Congress

    Just after the Credit Mobilier scandalbroke, Congress voted itself a 50% pay

    raise Included 2 years of back pay at the higher rate

    Raised salaries from $5,000 to $7,500

    Gave each Congressman a gift of $5,000

    Public outcry over this back-pay stealforced the legislators to back down

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    Urbanization Problems

    During the Grant presidency urban problems arose that many citygovernments could not fix

    Overwhelmed by immigrants form both rural areas andforeign countries

    Overcrowded, dirty, and riddled with poverty and violence

    Expanding rapidly due to industrialization

    Lacked the money, leadership, staff, and organization to meetthe needs for municipal services

    Water, sewer, fire, police, and social services Political corruption

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 12-Gilded Age Notes


    Political Bosses

    Heads of political machines whowielded great power over local

    governments Gained power by supplying basic

    needs to poor workers and immigrantfamilies in exchange for votes and

    other political support Bosses controlled virtually every

    aspect of city government

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    Political Machines

    Political organization based onpatronage, the spoils system, and

    behind-the-scenes control Patronage System

    Exchanged political favors for moneyor for votes with the local constituents

    Rewarded themselves with Graft Money stolen from the city treasury

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    The Tweed Ring

    William Marcy Tweed Most famous and corrupt political boss

    of the Gilded Age Established and controlled New Yorks

    Democratic political machine Operation was called the Tammany

    Society Operated from Tammany Hall

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    The Tweed Ring

    Eventually stole about $200 millionfrom NYC between 1868 and 1871

    Finally arrested, tried, convicted, andimprisoned His political machine carried on

    without him

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  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 12-Gilded Age Notes


  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 12-Gilded Age Notes
